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Demystifying MySQL
Replication Crash Safety
Presented at Percona Live Europe 2018 in Frankfurt
by Jean-François Gagné
Senior Infrastructure Engineer / System and MySQL Expert
jeanfrancois AT messagebird DOT com


Introducing MessageBird
MessageBird is a cloud communications platform
founded in Amsterdam 2011.
Examples of our messaging and voice SaaS:
SMS in and out, call in (IVR) and out (alert), SIP,
WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, WeChat, …
Omni-Channel Conversation
Details at www.messagebird.com
225+ Direct-to-Carrier Agreements
With operators from around the world
15,000+ Customers
In over 60+ countries
180+ Employees
Engineering office in Amsterdam
Sales and support offices worldwide
We are expanding :
{Software, Front-End, Infrastructure, Data, Security, Telecom, QA} Engineers
{Team, Tech, Product} Leads, Product Owners, Customer Support
{Commercial, Connectivity, Partnership} Managers


(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
• Helicopter view of – and then Zoom in – Replication and Crash Safety
• MySQL 5.6 solution (and its problems)
• Complexifying things with GTIDs and Multi-Threaded Slave (MTS)
• Impacts of reducing / compromising durability
(sync_binlog != 1 and trx_commit != 1)
• Overview of related subjects: Semi-Sync, MariaDB & Pseudo-GTIDs
• Closing, links, bugs and questions


Overview of MySQL Replication
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
One master with one or more slaves:
• The master records transactions in a journal (binary logs); each slave:
• Downloads the journal and saves it locally in the relay logs (IO thread)
• Executes the relay logs on its local database (SQL thread)
• Could also produce binary logs to be a master (log-slave-updates – lsu)


Replication Crash Safety
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
What do I mean by Replication Crash Safety ?
• When a slave crashes, it is able to resume replication after recovery
(OK if rewinds its state after recovery, as long as it is eventually consistent)
• When a master crashes, slaves are able to resume replicating from it
• All above without sacrificing data consistency
• In other words: ACID is not compromised by a slave or a master crash
(Discussion limited to transactional SE: InnoDB, TokuDB, MyRocks; obviously not MyISAM)
Intermediate masters (IM) qualify both as master and slave
Slaves are potential master (and IM) in some failover strategy
(Proving replication crash un-safety is easy, proving safety is hard) 5


State of the Dolphin and of the Sea Lion
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
State of the Dolphin in Replication Crash Safety:
• MySQL 5.5 is not crash safe
• MySQL 5.6 can be made crash safe (it is not by default)
• MySQL 5.7 is mostly the same as 5.6
(with complexity added by Logical Lock parallel replication)
• MySQL 8.0 is crash safe by default
(but it can be made unsafe by “tuning” the configuration)
Quick state of the Sea Lion:
• MariaDB 5.5 is not replication crash safe
• MariaDB 10.x can be made crash safe


Zoom in the details [1 of 3]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
More details about replication:
• The IO Thread stores its state in master info (also configuration stored there)
• The SQL Thread in relay log info
slave1 [localhost] {msandbox} ((none)) > show slave statusG
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001 <-------+-- master info (persisted state)
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 25489 <-------+
Relay_Log_File: mysql-relay.000002 <--+
Relay_Log_Pos: 10788 <--+
Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001 <--+-- relay log info (persisted state)
[...] |
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 10575 <--+
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


More parameters: sync_master_info, sync_relay_log and sync_relay_log_info
In MySQL 5.5, master info and relay log info are files:
• No atomicity of “making progress” and “state tracking” for IO & SQL Threads
• Consistency of actual vs registered state is compromised after a crash
Ø This is why replication is not crash-safe in MySQL 5.5 8
Zoom in the details [2 of 3]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)


Zoom in the details [3 of 3]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Even more parameters:
• sync_binlog (and innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit – trx_commit):
• Binlogs are synchronised to disk after every N writes/transactions
(default 0 in My|SQL 5.5 and 5.6; and in 5.7 and 8.0 it is 1 which is full ACID)
• trx_commit = 1: logs written and flushed each trx (full ACID and default)
= 0: written and flushed once per second (not crash safe)
= 2: written after each trx and flushed once per second
(mysqld crash safe, not OS crash safe)


MySQL 5.6 solution [1 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Reminder: problems making MySQL 5.5 Replication Crash Un-Safe:
• The position of the SQL Thread cannot be trusted
• The position of the IO Thread cannot be trusted
• The content of the Relay Logs cannot be trusted


MySQL 5.6 solution [2 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
The MySQL 5.6 solution
• Atomicity for SQL Thread: relay-log-info-repository = TABLE (default = FILE)
• Useless for crash safety: a parameter to store master info in a table:
• master-info-repository = TABLE (default = FILE)
• Providing a way to “fix” the relay logs: relay-log-recovery = 1 (default = 0)


