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1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Emre Baransel – DBA, Employee ACE- Oracle 
Data Guard Deep Dive
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Choosing the Protection Mode 
Maximum Protection 
The primary database has to write redo to at least one standby database. Otherwise it will shut down 
Zero data loss is guaranteed 
Maximum Availability 
Normally works with SYNC. If primary database cannot write redo to any of its standby databases, it continues as in ASYNC mode 
Zero data loss in normal operation, but not guaranteed 
Maximum Performance 
Never expects acknowledgment from standby database 
Potential for minimal data loss in normal operation
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Choosing the Protection Mode 
•If there is network bandwidth and latency issue 
•use Maximum Performance 
•recommended because it has not any performance benefit with LGWR !!! ARCH is not but has less data protection in 11g 
•When any data loss is not acceptable & service outage is preferred against any data loss 
•make your network bandwidth high enough 
•and use Maximum Protection. 
•If there is no intolerance about data loss & have high bandwidth 
•use Maximum Availability 
Required bandwidth (Mbps) = 
((Max redo rate bytes per sec. / 0.7) * 8) / 1,000,000 
If maximum redo generation rate is 500MB per minute 
which is 8738133 bytes per second, 
Then Required bandwidth = 100 Mbps 
* only for data guard 
* latency is important
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
SYNC Enhancement in 11g 
Previously, primary database was first finishing writes to online redo log and then sending redo to standby database. There were two consecutive I/O operations that primary database needs to wait in order to complete the commit. 
Standby Redo Log 
Redo Log Buffer 
Online Redo Log 
Before 11g 
Primary Standby
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
SYNC Enhancement in 11g 
In 11g these two I/O operations run in parallel. Primary database does not wait finishing writes to online redo log and it sends the redo data to standby at the same time. 
Standby Redo Log 
Redo Log Buffer 
Online Redo Log 
Primary Standby
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
No More Delay to Decrease RTO 
Prefer Real Time Apply with “Flashback On” rather than “Delay”. Delayed configuration increases RTO 
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Using Flashback Database... 
You can reinstate the original primary database as a new standby database following a failover 
A failed switchover process can be reversed easily 
Unwanted changes on Primary Database can be reversed and queried from Standby Database if flashback is not being used on primary.
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Using Real Time Apply... 
Prefer Real Time Apply to avoid 
ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old 
errors on Active Data Guard standby databases. 
Query fresh data from standby 
RTO is decreased
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
11g Performance Improvements 
11g Recovery performance improvements include: 
•More parallelism by default 
•More efficient asynchronous redo read, parse, and apply 
•Fewer synchronization points in the parallel apply algorithm 
•The media recovery checkpoint at a redo log boundary no longer blocks the apply of the next log 
Active Data Guard 11g Best Practices 
Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture 
White Paper
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues 
Determining Redo Apply Rate 
1. Method: 
SQL> select * from v$recovery_progress 
23-SEP-11 Media Recovery Active Apply Rate KB/sec 15564 0 
23-SEP-11 Media Recovery Average Apply Rate KB/sec 20890 0 
2. Method: 
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Determining Redo Apply Rate 
--------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- 
MRP0 276877 1 147338 4097947 19-APR-2011 12:25:34 
--------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- 
MRP0 276877 1 645542 4097947 19-APR-2011 12:25:39 
SQL> SELECT lebsz LOG_BLOCK_SIZE from x$kccle;  Redo block size (byte) 
3. Method: 
0. Second  
5. Second  
Media Recovery Rate: 
((BLOCK#_END – BLOCK#_BEG) * LOG_BLOCK_SIZE)) / ((TIME_END – TIME_BEG) * 1024 * 1024)
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues 
Redo Apply Tuning 
•By default recovery parallelism = CPU Count-1. Do not use any other values. 
•Keep DB_CACHE_SIZE >= Primary value 
•Keep DB_BLOCK_CHECKING = FALSE (if you have to) 
•System Resources Needs to be assessed 
SQL> select a.sid, b.username, b.osuser, a.event, a.wait_time, a.p1, a.p1text, a.seconds_in_wait from gv$session_wait a, gv$session b where a.sid=b.sid and b.sid=(select SID from v$session where PADDR=(select PADDR from v$bgprocess where NAME='MRP0')); 
Query what MRP process is waiting
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Redo Transport Tuning 
Also consider: 
3 - Configuring TCP Send / Receive Buffer Sizes (RECV_BUF_SIZE / SEND_BUF_SIZE) 
4 - Increasing SDU Size 
5 - Setting TCP.NODELAY to YES 
1 - Tune LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES parameter on the primary. 
