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Technology, Media &
Foreword	 1
Technology	 3
	Women in IT jobs: it is about education, but it is also about more than just education	 4
	Trailing millennials are the pro-PC, not the post-PC, generation	 8
	 Touch commerce: the mobille online checkout gets an express lane	 12
	Graphene: research now, reap next decade	 14
	Cognitive technologies enhance enterprise software	 17
Media	 21
	 Virtual reality: a billion dollar niche	 22
	 Mobile games: leading, but less lucrative	 26
	 Mobile ad-blockers: saved by the app?	 28
	 The award for stable box office revenues in the face of digital media goes to…	 30
	 US TV: erosion, not implosion	 35
	 European football scores $30 billion	 39
	 eSports: bigger and smaller than you think	 42
Telecommunications	 45
	 The dawn of the Gigabit Internet age: every bit counts46
	 Used smartphones: the $17 billion market you may never have heard of50
	 The rise of the data exclusive53
	 VoLTE/VoWiFi: capacity, reach and capability57
	 Photo sharing: trillions and rising59
Endnotes	 62
Recent Deloitte thought leadership	 78
Contacts at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) and its member firms	 79
Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Predictions for the Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) sectors.
The last 15 years have been a golden era for innovation: multiple TMT products and services that we now take for
granted were niche or non-existent back then.
In 2002, homes typically had dial-up Internet access, boxy television sets, wired speakers, standalone digital cameras,
shopping catalogues and fixed line telephones. Photos were stored in albums and shelves bulged with CDs and
DVDs; LPs had been banished to the attic or sold off.
‘Candy bar’ shaped mobile phones had monochrome screens and were predominantly used to make calls and
exchange text messages. Instant messaging, e-mail, e-commerce, maps, search engines, photos, videos and other
online services that are now routinely accessed via smartphones were predominantly PC-based at the start of 2002.
3G networks had only just launched commercially, offering speeds of a few hundred kilobits per second. As most
homes still had dial-up Internet, it was faster for most people to visit a video rental store, return home, watch the
film, and then return it rather than to wait for a file to download.
Over the last 15 years, connectivity has become steadily faster, enabling many new categories of service to become
mainstream, including a number of current staple applications: search engines, social networks, video-on-demand,
e- and m-commerce, app stores and online video games.
These new services have driven the growing appeal of digital devices; smartphones and tablets being the two
standout devices to have emerged over the period. These new device types have tended to complement rather than
usurp existing products.
While the past 15 years has witnessed startling change, it has also seen remarkable continuity. Broadcast television,
radio, cinema, live entertainment, printed books and in-person meetings remain popular despite multiple digitally-
enabled alternatives.
2016 promises to be yet another exciting year for the TMT sector. In this year’s edition we look at a fascinating array
of trends, each developing at its own momentum.
We look forward to the progress of cognitive technologies in enterprise software, to new approaches in accelerating
mobile commerce check-out, and to the progression of graphene. We highlight the continuing strength of demand
for the PC – especially among millennials.
We welcome the commercial launch of virtual reality, and note the continued growth of both premium sports (with
a focus on football in Europe), as well as the emerging eSports sector. We expect mobile should become the biggest
games platform in 2016, overtaking console and PC.
We observe that the key traditional media of television and cinema should continue to hold their own, even if not
growing. We explore the current and near-term impact of ad-blockers on mobile advertising revenues.
We discuss key drivers of bandwidth demand including the emergence of Gigabit to the home, trends in photo
sharing and a continued rise in data exclusive communicators, as well as the potential impact of the take-up of
network-managed voice over data services.
1Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Finally, we expect the used smartphone market to surpass $17 billion in trade-in value, making it a significant
consumer device market in its own right.
We hope that you find this year’s set of predictions an interesting read and that they bring a useful dynamic to your
Paul Sallomi 						Paul Lee
Global Technology, Media  Telecommunications 			 Partner, Head of Global TMT Research
(TMT) Industry Leader					 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited				
Women in IT jobs: it is about education, but it is also about more than just education	 4
Trailing millennials are the pro-PC, not the post-PC, generation	 8
Touch commerce: the mobile online checkout gets an express lane	 12
Graphene: research now, reap next decade	 14
Cognitive technologies enhance enterprise software	 17
3Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Figure 1: Women as percentage of total IT workforce by country for US, Sweden, Canada and UK
22% 22%
Source: The statistics for the chart above were obtained from government websites or documents. The US data is for 2014,
Sweden data is for 2013, Canada data is 2011 and UK data is for April-June 2015. See endnotes for information on sources.
Deloitte Global predicts that by end-2016 fewer than
25 percent of information technology (IT) jobs1
developed countries will be held by women, i.e. women
working in IT roles (see Figure 1)2
. That figure is about
the same as 2015, and may even be down. Lack of
gender diversity in IT is both a social and economic
issue. Global costs may be in the tens of billions of
dollars; according to one study, the gender gap in IT
costs the UK alone about $4 billion annually3
. Given that
cost, gender parity (roughly 50 percent women in IT
jobs) seems a reasonable goal over the long term. Why
are the 2016 numbers less than half that goal, and why
aren’t they improving faster?
Gender imbalance in IT has been recognized as an
issue since at least 20054
. One might have expected
some improvement since then, and perhaps even faster
change since 2010, when there was a surge in articles
about women in technology jobs5
. That has not been
the case.
For example, in the eight years between 2005 and 2013
the percentage of women in IT jobs in Sweden fell from
23 percent to 22 percent (although the percentage of
women in senior IT roles did rise from 16 to 21 percent).
In the US, which has five million IT jobs, the ratio of
female IT workers also fell from 25 to 24 percent from
2010 to 20146
, with the proportion of women in more
senior roles declining three percentage points to 27
percent in 2014. In the UK, with 1.2 million IT posts,
the percentage of women in IT jobs increased from 17
percent to 18 percent 2010-20157
. In each market, the
total number of IT jobs increased by over 20 percent in
the last five years.
The education pipeline
Not every current IT worker has an educational
background in computer science or other similar field.
But in those fields of study, and especially in computer
science, there are clear problems with gender diversity in
the educational pipeline.
Only 18 percent of US university computer science
(CS) graduates in 2013 were women8
. And that was
down from 1985, when 37 percent of graduates were
women. UK figures are very similar: in the 2013/14
educational year, only 17.1 percent of computer
science students were women9
. That is much lower
than overall female participation in higher education in
the UK of 56 percent, and actually down very slightly
from 17.4 percent in the 2012/13 educational year10
The percentage of women enrolled in mathematics,
computer and information sciences at universities
and colleges in Canada is higher, at 25 percent in
, but that is down two percent since 2009,
when it was over 27 percent12
. But at the best known
computer science school in the country, the University
of Waterloo, women made up only 13 percent of 2010
enrollment in computer science, down from 33 percent
in the late 1980s although they now have a number of
programs to get more women to enroll, and to retain
them once they are in the program13
. In Sweden as of
2010, women were 24 percent of computer science
, down from 30 percent in 200015
Women in IT jobs: it is about education, but
it is also about more than just education
But the gender gap in the educational pipeline precedes
university (tertiary) education. Only 18 percent of US
students taking the Advanced Placement Exam for
Computer Science in 2013 were women16
. Once again,
UK data is roughly similar: a 2012 survey showed that
only 17 percent of girls had learned any computer
coding in school, about half the level of the 33 percent
of boys who had coded17
. And some argue that girls are
often steered away from science and math courses in
primary school18
. Other experts go earlier still, stressing
the role parents need to take in encouraging girls
younger than school age to be interested in science and
Challenges beyond the education pipeline
Recruiting. According to a 2014 study among UK firms,
half of all companies hiring IT workers stated that only
one-in-twenty job applicants were women20
. Gender-
neutral job descriptions are an important first step,
but may not be sufficient, since the various algorithms
driving online recruiting advertisements may mean
women do not see the job placement ads21
. In several
studies, researchers found that the software showing
ads for certain senior jobs targeted users tagged as men
nearly six times as often as users labeled as women.
Hiring. Hiring more female recruiters may help, but
will likely be an insufficient step. Various studies from
multiple countries show that both men and women
are twice as likely to hire a man for an IT job as an
equally qualified woman22
. That may not necessarily
be conscious sexist behavior: there appears to be a
number of unconscious biases at work that prompt
even female recruiters to choose male candidates over
equally qualified women. There are initiatives to help
make people aware of their biases23
(the process is
called ‘unbiasing’) but training and education may only
partially offset them. Further, men and women in IT
write their CVs in styles that vary by gender, and those
stylistic differences may be making recruiters less likely
to hire women24
Retaining. Women in IT roles are 45 percent more
likely than men to leave in their first year, according to
a 2014 US study25
. The study found that retention was
a problem after the first year as well: one in five women
with a STEM degree is out of the labor force, compared
to only one in 10 men with a STEM education26
. Issues
that may be contributing to this lack of retention include
pay and promotion (see below). A hostile or sexist ‘bro-
grammer’ culture can also be an issue: in one study,
27 percent of women cited discomfort with their work
environment, either overt or implicit discrimination, as a
factor in why they left their IT job27
. Further, workplace
policies not suited to women, whether marathon coding
sessions, expectations around not having children
(62 percent of female IT workers don’t have children,
compared to 57 percent of men28
) or lack of childcare
may all play a role.
Paying and promoting. A US female web developer
makes 79 cents to the dollar men make for the same
; and while female computer and information
systems managers have a narrower gap of 87 cents to
the dollar, a pay difference is still prevalent30
. The single
largest category of IT workers in the US is ‘software
developers, applications and systems software’ at over
one in four of all IT workers – the pay gap for that
group is 84 cents to the dollar31
. In the US a quarter
of women with IT roles feel stalled in their careers. In
India the proportion is much higher, at 45 percent32
. The
number of female CIOs in the UK is 14 percent, and this
has not changed in the last 10 years33
; and a UK survey
states that 37 percent of women in IT say that they
have been passed over for promotion because of their
On the other hand, the issue of senior women in IT roles
varies significantly by country. In the UK, where
18 percent of the IT workforce is female, the percentage
of senior roles filled by women is half of that, at nine
percent. In Sweden, 21 percent of IT chiefs are female,
in line with the 22 percent of the IT workforce that are
women. And in the US and Canada, the percentage of
IT managers that are women is 2-3 percentage points
higher than the percentage of all IT workers who are
female. It is unclear why the gender gap for senior
roles varies between countries, but it does suggest that
cultural factors are playing a role.
5Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
The percentage of women in IT varies significantly
by specialization and that variation also varies by
country. As an example, in the US over 35 percent of
web developers are female, while only 12 percent of
computer network architects are women. Canada has
a similar pattern, with web developers at the very high
end of the diversity range and computer and network
operators and web technicians at the lower end. On
the other hand, the UK data shows that the percentage
of web design and development professionals who
are female is only slightly higher than the UK average
for all IT jobs, likely one of the factors (along with
the low number of women in senior IT positions) that
contributes to the UK’s poor performance on gender
diversity in IT roles compared to all the other countries
It is important to note that diversity and inclusion are
about much more than gender. As an example, ethnicity
appears to be a significant factor in reaching senior
levels in leading Silicon Valley tech companies: all of
Hispanics, Asians and blacks are at a disadvantage
to white men or white women at executive levels,
according to a 2015 US study36
. And of course,
industries other than IT suffer from gender gaps for both
participation and pay.
Women in IT companies
Although the focus of this prediction has been on women in IT professions, there is a distinct but related topic of gender diversity
within IT companies, specifically at the large American (usually Silicon Valley-based) companies. There are tech companies that
currently publish their diversity numbers on an annual basis37
and they average about 32 percent female employees in 2014.
These companies are a key part of the technology sector, likely represent the broader tech company employment picture, and are
likely to be an important source of IT jobs for women going forward. But these companies have many workers in many different
occupations, not all of which are IT jobs. One sample of six US tech companies showed that although their total workforce was
30-39 percent women, the number of women in ‘tech jobs’ was only 10-20 percent38
. Increasing the gender diversity at these
companies is likely an important goal, but only tangentially connected to the larger picture of women in IT jobs.
Because of the considerable public spotlight on these companies as bellwethers for women in technology, it seems a reasonable
prediction that the gender diversity numbers at high-profile publicly traded companies are likely to rise at a faster rate than for
women in IT functions or jobs. Therefore it will be important to recognize that even if some Silicon Valley companies have
50 percent female employees that may not mean that the diversity of women in IT jobs across the US or developed countries
in general has improved to the same extent.
Although some of the numbers on gender diversity in
IT may appear disappointing, there are also hopeful
signs. At one leading US technology school, computer
science is now the most popular degree for women39
Furthermore, education may not be the gating factor
that some think it is. While less than a fifth of US
computer science graduates were women in 2013, as
of 2014 the proportion of women in tech roles in US
companies was 24 percent in 2014, and 27 percent of
IT managerial roles were held by women40
And speaking of leadership, there have never been more
senior women in tech41
, particularly high-profile female
C-suite executives42
: this is providing leadership, role
models and mentors for women and girls considering a
career in IT.
Another positive is that the IT job categories with the
lowest female representation are shrinking over time,
and the more balanced categories are growing43
suggesting that we may be nearing a tipping point
in diversity. Further, tech companies are leading the
broader IT industry: the US tech companies that released
their gender diversity numbers in 2013 had an average
of 30.3 percent female employees, and that number
rose in 2014 by 0.15 percent44
Bottom line
Getting more girls and young women into streams that will lead to careers in IT will likely be difficult.
Initiatives are under way to depict more positive female IT role models in the media45
But even if real progress is made immediately in improving gender parity in STEM at levels of the
educational pipeline, it may take time (possibly decades, in the case of improvements to primary
education) for those improvements to translate into IT job parity.
Recruiting: firms could use software to screen for job descriptions that use words that are likely to turn
away women: major technology companies are already doing this46
. Another barrier can be tenure-
related requirements: given the IT gender gap, requiring 20 years of IT experience shrinks the pool of
qualified female candidates enormously. If lengthy tenure is a genuinely necessary requirement for the
position, then it is appropriate, otherwise it would be an artificial barrier to hiring women.
Hiring: having both men and women as part of the hiring process is likely to help. At one tech
company, women who were interviewed only by men were more likely to turn down a job offer47
Now that at this company every female candidate meets with at least one woman from the company
during the hiring process, more women are being hired. Women are sometimes less likely to promote
themselves in interviews, and the same company now gets hiring managers to ask more detailed
questions to paint a fuller picture.
Retention: the attrition rate for mothers at one tech company was double that for employees as a
whole: extending maternity leave from three months to five, and from partial pay to full pay, led to the
attrition rate following childbirth falling by half48
. A number of technology companies are looking at
the role of mentoring: having more senior women support more junior IT workers is likely to lead to
better retention49
Paying and promoting: IT prides itself on being a merit-based field. But gender differences need to be
overcome: one company had its employees nominate themselves for promotions, and women were
less likely to do so. In response, there are now workshops where women encourage other women to
nominate themselves, and they are now being promoted proportionately50
The role of government: one possible solution may be for governments to take the lead, and attempt
to increase the percentage of women in IT jobs in the public sector. Across all job types, the public
sector tends to be more diverse than the private sector. According to the OECD (Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development), women make up 45 percent of the total employment
across all industries in 2013, but 58 percent of public sector employment, and the figure is 70 percent
in Sweden51
Government leadership in IT employment of women does seem to work partially. Public sector IT jobs
are 15 percent of all IT jobs in Sweden52
. While 22 percent of Swedish IT jobs are held by women,
for public sector IT workers it is a third, which suggests that government initiatives can at least help
narrow the tech gender gap. On the other hand, that also means that private sector IT employment for
women in Sweden is only a fifth. It seems likely that this dynamic also holds true in other developed
countries: the public sector IT gender disparity is less pronounced than the national averages, and the
private sector is therefore worse (by some amount) than the national average53
7Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Weighted base: Respondents aged 18-24: Australia (265), Canada (253), Finland (120), France (242), Germany (212), Italy (193), Japan (185), Netherlands (253),
Norway (130), Singapore (327), Spain (193), UK (510), US (279)
Source: Deloitte member firms’ Global Mobile Consumer Survey, developed countries, May-July 2015
Figure 2: Laptop and smartphone adoption among 18-24 year-olds
Q: Which of the following devices do you own or have ready access to?
Deloitte Global predicts that trailing millennials (18-24
years old) are likely to be the most pro-PC of all age
groups in 2016. They are very unlikely to be post-PC and
abandon personal computers (any operating system).
This age group is the smartphone generation, but its
ownership, intent to purchase and use of PCs will likely
be higher than any other age group in 2016.
According to research by Deloitte member firms on
average over 85 percent of trailing millennials in
13 developed countries had access to a laptop in
. This is a little lower than the 89 percent who
have access to a smartphone in these markets (see
Figure 2)55
. In most countries access to smartphones
is slightly higher, but in the US, France, and Canada
more 18-24 year-olds have access to a laptop than
a smartphone. Further, laptop access for the trailing
millennial demographic was either highest or second
highest of the six age groups in the survey in all but two
markets, Norway and Finland. Access to a laptop among
trailing millennials was seven percent higher than for the
population as a whole, and in some countries was much
higher than the average: 17 percent in the US,
15 percent in Canada, 12 percent in Australia and
10 percent in France.
It appears that 18-24 year-olds consider smartphones
and PCs as complements, not substitutes. This may be
partly because laptops are more affordable than they
once were, with many sub-$500 devices available.
Trailing millennials in developed countries may not have
to choose between a PC and a smartphone.
The large screens, keyboards and trackpads or mice
of the laptop provide an ease of input and display
that is superior to even the largest phablet. It appears
millennials (and other age groups) are more than willing
to have a laptop open in front of them and hold a
smartphone in their other hand.
When it comes to substitution, it appears to be the large
tablet (nine inches or larger) that is being partly passed
over by 18-24 year-olds. In every country surveyed,
access to laptops for trailing millennials was between
38 and 60 percentage points more than access to large
tablets, and averaged 52 percentage points higher
across all 13 countries.
Trailing millennials are actively interested in acquiring
new laptop models. Purchase intent may be at a lower
level than for smartphones, along with every other
device, but laptops are still the second-most desired
device in every country surveyed. About a third of 18-24
year-olds in developed countries surveyed planned to
buy a new smartphone in the next 12 months, and
a quarter intended to buy a new laptop (see Figure 3).
That number is roughly double the percentage of other
devices one might expect a post-PC generation to be
thinking about buying, such as tablets, wearables or
portable games players. Once again, the intent-to-
purchase data for laptops for millennials was higher
than for any other age group in 12 of the 13 countries
surveyed, with Norway as the only exception.
Trailing millennials are the pro-PC, not the
post-PC generation
Weighted base: Respondents aged 18-24: Australia (265), Canada (253), Finland (120), France (242), Germany (212), Italy (193), Japan (185), Netherlands (253),
Norway (130), Singapore (327), Spain (193), UK (510), US (279)
Source: Deloitte member firms’ Global Mobile Consumer Survey, developed countries, May-July 2015
Figure 3: Intent to purchase a smartphone or laptop within the next 12 months among 18-24 year-olds
Q: Which of the following devices are you likely to buy in the next 12 months?
