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Learning and Teaching:
   Beyond the Course to
Networks and Collectives
Knowledge Media Conference 2009
January 19 – 20, 2009
Centre for IT & Learning, Aarhus University
Denmark              Terry Anderson, PhD
                     Professor and Canada
                     Research Chair in Distance
  “Canada is a great
 country, much too
 cold for common
 sense, inhabited by
 compassionate and
 intelligent people with
 bad haircuts”.
      Yann Martel, Life of Pi, 2002.
Denmark 2009
Athabasca University,
Alberta, Canada

                                 Fastest growing university in
                                 34,000 students, 700 courses
                                   100% distance education
                                     Graduate and
          Athabasca University     Undergraduate programs

  Athabasca University          Master & Doctorate – Distance
                                       Only USA Regionally
                                      Accredited University in
Canada and Denmark to Go to War!!
Secret Battle Tactics Revealed
     “Denmark’s Minister for Greenland
     immediately flew to the island where he
     raised a Danish flag and left a bottle of
     Denmark’s finest schnapps at its base.
     Thus began the battle of the bottles.
     Subsequent Canadian and Danish visitors to
     the island took turns leaving bottles of their
     respective favourite libations, erecting their
     nation’s flag and removing that of their
     opponent. “ Canadian Geographic 2005
     Current economic crisis makes
     Canada wonder if they can afford cost
     of armaments.
Denmark 2009
Presentation Overview
      Context for Learning – Open
      A way to conceptualize Net Tools –
      Taxonomy of the Many
      Your Comments and questions
All of Human Knowledge

         Imagine a world in which every single
          person is given free access to the sum
          of all human knowledge.
         That's what we're doing. –
            Terry Foote, Wikipedia
Open Education Resources (OER)
Vision + Affordance

      “At the heart of the open educational resources
      movement is the simple and powerful idea that;
            the world’s knowledge is a public good in general
            the World Wide Web provides an extraordinary
           opportunity for everyone to share, use, and reuse that

           Hewlett Foundation Smith, & Casserly. The promise of open
           educational resources. Change 38(5): 8–17, 2006
OER Granularity

     Diagrams, photos
     Articles (Open access publications)
     Games, simulations, activities
     Units of learning (IMS LD)
     Units and courses
OER’s are Open (Mostly)
     Meaning you can:
          Aggregate and Mashup

     But they need to be licensed –
          not just put online

            See Scott Leslie’s 10 minute video at
A Tale of 3 books

                     E-Learning for the   Open Access
Commercial            21st Century
publisher            Commercial Pub.
                     1200 sold @          Individual chapters
934 copies sold at
 $52.00                                   500 hardcopies sold @
                     2,000 copies in
Buy at Amazon!!      Arabic Translation
                                          Free at aupress.org
                      @ $8.
Expresso Book Machine
                                          Binding: Perfect-bound books,
                                          indistinguishable from the
                                          bookstore copy.
                                          Page-Count: 40 to 830 pages.
        v=OIq0VqF0MnA&feature=rela    
        ted                               Speed: A 300-page book in less
                                          than 4 minutes.
                                          File Format: Standard PDF for
                                          book block and cover.
                                          Books can be downloaded
                                          from the web, or in person
                                          from CDs, flash drives, etc.
                                          Core-Unit Dimensions: 3.8 feet
                                          wide, 2.7 feet deep, 4.5 feet
                                          Core-Unit Weight: 800 pounds.

Reading Green - “Each of the books printed and sold… will
save 5.8 kilograms in carbon emissions,”. Kanter 2008
Problems with OER
   Little take up by conventional teachers
  Too little reward and recognition for authors
  Too few learners by themselves actually engage with
   the content
  Undeveloped business case
  Too few teachers remix and repost content
  Too difficult to upload, tag and share

     Solution?? Vibrant communities of Produsers??
Our own Experiment:
Course development based on OER’s

     4 Athabasca University courses:
          Communications (Theatre)
          English for Business, &
          Educ. Tech

     Vastly different results
     Critical variable was the attitude of the developer(s)

     Christiansen, J., & Anderson, T. (2004)

      Feasibility of course development based on learning objects: Research analysis of
      three case studies. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance
What is missing?
     Culture of development,
     sharing and remix
     Network Solutions
     Social Software
     Easy to use Tools
The Political Economy of Peer Production:
Michael Bauwens

       “produce use-value through the free cooperation of
       producers who have access to distributed capital
       a 'third mode of production' different from for-profit
       or public production by state-owned enterprises.
       Its product is not exchange value for a market, but
       but use-value for a community of users

