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Jess Mitchell
OCAD University, Toronto
1. mismatch as design solvable
2. one-size-fits-one
3. design decisions — as exclusion
3 things I want to focus on
I am listening
I am curious
But I don’t get it!
• that have a longer shelf life
• that work better for more people
• that reach untapped markets
Inclusive Design is design that considers the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age and other forms of human difference. And
in considering, inclusive design involves…
1. recognize diversity and uniqueness
2. use an inclusive process and tools
3. have a broader beneficial impact
3 tenants of ID

1. recognize diversity and uniqueness — how many of you consider yourselves average?

so why do we design for the average?

2. use an inclusive process and tools — get experts to make the best solutions — talk to moms to find out what strollers work best for them: talk to moms who are
pushing strollers through the snow banks in Toronto in January, or strolling around the broken bricks in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico in the heat and humidity of June.
Talk to moms who are 6’5” and talk to moms who don’t have the strength to lift 20 lbs, let alone a 20 lb stroller and a 20 pound kid.

3. have a broader beneficial impact — solve for everyone

of course if you set out to solve for everyone and you’re designing a stroller it’s going to be quite difficult. You simply can’t make everyone happy.

You can still build an amazing stroller! We’ll still strive for perfection, but in our attempts we’ll make better strollers for everyone.
• do the right thing
• reach a new market
• solve really hard problems that others
aren’t solving
• don’t get sued
do the right thing — good person (philanthropist), 

make a profit — good businessperson (successful), 

solve hard problems — entrepreneur & innovator

don’t get sued — good citizen and keeps you in the market
What is accessibility?
In Universal Design there’s the curb cut — does everyone know what a curb cut it?
In Inclusive Design we aim for the digital curb cut — closed captioning is an example.

top 3 uses:

1. in a bar

2. in a gym

3. in bed with a sleeping spouse
The good news is that there is a process we have developed for inclusive design — it’s based on milestones, not a step by step linear process, but iterative — building on
small successes. It requires a flexibility and a focus on delivering milestone-based artifacts.

If you were in the Google a11y design talk you know the basic milestones (roughly research, brainstorm, prototype, test, iterate)
We’ve found that inclusive design can be applied to everything we do and the way we think about the problems we encounter. We want to think more critically in our
work and not just be satisfied with the simple, quick solution. It actually costs more to do the thinking after you’ve built something already. Spending the time up-front
incorporating diversity and wondering about more creative solutions is much more affordable.

In our work in Software and Hardware we employed a process that helped us think about making interfaces accessible — accessible to people with disabilities. And
when we stumbled upon the utility of this process in basically everything we do we found it

changed the way we thought about the problems 

changed the way we solved the problems

we were able to solve the problems better and for more users

You might say to us now Inclusive Design is just good design

If you’re doing good product design, then you’re doing Inclusive Design — but what we’ve found is that people aren’t doing it. And yet what we do at the IDRC is
something any of us in this room can do
And I think this is the unique part of inclusive design — inclusive design gives us this perspective shift and challenges us to solve hard problems. And it challenges us to
solve them not just for persons with disabilities but for everyone. Think of the curb cut.
And we do this with what I call a perspective shift in our thinking and doing. It isn’t enough to walk in someone’s shoes — it’s a start, but what if everyone with unique
shoes was at the table together?
1. mismatch as design solvable
2. one-size-fits-one
3. design decisions — as exclusion
3 things I want to focus on
We sometimes hear disability describes as a medical condition — someone is afflicted, they can’t do something — they lack an ability.
And it is often associated with the 4 main categories of disabilities:
mobility impaired
cognitively impaired
hearing impaired
seeing impaired
But at the IDRC we completely redefine disability. It isn’t a medical condition to us…>>>
Disability is a mismatch between the individual and their goals — the tools they have available to them in the environment where they are — their context
Disability is not a personal trait and because it’s so context dependent, it is a relative condition. >>>>>
I went grocery shopping the other day and my arms were full as I was trying to get in the car — my car has a button that makes it easy to open.
Someone with a motor impairment can also benefit from simple buttons to open doors.
Making content available to those with cognitive disabilities often means simplifying the content — you know who else benefits from that? What about the executive 2-pager? In some cases it’s become a 1-
pager — they’re busy, they don’t have time or energy to focus. They are cognitively impaired at that moment.
At the dog park the other night and I needed to know the score in the Jay’s game. I used an app on my cell phone that showed me all the action in the game in text only so I could easily keep up. The deaf
person who wants to know what’s going on in the game and is watching on TV gets captions that allow them to follow along in text.
It’s Fall now and the sun is blazing. In the afternoon the sun shines in the window in my office and onto my screen and makes it impossible for me to read my monitor. I can change the brightness and
contrast though — this simple solution also helps the sight impaired user who has partial sight but needs slight modifications.
So now what — how can we do this Inclusive Design thing?? >>>>
https://www.mavenlink.com/images/blog/mobile_home_screen/04-iphone.png | http://www.flickr.com/photos/scobleizer/4779911251/
• Environmental Scan
• Solve for mismatch - edge case
• Scenarios
• Gentle prototyping
Rough outline of the process we use for inclusive design — NOT LINEAR
First we try to understand the environment of what we’re working in. If we’re trying to solve a problem in a particular context we’d better understand that context really well and understand what solutions
exist in that space — what their limitations are — what their successes are.
Use cases — can’t enumerate people, they’re too unique and diverse
if you begin to think of people as disabilities again here, you’re following a mental rut
Scenarios will help you think through what someone does — they are a person with likes, dislikes, pressures, etc.
Gentle prototyping because of the risk of going to a visual design too quickly.
“We have clients come to us and say, “Here’s our average
customer:”, for instance, “She’s female, she’s 34 years old, she has
2.3 kids…” And we listen politely and say: “Well, that’s great but we
don’t care about that person”. What we really need to do to design, is
look at the extremes, the weakest, or the person with arthritis, or the
athlete, or the strongest or the fastest person. Because if we
understand what the extremes are, the middle will take care of itself”.