Other Deloitte US research into the US market suggests
that 14-25 year-olds rank laptops among their most
valued devices56
. About three-quarters of 14-25 year-olds
placed laptops and smartphones in their top three valued
devices. That percentage was higher than laptop ranking
for any other demographic studied. It was also much
higher than any other device for trailing millennials,
whose next top-ranked devices were gaming consoles,
flat-panel TV and desktop computers at 45, 40 and 35
percent respectively.
Further, the younger millennials appear to be getting
good use out of their computers. Studies suggest
that 18-24 year-olds in the US spend 49 minutes per
day using the Internet or watching video on a PC, in
addition to email, games, and work/study applications
such as word processing57
. That 49 minutes per day is
less than older Americans (35-49 year-olds are using
the Internet or watching video on their computers 69
minutes per day58
) but it does not suggest that the
younger group is about to abandon their laptops or
desktops in the near future. But the same data shows
that millennials make use of their smartphones even
more, spending 99 minutes per day using the web,
an app or watching video on their smartphone. So
18-24 year-olds spend 148 minutes per day in front of
smartphones or PCs, with 67 percent of this time on the
Daily time spent on all media reflects the same trend.
Another study found that millennials (18-34 years
old, not just trailing millennials) use mobile devices
(smartphones and tablets) quite frequently, spending
a third of total media time on them59
Desktop and laptop computers are close behind at
27 percent of total media time: which is more than for
the adult population as a whole (only 21 percent); and
higher than the percentage of time millennials spend on
traditional TV (23 percent). In fact, based on time spent,
millennials are closer to being the post-TV generation
than the post-PC generation.
In a comScore study60
, millennials in all of the US, UK
and Canada are definitely mobile-first: in each country
18-34 year-olds spend at least 20 hours more per month
on mobiles than on their laptops or desktop PCs. In fact,
American millennials spend 90 hours per month on their
mobiles, nearly 50 hours more than on their computers.
However, that has not meant they have abandoned
their PCs: millennial PC usage is 39-46 hours per month
across the countries, which is a little less than usage for
the population as a whole (about two hours per month),
but not materially so.
Looking at media platform usage by all adult Americans
(and not only trailing millennials,) there has been
enormous growth in time spent on digital mobile
devices, from 19 minutes daily in 2008 to 171 minutes
in 2015, an 800 percent growth over only seven years61
In the same period, TV usage has been flat; up only a
minute per day to 255 minutes; and other connected
digital devices (such as gaming consoles connected
to the Internet) have grown to 25 minutes per day
from nine. But time spent on print newspapers, print
magazines, and broadcast radio all fell sharply: their
combined daily time fell from 165 minutes to 109 minutes,
a 33 percent decline.
9Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Bottom line
It appears that having a mobile strategy will be necessary in 2016, especially if your market is
millennials. In fact, a mobile-first strategy is almost certainly a good idea. But a mobile-only strategy
that assumes millennials have already abandoned (or are about to abandon) their computers is almost
certainly an equally bad idea. Depending on the content or use case, millennials still use their PCs, and
sometimes even prefer the PC to mobile.
One excellent example of this distinction is video content. In a Deloitte US survey published in 2015,
trailing millennials (14-25 years old) reported the percentage of time spent watching four different
forms of video content: for smartphones, tablets, desktop/laptop computers and TV sets63
As Figure 4 shows, leaving TV sets aside, the computer screen was the dominant device, even for user-
generated content. In fact, for movies and TV shows (30-60 minutes), millennial use of computers was
more than double the screen time for smartphones and tablets combined64
. Although games and social
media are indeed heavily mobile-first for trailing millennials, the larger screens of desktops and laptops
seems to be preferred to mobile.
Meanwhile desktop/laptop media consumption (not
including time spent on email, work applications, or
playing offline PC games) rose from 131 minutes to
142 minutes.
Mobile usage for adult Americans appears to be a
mix of additive and substitutional. It has increased the
total cumulative time per day people spend consuming
media across all platforms, from 578 minutes in 2008
to 701 minutes in 2015, or over 20 percent, although
there is also some growth in simultaneous usage with
the rise of the second screen. Smartphones and tablets
have become the digital devices of choice for media
consumption, and appears to have been accomplished
by a combination of substitution for traditional media
(but not taking media time from the PC) and adding to
the total amount of media time.
It seems likely the trend for mobile media usage taking
over newspaper, magazine and radio is true for 18-24
year-olds too. And when we look at data for that age
group between Q1 2011 and Q1 2015, total computer
time (on the Internet and watching video) is virtually
unchanged, falling from 54.1 minutes per day to 53.9
. There was a shift in how the computer is
being used, with video usage increasing by nine minutes
per day in four years, but total time spent was flat.
What are millennials doing on PCs? The answer is
computer games, longer-form video, downloading or
streaming content, and creating or editing content (text,
videos). In fact, when we look at how PCs compete
with tablets or smartphones, and how they are used by
demographic groups, it might be those aged 55 and over
who are more likely to become the post-PC generation.
There are also age and cohort effects at work. As
today’s 18-24 year-olds grow older, it seems likely that
their PC use may rise when they are 25-34, and then
possibly increase again when they are 35-49, which
is the age group that currently uses computers the
most per day in the US. After that, and as they begin
to spend less time playing complex PC-based games,
moving increasingly to legal sources of content, and
shift from being content creators to spending more time
exclusively consuming or reviewing content, their PC
usage is likely to fall and shift towards tablets.
But it seems equally probable that the cohort of 18-24
year-olds of 2020 or 2025 will still use devices that are
more or less PC-like: they will have full-size keyboards,
much larger screens, and pointing devices that are
more precise than a finger on a screen. Based on recent
trends, they are likely to use those devices for fewer
minutes per day than today’s 18-24 year-olds use their
computers, but it will still be a significant device: widely-
owned, widely-valued, often required by schools or
employers, and used for hours per week.
User-generated contentSportsTV showsMovies
Base: Respondents aged 14-25 (424 respondents)
Source: Deloitte US’s Digital Democracy Survey, Ninth edition, November 2014. See endnotes for further information on the research.
Figure 4: Time spent watching video content by device, US, among 14-25 year-olds
Smartphone Tablets
Q: Of the time you spend watching movies/TV shows/sports/user-generated content, what percentage do you watch on
the following devices?
9% 8% 8% 8% 8%
Movies TV shows Sports User-generated content
Another example is online banking. According to a 2014 US study65
, 20-34 year-olds were much more
likely than any other demographic to conduct banking-related activities via digital channels, with
65-80 percent using digital to make internal transfers, check for fraudulent charges or check account
balances. They were also the most likely to use the bank’s mobile app: more than twice as likely as
Generation X (35-49 year olds) and nearly eight times as likely as Baby Boomers (50-70 year olds)66
However, although they did use the mobile app for checking balances, and external and internal
transfers, when asked to express a preference for the mobile app or the bank website, millennials
preferred the website more than two-to-one over mobile for each type of transaction.
Shopping is another use where the PC still has its place. US 18-34 year olds spend $2,000 per year on
digital purchases, 79 percent said in a survey that they discovered a new brand or product through
mobile, and more than half said they prefer the mobile shopping app to the online site67
. But a
2014 survey of US 19-33 year-olds showed that they still prefer using their computer over either
the smartphone or tablet for checking product details or availability, and especially for making the
actual purchase, with nearly two-thirds using their computer, and only about 40 percent using their
smartphone or tablet68
. In a more recent 2015 Deloitte US survey, 18-24 year olds were most likely
to use their mobile devices to find the location of stores, shop/browse online and compare prices.
However, only 39 percent used their smartphone for actual purchases, and only 27 percent used their
11Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Browse shopping websites/apps (weekly)
Figure 5: Respondents who use their phone to browse or purchase from shopping websites/apps at least weekly
Q: How frequently do you use your phone to do any of these (browse shopping websites/apps, make an online purchase of a product)?
Make an online purchase of a product (weekly)
Weighted base: Respondents who own or have access to a standard phone/smartphone: Australia (1,837), Canada (1,676), Finland (963), France (1,829),
Germany (1,821), Italy (1,873), Japan (1,420), Netherlands (1,886), Norway (925), Singapore (1,903), Spain (1,891), UK (3,682), US (1,828)
Source: Deloitte member firms’ Global Mobile Consumer Survey, developed countries, May-July 2015
Deloitte Global predicts that in 2016, the number
of individuals who use a third party touch-based
payment service to make a purchase on their mobile
devices (smartphones and tablets) should increase by
150 percent, to reach 50 million regular users70
Touch commerce enables a customer to make a secure
first-time or subsequent payment on any merchant’s
website or app without having to provide registration or
log-in details either to the merchant or to the payment
service. Authorizing the transaction on a mobile device
simply requires the application of a fingerprint or a few
(typically two) touches of a screen.
Critically, touch commerce reduces significantly the time
taken from browsing to transaction on a mobile phone,
and on an app or website which the customer has not
used before, to mere seconds from tens of seconds or
even minutes.
Touch commerce enables retailers to exploit shoppers’
increasing use of mobile devices to browse retail sites
and apps. Transactions on sites and apps remain scarce,
with laborious payment processes often to blame.
Indeed cart abandonment in mobile commerce can
be as high as 80 percent71
. Easier checkout has been
identified as a key factor/key requirement for increased
mobile buying72
Deloitte member firm research has found that as of mid-
2015 about a third of respondents in developed markets
browse shopping websites/apps on a weekly basis, but
only nine percent purchase (see Figure 5). A first-time
visitor to a mobile website or app may need to type in
name, address, email, phone number, and sometimes
purchase preferences, security details (passwords, security
questions) and finally payment details to complete a
transaction. The wide scope of information required,
coupled with the difficulty of entering it on a touch
screen, likely contributes to the abandonment of baskets.
Submitting all these data on a computer with a full-
size keyboard is a chore. On a five-inch touch screen,
with predictive text in a mischievous mood and on
a juddering bus, it can be tortuous.
Touch commerce enabled by third-party services
removes much of the ‘grit’ from mobile transactions,
reducing the entire process to the application of
a fingerprint or one or two touches of the screen.
There are likely to be two principal types of third-party
touch-based mobile payment services in 2016.
One is linked to the device’s operating system (OS).
Shopping applications can use existing information
associated with the OS, including payment card details
and home address. Payments for this service are typically
authenticated by a fingerprint and can be used within
. Goods can be shipped to the default address
stored in the OS.
Touch commerce: the mobile online
checkout gets an express line
Deloitte Global expects this category should represent
the majority of touch-based payments made in 2016:
there are billions of smartphones that have payment card
and home address information associated with them.
Additionally, the base of fingerprint reader-equipped
devices is steadily rising, with more than 450 million
forecast to ship this year, adding to the existing base of
hundreds of millions’74
The second type of third-party touch-based mobile
payment service is linked to existing payment service
providers. Prior to being able to make purchases by one
or two touches of the screen, the user would need to
have opened an account with the payment provider and
elected to stay logged in for future purchases. Once this
feature is enabled, the user simply has to press buy and
confirm buttons75
. Confirmation can be via a fingerprint
with some devices76
The combination of these data and technology enables
retailers to outsource mobile transactions to third
parties, and by so doing, convert payment from a
frustrating to a friction-free experience. One merchant
reported that the checkout process via their legacy app
required 103 seconds for customers to type in their full
credit card and shipping information; third-party touch
payment reduced this to just 17 seconds77
Other payment services may emerge soon. For example,
some large retailers could enable their customers to use
pre-stored payment data to validate purchases made on
other retailers’ apps78
Third-party touch-based mobile payment services are
just a first step towards an overall improved shopping
experience on mobile.
Consumers are increasingly likely to expect simplified
authentication services, and may want this approach for
online as well as in-store payments.
Bottom line
Consumers are constantly connected to their smartphones, from the early hours in the morning to late
at night, when at work, while spending time with family and friends or while commuting.
These provide opportunities for converting browsing into purchases with a simplified payment process.
Retailers should educate the market on the existence of touch commerce and encourage first-time
usage, perhaps by offering small discounts for doing so. Marketing campaigns should show how
fast touch payments are, but also explain how they are also as secure, and possibly more so, than
conventional check out processes.
Retailers may need to offer a variety of payment options via a range of third parties.
Touch commerce is likely to tap into consumers’ appetite for impulse purchasing. But more mobile
commerce and impulse purchases may mean that they will need to be even more responsive and able
to cope with unpredicted spikes in demand that may happen at various times of the day and night.
The potential impact on sales created by social media influencers should also be considered79
A simplified checkout process is not the only prerequisite for mobile commerce. A user-friendly and
appealing mobile website or app is also essential.
Some approaches to touch commerce could cause retailers to lose some visibility of customer behavior.
Retailers should carefully weigh the benefits of rapid transaction fulfilment with loss of control of
customer data.
Retailers should also consider integrating touch payment services with loyalty schemes.
13Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Deloitte Global predicts the total value of the graphene
materials market in 2016 is likely to be in the low
tens of millions of dollars, equivalent to less than an
hour’s projected revenues from smartphone sales
this year. Research and development spending on
graphene is likely to be in the hundreds of millions of
dollars in 2016; in the medium term, graphene may
be incorporated into products worth many billions
of dollars per year, but it may be decades before this
material’s potential is fully realized.
In 2016, while there are expected to be a few dozen
commercially available products that include graphene,
the material is likely to be a composite. For example,
graphene could be incorporated to improve the strength
and weight of the carbon fibers used to manufacture
sports equipment80
Graphene has been called a ‘wonder material’81
, as it
offers an unrivalled combination of tensile, electrical,
thermal and optical properties. Significant investments
have been made in recent years which could hasten
the pace at which we start to see more practical
applications of graphene and new technologies. For
example, the European Union has invested $1.3 billion
in ‘The Graphene Flagship’, a consortium of academic
and commercial researchers82
. The UK Government has
provided £235 million ($353 million) to fund a graphene
research center83
. Tech companies are investing in
developing their understanding of the material.
Samsung for example has already applied for hundreds
of graphene-related patents84
Graphene is a single atom thick two-dimensional
structure, which is a million times thinner than a human
hair or a sheet of paper. It is based on graphite, which
in turn is a crystallized form of carbon, one of the most
abundant elements in the world. A team of scientists
from Manchester won the 2010 Nobel Prize for Physics
for isolating small amounts of graphene, by applying
sticky tape to chunks of graphite and then peeling the
layers off one by one85
, leaving a layer of graphene on
the tape86
Graphene: research now, reap
next decade
Figure 6: Graphene predictions timeline
First graphene
scientific paper
2004: Discovery
Nobel Prize
scale use of
carbon fiber
batteries in
Infrared vision
contact lenses
water filtration
Smart plasters
in smartphones
Source: Deloitte Global, 2015
Further into the
Graphene is flexible and very strong, and (in one
aspect) is tougher than a diamond and stronger than
steel. It is currently used as an element within a resin
to manufacture solid structures, as is the case with
carbon fiber sports equipment87
. For example, carbon
fiber tennis rackets are made using a small amount of
. At the 2015 Geneva Motor Show, Spania
unveiled the world’s first supercar to incorporate
graphene into the structure of a car89
. Going forward,
graphene could be increasingly incorporated in
manufactured products. For example, it could reduce the
weight of vehicles, cutting down both fuel consumption
and resulting emissions.
It is transparent: 97 percent of light passes through
it. It also an excellent conductor, and can carry heat
and electricity more efficiently than gold or copper.
This could make it very useful for developing the next
generation of electronics such as solar panels and
Incorporating graphene into batteries could increase
their performance enormously. Energy density could be
increased up to tenfold, enabling smartphones to last
days without recharging, and an electric car’s range to
equal or surpass that of gasoline vehicles90
Memory chips based on graphene have the potential
to increase smartphone storage capacities tenfold, and
also reduce power consumption and increase memory
access speed91
· Graphene could lead the way in flexible
smartphones by providing an alternative to silicon,
which is brittle and could break when bent.
It could also be applied to any surface to convert it into
a screen; it would be equivalent to applying a layer of
high-tech plastic wrap92
Graphene is impermeable to gases and liquids, while
graphene oxide is permeable to water only. This means
that graphene oxide could be used for desalination93
, or
the removal of harmful radioactive isotopes94
Graphene also has the capability to change the way in
which we interact with the world: it could be used to
create contact lenses that enable infrared vision95
, and
to develop ‘smart plasters’ that reduce the risk of anti-
bacterial infection96
. However, the toxicity of graphene
to humans has yet to be confirmed through scientific
The potential of graphene is phenomenal, but patience
is vital: there are several challenges to be addressed
before a graphene era can be realized.
The main challenge lies in manufacturing large
quantities of graphene, in various formats, and at
an affordable price, with effective yields and a purity
sufficient so as not to impair graphene’s desired
chemical properties. Production volumes also need to be
scaled up to factory level.
Despite many academic and commercial research
groups investigating methods of production, making
large quantities of graphene remains a profound
challenge. Graphene is currently produced by a variety
of methods, which can be summarized as either ‘bottom
up’ or ‘top down’. ‘Bottom up’ methods use chemistry
to synthesize layers of graphene, while ‘top down’
approaches utilize graphite. The Nobel prize-winning
‘sticky tape approach’ and the ‘how to make graphene
in your kitchen’ approach (described below) are
examples of ‘top down’ production methods that yield
high-quality tiny graphene fragments. However, they are
micrometers in size, and these methods are not suitable
for large scale manufacture97
How to make graphene in your kitchen
(if you have lab equipment)
As with many emerging technologies, theories abound but practice is a little
harder. It is possible to create graphene using a kitchen blender to combine
graphite powder with water and dishwashing liquid98
. A precise quantity
of dishwashing liquid is required to make this work, with the volume
dependent on the properties of the graphite powder used. Determining
this requires advanced and expensive lab equipment99
. But as of end-2015
this approach, like many others, remained theoretically viable, but not yet
proven in a large production run.
The principal example of a ‘bottom up’ production
method is chemical vapor deposition (CVD) which
involves creating a graphene layer on another layer (for
example copper foil)100
, ‘unzipping’ carbon nanotubes
and the reduction of graphene oxide101
. While some of
these these methods can produce square meters102
graphene, they may produce highly defective graphene,
or require the use of hazardous materials. As such, there
is still some way to go in optimizing the production
As of end-2015, the market price of graphene
was about $100 per gram103
. Once the method of
production is optimized and scaled up, the cost of
graphene is expected to come down to the cost of
the raw materials, which will likely be centered on the
existing suppliers for graphite: China and India104
15Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
While graphene is a ‘wonder material’, there is another
major hurdle to overcome before its use can become
widespread in electronics. Semi-conductors, like silicon,
are characterized by their ability to turn on and off as
their electrons can only move freely within the material
in the presence of energy due to the existence of a small
band gap. A band gap is the energy range between
the valence band (where an electron cannot conduct
electricity) and the conduction band (where it can).