Prod-Users - From production to produsage
- Axel Bruns (2008)

      Users become active participants in the production of
        Open source movement
        Wikipedia
        Citizen journalism (blogs)
        Immersive worlds
        Distributed creativity - music, video, Flickr
Produsage Principles
   Community-Based –the community as a whole can
   contribute more than a closed team of producers.
  Fluid Heterarcy – produsers participate as is
   appropriate to their personal skills, interests, and
   knowledge, and may form loose sub-groups to focus on
   specific issues, topics, or problems
  Unfinished Artifacts –projects are continually under
   development, and therefore always unfinished;
  Common Property, Individual Rewards –
   contributors permit (non-commercial) community use,
   adaptation, and further development of their intellectual
   property, and are rewarded by the status capital they
   gain through this process
Case study: Open University UKʼs
   Development of Open Learn
          Rationale Opportunity:
               The risk of doing nothing when technology and globalization issues
               need to be addressed.
               A testbed for new technology and new ways of working
               way to work with external funders who share similar aims and
               A chance to learn how to draw on the world as a resource.

          Brand Promotion
               A route for outreach beyond our student body
               Demonstration of the quality of Open University materials in new

Social Learn: to devise means to put ourselves out of business -
before our competitors do!!
Open Learn Example             490 units
Denmark 2009
 Doesthis remind you of
the (short) history of
Knowledge Management??
Next evolution to Social Learn
     “For 3000 years education has made the learner adapt to
     the system. SocialLearn [1] aims to reverse this and make
     the education system adapt to the learner.”
     Make the formal informal, and the informal
     Web 2.0 tools, attitudes, learning designs

                         Martin Weller
Two-Way Use
  65,000  videos uploaded to
   YouTube every day
  Facebook and Myspace over 100
   million profiles
  Facebook 24 million photos
   uploaded daily
  50 million blogs, 50% written by
   under 19 year olds
      Scientific America 229(3) 2008 &
      FaceBook Home

   My presentation at ECEL 2007 in Copenhagen -
   maybe 200 in attendance F2F
  On Slideshare:
          2847 views | 4 comments | 6 favorites | 5 embeds
Creative Literacies driving Web 2.0:

     “The ability to experiment with
      technology in order to create and
      manipulate content that serves social
      goals rather than merely retrieving and
      absorbing information”
     p. 107 Burgess, J. (2006) Learning to Blog. Uses of
     Blogs Bruns &Jacobs
The Network for Social Change
                   “The internet is the greatest
                   organizational tool ever and both
                   the campaign — and, importantly,
                   the citizens themselves — used it to
                   organize supporters to get out and
                   support.” Jeff Jarvis, Obama election
Denmark 2009
Ethan Zuckerman (Global Voices) 2008
From a De-schooled society to a Learning
Society that embraces new models of
formal and informal learning
Steven Warburton, 2007
Social Learning Taxonomy of the Many



Dron and Anderson,
Social Learning Taxonomy of the Many


                                   Web 2.0


         Semantic Web Tools
Social Learning
     Each of us participates in Groups, Networks and Collectives.
     Learning is enhanced by exploiting the affordances of all three
     sources of social learning.
     Issues, memes, opportunities and learning activities arise at all
     three levels of granularity.
     Tools are designed and often work best at particular levels, but
     can always be appropriated

     Formalize the formal
     Informalize the formal (Martin Weller)
Choosing the right tool?


Your Institutions

     http://www.go2web20.net 2735 logos as of Jan 5, 2009
1. Formal Education and

   Classes, cohorts & collaboration
   Leads to Increases:
     completion rates,
     achievement
     satisfaction
   Cooperative projects forge strong links
   Familiar logistic challenges similar to
    institutional, campus-based learning
   Can operate ‘behind the garden wall” to allow
    freedom for expression and development
   Refuge for scholarship
Formal Learning and Groups
   Long history of research
   and study
  Established sets of tools
          Learning Management
          Synchronous (video &
          net conferencing)
     Need to development
     face to face, mediated
     and blended group
     learning skills
Groups as Communities of Practice
     Wengler’s ideas of Community of Practice
       mutual engagement – synchronous and notification tools
       joint enterprise – collaborative projects, “pass the course”
       a shared repertoire – common tools, LMS, IM and doc
Problems with Groups

