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Mapping the AI Revolution and State of Adoption
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
We spent Q3 2023 mapping out the AI revolution to target our theses
and investments alongside engaging with a multitude of startups and
companies to inform our strategy and investment decisions.
Our thesis: to invest in startups solving well-defined problems with the
power of data and AI in ways that traditional software has not been
able to accomplish yet.
Defined is led by a proven VC and former operator and engineer with
15+ years of company building and investing in data, automation and AI.
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
Humans + Machines Relationship Inversion
It used to be to that humans had to communicate with machines in programming languages
designed for machines to comprehend – now they take input in our language and meet use
where we are at.
GenAI and NLP represent not just an AI revolution, but a profound inversion in the relationship
between humans and machines
It used to be that humans would create and computers would validate results – now the
machines create and humans QA.
Specialized and technically advantaged pick-and-shovel building blocks benefiting from
arms race
With new LLM capabilities, we see applications that go beyond what humans have been
capable of alone – look no further than machine-driven breakthrough in the natural sciences
like AlphaFold and GNoMe – and the emergence of systems of intelligence.
This is setting the stage for a profound shift in how products provide value and AI is adopted
into workflows
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
To Achieve Adoption, Need to Embrace “Four A’s” of Human Enablement with
AI to complete “Jobs to be Done”
I no longer need to do this
Job To be Done (JBTD)
because of AI.
AI helps automate low-
level, repetitive tasks
like debugging, lead
gen and outbound
AI can help me do this
JTBD better.
More human-centric,
higher ROI work like
customer service,
strategy and
AI helps the whole company
do their jobs better
High potential to coordinate
with teams, department,
business units and wide
company towards shared
JBTDs, outcomes and goals
(KPIs, OKRs).
Value of AI can only be
unlocked if can overcome
barriers to adoption of
humans and companies.

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Patrick Couch - Intelligenta Maskiner & Smartare Tjänster Patrick Couch - Intelligenta Maskiner & Smartare Tjänster
Patrick Couch - Intelligenta Maskiner & Smartare Tjänster

Industriföretag, såväl tillverkare som användare av maskiner, fordon och utrustning, står inför ett paradigmskifte drivet av ökad global konkurrens, kunders förändrade efterfrågan samt det faktum att produkterna nu blir instrumenterade, ihopkopplade och mer intelligenta. Stora datamängder är inte ett buzzword för dessa företag, utan en reell verklighet som de behöver förhålla sig till för att säkra sin framtida verksamhet. I bästa fall omvandlar dessa företag denna teknologiska revolution (populärt kallad Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, M2M, Industri 4.0 etc.) till en motor för att utveckla verksamheten mot tillväxt och effektivare produktion. Detta skifte skapar framförallt stora möjligheter att förflytta sig mot leveranser av tjänster som kraftigt ökar mervärdet för kunderna, deras kunders kunder samt för producenten.

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Artificial Intelligence: Competitive Edge for Business Solutions & Applications
Artificial Intelligence: Competitive Edge for Business Solutions & ApplicationsArtificial Intelligence: Competitive Edge for Business Solutions & Applications
Artificial Intelligence: Competitive Edge for Business Solutions & Applications

The growth of Artificial Intelligence in recent years brought forth a major challenge for brands in deploying such AI solutions. Many brands lack the clarity regarding where to start the AI integration process and profitably deploy these solutions in the most effective manner.

Accenture-Ready-Set-Scale - AI.pdf
Accenture-Ready-Set-Scale - AI.pdfAccenture-Ready-Set-Scale - AI.pdf
Accenture-Ready-Set-Scale - AI.pdf

This document provides a summary of key strategies for successfully scaling artificial intelligence (AI) within an organization. It discusses the importance of having a clear business strategy that AI supports, focusing AI projects on delivering tangible business value. It also emphasizes having the right data strategy to power AI initiatives and taking a portfolio view of AI projects that balances experimentation with alignment to strategic goals. The document recommends challenging assumptions about how work gets done and preparing employees for how AI will change and augment their roles. It argues that organizations must think holistically about scaling AI to realize its full potential for driving business outcomes.

Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
Key Criteria to Evaluate Attractiveness of JTBDs for AI
• A top pain point in many industries is workforce retention, especially among
workers who require significant upfront and ongoing training. These are areas
where hiring “AI staff members” (versus buying software and mandating
employees to change their workflow to use it) has high potential for uptake.
• Areas in which humans are prone to error or are generally slow and inefficient
(even when supported by software products) are most likely to benefit from AI
• Areas of higher, more specialized labor spend, or areas in which an AI product
could simply ride existing revenue or transaction rails–either for substitute
human services or software tools.
Area of high
spend on highly
trained labor
Potential 10x
with AI
Areas with low
adoption of
Established revenue
rails and financial
• Enterprises are more likely to adopt AI if its cost benefit is at least an order of
magnitude (and ideally more!) better than the status quo. Therefore, we’re likely to
see a stronger opportunity in areas that have a low penetration of existing
software tools, where AI cost benefit is being compared to human labor, versus
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
Adoption Rate of Disruptive New Technologies
After its first decade, the cloud reach 30% of enterprise software spend; the internet 45% penetration;
and mobile nearly 85%, the pace of AI adoption will be dramatically faster.
Source: Menlo Ventures
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Internet Smartphones Cloud AI
US Technology Adoption %
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL 7
Comparison: Autonomous Vehicles vs. Generative AI
Gen AI advancing much faster than previous technological waves.
Levels of Autonomy Autonomous Vehicles Generative AI
Fully autonomous
Highly autonomous
Self-driving with light
Tesla autopilot
Cruise control
Superhuman reasoning & perception
AI autopilots for complex tasks
AI co-pilot for skilled labor
Supporting humans with basic tasks
Generating basic content
Source: Coatue
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL 8
Wave 1: AI Natives – Bard, Character, Midjourney, OpenAI
Wave 2.0: Early startup wave - Harvey, Perplexity, Langchain
Wave 2.1: Fast mid-market companies - Notion, Zapier
Wave 3 (Pending): Next startup wave - Showing sustainable value
Wave 4 (Pending): REAL enterprise adoption - BIG WAVE
AI Adoption Curves
True enterprise adoption is
still many quarters/years
Given that large enterprise
planning cycles often take
3-6 months, and then
prototyping and building will
take a year for a large
company, we are still very
far away from peak AI usage
or peak AI hype.
Source: Elad Gill

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AI is here, call it buzz, cause it a bubble, we are smack in the middle of an AI revolution. While there is a strong view building about consumer AI applications, there still seems to be some scepticism about AI for enterprises, primarily due to the lack of clarity and focus on how AI can actually deliver value for enterprises. At BRIDGEi2i, we believe it is important to have a non-fragmented view of the AI ecosystem and a “Value Roadmap” for AI in the enterprise context. As CxOs, it is important to understand where the enterprise is in the transformation journey and define value accordingly. This talk will throw light on how to look at the enterprise AI ecosystem and build the right roadmap for value.

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The document discusses embedding AI in data productivity tools. It notes that while AI applications get attention, opportunities to embed AI in tools to manage and interpret data may be overlooked. This could help address challenges in preparing large amounts of clean, AI-ready data at scale. The document summarizes experts' views, many of which support embedding AI in data pipelines and tools to improve data quality, integration and analytics. It provides examples of companies like Informatica, UnifiSoftware, Trifacta and Tamr that are infusing AI into their data integration and catalog offerings. The document argues that opportunities for AI to improve data management could boost overall AI success rates.

