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Dare Essay 5Th Grade 2011
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Dare Essay 5Th Grade 2011 Dare Essay 5Th Grade 2011
Marijuana Law In Canada
Marijuana has been acclimated as a antecedent of anesthetic for centuries a accepted alleviative
bulb for the ancients. Even as technology became allotment of how we live, it was advised a
applicable analysis for abounding ailments. However, in 1923, the Canadian government banned
marijuana. Although marijuana cigarettes were bedeviled in 1932, nine years afterwards the law
passed, it took fourteen years for the aboriginal allegation for marijuana ascendancy to be laid
adjoin an individual.
In 1961, the United Nations active an all embracing accord accepted as the Single Convention on
Narcotic Drugs, which alien the four Schedules of controlled substances. Marijuana clearly became
an internationally controlled drug, classified as a agenda ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
April 1999 analysis shows 78% percent abutment the alleviative use of the plant.
May 10th adjudicator grants AIDS accommodating Jim Wakeford an acting built in absolution for
ascendancy and agronomics
May 25th House of Commons passes adapted alleviative marijuana motion: the government should
takes accomplish anon apropos the accessible acknowledged medical use of marijuana including...
analytic trials, adapted guidelines for medical use, as able bodied as admission to a safe alleviative
June 9th Minister of Health announces analytic trials program; individuals who auspiciously
administer to Health Canada are absolved from bent case
October 6th 14 added individuals accept appropriate exemptions to use marijuana for alleviative
September 2000 Federal Minister of Health announces government will be growing alleviative
marijuana and federal regulations will be fabricated into
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Archetypal Symbols In The Patriot
The Patriot is a heart breaking movie that follows the journey of Benjamin Martin, a father of
seven children (Gabriel, Thomas, Margaret, Susan, Nathan, Samuel, and William) and an ex
warrior who fought against the Great Britain army while carrying the burden of a parent. It is filled
with clash of ideals, where Benjamin s priority to save his children from experiencing the war met
with the reality that his country needed him to act.
The story began with Benjamin s return to his hometown. The member of the family were
introduced one by one. It was also revealed that the situation between the Continental army and the
Great Britain government is getting more complicated each days, as the town s people were being
forced to choose side for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He is a smart person. Benjamin Martin even considered him as genius. If not for his taking the
Continental army lightly, Benjamin may not have been able to lead the Continental army to
victory. He has the trait of the mad scientist.
And for the woman, we can categorized Charlotte Selton as the tomboy who has the appearance of
the madonna. She is reliable, as can be seen from her taking care of Benjamin s children during the
With a lot of character, there are quite a number of conflicts happened inside the movie. The first
kind is the man against himself conflict. This kind of conflict can be seen from the argument
between Benjamin and Gabriel that resulted in Benjamin questioning his own resolves. Benjamin
also had the same kind of conflict when he was devastated by the death of Gabriel.
The second kind is the man against man conflict. Benjamin was having this kind of conflict with
Gabriel and also Tavington. He was having an argument about the humanity in the battlefield with
the former (when Gabriel s group found out about the innocents killing that Benjamin s group did).
Benjamin also fought against Tavington because the ideal differences that this two
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Being A Shamans Essay
In this essay I will be going into great detail about shaman, I will be discussing, who, what
shamans are, how to become a shaman, I will be talking about a part of the spirit called, sicun and
the shamans, many jobs and duties within a community. Shamans take part in many ceremonies, I
will be focusing on are, a shamans job during a vision quest, their duties during a sweat lodge and
what they do during a Sundance.
Shaman can be either men or women, they are normally adults and can be seen as teachers,
interpreters, and wise people. Shamans have lots of jobs some of these jobs are often used to heal,
communicate with spirits, and guide in their community like, friends and family to A shaman acts
as an intermediary between the visible, ordinary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A vision quest is a journey into the wilderness alone, during vision quest you do certain things in
order to induce a vision, can and need to fast, sit in a dark cave or hut for a long period of time,
make patterns of sounds and dance. All native societies recognize that certain individuals were
exceptionally receptive to visionary experience allowing them to be in touch with powerful
spirit protectors these individuals or she man could be either sex though they have most often
been meant they could put their powers at the service of other people to here to guide a hunter
or for other constructive purposes. Janet Catherine Berlo Ruth B. Phillips, Native North
American Art second edition (New York, Oxford University Press, 2015.) 32. In class we learnt
that it s bad luck, if you don t get your dreams interpreted by a Shaman because, dreams are
essentially messages from spirits, if you ignore these messages you are ignoring and upsetting the
spirits. Human beings need to acquire power from other than human beings if they are to be
effective in the world. Liminal state of being (A dream or a trance) and bordering places (shorelines
that often access to waterlands, heights of land that reach towards the sky and crevices in rock that
are channels to realms below the earth s surface) all eight in contacts between human and nonhuman
beings. Native North American s have developed a repertoire of techniques that facilitate The
crossing of boundaries between conscious and unconscious experience and between spatial zones of
power. The VisionQuest, widely practiced throughout the continent requires fasting sleeplessness
and isolation sacrifices designed to provoke the pity of other than human beings to induce them to
confer blessings of power. Janet Catherine Berlo Ruth B. Phillips, Native North American Art
second edition (New York, Oxford University
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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Radio Frequency Identification Radio frequency identification (RFID) can be loosely linked all
the way back to WW2 as a method of tracking allied planes versus enemy fighters during aerial
combat (Roberti, 2005). In the PBSC class MAN4504, this technology was worshiped as a way
to ring up an entire cart of groceries with one simple hovering swipe over top of all the
merchandise contained within the cart. However, control freak school officials have recently
gotten the idea that the RFID system might be amply used as a way to keep track of students. But,
the problem with this somewhat big brotherish type of philosophy is that it can, indeed, be
construed as an invasion of privacy. If one is at all familiar with the Constitution that our
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Personal Health Records Essay
Increased public demand to access health information and growth of consumerism in health care
industry are two important reasons form increasing attention to Personal Health Records (PHRs) in
the recent years. Surveys show that a considerable number of people want to have access to their
health information. In one survey, 60 percent of respondents wanted physicians to provide online
access to medical records and test results, and online appointment scheduling; 1 in 4 said they
would pay more for the service.
Moreover, increasing costs of healthcare delivery and emerging trends toward patient empowerment
and patient centered care in order to achieve higher quality healthcare, needs patients to play a more
active role in their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For this reason, some experts think that the term Personal Health Record is not descriptive enough
and can limit innovation and usage of these systems. Personal Health Record Systems (PHRS) and
Personal Health Platforms (PHP) have been suggested as more appropriate terms.
Types of PHRs
From an architectural point of view, PHRs can be divided into four different types.
Stand alone PHR: This is the simplest form of a PHR that does not connect with any other
system. The data is usually entered manually by the patient. This type of PHR can be in the
form of USB devices, CDs, smart cards, desktop applications, or even web based applications that
can be accessed through the internet. Although this model of PHR gives patient complete control
over data and seems more secure as it has no connection to other systems, it lacks the reliability
and usefulness and is not considered a preferred model. Stand alone PHRs can only be considered
computerized versions of paper based health records the some people keep.
Provider tethered PHRs: In this model, PHR is developed and maintained by a healthcare
provider, insurer, or employer. The type of health information that is stored in these PHRs is
affected by the nature of the provider business. For instance, in PHRs that are offered by insurers,
the content is mostly administrative and billing in nature. In the case of healthcare providers, PHR
would be a customized view of
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Child Beauty Pageants Are Harmful
Why Child Beauty Pageants are Harmful Beauty pageants have been around for some time and
have even become apart of our American society, however parents don t realize or comprehend the
risk they are taking with their children. Society has made the beauty pageant industry seem
appealing, especially with shows like Toddlers and Tiaras . Meanwhile, young girls are being
forced to grow up in an environment where they are taught to look and act like adults. Instead of
having normal encounters with costumes, high heels, and makeup, they are being forced by their
mothers to wear tight sexualizing dresses, more makeup than most women, and even false teeth to
present themselves as beautiful. These factors could lead these children to have depression,
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The 1992 Los Angeles Riots Essay
This paper will cover the events that took place within the first five days in south central Los
Angeles after the Rodney King verdict .
In 1992 the city of Los Angeles was one of our nation s largest cities. It had an estimated
population of over 9 million.1 The city had been in a deteriorating state for several years. There
also had been tension growing between the citizens and the police for nearly the last 30 years. This
had a lot to do with riots that occurred in Los Angeles back in the 1960 s.2 In 1965 riots in L.A.
occurred after a routine stop by the police involving drunk driving. This stop occurred very close
the driver s residence where massive crowd began to build. When it was all said and done ... Show
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Over the course of the next year the tensions and suspense from this case continued to grow. The
police knew that civil unrest was going to occur no matter how the outcome of this case, but
knew it stood to be worse had the defendants be found not guilty. On April 29th the day of the
verdict, there were reporters both inside and outside the court room. This would add to how wide
spread the unrest would occur and how fast it would develop. The verdict had come out that all
four police officers were found not guilty on all accounts except for one account on one officer in
which it was ruled a mistrial on that account.4 With the large amount of media coverage and the
anticipation of a guilty verdict by many of the local citizens, the disturbances and violence spread
quickly .
Execution/action The initial start point of the riots (caught on camera) was at the intersection of
Florence and Normandie. There police were making an arrest where crowds quickly arose. The
police called for backup but were still having difficulty with the arrest as they were continually
being interfered with and were outnumbered. The situation rapidly became dangerous and in what
would later become a very controversial call, the overwhelmed police were ordered to retreat. This
retreat would prove to be very empowering to the now formed mob.
Since the police would not return to that
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The Pros And Cons Of The Foster Care System
When we look at a foster care kid we don t really think much we just feel bad for them. We don t
really think much about the system and how it is bad or good, we just know that this person lost
their family. But there is a lot of things wrong with the foster care system. The group homes, there
are far too many kids living in homes that is supposed to be temporary. Foster carecruelty, many
kids in foster care witness abuse. Ageing out of the system,many kids who age out of the system
have no clue on what to do. Unresolved grief and loss, many kids put up with grief that no one
helps them with that can lead to many other problems.
More than 20,000 American children were placed in a group home in 2013. The children in these
group homes are put in there for long unneeded periods, roughly one in seven of the 57,000 were
placed in a group home rather than a foster home and about 23,000 of these kids have no
documented clinical or behavioral need that might warrant placing a child outside a family.
Children in group homes children are more likely to have lower test scores which leads to a
lower risk of graduating from high school and more than twice as likely to be arrested. If you
think that s bad, group homes cost seven to ten times more than placing a child with a family. That
s seven to ten times more of what your tax payments go to.
When you re a foster kid you never know what kind of foster parent you are going to get. Who
knows maybe you will get lucky and get a
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Lie Detectors
A polygraph is an instrument that simultaneously records changes in physiological processes such
as heartbeat, blood pressure, respiration and electrical resistance (galvanic skin response or GSR).
The polygraph is used as a lie detector by police departments, the FBI, the CIA, federal and state
governments, and numerous private agencies. The underlying theory of the polygraphis that when
people lie they also get measurably nervous about lying. The heartbeat increases, blood pressure
goes up, breathing rhythms change, perspiration increases, etc. A baseline for these physiological
characteristics is established by asking the subject questions whose answers the investigator knows.
Deviation from the baseline for truthfulness is taken as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Having to go to the bathroom can also be causative. There are also a number of medical
conditions such as colds, headaches, constipation, or neurological and muscular problems which
can cause the physiological changes measured by the polygraph. The claim that an expert can
tell when the changes are due to a lie and when they are due to other factors has never been
proven. Even if the device measures nervousness, one cannot be sure that the cause of the
nervousness is fear of being caught in a lie. Some people may fear that the machine will indicate
they are lying when they are telling the truth and that they will be falsely accused of lying.
Furthermore, even the most ardent advocate of the polygraph must admit that liars can sometimes
pass their tests. One need only remember the spy Aldrich Ames, who passed the polygraph test
several times while with the CIA. This lesson was lost on the FBI, however, who started requiring
polygraph tests of its employees after spy Robert Hanssen was caught. Heretofore, the FBI had
only used the polygraph on suspected criminals. Apparently, the FBI thinks that they could have
prevented Hanssen s betrayal if only he had been made to take the polygraph.
In California and many other states, the results of polygraph tests are inadmissible as evidence in a
court of law. This may because polygraph tests are known to
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Imperialism In Qing China
Before Europeans further decided to explore and imperialize Qing China, Chinese government and
society was strictly conservative in the sense that they were rarely exposed to outside influences.
Being considerably isolated from expansion, imperialism, and industrialization in the west, it took
the people of Chinaby surprise when suddenly Chinese power began switching between the Western
nations, all of whom were fighting for dominance. These Western pressures changed how the
Chinese incorporated Europeans into their society, they had to sign unequal treaties and push for
reforms while still trying to maintain Chinese tradition. However, being forced to succumb to
European power did not completely change their view of foreigners, or stop their... Show more
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To the people of china, their culture, society, and government was superior to the rest of the world
in preserving tradition and maintaining a stable society. They were not welcoming to the
Europeans or any other foreign groups because anyone who was not Chinese was considered a
threat to the Qing Dynasty rule. China s hesitant nature towards trade with Britain is indicated in
Lin Zexu s letter to Queen Victoria, 1839. When trying to negotiate a plan to take concerning the
opium trade issue between the nations, Lin Zexu mentions that since China doesn t need imported
products from foreign countries, no harm would be brought about if a decision was made to stop
all foreign trade. This letter is a reliable source in that it accurately expresses China s resistance to
foreign trade while remaining respectful to the Queen who could become angered at the implication
of cutting off trade agreements. In the memorandum written by, Zeng Guofan, one gains additional
insight on the distrust Chinese show against outsiders. Spoken by a Chinese government official,
we can conclude that his opinion is biased towards common Chinese logic on isolation. It can be
put in perspective that the Europeans are becoming more numerous and therefore presenting
themselves as a larger threat calling for reforms that would relieve this serious national ill. In
response to these foreigners, the Boxer rebellion arose with a goal to attack foreigners and anyone
with ties to them. In an attempt to eliminate outside influences uprisings such as this rebellion
became increasingly popular and gained support from many who still believed that foreign
influence was a
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Sister Carrie and the American Dream
The American Dream is surely based on the concept of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness but it is above all, a matter of ambition. James Truslow Adams, an American writer
and historian, in 1931 states: life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with
opportunity for each according to ability or achievement , which not only points towards a better
standard of living for Americans but also denounces a degree of greed in the US society. Ambition
not only killed the cat but killed relationships as well in texts like Sister Carrie and Death of a
Salesman. While the American Dreamwas supposed to be a collective success at its initial stage,
ambition, along with a pinch of greed and materialism were perfect ingredients... Show more
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When I walked out I was twenty one. And, by God, I was rich!
Through Ben, Miller s play suggests that one must be ruthless, sometimes even wild, in order to
achieve success. This very dynamic approach towards the American Dream is what makes Willy
Loman envious of his brother s success and machismo. The contrast between a passive approach
and dynamic ambition towards the realization of the American Dream is the cause of rift in a
brother relationship between Willy and Ben. Another instance of rift in relationships in regards to
ambition and the American Dream can be found in the father son relationship between Willy and
his son Biff. Willy always believed that personality, not hard work or innovation, was the key to
success. His personal views even justified adultery. This is where conflicts arose; Biff was against
this trait of his father s personality. It is only after learning about Willy s infidelity that Biff decides
to pursue his own American Dream. However, he is torn between two American Dreams: becoming
a salesman like his father or immersing himself in nature. Different ambitions and perceptions of the
American Dream eventually led to Biff being convinced that his father had the wrong dream. At this
point, the arising question is: is ambition contributing towards the realization of an American
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Factors On The Effect Of Elevation Effects On Plant Growth
Elevations Effects on Plant Growth
James Walters, 8/25/2017, Biology 132 01, Alan Liang Jillian Beard
Plants rely on the environment in which they live to grow, and different environmental conditions
provide a wide array of different foliage. Many studies have concluded that altitude effects the
heights of a variety of different species (1). In a study comparing beech tree growth, factors such
as light and nutrient availability were shown to increase as tree height increased. Along with these
findings, it was found that growth rate declined as altitude increased (2). Another study observing
elevations effect on Malosma Laurinais showed that increased altitudes were correlated with
stronger and healthier leaves for the plants (3). Plants primarily rely on water, and sunlight to
grow, but other factors play a role in development as well. Elevation can have a drastic impact on
the speciation and growth of different plant species for many reasons. Surface level determines soil
moisture content, wind speed, and the amount of sunlight that a plot of vegetation will receive.
Common knowledge of how plants grow, suggest that the high soil moisture content at low
elevations will increase plant height due to the excess of resources being provided.
Plants in the campus lodge area in Brocton, NY have a vast variety of different growing conditions
and climates. We decided to examine if different soil elevations had an impact on the growth of
plants in this area. Foliage
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How Does The Concentration Affect The Rate Of Reaction
How does the concentration affect the rate of a reaction?
By Alex Whenman
Contents page
1. Introduction to my investigation
2. Background information on concentration
3. What experiment I will be conducting
4. Equipment I will be using
5. How I will be conducting the experiment
6. Heath and safety risk assessment
7. What I think will happen
8. How I will set up my experiment
9. Why I m having my experiment set out like this
How does the concentration affect the rate of a reaction?
In this investigation I will be investigating to see whether the concentration ... Show more content
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When performing my experiment I will come across various health and safety issues. One of
them would be spilling acid on my hand. To prevent this I will be using syringes to measure out
the correct amount of HCL. This will prevent any spillage of HCL. Also another heath and
safety risk would be having Na2S2O3 get into any open cuts I have. To prevent this I will cover all
open cuts I have. Moreover there is a chance that when reacting HCL with Na2S2O3 the gases
produced could get in my eye and cause my eye to become irritant. So to prevent this I will wear
safety goggles so the gases produces can not get into me eyes.
When I conduct my experiment I think that as the concentration of HCL increases. The time taken
for the HCL to react with Na2S2O3 will increase. I think this will happen because of the collision
theory (1) the more collisions in a system, the more likely combinations of molecules will happen.
