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B u si n es s En v ir o n m en t A war en e s s Pr o gr am ™ (B E A P)

 Bu sin e s s E n v ir o n me n t S u rv ey s & S tu d i e s

About the BEAP™                                                                  align their products & service offering to the needs of the
Business Executives and Leaders continue to seek to understand the               customer. The customer is segmented into 3 main profiles:
business environment they operate in. Organizations analyze data on                   •    The External Customer – this the daily walk-in walk-out customer
their customers, competition, markets and economies into                              •    The internal customer – Employees as drivers of customer
information – then use them to make decisions, update internal                             service delivery
policies and procedures. This information is also used to align overall               •    The potential customer how is yet to interact with your business
mission and goals of the business to market. It is said bad information
                                                                                 BEAP – Brand Perception & Product Penetration Survey
is better than no information and that is why the Business
                                                                                 Building a powerful brand is all about creating the strongest
Environment Awareness Program (BEAP™) will help organizations
                                                                                 positive perception in the minds of your customers. But your
perform qualitative, quantitative and comparative studies on the
                                                                                 existing customers already have a perception – one that’s the result
enterprise. The BEA-Program uses cutting edge and most updated
                                                                                 of all the experiences over time they’ve had in dealing with your
industry standard tools to collect, analyze and disseminate
                                                                                 company and, if you employ staff, your people too.
information on the customers (both internal and external), the
                                                                                 The only way to find out about their current perception is to ask
competition, the market, product & services, the potential customer
                                                                                 them. But how you do it is very important. You not only want to
and eventually the brand, brand perception and product
                                                                                 discover if they are happy with your service, you also need to know
awareness/penetration. The BEA-Program output includes, the BEAP
                                                                                 what the key brand reflections are to them.
– Index, the Customer Service Satisfaction Index, The Employee
                                                                                 Thorough the BEA-Program™ will help you survey your current and
Satisfaction Level, Brand Perception Index and Product Penetration
Level.                                                                         potential customers, understand their perception enabling you to re-
BEAP – Customer Service Satisfaction Survey/Index                              design your marketing, sales and brand strategy.
The customer is the sole reason you are still in business.                     How we do it
Understanding the customer is a dynamic process and requires                   OpenCastLabs will work with you so that you are the owner of the
continuous evaluation. Customer Care departments solve ad hoc                  process. Using standard data collection tools, secondary data in the
customer complains, but do not seem to be keen on understanding                market and direct interviews with senior managers, collect data,
the root cause of these complains. A customer satisfaction survey              analyze and present in different formats. We will also help train your
under the BEA-Program™ empowers customer care executives, sales,               customer care team in data collection, designing be-spoke tools so
business development, business process and the entire enterprise to            that they are empowered in tracking customer satisfaction levels
                                                                               across the business cycle. Working with us enables you to
        David Kandie                                                           concentrate in your core business while meeting your bottom lines.
    OpenCastLabs Limited
 P.O Box 56404 00200 Nairobi
      +254 722 831 259
                                                  Let the experts do it so that you concentrate on delivering your bottom-line
    OpenCastLabs Rwanda                           Contact OpenCastLabs today for a no-obligation proposal and the benefits of the BEA-Program™.
     P.O Box 4543 Kigali                          Request for a presentation on how we will do the customer service satisfaction survey, employee &
 +250 788 470 532 (Joab Ngai)                     workplace satisfaction survey & brand perception survey for your organization.

    info@opencast-labs.cm                                                     © 2011 |OpenCastLabs™, BEA-Program and BEAP are pending
    www.opencast-labs.com                                                     trademarks of OpenCastLabs Limited in Kenya & Rwanda

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  • 1. B u si n es s En v ir o n m en t A war en e s s Pr o gr am ™ (B E A P) Bu sin e s s E n v ir o n me n t S u rv ey s & S tu d i e s About the BEAP™ align their products & service offering to the needs of the Business Executives and Leaders continue to seek to understand the customer. The customer is segmented into 3 main profiles: business environment they operate in. Organizations analyze data on • The External Customer – this the daily walk-in walk-out customer their customers, competition, markets and economies into • The internal customer – Employees as drivers of customer information – then use them to make decisions, update internal service delivery policies and procedures. This information is also used to align overall • The potential customer how is yet to interact with your business mission and goals of the business to market. It is said bad information BEAP – Brand Perception & Product Penetration Survey is better than no information and that is why the Business Building a powerful brand is all about creating the strongest Environment Awareness Program (BEAP™) will help organizations positive perception in the minds of your customers. But your perform qualitative, quantitative and comparative studies on the existing customers already have a perception – one that’s the result enterprise. The BEA-Program uses cutting edge and most updated of all the experiences over time they’ve had in dealing with your industry standard tools to collect, analyze and disseminate company and, if you employ staff, your people too. information on the customers (both internal and external), the The only way to find out about their current perception is to ask competition, the market, product & services, the potential customer them. But how you do it is very important. You not only want to and eventually the brand, brand perception and product discover if they are happy with your service, you also need to know awareness/penetration. The BEA-Program output includes, the BEAP what the key brand reflections are to them. – Index, the Customer Service Satisfaction Index, The Employee Thorough the BEA-Program™ will help you survey your current and Satisfaction Level, Brand Perception Index and Product Penetration Level. potential customers, understand their perception enabling you to re- BEAP – Customer Service Satisfaction Survey/Index design your marketing, sales and brand strategy. The customer is the sole reason you are still in business. How we do it Understanding the customer is a dynamic process and requires OpenCastLabs will work with you so that you are the owner of the continuous evaluation. Customer Care departments solve ad hoc process. Using standard data collection tools, secondary data in the customer complains, but do not seem to be keen on understanding market and direct interviews with senior managers, collect data, the root cause of these complains. A customer satisfaction survey analyze and present in different formats. We will also help train your under the BEA-Program™ empowers customer care executives, sales, customer care team in data collection, designing be-spoke tools so business development, business process and the entire enterprise to that they are empowered in tracking customer satisfaction levels across the business cycle. Working with us enables you to Contact David Kandie concentrate in your core business while meeting your bottom lines. OpenCastLabs Limited P.O Box 56404 00200 Nairobi +254 722 831 259 Let the experts do it so that you concentrate on delivering your bottom-line OpenCastLabs Rwanda Contact OpenCastLabs today for a no-obligation proposal and the benefits of the BEA-Program™. P.O Box 4543 Kigali Request for a presentation on how we will do the customer service satisfaction survey, employee & +250 788 470 532 (Joab Ngai) workplace satisfaction survey & brand perception survey for your organization. info@opencast-labs.cm © 2011 |OpenCastLabs™, BEA-Program and BEAP are pending www.opencast-labs.com trademarks of OpenCastLabs Limited in Kenya & Rwanda