ai ethicsembedded aiai for data governance
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
Supervised Learning
(Labelling Things)
Generative AI
Value from AI Technology Today → 3 Years
Supervised learning is massive majority of AI deployment, and Andrew Ng predicts it should double in the next 3
years. Generative AI should more than double, but it won't catch up in terms of scale.
Don't let online hype lead you astray. Learning the fundamentals is as important as it's always been.
Rather than view LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models as part of a continuum with past "AI", it is worth
thinking of this as an entirely new era and discontinuity from the past
Source: Andrew Ng, Stanford
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
AI Spend
Enterprise investment in GenAI - which is estimated to be $2.5B in 2023 is surprisingly small compared to
the enterprise budgets for traditional AI ($70B) and cloud software ($400B).
Cloud software spend Total AI Spend Gen. AI Spend
AI spend has potential to grow by
up to 6x in the next 7 years to
match current Cloud spend
Source: Menlo Ventures
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
Potential Annual Value of AI and Analytics Across Industries
$9.5T - $15.4T
Focusing investments where the most significant unlocks in value and market adoption will materialize
Source: MckInsey
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
State of AI Adoption – Where are we today?
• A majority (77.1%) of survey
respondents said that their
companies have made
some sort of effort to adopt
• But around half (48.9%)
said those efforts were
fledgling—just getting
started or ad-hoc use
• A non-trivial 15.7% haven’t
really started yet, and might
not anytime soon.
15.7% 29.6% 19.3% 14.8% 13.4%
We haven’t
adopting yet
We’re getting
the basics in
We have
some ad-hoc
use cases in
We have
several use
cases in
We’re leading
the industry in
AI adoption
It is early days for AI in most organizations with experimentation before production.
Company’s Level of AI Adoption
Source: Retool

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With the advent of chatbots, artificial intelligence, interactive voice response, and machine learning, novel technologies continue to disrupt the contact center industry. These advances initially gave the impression that automation will replace the human element. Join Rick Nucci, Co-Founder and CEO of Guru, as he demystifies AI, explains how machine learning helps contact centers rather than replaces them, and demonstrates how to leverage this new technology to create innovative solutions.

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Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
The State of AI Adoption - Where are we today?
Data Is Key, But It’s Not Ready
• CDOs believe data is key to preparing for generative AI, but they haven’t done much with it yet.
• 93% agree that “data strategy is crucial to getting business value from generative AI.”
• However, 57% said that they had made no changes to data yet to prepare for generative AI.
• Only 38% agreed that “My team and I have the right data foundation to pivot to generative AI,” and only
11% agreed strongly with the statement.
• 71% agreed that “generative AI is interesting, but we are more focused on other data initiatives to
achieve more tangible value.” Tangible value is great, but perhaps this low priority is why many CDOs
haven’t been given responsibility for generative AI.
• At least they are planning to spend more on the technology: 62% said that their teams are planning on
investing more in generative AI.
Source: Menlo Ventures
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
Slow adoption at first and widespread adoption in second half of decade.
F500 CEO Survey: % expectation of AI impact on headcount
Lower Labour Need Unchanged Labour Need
Lower Labour Need. Unchanged Labour Need.
Next Year Next 5 Years
& Support
& Marketing
& Legal
Product & Engineering
Sales, Support
& Marketing
& Legal
AI as a co-pilot or autopilot could transform how organizations scale for growth
→ Previously meant scaling headcount, with AI means scaling compute
Today Near Future
The State of AI Adoption - Where are we going?
Source: Goldman Sachs, KPMG, Gartner, Coatue
Market Assessment and 2024 Predictions
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
Market Assessment
In long-term value will accrue in unexpected ways as realized during significant technological shifts historically.
In medium-term, rapid adoption of AI is a baseline, not differentiator for healthy growth, and it’s easy to forget that network effects (human, data,
brand, trust, distribution, etc.) and effective GTM serve as key differentiators between lasting winners and losers.
→ Likely majority of value created in 2-3 years after a platform disruption – Uber, Airbnb, and Instagram all created <3 years of the iPhone launch
AI advances (i.e. OpenAI Dev Day and Github Universe) are causing weekly disruption across the entire knowledge stack, from content creation
and code generation to intelligent decision-making systems, unlocking massive opportunities for growth and innovation on a scale that surpasses
previous AI milestones.
→ The result: reduced barriers to entry across the board for businesses and uncertainty on where value will truly accrue long term
Form factor is evolving. GenAI apps are now going beyond "first draft + human review" to increased autonomy to solve end to end (0 to level 5
autonomy). Midjourney’s introduction of camera panning and infilling is a nice illustration of how the generative AI-first user experience is evolving
with a new set of knobs and switches that are very different from traditional editing workflows – advancing from zero-shot to ask-and-adjust.
→ Form factors are evolving from individual to system-level productivity and from human-in-the-loop to execution-oriented agentic systems.
There is still an expectation vs. reality gap. Generative AI’s biggest problem is not finding use cases or demand or distribution, it is proving value.
User engagement is lackluster. Some of the best consumer companies have 60-65% DAU/MAU; WhatsApp’s is 85%. By contrast, generative AI apps
have a median of 14%. This means that users are not finding enough value in Generative AI products to use them every day yet.
→ To build enduring business, need to fix retention and generate deep enough value for customers that they stick and become daily active users
Despite challenges GenAI has already had a more successful start than SaaS, with >$1 billion in revenue from startups alone (it took the SaaS
market years, not months, to reach the same scale). Hype and flash are giving way to real value and whole product experiences. A shared playbook is
developing as companies figure out the path to enduring value. We now have shared techniques to make models useful, as well as emerging UI
paradigms that will shape generative AI’s second act.
Business models for AI are emerging to sell work, not software. We are seeing startups differentiating their business model compared to incumbents
by instead of selling software on a per seat basis to selling units of work our outcomes based on a user consumption basis. Selling work opens new
vertical opportunities that wouldn’t have otherwise supported a software company.