This helps understand that if we increase the concentration of HCL then the more likely there will
be combination of molecules hitting each other at a faster rate meaning that if there are more
collisions of molecules this would speed up a reaction by every molar the HCL goes up by.
I will be
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Psychological Suspense In Psycho
Psychological thriller movies tend to fascinate a lot of viewers since they create suspense, anxiety,
fury and confusion at the same time. The audiences of such films are trying to figure out what s
next and then a sudden twist comes leaving you with a feeling of exhilaration. The extent of
creating such intriguing mysteries in which mind games are involved leads a person to become
inquisitive about what is going to happen next. The movie that remains unpredictable until the end
can keep the audience bound to the film without losing any interest.
There are numerous movies made in this genre but not all of them went well in creating suspense.
Here is the list of few that you might like watching if you are fascinated by psychological thriller ...
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Jacob s Ladder
Jacob s Ladder, a film that released in 1990 is a beautiful film directed by Bruce Joel Rubin
starred Tim Robin, Elizabeth Pena, Danny Aiello. The storyline goes where a haunted Vietnam
war veteran attempts to uncover his past while suffering from a severe case of dissociation where
he deciphers reality and life from his own dreams, delusions and perceptions of death. Suspense
remains at its hilt and that makes the film a better one.
5.Next door
Next door, a psycho horror film directed by Pal Sletaune and starred Kristoffer Joner, Cecilie A.
Mosli, Julia Schacht, Anna Bache Wiig is a horror story where the guy has been ditched by his
girlfriend and in that depressed state he allows himself to be seduced into a mystical and a scary
world, where it is impossible to separate truth and the lies. Amusing enough to entertain the viewer
and worth watching.
Anamorph, a film directed by H.S Miller starred Willem Dafoe, Scott Sneedman, Don Harvey and
James Rebborn is based on an anamorphosis (a distorted drawing that appears to be normal when
viewed from a particular side), a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to
create two competing images on a single canvas. It s exciting to see how the killer in the film uses
equipment from the arts to kill
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Cheerleading Persuasive Speech
Cheerleading is a sport that is very difficult because you have to pick up people, do jumps,
tumbling you could get hurt really bad if you don t do something right. You can cheer at a
football game or at competitions, at football games you cheer for the football player and 3nd
quarter you do your routine in front of your coach s and your Family and friends. At
competitions you cheer in front of anyone that you don t even know and in front of judges
instead of football teams going against each other your going against other cheer teams to win
that big trophies and a jacket its really hard to get those. Did you know cheer was first invented
November 2, 1898 and they called it yell leader ? When you join cheer you become family with
your team
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Neiman Marcus Internal Analysis
Internal Analysis
Primary Activities Neiman Marcus is a large luxury retailer that has various aspects of the
business that contributes to their success. A company that operates to the size of Neiman Marcus
has to be organized in all aspects of its business to be able to run as smoothly as possible. Without
the primary activities Neiman s would not be able to operate to the scale that they currently do and
for as long as they have. Neiman s has its own distribution centers in Pennsylvania and Texas that
supports the Neiman Marcus stores and they also have fulfillment centers that takes care of their
online customers. Since Neiman Marcus participates in ecommerce, the company utilizes two
freight consolidators, one on the East Cast and one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After the financial analysis, it is clear that Neiman Marcus has a massive amount of debt that not
only continues to grow, but it is clear that Neiman s currently has issues making enough money
to pay back their debts. Compared to other luxury retailers like Nordstrom and Saks, Neiman
Marcus has a significantly smaller number of stores with 42 locations while Nordstrom has 121
stores in the US and Canada. With fewer stores Neiman Marcus has to make sure that they are
appealing enough for their customers to want to take the extra time to come to them rather than
going to a Nordstrom that is more convenient for them. This is also proving to be an issue with
Neiman s with customer loyalty. People are not as loyal to certain stores as they have been in the
past; now people will go to whichever retailer will give them the best price for what their looking
for whether it is online or in person. Neiman also faces problems abroad where their business is
almost nonexistent, especially in China where a lot of counterfeit items are made to copy the items
that Neiman s
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Why Is Peter Pan Uncovered
Peter Pan Uncovered After reading Peter Pan, any well minded person will acknowledge that
Peter is not a normal character. What is Peter? Is he a ghost, a spirit? Peter is a thought that the
Lost Boys have planted in their minds and imagine him there. A few reasons why this is true is
he can t be touched nor does he have weight. All physical things can be touched have, weight and
are real and are not produced by the mind. Peter is not normal, he is special and needs explaining.
In the story it clearly states that Peter is not to be touched.Obviously, if you are real you can be
touched, and Peter can t be touched, so the simple conclusion is that he is not physical. Peter is not
a person at all, he is just a mere thought that all the boys
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Iliad Gods
The gods of the Iliad are a unique set of individuals . Unlike the omnipresent god of the Christian
who is above man in wisdom, power and character, these gods are portrayed as a family. Here s a
family of bickering members who seek attention, get jealous and generally act as a typical
extended family unit. My thesis thus is that gods are not impotent but are in a lot aggrandized
versions of man who control the fate of man.
Gods as stated earlier are very much like man. One way to see this analogy is to compare gods to
the flaws of man. Take the seven deadly sins of man pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony and lust the
gods in more than one way act in each one of these attributes throughout the Iliad. First of all, let s
consider PRIDE. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First off is when Zeus ponders in his heart as to whether to save Sarpedon from his death or not.
Hera s reply to him reveals a different concept of fate. ...if you bring Sarpedon back to his home,
still living, think how then some other gods might also wish to carry his own son out of the
strong encounter... (16. 439 457, pg. 363). This dialogue reveals one this about fate: it is
changeable. Another instance comes up again with Zeus trying to save to Hektor from his
death. This time it is Athene who reprimands him. ...Do you wish to bring back a man who is
mortal, one long since doomed by his destiny, from ill sounding death release him... (22. 177
181, pg. 462). Fate can be here regarded as means to ensure the mortality of man and also, a god
loses respect when he or she breaks fate. But the overall value of fate will be as a law. Fate appears
to serve as a check and balance among the gods; preventing them from doing as they please to
mortal men. As to who decides when the fate of a man is to come is generally unknown, but all
the gods to know each man s appointed fate. Thus as can be seen from the song, no man is killed
off before is appointed time and no man is allowed to live after said
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Exploring Factors Affecting the Quality of Life for...
Australia is a vast land with a diverse environment and communities isolated by great distances. Its
peoples have a diversity of culture, educational and economic circumstances, health needs, services,
and social structure. Therefore the welfare issues experienced and the impact these have to lifestyle
within Australias different populations would also differ in relation to these factors. This is
certainly true for RuralAustralia.
The biggest factor impacting Rural Australia has been the changes to the economic viability of
primary production, one of the largest sources of income for Australia (Australian Government,
2008), affected by globalization, deregulation, privatisation and reduction/withdrawal of services,
rising ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This tightening of expenditure continues on throughout the community. Business may cease
sponsorship of the local football teams and individuals may cut back on patronage of local
restaurants. Local charities and churches may notice a reduction in donations. It isn t just the newly
unemployed and the businesses that are affected. The general community begins to experience a
fall in optimism for the future. Economic downturn with the resulting sense of hopelessness and
despair is a major factor contributing to the high rate of rural suicides. A lot of people who get put
on the economic scrapheap through no fault of their own feel an enormous sense of worthlessness
(Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,1999, p.5).
The newly unemployed can find it hard to gain other employment in the region as most rural areas
rely on one major industry for employment. Another problem is that many of the people employed
in primary production areas are likely to have limited education or skills and so find changing
careers difficult without assistance.
Education in Rural Australia is not necessarily valued or available in the same way it is in
metropolitan areas. Many children need to travel great distances or live away from home to access
secondary and particularly tertiary education. The high cost of living away from home, lack of
effective financial support from
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A Social Group
In life, we all play different roles. I am a daughter, niece, friend, student, employee and artist. The
definition of a social group is two or more people who interact on a regular basis in routine ways
and who share a common sense of membership and identity. A social group example would be
classmates in one section of a class and an example of an aggregate would be New Yorkers
riding the subway together. An aggregate is not a group but a collection of people who briefly
share the same physical space but do not see themselves as belonging together. Over the
summer, I auditioned to be part of a theatre company and was asked to join. The name of the
company is called Complete Theatre Company and they do shows and have acting classes three
days a week. I was recently part of their improvisation show Call My Dog . The people in the
class range from ages eighteen to seventy five, normally in the Friday class, they are about 15
people that come, but it depends on the day. It differs week to week. A normal acting class is
formatted by doing physical and vocal warm ups, having a keynote speaker where we talk about
different aspects about the business of acting and then Annie goes around the room and asks us
if we have a scene or a monologue to work on and if we do, we work on them and the class gives
positive feedback. We are a primary group because we are small in number, we interact personally
(we know about each other s personal life) and we show genuine interest and support
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The Pros And Cons Of The Rogue State
During the Bush presidency years, however, the definition of rogue state has become
increasingly muddled. It now takes account not simply of how states interact with other states,
but also of how particular regimes treat their own people. From President Bush s perspective, a
state can be classified as a rogue if it denies freedom to some of its citizens. He views the rogue
state as the chief threat to global order. His foreign policies, thus, aim either to alter the behavior of
rogue states, or, failing that, to eliminate those regimes that refuse to play by the rules. The Bush
Doctrineadvances three core propositions:
(1) Preemption, or America s declared right to a war to thwart a suspected attack; (2) an
unchallengeable America, meaning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The story of the good guy fighting the bad guys is indeed not new, but a part of US identity dating
back to the very founding of the nation; it could be argued that the terrorist attacks on September
11th tapped into an American imagination of xenophobia and isolationism that had historical
credence and viability within the story of the American state [...] each president strategically framed
US responses to terrorism within a highly specialized national security discourse. This national
security discourse is one that presents terrorism as threat that necessitates reprisal and preemptive
measures and produces and legitimizes power relations that act as a field of statecraft in which
security becomes a commodity within the control of the state. In the wake of terrorist attacks
security becomes highly sought after and desired, thus allowing states to use terrorism to strengthen
their identity and
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Of Mice And Men Loneliness
Loneliness in Of Mice and Men In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck it is important
to observe the theme loneliness since it relates to the Great Depression in United States at that
time. Steinbeck portrays loneliness in the characterisation, specially in Candy, Crooks and
Curley s wife, explaining the loneliness of human existence. Loneliness illustrates the people in
the ranch and how they want to escape from it. The first one is the old candy. For example You
seen what they done to my dog tonight? They says he wasn t no good to himself nor nobody
else. When they can me here I wisht somebody d shoot me. But they won t do nothing like that. I
won t have no place to go, an I can t get no more jobs. I ll have thirty dollars more comin , time
you guys is ready to quit (60). This is important because when Candy hears about George and
Lennie s plan,he wants to join them because he is completely alone; his only company was his
old dog but Carlson killed. This means that Candy realize that he will soon be useless on the ranch
and is worried about his future, so he buys into George and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Along the same lines Why can t I talk to you? I never get to talk to to nobody. I get awful lonely
(86). Ain t i got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am, anyways? you re a nice guy. I
don t know why I can t t talk to you. I ain t doin no harm to you. (88). Seems like they ain t none
of them care how I gotta live. (88). The significance is that she is the only woman living in the
ranch, her husband is very possessive, he thinks that she belongs to him. Curley prohibits her from
socializing with other men. She is very isolated and lonely that we don t even know her name.
Furthermore she is always seeking attention and putting great effort into her looks. In sum, they
show us how this three characters wanted to call our attention by their
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University Of Michigan V. Ewing Case Brief
In Regents of the University of Michigan v. Ewing, Scott Ewing sued the University of
Michigan after he was dismissed from their medical program. The case took nearly three years
to settle, eventually coming before the United States Supreme Court. In the end, the court ruled
in favor of the university after much evidence was used including marketing used by the
university pertaining to its medical program, pamphlets, and other policies of the institution
(Kaplin and Lee, 2013). The case arose upon Ewing failing the university s mandatory medical
exam, and as a result, he was dismissed from the university s medical program before he could
complete his final two years. Upon his dismissal, Ewing filed a complaint against the Regents of
the University of Michigan, asserting a right to retake the NBME Part I test on three separate
theories, two predicated on state law and one based on federal law (FindLaw s United States
Supreme Court, 2016).). Furthermore, Ewing stated that the University failed to uphold his
contract as an enrolled student and had been barred by the doctrine of promissory estoppel
(Regents of the University of Michigan v. Ewing. (2016). Additionally, he asserted that according to
federal law, he had a property interest in his continued enrollment in the medical program known as
Inteflex, and therefore,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The court also stated that they had ruled in Ewing s favor as evidence presented proved that other
students had been given the opportunity to retake the NBME Part I again upon failing it, and he
was the only person not given an opportunity to retake the test between 1975 and 1982 (Regents of
the University, 2016). However, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed this decision, stating that he had
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Dental Fluoridation
In the early 1900s, dentist Frederick McKay began to see a trend in the patients he was seeing in
Colorado Springs, Colorado (NIDR, 2014). The majority of his patients were showing signs of
dental fluorosis, brown spots on permanent teeth, with no explanation (NIDR, 2014). Surprisingly,
Dr. McKay found that those with dental fluorosiswere also resistant to tooth decay (McClure,
1970). There was very little known about this condition, so Dr. McKay took it upon himself to do
some research. After looking at trends, he discovered that the areas where dental fluorosis was
prominent were also areas where there was naturally occurring fluoridein the drinking water
(McClure, 1970). The first water fluoridationproject began in 1945 in Grand... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Over 100 Health organizations recognize water fluoridation as a healthy and safe preventative
measure to control the cases of tooth decay in different populations (CDC, 1999). Just similar to
fortifying foods, like cereal with iron, milk with vitamin D, and bread with folic acid, public health
association s claim that water with fluoride provides a specific benefit with minimal health risks.
Recent research, however, has consistently shown it to be an insufficient and not an effective form
of prevention to tooth decay. In the most largely conducted longitudinal study following infants
through childhood, there has been no correlation with increased fluorine concentration in water and
decreased tooth decay (Warren, 2008). Yet, there was a correlation between increased water
fluoridation and increased dental fluorosis (Warren, 2008). These results align closely with that of
the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDR) study conducted in 1986 1987.
When water fluoride concentration was less than 0.3mg/L, 55.5% children were shown to have
tooth decay, while the children with dental fluorosis was 14.6% (Yiamouyiannnis, 1990). However,
as the water fluoride concentration increased to over 1.2mg/L, the incidence of children with tooth
decay was 56.4%, while the incidence of children with fluorosis rose significantly to 40.5%
(Yiamouyiannnis, 1990). Fluoridation of water has also been shown to be
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What Is The Theme Of The God Of Small Things
The God of Small Things opens with memories of a family mourn around a drowned child s
sarcophagus. There are countless examples of miserable sequences in the novel. Throughout the
story, all characters are portrayed in a very sympathetic manner. The reader gets morally strenuous
and remains perplexed all the way at its agonizing finish.
The God of Small Things is a family saga taking of a remote village in central Travancore region of
South Kerala, the rustic idyll set in the author s childhood and told endearingly through the stream
of consciousness of a small girl. The story is purely autobiographical. In the novel, the writer breaks
the regular sequence of events and allows them to the sad fate of Ammu shared by her two egg
twins, Rahel and Estha. The theme of doomed love between Ammu, the Syrian Christian, Velutha,
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Moreover, they suffer from a feeling of guilt towards the children, in the present novel The God
of small Things, Ammu, the protagonist of the novel losses everything (children, husband, family
respect in the society, even her life) by her self centered personality, desires and woman s
sexuality.However, it is observed that in the present generation women are ignorant to ethical
values, In the way of searching self identity they are prone to make mistakes. The misdeeds cause
misery in their lives. Towards the ending that misery becomes destruction or wreck in the total
family. A mother can build or damage her life by her deeds. Indian mythology has many women
who don their roles as mother and wife, who ultimately succeed. The situation is quite
contradictory in the present scenario with the changing roles, values, expectations and demands of
the society on a
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King Arthur Gwaine Alternate Ending
Soft voices greeted him as he entered the Hall of Records. Gwaine wasn t sure if he d even been
in this part of the castle before. He found Arthur sitting at a desk next to Geoffrey of Monmouth,
pouring over what appeared to be a genealogical record book of families and crests.
As he glanced over the page they were on, he felt his heart stop. On the top of the parchment was a
white phoenix on a black background. It had been decades since he even thought of that particular
coat of arms.
Arthur didn t bother looking up. Sir Gwaine, I need you to take Sir Percival and a contingent of
knights and ride to Ismere. I received word that Morgana may be in the vicinity. Check it out and
report back to me.
The king waited for a response. He glanced up at his knight. Did you hear ... Show more content on
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You wanted to speak with me, Sire? Gwaine ducked his head through the wooden door. The room
inside was bathed in warm light by a multitude of candles and a roaring fire in the hearth. A soft
breeze of cool air came from an open window behind the large desk. Tapestries hung from the
walls, and red curtains surrounded the four poster bed in the Royal Chamber.
Come in, Gwaine.
During his years in Camelot, Gwaine had only been in this chamber a handful of times. Typically,
his meetings with the king took place in more formal settings, or on the training field. He couldn t
recall the last time when he had been summoned to speak with Arthur alone. The roguish knight felt
a bit uneasy as he entered. He took a seat across the desk from Arthur and waited, twisting his hands
Are you healing well from your capture? Arthur asked, referring to Gwaine s recent enslavement by
Gwaine had led a group of knights toward Ismere to check on reports of Morgana. Word had
come that she was amassing an army of Saxons, as well as conscripting men from nearby villages
as slave labor. After weeks of not hearing from his men, Arthur had set out with a large party to find
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Effective Strategies For High Performance Teams
Table of Contents
Effective Strategies for high performance teams
Introduction 3
Definition 4
A role negotiate instrument 4
Interdependency exercise 5
Responsibility charting 5
Visioning 5
Role analysis technique 5
Appreciation concern 5
Limitations 6
Conclusion 6
Effective communication standards
Definition 7
Communication Model 8
It must be expressive 9
Level of confidence 9
Being specific 10
Must be supportive 10
Well reasoned 10
To be forceful 10
Candid 11
Limitation 11
Conclusion 11
Effective Strategies for High Performances Teams
High performance teams are more likely rich quality of abilities and applications of the ... Show
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It basically relies on the psychological behavior and dealing with stress upon every challenges. That
is why there have four world cups and innumerable championships so far.
