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Pierre-André Terisse

                       February 18th, 2010

This document contains certain forward-looking statements concerning DANONE. Although
DANONE believes its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, these forward-looking
statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to
differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. For a detailed
description of these risks and uncertainties, please refer to the section “Risk Factors” in
DANONE’s Annual Report (which is available on www.danone.com). DANONE undertakes no
obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements. This document
does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, Danone shares.


1   2009: Adjusting the model

2   Danone: 6 levers for profitable growth

3   2010: our key priorities

2009: adjusting the model


                                    Sales                                                                  +3.2% like-for-like (1)
                                     Sales                                                  € 14,982 mln   (1.6)% reported

                                                                                                           +61 bps like-for-like      (1)

            Trading operating margin                                                        15.31%         +40 bps reported

              Underlying net income                                                                        +11.5% like-for-like      (1,2)

                     from continuing activities                                             € 1,412 mln     +7.5% reported

           Underlying EPS             (fully diluted)                                                      +10.2% like-for-like
                                                                                            € 2.57

                     from continuing activities                                                             (3.1)% reported

                        Free cash flow                          (3)                         € 1,427mln     + 20.6% reported

(1) At constant scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates
(2) Excluding exceptionals and excluding the effects of the capital increase
(3) Free Cash Flow: Cash flow from operations less capital expenditure (net of disposals)                                                    5
We strongly accelerated

Like-for-like sales growth

                     1st quarter                                       4th quarter

                      10.5%       10.8%
                                                           + 5.5%

                                               + 1.0%



                      Baby        Medical                                                Baby Medical Nutrition
    Dairy   Waters                              GROUP       GROUP   Dairy     Waters
                     Nutrition   Nutrition                                             Nutrition

FRESH DAIRY - Market shares continue to strengthen

                                       Volume market share vs year ago1

           France                +0.8 pt                     Poland   +1.4 pt    US         +1.2 pt

                                 +2.8 pt                     Mexico   +1.0 pt   Argentina   -0.5 pt

             Russia             +0.1 pt(2)                   UK       +1.8 pt   Germany     +0.8 pt

(1)    Full year 2009 vs full year 2008
(2)   Year to date November 09 vs year to date November 08                                            7
Margins have strongly and consistently progressed in the past two
                   years with a peak in H1 09

Reported margins and like-for-like growth


                                            +61 bps

                      +53 bps    14.91%


              FY 07               FY 08                FY 09   H1 09     H2 09

Danone: 6 levers for profitable growth

Danone: 6 levers for profitable growth

Fast growing categories

Diversified geographies

A unique mission

Focus on productivity

Unique cash conversion cycle

Decentralized organization
Well positioned in faster growing categories

                         Faster growing categories                                      Growth focused portfolio
                           5 - year volume CAGR                                            2009 performance

                          As of 2008                  As of 2009                                          Sales growth   Margin

  Medical nutrition                        8.8%                       8.8%
                                                                             6%    Medical Nutrition        +11.4%       20.57%
  Baby nutrition                   5.3%                        5.3%
  Still bottled water                   6.6%                  4.9%
                                                                             20%   Baby Nutrition             +7.9%      18.32%
  Yogurt                         4.4%                       3.9%
  Savoury biscuits               4.6%                       3.6%
  and crackers
  Ice cream                    3.7%                     3.2%
 Frozen processed
                                                                             17%   Waters                     +1.0%      12.56%
 food                                                  2.8%
  Sauces, dressings            3.2%                    2.7%
  & condiments
  Cheese                   2.8%                        2.6%

  Confectionery            2.8%                       2.0%

  Functional drinks                   6.4%            2.0%
                                                                             57%   Fresh Dairy Products       +1.6%      14.54%
  RTE cereals             2.4%                       1.7%
  Soup                  0.9%                         1.3%
  Carbonates             1.9%                        1.3%

Source: Euromonitor

Unique ability to build differentiation

Danacol: exclusive plant sterols                    Fortimel: superior high protein supplement

                               82% of                                   Drive the
                               Market                                   segment
                               Share                                     growth

