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Presentation on
 A database is an organized set of data stored in a
computer that can be searched automatically.
 A database is essential for multi-user application to
enterprise - wide system, where coordinating between
many users’ functions is required.
 Content is retrieved from the database based on
decisions made by the users while the database
settings control what the user is allowed to see and
how the information is displayed.
 Database: organized collection of logically related
 Data: stored representations of meaningful objects
and events
 Structured: numbers, text, dates
 Unstructured: images, video, documents
 Information: data processed to increase knowledge
in the person using the data
 Metadata: data that describes the properties and
context of user data
The DATABASE Approach: How
Central repository of shared data
Data is managed by a controlling
Stored in a standardized, convenient
Database Management System
DBMS manages data resources like an operating system manages hardware resources
A software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide
controlled access to user databases
Order Filing
Central database
Contains employee,
order, inventory,
pricing, and
customer data
Advantages of the Database Approach
 Program-data independence
 Planned data redundancy
 Improved data consistency
 Improved data sharing
 Increased application development productivity
 Enforcement of standards
 Improved data quality
 Improved data accessibility and responsiveness
 Reduced program maintenance
 Improved decision support
Costs and Risks of the Database
 New, specialized personnel
 Installation and management cost and complexity
 Conversion costs
 Need for explicit backup and recovery
 Organizational conflict
 Content creation is the contribution of information to
any media and most especially to digital media for an
end-user/audience in specific contexts.
 Content is something that is to be expressed through
some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts
for self expression, distribution
Physical Database Design
 Purpose–translate the logical description of data into
the technical specifications for storing and retrieving
 Goal–create a design for storing data that will provide
adequate performance and insure database integrity,
security, and recoverability
Physical Design Process 12
Normalized relations
Volume estimates
Attribute definitions
Response time expectations
Data security needs
Backup/recovery needs
Integrity expectations
DBMS technology used
Attribute data types
Physical record descriptions
(doesn’t always match
logical design)
File organizations
Indexes and database
Query optimization
Leads to
Designing Fields
Field: smallest unit of data in
Field design
Choosing data type
Coding, compression,
Controlling data integrity
A Good Data Name is:
 Related to business, not technical, characteristics
 Meaningful and self-documenting
 Unique
 Readable
 Composed of words from an approved list
 Repeatable
Choosing Data Types
 CHAR–fixed-length character
 VARCHAR2–variable-length character
 LONG–large number
 NUMBER–positive/negative number
 INEGER–positive/negative whole number
 DATE–actual date
 BLOB–binary large object (good for
graphics, sound clips, etc.)
Database Development
Database Users & Administration
1. The End User
 The one who will use the information
 Unaware of the background processes
 Perhaps has little or no computing knowledge
 Expertise is in the use of the data
Database Users
1. The End User (cont.)
The information must be
 correct
 readily available
 user friendly format
 meet their requirements
 allow them to be productive
Database Users
2. Database specialist
 Database Administrator
 Database Designer
 Database Analyst
 Database Programmer
 Database Technician
Database Users
 A high level management function (e.g. Director)
 Determination of overall information needs from a
management perspective
 Developing & administering the policies, procedures,
practices & plans for definition, organisation, protection &
efficient utilisation of data
 Encompasses all corporate data whether computerised or
Data Administration
 Normally responsible for computerised systems only
 Management & Co-ordination function
 Technical function responsible for:
 physical database design
 security
 backup
 recovery
 performance
Database Administration
What is it?
“To successfully set up and manage an environment in
which the data resource is effectively used”
Database Administration
1. Administration & management of Data Content
2. Administration & management of Data Structure
3. Administration & management of the Physical
DBA Functions
1. Administration & management of Data Content
 which data is to be held on the database
 which users have what kind of access to the database
 which kind of users have access to individual items of data
 which consistency checks must be maintained
 when should data be removed
DBA Functions
2. The administration and management of data structure.
 how many logical databases do we need ?
 what is the table column structure ?
 normalisation
 functional analysis
 de normalisation
 how is security to be implemented ?
DBA Functions
2. The administration and management of data structure
 how are consistency checks made ?
 how is access to be optimised ?
 transactions
 clustering
 indexing
 query optimisation
 how and when to re-organise the database ?
