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The Golden Parachute
MGMT 322 G1
Prepared for:
Professor Toru Yoshikawa
Matthew Lim Zhi Liang
An Introduction to the Golden Parachute
When we talk about executive compensation, one topic that never fails to come up is the Golden
Parachute. The Golden Parachute, as the name suggest is an executive safety net of sorts that is
included in the employment contracts of senior level executives. Basically it is a special payment
usually a lump sum amounting to millions, that is paid in the event of a change in control of the
company1. The reasons for the implementation of the Golden Parachute is something that has been
constantly debated, but the most common ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That could occur if a company chooses to adopt the Golden Parachute
Alignment of Management Shareholder Interest
As mentioned at the beginning of this paper, one of the main objectives of the Golden Parachute is to
control the behaviour of management in a acquisition event. During a acquisition event, the bidding
company or the acquirer would often bypass the executives and the management and go straight to the
shareholders, offering a premium over the current trading share price, which can be seen as a increase
to shareholder wealth5. However, often times once the acquiring company gains control, the acquired
company s management is usually either sidelined or dismissed from the company. That being the
case, there inherently exist a conflict between the interest of the management (to preserve their source
of income) and the interest of shareholders (to maximise wealth).
Management as has been well established in the corporate world has the duty to act in a way that is in
the interest of the shareholders, and often this involves making decisions that maximise shareholder
wealth. However, in light of the prospect of losing their jobs after a acquisition, management might
not act in the best interest of the shareholders and oppose the acquisition in order to maintain
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Analysis Of The Unfinished Dance, By Margaret O Brien
This weekend Christina Wehner is hosting the En Pointe Blogathon, a three day event celebrating
films that spotlight that beautiful and centuries old form of dance known as ballet. One of the most
overlooked Metro Goldwyn Mayer films of the 1940s The Unfinished Dance just so happens to
revolve around ballet, and so I have chosen to call attention to this rarity as well as to Ballerina ( 1937
) which was based on the same story.
Both of these pictures are about a ballet student who accidentally cripples a famous ballerina when she
throws the switch on the onstage trap door, causing the dancer to plummet to her career ending doom.
Is she dead?
She broke her leg..... For a dancer, it is worse than death
In The Unfinished Dance ( ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While The Unfinished Dance bears some resemblance to the original film, it cannot and should not be
compared to Ballerina as a remake. They are two separate films with marked differences. One major
contrast between them is the underlying theme of the pictures. In Ballerina, it is all about the dance.
To dance is to live; to dance is to breathe.
The Dance is greater than all our personal troubles, remarks Karine in one scene.
In The Unfinished Dance, Meg s guilt takes center stage. Ballet becomes Meg s redemption. Director
Henry Koster did a wonderful job of creating a disquieting atmosphere of tension in all of the scenes
featuring O Brien. Meg is a hapless victim of a foolish and childish prank that she herself conceived
and her guilt causes her to see the jail bars closing in on her. Every whisper is a personal threat to her
safety. Every policeman an agent of Justice out to capture her. Margaret O Brien plays out the
psychological tension that Meg feels with great skill, especially considering she was only nine years
old at the time of filming, while Koster treats these sequences as though it were Robert Mitchum on
the screen, running from another thoughtless crime he committed in haste.
However, audiences didn t appreciate this peek into the mind of a child criminal, and the film lost
nearly $1,800,000 upon its release. It was the only Joe
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Thesis Statement For Oedipus
A man can only justify his actions if he regards his demeanor with deductive thinking. This man was
not Oedipus mainly because he was a fu**ing douchebag. One must know who Oedipus was to
understand the period in which it was written. This is my thesis statement. The Greeks contributed
many things to our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex, and Oedipus. Oedipus will
be remembered though out time because he suffered from Lou Gehrig s disease, and that s why he
couldn t play base ball in the first Olympic games. He will always be remembered for his journeys and
his love for the New York Yankees.
Laius and Jocasta were king and queen of Thebes, a town in Greece. They were fu**ing around and
Laius forgot to strap his sh**. One day, they had a baby boy. An oracle prophesied that the boy would
grow up and kill his father and marry his mother. Laius was like fu** that sh**, that s gay. To thwart
the prophecy, Laius and Jocasta decided to kill their baby. They fingered his butt hole and sent him on
his way. In those days, it was usual to leave an unwanted or defective baby in the wilderness. Laius
and Jocasta did this. To be extra sure, they pierced his little feet and tied them together. (Don t worry
about this detail, which makes no sense. It must have been introduced to explain the hero s name.) A
kindly shepard found the baby in a pool skimmer. He gave the baby to a friend, who took it to Corinth,
another town. (Corinth reappears in the New Testament. Under the category of DVDA, versus 63) The
king and queen of Corinth couldn t have a baby of their own. The king had a bad case of the limp
dick. So they adopted the foundling. Nobody ever told little Oedipus that his mother was never
pregnant. She aborted a kitten in a toilet in the back of a Denver Denny s. One day, after he had grown
up, a drunk mentioned his being adopted. Oedipus killed the bum. Oedipus questioned his parents, but
they denied it. Oedipus visited various oracles to find out whether he was really adopted. All the
oracles told him instead he would kill father and marry his mother. He told them that they were dissin
him so he grabbed his 12 sided double dildo and left town. (None of this makes much sense. Again,
don t worry
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Odours And Memory Lab Report
The results of the experiment does not support the hypothesis that odours can improve memory and
increase perceived alertness in individuals as there appears to be no correlation. ylang ylang has been
proven to have sedative and claming properties (Tisserand, 1993). Additionally, peppermint was
shown to produce a significant improvement in the quality of memory when compared to the control
and ylang ylang group (Moss et al., 2008). However, our results do not seem support past research
done on such matters. Several confounding variables identified could be the reason for this
incongruity. First, the way the odors were introduced into the room is done differently with past
research and with this experiment. Moss et al. (2008) applied 4 drops of the odours to a diffuser pad
for a Tisserand Aroma steam . The Aroma steam was placed under the bench in the testing cubicles
and was switched on for 5 minutes prior to the participant entering the room. Ilmberger et al. ... Show
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In this experiment, odours were sprayed into the testing rooms. Such differences in the method of
introducing the odours might affect the results. Another confounding variable could be the room size.
The size of a room will affect the diffusion of the odour and in turn, affect the extent participants are
affected. In Moss et al. s (2008) study, each testing cubicle measured 2.4m long x 1.8m wide x 2.4 m
high. The room size for Ilmberger et al. was not mentioned. To add, no information was provided for
the room size in this current study. Although Moss et al. (2008) mentioned that temperature was
maintained between 18 to 22 degrees Celsius throughout the testing sessions, temperature control was
not taken into account in the current experiment and in Ilmberger et al. s
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ACCT 434 Midterm Exam
ACCT 434 Midterm Exam http://homeworkmonster.com/downloads/acct 434 midterm exam/ ACCT
434 Midterm Exam
(TCO 1) For each of the following drivers identify an appropriate activity.
a. # of machines
b. # of setups
c. # of inspections
d. # of orders
e. # of runs
f. # of bins or aisles
g. # of engineers
(TCO 2) Favata Company has the following information:
Month Budgeted Sales
June $60,000
July 51,000
August 40,000
September 70,000
October 72,000
In addition, the cost of goods sold rate is 70% and the desired inventory level is 30% of next month s
cost of sales.
Prepare a purchases budget for July through September.
(TCO 1) Merriamn Company provides the following ABC costing information:
(TCO 2) A master budget
(TCO 2) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(TCO 4) In evaluating different alternatives, it is useful to concentrate on
(TCO 5) The theory of constraints is used for cost analysis when
(TCO 5) Schmidt Corporation produces a part that is used in the manufacture of one of its products.
The costs associated with the production of 10,000 units of this part are as follows:
Direct materials $45,000
Direct labor 65,000
Variable factory overhead 30,000
Fixed factory overhead 70,000
Total costs $210,000
Of the fixed factory overhead costs, $30,000 is avoidable.
Phil Company has offered to sell 10,000 units of the same part to Schmidt Corporation for $18 per
unit. Assuming there is no other use for the facilities, Schmidt should
(TCO 3) Patrick Ross, the president of Ross s Wild Game Company, has asked for information about
the cost behavior of manufacturing overhead costs. Specifically, he wants to know how much
overhead cost is fixed and how much is variable. The following data are the only records available:
Month Machine hours Overhead Costs
February 1,700 $20,500
March 2,800 22,250
April 1,000 19,950
May 2,500 21,500
June 3,500 23,950
Using the high low method, determine the overhead cost equation. Use machine hours as your cost
(TCO 5) Kirkland Company manufactures a part for use in its production of hats. When 10,000 items
are produced, the costs per unit
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The Impact of Universal Studios
The Universal Impact Universal Pictures, or Universal Studios, has been around for a little over a
century and it is currently regarded amongst the top six movie studios in America. It grosses billions
of dollars in revenue annually and produces major hits and movie stars. Universal is also owned by a
giant media conglomerate known as NBC Universal, which is quite different from its humble
beginnings. This paper will provide a brief insight into the relationship between Universal Pictures
and its impact on the movie industry along with how Universal became a big name in Hollywood. The
man who started it all was Carl Laemmle. Born in Württemberg Germany, Laemmle was the tenth of
thirteen children, eight of which died of a cruel epidemic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unlike MGM or Warner Bros., short subjects had always been a fundamental part of Universal s
production strategy. In an effort to remove itself from its near bottom industry ranking, the company
flirted occasionally with the prestige feature market during the 1930s, usually to its financial
detriment. During this decade it did its best financially when it concentrated on its primary business:
turning out low budget features at high speed. Universal s short subject releases maintained this
philosophy throughout the 1930s with amazing consistency, considering the turnover in management
(including the ouster of Laemmle and his son, Carl, Jr, in 1936). Early in the 1930s, the studio s
emphasis was shifted to two reel comedies, starting with the likes of Slim Summerville, Arthur Lake
and Benny Rubin as starring comedians. The Universal two reelers took a decidedly interesting swing
when former Hal Roach studio manager Warren Doane was hired in 1932 to organize a production
unit. Doane, in turn, brought in Roach employees James W. Horne, a young George Stevens and Alf
Goulding as directors, as well as a long time member of Charles Chaplin s staff, Albert Austin. The
unit lasted until 1934, with Stevens leaving for RKO quite a bit earlier. Unfortunately most of these
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The Epidemic Of Tobacco Use Essay
Salivary Biomarkers
Worldwide, tobacco use continues to be one of the leading causes of preventable death and has been
estimated to kill more than five million people annually1. Lately, the epidemic of tobacco use has
shifted from developed to developing countries2. It is estimated that by 2030 almost 10 million people
will die from tobacco use per year, with 70% of these deaths occurring in developing countries. India
accounts for one sixth of the tobacco related illnesses worldwide and is estimated to face an
exponential increase in tobacco related mortality from 1.4% of all deaths in 1990 to 13.3% in 20203.
In 2010, out of 52.8 million deaths that occurred worldwide out of which 34.5 million deaths were
attributable to non communicable diseases; more than a quarter of these occur in low income and
middle income countries4 5. Use of tobacco is one of the major risk factor for non communicable
disease which is slowly threatening human life5.
Tobacco smoking in any form constitutes a major risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD),
hypertension (HTN), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), oral, nasopharyngeal, bronchial
and other visceral malignancies6 . Smoking 1 4 cigarettes per day significantly increases the risk of
cardiovascular disease7. Smoking also increases the risk of thrombosis8 (8). Smokers are 3 times
more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than the non smokers. Smokeless tobacco users have a higher
incidence of diabetes
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Surf Descriptive Writing
5:00 am I fight to keep my eyelids open and try hard to stay in my lane. Every now and then running
over the colonies of manapuas. I keep asking myself, why do I do this? Waking up earlier than I would
for school, driving far and early, on an empty stomach, for what? I pay close attention to the trees, and
analyze the motionless leaves. This is why I do this to myself, every morning. No wind equals good
conditions. Good conditions equals great surf. Great surf equals happy me. This is why I dawn patrol.
With the overwhelming scent of pineapples and the familiar scenery, I make my way down the most
famous part of Kamehameha Highway. I roll down my windows and turn up my reggae music as I
enter the country. The scent changes as the air suddenly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I walk towards a pile of boulders stuck in the sand and sat down on one that looked the most
comfortable. I sit there gazing at the crystal clear water. I look out to the horizon to see a set of waves
coming in. The first wave had to be at least shoulder high, but no one took it. About three seconds
later, the second set came in. The first wave cleared out a lot of the water so the second one was much
more hallow. One of the surfers tracked it down and took off at the peak. Once he stood up, it was
clear that these waves were a solid head high. The surfer did a couple turns off the bottom, then one
giant round house cutback and finished off with a solid tail blow, throwing buckets of water up in the
air. The surfer kicked out and the water went flat for what seemed to be about thirty seconds. Then out
in the distance, you could see a mountain of water rolling in. Everyone in the water started to paddle
out to meet it. There was a frantic paddle battle, however a surfer on a yellow board claimed it in the
end. He took off and the wave turned out to be a bomb, double over head. I got butterflies as I watched
the surfer and his yellow board paint lines across the open face. It was firing. I could watch these guys
all day, but that s not why I woke up this early and drove all the way here. Anxious and excited, I got
up off my
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Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant...
Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant Faiths
The Mormon religion is very unique in many of its doctrine. While technically a Protestant faith, the
Mormons generally share more doctrine with the Catholics. Because of its unique nature, I will be
analyzing the Mormon faith, its history, organization, and doctrine, in comparison with the beliefs held
by both Catholics and Protestants.
On April 6, 1980, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (aka the Mormon Church) was
founded. [It is interesting to note that according to Mormon doctrine (Doctrine and Covenants 20:1),
April 6 is the birthday of Jesus Christ.] 10 years prior to this event, in 1820, fourteen year old Joseph
Smith ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both Martin Luther and John Wesley shared the belief that Catholic faith had strayed from the truth as
is seen in their respective quotes: I have sought nothing beyond reforming the Church in conformity
with the Holy Scriptures. . . . . . . I simply say that Christianity has ceased to exist among those who
should have preserved it. (Luther and His Times, E.G. Schweibert) and It does not appear that these
extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were common in the Church for more than two or three
centuries. We seldom hear of them after that fatal period when the
Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; . . . From this time they almost totally ceased; . . . The
Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the other Heathens . . . . This was the real cause
why the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were no longer to be found in the Christian Church;
because the Christians were turned Heathens again, and had only a dead form left. (The Works of John
Wesley, vol. 7)
While the Mormons agree with other Protestants that the Catholic Church had become corrupt with its
indulgences , purchase of church offices, etc., the Mormons differed somewhat in their solution to this
problem. The Protestants sought to reform the problems they saw evident in the Catholic faith. The
Mormons, however, believing that all faiths upon the Earth had fallen away from the true church
established by Christ, sought to restore
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Mistake s The Namesake
1) Ashima s actions while living in Cambridge are respectful of what a Bengali wife might do. She
cooks the food, cleans the house, and cares for the child. She also relays a few Bengali traditions like
avoiding public affection between her and Ashoke, deferring from saying Ashoke s first name, and
honoring her grandmother s choice for naming the new child. Since she wanted Gogol to be born
surrounded by family members, Ashima settles by inviting her Bengali friends to special events as
they are described as the closest thing to family. The foods within The Namesake are greatly
representative of what one might expect from both cultures. In America, there is the Chinese food, the
pizza, the hamburgers and hot dogs. In Calcutta, there are the ... Show more content on
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After his parents unwillingly gave Gogol a legal yet pet name, schools, doctors, and facilities in
America would all refer to him as such. In America, his pet name was not his pet name; rather, it was
his actual name, and this began with his first school principal. After changing his name at an older age,
Nikhil tried to remove all connections with his original name. He never mentioned it to those he met
after changing his name. He disliked when his mother called him Gogol during social events and when
Moushimi blurted his name changing story. Names are something special to society. Like colors on a
painter s palette, classes in a computer program, and definitions in a dictionary, our names are used so
we as people can easily be referenced, conversed with, and legally maneuver. I don t believe names
define who we are, but I do believe we have the ability to give our name a reputation. I do not have a
pet name, and I ve been called Kwasi my entire life. Only three people in my life call me Kwas , and
should anyone else do it beside those three, I get rather irritated. I love my name in its entirety; there s
absolutely nothing wrong with it. My parents have no concrete method of choosing names. However,
my siblings and myself had the opportunity to have similar names: Kwamesha, Kwame, and
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Norwegian Country Research Paper
Norway, the birthplace of the Vikings. The most well known of the Scandinavian countries, and, as of
late, the happiest country in the world. Retaining that status along with keeping the economy afloat is
something the Norwegians are adept at, with one of the largest GDPs in the world. Despite the
constant snow, Norwegians are skilled at many areas of sport, with skiing the largest and most
important of Norwegian culture. Law is a fair blend of tradition and moral, yet there are certain
unofficial, unspoken laws that all Norwegian abide by. This combines to make Norway the happiest
place on earth, yet there are more details to this Scandinavian country then you think.