MySQL 5.6 solution [3 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
More details about Relay Log Recovery:
• relay-log-recovery is only used on mysqld startup (dynamic would be useless)
• If relay-log-recovery = 0, nothing special done (and a new relay log is created)
• If relay-log-recovery = 1:
• The position of the IO Thread is set to the position of the SQL Thread
• The position of the SQL Thread is set to the newly created relay log
• If relay-log-purge = 1: the old relay logs will be deleted on SQL Thread startup
(relay-log-recovery does not delete anything: easy to test with skip-slave-start)
Ø Said otherwise, the previous relay logs are skipped !
(those relay logs are considered improper for SQL Thread consumption)
• This will happen even if MySQL (or the IO Thread) did not crash
OK for 1st implementation but a waste of perfectly good relay logs


MySQL 5.6 solution [4 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
In MySQL 5.7:
• No change of defaults (for replication crash safety)
• Relay log recovery still simplistic K
In MySQL 8.0:
• Still simplistic relay log recovery L
• New defaults:
• relay-log-info-repository = TABLE J
• relay-log-recovery = 1 J
• master-info-repository = TABLE (not sure this is very useful)
Bug#74323: Avoid overloading the master NIC on relay-log-recovery of a lagging slave
Bug#74321: Execute relay-log-recovery only when needed


Adding complexity with GTIDs [1 of 2]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Not only MySQL 5.6 introduces replication crash safety,
it also introduced Global Transaction IDs (GTIDs)
• This tags every transaction with an ID when writing to the binlogs
• The GTID state of the master and slaves are tracked in the binlogs
Ø IO and SQL Thread states are now partially in the binlogs (and relay logs)
• Optionally, slaves can use GTID to replicate (instead of file+position)
• This allows easier repointing of slaves to a new master (including fail over)
• This heavily relies on precise tracking of GTID states on master and slaves
Ø As this tracking is in the binlogs, this is impeded when sync_binlog != 1
Bug#70659: Make crash safe slave with gtid + less durable settings


Adding complexity with GTIDs [2 of 2]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
To make replication crash safe with GTIDs in MySQL 5.6:
• relay-log-info-repository = TABLE (default = FILE)
• relay-log-recovery = 1 (default = 0) – (Bug#92093)
• sync_binlog = 1 (default = 0)
• In 5.7, the default is sync_binlog = 1 J (two other unchanged K)
• In 8.0, all the defaults are good for crash safe replication with GTID J J
• MySQL 5.7 adds a table for storing the GTID state of slaves:
• Allows GTIDS slaves without log-slave-updates (lsu)
• With lsu, this table (mysql.gtid_executed) is not updated after each trx
Ø Missed opportunity for OS crash safety with sync_binlog != 1 L L L
Bug#92109: Make GTID replication crash safe with less durable setting 15


Master Replication Crash Safety [1 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Relaxing durability of the binlogs implies losing GTID state (after an OS crash)
• What about the consequence on the master ? With and without GTID ?
• If sync_binlog != 1 on the master, an OS crash will lose binlogs
• With sync_binlog != 1, usually trx_commit != 1 (normally 2, but can be 0)
• trx_commit = 2 preserves data on mysqld crashes, 0 does not (à 2 is better)
Ø InnoDB will also lose transactions on an OS crash
Ø After an OS crash, InnoDB will be out-of-sync with the binlogs
Ø And we cannot trust the binlogs on such master (trx gap or ghost trx)
The failure mode will be different depending on the configuration


Master Replication Crash Safety [2 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
With file+position
• IO Thread in vanished binlogs
• So slaves executed phantom trx
(ghost in binlogs, maybe not in InnoDB)
• When the master is restarted:
• It records trx in new binlog file
• Most slaves are broken, and they might be out-of-sync with each-others
• Some lagging slave might skip vanished binlogs


Master Replication Crash Safety [2 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
With file+position
• IO Thread in vanished binlogs
• So slaves executed phantom trx
(ghost in binlogs, maybe not in InnoDB)
• When the master is restarted:
• It records trx in new binlog file
• Most slaves are broken, and they might be out-of-sync with each-others
• Some lagging slave might skip vanished binlogs
Ø Broken slaves have more data than the master (à data drift)
Ø And different data drift on “lucky” lagging slaves that might not break


Master Replication Crash Safety [3 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
With GTID enabled
• Slave also executed ghost
trx vanished from binlogs
• But those are in their GTID state
• A recovered master reuses
GTIDs of the vanished trx
• Slaves magically reconnect to the master (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1)
1. If master has not reused all ghost GTIDs, then the slave breaks
2. If it has, then the slave skips the new transactions à more data drift
(in illustration, the slave will skip new 50 to 58 as it has the old one)


Master Replication Crash Safety [4 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
With GTID enabled but MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 0
• Left as an exercise to the reader…
On the consequences of sync_binlog != 1 (part #1)
(more posts to be published in the series)


Master Replication Crash Safety [5 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Summary of running with sync_binlog != 1:
• The binlogs – of the master or slave – cannot be trusted after an OS crash
• On a master, having mysqld normally restarts after such a crash leads to data drift
Ø After an OS crash, make sure no slaves reconnect to the recovered master
(OFFLINE_MODE = ON in config file – failing-over to a slave is the way forward)
• On slaves, having mysqld restarts after such a crash leads to truncated binlogs
Ø After an OS crash, consider purging all binlogs on the recovered slave
• Intermediate Masters (IM) are both master and slaves
Ø After an OS crash make sure no slaves reconnect to the recovered IM
Ø And consider purging all binary logs on it
• Remember: GTID state corrupted on slaves after OS crash (Bug#92109) 21