DBA Functions
3. The administration and management of the physical
 how many copies should run ?
 machine sizing
 operating system performance
 when and how should we perform backups?
 database files
 recovery log files
DBA Functions
3.The administration and management of the physical
database ( cont.)
 start-up and shutdown procedures.
 DBMS parameters
 control procedures
 what procedures are required to recover from system
failures ?
 export / import procedures
 roll forward / rollback
DBA Functions
 integrity and consistency
 monitoring and tuning
 reducing redundant storage
 facilitating sharing of data
 security
 backups
 recovery
 keep down time to a minimum
DBA Role
Importance of Data/Database
 Data are a corporate asset
 similar to personnel, equipment, and financial assets
 Important assets of the organization need to be
managed properly
 Data are stored in databases
 Hence, effective data and database
administration provide support for managerial
Structured Query Language
 Structured Query Language
 The standard for relational database
management systems (RDBMS)
 SQL-92 Standard -- Purpose:
 Specify syntax/semantics for data definition and
 Define data structures
 Enable portability
 Specify minimal (level 1) and complete (level 2)
 Allow for later growth/enhancement to standard
History of SQL
 1970–E. Codd develops relational database
 1974-1979–System R with Sequel (later SQL)
created at IBM Research Lab
 1979–Oracle markets first relational DB with SQL
 1986–ANSI SQL standard released
 1989, 1992, 1999, 2003–Major ANSI standard
 Current–SQL is supported by most major
database vendors
Purpose of SQL Standard
 Specify syntax/semantics for data definition
and manipulation
 Define data structures
 Enable portability
 Specify minimal (level 1) and complete (level
2) standards
 Allow for later growth/enhancement to
Benefits of a Standardized
Relational Language
 Reduced training costs
 Productivity
 Application portability
 Application longevity
 Reduced dependence on a single vendor
 Cross-system communication
SQL Environment
 Catalog
 A set of schemas that constitute the description of a database
 Schema
 The structure that contains descriptions of objects created by a
user (base tables, views, constraints)
 Data Definition Language (DDL)
 Commands that define a database, including creating, altering,
and dropping tables and establishing constraints
 Data Manipulation Language (DML)
 Commands that maintain and query a database
 Data Control Language (DCL)
 Commands that control a database, including administering
privileges and committing data
Benefits of a Standardized
Relational Language
 Reduced training costs
 Productivity
 Application portability
 Application longevity
 Reduced dependence on a single vendor
 Cross-system communication
Figure 7-1:
A simplified schematic of a typical SQL environment, as
described by the SQL-92 standard
SQL Database Definition
 Data Definition Language (DDL)
 Major CREATE statements:
 CREATE SCHEMA – defines a portion of the
database owned by a particular user
 CREATE TABLE – defines a table and its columns
 CREATE VIEW – defines a logical table from one or
more views
 Other CREATE statements: CHARACTER SET,
Choosing Data Types
 CHAR–fixed-length character
 VARCHAR–variable-length character
 LONG–large number
 NUMBER–positive/negative number
 INEGER–positive/negative whole number
 DATE–actual date
 BLOB–binary large object (good for
graphics, sound clips, etc.)
Table Creation
Figure 7-5: General syntax for CREATE TABLE
Steps in table creation:
1. Identify data types for attributes
2. Identify columns that can and
cannot be null
3. Identify columns that must be
unique (candidate keys)
4. Identify primary key-foreign key
5. Determine default values
6. Identify constraints on columns
(domain specifications)
7. Create the table and associated
Changing and Removing
 ALTER TABLE statement allows you to change column
 DROP TABLE statement allows you to remove tables
from your schema:
Insert Statement
 Adds data to a table
 Inserting into a table
1355 S. Himes Blvd.’, ‘Gainesville’, ‘FL’, 32601);
 Inserting a record that has some null attributes requires
identifying the fields that actually get data
PRODUCT_ON_HAND) VALUES (1, ‘End Table’, ‘Cherry’, 175, 8);
 Inserting from another table
= ‘CA’;
Delete Statement
 Removes rows from a table
 Delete certain rows
 Delete all rows
Update Statement
 Modifies data in existing rows
The SELECT Statement
 Used for queries on single or multiple tables
 Clauses of the SELECT statement:
 List the columns (and expressions) that should be returned from the query
 Indicate the table(s) or view(s) from which data will be obtained
 Indicate the conditions under which a row will be included in the result
 Indicate categorization of results
 Indicate the conditions under which a category (group) will be included
 Sorts the result according to specified criteria
48Figure 7-8: SQL
processing order
(adapted from
van der Lans,
 Mysql>create user (newuser_name)@localhost
identified by ‘password’;
 Example:
 Mysql> create user siddiq@localhost identified by
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Create a User Account
 Mysql>GRANT ALL ON database_name.* To
user_name@localhost IDENTIFIED by ‘Password’;
 mysql> GRANT ALL ON sample.* TO sps@localhost
IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';
 GRANT ALL means all privileges i.e. user is permitted
do anything. She/he can read, modify or delete data,
but only on tables in the demo database. She/he
cannot access any other database.