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#AI and #HPC convergence is here and is here to stay and accelerate innovations across industries. The increased availability of data, hardware advancements leading to increased computational capabilities, and new algorithms and mathematical models have collectively resulted in the accelerated AI expansion in all sorts of applications. This, however, creates high computational needs which naturally have been more and more successfully addressed by HPC (High-Performance Computing). In that sense, AI & HPC complement each other. HPC infrastructure is often used to train AI’s powerful algorithms by leveraging huge amounts of sample data (training set) and in that way enables AI models (trained algorithms) to recognize shapes, objects (machine vision), find answers hidden in the data (predictive maintenance, data analytics) or accelerate time to results (predict the outcome of complex engineering simulations). We at byteLAKE have been closely working with Lenovo, Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions Group, Intel Corporation, NVIDIA and many more to ensure that our AI-powered products not only help our clients efficiently automate various operations and reduce time and cost but also are highly optimized and make the most of the hardware and software infrastructure where they are deployed. Besides our efforts in bringing AI solutions to the paper industry and manufacturing in general (which I described in my previous post), our efforts in bringing value thru AI in the chemical industry highly benefit from HPC's capabilities to dynamically scale and keep up with performance requirements. Our product, #CFDSuite (AI-accelerated CFD) leverages HPC to efficiently analyze historic CFD simulations and makes it possible for our clients to predict their outcomes on various edge devices i.e. laptops, desktop PCs or local edge servers. And with that in mind, I am very happy to see the byteLAKE team becoming one of the drivers of AI & HPC convergence and leveraging it to bring innovations to various industries. Links: - byteLAKE's Cognitive Services: www.byteLAKE.com/en/CognitiveServices (Cognitive Services (AI for Paper Industry & Manufacturing)). Related blog post series: www.byteLAKE.com/en/CognitiveServices-toc - byteLAKE's CFD Suite: www.byteLAKE.com/en/CFDSuite. Related blog post series: www.byteLAKE.com/en/AI4CFD-toc - byteLAKE’s CFD Suite (AI-accelerated CFD) — HPC scalability report: https://marcrojek.medium.com/bytelakes-cfd-suite-ai-accelerated-cfd-hpc-scalability-report-25f9786e6123 (full report: https://www.slideshare.net/byteLAKE/bytelakes-cfd-suite-aiaccelerated-cfd-hpc-scalability-report-april21) - byteLAKE's CFD Suite (AI-accelerated CFD) - product community: www.bytelake.com/en/AI4CFD-pt2 (LinkedIn and Facebook groups) #AI #IoT #Manufacturing #Automotive #Paper #PaperIndustry #ChemicalIndustry #CFD #FluidDynamics #OpenFOAM #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #ComputerVision #Automation #Industry40

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Our latest research reveals the need for companies to complement their technology advances with a focus on governance that drives ethics and trust. Otherwise, their AI efforts will fall short of competitors’ initiatives that responsibly embrace machine intelligence.