– Dan Formosa, Smart Design, “Objectified” 
They aren’t describing a person. It’s so abstracted and so removed from what a person does, it’s not that functionally useful. In other words, it’s useless.

How about instead this is Molly, she’s 34 years old and struggling to find her footing in her field — she’s a lawyer. She works really long hours trying to make her mark on
the cases she’s taking on. She has a 2 year old who is very picky about what he eats and a 4 year old who is even pickier. Her husband works on the opposite end of
town. They have two cars and a goldfish.

For a great read about how the average isn’t a real person and why we’ve historically come to defer to it so thoroughly, I recommend reading Todd Rose’s book, The End
of Average that just came out in February this year. It’s a perspective changer itself.
Molly is working on a big case — this might be the one where she proves herself and gets the attention that will help her move to the next level…

This morning she’s juggling a lot. She has to get the kids to daycare (her husband usually takes them) but he is at CSUN in San Diego and she’s on her own all week. So
as she’s driving she’s thinking of what to make for dinner — TACOS are easy and everyone will eat them — she can do tacos.

She gets a call at noon that her 2 year old has pink eye and she needs to come get him from daycare…

Now we have someone with real pressures, a real life, real needs. When Molly gets out of the car with her work computer slung over one shoulder, her groceries in one
hand, and sick little Miles in the other, what does she need in a stroller? How might we design a stroller for her?
• With this brilliant design idea who
just got excluded?
• Is there a way I can bridge the
gap I just created? A way I can
solve for the mismatch or avoid it?
some simple rules:

every time you make a design decision you’re saying as much (NOT ANY OF THIS) as you’re saying (THAT). In other words, if you put a quick release tab on the handle of
Molly’s stroller, you’re saying NO to a foot-activated quick release. Just one example.

So, whatever your design decision is, think about what it isn’t.

AND WHEREVER POSSIBLE LET THE END USER DECIDE… we see innovative uses of tools all the time — unintended ones.

Silly Putty — meant to be a synthetic rubber for WWII — there was a rubber shortage because of the war

Text Messages — cell phone carriers letting customers know about problems with their network

a precursor to Email — created to let hearing impaired computer engineer communicate with his wife

WD-40 meant to displace and repeal standing water to prevent corrosion in nuclear missiles. how many of you use it on your nuclear missiles??

Rogaine was used to treat high blood pressure — hair growth was an unintended side effect

Play-Doh was a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s

Microplanes were for wood or metal — I use them on orange rinds or horseradish when I cook!

One way we do this in the digital world is to 

make it multi-modal

	 - text

	 - audio

	 - video
Inspired by a letter to Nike by a basketball loving teenager with Cerebral Palsy — what resulted is a sexy shoe with an innovative entry that is usable and attractive to
BLOORVIEW rehab hospital has one of these and what’s so cool about it is that you have kids in their integrated school program playing together without barriers and
kids in wheelchairs who have never had the sensation of jumping can feel what it feels like to jump.
Stopgap created these little wedges to help folks in wheelchairs get into businesses in the GTA. Folks with strollers also use them — no one is inconvenienced by them
and they help.

Luke Anderson an avid mountain biker had an accident and became paralyzed. He started stopgap.
OXO good grips was created when the owner’s wife had trouble gripping tools because of some mild arthritis.

These tools for kitchen and gardening became the go-tos in rehabilitation centers working with people on activities of daily living…

Who else has trouble gripping things?
this population. 

