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Kathryn W. Davanzo, SPHR
                                                                        6860 Gulfport Blvd. S. #343
                                                                           St. Petersburg, FL 33707
         The Leader’s Point of View (P.O.V.)™: A New Paradigm for Leadership Development
                         2011 HR Florida State Conference – Master Series

1. When did you first acknowledge to yourself or others that you are, or could be, a leader?

2. How did you become a leader?

3. What makes leaders leaders?

4. How does what you believe about yourself influence the kind of leader you are, or are becoming?

5. How can we best develop individual and organizational leadership capacity?

                                   What We Believe Drives What We Do

Candidly expressing my business philosophies,               If you do things well, do them better. Be daring.
feelings, and plans in writing to co-workers has            Be first. Be different. Be just.
been a habit of mine since 1986.                            Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop
Howard Shultz, CEO Starbucks

I tell our teams, make timely decisions, not perfect        He rebuilt the company with a philosophy of being
decisions. In our business late and perfect is not          tough-minded on the standards and
a great solution.                                           tenderhearted with the people.
Anne Mulcahy, Chairman, Xerox Corp.                         Douglas Conant, CEO Campbell Soup Company

She (mother) impressed upon me the importance               …you need purpose and you need passion.
and power of people and relationships, of                   Those are two very important things to melt
participating in the lives of others. She showed            together and make sure you're being fulfilled
me that people can be a source of inspiration and           because you don't want to wake up in the morning
support.                                                    and dread the day. You want to wake up in the
Mike Robert, President, McDonald’s Corporation              morning and seize the day.
                                                            Mindy Grossman, CEO HSN, Inc.

   1. How is this belief likely to be evident in the actions of this leader?

   2. How is this belief likely to be evident in how and with whom this leader forms relationship?

   3. When faced with a difficult decision of significant consequence how is this belief likely to influence
      the decision making process and the decision itself?

                   What Do You Believe? How Do Your Beliefs Drive What You Do?

                                                                                                      Page 1 of 4
Creating Leaders                                Leadership Self-Identity/Self-Concept
Heritage                          Self-construal – how we define ourselves in personal, relational and
                                  collective terms (I am a leader. I am an HR professional.)
Traits                            Self-esteem – our own positive and negative evaluations by which we
                                  measure ourselves. (I am a good leader. I am a poor leader.)
Competencies                      Self-consistency – the stability, over time, of our values and beliefs.
                                  (I have always believed…Sometimes I believe…)
Strengths                         Self-efficacy – our belief in our ability to act in ways necessary to
Leadership Self-Identity          successfully accomplish a specific goal. (I can do this. I cannot do this.)


          High Leadership Self-Efficacy                                    Low Leadership Self-Efficacy
• Difficult tasks are challenges to be                           • Difficult tasks are threats to be avoided.

• Set challenging goals and maintain a                           • Have low aspirations and a weak
  strong commitment to them.                                       commitment to chosen goals.

• Heighten and sustain efforts in face of                        • Slacken efforts – give up quickly in face of
  difficulties, obstacles or even failure.                         difficulties.

• Quickly recover after failure or setback.                      • Slow to recover – lose faith in own
                                                                   capabilities after failure or setback.

• Failure attributed to insufficient effort or                   • Dwell on personal deficiencies, obstacles
  deficient knowledge or skills all of which                       and adverse outcomes rather than on
  can be acquired.                                                 “how” to perform successfully.

• Approach threats with assurance they can                       • Shy away from difficult tasks they see as
  exercise control over them.                                      personal threats

They are able who think they are able. Virgil

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. Henry Ford

               Sources of Self-Efficacy – Implications for Development

Mastery of Experience

Vicarious Experiences

Social Persuasion

                                                                                                      Page 2 of 4
CODA’S Leader’s POV™ (Point of View)

Leaders with a Strong Self-Identity Are:
• Acutely aware of theirs, and others, strengths and weaknesses and are able to leverage this awareness
   to maximize effective communication, business processes, and outcomes;
•   Actively exploring industry and leadership best practices and able to synthesizing information into
    actionable strategies;
•   Able to define and cast a direction that resonates with their constituents and leads to desired actions
    and to maintain an appropriate sense of urgency around the direction.
•   Highly skilled in execution strategies and systems to help others
    prioritize, select and follow through with the highest leverage actions.

What Happens When a Leader
• Lacks Awareness

•   Does Not Explore

•   Provides No Direction

•   Fails to Act or Ensure Others Act

                                Ramifications for Leadership Development

Awareness – Acutely Aware of Self, Others and Context
Leadership encompasses many things, and the “work” of a leader at any level in an organization demands a
certain kind of self-awareness and focused attention. Ram Charan

    Assessment Instruments
    Reflective Practices
    Ask! Ask! Ask!

