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How Linked Data is
transforming eGovernment
... and how the ISA Programme is actively
pushing forward this transformation for the
benefit of Europe.
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                     ISA online search
                  EU Linked Data      ISA produces best     ISA produces      ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                          service based on   References
                    initiatives           practices         vocabularies       Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                        Linked Data

What is Linked Data?
The Web is evolving from a “Web of linked documents” into a
“Web of linked data”.
                                                                           “Linked data is a set of design principles for
However, in many cases, data is still locked in information
systems    and    databases   and    is   represented   using              sharing machine-readable data on the Web
different, usually not aligned, vocabularies and schemas.                  for use by public administrations, business
In Europe, access to government data, and the possibility to freely        and citizens.”
use it, is seen as an enabler for Open Government and a goldmine
of unrealised economic potential. Open Data usually refers to
public records (e.g. on transport, infrastructure, education, and
environment) that can be freely used and redistributed by anyone -         The four design principles of Linked Data put forward by
either for free or at marginal cost [1].                                   Tim Berners-Lee in 2006 [2].
But opening-up data, e.g. in Open Data portals, often happens in            1. Use Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to uniquely
an ad-hoc manner, and in many cases thousands of datasets is                identify things (data entities)
published without adhering to commonly-agreed data and
metadata standards and without reusing common identifiers.                  2. Use HTTP URLs, corresponding to these URIs, so that
                                                                            information can be retrieved
Hence,     a   fragmented       data-scape is created, where
finding, reusing, integrating and making sense of data from                 3. Provide metadata using open standards such as RDF
different sources is a real challenge.

Linked Data can respond to these challenges and can be an enabler
                                                                            4. Include links to related URIs, so that people can discover
of eGovernment transformation, leading to smarter and more                  more things
efficient government services and applications, and fostering
creativity and innovation in the digital economy.                           [1] http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-11-1524_en.htm
                                                                            [2] http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                           ISA online search
                      EU Linked Data           ISA produces best            ISA produces    ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                                service based on       References
                        initiatives                practices                vocabularies     Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                              Linked Data

 How can Linked Data help transform
 eGovernment?                                                                              “Open data initiatives are expected to
                                                                                           promote transparency, foster
 The Directive on the re-use of public sector information (known
 as the PSI directive) encourages public administrations to adopt                          collaboration across government and
 open data policies, allowing broad use of their data records.                             beyond, allow the creation of new,
 Linked Data principles enable data to be delivered in both
 machine- and human-readable formats. Making government                                    innovative, added-value services, and
 data available on the Web enables greater transparency and                                improve the quality of decision-
 accountability, and makes possible more informed choices [3].
                                                                                           making.” [4]
 Linked Data enables public administrations to define links (i.e.
 relationships) between related datasets of others. Putting data
 into such a context creates new knowledge and fosters creativity
                                                                                           Linked Data enables the flexible virtual integration of
 and innovation. Now, governments can come up with smarter
                                                                                           government data, through linking, without requiring to
 and more efficient public services and applications, and
                                                                                           redesign information systems and to centralise data in data
 businesses and individuals can develop new tools and services
                                                                                           silos. This will facilitate the collaboration between different
 in order to work with, analyse, and make sense of the data.
                                                                                           public sector agencies in the provision of common services.
 The Linked Data paradigm does not impact the ownership of
                                                                                           Re-using data, commonly-agreed metadata (e.g. vocabularies
 the original data. Relationships between data are established,
                                                                                           and taxonomies) and common identifiers (i.e. URIs) ensures
 but everyone keeps full control of their original data [3].
                                                                                           semantic interoperability when information systems exchange
                                                                                           data, thus making the provision of cross-border public services
                                                                                           easier, and creating economies of scale which are likely to result
                                                                                           in significant savings.
  [3] Bizer, C.; , "The Emerging Web of Linked Data," Intelligent Systems, IEEE ,
  vol.24, no.5, pp.87-92, Sept.-Oct. 2009
  [4] Ding, L., Peristeras V., Hausenblas M., "Linked Open Government Data," IEEE
  Intelligent Systems, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 11-15, May-June 2012
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                      ISA online search
                    EU Linked Data      ISA produces best       ISA produces     ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                           service based on         References
                      initiatives           practices           vocabularies      Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                         Linked Data

 Looking at the future                                                             Present                             Future
                                                                                       Data shared using the                  Data shared using the
 At present most information systems store data in relational databases             eXtensible Markup Language                Resource Description
 and make its exchange possible according to well defined structures,                          (XML)                           Framework (RDF)
 usually using XML schemas. Sharing data according to some sort of
 schema has been the technological paradigm of the last decades because it                                                    Rules (e.g. SWRL) and
 enables computer programmes to process data efficiently. However, when             XML Schema (XSD) used as a             SPARQL used as a means to
                                                                                      means to validate data               validate data and infer facts
 these schemas evolve, information systems using them(as data providers
 or data consumers) need to be adapted accordingly. Over time
 maintaining these schemas requires significant effort and can be quite                                                     Re-use of vocabularies and
                                                                                     Structure is central to reuse         reference data is a means of
 inflexible – especially when the pace of change is high.                                 i.e. reuse of XSDs               achieving common meaning
 This is a key reason for the emergence of a new paradigm for data
 exchange centred around the Resource Description Framework (RDF).                   Data is stored in a relational
 According to its publisher, W3C, “RDF has features that facilitate data                                                  Data is stored in RDF graphs
 merging even if the underlying schemas differ, and it specifically supports
 the evolution of schemas over time without requiring all the data
                                                                                    Specialised SOAP-based Web             Lightweight RESTful Linked
 consumers to be changed” [5]. In RDF, data is organised in graphs around
                                                                                     Services make access to data          Data services make access to
 subject-predicate-object statements and can be queried using SPARQL.                                                             data possible
 These and other related standards are the foundations of Linked Data.

