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David Hume Essay On Miracles
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David Hume Essay On Miracles David Hume Essay On Miracles
Waimea Beach Research Paper
It was a bright and sunny friday, school had just got out not 2 hours prior, and me and my family
decided to head to the beach to start the weekend off before heading back to school that
following monday. On our way there I realized they were heading to Waimea Beach which is a
good 30 minutes from my house. I love Waimea beach, and has to be one of my favorite I ve
ever been to. We had just pulled up and parked and I was making my way to a spot right by the
water when I saw a big crowd. That s when I realised what day it was, it was high tide day, which
meant the water was high enough, with crashing on us, so that people could jump. Waimea is
known for many things there on the island, the amazing shrimp and food trucks, the enormous
waves, very very ideal and perfect place to surf, and importantly that day, the cliff jump. This Cliff
was well over 50 feet, had three different levels in case you couldn t, or rather wouldn t jump from
the top, and had water... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I knew exactly what he was doing, he thought I was going to chicken out and not go through
with it, which meant he didn t either, and I was not letting that happen. So when we got to the
top of the rock, he asked me, So Gabriella, you ready to go back now or what?? and I replied, No
but feel free to return back to the bottom back to where mami and baby are if you want, because I
m jumping , and with that, I accomplished my goal and did what I was so terrified to always do. I
went to the edge of the highest level and jumped straight to the
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Mandatory Vaccination Paper
Mandatory vaccination continues to be a contentious subject in the United States, even though
extensive evidence proves inoculation prevents certain diseases. According to A. Plotkin L. Plotkin
(2011), the evolution of the first vaccine commenced in the 1700 s when a physician named
Edwards Jenner discovered that cowpox protected individuals from one of the deadliest diseases
termed smallpox. The precise virus Jenner used is unclear; however, it was espoused in the
extermination of smallpox worldwide. The researchers further explained, the unearthing of the
subsequent vaccineknown as chicken cholera occurred approximately 80 years later by Louise
Pasteur. Ever since, copious vaccines such as rabies, yellow fever, varicella, pneumococcal, mumps
and recently HPV have been introduced.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), reports illnesses such as polio, measles,
rubella, tetanus and pertussis that were previously rampant are now obviated by the influx of
vaccines and has protected the lives of millions of citizens. Moreover, neonates who have a
diminished immune system receive immunoglobins from their mother, yet, the immunity last for
about a year. When these infants ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Richard Pan and Mr. Allen, both activists of vaccinations, introduced the bill 277 in California
which mandates vaccines for all school children and eliminates exclusions that are not for medical
reasons. In a statement on Dr. Richard Pans website (2015), he explains the epidemic of measles
in 2015 that hospitalized several children was the reason behind the new law. Dr. Pan urged the
audience that vaccinations will decrease preventable diseases and protect children and the public
from such diseases. He also references children who are immunocompromised and cannot receive
vaccinations are protected if healthy classmates receive their vaccines. Dr. Pan and Mr. Allen
believes members in their community will live a healthy life due to the implementation of this new
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The Black Death Was A Tragic Pandemic
The Black Death was a tragic pandemic that changed Europe dramatically. The Black Death, also
known as the Bubonic plague, killed millions of people throughout the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries. The Black Plague occurred in this time period because trade and commerce started to
develop rapidly. After new trade routes had been opened, a ship coming back from Asia picked
up some fleas and rodents that were carrying the disease. Once the disease hit Europe, it spread
rapidly and killed millions of people. The late middle aged Europeans during this time lived in
constant fear of death. Most of them would remain inside their houses, trying to avoid any contact
with the outside world because they feared that they would develop the disease. In the end, every
citizen was aware that he or she could not escape death because eventually the Black Deathwould
reach them. This sparked creativity and inspiration in Europeans. The people all over Europe
started creating new ideas and developing theories based on society all because they feared that
the Black Death would take their lives. With this new profound sense of knowledge, there were
new developments in science, literature, and society that would ultimately help humanity flourish
as a whole. Being surrounded by death and the fear of it, it eventually helped society change for
the better.There would be no change in society if the people of Europe had not been surrounded
and inspired by death. Death played an important role by
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Persuasive Essay On Breaking Rules
Kim Harrison say that Breaking rules isn t bad when what you re doing is more important than
the rule itself. In discussion of rebellion, one controversial issue has been showing that everyone
s bewilderment. On the one hand, people argued that it is unsuitable to infringe the rules. On the
other hand, people demonstrate that it is justified to contravene the rules. However, I believe
that it is right to break the rules when it support a cause you believe in, unfairly and
understandable. One key reason why we should break the rules when it supports a cause that you
believe in, a cause that is right because you believe, in your opinion, defying authority may help
other people. One clear example of this is from the text, Hunger games. Katniss breaks several
rules to help her people and her family. To understand why Katniss breaks the rules is because her
people live in a oppressed life in a society by all the specific rules like weapon not allow, hunting
not allow, and you can not go in the wood to pay or sell food. Katniss have to ignore the rules go
in the wood,hunt and trade food so her family can have food to survive. Another strong example is
from The Montgomery Bus Boycott, when Rosa Parksbreak the rules on the bus, don t give up her
seat on the bus because white people in texas being racist which mean black people have to give
up their seat for white people. Rosa park shirk the law and justify for her people.To better
understand in that situation is because when other people life in danger you believe that you
should stand up and speak for them as a hero. There are many people life get in danger or dead
because no one believed themself or wanted to stand up and speak for other people. This historical
document illustrates that we should help other people when we think our believe is not wrong.
Another important reason when is it right to break the rules is when it unfairly. One significant
example is that from the text article title Marriageis a Private Affair. Nnaemeka rebel against the
rules which mean he don t listen to his dad and married someone else in the cosmopolitan
atmosphere of the city not in the Ibo tribe where his dad live. In many countries, all over the world,
there are
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The Lucifer Effect By Philip Zimbardo Essay
The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo, presents a significant question regarding the essence of
human nature: How is it possible for typical, ordinary or even good natured people to become
capable of perpetrating evil? While striving to understand unexpected, or abnormal behaviors, we
tend to put our main focus on internal determinants such as genes, character, and personality,
simultaneously ignoring external, situational factors that could be the central, critical catalyst for
an apparent behavioral change. Typically, this catalyst lies in the system that creates and maintains
such situations that result in questionable behaviors. Zimbardo confirms that the world is filled
with good and evil. With that being said, the barrier between good and evil is permeable and
nebulous. This leads the reader to this central question: Am I capable of evil? In order to answer
this question, one must consider all internal, as well as, external elements of the given situation.
Summary: The book, The Lucifer Effect, gives a detailed chronologic transformation of human
character that took place during Zimbardo s prison experiment. This experiment consisted of
randomly assigning twenty four healthy, normal intelligent college students. Twelve of the twenty
four individuals were assigned to role play the prisoners (nine plus three alternates), and the other
twelve were chosen to role play the prison guards (also, nine plus three alternates). These students
had no prior record of criminal
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An Introduction To Indian Retail Industry Essay
Table of Contents
Indian Retail Industry.................................................................................
Private Labels...............................................................................................
Needs, wants and Demands of PL s..........................................................
Private label in Indian Retail Space...........................................................
Objective of the Report:
My project entitled Role of Private labels in Indian Retail Industry aims at analysing the market
opportunities and challenges faced because of Private labels in the Indian Retail Space by
considering various stakeholders i.e. consumers, Online Retailers, Brick and mortar Retail Stores.
The objective of doing this project is defined as under.
1) To study the importance of the private labels in the retail space
2) To gauge the current outlook of the private labels from the customer perspective
3) To identify the attributes for improvement in the current market scenario.
4) To study strategies adopted by various Indian retailers for their private labels
To conduct a market research to analyse the importance of Private Labels in the Indian Retail
space through all secondary databases, newspapers, interview excerpts, magazines, etc. To conduct
a survey to gauge the look and feel of various private label brands from the customer perspectives
and identify the attributes in general which corresponds to the thinking of
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The Innovative Rise And Effects Of Computer Corporations
The History, Development, and Importance of Personal Computers of Science and Its Times, in
2001, estimates believed that there will be 2 billion PCs in use worldwide as of 2014. Today,
computers have changed our modern society. Almost every human being is using a computereither
by ordering out a drive thru at a fast food restaurant or even just surfing the web. Computers allow
the world to be interconnected and people from all over the globe to communicate within seconds.
To find the foundation of computers, we must look at the creation of the first computer and the
innovations that led up to computer corporations. Next, we must examine the rise of large computer
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Another essential element in creating a computer is the knowledge of how to use electricity (
History, Development, and Importance ). All computers eventually develop the same basic
components: a CPU, RAM, hard disk drive, input and output devices, and a constant power source
(Goldsmith and Jackson). The first computer became the foundation of all computer development
and innovations were created afterwards to support and improve upon it. According to the article
ENIAC from World of Inventions, the first computer that required the use of electricity was
called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) and it was designed by J.
Presper Eckert and John Mauchly during World War II ( ENIAC ). Eckert and Mauchly s
ENIAC contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and required 160,000 watts of power. It weighed thirty
tons, and took up over 1,500 square feet ( ENIAC ). In The Development of Computer Assisted
Mathematics in Science and Its Times, ENIAC was built to use numbers to describe the
behavior of explosives, high performance aircraft, and the weather ( Mathematics ). Even though
ENIAC s main use was for military purposes, it can also make meteorology calculations and help
with nuclear weapons research ( ENIAC ). According to Brian Overland, a professional
programmer of the C family of languages, electronic . . . made it possible to use wires and vacuum
tubes to stimulate logical operations, and allowed for the use of wires and vacuum
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PTLLS Overview
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) at Level 4. Preparing to Teach in
the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) at Level 4 Total credit value (at Level 4) 12 Total GLH 4
x units (each @ 12 GLHs) = 48 Units being run and assessed: Group Unit title Level Credit value
GLH A Roles and responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning 4 3 12 Learning outcomes:
The learner will Assessment Criteria: The learner can 1. Understand own role and responsibilities
in lifelong learning 1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of
practice relating to own role and responsibilities 1.2 Analyse own responsibilities for promoting
equality and valuing diversity 1.3 Evaluate own role and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Be able to deliver inclusive learning and teaching sessions 2.1 Demonstrate inclusive learning
and teaching approaches to engage and motivate learners. 2.2 Demonstrate the use of
appropriate resources to support inclusive learning and teaching 2.3 Use assessment methods to
support learning and teaching 2.4 Communicate with learners to meet their needs and aid their
understanding 2.5 Provide constructive feedback to learners 3. Be able to evaluate own
practice in delivering inclusive learning and teaching 3.1 Review own approaches to delivering
inclusive learning and teaching 3.2 Analyse how own inclusive learning and teaching practice
can be improved to meet the needs of learners Assessment: i) Provide a short session plan related
to your specialist area of teaching. Include as a minimum: group profile; anticipated learning
outcomes; anticipated learning difficulties; staged procedure with timings; one copy of any
materials used. ii) Teach the session to your group. iii) Comment on the following areas. Refer
to your micro teaching session and what you have learnt about teaching and learning in general,
as appropriate. a) How can you meet both group and individual needs when planning a session?
b) What resources did you use? How effective were they and how do you know this? c) What
teaching approach did you take in your session? How well did it work? What evidence do
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Cultural Differences and Intercultural Communication...
When examining my own cultural identity it has occurred to me that many of the things that define
my own cultural identity are that of Majority groups, however it would seem that I have just as
many if not more Minority group identity factors shaping me ever so slightly within the majority
For example at first look I am a Married male with a predominantly Anglo Saxon heritage. However
upon close inspection one can begin to notice the red hues within my complexion these are subtle
hints to a much less dominant cultural history.
Many members of one side of my family strongly identify with our Native American heritage; as a
result I spent many years as a young man learning that culture. Later in life when I was around 12
or 13 I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cultural Differences and Intercultural Communication Challenges
My interviewee I chose was a man I initially met in the workplace and come to find out our kids
ended up going to school together. Our relationship had been an interesting one from the start when
we first met he decided to share some of his religious identity to me.
Our book defines religious identity as a sense of belonging to a religious group (Martin
Nakayama, 2011). Oddly enough we were on lunch break at work and I was hungry that day he
approached me and commented on how my chicken smelt good. I had noticed over the past week
or so he had not eaten lunch at all so I offered him some of my chicken.
He politely declined and explained to me that he was practicing Ramadan and that he only at late
at night and early before the sun came up. At first being somewhat ignorant of religion I asked why
he explained it was something that followers of Islam do. In a business article it is explained that in
Dubai visitors are expected to practice in the same fasting ritual or face punishment including fines
and jail time (McGinley, 2011). While laws can vary by country there are some exemptions to the
fasting requirements and often include conditions such as menstruation, illness, older age,
pregnancy, and breast feeding (El Zibdeh, 2009).
While I know that fasting is common in many Native American cultures to obtain higher levels of
spirituality. I do not believe it was commonly
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The Legality, Morality, and Social Responsibility of the...
The Legality, Morality, and Social Responsibility of the Affordable Care Act and Florida Blue.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23rd, 2010. The
Act is a daring attempt by President Barack Obama to reform the healthcare system in the United
States. The new healthcare reform act is historical because of its scope and size. Opponents to the
healthcare act state it is an attempt to increase the size and power of the federal government and it
is one of the largest tax increase in the history of the world, despite it being almost equally in size
to President Clinton 1993 tax increase ( Obamacare isn t the largest , 2012). There is an abundance
of questions surrounding the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But, as a matter of legal precedent and technical legislating, such a determination is monumentally
important in terms of how future cases of congressional power will be decided, as well as how
bills are crafted for consideration. The Chief Justice s opinion recognized the long standing history
of Congress attaching conditions upon states in exchange for receiving federal funding under
Congress Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 spending power.17 The legitimacy of this power ...rests on
whether the State voluntarily and knowingly accepts the terms of the contract, since the
Constitution has never been understood to confer upon Congress the ability to require States to
govern according to Congress s instructions. 18 When pressure turns into compulsion, the
legislation runs contrary to our system of federalism, (Teller, 2012). Florida Blue, the largest
health insurer in the state of Florida, had to reinstate 300,000 policies in order to meet the new
Affordable Healthcare Act requirements. Florida Blue is attempting to offset many of these costly
new healthcare requirements, which now include things such as maternity/newborn care, mental
health services, substance abuse services, and emergency services. These services will now be
covered by individual and small market plans. Under this new law anyone the government
determines can afford healthcare, and does not purchase it by 2014, may have to pay a fine. This
fee will be referred to as an individual responsibility
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Cpr 380 Reading Worksheet
CPRL 380: READING SHEET (A sheet must be completed for each set of reading assignments.
Must be computer typed on this form.) YOUR NAME: Daniel Nieto READING (give authors of
readings): Grossman, Rai, Leshan 1. Summarize the central themes, theses, issues, or arguments of
the reading assignment. All three articles discuss the central issue of what motivates someone to
commit a violent act or kill another person. They do this in slightly different ways, and with
different context having both Grossman and Leshan discuss violence in the context of war.
Grossmans discuss the topics in multifaceted approach and brings up several different reasons why
specifically someone would be willing to kill someone such as emotional, cultural, moral, social,
and mechanical distance. Leshan mainly discussed the idea that there is a change in the perception
of reality during war time which justifies the killing of other people. Finally, is Rai who states and
argues that morality is the main motivation the drives people to commit violent acts against others
2. Summarize at least four key points made by the authors. In the case of... Show more content on
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Leshan has two points the first point is that there are two realities one during peace time and one
during war times, and it s the shift from what he calls the sensory world of peace time and the
mythical time of war that allows us to mentally adjust to the justification that the killing of the
enemy is done because they are mythical, demonic, or total evil. This shift is also characterized by
a shift in how various things are perceived based on the examples Leshan uses to demonstrate the
differences between war time in which the topics discussed become very dichotomous and extreme.
Finally, Rai discuss the idea that morality and as Rai states sustain a moral order is main motivation
for committing acts of
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What Is The Relationship Between The Creator And The...
May Shelley crafted one of the most renowned novels of the Romantic era and gave birth the genre
of science fiction. Shelley s Frankenstein displays many themes, but none is more significant than
that of the relationship between the creator and the created. This relationship is undoubtedly
complex. Victor Frankensteins sentiments towards his creation vary from pure intrigue as he begins
to build the eight foot tall man to utter disdain towards him as the beast begins to push back against
him. Moreover, the creation receives no nurturing from the one that brought him to life, thus turning
his back on his creator. This dynamic comes in sharp contrast to that of the Puritans during the time
of William Bradford. Victor Frankenstein s creation... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He is overwhelmed with these emotions and the only way to release the anger is to bring death
to the loved ones of Frankenstein. The monster is deprived of any sort of love from the very
beginning of his life; thus, he will make it his goal to replicate this feeling for Victor. The beast
does succeed in bringing terror into the life of Victor with the murders of William, Justine, Henry,
and Elizabeth. This active desire to harm your creator is something unique about the relationship
between the creator and created in Frankenstein. William Bradford and his fellow Puritan
Separatists fled their native country in the pursuit of religious freedom. They believed that God was
imploring them to escape the persecution in England and they made it their chief goal to follow
his will. When discussing the reasons for why the Puritans departed Holland after about a year s
stay Bradford writes, A great hope and inward zeal they had to laying some good foundation, or at
least to make some way thereunto, for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the Kingdom
of Christ in those remote parts of the world; yea, though they should be but even as stepping stones
unto others for performing of so great work (Bradford 4). This quote exemplifies the emotions of
the pilgrims as they embarked on their journey across the
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The Battle of Gettysburg Essay
The Battle of Gettysburg was the major turning point of the Civil War. The confederate army was
led by General Robert E. Lee, an experienced, educated, and extremely successful career military
officer. He was second in his class at WestPoint, as well as a valuable asset during the Mexican
War. When Virginia
seceded from the Union, Abraham Lincolninitially asked General Lee to lead
the Union Army. General Lee declined the position offered by Lincoln due to his loyalty to him
home state1. General Lee was appointed as the General of the Confederate Army by Jefferson
Davis following the death Joseph E Johnston. General Lee s expertise in war strategy and tactics
enable the south to become extremely victorious during battle and led to the... Show more content
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This decision was based on an inaccurate understanding of his enemy s position and strength. The
Battle plan ran against his position of always having the best ground or terrain from which to fight.
