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Data-Need Fit
Towards data-driven business model innovation
ServDes Conference
25 May 2016
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016Image: © Dudarev Mikhail – fotolia.com
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016Image: © styf – fotolia.com
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016Image: RunScribe
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Only 4% of German companies
already use Big Data in value
creation and as basis for new
business models.
Image: © Dudarev Mikhail – fotolia.com
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Katrin Mathis
Service Design

Freelancer in Freiburg
MBA in Service Innovation & Design 

from Laurea UAS, BSc. in OnlineMedia
Dr. Felix Köbler
Strategy and User Experience
Consultant at FELD M in Munich
PhD at Department of Informatics 

at Technical University of Munich
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Research context
Research project ExCELL: Real-time analysis and
crowdsourcing for a self-organized city logistic
Work package “Concept of value and cash flow”
3 years from June 2015
Funded by
FKZ 01MD15001A
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Expert interviews
Big data helps us to
outperform larger
We use design thinking for
idea generation and lean
startup for validation.
Lean launchpad is
a useful checklist.
It’s difficult to acquire
data as a startup.
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Data in organisations
IT Business
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Data in organisations
IT Business
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Causation Effectuation
„Take a set of means as given and
focus on selecting between possible
effects than can be created.“
„Take a particular effect as given and
focus on selecting between means to
create that effect.“ 

(Sarasvathy 2001, 245)
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Effectual approach to data-driven business model innovation
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Tools for data-driven business model innovation
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Stakeholder map – ExCELL project
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Tools for data-driven business model innovation
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Development of a Data Canvas
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Development of a Data Canvas
€ § R
Update frequency
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Data Canvas – ExCELL project
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Customer choice
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Customer profile from interviews – ExCELL project
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Value proposition from available data
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Value map with data – ExCELL project
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Service lens
Service-dominant logic Jobs-to-be done
“when customers find that they
need to get a job done, they ‘hire’
products or services to do the
Service, „the application of
specialized skills(s) and
knowledge is the fundamental
unit of exchange.“
Christensen et al. 2007, 38.Vargo & Lusch 2008, 7.
Value creation as helping customers get one or more jobs done
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Data-Need Fit
Data-Need Fit
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Data-Need Fit – ExCELL project
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Embedding value proposition in business model
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Four types of fit

adapted from Osterwalder et al. 2014
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Data-driven business model innovation process
adapted from Osterwalder et al. 2014, 242 - 243
✔ ✔
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016Image: © fotozick – fotolia.com
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Download under Creative Commons

Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Further evaluation
Currently applied in elective course 

„Big Data: Development of Smart Business Models“ in

MA in Business Innovation at University of St. Gallen

with Prof. Dr. Ivo Blohm
Public and in-house Big Data Innovation workshops
for organizations
Feedback welcome :-)
ExCELL project
Served as initial input
for implementation of
mobility services
Field test of an
appointment app for
ExCELL mobility stack
Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016
Katrin Mathis
Gerberau 2
D-79098 Freiburg
T +49 761 42 99 09 82

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Data need-fit

 WITH ADDED VALUE. Data-Need Fit Towards data-driven business model innovation ServDes Conference 25 May 2016
  • 2. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016Image: © Dudarev Mikhail – fotolia.com
  • 3. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016Image: © styf – fotolia.com
  • 4. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016Image: RunScribe
  • 5. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Only 4% of German companies already use Big Data in value creation and as basis for new business models. BITKOM 2012 Image: © Dudarev Mikhail – fotolia.com
  • 6. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Katrin Mathis Service Design
 Freelancer in Freiburg MBA in Service Innovation & Design 
 from Laurea UAS, BSc. in OnlineMedia Dr. Felix Köbler Strategy and User Experience Consultant at FELD M in Munich PhD at Department of Informatics 
 at Technical University of Munich
  • 7. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Research context Research project ExCELL: Real-time analysis and crowdsourcing for a self-organized city logistic Work package “Concept of value and cash flow” 3 years from June 2015 Funded by FKZ 01MD15001A excell-mobility.de Partner
  • 8. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Expert interviews Big data helps us to outperform larger competitors. We use design thinking for idea generation and lean startup for validation. Lean launchpad is a useful checklist. It’s difficult to acquire data as a startup.
  • 9. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Data in organisations IT Business
  • 10. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Data in organisations IT Business
  • 11. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Causation Effectuation „Take a set of means as given and focus on selecting between possible effects than can be created.“ „Take a particular effect as given and focus on selecting between means to create that effect.“ 
 (Sarasvathy 2001, 245)
  • 12. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Effectual approach to data-driven business model innovation
  • 13. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Tools for data-driven business model innovation
  • 14. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Stakeholder map – ExCELL project
  • 15. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Tools for data-driven business model innovation ?
  • 16. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Development of a Data Canvas
  • 17. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Development of a Data Canvas Label #Topic € § R InternalExternal ContinuousRotational Origin Update frequency
  • 18. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Data Canvas – ExCELL project
  • 19. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Customer choice
  • 20. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Customer profile from interviews – ExCELL project
  • 21. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Value proposition from available data
  • 22. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Value map with data – ExCELL project
  • 23. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Service lens Service-dominant logic Jobs-to-be done “when customers find that they need to get a job done, they ‘hire’ products or services to do the job” + Service, „the application of specialized skills(s) and knowledge is the fundamental unit of exchange.“ Christensen et al. 2007, 38.Vargo & Lusch 2008, 7. Value creation as helping customers get one or more jobs done „Value-in-achievement“
  • 24. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Data-Need Fit Data-Need Fit
  • 25. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Data-Need Fit – ExCELL project
  • 26. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Embedding value proposition in business model
  • 27. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Four types of fit Data-Need Fit Business 
 Model Fit Product-Market Fit Problem-Solution Fit adapted from Osterwalder et al. 2014
  • 28. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Data-driven business model innovation process Fit Tools Lean Startup adapted from Osterwalder et al. 2014, 242 - 243 ✔ Data- need fit Problem- solution fit Customer discovery ✔ Product- market fit Customer validation ✔ ✔ Business- model fit Customer creation Company building
  • 29. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016Image: © fotozick – fotolia.com
  • 30. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Download Download under Creative Commons
  • 31. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 Further evaluation Currently applied in elective course 
 „Big Data: Development of Smart Business Models“ in
 MA in Business Innovation at University of St. Gallen
 with Prof. Dr. Ivo Blohm Public and in-house Big Data Innovation workshops for organizations Feedback welcome :-) Outlook ExCELL project Served as initial input for implementation of mobility services Field test of an appointment app for craftsmen ExCELL mobility stack
  • 32. Data-Need Fit, ServDes, May 2016 !?
  • 33. Katrin Mathis Gerberau 2 D-79098 Freiburg T +49 761 42 99 09 82 info@katrin-mathis.de www.katrin-mathis.de