Adding complexity with MTS [1 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Multi-Threaded Slave (MTS) in MySQL 5.6 is doing out-of-order committing
• Same for MySQL 5.7 with DATABASE and LOGICAL_CLOCK types
• LOGICAL_CLOCK also has the slave_preserve_commit_order option
(OFF by default in 5.7 and 8.0 K, with ON requiring log-slave-updates L)
(Bug#75396: Allow slave_preserve_commit_order without log-slave-updates)
Example: transactions A, B, C, D, E on the master
• On a slave, SHOW SLAVE STATUS points to B, so A is committed
• C and E are also committed, B is running and D is pending scheduling
(maybe B and D are in the same schema with DATABASE type)
With out-of-order commit, a file+position in relay log info is not enough
• GTID allows tracking complex position (generating temporary holes on slaves)
• And there is the mysql.slave_worker_info table
(https://dev.mysql.com/worklog/task/?id=5599: for more details)


Adding complexity with MTS [2 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Without GTID, resuming replication after a crash needs filling the gap in trx
• Manual, error-prone, and not always possible before 5.6.31 and 5.7.13 (Bug#77496)
• Now, automated by doing START SLAVE UNTIL SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS
• But this needs relay logs, which might have vanished after an OS crash (Bug#81840)


Adding complexity with MTS [3 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
• Bug#81840 makes MTS with File+Position OS crash unsafe (safe for mysqld crash)
• Hard to accept workaround: sync_relay_log = 1 (performance killer)
• Full state in mysql.slave_worker_info à recovery possible with a lot of effort
• The good solution would be a better relay log recovery (Bug#93081)


Adding complexity with MTS [4 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
With GTID, MTS in MySQL 5.6, 5.7 & 8.0 is replication crash safe:
• But it needs MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 (and relay log recovery Bug#92093)
• And it comes with all the GTID “goodies” (rogue transactions, lsu for 5.6, …)
• Also needs sync_binlog = 1 (if 5.7+, also works without binlogs or lsu off)
• And care with sync_binlog != 1 on the master (need to fail over if OS crash)
(sync_binlog != 1 should not be needed in 95% of cases)
(Group Commit and MTS make this optimisation almost obsolete)
Example: A, B, C, D, E on the master with GTID 10, 11, 12, 13, 14:
• GTID executed on the slave is 1-10:12:14 before a crash
• Replication resumes by fetching 11:13:15… (after relay log recovery)


Adding complexity with MTS [4 of 4]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
With GTID, MTS in MySQL 5.6, 5.7 & 8.0 is should be crash safe :
• But it needs MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 (and relay log recovery Bug#92093)
• And it comes with all the GTID “goodies” (rogue transactions, lsu for 5.6, …)
• Also needs sync_binlog = 1 (if 5.7+, also works without binlogs or lsu off)
• And care with sync_binlog != 1 on the master (need to fail over if OS crash)
Bug#92882: MTS not replication crash-safe with GTID and all the right parameters
(Only applies to Operating System crashes)
Example: A, B, C, D, E on the master with GTID 10, 11, 12, 13, 14:
• GTID executed on the slave is 1-10:12:14 before Operating System crash
• Relay log recovery tries to “fill the gaps” but fails because relay logs are gone
(This might be a regression from the fix of Bug#77496)
(Easy workaround: stop slave; reset slave; start slave;)


Related subjects – Semi-Sync
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
In this talk, we did not cover master failover explicitly,
when a master crashes in an unrecoverable way, failover needs to happen
When failing-over to a slave, committed transactions can be lost
(Some transactions on the crashed master might not have reached slaves)
à violation of durability (ACID) in the replication topology (distributed system)
Except if lossless semi-sync is used, more details in:
Question about Semi-Synchronous Replication: the Answer with All the Details


Related subjects – MariaDB
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
MariaDB still stores its master info and relay log info in files
• But it stores GTID state of slaves in the mysql.gtid_slave_pos table
Ø MariaDB is replication crash safe when using GTID slave positioning
Also, it has an interesting feature:
• If using more than one storage engine, a single state table is not optimal
• Having one such table per storage engine could be better
Improving replication with multiple storage engines (MariaDB 10.3)


Related subjects – Pseudo GTIDs
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
• A way to get GTID-like features without GTIDs
• They work with any version of MySQL/MariaDB (even 5.5)
• But they assume in-order-commit à does not work with MTS
They can provide slave replication crash safety:
• With log-slave-updates and sync_binlog = 1
• Even on MySQL 5.5 or MariaDB 5.5


(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
• It is complicated and it depends…
• It has many edge cases
• It might still change as bugs are fixed
• And hopefully improvements will be made
• So sorry: there is no short version