Norway is a relatively long and thin country located in Europe, east of ... Show more content on
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Despite being a Christian nation, Christianity and God isn t central to their culture. Instead, other good
qualities such as reliability and kindness are considered as important parts to scrutinize when
attempting to judge a person s character. They will only do business with those they trust and take
their time before making any business decision. They respect those that are reliable and can uphold
deadlines and honor agreements, and tend to break off trust and transactions with those who can t
display them. Any person who does display unreliability and untrustworthiness isn t very well
respected in Norway. However, politics, work, and leisure are all separate in Norwegian lives, and
people avoid discussing politics in social settings. This leads to less people getting upset and starting
arguments, contributing to Norwegian status as that happiest country in the world. Norway has also
been known for being very accepting, with high tolerance of other countries cultures and high gender
equality and LGBT
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The Charismatic Leader Of Positive Deviance Essay
Initially, upon reading the directions for this assignment, I was prepared to choose some form of
criminal deviance. After all, I am a criminal justice major, what could be more natural? Then I read
Positive Deviance by Druann Maria Heckert. It struck a chord with me, how could something positive,
be looked at in a negative light? So I decided to focus my first writing assignment on the charismatic
leader characteristic of positive deviance. Deviance is described as any behavior, belief, or condition
that violates significant social norms in the society or group in which it occurs (Kendall, 2015, p. 164).
Positive deviance on the other hand is based on the observation that in every community there are
certain individuals or groups whose uncommon behaviors and strategies enable them to find better
solutions to problems than their peers, while having access to the same resources and facing similar or
worse challenges ( Positive deviance initiative, 2016). Positive deviance seems, as pointed out in
Heckert s article, to be an oxymoron. It is near impossible to reconcile the concept of deviant
behavior, which in and of itself seems to exude negativity, with the concept of exceptional
intelligence, or innovative thinking. One way to look at positive deviance by comparing it to a
statistical norm, or bell curve. The most common and oft seen socially accepted norms, which
encompass the majority of the curve, are those professed and followed by mainstream society.
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King Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun (1343 1325 B.C.)
King Tutankhamun lived over 3,300 years ago during a period known as the New Kingdom. This
period of time was called the New Kingdom because it was when the pharaohs united upper and lower
Egypt into one kingdom with the capital being Memphis near current day Cairo. The reason I chose to
write a research paper on King Tut is because he is one of the most well known pharaohs of ancient
Egypt. Tutankhamun is most well known only by the discovery of his intact tomb in 1922 by Howard
Carter and Lord Carnarvon.
King Tut was born in 1343 B.C. into the 18th Dynasty. Early in his life Tutankaten meaning the Living
Image of the Aten changed his name to the well known Tutankamun meaning Living Image of ...
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Not much was known about these tombs and how they were arranged until the British expedition led
by Carter and Carnarvon unearthed the untouched intact tomb of King Tutankhamun in 1922. This
discovery quickly made King Tutankhamun one of the most famous pharaohs in the history of Egypt.
It also changed many of our beliefs as to the mummification process and how the tombs were
Carter and Carnarvon discovered King Tutankhamun s tomb in the East Valley of the Valley of the
Kings. It has been recreated several times in museums around the world. The tomb was actually quite
small for a Pharaoh. It was probably built for someone of lesser importance but at the pharaoh s
unexpected death was rushed into modification to accommodate the pharaoh. The tomb is composed
of four chambers: the annex, antechamber, burial chamber, and treasury. The burial chamber contains
wall paintings as well as the coffin of King Tutankhamun.
Before the opening of the tomb novelist Mari Corelli gave a public warning that there would be dire
consequences for anyone who entered the sealed tomb. Then just seven weeks after the official
opening of the tomb Tutankhamun s Curse struck. On April 5th, 1923 Lord Carnarvon died and all
sorts of
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Fast Food Causes Obesity
Out onto an interior atrium). Many cruisers prefer inside staterooms because these rooms usually are
the least expensive on the ship. They also may feel that a stateroom is only a place to sleep. Late
sleepers like inside staterooms because early daylight won t disturb them.
Suites are the most expensive accommodations on a ship. Some vessels have only a few, others boast
an entire upper, conciergelike deck madeup of larger staterooms and/or suites. By the traditional
definition, a suite should feature a living room, a sleeping room and a bathroom. This is not so on a
ship. Except for the very largest which resemble a room in a luxury hotel shipboard suites typically
feature, in the same rectangular space, a sitting area and a sleeping ... Show more content on
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(For the record, the front of the ship is called the bow, the back is called the stem). To further help
passengers find their way around, each deck usually has a name and/or number.
When cruise clients and travel agents study a deck plan, they should carefully examine the
relationship of a stateroom to the ship s public places,
Miscellaneous Considerations
What else should you know about cruise ships? Here are some thoughts:
* A ship s registry usually has nothing to do with where the line is headquartered. Financial, legal,
labor, and routing concerns tend to dictate the shup s registry. The name of the country where the ship
is registered is usually painted on the exterior of the vessel s stern and the ship flies that country s flag.
(This is called flag of convenience.) * On some ships smoking is permitted almost everywhere
onboard. On most its limited to certain officially designated places. One or two ships are smoke free. *
Where do ships go when they retire ? Some are turned into scraped metal(mostly in India). Others are
parked at ports(especially in Greece and in Bahamas), with the hope that someone will buy, refurbish,
and return them to active cruising. * Each year the CDC conducts about two passengers and that calls
on U.S. ports. The inspectors look for potentially hazardous conditions, such as improperly stored
food, poor food preparation and display procedures, and the like. The CDC gives
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The History of Caterpillar Engines Essay
The History of Caterpillar Engines The start of Caterpillar engines actually begins before Caterpillar
was even a company. The history began back in the late1800 s when Daniel Best and Benjamin Holt
were experimenting with various forms of steam tractors used for farming. The two competed with
each other to gain the lead in the farm equipment industry. Throughout the late 1800 s and early 1900
s Holt and Best continued to build both steam and gas tractors. In 1908 Best sold his company to Holt.
In 1925 Holt Manufacturing and C. L. Best Gas Tractor, a company owned by Best s son C. L. Best,
merged to form Caterpillar Tractor Company. Three years later C. L. Best met with Carl George
Arthur Rosen to discuss putting diesel engines in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This housing then directs the compressed air into the engine. After the use of the turbocharger they
discovered a new problem. The compressed air was much hotter than normal air going into the engine.
The reason was that when the air is compressed it puts pressure on all the atoms. This causes the
atoms to hit each other, causing friction, and move even faster. These rapid movements cause a
massive amount of heat. This excess heat caused less oxygen to get to the cylinders which means a
loss of potential power. Our answer to this dilemma was the aftercooler. Aftercoolers are used to lower
the temperature of the air after it comes out of the turbo but before it enters the engine. By lowering
the temperature the air becomes denser and holds more oxygen. This increase in oxygen provides an
increase in power. There are three types of aftercoolers. The first is an Air to Air Aftercooler
(ATAAC). With the air to air system, a separate cooler core is placed in front of the engine. The engine
fan then passed outside air across the cooler. The outside air is much colder than the compressed air in
the cooler. This difference causes the compressed air to drop in temperature by losing its heat to the
outside air. This method is very common on most on highway trucks since they have access to a large
volume of fresh cool air. The second type of aftercooler is the Jacket Water Aftercooler
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The Economic Development Of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a developing country nevertheless the present day progress of this country is
remarkable. According to World Bank s development indicators, Bangladesh ranked 44th in the world
economy. In spite of its economic progress, poverty remains a curse. By looking at the poverty
headcount ratio of 43.3% as of 2010, we can still notice that most of the people are living under
poverty line. Furthermore, the economic development of our country comes with an additional cost
that is environmental degradation. As the Kuznets s curve demonstrates developing counties undergo
increased environmental degradation with economic growth. Similarly, in Bangladesh, the government
encourages industrialization in many sectors to boost economic growth and alleviate poverty. On the
other hand, industrialization is not reducing poverty levels or increasing the standard of living of the
poor because many firms do not follow the rules and regulations. This in turn also is a reason for
pollution and environmental degradation. Poor still remain poor for the cruel pollution poverty cycle,
while pollution and environmental degradation increases with mass industrialization, contributing to
increased poverty.
Land degradation is due to improper agriculture actions as well as social and environmental effects
related to these practices which is increasing many parts of this country. Deforestation, water, air and
industrial pollution, unsustainable land use, intense use of fisheries, and
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Colombia Compare And Contrast
Colombia, a country at the northern tip of South America. It touches both Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
The landscape throughout Colombia consists of rainforests. The Spanish speaking country is very
different towards the country I live in, America, however, there are some similarities between the two.
I will discuss the social life, cultural, and economic reasons that each country the way they are in their
own way. The cultural of Colombia is very unique, with a population of 47,698,524, which is not
many people. But, they all come together when big events occur, its one big family. This country
celebrates a total of 18 holidays, 12 of them are catholic and 6 of them are civic holidays. Some of the
holidays are Dia de los Reyes Magos(Jan 6th), Battle of the Boyaca(August 7th), Christmas(Dia de los
Velitas), etc. During the parties, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My country shows come similarities towards Colombia and some differences. The population of the
U.S. is 326,625,791, which is far more than Colombia. Ethnic groups represented in Colombia and the
U.S. are white, blacks, and Ameridian. As for the education, the U.S. the expectancy rate is 17 years
and the literacy rate is 97.9%. The Governments between the two are similar. Some economics
problems within the U.S. is healthcare, and education. Colombia s issues are more environmental.
However, strengths in the United States is hard work, the culture, and entrepreneurship. Colombia
shares 8 holidays with the U.S, for example, Christmas, Mother s Day, Father s Day, New Year s, and
a couple more. The foods on the other hand show no similarities at all, the U.S. is known for real fatty
food, which is we are the most obese country in the world. Colombia does not have some of the foods
we do, like S mores, Chilidogs, Buffalo Wings, or Hamburgers, Colombia is known for cuisine dishes
for a party of people with tangy or spicy
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Legendary Leaders In Saint Joan And King Henry V
Legendary Leaders Saint Joan and King Henry V, both great leaders of their time. Each considered
heroes in their respective countries after the great leadership they demonstrated for their people.
Although they were each great leaders, they each had their own obstacles to overcome to be
successful. The plays of Henry V by William Shakespeare and Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw
each contain scenes throughout their plays in which they, when compared, demonstrate the role
feminism played in the 15th century for both men and women as well their own usage of rhetorical
strategies in speeches in attempt to persuade their audience. When analysing these two plays under a
gender or feminist lense it becomes obvious that feminism was not only present, ... Show more
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As mentioned previously, King Henry gave a speech to his soldiers just before battle as a way of
hyping them up one last time before they would charge onto their enemies. When viewing this speech
we can see that he uses a combination of several rhetorical devices in order to persuade his men. He
uses a combination of ethos, appealing to the ethics, and pathos, appealing the the emotions. The use
of such strategies gave legitimacy to the words Henry spoke, and rallied his troops. He stated in the
speech On, on, you noblest English, whose blood is fet from father of war proof, father that, like so
many Alexanders, have in these parts from morn till even fought and sheathed their swords for lack of
argument. Dishonor not your mothers. Now attest that those whom called fathers did beget you (Henry
III.i.). In this section of his speech he is using pathos to utilize the emotions of the soldiers as
motivation to go out into battle and give everything they have. He tells them to not embarrass their
families and to do something that they will be proud of. Later he states Follow your spirit, and upon
this charge cry God for Harry, England, and Saint George! (Henry III.i.). This last piece brings in the
device of using ethos to persuade them. By saying his name and their country he is applying an ethical
piece to his speech that shows them that they have to do this for their country and for him. They need
to win this fight to do those two things proud. The use of these two rhetorical devices are part of the
last things these soldiers hear before they put their life on the line in battle. They give them the last
push needed to win the
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Inward FDI and Innovation in the Indian Service Sector
Inward FDI and innovation in the Indian service sector Bikramjit Sinha This section analyses the
linkage between inward FDI flows and innovation activity in Indian service sector. The focus is on
service sector since there has been unprecedented inflow of FDI in services in recent years. FDI in
Services In 2000, share of FDI in services to total FDI inflows in India was just 1.8% and afterwards it
grew steadily to reach a record all time high of 34.7% during 2006 but declined afterwards. Of the
cumulative FDI in services during 2000 2010, financial services accounted for bulk of the inflows
(41.7%) followed by banking services (9.6%), and both non financial services and R D sharing 9.5%
each (Table 1). Share of financial services, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
RTL intensity of services BEs was almost equal with R D intensity and stood at 0.5% over the
reference period. Within the services, RTL intensity of financial services was higher than the total
service RTL intensity (Fig. 3). On an average 0.6% of the BEs were engaged in procuring knowledge
from foreign countries which has from 1.2% in 2001 to 0.57% in 2010 (Table 2). FRTL intensity was
highest during 2002 (0.4%) which after passing through a fluctuating trend culminates to all time low
of 0.05% in 2009, probably coinciding with the recent global recession. Only financial services,
outsourcing and other services are acquiring technology from abroad. FRTL intensity of only
outsourcing services was higher than the sectoral intensity all along the reference period (Fig. 4). T3
32 0.8 Financial Others 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Outsourcing SERVICES Fig 4. Trend of FRTL intensity in the services sector To sum up, the trend of
share of FDI inflows in different services to total FDI in services does not go well with the
corresponding innovation pattern (Table 3). Financial and banking sector, recipients of maximum FDI
flows hardly show any innovation activity. Table 3: Selected innovation indicators of the services
sector during 2001 2010 Sub sector Financial Non Financial Banking
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Satire Animal Farm
Fables are significantly viewed upon because of their twisted display of valuable morals and
teachings. Fables focus on a precise theme or concept that is interestingly portrayed with the use of
animals. *CONTROVERSIAL question* The fictional, fable novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell
teaches that abuse of authority, deceitful tactics, and pursuing power will lead to rebellion resulting in
corruption. Animal Farm thoroughly depicts the major causes of rebellion in hope of preventing the
future of any corruption similar to the true history of the novel. Taking authority for granted is
dangerous. If leaders abuse authority they expose an opportunity for revolting; as concluded from the
fable. In the allegory, Animal Farm was owned by a man named ... Show more content on
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In Animal Farm, subsequent to the suspension of Mr. Jones, the pigs of the farm were in charge of the
whole farm including the other animals; they were in fully superior to all the other animal of the farm
as they were most clever. Nonetheless, the pigs took advantage of their new hierarchy by tricking the
animals into allowing them to have larger portions of food. Every time the pigs were asked why they
are consuming more foods than others they would replying saying that they must be in good
health.The pigs would tell the others animals that Mr. Jones would return if the pigs were not in
charge. Comrades! he cried. You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of
selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole
object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by
Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well−being of a pig. We pigs are
brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we
are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do
you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would
come back! Surely, comrades, cried Squealer almost
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Plato s Symposium
Plato s Symposium is set in ancient Greece, where Agathon, a playwright, has won a very prestigious
award for a theatrical production. When a relatively large array of men gather the day after in
celebration, they decide that they will not go heavy on the drinking, and instead will give eulogies to
Love. These exaltations come together with the notion that to achieve immortality, one must pass on
one s knowledge to another human being through a meaningful and concrete love affair. One of the
first acclaims comes from Pausanias. He began explaining how, like Aphrodite, love is twofold. He
explains that there is Common Love, which has a carnal focus and an attraction for unintelligent
people, and Celestial Love, which falls in love with the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The lover expresses his belief that he in fact fits the original Homeric situation that Socrates has
shared, since he is of no consequence and [is] going uninvited to a clever man s feast (Plato, 5).
Socrates emphasis on the word good shows that that is the word he has modified to, in his opinion, fit
the situation at hand; furthermore, it lets the reader infer that the original word that he has modified to
good is its antonym, bad. If the statement was then flipped, it would say something along the lines of,
Bad men go of their own accord to good men s feasts. This is what Aristodemus refers to when he says
he may fit the original Homeric situation, and thus expressing his belief that he is of no consequences
and, subsequently, not worthy of going uninvited to a clever man s feast (Plato, 5). He refuses to
accept Socrates compliment and goes as far as saying that he is the exact opposite of what his partner
has voiced. Finally, he says that he will not admit to going uninvited and will simply tell the men at
the celebration that Socrates had invited
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Government Dominated By Big Business
There has been a lot of fuss over big business influencing the government in the United States lately.
Now there is no doubt that the business elite have some influence on politics. It can even be traced
back to the early 1900 s, when the People s Party had disintegrated, but many writers and activists
have continued to echo the Populists central thesis: that the U.S. democratic political system is in fact
dominated by business elites (). Although there are countless arguments to go against this idea, the
questions still comes up today: Is government dominated by big business? Political Scientist G.
William Domhoff believes that government is dominated by big business. More specifically, Domhoff
believes that owners and top level managers in income producing properties are not only dominant
power figures in the US, but they also have inordinate influence in the federal government (). Another
political scientist however, Sheldon Kamieniecki, believes otherwise. He states that businesses do not
really get involved in policies that affect them; and even when they do, their success rate at
influencing policies is not consistent. In fact, he believes that other factions have more influence on
government policies (). Let s go a little more in depth on Domhoff s argument. Domhoff is a firm
believer in big business dominating government. He states that lobbyists from corporations, law firms,
and trade associations play a key role in shaping government on narrow issues of
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The Technique Of Film Video Editing History Theory And...