      Restrictions in time, space, pace, &
      relationship - NOT OPEN
      Often overly confined by teacher
      expectation and institutional
      curriculum control
      Isolated from the authentic world of
      “low tolerance of internal difference,
      sexist and ethicized regulation, high              Relationships
      demand for obedience to its norms
      and exclusionary practices.” Cousin &
      Deepwell 2005                            Paulsen (1993)
      Group think (Baron, 2005)                Law of Cooperative Freedom
      Poor preparation for Lifelong Learning
      beyond the course
Challenges of using social software
 tools for group tasks
     Pacing and Deadlines
     Ownership and perseverance
2. Formal Learning with Networks
     Networks create and sustain links between individuals
     creating flexible communication and information spaces
     Networks link diversity, span boundaries, enable
     Each of us may belong to many networks
     Networks can connect self-paced and independent
     learners to cooperative study activities

     An integrated system of resources and people

    Provide resources from which students’ extract and
    contribute information
   In school one should learn to build, contribute
    to and manage one’s networks
   Transparency provides application and validation of
    information and skills developed in formal learning
   Provides role models for new students
   Networks last beyond the course - basis for
    ongoing support and advise from alumni and
    professional communities

”People who live in the intersection of
 social worlds are at higher risk of
 having good ideas” Burt, 2005, p. 90
Networks Create Social Capital
     Participation in multiple networks increases individual and
     group’s social capital by
          Bringing external knowledge to bear on internal problems,
          distributing innovative memes
          Bringing awareness of profound effect of local contexts
          Drawing analogies between contexts, using group language norms
          and cultural concepts
          Synthesizing knowledge from multiple perspectives
               Burt, 2006
          those with access and competence in divergent contexts more likely
          to gain power, respect, influence
          Social capital and social relationships “enlarge the concept of
          individualism to include the ability and obligation to work with others
          when the task demands it.” Edgar H. Schein, 1995
Networks of Practice
     Share common interest
     Self organizing
     No expectation of meeting or even knowing all members
     of the Network
     Little expectation of reciprocity
     Contribute for social capital, altruism and a sense of
     improving the world/practice through contribution

                        (Brown and Duguid, 2001)
Groups are Managed -
 Networks Emerge!

     Networks cannot be controlled like a group - requires
     new types of learning activity and leadership
     Meritocracy nor autocracy
     Need to both amplify and extinguish interactions
     Facilitate quality knowledge and artifact construction
     Stimulate emergent behaviours and adaptation

Building Networks of Practice in Education
     Motivation – marks, rewards, self and net efficacy
     Structural support
          Wireless access, mobile computing

     Cognitive skills – content + procedural, disclosure
     Social connections, reciprocity
          Spiral of social capital building
               Nahapiet & Ghoshal (1998)
Network Pedagogies
          Learning is network formation: adding new nodes, creating new
          paths between people and learning resources
          “Learning can reside outside of ourselves (within an
          organization or a database), is focused on connecting
          specialized information sets, and the connections that enable
          us to learn are more important than our current state of
          knowing.” Siemens, G. (2007)
          Learning in environments in which activities and outcomes
          emerge in response to authentic need creates powerful learning
          Learning at the edge of chaos
          Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education

Social Software works to facilitate and build
     Networks combine personalization with socialization
     creating transparency (Dalsgaard, 2008)
     Focus is on the individual’s spaces and the way they share
     and expose their space to others
          Reflections (blog)
          Tagged Resources (photos, links, tasks)
          Accomplishments (portfolio, artifacts)
          Sharing and growing interests and skills
          Finding friends, study buddies (profiles)
          Scheduling, coordinating
          Collaborative work spaces (wikis, doc sharing)

Network Tool Set (example)


     Stepanyan, Mather & Payne, 2007
Brainify.com Social tagging network for
The emerging politics of networks
     “Protocolgical struggles do not center
     around changing existing technologies
     but instead discovering holes in existent
     technologies and projecting change
     through these holes” Galloway and
     Thacker, 2007 p.81
     Network versus monolithic structures
     define new politics
          US Military versus Taliban
          Education - LMS versus PLEs
Networks force Individual Ownership and
     “Networks in contrast (to groups and communities) make
     no claims about the type and character of the links
     between nodes” Chris Jones, (2004)The conditions of
     learning in networks. Aalborg University
     This forces network participants to more actively engage
     in their own network development, off loading the
     responsibility from teachers and empowering learners to
     build and manage their own networks
quot;the network contains within it antagonistic clusterings,
   divergent sub-topologies, rogue nodesquot; Galloway and
  Thacker, 2007 p. 34

 “There is crack in
 everything, that's how
 the light gets in”
 Leonard Cohen

                Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/eeblet
Researching Educational Networks of
     How to sustain input beyond the course ?
     What type of privacy is needed to support and grow
     trust and provide sufficient privacy?
     Control and evaluation ?
     Appropriate tool sets ?

