7. Connect – Toolkits for
Assisted Living
Economic and Business Modeling
• Based on exemplar consumer, care
and health services
• Addresses interaction between
formal and informal care services
• Anticipates market developments
• Developing an Impact Measurement
Framework to assist deployments
and demonstrate benefits
10. Measuring success
Satisfaction WP6 WP4 Learning
Impact of Stratification Cultural change
Adoption Attainment
Utility Alignment Efficiency Economic and
How well do How do novel supply-
Was the desired How well are services business assessment
telehealth, telecare chain configurations
market reached? amalgamated including of the private
and private purchase with new
What is the market detailed supply chain purchase market, the
solve the particular intermediaries and
dynamic and definition, service role of new players
caring problems? How actors fill the current
evolution with installation, data to this market and
well were priorities supply-chain gaps
respect to new gathering, technical the boundary
meet concept compared with
stakeholders, new triage and data between private and
validation, content existing service
technologies, new presentation. statutory services
requirements and provision
and new services?
meeting user needs?
Individual Performance Organisational Performance
social impact on individuals stress, productivity and
business impact, encompassing potential benefits,
realisation, scalability, commercialisation and sustainability
11. Who are we? Has it worked?
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