OXO saw a market and broadened their products.
• think about the edge cases early and solve for
• can you let the user decide — ONE-SIZE-FITS-
• think about design decisions as excluding rather
• think about a problem you want to solve
• think about the edge case — create a persona
• think about a use case — your persona in action
• solve for them ONE-SIZE-FITS-ONE
• ITERATE — watch for Design BRILLIANCE THAT
Accessible Communication Tools
Accessible Design Tools
Accessible Development Tools
Synchronized Design Assets
Pair up with a co-worker to sketch or code
Exchange your ideas/projects with
participants from different disciplines in
your organization on regular basis to get
their feedback
Find an open-source community where you
can ask questions and/or contribute
Keep track of meeting notes, sketches and
research in a wiki or other open repository
Working together with others toward a common
desired outcome and shared goal is an important
part of the inclusive design process. We all bring
our unique experiences, skills and talents to the
table, and as a result, working collaboratively
ensures more diverse perspectives and therefore a
more inclusive design process.
By working with others rather than in isolation we
learn from one another; we share the
responsibility for an outcome, and in doing so we
learn to trust one another and rely on each other’s
Learning to work collaboratively requires an
adjustment in the way that we approach our work.
Gathering and incorporating ideas from a diverse
group often takes more time and patience.
Questions of ownership or credit sometimes arise.
However, these challenges are far outweighed by
the benefits, as the rich and diverse perspectives
gained by working collaboratively ultimately
enhance the work.
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Diverse participation & perspectives
- https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
Personae are models representing potential
stakeholders who may use a product or service.
Although they are fictional people, their needs,
characteristics, goals and motivations are rooted in
the insights and feedback collected from various
sources including interviews/surveys or through
familiarity with the needs and interests of self,
co-workers, friends or family members. They begin
as early, provisional sketches and often evolve
through iterations as more information is gathered.
Personae are behavioural models; they do not
represent the full demographics of any given
population of complex and unique people. They
enable designers, developers and evaluators across
a project to keep a broad and diverse collection of
stakeholders in mind. They must be developed and
used with care in order to avoid stereotyping or
fictionalizing the user, and they must be tempered
with the awareness that no single persona or group
of personae can independently determine the full
range of potential uses of a product or service.
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Think about various users in your domain
with unmet needs
Imagine a user, inspired by people you
know that is unique and doesn’t simply
represent the norm, the average, or the
Draft the first version of your persona. Give
it a name, describe her life, needs,
preferences, likes and dislikes
Re-iterate and evolve your persona as you
collect more feedback form potential users
and/or stakeholders
UX Walkthroughs
User States & Contexts
Combine with
- https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
Use cases describe particular scenarios in which a
persona may encounter and use a product or
service, providing more detail about specific tasks
and goals as well as helping to map out the
potential steps in a workflow. User personae and
accompanying use cases are not meant to
exhaustively describe all potential stakeholders or
situations; rather they help to illustrate key goals,
the main steps that should be taken towards
achieving that goal, and behaviour patterns related
to the design in question.
In an Inclusive design process it is important to
include edge cases. These are personae and
use-cases that describe both users with needs that
are not typically considered in the design process,
as well non-typical or unexpected uses of a
product or service. Use-cases present a picture of a
person in a specific context, with available tools,
existing constraints and potential distractions, who
is hoping to achieve a specific goal using the
product or service in question.
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Imagine what is your persona hoping to
achieve with your product/system (be
Describe the context, the available tools,
the constraints, potential distractions, etc.
Describe how your product can help the
persona achieve their goals
Re-iterate and evolve your use-cases as you
collect more feedback form potential users
and/or stakeholders and your project
moves forward