 The ISA programme of the European Commission is attentive to this                                                         Semantic-based data inter-
                                                                                          System integration
 paradigm shift and is running an action on semantic interoperability. This                                                         linking
 action is putting these standards and technologies together for improving
 eGovernment, at EU-wide level. The results of this action will then be re-             Data and schemas are                Data and vocabularies are
 used by Public Administrations in the Member States to implement open                 assumed to be complete               assumed to be incomplete
 data policies, to open up their base registries and to ease data exchange                 (Closed World)                        (Open World)
 across borders.
                                                                                                                          Each data entity has common
                                                                                    Each data entity has a unique
                                                                                                                                 and inter-linked
                                                                                      identifier at information
                                                                                                                          identifiers, across information
                                                                                            system level
                                                                                                                              systems, at Web level
[5] http://www.w3.org/RDF/                                                                                                                                   4
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                                       ISA online search
                         EU Linked Data       ISA produces best           ISA produces          ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                                            service based on   References
                           initiatives            practices               vocabularies           Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                                          Linked Data

 From Technical to Semantic                                                           To make communication effective, data formats needed to be
                                                                                      harmonised, thus improving syntactic interoperability [6]. Only in the
 interoperability                                                                     late 1990s standards like XML became widely adopted. However, XML
                                                                                      and related technologies (XSD, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL) left one
  In the last decades, interoperability has been a key topic for both                 problem open: the need of sharing “off-line” a common naming scheme
  the IT industry and governments. The road leading to effective                      and agreeing upfront on the meaning and on strict data typing. Mutual
  system-to-system communication has always been paved with                           understanding was impossible otherwise.
  many obstacles: proliferation of standards, non-compatible
  technologies, high costs for data transformation and mapping.                       In the 2000s, thanks to semantic standards like RDF and OWL, a new
                                                                                      step has been achieved: semantic interoperability [6], which entails
  Different technologies and protocols have been created to address                   reaching consensus on the meaning of data elements and the
  the issues above. The advent of the Internet in the 1980s                           relationships between them. Semantic interoperability requires
  constitutes the first major milestone, with the standardisation of                  developing common vocabularies to describe data entities, and ensures
  TCP and IP protocols, which made world-wide system-to-system                        that these are understood in the same way by communicating parties [8].
  communication and technical interoperability [6] a reality.
                                                                                      Linked Data is an enabler of semantic interoperability. The evolution of
  However, at that time, systems were still “speaking different                       semantic and Linked Data technologies is summarised in the following
  languages”.                                                                         slide.

                                                       1980s                                  1990s                           2000s onwards

                                                                                                                                RDF, OWL,


                                                                                                          HTML, X       WSDL, SOAP,
                         Syntactic                                                                          ML          Web Services

                         Technical          The Internet

      [6] As defined by EC’s European Interoperability Framework: http://ec.europa.eu/isa/documents/isa_annex_ii_eif_en.pdf
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                 ISA online search
                  EU Linked Data     ISA produces best     ISA produces       ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                      service based on       References
                    initiatives          practices         vocabularies        Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                    Linked Data

 Key milestones for Linked Data, particularly for eGovernment

                                                                                  The large research                  ISA Member State
                                                                                  initiative on Linked                representatives endorse key
                                                 SPARQL, the query                Open Data (LOD2) and                Linked Government Data
                                                 language for RDF,                the LOD Around The                  specifications
                                                 published as W3C                 Clock (LATC) project are
                                                 recommendation                   launched under FP7                  http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/n
          RDF published as W3C                                                                                        ews/isa-member-state-
          recommendation                         http://www.w3.org/TR/r           http://lod2.eu/                     representatives-endorse-key-
          http://www.w3.org/RDF                  df-sparql-query/                 http://latc-project.eu/             specifications-e-government-
     2004               2006                2008               2009           2010               2011             2012

                           Tim Berners-Lee publishes
                                                                     The UK Government                  W3C establishes the Government
                           the 4 Linked Data principles
                                                                     released data.gov.uk.              Linked Data (GLD) Working
                                                                     Pioneer in linked                  Group
                                                                     government data they
                                                                     contributed to set the             http://www.w3.org/2011/gld
                                                                     example world-wide.

Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                           ISA online search
                    EU Linked Data    ISA produces best   ISA produces      ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                service based on      References
                      initiatives         practices       vocabularies       Government Data pilots
                                                                                                              Linked Data

Key Linked Government Data
initiatives in the Member States                                         BE - Interconnecting Belgian National and Regional Address
                                                                         DK – Good basic data for everyone
                                                                         EC – Open Data Portal

                                                                         EU – Financial Transparency System
                                 SE                                      http://fts.publicdata.eu/page/startpage
                                                                         GR – Legal Entities & Public Spending
               UK                                                        IT – Linked Data Guidelines
                                                                         SE – Linked Open Data Sweden
                BE                                                       UK – Government Linked Data Working Group
                            IT                    GR                     NL - Geonovum.nl

Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                         ISA online search
                      EU Linked Data         ISA produces best         ISA produces         ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                              service based on   References
                        initiatives              practices             vocabularies          Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                            Linked Data

       7 Good Practices for publishing Linked Data [7]

                 Model the data

                 Re-use vocabularies whenever possible

                 Name things with persistent URIs

                 Publish human and machine readable descriptions

                 Convert data to RDF

                 Specify an appropriate license

                 Host the Linked Dataset publicly and announce it!

               [7] W3C’s Cookbook for Open Government Linked Data http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Linked_Data_Cookbook

Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                                             ISA online search
                        EU Linked Data           ISA produces best          ISA produces           ISA is carrying out Linked
 Introduction                                                                                                                                 service based on             References
                          initiatives                practices              vocabularies            Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                                                Linked Data

                                                                                    Type of Data                           Structured e-Government Data                          Text
A Linked Data architecture for data
                                                                                                                                                             RDF -izers
Linked Data can be used for integrating data housed in different                    Data Preparation                                                          for CVS,
                                                                                                                                                             XML , Excel
types of sources, in different formats, both structured and
unstructured. We put forward an architecture for that, inspired
by the work of Heath & Bizer [8].
                                                                                    Data Storage
The first step is to design and assign persistent URIs to the data                                                                                                             RDF Files
                                                                                                                    Relational                 Data Source
and describe it in RDF using commonly-agreed metadata. In the                                                       Database                    with APIs     RDF Store

case of structured data (e.g. stored in relational
databases, CSV, Excel or XML files), RDF wrappers, exporters and
APIs can be adapted and used for transforming it to RDF and                                                                      CMS with       Custom
                                                                                               Persistent   RDB-to-RDF                                       Linked Data
publishing it on the Web or any other shared environment data                                  URIs          Wrapper
                                                                                                                                   RDFa       Linked Data
                                                                                                                                                                               Web Server
                                                                                                                                  Output       Wrapper
stored in structured sources. Whereas for unstructured data (e.g. a
series of news stories or business reports), entity extractors and
                                                                                    Data Publication
text mining techniques have to be employed for discovering the
data entities to be published as Linked Data.                                                                                                 Linked Data

While data is being represented in RDF, it should be linked to
other data coming from trusted sources, in order to provide
context and enrich its meaning.                                                     Data Search and Re-use
                                                                                           -                                                    SPARQL

After Linked Data is published, any system capable of running
semantic queries (using the SPARQL query language) can extract
and re-use the relevant information.
                                                                                             No need for complex                                  Semantic queries can
                                                                                         system-to-system integration                       be optimised for large sets of data

[8] http://linkeddatabook.com/editions/1.0/                                                                                                 Use of good practises on persistent
[9] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/semic/document/10-rules-persistent-uris        No need for strict data typing
                                                                                                                                             URI design is key for re-use [9]               9
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                                        ISA online search
                            EU Linked Data           ISA produces best         ISA produces          ISA is carrying out Linked
      Introduction                                                                                                                       service based on      References
                              initiatives                practices             vocabularies           Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                                           Linked Data

        What is the role of the ISA programme?
                        ISA action 1.1 promotes semantic interoperability through Linked Data.

                                                                                                                   Best Practices
                                         organizations are working                                                 ISA is developing best practices for applying
                                         on best practices                                                         Linked Data technologies to eGovernment

                                       • Cool URIS [14]
                                       • Linked Data principles [15]
                                       • GLD working group [16]                                                                   Pilots
                                                                                                                                  ISA is carrying out Linked
Standardization                                                                                                                   Government Data pilots
organizations are
working on Linked                       Industry is creating software
Data standards
  •   SPARQL [10]                      • Triplestore
                                       • SPARQL engine
  •   RDF [11]                                                                                                                                ISA is developing a set of
  •   RDFS [12]                        • RDF middleware
                                                                                                                                              vocabularies for eGovernment
  •   OWL [13]
                                        organizations, academia, i
                                        ndustry and governments
                                        are creating vocabularies
                                                                                                                Online search service
                                                                                                                ISA offers an online search service for ICT
                                       • SKOS [17]                                                              specifications, based on Linked Data technologies
                                       • DCMI [18]
                                       • FOAF [19]

      [10] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/     [15] [http://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/data
      [11] http://www.w3.org/RDF/                     [16] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Main_Page
      [12] http://www.w3.org/RDF/                     [17] http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/
      [13] http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/         [18] http://dublincore.org/
      [14] http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/             [19] http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/                                                                                      10
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                    ISA online search
                    EU Linked Data      ISA produces best      ISA produces    ISA is carrying out Linked
 Introduction                                                                                                        service based on          References
                      initiatives           practices          vocabularies     Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                       Linked Data

ISA produces good practices
                                                                                    “ISA provides good practices and
ISA provides good practices and practical examples to help public
administrations apply Linked Data technologies to eGovernment. The
                                                                                    practical examples to help public
following are some studies already available on Joinup:                             administrations apply Linked Data
                                                                                    technologies to eGovernment.”
Study on URI design [20]

This study explores good practices on the publication of Uniform
Resource Identifiers (URI) sets, both in terms of format and of their
design rules and management.