In Ken Dancyger: The Technique of Film Video Editing History Theory and Practice we can clearly
see how editing has changed from the earliest films, when editing was nonexistent to a time when the
camera never moved when shooting a scene to a time where you can use montage concepts to make a
film more dynamic for the viewer. These were all different stages editing has gone through to get to
the point where can use editing as a story telling tool which is just as important as the any other part of
creating a film. Edwin. S. Porter was the man who took the idea of editing and made it a useful tool in
portraying the story in a more dynamic way. In his 1903 film, The American Fireman he used visual
continuity to make is film more dynamic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He used the language of Karl Marx and Griffith to give the viewers an collective experience of both
styles of film making. He had a different way in which he edited he films which consisted of five
types of montage Metric montage This refers to how long each shot is compared to each other, making
the shot shorter decreases the time the viewer has to absorb the information coupled with the use of
close up shots makes the sequence more intense. Rhythmic montage This refers to how the visual
continuity of a scene, when the action and screen direction are moving towards the same side. Tonal
montage This refers to how tone and mood is used to determine the emotions of the charcter on screen
which can change throughout the scene. Overtonal montage This refers to the use of rhytmic, tonal
and metric montage at the same time to create the specific effect and emotion desired by the director.
Intellectual montage This refers when the director introduces an idea in a emotional and charged scene
on screen. In an interview with Walter Murchs we discover a theory we can edit by. A theory where an
action scenes needs 14 different camera angles a minute and 4 different angles for dialogue. This will
be the basis by which I will edit my outcome film together with the other mentioned techniques. In our
narrative which is about a high school student suffering from a speech disorder, caused by social
anxiety. He is trying to overcome his awkwardness by talking to his
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Imperialistic Supremacy Summary
Imperialistic Supremacy revolves around the life of a Southern African male who was victimized by
the imperialism of Europeans throughout the nineteenth century. Protagonist character, Bogani, was a
member of the Zulu tribe and rebelled against European Imperialism along with other tribe members
during his abrupt life. The Zulu were a South African tribe that placed a heavy emphasis on military
organization and skill. Under the leadership of Shaka, founder of the Zulu Kingdom and a significant
person in Bongani s life, the Zulu increased their land claims throughout Southern Africa by
In 1803, a year before Bongani s birth, Shaka was unfortunately taken away from the Zulu tribe as a
punishment seventeen years ago and was raised by the Mthethwa tribe a tribe that also sought political
and social dominance over Southern Africa similar to Zulu and later joined their army as a warrior.
Shaka quickly earns a reputation of being a ferocious warrior and becomes very skillful with close
combat weapons such as throwing spears and diabolical blunt sticks. By nature, Shaka is fearless and
aggressive, he seeks to create a brand new warrior culture similar to his personality. ... Show more
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More deaths from both nations risen to unbelievable extents over the following months until the Zulu
tribe could no longer bare it. This is a clear example of the outcomes from Imperialism. Unfortunately
as a negative outcome, the Zulu people were defeated by the British Army and were forced to
surrender their land to the British Empire. However, Britain s victory granted them with the positive
outcomes of imperialism. Not only did Britain acquire the desired Diamond Ore from Southern Africa,
but also obtained other raw materials and natural resources such as tropical fruits, cocoa beans, silver,
gold, petroleum, woods, salt, and iron that ultimately enhanced Britain s economy and
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Biology of a Squid Essay
Biology of a Squid
Squids are among the most varied and unique of all invertebrates. They are mollusks of the Class
Cephalopod, along with the nautilus, cuttlefish, and octopus. Squids are highly evolved, and have
developed a number of traits uncommon to most other mollusks. Fossil records of cephalopods have
dated back the Cambrian Period (about 600 million years ago). Structurally, squids have only small
variations of a basic theme common to all cephalopods. They are spherical or cigar shaped with two
fins used to stabilize movement when swimming. Ten arms are easily distinguished emerging from
near the mouth Eight of these arms each have four rows of suction cups encircled by rings of chitinous
(horny) hooks. These suction ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Squids (and cephalopods in general) possess several unusual abilities that help them deal with their
predators (which range anything from large fish to sperm whales). Their lack of an external shell
allows them to squeeze into very tight places, enabling them to conveniently and easily hide from their
enemies. When confronted with a dangerous animal away from hiding places, however, squids seem
to have a disadvantage when compared to other mollusks with external shells. If attacked, they have
no exterior protection. To counter this potential crisis, they have adapted a number of tactics. First,
they are capable of temporarily altering the color of their skin, in effect camouflaging themselves.
They can shift their appearance from a deep brown color, to a white, or almost transparent quality.
Along with this, they are able to slightly change the texture of their skin. This form of camouflage
allows the squid to take the form of rocks, seaweed, or other ocean dwelling objects. If a hazardous
foe is not fooled by camouflage, the squid can release an ink cloud. The ink cloud has a number of
helpful characteristics that can ward off enemies. The cloud initially causes the nearby water to
become dark and cloudy, reducing the enemy s visibility and allowing the squid to escape from
danger. Some deep sea squids contain bacteria in their ink so that the cloud glows, and scares away
harmful rivals.
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The Sociological Imagination And Common Sense
The Sociological Imagination was a term that was first coined by sociologist C. Wright Mills. It could
be said that definition of The Sociological Imagination is having the ability to look beyond personal
experience and realise that society is shaped by the cross over between biography and history. Mills
thought that everyone in society had the capability to think sociologically and that this was essential to
gain a deeper understanding of both their society, and their current circumstance. This approach
contradicts a more readily adopted approach by the public that sociologists call The common sense
approach . The common sense approach is a collection of knowledge that has been acquired through
little scientific merit, such as: personal experience, gossip or anecdotal evidence. This essay will
discuss and explain the difference between the Sociological Imagination and Common Sense
explanations through the use of examples to explain the topic of sexuality. Sexuality is an issue that
has been widely discussed and has often been misunderstood by society. It has often been a
misconception by members of the heterosexual community that all lesbians want to be men. Through
applying common sense, it can be understood why people may think gay women want to be men when
looking in on the lesbian community, some lesbians prefer to express themselves and their sexuality
through the way they dress and act; their short hair, masculine clothing, wearing no make up and their
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Dividend Policy at Fpl Group, Inc.
Question 1
We believe that Ms Stark should not revise her recommendation regarding FPL. The HOLD
recommendation seems to be the most appropriate. Our judgement assumes a dividend cut from FPL.
However, this dividend cut would be a precise strategic choice rather than one dictated by financing
difficulties. Specifically, the dividend cut will raise future growth, with little effect on the stock price.
By cutting dividends, FPL can react better to future threats. After an initial panic selling triggered by
the news shock (FPL never cut its dividend in the past 47 years), investors will process the new
information realized that the dividend cut is balanced by an increased growth rate in the future. To
justify the HOLD recommendation on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Indeed, FPL s management may see this as an opportunity to gain more share in the Industrial and
Commercial segments, making it a positive change, at least in the short term.
In order to access this opportunity however, FPL would need to address its prices and costs. Exhibit 7
shows FPL to have low some of the highest rates (per KWH) in the industry for every market
segment. These high prices are unlikely to win many new customers if retail wheeling is introduced.
Unfortunately for FPL, they also have some of the highest costs (per KWH) in the industry, which
means any reduction in prices will only see margin compression and lower their profitability further.
Lowering costs will be difficult for FPL. Since James Broadhead took over as CEO his focus on cost
reduction and quality maintenance have led FPL to achieve record results. However it may be that all
the costs which can be removed from the system have already been removed. And yet, FPL still has
some of the highest costs (per KWH) in the industry.
Finally, while it is not mentioned in the case, it may be that FPL could use the rise of retail wheeling
to expand its market outside of Florida itself. With low projections of capital expenditure anticipated
for the following years, and an ensuing dividend cut, FPL could choose to invest significantly in
increasing capacity so as to be ready to
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America Will Never Achieve Racial Equality
Genesis Morales
Mrs. Somerville
English 1 Honors
2 March 2017
America Will Never Achieve Racial and Social Equality: Racial equality is when all races are treated
equally. Social equality is when all individuals in a society have the same rights and beliefs. Most
believe that America will never achieve racial and social equality. There are many reasons that follow
behind this belief. Reasons and information on this subject will state why people America will never
achieve racial and social equality. President Donald Trump was elected and thousands of women were
expected to attend one of the largest demonstrations in world history. The woman s march in
Washington dc quickly increased and almost 400 women were involved in this act. This act ... Show
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Races should treat each others the way they want the other race to treat them. To me that is so
disrespectful how people in general treat each other. Judging is another major topic don t judge a book
by its cover. I feel as if we stopped this and ended racial equality more social between people could
happen. This is the century we have to change what we believe in. As difficult times are ahead of us
and approach us. This is when a we need to change. This is when we need to make a move so a lot of
change can stat happening. Not for the better of one race but for the better of every race and everyone
in general. We need to end this racial prejudice all together its becoming too much and too many
movements are happening in effect of it. A lot of acts happened during the civil rights movements.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was the main host of most of the acts that happened during this time. He
dedicated a decade of his life to see if he could pursuit racial equality and social justice. He fought for
what he believe in and that s what I think most of us individuals need to do for change to
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Literary Criticism Of Rip Van Winkle
Rip was ready to attend to anybody s business but his own: but as to doing family duty, and keeping
his farm in order, he found it impossible, (Irving 10). Washington Irving is a romantic American writer
in the 1800s with works including Rip Van Winkle as a part of the collection of essays and short
stories called The Sketchbook. Rip Van Winkle is set in a village near the Kaatskill Mountains during
the American Revolution and tells the story of a man who is loved by many in the town but spends his
days in idleness. His wife often nags him because Van Winkle does not work for anything in his
family. One day, to escape his wife s nagging, Van Winkle walks off into the mountains with his dog,
Wolfe. He stumbles upon a group of strange ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although he could be doing so many different things, he chooses to spend his days gossiping and
talking about nothing. He wastes his life away instead of doing things valuable to him. Furthermore,
Van Winkle lives his life with the smallest amount of trouble possible. Rip Van Winkle, however, was
one of those happy mortals, of foolish, well oiled dispositions, who take the world easy, eat white
bread or brown, whichever can be got with least thought or trouble, and would rather starve on a
penny than work for a pound (Irving 10). Van Winkle does not work for what he wants and lives his
life with the bare minimum because he s lazy. Irving presents Van Winkle as lazy. Besides being lazy,
Van Winkle is also characterized as irresponsible. Irresponsibility is Van Winkle s attitude towards life
and his family. His neglectfulness towards his own family and children is the exact opposite from Van
Winkle s helpfulness to the villagers. For instance, Van Winkle was well liked by the children in the
village because he plays with them and care for them. However, when it comes to his own children, he
neglects them causing them to be as ragged and wild as if they belonged to nobody (Irving 10). Van
Winkle does little things for the children in town but leaves his own kids by themselves. He never
cares for them and lets them go wild while he plays with the children in the town. In
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7c s of Written Communication
7 C s off effective communication (with respect to written communication):
Written communication occupies an important position in the communication sphere, so written
communication has to pay adequate attention on certain principles of necessity. The essentials of every
written communication are principles of unity, coherence and emphasis. These principles along with
other essentials of effective communication, like language, planning and organization make the
written communication effective.
* Clarity: The writing should be correctly planned and expressed in a logical way,and the writer
should make sure that the ideas flow smoothly from beginning to end. The message must be so clear
that even the dullest man in the world should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Coherence means, tying together of several ideas, under one main topic in any paragraph. Smooth
flow, lucidity and transition aspects should be given effect to and there should not be any scope for the
reader to misinterpret, mis read or mis spell the message. Coherence is given to a larger paragraph or
section of a message and leads to purposeful communication where the writer is well received, read,
understood and acted upon by the reader. * Conciseness: Conciseness is an important factor in
effective communication. It means saying all that needs to be said and no more. The aimless verbiage,
unnecessary details and heavy paragraphs make our communication ridiculous and ineffective. We
must omit those words and sentences from our message, which are not likely to bring about results.
The message, which can be expressed in fewer words, is more impressive and effective than the same
message expressed in a number of words. The communicator must organize his message in such a way
that every word in it is meaningful and of interest to the receiver. Even a single word or a sentence,
which does not contribute to accomplish the purpose of the communication, should be carefully
omitted. Conciseness refers to thoughts expressed in the fewest words consistent with writing. It is
achieved in writing in definite style and use of precise words. Unnecessary superlatives, exaggeration
and indirect beginning should be avoided. Care should be taken to
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Survival In Call Of The Wild By Jack London
Have you ever heard of the ghost dog? In the adventure story Call Of The Wild by Jack London there
is a ghost dog named Buck. Buck s nickname from the Yeehats is ghost dog because they said that all
the future breeds followed in his footsteps even though he isn t there. In the novel Buck had shown the
theme survival of the fittest several times. This novel has several examples for the theme survival of
the fittest.At the one point in this story Buck and his team s camp got invaded by a group of starving
huskies. To survive, Buck had to fight for his life. If he didn t fight, Buck would have died out there
on Lake Labarge. Buck got a frothing adversary by the throat that sprayed him with blood from the
jugular (London 30). In
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Psychological Factor That Affect Sports Performance
Arousal is a psychological factor that can affect sports performance and is defined as the level of
activation or readiness that an individual will experience when faced with a task (Malpeli 2010, pg.
369). Effective performance requires an athlete to achieve optimal arousal which can be recognised in
certain arousal theories (Malpeli 2010, pg. 369). The level of arousal that is considered to be optimal
varies among every individual (Abernethy 2013, pg. 304). High arousal can affect performance as it
often leads to more tense muscles, higher blood pressures, heart rates and respiration rates (Abernethy
2013, pg. 302). In comparison to high arousal, low arousal can lead to a lack of motivation, tiredness,
lethargic muscles and a drop in enthusiasm and concentration and therefore a decrease in performance
(Malpeli 2010, pg. 369). Personality is another psychological factor that can affect sports performance
and can be defined as the multiple characteristics in which an individual possesses to make them
unique (Abernethy 2013, pg. 298). People who are usually introverted like things more quiet and are
often good at concentrating whereas people who are extroverts are generally more excited and lack
concentration which can affect sports performance (Honeybourne 2003). It can be seen that people
with certain traits or characteristics will potentially perform better in particular sports (Abernethy
2013, pg. 299). Another psychological factor that can affect performance is
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All Saints Day in Guatemala
All Saints Day, which is celebrated in Guatemala, is a day of celebrating loved ones who have died.
This day, Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, originated in Mexico centuries ago. 1 It is a day
of joy and not of sorrow. This is the when people pray for help from the saints who have passed on.
They also pray that those who have died without becoming saints will become saints. Fancy
decorations, food, and fun are all joined together to help celebrate this day in Guatemala. The home is
one of the places that is beautifully decorated. An alter is set up with pictures of their loved ones,
candles, flowers, bread, fruit, atole and aguardiente. Atole is a drink that is made of corn flour and
water; while aguardiente is liquor made from sugar cane. The people continue their rituals and before
dawn they place flowers above the doors of their home to welcome the spirits of their deceased loved
ones.2 This adds to the beautiful decor of the home. Next, comes the decorations at the grave side.
People clean the tomb stones, paint them, and then decorate them with many colorful flowers. Flowers
like lilies, chrysanthemums, and flor de muerto (a strong marigold) are used to decorate.3 At the tops
of the graves are placed wax paper wreaths.4 The cemeteries on this day turn into a massive color
display. After the wreaths are placed, it is time to eat.5 The families have picnics there in the
cemeteries by the graves of their loved ones. The fiambre salad is a traditional
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Stockholm Syndrome Theory
The Role of the Stockholm syndrome Theory in relation to attachment in Emotional Abuse:
Stockholm Syndrome is a paradoxical phenomenon that occurred on August 23, 1973 by a 32 year old
career criminal Jan Erik Olsson and his partner. It occurred at the Svergis Kredit Bank, Sweden where
four employees were held hostage for 131 hours. According to Doyle (2002) it became clear that
during the siege, the hostages, despite being law abiding citizens, were more afraid of the police than
they were of their captors, and subsequently defended the robbers. In kidnap and hostage situations,
negotiators recognize that captives frequently develop positive feelings towards their captors and
show hostility towards any rescuers: Even in the face of an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Those that show resistance often have a strong value system or an alternative model of behaviour to
which they cling tenaciously. Similarly, children who are subjected to mistreatment at the hands of a
newly arrived step parent, or who have other positive influences, may resist and complain because
they know there are alternative forms of parental behaviour (Doyle, 2002). Strenz (1980) noted that
the Stockholm syndrome is likely to be absent when captors showed no kindness towards their
victims. He states that those victims who had negative contacts with the subjects did not evidence
concern for them... some of these victims had been physically abused by the subjects. They obviously
did not like their abuse and advocated the maximum penalty be imposed (p.143). Abusive children
may not feel any loyalty and affection for the parent who is constantly abusive but may feel indifferent
to the other. Dorothy Bloch (1979) noted, In no case did the child feel loved by either parent...with
these children the abusive and hating parent seems to be unworthy of respect and in some instances
didn t deserve to live , and the other parent seemed at best, passive and neutral
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Magnolia Therapeutic Solutions Case Study Essay
Magnolia Therapeutic Solutions Case Study Whittni Summerlee
University of Phoenix
BSHS/373 Financial Management in Human Services
Frieda Flowers
January 24th, 2010
Magnolia Therapeutic Solutions Case Study Magnolia Therapeutic Solutions is a well known
nonprofit that provides psychotherapy for clients with Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PSTD).