User States & Contexts
Combine with
- https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
We all have diverse needs, and we all experience
changes in our lives, in both the short-term and
long-term, that affect our interests, goals and
desires. As a result, designs that are flexible and
allow for customization are more likely to meet
our needs. A one-size-fits-one approach avoids
the often segregated and specialized design
solutions that are intended to meet the needs of
those “on the margins”. These solutions do not
serve the individual or society in the long run.
Adaptable designs that allow for personalization
result in integrated systems that work better for
everyone. In the digital world, we have the
freedom to create a design system that can adapt,
morph, or stretch to address each design need
presented by each individual. One-size-fits-one
design solutions give us the power to discover
and choose what works best for us in any given
context. This puts more control into the hands of
any one of us to create our own experience, and
to modify this experience as needed.
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Think of something you’ve come across in
your daily life that demonstrates an
adaptable design. For example, an office
chair with multiple adjustment features, or
a suitcase that can be turned into a
backpack. How could this design be
improved to offer additional or different
adaptations? If you can’t think of anything,
consider 3 adaptations you’d like to have
on a product or tool you use on a regular
Design for adaptability & flexibility
Design for uncertainty
-­‐ https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
The medical model defines disability as a trait;
something permanent and limiting. In contrast, an
inclusive design approach is one that perceives
disability as a mismatch between our needs and
the design features of a product, built
environment, system or service. This shifts the
responsibility to the design, and to the designer,
to correct the mismatch. For example, a digital
interface with poor contrast does not match the
needs of someone standing in direct sunlight or
someone with low vision.
Inclusive design considers this mismatch to be
conditional, solvable through design, and the
result of many factors, including:
• Context (e.g. upon waking up in the morning)
• Environment (e.g. a dark room)
• Hardware and software variations (e.g. desktop
vs. smartphone)
• Unique personal needs and learning styles (e.g. I
prefer to listen rather than read).
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Disability as Mismatch
Inclusive Design Guidelines
Disability as Mismatch
Record three examples of an experience of
mismatch that you’ve had, no matter how
large or small. For example - standing at an
automated bank machine in the glare of the
sun, I couldn’t see the screen at all. How did
you feel when this happened? What did
you do about it?
Focus on functional needs & preferences
Design for adaptability & flexibility
-­‐ https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
benefits the majority
supports the spectrum
instead of 80/20, solve for the hard ones, the 20% and your solution will cover the 80%
http://floeproject.org (learner options and Chart
authoring demos)
1. mismatch as design solvable
2. one-size-fits-one
3. design decisions — as exclusion
Twitter: @jesshmitchell
Hippies: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brizzlebornandbred/5131876382/
Cat meme: http://www.quickmeme.com/img/45/45850f4b2aae212dfbf5d06746f4772cf22953fce4f8fb0d7a2a1b8f1355d87c.jpg
Head_in_sand: http://worldofdtcmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/irrelevant-GOP.jpg
Curb Cut: http://www.flickr.com/photos/50393252@N02/4822063888/
CC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed_captioning#/media/File:Closed_captioning_symbol.svg
Interfaces from IDRC work: http://fluidproject.org
Stethoscope: http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2014/01/24/d6bd0d38-cb4a-4411-bd1d-7a5dcc4e319d/thumbnail/620x350/
Categories of Disability: https://www.worknetncc.com/Uploads/Disability_symbols_16.png
Square peg, round hole: http://wp.production.patheos.com/blogs/adrianwarnock/files/2015/08/3546059144_1b33dfdc0e_o.jpg
Nike Flyease: http://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2015/07/15/dc055c68-bb4b-47a6-9472-6cf1475a6703/resize/
Trampoline: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8b/21/67/8b2167d7e787e6ca66e6087f694c9ec2.jpg
Stop Gap: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cQiJTeXAgGM/UIM1OJYztYI/AAAAAAAAAHw/rIsUt6YhWt0/s1600/DSC04762.JPG
Oxo: http://images.bloomingdales.com/is/image/BLM/products/7/optimized/8017617_fpx.tif?
Oxo Sippy: http://www.peppermint.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/s/i/sippy-
iPhones: https://www.mavenlink.com/images/blog/mobile_home_screen/04-iphone.png | http://www.flickr.com/photos/

