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       Lithium supply: how much can the market digest?
       Gerry Clarke – International Lithium Alliance



Lithium Supply
How much will the market digest?
             Over what period of time?

                  Gerry Clarke
               Independent Consultant

                         Objective Capital
  Rare Earths, Speciality & Strategic Metals Investment Summit

               Ironmongers’ Hall, City of London
                     13-14 March 2012


Declaration & Disclaimer

Gerry Clarke is an independent industrial minerals consultant and
commentator . He has no investment or interest in any lithium
resources company.

Information presented here is sourced by personal communication
with individuals in the industry and from numerous published
sources. Every care has been taken to ensure historical information is
accurate and representative whilst forward looking views, opinions
and forecasts expressed are made in good faith at the time of
presentation and will necessarily change as time passes and the
industry evolves in response to changing conditions. No reliance may
be made on the content of this presentation whatsoever. Any
consequent liabilities to any person or organisation are expressly
denied. Any such persons or organisations must undertake their own
first hand due diligence and acquire appropriate professional advice
before undertaking any financial, corporate or administrative position
in the industry or liabilities thereto.


What’s going on?
You’ve heard from Rockwood’s Chemetall Lithium – one of the
four major expanding producers with lithium industry
pedigrees in the USA and Europe dating back to the 1920s.

And you’ve heard from Li3 Energy – one of the aspiring new
companies formed in late 2009 with a substantial new
project of merit in northern Chile, along with other
exploration stage projects, yet to catch up with near term
projects in Argentina, Australia and Canada. Will new
extraction technology and strategic partnership with POSCO
propel the company to join the front runners?

Given substantial expansion by the majors and the line up of
new project capacity announcements, compared with
forecast demand levels, it is easy to identify a truly alarming
potential oversupply in the medium term that is probably
untenable. I’ll take you through it and ask some pertinent


Aggregate Lithium Demand Forecast
Estimated 2011 demand: 138,000 tonnes LCE*
                   2015                            2020
          Low High                           Low High
Range: 138,500 265,000                    174,800 500,000
Average:    191,472                            279,945

Average annual growth: 2011-2015: 9.70%
                       2015-2020: 9.24%
Sources: Byron Capital, Chemetall Lithium, Dundee
Securities, FMC, General Motors, Metal Bulletin Research, Pike
Research, PW Harben Inc, Roskill Information
Services*, SignumBox, SQM, Talison Lithium, TRU Group, in various
publications from 2010. *Lithium carbonate equivalent


Forecast Lithium Supply Capacity
  Lithium chemical supply capacity 2010: 137,800 tonnes LCE*

                             Up to 2015      Add to 2020              Total by 2020
Majors (Arg/Aus/Chile/US): 245,800 (4**)     not expected            245,800
Mineral conversion (Chinese): 52,500 (10)    more potential           52,500(?)
Brine expansion (China):      30,000 (4)     20,000e                  50,000e
New brine (Arg/Bol):          31,000 (2)     80,000-110,000 (4)      111,000-141,000
New hard rock (Aus/Can):      61,500 (3)     45,000 (2)              106,500
Novel Geothermal (US):        16,000 (1)     maybe more units         16,000
Novel Oilfield (US):          20,000 (1)                              20,000
Novel Soft Rock (US/Serbia):                 40,000 (2)               40,000e

Total                    456,800 (25) 185,000-215,000 (33) 641,800-671,800
Growth in supply from 2010: +232%       +134%-156%           +366%-388%

NB: Accommodates sufficient slippage of time for projects to ramp up to announced capacity
   levels post commissioning dates by 2015 and 2020. Excludes Korea’s seawater project
   and minor but potentially larger future contributions from Brazil, Zimbabwe, & Portugal
   (*SQM **No. of entities: Four majors accounted for approximately 80% supply in 2010)


Galaxy: “World’s largest battery grade lithium carbonate at 17,000 tpa”
Jiangsu, China using spodumene concentrate imported from Mount
             Forecast Lithium Demand
Catlin, Western Australia. Battery manufacturing plant under
construction adjacent to lithium carbonate plant.
     2011 estimated demand: 138,000 tonnes LCE*
             2015                                  2020
          Low High                              Low High
Range: 138,500 265,000                       174,800 500,000
Average:    191,472                               279,945

Average growth: 2011 to 2015: 9.69% per annum
                2015 to 2020: 9.24%

Sources: Byron Capital, Chemetall Lithium, Metal Bulletin Research, Pike
Research, PW Harben Inc, Roskill Information Services*, Signumbox, TRU
Group, Talison Lithium, FMC, SQM, General Motors, Dundee Securities in
various publications from 2009 onwards. Averages take into account some
analysts’ low, medium and high scenarios.


Lithium supply: how much can the market digest?