Bebelac: unique complete care formula              Elimination: low mineral water to help eliminate

                                   > 1 Bn€ sales                                     Leader in

Unique ability to build differentiation

With unparalleled taste superiority and dailiness

         Excellent

         Daily

         Superior
              50%       40%       10%
            superior   parity   inferior

Our key brands drive the growth

Volume evolution Activia

 Volume evolution Bonafont    Volume evolution Aqua

Our key brands drive the growth

Volume evolution Immunity

Volume evolution Neocate    Volume evolution Fortimel

Well diversified geographical footprint exposed to fast growing

    Diversified geographic portfolio                                  Faster growing markets
             (sales split 2009)

                                                                                   GDP growth differential v. OECD1
                                                                                      07/08                 08/09

                                                 China                                   8.2 %                        10.6 %

                                                 Indonesia                               5.3 %                         6.5 %

                                                 Brazil                                  4.3 %                         2.6 %

                                                 Argentina                               6.2 %                         0.6 %

                                                 Mexico                                  0.6 %                        (0.3)%

                                                 Russia                                  4.8 %                        (0.9)%
                                             Source: Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) as of May 28 2009 (national sources, EIU)
                                             1OECD aggregate real GDP growth rate used as benchmark for 07/08 and 08/09 is 0.8% and
                                             (4.1)%, respectively

41% of sales generated in Emerging Markets

Our mission and market positions provide a strong platform
                       for continued above-sector growth
North America                                 Western Europe                       Eastern Europe

   No. 1 fresh dairy                             No. 1   fresh dairy                    No. 1 fresh dairy
                                                 No. 2   bottled water                  No. 1 baby nutrition
                                                 No. 1   baby nutrition                 No. 1 medical nutrition
                                                 No. 1   medical nutrition

Latin America                                 Africa/Middle East                   Asia

   No. 1 fresh dairy                             No. 1 fresh dairy                      No. 1 baby nutrition
   No. 1 bottled water                                                                  No. 1 bottled water

                         To bring health through food to the largest number of people

Substantial potential to increase our worldwide footprint

                   Danone’s geographical presence in 2000
                   Danone’s geographical expansion since 2000
                   Danone’s geographical opportunities going forward
Unique expertise and opportunities in new geographies

                         White space in current big
                         countries: East Russia + West USA +
                         North Brazil
                         + 200 mln new consumers

One meaningful area to                                         Per Capita potential in
assess BOP model:                                              recently opened countries
Indian subcontinent
- 1 bn people

                                                                800 mln consumers with
                                                                     <1 kg per cap

Danone: a unique mission

              Bring health through      needs
               food to the largest
               number of people

                             Hydration and
     Treating immunity,
     infection & allergies

Our Mission: To bring health through food to the largest
                   number of people

                                          > USD 25k

                                   USD 9-25k

                               < USD 9k


Our Mission: To bring health through food to the largest
                   number of people

   Dairy Romania                  Baby Nutrition Indonesia

Our Mission: To bring health through food to the largest
                   number of people

                  Waters Mexico

Focus on productivity

By-product valorization                          Upstream Differentiation
   Desserts & Drinks                               DanFarm – potential up
                                                   to €40-80 mln
                                                   CO2 Footprint reduction
DanCream                                           DanMilk means to differentiate
   European Cream sales                            Danone milk

                          Milk Transformation
                               optimization of
                                milk usage

Focus on productivity

Head office convergence:
 - 7 countries initiated move in 2009-2010
 - 6 more in 2011-2012

Global plan for IS/IT convergence

Purchasing opportunities cross division

2010 media pitch                    - 17 Countries
                                    - Cross divisional
                                    - + 15% GRP (€ 80 mln equivalent)

Unique cash conversion cycle

FCF in € mln and as a % of sales
                                                                  1516                    1427
                                                  1224                      1184   1183

  622        624

 4.7%       4.4%        5.5%        7.6%   8.8%   10.0%   10.0%   12.6%   9.3%     7.8%   9.5%

1999        2000        2001        2002   2003   2004    2005    2006    2007     2008   2009