•Specifies the parallelism of redo transport 
•Default value is 2 in 10g, 4 in 11g 
•Increase if there is high redo generation rate and/or multiple standbys 
•Must be increased up to 30 in some cases. 
•Significantly increases redo transport rate. 
2 - Consider using Redo Transport Compression: 
•In redo transport compression can be always on 
•Use if network bandwidth is insufficient 
•and CPU power is available 
Redo Transport Services Best Practices Oracle® Database High Availability Best Practices 11g Release 1
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues 
Switchover Best Practices 
Use Real-Time Apply 
Reduce LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES to the minimum. 
Properly set archiving destinations on the standby database. 
Enable Flashback Database or use Guaranteed Restore Points
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Failover Best Practices 
Enable Flashback Database 
Use Real-Time Apply 
Consider configuring multiple standby databases. 
Consider using Fast-Start Failover 
Set FastStartFailoverThreshold 
Set FastStartFailoverAutoReinstate
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Corruption Detection Parameters 
Physical Corruption 
Logical Corruption 
Best Practices for Corruption Detection, Prevention, and Automatic Repair - in a Data Guard Configuration [ID 1302539.1]
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
Automatic Block Corruption Repair 
‘Automatic Block Corruption Repair’ 
•11gR2 feature 
•ON with Physical Standby & Active Data Guard 
•Corruptions are reparied automatically using the remote db. 
Also using RMAN “RECOVER BLOCK” command you can repair the corruption. This operation will try use the standby database first. If you don’t want to use the standby database for corruption repair, you must use EXCLUDE STANDBY option in the “RECOVER BLOCK” command.
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
“Lost – Write” detection 
“Lost – Write” detection 
•11gR1 feature 
•A serious corruption which has its source in I/O subsystem. 
•Physical Standby, Active Data Guard and Real-Time Apply is needed 
•DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT = “TYPICAL” on both Primary and standby. 
•When detected, standby recovery stops 
•The way to get rid of this corruption is to failover to standby database.
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 
2 – Performance Tuning 
3 – Role Transition Best Practices 
4 – Corruption Detection 
5 – Integration Issues 
RMAN Integration 
And beginning with 11g, for “Block Change Tracking” feature of RMAN, which records the changed blocks for incremental backups, standby databases can be used. This requires Active Data Guard. There are important bugs of this feaure. Check bugs 9869287, 9068088, 10094823. 
Integration Requirements and Best Practices 
•Only Physical Standby can be used for interchangeable backups. 
•RMAN Catalog must be used. (In a seperate location if possible) 
•DB_UNIQUE_NAME must be different. 
•General RMAN Best Practices must be preserved.
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues 
Integration with Oracle Applications 
•Directs write operations to primary 
•All read operations to Active Data Duard standby 
•Applications developed with Oracle TopLink are able to be configured as “Active Data Guard aware” 
•An ongoing study, 
•Writes will work on primary and Reads on standby 
•Automatic direction to primary in a case of lag 
Configuring Oracle TopLink Applications with Oracle Active Data Guard 
Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture White Paper 
Configuring Oracle BI EE Server with Oracle Active Data Guard 
Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture White Paper 
Using Active Data Guard Reporting with Oracle E- Business Suite Release 12.1 and Oracle Database 11g [ID 1070491.1] 
•Redirect Reports to Active Data Guard 
Data Guard Deep Dive 
1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues 
Best Practices Papers 
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/ database/features/availability/dataguard11g-bestpractices-161724.html

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Data Guard Deep Dive UKOUG 2012

  • 1. 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Emre Baransel – DBA, Employee ACE- Oracle Data Guard Deep Dive
  • 2. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Choosing the Protection Mode MODE REDO TRANSPORT ACTION WITH NO STANDBY DATABASE CONNECTION RISK OF DATA LOSS Maximum Protection SYNC & LGWR The primary database has to write redo to at least one standby database. Otherwise it will shut down Zero data loss is guaranteed Maximum Availability SYNC & LGWR Normally works with SYNC. If primary database cannot write redo to any of its standby databases, it continues as in ASYNC mode Zero data loss in normal operation, but not guaranteed Maximum Performance ASYNC & (LGWR or ARCH) Never expects acknowledgment from standby database Potential for minimal data loss in normal operation