High performance teams ae those set of potential team players or think tanks who share common
values and attitude in achieve the set of goals and challenges with their professional attained
knowledge and experiences at its bests with a clear vision to accomplish in adequate time frame.
In the word of Katzenbach and Douglas Smith , High performance teams are typically reflect strong
extension of the basic characteristic of the team . (Anonymous, Qualities of High Performance
Teams Katzenbach and Smith)As we can see here the very basic thoughts about high performances
teams in which they discus about the peculiarities .its an integral element that reflects their
performances a whole .
As team and work groups are regarded to be a basic units of the organization as they improve the
functioning of the activities within it here are some of the basic here are some of the basic
strategies in a effective teamwork which we are going to discuss some of them.
пѓјA role negotiate instrument
пѓјInterdependency exercise
пѓјResponsibility Charting
пѓјRole analysis technique
пѓјAppreciations and concern
пѓјHold review meetings
пѓјTeamwork with level of commitments
A role negotiate instrument
Settlements are the integral part of
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Analysis Of The Book The Wild By Jon Krakauer
On June 13, 1971, the New York Times headline read, Vietnam Archive: Pentagon Study Traces 3
Decades of Growing U.S. Involvement . Days earlier, Daniel Ellsberg provided the newspaper
with excerpts from a 7,000 page classified study that became known as the Pentagon Papers. Just
over 20 years later, moose hunters found the decaying remains of an adventurer in the Alaskan
wilderness. The remains were concluded to be those of Chris McCandless, an affluent 20
something from Virginia, who wound up dead following his two year long self righteous odyssey.
Author Jon Krakauerwrote an article on McCandless for Outside magazine, which later
disseminated into a novel titled Into the Wild. At a glance, McCandless and Ellsberg may seem like
polar... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ellsberg s case was later dismissed due to government mishandling and illegally obtained
evidence by The Plumbers who later played a factor in the Watergate scandal and Nixon s
resignation. As Wayne s World hit the silver screens across the US, Chris McCandless perished
in an abandoned bus in the Alaskan wilderness. McCandless journey began with the purpose of
living a minimalist lifestyle and finding his true self. Alaska was the final destination in the 22
year old s self righteous odyssey that spanned two years. After graduating from Emory
University, McCandless cut all ties with his family and changed his name to Alexander
Supertramp. His new identity alludes to his goal to be the superior vagabond as he traverses
across the country. McCandless motivation for his odyssey was to retaliate against societal norms
and live a minimalist lifestyle. Chris led this type of lifestyle to limit attachment and affection that
would lead to heartbreak and resentment, and because of this, Chris never created a solid
relationship with anyone. Chris McCandless journey into the wild was fueled by a disaffection to
society s accepted norms and his goal to uphold his principles at all costs.
Daniel Ellsberg and Chris McCandless share common ground in their natural talent for academia
and in their post secondary educational pursuits. According to Ellsberg s biography on
Biography.com, ...Ellsberg was also an extraordinarily gifted
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Rise Of The Counterculture
During the sixties, American people saw the rise of the counterculture. Counterculture was a group
of movements focused on achieving personal and cultural liberation, mainly embraced by the
decade s young adults. Because many Americans were members of the different movements in the
counterculture, the counterculture influenced American society as a whole. As a result of the
achievements the counterculture movements had made, the United Statesin the 1960sbecame a
more open, more tolerant, and a more freer country. In 1969, close to half a million self
described hippies,peace makers, and Aquarians made an expedition from mainly San Francisco to
Woodstock in upstate New York. The Woodstock Music and Arts Festival was called an Aquarian
Exposition and hailed as three days of peace and music, over 400,000 people attended; it was
peaceful. However, life outside of the woodstock festivalwas not. America seemed to be dividing
as a country. The war in Vietnam went on for roughly another 15 years. American boys were still
being sent to Southeast Asia by the newly elected President, Nixon. The increasingly unpopular
war intensified a campus protest movement. Burning draft cards and peace marches became daily
fare on the evening news. And not all of the demonstrations were peaceful. The summer after
Martin Luther King was assassinated, riots broke out in 125 cities including, Chicago, Baltimore,
NYC, Kansas City, and Cincinnati. Meanwhile, at the Democratic convention in Chicago, the anti
war movement tore the Democratic Party in two. Both critics and fans agree that Woodstock has
become part of the mythology of the 1960s, even if the actual event didn t necessarily represent
the musical or political taste of most of the young Americans adults at this time. Some say it
symbolized the freedom and idealism of the 1960s. Some argue that Woodstock represented much
of everything that was wrong with the sixties: a glorification of drugs, a loosening of sexual
morality and a socially corrosive disrespect for authority.
The 60s was full of major movements. One of the most powerful counterculture movements was the
civil rights movement. In 1964, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act to end racial discrimination in
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American Civil War and Sectionalism
1.Approximately 180,000 Negros served in the Union during the Civil War. The Negro Soldier
was overall a good one. One example was at the Assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina. The
54th Massachusetts Colored troops led the assault and scaled the fort s parapet and were only
driven back after brutal hand to hand fighting. The Negro faced some discrimination in the
Union Army in areas such as pay. It wasn t until June 15th, 1864 that the Congress granted equal
pay to Negro troops. Several Negro soldiers earned the Medal of Honor. The North attitude
towards Negro troops was mainly positive, while the South did not want Negros to serve in the
Confederate Army. It wasn t until the Confederates were running low on men did they allow
Negros to serve. The Negros serving in the North felt it as their duty to serve and support the cause
for their own freedom.
2.General Ulysses S. Grant was a brilliant strategist and seemed to be able to plan out movements in
advance. The people of the North thought the tremendous casualties to be horrendous. But Grant
knew that the South s casualties to be much more than the North s. Grant did have the support and
trust of the North though and his record did well to deserve that support. His commanders trusted
his completely. Grant s idea of Total War was to break down the infrastructure of the South. The
Siege of Petersburg which lasted almost years, then the capture of Richmond is among the battles
Grant engaged in while south of the James
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Iraq Military Intelligence Analysis
The Bush administration justified its military invasion of Iraq in 2003 with the practical
considerations of eliminating weapons of mass destruction and their acquisition by terrorist groups,
and the long term prospects of Middle East peace resulting from the establishment of a functioning
democracy within the region. US leaders began to emphasize arguments regarding the spread of
democracy during the early phases of the occupation when purported links between terrorist
organizations and Iraqs weapons of mass destruction program reflected questionable intelligence
analysis. According to proponents who asserted a democratic domino theory, the example of Iraqi
democracy would ultimately result in a peaceful and secure Middle East as other... Show more
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Tribe are conflated with ethnic groups (Crone, 1986), used synonymously with biologically based
primitive societies (Gellner, 1969), as an organizational mid point along an evolutionary spectrum
bounded by hunter gatherers at one end and states at the other, or as a territorially defined political
group with distinct dispute settlement norms (Tapper, 1990). Since tribal societies have diverse
forms of sociopolitical organization (Eickelman, 2002), anthropologists dismiss the ambiguous term
as ill suited for use within the social sciences (Southall, 1970). Regardless, ideas about tribes,
tribalism, and tribal societies persist as descriptors of ethnicity, citizenship, or political identity.
According to Ibn Khaldun, the tribe is a self contained social organization based on lineage and
imbued with autonomy, having social, economic, political, military and cultural functions
(Khaldun, 1967). This definition captures many of the various meanings associated with the term;
however, Khaldun s inclusion of autonomy hints at an important aspect of tribes in relation to
modern states. Tribes and tribal societies are independent polities that offer an alternative to the
state (Crone, 1986; Gellner, 1969; Hager, 1983), so their autonomy is an important component of
their political power. However, the extension of the modern state within tribal societies resulted in
the loss of tribal
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Ghost Of The Past By George Santayana
Ghost of the Past George Santayana once stated, Those who fail to learn from history are
doomed to repeat it . James Gatz, or better known as Jay Gatsby has lived solely to persuade the
love of his life, Daisy Buchanan, into loving him. He and Daisy had a past relationship, but he
could not fully provide her with the satisfaction of marrying a wealthy man who could support
her needs. Like many others, The Great War separated them from their love, Gatsby was called
to action and Daisy took her own action by marrying a wealthy man named Tom Buchanan.
Gatsby was heartbroken when he returned to find Daisy had left without him. He devoted his
life to her from then on until his death and she knew he would do anything for her. When Gatsby
had found Daisy again he was reintroduced to her by her cousin Nick Carraway. Nick and Gatsby
grew closer together, not only because they neighbored each other, but because Gatsby was Nick
s goal. Nick wanted to create his own life and wealth much like Gatsby and his curiosity of how he
became well off created room for what lead to Gatsby s death. F. Scott Fitzgeraldrecorded the novel
as a parallel of his life. His life would not have been the same if he had not endured the 1920 s.
The state of despair the nation was in caused the generation that came to age, to be coined the Lost
Generation . The disillusionment of this generation caused Gatsby to believe that he could hold
Daisy once more. F. Scott Fitzgerald proves that the past is
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Spanking Verses Child Abuse
Spanking Verses Child Abuse 1
Spanking Verses Child Abuse
The Effectiveness of Loving Discipline
Western International University
COM 110 Effective Persuasive Writing
David Scharn
October 16, 2005 Spanking Verses Child Abuse 2 The common misconception that spankingis a
form of child abuse affects the proper discipline of today s youth. Some parents are actually
afraid to discipline their own children using the same method of belief from their own upbringing.
Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a correct way
to spank your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my goal is to show that if the ... Show more content
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The experts that are against spanking say that it is a violent act and teaches children that hitting is
okay. Pro spanking advocate, Dr. James Dobson, reprinted a very informative article by Dr. Den
Trumbull M.D. and Dr. S. DuBose Ravenel M.D. entitled To Spank or Not to Spank: A look at
an age old question that baffles many physicians. It states, There is no evidence in the medical
literature that a mild spank to the buttocks of a disobedient child by a loving parent teaches the
child aggressive behavior (Dobson, 2004, p. 127). Dr. Dobson also cited the doctors whose article
said that it is impractical to suppose that a child wouldn t show violent behavior if parents used
other forms of discipline rather than spanking. Most toddlers, who have yet to be spanked because
of their age, commonly strike out against others in aggravation. This is true of any toddler, seen out
in public, who throws a temper tantrum over not getting his way. Countless parents, frustrated
themselves, simply remove the child from making an undesirable scene. The only thing to do for a
child of that age is to remove temptation and distract the child with a toy or juice cup. As the toddler
grows, distraction is more difficult and the disciplining methods increase intensity. Some experts
against spanking also argue that
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Escapism In The Movie, Wizard Of Oz
Genre is an artistic production of characterization and similarities in a compositional style. It also
in terms is used to discuss music, art, literature and even film. In particular applications it
distinguishes a work within a context of other work. As you are familiar with certain types of genre
such as horror, science fiction, romance, drama, and comedy. Films in the horror, fantasy, and
science fiction categories are among the most likely to cross genres, both with one another and
with other genres. These films may focus on the unreal (Goodykoony, Jacob, 2014) a horror filmis
an outline to cause fear and shock or a rush of emotions and or feelings . For example: the scene of
the dark forest; talking trees, flying monkeys, a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These are both images of childhood and innocence. Dorothy is a child but once she returns back
home, Dorothy is will mature on this journey, and will become an adult during the movie. In
addition, the song Dorothy sings, Somewhere over the Rainbow, she sings this song at the
beginning of the movie. This movie is based on a little girl named Dorothy, and the movie shows
us the views of the world from a small girls point of view while being small and innocent. A genre
is a category of things, it tells you what to expect from the movie, whether it be fantasy, romance
(love) ,comedy where you will be laughing, and horror where you will be scared. In the movie
Dorothy and her dog land in munchkin land and they munchkin s start singing Ding Dong the
witch is dead because Dorothy s house crushed one of the evil witches. Dorothy becomes the
owner of the magical red slippers that at a click of the heel she would be able to go home. Once
the nicer witch shows up the lighting of the movie turns bright where you can tell they are all
excited that one of the evil witches are
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The Dramatic Importance of the Boxing Scene Between Eddie...
The dramatic importance of the boxing scene between Eddie and Roldolpho
The story, A View from the Bridge is set in America and it talks about a longshoreman, Eddie. He
has kindly let two of his relatives who are illegal immigrants from Italy stay in his house. The
boxing scene in Act 1, episode 5 of the play is of dramatic importance as it reveals the tension
between Eddie and Rodolpho, one of the illegal immigrants. The scene highlights the different
views and relationship of the two women towards Eddie as he is starting to resemble a tragic hero
and is on his path of self destruction and downfall. It also emphasizes the growing importance of
Marco s role which eventually leads to the climax at the beginning of Act 1.
Arthur Miller ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Catherine might have also done that on purpose so she could annoy Eddie because of what he
has done to Rodolpho. From here we can see that Catherine s view towards Eddie is deteriorating
as she acts more rebellious around him while Beatrice still thinks there is hope for Eddie and is
still on his side.
The end of Act 1 closely resembles a Greek Tragedy. In the boxing scene, Eddie begins to make
bold moves and does things that are out of the ordinary. Feints with his left hand and lands with
his right . He starts making mistakes without realizing it as he decides to physically hurt
Rodolpho by punching him. This is just the beginning of his path towards self destruction as he
makes his fatal flaw later on in the play. The other characters in the play are all slowly turning
against him. Catherine decides to be rebellious in front of Eddie, You wanna dance, Rodolpho?
Marco challenges Eddie by asking him, Can you lift this chair? Beatrice criticizes Eddie for being
too overprotective and his unnatural affection towards Catherine, Well then, be an uncle then.
Rodolpho tries to reason with Eddie, I have respect for her, Eddie. All right, sure. But I can t stay
in the house all the time, Eddie.
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The Importance Of Obesity In The United States
The basic aim of the paper is to carry out research work on the social concern which I have
selected obesity. The topic of obesity has been selected because it has become a major social
concern of the United States as well as other industrialized countries. Information related to the
research of obesity will be helpful for determining major causes and adverse consequences which
are associated with obesity in the U.S. This topic was selected with the hopes in finding
effective ways which can be used for preventing the ever increasing numbers of obesity in the
world. While a lot of people try to blame children, and even adults, being overweight and obese on
genetics, that does not play as crucial of a role as people try to make it sounds. Some... Show more
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As stated previously, along with home and school based intervention, it needs to get even bigger
with community and government based interventions. Education is the key. By organizing
community activities, walks can be planned to encourage physical activity, paths can be made
for children to ride bikes on, and playgrounds can be established for things like basketball and
other physical activity. By coming together as a community and encouraging these things within
our children, obesity can decrease significantly over the next five to ten years. Preparing foods at
home and leaving fast food chains alone is also a major factor in preventing obesity. The fast food
industry has become a huge target in the obesity rate. Erci Schlosser s surprise best seller, Fast
Food Nation, featured some familiar demonization arguments: A cynical industry targets children,
reshapes their eating habits (it is hugely profitable to increase the size and the fat content of their
portions ), and literally spongers an epidemic ( no other nation in history has gotten so far so fast )
(Kersh Morone,
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The Connection Between Shadow And Shadow
Rae closed her eyes. This connection with Shadow was starting to feel stronger than a brotherly
love. Shadow, have a Vampire and his Servant ever fought? Shadow knew what she meant,
however avoided it by explaining. It is not built into our DNA, we never fight,... except when the...
Rae could feel that what he would say, she wouldn t like.
Shadow clarified. I can only say that it is not normal for a Servant to challenge his Master nor is it
a noble idea. If the Servant does this during the night hours the Vampirewill surely kill the Servant.
If the Servant does it during the daylight hours he will have only days to find a new Master
before he will be consumed by death. When a Servant kills his Master, his Master s blood is
bonded to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is my job to fill in the areas he may be lacking with the exception of the physical part. I will be
your confidant. We will share secrets like no others can. I will be a shoulder to cry on, someone to
laugh with. However my Master has a sense of humor that is quite refreshing.
Rae watched him with curiosity and affirmed. Yes I was pleased that he had a sense of humor I
could not picture my life without laughter, and now I have two men with a sense of humor. You are
the frosting that holds the layers of cake together? Rae phrased the last portion as a question.
Shadow stood, walking to the dresser and started gathering items for her shower and agreed. Yes
Goddess, you may to have your cake and eat it too for the rest of your life. They both laughed over
the human clichГ©s.
Rae was feeling confused over why her family had been hiding for many centuries. If life was to
be good, what was the problem. Yeah! Okay, most people don t consider being mated to a
Vampire that great, however she couldn t find a down side, yet. Shadow, I m confused why did my
family feel the need to hide us if life is magnificent with the Vampire and his Servant?
Shadow thought, oh boy it s that question again, he knew it was likely the transfer to Fay that
made them run. Trying to answer without giving her full details wouldn t be easy however; he
would say what he could, without lying. People were
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Visible Light Lab Report
The percentage error was calculated to be 2.53%, which indicated that the calculated experimental
value of the wavelength of the laser was very similar to the theoretical value.
Visible light is an extremely small proportion of the entire range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Visible light ranges from 390nm to 780nm. The theoretical wavelength of the laser was 633nm,
indicating a light red. The experimental wavelength calculated from the experiment was 617nm,
implying that it is dark orange. The laser used in the experiment emitted a light red color, thus
implying that there was a small amount of error that affected the results from the experiment. In the
equation ∆y=λL/d, the values of d and the wavelength were provided from the manufactures,...
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This error may have potentially reduced the accuracy and precision of the measurements taken.
Eyes facing perfectly perpendicular to the ruler can minimize the effect of this error. Parallax error
is not avoidable but can be minimized when more samples are added.
Systematic errors (ordered from most impactful to least impactful): Incorrect alignment of laser.
Experiment being conducted in bright space.