Not only was General Lee misinformed, but his soldiers were fighting barefoot, hungry, and low on
ammunition, due to the naval blockade imposed by Union naval forces. The Northern war effort
benefited tremendously from its superior naval forces, which allowed the Union to implement and
maintain an effective blockade of Southern ports2. The South was an agricultural society and the
North was more industrial. Consequently, the South had to import much of its armaments
The Union Army had infinitely more supplies all through the war than the South, due to the North
being a heavy industrial and manufacturing center. A derivative of the North s success of the civil
war was their abundance of materials needed for proper warfare. Their soldiers were well prepared
in terms of ammunition, nutrition, and clothing where as the south was not well equipped at all.
Unfortunately for the South, the North positioned its naval ships to block foreign supplies and
trade; in hopes to starve out the confederate Army, whom were already suffering. This was
detrimental to the South, due to already problematic transportation problems. The train rail system
in the South at this point had different sizing and regulation per state, making
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Stereotypes In Stand And Deliver By Jaime Escalante
The movie Stand and Deliver (1988) begins with a character driving in an urban neighborhood as an
introduction to the setting of the film. The various shots of the setting that are presented between
cuts to the streets and to the intrigued face of the protagonist, Jaime Escalante, help provide the
viewer context to this neighborhood s economic and cultural background. This movie directed by
RamГіn MenГ©ndez dramatizes actual events into a movie with the idea of combating stereotypes
enforced upon low income Latinos and presenting a success story with the use of different Latino
characters with their own unique conflicts. Angel Guzman is a Chicano gang member that holds an
inner struggle between following the easy predetermined path ... Show more content on
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Latinos are portrayed in media as having to fight a large variety of forces and this film attempts
to document a couple of these through their characters. Guadalupe Molina, struggles to take care
of her brothers and sisters while her parents work; Ana Delgado, is pressured to drop out of
school to begin working in her family business; Claudia Camejo; is discouraged to pursue
Calculus by her mother because boys don t like you if you re too smart ; and Pancho is
encouraged to drop out of school to work as a mechanic for what he believes is a reasonable
wage. The AP Calculus gives the students hope to enter college, evidenced by a scene in which
Angel brings his sick grandma to Mr. Escalante s house on Christmas to ask him for another
chance to be in the class. He tells Mr. Escalante, I need Calculus to get me to a good career
Johnny. The film uses a variety of examples of adversity in attempt to make this story seem more
inspirational but the characters in this film are not given more personal characteristics and simply
identifiable by their struggles. The audience does not know about their likes or dislikes, or a lot
about their personalities. They are a diverse Latino cast but their usage as people that just need to
be saved does not give these
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Coronary Artery Disease Case Study
1.Identify a health issue within your region. Discuss why you are concerned about this health issue
and discuss why the issue is important.
I am concerned with coronary artery disease (CAD), as it is the leading cause of death in the
United States and Florida. It is the most well known kind of coronary illness. Over time CAD can
debilitate the heart muscle and contribute to heart attacks. There are many modifiable risk factors,
such as quit smoking, decrease alcohol intake, modifying the diet to reduce sodium and sugar
intake, reducing obesity by losing weight, and increasing activity. Hypertension, diabetes also
contributes to CAD.
2.Discuss what you have learned about epidemiology and/or biostatistics as an approach to
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Questions On Risk Sharing Arrangements
Basic Risk Arrangement Structures3
Common Problems in Risk Sharing Contracts4
Some Additional Mistakes to Avoid in Risk Sharing5
Best Practices in Risk Transfer7
When Hospitals Share Risk With HMOs7
Approach for Risk Sharing Arrangements8
Examples of Risk Sharing Arrangements9
Provider Risk Sharing In Medicaid Managed Care Plans12
Device Makers Risk Sharing Contracts with Hospitals13
Walgreens Going at Risk for Re Admissions14
Managed Care Risk Sharing Arrangements15
Factors Influencing the Target Claims17
Timings of Risk Sharing Arrangements17
Risk sharing occurs when both the parties finds the risk and agrees to share the loss that may
occurs due to that risk. The co investors and joint ventures get into the risk sharing arrangements by
defining their true contribution and limiting their commitments related to their future and financial
commitments. The risk sharing arrangements or contracts are usually prevented into the
Outsourcing Transactions where one has physical control over the process and the other party has
been prevented from such control and therefore these kind of arrangements prefer to go on with
the Fee for Service Model. (1)
When we talk about the risk sharing arrangement in managed care so these arrangements between
a managed care organization and the employer are used by the employer to either make sure about
the success of the managed care plan for a short interval of time
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Mary Wollstonecraft s Life And Life
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was the only daughter of two of the most influential people of
their time William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. On August 30th 1797, Mary Wollstonecraft
Godwin was born ( Biography of MWS, 2009). Ten days after Mary s birth, her mother died of
placental infection. Because of the absence of a mother figure in her life, Mary was incredibly
close to her father. In fact, Anne Mellor even goes to say that she worshipped him (Mellor 6). Ever
since the death of his wife William Godwinwas looking for a mother for his children. In 1801,
William Godwin married Mary Jane Clairmont (Mellor 6). The relationship between Mary and her
step mother were extremely contentious. The new Mrs. Godwin found Mary difficult... Show more
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Percy Shelley and the young Mary fell in love and ran away. They went on a trip, and at the age
of seventeen Mary Godwin was unmarried and pregnant. Mary went on to have three more
pregnancies two of which failed. Her third pregnancy was successful and she had a son. Then,
finally, after a few adventures, Mary Godwin and Percy Bysshe Shelley married in December of
1816 at the age of nineteen ( Biography of MWS, 2009). Frankenstein, a horror story, was written
the same year. In January of 1818, Mary Shelley s greatest book Frankenstein was published.
After Frankenstein was published, her success was minimal, but she continued writing. Her only
surviving child was Percy Florence Shelley who was born in 1819 ( Biography of MWS, 2009).
Eventually, February 1st, 1851 Mary Shelley died in her home in Chester Square, London of an
unknown cause. Mary was much different than most girls of the age. Her mother, a vocal advocate
for the advancement of women s rights, was much of her inspiration. So, Mary was often viewed as
rebellious, which apparently she inherited. Also like her mother, Mary was a compulsive writer.
She constantly wrote in her journal, through this she demonstrated her crazy perseverance that her
father was very proud of. Because of her father and Mary s incredible intellect, Mary was often in
communication with the greatest intellectual
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The Importance Of Respect For The Dead
Respect for the Dead Introduction The aim of the current essay was to discuss the cultural,
ethical, and legal aspects concerning the respect for the dead. Besides, the cultural, ethical, and
legal factors were correlated with the practice of anatomy, everyday observations, and personal
experiences. Notably, what was regarded as appropriate respect for the dead varied based on an
individual s cultural beliefs and ethical (religion or professional) considerations. Background The
concerns associated with the respect for the dead emanate from the fact that the dead symbolise the
shared destiny of humans and reminiscence of the dearly departed. Therefore, the dead are by
design objects of fascination regardless of one s point of view. For instance, dead bodies elicit
attention in both medical pathology and traditions that venerate the dead and those that forbid such
forms of glorification. Therefore, the interests of the dead are not unique to the human anatomist
only. Interest for the dead encompasses religion, sociology, art history, feminist theory, and law.
Notably, the emerging multifaceted interest in the dead had raised fundamental questions regarding
the limits of what was legal, ethical, and moral in the use of palatinates, cadaver, and dissected
human (Jones 2016, p. 46). The fundamental concerns had been initially raised by humanity
scholars, not pathologists. Such concerns were informed by key issues such as how were the dead
bodies obtained
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Seven Years War Dbq
Before Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence to declare the America freedom
from Great Britain, the American colonists had been under the tyranny of King George III and
Parliament which brought them into poverty and a long period of warfare with other Empire.
However, the result of the Seven Years War, which took place between 1754 and 1765, sparked the
beginning of the American Revolutionto fight against Great Britain and to gain freedom from its
long period of tyranny. Specifically, when the battle of the Seven Years War between Britain and
France ended, it left Great Britain with a huge debt that needed to be paid. Members of the
Parliament said Britain had fought the long, costly war to save the colonists from the powerful...
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Specifically, the Seven Years War left both Britain and France burdened with economic debts. Since
the debts was estimated by the European financial system that centered in Netherland, British s
neutrality with other European neighbors aroused tensions. In addition, the elimination of France
from Canada also created new conflict between French citizens and Americans, who now on
British s side. Therefore, as a great empire, Britain became suspicious of all its European neighbors.
This fear was justified after France, which recently got eliminated from Canada, determined on
humbling Britain to satisfy its pride and to restore its economy in Europe. Thus, this triggered
Britain to start economic competition with France in Europe. Since there were limited resources,
Britain chose to tax the colonists to tighten its administration in North America. The Parliament said
that, The cost of administering the North American colonies alone rose to $135,000 a year in 1763
five times what it had cost in 1756 . With the debt of the Seven Year War and many others from
previous fights, and with the suspicion coming from other European countries concerning its
weakening economy, the British government needed to collect more taxes to manage its empire
that got tripled in debts during these years. After knowing the Britain s reasons of taxation, the
colonists became aware of Britain s
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Ender Wiggins Book Report
The main character in this book, Ender Wiggins, has a difficult life since the age of only six
years old. He is the third child to Mrs. and Mr. Wiggins. This is unheard of because in this world
they only allow a maximum of two children per household. Because the International Fleet
allowed his parents to give birth to Ender, he is seen as property of them. They are in charge of
deciding how he will live his life. At the age of six, Ender has been chosen by the authority that he
will soon become the warrior that will command the revolution between the humans and the
buggers. While becoming the savior of the world he also is becoming into an involuntary murder,
and After every evil event that he does he becomes more and more heartbroken with... Show more
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After this one, he would not have to do anymore simulations. Mazer states, This is a simulation of
the real invasion. (280) Mazer then tells Ender that this one is going to be the hardest simulation
yet. As Ender starts, he sees that this it is difficult because it is unfair. He has to face thousands of
enemies while only having eighty fighters under his control.This once again infuriates him, and he
decides that he will not let the enemies kill him unfairly, but he instead will beat them unfairly first.
Ender decides to ruthlessly attack the planet of his enemies, buggers , and kill them all off. He
commits a genocide of the entire buggers population without knowing it. The International Fleet
completely tricks him into doing all of this against his
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Teen Music Influence
Teenagers listen to music; nobody will say otherwise. However, claiming that today s music is
ruining teenagers in general and becoming a major detriment to the average teenager s health
will put the speaker in hot water. That does not make it any less true, however. In fact, it s quite
the opposite. While many teenagers practice clean lifestyles and abstain from sex, drugs, and
alcohol, many choose to abuse these substances and lead themselves down dark pathways for the
rest of their lives. Modern genres of music, primarily targeted to appeal to teens, idolize and
somewhat worship sex, drugs, and alcohol, and certainly influence many who may otherwise
choose to abstain from these substances to fall victim to their negative presence. Music s influence
on teens has not been a positive one: creating pressure for teens to drink, smoke, or practice unsafe
sex well before they are prepared to make those decisions themselves. Beginning with alcohol, there
is no shortage of the amount of songs that promote heavy drinking. Many songs that involve going
out and having fun also pair alcoholic drinks alongside their lyrics, which, in turn, demonstrates to
teens that alcohol is associated with having fun. A study in 2014 by Dartmouth College concluded
that those who listened to music that included references to alcohol were more likely to drink
during parties and other frequent social events than those who listened to clean music (Primack).
Linking alcohol to music does not cease
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Attention Deficit Disorder ( Adhd )
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) continues to be a complex and widespread problem that is
occurring in children at an unprecedented rate. According to DSM V, a child must present
symptoms before the age of twelve and display the symptoms for at least six months. There are two
types of ADHD disorders; inattentive type and hyperactive impulsive. A child could also have a
combination of the two. Some of the most common symptoms for inattention include lack of
attention, difficulty sustaining attention, difficulty following instructions, easily distracted and
forgetfulness. Common symptoms for hyperactive impulsive include fidgeting, excessive
talking, being on the go very often and interrupting others (Mash Wolfe, 2008). Both types of
ADHD may affect a child s social, personal and academic life. Children with the disorder may
have sleeping problems and are more prone to accidents. Young children with ADHD show signs
of aggression as young as preschool. During preschool years, they are ignoring their parents,
acting out in public and getting into fights with other students or family members (Modesto, et
al., 2008). As a child enters his or her adolescent years, they are more likely to do poorly in school
and in some cases may even drop out. Their defiance poses a challenge for the parents (Modesto et
al, 2014). Studies have shown that parents with children who have ADHD frequently reinforce their
behaviors by giving attention to their impulsivity (Modesto, et al.,
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The Pros And Cons Of Google Making USupid
Those of us who have used Google, already know what it means when someone says, Google that.
Google is the most popular search engine website on the Internet, with more than three billion
searches per day. Google is much more than just a search engine; Google powers Android phones,
our soon to be selfless driving cars, our Internet in poor countries, and our Chromebook computers.
Thanks to the help of Google, we are able to live a more robust life using all the technologies and
services they provide. Although Nicholas Carr argues that, in fact, Google is to be blamed for
making us the end user stupid. I disagree with Nicholas Carr on Is Google making us stupid
because Google makes us more efficient, more productive, and more sociable.... Show more content
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Google does not make us stupid, culture does. Google is merely a massive index, making
information stored on other websites easily assessable to you, the end user. Google does not
scatter our attention and diffuse our concentration (Carr 7) however, it rather makes us better
beings in our daily lives. Google is much more than what Nicholas Carr sees it as. Google has
helped millions of people, and constantly keeps helping people with technologies in which
transforms lives for the better
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How to Revive the Golden Era of Islam
Introduction:I m going to describe the briefly introduction of the golden era of islam.The golden
era of Islam starts in the mid of 8th century by the ascension of the Abbasid caliphate. He claimed
to belong to the same tribe oh prophet Muhammad (SAW) that s why he followed Quran and suuah,
during this period the Arab world became a center of science, philosophy, medicine and education.
Is it possible to revive the golden era of Islam?
As a Muslim we should believe that we can do this. But problem is that what way we adopt to do
this. Which factors affect on this and what should we do?
Muslim should focus on Islamic rules: Islam is the only one region in the world that does tell us
the everything about the way of life. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Attainment knowledge is a must for every Muslim
It is clear from this Hades that knowledge is necessary. but on the other hand we have also
required search to introduce something new or better for nation and search is not a very easy
work, it is true that a lot of struggle is required t get something new. But our purpose is to revive
the golden era of islam.so, to get or fulfill this aim Muslim should concentrate on search and higher
education and for this we should learnt about the science, and consult with the scholars, at this time
the duty of our young generation is that to search everywhere in this world and work for the
development of Islam with the help of knowledge. if we observe the present condition and the
interest of Muslims for scientific knowledge then, it is not to much better as to compare with the
golden age of Islam.
Government duties: Some important responsibilities of Muslim governments are
1)Government should build scientific institute.
2)Fee of the institute should be very low otherwise poor people can t get this knowledge.
3)Digital machines should be bought from abroad.
Comparison of today behavior of human beings with golden age of Islam:
Another important point is that the behavior of human beings with each other. Because character of
anyone plays an important role in the life of every person. If we observed our present conditions in
our country, then we can say
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Dulce Decorum Est Tone
Wilfred Owen accomplishes a wide array of different objectives in his poem De Dulce Decorum
Est through his word choice, tone, and vivid imagery. Using a destitute tone consistently
throughout the first stanza, Owen creates a specific atmosphere. Giving objects life through
extensive personification, and comparing them through many similes. Owen also gives us a
clear depiction of how he saw war, being a soldier himself against the backdrop of WWI, Owen
had a strong opposition to war and suffered himself from shell shock. A portion of his poem in
the last stanza is a direct reference to Jessie Pope, a pro war poet. In the first stanza, the entire
tone is dreary and completely void of any positive qualities. Owen utilizes many sensory devices
to give us a specific and intended feeling of how the soldiers feel and to the extent of how
exhausted they are. He creates vivid imagery through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Owen writes that In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, / He plunges at me, guttering,
choking, drowning. (15 16) again referencing to the first stanza of being blind, but being able to
recall in all of his dreams the sight of the man suffocating on chlorine gas. In the fourth stanza,
Owen begins by writing in some smothering dreams you too could pace (17) reinforcing that he
lives this memory in his dreams, and that the closest someone who hasn t had their experience of
war could truly understand is through some horrific dream. The last stanza is a reference to the
work of Jessie Pope, a pro war time poet whose writing encouraged young men to join the war.