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  • 4. I DON’T UNDERSTAND I am listening I am curious But I don’t get it! IRRE LE VAN T You  might  think  this  doesn’t  apply  in  my  industry  —  I  challenge  you  to  come  up  with  an  industry  that  doesn’t  ulUmately  deal  with  people,     doesn’t  strive  for  efficiency  and  sustainability,     doesn’t  hope  to  innovate,   or  doesn’t  simply  want  to  solve  complex  problems.   Not  saying  inclusive  design  is  a  silver  bullet,  but  I  think  it  will  help  us  do  all  of  these  things  beWer.
  • 5. N O T IM P O R T A N T T O M E We  should  be  careful  about  disregarding  something  that  isn’t  relevant  to  us  now  —  it’s  shortsighted.  We’re  all  aging  —  speaking  of  shortsighted  —  my  glasses  get  a  liWle  bit  stronger  every   few  years…   And  my  parents  are  aging  and  I’m  seeing  what  happens  with  the  inevitable  march  of  Ume.  Many  of  us,  most  of  us  will  need  assistance  at  some  point  in  our  lives.   Disability  increases  with  age  (42%  between  ages  of  65-­‐74,  64%  at  75+)  and  populaUons  are  aging.  
  • 6. C O M P LE X P R O B LE M S N E E D BE TTE R SOLU TIONS • that have a longer shelf life • that work better for more people • that reach untapped markets
  • 7. D EF INE IN C LU SIVE DE SIG N Inclusive Design is design that considers the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age and other forms of human difference. And in considering, inclusive design involves…
  • 8. 3 TE NANTS OF IN C LU SIVE DE SIG N 1. recognize diversity and uniqueness 2. use an inclusive process and tools 3. have a broader beneficial impact 3 tenants of ID 1. recognize diversity and uniqueness — how many of you consider yourselves average? so why do we design for the average? 2. use an inclusive process and tools — get experts to make the best solutions — talk to moms to find out what strollers work best for them: talk to moms who are pushing strollers through the snow banks in Toronto in January, or strolling around the broken bricks in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico in the heat and humidity of June. Talk to moms who are 6’5” and talk to moms who don’t have the strength to lift 20 lbs, let alone a 20 lb stroller and a 20 pound kid. 3. have a broader beneficial impact — solve for everyone of course if you set out to solve for everyone and you’re designing a stroller it’s going to be quite difficult. You simply can’t make everyone happy. You can still build an amazing stroller! We’ll still strive for perfection, but in our attempts we’ll make better strollers for everyone.
  • 9. WHY INCLUSION? • do the right thing • reach a new market • solve really hard problems that others aren’t solving • don’t get sued do the right thing — good person (philanthropist), make a profit — good businessperson (successful), solve hard problems — entrepreneur & innovator don’t get sued — good citizen and keeps you in the market
  • 10. What is accessibility? In Universal Design there’s the curb cut — does everyone know what a curb cut it?
  • 11. In Inclusive Design we aim for the digital curb cut — closed captioning is an example. top 3 uses: 1. in a bar 2. in a gym 3. in bed with a sleeping spouse
  • 12. RE PRODU CIBLE STE PS The good news is that there is a process we have developed for inclusive design — it’s based on milestones, not a step by step linear process, but iterative — building on small successes. It requires a flexibility and a focus on delivering milestone-based artifacts. If you were in the Google a11y design talk you know the basic milestones (roughly research, brainstorm, prototype, test, iterate)
  • 13. PRACTICE We’ve found that inclusive design can be applied to everything we do and the way we think about the problems we encounter. We want to think more critically in our work and not just be satisfied with the simple, quick solution. It actually costs more to do the thinking after you’ve built something already. Spending the time up-front incorporating diversity and wondering about more creative solutions is much more affordable. In our work in Software and Hardware we employed a process that helped us think about making interfaces accessible — accessible to people with disabilities. And when we stumbled upon the utility of this process in basically everything we do we found it changed the way we thought about the problems changed the way we solved the problems we were able to solve the problems better and for more users You might say to us now Inclusive Design is just good design If you’re doing good product design, then you’re doing Inclusive Design — but what we’ve found is that people aren’t doing it. And yet what we do at the IDRC is something any of us in this room can do
  • 14. HOW DO WE DO THIS? And I think this is the unique part of inclusive design — inclusive design gives us this perspective shift and challenges us to solve hard problems. And it challenges us to solve them not just for persons with disabilities but for everyone. Think of the curb cut.
  • 15. PERSPECTIVE SHIFT And we do this with what I call a perspective shift in our thinking and doing. It isn’t enough to walk in someone’s shoes — it’s a start, but what if everyone with unique shoes was at the table together?
  • 16. 1. mismatch as design solvable 2. one-size-fits-one 3. design decisions — as exclusion 3 things I want to focus on
  • 17. DISABILITY We sometimes hear disability describes as a medical condition — someone is afflicted, they can’t do something — they lack an ability.
  • 18. DISABILITY And it is often associated with the 4 main categories of disabilities: mobility impaired cognitively impaired hearing impaired seeing impaired But at the IDRC we completely redefine disability. It isn’t a medical condition to us…>>>
  • 19. MISMATCH Disability is a mismatch between the individual and their goals — the tools they have available to them in the environment where they are — their context Disability is not a personal trait and because it’s so context dependent, it is a relative condition. >>>>>