                                           E Whelan, 2007
3. Collectives: Harvesting the Wisdom of

3. Formal Education and

      “a kind of cyber-organism, formed from people linked
       algorithmically…it grows through the aggregation of
       Individual, Group and Networked activities” Dron
       and Anderson, 2007
     Collectives used to aggregate, then filter, compare, contrast and
     Personal and collaborative search and filter for learning
     Smart retrieval from the universal library of resources – human and
     learning objects
     Allows discovery and validation of norms, values, opinion and “ways of

Problem with very weak ties
     Information, communication and interaction with those
     we share very weak ties is likely of most value, because
     they have access to resources and connections that we
     do not. But they are also least likely to want to expend
     energy sharing their data.
     Collective applications work best when we contribute for
     our individual gain, affording harvesting for collective gain
     Ex. Social bookmarking
Collective Tools

Collective Examples: Determining our Effect
     Analysis of blog postings using semantic and matching
     Potential uses:
       uncover suicidal ideation
       mental health of the community
       understand evolving communication genres
       measure impact of popular memes
       understanding and predicting early adopters

See Mishne, & de Rijke (2006)
Capturing Global Mood Levels using Blog Posts
Collective Example:
 Terry’s Store at Amazon

Drachsler, H., Hummel, G., & Koper, R. (2009). Identifying the Goal, User model and Conditions
of Recommender Systems for Formal and Informal Learning. Journal of Digital Information, 10(2)
Explicit recommender systems:


Collective filtering of stories and comments
     Customizable by individuals to set quality of comments
     Needs critical mass essential but demonstrates how
     informed readers collectively filter for each other
     “6,000 or 7,000 comments on a busy day that other
     people write (and review) and just a dozen stories of just
     a paragraph or two that we actually generate,” Rob Malda,
     Founder Slashdot
Denmark 2009
Collective Examples for Educational
   Artifact Ranking systems: Google Search; CitULike;
  Tag Clouds
  Recommendation Systems:
  Wikis: Contributions from the crowd
  Folksonomies: Bottom up classification systems
  Voting and auctions
  Prediction Markets
  Net based psychology and sociology
Hive mind? Borgs?
 Group consciousness?
      Collectively managing planet Earth
      What does it mean to be aware of each other?

Collectives operate as mirrors to monitor and learn from
our collective selves (Spivack, 2006)
Are We what we click?
     “If you want to understand
     the new connected world and
     how we choose to live in it,
     Look no further than our
     Internet behaviour; after all,
     we are what we clickquot; p 203”
     Tancer, (2008)
     Behaviours (online searches,
     paths etc.) viewed collectively
     offer powerful insights into
     human behaviour
Collectives, Privacy & Identity
     Best way to protect personal integrity is by creating a
     robust but realistic web presence.
     Your actions are being mined, best to be a miner rather
     than a lump of coal!
     Active social net users are more socially active and
     integrated than non users (Ellison, Steinfield, & Lampe,
     Use of Blogs reduces feelings of alienation and isolation
     among online learners (Dickey, 2004)
      When perceived interest and benefits increase,
     willingness to provide personal data increases (Dinev &
     Hart, 2006)
Learning Resources

Calendar                  Resources
Assignments               Course and social
Grades                    Communities
Learning Resources



Calendar                  Resources
Assignments               Course and social
Grades                    Communities
Can the Crowd Learn to Teach and to
  School  is not the primary learning
   context. By using all the resources of
   places, groups, networks and collectives
   we prepares students for a life and a love
   of learning.
  Are these the tools that allow us to really
   development Knowledge Management
   and this time use with our students?
“The class is not the primary
     learning event. It is life itself that is
     the main learning event. Schools,
     classrooms, and training sessions
     still have a role to play in this
     vision, but they have to be in the
     service of the learning that happens
     in the world.

        Etienne Wenger
quot;He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes;
  he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”

                                 Chinese Proverb

Your comments and questions most
                       Terry Anderson terrya@athabascau.ca
                                         Slides on Slideshare

                                  Blog: terrya.edubogs.org
Network Politics
     The mere existence of this multiplicity of
     nodes in no way implies an inherently,
     ecumenical or equalitarian orderquot;. P. 13
     Galloway and Thacker, 2007
     Networks used to wage war on both
     states and terrorist resistance

     The more the West continues to perfect
     itself as a monolith of pure, smooth power,
     the greater the chance of a single
     asymmetrical attack penetrating straight to
     the heart” p. 17
Internet Singularity

                            Ability to Analyze              Ability to Create
                            the Online World                Digital Artifacts

