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• Grace Brebner
• MCSA, Product Manager – Marketing
Automation & CRM at thl
• Tourism Holdings Limited
• Largest global RV Rentals organisation
in the world
• Supreme winner at 2018 Air New
Zealand Tourism Awards
Introductions… hello!
My role at thl
My philosophy
• Clear.
• Simple.
• A challenge for businesses with…
• Legacy IT
• Multiple, disparate systems
• That need to deliver on…
• Immediate business needs; and
• Prepare and protect for the future
It’s automation.
Not manualation.
A philosophy for driving real, meaningful
results in Marketo
What are we here for?
• To build meaningful relationships with customers
• Streamline their experiences
• Engage on a personal level
• Drive revenue
• Increase conversion
• Increase lifetime value
• Reduce spend
How do we get there?
The Foundations
Three pillars to a successful instance
Tip 1: Teach your team to fish
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a
man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Chinese Proverb
Tip 1: Training - teach your team to fish.
• I rely on my users to keep the engine running, and my users rely on me for
• Focus on driving self-sufficiency
• Supporting learning
• Growing confidence
• A well trained team is a confident & effective team.
Tip 1: Training - teach your team to fish.
• At thl, learning isn’t an extracurricular activity, it’s part of the job for both
me and my users.
• Prioritise my learning
• Prioritise teaching the user how to solve problems themselves
• Fortnightly learning sessions on focused areas of Marketo & marketing automation.
Tip 1: Training - teach your team to fish.
• Know your users’ strengths and weaknesses.
• Support when needed
• Train when required
• Restrict when necessary
• Give free reign when earned
Tip 1: Training - teach your team to fish.
Tip 2: Processes & Checklists
“The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation,
repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition.”
- John Wooden
Tip 2: Processes & Checklists – they’ll save your @$$
• If you’re marketing to people covered under GDPR
• If you’re operating in a heavy regulatory environment
• If you’re generally a fan of not being sued
• If you take nothing else away from what I say today, please take this.
Tip 2: Processes & Checklists – they’ll save your @$$
• Develop clear processes
• Document them
• Turn them into a checklist
• Require your users to document its use
It is BORING. It is TEDIOUS. And I cannot stress enough how important and
how necessary it is.
Tip 2: Processes & Checklists – they’ll save your @$$
Tip 2: Processes & Checklists – they’ll save your @$$
Why go through all the effort?
• Compliance
• Email best practice
• Reducing error
• Reducing time for sign off
• Increased accountability
• Awareness of the privilege and
responsibility of their power
Tip 3: Get Technical About it
“The real problem is not whether machines
think, but whether men do.”
- B. F. Skinner
• To unlock Marketo’s full capabilities, you need
technical minds in the mix.
• Get the support of stakeholders and
champions of tech & science in your business
• Find your unicorns.
Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science.
Your dream user - the perfect mix of skills to become
a Marketo/Marketing Automation expert.
• 50:50 Creative/Analytical split
• Often grads with science, arts, communications and/or
technology degrees.
• Good writers
• People with a good sense for design
• Who can code/have the potential to learn
• Think logically, innately spot holes & solve puzzles.
• Self-starters
Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science.
How do we unlock this power?
Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science.
Into this.
Work with developers that really
understand Marketo email and landing
page syntax, and they’ll help you turn
How do we unlock this power?
Work with developers that really
understand email and can withstand
the challenge. They’ll help you turn
Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science.
Into this.
How do we unlock this power?
Find someone who understands APIs,
and ideally how to build them. They’ll
help you turn this…
Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science.
Into this.
How do we unlock this power?
Think like a scientist! Don’t assume.
Develop a hypothesis. Research. Test
it. Prove your results. Know the real
metrics from the pretty ones.
You’ll go from this…
Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science.
To this.
Putting it to good use
Three key steps for effective output
Tip 4: Listen to your customer
“There is a difference between listening and
waiting for your turn to speak.”
- Simon Sinek
Tip 4: Listen – know your customer.
• Create a customer journey.
• Each step, every touch point
• Covering digital and physical
• An honest vision of now
• A challenging vision of the future
• Talk to the people closest to the customer
Tip 4: Listen – know your customer.
• Ask…
• Where do different channels fit?
• Are there holes?
• What does the customer need at each stage to move them to the next one?
• What are their questions, concerns, what are they feeling at each stage?
• Do you have the data you need to act on this? Where can you get it?
• What can you do to remove friction?
• Then get on the ground and experience it.
• And remember: your customers may not only be the customers.
Tip 4: Listen – know your customer.
• What does this look like at thl?
• Famils – we experience our products from the perspective of a customer
• Insight days – we regularly shadow other parts of the business
• Closest to the customer = loudest voice
• Evidence based decision making, constant testing and learning.