If material is an insulator, this band is large, and the
electrons cannot move from one band into the other and
the material has no electrical conductivity. One of the
reasons why graphene has such high conductivity is due
to the fact that it has no band gap and electrons are free
to move between these two bands with no resistence.
At the present time, scientists are still developing
methods by which to insert a band gap while still
maintaining graphene’s highly attractive properties.105
Other barriers to the development of graphene are the
established processes and supply chains for existing
materials used in electronics; for example silicon,
which is the industry standard in microelectronics, and
indium tin oxide which is widely used as transparent
electrodes used in touch screens106
. Until graphene
can be produced and supplied at a competitive price
to these existing technologies, it is unlikely to become
ubiquitous in the market. This means that it will most
likely be about a decade before graphene can be
used commercially as an alternative to silicon, but this
should provide ample time to understand the material
and to evaluate its potential performance107
While products marketed as ‘graphene’ may be on
the market in 2016, many, if not all, will likely be
constructed principally from more traditional materials
and incorporate a limited quantity of graphene.
We would expect graphene to continue to be used as
a supplementary material in the short term (and through
to 2020 at least), until the manufacturing process for
graphene is mature enough for it to be used as a key
material in products.
Bottom line
It is important to be cognizant both of graphene’s potential, as well as the many challenges that need
to be overcome before its fantastic properties can be exploited. In 2016, and most likely in the decade
to come, graphene will be in a research and prototyping phase. The potential benefits are significant;
the challenges are commensurately high.
We predict that sales of materials will likely remain the principal source of revenues in 2016. We
expect to see some of the first real graphene-based products entering the market. The number of
‘graphene’ products on sale in 2016 will likely number in the tens. We anticipate that the graphene
market, including material sales, will likely not surpass $30 million in 2016. By the end of the decade
material sales may still be a little more than $100 million – which represents growth, but also a
continuation of the research phase108
We should put graphene’s life cycle trajectory in perspective: many of the most impactful materials
have taken decades before attaining mainstream adoption. Aluminium was used as a luxury metal
in 19th century France. Even when manufacturing costs fell it remained a niche material until the
invention of the airplane, which uniquely required aluminium’s specific combination of strength
and weight to make commercial flight viable. Indeed, it is only now that aluminium is becoming
incorporated increasingly into premium passenger cars.
Carbon fiber has similarly had a long gestation: it was first used commercially in the late 1800s as
a component in light bulbs109
. Today it is used only selectively in vehicles, even though its benefits
are very well understood.
In 2016, graphene-enhanced products are only going to offer a glimpse of the material’s full
potential, but a key point to consider is that new materials disrupt existing products and lead to new
technologies. So some of the future technologies and benefits of graphene, which could embody the
‘graphene era’ and change our world, only currently exist within the realms of our imagination.
based systems
Figure 7: Widely used cognitive technologies
Graphic: Deloitte University Press
Source: Deloitte Development LLC, 2015
Deloitte Global predicts that by end-2016 more than
80 of the world’s 100 largest enterprise software
companies by revenues will have integrated cognitive
technologies into their products110
, a 25 percent increase
on the prior year when 64 of the top 100 had launched
products and services which featured one or more
cognitive technologies in 2015111
. By 2020, we expect
about 95 percent of the top 100 will have incorporated
one or more cognitive technologies.
We expect that the cognitive technologies that will be
the most important in the enterprise software market
in 2016 will be: machine learning, natural language
processing and speech recognition.
What do we mean by cognitive technologies and
artificial intelligence (AI)? We distinguish between the
field of AI and the technologies that emanate from the
field. The popular press portrays AI as the advent of
computers as smart as – or smarter than – humans. The
individual technologies, by contrast, are getting steadily
better at performing specific tasks that were formerly
only deliverable by humans. Figure 7 identifies the
leading cognitive technologies that business and public
sector leaders are likely to benefit from in 2016.
Deloitte Global expects cognitive technologies will be
deployed to differing extents by enterprise software
companies, but we want to take the time to define
what are likely to be the three most widely used in the
Machine learning – the ability of computer systems
to improve their performance by exposure to data
but without the need to follow explicitly-programmed
instructions – is likely to be the most prevalent. It
enhances a large array of applications, from classification
to prediction, from anomaly detection to personalization.
Natural language processing (NLP) – whereby
computers can process text in the same way as humans,
for example extracting meaning from text or even
generating text that is readable, stylistically natural,
and grammatically correct – has multiple valuable
applications when incorporated in software that
analyses unstructured text.
Speech recognition – the ability to automatically
and accurately transcribe human speech, is useful for
applications that may benefit from hands-free modes of
Cognitive technologies enhance
enterprise software
17Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Deloitte Global expects the three main benefits for
software companies that have integrated cognitive
technologies into their products will be:
Improving core functionality – Cognitive technologies
will be used to improve the performance of existing
software by doing the same things, only better. For
example, one US-based company providing retail
solutions uses machine learning to reduce false positives
when identifying fraudulent transactions113
. Previous
software solutions already identified fraud, but machine
learning allows the retailer to do so with greater accuracy,
potentially resulting in fewer legitimate transactions being
incorrectly flagged. A Silicon Valley networking company
uses a cloud-based Cognitive Threat Analytics program
that relies on advanced statistical modeling and machine
learning to independently identify new web security
threats, learn from what it sees, and adapt over time114
Generating new insights – Machine learning and
other advanced analytical technologies will likely make
it possible to uncover previously inaccessible insights
that were hidden in large data sets or obscured by the
unstructured format of the data. One US database
company’s cloud service leverages NLP technology to
determine and assign an ‘emotional’ rating to customer
survey responses that fit a customer sentiment category,
which helps companies take immediate action115
Automation – Cognitive technologies make it possible
to automate tasks formerly done by people. One medical
software company uses an NLP engine to interpret
doctors’ free-text notes and extracts key data such as
allergies, medications and diagnoses116
. A business
services company streamlined a standardized business
process: their cross-border e-commerce platform
employs a natural language processing engine and
machine learning algorithms to accurately deliver and
continuously improve product classifications as more
transactions are processed117
Some business software companies have developed
AI capabilities in-house, but many others are acquiring
capability through MA, and we expect this to
continue in 2016. Indeed more than 100 mergers and
acquisitions involving cognitive technology companies
have taken place since 2012118
Venture capital (VC) firms are active in this space too.
Since 2011, most VC funding of start-ups developing
or applying cognitive technologies has benefited
companies building applications for traditional enterprise
functions such as marketing and sales. US-based start-
ups like these have raised nearly $2.5 billion since 2011,
suggesting that the biggest near-term opportunity for
cognitive technologies is in using them to enhance
current business practices119
. For instance,
a company called Convirza raised $25 million to develop
and commercialize a call marketing optimization
platform that uses speech recognition technology and
sophisticated algorithms to gauge lead quality, measure
customer conversions, analyze phone performance,
and take action with workflow-based marketing
Another target for venture investors is vertical specific
software vendors. Such companies have received over
$2 billion from venture investors since 2011121
. One
example is Wellframe, which received $1.5 million in
seed funding for its mobile app that connects healthcare
providers and patients once they return home from the
hospital, creating a daily to-do list for the patients with
items such as medication reminders and questionnaires
about symptoms. Wellframe’s machine learning
engine tailors the app’s content based on answers and
care regimens prescribed by the patient’s healthcare
The growth in enterprise software use of cognitive
technologies has been partly driven by the shift toward
cloud computing. Only a subset of users of enterprise
software would historically have had the scale to deploy
the on-premise technologies capable of doing advanced
machine learning, for example. But the growth in cloud
computing could allow enterprise software vendors
to provide the benefits of machine learning to all their
. Further growth in cognitive technologies is
likely to be accelerated by the trend toward open source
AI: one of the largest players in the space open-sourced
the software engine behind their deep learning tools124
and another open-sourced the designs for the servers
that run their AI algorithms125
Bottom line
Many top software companies have already discovered the potential for cognitive technologies to enhance their products,
create value for customers and improve business operations. Strong support from venture capital investors is helping to further
commercialize enterprise applications of cognitive technologies. The potential benefits in terms of ease of use, enhanced
performance and improved insights are simply too compelling for software providers to ignore. This is why we expect the trend of
embedding cognitive technologies in enterprise software to continue through 2016 and beyond, approaching ubiquity by 2020.
Vendors of enterprise software applications should consider how cognitive technologies can enhance their products. Start-ups may
offer models of how to employ these technologies to make products easier to use, automate functions intelligently, and generate
greater insight from data.
Corporate IT groups may want to build awareness of and skills in cognitive technologies such as machine learning and natural
language processing. They could also begin to assess how to employ cognitive technologies to enhance existing corporate
applications to provide greater usability and more valuable insights to users.
Buyers of enterprise software may find it worthwhile to ask their vendors to explain how they plan to take advantage of cognitive
technologies to enhance their products’ performance and utility.
Software companies should also consider applying cognitive technologies to their internal business operations, such as recruitment.
One company integrated predictive analytics to forecast which job applicants were likely to have a good cultural fit and be high
. The same technology could also predict when a target candidate might start seeking out a new job, and make
recruiters aware of this127
Another company deployed a virtual support agent, based on NLP, to understand and resolve customer issues. The impact was
marked: the average customer support resolution rate rose to 85 percent and the number of call center inquiries and emails fell by
22 percent128
Companies could also use cognitive technologies in managing warehouse operations and employees. If an employee uses a new
way to accomplish a job more efficiently, that technique can be analyzed and used later on. For one company this delivered an
eight percent increase in warehouse productivity129
Cognitive technologies should be used across the three types of enterprise software markets:
The Enterprise Application Software market focuses on leveraging the power of computers to achieve business, professional
or personal goals. One company’s cloud solution features a client-targeting tool that aims to solve the difficulty of marketing to
large volumes of anonymous online traffic130
. It uses machine learning to discover associations between the behavior of a new site
visitor and the actions taken by previous visitors who behaved similarly. The goal is to make the site experience more engaging and
increase conversions to sales.
The Enterprise Infrastructure Software market provides tools that help companies build, run and manage the performance
of IT resources. One company has enhanced its logging tool with machine learning capability that groups related server events
together to make it easier for an IT manager to identify developing problems or unusual computing trends that should be
addressed on a real-time basis131
Vertical Specific Software is focused on a narrow scope/industry and is typically a stand-alone software application. In partnership
with a major cancer institution, a technology company has developed a standalone oncology offering. Accessible by mobile or
desktop, the deep machine learning AI is able to analyze the large volume of patient records and identify potential evidence-based
treatment options132
The use of cognitive technologies in enterprise software is only part of the overall trend toward increases use of AI in the larger
enterprise market. One 2015 study forecasts the sales of enterprise AI will be a cumulative $43.5 billion between 2015 and
19Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Virtual reality: a billion dollar niche	 22
Mobile games: leading, but less lucrative	 26
Mobile ad-blockers: saved by the app?	 28
The award for stable box office revenues in the face of digital media goes to…	 30
US TV: erosion, not implosion	 35
European football scores $30 billion	 39
eSports: bigger and smaller than you think	 42
21Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Virtual reality: a billion dollar niche
Deloitte Global predicts that virtual reality (VR) will have
its first billion dollar year in 2016, with about $700 million
in hardware sales, and the remainder from content.
We estimate sales of about 2.5 million VR headsets and
10 million game copies sold.
VR is likely to have multiple applications, both consumer
and enterprise, in the longer term, but in 2016 we
expect the vast majority of commercial activity to focus
on video games. We would expect the majority of
spending on VR to be by core rather than casual gamers.
This implies that while anyone with a smartphone could
try out a variant of VR, the majority of VR’s revenues in
2016 will likely be driven by a base of tens of millions
of core gamers rather than the hundreds of millions of
occasional console or PC gamers, or the billions who
play casual games.
Virtual reality hardware offers visual (and sometimes
audio) immersion via a head‑mounted display that
shows a stereo image in 3D. Sensors in the headset
track the user’s movements and change the user’s view
accordingly. A VR version of scuba diving allows you to
feel as if real fish are swimming toward you. If you look
up, you see a realistically rendered sky. When you glance
down, you are shown the ocean floor. The sound track
adjusts accordingly, enhancing the perception of being
elsewhere. All other things being equal, the higher the
screen resolution, and the faster the screen refresh, the
more convincing the simulation134
However the illusion remains incomplete, in that not all
senses would be catered for. VR could take you into the
depths of the rain forest. You could see the forest floor
or look up to the canopy. But you would not feel the
humidity, experience the smells or touch the vegetation.
VR content can be created using CGI (computer generated
images) or filmed using special clusters of cameras that
collectively capture a 360‑degree field of view. In playback,
the user is shown different aspects of the images
captured, depending on where he or she is looking135
As with many technologies, the notion of virtual
reality is decades old, but its commercial realization
has been subject to the sometimes slow pace of
technological progress. Optimal VR experiences require
very high resolution screens (ideally over 500 dots per
inch, which have only recently become commercially
available), a wide field of view and high refresh rates
(ideally at least 75 frames a second136
, requiring
powerful processors). More processing power is also
necessary so that synchronization between the user
moving their head and the picture being adjusted is
as near‑simultaneous as possible. It is only recently
that screen and processor technology have improved
in terms of price and performance such that VR is
commercially viable, albeit still at high price points for
the full featured solution.
There are likely to be two main types of VR device in
2016: ‘full feature’ and ‘mobile’.
The former incorporates high resolution screens and
will cost about $350‑$500 (with prices at the start of
the year likely being higher), and we estimate between
1–1.75 million sales in 2016, with volumes depending
heavily on the initial price137
Full feature devices will likely be designed for use with
either latest generation games consoles or PCs with
advanced graphics cards (each costing about $300)
capable of driving high refresh rates: the ‘average’ PC is
not powerful enough to support a viable VR experience.
We expect the addressable market for games consoles
as of the end of 2016 to be at least 30 million units, and
high‑end PCs at about seven million units worldwide.
We also expect that most users of full feature VR would
already own the latest generation console or a high‑end
PC. Otherwise, a full feature VR experience would
require at least $300 additional spending on a console
or $1,000 for a suitably equipped PC.
Some VR owners may purchase additional accessories,
ranging from controllers to treadmills whose base plate
moves in alignment with the view being seen. The floor
would tilt, for example, if you were walking uphill138
We would
expect the
majority of
spending on VR
to be by core
rather than
casual gamers.
There are hundreds of millions of gamers on consoles
and PCs, and many of them buy hardware accessories
to improve their game play139
. However, the vast
majority of the top selling peripherals are $30‑50140
Only a minority of these gamers may want to spend
over $300 on additional equipment such as graphics
cards, liquid cooling for processors or other special
‘Mobile VR’ incorporates a high‑end smartphone’s
screen into a special case, enabling the headset to fit
more‑or‑less snugly on the user’s head. This is likely to
cost from about $100, and we forecast that at least half
a million units will be sold in 2016. Mobile VR requires
smartphones with large, high resolution screens, ideally
with greater than 400 pixels per inch (PPI) resolution,
which is higher than that for the average premium
smartphone. We expect that VR‑ready smartphones
will cost from $750 and up but that most purchasers of
mobile VR will already be owners of a suitable device.
Both types of VR would provide a high quality VR
experience, with the caliber of full feature VR being
noticeably superior, at least in 2016 and out to 2020.
The processor and pixel density requirements require
a lot of power, with plug in power being ideal.
A smartphone being used for VR may exhaust its battery
after half an hour. Mobile VR will rely on accelerometers
for tracking and lacks positional tracking, which may
cause a little lag. Furthermore, the field of vision in
full feature VR should be slightly superior, at about
100 degrees or wider, while a smartphone tends to offer
a field of 96 degrees at most.
VR can be experienced with lower specification PCs,
consoles or smartphone, but the quality degrades
accordingly. A normal PC would deliver lower screen
refresh rates, lessening the efficacy of the simulation.
The images shown may lag the pace of a turning
head, in turn causing a feeling of nausea, as the image
presented would not be what the brain expects.
One can also use standard resolution smartphones, but
you would likely see pixelated, less convincing images.
A smartphone screen that is pixel free at normal viewing
distances (10 cm) is likely to appear pixelated when
a mere 1‑2 cm away from the eye. Smartphone vendors
are unlikely to over‑specify pixel density unless they can
monetize it. Also, mobile graphics chips have to get
powerful enough to cope with such high resolutions.
VR cardboard kits are also available. These have the
virtue of being low cost, often less than $10 and
frequently given away141
. But they can be fragile as
they are self‑assembled and because of the material.
Low cost variants lack features such as nose supports,
causing discomfort with prolonged use. Most of them
lack the strap to attach it to your head and require
a person to hold it in their hands; this in turn eliminates
the motion sickness caused by slow phone refresh rates,
but reduces the immersion that the user is experiencing.
As for VR content, we would expect most revenue
generated to come from games sales, with titles sold
at between $5 and $40, generating over $300 million.
Many of the apps created for smartphones are likely to
be available for under $10 or free, with the latter serving
primarily as marketing tools142
We do not expect VR to be used to any great extent
in television or movies in 2016. A key reason for VR’s
minimal impact on TV and movies this year is that little
VR content exists, with a fundamental constraint being
the lack of broadcast grade or even hobbyist cameras
capable of capturing VR content. VR apps will be
available, but we expect these typically to offer a view
of a virtualized living room which includes a virtual
television set, displaying regular TV programs in 2D143
By the start of 2016, we anticipate a small range
of suitable cameras may have been launched onto
the market, but the cost of purchasing or renting
professional grade devices may initially be prohibitive for
many projects144
Furthermore, as was the case with 3D filming for
television, there is likely to be a learning curve in
determining best practices for shooting for VR145
Regular filming places the set in front of the camera,
and the production crew to the rear and out of shot.
VR filming may require the crew to disappear entirely,
which may complicate the directing of the shots.
For VR sports, it is not yet certain where best to place
the camera: placing it in the center of a field and in the
mid‑point of the action would likely constrain players’
23Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
There are also likely to be challenges in post‑production,
one of which will be simply how to store the image
files. One production level camera features 42 cameras
capable of 4K resolution. This captures a gigapixel image
(about 500 times the size of a standard smartphone
image), and shoots at 30 frames a second146
One subsequent challenge of capturing images at this
level of resolution will be determining how to store,
transmit and edit the files.
VR offers viewers a choice of point of view (POV);
some viewers may prefer the director to choose the
best viewing angle for them. The first DVDs offered the
option of multiple angles, with the viewer choosing the
perspective, as a differentiator to video cassettes, but
this option was rapidly dropped due to low consumer
As for enterprise adoption of VR, we expect 2016
will be a year of experimentation, with a range of
companies dabbling with using VR for sales and
marketing purposes. These activities are likely to be
commercially insignificant this year. For example:
•	Some architects are using VR to create interactive
visualizations of construction projects in place of
3D models, or fly‑through video147
. This approach can
enable clients to make changes before work starts148
•	Emergency response workers have used VR to practice
how to respond to faults with nuclear reactors149
•	There are multiple applications for healthcare, with
training and education of staff and members of the
public being among the most prevalent150
•	Hotels can provide VR guides to properties151
For guests at a property, a VR headset could act
as a virtual concierge, showing guests places they
could visit.
