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Deltas by universty of sargodha,pakistan


   Introduction
   Classification of depositional environments
   Depositional environments
   Marginal-marine environments
   Deltaic system
   Controls on Delta Environment
   Sub-environments of delta
   Variation in delta morphology
   Processes in model delta
   Morphological units of delta
   Classification of Deltas
   Typical sequence
   Importance of delta
   Sedimentary structure in deltas
   Structural features of deltaic reservoir


   To discuss deltas we should have great understanding
    of depositional environment.
   Depositional Environments:
  Geomorphic setting in which a particular set of physical,
  chemical, and biological processes operates to generate
  a certain kind of sedimentary deposit
 Physical environment has “static” and dynamic
 􀂄 Static: basin geometry, sediment composition, water
  depth, etc.
 􀂄 Dynamic: currents (wind, water), precipitation, climate


  Chemical elements: pH, Eh, salinity, pCO2, etc.
 Biological aspects: activities of organisms
  (burrowing, skeletal particles, etc.) and their remains
  (e.g., peat)


Classification of Depositional
   Nonmarine Environments
   Colluvial and Alluvial fans
   Fluvial environments
   Lacustrine environments
   Aeolian environments
   Costal(marginal marine) Environments
   River mouth environments
   Regressive river mouths:Deltas
   Transgressive river mouths:Estuaries
   Open shoreline(beach) environments
   Foreshore
   backshore
   Marine Environments
   Shallow marine environments
   Shoreface
   Inner and outer shelf
   Deep marine environments
   Continental slope, Abyssal plain(basin floor)


Deltas by universty of sargodha,pakistan


Depositional Environments:
 􀂄 Objective: Use sedimentary deposits to
interpret depositional environments
 􀂄 Physical, biological, chemical parameters
  of an environment combine to produce a
  body of sediment characterized by specific
textural, structural and compositional properties
 􀂄 Distinctive bodies of sediments or
  sedimentary rocks are facies


What happens…   What we want…


Marginal marine environment:
   The marginal-marine(transitional) setting lies
    along the boundary between the continental
    and the marine depositional realms.
   It is a narrow zone dominated by
   Riverine
   Wave
   Tidal processes
   Salinities may range in different parts of the
    system from fresh water through brackish
    water to supersaline, depending upon the river
    discharge and climatic conditions.


Deltaic system
 The term “delta” the Greek character
  was used to describe the mouth of Nile
  by Herodotus nearly 2500 years ago.
 A modern definition cites delta as “the
  sub aerial and submerged contiguous
  sediment mass deposited in a body of
  water(ocean or lake) primarily by the
  action of a river”(Moore and


   Deltas seldom form on active, subducting
    continental margins because there is no stable
    shallow shelf on which sediments can accumulate.
 Shape   of Delta:
 The shape of a delta is not always the triangle that
  suggested the name to Herodotus.
 Delta shape is influenced by
a) Sediment input
b) Wave energy
c) Tidal energy.


Controls on delta environment:
                         Magnitude of
                         fluvial discharge

 Climate, tectonics, s                       Delta morphology
 ubsidence, sedimen                          and sedimentary
                            Delta regime
 t supply                                    facies

                           Magnitude of
                           wave and tidal

Factors affecting delta regime, morphology and
  facies (Elliot 1978a)


Subenvironments of Delta:
 Deltas are influenced by a complex combination
  of fluvial and marine processes.
 Each delta has more than a dozen distinct
  environments of deposition.
 These environments can be grouped into three
  broad divisions:
1. The delta plain with the meandering flood plains
   Swamps and beach complex
2. The steeper delta front
3. The broadly sloping prodelta, which grades into
   the open shelf.


Deltas by universty of sargodha,pakistan


Variations in delta morphology:
 The combinations of factors that control delta
  morphologies give rise to a wide spectrum of
  possible delta characteristics.
 Two main factors are the most important in
  determining the morphology of deltas:
1) Effect of grain size
2) Depth of water in delta are going to deposit


(a) a high proportion of suspended load results in a relatively
small mouth bar deposited from bedload and extensive delta-front
and prodelta deposits


(b) a higher proportion of bedload results in a delta with a higher
proportion of mouth bar gravels and sands.


(a) A delta prograding into shallow water will spread out as the
sediment is redistributed by shallow-water processes to form
extensive mouth-bar and delta-front facies.