The laser and the double slit may not have been correctly aligned in a straight line that is perfectly
perpendicular to the screen. This would also mean that the slits might not have been perfectly
perpendicular to the laser. These factors would have caused the interference patter on the screen to
be incorrect. Also, if the laser at an angel other than 90В°, L would be a different value.
This experiment was conducted in a bright space. This caused disadvantages when copying the
interference pattern on paper due to the blurriness of the boundaries. This error would decrease the
accuracy of the experiment. This error could be reduced if the experiment were to be performed in
darker conditions, allowing for the bright bands to be more distinct on the interference pattern,
allowing for more accurate
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Childhood Memories Essay
When I was a young child I would love to hear my parents tell me that we were going on a trip. I
would be full of excitement, because I knew that we would be going to a place that I had never
seen before. My parents, my brother, and I would pack our luggage and venture out in our small
gray minivan. Three of my most cherished memories in our minivan are when we went to Disney
World, the beach, and the mountains.
When I heard my parents talking about going to Disney World I was so excited. It was a long
trip down to Florida and I could not sit still, because I was so excited. We finally arrived that
evening and decided to stay in a hotel near the theme park. When it was time for bed I could not go
to sleep for a long time, because I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Going to the beach was nothing like going to the lake or swimming pool. The ocean had large
waves that would come crashing into the beach. I was so small that the waves would just throw
me around. I also got to walk down the beach and find different objects that the waves had
washed up on shore. I found seashells that had brilliant colors like the rainbow. I even found a
creature that looked like pink jelly. I picked the creature up with a stick and took it to show my
dad. My dad told me that it was a jellyfish that could sting me, so he made me bury it in the sand.
I saw another creature that was gliding in shallow water. It was dark brown with a long tail and
looked like it had wings. It was a horrible looking creature that I had never seen before. My dad
came down to the water to see what I was looking at. He told me that they were called skates, and
they would not hurt me. That was the first time I saw something living in the ocean besides a
fish. My dad then showed me that there were little creatures called, sand fiddlers, which would
wash up when the waves crashed into the shore. We sat down on the sand so he could show me
how to catch them. The sand fiddlers would dig down in the sand fast as lightning, so we had to
dig for them fast as we could. When I caught one it felt like it was trying to dig into your hand
with what seemed like a million legs. After about four hours I was exhausted and starving. I
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Irish And The Peelites
Irish, so to speak, therefore, while the Peelites saw public works as essential to their relief policy,
like the liberals after them they feared that any government action would discourage Irish
initiative. As public works expanded, British distrust of the Irish led to an obsessive fear of abuse.
Britons believed that the Irish peasants were always seeking to get something for nothing. A
mythos of English sacrifice and Irish incorrigibility emerged throughout Britain, permeating the
mindset of the public and government leaders. In 1847, J.A. Roebuck, M.P. for Bath irritably
stated, was it to be said, when Providence visited the land with a fatal disease in vegetables, that
the 8,000,000 Irish should come crawling as beggars to the shores
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The Revenge Tragedy Of Hamlet Essay
Issara Butt
Professor Abbott
English 102
November 30, 2016
The Revenge Tragedy of Hamlet Revenge tragedies share some common characteristics of the
play Hamlet which classify them in the group of many great stories such as The Spanish
Tragedy, and King Lear. A vengeful ghost, a play within a play, and the main character who
seeks revenge on an opponent and murdered (KAY). At some point in life many of us feel the
need to seek revenge and never actually act upon it, but what if we did? What would be the
consequences and what would life be like afterwards. The thoughts we have of this makes the
stories of revenge tragedies exciting and intriguing. They are our thoughts written on paper and into
a story making as if what we think is actually happening. In the time of Shakespearean writing,
things would have gone slightly different. The play Hamlet, is a prime example of a revenge
tragedy in its refined state of written speech. Hamlet is a revenge tragedy for many reasons, not
only that but it is the most written, re enacted, and read play of all time (TUMIEL). The multiple
plots of revenge, murders, and ghost appearances makes Hamlet the leading play of revenge
tragedies and most studied currently in academic curriculums. It is believed to be that William
Shakespeare s Hamlet was based off of Thomas Kyd s story, Ur Hamlet (MABILLARD). Although
Ur Hamlet was a rough and uncut version of a revenge tragedy and needed further developing, but
Shakespeare s Hamlet is well refined,
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BethovenВґs Monnlight Sonata History
Beethoven s first movement from his infamous Moonlight Sonata is most illustrious for its
bittersweet melancholic sound. It is in the key of C# minor as it has four sharps in its key
signature and sounds like it is in the minor tonality. Beethoven gives an indication to how the
performer should interpret their role with the phrase adagio sostenuto which means to play at a
slow tempo(66 beats per minute) and to effectively utilize the sustained pedal. Sempre e senza
sordino means to the whole piece ought to be played with the utmost delicacy and without damper.
From the interpretations of his instructions, it can be concluded that Beethoven wanted this
movement to be interpreted with sensitivity and colour.
The bass line is a prominent feature in texturizing the movement. The most distinctive
characteristics in the bass line are its Neapolitan chords which are strategically placed amidst chords
of double octaves. This prevents the movement sounding too much like a lullaby and adds more
colour and tension. The movement starts out pianissimo and diverges between pianissimo and
piano to maintain a soothing sound. Its luxurious ostinato triplet melody creates a lullaby like
feeling within the piece. However, the melancholic tone is instilled within the 3rd bar where the d
natural within the triplet melody stands out. This adheres to the purpose of advancing the
momentum of the piece as the lowered d provides variation in the triplet melody so it is not as
repetitive. To
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The Use Of Intrauterine Devices ( Iud )
The use of intrauterine devices (IUD) by women is commonplace. Worldwide, IUDs are the most
used method of contraception, used by almost one fourth of all female contraceptive users. The
typical indication for IUDs is as a method of long acting reversible contraception. Intrauterine
devices are effective, safe, easy to insert and relatively inexpensive (Dean Goldberg, 2016).
Therefore, in treating women of childbearing years, the Nurse Practitioner will educate this patient
population about the risks and benefits of the IUD, as well as the risks and expected side effects.
The NP can provide a group of questions to the patient and mate to determine the appropriate choice
of contraception. (See table 1).
Prior to the consideration of the insertion of an IUD, the patient must have a negative pregnancy
test, and no active cervical, vaginal or bladder infections. The patient cannot have an untreated
abnormal PAP smear, active liver disease, breast cancer or an compromised immune system.
Intrauterine devices (IUD) are constructed from plastic in the United States (US). Worldwide,
however, steel is also used. Currently, the categories of IUDs in the US are: copper releasing,
progesterone releasing or inert. Except for the unmedicated type, the IUDs release either copper or
progesterone in order to potentiate the effectiveness of the intrauterine device. There are four types
of IUDs available in the United States. The copper IUD is named ParaGuard and is approved by
the FDA for
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The Pacific Northwest Region Is A Good First Step
While we have been focusing on the whole Pacific Northwest region as a whole this class, we have
finally delved into a subregion that is close to all of us: the Inland Empire. This area in the Pacific
Northwest came into being during the late 19th Century and encompassed much of Eastern
Washington, the Idaho Panhandle and parts of Eastern Oregon. The people of this region were very
proud of their land and some even held more pride for the Inland Empire than their own state. This
fierce loyalty to one s home was just as much a product of economic growth as many of the other
changes being see all around the Pacific Northwestin general. The Inland Empire was, and is, an
important subregion that was born of economic development and competition with the cities on the
To set the stage for the Inland Empire, a broader look at the changes occurring throughout the
Pacific Northwest region is a good first step. Around the late 19th century, the region was
experiencing economic boom. Industrialization of many of the region s commodities like salmon
processing flooded the region with money and immigrants. These peoples came from the Far East
to work in the factories and lumber mills that were making Seattle and other cities such as
Portland and Tacoma booming hubs of trade. Foreigners took note of the changes as well, Rudyard
Kipling was just a young man when he visited the region but he wrote about the progress in his
journals. More Chinamen with yellow, crooked fingers,
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Views on Slavery by Higginbotham, Jr.,Winthrop D. Jordan,...
A Leon Higginbotham Jr. s argument in The Ancestry of Inferiority (1619 1662), is that the
people of Virginia had already began to think of black people, be it they were free or indentured
servants, as inferior to themselves before slavery was institutionalized. The Colonist s had already
begun to strategize legalities in regards on how black peoplewere to be disciplined. Higginbotham
has two reasons why Africans were not afforded the same liberties as that of the white indentured
servants in Virginia. The first reason he states is that the majority of white indentured servants came
to Virginia on their own free will. Once they had completed their five or seven year contract with
their master, they were free to buy land and begin... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mulattoes are automatically classified with the Negro group regardless as to who or what color
their parents are. When slavery is born, mulatto children lose all possible chances of improving
their social status. And yet in the Caribbean, mulatto are not permitted to be worked in the fields
nor treated as a slave. They are tradesmen, house servants, and especially, concubines. It is the
situation of the locations that enable a different view on the classification of a people, situations
such as men to women ratio and agricultural production. Unlike the Colonist which adopted only
one term from Spain to describe the offspring between a white person and a Negro or Native
American, the islanders used four different names to classify the different levels of skin color;
mulatto, sambo, quadroon, and mestize. Furthermore, in Jordan s essay, he speaks of passing,
and how over a period of time, eventually the Mulattoes offspring will be as white as their master.
He states the meaning of passing, is when the stain (Negro blood) is finally washed out, the result
is a white person one cannot call a Negro. In a letter Henry Laurens writes from England, he
claims, These people are to be free and kept harmless.
Jordan s essay like Higginbotham s, is a social history. However, in his notes, he speaks of other
islands in control by France being a different situation because of the different cultural heritage. His
decision to
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Benefits Of Preparing Pop
Preparing pop has an extensive variety of employments, and its prevalence develops as researchers
think of new discoveries in regards to its recuperating power.
However, did you understand that you can use preparing pop to upgrade your hair quality? Yes, it
really works! Heating Soda will clean your hair from any chemical or conditioner remains, and
your hair will have a sound shimmer after just a few solutions.
Use some warming pop instead of your standard chemical, and your hair will be more than
grateful. This should not come as a wonder in case you consider each one of the points of interest
warming pop gives.
If you require your skin and hair care things absolutely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You can change the dosing relying upon your hair length, for occasion, if there should arise an
occurrence of medium length hair, blend 2 to 3 tablespoons of preparing pop and 3 times that
measure of water.
Apply the hand crafted heating pop cleanser to a dry or wet hair. Begin at the roots and work to
the finishes. Leave the blend for 1 3 minutes and wash well.
You may think that its difficult to wash your hair without all the cleanser froth at to start with, yet
be patient and sit tight for the last results. So as to expel any remaining parts, utilize warm water.
After you have washed your hair, apply a vinegar flush.
Consolidate 1 a portion of apple juice vinegar and 4 sections of water. To stay away from the
vinegar smell, include a couple drops of lavender, peppermint, and/or rosemary fundamental oil to
the vinegar blend.
It might be better in the event that you set this up wash early and keep the crush bottle in your
At that point, tilt the head back and close your eyes, to keep away from the likelihood of getting a
portion of the vinegar blend at you. Presently, convey the wash through your hair.
Your hair will be more than
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The Death Of Ivan Ilych Analysis
In Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy s The Death of Ivan Ilych, protagonist Ivan Ilych lives a life he
considers to be marvelous and filled with the things he wants and considers important (both
physical and emotional). He has a wonderful job he s good at, a beautiful family, a lovely house,
and friends to play games like bridge with in the evenings. One day, when he is fixing up his
new home before his family arrives, he hits his side after slipping by making bad step on a
ladder. He convinces himself that it is only a bruise, and that the pain will pass. The pain doesn t
simply pass, though. Doctor after doctor attempts to diagnose what might possibly be wrong with
him, but none of them are able to agree on what his injury is. As he continues to live his life as he
planned, the sensation of pain continues to come back to him repeatedly until he is eventually on
his deathbed. As he realizes he is approaching the very end of his life, Ivan Ilych ponders over his
life and begins to question himself, asking What if my whole life has been wrong? (Tolstoy 54). He
comes to the conclusion that the things that are important are not tangible items such as money or
property. Rather, he decides that the things that truly matter in life are intangible, such as happiness,
compassion, and facing the truth. He realizes too late that these important feelings and concepts
have been missing from his life all along.
Throughout his life, Ivan Ilych worried about what others would think of him. He
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Academic Skills For Business Studies Essay
469 Academic Skills for Business Studies
Assignment 2 Research report
Submitted to Guillermo Merelo Submitted by Charanjith Bawa
Team Work
In today s complex and ever changing environment, organization continue to experiment with new
forms of team development. Some of the most successful teams bring together employees with
different talents and perspectives. In this research report, my aim is to have a clear and deep
research on teamwork and how it affects businesses so that I can help Tina and Frank who is
coming back from overseas to start their own business. Before could anybody start their business, it
is very important to learn certain aspects. Team work is one among them. I have included some of
the important information I collected through my research in order to help Tina and Frank succeed
in their business.
Findings Teams have become very common and effective since they have proven to be effective in
areas as cost reduction, developing new and innovative products, and improving quality (Effective
Human relation, 2008). Team development is supported, in fact, required by almost all
managements today, but still it may take quite a long time for the members to learn the task and
activities and to fit themselves in the particular environment. Team work may vary as the
organization or company varies. Team work involves a lot of important aspects such as
relationships, cooperation, learning, leadership etc. since a team works together in
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Raymond s Innocence In The Book After The First Death
Many characters innocence were stolen in the book After The First Death . Raymond s
innocence was stolen because he had to eat the candy that the hijackers had. Raymond put the
candy in his mouth, chewed, the tears rolling down his cheeks, looking at neither Artkin or Kate.
Kate s innocence was stolen because she was a child herself and she had to take care of all the
children. Take care of them. See to their needs. This will convince you that we mean no harm. Ben
s innocence was taken from him because his father used him as a messenger to the terrorists. That
you must deliver the stone to the hijackers as proof of Sedeete s capture, to prove to the hijackers
that their leader has been captured,the entire episode now pointless, that they were in no position to
dictate terms but faced complete surrender at the most, negotiations at the least. Innocence is a very
important characteristic that can stolen very easily. Raymond was a child that lost his innocence
very... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ben did not have a very good relationship with his dad. They did not talk with each other like a
father and son should. He really wanted out of here, out of this room, away from this person is
by accident of birth his son . He once fell in love with a girl named Nettie Halversham. She did
not love him back though. Finally i asked her if she d go to a movie with me. Another pause. And
then: oh i don t think so. Those devastating words of boredom in her voice . When ben had to be
the messenger to the terrorists, he wasn t supposed to answer their questions. The hijackers asked
him questions and if he didn t answer them then they tortured him. I have questions for you. And
what you answer will decide whether or not you will survive. Do you understand? You must speak
the truth and quickly . Ben s father choose his own son to go to the terrorists, even though he knew
they would hurt
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What Does Freedom In The Giver
Is it sensible to give up freedom for safety? Jonas community thinks it is. Elders took away
people s personal freedoms and liberties to make their town a utopia. The choice Jonas society
made wasn t sensible because people aren t able to choose their family, rules for the very old and
the very young are unfair, adults don t choose their job, and people shouldn t have safety before
Jonas community doesn t have the choice of who they can live with and who s in their family. ... the
Matching of the Spouses and the Naming and Placement of new children... scrupulously thought
through by the Committee of Elders. (Lowry, 62) Adults don t get to choose their spouse, their
child, and the name for their child. If adults named their own children, Mother and Father would
feel a greater connection to them. Furthermore, adults don t choose who they can live with. After
The Giver gives a memory about Christmas to Jonas, Jonas experiences grandparents. In his
community, citizens don t get to know the parents of their parents. When I finish my training and
become a full adult, I ll be given my own dwelling. And when Lily does... she ll get her own
dwelling... Mother and Father... go and live with the other Childless Adults. And they won t be part
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They shouldn t have to give up their personal freedoms to be safe. Benjamin Franklin said, He
who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither. Freedom is better to have than safety. Giving up
your freedom means you re resting your life into someone else s hands. Residents of the
Community do this every single day until they re released. Freedom is dangerous, but it provides
our safety, Harry Emerson stated. Jonas community thought people having their freedoms would
make the place too dangerous to live in. However, people s freedoms make sure they can do things
with a choice in mind. Since the citizens in Jonas community don t have freedom, they aren t
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Mutual UFO Network
The Mutual UFO Network will land in Las Vegas this July with its 48th annual symposium, The
Case for a Secret Space Program. Jan Harzan, the executive director of MUFON, said the
symposium will look into the possibility of one or more secret space programs in the
government with hidden advance technologies, including spacecrafts. MUFON is a non profit
scientific research organization that collects and investigates UFO reports from the public. The
organization receives between 500 and 1,000 reports each month. While about 70 percent are
debunked and labled as identified flying objects, or IFOs, Harzan said the rest remain unknown
after investigation. While some of those could be extraterrestrial UFOs, Harzan said, others could
be man made as part of a secret space program. Of the 30 percent unknown, we don t believe all
are extraterrestrial craft, Harzan said. Is there a possibility that some... Show more content on
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You don t forget it. He ran inside to grab his camera, but by the time he returned, the UFO was
gone. Harzan thought the craft looked man made, aside from its seamless exterior. Looking
back, Harzan said he s unsure if the craft was truly alien. It was definitely an unusual experience,
he said. I can t say if it was extraterrestrial or a test vehicle we were building. The Case for a
Secret Space Program will feature 12 speakers, along with former CNN anchor Cheryll Jones as
the event host. Speakers include Ph.D. physicist John Brandenburg, Ph.D. physicist James
Woodward and information technology specialist Gary McKinnon. These guys are all very
knowledgeable. Many have Ph.D.s, they are very intelligent people who have met and had
conversations with people within our own government who would verify this, Harzan said. I think
(the attendees ) eyes are going to be opened. Harzan expects 500 to 1,000 people at this year s
symposium about 500 have already preregistered for the
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Research Paper On Hopf Bifurcation
Abstract. In this paper, a classical model describing a food web in a chemostat involving three
species competing for non reproducing, growth rate limiting nutrient in which one of the
competitors predates on one of the other competitors is considered. Quantitative analyses of non
negativity and boundedness of solution trajectories, dissipativity, and behavior around equilibria,
global stability and persistence of the model equations are analyzed. We present the global stability
of equilibria by constructing a Lyapunov function. Hopf bifurcation theory is applied. Keywords:
Chemostat; Food web; Global stability; Hopf bifurcation; Dissipative. 1. Introduction In
microbiology and population biology, the laboratory device chemostat extensively uses as a
research technique to culture microorganisms continuously under nutrient limitation in a controlled
environment in order to study the general... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since one can measure the control parameter easily, the device has various applications in ecology
and population biology. It can be viewed as a simple lake system in ecology while it serves as a
laboratory bio reactor in chemical engineering used for investigations in genetically altered cell. As
for example, the prey (bacteria) consumes nutrient (waste) while the predator (ciliates) feeds on the
prey in waste water treatment process. It is of mathematical interest to construct models with
chemostat. The dynamics of chemostat model with nutrient uptake is of Monod kinetics play an
important role in population ecology. After the first introduction of chemostat the researchers have
paid their attention to develop mathematical theories of models in it. Qualitative analyses of
predator prey models in chemostat both from the experimental and the modeling aspect describe by
set of differential equations were studied by many authors (Aris and
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Dare Essay 5Th Grade 2011. Online assignment writing service.