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Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
Is the GenAI bubble about to burst?
• In GenAI, we are experiencing Amara’s Law -- the phenomenon that we tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the
short run and underestimate the effect in the long run or as futurist Paul Saffo says:
• “Never mistake a clear view for a short distance”
• While the technology holds profound promise, we see early signs that GenAI may get a “cold shower” in 2024 as the costs,
risks and complexity associated with the technology reach a tipping point.
• The hype of 2023 has ignored several obstacles that will slow progress in the short term. The cost of deployment is a
prohibitive factor for many organizations and developers. Additionally, future regulation and the social and commercial risks
of deploying generative AI in certain scenarios result in a period of evaluation prior to roll-out.
• We are therefore applying patience and judgment in our investment decisions, with careful attention to how founders are
solving the value problem.
• This prediction hold even more weight in light of several other recent developments:
• AI relies on chips to run, and there are serious concerns about a growing global chip shortage.
• The computing power necessary to keep large language models running is tremendous — not to mention the
environmental impact.
• AI startups seem to be facing increasing pressures too, with AI speech recognition startup Deepgram recently cutting
staff and AI marketing startup Jasper slashing revenue projections.
• Generative AI deals are also down per Pitchbook, with both deals and deal value slowing in the third quarter of 2023.
Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL
2024 Predictions
The next big phase of AI will be multi-agent models. Soon, we’ll enter a world where you might just be interacting with one model on the surface, yet that model can
search for and leverage many unique models “under the hood”.
→ Will see emergence of Large Behavior, Action, Vision Models (LBMs, LAMs and LVMs) and potentially other modalities.
Despite GenAI having a cold shower in 2024, almost all enterprise software companies will embed generative AI in at least some of their products in 2024.
Powerful pre-trained open-source models will dominate in the enterprise, with only a few (or maybe one) giant foundation model companies serving consumers
→ Models will go to the data lakes, not the other way around
EU AI Act is delayed and redrawn multiple times owing to the speed of AI advancement which makes the construction of a robust and workable regulatory
framework extremely difficult. There are differences of opinion between the US, EU and market participants, with Europe taking a far more structured and robust
approach to regulation. Legislation is not finalized until late 2024, leaving the industry to take the initial steps at self-regulation.
AI oversight committees become commonplace in large organizations by 2024. Companies establish diverse oversight committees composed of AI ethics experts,
legal advisors, data scientists and representatives to review applications of AI in the business, set guidelines, conduct audits and address ethical and legal concerns.
SLMs (Small Language Models) are likely to become a force to be reckoned with as LLMs keep pushing the scaling laws and become bigger and bigger, whereas the
SLM thesis centers around the viability of smaller, highly specialized, more affordable models for specific use cases (movement has partly been catalyzed by the rise
of open-source GenAI models)
Thank you
Mark Trevitt
Managing Partner