Potential Supply Demand Gap to 2020
Tonnes LCE units
                                 2015      2020
   Average forecast demand:     191,472   279,945
   Average forecast capacity:   456,800   656,800

   Potential oversupply (gap): 265,328    376,855
                               +138.6%    +134.6%

   Capacity: An alarming 2.4/2.3 times average forecast demand!
            An implied average industry operating level of 42%

   Is such a gap feasible? If not, how will it be averted?
   Assuming technical success for the advancing projects; in the
   absence of unforeseen, substantial and sustained increased
   demand in the medium term; project slippages, minimum
   occupacity levels, and delays are likely with attendant financial
   and corporate restructuring risks for some.


Recognised World Lithium Resources
                     Tonnes contained elemental lithium

                39,372,000: Clarke (2009)
                39,000,000: Ford/University of Michigan (2011)
                39,890,000: Evans (2012)
                34,000,000: USGS (2012) 13,000,000 Reserves
          NB: In aggregate the recognised resource figure will be higher

            Ford Motor Co/University of Michigan
       Forecast demand to 2100: 20,000,000 tonnes elemental lithium*
  requires 40,000,000 in situ resource assumes 50% mining & conversion losses
        Post 2020 all today’s recognised resources will be required!


     *20,000,000 tonnes lithium = 106,460,000 tonnes LCE (Li = 5.323 Li2CO3)
 Equivalent to 380 years demand at the 2020 forecast average demand of 279,945
                                    tonnes LCE


Plus others 2015 to 2020 and beyond?

ARGENTINA: International Lithium, Dajin Resources
    BRAZIL: CIF Mineracao, CBL
   CANADA: Critical Elements, Glen Eagle Resources, Rock
            Tech Lithium, Perilya Canada, Avalon
       CHILE:    Li3 Energy, NX Uno, Salares Lithium,
                Pan American Lithium
    EUROPE:     East Coast Minerals, Ultra Lithium, Keliber
     KOREA:     POSCO/KIGAM/Govt seawater joint venture
     RUSSIA:    ???????????????????????????
        USA:    Amerilithium, Lithium Corp, etc

                          AND MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some with multiple projects and some further out....................
extending recognised global reserves and resources for lithium


Lithium Availability Wall Map 2011


Quotes & Questions
FMC: “New players limited by unfavourable economics and
  development challenges”
GALAXY: “The industry should stop complaining and start
  promoting the use of lithium and stimulate new markets”

 New projects: which might slip and/or fail?
 At what occupacity levels can new projects be sustained?
 How will project financing be affected by the medium term
  supply demand forecast imbalance ?
 How will strategic partners react to market forecasts?
 What will happen to prices?
 Will Chile’s mining law revision be game changing?
 How immune is lithium to competing technology: e.g. fuel
 How certain is vehicle electrification anyway?


Thank you for your attention

         Gerry Clarke

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Lithium supply: how much can the market digest?