•	As well as teaching via a virtual classroom, VR can
additionally be used to provide digitized tours to
prospective students152
•	VR will likely continue to be used in the military where
simulators have long been commonplace (see side
bar: Simulators and the military).
Simulators and the military
Simulators have been used for flight training
as it is much safer and cheaper to learn how
to fly in difficult conditions on the ground
than in the air. Early simulators were wooden
boxes mounted on a Universal Joint and
driven by organ bellows in 1930, but were
critical to training153
. By the 1990s, full
flight simulators were more mechanically
sophisticated and incorporated large, high
resolution screens that projected virtual
scenes for the pilots‑in‑training. These cost
millions of dollars, and in some cases less
expensive solutions were sufficient. By 2007
helmets incorporating projected dual screen
images a few inches from the user’s eyes
were being used for training, both for flight
simulation and land combat training154
We congratulate VR on what we expect will be its
first billion dollar year, and we forecast rising revenues
in coming years: it is possible that the industry will
generate tens of billions of revenues in the medium
. What appears certain however is that VR’s
potential is unlikely to be reached imminently; as with all
emerging technologies patience is required.
Bottom Line
Virtual reality is a fantastic innovation which can demonstrate the cutting edge of what technology is
capable of today. VR’s capability is likely to improve further still over the years as processors improve,
screen resolution increases yet further, and content creators learn how to create for the format.
That said, as can happen with emerging technologies, there is considerable hype about the impact of
VR in the near-term. Any company that is considering VR in any regard should have a careful look at
the likely addressable market. Enthusiastic reactions to VR at trade fairs or at industry conferences,
based on a few minutes of usage, may not convert into mass market demand. Those who attend trade
shows may not be representative of the overall population, and those who are willing to line up for
hours to try a new VR headset are likely to be even less representative. Furthermore, not all of those
who are willing to line up for a free trial may be willing to spend $300‑500 of their own money when
the devices become commercially available.
Any company considering marketing via VR imagery should consider the cost of making this content
available to consumers. For example travel companies wanting to create VR brochures should
assess how much filming and playback in VR may cost relative to current marketing approaches156
They should also assess the cost associated with acquiring the hardware needed to display these
Recent breakthrough technologies that required consumers to wear something on their face have
not proven to be mass market successes. While VR headsets may sell better than smart glasses or
3D TV glasses, also consider that using the technology may require a set of behavioral changes (the
most apparent of which is wearing a large headset) that the majority of people do not want to make.
For some people the immersion that VR causes may overwhelm rather than liberate. And wearing
a padded headset for a prolonged period of time may cause the user’s face to get hot and/or sweaty.
But the dream of being able to teleport anywhere just by donning a pair of goggles might prove
enough for some to continue using VR on a daily basis157
. The ambition to deliver on this dream is
likely to keep many companies investing in the goal of making VR a commercial and virtual reality.
As for enterprise adoption of VR, we expect 2016 will be
a year of experimentation, with a range of companies
dabbling with using VR for sales and marketing purposes.
25Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Mobile games: leading, but less lucrative
Deloitte Global predicts that in 2016 mobile devices
(smartphone and tablet) will become the leading games
platform by software revenue, generating $35 billion
in revenue, up 20 percent from 2015. This compares
to $32 billion for PC games and $28 billion for console
games, up only five and six percent respectively from the
previous year.
However we expect average revenue per game by
platform to vary significantly. We forecast $4.8 million
per console game available, $2.9 million per PC game,
but only $40,000 per mobile game158
. We estimate
average annual spending on content per mobile games
player to be about $20. This compares to $50 per PC
games player, and $145 per console player. While many
tens of thousands of companies create mobile games,
we would expect only about 200 mobile games
companies will gross over $1 million in 2016.
There are three main reasons explaining the acute
differences in revenue per game.
The first is the size of the installed base. We estimate
about 1.75 billion smartphones and tablets will be
used to play games frequently as of end‑2016, out of
a total base of 2.7 billion smartphones and 750 million
. This compares to the just over 600 million
who play games regularly on PCs, and approximately
200 million for games consoles160
A second fundamental difference is barriers to entry.
A typical latest‑generation (also known as AAA) console
or PC‑based game costs tens of millions of dollars to
, a similar sum to market162
, and can take
several years to develop. Mobile games have relatively
low barriers to entry, and can be created in mere
hours. This has contributed to a profusion of mobile
games titles. As of the start of 2016, we estimate app
stores will offer more than 800,000 mobile games;
this compares to 17,000 titles available for all games
consoles and PCs. Every day a further 500 mobile games
titles are launched on a single platform163
The immense number of mobile game titles renders
many new titles invisible without substantial marketing
spending. The largest mobile games publishers are
spending hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing
annually, with a large amount of this spent on broadcast
If mobile games publishers cannot afford a TV campaign,
they could use outcome‑based advertising, such as
app‑install ads. They would only need to pay for actual
downloads of a game or could even choose to pay for
apps that are both downloaded and opened several
times. However this can be expensive. In the US market,
cost per install is $1‑2, and can spike far higher on
a seasonal basis, such as just after December when
there is a surge of new device activations165
. An install
accompanied by usage (known as ‘Cost per Loyal User’)
can incur a charge of over $4 in the US166
A mobile games publisher might pay several dollars per
download with no resulting revenue, even if the user
benefits from hundreds of hours of free usage.
This potential outcome highlights a third fundamental
difference: the business model. The predominant sales
model for mobile games is freemium, whereby games
are downloaded for free and additional content, be this
in the form of extra lives, additional characters or special
powers, is charged for. Players can (and do) spend
tens of hours playing without having to pay a cent.
Market data suggests that this is typically less than three
percent of all players167
Indeed in 2016, it is highly probable that the vast
majority of freemium games downloaded to mobile
devices will generate no revenue. According to
Deloitte member firm research, only about a tenth of
smartphone owners make in‑app purchases (including
games) in a given month168
. Those that spend on mobile
games are lucrative, but they are elusive. About one in
650 mobile games players (known in the industry as
“whales”) generate about half of all in‑app spend in
free‑to‑play games169
. By contrast, almost all players of
console or PC‑based games have paid for the game.
One reason why console and PC game players may be
more willing to pay is because of the utility derived, with
many hours of play frequently taking place. By contrast
mobile games are often played to occupy pauses during
the day when the user might otherwise be doing little or
nothing, such as while commuting on public transport,
or waiting for a friend to arrive, or during an advertising
break. A mobile game can fill a few minutes and is
often a fall‑back, whereas someone playing a console or
PC‑based game may block out hours to do so.
The immense
number of
mobile game
titles renders
many new
titles invisible
The marketing investment required for mobile games
publishers is likely to keep the market stratified in 2016.
Deloitte Global expects about 80 percent of mobile
games revenue in the top 1,000 titles to be earned
by the top 20 publishers in each region: that leaves
a fifth of the remaining revenue to be shared among
many tens of thousands of developers170
. We would
also expect sizeable rewards to be maintained for
the number one game; the best grossing game could
generate five times that of the number five game, and
10 times that of the number 10 game171
We would expect only a few hundred mobile games
companies to gross over $1 million in 2016172
; this
would be sufficient to run a studio with 5‑10 developers.
One survey of 8,000 developers found that 17 percent
generated no revenue; 18 percent made less than $100
a month, and half made less than $1,000 per month173
A further difference between mobile games and
both console and PC games has been longevity.
Movie franchises can be criticized for offering up a mere
three sequels to a blockbuster; nine console and PC
franchises have launched over 10 editions, of which
three (Madden NFL, FIFA and Mario Brothers) have had
over 20 editions. One 17‑year old title, Counter‑Strike,
has on average hundreds of thousands of concurrent
users of its latest iteration: Counter‑Strike: Global
. A major benefit of successful sequels
is a lowered marketing cost; the historical inability
to launch mobile game sequels further adds to the
marketing cost.
Some media properties can diversify across multiple
platforms, such as books or plays being turned into
movies or TV shows. Console and PC game hits should,
arguably, transfer easily to mobile. Yet very few mobile
games hits (under 10 percent) were originally console or
PC hits.
We predict that in subsequent years mobile games
revenues will continue to grow, propelled by both
a rising base of mobile devices, and a marked increase
in device specification, particularly for smartphones.
Better processors and sharper screens will likely enable
more sophisticated game play and more complex
graphics over time, although game play on a five – or
ten‑inch screen will be different than on a 15 – or
50‑inch screen. Faster connectivity will enable quicker
downloads as well as online play.
We would expect games play to remain a principal
usage of mobile devices. However, while consumers
are likely to continue to enjoy playing mobile games,
life may become increasingly arduous for mobile games
publishers, potentially leading to some major players
exiting the market in 2016 or 2017.
Given these data, we further predict that the rise of
mobile games, in terms of revenues, will not ‘eat’
console and PC games revenues in the medium term:
the three platforms will co‑exist, with each serving
largely distinct needs, underpinned by different business
Bottom Line
The mobile games industry as a whole should
thrive in 2016, but the outlook for individual
mobile games developers is likely to be far
more varied. When touchscreen based games
first became available for smartphones and
tablets, it was relatively easy for an individual
or small company to create a game that
would then become a major hit.
However success has its consequences, one
of which has been to encourage a deluge
of developers, and the result has been an
increasingly challenging outlook for fledgling
mobile games publishers.
The mobile games sector now has the same
core challenges as most mainstream media:
creating compelling content and making
people aware of it.
This may leave three options for small mobile
games developers (aside from keeping their
day job). A first option would be to hope for
a serendipitous hit, such has blessed recent
hits such as Crossy Road, Flappy Bird or
Monument Valley175
. A second is to align with
a major publisher which has the resources
to market a new game heavily – but those
downloading the game on a freemium basis
may not pay for add‑ons with sufficient
regularity. A third option may simply be to
focus on the console or PC market: while the
addressable base may be far smaller, gamers
in this category have long been accustomed
to paying for content.
27Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
Mobile ad‑blockers: saved by the app?
Deloitte Global predicts a mere 0.3 percent of all mobile
device owners (comprising smartphones and tablets) will
use an ad‑blocker by end‑2016. This is likely to put less
than $100 million (0.1 percent) of the $70 billion mobile
advertising market at risk176
An ad‑blocker is a software file that blocks access to
sites that deliver advertising files. These include the
visible, such as banner and pop‑up ads, and those
operating in the background, such as trackers, which
log a user’s online activity. Data gathered by trackers
can be used to determine which ads to serve, and can
also be resold to third parties. Without an ad‑blocker,
a request for a 500‑word online article may download
these 500 words and additionally a large quantity (up
to 20 megabytes, equivalent to 1,000 pages of text) of
advertising files (advertising copy and trackers)177
For users, the most immediate impact of ad‑blockers is
page load times: a page that would have taken 10‑15
seconds to load over a fast 4G connection can now take
2‑3 seconds. Further, pages are presented mostly ad‑free
and white space replaces the areas reserved for ads; no
ads pop up to obscure what you are reading.
A less visible consequence of ad‑blockers is that trackers
get barred too, inhibiting the reuse and resale of the
user’s browsing patterns. Some sites install dozens
of trackers onto a user’s device. Further, each ad,
while small in size, can readily feel obtrusive within
the minimalist confines of a smartphone screen.
All additional ad content can bulk up each web
page considerably, potentially increasing load times,
consuming data allowances, and depleting the battery.
Despite these benefits, we would expect very few
mobile devices to have ad‑blockers installed by
Only a small minority of the 3.4 billion smartphones
and tablets in use by end‑2016 are likely to have native
ad‑blocking capability built into their operating system;
of these most usage will be app‑based and unaffected
by device‑level ad‑blocking.
A key reason for this is that only a minority (about
20 percent) of the 3.4 billion mobile devices
(smartphones and tablets) in use by end‑2016 are
likely to have native ad‑blocking capability built into
their operating system. This reduces significantly
the addressable market for device‑level ad‑blocking.
These devices are forecast to generate about $6 billion
in browser‑based ad revenues in 2016.
Additionally, most time spent on mobile devices is
app‑based, but ad‑blockers only filter out browser‑based
. In the US for example, about 90 percent of
time spent on mobile devices is within an app, and only
a tenth in a browser179
. This means that ad‑blocking
at the device level is applicable only for a minority of
devices, and for a minority of the time.
Mobile ad‑blockers do not block all ads: they prevent
access to about 50,000 scripts (commands that are
executed on a device automatically). The more sites that
are added, the more processing power is required to
check each site requested against the list. So ad‑blockers
cannot be fully comprehensive. Some of the companies
providing ad‑blockers offer to delist (also known as
‘white list’), sometimes for ads that are not deemed
intrusive, and occasionally for a fee.
An additional barrier to adoption is consumer inertia:
for an ad‑blocker to be operational, the user needs
to select, download, and adjust the settings on their
device. We expect most ad‑blockers will be paid‑for, as
free ad‑blockers’ efficacy may be compromised by their
use of ‘white lists’.
Given all these factors we expect only a minority – at
most two percent (10 million) – of the addressable
market to have an ad‑blocker installed and active by
We would also expect advertisers to redeploy ads to
apps or to websites not affected by ad‑blocking and
as a result may not reduce their spending on mobile.
So websites with minimal advertising, and those with
fast‑loading advertising, may be net beneficiaries of
An ad‑blocker
is a software
file that blocks
access to sites
that deliver
advertising files.
We expect the adoption of ad‑blockers will follow
a different pattern to that for PCs, for which ad‑blocking
has been available for years. As of mid‑2015, there
were an estimated 200 million monthly active users of
ad‑blockers on PCs globally, with 77 million active users
in Europe and 45 million in the US alone180
. The focus
on app‑based usage on a mobile device is likely to be
a key reason why the relatively large‑scale adoption of
ad‑blocking technology that has been experienced on
PCs will not be replicated on mobile.
While we do not expect the impact of mobile
ad‑blocking in 2016 to be significant relative to the
overall size of the market, its impact is likely to be felt
Smaller online‑only publishers that rely entirely on
advertising revenues and lack other forms of income,
such as subscription, may be particularly affected.
They may not have the resource to be able to optimize
their sites to load fast, while still delivering advertising.
They may also lack the funding to create an app within
which ads could be delivered outside of the reach of
It may also be the case that the most impacted news
outlets are those focused on tech and gaming news,
whose audience is most aware of ad‑blockers and most
likely to have deployed them for their PC‑based usage.
Bottom Line
When ad‑blockers first went on sale they
stormed to the top of the app store charts
in the first weekend181
. Subsequently sales
have fallen steadily182
. However this should
not be a cause for complacency. There is
the possibility of a further wave of interest
in ad‑blocking, which could lead to a more
significant wave of adoption.
Online publishers that rely on advertising for
revenues should use the threat of ad‑blocking
to consider how best to enable easy payment
for their content and not provide a vast array
of consumer data as a condition of being
able to contribute a dollar, or to insist on
The mobile advertising industry should also
keep an eye on network‑level ad‑blocking183
While in some markets this may be considered
a contravention of net neutrality principles,
regulation may change to enable this184
The industry should also anticipate
how prevalent consumer inertia can be.
For example, hundreds of millions of mobile
users have been able to access an ad‑free,
text‑only mode for reading content for years,
but few have chosen to do so185
However we also anticipate that many
mobile users would deploy their own form
of organic ad‑blocking by simply ignoring
mobile websites with what they consider to
be excessive advertising content. So even if
ad‑blockers are not popular, avoidance of
ad‑heavy sites may still be common.
29Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
The award for stable box office revenues
in the face of digital media goes to…
Deloitte Global predicts that the value of movie theater
admissions in the US and Canada will fall by about three
percent in 2016, to about $10.6 billion, with about
1.3 billion tickets sold. It is impossible to forecast beyond
that with any precision: box office is so dependent on
the slate of movies released. Between 1996 and 2015,
the annual box office revenue change is nearly random,
although it has never gone up by more than 10 percent
or fallen by more than six percent186
and the number of
tickets sold has never gone up by more than 12 percent
or fallen by more than six percent187
. Given that, we
expect average annual revenue growth in the near-term
to be about one percent, but within a range of plus
or minus 10 percent, and the number of tickets sold
to decline about one percent per year. Box office
dollars are likely to grow, but at a minimal pace, and
are actually likely to decline (also at a minimal pace) if
inflation is taken into account188
The annual movie box office is driven heavily by the
fortunes of the top five blockbusters. The popularity
of these films accounts for most of the year‑on‑year
volatility. Since 2007, the trend has been for the five
highest‑grossing films to generate over 40 percent of
the box office189
(see Figure 8). In 2014 the top five
fared poorly and the box office fell five percent190
Last year was better, up a forecast eight percent.
2016 may surprise, but at time of writing one industry
forecast is for a slightly weaker slate of blockbusters,
and therefore a decline, although not as bad as 2014191
Source: Canaccord Genuity. For further information on the source, see endnotes.
Contribution (%)
33% 32%
Figure 8: Contribution (%) from top five films to total box office revenues
The annual movie box office is driven heavily by the fortunes of the top
five blockbusters.
As stated previously, between 1995 and 2015 annual
revenues for the US and Canadian box office (called
the North American box office by the movie industry,
although it does not include Mexico) fluctuated in
a relatively narrow range of up 10 percent and down
6 percent. Although the effects of inflation have been
small in any given year, the cumulative effect over
20 years is that a box office dollar in 1995 is worth
$1.57 in 2015.
A chart of box office revenues in constant dollars and
also the number of tickets sold shows a clear picture:
both admissions and constant dollar revenues grew from
1995 to 2002, and since then both inflation‑adjusted
revenues and admissions have fluctuated, but are in slow
decline. From 2002 to 2015, admissions have fallen from
1.55 billion to 1.33 billion, or an annual compounded rate
of 1.17 percent192
, while revenues declined at a 0.79 percent
compound rate in constant 2014 dollars, from $12.03 billion
to $10.85 billion193
, see Figure 9.
Figure 9: US and Canada cinema revenues and admissions 1995‑2015 in billions of 2014 dollars
Sources: MPAA, Deloitte Canada analysis. For further information on the sources, see endnotes.
Tickets (billion) Revenue ($ billion)
Tickets (billion) Revenue ($ billion)
A sub‑one percent average annual decline in admission
revenues is not indicative of a growth industry, especially
considering population growth of 1‑2 percent. In fact,
Figure 10 shows that per capita admissions in the US
and Canada have been declining at a fairly consistent
rate since 2005, from 4.4 visits per year to 3.9194
: an
11 percent decline in total, or a 1.2 percent annual
compounded decline.