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  • 1. Mapping the AI Revolution and State of Adoption
  • 2. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL We spent Q3 2023 mapping out the AI revolution to target our theses and investments alongside engaging with a multitude of startups and companies to inform our strategy and investment decisions. Our thesis: to invest in startups solving well-defined problems with the power of data and AI in ways that traditional software has not been able to accomplish yet. Defined is led by a proven VC and former operator and engineer with 15+ years of company building and investing in data, automation and AI. 2 Overview
  • 3. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL 2 Humans + Machines Relationship Inversion 1 It used to be to that humans had to communicate with machines in programming languages designed for machines to comprehend – now they take input in our language and meet use where we are at. GenAI and NLP represent not just an AI revolution, but a profound inversion in the relationship between humans and machines It used to be that humans would create and computers would validate results – now the machines create and humans QA. 3 Specialized and technically advantaged pick-and-shovel building blocks benefiting from arms race 3 With new LLM capabilities, we see applications that go beyond what humans have been capable of alone – look no further than machine-driven breakthrough in the natural sciences like AlphaFold and GNoMe – and the emergence of systems of intelligence. This is setting the stage for a profound shift in how products provide value and AI is adopted into workflows
  • 4. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL To Achieve Adoption, Need to Embrace “Four A’s” of Human Enablement with AI to complete “Jobs to be Done” 4 I no longer need to do this Job To be Done (JBTD) because of AI. AI helps automate low- level, repetitive tasks like debugging, lead gen and outbound emailing. AI can help me do this JTBD better. More human-centric, higher ROI work like customer service, strategy and campaigns. Automation (tasks) Augmentation (capabilities) Alignment AI helps the whole company do their jobs better High potential to coordinate with teams, department, business units and wide company towards shared JBTDs, outcomes and goals (KPIs, OKRs). Adoption Value of AI can only be unlocked if can overcome barriers to adoption of humans and companies.
  • 5. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL Key Criteria to Evaluate Attractiveness of JTBDs for AI 5 • A top pain point in many industries is workforce retention, especially among workers who require significant upfront and ongoing training. These are areas where hiring “AI staff members” (versus buying software and mandating employees to change their workflow to use it) has high potential for uptake. 1 2 3 4 • Areas in which humans are prone to error or are generally slow and inefficient (even when supported by software products) are most likely to benefit from AI approaches. • Areas of higher, more specialized labor spend, or areas in which an AI product could simply ride existing revenue or transaction rails–either for substitute human services or software tools. Area of high spend on highly trained labor Potential 10x performance with AI Areas with low adoption of software Established revenue rails and financial incentives • Enterprises are more likely to adopt AI if its cost benefit is at least an order of magnitude (and ideally more!) better than the status quo. Therefore, we’re likely to see a stronger opportunity in areas that have a low penetration of existing software tools, where AI cost benefit is being compared to human labor, versus software.
  • 6. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL Adoption Rate of Disruptive New Technologies After its first decade, the cloud reach 30% of enterprise software spend; the internet 45% penetration; and mobile nearly 85%, the pace of AI adoption will be dramatically faster. Source: Menlo Ventures 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Internet Smartphones Cloud AI US Technology Adoption % 6
  • 7. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL 7 Comparison: Autonomous Vehicles vs. Generative AI Gen AI advancing much faster than previous technological waves. Levels of Autonomy Autonomous Vehicles Generative AI L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 Fully autonomous Highly autonomous Self-driving with light intervention Tesla autopilot Cruise control Superhuman reasoning & perception AI autopilots for complex tasks AI co-pilot for skilled labor Supporting humans with basic tasks Generating basic content 15 Years 5 Years Source: Coatue
  • 8. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL 8 Magnitude Wave 1: AI Natives – Bard, Character, Midjourney, OpenAI Wave 2.0: Early startup wave - Harvey, Perplexity, Langchain Wave 2.1: Fast mid-market companies - Notion, Zapier Wave 3 (Pending): Next startup wave - Showing sustainable value Wave 4 (Pending): REAL enterprise adoption - BIG WAVE Time TODAY AI Adoption Curves True enterprise adoption is still many quarters/years away. Given that large enterprise planning cycles often take 3-6 months, and then prototyping and building will take a year for a large company, we are still very far away from peak AI usage or peak AI hype. Source: Elad Gill