(b) In deeper water the mouth bar is restricted to an area close to
the river mouth and much of the sediment is deposited by mass-
flow processes in deeper water.


Processes in a model delta:
 Reduced to its simplest elements, a delta forms
  due to “unique hydrodynamic interaction” between
  river water and seawater.
 There is sharp contrast in water density due to
  salinity. As a result river water forms a plane jet
  that spreads out and forms a layer over the
 Current velocity diminishes radially from the jet
  mouth, depositing sediments whose settling
  velocities allow grain size to diminish radially from
  the jet mouth.


of the delta
through time by
progradation (A,
B, D) and
switching (C)
(From Davis,


 Ridges on either side of the distributary channels
  are termed “levees”.
 The sand carried in the stream is deposited along
  the sides of the jet in the subaqueous
  levees, where friction and mixing slow the flow.
 Distributary   channels:
 It is channel that branches off and flow away from
  a main channel or stream. Common feature of
 Distributary channel sands are abundantly:


I.   Cross-bedded, with plenty of ripple cross-
II. Scour-and-fill structures
III. Discontinuous clay lenses.


Distributary mouth bars:
 Further offshore, where friction and spreading
  begins to slow the jet, sediments is dropped in the
  distributary mouth bars.
 The distributary mouth bar sands are even more
  complexly cross stratified because of the complex
  current system that pass over them.
 Wood, debris and other organic matter carried
  down the river during floods end up in the
  distributary mouth bars.
 Between the distributaries on the delta plain are
  wide, shallow “inter-distributary bays” and
  “marshes” like the flood plains of the meandering
  river. Much of inter-distributary sequence is built of
  sand sheets from “crevasse splays” deposited.


Morphological units of deltas:
 Three main morphological units appear.
 Delta platform/plain:
 The delta platform is the sub-horizontal surface
  nearest the jet mouth. It is basically composed of
  sand and traversed by the distributary channel
  and its flanking levees.
 Delta slope/front:
 The delta platform grades away from the source
  into delta slope on which finer sands and silts
  come to rest. Commonly burrowed, sand coarsing
  upward, and have good porosity and permeability.


 Delta slope in turn passes down into the delta slope
  on which finer silts and clays settle out of
  suspension.pro-delta deposits rest unconformable on
  marine shelf deposits, which may include nonclastic
  components such as algal reefs.
Classically these three elements termed as 1-
  bottomset, 2-foreset, 3-topset respectively.


Classification of delta:
 Deltas can be classified in several ways
  (Nemec, 1990), however classification
  on the basis of delta-front regime
  (Galloway, 1975) appears to be favored
  by most geologists.
 Deltas are classified thus as:
1) Fluvial-dominated delta
2) Tide-dominated delta
3) Wave-dominated delta


The forms of modern deltas: (a) the Nile delta, the „original‟ delta, (b) the
Mississippi delta, a river-dominated delta, (c) the Rhone delta, a wave-
dominated delta, (d) the Ganges delta, a tide-dominated delta.


Fluvial-dominated delta:
 A fluvial or river dominated delta has a large
  volume of sediment and tends to be “lobate” when
  there is a moderate sediment supply and
  “elongate” when the sediment supply is large.
 If the sediment supply cannot keep up with the
  erosive powers of tides, than the delta tends to be
  very small.
 It occur where the tidal range is very low and the
  tidal current action is very weak.


Mississippi delta:
 It is created when very large amounts of sediment
  are carried into relatively quiet water.
 Partly because dredging has kept the major
  distributary channels (locally called “passes”) fixed
  in position for many decades, the Mississippi‟s
  distributaries have built long fingers of sediment
  out into the sea.
 The resulting shape has been termed a “birdfoot”
  delta. Because of the dominance of stream
  sedimentation that forms the fingerlike
  distributaries, birdfoot deltas like the Mississippi‟s
  are also referred to as stream-dominated deltas.



Aster satellite photo of the Mississippi River delta taken in 2001.


Tide-dominated delta:
 A tide dominated delta has many linear channels
  parallel to the tidal flow and perpendicular to the
 It occur in regions where wave action is limited and
  tidal ranges are generally in excess of 4
  m, generating strong tidal currents -- have a major
  effect on mixing of river water and seawater and on
  sediment redistribution.
 These deltas form along a coast that is dominated by
  strong tides, and the sediment is reshaped into tidal
  bars that are aligned parallel to a tidal current.