The revenue impact has been mitigated, even in
constant dollar terms, as US movie ticket prices have
risen slightly faster than inflation, in part due to a mix
with more expensive 3D and large format movies (such
as IMAX). The average ticket in 1995 was $4.59 in
1995, and $8.17 in 2014, but in constant 1995 dollars
the 2014 number is $5.27, which is annual price growth
of almost exactly one percent above inflation195
Sources: MPAA, Deloitte Canada analysis. For further information on the sources, see endnotes.
Tickets per capita
4.9 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.8
4.5 4.4
4.0 4.1
Figure 10: US and Canada tickets per capita for population aged 2+, 2005‑2015
31Technology, Media  Telecommunications Predictions 2016
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Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016
Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016
Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016
Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016
Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016
Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016
Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016
Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016

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Deloitte TMT Predictions 2016

  • 2. Contents Foreword 1 Technology 3 Women in IT jobs: it is about education, but it is also about more than just education 4 Trailing millennials are the pro-PC, not the post-PC, generation 8 Touch commerce: the mobille online checkout gets an express lane 12 Graphene: research now, reap next decade 14 Cognitive technologies enhance enterprise software 17 Media 21 Virtual reality: a billion dollar niche 22 Mobile games: leading, but less lucrative 26 Mobile ad-blockers: saved by the app? 28 The award for stable box office revenues in the face of digital media goes to… 30 US TV: erosion, not implosion 35 European football scores $30 billion 39 eSports: bigger and smaller than you think 42 Telecommunications 45 The dawn of the Gigabit Internet age: every bit counts46 Used smartphones: the $17 billion market you may never have heard of50 The rise of the data exclusive53 VoLTE/VoWiFi: capacity, reach and capability57 Photo sharing: trillions and rising59 Endnotes 62 Recent Deloitte thought leadership 78 Contacts at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) and its member firms 79
  • 3. Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Predictions for the Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) sectors. The last 15 years have been a golden era for innovation: multiple TMT products and services that we now take for granted were niche or non-existent back then. In 2002, homes typically had dial-up Internet access, boxy television sets, wired speakers, standalone digital cameras, shopping catalogues and fixed line telephones. Photos were stored in albums and shelves bulged with CDs and DVDs; LPs had been banished to the attic or sold off. ‘Candy bar’ shaped mobile phones had monochrome screens and were predominantly used to make calls and exchange text messages. Instant messaging, e-mail, e-commerce, maps, search engines, photos, videos and other online services that are now routinely accessed via smartphones were predominantly PC-based at the start of 2002. 3G networks had only just launched commercially, offering speeds of a few hundred kilobits per second. As most homes still had dial-up Internet, it was faster for most people to visit a video rental store, return home, watch the film, and then return it rather than to wait for a file to download. Over the last 15 years, connectivity has become steadily faster, enabling many new categories of service to become mainstream, including a number of current staple applications: search engines, social networks, video-on-demand, e- and m-commerce, app stores and online video games. These new services have driven the growing appeal of digital devices; smartphones and tablets being the two standout devices to have emerged over the period. These new device types have tended to complement rather than usurp existing products. While the past 15 years has witnessed startling change, it has also seen remarkable continuity. Broadcast television, radio, cinema, live entertainment, printed books and in-person meetings remain popular despite multiple digitally- enabled alternatives. 2016 promises to be yet another exciting year for the TMT sector. In this year’s edition we look at a fascinating array of trends, each developing at its own momentum. We look forward to the progress of cognitive technologies in enterprise software, to new approaches in accelerating mobile commerce check-out, and to the progression of graphene. We highlight the continuing strength of demand for the PC – especially among millennials. We welcome the commercial launch of virtual reality, and note the continued growth of both premium sports (with a focus on football in Europe), as well as the emerging eSports sector. We expect mobile should become the biggest games platform in 2016, overtaking console and PC. We observe that the key traditional media of television and cinema should continue to hold their own, even if not growing. We explore the current and near-term impact of ad-blockers on mobile advertising revenues. We discuss key drivers of bandwidth demand including the emergence of Gigabit to the home, trends in photo sharing and a continued rise in data exclusive communicators, as well as the potential impact of the take-up of network-managed voice over data services. Foreword 1Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 4. Finally, we expect the used smartphone market to surpass $17 billion in trade-in value, making it a significant consumer device market in its own right. We hope that you find this year’s set of predictions an interesting read and that they bring a useful dynamic to your discussions. Paul Sallomi Paul Lee Global Technology, Media Telecommunications Partner, Head of Global TMT Research (TMT) Industry Leader Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited 2
  • 5. Women in IT jobs: it is about education, but it is also about more than just education 4 Trailing millennials are the pro-PC, not the post-PC, generation 8 Touch commerce: the mobile online checkout gets an express lane 12 Graphene: research now, reap next decade 14 Cognitive technologies enhance enterprise software 17 Technology 3Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 6. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% UKCanadaSwedenUS Figure 1: Women as percentage of total IT workforce by country for US, Sweden, Canada and UK 24% 22% 22% 18% Source: The statistics for the chart above were obtained from government websites or documents. The US data is for 2014, Sweden data is for 2013, Canada data is 2011 and UK data is for April-June 2015. See endnotes for information on sources. Deloitte Global predicts that by end-2016 fewer than 25 percent of information technology (IT) jobs1 in developed countries will be held by women, i.e. women working in IT roles (see Figure 1)2 . That figure is about the same as 2015, and may even be down. Lack of gender diversity in IT is both a social and economic issue. Global costs may be in the tens of billions of dollars; according to one study, the gender gap in IT costs the UK alone about $4 billion annually3 . Given that cost, gender parity (roughly 50 percent women in IT jobs) seems a reasonable goal over the long term. Why are the 2016 numbers less than half that goal, and why aren’t they improving faster? Gender imbalance in IT has been recognized as an issue since at least 20054 . One might have expected some improvement since then, and perhaps even faster change since 2010, when there was a surge in articles about women in technology jobs5 . That has not been the case. For example, in the eight years between 2005 and 2013 the percentage of women in IT jobs in Sweden fell from 23 percent to 22 percent (although the percentage of women in senior IT roles did rise from 16 to 21 percent). In the US, which has five million IT jobs, the ratio of female IT workers also fell from 25 to 24 percent from 2010 to 20146 , with the proportion of women in more senior roles declining three percentage points to 27 percent in 2014. In the UK, with 1.2 million IT posts, the percentage of women in IT jobs increased from 17 percent to 18 percent 2010-20157 . In each market, the total number of IT jobs increased by over 20 percent in the last five years. The education pipeline Not every current IT worker has an educational background in computer science or other similar field. But in those fields of study, and especially in computer science, there are clear problems with gender diversity in the educational pipeline. Only 18 percent of US university computer science (CS) graduates in 2013 were women8 . And that was down from 1985, when 37 percent of graduates were women. UK figures are very similar: in the 2013/14 educational year, only 17.1 percent of computer science students were women9 . That is much lower than overall female participation in higher education in the UK of 56 percent, and actually down very slightly from 17.4 percent in the 2012/13 educational year10 . The percentage of women enrolled in mathematics, computer and information sciences at universities and colleges in Canada is higher, at 25 percent in 201411 , but that is down two percent since 2009, when it was over 27 percent12 . But at the best known computer science school in the country, the University of Waterloo, women made up only 13 percent of 2010 enrollment in computer science, down from 33 percent in the late 1980s although they now have a number of programs to get more women to enroll, and to retain them once they are in the program13 . In Sweden as of 2010, women were 24 percent of computer science graduates14 , down from 30 percent in 200015 . Women in IT jobs: it is about education, but it is also about more than just education 4
  • 7. But the gender gap in the educational pipeline precedes university (tertiary) education. Only 18 percent of US students taking the Advanced Placement Exam for Computer Science in 2013 were women16 . Once again, UK data is roughly similar: a 2012 survey showed that only 17 percent of girls had learned any computer coding in school, about half the level of the 33 percent of boys who had coded17 . And some argue that girls are often steered away from science and math courses in primary school18 . Other experts go earlier still, stressing the role parents need to take in encouraging girls younger than school age to be interested in science and technology19 . Challenges beyond the education pipeline Recruiting. According to a 2014 study among UK firms, half of all companies hiring IT workers stated that only one-in-twenty job applicants were women20 . Gender- neutral job descriptions are an important first step, but may not be sufficient, since the various algorithms driving online recruiting advertisements may mean women do not see the job placement ads21 . In several studies, researchers found that the software showing ads for certain senior jobs targeted users tagged as men nearly six times as often as users labeled as women. Hiring. Hiring more female recruiters may help, but will likely be an insufficient step. Various studies from multiple countries show that both men and women are twice as likely to hire a man for an IT job as an equally qualified woman22 . That may not necessarily be conscious sexist behavior: there appears to be a number of unconscious biases at work that prompt even female recruiters to choose male candidates over equally qualified women. There are initiatives to help make people aware of their biases23 (the process is called ‘unbiasing’) but training and education may only partially offset them. Further, men and women in IT write their CVs in styles that vary by gender, and those stylistic differences may be making recruiters less likely to hire women24 . Retaining. Women in IT roles are 45 percent more likely than men to leave in their first year, according to a 2014 US study25 . The study found that retention was a problem after the first year as well: one in five women with a STEM degree is out of the labor force, compared to only one in 10 men with a STEM education26 . Issues that may be contributing to this lack of retention include pay and promotion (see below). A hostile or sexist ‘bro- grammer’ culture can also be an issue: in one study, 27 percent of women cited discomfort with their work environment, either overt or implicit discrimination, as a factor in why they left their IT job27 . Further, workplace policies not suited to women, whether marathon coding sessions, expectations around not having children (62 percent of female IT workers don’t have children, compared to 57 percent of men28 ) or lack of childcare may all play a role. Paying and promoting. A US female web developer makes 79 cents to the dollar men make for the same job29 ; and while female computer and information systems managers have a narrower gap of 87 cents to the dollar, a pay difference is still prevalent30 . The single largest category of IT workers in the US is ‘software developers, applications and systems software’ at over one in four of all IT workers – the pay gap for that group is 84 cents to the dollar31 . In the US a quarter of women with IT roles feel stalled in their careers. In India the proportion is much higher, at 45 percent32 . The number of female CIOs in the UK is 14 percent, and this has not changed in the last 10 years33 ; and a UK survey states that 37 percent of women in IT say that they have been passed over for promotion because of their gender34 . On the other hand, the issue of senior women in IT roles varies significantly by country. In the UK, where 18 percent of the IT workforce is female, the percentage of senior roles filled by women is half of that, at nine percent. In Sweden, 21 percent of IT chiefs are female, in line with the 22 percent of the IT workforce that are women. And in the US and Canada, the percentage of IT managers that are women is 2-3 percentage points higher than the percentage of all IT workers who are female. It is unclear why the gender gap for senior roles varies between countries, but it does suggest that cultural factors are playing a role. 5Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 8. The percentage of women in IT varies significantly by specialization and that variation also varies by country. As an example, in the US over 35 percent of web developers are female, while only 12 percent of computer network architects are women. Canada has a similar pattern, with web developers at the very high end of the diversity range and computer and network operators and web technicians at the lower end. On the other hand, the UK data shows that the percentage of web design and development professionals who are female is only slightly higher than the UK average for all IT jobs, likely one of the factors (along with the low number of women in senior IT positions) that contributes to the UK’s poor performance on gender diversity in IT roles compared to all the other countries mentioned35 . It is important to note that diversity and inclusion are about much more than gender. As an example, ethnicity appears to be a significant factor in reaching senior levels in leading Silicon Valley tech companies: all of Hispanics, Asians and blacks are at a disadvantage to white men or white women at executive levels, according to a 2015 US study36 . And of course, industries other than IT suffer from gender gaps for both participation and pay. Women in IT companies Although the focus of this prediction has been on women in IT professions, there is a distinct but related topic of gender diversity within IT companies, specifically at the large American (usually Silicon Valley-based) companies. There are tech companies that currently publish their diversity numbers on an annual basis37 and they average about 32 percent female employees in 2014. These companies are a key part of the technology sector, likely represent the broader tech company employment picture, and are likely to be an important source of IT jobs for women going forward. But these companies have many workers in many different occupations, not all of which are IT jobs. One sample of six US tech companies showed that although their total workforce was 30-39 percent women, the number of women in ‘tech jobs’ was only 10-20 percent38 . Increasing the gender diversity at these companies is likely an important goal, but only tangentially connected to the larger picture of women in IT jobs. Because of the considerable public spotlight on these companies as bellwethers for women in technology, it seems a reasonable prediction that the gender diversity numbers at high-profile publicly traded companies are likely to rise at a faster rate than for women in IT functions or jobs. Therefore it will be important to recognize that even if some Silicon Valley companies have 50 percent female employees that may not mean that the diversity of women in IT jobs across the US or developed countries in general has improved to the same extent. Although some of the numbers on gender diversity in IT may appear disappointing, there are also hopeful signs. At one leading US technology school, computer science is now the most popular degree for women39 . Furthermore, education may not be the gating factor that some think it is. While less than a fifth of US computer science graduates were women in 2013, as of 2014 the proportion of women in tech roles in US companies was 24 percent in 2014, and 27 percent of IT managerial roles were held by women40 . And speaking of leadership, there have never been more senior women in tech41 , particularly high-profile female C-suite executives42 : this is providing leadership, role models and mentors for women and girls considering a career in IT. Another positive is that the IT job categories with the lowest female representation are shrinking over time, and the more balanced categories are growing43 , suggesting that we may be nearing a tipping point in diversity. Further, tech companies are leading the broader IT industry: the US tech companies that released their gender diversity numbers in 2013 had an average of 30.3 percent female employees, and that number rose in 2014 by 0.15 percent44 . 6
  • 9. Bottom line Getting more girls and young women into streams that will lead to careers in IT will likely be difficult. Initiatives are under way to depict more positive female IT role models in the media45 . But even if real progress is made immediately in improving gender parity in STEM at levels of the educational pipeline, it may take time (possibly decades, in the case of improvements to primary education) for those improvements to translate into IT job parity. Recruiting: firms could use software to screen for job descriptions that use words that are likely to turn away women: major technology companies are already doing this46 . Another barrier can be tenure- related requirements: given the IT gender gap, requiring 20 years of IT experience shrinks the pool of qualified female candidates enormously. If lengthy tenure is a genuinely necessary requirement for the position, then it is appropriate, otherwise it would be an artificial barrier to hiring women. Hiring: having both men and women as part of the hiring process is likely to help. At one tech company, women who were interviewed only by men were more likely to turn down a job offer47 . Now that at this company every female candidate meets with at least one woman from the company during the hiring process, more women are being hired. Women are sometimes less likely to promote themselves in interviews, and the same company now gets hiring managers to ask more detailed questions to paint a fuller picture. Retention: the attrition rate for mothers at one tech company was double that for employees as a whole: extending maternity leave from three months to five, and from partial pay to full pay, led to the attrition rate following childbirth falling by half48 . A number of technology companies are looking at the role of mentoring: having more senior women support more junior IT workers is likely to lead to better retention49 . Paying and promoting: IT prides itself on being a merit-based field. But gender differences need to be overcome: one company had its employees nominate themselves for promotions, and women were less likely to do so. In response, there are now workshops where women encourage other women to nominate themselves, and they are now being promoted proportionately50 . The role of government: one possible solution may be for governments to take the lead, and attempt to increase the percentage of women in IT jobs in the public sector. Across all job types, the public sector tends to be more diverse than the private sector. According to the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), women make up 45 percent of the total employment across all industries in 2013, but 58 percent of public sector employment, and the figure is 70 percent in Sweden51 . Government leadership in IT employment of women does seem to work partially. Public sector IT jobs are 15 percent of all IT jobs in Sweden52 . While 22 percent of Swedish IT jobs are held by women, for public sector IT workers it is a third, which suggests that government initiatives can at least help narrow the tech gender gap. On the other hand, that also means that private sector IT employment for women in Sweden is only a fifth. It seems likely that this dynamic also holds true in other developed countries: the public sector IT gender disparity is less pronounced than the national averages, and the private sector is therefore worse (by some amount) than the national average53 . 7Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 10. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% USUKSpainSingaporeNorwayNetherlandsJapanItalyGermanyFranceFinlandCanadaAustraliaAverage Laptop Weighted base: Respondents aged 18-24: Australia (265), Canada (253), Finland (120), France (242), Germany (212), Italy (193), Japan (185), Netherlands (253), Norway (130), Singapore (327), Spain (193), UK (510), US (279) Source: Deloitte member firms’ Global Mobile Consumer Survey, developed countries, May-July 2015 Figure 2: Laptop and smartphone adoption among 18-24 year-olds Smartphone Q: Which of the following devices do you own or have ready access to? Deloitte Global predicts that trailing millennials (18-24 years old) are likely to be the most pro-PC of all age groups in 2016. They are very unlikely to be post-PC and abandon personal computers (any operating system). This age group is the smartphone generation, but its ownership, intent to purchase and use of PCs will likely be higher than any other age group in 2016. According to research by Deloitte member firms on average over 85 percent of trailing millennials in 13 developed countries had access to a laptop in 201554 . This is a little lower than the 89 percent who have access to a smartphone in these markets (see Figure 2)55 . In most countries access to smartphones is slightly higher, but in the US, France, and Canada more 18-24 year-olds have access to a laptop than a smartphone. Further, laptop access for the trailing millennial demographic was either highest or second highest of the six age groups in the survey in all but two markets, Norway and Finland. Access to a laptop among trailing millennials was seven percent higher than for the population as a whole, and in some countries was much higher than the average: 17 percent in the US, 15 percent in Canada, 12 percent in Australia and 10 percent in France. It appears that 18-24 year-olds consider smartphones and PCs as complements, not substitutes. This may be partly because laptops are more affordable than they once were, with many sub-$500 devices available. Trailing millennials in developed countries may not have to choose between a PC and a smartphone. The large screens, keyboards and trackpads or mice of the laptop provide an ease of input and display that is superior to even the largest phablet. It appears millennials (and other age groups) are more than willing to have a laptop open in front of them and hold a smartphone in their other hand. When it comes to substitution, it appears to be the large tablet (nine inches or larger) that is being partly passed over by 18-24 year-olds. In every country surveyed, access to laptops for trailing millennials was between 38 and 60 percentage points more than access to large tablets, and averaged 52 percentage points higher across all 13 countries. Trailing millennials are actively interested in acquiring new laptop models. Purchase intent may be at a lower level than for smartphones, along with every other device, but laptops are still the second-most desired device in every country surveyed. About a third of 18-24 year-olds in developed countries surveyed planned to buy a new smartphone in the next 12 months, and a quarter intended to buy a new laptop (see Figure 3). That number is roughly double the percentage of other devices one might expect a post-PC generation to be thinking about buying, such as tablets, wearables or portable games players. Once again, the intent-to- purchase data for laptops for millennials was higher than for any other age group in 12 of the 13 countries surveyed, with Norway as the only exception. Trailing millennials are the pro-PC, not the post-PC generation 8