        “ Primary cause is claimed to be ubiquitous computing,
         democratization of computing resources, and iterative processes
         of creation and discovery becoming continuous.”
Gary William Flake
Microsoft / MSN http://flakenstein.net/lib/flake-singularity.ppt

More Related Content

Denmark 2009

  • 1. Learning and Teaching: Beyond the Course to Networks and Collectives Knowledge Media Conference 2009 January 19 – 20, 2009 Centre for IT & Learning, Aarhus University Denmark Terry Anderson, PhD Professor and Canada Research Chair in Distance Education
  • 2.   “Canada is a great country, much too cold for common sense, inhabited by compassionate and intelligent people with bad haircuts”. Yann Martel, Life of Pi, 2002.  
  • 4. Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada Fastest growing university in Canada 34,000 students, 700 courses 100% distance education Graduate and Athabasca University Undergraduate programs *  Athabasca University Master & Doctorate – Distance Education Only USA Regionally Accredited University in Canada
  • 5. Canada and Denmark to Go to War!!
  • 6. Secret Battle Tactics Revealed “Denmark’s Minister for Greenland   immediately flew to the island where he raised a Danish flag and left a bottle of Denmark’s finest schnapps at its base. Thus began the battle of the bottles.   Subsequent Canadian and Danish visitors to the island took turns leaving bottles of their respective favourite libations, erecting their nation’s flag and removing that of their opponent. “ Canadian Geographic 2005 Current economic crisis makes   Canada wonder if they can afford cost of armaments.
  • 9. Presentation Overview Context for Learning – Open 1.  Resources A way to conceptualize Net Tools – 2.  Taxonomy of the Many Your Comments and questions 3. 
  • 10. All of Human Knowledge Imagine a world in which every single person is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing. – Terry Foote, Wikipedia
  • 11. Open Education Resources (OER) Vision + Affordance “At the heart of the open educational resources   movement is the simple and powerful idea that; the world’s knowledge is a public good in general   the World Wide Web provides an extraordinary   opportunity for everyone to share, use, and reuse that knowledge.” Hewlett Foundation Smith, & Casserly. The promise of open educational resources. Change 38(5): 8–17, 2006
  • 12. OER Granularity Diagrams, photos   Articles (Open access publications)   Games, simulations, activities   Units of learning (IMS LD)   Units and courses   Programs  
  • 13. OER’s are Open (Mostly) Meaning you can:   Augment   Edit   Customize   Aggregate and Mashup   Reformat   Re-published   But they need to be licensed –   not just put online   See Scott Leslie’s 10 minute video at http://www.edtechpost.ca/gems/opened.htm
  • 14. A Tale of 3 books E-Learning for the Open Access Commercial 21st Century 100,000 downloads & publisher Commercial Pub. 1200 sold @ Individual chapters 934 copies sold at $135.00 $52.00 500 hardcopies sold @ 2,000 copies in $50.00 Buy at Amazon!! Arabic Translation Free at aupress.org @ $8.
  • 15. Expresso Book Machine Binding: Perfect-bound books,   indistinguishable from the http://www.youtube.com/   bookstore copy. watch? Page-Count: 40 to 830 pages. v=OIq0VqF0MnA&feature=rela   ted Speed: A 300-page book in less   than 4 minutes. File Format: Standard PDF for   book block and cover. Books can be downloaded   from the web, or in person from CDs, flash drives, etc. Core-Unit Dimensions: 3.8 feet   wide, 2.7 feet deep, 4.5 feet high. Core-Unit Weight: 800 pounds.   Reading Green - “Each of the books printed and sold… will save 5.8 kilograms in carbon emissions,”. Kanter 2008
  • 16. Problems with OER Little take up by conventional teachers     Too little reward and recognition for authors   Too few learners by themselves actually engage with the content   Undeveloped business case   Too few teachers remix and repost content   Too difficult to upload, tag and share Solution?? Vibrant communities of Produsers??
  • 17. Our own Experiment: Course development based on OER’s 4 Athabasca University courses:   Nursing,   Communications (Theatre)   English for Business, &   Educ. Tech   Vastly different results   Critical variable was the attitude of the developer(s)   Christiansen, J., & Anderson, T. (2004) Feasibility of course development based on learning objects: Research analysis of three case studies. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Education,
  • 18. What is missing? Culture of development,   sharing and remix Network Solutions   Social Software   affordances Easy to use Tools  
  • 19. The Political Economy of Peer Production: Michael Bauwens “produce use-value through the free cooperation of   producers who have access to distributed capital a 'third mode of production' different from for-profit   or public production by state-owned enterprises. Its product is not exchange value for a market, but   but use-value for a community of users www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499
  • 20. Prod-Users - From production to produsage - Axel Bruns (2008) Users become active participants in the production of   artifacts: Examples:     Open source movement   Wikipedia   Citizen journalism (blogs)   Immersive worlds   Distributed creativity - music, video, Flickr