The Ganges-

Delta in
Bangladesh is a
good example of
a tide-dominated


Wave-dominated delta:
 A wave dominated delta is smoothly arcuate; the
  wave action reworks the sediments and make such
  deltas much sandier than other types of deltas.
 It occur where wave energy is high; out-flowing
  freshwater behaves as a countercurrent, slowing
  down oncoming wave crests and causing waves to
  break in deeper water than normal.
 this leads to vigorous mixing, rapid deceleration of the
  freshwater flow, and sediment deposition; wave action
  reworks the deposited sediments to form sand bars
  and beaches, creating a straight shoreline with only a
  small protuberance at the distributary mouth.


The Nile Delta

It is a wave-dominated
delta that contains
barrier islands along its
ocean-ward side


mixed-process deltas:
 The examples discussed above illustrate some
  differences in characteristics of modern deltas that
  are shaped by processes that are predominantly
  fluvial, tidal or wave related.
 Many deltas have characteristics that are
  transitional between these end members types.
 Example:
 The Copper River delta in the Gulf of Alaska
  provide an example of a delta that is strongly
  influenced by tides but also experiences high
  wave power(Galloway, 1976).


The Copper
Delta, Gulf
of Alaska


General delta patterns:
   A well-developed delta provides the whole gamut
    of clastic sediment types from carbonaceous
    mudstones to conglomerates.
 The proportions of the sediments types are
    controlled chiefly by the interaction of fluvial
    agency supplying the material and the marine
    agency receiving it. This interaction leads to four
    general deltas patterns:
I. High-destructive deltas
II. High-constructive deltas of birdfoot type
III. High-constructive deltas of lobate type
IV. Fan deltas


Deltas by universty of sargodha,pakistan


Typical sequence:
 The classical stratigraphic profile of deltaic
  deposits shows a coarsening upward sequence
  from the delta slope muds and silts to the
  distributary mouth bar sands.
 This is opposite to the fining upward sequence
  found in most meandering fluvial system.


Why deltas are so important???
 Ancient deltaic deposits are extremely important
 Due to variety of environments in the deltas, it
  makes more important for a reservoir geologists.
 Many oil and gas-fields are in sedimentary
  deposits associated with deltas.
 Located near the boundaries between marine
  deposits, which include source sediments, and
  non-marine deposits which represent the supply
  zone for reservoir rocks, deltas are ideally situated
  for the maximum interplay between source and
  reservoir facies.


 They hosts most of the world‟s coal, and many
  major petroleum provinces.
 The deltaic process is a way of deposition lobes of
  sand (potential reservoir) into envelopes of
  organic-rich marine muds (potential source beds).
 Deltaic environments deposit many potential
  stratigraphic traps, including mouth bars, barrier
  bars, and channels.
 Rapid deposition often leads to over-pressuring.
  This may generate diapiric traps and roll-over


Sedimentary structures and
 Numerous types of sedimentary structures such
1. Cross bedding
2. Ripple marks
3. Bioturbation structures
4. Slump structure and
5. Mud diapirs occur in deltaic deposits.
A “Mud diapir” is a dome or fold in sediments that is
   formed by the plastic deformation of mud
   underlying sand or other sediments. Diapirs
   called mudlumps, frequently emerge in
   distributary mouth bar deposits,


Structural features in deltaic
 Structural features result from deformation of
  sediments and rocks includes
  faults, folds, tilting(dip), and fractures.
 Structural features can broadly divided into two
  classes based on the timing of the deformation:
 Syndepositional deformation features:
 Syndepositional deformational processes, which
a. Slumping
b. Mud diapirism
c. Growth faulting are common in lower delta plain
   environments and operate during delta formation.


Post-depositional deformation:
 Post-depositional deformational features includes:
a. Folding
b. Tilting, faulting, fracturing.
 This is due to tectonic forces and consequent
  movement of earth‟s crust.
 Significances:
 Structural features can modify the sandstone body
 These features are important in the
  migration, accumulation and trapping of


 Migration of hydrocarbons from the source rock
  enhanced by:
 Faulting and Fracturing.
 These accumulation or trapping of oil is caused by
  permeability barriers which prevent further
  migration of the petroleum.
 When the permeability barriers is a structural
  feature, the reservoir is considered structural traps
 Fracture and faults are important on an inter-well
  scale where they control the movement of both
  injected and naturally occurring reservoir fluids
  and may significantly affect the production of


Examples in Pakistan:
 Samber Formation is source rock of
  deltaic environment.
 Goru Formation is a reservoir rock of
  deltaic environment.
 Its upper part acts as a seal rock.