                                                                                                                All studies produced by ISA’s
Case study - Interconnecting business registers with the Core
                                                                                                                semantic interoperability initiative
Business Vocabulary [21]                                                                                        are available for download on
                                                                                                                Joinup through the Semantic
The business case underscores the potential of the Core Business
                                                                                                                Interoperability Community
Vocabulary as the foundation for a common semantic standard for
                                                                                                                (SEMIC) [23]
interconnecting business registers in Europe and beyond.

Case study - How to describe organizations in RDF using the
Core Business Vocabulary and the Organization Ontology? [22]

This case study explains how organizations can be described in RDF
                                                                                  [20] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/semic/document/10-rules-
using the Core Business Vocabulary and the Organization Ontology. To              persistent-uris
do this, it provides an example of a real organization,                           [21] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/core_business/document/interconnecting-
PricewaterhouseCoopers Enterprise Advisory a legal entity registered in           business-registers-core-business-vocabulary
the Belgian company register, which is then described in RDF using                [22] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/core_business/document/describe-
these specifications.                                                                                                                                          11
                                                                                  [23] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/semic/description
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                     ISA online search
                    EU Linked Data       ISA produces best      ISA produces     ISA is carrying out Linked
 Introduction                                                                                                         service based on           References
                      initiatives            practices          vocabularies      Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                        Linked Data

ISA produces Core Vocabularies
                                                                                      The Core Vocabularies
What is a Core Vocabulary?
                                                                                      abide by the Linked
A Core Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable, and extensible data model
that captures the fundamental characteristics of a data entity in a                   Data principles
context-neutral fashion. Core Vocabularies can be used in
interoperability agreements for enabling information                                   They promote the use of common identifiers for
systems, developed independently, to exchange information, thus                        organizations in the form of URIs.
making it possible for information to travel across borders and
domains.                                                                               They can be easily combined with other Linked Data
The first three Core Vocabularies developed by ISA, namely Core
Person, Core Location and Core Business (renamed to Registered
                                                                                       They can easily be extended with new classes and
Organization) [24], have been undertaken by the Government Linked                      attributes to fulfil new domain requirements.
Data Working Group (GLD WG) of W3C [25]. A fourth Core
Vocabulary, the Core Public Service, is currently under development.

Why is it useful?                                                                    Find more about the Core Vocabularies on
Although there are many cross-border public services in the
EU, citizens and businesses are still not receiving them in a seamless
and efficient way. When citizens of one Member State receive services
in another, the necessary exchange of data is often hampered by
incompatible data standards and specifications. Core Vocabularies help                                                                   VOCABULARY
describe data entities by defining their components. They are designed
to become the foundation of new, context-specific vocabularies to be
used for exchanging public sector information. They can also be used as
                                                                                    [24] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/core_vocabularies/description
pivotal vocabularies for mapping and aligning other vocabularies.                   [25] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                                                                  ISA online search
                      EU Linked Data           ISA produces best       ISA produces                 ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                                                                       service based on                                              References
                        initiatives                practices           vocabularies                  Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                                                                     Linked Data

ISA is carrying out Linked
Government Data pilots                                                                                                                                                                           Link

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Look up
                                                                                                                                                                                                Identif ier                      Notation
                                                                                        EC INSPIRE TEAM                                    DATA CONSUMER                                                      Disambiguate
                                                                                        Review                                              lookup, disambiguate, link

Interconnecting Belgian National and Regional                                                                                         SPARQL End Point
                                                                                                                                                                                                   DATA CONSUMER ORIENTED
                                                                                                                                                                                                          USE CASES

Address Registers                                                                                                                   Address data as linked data
                                                                                                                                               Common Data models

This pilot uses the Core Location Vocabulary [26] to                                                                         Repository

publish and inter-link data from the address registers of                                                                     LOGD INFRASTRUCTURE
the three Belgian regions, namely UrBIS in the Brussels
                                                                                                                              sample address data in native format
Region, CRAB in the Flanders and PICC in Wallonia, and
the Belgian National Geographic Institute (NGI).

A demo of the pilot is available at:
http://location.testproject.eu/BEL/                                              UrBIS - Brussels          CRAB - Flanders                PICC - Wallonia                          NGI – National               Civil register
                                                                                 Capital Region                                                                                    Geographic Institute

                                                                                                                                  DATA SOURCES
ADMS SW Pilot - Sample AMDS.SW Software
Descriptions from national and regional forges

This pilot aims at publishing sample descriptions of
reusable, open-source software from national and
regional forges in Europe in HTML+RDFa, RDF-                                “The pilot demonstrates how to link address data
XML, and Turtle formats using the AMDS.SW
vocabulary [27].
                                                                            coming from the 3 Belgian address registers and
                                                                            NGI using the Core Location Vocabulary”

[26] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/core_location/description
[27] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms_foss/news/sample-amdssw-
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                             ISA online search
                      EU Linked Data          ISA produces best          ISA produces    ISA is carrying out Linked
 Introduction                                                                                                                 service based on       References
                        initiatives               practices              vocabularies     Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                                Linked Data

ISA online search service based on
Linked Data technologies
ISA has launched a new online service to make it easier for public
                                                                                               15        Partner organisations
administrations to find and reuse IT specifications (i.e. semantic                             6 partner organisations from Members States
assets), based on Linked Data technologies [28]. More than 1300
assets from fifteen organisations, shown in the figure, including
several Member States and standardization bodies, can be found                                 2 partner organisations from European Institutions
via the European Commission Joinup Portal [29].