Conclusion [2 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Some parameters never impact/improve Replication Crash Safety:
• master-info-repository, sync_master_info, sync_relay_log_info
Some parameters are always needed for Replication Crash Safety:
• relay-log-info-repository = TABLE
• relay-log-recovery = 1


Conclusion [3 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
MySQL 5.6 with GTID (with and without MTS) à crash safe slave if:
• All above with sync_binlog = 1 (not default) and MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1
and maybe a “stop slave; reset slave; start slave;” (Bug#92882)
MySQL 5.6 without GTID and with MTS à not always crash safe slaves:
• OK for MySQL crashes as relay logs are not lost
• For OS crashes, losing the relay logs leads to replication breakage (Bug#81840)
• Possible to recover with some voodoo and dark magic (Bug#93081)
For master and slaves, binlogs cannot be trusted if sync_binlog != 1


Conclusion [4 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
MySQL 5.7 is mostly the same as 5.6:
• sync_binlog = 1 is the default J
• Will be crash safe with GTID and sync_binlog != 1 when Bug#92109 fixed
• LOGICAL_CLOCK with slave_preserve_commit_order like single-threaded
• Without slave_preserve_commit_order, same as MTS in 5.6
MySQL 8.0 is mostly the same as 5.7 with safer defaults:
• relay-log-info-repository = TABLE J
• relay-log-recovery = 1 J
• But default for slave_preserve_commit_order is still 0 K


Conclusion [5 of 5]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Care with MTS as it has many traps
And in all cases:
• Relay log recovery needs to re-download relay logs from the master
• High load in case of lagging (or delayed) slaves L
• Will fail if the binary logs were purged from the master L
• Relay log recovery also fails for MTS and OS crashes (vanished relay logs)
We need a better Relay Log Recovery !
Bug#74321, Bug#74323, Bug#74324, Bug#81840
Bug#92882, Bug#93081


Links [1 of 3]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Crash-Safe MySQL Replication - A Visual Guide
(diagrams in this talk are inspired by this post)
Jean-François’s blog posts about Replication Crash Safety:
• Better Crash-safe replication for MySQL
• Replication crash safety with MTS in MySQL 5.6 and 5.7: reality or illusion?
• A discussion about sync-master-info and other replication parameters
• On the consequences of sync_binlog != 1 (part #1)


Links [2 of 3]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
Directly related bugs:
• Bug#70669: Slave can't continue repl. after master's recovery (old – 5.6.14, and fixed – 5.6.17)
• Bug#70659: Make crash safe slave work with gtid + less durable settings
• Bug#74321: Execute relay-log-recovery only when needed
• Bug#74323: Avoid overloading the master NIC on relay-log-recovery of a lagging slave
• Bug#74324: Make keeping relay logs (relay_log_purge = 0) crash safe
• Bug#77496: Replication position lost after crash on MTS configured slave (really fixed ?)
• Bug#81840: Automatic Replication Recovery Does Not Handle Lost Relay Log Events
• Bug#92093: Replication crash safety needs relay_log_recovery even with GTID
• Bug#92109: Please make replication crash safe with GITD and less durable setting (bis)
• Bug#92882: MTS not replication crash-safe with GTID and all the right parameters
• Bug#93081: Please implement a better relay log recovery
Somehow related bugs:
• Bug#75396: Allow slave_preserve_commit_order without log-slave-updates
• Bug#92891: Please make relay_log_space_limit dynamic


Links [3 of 3]
(Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
• Question about Semi-Synchronous Replication: the Answer with All the Details
• Improving replication with multiple storage engines (in MariaDB 10.3)
• Pseudo-GTID and Orchestrator:
• The Full MySQL and MariaDB Parallel Replication Tutorial
• Arg: relay_log_space_limit is (still) not dynamic !
• Evaluating MySQL Parallel Replication Part 2: Slave Group Commit
• Evaluating MySQL Parallel Replication Part 4: More Benchmarks in Production


Thanks !
Presented at Percona Live Europe 2018 in Frankfurt
by Jean-François Gagné
Senior Infrastructure Engineer / System and MySQL Expert
jeanfrancois AT messagebird DOT com