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Deltas by universty of sargodha,pakistan

  • 2. Contents  Introduction  Classification of depositional environments  Depositional environments  Marginal-marine environments  Deltaic system  Controls on Delta Environment  Sub-environments of delta  Variation in delta morphology  Processes in model delta  Morphological units of delta  Classification of Deltas  Typical sequence  Importance of delta  Sedimentary structure in deltas  Structural features of deltaic reservoir
  • 3. Introduction:  To discuss deltas we should have great understanding of depositional environment.  Depositional Environments:  Geomorphic setting in which a particular set of physical, chemical, and biological processes operates to generate a certain kind of sedimentary deposit  Physical environment has “static” and dynamic elements 􀂄 Static: basin geometry, sediment composition, water depth, etc. 􀂄 Dynamic: currents (wind, water), precipitation, climate
  • 4.  Chemical elements: pH, Eh, salinity, pCO2, etc.  Biological aspects: activities of organisms (burrowing, skeletal particles, etc.) and their remains (e.g., peat)
  • 5. Classification of Depositional Environments:  Nonmarine Environments  Colluvial and Alluvial fans  Fluvial environments  Lacustrine environments  Aeolian environments  Costal(marginal marine) Environments  River mouth environments  Regressive river mouths:Deltas  Transgressive river mouths:Estuaries  Open shoreline(beach) environments  Foreshore  backshore  Marine Environments  Shallow marine environments  Shoreface  Inner and outer shelf  Deep marine environments  Continental slope, Abyssal plain(basin floor)
  • 7. Depositional Environments: 􀂄 Objective: Use sedimentary deposits to interpret depositional environments 􀂄 Physical, biological, chemical parameters of an environment combine to produce a body of sediment characterized by specific textural, structural and compositional properties 􀂄 Distinctive bodies of sediments or sedimentary rocks are facies
  • 8. What happens… What we want…
  • 9. Marginal marine environment:  The marginal-marine(transitional) setting lies along the boundary between the continental and the marine depositional realms.  It is a narrow zone dominated by  Riverine  Wave  Tidal processes  Salinities may range in different parts of the system from fresh water through brackish water to supersaline, depending upon the river discharge and climatic conditions.
  • 10. Deltaic system  The term “delta” the Greek character was used to describe the mouth of Nile by Herodotus nearly 2500 years ago.  A modern definition cites delta as “the sub aerial and submerged contiguous sediment mass deposited in a body of water(ocean or lake) primarily by the action of a river”(Moore and Asquith,1971,p.2563).
  • 11. Deltas seldom form on active, subducting continental margins because there is no stable shallow shelf on which sediments can accumulate.  Shape of Delta:  The shape of a delta is not always the triangle that suggested the name to Herodotus.  Delta shape is influenced by a) Sediment input b) Wave energy c) Tidal energy.
  • 12. Controls on delta environment: Magnitude of fluvial discharge Climate, tectonics, s Delta morphology ubsidence, sedimen and sedimentary Delta regime t supply facies topography Magnitude of wave and tidal currents Factors affecting delta regime, morphology and facies (Elliot 1978a)
  • 13. Subenvironments of Delta:  Deltas are influenced by a complex combination of fluvial and marine processes.  Each delta has more than a dozen distinct environments of deposition.  These environments can be grouped into three broad divisions: 1. The delta plain with the meandering flood plains Swamps and beach complex 2. The steeper delta front 3. The broadly sloping prodelta, which grades into the open shelf.
  • 15. Variations in delta morphology:  The combinations of factors that control delta morphologies give rise to a wide spectrum of possible delta characteristics.  Two main factors are the most important in determining the morphology of deltas: 1) Effect of grain size 2) Depth of water in delta are going to deposit
  • 16. (a) a high proportion of suspended load results in a relatively small mouth bar deposited from bedload and extensive delta-front and prodelta deposits
  • 17. (b) a higher proportion of bedload results in a delta with a higher proportion of mouth bar gravels and sands.
  • 18. (a) A delta prograding into shallow water will spread out as the sediment is redistributed by shallow-water processes to form extensive mouth-bar and delta-front facies.
  • 19. (b) In deeper water the mouth bar is restricted to an area close to the river mouth and much of the sediment is deposited by mass- flow processes in deeper water.