Furthermore, Owen uses many sensory devices in the last stanza, such as If you could hear, at
every jolt the blood / Come gargling forth (21 22) to give almost an audible sensation for the
reader, and to give reinforcement to the horror that the men will have to face once going to
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Hyperbole In Life Of Pi
This passage connects to the theme of parent child relationships between Pi and his father. This
passage is important towards plot development because it show the strong relationship between
Pi and his father. Santosh Patel called Pi and Ravi unexpectedly and tries to frighten them, to
keep them from being naive by going close to a ferocious carnivorous animal. This is important
towards the setting because Pi lives in a Zoo and is surrounded by animals that can easily
disfigure him. Martel uses hyperboles to exaggerate the fear of Pi by saying that his neck should
have snapped and his head should have fell to the floor because of how hard he was nodding. The
hyperbole is very effective in helping the reader to understand the fear Pi is going
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Mogen Company Financial Analysis
MoGen On January 10, 2006 the managing director of Merrill Lynch s Equity Linked Capital
markets Group, Dar Maanavi, was reviewing the final drafts of a proposal for a convertible debt
offering by MoGen, Inc. As a leading biotechnology company in the United States, MoGen had
become an important client for Merrill Lynch over the years. In fact, if this deal were to be
approved by MoGen at $5billion, it would represent Merrill Lynch s third financing for MoGen
in four years with proceeds raised totaling $10 billion. Moreover, this convert would be the largest
such single offering in history. The proceeds were earmarked to fund a variety of capital
expenditures, research and development expenses, working capital needs, as well as a... Show more
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Over the years, the industry had made progress in shortening the approval time and improving
the predictability of the approval process. At the same time, industry R D expenditures had
increased 12.6% over 2003 in the continuing race to find the next big breakthrough product. Like
all biotech companies, MoGen faced uncertainty regarding new product creating as well as
challenges involved with sustaining a pipeline of future products. Now a competitive threat of
follow on biologics or biosimilars began emerging. As drugs neared the end of their patent
protection, competitors would produce similar drugs as substitutes. Competitors could not produce
the drug exactly, because they did not have access to the original manufacturer s molecular clone
or purification process. Thus, biosimilars required their own approval to ensure they performed as
safely as the original drugs. For MoGen, this threat was particularly significant in Europe, where
several patents were approaching expiration. Funding Needs MoGen needed to ensure a consistent
supply of cash to fund R D and to maintain financial flexibility in the face of uncertain challenges
an opportunities. MoGen had cited several key areas that would require approximately $10 billion
in funding for 2006: 1. Expanding manufacturing and information, and fill and finish capacity:
Recently, the company had not been able to scale up production to
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An Era Of Globalisation What Is The Future For Family Run...
Topic Review
In an era of globalisation what is the future for family run businesses? Discuss using examples from
two sectors?
Globalisation is a channel by which the world is rapidly connected due to massive trade and
culture change .It has increased the development of goods and services. Many countries around the
world now have subsidiaries rather than national firms. It has taken hundred of years to establish
itself but has raised in the last half of the century. The international trade has increased due to the
presence of globalisation. The companies started to operate in more than one country because of it.
The global economy started heavily depending on globalisation. The movement of capital, services
and materials ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are basically depending on one talent in the family. Secondly, as the market change happens
rapidly they are not having the required skills for the next upcoming generations. They are only
able to retain some level of customer loyalty in the business as they don t have wider market
trends.(Harris, 2016)
Below is the Example for both the sectors in UK
Jewellery Sector: The W Carter Son
It is a jewellery family run business which was started 200 years ago. . The eldest brother in the
W Carter Son family, Brain Holmes started the company with his brother after their father passed
away in 1950 s. To keep the heritage of the name of the company ,the fa Brain s grandfather took it
from the family of Carter. They are now focusing on the clients base who are in Salisbury which is
a English medieval city. The main business of the company is rings. It is because the brides mother
and grandmother choose it from the same place. The company even not even changed their carpets
and paints because they want to maintain the reputation in the company. Despite many availability
of competitive priced products in the market, through various television sources and through
internet they are still able to hold their business together. Many of the family business gets to the
third generation. It always depends on the country and economy you are performing. There are
many advantages and disadvantages for having a family owned business in
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The Characteristics Of An Epic Hero In The Epic Of Beowulf
What makes epic hero stories so compelling? Is it the continuous freedom, courage, and value in
society or is it the significance implemented in who the characters are? Stories have been passed
down for generations. Some of the most famous examples is Beowulf, ВЁGilgameshВЁ , Iliad,
and ВЁJulius Caesar.ВЁ Epic stories portray the development of an epic heroes characterization
through courage, strength, and love of glory throughout the plot of a story. A major epic hero trait
is courage. The act of picking yourself up after you were thrown down to help others. In the story
of Beowulf, Beowulf saved the Danes. ВґВґAnd a young prince must be prudent like that, giving
freely while his father lives so that afterwards in age when fighting starts steadfast companions will
stand by him and hold the line. Behaviour that s admired is the path to power among people
everywhere.ВґВґ (SparkNotes Beowulf) This selection is describing Beowulf as a prince and
warrior who is courageous enough to fight his life for people he cares about. Since Grendel often
attacks at night, it displays the setting as a more hard and rigid area. The behavior of saving
people brings power within the epic hero. ВґВґ Beowulf got ready, donned his war gear, indifferent
to death; his mighty, hand forged, fine webbed mail would soon meet with the menace underwater.
It would keep the bone cage of his body safe.ВґВґ (Spark Notes Beowulf) In this selection,
Beowulf is getting ready to go to war with Grendel s mother. He
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Essay on Sharon Olds The Possessive
The Possessive
Teenage rebellion is typically portrayed in stories, films, and other genres as a testosterone based
phenomenon. There is an overplayed need for one to acknowledge a boy s rebellion against his
father, his life direction, the system, in an effort to become a man, or rather an adult. However,
rarely is the female addressed in such a scenario. What happens when little girls grow up? Do they
rebel? Do they, in a sudden overpowering rush of estrogen, deny what has been taught to them from
birth and shed their former youthful façades? Do they turn on their mothers? In Sharon Olds
poem, The Possessive, the reader is finally introduced to the female version of the popular coming
of age theme as a simple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
From here the tone of unease and apprehension often felt before a great battle is set. This is not a
haircut. It is a preparation for war.
The next image Olds puts into play is that of the vision of her daughter reborn as the enemy.
Olds describes the daughter s hair by saying, each strand now cuts/ both ways. The blade of new
bangs hangs over her red brown eyes/ like carbon steel. This is not a typical description of hair.
Olds specifically compares the young girl s hair to a freshly sharpened weapon. With words such as
cuts, blade, and carbon steel, Olds builds up an image of a lethal weapon such as a knife or perhaps
sword, weapons both clearly used for battle. Olds further describes the girl s hair by
acknowledging that all the little/ spliced ropes are sliced. The line break in the poem which
leaves the phrase all the little alone to be followed up by second line describing the sliced hair,
adds to Olds image. All the little appears as a memory of the mother of her former daughter, a
memory that is quickly destroyed by the second image of those little strands now taking on a
threatening sliced form. In addition, the line also holds a visual separation between the two
different images that occupy the mother s same thought
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Montessori Educational Approach And Early Childhood Education
The Montessori educational approach was developed by Italian psychiatrist Maria Montessori, who
initially began working with deprived and retarded children. Observations on educational challenges
faced by these children directed her to formulate theories in the fields of cognitive development and
early childhood education. Noticing the progress made by students that were previously considered
uneducable, Montessori ponder the poor performance normal children were having at regular
schools. She argued that schools during that time (late 19th beginning of 20th century) were not
meeting the individual educational needs of children and hence suffocated, rather than encourage,
learning. In 1907 she opened her own school to see if her methods could be implemented for
educating normal children. Montessori believed that children learn what they are willing to learn;
they might have significant differences from each other depending on what stage they are to what
materials they might be receptive at any particular time (Arcus, 2001).
The Montessori educational approach emphasizes in individualized education. Children are free
to work at their own pace and to select what they would like to learn and do in a competition free
environment. The trademark of Montessori s approach is the child s self absorption in discovery
and mastery of tasks. Additionally, Montessori s classrooms encourage self direction in a pleasant
atmosphere, self discipline and respect for authority (Certini,
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The Doom Clock Chapter 2.
An old, blue Ford truck sped down a mountain trail. Trees of fiery leaves lined the dirt road.
Alexander sat in the back seat of the car. In the front sat his mom, dark haired and green eyed,
and his dad, wearing a faded jacket and a look of desperation. It was Sunday in November.
Normally, Alexander would be at the park playing baseball with his friends or at the library. Today
was different. A family trip, his mom had told him. But something seemed odd. Maybe it was the
way his parents were barely glancing him, the way they seemed to have something to hide.
Alexanders mom had said that they would be back at their Albuquerque home before the day
finished. They had been driving for [number of] hours. It was evening. The car stopped at an old
farm. In the middle lay a rotting barn that had once been light blue. Paint peeled. Rusted tractor
parts and equipment were scattered across the lawn. To the right lay deep green woods. Dirt
road stretched to the left. The farm looked utterly deserted. Were here, grunted Alexander s
father. Alex s mom marched toward the door of the barn. There was a rusted bell, connected to a
pulley and a thick rope. Alex s mom pulled it. The bell rang out, loud and strong. The family
waited. They must have looked strange, crowded onto the stoop of an old farm house outside of
Santa Fe. Alexander s parents often did strange things. They had little money, and always signed
up for odd jobs. Alexander s dad worked as a part time doorman,
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Louise Symbolism In The Story Of An Hour
Within the tear jerking short story, The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, Kate Chopin offers
insight on the ongoing battle of the main character and her loss of her husband. In the beginning of
the story, Louise Mallard has to be informed about her husband s death. Since Louise suffers from
heart trouble, her sister, Josephine, must inform her in a cautious manner. Brently, was announced
dead by a local newspaper in which Brently has died due to a railroad disaster. Louise is perched
against an open window in which she studies the outside environment closely. She begins to cry
simultaneously trying to keep her emotions within. She soon repeats free! numerous amounts of
times. Louise imagines seeing her husband s corpse and began to imagine... Show more content on
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Louise then exclaims, free, free, free! when she was told about the news of her husband s death
(Chopin 13). Louise exclaims free multiple times because this is essentially her hidden feeling
towards her husband s death, free. In direct correlation to Louise repetition of free, she sits near a
window in which symbolizes her underlying feelings towards the oppressiveness of marriage. After
all the time she stared out the window, now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was
fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflection, but
rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought (Chopin 13). Louise undergoes a change in
mindset in which she suddenly realizes the freedom she received over Brently s death. The window
is a symbol to her freedom, in which she enlightens herself after a few moments of thought.
Lastly, irony plays a role in Louise s sudden death. The irony begins when Louise breathed a
quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life
might be long (Chopin 14). The death of Brently poured the negative influences in Louise s mind.
She believed that her life was going to be long and dull when she was informed. Eventually, the
doctors came they said she had died of heart disease of joy that kills (Chopin 14). Shortly after she
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Just In Time Systems Essay
Devising an efficient system of counting and maintaining a stock of inventory items has long been
an arduous task for many business owners. The old method of cataloging by part or item number
has all but disappeared since the proliferation of electronic catalogs and the use of computer
software and web based ordering/monitoring systems. Inventory management is necessary for
ownerswho want to maintain a stocking service for quick turnaroundto help ensure total customer
satisfaction. An item on a managed inventory list must be maintained to avoid shortagesof
frequently used items. Even when utilizing an inventory management system, occasional shortages
will still occur. To be successful in today s fast paced, highly competitive... Show more content on
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An efficient and effective system helps lead to a cost efficient operation and a high degree of
customer satisfaction.
Next, the focus of many industries today is shifting towards more and more automation and
reliance on computers. The World Wide Web has altered the way companies and individuals
interact with each other. What was once thousands of miles away or days in the future can now be
obtained instantly with the click of a mouse button. That being said, the Just In Time system is one
of the many ways companies can manage their inventory. This type of system can only exist
through the use of automation and many advances in technology. The purpose and goal of this
type of system is to eliminate wasted inventory and remain extremely flexible to the ever changing
business environment (Reid Ch 7, 2002). The idea is to take a much broader view of operations
where inventory is not only controlled by managers but also by the salesmen and sometimes even
the consumer himself. J I T management strives to eliminate wasted time and money spent in
unnecessary material handling and overstocked shelves. By allowing the consumer to drive the
inventory a company can simplify the entire process and decrease mistakes.
This type of system is only possible through the use of technology, automation, and flexibility. This
must come from the company providing the product or service and all of the suppliers that are
involved in the process. Further, J I T inventory
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Lake Tahoe Area Development
Incline Village and Crystal Bay Recreation The community surrounding the Northern Shores of the
Lake Tahoe area is truly spectacular. The communities of Incline Village and Crystal Bay offer
both full time and part time residents an amazing amount of year round recreation. Hiking, biking,
boating, swimming, golfing, skiing and snowboarding are just a few of the activities popular in the
area. Offering a range of activities, from tennis to dance, the wonderful community surrounding the
North Shore of Lake Tahoe has a sometimes special to offer every one of its residents. Parks and
Recreation The communities located on the Northern Shore of Lake Tahoe offer a variety of
activities for recreational enjoyment throughout the year. Popular area... Show more content on
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The wonderful tennis facility also offers a full stocked up to date Pro Shop, weekly socials and
tennis mixers, and a professional staff to assist with any and every tennis related need. Golfing
Surrounded by the exquisite scenery of Lake Tahoe s pristine wilderness, the Incline Village
area s two world class golf courses offer residents and visitors opportunities to play on some of
the most highly rated courses in the country. Incline Villages s Championship Course was
recently named as Best In State by the Golf Digest Magazine. The course was also listed among
the Best Courses To Play by Golfweek Magazine. The challenging Mountain Course will prove
difficult to even the most experienced golfer. The course has been heralded as One Of the top
short courses in America by Golf Range Magazine.
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Cherokee Caverns Essay
A little, yet intriguing cave west in Knox County, TN is Cherokee Caverns. The Cherokee
Caverns is located in 8524 Oak Ridge Highway Knoxville TN 37931 US. The cavern hold up
events like music festival, Christmas, and the not so scary Halloween. Outside of the Cherokee
Caverns sits a bizarre rock is a Stromatolite, a fossil of old blue green growth, additionally called
cyanobacteria. As the sticky green growth developed, they caught sand and other dregs and
different layers would develop. The living beings developed entirely expansive over several years.
After some time they got to be fossilized. Since cyanobacteria have the capacity to photosynthesize,
researchers trust that these primitive green growth may have been in charge of putting the... Show
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They are normally found in limestone, where they are the most widely recognized. Be that as it
may, they re frame in any sort of cavern where water enters that has gotten broken down
minerals. Flowstones are framed by means of the degassing of permeation waters. Cavern
Flowstone shapes when water streams out of a break in the whole dividers and stores Calcium
Carbonate or CaCO3 for short. A few stone cover walls have chestnut and beige layers that look
much like bacon. The most acclaimed flowstone arrangement in Cherokee Caverns called the
Capital Hall Dome . In spite of the fact that flowstones are among the biggest of speleothems, a
type of cave formation, they can at present be harmed by a solitary touch. Flowstones are
additionally great identifiers of times of past dry spells, since they require some type of water to
build up; the absence of that water for drawn out stretches of time can leave follows in the stone
record by means of the nonappearance or vicinity of Flowstones, and their point by point structure.
The oil from human fingers causes the streaming water to stay away from the range water will
avoid areas that have been touched and calcite. (Mikolajczyk). The last and most exciting part in
the cave are the
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The Success Of Project Portfolio Management
Jeffrey Pinto defines project portfolio management as, the systematic process of selecting,
supporting, and managing a firm s collection of projects. (p. 92). Many large firms can have
multiple projects going on at the same time. These projects might support each other or can be
stand alone projects. This essay will examine the keys to successful project portfolio management
and analyze the key difficulties in successfully implementing them. The success of project portfolio
management is determined by three key factors. The factors include: flexible structure and freedom
of communication, low cost environmental scanning, and time paced transition. Projects that
involve difficult channels of communication can be very difficult to develop. The projects that
involve lots of red tape and other levels of administration can hinder them from meeting
milestones and can be doomed to fail from the beginning. One of the main keys to a projects
success is communication. Pinto writes, Successful portfolios emerge from environments that
foster flexibility and open communication. When project teams are allowed to improvise and
experiment on existing product lines, innovative new product ideas are more likely to emerge. (p.
95). This open communication and flexibility allows team members to voice their concerns when
issues arise and allow them to come up with alternatives freely with having to get approval from
project leaders or management. The next key to success is low cost
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What Is Abu Ghraib Unethical
A prison located in Iraq, Abu Ghraib was occupied by United States army in the early 2000s,
where Iraqi detainees and tortured. While the United States hoped to acquire information about
terror in hopes to save a greater number of people, reducing other people to merely a means was
unethical. In this review of the case of Abu Ghraib, I will examine various events and possible
contributing factors to unethical treatments of prisoners. Further, This essay will explore two
opposing perspectives for and against reasoning for tortures. To respond to the unethical nature of
the guards behavior, I will apply Kant s method to ethics. Additionally, while trying to explain why
the United Statesactions, I will refer to Utilitarianism. Lastly, This... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
completely unethical. Immanuel Kant in his book Religion within the Bounds of Reason Alone
(Part I: On the Indwelling of the Bad Principle along with the Good; or, On the Radical Evil in
Human Nature) , explains evil as knowing the difference between good and evil and choosing to
do evil. Some of the guards from Abu Ghraib stated they knew some of the abuse techniques
where unreasonable however they want to head to do it. Additionally while trying understanding
morality and society, Kant uses the categorical imperative. Kant s categorical imperative holds
that to indicate whether an act is ethical, apply your maxim as a universal law if the result is
positive then the act is acceptable.In the case study of Ghraib, Kant will respond by considering
the result of making extreme torturous to gain information while dehumanizing people is made
universal law. The torturous conduct by the prison guards cannot be a logical principle. Further
more, referring to Kant s practical imperative, Act so that you use humanity, as much in your own
person as in the person of every other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as
means. (p 47 48). Kant would agree that people should be treated as ends not
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Comparing Bugatti Veyron And Hennessey Venom
Car experts research involving Bugatti Veyron and Hennessey Venom, and seeing which car is
the fastest. Without cars life would hard and with them would be dangerous. Ever since 1879
1885, people have been trying to make car better, faster, and safer, so a lot of companies have
started making fast cars. Some cars like Camaro, Corvette, Ferrari, Porsche, Mustang,
Challenger, lamborghini, but the two car that have beat all of those cars are Bugatti, and
Hennesey. Now the two companies are racing to see which car is worthy to be the fastest car in
the world. From where we started until now, car have had a big upgrade since 1885. Common
cars are cheap. But these car are expensive like heck. These three cars are rarely seen, Lamborghini,
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A Brief Note On Preventative Medicine And Education
Preventative Medicine and Education Poor health and homelessness has been connected through
multiple studies. Having poor health can cause homelessness. On the flip side, being homeless can
also cause poor health. Being homeless brings a list of complications including limited access to
getting proper health care. This causes the health of the homeless population in the United States to
be worse than that of the general population. Common health problems in the homeless population
include: mental health problems, substance abuse problems, bronchitis and pneumonia, problems
caused by being outdoors, wound and skin infections, along with the complications that follow
each of the listed problems (Medicine Plus, 2016). Along with the list of problems previously
stated, many homeless women are victims of domestic or sexual abuse. Children often have high
rates of emotional and behavioral problems, many times caused from having witnessed abuse.