By increasing the visibility and promoting the reuse of semantic                               3 partner organisations from Standardisation Bodies
assets, the European Commission fosters semantic interoperability
among information systems developed in different Member States.
                                                                                               4 partner organisations from other stakeholders
What is ADMS?
This service is powered by the Asset Description Metadata Schema
(ADMS) [30]. This is a standardised metadata vocabulary that helps
public administrations, standardisation bodies and other
stakeholders to document their semantic assets in a uniformed and
structured manner (e.g. name, status, version, where they can be
                                                                                        What are semantic assets?
found on the Web, etc). In other words, ADMS defines a common
way to describe semantic assets.                                                        Semantic assets are highly reusable metadata (e.g. xml
                                                                                        schema, generic data models) and reference data (e.g.
                                                                                        code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries, vocabularies) that
                                                                                        are used by public administrations, in their information
                                                                                        systems, to share information.
[28] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/cesar/news/european-commission-
[29] http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/
[310 https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/description                                                                                                           14
Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

                                                                                                                                                                ISA online search
                               EU Linked Data                     ISA produces best                     ISA produces             ISA is carrying out Linked
Introduction                                                                                                                                                     service based on      References
                                 initiatives                          practices                         vocabularies              Government Data pilots
                                                                                                                                                                   Linked Data

 Contact us                                                                                                                                   Visit our initiatives
 Further reading about Linked Data                                                                                                                            COM M UNITY

                                                                                                                                                              ADM S.

http://linkeddatabook.com/editions/1.0/                                                                                                       Get involved
                                                                                                                                                       Follow @SEMICeu on Twitter

The views expressed in this document are purely those of the writer and may not, in any circumstances, be
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interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission. The European Commission does not
guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this study, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use
thereof. Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade
name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its
                                                                                                                                                       Join SEMIC community on Joinup
endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission. All care has been taken by the author to
ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including
illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such
rights or from her/his or their legal representative.

This Case Study was prepared for the ISA programme by PwC EU Services EESV                                                                                                                          15

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How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