  • 20. DISABILITY IS MISMATCH MISMATCH IS SOLVABLE D E S I G N C A N S O LV E M I S M AT C H ALL EXPERIENCE MISMATCH I went grocery shopping the other day and my arms were full as I was trying to get in the car — my car has a button that makes it easy to open. Someone with a motor impairment can also benefit from simple buttons to open doors. Making content available to those with cognitive disabilities often means simplifying the content — you know who else benefits from that? What about the executive 2-pager? In some cases it’s become a 1- pager — they’re busy, they don’t have time or energy to focus. They are cognitively impaired at that moment. At the dog park the other night and I needed to know the score in the Jay’s game. I used an app on my cell phone that showed me all the action in the game in text only so I could easily keep up. The deaf person who wants to know what’s going on in the game and is watching on TV gets captions that allow them to follow along in text. It’s Fall now and the sun is blazing. In the afternoon the sun shines in the window in my office and onto my screen and makes it impossible for me to read my monitor. I can change the brightness and contrast though — this simple solution also helps the sight impaired user who has partial sight but needs slight modifications. So now what — how can we do this Inclusive Design thing?? >>>>
  • 21. ONE-SIZE-FITS-ONE 21 https://www.mavenlink.com/images/blog/mobile_home_screen/04-iphone.png | http://www.flickr.com/photos/scobleizer/4779911251/ Wherever  possible  take  a  one-­‐size-­‐fits-­‐one  approach  —  LET  THE  USER  DECIDE   when  you  can  offer  flexibility  and  customizability  or  personalization  do  it!       examples:   car  dashboard  —  with  digital  i  can  change  units   same  phone,  different  ways  to  organize  the  screen   sit  down  at  someone  else’s  computer  and  everything  is  different:  the  mouse  scrolls  the  other  way,  the  dock  is  somewhere  else,  the  hot  corners  keep  making  your  screen  fly  away.
  • 22. C H A N G E O F A P P R O A C H • Environmental Scan • Solve for mismatch - edge case • Scenarios • Gentle prototyping Rough outline of the process we use for inclusive design — NOT LINEAR First we try to understand the environment of what we’re working in. If we’re trying to solve a problem in a particular context we’d better understand that context really well and understand what solutions exist in that space — what their limitations are — what their successes are. Use cases — can’t enumerate people, they’re too unique and diverse if you begin to think of people as disabilities again here, you’re following a mental rut Scenarios will help you think through what someone does — they are a person with likes, dislikes, pressures, etc. Gentle prototyping because of the risk of going to a visual design too quickly.
  • 23. E D G E C A S E S “We have clients come to us and say, “Here’s our average customer:”, for instance, “She’s female, she’s 34 years old, she has 2.3 kids…” And we listen politely and say: “Well, that’s great but we don’t care about that person”. What we really need to do to design, is look at the extremes, the weakest, or the person with arthritis, or the athlete, or the strongest or the fastest person. Because if we understand what the extremes are, the middle will take care of itself”. – Dan Formosa, Smart Design, “Objectified”  http://sugoru.com/2013/07/14/designing-for-the-extremes/ They aren’t describing a person. It’s so abstracted and so removed from what a person does, it’s not that functionally useful. In other words, it’s useless. How about instead this is Molly, she’s 34 years old and struggling to find her footing in her field — she’s a lawyer. She works really long hours trying to make her mark on the cases she’s taking on. She has a 2 year old who is very picky about what he eats and a 4 year old who is even pickier. Her husband works on the opposite end of town. They have two cars and a goldfish. For a great read about how the average isn’t a real person and why we’ve historically come to defer to it so thoroughly, I recommend reading Todd Rose’s book, The End of Average that just came out in February this year. It’s a perspective changer itself.
  • 24. S CE NA RIO Molly is working on a big case — this might be the one where she proves herself and gets the attention that will help her move to the next level… This morning she’s juggling a lot. She has to get the kids to daycare (her husband usually takes them) but he is at CSUN in San Diego and she’s on her own all week. So as she’s driving she’s thinking of what to make for dinner — TACOS are easy and everyone will eat them — she can do tacos. She gets a call at noon that her 2 year old has pink eye and she needs to come get him from daycare… Now we have someone with real pressures, a real life, real needs. When Molly gets out of the car with her work computer slung over one shoulder, her groceries in one hand, and sick little Miles in the other, what does she need in a stroller? How might we design a stroller for her?
  • 25. D ES IG N ID EAS: BRILLIANT OR E X CLU SIONARY? • With this brilliant design idea who just got excluded? • Is there a way I can bridge the gap I just created? A way I can solve for the mismatch or avoid it? some simple rules: every time you make a design decision you’re saying as much (NOT ANY OF THIS) as you’re saying (THAT). In other words, if you put a quick release tab on the handle of Molly’s stroller, you’re saying NO to a foot-activated quick release. Just one example. So, whatever your design decision is, think about what it isn’t. AND WHEREVER POSSIBLE LET THE END USER DECIDE… we see innovative uses of tools all the time — unintended ones. Silly Putty — meant to be a synthetic rubber for WWII — there was a rubber shortage because of the war Text Messages — cell phone carriers letting customers know about problems with their network a precursor to Email — created to let hearing impaired computer engineer communicate with his wife WD-40 meant to displace and repeal standing water to prevent corrosion in nuclear missiles. how many of you use it on your nuclear missiles?? Rogaine was used to treat high blood pressure — hair growth was an unintended side effect Play-Doh was a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s Microplanes were for wood or metal — I use them on orange rinds or horseradish when I cook! One way we do this in the digital world is to make it multi-modal - text - audio - video