  • 9. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL Supervised Learning (Labelling Things) Generative AI Reinforcement Learning Value from AI Technology Today → 3 Years Supervised learning is massive majority of AI deployment, and Andrew Ng predicts it should double in the next 3 years. Generative AI should more than double, but it won't catch up in terms of scale. Don't let online hype lead you astray. Learning the fundamentals is as important as it's always been. Rather than view LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models as part of a continuum with past "AI", it is worth thinking of this as an entirely new era and discontinuity from the past Unsupervised Learning 9 Source: Andrew Ng, Stanford
  • 10. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL AI Spend 10 Enterprise investment in GenAI - which is estimated to be $2.5B in 2023 is surprisingly small compared to the enterprise budgets for traditional AI ($70B) and cloud software ($400B). $400B $70B Cloud software spend Total AI Spend Gen. AI Spend AI spend has potential to grow by up to 6x in the next 7 years to match current Cloud spend $3B Source: Menlo Ventures
  • 11. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL Potential Annual Value of AI and Analytics Across Industries 11 CLICK HERE FOR INTERACTIVE CHART $9.5T - $15.4T Focusing investments where the most significant unlocks in value and market adoption will materialize Source: MckInsey
  • 12. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL State of AI Adoption – Where are we today? 12 • A majority (77.1%) of survey respondents said that their companies have made some sort of effort to adopt AI. • But around half (48.9%) said those efforts were fledgling—just getting started or ad-hoc use cases. • A non-trivial 15.7% haven’t really started yet, and might not anytime soon. ` 15.7% 29.6% 19.3% 14.8% 13.4% We haven’t started adopting yet We’re getting the basics in place We have some ad-hoc use cases in production We have several use cases in production We’re leading the industry in AI adoption It is early days for AI in most organizations with experimentation before production. Company’s Level of AI Adoption Source: Retool
  • 13. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL The State of AI Adoption - Where are we today? Data Is Key, But It’s Not Ready • CDOs believe data is key to preparing for generative AI, but they haven’t done much with it yet. • 93% agree that “data strategy is crucial to getting business value from generative AI.” • However, 57% said that they had made no changes to data yet to prepare for generative AI. • Only 38% agreed that “My team and I have the right data foundation to pivot to generative AI,” and only 11% agreed strongly with the statement. • 71% agreed that “generative AI is interesting, but we are more focused on other data initiatives to achieve more tangible value.” Tangible value is great, but perhaps this low priority is why many CDOs haven’t been given responsibility for generative AI. • At least they are planning to spend more on the technology: 62% said that their teams are planning on investing more in generative AI. 13 Source: Menlo Ventures
  • 14. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL Slow adoption at first and widespread adoption in second half of decade. 14 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% F500 CEO Survey: % expectation of AI impact on headcount Lower Labour Need Unchanged Labour Need Lower Labour Need. Unchanged Labour Need. Next Year Next 5 Years Executive Leadership Senior Management Engineering Sales & Support Growth & Marketing Operations Finance & Legal Leadership Product & Engineering Sales, Support & Marketing Finance & Legal AI as a co-pilot or autopilot could transform how organizations scale for growth → Previously meant scaling headcount, with AI means scaling compute Today Near Future Product The State of AI Adoption - Where are we going? Source: Goldman Sachs, KPMG, Gartner, Coatue
  • 15. Market Assessment and 2024 Predictions
  • 16. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL Market Assessment In long-term value will accrue in unexpected ways as realized during significant technological shifts historically. In medium-term, rapid adoption of AI is a baseline, not differentiator for healthy growth, and it’s easy to forget that network effects (human, data, brand, trust, distribution, etc.) and effective GTM serve as key differentiators between lasting winners and losers. → Likely majority of value created in 2-3 years after a platform disruption – Uber, Airbnb, and Instagram all created <3 years of the iPhone launch AI advances (i.e. OpenAI Dev Day and Github Universe) are causing weekly disruption across the entire knowledge stack, from content creation and code generation to intelligent decision-making systems, unlocking massive opportunities for growth and innovation on a scale that surpasses previous AI milestones. → The result: reduced barriers to entry across the board for businesses and uncertainty on where value will truly accrue long term Form factor is evolving. GenAI apps are now going beyond "first draft + human review" to increased autonomy to solve end to end (0 to level 5 autonomy). Midjourney’s introduction of camera panning and infilling is a nice