  • 11. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% USUKSpainSingaporeNorwayNetherlandsJapanItalyGermanyFranceFinlandCanadaAustraliaAverage Laptop Weighted base: Respondents aged 18-24: Australia (265), Canada (253), Finland (120), France (242), Germany (212), Italy (193), Japan (185), Netherlands (253), Norway (130), Singapore (327), Spain (193), UK (510), US (279) Source: Deloitte member firms’ Global Mobile Consumer Survey, developed countries, May-July 2015 Figure 3: Intent to purchase a smartphone or laptop within the next 12 months among 18-24 year-olds Smartphone Q: Which of the following devices are you likely to buy in the next 12 months? Other Deloitte US research into the US market suggests that 14-25 year-olds rank laptops among their most valued devices56 . About three-quarters of 14-25 year-olds placed laptops and smartphones in their top three valued devices. That percentage was higher than laptop ranking for any other demographic studied. It was also much higher than any other device for trailing millennials, whose next top-ranked devices were gaming consoles, flat-panel TV and desktop computers at 45, 40 and 35 percent respectively. Further, the younger millennials appear to be getting good use out of their computers. Studies suggest that 18-24 year-olds in the US spend 49 minutes per day using the Internet or watching video on a PC, in addition to email, games, and work/study applications such as word processing57 . That 49 minutes per day is less than older Americans (35-49 year-olds are using the Internet or watching video on their computers 69 minutes per day58 ) but it does not suggest that the younger group is about to abandon their laptops or desktops in the near future. But the same data shows that millennials make use of their smartphones even more, spending 99 minutes per day using the web, an app or watching video on their smartphone. So 18-24 year-olds spend 148 minutes per day in front of smartphones or PCs, with 67 percent of this time on the smartphone. Daily time spent on all media reflects the same trend. Another study found that millennials (18-34 years old, not just trailing millennials) use mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) quite frequently, spending a third of total media time on them59 . Desktop and laptop computers are close behind at 27 percent of total media time: which is more than for the adult population as a whole (only 21 percent); and higher than the percentage of time millennials spend on traditional TV (23 percent). In fact, based on time spent, millennials are closer to being the post-TV generation than the post-PC generation. In a comScore study60 , millennials in all of the US, UK and Canada are definitely mobile-first: in each country 18-34 year-olds spend at least 20 hours more per month on mobiles than on their laptops or desktop PCs. In fact, American millennials spend 90 hours per month on their mobiles, nearly 50 hours more than on their computers. However, that has not meant they have abandoned their PCs: millennial PC usage is 39-46 hours per month across the countries, which is a little less than usage for the population as a whole (about two hours per month), but not materially so. Looking at media platform usage by all adult Americans (and not only trailing millennials,) there has been enormous growth in time spent on digital mobile devices, from 19 minutes daily in 2008 to 171 minutes in 2015, an 800 percent growth over only seven years61 . In the same period, TV usage has been flat; up only a minute per day to 255 minutes; and other connected digital devices (such as gaming consoles connected to the Internet) have grown to 25 minutes per day from nine. But time spent on print newspapers, print magazines, and broadcast radio all fell sharply: their combined daily time fell from 165 minutes to 109 minutes, a 33 percent decline. 9Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 12. Bottom line It appears that having a mobile strategy will be necessary in 2016, especially if your market is millennials. In fact, a mobile-first strategy is almost certainly a good idea. But a mobile-only strategy that assumes millennials have already abandoned (or are about to abandon) their computers is almost certainly an equally bad idea. Depending on the content or use case, millennials still use their PCs, and sometimes even prefer the PC to mobile. One excellent example of this distinction is video content. In a Deloitte US survey published in 2015, trailing millennials (14-25 years old) reported the percentage of time spent watching four different forms of video content: for smartphones, tablets, desktop/laptop computers and TV sets63 . As Figure 4 shows, leaving TV sets aside, the computer screen was the dominant device, even for user- generated content. In fact, for movies and TV shows (30-60 minutes), millennial use of computers was more than double the screen time for smartphones and tablets combined64 . Although games and social media are indeed heavily mobile-first for trailing millennials, the larger screens of desktops and laptops seems to be preferred to mobile. Meanwhile desktop/laptop media consumption (not including time spent on email, work applications, or playing offline PC games) rose from 131 minutes to 142 minutes. Mobile usage for adult Americans appears to be a mix of additive and substitutional. It has increased the total cumulative time per day people spend consuming media across all platforms, from 578 minutes in 2008 to 701 minutes in 2015, or over 20 percent, although there is also some growth in simultaneous usage with the rise of the second screen. Smartphones and tablets have become the digital devices of choice for media consumption, and appears to have been accomplished by a combination of substitution for traditional media (but not taking media time from the PC) and adding to the total amount of media time. It seems likely the trend for mobile media usage taking over newspaper, magazine and radio is true for 18-24 year-olds too. And when we look at data for that age group between Q1 2011 and Q1 2015, total computer time (on the Internet and watching video) is virtually unchanged, falling from 54.1 minutes per day to 53.9 minutes62 . There was a shift in how the computer is being used, with video usage increasing by nine minutes per day in four years, but total time spent was flat. What are millennials doing on PCs? The answer is computer games, longer-form video, downloading or streaming content, and creating or editing content (text, videos). In fact, when we look at how PCs compete with tablets or smartphones, and how they are used by demographic groups, it might be those aged 55 and over who are more likely to become the post-PC generation. There are also age and cohort effects at work. As today’s 18-24 year-olds grow older, it seems likely that their PC use may rise when they are 25-34, and then possibly increase again when they are 35-49, which is the age group that currently uses computers the most per day in the US. After that, and as they begin to spend less time playing complex PC-based games, moving increasingly to legal sources of content, and shift from being content creators to spending more time exclusively consuming or reviewing content, their PC usage is likely to fall and shift towards tablets. But it seems equally probable that the cohort of 18-24 year-olds of 2020 or 2025 will still use devices that are more or less PC-like: they will have full-size keyboards, much larger screens, and pointing devices that are more precise than a finger on a screen. Based on recent trends, they are likely to use those devices for fewer minutes per day than today’s 18-24 year-olds use their computers, but it will still be a significant device: widely- owned, widely-valued, often required by schools or employers, and used for hours per week. 10
  • 13. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% User-generated contentSportsTV showsMovies Laptop/Desktop Base: Respondents aged 14-25 (424 respondents) Source: Deloitte US’s Digital Democracy Survey, Ninth edition, November 2014. See endnotes for further information on the research. Figure 4: Time spent watching video content by device, US, among 14-25 year-olds Smartphone Tablets Q: Of the time you spend watching movies/TV shows/sports/user-generated content, what percentage do you watch on the following devices? 40% 9% 8% 8% 8% 8% 5% 32% 10% 41% 24% 53% Movies TV shows Sports User-generated content Another example is online banking. According to a 2014 US study65 , 20-34 year-olds were much more likely than any other demographic to conduct banking-related activities via digital channels, with 65-80 percent using digital to make internal transfers, check for fraudulent charges or check account balances. They were also the most likely to use the bank’s mobile app: more than twice as likely as Generation X (35-49 year olds) and nearly eight times as likely as Baby Boomers (50-70 year olds)66 . However, although they did use the mobile app for checking balances, and external and internal transfers, when asked to express a preference for the mobile app or the bank website, millennials preferred the website more than two-to-one over mobile for each type of transaction. Shopping is another use where the PC still has its place. US 18-34 year olds spend $2,000 per year on digital purchases, 79 percent said in a survey that they discovered a new brand or product through mobile, and more than half said they prefer the mobile shopping app to the online site67 . But a 2014 survey of US 19-33 year-olds showed that they still prefer using their computer over either the smartphone or tablet for checking product details or availability, and especially for making the actual purchase, with nearly two-thirds using their computer, and only about 40 percent using their smartphone or tablet68 . In a more recent 2015 Deloitte US survey, 18-24 year olds were most likely to use their mobile devices to find the location of stores, shop/browse online and compare prices. However, only 39 percent used their smartphone for actual purchases, and only 27 percent used their tablets69 . 11Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 14. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% USUKSpainSingaporeNorwayNetherlandsJapanItalyGermanyFranceFinlandCanadaAustraliaAverage Browse shopping websites/apps (weekly) Figure 5: Respondents who use their phone to browse or purchase from shopping websites/apps at least weekly Q: How frequently do you use your phone to do any of these (browse shopping websites/apps, make an online purchase of a product)? Make an online purchase of a product (weekly) Weighted base: Respondents who own or have access to a standard phone/smartphone: Australia (1,837), Canada (1,676), Finland (963), France (1,829), Germany (1,821), Italy (1,873), Japan (1,420), Netherlands (1,886), Norway (925), Singapore (1,903), Spain (1,891), UK (3,682), US (1,828) Source: Deloitte member firms’ Global Mobile Consumer Survey, developed countries, May-July 2015 Deloitte Global predicts that in 2016, the number of individuals who use a third party touch-based payment service to make a purchase on their mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) should increase by 150 percent, to reach 50 million regular users70 . Touch commerce enables a customer to make a secure first-time or subsequent payment on any merchant’s website or app without having to provide registration or log-in details either to the merchant or to the payment service. Authorizing the transaction on a mobile device simply requires the application of a fingerprint or a few (typically two) touches of a screen. Critically, touch commerce reduces significantly the time taken from browsing to transaction on a mobile phone, and on an app or website which the customer has not used before, to mere seconds from tens of seconds or even minutes. Touch commerce enables retailers to exploit shoppers’ increasing use of mobile devices to browse retail sites and apps. Transactions on sites and apps remain scarce, with laborious payment processes often to blame. Indeed cart abandonment in mobile commerce can be as high as 80 percent71 . Easier checkout has been identified as a key factor/key requirement for increased mobile buying72 . Deloitte member firm research has found that as of mid- 2015 about a third of respondents in developed markets browse shopping websites/apps on a weekly basis, but only nine percent purchase (see Figure 5). A first-time visitor to a mobile website or app may need to type in name, address, email, phone number, and sometimes purchase preferences, security details (passwords, security questions) and finally payment details to complete a transaction. The wide scope of information required, coupled with the difficulty of entering it on a touch screen, likely contributes to the abandonment of baskets. Submitting all these data on a computer with a full- size keyboard is a chore. On a five-inch touch screen, with predictive text in a mischievous mood and on a juddering bus, it can be tortuous. Touch commerce enabled by third-party services removes much of the ‘grit’ from mobile transactions, reducing the entire process to the application of a fingerprint or one or two touches of the screen. There are likely to be two principal types of third-party touch-based mobile payment services in 2016. One is linked to the device’s operating system (OS). Shopping applications can use existing information associated with the OS, including payment card details and home address. Payments for this service are typically authenticated by a fingerprint and can be used within apps73 . Goods can be shipped to the default address stored in the OS. Touch commerce: the mobile online checkout gets an express line 12
  • 15. Deloitte Global expects this category should represent the majority of touch-based payments made in 2016: there are billions of smartphones that have payment card and home address information associated with them. Additionally, the base of fingerprint reader-equipped devices is steadily rising, with more than 450 million forecast to ship this year, adding to the existing base of hundreds of millions’74 . The second type of third-party touch-based mobile payment service is linked to existing payment service providers. Prior to being able to make purchases by one or two touches of the screen, the user would need to have opened an account with the payment provider and elected to stay logged in for future purchases. Once this feature is enabled, the user simply has to press buy and confirm buttons75 . Confirmation can be via a fingerprint with some devices76 . The combination of these data and technology enables retailers to outsource mobile transactions to third parties, and by so doing, convert payment from a frustrating to a friction-free experience. One merchant reported that the checkout process via their legacy app required 103 seconds for customers to type in their full credit card and shipping information; third-party touch payment reduced this to just 17 seconds77 . Other payment services may emerge soon. For example, some large retailers could enable their customers to use pre-stored payment data to validate purchases made on other retailers’ apps78 . Third-party touch-based mobile payment services are just a first step towards an overall improved shopping experience on mobile. Consumers are increasingly likely to expect simplified authentication services, and may want this approach for online as well as in-store payments. Bottom line Consumers are constantly connected to their smartphones, from the early hours in the morning to late at night, when at work, while spending time with family and friends or while commuting. These provide opportunities for converting browsing into purchases with a simplified payment process. Retailers should educate the market on the existence of touch commerce and encourage first-time usage, perhaps by offering small discounts for doing so. Marketing campaigns should show how fast touch payments are, but also explain how they are also as secure, and possibly more so, than conventional check out processes. Retailers may need to offer a variety of payment options via a range of third parties. Touch commerce is likely to tap into consumers’ appetite for impulse purchasing. But more mobile commerce and impulse purchases may mean that they will need to be even more responsive and able to cope with unpredicted spikes in demand that may happen at various times of the day and night. The potential impact on sales created by social media influencers should also be considered79 . A simplified checkout process is not the only prerequisite for mobile commerce. A user-friendly and appealing mobile website or app is also essential. Some approaches to touch commerce could cause retailers to lose some visibility of customer behavior. Retailers should carefully weigh the benefits of rapid transaction fulfilment with loss of control of customer data. Retailers should also consider integrating touch payment services with loyalty schemes. 13Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 16. Deloitte Global predicts the total value of the graphene materials market in 2016 is likely to be in the low tens of millions of dollars, equivalent to less than an hour’s projected revenues from smartphone sales this year. Research and development spending on graphene is likely to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars in 2016; in the medium term, graphene may be incorporated into products worth many billions of dollars per year, but it may be decades before this material’s potential is fully realized. In 2016, while there are expected to be a few dozen commercially available products that include graphene, the material is likely to be a composite. For example, graphene could be incorporated to improve the strength and weight of the carbon fibers used to manufacture sports equipment80 . Graphene has been called a ‘wonder material’81 , as it offers an unrivalled combination of tensile, electrical, thermal and optical properties. Significant investments have been made in recent years which could hasten the pace at which we start to see more practical applications of graphene and new technologies. For example, the European Union has invested $1.3 billion in ‘The Graphene Flagship’, a consortium of academic and commercial researchers82 . The UK Government has provided £235 million ($353 million) to fund a graphene research center83 . Tech companies are investing in developing their understanding of the material. Samsung for example has already applied for hundreds of graphene-related patents84 . Graphene is a single atom thick two-dimensional structure, which is a million times thinner than a human hair or a sheet of paper. It is based on graphite, which in turn is a crystallized form of carbon, one of the most abundant elements in the world. A team of scientists from Manchester won the 2010 Nobel Prize for Physics for isolating small amounts of graphene, by applying sticky tape to chunks of graphite and then peeling the layers off one by one85 , leaving a layer of graphene on the tape86 . Graphene: research now, reap next decade Figure 6: Graphene predictions timeline First graphene scientific paper published 2004: Discovery Nobel Prize awarded Large scale use of graphene- enhanced carbon fiber composites Graphene batteries in smartphones Infrared vision contact lenses Graphene- enhanced construction materials Graphene water filtration systems introduced Smart plasters Graphene touchscreens in smartphones 2010 Source: Deloitte Global, 2015 Further into the future… 14
  • 17. Graphene is flexible and very strong, and (in one aspect) is tougher than a diamond and stronger than steel. It is currently used as an element within a resin to manufacture solid structures, as is the case with carbon fiber sports equipment87 . For example, carbon fiber tennis rackets are made using a small amount of graphene88 . At the 2015 Geneva Motor Show, Spania unveiled the world’s first supercar to incorporate graphene into the structure of a car89 . Going forward, graphene could be increasingly incorporated in manufactured products. For example, it could reduce the weight of vehicles, cutting down both fuel consumption and resulting emissions. It is transparent: 97 percent of light passes through it. It also an excellent conductor, and can carry heat and electricity more efficiently than gold or copper. This could make it very useful for developing the next generation of electronics such as solar panels and batteries. Incorporating graphene into batteries could increase their performance enormously. Energy density could be increased up to tenfold, enabling smartphones to last days without recharging, and an electric car’s range to equal or surpass that of gasoline vehicles90 . Memory chips based on graphene have the potential to increase smartphone storage capacities tenfold, and also reduce power consumption and increase memory access speed91 · Graphene could lead the way in flexible smartphones by providing an alternative to silicon, which is brittle and could break when bent. It could also be applied to any surface to convert it into a screen; it would be equivalent to applying a layer of high-tech plastic wrap92 . Graphene is impermeable to gases and liquids, while graphene oxide is permeable to water only. This means that graphene oxide could be used for desalination93 , or the removal of harmful radioactive isotopes94 . Graphene also has the capability to change the way in which we interact with the world: it could be used to create contact lenses that enable infrared vision95 , and to develop ‘smart plasters’ that reduce the risk of anti- bacterial infection96 . However, the toxicity of graphene to humans has yet to be confirmed through scientific studies. The potential of graphene is phenomenal, but patience is vital: there are several challenges to be addressed before a graphene era can be realized. The main challenge lies in manufacturing large quantities of graphene, in various formats, and at an affordable price, with effective yields and a purity sufficient so as not to impair graphene’s desired chemical properties. Production volumes also need to be scaled up to factory level. Despite many academic and commercial research groups investigating methods of production, making large quantities of graphene remains a profound challenge. Graphene is currently produced by a variety of methods, which can be summarized as either ‘bottom up’ or ‘top down’. ‘Bottom up’ methods use chemistry to synthesize layers of graphene, while ‘top down’ approaches utilize graphite. The Nobel prize-winning ‘sticky tape approach’ and the ‘how to make graphene in your kitchen’ approach (described below) are examples of ‘top down’ production methods that yield high-quality tiny graphene fragments. However, they are micrometers in size, and these methods are not suitable for large scale manufacture97 . How to make graphene in your kitchen (if you have lab equipment) As with many emerging technologies, theories abound but practice is a little harder. It is possible to create graphene using a kitchen blender to combine graphite powder with water and dishwashing liquid98 . A precise quantity of dishwashing liquid is required to make this work, with the volume dependent on the properties of the graphite powder used. Determining this requires advanced and expensive lab equipment99 . But as of end-2015 this approach, like many others, remained theoretically viable, but not yet proven in a large production run. The principal example of a ‘bottom up’ production method is chemical vapor deposition (CVD) which involves creating a graphene layer on another layer (for example copper foil)100 , ‘unzipping’ carbon nanotubes and the reduction of graphene oxide101 . While some of these these methods can produce square meters102 of graphene, they may produce highly defective graphene, or require the use of hazardous materials. As such, there is still some way to go in optimizing the production processes. As of end-2015, the market price of graphene was about $100 per gram103 . Once the method of production is optimized and scaled up, the cost of graphene is expected to come down to the cost of the raw materials, which will likely be centered on the existing suppliers for graphite: China and India104 . 15Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 18. While graphene is a ‘wonder material’, there is another major hurdle to overcome before its use can become widespread in electronics. Semi-conductors, like silicon, are characterized by their ability to turn on and off as their electrons can only move freely within the material in the presence of energy due to the existence of a small band gap. A band gap is the energy range between the valence band (where an electron cannot conduct electricity) and the conduction band (where it can). If material is an insulator, this band is large, and the electrons cannot move from one band into the other and the material has no electrical conductivity. One of the reasons why graphene has such high conductivity is due to the fact that it has no band gap and electrons are free to move between these two bands with no resistence. At the present time, scientists are still developing methods by which to insert a band gap while still maintaining graphene’s highly attractive properties.105 Other barriers to the development of graphene are the established processes and supply chains for existing materials used in electronics; for example silicon, which is the industry standard in microelectronics, and indium tin oxide which is widely used as transparent electrodes used in touch screens106 . Until graphene can be produced and supplied at a competitive price to these existing technologies, it is unlikely to become ubiquitous in the market. This means that it will most likely be about a decade before graphene can be used commercially as an alternative to silicon, but this should provide ample time to understand the material and to evaluate its potential performance107 . While products marketed as ‘graphene’ may be on the market in 2016, many, if not all, will likely be constructed principally from more traditional materials and incorporate a limited quantity of graphene. We would expect graphene to continue to be used as a supplementary material in the short term (and through to 2020 at least), until the manufacturing process for graphene is mature enough for it to be used as a key material in products. Bottom line It is important to be cognizant both of graphene’s potential, as well as the many challenges that need to be overcome before its fantastic properties can be exploited. In 2016, and most likely in the decade to come, graphene will be in a research and prototyping phase. The potential benefits are significant; the challenges are commensurately high. We predict that sales of materials will likely remain the principal source of revenues in 2016. We expect to see some of the first real graphene-based products entering the market. The number of ‘graphene’ products on sale in 2016 will likely number in the tens. We anticipate that the graphene market, including material sales, will likely not surpass $30 million in 2016. By the end of the decade material sales may still be a little more than $100 million – which represents growth, but also a continuation of the research phase108 . We should put graphene’s life cycle trajectory in perspective: many of the most impactful materials have taken decades before attaining mainstream adoption. Aluminium was used as a luxury metal in 19th century France. Even when manufacturing costs fell it remained a niche material until the invention of the airplane, which uniquely required aluminium’s specific combination of strength and weight to make commercial flight viable. Indeed, it is only now that aluminium is becoming incorporated increasingly into premium passenger cars. Carbon fiber has similarly had a long gestation: it was first used commercially in the late 1800s as a component in light bulbs109 . Today it is used only selectively in vehicles, even though its benefits are very well understood. In 2016, graphene-enhanced products are only going to offer a glimpse of the material’s full potential, but a key point to consider is that new materials disrupt existing products and lead to new technologies. So some of the future technologies and benefits of graphene, which could embody the ‘graphene era’ and change our world, only currently exist within the realms of our imagination. 16
  • 19. Computer vision Machine learning Natural language processing Optimization Planning scheduling RoboticsRules- based systems Speech recognition Figure 7: Widely used cognitive technologies Graphic: Deloitte University Press Source: Deloitte Development LLC, 2015 Deloitte Global predicts that by end-2016 more than 80 of the world’s 100 largest enterprise software companies by revenues will have integrated cognitive technologies into their products110 , a 25 percent increase on the prior year when 64 of the top 100 had launched products and services which featured one or more cognitive technologies in 2015111 . By 2020, we expect about 95 percent of the top 100 will have incorporated one or more cognitive technologies. We expect that the cognitive technologies that will be the most important in the enterprise software market in 2016 will be: machine learning, natural language processing and speech recognition. What do we mean by cognitive technologies and artificial intelligence (AI)? We distinguish between the field of AI and the technologies that emanate from the field. The popular press portrays AI as the advent of computers as smart as – or smarter than – humans. The individual technologies, by contrast, are getting steadily better at performing specific tasks that were formerly only deliverable by humans. Figure 7 identifies the leading cognitive technologies that business and public sector leaders are likely to benefit from in 2016. Deloitte Global expects cognitive technologies will be deployed to differing extents by enterprise software companies, but we want to take the time to define what are likely to be the three most widely used in the near-term112 : Machine learning – the ability of computer systems to improve their performance by exposure to data but without the need to follow explicitly-programmed instructions – is likely to be the most prevalent. It enhances a large array of applications, from classification to prediction, from anomaly detection to personalization. Natural language processing (NLP) – whereby computers can process text in the same way as humans, for example extracting meaning from text or even generating text that is readable, stylistically natural, and grammatically correct – has multiple valuable applications when incorporated in software that analyses unstructured text. Speech recognition – the ability to automatically and accurately transcribe human speech, is useful for applications that may benefit from hands-free modes of operation. Cognitive technologies enhance enterprise software 17Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 20. Deloitte Global expects the three main benefits for software companies that have integrated cognitive technologies into their products will be: Improving core functionality – Cognitive technologies will be used to improve the performance of existing software by doing the same things, only better. For example, one US-based company providing retail solutions uses machine learning to reduce false positives when identifying fraudulent transactions113 . Previous software solutions already identified fraud, but machine learning allows the retailer to do so with greater accuracy, potentially resulting in fewer legitimate transactions being incorrectly flagged. A Silicon Valley networking company uses a cloud-based Cognitive Threat Analytics program that relies on advanced statistical modeling and machine learning to independently identify new web security threats, learn from what it sees, and adapt over time114 . Generating new insights – Machine learning and other advanced analytical technologies will likely make it possible to uncover previously inaccessible insights that were hidden in large data sets or obscured by the unstructured format of the data. One US database company’s cloud service leverages NLP technology to determine and assign an ‘emotional’ rating to customer survey responses that fit a customer sentiment category, which helps companies take immediate action115 . Automation – Cognitive technologies make it possible to automate tasks formerly done by people. One medical software company uses an NLP engine to interpret doctors’ free-text notes and extracts key data such as allergies, medications and diagnoses116 . A business services company streamlined a standardized business process: their cross-border e-commerce platform employs a natural language processing engine and machine learning algorithms to accurately deliver and continuously improve product classifications as more transactions are processed117 . Some business software companies have developed AI capabilities in-house, but many others are acquiring capability through MA, and we expect this to continue in 2016. Indeed more than 100 mergers and acquisitions involving cognitive technology companies have taken place since 2012118 . Venture capital (VC) firms are active in this space too. Since 2011, most VC funding of start-ups developing or applying cognitive technologies has benefited companies building applications for traditional enterprise functions such as marketing and sales. US-based start- ups like these have raised nearly $2.5 billion since 2011, suggesting that the biggest near-term opportunity for cognitive technologies is in using them to enhance current business practices119 . For instance, a company called Convirza raised $25 million to develop and commercialize a call marketing optimization platform that uses speech recognition technology and sophisticated algorithms to gauge lead quality, measure customer conversions, analyze phone performance, and take action with workflow-based marketing automation120 . Another target for venture investors is vertical specific software vendors. Such companies have received over $2 billion from venture investors since 2011121 . One example is Wellframe, which received $1.5 million in seed funding for its mobile app that connects healthcare providers and patients once they return home from the hospital, creating a daily to-do list for the patients with items such as medication reminders and questionnaires about symptoms. Wellframe’s machine learning engine tailors the app’s content based on answers and care regimens prescribed by the patient’s healthcare provider122 . The growth in enterprise software use of cognitive technologies has been partly driven by the shift toward cloud computing. Only a subset of users of enterprise software would historically have had the scale to deploy the on-premise technologies capable of doing advanced machine learning, for example. But the growth in cloud computing could allow enterprise software vendors to provide the benefits of machine learning to all their clients123 . Further growth in cognitive technologies is likely to be accelerated by the trend toward open source AI: one of the largest players in the space open-sourced the software engine behind their deep learning tools124 , and another open-sourced the designs for the servers that run their AI algorithms125 . 18
  • 21. Bottom line Many top software companies have already discovered the potential for cognitive technologies to enhance their products, create value for customers and improve business operations. Strong support from venture capital investors is helping to further commercialize enterprise applications of cognitive technologies. The potential benefits in terms of ease of use, enhanced performance and improved insights are simply too compelling for software providers to ignore. This is why we expect the trend of embedding cognitive technologies in enterprise software to continue through 2016 and beyond, approaching ubiquity by 2020. Vendors of enterprise software applications should consider how cognitive technologies can enhance their products. Start-ups may offer models of how to employ these technologies to make products easier to use, automate functions intelligently, and generate greater insight from data. Corporate IT groups may want to build awareness of and skills in cognitive technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing. They could also begin to assess how to employ cognitive technologies to enhance existing corporate applications to provide greater usability and more valuable insights to users. Buyers of enterprise software may find it worthwhile to ask their vendors to explain how they plan to take advantage of cognitive technologies to enhance their products’ performance and utility. Software companies should also consider applying cognitive technologies to their internal business operations, such as recruitment. One company integrated predictive analytics to forecast which job applicants were likely to have a good cultural fit and be high performing126 . The same technology could also predict when a target candidate might start seeking out a new job, and make recruiters aware of this127 . Another company deployed a virtual support agent, based on NLP, to understand and resolve customer issues. The impact was marked: the average customer support resolution rate rose to 85 percent and the number of call center inquiries and emails fell by 22 percent128 . Companies could also use cognitive technologies in managing warehouse operations and employees. If an employee uses a new way to accomplish a job more efficiently, that technique can be analyzed and used later on. For one company this delivered an eight percent increase in warehouse productivity129 . Cognitive technologies should be used across the three types of enterprise software markets: The Enterprise Application Software market focuses on leveraging the power of computers to achieve business, professional or personal goals. One company’s cloud solution features a client-targeting tool that aims to solve the difficulty of marketing to large volumes of anonymous online traffic130 . It uses machine learning to discover associations between the behavior of a new site visitor and the actions taken by previous visitors who behaved similarly. The goal is to make the site experience more engaging and increase conversions to sales. The Enterprise Infrastructure Software market provides tools that help companies build, run and manage the performance of IT resources. One company has enhanced its logging tool with machine learning capability that groups related server events together to make it easier for an IT manager to identify developing problems or unusual computing trends that should be addressed on a real-time basis131 . Vertical Specific Software is focused on a narrow scope/industry and is typically a stand-alone software application. In partnership with a major cancer institution, a technology company has developed a standalone oncology offering. Accessible by mobile or desktop, the deep machine learning AI is able to analyze the large volume of patient records and identify potential evidence-based treatment options132 . The use of cognitive technologies in enterprise software is only part of the overall trend toward increases use of AI in the larger enterprise market. One 2015 study forecasts the sales of enterprise AI will be a cumulative $43.5 billion between 2015 and 2024133 . 19Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 22. 20
  • 23. Media Virtual reality: a billion dollar niche 22 Mobile games: leading, but less lucrative 26 Mobile ad-blockers: saved by the app? 28 The award for stable box office revenues in the face of digital media goes to… 30 US TV: erosion, not implosion 35 European football scores $30 billion 39 eSports: bigger and smaller than you think 42 21Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 24. Virtual reality: a billion dollar niche Deloitte Global predicts that virtual reality (VR) will have its first billion dollar year in 2016, with about $700 million in hardware sales, and the remainder from content. We estimate sales of about 2.5 million VR headsets and 10 million game copies sold. VR is likely to have multiple applications, both consumer and enterprise, in the longer term, but in 2016 we expect the vast majority of commercial activity to focus on video games. We would expect the majority of spending on VR to be by core rather than casual gamers. This implies that while anyone with a smartphone could try out a variant of VR, the majority of VR’s revenues in 2016 will likely be driven by a base of tens of millions of core gamers rather than the hundreds of millions of occasional console or PC gamers, or the billions who play casual games. Virtual reality hardware offers visual (and sometimes audio) immersion via a head‑mounted display that shows a stereo image in 3D. Sensors in the headset track the user’s movements and change the user’s view accordingly. A VR version of scuba diving allows you to feel as if real fish are swimming toward you. If you look up, you see a realistically rendered sky. When you glance down, you are shown the ocean floor. The sound track adjusts accordingly, enhancing the perception of being elsewhere. All other things being equal, the higher the screen resolution, and the faster the screen refresh, the more convincing the simulation134 . However the illusion remains incomplete, in that not all senses would be catered for. VR could take you into the depths of the rain forest. You could see the forest floor or look up to the canopy. But you would not feel the humidity, experience the smells or touch the vegetation. VR content can be created using CGI (computer generated images) or filmed using special clusters of cameras that collectively capture a 360‑degree field of view. In playback, the user is shown different aspects of the images captured, depending on where he or she is looking135 . As with many technologies, the notion of virtual reality is decades old, but its commercial realization has been subject to the sometimes slow pace of technological progress. Optimal VR experiences require very high resolution screens (ideally over 500 dots per inch, which have only recently become commercially available), a wide field of view and high refresh rates (ideally at least 75 frames a second136 , requiring powerful processors). More processing power is also necessary so that synchronization between the user moving their head and the picture being adjusted is as near‑simultaneous as possible. It is only recently that screen and processor technology have improved in terms of price and performance such that VR is commercially viable, albeit still at high price points for the full featured solution. There are likely to be two main types of VR device in 2016: ‘full feature’ and ‘mobile’. The former incorporates high resolution screens and will cost about $350‑$500 (with prices at the start of the year likely being higher), and we estimate between 1–1.75 million sales in 2016, with volumes depending heavily on the initial price137 . Full feature devices will likely be designed for use with either latest generation games consoles or PCs with advanced graphics cards (each costing about $300) capable of driving high refresh rates: the ‘average’ PC is not powerful enough to support a viable VR experience. We expect the addressable market for games consoles as of the end of 2016 to be at least 30 million units, and high‑end PCs at about seven million units worldwide. We also expect that most users of full feature VR would already own the latest generation console or a high‑end PC. Otherwise, a full feature VR experience would require at least $300 additional spending on a console or $1,000 for a suitably equipped PC. Some VR owners may purchase additional accessories, ranging from controllers to treadmills whose base plate moves in alignment with the view being seen. The floor would tilt, for example, if you were walking uphill138 . We would expect the majority of spending on VR to be by core rather than casual gamers. 22
  • 25. There are hundreds of millions of gamers on consoles and PCs, and many of them buy hardware accessories to improve their game play139 . However, the vast majority of the top selling peripherals are $30‑50140 . Only a minority of these gamers may want to spend over $300 on additional equipment such as graphics cards, liquid cooling for processors or other special devices. ‘Mobile VR’ incorporates a high‑end smartphone’s screen into a special case, enabling the headset to fit more‑or‑less snugly on the user’s head. This is likely to cost from about $100, and we forecast that at least half a million units will be sold in 2016. Mobile VR requires smartphones with large, high resolution screens, ideally with greater than 400 pixels per inch (PPI) resolution, which is higher than that for the average premium smartphone. We expect that VR‑ready smartphones will cost from $750 and up but that most purchasers of mobile VR will already be owners of a suitable device. Both types of VR would provide a high quality VR experience, with the caliber of full feature VR being noticeably superior, at least in 2016 and out to 2020. The processor and pixel density requirements require a lot of power, with plug in power being ideal. A smartphone being used for VR may exhaust its battery after half an hour. Mobile VR will rely on accelerometers for tracking and lacks positional tracking, which may cause a little lag. Furthermore, the field of vision in full feature VR should be slightly superior, at about 100 degrees or wider, while a smartphone tends to offer a field of 96 degrees at most. VR can be experienced with lower specification PCs, consoles or smartphone, but the quality degrades accordingly. A normal PC would deliver lower screen refresh rates, lessening the efficacy of the simulation. The images shown may lag the pace of a turning head, in turn causing a feeling of nausea, as the image presented would not be what the brain expects. One can also use standard resolution smartphones, but you would likely see pixelated, less convincing images. A smartphone screen that is pixel free at normal viewing distances (10 cm) is likely to appear pixelated when a mere 1‑2 cm away from the eye. Smartphone vendors are unlikely to over‑specify pixel density unless they can monetize it. Also, mobile graphics chips have to get powerful enough to cope with such high resolutions. VR cardboard kits are also available. These have the virtue of being low cost, often less than $10 and frequently given away141 . But they can be fragile as they are self‑assembled and because of the material. Low cost variants lack features such as nose supports, causing discomfort with prolonged use. Most of them lack the strap to attach it to your head and require a person to hold it in their hands; this in turn eliminates the motion sickness caused by slow phone refresh rates, but reduces the immersion that the user is experiencing. As for VR content, we would expect most revenue generated to come from games sales, with titles sold at between $5 and $40, generating over $300 million. Many of the apps created for smartphones are likely to be available for under $10 or free, with the latter serving primarily as marketing tools142 . We do not expect VR to be used to any great extent in television or movies in 2016. A key reason for VR’s minimal impact on TV and movies this year is that little VR content exists, with a fundamental constraint being the lack of broadcast grade or even hobbyist cameras capable of capturing VR content. VR apps will be available, but we expect these typically to offer a view of a virtualized living room which includes a virtual television set, displaying regular TV programs in 2D143 . By the start of 2016, we anticipate a small range of suitable cameras may have been launched onto the market, but the cost of purchasing or renting professional grade devices may initially be prohibitive for many projects144 . Furthermore, as was the case with 3D filming for television, there is likely to be a learning curve in determining best practices for shooting for VR145 . Regular filming places the set in front of the camera, and the production crew to the rear and out of shot. VR filming may require the crew to disappear entirely, which may complicate the directing of the shots. For VR sports, it is not yet certain where best to place the camera: placing it in the center of a field and in the mid‑point of the action would likely constrain players’ movements. 23Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 26. There are also likely to be challenges in post‑production, one of which will be simply how to store the image files. One production level camera features 42 cameras capable of 4K resolution. This captures a gigapixel image (about 500 times the size of a standard smartphone image), and shoots at 30 frames a second146 . One subsequent challenge of capturing images at this level of resolution will be determining how to store, transmit and edit the files. VR offers viewers a choice of point of view (POV); some viewers may prefer the director to choose the best viewing angle for them. The first DVDs offered the option of multiple angles, with the viewer choosing the perspective, as a differentiator to video cassettes, but this option was rapidly dropped due to low consumer interest. As for enterprise adoption of VR, we expect 2016 will be a year of experimentation, with a range of companies dabbling with using VR for sales and marketing purposes. These activities are likely to be commercially insignificant this year. For example: • Some architects are using VR to create interactive visualizations of construction projects in place of 3D models, or fly‑through video147 . This approach can enable clients to make changes before work starts148 . • Emergency response workers have used VR to practice how to respond to faults with nuclear reactors149 . • There are multiple applications for healthcare, with training and education of staff and members of the public being among the most prevalent150 . • Hotels can provide VR guides to properties151 . For guests at a property, a VR headset could act as a virtual concierge, showing guests places they could visit. • As well as teaching via a virtual classroom, VR can additionally be used to provide digitized tours to prospective students152 . • VR will likely continue to be used in the military where simulators have long been commonplace (see side bar: Simulators and the military). Simulators and the military Simulators have been used for flight training as it is much safer and cheaper to learn how to fly in difficult conditions on the ground than in the air. Early simulators were wooden boxes mounted on a Universal Joint and driven by organ bellows in 1930, but were critical to training153 . By the 1990s, full flight simulators were more mechanically sophisticated and incorporated large, high resolution screens that projected virtual scenes for the pilots‑in‑training. These cost millions of dollars, and in some cases less expensive solutions were sufficient. By 2007 helmets incorporating projected dual screen images a few inches from the user’s eyes were being used for training, both for flight simulation and land combat training154 . We congratulate VR on what we expect will be its first billion dollar year, and we forecast rising revenues in coming years: it is possible that the industry will generate tens of billions of revenues in the medium term155 . What appears certain however is that VR’s potential is unlikely to be reached imminently; as with all emerging technologies patience is required. 24