Studies have shown 31 46% report having a chronic medical problem. (NHCHC, 2001, p.1).
According to these statistics almost half of the homeless population are suffering from chronic
health problems. The majority of which will not receive proper care to cure the health problems.
The homeless population, in order to address the living challenges, they use extraordinary amounts
of human services. Visits to a facility that provides health care is much higher for a homeless person
than the general population. Homeless adults are
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Weather And Extreme Weather
Since the time of their early existence, humans have migrated to regions of the Earth that offer
climates favorable to their survival and have planned to persevere extreme weather events. In this
unit, students will observe models and analyze data to learn how the interplay between atmospheric
variables such as temperature, air pressure, and moisture leads to the typical and sometimes
extreme weather events that humans experience. Analyzing weather data to make predictions is a
key part of this unit and students understanding of how weather patterns can help us predict future
weather events. This unit aims at explaining how Earth s tilt, along with its changing position
around the Sun causes variation in the amount of incoming solar radiation (insolation) that reaches
the surface. This unequal distribution of energy causes variations in seasons we experience on
Earth. Students also will learn that climate is influenced by latitude, proximity to large bodies of
water, ocean currents, among other factors.
Air Masses and Fronts Lesson Plan, Wednesday Novemeber, 2017
Context of course and unit
Unit essential questionsUnit focus standard(s)DT Focus action (if applicable)
Rain yesterday, sunshine today and snow tomorrow what causes the weather we experience day to
Atmospheric moisture, temperature and pressure distributions; jet streams, wind; air masses and
frontal boundaries; and the movement of cyclonic systems and associated tornadoes,
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Charles Lee
Charles Lee: General in the American Revolutionary War
By David E. LaClair Jr
Charles Lee, a general in the American Revolutionary war, is a historic figure in American history.
Serving under George Washington, Charles Lee participated in a number of battles. However,
history says Charles Lee was treacherous to the cause, all the while that he was in command during
that time; he was acting in bad faith toward the Americans. His influence in the army was, at all
times, mischievous (General Charles Lee: Traitor of the American Revolution). To the British,
Charles Lee was a traitor who turned on England to fight under George Washington. Due to Charles
Lee s treacherous actions against America, it would lead to his downfall in the ... Show more
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Most of the credit rightfully belonged to Colonel Moultrie because nine warships mounting nearly
270 guns (cannon) were soundly defeated by Colonel William Moultrie. Also, with limited
ammunition, Moultrie s orders were not to waste fire (Preservation Society of Charleston). When
Washington gave Lee another command sometime after, Lee was reluctant to carry it out. Lee
questioned Washington s ability, possibly from his earlier experience with Washington at Braddock
s. Some have speculated that Lee wanted to see his superior defeated so that he could take
command of the continental army (US History, War for Independence). In December 1776, Lee
left his army to spend the evening in White s Tavern in Basking Ridge, New Jersey (US History,
War for Independence). Things may have gone good to Lee at first, having nice food and being
around women, but all that changed when Lee stayed the night at the tavern and woke up the
next morning. When morning came, Lee was surprised by the arrival of British troops under
Benastre Tarleton, a former comrade who had sworn an oath in a London club to track down
and decapitate Lee. Following a brief skirmish during which escape routes were cut off, a
humiliated Lee was taken prisoner and removed to New York City (US History, War for
Independence). Because of Lee s lust and desire to get away from battle, lent him to be captured
by the very same people who considered him a traitor. This news eventually reached Washington s
ears; he
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How Does Body Image Affect Self Esteem
Media and body image
How media and body image effects self esteem
To lack self esteem means to lack confidence in yourself, essentially, its how you see your body,
not only when you look in a mirror but the mental image of how you perceive your body. With a
damaged self esteem an individual can feel worthless. Media can seriously damage a young
teenagers self esteem with the way it portrays the female body. According to thinspiration
alludes to symbolism normally shared via web based networking media that urges a client to be
thin. It is a self perception that is perfect to numerous around the globe, particularly by models in
media. Models are advertised so falsely that young girls may begin to wonder if there is
something wrong with them or why they don t look like what people perceive as beautiful. The
way they view their body is affected negatively as a result. This then leads to feeling
overwhelmed and low. Threads on fat shaming or discussions about ideal body weight can be
found all over social media lowering the self esteem of venerable teenagers.. Thousands of images
with hashtags of thinspiration and bonespiration (which just happens to be very thin images meant
inspire certain body ideals) can be found all over social media With the promotion of unrealistic
body images, adolescents begin to envy the way they look and viewing it in a negative manner.
discuss how body image dissatisfaction is obtaining negative views about one s physical body,
shape and weight. Individuals with a big level of confidence know who they are. They think
using logic and reason and discover companions that accept them for who they are. Individuals
with a high level of confidence feel responsible for their lives and are aware of their gifts and
abilities.. With studies showing self esteem is impacted by social media, anything on the internet
can influence someone, somewhere. Negative images impact self esteem negatively and vise versa,
meaning if body image is portrayed as unrealistic and negative, it will cause individuals to feel
negatively about themselves.
How media and body image puts individuals at risk of developing eating disorders
How we feel about ourselves and what we perceive as beautiful is based on how we
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Pit And The Pendulum Suspense
In Edgar Allen Poe s Pit and the Pendulum, Poe uses the horror elements of suspense, madness,
and facing your phobias. In the Pit and the Pendulum a man is tortured, loses his mind, and
eventually is forced to jump down into the pit to his assumed death. Firstly, the suspense in the
story really had us waiting for what would come next for example in the story when it said The
vibration of the pendulum was at right angles to my length, I saw that the region that the crescent
was designed to cross my heart (Poe #8). Next we see that Poe uses the element of horror such as,
madness when the main character was basically awaiting his own death for instance when he said,
My eyes followed it s outward or upward whirls with the eagerness of
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Last Lecture By Randy Pausch
Randy Pausch s The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams was given on September
18th, 2007, shortly after being diagnosed with cancer. Randy made his goal of the speech not
more than five minutes in, stating the importance of achieving your childhood dreams. The
language he is using is very formal, and he appeals to the audience by making several references
to common things such as movies, and a humorous quote after he states his current condition, I
m in better shape than most of you! as he proceeds doing pushups on stage. In various points in
his speech, he is speaking to certain individuals in the audience about things pertaining to his
story, and how he achieved some of his childhood dreams with the help of others. Randy really
hit it off with everybody, and made the speech untimely, so that anybody at any point in time can
view his speech and wonder is this still relevant? Near the closing of his speech, he states that he
wasn t giving to speech for everybody in the audience; he was giving the speech for his children,
as he wouldn t be around for them growing up. At several points in his speech he makes
references to common things and statistics, such as MacBook s and how few people have one. At
other points he referenced things such as Steve Jobs + Wozniak in their garage, as him and his
team build his VR setup for under $5,000.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sometimes, at some points, his story involves somebody who is in the audience, and he points
them out and they converse about something in particular, such as part of the story. This way of
speaking allows for the audience to think Hey, I could be one of the people he is speaking to; I
could have done some of these amazing things! This works perfectly for Randy s goal in the speech
getting the audience to achieve their childhood
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Main Elements of a Contract
Main elements of a contract A contract is a written or verbal agreement made between two or
more parties in which the exchange of goods and/or services is agreed upon through unilateral
or bilateral exchange. A successful contract contains at least six key elements, which detail how
this exchange or exchanges will take place. A contract can also include details of how breach
will be handled or details about how the contract can be legally terminated. Furthermore, a
contract can have several defenses that will make it unenforceable by law. The six major
elements of a contract are offer, acceptance, objections, mutuality of obligation, and competency.
In contracts, an offer specifies what goods and/or services are going to be exchanged. An order
can be defined as an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the
intention that [terms] shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is
addressed (Treitel, 2007). As stated in the definition of offer, the next step in creating a successful
contract is acceptance. Acceptance can also be referred to as genuine assent and requires that all
parties partaking in a contract agree to the terms outlined in the offer. Legally, all terms outlined in a
contract cannot be transferred to a third party, nor can services be subcontracted out to a third party
unless there is a provision included in the contract that addresses how these circumstances should be
handled. Furthermore, all terms
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Long Hair Extension
Long hair, desirable for centuries, is thought to make a woman more attractive. The ancient
association between long hair and youth, health and fertility has persisted into contemporary
beauty standards and having long, thick eyelashes has been added to this list of desirable features.
Long lashes draw attention to the eyes, making them eyes appear larger and more expressive. Not
ever woman can have long hairso salons started offering hair extension services to add length and
bulk to thin or short hair. The hair extension s popularity along with advances in technology and
technique have given salons a new cosmetic service that does for eyelashes what hair extensions do
for hairstyling. Today s upscale salons now include eyelash extensions
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Jews And The Crusades Essay
attacks, especially since it broke the church code of law ( Jews and the Crusades ). As a result of
the Christians hatred, the crusaders began their Crusades with attacks on the Jews. One of the first
major attacks on the Jews occurred when Emicho of Flonheim lead an attack against the Jews of
Mainz on May 27, 1096 ( Jewsand the Crusades). The Jews fled to the palace of Archbishop
Ruothard, but Emicho s forces were too strong and broke through their gates ( Jews and the
Crusades ). When the Jews saw what their fate was, many Jews, fell upon one another, brother,
children, wives, and sisters, and thus they perished at each other s hands. Horrible to say, mothers
cut the throats of nursing children with knives and stabbed others, preferring... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The Jews that fled were quickly captured and were either forcibly baptised or murdered ( Jews and
the Crusades ). These attacks resulted in a bitter relationship between Christians and Jews for
hundreds of years for unnecessary persecution and killing. This shows that the Crusades were a
turning point because it ruined relationships that affected their interactions for hundreds of years.
A third effect of the crusades was the influx of many new ideas into the European culture from
Muslim culture. When the crusaders went to the Holy Lands, they were very far behind culturally
because they were in the thick of the dark ages, due to the viking raids, which kept many Europeans
isolated. When they reached the Holy Lands, they were introduced into their culture that was years
ahead of them. This enlightenment of culture to all of the crusaders resulted in cultural diffusion.
All of the great things that they saw and experienced in Jerusalem, they brought back with them.
These things that they brought back included the handkerchief, mosaics, the guitar, sugar cane,
syrup, lemons, silk, glass mirrors, cotton, plums, almonds, watermelons, pearls, and many more
great things. This diffusion had a huge impact because it introduced the Europeans to all of the
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Alcohol Abuse Introduction
Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse
Signs, Symptoms, and Help for Drinking Problems
It s not always easy to see when your drinking has crossed the line from moderate or social use to
problem drinking. But if you consume alcohol to cope with difficulties or to avoid feeling bad, you
re in potentially dangerous territory. Alcoholismand alcohol abuse can sneak up on you, so it s
important to be aware of the warning signs and take steps to cut back if you recognize them.
Understanding the problem is the first step to overcoming it.
In This Article: * Understanding drinking problems * Signs amp; symptoms of alcohol abuse *
Signs amp; symptoms of alcoholism * Drinking problems and denial * Effects of alcoholism *
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Signs and symptoms of alcoholism (alcohol dependence)
Alcoholism is the most severe form of problem drinking. Alcoholism involves all the symptoms of
alcohol abuse, but it also involves another element: physical dependence on alcohol. If you rely on
alcohol to function or feel physically compelled to drink, you re an alcoholic.
Tolerance: The 1st major warning sign of alcoholism
Do you have to drink a lot more than you used to in order to get buzzed or to feel relaxed? Can
you drink more than other people without getting drunk? These are signs of tolerance, which can
be an early warning sign of alcoholism. Tolerance means that, over time, you need more and more
alcohol to feel the same effects.
Withdrawal: The 2nd major warning sign of alcoholism
Do you need a drink to steady the shakes in the morning? Drinking to relieve or avoid
withdrawal symptoms is a sign of alcoholism and a huge red flag. When you drink heavily, your
body gets used to the alcohol and experiences withdrawal symptoms if it s taken away. These
include: * Anxiety or jumpiness * Shakiness or trembling * Sweating * Nausea and vomiting *
Insomnia | * Depression * Irritability * Fatigue * Loss of appetite * Headache |
In severe cases, withdrawal from alcohol can also involve hallucinations, confusion, seizures, fever,
and agitation. These symptoms can be dangerous, so talk to your doctor if you
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The Wreck Of The Titan
Javian Keys Informative Outline I.Introduction A.Attention Getter: An American writer named
Morgan Robertson on one occasion wrote a book called The Wreck of the Titan. The book was
about an unsinkable ship called the Titan that set sail from England to New York with many rich
and famous passengers on board. On its expedition, the Titan hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic
and sunk. Numerous lives were lost because there were not plenty lifeboats. The strange part
about this is that the Titanic was written 14 years ago before it happened. B.Why Should You
Listen: The sinking of the Titanic was one of the biggest non war related disasters in history, and it
is vital to be well informed about the past? C.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
a.According to a quotation from Shipbuilders magazine that is included in Peter Thresh s 1992
book Titanic, Everything has been done in regard to the furniture and fittings to make the first
class accommodation more than equal to that provided in the finest hotels on shore (p. 18).
b.Fine parlor suites on the ship consisted of a sitting room, two bedrooms, two wardrobe rooms,
private bath, and a lavatory. c.The first class dining room was the biggest on any liner; it could
serve 600 passengers at a time. d.Other first class accommodations includes a squash court,
swimming pool, library, barber s shop, Turkish baths, and a photographer s dark room. 3.The
Titanic was generally believed to be the safest ship ever built. a.Tibbals, labeled the Titanic as
having an outer layer that protected an inner layer that was created to keep water out of the ship if
the outer layer was stabbed. b.The bottom of the ship was separated into 16 watertight sections
equipped with automatic watertight doors. c.The doors could be closed instantly if water were to
enter into the compartments. d.Because it was supposed to be so safe, it was supposed to be
unsinkable Transition: Now let s talk about the Tragedy surrounding the Titanic. B.When the titanic
hit the iceberg four days after departure, one of the most tragic event happened. 1.The star of the
voyage was very monotonous. a.The ship had left
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Deception In Antony And Cleopatra
Antony and Cleopatra
Deliberately falsifying information for personal gain causing an ensuing conflict is a motif
clearly contrived within William Shakespeare s tragedy Antony and Cleopatra. Deception is
represented within the protagonist, the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, a tempting seductress who has
a false relationship with Antony only for personal motives. Within the play Cleopatra fabricates
illnesses, deceives Antony s love through her betrayal at sea and likens Caesar to a god, Antony s
enemy, all to achieve attention and advance politically. Created in 1606 during the Elizabethan
era the characters within the play are based on an imaginary and partially real concept of
historical characters. Shakespeare showcases Cleopatra as a woman unlike many of the time,
holding power over man. In the visual representation a mask, ships on a stormy sea and a serpent
are used to represent the act of deception. Antony s fatal attraction to the queen, and Cleopatra s
hidden desires bind the two together to create a falsified love on public display that is fueled by
The queen of Egypt Cleopatra, as represented in the Shakespearean tragedy, embodies a deceiving
and controlling nature. This is the cause of conflicts between herself and Antony, concocted for
selfish, personal gain. Cleopatra twists the mind of Antony, fabricating a lieto get his attention onto
her. If you find him sad, say I am dancing. If in mirth, report That I am sudden sick. (Cleopatra: 1,
3, 3 5). Shakespeare s use of dialogue is there to express Cleopatra s jealousy of his wife Fulvia
and how she wishes for Antony to feel longing for her and regret that he went back to Rome
leaving a sick queen alone. She reiterates her feigning spell over Antony to distort his emotions.
Mardian go tell him that I have slain myself. Say that the last I spoke was Antony , piteously
(Cleopatra: 4, 13, 6 8). She fakes her death accomplishing her goal of Antony forgetting about his
anger towards her and instead to feel endearing sadness. The Egyptian queen manipulates Antony
to believe that her love for him is real, yet he is blind to her performance. Here she showcases the
power she holds above Antony, unusual in both Shakespeare s time and the
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Speech On Green Sea Turtles
These turtles lay eggs on beaches. At nights, female turtles come to beaches and lay eggs in the
nests. When the eggs hatch, the young ones go into the water. The mature green turtles can live up
to eighty years in wild.
Distribution In Pakistan: In Pakistan Green sea turtles are found on Sandspit beach, Sindh and
coastal areas of Baluchistan (Makran Coast).
Nesting Season: In Pakistan the female green sea turtles lay eggs throughout the year. The frequency
is high in September and low in monsoon season.
Conservational Status: The green sea turtle is categorized Endangered by IUCN (International
Union for the conservation of nature). That s why it is not legal to harm and kill these turtles. The
main threat to these turtles are anthropogenic activities. Pollution is also causes negatives effects to
them as well as their eggs. These turtles are also suffering the problem of Habitat Loss as nesting
beaches are reduced due to development processes.
Threats to Green Sea Turtles: Some of the threats that the green sea turtles are facing are as follows
Because of the industrial and real estate development the areas of beaches are reduced and thus
these turtles are facing the problem of Habitat Loss and Habitat Destruction.