More Related Content

Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety

  • 1. Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety Presented at Percona Live Europe 2018 in Frankfurt by Jean-François Gagné Senior Infrastructure Engineer / System and MySQL Expert jeanfrancois AT messagebird DOT com
  • 2. 2 Introducing MessageBird MessageBird is a cloud communications platform founded in Amsterdam 2011. Examples of our messaging and voice SaaS: SMS in and out, call in (IVR) and out (alert), SIP, WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, WeChat, … Omni-Channel Conversation Details at www.messagebird.com 225+ Direct-to-Carrier Agreements With operators from around the world 15,000+ Customers In over 60+ countries 180+ Employees Engineering office in Amsterdam Sales and support offices worldwide We are expanding : {Software, Front-End, Infrastructure, Data, Security, Telecom, QA} Engineers {Team, Tech, Product} Leads, Product Owners, Customer Support {Commercial, Connectivity, Partnership} Managers www.messagebird.com/careers
  • 3. 3 Summary (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) • Helicopter view of – and then Zoom in – Replication and Crash Safety • MySQL 5.6 solution (and its problems) • Complexifying things with GTIDs and Multi-Threaded Slave (MTS) • Impacts of reducing / compromising durability (sync_binlog != 1 and trx_commit != 1) • Overview of related subjects: Semi-Sync, MariaDB & Pseudo-GTIDs • Closing, links, bugs and questions
  • 4. Overview of MySQL Replication (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) One master with one or more slaves: • The master records transactions in a journal (binary logs); each slave: • Downloads the journal and saves it locally in the relay logs (IO thread) • Executes the relay logs on its local database (SQL thread) • Could also produce binary logs to be a master (log-slave-updates – lsu)
  • 5. Replication Crash Safety (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) What do I mean by Replication Crash Safety ? • When a slave crashes, it is able to resume replication after recovery (OK if rewinds its state after recovery, as long as it is eventually consistent) • When a master crashes, slaves are able to resume replicating from it • All above without sacrificing data consistency • In other words: ACID is not compromised by a slave or a master crash (Discussion limited to transactional SE: InnoDB, TokuDB, MyRocks; obviously not MyISAM) Intermediate masters (IM) qualify both as master and slave Slaves are potential master (and IM) in some failover strategy (Proving replication crash un-safety is easy, proving safety is hard) 5
  • 6. 6 State of the Dolphin and of the Sea Lion (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) State of the Dolphin in Replication Crash Safety: • MySQL 5.5 is not crash safe • MySQL 5.6 can be made crash safe (it is not by default) • MySQL 5.7 is mostly the same as 5.6 (with complexity added by Logical Lock parallel replication) • MySQL 8.0 is crash safe by default (but it can be made unsafe by “tuning” the configuration) Quick state of the Sea Lion: • MariaDB 5.5 is not replication crash safe • MariaDB 10.x can be made crash safe
  • 7. 7 Zoom in the details [1 of 3] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) More details about replication: • The IO Thread stores its state in master info (also configuration stored there) • The SQL Thread in relay log info slave1 [localhost] {msandbox} ((none)) > show slave statusG *************************** 1. row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event [...] Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001 <-------+-- master info (persisted state) Read_Master_Log_Pos: 25489 <-------+ Relay_Log_File: mysql-relay.000002 <--+ Relay_Log_Pos: 10788 <--+ Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001 <--+-- relay log info (persisted state) [...] | Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 10575 <--+ [...] 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • 8. More parameters: sync_master_info, sync_relay_log and sync_relay_log_info In MySQL 5.5, master info and relay log info are files: • No atomicity of “making progress” and “state tracking” for IO & SQL Threads • Consistency of actual vs registered state is compromised after a crash Ø This is why replication is not crash-safe in MySQL 5.5 8 Zoom in the details [2 of 3] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018)
  • 9. 9 Zoom in the details [3 of 3] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Even more parameters: • sync_binlog (and innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit – trx_commit): • Binlogs are synchronised to disk after every N writes/transactions (default 0 in My|SQL 5.5 and 5.6; and in 5.7 and 8.0 it is 1 which is full ACID) • trx_commit = 1: logs written and flushed each trx (full ACID and default) = 0: written and flushed once per second (not crash safe) = 2: written after each trx and flushed once per second (mysqld crash safe, not OS crash safe)
  • 10. MySQL 5.6 solution [1 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Reminder: problems making MySQL 5.5 Replication Crash Un-Safe: • The position of the SQL Thread cannot be trusted • The position of the IO Thread cannot be trusted • The content of the Relay Logs cannot be trusted 10
  • 11. MySQL 5.6 solution [2 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) The MySQL 5.6 solution • Atomicity for SQL Thread: relay-log-info-repository = TABLE (default = FILE) • Useless for crash safety: a parameter to store master info in a table: • master-info-repository = TABLE (default = FILE) • Providing a way to “fix” the relay logs: relay-log-recovery = 1 (default = 0)