Unique cash conversion cycle

                                  2000    2001     2002     2003    2004    2005     2006       2007     2008    2009

Days inventory                    38.7    37.8     38.4     35.5    34.3    33.7      37.2       42.6     42.1     42.2
Days payable                      -92.0   -87.1    -91.5    -94.6   -94.4   -94.7   -108.8     -119.2   -114.4   -112.8
Days Receivables net of rebates     39      36       34       30      29      25       32         28       18       19

Cash conversion cycle
including rebates                  -15     -13      -19      -29     -31     -36       -40        -48     -54      -54

       Successful initiatives                              Headwind                          New Initiatives

   Cash committee                                 Negative mix (new geo)                 FR€€
   Suppliers negotiation                          LME                                    G€M
   Sales & operations planning process                                                   Capex monitoring
   (decrease of stocks)
   Wall to Wall
   Animation of KPIs

Decentralized organisation

                                            + synapses
Adaptability                                =
                                            + intelligence
Multiplicity                                + synergies
                                            + knowledge
Reactivity                                  + success

                Amsterdam          Moscow
New York        Barcelona


                Buenos Aires

Medium-term objectives

                                                                           Medium-term objectives

                                Sales growth1                                   At least +5%
                                                                                At least +5%

                         Annual free cash flow                                 € 2 bn by 2012
                                                                               € 2 bn by 2012
                           from operations

1   Based on constant scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates                            29
2010: our key priorities

Dynamics of our operating environment

                        Consumption in Western economies                                                              Solid growth in emerging countries






            S     O      N      D        J   F   M   A   M   J      J   A   S   O   N
                                                                                        (2)%               2009                    2010                   2011
                                                                                        (4)%                    W.Europe
                      2008                                   2009
Source: Eurostat Industrial Production                                                  Source: Nomura Economic Monitor

                                    Raw materials rebound                                                                  Currencies stabilizing

                                     SMP price 2005 - 2009

Key priorities 2010

      Keep reinforcing our competitive positions
      Negative value growth gradually fading away
      Strengthen new geographies & seize new opportunities


      Productivity will be key priority to counter cost inflation
      Competitive management of pricing
      Balancing H1/H2


      Continue to improve the cash conversion cycle
      Intention to start using share buy-back authorization in 2010
Outlook 2010

                                                                              Objectives 2010

                                Sales growth1                                      At least +5%
                                                                                   At least +5%

                               Free cash flow                                  At least +10%
                                                                               At least +10%

                                EBIT margin            1
                                                                               Stable margin
                                                                               Stable margin