How do I connect to MySQL server using
user1 account?
 User SPS can connect to mysql server SAMPLE database
using following command:
 $ mysql –u sps –p
 $ mysql –u sps -h mysql.server.com -p demo
 -u user1: MySQL Username
 -h : MySQL server name (default is localhost)
 -p : Prompt for password
 demo: demo is name of mysql database (optional)
Database administration
Database administration
DB Threats & Security
Threats to Data Security
 Accidental losses
 human error, software failure, hardware failure
 Theft and fraud
 Improper data access
 loss of privacy (personal data)
 loss of confidentiality (corporate data)
 Loss of data integrity
 data becomes invalid or corrupted
 Loss of availability
 sabotage of hardware, networks or applications
 virus attack
Managing Data Security
 Database Security
 protection of the data against accidental or intentional loss,
destruction, or misuse
 Increasingly difficult to manage
 access to data become more open through the Internet and
corporate intranets
 distributed databases located on client/server architectures rather
than mainframes
Figure 11-2: Possible locations of data security threats
Both internal and external threats; require firewall and physical
Data Management Software
Security Features
 Views
- restrict user views of the database; CREATE VIEW
 Integrity controls
- enforced by the DBMS during querying and updating
 Authorization rules
- identify users and restrict the actions they may take against a
 User-defined procedures
- define additional constraints or limitations in using a database
 Encryption procedures
- encode data in an unrecognizable form
 Authentication schemes
- positively identify a person attempting to gain access to a database
 Backup databases
- facilitate recovery procedures
Authorization Rules
 Controls incorporated in the DBMS
 restrict access to data
 restrict actions that people may take when they access data
 Authorization matrix include
 subjects, objects, actions, constraints
 can be viewed as metadata and stored in the repository
 Authorization tables for subjects
 Authorization tables for objects
Authentication Schemes
 Goal is to obtain a positive identification of the user
 Passwords are flawed
 users share them with each other
 they get written down, could be copied
 automatic logon scripts remove need to explicitly type
 unencrypted passwords travel the Internet
 Possible solutions
 Biometric devices
 techniques that measure or detect personal characteristics such
as fingerprints, voiceprints, eye pictures, or signature dynamics
 Third-party authentication
 using secret keys, digital certificates
Backup & Recovery
Backing Up Databases
 Database recovery is the mechanism for
restoring a database quickly and accurately
after loss or damage
 Recovery manager
 a module of the DBMS which restores the database
to a correct condition when a failure occurs and
which resumes processing user requests
Backup Facilities
 An automatic dump facility that produces
backup copy of the entire database
 Periodic backup
 e.g. nightly, weekly
 Cold backup
 database is shut down during backup
 Hot backup
 selected portion of the database is shut down and
backed up at a given time
 useful when it is a critical system that must always
remain available
 Backups stored in secure, off-site location
Journalizing Facilities
 An audit trail of transactions and database changes
 Transaction
 a discrete unit of work that must be completely processed or
not processed at all
 e.g. entering a customer order
 Transaction log
 record of essential data for each transaction processed
against the database
 Database change log
 before- and after-images of records that have been modified
by transactions
 before-image is a copy of record before modification
 after-image is a copy of record after modification
Figure 11-8: Database audit trail
From the backup and logs,
databases can be restored
by the recovery manager
in case of damage or loss
Recovery and Restart Procedures
 Switch
 Restore/Rerun
 Backward Recovery (rollback)
 Forward Recovery (rollforward)
Recovery and Restart Procedures
 Switch
 Mirrored databases
 at least two copies of the database must be kept and updated
 implemented in RAID 1 systems
 Procedure
 when a disk failure occurs, system switches to mirrored disk
 defective disk can be removed and replaced with a new disk
 Advantages
 no disruption in service; fastest recovery
 popular as cost of secondary storage has dropped
 Disadvantages
 does not protect against lost of power or damage to both
Recovery and Restart Procedures
 Restore/Rerun
 reprocessing the day’s transactions (up to the point of
failure) against the backup copy of the database
 Advantages
 does not need to create a database change journal
 no special restart procedures required
 Disadvantages