  • 20. Processes in a model delta:  Reduced to its simplest elements, a delta forms due to “unique hydrodynamic interaction” between river water and seawater.  There is sharp contrast in water density due to salinity. As a result river water forms a plane jet that spreads out and forms a layer over the seawater.  Current velocity diminishes radially from the jet mouth, depositing sediments whose settling velocities allow grain size to diminish radially from the jet mouth.
  • 21. Development of the delta through time by progradation (A, B, D) and distributary switching (C) (From Davis, 1983)
  • 22. Levees:  Ridges on either side of the distributary channels are termed “levees”.  The sand carried in the stream is deposited along the sides of the jet in the subaqueous levees, where friction and mixing slow the flow.  Distributary channels:  It is channel that branches off and flow away from a main channel or stream. Common feature of delta.  Distributary channel sands are abundantly:
  • 23. I. Cross-bedded, with plenty of ripple cross- lamination. II. Scour-and-fill structures III. Discontinuous clay lenses.
  • 24. Distributary mouth bars:  Further offshore, where friction and spreading begins to slow the jet, sediments is dropped in the distributary mouth bars.  The distributary mouth bar sands are even more complexly cross stratified because of the complex current system that pass over them.  Wood, debris and other organic matter carried down the river during floods end up in the distributary mouth bars.  Between the distributaries on the delta plain are wide, shallow “inter-distributary bays” and “marshes” like the flood plains of the meandering river. Much of inter-distributary sequence is built of sand sheets from “crevasse splays” deposited.
  • 25. Morphological units of deltas:  Three main morphological units appear.  Delta platform/plain:  The delta platform is the sub-horizontal surface nearest the jet mouth. It is basically composed of sand and traversed by the distributary channel and its flanking levees.  Delta slope/front:  The delta platform grades away from the source into delta slope on which finer sands and silts come to rest. Commonly burrowed, sand coarsing upward, and have good porosity and permeability.
  • 26. Pro-delta:  Delta slope in turn passes down into the delta slope on which finer silts and clays settle out of suspension.pro-delta deposits rest unconformable on marine shelf deposits, which may include nonclastic components such as algal reefs. Classically these three elements termed as 1- bottomset, 2-foreset, 3-topset respectively.
  • 27. Classification of delta:  Deltas can be classified in several ways (Nemec, 1990), however classification on the basis of delta-front regime (Galloway, 1975) appears to be favored by most geologists.  Deltas are classified thus as: 1) Fluvial-dominated delta 2) Tide-dominated delta 3) Wave-dominated delta
  • 28. The forms of modern deltas: (a) the Nile delta, the „original‟ delta, (b) the Mississippi delta, a river-dominated delta, (c) the Rhone delta, a wave- dominated delta, (d) the Ganges delta, a tide-dominated delta.
  • 29. Fluvial-dominated delta:  A fluvial or river dominated delta has a large volume of sediment and tends to be “lobate” when there is a moderate sediment supply and “elongate” when the sediment supply is large.  If the sediment supply cannot keep up with the erosive powers of tides, than the delta tends to be very small.  It occur where the tidal range is very low and the tidal current action is very weak.
  • 30. Example: Mississippi delta:  It is created when very large amounts of sediment are carried into relatively quiet water.  Partly because dredging has kept the major distributary channels (locally called “passes”) fixed in position for many decades, the Mississippi‟s distributaries have built long fingers of sediment out into the sea.  The resulting shape has been termed a “birdfoot” delta. Because of the dominance of stream sedimentation that forms the fingerlike distributaries, birdfoot deltas like the Mississippi‟s are also referred to as stream-dominated deltas.
  • 31. Stream- dominated delta Aster satellite photo of the Mississippi River delta taken in 2001.
  • 32. Tide-dominated delta:  A tide dominated delta has many linear channels parallel to the tidal flow and perpendicular to the shore.  It occur in regions where wave action is limited and tidal ranges are generally in excess of 4 m, generating strong tidal currents -- have a major effect on mixing of river water and seawater and on sediment redistribution.  These deltas form along a coast that is dominated by strong tides, and the sediment is reshaped into tidal bars that are aligned parallel to a tidal current.
  • 33. Example: The Ganges- Brahmaputra Delta in Bangladesh is a good example of a tide-dominated delta.