  • 3. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Choosing the Protection Mode •If there is network bandwidth and latency issue •use Maximum Performance •recommended because it has not any performance benefit with LGWR !!! ARCH is not but has less data protection in 11g •When any data loss is not acceptable & service outage is preferred against any data loss •make your network bandwidth high enough •and use Maximum Protection. •If there is no intolerance about data loss & have high bandwidth •use Maximum Availability Required bandwidth (Mbps) = ((Max redo rate bytes per sec. / 0.7) * 8) / 1,000,000 If maximum redo generation rate is 500MB per minute which is 8738133 bytes per second, Then Required bandwidth = 100 Mbps * only for data guard * latency is important
  • 4. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues SYNC Enhancement in 11g Previously, primary database was first finishing writes to online redo log and then sending redo to standby database. There were two consecutive I/O operations that primary database needs to wait in order to complete the commit. Standby Redo Log Redo Log Buffer Online Redo Log Before 11g Commit OK ok ok Primary Standby
  • 5. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues SYNC Enhancement in 11g In 11g these two I/O operations run in parallel. Primary database does not wait finishing writes to online redo log and it sends the redo data to standby at the same time. Standby Redo Log Redo Log Buffer Online Redo Log In11g Commit OK ok ok Primary Standby
  • 6. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues No More Delay to Decrease RTO Prefer Real Time Apply with “Flashback On” rather than “Delay”. Delayed configuration increases RTO LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2='SERVICE=STANDBY LGWR ASYNC VALID_FOR= (ONLINE_LOGFILES, PRIMARY_ROLE) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=ORCLSTD DELAY=120 DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=‘+FRA’; DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE=500G; DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET=120; ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON; ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE USING CURRENT LOGFILE DISCONNECT FROM SESSION USE REAL-TIME APPLY TURN ON FLASHBACK
  • 7. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Using Flashback Database... You can reinstate the original primary database as a new standby database following a failover A failed switchover process can be reversed easily Unwanted changes on Primary Database can be reversed and queried from Standby Database if flashback is not being used on primary.
  • 8. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Using Real Time Apply... Prefer Real Time Apply to avoid ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old errors on Active Data Guard standby databases. Query fresh data from standby RTO is decreased
  • 9. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues 11g Performance Improvements 11g Recovery performance improvements include: •More parallelism by default •More efficient asynchronous redo read, parse, and apply •Fewer synchronization points in the parallel apply algorithm •The media recovery checkpoint at a redo log boundary no longer blocks the apply of the next log Active Data Guard 11g Best Practices Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture White Paper
  • 10. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Determining Redo Apply Rate 1. Method: SQL> select * from v$recovery_progress 23-SEP-11 Media Recovery Active Apply Rate KB/sec 15564 0 23-SEP-11 Media Recovery Average Apply Rate KB/sec 20890 0 2. Method: SQL> select APPLY_RATE from V$STANDBY_APPLY_SNAPSHOT; APPLY_RATE ---------- 16305
  • 11. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Determining Redo Apply Rate SQL> SELECT PROCESS, SEQUENCE#, THREAD#, block#, BLOCKS, TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') time from v$MANAGED_STANDBY WHERE PROCESS='MRP0'; PROCESS SEQUENCE# THREAD# BLOCK# BLOCKS TIME --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- MRP0 276877 1 147338 4097947 19-APR-2011 12:25:34 PROCESS SEQUENCE# THREAD# BLOCK# BLOCKS TIME --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- MRP0 276877 1 645542 4097947 19-APR-2011 12:25:39 SQL> SELECT lebsz LOG_BLOCK_SIZE from x$kccle;  Redo block size (byte) 3. Method: 0. Second  5. Second  Media Recovery Rate: ((BLOCK#_END – BLOCK#_BEG) * LOG_BLOCK_SIZE)) / ((TIME_END – TIME_BEG) * 1024 * 1024)
  • 12. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Redo Apply Tuning •By default recovery parallelism = CPU Count-1. Do not use any other values. •Keep PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE >= 8192 •Keep DB_CACHE_SIZE >= Primary value •Keep DB_BLOCK_CHECKING = FALSE (if you have to) •System Resources Needs to be assessed SQL> select a.sid, b.username, b.osuser, a.event, a.wait_time, a.p1, a.p1text, a.seconds_in_wait from gv$session_wait a, gv$session b where a.sid=b.sid and b.sid=(select SID from v$session where PADDR=(select PADDR from v$bgprocess where NAME='MRP0')); Query what MRP process is waiting