Tip 5: Get Personal
“Create relevance, not awareness.”
- Steve Jobs
Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want
• Don’t get paralysed by the possibilities.
• Simple can be effective.
• Find something you’re doing now that you think can be improved.
• Start.
Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want
• How we’ve done this at thl…
• Community sign up process across all Britz, Maui &
Mighty sites fed into the same programs with the
same content for all.
• Original versions
• Upfront supply of discount
• No reflection of the brand or region you were
interested in.
• Mobile view was eh.
Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want
• Updated versions
• Greet by name
• Removed upfront supply of discount
• Reflection of the sign up source brand in header
logos, imagery and click throughs
• Reflection of the sign up source region in the content
and imagery
• Reflection of seasonality in content
• New template, mobile version is awesome, imagery is
Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want
On average across the programs,
these changes resulted in…
• 16% Open Rate uplift
• 42% CTR uplift
• 20% CTOR uplift
Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want
• Don’t get paralysed by the possibilities.
• Simple can be effective.
• Find something you’re doing now that you think can be improved.
• Start.
Tip 6: Get Timely
“What’s the difference between a good joke
and a bad joke timing.”
- I don’t know, I saw it on reddit once.
Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
• You’ve found the right person
• You’ve got the right message
• Now you need to find the right
Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
• Identify behaviours that signal readiness to buy or receptiveness to a
specific message
• Map these behaviours into a strategy for targeting and segmenting your
• Lead scoring
• Segmentation
• Lead lifecycle
• Smart list criteria
Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
• But again, it can be simpler than that.
Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
• Dozens of them were sold within 1 hour
of the email being sent
• By count of units sold it became our
most popular retail item that month
• Contributed heavily to with triple digit
MoM % increases in revenue,
transactions & ecommerce conversions
from Marketo traffic
Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
• Don’t get paralysed by the possibilities.
• Simple can be effective.
• Find something you’re doing now that you think can be improved.
• Start.
It’s automation.
Not manualation.
A philosophy for driving real, meaningful
results in Marketo
The keys to maturity…
1. Teach your team to fish
2. Processes and checklists are critical
3. Get comfortable with the technical stuff
4. Know your customers
5. Get personal
6. Get timely

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  • 1. • Grace Brebner • MCSA, Product Manager – Marketing Automation & CRM at thl • Tourism Holdings Limited • Largest global RV Rentals organisation in the world • Supreme winner at 2018 Air New Zealand Tourism Awards Introductions… hello!
  • 3. My philosophy • Clear. • Simple. • A challenge for businesses with… • Legacy IT • Multiple, disparate systems • That need to deliver on… • Immediate business needs; and • Prepare and protect for the future
  • 4. It’s automation. Not manualation. A philosophy for driving real, meaningful results in Marketo
  • 5. What are we here for? • To build meaningful relationships with customers • Streamline their experiences • Engage on a personal level • Drive revenue • Increase conversion • Increase lifetime value • Reduce spend
  • 6. How do we get there?
  • 7. The Foundations Three pillars to a successful instance
  • 8. Tip 1: Teach your team to fish “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Chinese Proverb
  • 9. Tip 1: Training - teach your team to fish. • I rely on my users to keep the engine running, and my users rely on me for support. • Focus on driving self-sufficiency • Supporting learning • Growing confidence • A well trained team is a confident & effective team.
  • 10. Tip 1: Training - teach your team to fish. • At thl, learning isn’t an extracurricular activity, it’s part of the job for both me and my users. • Prioritise my learning • Prioritise teaching the user how to solve problems themselves • Fortnightly learning sessions on focused areas of Marketo & marketing automation.
  • 11. Tip 1: Training - teach your team to fish. • Know your users’ strengths and weaknesses. • Support when needed • Train when required • Restrict when necessary • Give free reign when earned
  • 12. Tip 1: Training - teach your team to fish.
  • 13. Tip 2: Processes & Checklists “The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition.” - John Wooden
  • 14. Tip 2: Processes & Checklists – they’ll save your @$$ • If you’re marketing to people covered under GDPR • If you’re operating in a heavy regulatory environment • If you’re generally a fan of not being sued • If you take nothing else away from what I say today, please take this.
  • 15. Tip 2: Processes & Checklists – they’ll save your @$$ • Develop clear processes • Document them • Turn them into a checklist • Require your users to document its use It is BORING. It is TEDIOUS. And I cannot stress enough how important and how necessary it is.