1   Based on constant scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates                          33




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Danone CAGNY 2010

  • 1. Pierre-André Terisse February 18th, 2010
  • 2. Disclaimer This document contains certain forward-looking statements concerning DANONE. Although DANONE believes its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, these forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. For a detailed description of these risks and uncertainties, please refer to the section “Risk Factors” in DANONE’s Annual Report (which is available on www.danone.com). DANONE undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements. This document does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, Danone shares. 2
  • 3. Agenda 1 2009: Adjusting the model 2 Danone: 6 levers for profitable growth 3 2010: our key priorities 3
  • 5. KEY FIGURES - FY 09 Sales +3.2% like-for-like (1) Sales € 14,982 mln (1.6)% reported +61 bps like-for-like (1) Trading operating margin 15.31% +40 bps reported Underlying net income +11.5% like-for-like (1,2) from continuing activities € 1,412 mln +7.5% reported Underlying EPS (fully diluted) +10.2% like-for-like € 2.57 (1,2) from continuing activities (3.1)% reported Free cash flow (3) € 1,427mln + 20.6% reported (1) At constant scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates (2) Excluding exceptionals and excluding the effects of the capital increase (3) Free Cash Flow: Cash flow from operations less capital expenditure (net of disposals) 5
  • 6. We strongly accelerated Like-for-like sales growth 1st quarter 4th quarter 13.6% 10.5% 10.8% 7.0% + 5.5% 4.6% 3.8% + 1.0% (1.2)% (3.9)% Baby Medical Baby Medical Nutrition Dairy Waters GROUP GROUP Dairy Waters Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition 6
  • 7. FRESH DAIRY - Market shares continue to strengthen Volume market share vs year ago1 France +0.8 pt Poland +1.4 pt US +1.2 pt Czech +2.8 pt Mexico +1.0 pt Argentina -0.5 pt Republic Russia +0.1 pt(2) UK +1.8 pt Germany +0.8 pt (1) Full year 2009 vs full year 2008 (2) Year to date November 09 vs year to date November 08 7
  • 8. Margins have strongly and consistently progressed in the past two years with a peak in H1 09 Reported margins and like-for-like growth 16.03% +61 bps 15.31% +53 bps 14.91% 14.58% 13.27% FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 H1 09 H2 09 8
  • 9. Danone: 6 levers for profitable growth 9
  • 10. Danone: 6 levers for profitable growth Fast growing categories Diversified geographies A unique mission Focus on productivity Unique cash conversion cycle Decentralized organization 10
  • 11. Well positioned in faster growing categories Faster growing categories Growth focused portfolio 5 - year volume CAGR 2009 performance As of 2008 As of 2009 Sales growth Margin Medical nutrition 8.8% 8.8% 6% Medical Nutrition +11.4% 20.57% Baby nutrition 5.3% 5.3% Still bottled water 6.6% 4.9% 20% Baby Nutrition +7.9% 18.32% Yogurt 4.4% 3.9% Savoury biscuits 4.6% 3.6% and crackers Ice cream 3.7% 3.2% Frozen processed 3.0% 17% Waters +1.0% 12.56% food 2.8% Sauces, dressings 3.2% 2.7% & condiments Cheese 2.8% 2.6% Confectionery 2.8% 2.0% Functional drinks 6.4% 2.0% 57% Fresh Dairy Products +1.6% 14.54% RTE cereals 2.4% 1.7% Soup 0.9% 1.3% Carbonates 1.9% 1.3% Source: Euromonitor 11
  • 12. Unique ability to build differentiation Danacol: exclusive plant sterols Fortimel: superior high protein supplement 82% of Drive the Market segment Share growth Bebelac: unique complete care formula Elimination: low mineral water to help eliminate > 1 Bn€ sales Leader in Mexico 12
  • 13. Unique ability to build differentiation With unparalleled taste superiority and dailiness  Excellent  Daily  Superior 50% 40% 10% superior parity inferior 13
  • 14. Our key brands drive the growth Volume evolution Activia Volume evolution Bonafont Volume evolution Aqua 14
  • 15. Our key brands drive the growth Volume evolution Immunity Volume evolution Neocate Volume evolution Fortimel 15
  • 16. Well diversified geographical footprint exposed to fast growing geographies Diversified geographic portfolio Faster growing markets (sales split 2009) GDP growth differential v. OECD1 Country 07/08 08/09 China 8.2 % 10.6 % Indonesia 5.3 % 6.5 % Brazil 4.3 % 2.6 % Argentina 6.2 % 0.6 % Mexico 0.6 % (0.3)% Russia 4.8 % (0.9)% Source: Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) as of May 28 2009 (national sources, EIU) 1OECD aggregate real GDP growth rate used as benchmark for 07/08 and 08/09 is 0.8% and (4.1)%, respectively 41% of sales generated in Emerging Markets 16