  • 13. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Redo Transport Tuning Also consider: 3 - Configuring TCP Send / Receive Buffer Sizes (RECV_BUF_SIZE / SEND_BUF_SIZE) 4 - Increasing SDU Size 5 - Setting TCP.NODELAY to YES 1 - Tune LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES parameter on the primary. •Specifies the parallelism of redo transport •Default value is 2 in 10g, 4 in 11g •Increase if there is high redo generation rate and/or multiple standbys •Must be increased up to 30 in some cases. •Significantly increases redo transport rate. 2 - Consider using Redo Transport Compression: •In redo transport compression can be always on •Use if network bandwidth is insufficient •and CPU power is available Redo Transport Services Best Practices Oracle® Database High Availability Best Practices 11g Release 1
  • 14. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Switchover Best Practices Set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES & AQ_TM_PROCESSES params to 0. Use Real-Time Apply Reduce LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES to the minimum. Properly set archiving destinations on the standby database. Set LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE=8191; Enable Flashback Database or use Guaranteed Restore Points
  • 15. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Failover Best Practices Enable Flashback Database Use Real-Time Apply Consider configuring multiple standby databases. Consider using Fast-Start Failover Set FastStartFailoverThreshold Set FastStartFailoverAutoReinstate
  • 16. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Corruption Detection Parameters DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM OFF (FALSE) TYPICAL (TRUE) FULL Physical Corruption DB_BLOCK_CHECKING OFF (FALSE) LOW MEDIUM FULL (TRUE) Logical Corruption Best Practices for Corruption Detection, Prevention, and Automatic Repair - in a Data Guard Configuration [ID 1302539.1]
  • 17. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Automatic Block Corruption Repair ‘Automatic Block Corruption Repair’ •11gR2 feature •ON with Physical Standby & Active Data Guard •Corruptions are reparied automatically using the remote db. Also using RMAN “RECOVER BLOCK” command you can repair the corruption. This operation will try use the standby database first. If you don’t want to use the standby database for corruption repair, you must use EXCLUDE STANDBY option in the “RECOVER BLOCK” command.
  • 18. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues “Lost – Write” detection “Lost – Write” detection •11gR1 feature •A serious corruption which has its source in I/O subsystem. •Physical Standby, Active Data Guard and Real-Time Apply is needed •DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT = “TYPICAL” on both Primary and standby. •When detected, standby recovery stops •The way to get rid of this corruption is to failover to standby database.
  • 19. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues RMAN Integration And beginning with 11g, for “Block Change Tracking” feature of RMAN, which records the changed blocks for incremental backups, standby databases can be used. This requires Active Data Guard. There are important bugs of this feaure. Check bugs 9869287, 9068088, 10094823. Integration Requirements and Best Practices •Only Physical Standby can be used for interchangeable backups. •RMAN Catalog must be used. (In a seperate location if possible) •DB_UNIQUE_NAME must be different. •General RMAN Best Practices must be preserved.
  • 20. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Integration with Oracle Applications •Directs write operations to primary •All read operations to Active Data Duard standby •Applications developed with Oracle TopLink are able to be configured as “Active Data Guard aware” •An ongoing study, •Writes will work on primary and Reads on standby •Automatic direction to primary in a case of lag Configuring Oracle TopLink Applications with Oracle Active Data Guard Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture White Paper Configuring Oracle BI EE Server with Oracle Active Data Guard Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture White Paper Using Active Data Guard Reporting with Oracle E- Business Suite Release 12.1 and Oracle Database 11g [ID 1070491.1] •Redirect Reports to Active Data Guard •“fnd_adg_utility.enable_adg_support”
  • 21. Data Guard Deep Dive 1 – Configuration Considerations 2 – Performance Tuning 3 – Role Transition Best Practices 4 – Corruption Detection 5 – Integration Issues Best Practices Papers http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/ database/features/availability/dataguard11g-bestpractices-161724.html