  • 1. RARE EARTHS, SPECIALITY & STRATEGIC METALS INVESTMENT SUMMIT Lithium supply: how much can the market digest? Gerry Clarke – International Lithium Alliance IRONMONGERS’ HALL, CITY OF LONDON TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, 13-14 MARCH 2012 www.ObjectiveCapitalConferences.com
  • 2. Lithium Supply How much will the market digest? Over what period of time? Gerry Clarke Independent Consultant Objective Capital Rare Earths, Speciality & Strategic Metals Investment Summit Ironmongers’ Hall, City of London 13-14 March 2012
  • 3. Declaration & Disclaimer Gerry Clarke is an independent industrial minerals consultant and commentator . He has no investment or interest in any lithium resources company. Information presented here is sourced by personal communication with individuals in the industry and from numerous published sources. Every care has been taken to ensure historical information is accurate and representative whilst forward looking views, opinions and forecasts expressed are made in good faith at the time of presentation and will necessarily change as time passes and the industry evolves in response to changing conditions. No reliance may be made on the content of this presentation whatsoever. Any consequent liabilities to any person or organisation are expressly denied. Any such persons or organisations must undertake their own first hand due diligence and acquire appropriate professional advice before undertaking any financial, corporate or administrative position in the industry or liabilities thereto.
  • 4. What’s going on? You’ve heard from Rockwood’s Chemetall Lithium – one of the four major expanding producers with lithium industry pedigrees in the USA and Europe dating back to the 1920s. And you’ve heard from Li3 Energy – one of the aspiring new companies formed in late 2009 with a substantial new project of merit in northern Chile, along with other exploration stage projects, yet to catch up with near term projects in Argentina, Australia and Canada. Will new extraction technology and strategic partnership with POSCO propel the company to join the front runners? Given substantial expansion by the majors and the line up of new project capacity announcements, compared with forecast demand levels, it is easy to identify a truly alarming potential oversupply in the medium term that is probably untenable. I’ll take you through it and ask some pertinent questions.
  • 5. Aggregate Lithium Demand Forecast Estimated 2011 demand: 138,000 tonnes LCE* 2015 2020 Low High Low High Range: 138,500 265,000 174,800 500,000 Average: 191,472 279,945 Average annual growth: 2011-2015: 9.70% 2015-2020: 9.24% Sources: Byron Capital, Chemetall Lithium, Dundee Securities, FMC, General Motors, Metal Bulletin Research, Pike Research, PW Harben Inc, Roskill Information Services*, SignumBox, SQM, Talison Lithium, TRU Group, in various publications from 2010. *Lithium carbonate equivalent
  • 6. Forecast Lithium Supply Capacity Lithium chemical supply capacity 2010: 137,800 tonnes LCE* Up to 2015 Add to 2020 Total by 2020 Majors (Arg/Aus/Chile/US): 245,800 (4**) not expected 245,800 Mineral conversion (Chinese): 52,500 (10) more potential 52,500(?) Brine expansion (China): 30,000 (4) 20,000e 50,000e New brine (Arg/Bol): 31,000 (2) 80,000-110,000 (4) 111,000-141,000 New hard rock (Aus/Can): 61,500 (3) 45,000 (2) 106,500 Novel Geothermal (US): 16,000 (1) maybe more units 16,000 Novel Oilfield (US): 20,000 (1) 20,000 Novel Soft Rock (US/Serbia): 40,000 (2) 40,000e Total 456,800 (25) 185,000-215,000 (33) 641,800-671,800 Growth in supply from 2010: +232% +134%-156% +366%-388% NB: Accommodates sufficient slippage of time for projects to ramp up to announced capacity levels post commissioning dates by 2015 and 2020. Excludes Korea’s seawater project and minor but potentially larger future contributions from Brazil, Zimbabwe, & Portugal (*SQM **No. of entities: Four majors accounted for approximately 80% supply in 2010)
  • 7. Galaxy: “World’s largest battery grade lithium carbonate at 17,000 tpa” Jiangsu, China using spodumene concentrate imported from Mount Forecast Lithium Demand Catlin, Western Australia. Battery manufacturing plant under construction adjacent to lithium carbonate plant. 2011 estimated demand: 138,000 tonnes LCE* 2015 2020 Low High Low High Range: 138,500 265,000 174,800 500,000 Average: 191,472 279,945 Average growth: 2011 to 2015: 9.69% per annum 2015 to 2020: 9.24% Sources: Byron Capital, Chemetall Lithium, Metal Bulletin Research, Pike Research, PW Harben Inc, Roskill Information Services*, Signumbox, TRU Group, Talison Lithium, FMC, SQM, General Motors, Dundee Securities in various publications from 2009 onwards. Averages take into account some analysts’ low, medium and high scenarios.
  • 9. Potential Supply Demand Gap to 2020 Tonnes LCE units 2015 2020 Average forecast demand: 191,472 279,945 Average forecast capacity: 456,800 656,800 Potential oversupply (gap): 265,328 376,855 +138.6% +134.6% Capacity: An alarming 2.4/2.3 times average forecast demand! An implied average industry operating level of 42% Is such a gap feasible? If not, how will it be averted? Assuming technical success for the advancing projects; in the absence of unforeseen, substantial and sustained increased demand in the medium term; project slippages, minimum occupacity levels, and delays are likely with attendant financial and corporate restructuring risks for some.
  • 10. Recognised World Lithium Resources Tonnes contained elemental lithium 39,372,000: Clarke (2009) 39,000,000: Ford/University of Michigan (2011) 39,890,000: Evans (2012) 34,000,000: USGS (2012) 13,000,000 Reserves NB: In aggregate the recognised resource figure will be higher Ford Motor Co/University of Michigan Forecast demand to 2100: 20,000,000 tonnes elemental lithium* requires 40,000,000 in situ resource assumes 50% mining & conversion losses Post 2020 all today’s recognised resources will be required! SUPPLY DEMAND GAP THROUGH 2020 APPEARS A MEDIUM TERM PROBLEM *20,000,000 tonnes lithium = 106,460,000 tonnes LCE (Li = 5.323 Li2CO3) Equivalent to 380 years demand at the 2020 forecast average demand of 279,945 tonnes LCE
  • 11. Plus others 2015 to 2020 and beyond? ARGENTINA: International Lithium, Dajin Resources BRAZIL: CIF Mineracao, CBL CANADA: Critical Elements, Glen Eagle Resources, Rock Tech Lithium, Perilya Canada, Avalon CHILE: Li3 Energy, NX Uno, Salares Lithium, Pan American Lithium EUROPE: East Coast Minerals, Ultra Lithium, Keliber KOREA: POSCO/KIGAM/Govt seawater joint venture RUSSIA: ??????????????????????????? USA: Amerilithium, Lithium Corp, etc AND MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some with multiple projects and some further out.................... extending recognised global reserves and resources for lithium
  • 13. Quotes & Questions FMC: “New players limited by unfavourable economics and development challenges” GALAXY: “The industry should stop complaining and start promoting the use of lithium and stimulate new markets”  New projects: which might slip and/or fail?  At what occupacity levels can new projects be sustained?  How will project financing be affected by the medium term supply demand forecast imbalance ?  How will strategic partners react to market forecasts?  What will happen to prices?  Will Chile’s mining law revision be game changing?  How immune is lithium to competing technology: e.g. fuel cells?  How certain is vehicle electrification anyway?
  • 14. Thank you for your attention Gerry Clarke