  • 12. 12 MySQL 5.6 solution [3 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) More details about Relay Log Recovery: • relay-log-recovery is only used on mysqld startup (dynamic would be useless) • If relay-log-recovery = 0, nothing special done (and a new relay log is created) • If relay-log-recovery = 1: • The position of the IO Thread is set to the position of the SQL Thread • The position of the SQL Thread is set to the newly created relay log • If relay-log-purge = 1: the old relay logs will be deleted on SQL Thread startup (relay-log-recovery does not delete anything: easy to test with skip-slave-start) Ø Said otherwise, the previous relay logs are skipped ! (those relay logs are considered improper for SQL Thread consumption) • This will happen even if MySQL (or the IO Thread) did not crash OK for 1st implementation but a waste of perfectly good relay logs
  • 13. 13 MySQL 5.6 solution [4 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) In MySQL 5.7: • No change of defaults (for replication crash safety) • Relay log recovery still simplistic K In MySQL 8.0: • Still simplistic relay log recovery L • New defaults: • relay-log-info-repository = TABLE J • relay-log-recovery = 1 J • master-info-repository = TABLE (not sure this is very useful) Bug#74323: Avoid overloading the master NIC on relay-log-recovery of a lagging slave Bug#74321: Execute relay-log-recovery only when needed
  • 14. Adding complexity with GTIDs [1 of 2] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Not only MySQL 5.6 introduces replication crash safety, it also introduced Global Transaction IDs (GTIDs) • This tags every transaction with an ID when writing to the binlogs • The GTID state of the master and slaves are tracked in the binlogs Ø IO and SQL Thread states are now partially in the binlogs (and relay logs) • Optionally, slaves can use GTID to replicate (instead of file+position) • This allows easier repointing of slaves to a new master (including fail over) • This heavily relies on precise tracking of GTID states on master and slaves Ø As this tracking is in the binlogs, this is impeded when sync_binlog != 1 Bug#70659: Make crash safe slave with gtid + less durable settings 14
  • 15. Adding complexity with GTIDs [2 of 2] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) To make replication crash safe with GTIDs in MySQL 5.6: • relay-log-info-repository = TABLE (default = FILE) • relay-log-recovery = 1 (default = 0) – (Bug#92093) • sync_binlog = 1 (default = 0) • In 5.7, the default is sync_binlog = 1 J (two other unchanged K) • In 8.0, all the defaults are good for crash safe replication with GTID J J • MySQL 5.7 adds a table for storing the GTID state of slaves: • Allows GTIDS slaves without log-slave-updates (lsu) • With lsu, this table (mysql.gtid_executed) is not updated after each trx Ø Missed opportunity for OS crash safety with sync_binlog != 1 L L L Bug#92109: Make GTID replication crash safe with less durable setting 15
  • 16. 16 Master Replication Crash Safety [1 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Relaxing durability of the binlogs implies losing GTID state (after an OS crash) • What about the consequence on the master ? With and without GTID ? • If sync_binlog != 1 on the master, an OS crash will lose binlogs • With sync_binlog != 1, usually trx_commit != 1 (normally 2, but can be 0) • trx_commit = 2 preserves data on mysqld crashes, 0 does not (à 2 is better) Ø InnoDB will also lose transactions on an OS crash Ø After an OS crash, InnoDB will be out-of-sync with the binlogs Ø And we cannot trust the binlogs on such master (trx gap or ghost trx) The failure mode will be different depending on the configuration
  • 17. 17 Master Replication Crash Safety [2 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) With file+position • IO Thread in vanished binlogs • So slaves executed phantom trx (ghost in binlogs, maybe not in InnoDB) • When the master is restarted: • It records trx in new binlog file • Most slaves are broken, and they might be out-of-sync with each-others • Some lagging slave might skip vanished binlogs
  • 18. 18 Master Replication Crash Safety [2 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) With file+position • IO Thread in vanished binlogs • So slaves executed phantom trx (ghost in binlogs, maybe not in InnoDB) • When the master is restarted: • It records trx in new binlog file • Most slaves are broken, and they might be out-of-sync with each-others • Some lagging slave might skip vanished binlogs Ø Broken slaves have more data than the master (à data drift) Ø And different data drift on “lucky” lagging slaves that might not break
  • 19. 19 Master Replication Crash Safety [3 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) With GTID enabled • Slave also executed ghost trx vanished from binlogs • But those are in their GTID state • A recovered master reuses GTIDs of the vanished trx • Slaves magically reconnect to the master (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1) 1. If master has not reused all ghost GTIDs, then the slave breaks 2. If it has, then the slave skips the new transactions à more data drift (in illustration, the slave will skip new 50 to 58 as it has the old one)
  • 20. 20 Master Replication Crash Safety [4 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) With GTID enabled but MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 0 • Left as an exercise to the reader… On the consequences of sync_binlog != 1 (part #1) https://jfg-mysql.blogspot.com/2018/10/consequences-sync-binlog-neq-1-part-1.html (more posts to be published in the series)