 time to reprocess transactions may be long
 Used only as a last resort
Recovery and Restart Procedures
 Backward Recovery (rollback)
 apply before-images of records that have been changed to the
 restore the database to an earlier state
 used to reverse the changes made by transactions that have been
aborted or terminated abnormally
 Forward Recovery (rollforward)
 starts with an earlier copy of the database
 apply after-images (the results of good transactions) to the database
 preferable to restore/rerun
 do not need to reprocess each transaction
 only the most recent after-image of a record need to be applied
Figure 11-9: Basic recovery techniques
(a) Rollback
Restore to
earlier state
Figure 11-9(b): Rollforward
Results of good
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Database administration

  • 2. INTRODUCTION  A database is an organized set of data stored in a computer that can be searched automatically.  A database is essential for multi-user application to enterprise - wide system, where coordinating between many users’ functions is required.  Content is retrieved from the database based on decisions made by the users while the database settings control what the user is allowed to see and how the information is displayed.
  • 3. Definitions  Database: organized collection of logically related data  Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and events  Structured: numbers, text, dates  Unstructured: images, video, documents  Information: data processed to increase knowledge in the person using the data  Metadata: data that describes the properties and context of user data 3
  • 4. The DATABASE Approach: How it WORKS Central repository of shared data Data is managed by a controlling agent Stored in a standardized, convenient form 4
  • 6. Database Management System 6 DBMS manages data resources like an operating system manages hardware resources A software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to user databases Order Filing System Invoicing System Payroll System DBMS Central database Contains employee, order, inventory, pricing, and customer data
  • 7. Advantages of the Database Approach  Program-data independence  Planned data redundancy  Improved data consistency  Improved data sharing  Increased application development productivity  Enforcement of standards  Improved data quality  Improved data accessibility and responsiveness  Reduced program maintenance  Improved decision support 7
  • 8. Costs and Risks of the Database Approach  New, specialized personnel  Installation and management cost and complexity  Conversion costs  Need for explicit backup and recovery  Organizational conflict 8
  • 10. MEANING  Content creation is the contribution of information to any media and most especially to digital media for an end-user/audience in specific contexts.  Content is something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts for self expression, distribution
  • 11. Physical Database Design  Purpose–translate the logical description of data into the technical specifications for storing and retrieving data  Goal–create a design for storing data that will provide adequate performance and insure database integrity, security, and recoverability 11
  • 12. Physical Design Process 12 Normalized relations Volume estimates Attribute definitions Response time expectations Data security needs Backup/recovery needs Integrity expectations DBMS technology used Inputs Attribute data types Physical record descriptions (doesn’t always match logical design) File organizations Indexes and database architectures Query optimization Leads to Decisions
  • 13. Designing Fields Field: smallest unit of data in database Field design Choosing data type Coding, compression, encryption Controlling data integrity 13
  • 14. A Good Data Name is:  Related to business, not technical, characteristics  Meaningful and self-documenting  Unique  Readable  Composed of words from an approved list  Repeatable 14
  • 15. Choosing Data Types  CHAR–fixed-length character  VARCHAR2–variable-length character (memo)  LONG–large number  NUMBER–positive/negative number  INEGER–positive/negative whole number  DATE–actual date  BLOB–binary large object (good for graphics, sound clips, etc.) 15
  • 17. de 17 Database Users & Administration
  • 18. de 18 1. The End User  The one who will use the information  Unaware of the background processes  Perhaps has little or no computing knowledge  Expertise is in the use of the data Database Users
  • 19. de 19 1. The End User (cont.) The information must be  correct  readily available  user friendly format  meet their requirements  allow them to be productive Database Users
  • 20. de 20 2. Database specialist  Database Administrator  Database Designer  Database Analyst  Database Programmer  Database Technician Database Users