illustration of how the generative AI-first user experience is evolving with a new set of knobs and switches that are very different from traditional editing workflows – advancing from zero-shot to ask-and-adjust. → Form factors are evolving from individual to system-level productivity and from human-in-the-loop to execution-oriented agentic systems. There is still an expectation vs. reality gap. Generative AI’s biggest problem is not finding use cases or demand or distribution, it is proving value. User engagement is lackluster. Some of the best consumer companies have 60-65% DAU/MAU; WhatsApp’s is 85%. By contrast, generative AI apps have a median of 14%. This means that users are not finding enough value in Generative AI products to use them every day yet. → To build enduring business, need to fix retention and generate deep enough value for customers that they stick and become daily active users Despite challenges GenAI has already had a more successful start than SaaS, with >$1 billion in revenue from startups alone (it took the SaaS market years, not months, to reach the same scale). Hype and flash are giving way to real value and whole product experiences. A shared playbook is developing as companies figure out the path to enduring value. We now have shared techniques to make models useful, as well as emerging UI paradigms that will shape generative AI’s second act. Business models for AI are emerging to sell work, not software. We are seeing startups differentiating their business model compared to incumbents by instead of selling software on a per seat basis to selling units of work our outcomes based on a user consumption basis. Selling work opens new vertical opportunities that wouldn’t have otherwise supported a software company. 16
  • 17. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL Is the GenAI bubble about to burst? • In GenAI, we are experiencing Amara’s Law -- the phenomenon that we tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run or as futurist Paul Saffo says: • “Never mistake a clear view for a short distance” • While the technology holds profound promise, we see early signs that GenAI may get a “cold shower” in 2024 as the costs, risks and complexity associated with the technology reach a tipping point. • The hype of 2023 has ignored several obstacles that will slow progress in the short term. The cost of deployment is a prohibitive factor for many organizations and developers. Additionally, future regulation and the social and commercial risks of deploying generative AI in certain scenarios result in a period of evaluation prior to roll-out. • We are therefore applying patience and judgment in our investment decisions, with careful attention to how founders are solving the value problem. • This prediction hold even more weight in light of several other recent developments: • AI relies on chips to run, and there are serious concerns about a growing global chip shortage. • The computing power necessary to keep large language models running is tremendous — not to mention the environmental impact. • AI startups seem to be facing increasing pressures too, with AI speech recognition startup Deepgram recently cutting staff and AI marketing startup Jasper slashing revenue projections. • Generative AI deals are also down per Pitchbook, with both deals and deal value slowing in the third quarter of 2023. 17
  • 18. Defined Capital | LP Update Q3 2023 | CONFIDENTIAL 2024 Predictions The next big phase of AI will be multi-agent models. Soon, we’ll enter a world where you might just be interacting with one model on the surface, yet that model can search for and leverage many unique models “under the hood”. → Will see emergence of Large Behavior, Action, Vision Models (LBMs, LAMs and LVMs) and potentially other modalities. Despite GenAI having a cold shower in 2024, almost all enterprise software companies will embed generative AI in at least some of their products in 2024. Powerful pre-trained open-source models will dominate in the enterprise, with only a few (or maybe one) giant foundation model companies serving consumers → Models will go to the data lakes, not the other way around EU AI Act is delayed and redrawn multiple times owing to the speed of AI advancement which makes the construction of a robust and workable regulatory framework extremely difficult. There are differences of opinion between the US, EU and market participants, with Europe taking a far more structured and robust approach to regulation. Legislation is not finalized until late 2024, leaving the industry to take the initial steps at self-regulation. AI oversight committees become commonplace in large organizations by 2024. Companies establish diverse oversight committees composed of AI ethics experts, legal advisors, data scientists and representatives to review applications of AI in the business, set guidelines, conduct audits and address ethical and legal concerns. SLMs (Small Language Models) are likely to become a force to be reckoned with as LLMs keep pushing the scaling laws and become bigger and bigger, whereas the SLM thesis centers around the viability of smaller, highly specialized, more affordable models for specific use cases (movement has partly been catalyzed by the rise of open-source GenAI models) 18
  • 19. Thank you Mark Trevitt Managing Partner mark@definedvc.com