  • 21. Master Replication Crash Safety [5 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Summary of running with sync_binlog != 1: • The binlogs – of the master or slave – cannot be trusted after an OS crash • On a master, having mysqld normally restarts after such a crash leads to data drift Ø After an OS crash, make sure no slaves reconnect to the recovered master (OFFLINE_MODE = ON in config file – failing-over to a slave is the way forward) • On slaves, having mysqld restarts after such a crash leads to truncated binlogs Ø After an OS crash, consider purging all binlogs on the recovered slave • Intermediate Masters (IM) are both master and slaves Ø After an OS crash make sure no slaves reconnect to the recovered IM Ø And consider purging all binary logs on it • Remember: GTID state corrupted on slaves after OS crash (Bug#92109) 21
  • 22. 22 Adding complexity with MTS [1 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Multi-Threaded Slave (MTS) in MySQL 5.6 is doing out-of-order committing • Same for MySQL 5.7 with DATABASE and LOGICAL_CLOCK types • LOGICAL_CLOCK also has the slave_preserve_commit_order option (OFF by default in 5.7 and 8.0 K, with ON requiring log-slave-updates L) (Bug#75396: Allow slave_preserve_commit_order without log-slave-updates) Example: transactions A, B, C, D, E on the master • On a slave, SHOW SLAVE STATUS points to B, so A is committed • C and E are also committed, B is running and D is pending scheduling (maybe B and D are in the same schema with DATABASE type) With out-of-order commit, a file+position in relay log info is not enough • GTID allows tracking complex position (generating temporary holes on slaves) • And there is the mysql.slave_worker_info table (https://dev.mysql.com/worklog/task/?id=5599: for more details)
  • 23. 23 Adding complexity with MTS [2 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Without GTID, resuming replication after a crash needs filling the gap in trx • Manual, error-prone, and not always possible before 5.6.31 and 5.7.13 (Bug#77496) • Now, automated by doing START SLAVE UNTIL SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS • But this needs relay logs, which might have vanished after an OS crash (Bug#81840)
  • 24. 24 Adding complexity with MTS [3 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) • Bug#81840 makes MTS with File+Position OS crash unsafe (safe for mysqld crash) • Hard to accept workaround: sync_relay_log = 1 (performance killer) • Full state in mysql.slave_worker_info à recovery possible with a lot of effort • The good solution would be a better relay log recovery (Bug#93081)
  • 25. 25 Adding complexity with MTS [4 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) With GTID, MTS in MySQL 5.6, 5.7 & 8.0 is replication crash safe: • But it needs MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 (and relay log recovery Bug#92093) • And it comes with all the GTID “goodies” (rogue transactions, lsu for 5.6, …) • Also needs sync_binlog = 1 (if 5.7+, also works without binlogs or lsu off) • And care with sync_binlog != 1 on the master (need to fail over if OS crash) (sync_binlog != 1 should not be needed in 95% of cases) (Group Commit and MTS make this optimisation almost obsolete) Example: A, B, C, D, E on the master with GTID 10, 11, 12, 13, 14: • GTID executed on the slave is 1-10:12:14 before a crash • Replication resumes by fetching 11:13:15… (after relay log recovery)
  • 26. 26 Adding complexity with MTS [4 of 4] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) With GTID, MTS in MySQL 5.6, 5.7 & 8.0 is should be crash safe : • But it needs MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 (and relay log recovery Bug#92093) • And it comes with all the GTID “goodies” (rogue transactions, lsu for 5.6, …) • Also needs sync_binlog = 1 (if 5.7+, also works without binlogs or lsu off) • And care with sync_binlog != 1 on the master (need to fail over if OS crash) Bug#92882: MTS not replication crash-safe with GTID and all the right parameters (Only applies to Operating System crashes) Example: A, B, C, D, E on the master with GTID 10, 11, 12, 13, 14: • GTID executed on the slave is 1-10:12:14 before Operating System crash • Relay log recovery tries to “fill the gaps” but fails because relay logs are gone (This might be a regression from the fix of Bug#77496) (Easy workaround: stop slave; reset slave; start slave;)
  • 27. 27 Related subjects – Semi-Sync (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) In this talk, we did not cover master failover explicitly, when a master crashes in an unrecoverable way, failover needs to happen When failing-over to a slave, committed transactions can be lost (Some transactions on the crashed master might not have reached slaves) à violation of durability (ACID) in the replication topology (distributed system) Except if lossless semi-sync is used, more details in: Question about Semi-Synchronous Replication: the Answer with All the Details https://www.percona.com/community-blog/2018/08/23/question-about-semi-synchronous- replication-answer-with-all-the-details/
  • 28. 28 Related subjects – MariaDB (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) MariaDB still stores its master info and relay log info in files • But it stores GTID state of slaves in the mysql.gtid_slave_pos table Ø MariaDB is replication crash safe when using GTID slave positioning Also, it has an interesting feature: • If using more than one storage engine, a single state table is not optimal • Having one such table per storage engine could be better Improving replication with multiple storage engines (MariaDB 10.3) https://kristiannielsen.livejournal.com/19223.html
  • 29. 29 Related subjects – Pseudo GTIDs (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Pseudo-GTIDs: • A way to get GTID-like features without GTIDs • They work with any version of MySQL/MariaDB (even 5.5) • But they assume in-order-commit à does not work with MTS They can provide slave replication crash safety: • With log-slave-updates and sync_binlog = 1 • Even on MySQL 5.5 or MariaDB 5.5 https://github.com/github/orchestrator/blob/master/docs/pseudo-gtid.md