  • 21. de 21  A high level management function (e.g. Director)  Determination of overall information needs from a management perspective  Developing & administering the policies, procedures, practices & plans for definition, organisation, protection & efficient utilisation of data  Encompasses all corporate data whether computerised or not Data Administration
  • 22. de 22  Normally responsible for computerised systems only  Management & Co-ordination function  Technical function responsible for:  physical database design  security  backup  recovery  performance Database Administration
  • 23. de 23 What is it? “To successfully set up and manage an environment in which the data resource is effectively used” Database Administration
  • 24. de 24 THERE ARE THREE MAIN FUNCTIONS: 1. Administration & management of Data Content 2. Administration & management of Data Structure 3. Administration & management of the Physical Database DBA Functions
  • 25. de 25 1. Administration & management of Data Content  which data is to be held on the database  which users have what kind of access to the database  which kind of users have access to individual items of data  which consistency checks must be maintained  when should data be removed DBA Functions
  • 26. de 26 2. The administration and management of data structure.  how many logical databases do we need ?  what is the table column structure ?  normalisation  functional analysis  de normalisation  how is security to be implemented ? DBA Functions
  • 27. de 27 2. The administration and management of data structure (Cont.)  how are consistency checks made ?  how is access to be optimised ?  transactions  clustering  indexing  query optimisation  how and when to re-organise the database ? DBA Functions
  • 28. de 28 3. The administration and management of the physical database  how many copies should run ?  machine sizing  operating system performance  when and how should we perform backups?  database files  recovery log files DBA Functions
  • 29. de 29 3.The administration and management of the physical database ( cont.)  start-up and shutdown procedures.  DBMS parameters  control procedures  what procedures are required to recover from system failures ?  export / import procedures  roll forward / rollback DBA Functions
  • 30. de 30  integrity and consistency  monitoring and tuning  reducing redundant storage  facilitating sharing of data  security  backups  recovery  keep down time to a minimum DBA Role
  • 31. Importance of Data/Database Administration  Data are a corporate asset  similar to personnel, equipment, and financial assets  Important assets of the organization need to be managed properly  Data are stored in databases  Hence, effective data and database administration provide support for managerial decision-making 31
  • 33. SQL Is:  Structured Query Language  The standard for relational database management systems (RDBMS)  SQL-92 Standard -- Purpose:  Specify syntax/semantics for data definition and manipulation  Define data structures  Enable portability  Specify minimal (level 1) and complete (level 2) standards  Allow for later growth/enhancement to standard 33
  • 34. History of SQL  1970–E. Codd develops relational database concept  1974-1979–System R with Sequel (later SQL) created at IBM Research Lab  1979–Oracle markets first relational DB with SQL  1986–ANSI SQL standard released  1989, 1992, 1999, 2003–Major ANSI standard updates  Current–SQL is supported by most major database vendors 34
  • 35. Purpose of SQL Standard  Specify syntax/semantics for data definition and manipulation  Define data structures  Enable portability  Specify minimal (level 1) and complete (level 2) standards  Allow for later growth/enhancement to standard 35
  • 36. Benefits of a Standardized Relational Language  Reduced training costs  Productivity  Application portability  Application longevity  Reduced dependence on a single vendor  Cross-system communication 36
  • 37. SQL Environment  Catalog  A set of schemas that constitute the description of a database  Schema  The structure that contains descriptions of objects created by a user (base tables, views, constraints)  Data Definition Language (DDL)  Commands that define a database, including creating, altering, and dropping tables and establishing constraints  Data Manipulation Language (DML)  Commands that maintain and query a database  Data Control Language (DCL)  Commands that control a database, including administering privileges and committing data 37
  • 38. Benefits of a Standardized Relational Language  Reduced training costs  Productivity  Application portability  Application longevity  Reduced dependence on a single vendor  Cross-system communication 38