Dare Essay 5Th Grade 2011. Online assignment writing service.

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  • 2. Marijuana Law In Canada Marijuana has been acclimated as a antecedent of anesthetic for centuries a accepted alleviative bulb for the ancients. Even as technology became allotment of how we live, it was advised a applicable analysis for abounding ailments. However, in 1923, the Canadian government banned marijuana. Although marijuana cigarettes were bedeviled in 1932, nine years afterwards the law passed, it took fourteen years for the aboriginal allegation for marijuana ascendancy to be laid adjoin an individual. In 1961, the United Nations active an all embracing accord accepted as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which alien the four Schedules of controlled substances. Marijuana clearly became an internationally controlled drug, classified as a agenda ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... April 1999 analysis shows 78% percent abutment the alleviative use of the plant. May 10th adjudicator grants AIDS accommodating Jim Wakeford an acting built in absolution for ascendancy and agronomics May 25th House of Commons passes adapted alleviative marijuana motion: the government should takes accomplish anon apropos the accessible acknowledged medical use of marijuana including... analytic trials, adapted guidelines for medical use, as able bodied as admission to a safe alleviative supply... June 9th Minister of Health announces analytic trials program; individuals who auspiciously administer to Health Canada are absolved from bent case October 6th 14 added individuals accept appropriate exemptions to use marijuana for alleviative purposes. September 2000 Federal Minister of Health announces government will be growing alleviative marijuana and federal regulations will be fabricated into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Archetypal Symbols In The Patriot The Patriot is a heart breaking movie that follows the journey of Benjamin Martin, a father of seven children (Gabriel, Thomas, Margaret, Susan, Nathan, Samuel, and William) and an ex warrior who fought against the Great Britain army while carrying the burden of a parent. It is filled with clash of ideals, where Benjamin s priority to save his children from experiencing the war met with the reality that his country needed him to act. The story began with Benjamin s return to his hometown. The member of the family were introduced one by one. It was also revealed that the situation between the Continental army and the Great Britain government is getting more complicated each days, as the town s people were being forced to choose side for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is a smart person. Benjamin Martin even considered him as genius. If not for his taking the Continental army lightly, Benjamin may not have been able to lead the Continental army to victory. He has the trait of the mad scientist. And for the woman, we can categorized Charlotte Selton as the tomboy who has the appearance of the madonna. She is reliable, as can be seen from her taking care of Benjamin s children during the war. With a lot of character, there are quite a number of conflicts happened inside the movie. The first kind is the man against himself conflict. This kind of conflict can be seen from the argument between Benjamin and Gabriel that resulted in Benjamin questioning his own resolves. Benjamin also had the same kind of conflict when he was devastated by the death of Gabriel. The second kind is the man against man conflict. Benjamin was having this kind of conflict with Gabriel and also Tavington. He was having an argument about the humanity in the battlefield with the former (when Gabriel s group found out about the innocents killing that Benjamin s group did). Benjamin also fought against Tavington because the ideal differences that this two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Being A Shamans Essay In this essay I will be going into great detail about shaman, I will be discussing, who, what shamans are, how to become a shaman, I will be talking about a part of the spirit called, sicun and the shamans, many jobs and duties within a community. Shamans take part in many ceremonies, I will be focusing on are, a shamans job during a vision quest, their duties during a sweat lodge and what they do during a Sundance. Shaman can be either men or women, they are normally adults and can be seen as teachers, interpreters, and wise people. Shamans have lots of jobs some of these jobs are often used to heal, communicate with spirits, and guide in their community like, friends and family to A shaman acts as an intermediary between the visible, ordinary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A vision quest is a journey into the wilderness alone, during vision quest you do certain things in order to induce a vision, can and need to fast, sit in a dark cave or hut for a long period of time, make patterns of sounds and dance. All native societies recognize that certain individuals were exceptionally receptive to visionary experience allowing them to be in touch with powerful spirit protectors these individuals or she man could be either sex though they have most often been meant they could put their powers at the service of other people to here to guide a hunter or for other constructive purposes. Janet Catherine Berlo Ruth B. Phillips, Native North American Art second edition (New York, Oxford University Press, 2015.) 32. In class we learnt that it s bad luck, if you don t get your dreams interpreted by a Shaman because, dreams are essentially messages from spirits, if you ignore these messages you are ignoring and upsetting the spirits. Human beings need to acquire power from other than human beings if they are to be effective in the world. Liminal state of being (A dream or a trance) and bordering places (shorelines that often access to waterlands, heights of land that reach towards the sky and crevices in rock that are channels to realms below the earth s surface) all eight in contacts between human and nonhuman beings. Native North American s have developed a repertoire of techniques that facilitate The crossing of boundaries between conscious and unconscious experience and between spatial zones of power. The VisionQuest, widely practiced throughout the continent requires fasting sleeplessness and isolation sacrifices designed to provoke the pity of other than human beings to induce them to confer blessings of power. Janet Catherine Berlo Ruth B. Phillips, Native North American Art second edition (New York, Oxford University ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Radio Frequency Identification Radio frequency identification (RFID) can be loosely linked all the way back to WW2 as a method of tracking allied planes versus enemy fighters during aerial combat (Roberti, 2005). In the PBSC class MAN4504, this technology was worshiped as a way to ring up an entire cart of groceries with one simple hovering swipe over top of all the merchandise contained within the cart. However, control freak school officials have recently gotten the idea that the RFID system might be amply used as a way to keep track of students. But, the problem with this somewhat big brotherish type of philosophy is that it can, indeed, be construed as an invasion of privacy. If one is at all familiar with the Constitution that our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Personal Health Records Essay Introduction Increased public demand to access health information and growth of consumerism in health care industry are two important reasons form increasing attention to Personal Health Records (PHRs) in the recent years. Surveys show that a considerable number of people want to have access to their health information. In one survey, 60 percent of respondents wanted physicians to provide online access to medical records and test results, and online appointment scheduling; 1 in 4 said they would pay more for the service. Moreover, increasing costs of healthcare delivery and emerging trends toward patient empowerment and patient centered care in order to achieve higher quality healthcare, needs patients to play a more active role in their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For this reason, some experts think that the term Personal Health Record is not descriptive enough and can limit innovation and usage of these systems. Personal Health Record Systems (PHRS) and Personal Health Platforms (PHP) have been suggested as more appropriate terms. Types of PHRs From an architectural point of view, PHRs can be divided into four different types. Stand alone PHR: This is the simplest form of a PHR that does not connect with any other system. The data is usually entered manually by the patient. This type of PHR can be in the form of USB devices, CDs, smart cards, desktop applications, or even web based applications that can be accessed through the internet. Although this model of PHR gives patient complete control over data and seems more secure as it has no connection to other systems, it lacks the reliability and usefulness and is not considered a preferred model. Stand alone PHRs can only be considered computerized versions of paper based health records the some people keep. Provider tethered PHRs: In this model, PHR is developed and maintained by a healthcare provider, insurer, or employer. The type of health information that is stored in these PHRs is affected by the nature of the provider business. For instance, in PHRs that are offered by insurers, the content is mostly administrative and billing in nature. In the case of healthcare providers, PHR would be a customized view of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Child Beauty Pageants Are Harmful Why Child Beauty Pageants are Harmful Beauty pageants have been around for some time and have even become apart of our American society, however parents don t realize or comprehend the risk they are taking with their children. Society has made the beauty pageant industry seem appealing, especially with shows like Toddlers and Tiaras . Meanwhile, young girls are being forced to grow up in an environment where they are taught to look and act like adults. Instead of having normal encounters with costumes, high heels, and makeup, they are being forced by their mothers to wear tight sexualizing dresses, more makeup than most women, and even false teeth to present themselves as beautiful. These factors could lead these children to have depression, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The 1992 Los Angeles Riots Essay Introduction This paper will cover the events that took place within the first five days in south central Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict . History In 1992 the city of Los Angeles was one of our nation s largest cities. It had an estimated population of over 9 million.1 The city had been in a deteriorating state for several years. There also had been tension growing between the citizens and the police for nearly the last 30 years. This had a lot to do with riots that occurred in Los Angeles back in the 1960 s.2 In 1965 riots in L.A. occurred after a routine stop by the police involving drunk driving. This stop occurred very close the driver s residence where massive crowd began to build. When it was all said and done ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over the course of the next year the tensions and suspense from this case continued to grow. The police knew that civil unrest was going to occur no matter how the outcome of this case, but knew it stood to be worse had the defendants be found not guilty. On April 29th the day of the verdict, there were reporters both inside and outside the court room. This would add to how wide spread the unrest would occur and how fast it would develop. The verdict had come out that all four police officers were found not guilty on all accounts except for one account on one officer in which it was ruled a mistrial on that account.4 With the large amount of media coverage and the anticipation of a guilty verdict by many of the local citizens, the disturbances and violence spread quickly . Execution/action The initial start point of the riots (caught on camera) was at the intersection of Florence and Normandie. There police were making an arrest where crowds quickly arose. The police called for backup but were still having difficulty with the arrest as they were continually being interfered with and were outnumbered. The situation rapidly became dangerous and in what would later become a very controversial call, the overwhelmed police were ordered to retreat. This retreat would prove to be very empowering to the now formed mob. Since the police would not return to that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of The Foster Care System When we look at a foster care kid we don t really think much we just feel bad for them. We don t really think much about the system and how it is bad or good, we just know that this person lost their family. But there is a lot of things wrong with the foster care system. The group homes, there are far too many kids living in homes that is supposed to be temporary. Foster carecruelty, many kids in foster care witness abuse. Ageing out of the system,many kids who age out of the system have no clue on what to do. Unresolved grief and loss, many kids put up with grief that no one helps them with that can lead to many other problems. More than 20,000 American children were placed in a group home in 2013. The children in these group homes are put in there for long unneeded periods, roughly one in seven of the 57,000 were placed in a group home rather than a foster home and about 23,000 of these kids have no documented clinical or behavioral need that might warrant placing a child outside a family. Children in group homes children are more likely to have lower test scores which leads to a lower risk of graduating from high school and more than twice as likely to be arrested. If you think that s bad, group homes cost seven to ten times more than placing a child with a family. That s seven to ten times more of what your tax payments go to. When you re a foster kid you never know what kind of foster parent you are going to get. Who knows maybe you will get lucky and get a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Lie Detectors A polygraph is an instrument that simultaneously records changes in physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure, respiration and electrical resistance (galvanic skin response or GSR). The polygraph is used as a lie detector by police departments, the FBI, the CIA, federal and state governments, and numerous private agencies. The underlying theory of the polygraphis that when people lie they also get measurably nervous about lying. The heartbeat increases, blood pressure goes up, breathing rhythms change, perspiration increases, etc. A baseline for these physiological characteristics is established by asking the subject questions whose answers the investigator knows. Deviation from the baseline for truthfulness is taken as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Having to go to the bathroom can also be causative. There are also a number of medical conditions such as colds, headaches, constipation, or neurological and muscular problems which can cause the physiological changes measured by the polygraph. The claim that an expert can tell when the changes are due to a lie and when they are due to other factors has never been proven. Even if the device measures nervousness, one cannot be sure that the cause of the nervousness is fear of being caught in a lie. Some people may fear that the machine will indicate they are lying when they are telling the truth and that they will be falsely accused of lying. Furthermore, even the most ardent advocate of the polygraph must admit that liars can sometimes pass their tests. One need only remember the spy Aldrich Ames, who passed the polygraph test several times while with the CIA. This lesson was lost on the FBI, however, who started requiring polygraph tests of its employees after spy Robert Hanssen was caught. Heretofore, the FBI had only used the polygraph on suspected criminals. Apparently, the FBI thinks that they could have prevented Hanssen s betrayal if only he had been made to take the polygraph. In California and many other states, the results of polygraph tests are inadmissible as evidence in a court of law. This may because polygraph tests are known to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Imperialism In Qing China Before Europeans further decided to explore and imperialize Qing China, Chinese government and society was strictly conservative in the sense that they were rarely exposed to outside influences. Being considerably isolated from expansion, imperialism, and industrialization in the west, it took the people of Chinaby surprise when suddenly Chinese power began switching between the Western nations, all of whom were fighting for dominance. These Western pressures changed how the Chinese incorporated Europeans into their society, they had to sign unequal treaties and push for reforms while still trying to maintain Chinese tradition. However, being forced to succumb to European power did not completely change their view of foreigners, or stop their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To the people of china, their culture, society, and government was superior to the rest of the world in preserving tradition and maintaining a stable society. They were not welcoming to the Europeans or any other foreign groups because anyone who was not Chinese was considered a threat to the Qing Dynasty rule. China s hesitant nature towards trade with Britain is indicated in Lin Zexu s letter to Queen Victoria, 1839. When trying to negotiate a plan to take concerning the opium trade issue between the nations, Lin Zexu mentions that since China doesn t need imported products from foreign countries, no harm would be brought about if a decision was made to stop all foreign trade. This letter is a reliable source in that it accurately expresses China s resistance to foreign trade while remaining respectful to the Queen who could become angered at the implication of cutting off trade agreements. In the memorandum written by, Zeng Guofan, one gains additional insight on the distrust Chinese show against outsiders. Spoken by a Chinese government official, we can conclude that his opinion is biased towards common Chinese logic on isolation. It can be put in perspective that the Europeans are becoming more numerous and therefore presenting themselves as a larger threat calling for reforms that would relieve this serious national ill. In response to these foreigners, the Boxer rebellion arose with a goal to attack foreigners and anyone with ties to them. In an attempt to eliminate outside influences uprisings such as this rebellion became increasingly popular and gained support from many who still believed that foreign influence was a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Sister Carrie and the American Dream The American Dream is surely based on the concept of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness but it is above all, a matter of ambition. James Truslow Adams, an American writer and historian, in 1931 states: life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement , which not only points towards a better standard of living for Americans but also denounces a degree of greed in the US society. Ambition not only killed the cat but killed relationships as well in texts like Sister Carrie and Death of a Salesman. While the American Dreamwas supposed to be a collective success at its initial stage, ambition, along with a pinch of greed and materialism were perfect ingredients... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When I walked out I was twenty one. And, by God, I was rich! Through Ben, Miller s play suggests that one must be ruthless, sometimes even wild, in order to achieve success. This very dynamic approach towards the American Dream is what makes Willy Loman envious of his brother s success and machismo. The contrast between a passive approach and dynamic ambition towards the realization of the American Dream is the cause of rift in a brother relationship between Willy and Ben. Another instance of rift in relationships in regards to ambition and the American Dream can be found in the father son relationship between Willy and his son Biff. Willy always believed that personality, not hard work or innovation, was the key to success. His personal views even justified adultery. This is where conflicts arose; Biff was against this trait of his father s personality. It is only after learning about Willy s infidelity that Biff decides to pursue his own American Dream. However, he is torn between two American Dreams: becoming a salesman like his father or immersing himself in nature. Different ambitions and perceptions of the American Dream eventually led to Biff being convinced that his father had the wrong dream. At this point, the arising question is: is ambition contributing towards the realization of an American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Factors On The Effect Of Elevation Effects On Plant Growth Elevations Effects on Plant Growth James Walters, 8/25/2017, Biology 132 01, Alan Liang Jillian Beard Introduction Plants rely on the environment in which they live to grow, and different environmental conditions provide a wide array of different foliage. Many studies have concluded that altitude effects the heights of a variety of different species (1). In a study comparing beech tree growth, factors such as light and nutrient availability were shown to increase as tree height increased. Along with these findings, it was found that growth rate declined as altitude increased (2). Another study observing elevations effect on Malosma Laurinais showed that increased altitudes were correlated with stronger and healthier leaves for the plants (3). Plants primarily rely on water, and sunlight to grow, but other factors play a role in development as well. Elevation can have a drastic impact on the speciation and growth of different plant species for many reasons. Surface level determines soil moisture content, wind speed, and the amount of sunlight that a plot of vegetation will receive. Common knowledge of how plants grow, suggest that the high soil moisture content at low elevations will increase plant height due to the excess of resources being provided. Plants in the campus lodge area in Brocton, NY have a vast variety of different growing conditions and climates. We decided to examine if different soil elevations had an impact on the growth of plants in this area. Foliage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. How Does The Concentration Affect The Rate Of Reaction How does the concentration affect the rate of a reaction? 