  • 1. EUROPEAN JOINING UP GOVERNMENTS COMMISSION How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ... and how the ISA Programme is actively pushing forward this transformation for the benefit of Europe.
  • 2. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data What is Linked Data? The Web is evolving from a “Web of linked documents” into a “Web of linked data”. “Linked data is a set of design principles for However, in many cases, data is still locked in information systems and databases and is represented using sharing machine-readable data on the Web different, usually not aligned, vocabularies and schemas. for use by public administrations, business In Europe, access to government data, and the possibility to freely and citizens.” use it, is seen as an enabler for Open Government and a goldmine of unrealised economic potential. Open Data usually refers to public records (e.g. on transport, infrastructure, education, and environment) that can be freely used and redistributed by anyone - The four design principles of Linked Data put forward by either for free or at marginal cost [1]. Tim Berners-Lee in 2006 [2]. But opening-up data, e.g. in Open Data portals, often happens in 1. Use Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to uniquely an ad-hoc manner, and in many cases thousands of datasets is identify things (data entities) published without adhering to commonly-agreed data and metadata standards and without reusing common identifiers. 2. Use HTTP URLs, corresponding to these URIs, so that information can be retrieved Hence, a fragmented data-scape is created, where finding, reusing, integrating and making sense of data from 3. Provide metadata using open standards such as RDF different sources is a real challenge. Linked Data can respond to these challenges and can be an enabler 4. Include links to related URIs, so that people can discover of eGovernment transformation, leading to smarter and more more things efficient government services and applications, and fostering creativity and innovation in the digital economy. [1] http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-11-1524_en.htm [2] http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html 2
  • 3. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data How can Linked Data help transform eGovernment? “Open data initiatives are expected to promote transparency, foster The Directive on the re-use of public sector information (known as the PSI directive) encourages public administrations to adopt collaboration across government and open data policies, allowing broad use of their data records. beyond, allow the creation of new, Linked Data principles enable data to be delivered in both machine- and human-readable formats. Making government innovative, added-value services, and data available on the Web enables greater transparency and improve the quality of decision- accountability, and makes possible more informed choices [3]. making.” [4] Linked Data enables public administrations to define links (i.e. relationships) between related datasets of others. Putting data into such a context creates new knowledge and fosters creativity Linked Data enables the flexible virtual integration of and innovation. Now, governments can come up with smarter government data, through linking, without requiring to and more efficient public services and applications, and redesign information systems and to centralise data in data businesses and individuals can develop new tools and services silos. This will facilitate the collaboration between different in order to work with, analyse, and make sense of the data. public sector agencies in the provision of common services. The Linked Data paradigm does not impact the ownership of Re-using data, commonly-agreed metadata (e.g. vocabularies the original data. Relationships between data are established, and taxonomies) and common identifiers (i.e. URIs) ensures but everyone keeps full control of their original data [3]. semantic interoperability when information systems exchange data, thus making the provision of cross-border public services easier, and creating economies of scale which are likely to result in significant savings. [3] Bizer, C.; , "The Emerging Web of Linked Data," Intelligent Systems, IEEE , vol.24, no.5, pp.87-92, Sept.-Oct. 2009 [4] Ding, L., Peristeras V., Hausenblas M., "Linked Open Government Data," IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 11-15, May-June 2012 3
  • 4. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data Looking at the future Present Future Data shared using the Data shared using the At present most information systems store data in relational databases eXtensible Markup Language Resource Description and make its exchange possible according to well defined structures, (XML) Framework (RDF) usually using XML schemas. Sharing data according to some sort of schema has been the technological paradigm of the last decades because it Rules (e.g. SWRL) and enables computer programmes to process data efficiently. However, when XML Schema (XSD) used as a SPARQL used as a means to means to validate data validate data and infer facts these schemas evolve, information systems using them(as data providers or data consumers) need to be adapted accordingly. Over time maintaining these schemas requires significant effort and can be quite Re-use of vocabularies and Structure is central to reuse reference data is a means of inflexible – especially when the pace of change is high. i.e. reuse of XSDs achieving common meaning This is a key reason for the emergence of a new paradigm for data exchange centred around the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Data is stored in a relational According to its publisher, W3C, “RDF has features that facilitate data Data is stored in RDF graphs database merging even if the underlying schemas differ, and it specifically supports the evolution of schemas over time without requiring all the data Specialised SOAP-based Web Lightweight RESTful Linked consumers to be changed” [5]. In RDF, data is organised in graphs around Services make access to data Data services make access to subject-predicate-object statements and can be queried using SPARQL. data possible possible These and other related standards are the foundations of Linked Data. The ISA programme of the European Commission is attentive to this Semantic-based data inter- System integration paradigm shift and is running an action on semantic interoperability. This linking action is putting these standards and technologies together for improving eGovernment, at EU-wide level. The results of this action will then be re- Data and schemas are Data and vocabularies are used by Public Administrations in the Member States to implement open assumed to be complete assumed to be incomplete data policies, to open up their base registries and to ease data exchange (Closed World) (Open World) across borders. Each data entity has common Each data entity has a unique and inter-linked identifier at information identifiers, across information system level systems, at Web level [5] http://www.w3.org/RDF/ 4