Some smugglers smuggle these turtles to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It has been working for a Sea Turtle Conservation Project since 1979 with the help of WWF and
IUCN. In this project the mature turtles are marked and eggs are kept in incubators in
laboratories at Hawkes bay and Sand spit. When the eggs are hatched, the young ones are weight
and their number is counted at the Sindh Wildlife Lab. In this way the related data is carefully
collected. Different sessions are arranged with the school children so that they would also be
aware about the protection and conservation of green sea turtles. These sessions are held from
August to January as it is the breeding season of sea
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Staffing Of An Hr Department At Ohio Bath Solutions Essay
Staffing the HR Department Most companies understand that recruiting, developing, and retaining
talented employees is critical. Talented employees provide organizations with a competitive
advantage that is not easily reproduced. However, it takes a talented Human Resources (HR)
department to place the right employees in the right jobs. Talent management applies to all
employees of an organization, especially the HR department. A dedicated HR staff supports the
company s vision and mission. Therefore, it is vital to have a talented HR staff in place to support
the organization s objectives. This paper will examine the staffing of an HR department at Ohio
Bath Solutions, LLC. First, the paper will analyze three HR functions: recruitment, compensation
and benefits, and training and development. The paper will assess the impact of each function in
adding value to the company s HR department. Next, the paper will develop a job description for a
compensation and benefits specialist position at Ohio Bath Solutions. Third, the paper will identify
the best recruitment method and selection method that the company uses to attract talented
candidates for the HR functions. Last, the paper will develop a compensation and benefits package
for the new HR staff.
HR Functions The HR staff at Ohio Bath Solutions, LLC is responsible for supporting the company
s culture and business objectives. Three critical HR functions that support the company s strategies
are recruitment,
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David Hume Essay On Miracles
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David Hume Essay On Miracles
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David Hume Essay On Miracles

  • 1. David Hume Essay On Miracles 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. David Hume Essay On Miracles David Hume Essay On Miracles
  • 2. Waimea Beach Research Paper It was a bright and sunny friday, school had just got out not 2 hours prior, and me and my family decided to head to the beach to start the weekend off before heading back to school that following monday. On our way there I realized they were heading to Waimea Beach which is a good 30 minutes from my house. I love Waimea beach, and has to be one of my favorite I ve ever been to. We had just pulled up and parked and I was making my way to a spot right by the water when I saw a big crowd. That s when I realised what day it was, it was high tide day, which meant the water was high enough, with crashing on us, so that people could jump. Waimea is known for many things there on the island, the amazing shrimp and food trucks, the enormous waves, very very ideal and perfect place to surf, and importantly that day, the cliff jump. This Cliff was well over 50 feet, had three different levels in case you couldn t, or rather wouldn t jump from the top, and had water... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I knew exactly what he was doing, he thought I was going to chicken out and not go through with it, which meant he didn t either, and I was not letting that happen. So when we got to the top of the rock, he asked me, So Gabriella, you ready to go back now or what?? and I replied, No but feel free to return back to the bottom back to where mami and baby are if you want, because I m jumping , and with that, I accomplished my goal and did what I was so terrified to always do. I went to the edge of the highest level and jumped straight to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Mandatory Vaccination Paper Mandatory vaccination continues to be a contentious subject in the United States, even though extensive evidence proves inoculation prevents certain diseases. According to A. Plotkin L. Plotkin (2011), the evolution of the first vaccine commenced in the 1700 s when a physician named Edwards Jenner discovered that cowpox protected individuals from one of the deadliest diseases termed smallpox. The precise virus Jenner used is unclear; however, it was espoused in the extermination of smallpox worldwide. The researchers further explained, the unearthing of the subsequent vaccineknown as chicken cholera occurred approximately 80 years later by Louise Pasteur. Ever since, copious vaccines such as rabies, yellow fever, varicella, pneumococcal, mumps and recently HPV have been introduced. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), reports illnesses such as polio, measles, rubella, tetanus and pertussis that were previously rampant are now obviated by the influx of vaccines and has protected the lives of millions of citizens. Moreover, neonates who have a diminished immune system receive immunoglobins from their mother, yet, the immunity last for about a year. When these infants ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Richard Pan and Mr. Allen, both activists of vaccinations, introduced the bill 277 in California which mandates vaccines for all school children and eliminates exclusions that are not for medical reasons. In a statement on Dr. Richard Pans website (2015), he explains the epidemic of measles in 2015 that hospitalized several children was the reason behind the new law. Dr. Pan urged the audience that vaccinations will decrease preventable diseases and protect children and the public from such diseases. He also references children who are immunocompromised and cannot receive vaccinations are protected if healthy classmates receive their vaccines. Dr. Pan and Mr. Allen believes members in their community will live a healthy life due to the implementation of this new ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Black Death Was A Tragic Pandemic The Black Death was a tragic pandemic that changed Europe dramatically. The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic plague, killed millions of people throughout the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The Black Plague occurred in this time period because trade and commerce started to develop rapidly. After new trade routes had been opened, a ship coming back from Asia picked up some fleas and rodents that were carrying the disease. Once the disease hit Europe, it spread rapidly and killed millions of people. The late middle aged Europeans during this time lived in constant fear of death. Most of them would remain inside their houses, trying to avoid any contact with the outside world because they feared that they would develop the disease. In the end, every citizen was aware that he or she could not escape death because eventually the Black Deathwould reach them. This sparked creativity and inspiration in Europeans. The people all over Europe started creating new ideas and developing theories based on society all because they feared that the Black Death would take their lives. With this new profound sense of knowledge, there were new developments in science, literature, and society that would ultimately help humanity flourish as a whole. Being surrounded by death and the fear of it, it eventually helped society change for the better.There would be no change in society if the people of Europe had not been surrounded and inspired by death. Death played an important role by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Breaking Rules Kim Harrison say that Breaking rules isn t bad when what you re doing is more important than the rule itself. In discussion of rebellion, one controversial issue has been showing that everyone s bewilderment. On the one hand, people argued that it is unsuitable to infringe the rules. On the other hand, people demonstrate that it is justified to contravene the rules. However, I believe that it is right to break the rules when it support a cause you believe in, unfairly and understandable. One key reason why we should break the rules when it supports a cause that you believe in, a cause that is right because you believe, in your opinion, defying authority may help other people. One clear example of this is from the text, Hunger games. Katniss breaks several rules to help her people and her family. To understand why Katniss breaks the rules is because her people live in a oppressed life in a society by all the specific rules like weapon not allow, hunting not allow, and you can not go in the wood to pay or sell food. Katniss have to ignore the rules go in the wood,hunt and trade food so her family can have food to survive. Another strong example is from The Montgomery Bus Boycott, when Rosa Parksbreak the rules on the bus, don t give up her seat on the bus because white people in texas being racist which mean black people have to give up their seat for white people. Rosa park shirk the law and justify for her people.To better understand in that situation is because when other people life in danger you believe that you should stand up and speak for them as a hero. There are many people life get in danger or dead because no one believed themself or wanted to stand up and speak for other people. This historical document illustrates that we should help other people when we think our believe is not wrong. Another important reason when is it right to break the rules is when it unfairly. One significant example is that from the text article title Marriageis a Private Affair. Nnaemeka rebel against the rules which mean he don t listen to his dad and married someone else in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the city not in the Ibo tribe where his dad live. In many countries, all over the world, there are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Lucifer Effect By Philip Zimbardo Essay The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo, presents a significant question regarding the essence of human nature: How is it possible for typical, ordinary or even good natured people to become capable of perpetrating evil? While striving to understand unexpected, or abnormal behaviors, we tend to put our main focus on internal determinants such as genes, character, and personality, simultaneously ignoring external, situational factors that could be the central, critical catalyst for an apparent behavioral change. Typically, this catalyst lies in the system that creates and maintains such situations that result in questionable behaviors. Zimbardo confirms that the world is filled with good and evil. With that being said, the barrier between good and evil is permeable and nebulous. This leads the reader to this central question: Am I capable of evil? In order to answer this question, one must consider all internal, as well as, external elements of the given situation. Summary: The book, The Lucifer Effect, gives a detailed chronologic transformation of human character that took place during Zimbardo s prison experiment. This experiment consisted of randomly assigning twenty four healthy, normal intelligent college students. Twelve of the twenty four individuals were assigned to role play the prisoners (nine plus three alternates), and the other twelve were chosen to role play the prison guards (also, nine plus three alternates). These students had no prior record of criminal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. An Introduction To Indian Retail Industry Essay Table of Contents Objective.................................................................................................... Indian Retail Industry................................................................................. Private Labels............................................................................................... Needs, wants and Demands of PL s.......................................................... Private label in Indian Retail Space........................................................... Survey............................................................................................................. Conclusion..................................................................................................... References....................................................................................................... Objective of the Report: My project entitled Role of Private labels in Indian Retail Industry aims at analysing the market opportunities and challenges faced because of Private labels in the Indian Retail Space by considering various stakeholders i.e. consumers, Online Retailers, Brick and mortar Retail Stores. The objective of doing this project is defined as under. 1) To study the importance of the private labels in the retail space 2) To gauge the current outlook of the private labels from the customer perspective 3) To identify the attributes for improvement in the current market scenario. 4) To study strategies adopted by various Indian retailers for their private labels Methodology: To conduct a market research to analyse the importance of Private Labels in the Indian Retail space through all secondary databases, newspapers, interview excerpts, magazines, etc. To conduct a survey to gauge the look and feel of various private label brands from the customer perspectives and identify the attributes in general which corresponds to the thinking of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Innovative Rise And Effects Of Computer Corporations THE INNOVATIVE RISE AND EFFECTS OF COMPUTER CORPORATIONS According to The History, Development, and Importance of Personal Computers of Science and Its Times, in 2001, estimates believed that there will be 2 billion PCs in use worldwide as of 2014. Today, computers have changed our modern society. Almost every human being is using a computereither by ordering out a drive thru at a fast food restaurant or even just surfing the web. Computers allow the world to be interconnected and people from all over the globe to communicate within seconds. To find the foundation of computers, we must look at the creation of the first computer and the innovations that led up to computer corporations. Next, we must examine the rise of large computer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another essential element in creating a computer is the knowledge of how to use electricity ( History, Development, and Importance ). All computers eventually develop the same basic components: a CPU, RAM, hard disk drive, input and output devices, and a constant power source (Goldsmith and Jackson). The first computer became the foundation of all computer development and innovations were created afterwards to support and improve upon it. According to the article ENIAC from World of Inventions, the first computer that required the use of electricity was called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) and it was designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly during World War II ( ENIAC ). Eckert and Mauchly s ENIAC contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and required 160,000 watts of power. It weighed thirty tons, and took up over 1,500 square feet ( ENIAC ). In The Development of Computer Assisted Mathematics in Science and Its Times, ENIAC was built to use numbers to describe the behavior of explosives, high performance aircraft, and the weather ( Mathematics ). Even though ENIAC s main use was for military purposes, it can also make meteorology calculations and help with nuclear weapons research ( ENIAC ). According to Brian Overland, a professional programmer of the C family of languages, electronic . . . made it possible to use wires and vacuum tubes to stimulate logical operations, and allowed for the use of wires and vacuum ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. PTLLS Overview Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) at Level 4. Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) at Level 4 Total credit value (at Level 4) 12 Total GLH 4 x units (each @ 12 GLHs) = 48 Units being run and assessed: Group Unit title Level Credit value GLH A Roles and responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning 4 3 12 Learning outcomes: The learner will Assessment Criteria: The learner can 1. Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning 1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities 1.2 Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity 1.3 Evaluate own role and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Be able to deliver inclusive learning and teaching sessions 2.1 Demonstrate inclusive learning and teaching approaches to engage and motivate learners. 2.2 Demonstrate the use of appropriate resources to support inclusive learning and teaching 2.3 Use assessment methods to support learning and teaching 2.4 Communicate with learners to meet their needs and aid their understanding 2.5 Provide constructive feedback to learners 3. Be able to evaluate own practice in delivering inclusive learning and teaching 3.1 Review own approaches to delivering inclusive learning and teaching 3.2 Analyse how own inclusive learning and teaching practice can be improved to meet the needs of learners Assessment: i) Provide a short session plan related to your specialist area of teaching. Include as a minimum: group profile; anticipated learning outcomes; anticipated learning difficulties; staged procedure with timings; one copy of any materials used. ii) Teach the session to your group. iii) Comment on the following areas. Refer to your micro teaching session and what you have learnt about teaching and learning in general, as appropriate. a) How can you meet both group and individual needs when planning a session? b) What resources did you use? How effective were they and how do you know this? c) What teaching approach did you take in your session? How well did it work? What evidence do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Cultural Differences and Intercultural Communication... When examining my own cultural identity it has occurred to me that many of the things that define my own cultural identity are that of Majority groups, however it would seem that I have just as many if not more Minority group identity factors shaping me ever so slightly within the majority boundaries. For example at first look I am a Married male with a predominantly Anglo Saxon heritage. However upon close inspection one can begin to notice the red hues within my complexion these are subtle hints to a much less dominant cultural history. Many members of one side of my family strongly identify with our Native American heritage; as a result I spent many years as a young man learning that culture. Later in life when I was around 12 or 13 I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cultural Differences and Intercultural Communication Challenges My interviewee I chose was a man I initially met in the workplace and come to find out our kids ended up going to school together. Our relationship had been an interesting one from the start when we first met he decided to share some of his religious identity to me. Our book defines religious identity as a sense of belonging to a religious group (Martin Nakayama, 2011). Oddly enough we were on lunch break at work and I was hungry that day he approached me and commented on how my chicken smelt good. I had noticed over the past week or so he had not eaten lunch at all so I offered him some of my chicken. He politely declined and explained to me that he was practicing Ramadan and that he only at late at night and early before the sun came up. At first being somewhat ignorant of religion I asked why he explained it was something that followers of Islam do. In a business article it is explained that in Dubai visitors are expected to practice in the same fasting ritual or face punishment including fines and jail time (McGinley, 2011). While laws can vary by country there are some exemptions to the fasting requirements and often include conditions such as menstruation, illness, older age, pregnancy, and breast feeding (El Zibdeh, 2009). While I know that fasting is common in many Native American cultures to obtain higher levels of spirituality. I do not believe it was commonly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Legality, Morality, and Social Responsibility of the... The Legality, Morality, and Social Responsibility of the Affordable Care Act and Florida Blue. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23rd, 2010. The Act is a daring attempt by President Barack Obama to reform the healthcare system in the United States. The new healthcare reform act is historical because of its scope and size. Opponents to the healthcare act state it is an attempt to increase the size and power of the federal government and it is one of the largest tax increase in the history of the world, despite it being almost equally in size to President Clinton 1993 tax increase ( Obamacare isn t the largest , 2012). There is an abundance of questions surrounding the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But, as a matter of legal precedent and technical legislating, such a determination is monumentally important in terms of how future cases of congressional power will be decided, as well as how bills are crafted for consideration. The Chief Justice s opinion recognized the long standing history of Congress attaching conditions upon states in exchange for receiving federal funding under Congress Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 spending power.17 The legitimacy of this power ...rests on whether the State voluntarily and knowingly accepts the terms of the contract, since the Constitution has never been understood to confer upon Congress the ability to require States to govern according to Congress s instructions. 18 When pressure turns into compulsion, the legislation runs contrary to our system of federalism, (Teller, 2012). Florida Blue, the largest health insurer in the state of Florida, had to reinstate 300,000 policies in order to meet the new Affordable Healthcare Act requirements. Florida Blue is attempting to offset many of these costly new healthcare requirements, which now include things such as maternity/newborn care, mental health services, substance abuse services, and emergency services. These services will now be covered by individual and small market plans. Under this new law anyone the government determines can afford healthcare, and does not purchase it by 2014, may have to pay a fine. This fee will be referred to as an individual responsibility ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Cpr 380 Reading Worksheet CPRL 380: READING SHEET (A sheet must be completed for each set of reading assignments. Must be computer typed on this form.) YOUR NAME: Daniel Nieto READING (give authors of readings): Grossman, Rai, Leshan 1. Summarize the central themes, theses, issues, or arguments of the reading assignment. All three articles discuss the central issue of what motivates someone to commit a violent act or kill another person. They do this in slightly different ways, and with different context having both Grossman and Leshan discuss violence in the context of war. Grossmans discuss the topics in multifaceted approach and brings up several different reasons why specifically someone would be willing to kill someone such as emotional, cultural, moral, social, and mechanical distance. Leshan mainly discussed the idea that there is a change in the perception of reality during war time which justifies the killing of other people. Finally, is Rai who states and argues that morality is the main motivation the drives people to commit violent acts against others 2. Summarize at least four key points made by the authors. In the case of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Leshan has two points the first point is that there are two realities one during peace time and one during war times, and it s the shift from what he calls the sensory world of peace time and the mythical time of war that allows us to mentally adjust to the justification that the killing of the enemy is done because they are mythical, demonic, or total evil. This shift is also characterized by a shift in how various things are perceived based on the examples Leshan uses to demonstrate the differences between war time in which the topics discussed become very dichotomous and extreme. Finally, Rai discuss the idea that morality and as Rai states sustain a moral order is main motivation for committing acts of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. What Is The Relationship Between The Creator And The... May Shelley crafted one of the most renowned novels of the Romantic era and gave birth the genre of science fiction. Shelley s Frankenstein displays many themes, but none is more significant than that of the relationship between the creator and the created. This relationship is undoubtedly complex. Victor Frankensteins sentiments towards his creation vary from pure intrigue as he begins to build the eight foot tall man to utter disdain towards him as the beast begins to push back against him. Moreover, the creation receives no nurturing from the one that brought him to life, thus turning his back on his creator. This dynamic comes in sharp contrast to that of the Puritans during the time of William Bradford. Victor Frankenstein s creation... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is overwhelmed with these emotions and the only way to release the anger is to bring death to the loved ones of Frankenstein. The monster is deprived of any sort of love from the very beginning of his life; thus, he will make it his goal to replicate this feeling for Victor. The beast does succeed in bringing terror into the life of Victor with the murders of William, Justine, Henry, and Elizabeth. This active desire to harm your creator is something unique about the relationship between the creator and created in Frankenstein. William Bradford and his fellow Puritan Separatists fled their native country in the pursuit of religious freedom. They believed that God was imploring them to escape the persecution in England and they made it their chief goal to follow his will. When discussing the reasons for why the Puritans departed Holland after about a year s stay Bradford writes, A great hope and inward zeal they had to laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way thereunto, for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the Kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world; yea, though they should be but even as stepping stones unto others for performing of so great work (Bradford 4). This quote exemplifies the emotions of the pilgrims as they embarked on their journey across the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Battle of Gettysburg Essay The Battle of Gettysburg was the major turning point of the Civil War. The confederate army was led by General Robert E. Lee, an experienced, educated, and extremely successful career military officer. He was second in his class at WestPoint, as well as a valuable asset during the Mexican War. When Virginia seceded from the Union, Abraham Lincolninitially asked General Lee to lead the Union Army. General Lee declined the position offered by Lincoln due to his loyalty to him home state1. General Lee was appointed as the General of the Confederate Army by Jefferson Davis following the death Joseph E Johnston. General Lee s expertise in war strategy and tactics enable the south to become extremely victorious during battle and led to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This decision was based on an inaccurate understanding of his enemy s position and strength. The Battle plan ran against his position of always having the best ground or terrain from which to fight. Not only was General Lee misinformed, but his soldiers were fighting barefoot, hungry, and low on ammunition, due to the naval blockade imposed by Union naval forces. The Northern war effort benefited tremendously from its superior naval forces, which allowed the Union to implement and maintain an effective blockade of Southern ports2. The South was an agricultural society and the North was more industrial. Consequently, the South had to import much of its armaments The Union Army had infinitely more supplies all through the war than the South, due to the North being a heavy industrial and manufacturing center. A derivative of the North s success of the civil war was their abundance of materials needed for proper warfare. Their soldiers were well prepared in terms of ammunition, nutrition, and clothing where as the south was not well equipped at all. Unfortunately for the South, the North positioned its naval ships to block foreign supplies and trade; in hopes to starve out the confederate Army, whom were already suffering. This was detrimental to the South, due to already problematic transportation problems. The train rail system in the South at this point had different sizing and regulation per state, making ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Stereotypes In Stand And Deliver By Jaime Escalante The movie Stand and Deliver (1988) begins with a character driving in an urban neighborhood as an introduction to the setting of the film. The various shots of the setting that are presented between cuts to the streets and to the intrigued face of the protagonist, Jaime Escalante, help provide the viewer context to this neighborhood s economic and cultural background. This movie directed by RamГіn MenГ©ndez dramatizes actual events into a movie with the idea of combating stereotypes enforced upon low income Latinos and presenting a success story with the use of different Latino characters with their own unique conflicts. Angel Guzman is a Chicano gang member that holds an inner struggle between following the easy predetermined path ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Latinos are portrayed in media as having to fight a large variety of forces and this film attempts to document a couple of these through their characters. Guadalupe Molina, struggles to take care of her brothers and sisters while her parents work; Ana Delgado, is pressured to drop out of school to begin working in her family business; Claudia Camejo; is discouraged to pursue Calculus by her mother because boys don t like you if you re too smart ; and Pancho is encouraged to drop out of school to work as a mechanic for what he believes is a reasonable wage. The AP Calculus gives the students hope to enter college, evidenced by a scene in which Angel brings his sick grandma to Mr. Escalante s house on Christmas to ask him for another chance to be in the class. He tells Mr. Escalante, I need Calculus to get me to a good career Johnny. The film uses a variety of examples of adversity in attempt to make this story seem more inspirational but the characters in this film are not given more personal characteristics and simply identifiable by their struggles. The audience does not know about their likes or dislikes, or a lot about their personalities. They are a diverse Latino cast but their usage as people that just need to be saved does not give these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Coronary Artery Disease Case Study 1.Identify a health issue within your region. Discuss why you are concerned about this health issue and discuss why the issue is important. I am concerned with coronary artery disease (CAD), as it is the leading cause of death in the United States and Florida. It is the most well known kind of coronary illness. Over time CAD can debilitate the heart muscle and contribute to heart attacks. There are many modifiable risk factors, such as quit smoking, decrease alcohol intake, modifying the diet to reduce sodium and sugar intake, reducing obesity by losing weight, and increasing activity. Hypertension, diabetes also contributes to CAD. 2.Discuss what you have learned about epidemiology and/or biostatistics as an approach to identifying, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Questions On Risk Sharing Arrangements CONTENTS Introduction2 Basic Risk Arrangement Structures3 Common Problems in Risk Sharing Contracts4 Some Additional Mistakes to Avoid in Risk Sharing5 Best Practices in Risk Transfer7 When Hospitals Share Risk With HMOs7 Approach for Risk Sharing Arrangements8 Examples of Risk Sharing Arrangements9 Provider Risk Sharing In Medicaid Managed Care Plans12 Device Makers Risk Sharing Contracts with Hospitals13 Walgreens Going at Risk for Re Admissions14 Managed Care Risk Sharing Arrangements15 Factors Influencing the Target Claims17 Timings of Risk Sharing Arrangements17 References18 Introduction Risk sharing occurs when both the parties finds the risk and agrees to share the loss that may occurs due to that risk. The co investors and joint ventures get into the risk sharing arrangements by defining their true contribution and limiting their commitments related to their future and financial commitments. The risk sharing arrangements or contracts are usually prevented into the Outsourcing Transactions where one has physical control over the process and the other party has been prevented from such control and therefore these kind of arrangements prefer to go on with the Fee for Service Model. (1) When we talk about the risk sharing arrangement in managed care so these arrangements between a managed care organization and the employer are used by the employer to either make sure about the success of the managed care plan for a short interval of time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Mary Wollstonecraft s Life And Life Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was the only daughter of two of the most influential people of their time William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. On August 30th 1797, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born ( Biography of MWS, 2009). Ten days after Mary s birth, her mother died of placental infection. Because of the absence of a mother figure in her life, Mary was incredibly close to her father. In fact, Anne Mellor even goes to say that she worshipped him (Mellor 6). Ever since the death of his wife William Godwinwas looking for a mother for his children. In 1801, William Godwin married Mary Jane Clairmont (Mellor 6). The relationship between Mary and her step mother were extremely contentious. The new Mrs. Godwin found Mary difficult... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Percy Shelley and the young Mary fell in love and ran away. They went on a trip, and at the age of seventeen Mary Godwin was unmarried and pregnant. Mary went on to have three more pregnancies two of which failed. Her third pregnancy was successful and she had a son. Then, finally, after a few adventures, Mary Godwin and Percy Bysshe Shelley married in December of 1816 at the age of nineteen ( Biography of MWS, 2009). Frankenstein, a horror story, was written the same year. In January of 1818, Mary Shelley s greatest book Frankenstein was published. After Frankenstein was published, her success was minimal, but she continued writing. Her only surviving child was Percy Florence Shelley who was born in 1819 ( Biography of MWS, 2009). Eventually, February 1st, 1851 Mary Shelley died in her home in Chester Square, London of an unknown cause. Mary was much different than most girls of the age. Her mother, a vocal advocate for the advancement of women s rights, was much of her inspiration. So, Mary was often viewed as rebellious, which apparently she inherited. Also like her mother, Mary was a compulsive writer. She constantly wrote in her journal, through this she demonstrated her crazy perseverance that her father was very proud of. Because of her father and Mary s incredible intellect, Mary was often in communication with the greatest intellectual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Importance Of Respect For The Dead Respect for the Dead Introduction The aim of the current essay was to discuss the cultural, ethical, and legal aspects concerning the respect for the dead. Besides, the cultural, ethical, and legal factors were correlated with the practice of anatomy, everyday observations, and personal experiences. Notably, what was regarded as appropriate respect for the dead varied based on an individual s cultural beliefs and ethical (religion or professional) considerations. Background The concerns associated with the respect for the dead emanate from the fact that the dead symbolise the shared destiny of humans and reminiscence of the dearly departed. Therefore, the dead are by design objects of fascination regardless of one s point of view. For instance, dead bodies elicit attention in both medical pathology and traditions that venerate the dead and those that forbid such forms of glorification. Therefore, the interests of the dead are not unique to the human anatomist only. Interest for the dead encompasses religion, sociology, art history, feminist theory, and law. Notably, the emerging multifaceted interest in the dead had raised fundamental questions regarding the limits of what was legal, ethical, and moral in the use of palatinates, cadaver, and dissected human (Jones 2016, p. 46). The fundamental concerns had been initially raised by humanity scholars, not pathologists. Such concerns were informed by key issues such as how were the dead bodies obtained ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Seven Years War Dbq Before Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence to declare the America freedom from Great Britain, the American colonists had been under the tyranny of King George III and Parliament which brought them into poverty and a long period of warfare with other Empire. However, the result of the Seven Years War, which took place between 1754 and 1765, sparked the beginning of the American Revolutionto fight against Great Britain and to gain freedom from its long period of tyranny. Specifically, when the battle of the Seven Years War between Britain and France ended, it left Great Britain with a huge debt that needed to be paid. Members of the Parliament said Britain had fought the long, costly war to save the colonists from the powerful... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Specifically, the Seven Years War left both Britain and France burdened with economic debts. Since the debts was estimated by the European financial system that centered in Netherland, British s neutrality with other European neighbors aroused tensions. In addition, the elimination of France from Canada also created new conflict between French citizens and Americans, who now on British s side. Therefore, as a great empire, Britain became suspicious of all its European neighbors. This fear was justified after France, which recently got eliminated from Canada, determined on humbling Britain to satisfy its pride and to restore its economy in Europe. Thus, this triggered Britain to start economic competition with France in Europe. Since there were limited resources, Britain chose to tax the colonists to tighten its administration in North America. The Parliament said that, The cost of administering the North American colonies alone rose to $135,000 a year in 1763 five times what it had cost in 1756 . With the debt of the Seven Year War and many others from previous fights, and with the suspicion coming from other European countries concerning its weakening economy, the British government needed to collect more taxes to manage its empire that got tripled in debts during these years. After knowing the Britain s reasons of taxation, the colonists became aware of Britain s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Ender Wiggins Book Report The main character in this book, Ender Wiggins, has a difficult life since the age of only six years old. He is the third child to Mrs. and Mr. Wiggins. This is unheard of because in this world they only allow a maximum of two children per household. Because the International Fleet allowed his parents to give birth to Ender, he is seen as property of them. They are in charge of deciding how he will live his life. At the age of six, Ender has been chosen by the authority that he will soon become the warrior that will command the revolution between the humans and the buggers. While becoming the savior of the world he also is becoming into an involuntary murder, and After every evil event that he does he becomes more and more heartbroken with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After this one, he would not have to do anymore simulations. Mazer states, This is a simulation of the real invasion. (280) Mazer then tells Ender that this one is going to be the hardest simulation yet. As Ender starts, he sees that this it is difficult because it is unfair. He has to face thousands of enemies while only having eighty fighters under his control.This once again infuriates him, and he decides that he will not let the enemies kill him unfairly, but he instead will beat them unfairly first. Ender decides to ruthlessly attack the planet of his enemies, buggers , and kill them all off. He commits a genocide of the entire buggers population without knowing it. The International Fleet completely tricks him into doing all of this against his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Teen Music Influence Teenagers listen to music; nobody will say otherwise. However, claiming that today s music is ruining teenagers in general and becoming a major detriment to the average teenager s health will put the speaker in hot water. That does not make it any less true, however. In fact, it s quite the opposite. While many teenagers practice clean lifestyles and abstain from sex, drugs, and alcohol, many choose to abuse these substances and lead themselves down dark pathways for the rest of their lives. Modern genres of music, primarily targeted to appeal to teens, idolize and somewhat worship sex, drugs, and alcohol, and certainly influence many who may otherwise choose to abstain from these substances to fall victim to their negative presence. Music s influence on teens has not been a positive one: creating pressure for teens to drink, smoke, or practice unsafe sex well before they are prepared to make those decisions themselves. Beginning with alcohol, there is no shortage of the amount of songs that promote heavy drinking. Many songs that involve going out and having fun also pair alcoholic drinks alongside their lyrics, which, in turn, demonstrates to teens that alcohol is associated with having fun. A study in 2014 by Dartmouth College concluded that those who listened to music that included references to alcohol were more likely to drink during parties and other frequent social events than those who listened to clean music (Primack). Linking alcohol to music does not cease ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Attention Deficit Disorder ( Adhd ) Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) continues to be a complex and widespread problem that is occurring in children at an unprecedented rate. According to DSM V, a child must present symptoms before the age of twelve and display the symptoms for at least six months. There are two types of ADHD disorders; inattentive type and hyperactive impulsive. A child could also have a combination of the two. Some of the most common symptoms for inattention include lack of attention, difficulty sustaining attention, difficulty following instructions, easily distracted and forgetfulness. Common symptoms for hyperactive impulsive include fidgeting, excessive talking, being on the go very often and interrupting others (Mash Wolfe, 2008). Both types of ADHD may affect a child s social, personal and academic life. Children with the disorder may have sleeping problems and are more prone to accidents. Young children with ADHD show signs of aggression as young as preschool. During preschool years, they are ignoring their parents, acting out in public and getting into fights with other students or family members (Modesto, et al., 2008). As a child enters his or her adolescent years, they are more likely to do poorly in school and in some cases may even drop out. Their defiance poses a challenge for the parents (Modesto et al, 2014). Studies have shown that parents with children who have ADHD frequently reinforce their behaviors by giving attention to their impulsivity (Modesto, et al., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Pros And Cons Of Google Making USupid Those of us who have used Google, already know what it means when someone says, Google that. Google is the most popular search engine website on the Internet, with more than three billion searches per day. Google is much more than just a search engine; Google powers Android phones, our soon to be selfless driving cars, our Internet in poor countries, and our Chromebook computers. Thanks to the help of Google, we are able to live a more robust life using all the technologies and services they provide. Although Nicholas Carr argues that, in fact, Google is to be blamed for making us the end user stupid. I disagree with Nicholas Carr on Is Google making us stupid because Google makes us more efficient, more productive, and more sociable.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Google does not make us stupid, culture does. Google is merely a massive index, making information stored on other websites easily assessable to you, the end user. Google does not scatter our attention and diffuse our concentration (Carr 7) however, it rather makes us better beings in our daily lives. Google is much more than what Nicholas Carr sees it as. Google has helped millions of people, and constantly keeps helping people with technologies in which transforms lives for the better ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. How to Revive the Golden Era of Islam Introduction:I m going to describe the briefly introduction of the golden era of islam.The golden era of Islam starts in the mid of 8th century by the ascension of the Abbasid caliphate. He claimed to belong to the same tribe oh prophet Muhammad (SAW) that s why he followed Quran and suuah, during this period the Arab world became a center of science, philosophy, medicine and education. Is it possible to revive the golden era of Islam? As a Muslim we should believe that we can do this. But problem is that what way we adopt to do this. Which factors affect on this and what should we do? Muslim should focus on Islamic rules: Islam is the only one region in the world that does tell us the everything about the way of life. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Attainment knowledge is a must for every Muslim It is clear from this Hades that knowledge is necessary. but on the other hand we have also required search to introduce something new or better for nation and search is not a very easy work, it is true that a lot of struggle is required t get something new. But our purpose is to revive the golden era of islam.so, to get or fulfill this aim Muslim should concentrate on search and higher education and for this we should learnt about the science, and consult with the scholars, at this time the duty of our young generation is that to search everywhere in this world and work for the development of Islam with the help of knowledge. if we observe the present condition and the interest of Muslims for scientific knowledge then, it is not to much better as to compare with the golden age of Islam. Government duties: Some important responsibilities of Muslim governments are 1)Government should build scientific institute. 2)Fee of the institute should be very low otherwise poor people can t get this knowledge. 