30/1/2012 By Alex Whenman Contents page 1. Introduction to my investigation 2. Background information on concentration 3. What experiment I will be conducting 4. Equipment I will be using 5. How I will be conducting the experiment 6. Heath and safety risk assessment 7. What I think will happen 8. How I will set up my experiment 9. Why I m having my experiment set out like this How does the concentration affect the rate of a reaction? In this investigation I will be investigating to see whether the concentration ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When performing my experiment I will come across various health and safety issues. One of them would be spilling acid on my hand. To prevent this I will be using syringes to measure out the correct amount of HCL. This will prevent any spillage of HCL. Also another heath and safety risk would be having Na2S2O3 get into any open cuts I have. To prevent this I will cover all open cuts I have. Moreover there is a chance that when reacting HCL with Na2S2O3 the gases produced could get in my eye and cause my eye to become irritant. So to prevent this I will wear safety goggles so the gases produces can not get into me eyes. When I conduct my experiment I think that as the concentration of HCL increases. The time taken for the HCL to react with Na2S2O3 will increase. I think this will happen because of the collision theory (1) the more collisions in a system, the more likely combinations of molecules will happen. This helps understand that if we increase the concentration of HCL then the more likely there will be combination of molecules hitting each other at a faster rate meaning that if there are more collisions of molecules this would speed up a reaction by every molar the HCL goes up by. I will be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Psychological Suspense In Psycho Psychological thriller movies tend to fascinate a lot of viewers since they create suspense, anxiety, fury and confusion at the same time. The audiences of such films are trying to figure out what s next and then a sudden twist comes leaving you with a feeling of exhilaration. The extent of creating such intriguing mysteries in which mind games are involved leads a person to become inquisitive about what is going to happen next. The movie that remains unpredictable until the end can keep the audience bound to the film without losing any interest. There are numerous movies made in this genre but not all of them went well in creating suspense. Here is the list of few that you might like watching if you are fascinated by psychological thriller ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jacob s Ladder Jacob s Ladder, a film that released in 1990 is a beautiful film directed by Bruce Joel Rubin starred Tim Robin, Elizabeth Pena, Danny Aiello. The storyline goes where a haunted Vietnam war veteran attempts to uncover his past while suffering from a severe case of dissociation where he deciphers reality and life from his own dreams, delusions and perceptions of death. Suspense remains at its hilt and that makes the film a better one. 5.Next door Next door, a psycho horror film directed by Pal Sletaune and starred Kristoffer Joner, Cecilie A. Mosli, Julia Schacht, Anna Bache Wiig is a horror story where the guy has been ditched by his girlfriend and in that depressed state he allows himself to be seduced into a mystical and a scary world, where it is impossible to separate truth and the lies. Amusing enough to entertain the viewer and worth watching. 6.Anamorph Anamorph, a film directed by H.S Miller starred Willem Dafoe, Scott Sneedman, Don Harvey and James Rebborn is based on an anamorphosis (a distorted drawing that appears to be normal when viewed from a particular side), a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to create two competing images on a single canvas. It s exciting to see how the killer in the film uses equipment from the arts to kill ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Cheerleading Persuasive Speech Cheerleading is a sport that is very difficult because you have to pick up people, do jumps, tumbling you could get hurt really bad if you don t do something right. You can cheer at a football game or at competitions, at football games you cheer for the football player and 3nd quarter you do your routine in front of your coach s and your Family and friends. At competitions you cheer in front of anyone that you don t even know and in front of judges instead of football teams going against each other your going against other cheer teams to win that big trophies and a jacket its really hard to get those. Did you know cheer was first invented November 2, 1898 and they called it yell leader ? When you join cheer you become family with your team ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Neiman Marcus Internal Analysis Internal Analysis Primary Activities Neiman Marcus is a large luxury retailer that has various aspects of the business that contributes to their success. A company that operates to the size of Neiman Marcus has to be organized in all aspects of its business to be able to run as smoothly as possible. Without the primary activities Neiman s would not be able to operate to the scale that they currently do and for as long as they have. Neiman s has its own distribution centers in Pennsylvania and Texas that supports the Neiman Marcus stores and they also have fulfillment centers that takes care of their online customers. Since Neiman Marcus participates in ecommerce, the company utilizes two freight consolidators, one on the East Cast and one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After the financial analysis, it is clear that Neiman Marcus has a massive amount of debt that not only continues to grow, but it is clear that Neiman s currently has issues making enough money to pay back their debts. Compared to other luxury retailers like Nordstrom and Saks, Neiman Marcus has a significantly smaller number of stores with 42 locations while Nordstrom has 121 stores in the US and Canada. With fewer stores Neiman Marcus has to make sure that they are appealing enough for their customers to want to take the extra time to come to them rather than going to a Nordstrom that is more convenient for them. This is also proving to be an issue with Neiman s with customer loyalty. People are not as loyal to certain stores as they have been in the past; now people will go to whichever retailer will give them the best price for what their looking for whether it is online or in person. Neiman also faces problems abroad where their business is almost nonexistent, especially in China where a lot of counterfeit items are made to copy the items that Neiman s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Why Is Peter Pan Uncovered Peter Pan Uncovered After reading Peter Pan, any well minded person will acknowledge that Peter is not a normal character. What is Peter? Is he a ghost, a spirit? Peter is a thought that the Lost Boys have planted in their minds and imagine him there. A few reasons why this is true is he can t be touched nor does he have weight. All physical things can be touched have, weight and are real and are not produced by the mind. Peter is not normal, he is special and needs explaining. In the story it clearly states that Peter is not to be touched.Obviously, if you are real you can be touched, and Peter can t be touched, so the simple conclusion is that he is not physical. Peter is not a person at all, he is just a mere thought that all the boys ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Iliad Gods The gods of the Iliad are a unique set of individuals . Unlike the omnipresent god of the Christian who is above man in wisdom, power and character, these gods are portrayed as a family. Here s a family of bickering members who seek attention, get jealous and generally act as a typical extended family unit. My thesis thus is that gods are not impotent but are in a lot aggrandized versions of man who control the fate of man. Gods as stated earlier are very much like man. One way to see this analogy is to compare gods to the flaws of man. Take the seven deadly sins of man pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony and lust the gods in more than one way act in each one of these attributes throughout the Iliad. First of all, let s consider PRIDE. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First off is when Zeus ponders in his heart as to whether to save Sarpedon from his death or not. Hera s reply to him reveals a different concept of fate. ...if you bring Sarpedon back to his home, still living, think how then some other gods might also wish to carry his own son out of the strong encounter... (16. 439 457, pg. 363). This dialogue reveals one this about fate: it is changeable. Another instance comes up again with Zeus trying to save to Hektor from his death. This time it is Athene who reprimands him. ...Do you wish to bring back a man who is mortal, one long since doomed by his destiny, from ill sounding death release him... (22. 177 181, pg. 462). Fate can be here regarded as means to ensure the mortality of man and also, a god loses respect when he or she breaks fate. But the overall value of fate will be as a law. Fate appears to serve as a check and balance among the gods; preventing them from doing as they please to mortal men. As to who decides when the fate of a man is to come is generally unknown, but all the gods to know each man s appointed fate. Thus as can be seen from the song, no man is killed off before is appointed time and no man is allowed to live after said ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Exploring Factors Affecting the Quality of Life for... Australia is a vast land with a diverse environment and communities isolated by great distances. Its peoples have a diversity of culture, educational and economic circumstances, health needs, services, and social structure. Therefore the welfare issues experienced and the impact these have to lifestyle within Australias different populations would also differ in relation to these factors. This is certainly true for RuralAustralia. The biggest factor impacting Rural Australia has been the changes to the economic viability of primary production, one of the largest sources of income for Australia (Australian Government, 2008), affected by globalization, deregulation, privatisation and reduction/withdrawal of services, rising ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This tightening of expenditure continues on throughout the community. Business may cease sponsorship of the local football teams and individuals may cut back on patronage of local restaurants. Local charities and churches may notice a reduction in donations. It isn t just the newly unemployed and the businesses that are affected. The general community begins to experience a fall in optimism for the future. Economic downturn with the resulting sense of hopelessness and despair is a major factor contributing to the high rate of rural suicides. A lot of people who get put on the economic scrapheap through no fault of their own feel an enormous sense of worthlessness (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,1999, p.5). The newly unemployed can find it hard to gain other employment in the region as most rural areas rely on one major industry for employment. Another problem is that many of the people employed in primary production areas are likely to have limited education or skills and so find changing careers difficult without assistance. Education in Rural Australia is not necessarily valued or available in the same way it is in metropolitan areas. Many children need to travel great distances or live away from home to access secondary and particularly tertiary education. The high cost of living away from home, lack of effective financial support from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. A Social Group In life, we all play different roles. I am a daughter, niece, friend, student, employee and artist. The definition of a social group is two or more people who interact on a regular basis in routine ways and who share a common sense of membership and identity. A social group example would be classmates in one section of a class and an example of an aggregate would be New Yorkers riding the subway together. An aggregate is not a group but a collection of people who briefly share the same physical space but do not see themselves as belonging together. Over the summer, I auditioned to be part of a theatre company and was asked to join. The name of the company is called Complete Theatre Company and they do shows and have acting classes three days a week. I was recently part of their improvisation show Call My Dog . The people in the class range from ages eighteen to seventy five, normally in the Friday class, they are about 15 people that come, but it depends on the day. It differs week to week. A normal acting class is formatted by doing physical and vocal warm ups, having a keynote speaker where we talk about different aspects about the business of acting and then Annie goes around the room and asks us if we have a scene or a monologue to work on and if we do, we work on them and the class gives positive feedback. We are a primary group because we are small in number, we interact personally (we know about each other s personal life) and we show genuine interest and support ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Pros And Cons Of The Rogue State During the Bush presidency years, however, the definition of rogue state has become increasingly muddled. It now takes account not simply of how states interact with other states, but also of how particular regimes treat their own people. From President Bush s perspective, a state can be classified as a rogue if it denies freedom to some of its citizens. He views the rogue state as the chief threat to global order. His foreign policies, thus, aim either to alter the behavior of rogue states, or, failing that, to eliminate those regimes that refuse to play by the rules. The Bush Doctrineadvances three core propositions: (1) Preemption, or America s declared right to a war to thwart a suspected attack; (2) an unchallengeable America, meaning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The story of the good guy fighting the bad guys is indeed not new, but a part of US identity dating back to the very founding of the nation; it could be argued that the terrorist attacks on September 11th tapped into an American imagination of xenophobia and isolationism that had historical credence and viability within the story of the American state [...] each president strategically framed US responses to terrorism within a highly specialized national security discourse. This national security discourse is one that presents terrorism as threat that necessitates reprisal and preemptive measures and produces and legitimizes power relations that act as a field of statecraft in which security becomes a commodity within the control of the state. In the wake of terrorist attacks security becomes highly sought after and desired, thus allowing states to use terrorism to strengthen their identity and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Of Mice And Men Loneliness Loneliness in Of Mice and Men In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck it is important to observe the theme loneliness since it relates to the Great Depression in United States at that time. Steinbeck portrays loneliness in the characterisation, specially in Candy, Crooks and Curley s wife, explaining the loneliness of human existence. Loneliness illustrates the people in the ranch and how they want to escape from it. The first one is the old candy. For example You seen what they done to my dog tonight? They says he wasn t no good to himself nor nobody else. When they can me here I wisht somebody d shoot me. But they won t do nothing like that. I won t have no place to go, an I can t get no more jobs. I ll have thirty dollars more comin , time you guys is ready to quit (60). This is important because when Candy hears about George and Lennie s plan,he wants to join them because he is completely alone; his only company was his old dog but Carlson killed. This means that Candy realize that he will soon be useless on the ranch and is worried about his future, so he buys into George and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Along the same lines Why can t I talk to you? I never get to talk to to nobody. I get awful lonely (86). Ain t i got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am, anyways? you re a nice guy. I don t know why I can t t talk to you. I ain t doin no harm to you. (88). Seems like they ain t none of them care how I gotta live. (88). The significance is that she is the only woman living in the ranch, her husband is very possessive, he thinks that she belongs to him. Curley prohibits her from socializing with other men. She is very isolated and lonely that we don t even know her name. Furthermore she is always seeking attention and putting great effort into her looks. In sum, they show us how this three characters wanted to call our attention by their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. University Of Michigan V. Ewing Case Brief In Regents of the University of Michigan v. Ewing, Scott Ewing sued the University of Michigan after he was dismissed from their medical program. The case took nearly three years to settle, eventually coming before the United States Supreme Court. In the end, the court ruled in favor of the university after much evidence was used including marketing used by the university pertaining to its medical program, pamphlets, and other policies of the institution (Kaplin and Lee, 2013). The case arose upon Ewing failing the university s mandatory medical exam, and as a result, he was dismissed from the university s medical program before he could complete his final two years. Upon his dismissal, Ewing filed a complaint against the Regents of the University of Michigan, asserting a right to retake the NBME Part I test on three separate theories, two predicated on state law and one based on federal law (FindLaw s United States Supreme Court, 2016).). Furthermore, Ewing stated that the University failed to uphold his contract as an enrolled student and had been barred by the doctrine of promissory estoppel (Regents of the University of Michigan v. Ewing. (2016). Additionally, he asserted that according to federal law, he had a property interest in his continued enrollment in the medical program known as Inteflex, and therefore,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The court also stated that they had ruled in Ewing s favor as evidence presented proved that other students had been given the opportunity to retake the NBME Part I again upon failing it, and he was the only person not given an opportunity to retake the test between 1975 and 1982 (Regents of the University, 2016). However, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed this decision, stating that he had been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Dental Fluoridation In the early 1900s, dentist Frederick McKay began to see a trend in the patients he was seeing in Colorado Springs, Colorado (NIDR, 2014). The majority of his patients were showing signs of dental fluorosis, brown spots on permanent teeth, with no explanation (NIDR, 2014). Surprisingly, Dr. McKay found that those with dental fluorosiswere also resistant to tooth decay (McClure, 1970). There was very little known about this condition, so Dr. McKay took it upon himself to do some research. After looking at trends, he discovered that the areas where dental fluorosis was prominent were also areas where there was naturally occurring fluoridein the drinking water (McClure, 1970). The first water fluoridationproject began in 1945 in Grand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over 100 Health organizations recognize water fluoridation as a healthy and safe preventative measure to control the cases of tooth decay in different populations (CDC, 1999). Just similar to fortifying foods, like cereal with iron, milk with vitamin D, and bread with folic acid, public health association s claim that water with fluoride provides a specific benefit with minimal health risks. Recent research, however, has consistently shown it to be an insufficient and not an effective form of prevention to tooth decay. In the most largely conducted longitudinal study following infants through childhood, there has been no correlation with increased fluorine concentration in water and decreased tooth decay (Warren, 2008). Yet, there was a correlation between increased water fluoridation and increased dental fluorosis (Warren, 2008). These results align closely with that of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDR) study conducted in 1986 1987. When water fluoride concentration was less than 0.3mg/L, 55.5% children were shown to have tooth decay, while the children with dental fluorosis was 14.6% (Yiamouyiannnis, 1990). However, as the water fluoride concentration increased to over 1.2mg/L, the incidence of children with tooth decay was 56.4%, while the incidence of children with fluorosis rose significantly to 40.5% (Yiamouyiannnis, 1990). Fluoridation of water has also been shown to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. What Is The Theme Of The God Of Small Things The God of Small Things opens with memories of a family mourn around a drowned child s sarcophagus. There are countless examples of miserable sequences in the novel. Throughout the story, all characters are portrayed in a very sympathetic manner. The reader gets morally strenuous and remains perplexed all the way at its agonizing finish. The God of Small Things is a family saga taking of a remote village in central Travancore region of South Kerala, the rustic idyll set in the author s childhood and told endearingly through the stream of consciousness of a small girl. The story is purely autobiographical. In the novel, the writer breaks the regular sequence of events and allows them to the sad fate of Ammu shared by her two egg twins, Rahel and Estha. The theme of doomed love between Ammu, the Syrian Christian, Velutha, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, they suffer from a feeling of guilt towards the children, in the present novel The God of small Things, Ammu, the protagonist of the novel losses everything (children, husband, family respect in the society, even her life) by her self centered personality, desires and woman s sexuality.However, it is observed that in the present generation women are ignorant to ethical values, In the way of searching self identity they are prone to make mistakes. The misdeeds cause misery in their lives. Towards the ending that misery becomes destruction or wreck in the total family. A mother can build or damage her life by her deeds. Indian mythology has many women who don their roles as mother and wife, who ultimately succeed. The situation is quite contradictory in the present scenario with the changing roles, values, expectations and demands of the society on a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. King Arthur Gwaine Alternate Ending Soft voices greeted him as he entered the Hall of Records. Gwaine wasn t sure if he d even been in this part of the castle before. He found Arthur sitting at a desk next to Geoffrey of Monmouth, pouring over what appeared to be a genealogical record book of families and crests. As he glanced over the page they were on, he felt his heart stop. On the top of the parchment was a white phoenix on a black background. It had been decades since he even thought of that particular coat of arms. Arthur didn t bother looking up. Sir Gwaine, I need you to take Sir Percival and a contingent of knights and ride to Ismere. I received word that Morgana may be in the vicinity. Check it out and report back to me. The king waited for a response. He glanced up at his knight. Did you hear ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You wanted to speak with me, Sire? Gwaine ducked his head through the wooden door. The room inside was bathed in warm light by a multitude of candles and a roaring fire in the hearth. A soft breeze of cool air came from an open window behind the large desk. Tapestries hung from the walls, and red curtains surrounded the four poster bed in the Royal Chamber. Come in, Gwaine. During his years in Camelot, Gwaine had only been in this chamber a handful of times. Typically, his meetings with the king took place in more formal settings, or on the training field. He couldn t recall the last time when he had been summoned to speak with Arthur alone. The roguish knight felt a bit uneasy as he entered. He took a seat across the desk from Arthur and waited, twisting his hands nervously. Are you healing well from your capture? Arthur asked, referring to Gwaine s recent enslavement by Morgana. Gwaine had led a group of knights toward Ismere to check on reports of Morgana. Word had come that she was amassing an army of Saxons, as well as conscripting men from nearby villages as slave labor. After weeks of not hearing from his men, Arthur had set out with a large party to find ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Effective Strategies For High Performance Teams Table of Contents Effective Strategies for high performance teams Introduction 3 Definition 4 A role negotiate instrument 4 Interdependency exercise 5 Responsibility charting 5 Visioning 5 Role analysis technique 5 Appreciation concern 5 Limitations 6 Conclusion 6 Effective communication standards Introduction7 Definition 7 Communication Model 8 It must be expressive 9 Level of confidence 9 Being specific 10 Must be supportive 10 Well reasoned 10 To be forceful 10 Candid 11 Limitation 11 Conclusion 11 Bibliography12 Effective Strategies for High Performances Teams Introduction High performance teams are more likely rich quality of abilities and applications of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It basically relies on the psychological behavior and dealing with stress upon every challenges. That is why there have four world cups and innumerable championships so far. Definition High performance teams ae those set of potential team players or think tanks who share common