  • 21. Produsage Principles produsage.org Community-Based –the community as a whole can   contribute more than a closed team of producers.   Fluid Heterarcy – produsers participate as is appropriate to their personal skills, interests, and knowledge, and may form loose sub-groups to focus on specific issues, topics, or problems   Unfinished Artifacts –projects are continually under development, and therefore always unfinished;   Common Property, Individual Rewards – contributors permit (non-commercial) community use, adaptation, and further development of their intellectual property, and are rewarded by the status capital they gain through this process
  • 22. Case study: Open University UKʼs Development of Open Learn openlearn.open.ac.uk Rationale Opportunity:   The risk of doing nothing when technology and globalization issues   need to be addressed. A testbed for new technology and new ways of working   way to work with external funders who share similar aims and   ideals A chance to learn how to draw on the world as a resource.   Brand Promotion   A route for outreach beyond our student body   Demonstration of the quality of Open University materials in new   regions. Social Learn: to devise means to put ourselves out of business - before our competitors do!!
  • 23. Open Learn Example 490 units http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/
  • 25.  Doesthis remind you of the (short) history of Knowledge Management??
  • 26. Next evolution to Social Learn “For 3000 years education has made the learner adapt to   the system. SocialLearn [1] aims to reverse this and make the education system adapt to the learner.” Make the formal informal, and the informal   formal. Web 2.0 tools, attitudes, learning designs   http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/sociallearn/ Martin Weller
  • 27. Two-Way Use   65,000 videos uploaded to YouTube every day   Facebook and Myspace over 100 million profiles   Facebook 24 million photos uploaded daily   50 million blogs, 50% written by under 19 year olds Scientific America 229(3) 2008 &   FaceBook Home
  • 28. Example My presentation at ECEL 2007 in Copenhagen -   maybe 200 in attendance F2F   On Slideshare: 2847 views | 4 comments | 6 favorites | 5 embeds  
  • 29. Creative Literacies driving Web 2.0: “The ability to experiment with technology in order to create and manipulate content that serves social goals rather than merely retrieving and absorbing information” p. 107 Burgess, J. (2006) Learning to Blog. Uses of Blogs Bruns &Jacobs
  • 30. The Network for Social Change “The internet is the greatest   organizational tool ever and both the campaign — and, importantly, the citizens themselves — used it to organize supporters to get out and support.” Jeff Jarvis, Obama election commentary
  • 32. Ethan Zuckerman (Global Voices) 2008
  • 33. From a De-schooled society to a Learning Society that embraces new models of formal and informal learning
  • 35. Social Learning Taxonomy of the Many Network Group Collective Dron and Anderson, 2007 35
  • 36. Social Learning Taxonomy of the Many LMS Network Group Web 2.0 Tools Collective Semantic Web Tools
  • 37. Social Learning Each of us participates in Groups, Networks and Collectives.   Learning is enhanced by exploiting the affordances of all three   sources of social learning. Issues, memes, opportunities and learning activities arise at all   three levels of granularity. Tools are designed and often work best at particular levels, but   can always be appropriated Formalize the formal   Informalize the formal (Martin Weller)  
  • 38. Choosing the right tool? OR Your Institutions LMS http://www.go2web20.net 2735 logos as of Jan 5, 2009
  • 39. 1. Formal Education and Groups:   Classes, cohorts & collaboration   Leads to Increases:  completion rates,  achievement  satisfaction   Cooperative projects forge strong links   Familiar logistic challenges similar to institutional, campus-based learning   Can operate ‘behind the garden wall” to allow freedom for expression and development   Refuge for scholarship
  • 40. Formal Learning and Groups Long history of research   and study   Established sets of tools Classrooms,   Learning Management   Systems Synchronous (video &   net conferencing) Email   Need to development   face to face, mediated and blended group learning skills
  • 41. Groups as Communities of Practice Wengler’s ideas of Community of Practice     mutual engagement – synchronous and notification tools   joint enterprise – collaborative projects, “pass the course”   a shared repertoire – common tools, LMS, IM and doc sharing
  • 42. Problems with Groups Restrictions in time, space, pace, &   relationship - NOT OPEN Often overly confined by teacher   expectation and institutional curriculum control Isolated from the authentic world of   practice “low tolerance of internal difference,   sexist and ethicized regulation, high Relationships demand for obedience to its norms and exclusionary practices.” Cousin & Deepwell 2005 Paulsen (1993) Group think (Baron, 2005) Law of Cooperative Freedom   Poor preparation for Lifelong Learning   beyond the course
  • 43. Challenges of using social software tools for group tasks Control   Pacing and Deadlines   Support   Privacy   Assessment   Ownership and perseverance  