3)Digital machines should be bought from abroad. Comparison of today behavior of human beings with golden age of Islam: Another important point is that the behavior of human beings with each other. Because character of anyone plays an important role in the life of every person. If we observed our present conditions in our country, then we can say ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Dulce Decorum Est Tone Wilfred Owen accomplishes a wide array of different objectives in his poem De Dulce Decorum Est through his word choice, tone, and vivid imagery. Using a destitute tone consistently throughout the first stanza, Owen creates a specific atmosphere. Giving objects life through extensive personification, and comparing them through many similes. Owen also gives us a clear depiction of how he saw war, being a soldier himself against the backdrop of WWI, Owen had a strong opposition to war and suffered himself from shell shock. A portion of his poem in the last stanza is a direct reference to Jessie Pope, a pro war poet. In the first stanza, the entire tone is dreary and completely void of any positive qualities. Owen utilizes many sensory devices to give us a specific and intended feeling of how the soldiers feel and to the extent of how exhausted they are. He creates vivid imagery through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Owen writes that In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, / He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. (15 16) again referencing to the first stanza of being blind, but being able to recall in all of his dreams the sight of the man suffocating on chlorine gas. In the fourth stanza, Owen begins by writing in some smothering dreams you too could pace (17) reinforcing that he lives this memory in his dreams, and that the closest someone who hasn t had their experience of war could truly understand is through some horrific dream. The last stanza is a reference to the work of Jessie Pope, a pro war time poet whose writing encouraged young men to join the war. Furthermore, Owen uses many sensory devices in the last stanza, such as If you could hear, at every jolt the blood / Come gargling forth (21 22) to give almost an audible sensation for the reader, and to give reinforcement to the horror that the men will have to face once going to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Hyperbole In Life Of Pi This passage connects to the theme of parent child relationships between Pi and his father. This passage is important towards plot development because it show the strong relationship between Pi and his father. Santosh Patel called Pi and Ravi unexpectedly and tries to frighten them, to keep them from being naive by going close to a ferocious carnivorous animal. This is important towards the setting because Pi lives in a Zoo and is surrounded by animals that can easily disfigure him. Martel uses hyperboles to exaggerate the fear of Pi by saying that his neck should have snapped and his head should have fell to the floor because of how hard he was nodding. The hyperbole is very effective in helping the reader to understand the fear Pi is going ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Mogen Company Financial Analysis MoGen On January 10, 2006 the managing director of Merrill Lynch s Equity Linked Capital markets Group, Dar Maanavi, was reviewing the final drafts of a proposal for a convertible debt offering by MoGen, Inc. As a leading biotechnology company in the United States, MoGen had become an important client for Merrill Lynch over the years. In fact, if this deal were to be approved by MoGen at $5billion, it would represent Merrill Lynch s third financing for MoGen in four years with proceeds raised totaling $10 billion. Moreover, this convert would be the largest such single offering in history. The proceeds were earmarked to fund a variety of capital expenditures, research and development expenses, working capital needs, as well as a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over the years, the industry had made progress in shortening the approval time and improving the predictability of the approval process. At the same time, industry R D expenditures had increased 12.6% over 2003 in the continuing race to find the next big breakthrough product. Like all biotech companies, MoGen faced uncertainty regarding new product creating as well as challenges involved with sustaining a pipeline of future products. Now a competitive threat of follow on biologics or biosimilars began emerging. As drugs neared the end of their patent protection, competitors would produce similar drugs as substitutes. Competitors could not produce the drug exactly, because they did not have access to the original manufacturer s molecular clone or purification process. Thus, biosimilars required their own approval to ensure they performed as safely as the original drugs. For MoGen, this threat was particularly significant in Europe, where several patents were approaching expiration. Funding Needs MoGen needed to ensure a consistent supply of cash to fund R D and to maintain financial flexibility in the face of uncertain challenges an opportunities. MoGen had cited several key areas that would require approximately $10 billion in funding for 2006: 1. Expanding manufacturing and information, and fill and finish capacity: Recently, the company had not been able to scale up production to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. An Era Of Globalisation What Is The Future For Family Run... Topic Review In an era of globalisation what is the future for family run businesses? Discuss using examples from two sectors? Introduction Globalisation is a channel by which the world is rapidly connected due to massive trade and culture change .It has increased the development of goods and services. Many countries around the world now have subsidiaries rather than national firms. It has taken hundred of years to establish itself but has raised in the last half of the century. The international trade has increased due to the presence of globalisation. The companies started to operate in more than one country because of it. The global economy started heavily depending on globalisation. The movement of capital, services and materials ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are basically depending on one talent in the family. Secondly, as the market change happens rapidly they are not having the required skills for the next upcoming generations. They are only able to retain some level of customer loyalty in the business as they don t have wider market trends.(Harris, 2016) Below is the Example for both the sectors in UK Jewellery Sector: The W Carter Son It is a jewellery family run business which was started 200 years ago. . The eldest brother in the W Carter Son family, Brain Holmes started the company with his brother after their father passed away in 1950 s. To keep the heritage of the name of the company ,the fa Brain s grandfather took it from the family of Carter. They are now focusing on the clients base who are in Salisbury which is a English medieval city. The main business of the company is rings. It is because the brides mother and grandmother choose it from the same place. The company even not even changed their carpets and paints because they want to maintain the reputation in the company. Despite many availability of competitive priced products in the market, through various television sources and through internet they are still able to hold their business together. Many of the family business gets to the third generation. It always depends on the country and economy you are performing. There are many advantages and disadvantages for having a family owned business in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Characteristics Of An Epic Hero In The Epic Of Beowulf What makes epic hero stories so compelling? Is it the continuous freedom, courage, and value in society or is it the significance implemented in who the characters are? Stories have been passed down for generations. Some of the most famous examples is Beowulf, ВЁGilgameshВЁ , Iliad, and ВЁJulius Caesar.ВЁ Epic stories portray the development of an epic heroes characterization through courage, strength, and love of glory throughout the plot of a story. A major epic hero trait is courage. The act of picking yourself up after you were thrown down to help others. In the story of Beowulf, Beowulf saved the Danes. ВґВґAnd a young prince must be prudent like that, giving freely while his father lives so that afterwards in age when fighting starts steadfast companions will stand by him and hold the line. Behaviour that s admired is the path to power among people everywhere.ВґВґ (SparkNotes Beowulf) This selection is describing Beowulf as a prince and warrior who is courageous enough to fight his life for people he cares about. Since Grendel often attacks at night, it displays the setting as a more hard and rigid area. The behavior of saving people brings power within the epic hero. ВґВґ Beowulf got ready, donned his war gear, indifferent to death; his mighty, hand forged, fine webbed mail would soon meet with the menace underwater. It would keep the bone cage of his body safe.ВґВґ (Spark Notes Beowulf) In this selection, Beowulf is getting ready to go to war with Grendel s mother. He ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay on Sharon Olds The Possessive The Possessive Teenage rebellion is typically portrayed in stories, films, and other genres as a testosterone based phenomenon. There is an overplayed need for one to acknowledge a boy s rebellion against his father, his life direction, the system, in an effort to become a man, or rather an adult. However, rarely is the female addressed in such a scenario. What happens when little girls grow up? Do they rebel? Do they, in a sudden overpowering rush of estrogen, deny what has been taught to them from birth and shed their former youthful faГ§ades? Do they turn on their mothers? In Sharon Olds poem, The Possessive, the reader is finally introduced to the female version of the popular coming of age theme as a simple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From here the tone of unease and apprehension often felt before a great battle is set. This is not a haircut. It is a preparation for war. The next image Olds puts into play is that of the vision of her daughter reborn as the enemy. Olds describes the daughter s hair by saying, each strand now cuts/ both ways. The blade of new bangs hangs over her red brown eyes/ like carbon steel. This is not a typical description of hair. Olds specifically compares the young girl s hair to a freshly sharpened weapon. With words such as cuts, blade, and carbon steel, Olds builds up an image of a lethal weapon such as a knife or perhaps sword, weapons both clearly used for battle. Olds further describes the girl s hair by acknowledging that all the little/ spliced ropes are sliced. The line break in the poem which leaves the phrase all the little alone to be followed up by second line describing the sliced hair, adds to Olds image. All the little appears as a memory of the mother of her former daughter, a memory that is quickly destroyed by the second image of those little strands now taking on a threatening sliced form. In addition, the line also holds a visual separation between the two different images that occupy the mother s same thought ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Montessori Educational Approach And Early Childhood Education The Montessori educational approach was developed by Italian psychiatrist Maria Montessori, who initially began working with deprived and retarded children. Observations on educational challenges faced by these children directed her to formulate theories in the fields of cognitive development and early childhood education. Noticing the progress made by students that were previously considered uneducable, Montessori ponder the poor performance normal children were having at regular schools. She argued that schools during that time (late 19th beginning of 20th century) were not meeting the individual educational needs of children and hence suffocated, rather than encourage, learning. In 1907 she opened her own school to see if her methods could be implemented for educating normal children. Montessori believed that children learn what they are willing to learn; they might have significant differences from each other depending on what stage they are to what materials they might be receptive at any particular time (Arcus, 2001). The Montessori educational approach emphasizes in individualized education. Children are free to work at their own pace and to select what they would like to learn and do in a competition free environment. The trademark of Montessori s approach is the child s self absorption in discovery and mastery of tasks. Additionally, Montessori s classrooms encourage self direction in a pleasant atmosphere, self discipline and respect for authority (Certini, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Doom Clock Chapter 2. An old, blue Ford truck sped down a mountain trail. Trees of fiery leaves lined the dirt road. Alexander sat in the back seat of the car. In the front sat his mom, dark haired and green eyed, and his dad, wearing a faded jacket and a look of desperation. It was Sunday in November. Normally, Alexander would be at the park playing baseball with his friends or at the library. Today was different. A family trip, his mom had told him. But something seemed odd. Maybe it was the way his parents were barely glancing him, the way they seemed to have something to hide. Alexanders mom had said that they would be back at their Albuquerque home before the day finished. They had been driving for [number of] hours. It was evening. The car stopped at an old farm. In the middle lay a rotting barn that had once been light blue. Paint peeled. Rusted tractor parts and equipment were scattered across the lawn. To the right lay deep green woods. Dirt road stretched to the left. The farm looked utterly deserted. Were here, grunted Alexander s father. Alex s mom marched toward the door of the barn. There was a rusted bell, connected to a pulley and a thick rope. Alex s mom pulled it. The bell rang out, loud and strong. The family waited. They must have looked strange, crowded onto the stoop of an old farm house outside of Santa Fe. Alexander s parents often did strange things. They had little money, and always signed up for odd jobs. Alexander s dad worked as a part time doorman, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Louise Symbolism In The Story Of An Hour Within the tear jerking short story, The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, Kate Chopin offers insight on the ongoing battle of the main character and her loss of her husband. In the beginning of the story, Louise Mallard has to be informed about her husband s death. Since Louise suffers from heart trouble, her sister, Josephine, must inform her in a cautious manner. Brently, was announced dead by a local newspaper in which Brently has died due to a railroad disaster. Louise is perched against an open window in which she studies the outside environment closely. She begins to cry simultaneously trying to keep her emotions within. She soon repeats free! numerous amounts of times. Louise imagines seeing her husband s corpse and began to imagine... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Louise then exclaims, free, free, free! when she was told about the news of her husband s death (Chopin 13). Louise exclaims free multiple times because this is essentially her hidden feeling towards her husband s death, free. In direct correlation to Louise repetition of free, she sits near a window in which symbolizes her underlying feelings towards the oppressiveness of marriage. After all the time she stared out the window, now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought (Chopin 13). Louise undergoes a change in mindset in which she suddenly realizes the freedom she received over Brently s death. The window is a symbol to her freedom, in which she enlightens herself after a few moments of thought. Lastly, irony plays a role in Louise s sudden death. The irony begins when Louise breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long (Chopin 14). The death of Brently poured the negative influences in Louise s mind. She believed that her life was going to be long and dull when she was informed. Eventually, the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease of joy that kills (Chopin 14). Shortly after she thought ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Just In Time Systems Essay Devising an efficient system of counting and maintaining a stock of inventory items has long been an arduous task for many business owners. The old method of cataloging by part or item number has all but disappeared since the proliferation of electronic catalogs and the use of computer software and web based ordering/monitoring systems. Inventory management is necessary for ownerswho want to maintain a stocking service for quick turnaroundto help ensure total customer satisfaction. An item on a managed inventory list must be maintained to avoid shortagesof frequently used items. Even when utilizing an inventory management system, occasional shortages will still occur. To be successful in today s fast paced, highly competitive... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An efficient and effective system helps lead to a cost efficient operation and a high degree of customer satisfaction. Next, the focus of many industries today is shifting towards more and more automation and reliance on computers. The World Wide Web has altered the way companies and individuals interact with each other. What was once thousands of miles away or days in the future can now be obtained instantly with the click of a mouse button. That being said, the Just In Time system is one of the many ways companies can manage their inventory. This type of system can only exist through the use of automation and many advances in technology. The purpose and goal of this type of system is to eliminate wasted inventory and remain extremely flexible to the ever changing business environment (Reid Ch 7, 2002). The idea is to take a much broader view of operations where inventory is not only controlled by managers but also by the salesmen and sometimes even the consumer himself. J I T management strives to eliminate wasted time and money spent in unnecessary material handling and overstocked shelves. By allowing the consumer to drive the inventory a company can simplify the entire process and decrease mistakes. This type of system is only possible through the use of technology, automation, and flexibility. This must come from the company providing the product or service and all of the suppliers that are involved in the process. Further, J I T inventory ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Lake Tahoe Area Development Incline Village and Crystal Bay Recreation The community surrounding the Northern Shores of the Lake Tahoe area is truly spectacular. The communities of Incline Village and Crystal Bay offer both full time and part time residents an amazing amount of year round recreation. Hiking, biking, boating, swimming, golfing, skiing and snowboarding are just a few of the activities popular in the area. Offering a range of activities, from tennis to dance, the wonderful community surrounding the North Shore of Lake Tahoe has a sometimes special to offer every one of its residents. Parks and Recreation The communities located on the Northern Shore of Lake Tahoe offer a variety of activities for recreational enjoyment throughout the year. Popular area... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The wonderful tennis facility also offers a full stocked up to date Pro Shop, weekly socials and tennis mixers, and a professional staff to assist with any and every tennis related need. Golfing Surrounded by the exquisite scenery of Lake Tahoe s pristine wilderness, the Incline Village area s two world class golf courses offer residents and visitors opportunities to play on some of the most highly rated courses in the country. Incline Villages s Championship Course was recently named as Best In State by the Golf Digest Magazine. The course was also listed among the Best Courses To Play by Golfweek Magazine. The challenging Mountain Course will prove difficult to even the most experienced golfer. The course has been heralded as One Of the top short courses in America by Golf Range Magazine. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Cherokee Caverns Essay A little, yet intriguing cave west in Knox County, TN is Cherokee Caverns. The Cherokee Caverns is located in 8524 Oak Ridge Highway Knoxville TN 37931 US. The cavern hold up events like music festival, Christmas, and the not so scary Halloween. Outside of the Cherokee Caverns sits a bizarre rock is a Stromatolite, a fossil of old blue green growth, additionally called cyanobacteria. As the sticky green growth developed, they caught sand and other dregs and different layers would develop. The living beings developed entirely expansive over several years. After some time they got to be fossilized. Since cyanobacteria have the capacity to photosynthesize, researchers trust that these primitive green growth may have been in charge of putting the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are normally found in limestone, where they are the most widely recognized. Be that as it may, they re frame in any sort of cavern where water enters that has gotten broken down minerals. Flowstones are framed by means of the degassing of permeation waters. Cavern Flowstone shapes when water streams out of a break in the whole dividers and stores Calcium Carbonate or CaCO3 for short. A few stone cover walls have chestnut and beige layers that look much like bacon. The most acclaimed flowstone arrangement in Cherokee Caverns called the Capital Hall Dome . In spite of the fact that flowstones are among the biggest of speleothems, a type of cave formation, they can at present be harmed by a solitary touch. Flowstones are additionally great identifiers of times of past dry spells, since they require some type of water to build up; the absence of that water for drawn out stretches of time can leave follows in the stone record by means of the nonappearance or vicinity of Flowstones, and their point by point structure. The oil from human fingers causes the streaming water to stay away from the range water will avoid areas that have been touched and calcite. (Mikolajczyk). The last and most exciting part in the cave are the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Success Of Project Portfolio Management Jeffrey Pinto defines project portfolio management as, the systematic process of selecting, supporting, and managing a firm s collection of projects. (p. 92). Many large firms can have multiple projects going on at the same time. These projects might support each other or can be stand alone projects. This essay will examine the keys to successful project portfolio management and analyze the key difficulties in successfully implementing them. The success of project portfolio management is determined by three key factors. The factors include: flexible structure and freedom of communication, low cost environmental scanning, and time paced transition. Projects that involve difficult channels of communication can be very difficult to develop. The projects that involve lots of red tape and other levels of administration can hinder them from meeting milestones and can be doomed to fail from the beginning. One of the main keys to a projects success is communication. Pinto writes, Successful portfolios emerge from environments that foster flexibility and open communication. When project teams are allowed to improvise and experiment on existing product lines, innovative new product ideas are more likely to emerge. (p. 95). This open communication and flexibility allows team members to voice their concerns when issues arise and allow them to come up with alternatives freely with having to get approval from project leaders or management. The next key to success is low cost ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. What Is Abu Ghraib Unethical A prison located in Iraq, Abu Ghraib was occupied by United States army in the early 2000s, where Iraqi detainees and tortured. While the United States hoped to acquire information about terror in hopes to save a greater number of people, reducing other people to merely a means was unethical. In this review of the case of Abu Ghraib, I will examine various events and possible contributing factors to unethical treatments of prisoners. Further, This essay will explore two opposing perspectives for and against reasoning for tortures. To respond to the unethical nature of the guards behavior, I will apply Kant s method to ethics. Additionally, while trying to explain why the United Statesactions, I will refer to Utilitarianism. Lastly, This... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... completely unethical. Immanuel Kant in his book Religion within the Bounds of Reason Alone (Part I: On the Indwelling of the Bad Principle along with the Good; or, On the Radical Evil in Human Nature) , explains evil as knowing the difference between good and evil and choosing to do evil. Some of the guards from Abu Ghraib stated they knew some of the abuse techniques where unreasonable however they want to head to do it. Additionally while trying understanding morality and society, Kant uses the categorical imperative. Kant s categorical imperative holds that to indicate whether an act is ethical, apply your maxim as a universal law if the result is positive then the act is acceptable.In the case study of Ghraib, Kant will respond by considering the result of making extreme torturous to gain information while dehumanizing people is made universal law. The torturous conduct by the prison guards cannot be a logical principle. Further more, referring to Kant s practical imperative, Act so that you use humanity, as much in your own person as in the person of every other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as means. (p 47 48). Kant would agree that people should be treated as ends not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Comparing Bugatti Veyron And Hennessey Venom Car experts research involving Bugatti Veyron and Hennessey Venom, and seeing which car is the fastest. Without cars life would hard and with them would be dangerous. Ever since 1879 1885, people have been trying to make car better, faster, and safer, so a lot of companies have started making fast cars. Some cars like Camaro, Corvette, Ferrari, Porsche, Mustang, Challenger, lamborghini, but the two car that have beat all of those cars are Bugatti, and Hennesey. Now the two companies are racing to see which car is worthy to be the fastest car in the world. From where we started until now, car have had a big upgrade since 1885. Common cars are cheap. But these car are expensive like heck. These three cars are rarely seen, Lamborghini, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. A Brief Note On Preventative Medicine And Education Preventative Medicine and Education Poor health and homelessness has been connected through multiple studies. Having poor health can cause homelessness. On the flip side, being homeless can also cause poor health. Being homeless brings a list of complications including limited access to getting proper health care. This causes the health of the homeless population in the United States to be worse than that of the general population. Common health problems in the homeless population include: mental health problems, substance abuse problems, bronchitis and pneumonia, problems caused by being outdoors, wound and skin infections, along with the complications that follow each of the listed problems (Medicine Plus, 2016). Along with the list of problems previously stated, many homeless women are victims of domestic or sexual abuse. Children often have high rates of emotional and behavioral problems, many times caused from having witnessed abuse. Studies have shown 31 46% report having a chronic medical problem. (NHCHC, 2001, p.1). According to these statistics almost half of the homeless population are suffering from chronic health problems. The majority of which will not receive proper care to cure the health problems. The homeless population, in order to address the living challenges, they use extraordinary amounts of human services. Visits to a facility that provides health care is much higher for a homeless person than the general population. Homeless adults are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Weather And Extreme Weather UNIT SUMMARY Since the time of their early existence, humans have migrated to regions of the Earth that offer climates favorable to their survival and have planned to persevere extreme weather events. In this unit, students will observe models and analyze data to learn how the interplay between atmospheric variables such as temperature, air pressure, and moisture leads to the typical and sometimes extreme weather events that humans experience. Analyzing weather data to make predictions is a key part of this unit and students understanding of how weather patterns can help us predict future weather events. This unit aims at explaining how Earth s tilt, along with its changing position around the Sun causes variation in the amount of incoming solar radiation (insolation) that reaches the surface. This unequal distribution of energy causes variations in seasons we experience on Earth. Students also will learn that climate is influenced by latitude, proximity to large bodies of water, ocean currents, among other factors. Air Masses and Fronts Lesson Plan, Wednesday Novemeber, 2017 Context of course and unit Unit essential questionsUnit focus standard(s)DT Focus action (if applicable) Rain yesterday, sunshine today and snow tomorrow what causes the weather we experience day to day? Atmospheric moisture, temperature and pressure distributions; jet streams, wind; air masses and frontal boundaries; and the movement of cyclonic systems and associated tornadoes, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Charles Lee Charles Lee: General in the American Revolutionary War By David E. LaClair Jr Charles Lee, a general in the American Revolutionary war, is a historic figure in American history. Serving under George Washington, Charles Lee participated in a number of battles. However, history says Charles Lee was treacherous to the cause, all the while that he was in command during that time; he was acting in bad faith toward the Americans. His influence in the army was, at all times, mischievous (General Charles Lee: Traitor of the American Revolution). To the British, Charles Lee was a traitor who turned on England to fight under George Washington. Due to Charles Lee s treacherous actions against America, it would lead to his downfall in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the credit rightfully belonged to Colonel Moultrie because nine warships mounting nearly 270 guns (cannon) were soundly defeated by Colonel William Moultrie. Also, with limited ammunition, Moultrie s orders were not to waste fire (Preservation Society of Charleston). When Washington gave Lee another command sometime after, Lee was reluctant to carry it out. Lee questioned Washington s ability, possibly from his earlier experience with Washington at Braddock s. Some have speculated that Lee wanted to see his superior defeated so that he could take command of the continental army (US History, War for Independence). In December 1776, Lee left his army to spend the evening in White s Tavern in Basking Ridge, New Jersey (US History, War for Independence). Things may have gone good to Lee at first, having nice food and being around women, but all that changed when Lee stayed the night at the tavern and woke up the next morning. When morning came, Lee was surprised by the arrival of British troops under Benastre Tarleton, a former comrade who had sworn an oath in a London club to track down and decapitate Lee. Following a brief skirmish during which escape routes were cut off, a humiliated Lee was taken prisoner and removed to New York City (US History, War for Independence). Because of Lee s lust and desire to get away from battle, lent him to be captured by the very same people who considered him a traitor. This news eventually reached Washington s ears; he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. How Does Body Image Affect Self Esteem Media and body image How media and body image effects self esteem To lack self esteem means to lack confidence in yourself, essentially, its how you see your body, not only when you look in a mirror but the mental image of how you perceive your body. With a damaged self esteem an individual can feel worthless. Media can seriously damage a young teenagers self esteem with the way it portrays the female body. According to thinspiration alludes to symbolism normally shared via web based networking media that urges a client to be thin. It is a self perception that is perfect to numerous around the globe, particularly by models in media. Models are advertised so falsely that young girls may begin to wonder if there is something wrong with them or why they don t look like what people perceive as beautiful. The way they view their body is affected negatively as a result. This then leads to feeling overwhelmed and low. Threads on fat shaming or discussions about ideal body weight can be found all over social media lowering the self esteem of venerable teenagers.. Thousands of images with hashtags of thinspiration and bonespiration (which just happens to be very thin images meant inspire certain body ideals) can be found all over social media With the promotion of unrealistic body images, adolescents begin to envy the way they look and viewing it in a negative manner. discuss how body image dissatisfaction is obtaining negative views about one s physical body, shape and weight. Individuals with a big level of confidence know who they are. They think using logic and reason and discover companions that accept them for who they are. Individuals with a high level of confidence feel responsible for their lives and are aware of their gifts and abilities.. With studies showing self esteem is impacted by social media, anything on the internet can influence someone, somewhere. Negative images impact self esteem negatively and vise versa, meaning if body image is portrayed as unrealistic and negative, it will cause individuals to feel negatively about themselves. How media and body image puts individuals at risk of developing eating disorders How we feel about ourselves and what we perceive as beautiful is based on how we ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Pit And The Pendulum Suspense In Edgar Allen Poe s Pit and the Pendulum, Poe uses the horror elements of suspense, madness, and facing your phobias. In the Pit and the Pendulum a man is tortured, loses his mind, and eventually is forced to jump down into the pit to his assumed death. Firstly, the suspense in the story really had us waiting for what would come next for example in the story when it said The vibration of the pendulum was at right angles to my length, I saw that the region that the crescent was designed to cross my heart (Poe #8). Next we see that Poe uses the element of horror such as, madness when the main character was basically awaiting his own death for instance when he said, My eyes followed it s outward or upward whirls with the eagerness of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Last Lecture By Randy Pausch Randy Pausch s The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams was given on September 18th, 2007, shortly after being diagnosed with cancer. Randy made his goal of the speech not more than five minutes in, stating the importance of achieving your childhood dreams. The language he is using is very formal, and he appeals to the audience by making several references to common things such as movies, and a humorous quote after he states his current condition, I m in better shape than most of you! as he proceeds doing pushups on stage. In various points in his speech, he is speaking to certain individuals in the audience about things pertaining to his story, and how he achieved some of his childhood dreams with the help of others. Randy really hit it off with everybody, and made the speech untimely, so that anybody at any point in time can view his speech and wonder is this still relevant? Near the closing of his speech, he states that he wasn t giving to speech for everybody in the audience; he was giving the speech for his children, as he wouldn t be around for them growing up. At several points in his speech he makes references to common things and statistics, such as MacBook s and how few people have one. At other points he referenced things such as Steve Jobs + Wozniak in their garage, as him and his team build his VR setup for under $5,000.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sometimes, at some points, his story involves somebody who is in the audience, and he points them out and they converse about something in particular, such as part of the story. This way of speaking allows for the audience to think Hey, I could be one of the people he is speaking to; I could have done some of these amazing things! This works perfectly for Randy s goal in the speech getting the audience to achieve their childhood ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Main Elements of a Contract Main elements of a contract A contract is a written or verbal agreement made between two or more parties in which the exchange of goods and/or services is agreed upon through unilateral or bilateral exchange. A successful contract contains at least six key elements, which detail how this exchange or exchanges will take place. A contract can also include details of how breach will be handled or details about how the contract can be legally terminated. Furthermore, a contract can have several defenses that will make it unenforceable by law. The six major elements of a contract are offer, acceptance, objections, mutuality of obligation, and competency. In contracts, an offer specifies what goods and/or services are going to be exchanged. An order can be defined as an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that [terms] shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed (Treitel, 2007). As stated in the definition of offer, the next step in creating a successful contract is acceptance. Acceptance can also be referred to as genuine assent and requires that all parties partaking in a contract agree to the terms outlined in the offer. Legally, all terms outlined in a contract cannot be transferred to a third party, nor can services be subcontracted out to a third party unless there is a provision included in the contract that addresses how these circumstances should be handled. Furthermore, all terms ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Long Hair Extension Long hair, desirable for centuries, is thought to make a woman more attractive. The ancient association between long hair and youth, health and fertility has persisted into contemporary beauty standards and having long, thick eyelashes has been added to this list of desirable features. Long lashes draw attention to the eyes, making them eyes appear larger and more expressive. Not ever woman can have long hairso salons started offering hair extension services to add length and bulk to thin or short hair. The hair extension s popularity along with advances in technology and technique have given salons a new cosmetic service that does for eyelashes what hair extensions do for hairstyling. Today s upscale salons now include eyelash extensions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Jews And The Crusades Essay attacks, especially since it broke the church code of law ( Jews and the Crusades ). As a result of the Christians hatred, the crusaders began their Crusades with attacks on the Jews. One of the first major attacks on the Jews occurred when Emicho of Flonheim lead an attack against the Jews of Mainz on May 27, 1096 ( Jewsand the Crusades). The Jews fled to the palace of Archbishop Ruothard, but Emicho s forces were too strong and broke through their gates ( Jews and the Crusades ). When the Jews saw what their fate was, many Jews, fell upon one another, brother, children, wives, and sisters, and thus they perished at each other s hands. Horrible to say, mothers cut the throats of nursing children with knives and stabbed others, preferring... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Jews that fled were quickly captured and were either forcibly baptised or murdered ( Jews and the Crusades ). These attacks resulted in a bitter relationship between Christians and Jews for hundreds of years for unnecessary persecution and killing. This shows that the Crusades were a turning point because it ruined relationships that affected their interactions for hundreds of years. A third effect of the crusades was the influx of many new ideas into the European culture from Muslim culture. When the crusaders went to the Holy Lands, they were very far behind culturally because they were in the thick of the dark ages, due to the viking raids, which kept many Europeans isolated. When they reached the Holy Lands, they were introduced into their culture that was years ahead of them. This enlightenment of culture to all of the crusaders resulted in cultural diffusion. All of the great things that they saw and experienced in Jerusalem, they brought back with them. These things that they brought back included the handkerchief, mosaics, the guitar, sugar cane, syrup, lemons, silk, glass mirrors, cotton, plums, almonds, watermelons, pearls, and many more great things. This diffusion had a huge impact because it introduced the Europeans to all of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Alcohol Abuse Introduction Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse Signs, Symptoms, and Help for Drinking Problems It s not always easy to see when your drinking has crossed the line from moderate or social use to problem drinking. But if you consume alcohol to cope with difficulties or to avoid feeling bad, you re in potentially dangerous territory. Alcoholismand alcohol abuse can sneak up on you, so it s important to be aware of the warning signs and take steps to cut back if you recognize them. Understanding the problem is the first step to overcoming it. In This Article: * Understanding drinking problems * Signs amp; symptoms of alcohol abuse * Signs amp; symptoms of alcoholism * Drinking problems and denial * Effects of alcoholism * Getting help ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Signs and symptoms of alcoholism (alcohol dependence) Alcoholism is the most severe form of problem drinking. Alcoholism involves all the symptoms of alcohol abuse, but it also involves another element: physical dependence on alcohol. If you rely on alcohol to function or feel physically compelled to drink, you re an alcoholic. Tolerance: The 1st major warning sign of alcoholism Do you have to drink a lot more than you used to in order to get buzzed or to feel relaxed? Can you drink more than other people without getting drunk? These are signs of tolerance, which can be an early warning sign of alcoholism. Tolerance means that, over time, you need more and more alcohol to feel the same effects. Withdrawal: The 2nd major warning sign of alcoholism Do you need a drink to steady the shakes in the morning? Drinking to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms is a sign of alcoholism and a huge red flag. When you drink heavily, your body gets used to the alcohol and experiences withdrawal symptoms if it s taken away. These include: * Anxiety or jumpiness * Shakiness or trembling * Sweating * Nausea and vomiting * Insomnia | * Depression * Irritability * Fatigue * Loss of appetite * Headache | In severe cases, withdrawal from alcohol can also involve hallucinations, confusion, seizures, fever, and agitation. These symptoms can be dangerous, so talk to your doctor if you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Wreck Of The Titan Javian Keys Informative Outline I.Introduction A.Attention Getter: An American writer named Morgan Robertson on one occasion wrote a book called The Wreck of the Titan. The book was about an unsinkable ship called the Titan that set sail from England to New York with many rich and famous passengers on board. On its expedition, the Titan hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sunk. Numerous lives were lost because there were not plenty lifeboats. The strange part about this is that the Titanic was written 14 years ago before it happened. B.Why Should You Listen: The sinking of the Titanic was one of the biggest non war related disasters in history, and it is vital to be well informed about the past? C.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... a.According to a quotation from Shipbuilders magazine that is included in Peter Thresh s 1992 book Titanic, Everything has been done in regard to the furniture and fittings to make the first class accommodation more than equal to that provided in the finest hotels on shore (p. 18). b.Fine parlor suites on the ship consisted of a sitting room, two bedrooms, two wardrobe rooms, private bath, and a lavatory. c.The first class dining room was the biggest on any liner; it could serve 600 passengers at a time. d.Other first class accommodations includes a squash court, swimming pool, library, barber s shop, Turkish baths, and a photographer s dark room. 3.The Titanic was generally believed to be the safest ship ever built. a.Tibbals, labeled the Titanic as having an outer layer that protected an inner layer that was created to keep water out of the ship if the outer layer was stabbed. b.The bottom of the ship was separated into 16 watertight sections equipped with automatic watertight doors. c.The doors could be closed instantly if water were to enter into the compartments. d.Because it was supposed to be so safe, it was supposed to be unsinkable Transition: Now let s talk about the Tragedy surrounding the Titanic. B.When the titanic hit the iceberg four days after departure, one of the most tragic event happened. 1.The star of the voyage was very monotonous. a.The ship had left ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Deception In Antony And Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra Deliberately falsifying information for personal gain causing an ensuing conflict is a motif clearly contrived within William Shakespeare s tragedy Antony and Cleopatra. Deception is represented within the protagonist, the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, a tempting seductress who has a false relationship with Antony only for personal motives. Within the play Cleopatra fabricates illnesses, deceives Antony s love through her betrayal at sea and likens Caesar to a god, Antony s enemy, all to achieve attention and advance politically. Created in 1606 during the Elizabethan era the characters within the play are based on an imaginary and partially real concept of historical characters. Shakespeare showcases Cleopatra as a woman unlike many of the time, holding power over man. In the visual representation a mask, ships on a stormy sea and a serpent are used to represent the act of deception. Antony s fatal attraction to the queen, and Cleopatra s hidden desires bind the two together to create a falsified love on public display that is fueled by deception. The queen of Egypt Cleopatra, as represented in the Shakespearean tragedy, embodies a deceiving and controlling nature. This is the cause of conflicts between herself and Antony, concocted for selfish, personal gain. Cleopatra twists the mind of Antony, fabricating a lieto get his attention onto her. If you find him sad, say I am dancing. If in mirth, report That I am sudden sick. (Cleopatra: 1, 3, 3 5). Shakespeare s use of dialogue is there to express Cleopatra s jealousy of his wife Fulvia and how she wishes for Antony to feel longing for her and regret that he went back to Rome leaving a sick queen alone. She reiterates her feigning spell over Antony to distort his emotions. Mardian go tell him that I have slain myself. Say that the last I spoke was Antony , piteously (Cleopatra: 4, 13, 6 8). She fakes her death accomplishing her goal of Antony forgetting about his anger towards her and instead to feel endearing sadness. The Egyptian queen manipulates Antony to believe that her love for him is real, yet he is blind to her performance. Here she showcases the power she holds above Antony, unusual in both Shakespeare s time and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Speech On Green Sea Turtles These turtles lay eggs on beaches. At nights, female turtles come to beaches and lay eggs in the nests. When the eggs hatch, the young ones go into the water. The mature green turtles can live up to eighty years in wild. Distribution In Pakistan: In Pakistan Green sea turtles are found on Sandspit beach, Sindh and coastal areas of Baluchistan (Makran Coast). Nesting Season: In Pakistan the female green sea turtles lay eggs throughout the year. The frequency is high in September and low in monsoon season. Conservational Status: The green sea turtle is categorized Endangered by IUCN (International Union for the conservation of nature). That s why it is not legal to harm and kill these turtles. The main threat to these turtles are anthropogenic activities. Pollution is also causes negatives effects to them as well as their eggs. These turtles are also suffering the problem of Habitat Loss as nesting beaches are reduced due to development processes. Threats to Green Sea Turtles: Some of the threats that the green sea turtles are facing are as follows Because of the industrial and real estate development the areas of beaches are reduced and thus these turtles are facing the problem of Habitat Loss and Habitat Destruction. Some smugglers smuggle these turtles to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It has been working for a Sea Turtle Conservation Project since 1979 with the help of WWF and IUCN. In this project the mature turtles are marked and eggs are kept in incubators in laboratories at Hawkes bay and Sand spit. When the eggs are hatched, the young ones are weight and their number is counted at the Sindh Wildlife Lab. In this way the related data is carefully collected. Different sessions are arranged with the school children so that they would also be aware about the protection and conservation of green sea turtles. These sessions are held from August to January as it is the breeding season of sea ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Staffing Of An Hr Department At Ohio Bath Solutions Essay Staffing the HR Department Most companies understand that recruiting, developing, and retaining talented employees is critical. Talented employees provide organizations with a competitive advantage that is not easily reproduced. However, it takes a talented Human Resources (HR) department to place the right employees in the right jobs. Talent management applies to all employees of an organization, especially the HR department. A dedicated HR staff supports the company s vision and mission. Therefore, it is vital to have a talented HR staff in place to support the organization s objectives. This paper will examine the staffing of an HR department at Ohio Bath Solutions, LLC. First, the paper will analyze three HR functions: recruitment, compensation and benefits, and training and development. The paper will assess the impact of each function in adding value to the company s HR department. Next, the paper will develop a job description for a compensation and benefits specialist position at Ohio Bath Solutions. Third, the paper will identify the best recruitment method and selection method that the company uses to attract talented candidates for the HR functions. Last, the paper will develop a compensation and benefits package for the new HR staff. HR Functions The HR staff at Ohio Bath Solutions, LLC is responsible for supporting the company s culture and business objectives. Three critical HR functions that support the company s strategies are recruitment, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...