  • 39. 39 Figure 7-1: A simplified schematic of a typical SQL environment, as described by the SQL-92 standard
  • 40. SQL Database Definition  Data Definition Language (DDL)  Major CREATE statements:  CREATE SCHEMA – defines a portion of the database owned by a particular user  CREATE TABLE – defines a table and its columns  CREATE VIEW – defines a logical table from one or more views  Other CREATE statements: CHARACTER SET, COLLATION, TRANSLATION, ASSERTION, DOMAIN 40
  • 41. Choosing Data Types  CHAR–fixed-length character  VARCHAR–variable-length character (memo)  LONG–large number  NUMBER–positive/negative number  INEGER–positive/negative whole number  DATE–actual date  BLOB–binary large object (good for graphics, sound clips, etc.) 41
  • 42. Table Creation 42 Figure 7-5: General syntax for CREATE TABLE Steps in table creation: 1. Identify data types for attributes 2. Identify columns that can and cannot be null 3. Identify columns that must be unique (candidate keys) 4. Identify primary key-foreign key mates 5. Determine default values 6. Identify constraints on columns (domain specifications) 7. Create the table and associated indexes
  • 43. Changing and Removing Tables  ALTER TABLE statement allows you to change column specifications:  ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER_T ADD (TYPE VARCHAR(2))  DROP TABLE statement allows you to remove tables from your schema:  DROP TABLE CUSTOMER_T 43
  • 44. Insert Statement  Adds data to a table  Inserting into a table  INSERT INTO CUSTOMER_T VALUES (001, ‘CONTEMPORARY Casuals’, 1355 S. Himes Blvd.’, ‘Gainesville’, ‘FL’, 32601);  Inserting a record that has some null attributes requires identifying the fields that actually get data  INSERT INTO PRODUCT_T (PRODUCT_ID, PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION,PRODUCT_FINISH, STANDARD_PRICE, PRODUCT_ON_HAND) VALUES (1, ‘End Table’, ‘Cherry’, 175, 8);  Inserting from another table  INSERT INTO CA_CUSTOMER_T SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_T WHERE STATE = ‘CA’; 44
  • 45. Delete Statement  Removes rows from a table  Delete certain rows  DELETE FROM CUSTOMER_T WHERE STATE = ‘HI’;  Delete all rows  DELETE FROM CUSTOMER_T; 45
  • 46. Update Statement  Modifies data in existing rows  UPDATE PRODUCT_T SET UNIT_PRICE = 775 WHERE PRODUCT_ID = 7; 46
  • 47. The SELECT Statement  Used for queries on single or multiple tables  Clauses of the SELECT statement:  SELECT  List the columns (and expressions) that should be returned from the query  FROM  Indicate the table(s) or view(s) from which data will be obtained  WHERE  Indicate the conditions under which a row will be included in the result  GROUP BY  Indicate categorization of results  HAVING  Indicate the conditions under which a category (group) will be included  ORDER BY  Sorts the result according to specified criteria 47
  • 48. 48Figure 7-8: SQL statement processing order (adapted from van der Lans, p.100)
  • 49. CREATE USER ACCOUNT:  Mysql>create user (newuser_name)@localhost identified by ‘password’;  Example:  Mysql> create user siddiq@localhost identified by '123';  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
  • 50. Create a User Account  Mysql>GRANT ALL ON database_name.* To user_name@localhost IDENTIFIED by ‘Password’;  mysql> GRANT ALL ON sample.* TO sps@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; Note:  GRANT ALL means all privileges i.e. user is permitted do anything. She/he can read, modify or delete data, but only on tables in the demo database. She/he cannot access any other database.
  • 51. How do I connect to MySQL server using user1 account?  User SPS can connect to mysql server SAMPLE database using following command:  $ mysql –u sps –p (OR)  $ mysql –u sps -h mysql.server.com -p demo Where,  -u user1: MySQL Username  -h : MySQL server name (default is localhost)  -p : Prompt for password  demo: demo is name of mysql database (optional)
  • 55. DB Threats & Security
  • 56. Threats to Data Security  Accidental losses  human error, software failure, hardware failure  Theft and fraud  Improper data access  loss of privacy (personal data)  loss of confidentiality (corporate data)  Loss of data integrity  data becomes invalid or corrupted  Loss of availability  sabotage of hardware, networks or applications  virus attack 56
  • 57. Managing Data Security  Database Security  protection of the data against accidental or intentional loss, destruction, or misuse  Increasingly difficult to manage  access to data become more open through the Internet and corporate intranets  distributed databases located on client/server architectures rather than mainframes 57
  • 58. 58 Figure 11-2: Possible locations of data security threats Both internal and external threats; require firewall and physical security.