  • 26. N IK E F LY E A S E Inspired by a letter to Nike by a basketball loving teenager with Cerebral Palsy — what resulted is a sexy shoe with an innovative entry that is usable and attractive to everyone.
  • 27. TRAM POLINE BLOORVIEW rehab hospital has one of these and what’s so cool about it is that you have kids in their integrated school program playing together without barriers and kids in wheelchairs who have never had the sensation of jumping can feel what it feels like to jump.
  • 28. S TOPG AP Stopgap created these little wedges to help folks in wheelchairs get into businesses in the GTA. Folks with strollers also use them — no one is inconvenienced by them and they help. Luke Anderson an avid mountain biker had an accident and became paralyzed. He started stopgap.
  • 29. O X O OXO good grips was created when the owner’s wife had trouble gripping tools because of some mild arthritis. These tools for kitchen and gardening became the go-tos in rehabilitation centers working with people on activities of daily living… Who else has trouble gripping things?
  • 30. O X O this population. OXO saw a market and broadened their products.
  • 31. HOW CAN I DO THIS? • think about the edge cases early and solve for them — MISMATCH • can you let the user decide — ONE-SIZE-FITS- ONE • think about design decisions as excluding rather than solving — BRILLIANT? EXCLUSIONARY?
  • 32. LET’S DO THIS NOW • think about a problem you want to solve • think about the edge case — create a persona • think about a use case — your persona in action MISMATCH • solve for them ONE-SIZE-FITS-ONE • ITERATE — watch for Design BRILLIANCE THAT EXCLUDES
  • 33. 33 Principle Accessible Communication Tools Accessible Design Tools Accessible Development Tools Synchronized Design Assets Pair up with a co-worker to sketch or code Exchange your ideas/projects with participants from different disciplines in your organization on regular basis to get their feedback Find an open-source community where you can ask questions and/or contribute Keep track of meeting notes, sketches and research in a wiki or other open repository Working together with others toward a common desired outcome and shared goal is an important part of the inclusive design process. We all bring our unique experiences, skills and talents to the table, and as a result, working collaboratively ensures more diverse perspectives and therefore a more inclusive design process. By working with others rather than in isolation we learn from one another; we share the responsibility for an outcome, and in doing so we learn to trust one another and rely on each other’s expertise. Learning to work collaboratively requires an adjustment in the way that we approach our work. Gathering and incorporating ideas from a diverse group often takes more time and patience. Questions of ownership or credit sometimes arise. However, these challenges are far outweighed by the benefits, as the rich and diverse perspectives gained by working collaboratively ultimately enhance the work. Inclusive Design Guidelines Practice Collaborate Inclusive Design Guidelines Practice Collaborate Try Why Diverse participation & perspectives How • • • • https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no - https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
  • 34. 34 Personae are models representing potential stakeholders who may use a product or service. Although they are fictional people, their needs, characteristics, goals and motivations are rooted in the insights and feedback collected from various sources including interviews/surveys or through familiarity with the needs and interests of self, co-workers, friends or family members. They begin as early, provisional sketches and often evolve through iterations as more information is gathered. Personae are behavioural models; they do not represent the full demographics of any given population of complex and unique people. They enable designers, developers and evaluators across a project to keep a broad and diverse collection of stakeholders in mind. They must be developed and used with care in order to avoid stereotyping or fictionalizing the user, and they must be tempered with the awareness that no single persona or group of personae can independently determine the full range of potential uses of a product or service. Inclusive Design Guidelines Tool Personae Inclusive Design Guidelines Tool Think about various users in your domain with unmet needs Imagine a user, inspired by people you know that is unique and doesn’t simply represent the norm, the average, or the typical Draft the first version of your persona. Give it a name, describe her life, needs, preferences, likes and dislikes Re-iterate and evolve your persona as you collect more feedback form potential users and/or stakeholders Personae Try 1. 2. 3. 4. UX Walkthroughs User States & Contexts Use-Cases Combine with https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no - https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
  • 35. 35 Use cases describe particular scenarios in which a persona may encounter and use a product or service, providing more detail about specific tasks and goals as well as helping to map out the potential steps in a workflow. User personae and accompanying use cases are not meant to exhaustively describe all potential stakeholders or situations; rather they help to illustrate key goals, the main steps that should be taken towards achieving that goal, and behaviour patterns related to the design in question. In an Inclusive design process it is important to include edge cases. These are personae and use-cases that describe both users with needs that are not typically considered in the design process, as well non-typical or unexpected uses of a product or service. Use-cases present a picture of a person in a specific context, with available tools, existing constraints and potential distractions, who is hoping to achieve a specific goal using the product or service in question. Inclusive Design Guidelines Tool Use-Cases Inclusive Design Guidelines Tool Imagine what is your persona hoping to achieve with your product/system (be specific) Describe the context, the available tools, the constraints, potential distractions, etc. Describe how your product can help the persona achieve their goals Re-iterate and evolve your use-cases as you collect more feedback form potential users and/or stakeholders and your project moves forward Use-Cases Try 1. 2. 3. 4. Personae User States & Contexts Combine with https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no - https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