  • 16. Tip 2: Processes & Checklists – they’ll save your @$$
  • 17. Tip 2: Processes & Checklists – they’ll save your @$$ Why go through all the effort? • Compliance • Email best practice • Reducing error • Reducing time for sign off • Increased accountability • Awareness of the privilege and responsibility of their power
  • 18. Tip 3: Get Technical About it “The real problem is not whether machines think, but whether men do.” - B. F. Skinner
  • 19. • To unlock Marketo’s full capabilities, you need technical minds in the mix. • Get the support of stakeholders and champions of tech & science in your business • Find your unicorns. Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science.
  • 20. Your dream user - the perfect mix of skills to become a Marketo/Marketing Automation expert. • 50:50 Creative/Analytical split • Often grads with science, arts, communications and/or technology degrees. • Good writers • People with a good sense for design • Who can code/have the potential to learn • Think logically, innately spot holes & solve puzzles. • Self-starters Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science.
  • 21. How do we unlock this power? Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science. Into this. Work with developers that really understand Marketo email and landing page syntax, and they’ll help you turn this…
  • 22. How do we unlock this power? Work with developers that really understand email and can withstand the challenge. They’ll help you turn this… Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science. Into this.
  • 23. How do we unlock this power? Find someone who understands APIs, and ideally how to build them. They’ll help you turn this… Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science. Into this.
  • 24. How do we unlock this power? Think like a scientist! Don’t assume. Develop a hypothesis. Research. Test it. Prove your results. Know the real metrics from the pretty ones. You’ll go from this… Tip 3: Get Technical – Marketing is now 50% science. To this.
  • 25. Putting it to good use Three key steps for effective output
  • 26. Tip 4: Listen to your customer “There is a difference between listening and waiting for your turn to speak.” - Simon Sinek
  • 27. Tip 4: Listen – know your customer. • Create a customer journey. • Each step, every touch point • Covering digital and physical • An honest vision of now • A challenging vision of the future • Talk to the people closest to the customer
  • 28. Tip 4: Listen – know your customer. • Ask… • Where do different channels fit? • Are there holes? • What does the customer need at each stage to move them to the next one? • What are their questions, concerns, what are they feeling at each stage? • Do you have the data you need to act on this? Where can you get it? • What can you do to remove friction? • Then get on the ground and experience it. • And remember: your customers may not only be the customers.
  • 29. Tip 4: Listen – know your customer. • What does this look like at thl? • Famils – we experience our products from the perspective of a customer • Insight days – we regularly shadow other parts of the business • Closest to the customer = loudest voice • Evidence based decision making, constant testing and learning.
  • 30. Tip 5: Get Personal “Create relevance, not awareness.” - Steve Jobs
  • 31. Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want • Don’t get paralysed by the possibilities. • Simple can be effective. • Find something you’re doing now that you think can be improved. • Start.
  • 32. Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want • How we’ve done this at thl… • Community sign up process across all Britz, Maui & Mighty sites fed into the same programs with the same content for all. • Original versions • Upfront supply of discount • No reflection of the brand or region you were interested in. • Mobile view was eh.
  • 33. Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want • Updated versions • Greet by name • Removed upfront supply of discount • Reflection of the sign up source brand in header logos, imagery and click throughs • Reflection of the sign up source region in the content and imagery • Reflection of seasonality in content • New template, mobile version is awesome, imagery is impactful.
  • 34. Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want On average across the programs, these changes resulted in… • 16% Open Rate uplift • 42% CTR uplift • 20% CTOR uplift
  • 35. Tip 5: Get Personal – Give the people what they want • Don’t get paralysed by the possibilities. • Simple can be effective. • Find something you’re doing now that you think can be improved. • Start.
  • 36. Tip 6: Get Timely “What’s the difference between a good joke and a bad joke timing.” - I don’t know, I saw it on reddit once.
  • 37. Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it • You’ve found the right person • You’ve got the right message • Now you need to find the right time.
  • 38. Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it • Identify behaviours that signal readiness to buy or receptiveness to a specific message • Map these behaviours into a strategy for targeting and segmenting your audience. • Lead scoring • Segmentation • Lead lifecycle • Smart list criteria
  • 39. Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it • But again, it can be simpler than that.
  • 40. Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
  • 41. Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
  • 42. • Dozens of them were sold within 1 hour of the email being sent • By count of units sold it became our most popular retail item that month • Contributed heavily to with triple digit MoM % increases in revenue, transactions & ecommerce conversions from Marketo traffic Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it
  • 43. Tip 5: Get Timely – Know when to say it • Don’t get paralysed by the possibilities. • Simple can be effective. • Find something you’re doing now that you think can be improved. • Start.
  • 44. It’s automation. Not manualation. A philosophy for driving real, meaningful results in Marketo
  • 45. The keys to maturity… 1. Teach your team to fish 2. Processes and checklists are critical 3. Get comfortable with the technical stuff 4. Know your customers 5. Get personal 6. Get timely