  • 5. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data From Technical to Semantic To make communication effective, data formats needed to be harmonised, thus improving syntactic interoperability [6]. Only in the interoperability late 1990s standards like XML became widely adopted. However, XML and related technologies (XSD, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL) left one In the last decades, interoperability has been a key topic for both problem open: the need of sharing “off-line” a common naming scheme the IT industry and governments. The road leading to effective and agreeing upfront on the meaning and on strict data typing. Mutual system-to-system communication has always been paved with understanding was impossible otherwise. many obstacles: proliferation of standards, non-compatible technologies, high costs for data transformation and mapping. In the 2000s, thanks to semantic standards like RDF and OWL, a new step has been achieved: semantic interoperability [6], which entails Different technologies and protocols have been created to address reaching consensus on the meaning of data elements and the the issues above. The advent of the Internet in the 1980s relationships between them. Semantic interoperability requires constitutes the first major milestone, with the standardisation of developing common vocabularies to describe data entities, and ensures TCP and IP protocols, which made world-wide system-to-system that these are understood in the same way by communicating parties [8]. communication and technical interoperability [6] a reality. Linked Data is an enabler of semantic interoperability. The evolution of However, at that time, systems were still “speaking different semantic and Linked Data technologies is summarised in the following languages”. slide. 1980s 1990s 2000s onwards RDF, OWL, Semantic Interoperability SPARQL Levels HTML, X WSDL, SOAP, Syntactic ML Web Services TCP/IP, Technical The Internet HTTP 5 [6] As defined by EC’s European Interoperability Framework: http://ec.europa.eu/isa/documents/isa_annex_ii_eif_en.pdf
  • 6. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data Key milestones for Linked Data, particularly for eGovernment The large research ISA Member State initiative on Linked representatives endorse key SPARQL, the query Open Data (LOD2) and Linked Government Data language for RDF, the LOD Around The specifications published as W3C Clock (LATC) project are recommendation launched under FP7 http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/n RDF published as W3C ews/isa-member-state- recommendation http://www.w3.org/TR/r http://lod2.eu/ representatives-endorse-key- http://www.w3.org/RDF df-sparql-query/ http://latc-project.eu/ specifications-e-government- interoperability > 2004 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Tim Berners-Lee publishes The UK Government W3C establishes the Government the 4 Linked Data principles released data.gov.uk. Linked Data (GLD) Working Pioneer in linked Group government data they contributed to set the http://www.w3.org/2011/gld example world-wide. http://www.w3.org/DesignIss ues/LinkedData.html http://5stardata.info/ 6
  • 7. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data Key Linked Government Data initiatives in the Member States BE - Interconnecting Belgian National and Regional Address Data http://location.testproject.eu/BEL/ DK – Good basic data for everyone http://uk.fm.dk/publications/2012/good-basic-data-for-everyone EC – Open Data Portal http://open-data.europa.eu/open-data/linked-data EU – Financial Transparency System SE http://fts.publicdata.eu/page/startpage GR – Legal Entities & Public Spending http://linkeddata.ihu.edu.gr:8080/rdf-browser/ http://publicspending.medialab.ntua.gr/ DK UK IT – Linked Data Guidelines http://www.digitpa.gov.it/notizie/linee-guida-open-data-interoperabili NL SE – Linked Open Data Sweden http://www.ida.liu.se/~evabl45/lodsweden.sv.shtml BE UK – Government Linked Data Working Group http://data.gov.uk/linked-data http://education.data.gov.uk/ http://location.data.gov.uk/ http://law.data.gov.uk/ IT GR NL - Geonovum.nl http://www.geonovum.nl/ 7
  • 8. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data 7 Good Practices for publishing Linked Data [7] Model the data Re-use vocabularies whenever possible Name things with persistent URIs Publish human and machine readable descriptions Convert data to RDF Specify an appropriate license Host the Linked Dataset publicly and announce it! [7] W3C’s Cookbook for Open Government Linked Data http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Linked_Data_Cookbook 8
  • 9. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data Type of Data Structured e-Government Data Text A Linked Data architecture for data integration RDF -izers Entity Linked Data can be used for integrating data housed in different Data Preparation for CVS, Extractor XML , Excel types of sources, in different formats, both structured and unstructured. We put forward an architecture for that, inspired by the work of Heath & Bizer [8]. Data Storage The first step is to design and assign persistent URIs to the data RDF Files Relational Data Source and describe it in RDF using commonly-agreed metadata. In the Database with APIs RDF Store case of structured data (e.g. stored in relational databases, CSV, Excel or XML files), RDF wrappers, exporters and APIs can be adapted and used for transforming it to RDF and CMS with Custom Persistent RDB-to-RDF Linked Data publishing it on the Web or any other shared environment data URIs Wrapper RDFa Linked Data Interface Web Server Output Wrapper stored in structured sources. Whereas for unstructured data (e.g. a series of news stories or business reports), entity extractors and Data Publication text mining techniques have to be employed for discovering the data entities to be published as Linked Data. Linked Data While data is being represented in RDF, it should be linked to other data coming from trusted sources, in order to provide context and enrich its meaning. Data Search and Re-use - SPARQL Endpoint After Linked Data is published, any system capable of running semantic queries (using the SPARQL query language) can extract and re-use the relevant information. No need for complex Semantic queries can system-to-system integration be optimised for large sets of data [8] http://linkeddatabook.com/editions/1.0/ Use of good practises on persistent [9] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/semic/document/10-rules-persistent-uris No need for strict data typing URI design is key for re-use [9] 9
  • 10. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data What is the role of the ISA programme? ISA action 1.1 promotes semantic interoperability through Linked Data. Standardization Best Practices organizations are working ISA is developing best practices for applying on best practices Linked Data technologies to eGovernment • Cool URIS [14] • Linked Data principles [15] • GLD working group [16] Pilots ISA is carrying out Linked Standardization Government Data pilots organizations are working on Linked Industry is creating software Data standards • SPARQL [10] • Triplestore • SPARQL engine Vocabularies • RDF [11] ISA is developing a set of • RDFS [12] • RDF middleware vocabularies for eGovernment • OWL [13] Standardization organizations, academia, i ndustry and governments are creating vocabularies Online search service ISA offers an online search service for ICT • SKOS [17] specifications, based on Linked Data technologies • DCMI [18] • FOAF [19] [10] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/ [15] [http://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/data [11] http://www.w3.org/RDF/ [16] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Main_Page [12] http://www.w3.org/RDF/ [17] http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/ [13] http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/ [18] http://dublincore.org/ [14] http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/ [19] http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/ 10