  • 30. Conclusion (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) • It is complicated and it depends… • It has many edge cases • It might still change as bugs are fixed • And hopefully improvements will be made • So sorry: there is no short version
  • 31. Conclusion [2 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Some parameters never impact/improve Replication Crash Safety: • master-info-repository, sync_master_info, sync_relay_log_info Some parameters are always needed for Replication Crash Safety: • relay-log-info-repository = TABLE • relay-log-recovery = 1
  • 32. 32 Conclusion [3 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) MySQL 5.6 with GTID (with and without MTS) à crash safe slave if: • All above with sync_binlog = 1 (not default) and MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1 and maybe a “stop slave; reset slave; start slave;” (Bug#92882) MySQL 5.6 without GTID and with MTS à not always crash safe slaves: • OK for MySQL crashes as relay logs are not lost • For OS crashes, losing the relay logs leads to replication breakage (Bug#81840) • Possible to recover with some voodoo and dark magic (Bug#93081) For master and slaves, binlogs cannot be trusted if sync_binlog != 1
  • 33. 33 Conclusion [4 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) MySQL 5.7 is mostly the same as 5.6: • sync_binlog = 1 is the default J • Will be crash safe with GTID and sync_binlog != 1 when Bug#92109 fixed • LOGICAL_CLOCK with slave_preserve_commit_order like single-threaded • Without slave_preserve_commit_order, same as MTS in 5.6 MySQL 8.0 is mostly the same as 5.7 with safer defaults: • relay-log-info-repository = TABLE J • relay-log-recovery = 1 J • But default for slave_preserve_commit_order is still 0 K
  • 34. 34 Conclusion [5 of 5] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Care with MTS as it has many traps And in all cases: • Relay log recovery needs to re-download relay logs from the master • High load in case of lagging (or delayed) slaves L • Will fail if the binary logs were purged from the master L • Relay log recovery also fails for MTS and OS crashes (vanished relay logs) L L L We need a better Relay Log Recovery ! Bug#74321, Bug#74323, Bug#74324, Bug#81840 Bug#92882, Bug#93081
  • 35. 35 Links [1 of 3] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Crash-Safe MySQL Replication - A Visual Guide https://hackmongo.com/post/crash-safe-mysql-replication-a-visual-guide/ (diagrams in this talk are inspired by this post) Jean-François’s blog posts about Replication Crash Safety: • Better Crash-safe replication for MySQL https://medium.com/booking-com-infrastructure/better-crash-safe-replication-for-mysql-a336a69b317f • Replication crash safety with MTS in MySQL 5.6 and 5.7: reality or illusion? https://jfg-mysql.blogspot.com/2016/01/replication-crash-safety-with-mts.html • A discussion about sync-master-info and other replication parameters https://jfg-mysql.blogspot.com/2016/08/discussion-about-sync-master-info-and-replication-parameters.html • On the consequences of sync_binlog != 1 (part #1) https://jfg-mysql.blogspot.com/2018/10/consequences-sync-binlog-neq-1-part-1.html
  • 36. 36 Links [2 of 3] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) Directly related bugs: • Bug#70669: Slave can't continue repl. after master's recovery (old – 5.6.14, and fixed – 5.6.17) • Bug#70659: Make crash safe slave work with gtid + less durable settings • Bug#74321: Execute relay-log-recovery only when needed • Bug#74323: Avoid overloading the master NIC on relay-log-recovery of a lagging slave • Bug#74324: Make keeping relay logs (relay_log_purge = 0) crash safe • Bug#77496: Replication position lost after crash on MTS configured slave (really fixed ?) • Bug#81840: Automatic Replication Recovery Does Not Handle Lost Relay Log Events • Bug#92093: Replication crash safety needs relay_log_recovery even with GTID • Bug#92109: Please make replication crash safe with GITD and less durable setting (bis) • Bug#92882: MTS not replication crash-safe with GTID and all the right parameters • Bug#93081: Please implement a better relay log recovery Somehow related bugs: • Bug#75396: Allow slave_preserve_commit_order without log-slave-updates • Bug#92891: Please make relay_log_space_limit dynamic
  • 37. Links [3 of 3] (Demystifying MySQL Replication Crash Safety – PLEU2018) • Question about Semi-Synchronous Replication: the Answer with All the Details https://www.percona.com/community-blog/2018/08/23/question-about-semi-synchronous-replication-answer-with-all-the-details/ • Improving replication with multiple storage engines (in MariaDB 10.3) https://kristiannielsen.livejournal.com/19223.html • Pseudo-GTID and Orchestrator: https://github.com/github/orchestrator/blob/master/docs/pseudo-gtid.md https://speakerdeck.com/shlominoach/pseudo-gtid-and-easy-mysql-replication-topology-management • The Full MySQL and MariaDB Parallel Replication Tutorial https://www.slideshare.net/JeanFranoisGagn/the-full-mysql-and-mariadb-parallel-replication-tutorial • Arg: relay_log_space_limit is (still) not dynamic ! https://jfg-mysql.blogspot.com/2018/10/arg-relay-log-space-limit-is-still-not-dynamic.html • Evaluating MySQL Parallel Replication Part 2: Slave Group Commit https://medium.com/booking-com-infrastructure/evaluating-mysql-parallel-replication-part-2-slave-group-commit-459026a141d2 • Evaluating MySQL Parallel Replication Part 4: More Benchmarks in Production https://medium.com/booking-com-infrastructure/evaluating-mysql-parallel-replication-part-4-more-benchmarks-in-production-49ee255043ab
  • 38. Thanks ! Presented at Percona Live Europe 2018 in Frankfurt by Jean-François Gagné Senior Infrastructure Engineer / System and MySQL Expert jeanfrancois AT messagebird DOT com