  • 29. values and attitude in achieve the set of goals and challenges with their professional attained knowledge and experiences at its bests with a clear vision to accomplish in adequate time frame. In the word of Katzenbach and Douglas Smith , High performance teams are typically reflect strong extension of the basic characteristic of the team . (Anonymous, Qualities of High Performance Teams Katzenbach and Smith)As we can see here the very basic thoughts about high performances teams in which they discus about the peculiarities .its an integral element that reflects their performances a whole . As team and work groups are regarded to be a basic units of the organization as they improve the functioning of the activities within it here are some of the basic here are some of the basic strategies in a effective teamwork which we are going to discuss some of them. пѓјA role negotiate instrument пѓјInterdependency exercise пѓјResponsibility Charting пѓјVisioning пѓјRole analysis technique пѓјAppreciations and concern пѓјHold review meetings пѓјTeamwork with level of commitments A role negotiate instrument Settlements are the integral part of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Analysis Of The Book The Wild By Jon Krakauer On June 13, 1971, the New York Times headline read, Vietnam Archive: Pentagon Study Traces 3 Decades of Growing U.S. Involvement . Days earlier, Daniel Ellsberg provided the newspaper with excerpts from a 7,000 page classified study that became known as the Pentagon Papers. Just over 20 years later, moose hunters found the decaying remains of an adventurer in the Alaskan wilderness. The remains were concluded to be those of Chris McCandless, an affluent 20 something from Virginia, who wound up dead following his two year long self righteous odyssey. Author Jon Krakauerwrote an article on McCandless for Outside magazine, which later disseminated into a novel titled Into the Wild. At a glance, McCandless and Ellsberg may seem like polar... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ellsberg s case was later dismissed due to government mishandling and illegally obtained evidence by The Plumbers who later played a factor in the Watergate scandal and Nixon s resignation. As Wayne s World hit the silver screens across the US, Chris McCandless perished in an abandoned bus in the Alaskan wilderness. McCandless journey began with the purpose of living a minimalist lifestyle and finding his true self. Alaska was the final destination in the 22 year old s self righteous odyssey that spanned two years. After graduating from Emory University, McCandless cut all ties with his family and changed his name to Alexander Supertramp. His new identity alludes to his goal to be the superior vagabond as he traverses across the country. McCandless motivation for his odyssey was to retaliate against societal norms and live a minimalist lifestyle. Chris led this type of lifestyle to limit attachment and affection that would lead to heartbreak and resentment, and because of this, Chris never created a solid relationship with anyone. Chris McCandless journey into the wild was fueled by a disaffection to society s accepted norms and his goal to uphold his principles at all costs. Daniel Ellsberg and Chris McCandless share common ground in their natural talent for academia and in their post secondary educational pursuits. According to Ellsberg s biography on Biography.com, ...Ellsberg was also an extraordinarily gifted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Rise Of The Counterculture During the sixties, American people saw the rise of the counterculture. Counterculture was a group of movements focused on achieving personal and cultural liberation, mainly embraced by the decade s young adults. Because many Americans were members of the different movements in the counterculture, the counterculture influenced American society as a whole. As a result of the achievements the counterculture movements had made, the United Statesin the 1960sbecame a more open, more tolerant, and a more freer country. In 1969, close to half a million self described hippies,peace makers, and Aquarians made an expedition from mainly San Francisco to Woodstock in upstate New York. The Woodstock Music and Arts Festival was called an Aquarian Exposition and hailed as three days of peace and music, over 400,000 people attended; it was peaceful. However, life outside of the woodstock festivalwas not. America seemed to be dividing as a country. The war in Vietnam went on for roughly another 15 years. American boys were still being sent to Southeast Asia by the newly elected President, Nixon. The increasingly unpopular war intensified a campus protest movement. Burning draft cards and peace marches became daily fare on the evening news. And not all of the demonstrations were peaceful. The summer after Martin Luther King was assassinated, riots broke out in 125 cities including, Chicago, Baltimore, NYC, Kansas City, and Cincinnati. Meanwhile, at the Democratic convention in Chicago, the anti war movement tore the Democratic Party in two. Both critics and fans agree that Woodstock has become part of the mythology of the 1960s, even if the actual event didn t necessarily represent the musical or political taste of most of the young Americans adults at this time. Some say it symbolized the freedom and idealism of the 1960s. Some argue that Woodstock represented much of everything that was wrong with the sixties: a glorification of drugs, a loosening of sexual morality and a socially corrosive disrespect for authority. The 60s was full of major movements. One of the most powerful counterculture movements was the civil rights movement. In 1964, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act to end racial discrimination in employment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. American Civil War and Sectionalism 1.Approximately 180,000 Negros served in the Union during the Civil War. The Negro Soldier was overall a good one. One example was at the Assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina. The 54th Massachusetts Colored troops led the assault and scaled the fort s parapet and were only driven back after brutal hand to hand fighting. The Negro faced some discrimination in the Union Army in areas such as pay. It wasn t until June 15th, 1864 that the Congress granted equal pay to Negro troops. Several Negro soldiers earned the Medal of Honor. The North attitude towards Negro troops was mainly positive, while the South did not want Negros to serve in the Confederate Army. It wasn t until the Confederates were running low on men did they allow Negros to serve. The Negros serving in the North felt it as their duty to serve and support the cause for their own freedom. 2.General Ulysses S. Grant was a brilliant strategist and seemed to be able to plan out movements in advance. The people of the North thought the tremendous casualties to be horrendous. But Grant knew that the South s casualties to be much more than the North s. Grant did have the support and trust of the North though and his record did well to deserve that support. His commanders trusted his completely. Grant s idea of Total War was to break down the infrastructure of the South. The Siege of Petersburg which lasted almost years, then the capture of Richmond is among the battles Grant engaged in while south of the James ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Iraq Military Intelligence Analysis The Bush administration justified its military invasion of Iraq in 2003 with the practical considerations of eliminating weapons of mass destruction and their acquisition by terrorist groups, and the long term prospects of Middle East peace resulting from the establishment of a functioning democracy within the region. US leaders began to emphasize arguments regarding the spread of democracy during the early phases of the occupation when purported links between terrorist organizations and Iraqs weapons of mass destruction program reflected questionable intelligence analysis. According to proponents who asserted a democratic domino theory, the example of Iraqi democracy would ultimately result in a peaceful and secure Middle East as other... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tribe are conflated with ethnic groups (Crone, 1986), used synonymously with biologically based primitive societies (Gellner, 1969), as an organizational mid point along an evolutionary spectrum bounded by hunter gatherers at one end and states at the other, or as a territorially defined political group with distinct dispute settlement norms (Tapper, 1990). Since tribal societies have diverse forms of sociopolitical organization (Eickelman, 2002), anthropologists dismiss the ambiguous term as ill suited for use within the social sciences (Southall, 1970). Regardless, ideas about tribes, tribalism, and tribal societies persist as descriptors of ethnicity, citizenship, or political identity. According to Ibn Khaldun, the tribe is a self contained social organization based on lineage and imbued with autonomy, having social, economic, political, military and cultural functions (Khaldun, 1967). This definition captures many of the various meanings associated with the term; however, Khaldun s inclusion of autonomy hints at an important aspect of tribes in relation to modern states. Tribes and tribal societies are independent polities that offer an alternative to the state (Crone, 1986; Gellner, 1969; Hager, 1983), so their autonomy is an important component of their political power. However, the extension of the modern state within tribal societies resulted in the loss of tribal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Ghost Of The Past By George Santayana Ghost of the Past George Santayana once stated, Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it . James Gatz, or better known as Jay Gatsby has lived solely to persuade the love of his life, Daisy Buchanan, into loving him. He and Daisy had a past relationship, but he could not fully provide her with the satisfaction of marrying a wealthy man who could support her needs. Like many others, The Great War separated them from their love, Gatsby was called to action and Daisy took her own action by marrying a wealthy man named Tom Buchanan. Gatsby was heartbroken when he returned to find Daisy had left without him. He devoted his life to her from then on until his death and she knew he would do anything for her. When Gatsby had found Daisy again he was reintroduced to her by her cousin Nick Carraway. Nick and Gatsby grew closer together, not only because they neighbored each other, but because Gatsby was Nick s goal. Nick wanted to create his own life and wealth much like Gatsby and his curiosity of how he became well off created room for what lead to Gatsby s death. F. Scott Fitzgeraldrecorded the novel as a parallel of his life. His life would not have been the same if he had not endured the 1920 s. The state of despair the nation was in caused the generation that came to age, to be coined the Lost Generation . The disillusionment of this generation caused Gatsby to believe that he could hold Daisy once more. F. Scott Fitzgerald proves that the past is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Spanking Verses Child Abuse Spanking Verses Child Abuse 1 Spanking Verses Child Abuse The Effectiveness of Loving Discipline Western International University COM 110 Effective Persuasive Writing David Scharn October 16, 2005 Spanking Verses Child Abuse 2 The common misconception that spankingis a form of child abuse affects the proper discipline of today s youth. Some parents are actually afraid to discipline their own children using the same method of belief from their own upbringing. Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a correct way to spank your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my goal is to show that if the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The experts that are against spanking say that it is a violent act and teaches children that hitting is okay. Pro spanking advocate, Dr. James Dobson, reprinted a very informative article by Dr. Den Trumbull M.D. and Dr. S. DuBose Ravenel M.D. entitled To Spank or Not to Spank: A look at an age old question that baffles many physicians. It states, There is no evidence in the medical literature that a mild spank to the buttocks of a disobedient child by a loving parent teaches the child aggressive behavior (Dobson, 2004, p. 127). Dr. Dobson also cited the doctors whose article said that it is impractical to suppose that a child wouldn t show violent behavior if parents used other forms of discipline rather than spanking. Most toddlers, who have yet to be spanked because of their age, commonly strike out against others in aggravation. This is true of any toddler, seen out in public, who throws a temper tantrum over not getting his way. Countless parents, frustrated themselves, simply remove the child from making an undesirable scene. The only thing to do for a child of that age is to remove temptation and distract the child with a toy or juice cup. As the toddler grows, distraction is more difficult and the disciplining methods increase intensity. Some experts against spanking also argue that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Escapism In The Movie, Wizard Of Oz Genre is an artistic production of characterization and similarities in a compositional style. It also in terms is used to discuss music, art, literature and even film. In particular applications it distinguishes a work within a context of other work. As you are familiar with certain types of genre such as horror, science fiction, romance, drama, and comedy. Films in the horror, fantasy, and science fiction categories are among the most likely to cross genres, both with one another and with other genres. These films may focus on the unreal (Goodykoony, Jacob, 2014) a horror filmis an outline to cause fear and shock or a rush of emotions and or feelings . For example: the scene of the dark forest; talking trees, flying monkeys, a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These are both images of childhood and innocence. Dorothy is a child but once she returns back home, Dorothy is will mature on this journey, and will become an adult during the movie. In addition, the song Dorothy sings, Somewhere over the Rainbow, she sings this song at the beginning of the movie. This movie is based on a little girl named Dorothy, and the movie shows us the views of the world from a small girls point of view while being small and innocent. A genre is a category of things, it tells you what to expect from the movie, whether it be fantasy, romance (love) ,comedy where you will be laughing, and horror where you will be scared. In the movie Dorothy and her dog land in munchkin land and they munchkin s start singing Ding Dong the witch is dead because Dorothy s house crushed one of the evil witches. Dorothy becomes the owner of the magical red slippers that at a click of the heel she would be able to go home. Once the nicer witch shows up the lighting of the movie turns bright where you can tell they are all excited that one of the evil witches are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Dramatic Importance of the Boxing Scene Between Eddie... The dramatic importance of the boxing scene between Eddie and Roldolpho The story, A View from the Bridge is set in America and it talks about a longshoreman, Eddie. He has kindly let two of his relatives who are illegal immigrants from Italy stay in his house. The boxing scene in Act 1, episode 5 of the play is of dramatic importance as it reveals the tension between Eddie and Rodolpho, one of the illegal immigrants. The scene highlights the different views and relationship of the two women towards Eddie as he is starting to resemble a tragic hero and is on his path of self destruction and downfall. It also emphasizes the growing importance of Marco s role which eventually leads to the climax at the beginning of Act 1. Arthur Miller ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Catherine might have also done that on purpose so she could annoy Eddie because of what he has done to Rodolpho. From here we can see that Catherine s view towards Eddie is deteriorating as she acts more rebellious around him while Beatrice still thinks there is hope for Eddie and is still on his side. The end of Act 1 closely resembles a Greek Tragedy. In the boxing scene, Eddie begins to make bold moves and does things that are out of the ordinary. Feints with his left hand and lands with his right . He starts making mistakes without realizing it as he decides to physically hurt Rodolpho by punching him. This is just the beginning of his path towards self destruction as he makes his fatal flaw later on in the play. The other characters in the play are all slowly turning against him. Catherine decides to be rebellious in front of Eddie, You wanna dance, Rodolpho? Marco challenges Eddie by asking him, Can you lift this chair? Beatrice criticizes Eddie for being too overprotective and his unnatural affection towards Catherine, Well then, be an uncle then. Rodolpho tries to reason with Eddie, I have respect for her, Eddie. All right, sure. But I can t stay in the house all the time, Eddie. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Importance Of Obesity In The United States The basic aim of the paper is to carry out research work on the social concern which I have selected obesity. The topic of obesity has been selected because it has become a major social concern of the United States as well as other industrialized countries. Information related to the research of obesity will be helpful for determining major causes and adverse consequences which are associated with obesity in the U.S. This topic was selected with the hopes in finding effective ways which can be used for preventing the ever increasing numbers of obesity in the world. While a lot of people try to blame children, and even adults, being overweight and obese on genetics, that does not play as crucial of a role as people try to make it sounds. Some... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As stated previously, along with home and school based intervention, it needs to get even bigger with community and government based interventions. Education is the key. By organizing community activities, walks can be planned to encourage physical activity, paths can be made for children to ride bikes on, and playgrounds can be established for things like basketball and other physical activity. By coming together as a community and encouraging these things within our children, obesity can decrease significantly over the next five to ten years. Preparing foods at home and leaving fast food chains alone is also a major factor in preventing obesity. The fast food industry has become a huge target in the obesity rate. Erci Schlosser s surprise best seller, Fast Food Nation, featured some familiar demonization arguments: A cynical industry targets children, reshapes their eating habits (it is hugely profitable to increase the size and the fat content of their portions ), and literally spongers an epidemic ( no other nation in history has gotten so far so fast ) (Kersh Morone, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Connection Between Shadow And Shadow Rae closed her eyes. This connection with Shadow was starting to feel stronger than a brotherly love. Shadow, have a Vampire and his Servant ever fought? Shadow knew what she meant, however avoided it by explaining. It is not built into our DNA, we never fight,... except when the... Rae could feel that what he would say, she wouldn t like. Shadow clarified. I can only say that it is not normal for a Servant to challenge his Master nor is it a noble idea. If the Servant does this during the night hours the Vampirewill surely kill the Servant. If the Servant does it during the daylight hours he will have only days to find a new Master before he will be consumed by death. When a Servant kills his Master, his Master s blood is bonded to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is my job to fill in the areas he may be lacking with the exception of the physical part. I will be your confidant. We will share secrets like no others can. I will be a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with. However my Master has a sense of humor that is quite refreshing. Rae watched him with curiosity and affirmed. Yes I was pleased that he had a sense of humor I could not picture my life without laughter, and now I have two men with a sense of humor. You are the frosting that holds the layers of cake together? Rae phrased the last portion as a question. Shadow stood, walking to the dresser and started gathering items for her shower and agreed. Yes Goddess, you may to have your cake and eat it too for the rest of your life. They both laughed over the human clichГ©s. Rae was feeling confused over why her family had been hiding for many centuries. If life was to be good, what was the problem. Yeah! Okay, most people don t consider being mated to a Vampire that great, however she couldn t find a down side, yet. Shadow, I m confused why did my family feel the need to hide us if life is magnificent with the Vampire and his Servant? Shadow thought, oh boy it s that question again, he knew it was likely the transfer to Fay that made them run. Trying to answer without giving her full details wouldn t be easy however; he would say what he could, without lying. People were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Visible Light Lab Report The percentage error was calculated to be 2.53%, which indicated that the calculated experimental value of the wavelength of the laser was very similar to the theoretical value. Visible light is an extremely small proportion of the entire range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light ranges from 390nm to 780nm. The theoretical wavelength of the laser was 633nm, indicating a light red. The experimental wavelength calculated from the experiment was 617nm, implying that it is dark orange. The laser used in the experiment emitted a light red color, thus implying that there was a small amount of error that affected the results from the experiment. In the equation ∆y=О»L/d, the values of d and the wavelength were provided from the manufactures,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This error may have potentially reduced the accuracy and precision of the measurements taken. Eyes facing perfectly perpendicular to the ruler can minimize the effect of this error. Parallax error is not avoidable but can be minimized when more samples are added. Systematic errors (ordered from most impactful to least impactful): Incorrect alignment of laser. Experiment being conducted in bright space. The laser and the double slit may not have been correctly aligned in a straight line that is perfectly perpendicular to the screen. This would also mean that the slits might not have been perfectly perpendicular to the laser. These factors would have caused the interference patter on the screen to be incorrect. Also, if the laser at an angel other than 90В°, L would be a different value. This experiment was conducted in a bright space. This caused disadvantages when copying the interference pattern on paper due to the blurriness of the boundaries. This error would decrease the accuracy of the experiment. This error could be reduced if the experiment were to be performed in darker conditions, allowing for the bright bands to be more distinct on the interference pattern, allowing for more accurate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Childhood Memories Essay When I was a young child I would love to hear my parents tell me that we were going on a trip. I would be full of excitement, because I knew that we would be going to a place that I had never seen before. My parents, my brother, and I would pack our luggage and venture out in our small gray minivan. Three of my most cherished memories in our minivan are when we went to Disney World, the beach, and the mountains. When I