Magnolia contributed several hours of intensive help to the victims of 911. In return NYC gave the
organization a large grant to help it meet the demands of PSTD services. Mary Stewart, the founder of
the organization believed that the grant given in 2001 would be renewed in 2002 as well. Much to her
surprise the grant was not renewed. The grant was already factored into ... Show more content on
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Causes Behind the Ultimate Problem There were several causes behind the ultimate problems
Magnolia suffered. This seems to have stemmed from the lack of accountability and responsibility
with the financial management. First, Mary had written a budget based on funds that were not
guaranteed. She even based raising money for the organization on higher grants for 2002. Since the
2002 budget was written on false grants, this caused a huge problem and several staff members got
laid off. This caused the organization to come to a stand still. This problem could have been solved a
few different ways. Either by writing a budget with the grants and funds Mary knew 100% would be
available. Or she could have written the budget with the NYC grant and had a back up budget incase it
was not renewed. This way the board of directors could have seen either way Mary had a budget that
could actually be carried out. Secondly, in 2001 the organization used the remainder of the grant to
increase other administrative services. The surplus from the grants in 2001 should have been budgeted
into the growing organization and the services provided, not administrative services. The identification
of a human service agency s programs, the creation of a program structure, the assignment of program
managers, and the designation of responsibility centers are the basic building blocks of
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Auschwitz Mental Health
The brutal concentration camp of all that existed had the most survivors. Auschwitz was the
concentration camp on the darkest side of humanity. It was served as a prison and death was a
permanent feature. Brutal abuse like gas chambers, crematoriums, and starvation were punishments
the prisoners at Auschwitz experienced. The physical health of the prisoners was very unhealthy . The
conditions that they lived in were so awful, many prisoners died each day without being gassed
(Feldman 247). There were also many cases of Epidemic disease (Pelt). Day and night, the prisoners
struggled to survive with the lack of sleep, clothing, and privacy (Dwork and Pelt). If there were
prisoners that were handicapped or unfit for work, they would immediately ... Show more content on
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Auschwitz. Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd ed.,vol.2,2007,pp.661 673.U.S. History in
Context,go.galegroup.comps/I.do?p=GPS sw=w u=lap36smd v=2.1 id=GALE%7CCX2587501609
it=r asid=ec085fca35e74b;dbdc50852e69e24ce.
Feldman,George.Understanding the Holocaust.UXL,1998.
Pelt,Robert Jan Van. Auschwitz . Encylopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against
Humanity,vol.1,2005,pp.96 102.Gale Virtual Reference Library, http://go.galegroup.co
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Water For Elephant By Sara Gruen Character Analysis
A man far oftener appears to have a decided character from persistently following his temperament
than from persistently following his principles (Human, All Too Human). In the novel Water for
Elephants by Sara Gruen, the story begins with a man named Jacob who recently loses his job and
joins the circus as the vet. He soon meets a special elephant named Rosie. He learns how she deals
with her rough life in the circus. August is the animal care taker of the circus that no one wants to
mess with. He treats Rosie and others in a way that no one should be treated. Throughout the novel it
shows how August interacts with other characters. August is a temperamental man that does now
know how to deal with others and his emotions. From one end to
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Kansas City Zephyr
Focus of the Class: Accounting reports are often used in contracting. In this situation, baseball team
owners and the players differ on the financial results of operations. An arbitrator has to decide which
income number best represents a team s financial performance for the purpose of arbitration.
Questions: 1. Who do you think is correct about the true profitability of Kansas City Zephyrs the
owners or the players? a. both are correct on different issues and there is one issue that is undecided
because the facts are not there 2. What is your recommendation regarding the particular accounting
disagreements between the owners and the players? b. see below 3. Looking ahead to the sale of the
luxury boxes, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
good scouting, marketing contracts, and good performance increase the roster value. In contrast,
injuries and retirements decrease the value because the list of names of the players is constantly
changing. Also the team revenues are influenced by the performance of their players, as better the
team is playing more fans come to the games. * player salary expense * deferred portion of total
compensation * OPC book the whole amount of salary now even though paid out for some players
over 10 years * PBPA only book what is paid out * side with PBPA there is no cash out so it should
not be booked this year * amortization of bonuses * OPC none * PBPA amortization of bonuses
because it is just part of the compensation expense *
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Blue Winds Dancing By Tom Whitecloud
Search for Self in Blue Winds Dancing
Blue Winds Dancing by author Tom Whitecloud, is narrated by the story s unnamed main character.
The young Indian man s persona is brought to life through his own recollection and spoken words. We
recognize the turmoil this character faces as he is away from his people, attending college in White
man s society. He doubts his place in either world, believes he must choose between them, and
realizes finally that being an Indian is only one part of who he is. Through his thoughts, actions and
words we gain understanding of this character s attitudes of confusion and inferiority in his struggle to
define his niche in society.
The character s feelings of not belonging are represented in his ... Show more content on
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It seems as though I were among people I have never seen before (122) are his words as he enters the
lodge where they have gathered to celebrate Christmas.
The character shows definite signs of bitterness toward White men and their attitude of superiority. He
scoffs at the organization of their society and calls it a beauty of captivity (119). A mere existence
where freedom and individuality have given way to a life of dictated regulation. Here where all the
orange trees line in military rows, and endlessly bear fruit (119). The young man does not want to be
another orange tree whose life is decided by the conforming ways of their society, dancing to the
strings of custom and tradition (119).
What then is he striving for? He tells us of the beauty and calm of his homeland, and how much he
desires to be back among his people and the simplicity and freedom of their lifestyle, but he is also
angry that his people are forced to live such a menial existence. I feel suddenly angry that my people
should have to do such things for a living (120). This is what is at the core of his struggle, the
supposition that he has to choose between living as an inferior Indian with their freedoms, or parallel
the rigid, dictated life that he feels the white men live. It is the reason he feels alone among the pines.
It is after talking to some hobos and bums on the train that that the young man starts to realize what
his sociology professor was trying to tell
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Argumentative Speech On Gas Prices
How many of you have ever sat down and thought hmm I wonder what causes gas prices to fluctuate.
There is always someone wondering what gas prices may look like five years from now. In 1998 gas
cost Americans less than one dollar a gallon, which would be less than $15 to fill up if your car
required a 15 gallon tank. As Americans, we are known to fear the fluctuation of gas prices, because
we are human. As an average American living in poverty, it becomes quite frightening to think of
rising gas prices. I wonder sometimes if I would be able to afford to put gas in my car to travel to and
from school and work on a weekly basis. Here s a quote they [OPEC] want to go in and raise the
prices of oil because we have nobody in Washington that sits back and says you re not going to raise
that f ing price you understand me? Donald Trump(April 2011) (politico.com) I feel that I am
qualified to talk to you about variations of gas prices, because as an American citizen who drives 15
gallon tank Honda Accord, are affected by these gas fluctuations day in and day out. Today I would
like to inform my audience on variations of gas prices. Many people may wonder why gas prices
fluctuate but may have never been property informed on the real reasons why. Here are three reasons I
chose to discuss today: 1.) the cost of oil, 2.) natural disasters, 3.) how gas prices affect our economy
and stock market. (Topf) Body First I m going to share with you how the
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The Tweed Ring Was Lead By A Scottish Man Named William M.
The Tweed Ring was lead by a scottish man named William M. Tweed. He was born in April 3, 1823
in ,and died on the date April 12, 1878. He was born in 1 Cherry Street, on the Lower East Side of
Manhattan. His father was a chair maker. He also studied to be a bookkeeper and worked as a
brushmaker for a company he had invested in, before eventually joining in the family business in
1852. He then became an apprentice to a saddle maker. He also studied to be a bookkeeper and
worked as a brushmaker for a company he had invested in, before eventually joining the family
business. On September 29, 1844, he married Mary Jane C. Skaden and lived with her family on
Madison Street for 2 years. He eventually joined a volunteer fire company, engine Number 12. He and
some friends organized the Americus Fire Company Number 6, also known as the Big Six .
Corruption After the election of 1869, Tweed took control of the New York City government. He
proposed a new city charter which returned power to City Hall at the expense of the Republican
inspired state commissions. The new charter passed, thanks to $600,000 in bribes Tweed paid to
Republicans, and the new charter signed into law in 1870. The new charter put control of the finances
in the hands of a Board of Audit, which consisted of Tweed, who was Commissioner of Public Works
at the time, Mayor A. Oakey Hall and Comptroller Richard Connolly. He also started to form what
became known as the Tweed Ring , by having his friends elected to
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Lab Network+
Lesson 2 Lab Worksheet Lab Exercises Lab 1 How TCP/IP Protocols Work through the TCP/IP Model
The purpose of this lab is to familiarize the students with the TCP/IP Model and some of the protocols
that are used in it. This lab is important to the student because it takes the student through a thought
experiment about how data would pass thorough the TCP/IP Model down from the computer and up
through the destination computer. By doing this thought experiment the student will come to better
understand how different protocols work together to accomplish a specific task. Materials Word
processing document Textbook Do the Lab Follow ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Take Note This lab uses Windows 7. If you are using Windows 8, Vista or Windows XP, you will need
to make some slight variations to the lab. Materials word processing document Computer running
Windows 7 Professional Do the Lab The IPCONFIG Command 1. Click the Start button at the bottom
left of your Windows 7 Desktop Display in order to bring up the Windows 7 start menu (Figure 2 12).
[pic] 2. Type CMD into the Search Programs and Files box at the bottom of the Start Menu and press
Enter. 3. The Command Line Interface (CLI) Window will come up (as shown in Figure 2 13). The
CLI is a window where you can enter commands into the computer in the form of text. This type of
interface was how a person interacted with DOS. It is also how a person is able to currently interact
with Linux if they choose not to use one of several graphical interfaces available for use with Linux.
[pic] 4. Once you have opened the Command Line Interface (CLI), type in the command ipconfig.
When the ipconfig command is entered, the CLI changes to something similar to Figure 2 14. You
should note that the
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The Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Testing for Huntington s...
The Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Testing for Huntington s Disease
INTRODUCTION Huntington s Disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant, progressive,
neurodegenerative disorder (Walker, 2007 and Harmon, 2007). The gene that causes the disease is
located on the fourth chromosome and causes an abnormal number of repeats in the patient s genetic
code (Harmon, 2007). Huntington s Disease can have devastating effects on patients quality of life.
The first symptoms of HD generally start between the ages of 30 and 45 and patients are typically
asymptomatic prior to this time (Terrenoire, 1992 and Walker, 2007). However, the disease progresses
with subtle changes in motor control, personality, and cognition. Patients eventually develop distinct
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However, confidentiality rights also protect the patient s health information and right to privacy.
Another issue that arises concerns the confidentiality of HD diagnoses with relation to insurance
companies. Many patients fear that they will be denied or will no longer be able to afford insurance
coverage if the insurance company learns that they will one day have HD (Ethical issues of genetic
diagnosis, 2007). Insurance companies may also begin to mandate that genetically related individuals
undergo predictive genetic testing for HD if one family member develops the disease (Ethical issues
of genetic diagnosis, 2007). Another ethical debate reigns in the choice for HD patients to have
children and in prenatal screening for HD. Since HD is generally not diagnosed until later in life,
many patients have children before their HD diagnosis (Ethical issues of genetic diagnosis, 2007). The
children of one parent with HD have a 50% chance of developing the disease themselves. However, if
a patient tests positive for the gene that causes Huntington s disease before having children, conflicts
could arise between partners about whether or not to even have children (Ethical issues of genetic
diagnosis, 2007 and Tassicker, Savulescu, Skene, Marshall, Fitzgerald Delatycki, 2003). The
predictive genetic test for HD can also be performed before a baby is born. If
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The Outsiders Movie And Movie Differences
There are so many life changing events in this story such as the drive in. Murder. Church Fire. all this
happens yet these kids are still heros! In this movie and book there are two sides of kids, the Greasers,
and Socs. These two groups have fights between each other but if you compare and contrast them
between the book and movie you will see both stories are told a little bit different and also a little bit
the same. In the Outsiders there are many differences and similarities between the two versions, book
and the movie because of how the events are told through the book, the movie, and both. In the book
The Outsiders S.E. Hinton decided to elaborate a little more and be more specific on the events and
people so that we could picture the book in our minds like it was a movie. The Author tells more about
the characters and they are and what they are like in the book. I have light brown, almost red hair and
greenish gray eyes... I am a greaser (Hinton 1). Soda is handsomer than anyone else I know... His eyes
are dark brown lively, dancing, recklessly laughing, eyes that can be gentle and sympathetic one
moment and blazing with anger the next (Hinton 7 8). Darry is six feet two, and broad shouldered and
muscular...He would be real handsome if his eyes weren t so cold. He doesn t understand anything that
is not plain hard fact. But he uses his head (Hinton 6 7). Dally had spent three years on the wild side
of New York and had been arrested at the age of ten... He was
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Jonathan Edwards And Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God
In the 1600 s the Puritans were the main religious group of that time period and they had very strong
ideals on how religion and government should go together. Jonathan Edwards, who shared many of
their ideals, preached a sermon called, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and it had a very big
impact on the congregation. Nathaniel Hawthorne, although he was a writer in the 1800 s, he was
fascinated with the Puritans and their lifestyles and wrote a short story called, The Minister s Black
Veil. Both authors use specific details, tone, and imagery to convey their meaning and style, Edwards
harsh and accusatory style was more effective than Hawthorne s melancholy and mysterious style
because Edwards helps the reader understand the effects sin can have in one s life.
Throughout Sinners Edwards uses specific details to show God s anger towards those who have
sinned. In paragraph five of Sinners he says, dreadful pit of the glowing flames of the wrath of God.
Edwards uses strong diction here to give the congregation an idea of how angry God is with all who
have sinned. Along those same lines, Hawthorne also uses strong diction in his details, for example
pale faced congregation on page three of MBV. He uses this detail to be sure the reader knows the
effect the veil has on the townspeople and how they were frightened by his veil. Edwards detail on the
contrary was more effective because he frightened the audience whereas Hawthorne is very dull in the
moment throughout the story.
In the same way Edwards surpasses Hawthorne again in effecting the audience more in imagery.
Edwards uses frightening imagery to give the congregation and image in their minds to scare them
into repenting. In paragraph four of Sinners he declares, the devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping
for them, the flames gather and flash about them... this traumatises the audience because in their
minds they see hell with the devil waiting to devour them. This persuades them to repent and change
their ways because they do not want to burn in hell. Hawthorne on the other hand takes a different
approach in imagery. Whereas Edwards does it to help his persuasion Hawthorne does it to help the
reader get a better idea of the moral.
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The Effects Of Coral Reef Ecosystem On Coral Reefs...
The present study consistent with previous finding by Casey et al. (2016) and Jennings et al. (1995)
regarding bottom up processes in coral reef ecosystem. Also show a profound contrast to widely
accepted top down processes in coral reef ecosystem, indicated by weak relationship on prey predator
interaction and strong positive relationship between hard coral cover and fish biomass.
Despite there are more studies confirm cascading effect in coral reefs such as indirect effect on
mesopredator and herbivore density( (Friedlandler and DeMartini 2002; Ruppert et al. 2013; Ritchie
and Johnson 2009), algal cover sponge cover (Rasher et al 2013; Loh et al. 2015) resulting decline in
coral cover and juvenile coral (Rasher et al 2013; Casey et al 2015). However, most of those research
were conducted in region where confounding factors persists such as fishing pressure across many
trophic levels (predator, herbivore, planktivore), pollution, and terrestrial run off. Eventhough some
research were conducted in the nearly pristine area, such as Dulvy (2004) in Lau Island Fiji with
human population densities ranging between two and 42 people km 2. However, this area may not be
pristine in a historical context and non exclusive predator fishing still occurs. Hence, recent
unambiguous empirical evidence of trophical cascade in coral reef ecosystem with the absent of
confounding factors was scarce (Ferretti et al 2010).
Our results largerly consistent with Casey (2016) that found no
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Misinterpretations Of Love In Twelfth Night By William...
Twelfth Night Behind the Mask
Love can not hide behind a mask forever in the end truth will prevail. In the play Twelfth Night
written by William Shakespeare there are many circumstances where there are misinterpretations of
love in various romantic relationships. There are many instances where characters where used
disguises were used to create plot development. In Shakespeare play trickery was used to create plot
development. Mistaken identity was used to create a complicated love triangle. Shakespeare makes
use of different binding elements to cause conflict between his characters to gain conflict from the
Disguises are used several times to create plot development in Shakespeare s play Twelfth Night.
Viola goes in disguise ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Shakespeare uses the act of disguise to create plot development in Twelfth Night.