  • 34. Wave-dominated delta:  A wave dominated delta is smoothly arcuate; the wave action reworks the sediments and make such deltas much sandier than other types of deltas.  It occur where wave energy is high; out-flowing freshwater behaves as a countercurrent, slowing down oncoming wave crests and causing waves to break in deeper water than normal.  this leads to vigorous mixing, rapid deceleration of the freshwater flow, and sediment deposition; wave action reworks the deposited sediments to form sand bars and beaches, creating a straight shoreline with only a small protuberance at the distributary mouth.
  • 35. Example: The Nile Delta It is a wave-dominated delta that contains barrier islands along its ocean-ward side
  • 36. mixed-process deltas:  The examples discussed above illustrate some differences in characteristics of modern deltas that are shaped by processes that are predominantly fluvial, tidal or wave related.  Many deltas have characteristics that are transitional between these end members types.  Example:  The Copper River delta in the Gulf of Alaska provide an example of a delta that is strongly influenced by tides but also experiences high wave power(Galloway, 1976).
  • 38. General delta patterns:  A well-developed delta provides the whole gamut of clastic sediment types from carbonaceous mudstones to conglomerates.  The proportions of the sediments types are controlled chiefly by the interaction of fluvial agency supplying the material and the marine agency receiving it. This interaction leads to four general deltas patterns: I. High-destructive deltas II. High-constructive deltas of birdfoot type III. High-constructive deltas of lobate type IV. Fan deltas
  • 40. Typical sequence:  The classical stratigraphic profile of deltaic deposits shows a coarsening upward sequence from the delta slope muds and silts to the distributary mouth bar sands.  This is opposite to the fining upward sequence found in most meandering fluvial system.
  • 41. Why deltas are so important???  Ancient deltaic deposits are extremely important economically.  Due to variety of environments in the deltas, it makes more important for a reservoir geologists.  Many oil and gas-fields are in sedimentary deposits associated with deltas.  Located near the boundaries between marine deposits, which include source sediments, and non-marine deposits which represent the supply zone for reservoir rocks, deltas are ideally situated for the maximum interplay between source and reservoir facies.
  • 42.  They hosts most of the world‟s coal, and many major petroleum provinces.  The deltaic process is a way of deposition lobes of sand (potential reservoir) into envelopes of organic-rich marine muds (potential source beds).  Deltaic environments deposit many potential stratigraphic traps, including mouth bars, barrier bars, and channels.  Rapid deposition often leads to over-pressuring. This may generate diapiric traps and roll-over anticlines.
  • 43. Sedimentary structures and fossils:  Numerous types of sedimentary structures such as: 1. Cross bedding 2. Ripple marks 3. Bioturbation structures 4. Slump structure and 5. Mud diapirs occur in deltaic deposits. A “Mud diapir” is a dome or fold in sediments that is formed by the plastic deformation of mud underlying sand or other sediments. Diapirs called mudlumps, frequently emerge in distributary mouth bar deposits,
  • 44. Structural features in deltaic reservoir:  Structural features result from deformation of sediments and rocks includes faults, folds, tilting(dip), and fractures.  Structural features can broadly divided into two classes based on the timing of the deformation:  Syndepositional deformation features:  Syndepositional deformational processes, which includes: a. Slumping b. Mud diapirism c. Growth faulting are common in lower delta plain environments and operate during delta formation.
  • 45. Post-depositional deformation:  Post-depositional deformational features includes: a. Folding b. Tilting, faulting, fracturing.  This is due to tectonic forces and consequent movement of earth‟s crust.  Significances:  Structural features can modify the sandstone body geometry.  These features are important in the migration, accumulation and trapping of petroleum.
  • 46.  Migration of hydrocarbons from the source rock enhanced by:  Faulting and Fracturing.  These accumulation or trapping of oil is caused by permeability barriers which prevent further migration of the petroleum.  When the permeability barriers is a structural feature, the reservoir is considered structural traps  Fracture and faults are important on an inter-well scale where they control the movement of both injected and naturally occurring reservoir fluids and may significantly affect the production of hydrocarbons.
  • 47. Examples in Pakistan:  Samber Formation is source rock of deltaic environment.  Goru Formation is a reservoir rock of deltaic environment.  Its upper part acts as a seal rock.