Exploration – Continually Seeking and Synthesizing Information
To change the conversation, change who is in the conversation. It is a really hard to see our own blind
spots. Margaret J. Wheatley

    Inside and Outside – My Life, My Organization, My Industry, My Community
    History and Contemporary
    Reinforcing and Contradictory

Direction – Defining and Casting a Vision
The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. You cannot blow an uncertain trumpet.
Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, Former President, Notre Dame

    Preparing the Message
    Connecting to the Audience
    Selecting the Medium

Action – Ensuring Skilled Execution Strategies and Systems
If you don’t know how to execute, the whole of your efforts as a leader will always be less than the sum of
its parts. Larry Bossidy, Former CEO of Honeywell International and Allied Signal

    Contextual and Experiential
    Practice Opportunities
    Real World Applications
                                                                                                     Page 3 of 4
Other Critical Development Components

Mentors Linked to Content and Context

Collaborative Learning

Capstone Experience

Kathy uses her easy and genuine connection to her audience to create a highly interactive
learning environment - incorporating stories, humor, thoughtful quotes and concepts, her
experiences and the experiences of her audience into a dynamic, fast paced and informative
event. Kathy provides keynotes and workshops to help:

§ Participants clarify and articulate their personal leadership point of view; recognizing that a
       leader who can clearly define and communicate his or her strengths, experiences, and vision will
       experience greater and sustained leadership effectiveness.

§ Participants communicate to influence others in ways that do not rely on authority or power and in
       situations that may involve tough issues, difficult relationships and/or critical consequences.

§ Organizations clarify their workforce readiness issues and their strategies for addressing them.

Recently, her research and in-house training events have also focused on the way generational influences
are impacting the way we lead and the way work gets done.

Kathy holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Communications Education from Miami University and a
master’s degree in Education from the University of Miami.

Kathy’s professional career has included nine years as a Student Affairs Administrator at the University of
Miami and the University of South Florida, seven years as the HR officer for Fortune 200 manufacturing
company, nine years as the VP for Human Resources for a seven-state nonprofit agency and twelve years
as a national speaker, trainer and HR Consultant.

Kathy is also the President of Pelorus Leadership Group, Inc., an affiliate of Navigen Leadership, LLC, a
certified administrator of the Leadership Spectrum Profile® and the Conflict Dynamics Profile®, a member
of the Advisory Council for the Institute for Professional Development at Saint Leo University and a FAST
Start Facilitator for the University of Tampa MBA program.

Kathy is an avid sailor, and when not sailing, she and her husband Charlie reside in Gulfport, Florida.

For More Information Contact:

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Davanzo -The leader's point of view handout