  • 59. Data Management Software Security Features  Views - restrict user views of the database; CREATE VIEW  Integrity controls - enforced by the DBMS during querying and updating  Authorization rules - identify users and restrict the actions they may take against a database - e.g., GRANT SELECT, UPDATE(price) ON PRODUCT_T TO Smith  User-defined procedures - define additional constraints or limitations in using a database  Encryption procedures - encode data in an unrecognizable form  Authentication schemes - positively identify a person attempting to gain access to a database  Backup databases - facilitate recovery procedures 59
  • 60. Authorization Rules  Controls incorporated in the DBMS  restrict access to data  restrict actions that people may take when they access data  Authorization matrix include  subjects, objects, actions, constraints  can be viewed as metadata and stored in the repository  Authorization tables for subjects  Authorization tables for objects 60
  • 61. Authentication Schemes  Goal is to obtain a positive identification of the user  Passwords are flawed  users share them with each other  they get written down, could be copied  automatic logon scripts remove need to explicitly type them  unencrypted passwords travel the Internet  Possible solutions  Biometric devices  techniques that measure or detect personal characteristics such as fingerprints, voiceprints, eye pictures, or signature dynamics  Third-party authentication  using secret keys, digital certificates 61
  • 63. Backing Up Databases  Database recovery is the mechanism for restoring a database quickly and accurately after loss or damage  Recovery manager  a module of the DBMS which restores the database to a correct condition when a failure occurs and which resumes processing user requests 63
  • 64. Backup Facilities  An automatic dump facility that produces backup copy of the entire database  Periodic backup  e.g. nightly, weekly  Cold backup  database is shut down during backup  Hot backup  selected portion of the database is shut down and backed up at a given time  useful when it is a critical system that must always remain available  Backups stored in secure, off-site location 64
  • 65. Journalizing Facilities  An audit trail of transactions and database changes  Transaction  a discrete unit of work that must be completely processed or not processed at all  e.g. entering a customer order  Transaction log  record of essential data for each transaction processed against the database  Database change log  before- and after-images of records that have been modified by transactions  before-image is a copy of record before modification  after-image is a copy of record after modification 65
  • 66. 66 Figure 11-8: Database audit trail From the backup and logs, databases can be restored by the recovery manager in case of damage or loss
  • 67. Recovery and Restart Procedures  Switch  Restore/Rerun  Backward Recovery (rollback)  Forward Recovery (rollforward) 67
  • 68. Recovery and Restart Procedures  Switch  Mirrored databases  at least two copies of the database must be kept and updated simultaneously  implemented in RAID 1 systems  Procedure  when a disk failure occurs, system switches to mirrored disk  defective disk can be removed and replaced with a new disk  Advantages  no disruption in service; fastest recovery  popular as cost of secondary storage has dropped  Disadvantages  does not protect against lost of power or damage to both databases 68
  • 69. Recovery and Restart Procedures  Restore/Rerun  reprocessing the day’s transactions (up to the point of failure) against the backup copy of the database  Advantages  does not need to create a database change journal  no special restart procedures required  Disadvantages  time to reprocess transactions may be long  Used only as a last resort 69
  • 70. Recovery and Restart Procedures  Backward Recovery (rollback)  apply before-images of records that have been changed to the database  restore the database to an earlier state  used to reverse the changes made by transactions that have been aborted or terminated abnormally  Forward Recovery (rollforward)  starts with an earlier copy of the database  apply after-images (the results of good transactions) to the database  preferable to restore/rerun  do not need to reprocess each transaction  only the most recent after-image of a record need to be applied 70
  • 71. 71 Figure 11-9: Basic recovery techniques (a) Rollback Restore to earlier state