  • 17. Our mission and market positions provide a strong platform for continued above-sector growth North America Western Europe Eastern Europe No. 1 fresh dairy No. 1 fresh dairy No. 1 fresh dairy No. 2 bottled water No. 1 baby nutrition No. 1 baby nutrition No. 1 medical nutrition No. 1 medical nutrition Latin America Africa/Middle East Asia No. 1 fresh dairy No. 1 fresh dairy No. 1 baby nutrition No. 1 bottled water No. 1 bottled water To bring health through food to the largest number of people 17
  • 18. Substantial potential to increase our worldwide footprint Danone’s geographical presence in 2000 Danone’s geographical expansion since 2000 Danone’s geographical opportunities going forward
  • 19. Unique expertise and opportunities in new geographies White space in current big countries: East Russia + West USA + North Brazil + 200 mln new consumers One meaningful area to Per Capita potential in assess BOP model: recently opened countries Indian subcontinent - 1 bn people Dairy 800 mln consumers with <1 kg per cap 19
  • 20. Danone: a unique mission Treating critical Measuring nutritional stomach Bring health through needs distention food to the largest number of people Hydration and elimination Treating immunity, infection & allergies 20
  • 21. Our Mission: To bring health through food to the largest number of people > USD 25k USD 9-25k < USD 9k n 21
  • 22. Our Mission: To bring health through food to the largest number of people Dairy Romania Baby Nutrition Indonesia 22
  • 23. Our Mission: To bring health through food to the largest number of people Waters Mexico 23
  • 24. Focus on productivity By-product valorization Upstream Differentiation Desserts & Drinks DanFarm – potential up to €40-80 mln CO2 Footprint reduction DanCream DanMilk means to differentiate European Cream sales Danone milk Milk Transformation optimization of milk usage 24
  • 25. Focus on productivity Head office convergence: - 7 countries initiated move in 2009-2010 - 6 more in 2011-2012 Global plan for IS/IT convergence Purchasing opportunities cross division 2010 media pitch - 17 Countries - Cross divisional - + 15% GRP (€ 80 mln equivalent) 25
  • 26. Unique cash conversion cycle FCF in € mln and as a % of sales Numico 1516 1427 1303 1224 1184 1183 1149 1036 794 622 624 4.7% 4.4% 5.5% 7.6% 8.8% 10.0% 10.0% 12.6% 9.3% 7.8% 9.5% 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 26
  • 27. Unique cash conversion cycle 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Days inventory 38.7 37.8 38.4 35.5 34.3 33.7 37.2 42.6 42.1 42.2 Days payable -92.0 -87.1 -91.5 -94.6 -94.4 -94.7 -108.8 -119.2 -114.4 -112.8 Days Receivables net of rebates 39 36 34 30 29 25 32 28 18 19 Cash conversion cycle including rebates -15 -13 -19 -29 -31 -36 -40 -48 -54 -54 Successful initiatives Headwind New Initiatives Cash committee Negative mix (new geo) FR€€ Suppliers negotiation LME G€M Sales & operations planning process Capex monitoring (decrease of stocks) Wall to Wall Animation of KPIs 27
  • 28. Decentralized organisation + synapses Adaptability = + intelligence Multiplicity + synergies + knowledge Reactivity + success Amsterdam Moscow Paris New York Barcelona Shanghai Singapour Buenos Aires 28
  • 29. Medium-term objectives Medium-term objectives Sales growth1 At least +5% At least +5% Annual free cash flow € 2 bn by 2012 € 2 bn by 2012 from operations 1 Based on constant scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates 29
  • 30. 2010: our key priorities 30
  • 31. Dynamics of our operating environment Consumption in Western economies Solid growth in emerging countries 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% W.Europe W.Europe 0% S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N (2)% 2009 2010 2011 (4)% W.Europe 2008 2009 Source: Eurostat Industrial Production Source: Nomura Economic Monitor Raw materials rebound Currencies stabilizing SMP price 2005 - 2009 31
  • 32. Key priorities 2010 CONTINUE TO STRENGTHEN TOP-LINE GROWTH 1 Keep reinforcing our competitive positions Negative value growth gradually fading away Strengthen new geographies & seize new opportunities 2 SUSTAIN OPERATING MARGINS Productivity will be key priority to counter cost inflation Competitive management of pricing Balancing H1/H2 3 MAINTAIN FREE CASH FLOW FOCUS Continue to improve the cash conversion cycle Intention to start using share buy-back authorization in 2010 32
  • 33. Outlook 2010 Objectives 2010 Sales growth1 At least +5% At least +5% Free cash flow At least +10% At least +10% EBIT margin 1 Stable margin Stable margin 1 Based on constant scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates 33
  • 34. Notes 34 34
  • 35. Notes 35 35
  • 36. Notes 36 36