  • 1. Kathryn W. Davanzo, SPHR 6860 Gulfport Blvd. S. #343 St. Petersburg, FL 33707 Kathy@codapartners.net 727-302-9170 www.codapartners.net The Leader’s Point of View (P.O.V.)™: A New Paradigm for Leadership Development 2011 HR Florida State Conference – Master Series 1. When did you first acknowledge to yourself or others that you are, or could be, a leader? 2. How did you become a leader? 3. What makes leaders leaders? 4. How does what you believe about yourself influence the kind of leader you are, or are becoming? 5. How can we best develop individual and organizational leadership capacity? What We Believe Drives What We Do Candidly expressing my business philosophies, If you do things well, do them better. Be daring. feelings, and plans in writing to co-workers has Be first. Be different. Be just. been a habit of mine since 1986. Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop Howard Shultz, CEO Starbucks I tell our teams, make timely decisions, not perfect He rebuilt the company with a philosophy of being decisions. In our business late and perfect is not tough-minded on the standards and a great solution. tenderhearted with the people. Anne Mulcahy, Chairman, Xerox Corp. Douglas Conant, CEO Campbell Soup Company She (mother) impressed upon me the importance …you need purpose and you need passion. and power of people and relationships, of Those are two very important things to melt participating in the lives of others. She showed together and make sure you're being fulfilled me that people can be a source of inspiration and because you don't want to wake up in the morning support. and dread the day. You want to wake up in the Mike Robert, President, McDonald’s Corporation morning and seize the day. Mindy Grossman, CEO HSN, Inc. 1. How is this belief likely to be evident in the actions of this leader? 2. How is this belief likely to be evident in how and with whom this leader forms relationship? 3. When faced with a difficult decision of significant consequence how is this belief likely to influence the decision making process and the decision itself? What Do You Believe? How Do Your Beliefs Drive What You Do? Page 1 of 4
  • 2. Creating Leaders Leadership Self-Identity/Self-Concept Heritage Self-construal – how we define ourselves in personal, relational and collective terms (I am a leader. I am an HR professional.) Position Traits Self-esteem – our own positive and negative evaluations by which we measure ourselves. (I am a good leader. I am a poor leader.) Style Competencies Self-consistency – the stability, over time, of our values and beliefs. (I have always believed…Sometimes I believe…) Relationship Strengths Self-efficacy – our belief in our ability to act in ways necessary to Leadership Self-Identity successfully accomplish a specific goal. (I can do this. I cannot do this.) Self-Efficacy High Leadership Self-Efficacy Low Leadership Self-Efficacy • Difficult tasks are challenges to be • Difficult tasks are threats to be avoided. mastered. • Set challenging goals and maintain a • Have low aspirations and a weak strong commitment to them. commitment to chosen goals. • Heighten and sustain efforts in face of • Slacken efforts – give up quickly in face of difficulties, obstacles or even failure. difficulties. • Quickly recover after failure or setback. • Slow to recover – lose faith in own capabilities after failure or setback. • Failure attributed to insufficient effort or • Dwell on personal deficiencies, obstacles deficient knowledge or skills all of which and adverse outcomes rather than on can be acquired. “how” to perform successfully. • Approach threats with assurance they can • Shy away from difficult tasks they see as exercise control over them. personal threats They are able who think they are able. Virgil If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. Henry Ford Sources of Self-Efficacy – Implications for Development Mastery of Experience Vicarious Experiences Social Persuasion Page 2 of 4
  • 3. CODA’S Leader’s POV™ (Point of View) Leaders with a Strong Self-Identity Are: • Acutely aware of theirs, and others, strengths and weaknesses and are able to leverage this awareness to maximize effective communication, business processes, and outcomes; • Actively exploring industry and leadership best practices and able to synthesizing information into actionable strategies; • Able to define and cast a direction that resonates with their constituents and leads to desired actions and to maintain an appropriate sense of urgency around the direction. • Highly skilled in execution strategies and systems to help others prioritize, select and follow through with the highest leverage actions. What Happens When a Leader • Lacks Awareness • Does Not Explore • Provides No Direction • Fails to Act or Ensure Others Act Ramifications for Leadership Development Awareness – Acutely Aware of Self, Others and Context Leadership encompasses many things, and the “work” of a leader at any level in an organization demands a certain kind of self-awareness and focused attention. Ram Charan Assessment Instruments Reflective Practices Ask! Ask! Ask! Exploration – Continually Seeking and Synthesizing Information To change the conversation, change who is in the conversation. It is a really hard to see our own blind spots. Margaret J. Wheatley Inside and Outside – My Life, My Organization, My Industry, My Community History and Contemporary Reinforcing and Contradictory Direction – Defining and Casting a Vision The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. You cannot blow an uncertain trumpet. Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, Former President, Notre Dame Preparing the Message Connecting to the Audience Selecting the Medium Action – Ensuring Skilled Execution Strategies and Systems If you don’t know how to execute, the whole of your efforts as a leader will always be less than the sum of its parts. Larry Bossidy, Former CEO of Honeywell International and Allied Signal Contextual and Experiential Practice Opportunities Real World Applications Page 3 of 4
  • 4. Other Critical Development Components Mentors Linked to Content and Context Collaborative Learning Capstone Experience KATHY DAVANZO, SPHR - NATIONAL SPEAKER, TRAINER AND HR CONSULTANT   Kathy uses her easy and genuine connection to her audience to create a highly interactive learning environment - incorporating stories, humor, thoughtful quotes and concepts, her experiences and the experiences of her audience into a dynamic, fast paced and informative event. Kathy provides keynotes and workshops to help: § Participants clarify and articulate their personal leadership point of view; recognizing that a leader who can clearly define and communicate his or her strengths, experiences, and vision will experience greater and sustained leadership effectiveness. § Participants communicate to influence others in ways that do not rely on authority or power and in situations that may involve tough issues, difficult relationships and/or critical consequences. § Organizations clarify their workforce readiness issues and their strategies for addressing them. Recently, her research and in-house training events have also focused on the way generational influences are impacting the way we lead and the way work gets done. Kathy holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Communications Education from Miami University and a master’s degree in Education from the University of Miami. Kathy’s professional career has included nine years as a Student Affairs Administrator at the University of Miami and the University of South Florida, seven years as the HR officer for Fortune 200 manufacturing company, nine years as the VP for Human Resources for a seven-state nonprofit agency and twelve years as a national speaker, trainer and HR Consultant. Kathy is also the President of Pelorus Leadership Group, Inc., an affiliate of Navigen Leadership, LLC, a certified administrator of the Leadership Spectrum Profile® and the Conflict Dynamics Profile®, a member of the Advisory Council for the Institute for Professional Development at Saint Leo University and a FAST Start Facilitator for the University of Tampa MBA program. Kathy is an avid sailor, and when not sailing, she and her husband Charlie reside in Gulfport, Florida. For More Information Contact: Kathy@CODAPartners.net 727-302-9170 www.codapartners.net Page 4 of 4