heard my parents talking about going to Disney World I was so excited. It was a long trip down to Florida and I could not sit still, because I was so excited. We finally arrived that evening and decided to stay in a hotel near the theme park. When it was time for bed I could not go to sleep for a long time, because I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Going to the beach was nothing like going to the lake or swimming pool. The ocean had large waves that would come crashing into the beach. I was so small that the waves would just throw me around. I also got to walk down the beach and find different objects that the waves had washed up on shore. I found seashells that had brilliant colors like the rainbow. I even found a creature that looked like pink jelly. I picked the creature up with a stick and took it to show my dad. My dad told me that it was a jellyfish that could sting me, so he made me bury it in the sand. I saw another creature that was gliding in shallow water. It was dark brown with a long tail and looked like it had wings. It was a horrible looking creature that I had never seen before. My dad came down to the water to see what I was looking at. He told me that they were called skates, and they would not hurt me. That was the first time I saw something living in the ocean besides a fish. My dad then showed me that there were little creatures called, sand fiddlers, which would wash up when the waves crashed into the shore. We sat down on the sand so he could show me how to catch them. The sand fiddlers would dig down in the sand fast as lightning, so we had to dig for them fast as we could. When I caught one it felt like it was trying to dig into your hand with what seemed like a million legs. After about four hours I was exhausted and starving. I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Irish And The Peelites Irish, so to speak, therefore, while the Peelites saw public works as essential to their relief policy, like the liberals after them they feared that any government action would discourage Irish initiative. As public works expanded, British distrust of the Irish led to an obsessive fear of abuse. Britons believed that the Irish peasants were always seeking to get something for nothing. A mythos of English sacrifice and Irish incorrigibility emerged throughout Britain, permeating the mindset of the public and government leaders. In 1847, J.A. Roebuck, M.P. for Bath irritably stated, was it to be said, when Providence visited the land with a fatal disease in vegetables, that the 8,000,000 Irish should come crawling as beggars to the shores ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Revenge Tragedy Of Hamlet Essay Issara Butt Professor Abbott English 102 November 30, 2016 The Revenge Tragedy of Hamlet Revenge tragedies share some common characteristics of the play Hamlet which classify them in the group of many great stories such as The Spanish Tragedy, and King Lear. A vengeful ghost, a play within a play, and the main character who seeks revenge on an opponent and murdered (KAY). At some point in life many of us feel the need to seek revenge and never actually act upon it, but what if we did? What would be the consequences and what would life be like afterwards. The thoughts we have of this makes the stories of revenge tragedies exciting and intriguing. They are our thoughts written on paper and into a story making as if what we think is actually happening. In the time of Shakespearean writing, things would have gone slightly different. The play Hamlet, is a prime example of a revenge tragedy in its refined state of written speech. Hamlet is a revenge tragedy for many reasons, not only that but it is the most written, re enacted, and read play of all time (TUMIEL). The multiple plots of revenge, murders, and ghost appearances makes Hamlet the leading play of revenge tragedies and most studied currently in academic curriculums. It is believed to be that William Shakespeare s Hamlet was based off of Thomas Kyd s story, Ur Hamlet (MABILLARD). Although Ur Hamlet was a rough and uncut version of a revenge tragedy and needed further developing, but Shakespeare s Hamlet is well refined, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. BethovenВґs Monnlight Sonata History Beethoven s first movement from his infamous Moonlight Sonata is most illustrious for its bittersweet melancholic sound. It is in the key of C# minor as it has four sharps in its key signature and sounds like it is in the minor tonality. Beethoven gives an indication to how the performer should interpret their role with the phrase adagio sostenuto which means to play at a slow tempo(66 beats per minute) and to effectively utilize the sustained pedal. Sempre e senza sordino means to the whole piece ought to be played with the utmost delicacy and without damper. From the interpretations of his instructions, it can be concluded that Beethoven wanted this movement to be interpreted with sensitivity and colour. The bass line is a prominent feature in texturizing the movement. The most distinctive characteristics in the bass line are its Neapolitan chords which are strategically placed amidst chords of double octaves. This prevents the movement sounding too much like a lullaby and adds more colour and tension. The movement starts out pianissimo and diverges between pianissimo and piano to maintain a soothing sound. Its luxurious ostinato triplet melody creates a lullaby like feeling within the piece. However, the melancholic tone is instilled within the 3rd bar where the d natural within the triplet melody stands out. This adheres to the purpose of advancing the momentum of the piece as the lowered d provides variation in the triplet melody so it is not as repetitive. To ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Use Of Intrauterine Devices ( Iud ) The use of intrauterine devices (IUD) by women is commonplace. Worldwide, IUDs are the most used method of contraception, used by almost one fourth of all female contraceptive users. The typical indication for IUDs is as a method of long acting reversible contraception. Intrauterine devices are effective, safe, easy to insert and relatively inexpensive (Dean Goldberg, 2016). Therefore, in treating women of childbearing years, the Nurse Practitioner will educate this patient population about the risks and benefits of the IUD, as well as the risks and expected side effects. The NP can provide a group of questions to the patient and mate to determine the appropriate choice of contraception. (See table 1). Prior to the consideration of the insertion of an IUD, the patient must have a negative pregnancy test, and no active cervical, vaginal or bladder infections. The patient cannot have an untreated abnormal PAP smear, active liver disease, breast cancer or an compromised immune system. Intrauterine devices (IUD) are constructed from plastic in the United States (US). Worldwide, however, steel is also used. Currently, the categories of IUDs in the US are: copper releasing, progesterone releasing or inert. Except for the unmedicated type, the IUDs release either copper or progesterone in order to potentiate the effectiveness of the intrauterine device. There are four types of IUDs available in the United States. The copper IUD is named ParaGuard and is approved by the FDA for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Pacific Northwest Region Is A Good First Step While we have been focusing on the whole Pacific Northwest region as a whole this class, we have finally delved into a subregion that is close to all of us: the Inland Empire. This area in the Pacific Northwest came into being during the late 19th Century and encompassed much of Eastern Washington, the Idaho Panhandle and parts of Eastern Oregon. The people of this region were very proud of their land and some even held more pride for the Inland Empire than their own state. This fierce loyalty to one s home was just as much a product of economic growth as many of the other changes being see all around the Pacific Northwestin general. The Inland Empire was, and is, an important subregion that was born of economic development and competition with the cities on the coast. To set the stage for the Inland Empire, a broader look at the changes occurring throughout the Pacific Northwest region is a good first step. Around the late 19th century, the region was experiencing economic boom. Industrialization of many of the region s commodities like salmon processing flooded the region with money and immigrants. These peoples came from the Far East to work in the factories and lumber mills that were making Seattle and other cities such as Portland and Tacoma booming hubs of trade. Foreigners took note of the changes as well, Rudyard Kipling was just a young man when he visited the region but he wrote about the progress in his journals. More Chinamen with yellow, crooked fingers, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Views on Slavery by Higginbotham, Jr.,Winthrop D. Jordan,... A Leon Higginbotham Jr. s argument in The Ancestry of Inferiority (1619 1662), is that the people of Virginia had already began to think of black people, be it they were free or indentured servants, as inferior to themselves before slavery was institutionalized. The Colonist s had already begun to strategize legalities in regards on how black peoplewere to be disciplined. Higginbotham has two reasons why Africans were not afforded the same liberties as that of the white indentured servants in Virginia. The first reason he states is that the majority of white indentured servants came to Virginia on their own free will. Once they had completed their five or seven year contract with their master, they were free to buy land and begin... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mulattoes are automatically classified with the Negro group regardless as to who or what color their parents are. When slavery is born, mulatto children lose all possible chances of improving their social status. And yet in the Caribbean, mulatto are not permitted to be worked in the fields nor treated as a slave. They are tradesmen, house servants, and especially, concubines. It is the situation of the locations that enable a different view on the classification of a people, situations such as men to women ratio and agricultural production. Unlike the Colonist which adopted only one term from Spain to describe the offspring between a white person and a Negro or Native American, the islanders used four different names to classify the different levels of skin color; mulatto, sambo, quadroon, and mestize. Furthermore, in Jordan s essay, he speaks of passing, and how over a period of time, eventually the Mulattoes offspring will be as white as their master. He states the meaning of passing, is when the stain (Negro blood) is finally washed out, the result is a white person one cannot call a Negro. In a letter Henry Laurens writes from England, he claims, These people are to be free and kept harmless. Jordan s essay like Higginbotham s, is a social history. However, in his notes, he speaks of other islands in control by France being a different situation because of the different cultural heritage. His decision to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Benefits Of Preparing Pop Preparing SODA SHAMPOO: IT WILL MAKE YOUR HAIR GROW LIKE IT IS MAGIC! Preparing pop has an extensive variety of employments, and its prevalence develops as researchers think of new discoveries in regards to its recuperating power. However, did you understand that you can use preparing pop to upgrade your hair quality? Yes, it really works! Heating Soda will clean your hair from any chemical or conditioner remains, and your hair will have a sound shimmer after just a few solutions. Use some warming pop instead of your standard chemical, and your hair will be more than grateful. This should not come as a wonder in case you consider each one of the points of interest warming pop gives. If you require your skin and hair care things absolutely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You can change the dosing relying upon your hair length, for occasion, if there should arise an occurrence of medium length hair, blend 2 to 3 tablespoons of preparing pop and 3 times that measure of water. Apply the hand crafted heating pop cleanser to a dry or wet hair. Begin at the roots and work to the finishes. Leave the blend for 1 3 minutes and wash well. You may think that its difficult to wash your hair without all the cleanser froth at to start with, yet be patient and sit tight for the last results. So as to expel any remaining parts, utilize warm water. After you have washed your hair, apply a vinegar flush. Consolidate 1 a portion of apple juice vinegar and 4 sections of water. To stay away from the vinegar smell, include a couple drops of lavender, peppermint, and/or rosemary fundamental oil to the vinegar blend. It might be better in the event that you set this up wash early and keep the crush bottle in your washroom. At that point, tilt the head back and close your eyes, to keep away from the likelihood of getting a portion of the vinegar blend at you. Presently, convey the wash through your hair. Your hair will be more than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Death Of Ivan Ilych Analysis In Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy s The Death of Ivan Ilych, protagonist Ivan Ilych lives a life he considers to be marvelous and filled with the things he wants and considers important (both physical and emotional). He has a wonderful job he s good at, a beautiful family, a lovely house, and friends to play games like bridge with in the evenings. One day, when he is fixing up his new home before his family arrives, he hits his side after slipping by making bad step on a ladder. He convinces himself that it is only a bruise, and that the pain will pass. The pain doesn t simply pass, though. Doctor after doctor attempts to diagnose what might possibly be wrong with him, but none of them are able to agree on what his injury is. As he continues to live his life as he planned, the sensation of pain continues to come back to him repeatedly until he is eventually on his deathbed. As he realizes he is approaching the very end of his life, Ivan Ilych ponders over his life and begins to question himself, asking What if my whole life has been wrong? (Tolstoy 54). He comes to the conclusion that the things that are important are not tangible items such as money or property. Rather, he decides that the things that truly matter in life are intangible, such as happiness, compassion, and facing the truth. He realizes too late that these important feelings and concepts have been missing from his life all along. Throughout his life, Ivan Ilych worried about what others would think of him. He ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Academic Skills For Business Studies Essay 469 Academic Skills for Business Studies Assignment 2 Research report Submitted to Guillermo Merelo Submitted by Charanjith Bawa Team Work Introduction In today s complex and ever changing environment, organization continue to experiment with new forms of team development. Some of the most successful teams bring together employees with different talents and perspectives. In this research report, my aim is to have a clear and deep research on teamwork and how it affects businesses so that I can help Tina and Frank who is coming back from overseas to start their own business. Before could anybody start their business, it is very important to learn certain aspects. Team work is one among them. I have included some of the important information I collected through my research in order to help Tina and Frank succeed in their business. Findings Teams have become very common and effective since they have proven to be effective in areas as cost reduction, developing new and innovative products, and improving quality (Effective Human relation, 2008). Team development is supported, in fact, required by almost all managements today, but still it may take quite a long time for the members to learn the task and activities and to fit themselves in the particular environment. Team work may vary as the organization or company varies. Team work involves a lot of important aspects such as relationships, cooperation, learning, leadership etc. since a team works together in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Raymond s Innocence In The Book After The First Death Many characters innocence were stolen in the book After The First Death . Raymond s innocence was stolen because he had to eat the candy that the hijackers had. Raymond put the candy in his mouth, chewed, the tears rolling down his cheeks, looking at neither Artkin or Kate. Kate s innocence was stolen because she was a child herself and she had to take care of all the children. Take care of them. See to their needs. This will convince you that we mean no harm. Ben s innocence was taken from him because his father used him as a messenger to the terrorists. That you must deliver the stone to the hijackers as proof of Sedeete s capture, to prove to the hijackers that their leader has been captured,the entire episode now pointless, that they were in no position to dictate terms but faced complete surrender at the most, negotiations at the least. Innocence is a very important characteristic that can stolen very easily. Raymond was a child that lost his innocence very... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ben did not have a very good relationship with his dad. They did not talk with each other like a father and son should. He really wanted out of here, out of this room, away from this person is by accident of birth his son . He once fell in love with a girl named Nettie Halversham. She did not love him back though. Finally i asked her if she d go to a movie with me. Another pause. And then: oh i don t think so. Those devastating words of boredom in her voice . When ben had to be the messenger to the terrorists, he wasn t supposed to answer their questions. The hijackers asked him questions and if he didn t answer them then they tortured him. I have questions for you. And what you answer will decide whether or not you will survive. Do you understand? You must speak the truth and quickly . Ben s father choose his own son to go to the terrorists, even though he knew they would hurt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. What Does Freedom In The Giver Is it sensible to give up freedom for safety? Jonas community thinks it is. Elders took away people s personal freedoms and liberties to make their town a utopia. The choice Jonas society made wasn t sensible because people aren t able to choose their family, rules for the very old and the very young are unfair, adults don t choose their job, and people shouldn t have safety before freedom. Jonas community doesn t have the choice of who they can live with and who s in their family. ... the Matching of the Spouses and the Naming and Placement of new children... scrupulously thought through by the Committee of Elders. (Lowry, 62) Adults don t get to choose their spouse, their child, and the name for their child. If adults named their own children, Mother and Father would feel a greater connection to them. Furthermore, adults don t choose who they can live with. After The Giver gives a memory about Christmas to Jonas, Jonas experiences grandparents. In his community, citizens don t get to know the parents of their parents. When I finish my training and become a full adult, I ll be given my own dwelling. And when Lily does... she ll get her own dwelling... Mother and Father... go and live with the other Childless Adults. And they won t be part ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They shouldn t have to give up their personal freedoms to be safe. Benjamin Franklin said, He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither. Freedom is better to have than safety. Giving up your freedom means you re resting your life into someone else s hands. Residents of the Community do this every single day until they re released. Freedom is dangerous, but it provides our safety, Harry Emerson stated. Jonas community thought people having their freedoms would make the place too dangerous to live in. However, people s freedoms make sure they can do things with a choice in mind. Since the citizens in Jonas community don t have freedom, they aren t entirely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Mutual UFO Network The Mutual UFO Network will land in Las Vegas this July with its 48th annual symposium, The Case for a Secret Space Program. Jan Harzan, the executive director of MUFON, said the symposium will look into the possibility of one or more secret space programs in the government with hidden advance technologies, including spacecrafts. MUFON is a non profit scientific research organization that collects and investigates UFO reports from the public. The organization receives between 500 and 1,000 reports each month. While about 70 percent are debunked and labled as identified flying objects, or IFOs, Harzan said the rest remain unknown after investigation. While some of those could be extraterrestrial UFOs, Harzan said, others could be man made as part of a secret space program. Of the 30 percent unknown, we don t believe all are extraterrestrial craft, Harzan said. Is there a possibility that some... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You don t forget it. He ran inside to grab his camera, but by the time he returned, the UFO was gone. Harzan thought the craft looked man made, aside from its seamless exterior. Looking back, Harzan said he s unsure if the craft was truly alien. It was definitely an unusual experience, he said. I can t say if it was extraterrestrial or a test vehicle we were building. The Case for a Secret Space Program will feature 12 speakers, along with former CNN anchor Cheryll Jones as the event host. Speakers include Ph.D. physicist John Brandenburg, Ph.D. physicist James Woodward and information technology specialist Gary McKinnon. These guys are all very knowledgeable. Many have Ph.D.s, they are very intelligent people who have met and had conversations with people within our own government who would verify this, Harzan said. I think (the attendees ) eyes are going to be opened. Harzan expects 500 to 1,000 people at this year s symposium about 500 have already preregistered for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Research Paper On Hopf Bifurcation Abstract. In this paper, a classical model describing a food web in a chemostat involving three species competing for non reproducing, growth rate limiting nutrient in which one of the competitors predates on one of the other competitors is considered. Quantitative analyses of non negativity and boundedness of solution trajectories, dissipativity, and behavior around equilibria, global stability and persistence of the model equations are analyzed. We present the global stability of equilibria by constructing a Lyapunov function. Hopf bifurcation theory is applied. Keywords: Chemostat; Food web; Global stability; Hopf bifurcation; Dissipative. 1. Introduction In microbiology and population biology, the laboratory device chemostat extensively uses as a research technique to culture microorganisms continuously under nutrient limitation in a controlled environment in order to study the general... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since one can measure the control parameter easily, the device has various applications in ecology and population biology. It can be viewed as a simple lake system in ecology while it serves as a laboratory bio reactor in chemical engineering used for investigations in genetically altered cell. As for example, the prey (bacteria) consumes nutrient (waste) while the predator (ciliates) feeds on the prey in waste water treatment process. It is of mathematical interest to construct models with chemostat. The dynamics of chemostat model with nutrient uptake is of Monod kinetics play an important role in population ecology. After the first introduction of chemostat the researchers have paid their attention to develop mathematical theories of models in it. Qualitative analyses of predator prey models in chemostat both from the experimental and the modeling aspect describe by set of differential equations were studied by many authors (Aris and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...