  • 36. 36 We all have diverse needs, and we all experience changes in our lives, in both the short-term and long-term, that affect our interests, goals and desires. As a result, designs that are flexible and allow for customization are more likely to meet our needs. A one-size-fits-one approach avoids the often segregated and specialized design solutions that are intended to meet the needs of those “on the margins”. These solutions do not serve the individual or society in the long run. Adaptable designs that allow for personalization result in integrated systems that work better for everyone. In the digital world, we have the freedom to create a design system that can adapt, morph, or stretch to address each design need presented by each individual. One-size-fits-one design solutions give us the power to discover and choose what works best for us in any given context. This puts more control into the hands of any one of us to create our own experience, and to modify this experience as needed. Inclusive Design Guidelines Principle One-Size-Fits-One Inclusive Design Guidelines Principle One-Size-Fits-One Try Think of something you’ve come across in your daily life that demonstrates an adaptable design. For example, an office chair with multiple adjustment features, or a suitcase that can be turned into a backpack. How could this design be improved to offer additional or different adaptations? If you can’t think of anything, consider 3 adaptations you’d like to have on a product or tool you use on a regular basis. Use Design for adaptability & flexibility Design for uncertainty https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no -­‐ https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
  • 37. 37 The medical model defines disability as a trait; something permanent and limiting. In contrast, an inclusive design approach is one that perceives disability as a mismatch between our needs and the design features of a product, built environment, system or service. This shifts the responsibility to the design, and to the designer, to correct the mismatch. For example, a digital interface with poor contrast does not match the needs of someone standing in direct sunlight or someone with low vision. Inclusive design considers this mismatch to be conditional, solvable through design, and the result of many factors, including: • Context (e.g. upon waking up in the morning) • Environment (e.g. a dark room) • Hardware and software variations (e.g. desktop vs. smartphone) • Unique personal needs and learning styles (e.g. I prefer to listen rather than read). Inclusive Design Guidelines Principle Disability as Mismatch Inclusive Design Guidelines Principle Disability as Mismatch Try Record three examples of an experience of mismatch that you’ve had, no matter how large or small. For example - standing at an automated bank machine in the glare of the sun, I couldn’t see the screen at all. How did you feel when this happened? What did you do about it? Use Focus on functional needs & preferences Design for adaptability & flexibility https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no -­‐ https://wiki.gpii.net/index.php?title=Inclusive_Design_Guidelines&redirect=no
  • 38. THE MAGIC AT THE MARGINS benefits the majority supports the spectrum 38 instead of 80/20, solve for the hard ones, the 20% and your solution will cover the 80%
  • 39. SHOW & TELL 39 http://floeproject.org (learner options and Chart authoring demos) http://idrc.ocadu.ca/index.php/resources/idrc- online/library-of-papers/443-whatisinclusivedesign
  • 40. 1. mismatch as design solvable 2. one-size-fits-one 3. design decisions — as exclusion
  • 42. PHOTO CREDITS Hippies: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brizzlebornandbred/5131876382/ Cat meme: http://www.quickmeme.com/img/45/45850f4b2aae212dfbf5d06746f4772cf22953fce4f8fb0d7a2a1b8f1355d87c.jpg Head_in_sand: http://worldofdtcmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/irrelevant-GOP.jpg Curb Cut: http://www.flickr.com/photos/50393252@N02/4822063888/ CC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed_captioning#/media/File:Closed_captioning_symbol.svg Interfaces from IDRC work: http://fluidproject.org Stethoscope: http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2014/01/24/d6bd0d38-cb4a-4411-bd1d-7a5dcc4e319d/thumbnail/620x350/ fa75501812b1d1d699dd40da9648001a/stethoscope.jpg Categories of Disability: https://www.worknetncc.com/Uploads/Disability_symbols_16.png Square peg, round hole: http://wp.production.patheos.com/blogs/adrianwarnock/files/2015/08/3546059144_1b33dfdc0e_o.jpg Nike Flyease: http://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2015/07/15/dc055c68-bb4b-47a6-9472-6cf1475a6703/resize/ 970x546/1433d7364455c56e45c91189e023357d/nikeflyeasecolor.jpg Trampoline: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8b/21/67/8b2167d7e787e6ca66e6087f694c9ec2.jpg Stop Gap: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cQiJTeXAgGM/UIM1OJYztYI/AAAAAAAAAHw/rIsUt6YhWt0/s1600/DSC04762.JPG Oxo: http://images.bloomingdales.com/is/image/BLM/products/7/optimized/8017617_fpx.tif? wid=1200&qlt=90,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg Oxo Sippy: http://www.peppermint.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/s/i/sippy- cup-with-handles-green.jpg iPhones: https://www.mavenlink.com/images/blog/mobile_home_screen/04-iphone.png | http://www.flickr.com/photos/ scobleizer/4779911251/