In Twelfth Night, mistaken identity was used several times to create plot development. Olivia calls a
priest to marry Sebastian (He is Viola brother who was thought to be dead in a ship wrecked and
returns later to meet Olivia), but she thinks is Cesario and this is important to the plot because that is
when the truth starts coming out. Olivia says, O welcome father! / Father, I charge thee by thy
reverence / Here to unfold though lately we intended / To keep in darkness what occasion now /
Reveals before tis ripe what thou dost know / Hath newly pass d between this youth and me
(Shakespeare 5.1.146 150). Here, Olivia asks the priest to affirm her marriage person she believes she
married. She has married Sebastian but however supposes she marry Cesario . This is important to the
plot because this when Olivia gets married to Sebastian and Olivia thinks she has found her true love
Cesario and creates room for the mystery in the play to be answered. In addition to that, Viola says
that she can not love Olivia because of she is not she think he is. Viola says, By innocence I swear,
and by my youth, / I have one heart, one bosom, and one truth, / And that no woman has; nor never
none / Shall mistress be of it, save I alone (Shakespeare 3.1.153 156). Cesario(Viola) statement to
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Solicitors Within Criminal Cases ( P3 )
Solicitors in Criminal Cases:
A solicitor is a lawyer who deals directly with clients by giving legal advice as well as preparing legal
documents and if necessary advocating in court. Solicitors are generally found in firms in towns and
cities and therefore are easily accessible to all.
A solicitor needs to get all key details from the client before a bail hearing. Solicitors undertaking
criminal cases are also able to represent in court under the Solicitors Higher Rights of Audience
Regulations Act 2010. Barristers in Criminal Cases:
Barristers are trained to advise clients on the strengths and weaknesses of their cases and to act as
advocates. Barristers represent their clients in court, primarily the higher courts, to prove their
innocence or to get the best sentence for their clients. The barrister in question will do legal research,
cross examine witnesses, hold case conferences and write an opinion on the case for their client.
Explain the role of judges and lawyers in civil cases (P3)
Solicitors in Civil Cases
Solicitors in civil cases do a similar job as one of a solicitor in a criminal case. A solicitor in a civil
case can still, given they have the qualification, represent their client in court. The solicitor will still
complete legal documents, advise clients, collaborate with barristers and find witnesses. They may
also undertake:
Conveyancing ¬(7 the branch of law concerned with the preparation of documents for the conveyance
of property. )
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  • 3. Analysis Of The Unfinished Dance, By Margaret O Brien This weekend Christina Wehner is hosting the En Pointe Blogathon, a three day event celebrating films that spotlight that beautiful and centuries old form of dance known as ballet. One of the most overlooked Metro Goldwyn Mayer films of the 1940s The Unfinished Dance just so happens to revolve around ballet, and so I have chosen to call attention to this rarity as well as to Ballerina ( 1937 ) which was based on the same story. Both of these pictures are about a ballet student who accidentally cripples a famous ballerina when she throws the switch on the onstage trap door, causing the dancer to plummet to her career ending doom. Is she dead? She broke her leg..... For a dancer, it is worse than death In The Unfinished Dance ( ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While The Unfinished Dance bears some resemblance to the original film, it cannot and should not be compared to Ballerina as a remake. They are two separate films with marked differences. One major contrast between them is the underlying theme of the pictures. In Ballerina, it is all about the dance. To dance is to live; to dance is to breathe. The Dance is greater than all our personal troubles, remarks Karine in one scene. In The Unfinished Dance, Meg s guilt takes center stage. Ballet becomes Meg s redemption. Director Henry Koster did a wonderful job of creating a disquieting atmosphere of tension in all of the scenes featuring O Brien. Meg is a hapless victim of a foolish and childish prank that she herself conceived and her guilt causes her to see the jail bars closing in on her. Every whisper is a personal threat to her safety. Every policeman an agent of Justice out to capture her. Margaret O Brien plays out the psychological tension that Meg feels with great skill, especially considering she was only nine years old at the time of filming, while Koster treats these sequences as though it were Robert Mitchum on the screen, running from another thoughtless crime he committed in haste. However, audiences didn t appreciate this peek into the mind of a child criminal, and the film lost nearly $1,800,000 upon its release. It was the only Joe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Thesis Statement For Oedipus A man can only justify his actions if he regards his demeanor with deductive thinking. This man was not Oedipus mainly because he was a fu**ing douchebag. One must know who Oedipus was to understand the period in which it was written. This is my thesis statement. The Greeks contributed many things to our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex, and Oedipus. Oedipus will be remembered though out time because he suffered from Lou Gehrig s disease, and that s why he couldn t play base ball in the first Olympic games. He will always be remembered for his journeys and his love for the New York Yankees. Laius and Jocasta were king and queen of Thebes, a town in Greece. They were fu**ing around and Laius forgot to strap his sh**. One day, they had a baby boy. An oracle prophesied that the boy would grow up and kill his father and marry his mother. Laius was like fu** that sh**, that s gay. To thwart the prophecy, Laius and Jocasta decided to kill their baby. They fingered his butt hole and sent him on his way. In those days, it was usual to leave an unwanted or defective baby in the wilderness. Laius and Jocasta did this. To be extra sure, they pierced his little feet and tied them together. (Don t worry about this detail, which makes no sense. It must have been introduced to explain the hero s name.) A kindly shepard found the baby in a pool skimmer. He gave the baby to a friend, who took it to Corinth, another town. (Corinth reappears in the New Testament. Under the category of DVDA, versus 63) The king and queen of Corinth couldn t have a baby of their own. The king had a bad case of the limp dick. So they adopted the foundling. Nobody ever told little Oedipus that his mother was never pregnant. She aborted a kitten in a toilet in the back of a Denver Denny s. One day, after he had grown up, a drunk mentioned his being adopted. Oedipus killed the bum. Oedipus questioned his parents, but they denied it. Oedipus visited various oracles to find out whether he was really adopted. All the oracles told him instead he would kill father and marry his mother. He told them that they were dissin him so he grabbed his 12 sided double dildo and left town. (None of this makes much sense. Again, don t worry ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Odours And Memory Lab Report The results of the experiment does not support the hypothesis that odours can improve memory and increase perceived alertness in individuals as there appears to be no correlation. ylang ylang has been proven to have sedative and claming properties (Tisserand, 1993). Additionally, peppermint was shown to produce a significant improvement in the quality of memory when compared to the control and ylang ylang group (Moss et al., 2008). However, our results do not seem support past research done on such matters. Several confounding variables identified could be the reason for this incongruity. First, the way the odors were introduced into the room is done differently with past research and with this experiment. Moss et al. (2008) applied 4 drops of the odours to a diffuser pad for a Tisserand Aroma steam . The Aroma steam was placed under the bench in the testing cubicles and was switched on for 5 minutes prior to the participant entering the room. Ilmberger et al. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this experiment, odours were sprayed into the testing rooms. Such differences in the method of introducing the odours might affect the results. Another confounding variable could be the room size. The size of a room will affect the diffusion of the odour and in turn, affect the extent participants are affected. In Moss et al. s (2008) study, each testing cubicle measured 2.4m long x 1.8m wide x 2.4 m high. The room size for Ilmberger et al. was not mentioned. To add, no information was provided for the room size in this current study. Although Moss et al. (2008) mentioned that temperature was maintained between 18 to 22 degrees Celsius throughout the testing sessions, temperature control was not taken into account in the current experiment and in Ilmberger et al. s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. ACCT 434 Midterm Exam ACCT 434 Midterm Exam http://homeworkmonster.com/downloads/acct 434 midterm exam/ ACCT 434 Midterm Exam (TCO 1) For each of the following drivers identify an appropriate activity. a. # of machines b. # of setups c. # of inspections d. # of orders e. # of runs f. # of bins or aisles g. # of engineers (TCO 2) Favata Company has the following information: Month Budgeted Sales June $60,000 July 51,000 August 40,000 September 70,000 October 72,000 In addition, the cost of goods sold rate is 70% and the desired inventory level is 30% of next month s cost of sales. Prepare a purchases budget for July through September. (TCO 1) Merriamn Company provides the following ABC costing information: (TCO 2) A master budget (TCO 2) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (TCO 4) In evaluating different alternatives, it is useful to concentrate on (TCO 5) The theory of constraints is used for cost analysis when (TCO 5) Schmidt Corporation produces a part that is used in the manufacture of one of its products. The costs associated with the production of 10,000 units of this part are as follows: Direct materials $45,000 Direct labor 65,000 Variable factory overhead 30,000 Fixed factory overhead 70,000 Total costs $210,000 Of the fixed factory overhead costs, $30,000 is avoidable. Phil Company has offered to sell 10,000 units of the same part to Schmidt Corporation for $18 per unit. Assuming there is no other use for the facilities, Schmidt should (TCO 3) Patrick Ross, the president of Ross s Wild Game Company, has asked for information about the cost behavior of manufacturing overhead costs. Specifically, he wants to know how much overhead cost is fixed and how much is variable. The following data are the only records available: Month Machine hours Overhead Costs
  • 7. February 1,700 $20,500 March 2,800 22,250 April 1,000 19,950 May 2,500 21,500 June 3,500 23,950 Using the high low method, determine the overhead cost equation. Use machine hours as your cost driver. (TCO 5) Kirkland Company manufactures a part for use in its production of hats. When 10,000 items are produced, the costs per unit ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Impact of Universal Studios The Universal Impact Universal Pictures, or Universal Studios, has been around for a little over a century and it is currently regarded amongst the top six movie studios in America. It grosses billions of dollars in revenue annually and produces major hits and movie stars. Universal is also owned by a giant media conglomerate known as NBC Universal, which is quite different from its humble beginnings. This paper will provide a brief insight into the relationship between Universal Pictures and its impact on the movie industry along with how Universal became a big name in Hollywood. The man who started it all was Carl Laemmle. Born in Württemberg Germany, Laemmle was the tenth of thirteen children, eight of which died of a cruel epidemic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unlike MGM or Warner Bros., short subjects had always been a fundamental part of Universal s production strategy. In an effort to remove itself from its near bottom industry ranking, the company flirted occasionally with the prestige feature market during the 1930s, usually to its financial detriment. During this decade it did its best financially when it concentrated on its primary business: turning out low budget features at high speed. Universal s short subject releases maintained this philosophy throughout the 1930s with amazing consistency, considering the turnover in management (including the ouster of Laemmle and his son, Carl, Jr, in 1936). Early in the 1930s, the studio s emphasis was shifted to two reel comedies, starting with the likes of Slim Summerville, Arthur Lake and Benny Rubin as starring comedians. The Universal two reelers took a decidedly interesting swing when former Hal Roach studio manager Warren Doane was hired in 1932 to organize a production unit. Doane, in turn, brought in Roach employees James W. Horne, a young George Stevens and Alf Goulding as directors, as well as a long time member of Charles Chaplin s staff, Albert Austin. The unit lasted until 1934, with Stevens leaving for RKO quite a bit earlier. Unfortunately most of these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Epidemic Of Tobacco Use Essay Salivary Biomarkers Introduction: Worldwide, tobacco use continues to be one of the leading causes of preventable death and has been estimated to kill more than five million people annually1. Lately, the epidemic of tobacco use has shifted from developed to developing countries2. It is estimated that by 2030 almost 10 million people will die from tobacco use per year, with 70% of these deaths occurring in developing countries. India accounts for one sixth of the tobacco related illnesses worldwide and is estimated to face an exponential increase in tobacco related mortality from 1.4% of all deaths in 1990 to 13.3% in 20203. In 2010, out of 52.8 million deaths that occurred worldwide out of which 34.5 million deaths were attributable to non communicable diseases; more than a quarter of these occur in low income and middle income countries4 5. Use of tobacco is one of the major risk factor for non communicable disease which is slowly threatening human life5. Tobacco smoking in any form constitutes a major risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension (HTN), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), oral, nasopharyngeal, bronchial and other visceral malignancies6 . Smoking 1 4 cigarettes per day significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease7. Smoking also increases the risk of thrombosis8 (8). Smokers are 3 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than the non smokers. Smokeless tobacco users have a higher incidence of diabetes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Surf Descriptive Writing 5:00 am I fight to keep my eyelids open and try hard to stay in my lane. Every now and then running over the colonies of manapuas. I keep asking myself, why do I do this? Waking up earlier than I would for school, driving far and early, on an empty stomach, for what? I pay close attention to the trees, and analyze the motionless leaves. This is why I do this to myself, every morning. No wind equals good conditions. Good conditions equals great surf. Great surf equals happy me. This is why I dawn patrol. With the overwhelming scent of pineapples and the familiar scenery, I make my way down the most famous part of Kamehameha Highway. I roll down my windows and turn up my reggae music as I enter the country. The scent changes as the air suddenly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I walk towards a pile of boulders stuck in the sand and sat down on one that looked the most comfortable. I sit there gazing at the crystal clear water. I look out to the horizon to see a set of waves coming in. The first wave had to be at least shoulder high, but no one took it. About three seconds later, the second set came in. The first wave cleared out a lot of the water so the second one was much more hallow. One of the surfers tracked it down and took off at the peak. Once he stood up, it was clear that these waves were a solid head high. The surfer did a couple turns off the bottom, then one giant round house cutback and finished off with a solid tail blow, throwing buckets of water up in the air. The surfer kicked out and the water went flat for what seemed to be about thirty seconds. Then out in the distance, you could see a mountain of water rolling in. Everyone in the water started to paddle out to meet it. There was a frantic paddle battle, however a surfer on a yellow board claimed it in the end. He took off and the wave turned out to be a bomb, double over head. I got butterflies as I watched the surfer and his yellow board paint lines across the open face. It was firing. I could watch these guys all day, but that s not why I woke up this early and drove all the way here. Anxious and excited, I got up off my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant... Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant Faiths The Mormon religion is very unique in many of its doctrine. While technically a Protestant faith, the Mormons generally share more doctrine with the Catholics. Because of its unique nature, I will be analyzing the Mormon faith, its history, organization, and doctrine, in comparison with the beliefs held by both Catholics and Protestants. Establishment On April 6, 1980, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (aka the Mormon Church) was founded. [It is interesting to note that according to Mormon doctrine (Doctrine and Covenants 20:1), April 6 is the birthday of Jesus Christ.] 10 years prior to this event, in 1820, fourteen year old Joseph Smith ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both Martin Luther and John Wesley shared the belief that Catholic faith had strayed from the truth as is seen in their respective quotes: I have sought nothing beyond reforming the Church in conformity with the Holy Scriptures. . . . . . . I simply say that Christianity has ceased to exist among those who should have preserved it. (Luther and His Times, E.G. Schweibert) and It does not appear that these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were common in the Church for more than two or three centuries. We seldom hear of them after that fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; . . . From this time they almost totally ceased; . . . The Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the other Heathens . . . . This was the real cause why the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were no longer to be found in the Christian Church; because the Christians were turned Heathens again, and had only a dead form left. (The Works of John Wesley, vol. 7) While the Mormons agree with other Protestants that the Catholic Church had become corrupt with its indulgences , purchase of church offices, etc., the Mormons differed somewhat in their solution to this problem. The Protestants sought to reform the problems they saw evident in the Catholic faith. The Mormons, however, believing that all faiths upon the Earth had fallen away from the true church established by Christ, sought to restore ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Mistake s The Namesake 1) Ashima s actions while living in Cambridge are respectful of what a Bengali wife might do. She cooks the food, cleans the house, and cares for the child. She also relays a few Bengali traditions like avoiding public affection between her and Ashoke, deferring from saying Ashoke s first name, and honoring her grandmother s choice for naming the new child. Since she wanted Gogol to be born surrounded by family members, Ashima settles by inviting her Bengali friends to special events as they are described as the closest thing to family. The foods within The Namesake are greatly representative of what one might expect from both cultures. In America, there is the Chinese food, the pizza, the hamburgers and hot dogs. In Calcutta, there are the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After his parents unwillingly gave Gogol a legal yet pet name, schools, doctors, and facilities in America would all refer to him as such. In America, his pet name was not his pet name; rather, it was his actual name, and this began with his first school principal. After changing his name at an older age, Nikhil tried to remove all connections with his original name. He never mentioned it to those he met after changing his name. He disliked when his mother called him Gogol during social events and when Moushimi blurted his name changing story. Names are something special to society. Like colors on a painter s palette, classes in a computer program, and definitions in a dictionary, our names are used so we as people can easily be referenced, conversed with, and legally maneuver. I don t believe names define who we are, but I do believe we have the ability to give our name a reputation. I do not have a pet name, and I ve been called Kwasi my entire life. Only three people in my life call me Kwas , and should anyone else do it beside those three, I get rather irritated. I love my name in its entirety; there s absolutely nothing wrong with it. My parents have no concrete method of choosing names. However, my siblings and myself had the opportunity to have similar names: Kwamesha, Kwame, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Norwegian Country Research Paper Norway, the birthplace of the Vikings. The most well known of the Scandinavian countries, and, as of late, the happiest country in the world. Retaining that status along with keeping the economy afloat is something the Norwegians are adept at, with one of the largest GDPs in the world. Despite the constant snow, Norwegians are skilled at many areas of sport, with skiing the largest and most important of Norwegian culture. Law is a fair blend of tradition and moral, yet there are certain unofficial, unspoken laws that all Norwegian abide by. This combines to make Norway the happiest place on earth, yet there are more details to this Scandinavian country then you think. Norway is a relatively long and thin country located in Europe, east of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite being a Christian nation, Christianity and God isn t central to their culture. Instead, other good qualities such as reliability and kindness are considered as important parts to scrutinize when attempting to judge a person s character. They will only do business with those they trust and take their time before making any business decision. They respect those that are reliable and can uphold deadlines and honor agreements, and tend to break off trust and transactions with those who can t display them. Any person who does display unreliability and untrustworthiness isn t very well respected in Norway. However, politics, work, and leisure are all separate in Norwegian lives, and people avoid discussing politics in social settings. This leads to less people getting upset and starting arguments, contributing to Norwegian status as that happiest country in the world. Norway has also been known for being very accepting, with high tolerance of other countries cultures and high gender equality and LGBT ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Charismatic Leader Of Positive Deviance Essay Initially, upon reading the directions for this assignment, I was prepared to choose some form of criminal deviance. After all, I am a criminal justice major, what could be more natural? Then I read Positive Deviance by Druann Maria Heckert. It struck a chord with me, how could something positive, be looked at in a negative light? So I decided to focus my first writing assignment on the charismatic leader characteristic of positive deviance. Deviance is described as any behavior, belief, or condition that violates significant social norms in the society or group in which it occurs (Kendall, 2015, p. 164). Positive deviance on the other hand is based on the observation that in every community there are certain individuals or groups whose uncommon behaviors and strategies enable them to find better solutions to problems than their peers, while having access to the same resources and facing similar or worse challenges ( Positive deviance initiative, 2016). Positive deviance seems, as pointed out in Heckert s article, to be an oxymoron. It is near impossible to reconcile the concept of deviant behavior, which in and of itself seems to exude negativity, with the concept of exceptional intelligence, or innovative thinking. One way to look at positive deviance by comparing it to a statistical norm, or bell curve. The most common and oft seen socially accepted norms, which encompass the majority of the curve, are those professed and followed by mainstream society. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. King Tutankhamun King Tutankhamun (1343 1325 B.C.) King Tutankhamun lived over 3,300 years ago during a period known as the New Kingdom. This period of time was called the New Kingdom because it was when the pharaohs united upper and lower Egypt into one kingdom with the capital being Memphis near current day Cairo. The reason I chose to write a research paper on King Tut is because he is one of the most well known pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Tutankhamun is most well known only by the discovery of his intact tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. King Tut was born in 1343 B.C. into the 18th Dynasty. Early in his life Tutankaten meaning the Living Image of the Aten changed his name to the well known Tutankamun meaning Living Image of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not much was known about these tombs and how they were arranged until the British expedition led by Carter and Carnarvon unearthed the untouched intact tomb of King Tutankhamun in 1922. This discovery quickly made King Tutankhamun one of the most famous pharaohs in the history of Egypt. It also changed many of our beliefs as to the mummification process and how the tombs were arranged. Carter and Carnarvon discovered King Tutankhamun s tomb in the East Valley of the Valley of the Kings. It has been recreated several times in museums around the world. The tomb was actually quite small for a Pharaoh. It was probably built for someone of lesser importance but at the pharaoh s unexpected death was rushed into modification to accommodate the pharaoh. The tomb is composed of four chambers: the annex, antechamber, burial chamber, and treasury. The burial chamber contains wall paintings as well as the coffin of King Tutankhamun. Before the opening of the tomb novelist Mari Corelli gave a public warning that there would be dire consequences for anyone who entered the sealed tomb. Then just seven weeks after the official opening of the tomb Tutankhamun s Curse struck. On April 5th, 1923 Lord Carnarvon died and all sorts of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Fast Food Causes Obesity Out onto an interior atrium). Many cruisers prefer inside staterooms because these rooms usually are the least expensive on the ship. They also may feel that a stateroom is only a place to sleep. Late sleepers like inside staterooms because early daylight won t disturb them. Suites are the most expensive accommodations on a ship. Some vessels have only a few, others boast an entire upper, conciergelike deck madeup of larger staterooms and/or suites. By the traditional definition, a suite should feature a living room, a sleeping room and a bathroom. This is not so on a ship. Except for the very largest which resemble a room in a luxury hotel shipboard suites typically feature, in the same rectangular space, a sitting area and a sleeping ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (For the record, the front of the ship is called the bow, the back is called the stem). To further help passengers find their way around, each deck usually has a name and/or number. When cruise clients and travel agents study a deck plan, they should carefully examine the relationship of a stateroom to the ship s public places, Miscellaneous Considerations What else should you know about cruise ships? Here are some thoughts: * A ship s registry usually has nothing to do with where the line is headquartered. Financial, legal, labor, and routing concerns tend to dictate the shup s registry. The name of the country where the ship is registered is usually painted on the exterior of the vessel s stern and the ship flies that country s flag. (This is called flag of convenience.) * On some ships smoking is permitted almost everywhere onboard. On most its limited to certain officially designated places. One or two ships are smoke free. * Where do ships go when they retire ? Some are turned into scraped metal(mostly in India). Others are parked at ports(especially in Greece and in Bahamas), with the hope that someone will buy, refurbish, and return them to active cruising. * Each year the CDC conducts about two passengers and that calls on U.S. ports. The inspectors look for potentially hazardous conditions, such as improperly stored food, poor food preparation and display procedures, and the like. The CDC gives ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The History of Caterpillar Engines Essay The History of Caterpillar Engines The start of Caterpillar engines actually begins before Caterpillar was even a company. The history began back in the late1800 s when Daniel Best and Benjamin Holt were experimenting with various forms of steam tractors used for farming. The two competed with each other to gain the lead in the farm equipment industry. Throughout the late 1800 s and early 1900 s Holt and Best continued to build both steam and gas tractors. In 1908 Best sold his company to Holt. In 1925 Holt Manufacturing and C. L. Best Gas Tractor, a company owned by Best s son C. L. Best, merged to form Caterpillar Tractor Company. Three years later C. L. Best met with Carl George Arthur Rosen to discuss putting diesel engines in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This housing then directs the compressed air into the engine. After the use of the turbocharger they discovered a new problem. The compressed air was much hotter than normal air going into the engine. The reason was that when the air is compressed it puts pressure on all the atoms. This causes the atoms to hit each other, causing friction, and move even faster. These rapid movements cause a massive amount of heat. This excess heat caused less oxygen to get to the cylinders which means a loss of potential power. Our answer to this dilemma was the aftercooler. Aftercoolers are used to lower the temperature of the air after it comes out of the turbo but before it enters the engine. By lowering the temperature the air becomes denser and holds more oxygen. This increase in oxygen provides an increase in power. There are three types of aftercoolers. The first is an Air to Air Aftercooler (ATAAC). With the air to air system, a separate cooler core is placed in front of the engine. The engine fan then passed outside air across the cooler. The outside air is much colder than the compressed air in the cooler. This difference causes the compressed air to drop in temperature by losing its heat to the outside air. This method is very common on most on highway trucks since they have access to a large volume of fresh cool air. The second type of aftercooler is the Jacket Water Aftercooler ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Economic Development Of Bangladesh Introduction Bangladesh is a developing country nevertheless the present day progress of this country is remarkable. According to World Bank s development indicators, Bangladesh ranked 44th in the world economy. In spite of its economic progress, poverty remains a curse. By looking at the poverty headcount ratio of 43.3% as of 2010, we can still notice that most of the people are living under poverty line. Furthermore, the economic development of our country comes with an additional cost that is environmental degradation. As the Kuznets s curve demonstrates developing counties undergo increased environmental degradation with economic growth. Similarly, in Bangladesh, the government encourages industrialization in many sectors to boost economic growth and alleviate poverty. On the other hand, industrialization is not reducing poverty levels or increasing the standard of living of the poor because many firms do not follow the rules and regulations. This in turn also is a reason for pollution and environmental degradation. Poor still remain poor for the cruel pollution poverty cycle, while pollution and environmental degradation increases with mass industrialization, contributing to increased poverty. Land degradation is due to improper agriculture actions as well as social and environmental effects related to these practices which is increasing many parts of this country. Deforestation, water, air and industrial pollution, unsustainable land use, intense use of fisheries, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Colombia Compare And Contrast Colombia, a country at the northern tip of South America. It touches both Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The landscape throughout Colombia consists of rainforests. The Spanish speaking country is very different towards the country I live in, America, however, there are some similarities between the two. I will discuss the social life, cultural, and economic reasons that each country the way they are in their own way. The cultural of Colombia is very unique, with a population of 47,698,524, which is not many people. But, they all come together when big events occur, its one big family. This country celebrates a total of 18 holidays, 12 of them are catholic and 6 of them are civic holidays. Some of the holidays are Dia de los Reyes Magos(Jan 6th), Battle of the Boyaca(August 7th), Christmas(Dia de los Velitas), etc. During the parties, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My country shows come similarities towards Colombia and some differences. The population of the U.S. is 326,625,791, which is far more than Colombia. Ethnic groups represented in Colombia and the U.S. are white, blacks, and Ameridian. As for the education, the U.S. the expectancy rate is 17 years and the literacy rate is 97.9%. The Governments between the two are similar. Some economics problems within the U.S. is healthcare, and education. Colombia s issues are more environmental. However, strengths in the United States is hard work, the culture, and entrepreneurship. Colombia shares 8 holidays with the U.S, for example, Christmas, Mother s Day, Father s Day, New Year s, and a couple more. The foods on the other hand show no similarities at all, the U.S. is known for real fatty food, which is we are the most obese country in the world. Colombia does not have some of the foods we do, like S mores, Chilidogs, Buffalo Wings, or Hamburgers, Colombia is known for cuisine dishes for a party of people with tangy or spicy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Legendary Leaders In Saint Joan And King Henry V Legendary Leaders Saint Joan and King Henry V, both great leaders of their time. Each considered heroes in their respective countries after the great leadership they demonstrated for their people. Although they were each great leaders, they each had their own obstacles to overcome to be successful. The plays of Henry V by William Shakespeare and Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw each contain scenes throughout their plays in which they, when compared, demonstrate the role feminism played in the 15th century for both men and women as well their own usage of rhetorical strategies in speeches in attempt to persuade their audience. When analysing these two plays under a gender or feminist lense it becomes obvious that feminism was not only present, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As mentioned previously, King Henry gave a speech to his soldiers just before battle as a way of hyping them up one last time before they would charge onto their enemies. When viewing this speech we can see that he uses a combination of several rhetorical devices in order to persuade his men. He uses a combination of ethos, appealing to the ethics, and pathos, appealing the the emotions. The use of such strategies gave legitimacy to the words Henry spoke, and rallied his troops. He stated in the speech On, on, you noblest English, whose blood is fet from father of war proof, father that, like so many Alexanders, have in these parts from morn till even fought and sheathed their swords for lack of argument. Dishonor not your mothers. Now attest that those whom called fathers did beget you (Henry III.i.). In this section of his speech he is using pathos to utilize the emotions of the soldiers as motivation to go out into battle and give everything they have. He tells them to not embarrass their families and to do something that they will be proud of. Later he states Follow your spirit, and upon this charge cry God for Harry, England, and Saint George! (Henry III.i.). This last piece brings in the device of using ethos to persuade them. By saying his name and their country he is applying an ethical piece to his speech that shows them that they have to do this for their country and for him. They need to win this fight to do those two things proud. The use of these two rhetorical devices are part of the last things these soldiers hear before they put their life on the line in battle. They give them the last push needed to win the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Inward FDI and Innovation in the Indian Service Sector Inward FDI and innovation in the Indian service sector Bikramjit Sinha This section analyses the linkage between inward FDI flows and innovation activity in Indian service sector. The focus is on service sector since there has been unprecedented inflow of FDI in services in recent years. FDI in Services In 2000, share of FDI in services to total FDI inflows in India was just 1.8% and afterwards it grew steadily to reach a record all time high of 34.7% during 2006 but declined afterwards. Of the cumulative FDI in services during 2000 2010, financial services accounted for bulk of the inflows (41.7%) followed by banking services (9.6%), and both non financial services and R D sharing 9.5% each (Table 1). Share of financial services, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... RTL intensity of services BEs was almost equal with R D intensity and stood at 0.5% over the reference period. Within the services, RTL intensity of financial services was higher than the total service RTL intensity (Fig. 3). On an average 0.6% of the BEs were engaged in procuring knowledge from foreign countries which has from 1.2% in 2001 to 0.57% in 2010 (Table 2). FRTL intensity was highest during 2002 (0.4%) which after passing through a fluctuating trend culminates to all time low of 0.05% in 2009, probably coinciding with the recent global recession. Only financial services, outsourcing and other services are acquiring technology from abroad. FRTL intensity of only outsourcing services was higher than the sectoral intensity all along the reference period (Fig. 4). T3 32 0.8 Financial Others 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Outsourcing SERVICES Fig 4. Trend of FRTL intensity in the services sector To sum up, the trend of share of FDI inflows in different services to total FDI in services does not go well with the corresponding innovation pattern (Table 3). Financial and banking sector, recipients of maximum FDI flows hardly show any innovation activity. Table 3: Selected innovation indicators of the services sector during 2001 2010 Sub sector Financial Non Financial Banking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Satire Animal Farm Fables are significantly viewed upon because of their twisted display of valuable morals and teachings. Fables focus on a precise theme or concept that is interestingly portrayed with the use of animals. *CONTROVERSIAL question* The fictional, fable novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell teaches that abuse of authority, deceitful tactics, and pursuing power will lead to rebellion resulting in corruption. Animal Farm thoroughly depicts the major causes of rebellion in hope of preventing the future of any corruption similar to the true history of the novel. Taking authority for granted is dangerous. If leaders abuse authority they expose an opportunity for revolting; as concluded from the fable. In the allegory, Animal Farm was owned by a man named ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Animal Farm, subsequent to the suspension of Mr. Jones, the pigs of the farm were in charge of the whole farm including the other animals; they were in fully superior to all the other animal of the farm as they were most clever. Nonetheless, the pigs took advantage of their new hierarchy by tricking the animals into allowing them to have larger portions of food. Every time the pigs were asked why they are consuming more foods than others they would replying saying that they must be in good health.The pigs would tell the others animals that Mr. Jones would return if the pigs were not in charge. Comrades! he cried. You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well−being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back! Surely, comrades, cried Squealer almost ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Plato s Symposium Plato s Symposium is set in ancient Greece, where Agathon, a playwright, has won a very prestigious award for a theatrical production. When a relatively large array of men gather the day after in celebration, they decide that they will not go heavy on the drinking, and instead will give eulogies to Love. These exaltations come together with the notion that to achieve immortality, one must pass on one s knowledge to another human being through a meaningful and concrete love affair. One of the first acclaims comes from Pausanias. He began explaining how, like Aphrodite, love is twofold. He explains that there is Common Love, which has a carnal focus and an attraction for unintelligent people, and Celestial Love, which falls in love with the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The lover expresses his belief that he in fact fits the original Homeric situation that Socrates has shared, since he is of no consequence and [is] going uninvited to a clever man s feast (Plato, 5). Socrates emphasis on the word good shows that that is the word he has modified to, in his opinion, fit the situation at hand; furthermore, it lets the reader infer that the original word that he has modified to good is its antonym, bad. If the statement was then flipped, it would say something along the lines of, Bad men go of their own accord to good men s feasts. This is what Aristodemus refers to when he says he may fit the original Homeric situation, and thus expressing his belief that he is of no consequences and, subsequently, not worthy of going uninvited to a clever man s feast (Plato, 5). He refuses to accept Socrates compliment and goes as far as saying that he is the exact opposite of what his partner has voiced. Finally, he says that he will not admit to going uninvited and will simply tell the men at the celebration that Socrates had invited ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Government Dominated By Big Business There has been a lot of fuss over big business influencing the government in the United States lately. Now there is no doubt that the business elite have some influence on politics. It can even be traced back to the early 1900 s, when the People s Party had disintegrated, but many writers and activists have continued to echo the Populists central thesis: that the U.S. democratic political system is in fact dominated by business elites (). Although there are countless arguments to go against this idea, the questions still comes up today: Is government dominated by big business? Political Scientist G. William Domhoff believes that government is dominated by big business. More specifically, Domhoff believes that owners and top level managers in income producing properties are not only dominant power figures in the US, but they also have inordinate influence in the federal government (). Another political scientist however, Sheldon Kamieniecki, believes otherwise. He states that businesses do not really get involved in policies that affect them; and even when they do, their success rate at influencing policies is not consistent. In fact, he believes that other factions have more influence on government policies (). Let s go a little more in depth on Domhoff s argument. Domhoff is a firm believer in big business dominating government. He states that lobbyists from corporations, law firms, and trade associations play a key role in shaping government on narrow issues of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Technique Of Film Video Editing History Theory And... In Ken Dancyger: The Technique of Film Video Editing History Theory and Practice we can clearly see how editing has changed from the earliest films, when editing was nonexistent to a time when the camera never moved when shooting a scene to a time where you can use montage concepts to make a film more dynamic for the viewer. These were all different stages editing has gone through to get to the point where can use editing as a story telling tool which is just as important as the any other part of creating a film. Edwin. S. Porter was the man who took the idea of editing and made it a useful tool in portraying the story in a more dynamic way. In his 1903 film, The American Fireman he used visual continuity to make is film more dynamic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He used the language of Karl Marx and Griffith to give the viewers an collective experience of both styles of film making. He had a different way in which he edited he films which consisted of five types of montage Metric montage This refers to how long each shot is compared to each other, making the shot shorter decreases the time the viewer has to absorb the information coupled with the use of close up shots makes the sequence more intense. Rhythmic montage This refers to how the visual continuity of a scene, when the action and screen direction are moving towards the same side. Tonal montage This refers to how tone and mood is used to determine the emotions of the charcter on screen which can change throughout the scene. Overtonal montage This refers to the use of rhytmic, tonal and metric montage at the same time to create the specific effect and emotion desired by the director. Intellectual montage This refers when the director introduces an idea in a emotional and charged scene on screen. In an interview with Walter Murchs we discover a theory we can edit by. A theory where an action scenes needs 14 different camera angles a minute and 4 different angles for dialogue. This will be the basis by which I will edit my outcome film together with the other mentioned techniques. In our narrative which is about a high school student suffering from a speech disorder, caused by social anxiety. He is trying to overcome his awkwardness by talking to his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Imperialistic Supremacy Summary Imperialistic Supremacy revolves around the life of a Southern African male who was victimized by the imperialism of Europeans throughout the nineteenth century. Protagonist character, Bogani, was a member of the Zulu tribe and rebelled against European Imperialism along with other tribe members during his abrupt life. The Zulu were a South African tribe that placed a heavy emphasis on military organization and skill. Under the leadership of Shaka, founder of the Zulu Kingdom and a significant person in Bongani s life, the Zulu increased their land claims throughout Southern Africa by Imperialism. In 1803, a year before Bongani s birth, Shaka was unfortunately taken away from the Zulu tribe as a punishment seventeen years ago and was raised by the Mthethwa tribe a tribe that also sought political and social dominance over Southern Africa similar to Zulu and later joined their army as a warrior. Shaka quickly earns a reputation of being a ferocious warrior and becomes very skillful with close combat weapons such as throwing spears and diabolical blunt sticks. By nature, Shaka is fearless and aggressive, he seeks to create a brand new warrior culture similar to his personality. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More deaths from both nations risen to unbelievable extents over the following months until the Zulu tribe could no longer bare it. This is a clear example of the outcomes from Imperialism. Unfortunately as a negative outcome, the Zulu people were defeated by the British Army and were forced to surrender their land to the British Empire. However, Britain s victory granted them with the positive outcomes of imperialism. Not only did Britain acquire the desired Diamond Ore from Southern Africa, but also obtained other raw materials and natural resources such as tropical fruits, cocoa beans, silver, gold, petroleum, woods, salt, and iron that ultimately enhanced Britain s economy and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Biology of a Squid Essay Biology of a Squid Squids are among the most varied and unique of all invertebrates. They are mollusks of the Class Cephalopod, along with the nautilus, cuttlefish, and octopus. Squids are highly evolved, and have developed a number of traits uncommon to most other mollusks. Fossil records of cephalopods have dated back the Cambrian Period (about 600 million years ago). Structurally, squids have only small variations of a basic theme common to all cephalopods. They are spherical or cigar shaped with two fins used to stabilize movement when swimming. Ten arms are easily distinguished emerging from near the mouth Eight of these arms each have four rows of suction cups encircled by rings of chitinous (horny) hooks. These suction ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Squids (and cephalopods in general) possess several unusual abilities that help them deal with their predators (which range anything from large fish to sperm whales). Their lack of an external shell allows them to squeeze into very tight places, enabling them to conveniently and easily hide from their enemies. When confronted with a dangerous animal away from hiding places, however, squids seem to have a disadvantage when compared to other mollusks with external shells. If attacked, they have no exterior protection. To counter this potential crisis, they have adapted a number of tactics. First, they are capable of temporarily altering the color of their skin, in effect camouflaging themselves. They can shift their appearance from a deep brown color, to a white, or almost transparent quality. Along with this, they are able to slightly change the texture of their skin. This form of camouflage allows the squid to take the form of rocks, seaweed, or other ocean dwelling objects. If a hazardous foe is not fooled by camouflage, the squid can release an ink cloud. The ink cloud has a number of helpful characteristics that can ward off enemies. The cloud initially causes the nearby water to become dark and cloudy, reducing the enemy s visibility and allowing the squid to escape from danger. Some deep sea squids contain bacteria in their ink so that the cloud glows, and scares away harmful rivals. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Sociological Imagination And Common Sense The Sociological Imagination was a term that was first coined by sociologist C. Wright Mills. It could be said that definition of The Sociological Imagination is having the ability to look beyond personal experience and realise that society is shaped by the cross over between biography and history. Mills thought that everyone in society had the capability to think sociologically and that this was essential to gain a deeper understanding of both their society, and their current circumstance. This approach contradicts a more readily adopted approach by the public that sociologists call The common sense approach . The common sense approach is a collection of knowledge that has been acquired through little scientific merit, such as: personal experience, gossip or anecdotal evidence. This essay will discuss and explain the difference between the Sociological Imagination and Common Sense explanations through the use of examples to explain the topic of sexuality. Sexuality is an issue that has been widely discussed and has often been misunderstood by society. It has often been a misconception by members of the heterosexual community that all lesbians want to be men. Through applying common sense, it can be understood why people may think gay women want to be men when looking in on the lesbian community, some lesbians prefer to express themselves and their sexuality through the way they dress and act; their short hair, masculine clothing, wearing no make up and their macho ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Dividend Policy at Fpl Group, Inc. Question 1 We believe that Ms Stark should not revise her recommendation regarding FPL. The HOLD recommendation seems to be the most appropriate. Our judgement assumes a dividend cut from FPL. However, this dividend cut would be a precise strategic choice rather than one dictated by financing difficulties. Specifically, the dividend cut will raise future growth, with little effect on the stock price. By cutting dividends, FPL can react better to future threats. After an initial panic selling triggered by the news shock (FPL never cut its dividend in the past 47 years), investors will process the new information realized that the dividend cut is balanced by an increased growth rate in the future. To justify the HOLD recommendation on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Indeed, FPL s management may see this as an opportunity to gain more share in the Industrial and Commercial segments, making it a positive change, at least in the short term. In order to access this opportunity however, FPL would need to address its prices and costs. Exhibit 7 shows FPL to have low some of the highest rates (per KWH) in the industry for every market segment. These high prices are unlikely to win many new customers if retail wheeling is introduced. Unfortunately for FPL, they also have some of the highest costs (per KWH) in the industry, which means any reduction in prices will only see margin compression and lower their profitability further. Lowering costs will be difficult for FPL. Since James Broadhead took over as CEO his focus on cost reduction and quality maintenance have led FPL to achieve record results. However it may be that all the costs which can be removed from the system have already been removed. And yet, FPL still has some of the highest costs (per KWH) in the industry. Finally, while it is not mentioned in the case, it may be that FPL could use the rise of retail wheeling to expand its market outside of Florida itself. With low projections of capital expenditure anticipated for the following years, and an ensuing dividend cut, FPL could choose to invest significantly in increasing capacity so as to be ready to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. America Will Never Achieve Racial Equality Genesis Morales Mrs. Somerville English 1 Honors 2 March 2017 America Will Never Achieve Racial and Social Equality: Racial equality is when all races are treated equally. Social equality is when all individuals in a society have the same rights and beliefs. Most believe that America will never achieve racial and social equality. There are many reasons that follow behind this belief. Reasons and information on this subject will state why people America will never achieve racial and social equality. President Donald Trump was elected and thousands of women were expected to attend one of the largest demonstrations in world history. The woman s march in Washington dc quickly increased and almost 400 women were involved in this act. This act ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Races should treat each others the way they want the other race to treat them. To me that is so disrespectful how people in general treat each other. Judging is another major topic don t judge a book by its cover. I feel as if we stopped this and ended racial equality more social between people could happen. This is the century we have to change what we believe in. As difficult times are ahead of us and approach us. This is when a we need to change. This is when we need to make a move so a lot of change can stat happening. Not for the better of one race but for the better of every race and everyone in general. We need to end this racial prejudice all together its becoming too much and too many movements are happening in effect of it. A lot of acts happened during the civil rights movements. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the main host of most of the acts that happened during this time. He dedicated a decade of his life to see if he could pursuit racial equality and social justice. He fought for what he believe in and that s what I think most of us individuals need to do for change to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Literary Criticism Of Rip Van Winkle Rip was ready to attend to anybody s business but his own: but as to doing family duty, and keeping his farm in order, he found it impossible, (Irving 10). Washington Irving is a romantic American writer in the 1800s with works including Rip Van Winkle as a part of the collection of essays and short stories called The Sketchbook. Rip Van Winkle is set in a village near the Kaatskill Mountains during the American Revolution and tells the story of a man who is loved by many in the town but spends his days in idleness. His wife often nags him because Van Winkle does not work for anything in his family. One day, to escape his wife s nagging, Van Winkle walks off into the mountains with his dog, Wolfe. He stumbles upon a group of strange ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although he could be doing so many different things, he chooses to spend his days gossiping and talking about nothing. He wastes his life away instead of doing things valuable to him. Furthermore, Van Winkle lives his life with the smallest amount of trouble possible. Rip Van Winkle, however, was one of those happy mortals, of foolish, well oiled dispositions, who take the world easy, eat white bread or brown, whichever can be got with least thought or trouble, and would rather starve on a penny than work for a pound (Irving 10). Van Winkle does not work for what he wants and lives his life with the bare minimum because he s lazy. Irving presents Van Winkle as lazy. Besides being lazy, Van Winkle is also characterized as irresponsible. Irresponsibility is Van Winkle s attitude towards life and his family. His neglectfulness towards his own family and children is the exact opposite from Van Winkle s helpfulness to the villagers. For instance, Van Winkle was well liked by the children in the village because he plays with them and care for them. However, when it comes to his own children, he neglects them causing them to be as ragged and wild as if they belonged to nobody (Irving 10). Van Winkle does little things for the children in town but leaves his own kids by themselves. He never cares for them and lets them go wild while he plays with the children in the town. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. 7c s of Written Communication 7 C s off effective communication (with respect to written communication): Written communication occupies an important position in the communication sphere, so written communication has to pay adequate attention on certain principles of necessity. The essentials of every written communication are principles of unity, coherence and emphasis. These principles along with other essentials of effective communication, like language, planning and organization make the written communication effective. * Clarity: The writing should be correctly planned and expressed in a logical way,and the writer should make sure that the ideas flow smoothly from beginning to end. The message must be so clear that even the dullest man in the world should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Coherence means, tying together of several ideas, under one main topic in any paragraph. Smooth flow, lucidity and transition aspects should be given effect to and there should not be any scope for the reader to misinterpret, mis read or mis spell the message. Coherence is given to a larger paragraph or section of a message and leads to purposeful communication where the writer is well received, read, understood and acted upon by the reader. * Conciseness: Conciseness is an important factor in effective communication. It means saying all that needs to be said and no more. The aimless verbiage, unnecessary details and heavy paragraphs make our communication ridiculous and ineffective. We must omit those words and sentences from our message, which are not likely to bring about results. The message, which can be expressed in fewer words, is more impressive and effective than the same message expressed in a number of words. The communicator must organize his message in such a way that every word in it is meaningful and of interest to the receiver. Even a single word or a sentence, which does not contribute to accomplish the purpose of the communication, should be carefully omitted. Conciseness refers to thoughts expressed in the fewest words consistent with writing. It is achieved in writing in definite style and use of precise words. Unnecessary superlatives, exaggeration and indirect beginning should be avoided. Care should be taken to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Survival In Call Of The Wild By Jack London Have you ever heard of the ghost dog? In the adventure story Call Of The Wild by Jack London there is a ghost dog named Buck. Buck s nickname from the Yeehats is ghost dog because they said that all the future breeds followed in his footsteps even though he isn t there. In the novel Buck had shown the theme survival of the fittest several times. This novel has several examples for the theme survival of the fittest.At the one point in this story Buck and his team s camp got invaded by a group of starving huskies. To survive, Buck had to fight for his life. If he didn t fight, Buck would have died out there on Lake Labarge. Buck got a frothing adversary by the throat that sprayed him with blood from the jugular (London 30). In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Psychological Factor That Affect Sports Performance Arousal is a psychological factor that can affect sports performance and is defined as the level of activation or readiness that an individual will experience when faced with a task (Malpeli 2010, pg. 369). Effective performance requires an athlete to achieve optimal arousal which can be recognised in certain arousal theories (Malpeli 2010, pg. 369). The level of arousal that is considered to be optimal varies among every individual (Abernethy 2013, pg. 304). High arousal can affect performance as it often leads to more tense muscles, higher blood pressures, heart rates and respiration rates (Abernethy 2013, pg. 302). In comparison to high arousal, low arousal can lead to a lack of motivation, tiredness, lethargic muscles and a drop in enthusiasm and concentration and therefore a decrease in performance (Malpeli 2010, pg. 369). Personality is another psychological factor that can affect sports performance and can be defined as the multiple characteristics in which an individual possesses to make them unique (Abernethy 2013, pg. 298). People who are usually introverted like things more quiet and are often good at concentrating whereas people who are extroverts are generally more excited and lack concentration which can affect sports performance (Honeybourne 2003). It can be seen that people with certain traits or characteristics will potentially perform better in particular sports (Abernethy 2013, pg. 299). Another psychological factor that can affect performance is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. All Saints Day in Guatemala All Saints Day, which is celebrated in Guatemala, is a day of celebrating loved ones who have died. This day, Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, originated in Mexico centuries ago. 1 It is a day of joy and not of sorrow. This is the when people pray for help from the saints who have passed on. They also pray that those who have died without becoming saints will become saints. Fancy decorations, food, and fun are all joined together to help celebrate this day in Guatemala. The home is one of the places that is beautifully decorated. An alter is set up with pictures of their loved ones, candles, flowers, bread, fruit, atole and aguardiente. Atole is a drink that is made of corn flour and water; while aguardiente is liquor made from sugar cane. The people continue their rituals and before dawn they place flowers above the doors of their home to welcome the spirits of their deceased loved ones.2 This adds to the beautiful decor of the home. Next, comes the decorations at the grave side. People clean the tomb stones, paint them, and then decorate them with many colorful flowers. Flowers like lilies, chrysanthemums, and flor de muerto (a strong marigold) are used to decorate.3 At the tops of the graves are placed wax paper wreaths.4 The cemeteries on this day turn into a massive color display. After the wreaths are placed, it is time to eat.5 The families have picnics there in the cemeteries by the graves of their loved ones. The fiambre salad is a traditional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Stockholm Syndrome Theory The Role of the Stockholm syndrome Theory in relation to attachment in Emotional Abuse: Stockholm Syndrome is a paradoxical phenomenon that occurred on August 23, 1973 by a 32 year old career criminal Jan Erik Olsson and his partner. It occurred at the Svergis Kredit Bank, Sweden where four employees were held hostage for 131 hours. According to Doyle (2002) it became clear that during the siege, the hostages, despite being law abiding citizens, were more afraid of the police than they were of their captors, and subsequently defended the robbers. In kidnap and hostage situations, negotiators recognize that captives frequently develop positive feelings towards their captors and show hostility towards any rescuers: Even in the face of an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Those that show resistance often have a strong value system or an alternative model of behaviour to which they cling tenaciously. Similarly, children who are subjected to mistreatment at the hands of a newly arrived step parent, or who have other positive influences, may resist and complain because they know there are alternative forms of parental behaviour (Doyle, 2002). Strenz (1980) noted that the Stockholm syndrome is likely to be absent when captors showed no kindness towards their victims. He states that those victims who had negative contacts with the subjects did not evidence concern for them... some of these victims had been physically abused by the subjects. They obviously did not like their abuse and advocated the maximum penalty be imposed (p.143). Abusive children may not feel any loyalty and affection for the parent who is constantly abusive but may feel indifferent to the other. Dorothy Bloch (1979) noted, In no case did the child feel loved by either parent...with these children the abusive and hating parent seems to be unworthy of respect and in some instances didn t deserve to live , and the other parent seemed at best, passive and neutral ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Magnolia Therapeutic Solutions Case Study Essay Magnolia Therapeutic Solutions Case Study Whittni Summerlee University of Phoenix BSHS/373 Financial Management in Human Services Frieda Flowers January 24th, 2010 Magnolia Therapeutic Solutions Case Study Magnolia Therapeutic Solutions is a well known nonprofit that provides psychotherapy for clients with Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PSTD). Magnolia contributed several hours of intensive help to the victims of 911. In return NYC gave the organization a large grant to help it meet the demands of PSTD services. Mary Stewart, the founder of the organization believed that the grant given in 2001 would be renewed in 2002 as well. Much to her surprise the grant was not renewed. The grant was already factored into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3). Causes Behind the Ultimate Problem There were several causes behind the ultimate problems Magnolia suffered. This seems to have stemmed from the lack of accountability and responsibility with the financial management. First, Mary had written a budget based on funds that were not guaranteed. She even based raising money for the organization on higher grants for 2002. Since the 2002 budget was written on false grants, this caused a huge problem and several staff members got laid off. This caused the organization to come to a stand still. This problem could have been solved a few different ways. Either by writing a budget with the grants and funds Mary knew 100% would be available. Or she could have written the budget with the NYC grant and had a back up budget incase it was not renewed. This way the board of directors could have seen either way Mary had a budget that could actually be carried out. Secondly, in 2001 the organization used the remainder of the grant to increase other administrative services. The surplus from the grants in 2001 should have been budgeted into the growing organization and the services provided, not administrative services. The identification of a human service agency s programs, the creation of a program structure, the assignment of program managers, and the designation of responsibility centers are the basic building blocks of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Auschwitz Mental Health The brutal concentration camp of all that existed had the most survivors. Auschwitz was the concentration camp on the darkest side of humanity. It was served as a prison and death was a permanent feature. Brutal abuse like gas chambers, crematoriums, and starvation were punishments the prisoners at Auschwitz experienced. The physical health of the prisoners was very unhealthy . The conditions that they lived in were so awful, many prisoners died each day without being gassed (Feldman 247). There were also many cases of Epidemic disease (Pelt). Day and night, the prisoners struggled to survive with the lack of sleep, clothing, and privacy (Dwork and Pelt). If there were prisoners that were handicapped or unfit for work, they would immediately ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Auschwitz. Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd ed.,vol.2,2007,pp.661 673.U.S. History in Context,go.galegroup.comps/I.do?p=GPS sw=w u=lap36smd v=2.1 id=GALE%7CCX2587501609 it=r asid=ec085fca35e74b;dbdc50852e69e24ce. Feldman,George.Understanding the Holocaust.UXL,1998. Pelt,Robert Jan Van. Auschwitz . Encylopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity,vol.1,2005,pp.96 102.Gale Virtual Reference Library, http://go.galegroup.co ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Water For Elephant By Sara Gruen Character Analysis A man far oftener appears to have a decided character from persistently following his temperament than from persistently following his principles (Human, All Too Human). In the novel Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, the story begins with a man named Jacob who recently loses his job and joins the circus as the vet. He soon meets a special elephant named Rosie. He learns how she deals with her rough life in the circus. August is the animal care taker of the circus that no one wants to mess with. He treats Rosie and others in a way that no one should be treated. Throughout the novel it shows how August interacts with other characters. August is a temperamental man that does now know how to deal with others and his emotions. From one end to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Kansas City Zephyr Focus of the Class: Accounting reports are often used in contracting. In this situation, baseball team owners and the players differ on the financial results of operations. An arbitrator has to decide which income number best represents a team s financial performance for the purpose of arbitration. Questions: 1. Who do you think is correct about the true profitability of Kansas City Zephyrs the owners or the players? a. both are correct on different issues and there is one issue that is undecided because the facts are not there 2. What is your recommendation regarding the particular accounting disagreements between the owners and the players? b. see below 3. Looking ahead to the sale of the luxury boxes, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... good scouting, marketing contracts, and good performance increase the roster value. In contrast, injuries and retirements decrease the value because the list of names of the players is constantly changing. Also the team revenues are influenced by the performance of their players, as better the team is playing more fans come to the games. * player salary expense * deferred portion of total compensation * OPC book the whole amount of salary now even though paid out for some players over 10 years * PBPA only book what is paid out * side with PBPA there is no cash out so it should not be booked this year * amortization of bonuses * OPC none * PBPA amortization of bonuses because it is just part of the compensation expense * ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Blue Winds Dancing By Tom Whitecloud Search for Self in Blue Winds Dancing Blue Winds Dancing by author Tom Whitecloud, is narrated by the story s unnamed main character. The young Indian man s persona is brought to life through his own recollection and spoken words. We recognize the turmoil this character faces as he is away from his people, attending college in White man s society. He doubts his place in either world, believes he must choose between them, and realizes finally that being an Indian is only one part of who he is. Through his thoughts, actions and words we gain understanding of this character s attitudes of confusion and inferiority in his struggle to define his niche in society. The character s feelings of not belonging are represented in his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It seems as though I were among people I have never seen before (122) are his words as he enters the lodge where they have gathered to celebrate Christmas. The character shows definite signs of bitterness toward White men and their attitude of superiority. He scoffs at the organization of their society and calls it a beauty of captivity (119). A mere existence where freedom and individuality have given way to a life of dictated regulation. Here where all the orange trees line in military rows, and endlessly bear fruit (119). The young man does not want to be another orange tree whose life is decided by the conforming ways of their society, dancing to the strings of custom and tradition (119). What then is he striving for? He tells us of the beauty and calm of his homeland, and how much he desires to be back among his people and the simplicity and freedom of their lifestyle, but he is also angry that his people are forced to live such a menial existence. I feel suddenly angry that my people should have to do such things for a living (120). This is what is at the core of his struggle, the supposition that he has to choose between living as an inferior Indian with their freedoms, or parallel the rigid, dictated life that he feels the white men live. It is the reason he feels alone among the pines. It is after talking to some hobos and bums on the train that that the young man starts to realize what his sociology professor was trying to tell ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Argumentative Speech On Gas Prices How many of you have ever sat down and thought hmm I wonder what causes gas prices to fluctuate. There is always someone wondering what gas prices may look like five years from now. In 1998 gas cost Americans less than one dollar a gallon, which would be less than $15 to fill up if your car required a 15 gallon tank. As Americans, we are known to fear the fluctuation of gas prices, because we are human. As an average American living in poverty, it becomes quite frightening to think of rising gas prices. I wonder sometimes if I would be able to afford to put gas in my car to travel to and from school and work on a weekly basis. Here s a quote they [OPEC] want to go in and raise the prices of oil because we have nobody in Washington that sits back and says you re not going to raise that f ing price you understand me? Donald Trump(April 2011) (politico.com) I feel that I am qualified to talk to you about variations of gas prices, because as an American citizen who drives 15 gallon tank Honda Accord, are affected by these gas fluctuations day in and day out. Today I would like to inform my audience on variations of gas prices. Many people may wonder why gas prices fluctuate but may have never been property informed on the real reasons why. Here are three reasons I chose to discuss today: 1.) the cost of oil, 2.) natural disasters, 3.) how gas prices affect our economy and stock market. (Topf) Body First I m going to share with you how the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Tweed Ring Was Lead By A Scottish Man Named William M. The Tweed Ring was lead by a scottish man named William M. Tweed. He was born in April 3, 1823 in ,and died on the date April 12, 1878. He was born in 1 Cherry Street, on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. His father was a chair maker. He also studied to be a bookkeeper and worked as a brushmaker for a company he had invested in, before eventually joining in the family business in 1852. He then became an apprentice to a saddle maker. He also studied to be a bookkeeper and worked as a brushmaker for a company he had invested in, before eventually joining the family business. On September 29, 1844, he married Mary Jane C. Skaden and lived with her family on Madison Street for 2 years. He eventually joined a volunteer fire company, engine Number 12. He and some friends organized the Americus Fire Company Number 6, also known as the Big Six . Corruption After the election of 1869, Tweed took control of the New York City government. He proposed a new city charter which returned power to City Hall at the expense of the Republican inspired state commissions. The new charter passed, thanks to $600,000 in bribes Tweed paid to Republicans, and the new charter signed into law in 1870. The new charter put control of the finances in the hands of a Board of Audit, which consisted of Tweed, who was Commissioner of Public Works at the time, Mayor A. Oakey Hall and Comptroller Richard Connolly. He also started to form what became known as the Tweed Ring , by having his friends elected to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Lab Network+ Lesson 2 Lab Worksheet Lab Exercises Lab 1 How TCP/IP Protocols Work through the TCP/IP Model The purpose of this lab is to familiarize the students with the TCP/IP Model and some of the protocols that are used in it. This lab is important to the student because it takes the student through a thought experiment about how data would pass thorough the TCP/IP Model down from the computer and up through the destination computer. By doing this thought experiment the student will come to better understand how different protocols work together to accomplish a specific task. Materials Word processing document Textbook Do the Lab Follow ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Take Note This lab uses Windows 7. If you are using Windows 8, Vista or Windows XP, you will need to make some slight variations to the lab. Materials word processing document Computer running Windows 7 Professional Do the Lab The IPCONFIG Command 1. Click the Start button at the bottom left of your Windows 7 Desktop Display in order to bring up the Windows 7 start menu (Figure 2 12). [pic] 2. Type CMD into the Search Programs and Files box at the bottom of the Start Menu and press Enter. 3. The Command Line Interface (CLI) Window will come up (as shown in Figure 2 13). The CLI is a window where you can enter commands into the computer in the form of text. This type of interface was how a person interacted with DOS. It is also how a person is able to currently interact with Linux if they choose not to use one of several graphical interfaces available for use with Linux. [pic] 4. Once you have opened the Command Line Interface (CLI), type in the command ipconfig. When the ipconfig command is entered, the CLI changes to something similar to Figure 2 14. You should note that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Testing for Huntington s... The Ethical Dilemmas of Genetic Testing for Huntington s Disease INTRODUCTION Huntington s Disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder (Walker, 2007 and Harmon, 2007). The gene that causes the disease is located on the fourth chromosome and causes an abnormal number of repeats in the patient s genetic code (Harmon, 2007). Huntington s Disease can have devastating effects on patients quality of life. The first symptoms of HD generally start between the ages of 30 and 45 and patients are typically asymptomatic prior to this time (Terrenoire, 1992 and Walker, 2007). However, the disease progresses with subtle changes in motor control, personality, and cognition. Patients eventually develop distinct ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, confidentiality rights also protect the patient s health information and right to privacy. Another issue that arises concerns the confidentiality of HD diagnoses with relation to insurance companies. Many patients fear that they will be denied or will no longer be able to afford insurance coverage if the insurance company learns that they will one day have HD (Ethical issues of genetic diagnosis, 2007). Insurance companies may also begin to mandate that genetically related individuals undergo predictive genetic testing for HD if one family member develops the disease (Ethical issues of genetic diagnosis, 2007). Another ethical debate reigns in the choice for HD patients to have children and in prenatal screening for HD. Since HD is generally not diagnosed until later in life, many patients have children before their HD diagnosis (Ethical issues of genetic diagnosis, 2007). The children of one parent with HD have a 50% chance of developing the disease themselves. However, if a patient tests positive for the gene that causes Huntington s disease before having children, conflicts could arise between partners about whether or not to even have children (Ethical issues of genetic diagnosis, 2007 and Tassicker, Savulescu, Skene, Marshall, Fitzgerald Delatycki, 2003). The predictive genetic test for HD can also be performed before a baby is born. If ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Outsiders Movie And Movie Differences There are so many life changing events in this story such as the drive in. Murder. Church Fire. all this happens yet these kids are still heros! In this movie and book there are two sides of kids, the Greasers, and Socs. These two groups have fights between each other but if you compare and contrast them between the book and movie you will see both stories are told a little bit different and also a little bit the same. In the Outsiders there are many differences and similarities between the two versions, book and the movie because of how the events are told through the book, the movie, and both. In the book The Outsiders S.E. Hinton decided to elaborate a little more and be more specific on the events and people so that we could picture the book in our minds like it was a movie. The Author tells more about the characters and they are and what they are like in the book. I have light brown, almost red hair and greenish gray eyes... I am a greaser (Hinton 1). Soda is handsomer than anyone else I know... His eyes are dark brown lively, dancing, recklessly laughing, eyes that can be gentle and sympathetic one moment and blazing with anger the next (Hinton 7 8). Darry is six feet two, and broad shouldered and muscular...He would be real handsome if his eyes weren t so cold. He doesn t understand anything that is not plain hard fact. But he uses his head (Hinton 6 7). Dally had spent three years on the wild side of New York and had been arrested at the age of ten... He was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Jonathan Edwards And Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God In the 1600 s the Puritans were the main religious group of that time period and they had very strong ideals on how religion and government should go together. Jonathan Edwards, who shared many of their ideals, preached a sermon called, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and it had a very big impact on the congregation. Nathaniel Hawthorne, although he was a writer in the 1800 s, he was fascinated with the Puritans and their lifestyles and wrote a short story called, The Minister s Black Veil. Both authors use specific details, tone, and imagery to convey their meaning and style, Edwards harsh and accusatory style was more effective than Hawthorne s melancholy and mysterious style because Edwards helps the reader understand the effects sin can have in one s life. Throughout Sinners Edwards uses specific details to show God s anger towards those who have sinned. In paragraph five of Sinners he says, dreadful pit of the glowing flames of the wrath of God. Edwards uses strong diction here to give the congregation an idea of how angry God is with all who have sinned. Along those same lines, Hawthorne also uses strong diction in his details, for example pale faced congregation on page three of MBV. He uses this detail to be sure the reader knows the effect the veil has on the townspeople and how they were frightened by his veil. Edwards detail on the contrary was more effective because he frightened the audience whereas Hawthorne is very dull in the moment throughout the story. In the same way Edwards surpasses Hawthorne again in effecting the audience more in imagery. Edwards uses frightening imagery to give the congregation and image in their minds to scare them into repenting. In paragraph four of Sinners he declares, the devil is waiting for them, hell is gaping for them, the flames gather and flash about them... this traumatises the audience because in their minds they see hell with the devil waiting to devour them. This persuades them to repent and change their ways because they do not want to burn in hell. Hawthorne on the other hand takes a different approach in imagery. Whereas Edwards does it to help his persuasion Hawthorne does it to help the reader get a better idea of the moral. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Effects Of Coral Reef Ecosystem On Coral Reefs... The present study consistent with previous finding by Casey et al. (2016) and Jennings et al. (1995) regarding bottom up processes in coral reef ecosystem. Also show a profound contrast to widely accepted top down processes in coral reef ecosystem, indicated by weak relationship on prey predator interaction and strong positive relationship between hard coral cover and fish biomass. Despite there are more studies confirm cascading effect in coral reefs such as indirect effect on mesopredator and herbivore density( (Friedlandler and DeMartini 2002; Ruppert et al. 2013; Ritchie and Johnson 2009), algal cover sponge cover (Rasher et al 2013; Loh et al. 2015) resulting decline in coral cover and juvenile coral (Rasher et al 2013; Casey et al 2015). However, most of those research were conducted in region where confounding factors persists such as fishing pressure across many trophic levels (predator, herbivore, planktivore), pollution, and terrestrial run off. Eventhough some research were conducted in the nearly pristine area, such as Dulvy (2004) in Lau Island Fiji with human population densities ranging between two and 42 people km 2. However, this area may not be pristine in a historical context and non exclusive predator fishing still occurs. Hence, recent unambiguous empirical evidence of trophical cascade in coral reef ecosystem with the absent of confounding factors was scarce (Ferretti et al 2010). Our results largerly consistent with Casey (2016) that found no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Misinterpretations Of Love In Twelfth Night By William... Twelfth Night Behind the Mask Love can not hide behind a mask forever in the end truth will prevail. In the play Twelfth Night written by William Shakespeare there are many circumstances where there are misinterpretations of love in various romantic relationships. There are many instances where characters where used disguises were used to create plot development. In Shakespeare play trickery was used to create plot development. Mistaken identity was used to create a complicated love triangle. Shakespeare makes use of different binding elements to cause conflict between his characters to gain conflict from the audience. Disguises are used several times to create plot development in Shakespeare s play Twelfth Night. Viola goes in disguise ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shakespeare uses the act of disguise to create plot development in Twelfth Night. In Twelfth Night, mistaken identity was used several times to create plot development. Olivia calls a priest to marry Sebastian (He is Viola brother who was thought to be dead in a ship wrecked and returns later to meet Olivia), but she thinks is Cesario and this is important to the plot because that is when the truth starts coming out. Olivia says, O welcome father! / Father, I charge thee by thy reverence / Here to unfold though lately we intended / To keep in darkness what occasion now / Reveals before tis ripe what thou dost know / Hath newly pass d between this youth and me (Shakespeare 5.1.146 150). Here, Olivia asks the priest to affirm her marriage person she believes she married. She has married Sebastian but however supposes she marry Cesario . This is important to the plot because this when Olivia gets married to Sebastian and Olivia thinks she has found her true love Cesario and creates room for the mystery in the play to be answered. In addition to that, Viola says that she can not love Olivia because of she is not she think he is. Viola says, By innocence I swear, and by my youth, / I have one heart, one bosom, and one truth, / And that no woman has; nor never none / Shall mistress be of it, save I alone (Shakespeare 3.1.153 156). Cesario(Viola) statement to Olivia ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Solicitors Within Criminal Cases ( P3 ) Solicitors in Criminal Cases: A solicitor is a lawyer who deals directly with clients by giving legal advice as well as preparing legal documents and if necessary advocating in court. Solicitors are generally found in firms in towns and cities and therefore are easily accessible to all. A solicitor needs to get all key details from the client before a bail hearing. Solicitors undertaking criminal cases are also able to represent in court under the Solicitors Higher Rights of Audience Regulations Act 2010. Barristers in Criminal Cases: Barristers are trained to advise clients on the strengths and weaknesses of their cases and to act as advocates. Barristers represent their clients in court, primarily the higher courts, to prove their innocence or to get the best sentence for their clients. The barrister in question will do legal research, cross examine witnesses, hold case conferences and write an opinion on the case for their client. Explain the role of judges and lawyers in civil cases (P3) Solicitors in Civil Cases Solicitors in civil cases do a similar job as one of a solicitor in a criminal case. A solicitor in a civil case can still, given they have the qualification, represent their client in court. The solicitor will still complete legal documents, advise clients, collaborate with barristers and find witnesses. They may also undertake: Conveyancing ¬(7 the branch of law concerned with the preparation of documents for the conveyance of property. ) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...