  • 44. 2. Formal Learning with Networks Networks create and sustain links between individuals   creating flexible communication and information spaces Networks link diversity, span boundaries, enable   communication Each of us may belong to many networks   Networks can connect self-paced and independent   learners to cooperative study activities Network: An integrated system of resources and people 44
  • 45. Networks Provide resources from which students’ extract and   contribute information   In school one should learn to build, contribute to and manage one’s networks   Transparency provides application and validation of information and skills developed in formal learning   Provides role models for new students   Networks last beyond the course - basis for ongoing support and advise from alumni and professional communities 45
  • 46. ”People who live in the intersection of social worlds are at higher risk of having good ideas” Burt, 2005, p. 90
  • 47. Networks Create Social Capital Participation in multiple networks increases individual and   group’s social capital by Bringing external knowledge to bear on internal problems,   distributing innovative memes Bringing awareness of profound effect of local contexts   Drawing analogies between contexts, using group language norms   and cultural concepts Synthesizing knowledge from multiple perspectives   Burt, 2006   those with access and competence in divergent contexts more likely   to gain power, respect, influence Social capital and social relationships “enlarge the concept of   individualism to include the ability and obligation to work with others when the task demands it.” Edgar H. Schein, 1995
  • 48. Networks of Practice Distributed   Share common interest   Self organizing   Open   No expectation of meeting or even knowing all members   of the Network Little expectation of reciprocity   Contribute for social capital, altruism and a sense of   improving the world/practice through contribution (Brown and Duguid, 2001)
  • 49. Groups are Managed - Networks Emerge! Networks cannot be controlled like a group - requires   new types of learning activity and leadership Meritocracy nor autocracy   Need to both amplify and extinguish interactions   Facilitate quality knowledge and artifact construction   Stimulate emergent behaviours and adaptation   49
  • 50. Building Networks of Practice in Education Motivation – marks, rewards, self and net efficacy   Structural support   Wireless access, mobile computing   Cognitive skills – content + procedural, disclosure   Social connections, reciprocity   Spiral of social capital building   Nahapiet & Ghoshal (1998)  
  • 51. Network Pedagogies Connectivism   Learning is network formation: adding new nodes, creating new   paths between people and learning resources “Learning can reside outside of ourselves (within an   organization or a database), is focused on connecting specialized information sets, and the connections that enable us to learn are more important than our current state of knowing.” Siemens, G. (2007) Complexity   Learning in environments in which activities and outcomes   emerge in response to authentic need creates powerful learning opportunities Learning at the edge of chaos   Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education   51
  • 52. Social Software works to facilitate and build Networks Networks combine personalization with socialization   creating transparency (Dalsgaard, 2008) Focus is on the individual’s spaces and the way they share   and expose their space to others Reflections (blog)   Tagged Resources (photos, links, tasks)   Accomplishments (portfolio, artifacts)   Sharing and growing interests and skills   Finding friends, study buddies (profiles)   Scheduling, coordinating   Collaborative work spaces (wikis, doc sharing)   52
  • 53. Network Tool Set (example) Text Text 53 Stepanyan, Mather & Payne, 2007
  • 54. Brainify.com Social tagging network for students
  • 55. The emerging politics of networks “Protocolgical struggles do not center   around changing existing technologies but instead discovering holes in existent technologies and projecting change through these holes” Galloway and Thacker, 2007 p.81 Network versus monolithic structures   define new politics US Military versus Taliban   Education - LMS versus PLEs  
  • 56. Networks force Individual Ownership and Construction “Networks in contrast (to groups and communities) make   no claims about the type and character of the links between nodes” Chris Jones, (2004)The conditions of learning in networks. Aalborg University This forces network participants to more actively engage   in their own network development, off loading the responsibility from teachers and empowering learners to build and manage their own networks
  • 57. quot;the network contains within it antagonistic clusterings, divergent sub-topologies, rogue nodesquot; Galloway and   Thacker, 2007 p. 34 “There is crack in everything, that's how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/eeblet /423397690/
  • 58. Researching Educational Networks of Practice How to sustain input beyond the course ?   What type of privacy is needed to support and grow   trust and provide sufficient privacy? Control and evaluation ?   Appropriate tool sets ?   E Whelan, 2007
  • 59. 3. Collectives: Harvesting the Wisdom of Crowds 59