  • 11. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data ISA produces good practices “ISA provides good practices and ISA provides good practices and practical examples to help public administrations apply Linked Data technologies to eGovernment. The practical examples to help public following are some studies already available on Joinup: administrations apply Linked Data technologies to eGovernment.” Study on URI design [20] This study explores good practices on the publication of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) sets, both in terms of format and of their design rules and management. All studies produced by ISA’s Case study - Interconnecting business registers with the Core semantic interoperability initiative Business Vocabulary [21] are available for download on Joinup through the Semantic The business case underscores the potential of the Core Business Interoperability Community Vocabulary as the foundation for a common semantic standard for (SEMIC) [23] interconnecting business registers in Europe and beyond. Case study - How to describe organizations in RDF using the Core Business Vocabulary and the Organization Ontology? [22] This case study explains how organizations can be described in RDF [20] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/semic/document/10-rules- using the Core Business Vocabulary and the Organization Ontology. To persistent-uris do this, it provides an example of a real organization, [21] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/core_business/document/interconnecting- PricewaterhouseCoopers Enterprise Advisory a legal entity registered in business-registers-core-business-vocabulary the Belgian company register, which is then described in RDF using [22] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/core_business/document/describe- organizations-rdf-core-business-vocabulary-and-org-ontology these specifications. 11 [23] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/semic/description
  • 12. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data ISA produces Core Vocabularies The Core Vocabularies What is a Core Vocabulary? abide by the Linked A Core Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable, and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of a data entity in a Data principles context-neutral fashion. Core Vocabularies can be used in interoperability agreements for enabling information They promote the use of common identifiers for systems, developed independently, to exchange information, thus organizations in the form of URIs. making it possible for information to travel across borders and domains. They can be easily combined with other Linked Data vocabularies. The first three Core Vocabularies developed by ISA, namely Core Person, Core Location and Core Business (renamed to Registered They can easily be extended with new classes and Organization) [24], have been undertaken by the Government Linked attributes to fulfil new domain requirements. Data Working Group (GLD WG) of W3C [25]. A fourth Core Vocabulary, the Core Public Service, is currently under development. Why is it useful? Find more about the Core Vocabularies on Joinup Although there are many cross-border public services in the EU, citizens and businesses are still not receiving them in a seamless and efficient way. When citizens of one Member State receive services CORE in another, the necessary exchange of data is often hampered by PUBLIC SERVICE incompatible data standards and specifications. Core Vocabularies help VOCABULARY describe data entities by defining their components. They are designed to become the foundation of new, context-specific vocabularies to be used for exchanging public sector information. They can also be used as [24] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/core_vocabularies/description pivotal vocabularies for mapping and aligning other vocabularies. [25] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/ 12
  • 13. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data ISA is carrying out Linked Government Data pilots Link Address Look up Address Identif ier Notation EC INSPIRE TEAM DATA CONSUMER Disambiguate Review lookup, disambiguate, link Interconnecting Belgian National and Regional SPARQL End Point DATA CONSUMER ORIENTED USE CASES Address Registers Address data as linked data Common Data models INSPIRE RDF This pilot uses the Core Location Vocabulary [26] to Repository publish and inter-link data from the address registers of LOGD INFRASTRUCTURE the three Belgian regions, namely UrBIS in the Brussels sample address data in native format Region, CRAB in the Flanders and PICC in Wallonia, and the Belgian National Geographic Institute (NGI). A demo of the pilot is available at: http://location.testproject.eu/BEL/ UrBIS - Brussels CRAB - Flanders PICC - Wallonia NGI – National Civil register Capital Region Geographic Institute DATA SOURCES ADMS SW Pilot - Sample AMDS.SW Software Descriptions from national and regional forges This pilot aims at publishing sample descriptions of reusable, open-source software from national and regional forges in Europe in HTML+RDFa, RDF- “The pilot demonstrates how to link address data XML, and Turtle formats using the AMDS.SW vocabulary [27]. coming from the 3 Belgian address registers and NGI using the Core Location Vocabulary” [26] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/core_location/description [27] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms_foss/news/sample-amdssw- 13 software-descriptions-cenatic-and-apache-published
  • 14. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data ISA online search service based on Linked Data technologies ISA has launched a new online service to make it easier for public 15 Partner organisations administrations to find and reuse IT specifications (i.e. semantic 6 partner organisations from Members States assets), based on Linked Data technologies [28]. More than 1300 assets from fifteen organisations, shown in the figure, including several Member States and standardization bodies, can be found 2 partner organisations from European Institutions via the European Commission Joinup Portal [29]. By increasing the visibility and promoting the reuse of semantic 3 partner organisations from Standardisation Bodies assets, the European Commission fosters semantic interoperability among information systems developed in different Member States. 4 partner organisations from other stakeholders What is ADMS? This service is powered by the Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) [30]. This is a standardised metadata vocabulary that helps public administrations, standardisation bodies and other stakeholders to document their semantic assets in a uniformed and structured manner (e.g. name, status, version, where they can be What are semantic assets? found on the Web, etc). In other words, ADMS defines a common way to describe semantic assets. Semantic assets are highly reusable metadata (e.g. xml schema, generic data models) and reference data (e.g. code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries, vocabularies) that are used by public administrations, in their information systems, to share information. [28] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/cesar/news/european-commission- launches-online-service-promote-semantic-interoperability [29] http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/ [310 https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/description 14
  • 15. Case study: How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment ISA online search EU Linked Data ISA produces best ISA produces ISA is carrying out Linked Introduction service based on References initiatives practices vocabularies Government Data pilots Linked Data Contact us Visit our initiatives https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/contact SOFTWARE FORGES Further reading about Linked Data COM M UNITY ADM S. SW CORE PUBLIC SERVICE VOCABULARY http://www.semantic-web.at/LOD-TheEssentials.pdf http://linkeddatabook.com/editions/1.0/ Get involved http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6237454 Follow @SEMICeu on Twitter Disclaimer The views expressed in this document are purely those of the writer and may not, in any circumstances, be Join SEMIC group on LinkedIn interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this study, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof. Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its Join SEMIC community on Joinup endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission. All care has been taken by the author to ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such rights or from her/his or their legal representative. This Case Study was prepared for the ISA programme by PwC EU Services EESV 15

Editor's Notes

  1. NL: did some editing in the text. NL: edited the future column.
  2. NL: renamed Best to Good.
  3. NL: replaced the title of the slide.
  4. NL: Various changes implemented in text and also discussed with Saky.