  • 27. Bottom Line Virtual reality is a fantastic innovation which can demonstrate the cutting edge of what technology is capable of today. VR’s capability is likely to improve further still over the years as processors improve, screen resolution increases yet further, and content creators learn how to create for the format. That said, as can happen with emerging technologies, there is considerable hype about the impact of VR in the near-term. Any company that is considering VR in any regard should have a careful look at the likely addressable market. Enthusiastic reactions to VR at trade fairs or at industry conferences, based on a few minutes of usage, may not convert into mass market demand. Those who attend trade shows may not be representative of the overall population, and those who are willing to line up for hours to try a new VR headset are likely to be even less representative. Furthermore, not all of those who are willing to line up for a free trial may be willing to spend $300‑500 of their own money when the devices become commercially available. Any company considering marketing via VR imagery should consider the cost of making this content available to consumers. For example travel companies wanting to create VR brochures should assess how much filming and playback in VR may cost relative to current marketing approaches156 . They should also assess the cost associated with acquiring the hardware needed to display these materials. Recent breakthrough technologies that required consumers to wear something on their face have not proven to be mass market successes. While VR headsets may sell better than smart glasses or 3D TV glasses, also consider that using the technology may require a set of behavioral changes (the most apparent of which is wearing a large headset) that the majority of people do not want to make. For some people the immersion that VR causes may overwhelm rather than liberate. And wearing a padded headset for a prolonged period of time may cause the user’s face to get hot and/or sweaty. But the dream of being able to teleport anywhere just by donning a pair of goggles might prove enough for some to continue using VR on a daily basis157 . The ambition to deliver on this dream is likely to keep many companies investing in the goal of making VR a commercial and virtual reality. As for enterprise adoption of VR, we expect 2016 will be a year of experimentation, with a range of companies dabbling with using VR for sales and marketing purposes. 25Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 28. Mobile games: leading, but less lucrative Deloitte Global predicts that in 2016 mobile devices (smartphone and tablet) will become the leading games platform by software revenue, generating $35 billion in revenue, up 20 percent from 2015. This compares to $32 billion for PC games and $28 billion for console games, up only five and six percent respectively from the previous year. However we expect average revenue per game by platform to vary significantly. We forecast $4.8 million per console game available, $2.9 million per PC game, but only $40,000 per mobile game158 . We estimate average annual spending on content per mobile games player to be about $20. This compares to $50 per PC games player, and $145 per console player. While many tens of thousands of companies create mobile games, we would expect only about 200 mobile games companies will gross over $1 million in 2016. There are three main reasons explaining the acute differences in revenue per game. The first is the size of the installed base. We estimate about 1.75 billion smartphones and tablets will be used to play games frequently as of end‑2016, out of a total base of 2.7 billion smartphones and 750 million tablets159 . This compares to the just over 600 million who play games regularly on PCs, and approximately 200 million for games consoles160 . A second fundamental difference is barriers to entry. A typical latest‑generation (also known as AAA) console or PC‑based game costs tens of millions of dollars to produce161 , a similar sum to market162 , and can take several years to develop. Mobile games have relatively low barriers to entry, and can be created in mere hours. This has contributed to a profusion of mobile games titles. As of the start of 2016, we estimate app stores will offer more than 800,000 mobile games; this compares to 17,000 titles available for all games consoles and PCs. Every day a further 500 mobile games titles are launched on a single platform163 . The immense number of mobile game titles renders many new titles invisible without substantial marketing spending. The largest mobile games publishers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing annually, with a large amount of this spent on broadcast TV164 . If mobile games publishers cannot afford a TV campaign, they could use outcome‑based advertising, such as app‑install ads. They would only need to pay for actual downloads of a game or could even choose to pay for apps that are both downloaded and opened several times. However this can be expensive. In the US market, cost per install is $1‑2, and can spike far higher on a seasonal basis, such as just after December when there is a surge of new device activations165 . An install accompanied by usage (known as ‘Cost per Loyal User’) can incur a charge of over $4 in the US166 . A mobile games publisher might pay several dollars per download with no resulting revenue, even if the user benefits from hundreds of hours of free usage. This potential outcome highlights a third fundamental difference: the business model. The predominant sales model for mobile games is freemium, whereby games are downloaded for free and additional content, be this in the form of extra lives, additional characters or special powers, is charged for. Players can (and do) spend tens of hours playing without having to pay a cent. Market data suggests that this is typically less than three percent of all players167 . Indeed in 2016, it is highly probable that the vast majority of freemium games downloaded to mobile devices will generate no revenue. According to Deloitte member firm research, only about a tenth of smartphone owners make in‑app purchases (including games) in a given month168 . Those that spend on mobile games are lucrative, but they are elusive. About one in 650 mobile games players (known in the industry as “whales”) generate about half of all in‑app spend in free‑to‑play games169 . By contrast, almost all players of console or PC‑based games have paid for the game. One reason why console and PC game players may be more willing to pay is because of the utility derived, with many hours of play frequently taking place. By contrast mobile games are often played to occupy pauses during the day when the user might otherwise be doing little or nothing, such as while commuting on public transport, or waiting for a friend to arrive, or during an advertising break. A mobile game can fill a few minutes and is often a fall‑back, whereas someone playing a console or PC‑based game may block out hours to do so. The immense number of mobile game titles renders many new titles invisible without substantial marketing spending. 26
  • 29. The marketing investment required for mobile games publishers is likely to keep the market stratified in 2016. Deloitte Global expects about 80 percent of mobile games revenue in the top 1,000 titles to be earned by the top 20 publishers in each region: that leaves a fifth of the remaining revenue to be shared among many tens of thousands of developers170 . We would also expect sizeable rewards to be maintained for the number one game; the best grossing game could generate five times that of the number five game, and 10 times that of the number 10 game171 . We would expect only a few hundred mobile games companies to gross over $1 million in 2016172 ; this would be sufficient to run a studio with 5‑10 developers. One survey of 8,000 developers found that 17 percent generated no revenue; 18 percent made less than $100 a month, and half made less than $1,000 per month173 . A further difference between mobile games and both console and PC games has been longevity. Movie franchises can be criticized for offering up a mere three sequels to a blockbuster; nine console and PC franchises have launched over 10 editions, of which three (Madden NFL, FIFA and Mario Brothers) have had over 20 editions. One 17‑year old title, Counter‑Strike, has on average hundreds of thousands of concurrent users of its latest iteration: Counter‑Strike: Global Offensive174 . A major benefit of successful sequels is a lowered marketing cost; the historical inability to launch mobile game sequels further adds to the marketing cost. Some media properties can diversify across multiple platforms, such as books or plays being turned into movies or TV shows. Console and PC game hits should, arguably, transfer easily to mobile. Yet very few mobile games hits (under 10 percent) were originally console or PC hits. We predict that in subsequent years mobile games revenues will continue to grow, propelled by both a rising base of mobile devices, and a marked increase in device specification, particularly for smartphones. Better processors and sharper screens will likely enable more sophisticated game play and more complex graphics over time, although game play on a five – or ten‑inch screen will be different than on a 15 – or 50‑inch screen. Faster connectivity will enable quicker downloads as well as online play. We would expect games play to remain a principal usage of mobile devices. However, while consumers are likely to continue to enjoy playing mobile games, life may become increasingly arduous for mobile games publishers, potentially leading to some major players exiting the market in 2016 or 2017. Given these data, we further predict that the rise of mobile games, in terms of revenues, will not ‘eat’ console and PC games revenues in the medium term: the three platforms will co‑exist, with each serving largely distinct needs, underpinned by different business dynamics. Bottom Line The mobile games industry as a whole should thrive in 2016, but the outlook for individual mobile games developers is likely to be far more varied. When touchscreen based games first became available for smartphones and tablets, it was relatively easy for an individual or small company to create a game that would then become a major hit. However success has its consequences, one of which has been to encourage a deluge of developers, and the result has been an increasingly challenging outlook for fledgling mobile games publishers. The mobile games sector now has the same core challenges as most mainstream media: creating compelling content and making people aware of it. This may leave three options for small mobile games developers (aside from keeping their day job). A first option would be to hope for a serendipitous hit, such has blessed recent hits such as Crossy Road, Flappy Bird or Monument Valley175 . A second is to align with a major publisher which has the resources to market a new game heavily – but those downloading the game on a freemium basis may not pay for add‑ons with sufficient regularity. A third option may simply be to focus on the console or PC market: while the addressable base may be far smaller, gamers in this category have long been accustomed to paying for content. 27Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 30. Mobile ad‑blockers: saved by the app? Deloitte Global predicts a mere 0.3 percent of all mobile device owners (comprising smartphones and tablets) will use an ad‑blocker by end‑2016. This is likely to put less than $100 million (0.1 percent) of the $70 billion mobile advertising market at risk176 . An ad‑blocker is a software file that blocks access to sites that deliver advertising files. These include the visible, such as banner and pop‑up ads, and those operating in the background, such as trackers, which log a user’s online activity. Data gathered by trackers can be used to determine which ads to serve, and can also be resold to third parties. Without an ad‑blocker, a request for a 500‑word online article may download these 500 words and additionally a large quantity (up to 20 megabytes, equivalent to 1,000 pages of text) of advertising files (advertising copy and trackers)177 . For users, the most immediate impact of ad‑blockers is page load times: a page that would have taken 10‑15 seconds to load over a fast 4G connection can now take 2‑3 seconds. Further, pages are presented mostly ad‑free and white space replaces the areas reserved for ads; no ads pop up to obscure what you are reading. A less visible consequence of ad‑blockers is that trackers get barred too, inhibiting the reuse and resale of the user’s browsing patterns. Some sites install dozens of trackers onto a user’s device. Further, each ad, while small in size, can readily feel obtrusive within the minimalist confines of a smartphone screen. All additional ad content can bulk up each web page considerably, potentially increasing load times, consuming data allowances, and depleting the battery. Despite these benefits, we would expect very few mobile devices to have ad‑blockers installed by end-2016. Only a small minority of the 3.4 billion smartphones and tablets in use by end‑2016 are likely to have native ad‑blocking capability built into their operating system; of these most usage will be app‑based and unaffected by device‑level ad‑blocking. A key reason for this is that only a minority (about 20 percent) of the 3.4 billion mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) in use by end‑2016 are likely to have native ad‑blocking capability built into their operating system. This reduces significantly the addressable market for device‑level ad‑blocking. These devices are forecast to generate about $6 billion in browser‑based ad revenues in 2016. Additionally, most time spent on mobile devices is app‑based, but ad‑blockers only filter out browser‑based content178 . In the US for example, about 90 percent of time spent on mobile devices is within an app, and only a tenth in a browser179 . This means that ad‑blocking at the device level is applicable only for a minority of devices, and for a minority of the time. Mobile ad‑blockers do not block all ads: they prevent access to about 50,000 scripts (commands that are executed on a device automatically). The more sites that are added, the more processing power is required to check each site requested against the list. So ad‑blockers cannot be fully comprehensive. Some of the companies providing ad‑blockers offer to delist (also known as ‘white list’), sometimes for ads that are not deemed intrusive, and occasionally for a fee. An additional barrier to adoption is consumer inertia: for an ad‑blocker to be operational, the user needs to select, download, and adjust the settings on their device. We expect most ad‑blockers will be paid‑for, as free ad‑blockers’ efficacy may be compromised by their use of ‘white lists’. Given all these factors we expect only a minority – at most two percent (10 million) – of the addressable market to have an ad‑blocker installed and active by end‑2016. We would also expect advertisers to redeploy ads to apps or to websites not affected by ad‑blocking and as a result may not reduce their spending on mobile. So websites with minimal advertising, and those with fast‑loading advertising, may be net beneficiaries of ad‑blockers. An ad‑blocker is a software file that blocks access to sites that deliver advertising files. 28
  • 31. We expect the adoption of ad‑blockers will follow a different pattern to that for PCs, for which ad‑blocking has been available for years. As of mid‑2015, there were an estimated 200 million monthly active users of ad‑blockers on PCs globally, with 77 million active users in Europe and 45 million in the US alone180 . The focus on app‑based usage on a mobile device is likely to be a key reason why the relatively large‑scale adoption of ad‑blocking technology that has been experienced on PCs will not be replicated on mobile. While we do not expect the impact of mobile ad‑blocking in 2016 to be significant relative to the overall size of the market, its impact is likely to be felt disproportionately. Smaller online‑only publishers that rely entirely on advertising revenues and lack other forms of income, such as subscription, may be particularly affected. They may not have the resource to be able to optimize their sites to load fast, while still delivering advertising. They may also lack the funding to create an app within which ads could be delivered outside of the reach of ad‑blockers. It may also be the case that the most impacted news outlets are those focused on tech and gaming news, whose audience is most aware of ad‑blockers and most likely to have deployed them for their PC‑based usage. Bottom Line When ad‑blockers first went on sale they stormed to the top of the app store charts in the first weekend181 . Subsequently sales have fallen steadily182 . However this should not be a cause for complacency. There is the possibility of a further wave of interest in ad‑blocking, which could lead to a more significant wave of adoption. Online publishers that rely on advertising for revenues should use the threat of ad‑blocking to consider how best to enable easy payment for their content and not provide a vast array of consumer data as a condition of being able to contribute a dollar, or to insist on subscription. The mobile advertising industry should also keep an eye on network‑level ad‑blocking183 . While in some markets this may be considered a contravention of net neutrality principles, regulation may change to enable this184 . The industry should also anticipate how prevalent consumer inertia can be. For example, hundreds of millions of mobile users have been able to access an ad‑free, text‑only mode for reading content for years, but few have chosen to do so185 . However we also anticipate that many mobile users would deploy their own form of organic ad‑blocking by simply ignoring mobile websites with what they consider to be excessive advertising content. So even if ad‑blockers are not popular, avoidance of ad‑heavy sites may still be common. 29Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016
  • 32. The award for stable box office revenues in the face of digital media goes to… Deloitte Global predicts that the value of movie theater admissions in the US and Canada will fall by about three percent in 2016, to about $10.6 billion, with about 1.3 billion tickets sold. It is impossible to forecast beyond that with any precision: box office is so dependent on the slate of movies released. Between 1996 and 2015, the annual box office revenue change is nearly random, although it has never gone up by more than 10 percent or fallen by more than six percent186 and the number of tickets sold has never gone up by more than 12 percent or fallen by more than six percent187 . Given that, we expect average annual revenue growth in the near-term to be about one percent, but within a range of plus or minus 10 percent, and the number of tickets sold to decline about one percent per year. Box office dollars are likely to grow, but at a minimal pace, and are actually likely to decline (also at a minimal pace) if inflation is taken into account188 . The annual movie box office is driven heavily by the fortunes of the top five blockbusters. The popularity of these films accounts for most of the year‑on‑year volatility. Since 2007, the trend has been for the five highest‑grossing films to generate over 40 percent of the box office189 (see Figure 8). In 2014 the top five fared poorly and the box office fell five percent190 . Last year was better, up a forecast eight percent. 2016 may surprise, but at time of writing one industry forecast is for a slightly weaker slate of blockbusters, and therefore a decline, although not as bad as 2014191 . Source: Canaccord Genuity. For further information on the source, see endnotes. Contribution (%) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Q3 14 Q2 14 Q1 14 Q4 13 Q3 13 Q2 13 Q1 13 Q4 12 Q3 12 Q2 12 Q1 12 Q4 11 Q3 11 Q2 11 Q1 11 Q4 10 Q3 10 Q2 10 Q1 10 Q4 09 Q3 09 Q2 09 Q1 09 Q4 08 Q3 08 Q2 08 Q1 08 Q4 07 35% 29% 46% 46% 29% 36% 47% 38% 49% 44% 49% 40% 33% 32% 38% 36% 43% 49% 48% 40% 42% 46% 35% 47% 41% 40% 42% 41% Figure 8: Contribution (%) from top five films to total box office revenues The annual movie box office is driven heavily by the fortunes of the top five blockbusters. 30
  • 33. As stated previously, between 1995 and 2015 annual revenues for the US and Canadian box office (called the North American box office by the movie industry, although it does not include Mexico) fluctuated in a relatively narrow range of up 10 percent and down 6 percent. Although the effects of inflation have been small in any given year, the cumulative effect over 20 years is that a box office dollar in 1995 is worth $1.57 in 2015. A chart of box office revenues in constant dollars and also the number of tickets sold shows a clear picture: both admissions and constant dollar revenues grew from 1995 to 2002, and since then both inflation‑adjusted revenues and admissions have fluctuated, but are in slow decline. From 2002 to 2015, admissions have fallen from 1.55 billion to 1.33 billion, or an annual compounded rate of 1.17 percent192 , while revenues declined at a 0.79 percent compound rate in constant 2014 dollars, from $12.03 billion to $10.85 billion193 , see Figure 9. Figure 9: US and Canada cinema revenues and admissions 1995‑2015 in billions of 2014 dollars Sources: MPAA, Deloitte Canada analysis. For further information on the sources, see endnotes. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995 $0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 Tickets (billion) Revenue ($ billion) Tickets (billion) Revenue ($ billion) A sub‑one percent average annual decline in admission revenues is not indicative of a growth industry, especially considering population growth of 1‑2 percent. In fact, Figure 10 shows that per capita admissions in the US and Canada have been declining at a fairly consistent rate since 2005, from 4.4 visits per year to 3.9194 : an 11 percent decline in total, or a 1.2 percent annual compounded decline. The revenue impact has been mitigated, even in constant dollar terms, as US movie ticket prices have risen slightly faster than inflation, in part due to a mix with more expensive 3D and large format movies (such as IMAX). The average ticket in 1995 was $4.59 in 1995, and $8.17 in 2014, but in constant 1995 dollars the 2014 number is $5.27, which is annual price growth of almost exactly one percent above inflation195 . Sources: MPAA, Deloitte Canada analysis. For further information on the sources, see endnotes. Tickets per capita 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 20152014201320122011201020092008200720062005 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.8 4.5 4.2 4.5 4.4 4.0 4.1 Figure 10: US and Canada tickets per capita for population aged 2+, 2005‑2015 31Technology, Media Telecommunications Predictions 2016