  • 60. 3. Formal Education and Collectives “a kind of cyber-organism, formed from people linked algorithmically…it grows through the aggregation of Individual, Group and Networked activities” Dron and Anderson, 2007 Collectives used to aggregate, then filter, compare, contrast and   recommend. Personal and collaborative search and filter for learning   Smart retrieval from the universal library of resources – human and   learning objects Allows discovery and validation of norms, values, opinion and “ways of   understanding” 60
  • 61. Problem with very weak ties Information, communication and interaction with those   we share very weak ties is likely of most value, because they have access to resources and connections that we do not. But they are also least likely to want to expend energy sharing their data. Collective applications work best when we contribute for   our individual gain, affording harvesting for collective gain Ex. Social bookmarking  
  • 63. Collective Examples: Determining our Effect Analysis of blog postings using semantic and matching   techniques Potential uses: uncover suicidal ideation mental health of the community understand evolving communication genres measure impact of popular memes understanding and predicting early adopters See Mishne, & de Rijke (2006) Capturing Global Mood Levels using Blog Posts 63
  • 64. Collective Example: Terry’s Store at Amazon Drachsler, H., Hummel, G., & Koper, R. (2009). Identifying the Goal, User model and Conditions of Recommender Systems for Formal and Informal Learning. Journal of Digital Information, 10(2)
  • 66. Collective filtering of stories and comments   Customizable by individuals to set quality of comments   displayed Needs critical mass essential but demonstrates how   informed readers collectively filter for each other “6,000 or 7,000 comments on a busy day that other   people write (and review) and just a dozen stories of just a paragraph or two that we actually generate,” Rob Malda, Founder Slashdot
  • 68. Collective Examples for Educational Application Artifact Ranking systems: Google Search; CitULike;     Tag Clouds   Recommendation Systems:   Wikis: Contributions from the crowd   Folksonomies: Bottom up classification systems   Voting and auctions   Prediction Markets   Net based psychology and sociology
  • 69. Hive mind? Borgs? Group consciousness? Collectively managing planet Earth   What does it mean to be aware of each other?   Collectives operate as mirrors to monitor and learn from our collective selves (Spivack, 2006) 69
  • 70. Are We what we click? “If you want to understand   the new connected world and how we choose to live in it, Look no further than our Internet behaviour; after all, we are what we clickquot; p 203” Tancer, (2008) Behaviours (online searches,   paths etc.) viewed collectively offer powerful insights into human behaviour
  • 71. Collectives, Privacy & Identity Best way to protect personal integrity is by creating a   robust but realistic web presence. Your actions are being mined, best to be a miner rather   than a lump of coal! Active social net users are more socially active and   integrated than non users (Ellison, Steinfield, & Lampe, 2007) Use of Blogs reduces feelings of alienation and isolation   among online learners (Dickey, 2004) When perceived interest and benefits increase,   willingness to provide personal data increases (Dinev & Hart, 2006)
  • 72. Learning Resources Net Blogs E-portfolios Calendar Resources Assignments Course and social Grades Communities syllabus
  • 73. Learning Resources Collectives Net GROUPS Blogs E-portfolios Calendar Resources Assignments Course and social Grades Communities syllabus NETWORKS
  • 74. Can the Crowd Learn to Teach and to Learn?   School is not the primary learning context. By using all the resources of places, groups, networks and collectives we prepares students for a life and a love of learning.   Are these the tools that allow us to really development Knowledge Management and this time use with our students?
  • 75. “The class is not the primary   learning event. It is life itself that is the main learning event. Schools, classrooms, and training sessions still have a role to play in this vision, but they have to be in the service of the learning that happens in the world. Etienne Wenger  
  • 76. quot;He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” Chinese Proverb Your comments and questions most welcomed! Terry Anderson terrya@athabascau.ca Slides on Slideshare Blog: terrya.edubogs.org
  • 77. Network Politics The mere existence of this multiplicity of   nodes in no way implies an inherently, ecumenical or equalitarian orderquot;. P. 13 Galloway and Thacker, 2007 Networks used to wage war on both   states and terrorist resistance The more the West continues to perfect   itself as a monolith of pure, smooth power, the greater the chance of a single asymmetrical attack penetrating straight to the heart” p. 17
  • 78. Internet Singularity Human Knowledge Ability to Analyze Ability to Create the Online World Digital Artifacts “ Primary cause is claimed to be ubiquitous computing, democratization of computing resources, and iterative processes of creation and discovery becoming continuous.” Gary William Flake Microsoft / MSN http://flakenstein.net/lib/flake-singularity.ppt