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Descriptive Essay About First
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Descriptive Essay About First Love Descriptive Essay About First Love
Zen Monk
Soko Morinaga was a Japanese liberal arts student who called up to the front line during World
War II. At that time, he lost his parents, family s land, and his trust in the world. Soko idled away
his time for some days and decided to go to Zen temples. First, Soko went to meet Goto Zuigan
Roshi, Master of Daishuin temple. After his master training him with trust, he retook his trust for
others, especially for Master Roshi. Also, he made a vow to his master that to become a Zenmonk.
Then, Soko went to Daitokuji monastery. After few days of ordeal, Soko was allowed to enter to
Daitokuji monastery. Soko had hard training and became a monk at Daitokuji monastery. At
DaitokujiпјЊMaster Zuigan showed the meaning of trust for Soko. Trust can be categorized into
three classes: trust in the world, trust in others, and self confidence. In the essay My Struggle To
Become A Zen Monk, by introduced theme of trust and how it relates to the human problem of
social trust.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He thought his teacher was silly because he even didn t know who his teacher is and he couldn t
put his whole trust in him. Nevertheless, to be allowed to stay was the most important thing to
him so he lied to his teacher that he trusted him. The first task that his teacher gave him was to
sweep the garden. After he swept a mountain of leaves,he asked his teacher where should he put
the rubbish. However, his teacher got angry that he didn t think the leaves are rubbish. Also Soko
doubt his teacher s opinion that leaves were not rubbish. (Soko.16) Lacked of mutual trust
between the Roshi and the Roshi same as the distrust of people, the impacted of social
development, obstructed the social and moral from developing, and brought about a series of social
problems, affected long period of
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The Case Of The Tronie Foundation
For more than 15 years, we have been advocating on behalf of those at risk of exploitation. The
Tronie Foundation is a survivor led global organization, now bringing together a new team of
partners for supply chain compliance and sustainability. Through our United Nations General
Assembly speeches, we have advised more than 150 countries on the solutions to protecting children
around the world. Through our Global Survivor Network, we have worked with survivors in 5
continents and in approximately 20 countries. Our Constitution guarantees these rights and the
Supreme Court has ruled that wherever the Constitution is silent and the legislature has not made a
law, those International Covenants to which India is a signatory may be enforced... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Human Rights Commission receives the complaint from the victim or any person on his
behalf and inquires into the violation of human rights and also into the negligence of the
authorities in preventing such violation. Human Rights plays a role in everyone s life, but not
everyone realizes it. It s involved in every comment you make that includes someone different.
Every near discriminatory joke you say. It affects people, even if it doesn t affect you. Human
rights means being able to hold hands with the person you love, work where you re qualified to
work without your skin colour or sexual orientation being the reason you can t; it means having the
right to be human, making choices and mistakes. Everyday I hear comments being made about this
being gay and other comments about that being retarded. There are an estimated 1,019,729 words
in the English language. What I don t understand is why these words are chosen to describe
something meagre or something that lacks quality. Society has gotten to the point where people
think it doesn t matter what they say, that they think their comments and hate don t affect other
people. Humans are often hurtful towards each other, but I believe we all were born with the
innate of compassion and love. These days, I see parents showing their kids what to think instead
of how to think. I see people not being able to marry someone they love because they are the same
gender, even though it is
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The Weight of “Nothing” in King Lear by William Shakespeare
The Weight of Nothing in King Lear Though the word nothing connotes insignificance and
emptiness when taken out of context, it feels like one of the most significant and loaded words
in King Lear. This one word becomes a critical tool to help us reflect on the development of
characters and their relationships to one another throughout the play. The word nothing appears
to play a crucial role in defining the relationship between Lear and Cordelia, and consequently
has an immense impact on the fate and transformation of Lear. Nothing also helps draw a
parallel between Lear and Edgar, and is used by the Fool as more than just a means to inject
cryptic wit. Because the word nothing seems central to the play s conflicts and, as a result,
permeates the plot and development of characters, this response will draw out the word s
significance by examining some instances in which it appears in each act. Our first significant
encounter with nothing happens when Lear says to Cordelia, Strive to be interest. What can you
say, to draw / A third more opulent than your sisters ? Speak (I.i.85) and Cordelia responds,
Nothing my lord (I.i.87). Lear repeats, Nothing? and Cordelia confirms, Nothing, to which Lear
responds, Nothing will come of nothing; speak again (I.i.88 90). When Lear says Nothing will
come of nothing, he is essentially determining that Cordelia will not receive anything from him if
her response does not change; but it seems that what Cordelia means
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Human Failings And God s Plan Of Redemption
The Old Covenant is a compilation of testimonies and instructions given to all of Israel. They had
been instructed by God s servants and had witnessed numerous divine miracles from God, yet they
failed to live up to their end of the bargain. This overview will show us a pattern of human failings
and God s plan of redemption.
In the beginning was God, God creates the universe, he creates Adam and Eve and institutes
marriage . Satan tempts Adam and Eve, who then falls into sin, for the wages of sin is death.
The Lord God made clothes out of animal skins for Adam and his wife to wear and graciously
pronounced upon all creation a curse for which he has provided the cure. Pronouncing a son, who
will crush the head of Satan who is depicted as a serpent.
One of the most significant examples of God s redemptive plan is introduced through Abraham.
God promises to give Abraham his own land and to make him a father of a great nation through
his descendants. His wife Sarah was also old and had always been barren. However God insisted
that Sarah would bear a son to Abraham and his name would be Isaac. Through the promise and
power of God, Isaac was indeed born to them. In time, Isaac begot Jacob who became known by the
name Israel. He fathered 12 sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel were descended. They are
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad, Asher, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan and Naphtali.
Joseph s brothers sold him into slavery and he ends
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Feedback Is Essential For Effective Teaching Essay
To be sure that the message (knowledge of the subject) has reached the students (the receiver) with
the same meaning, purpose and intention as was desired, the teacher has to get some
acknowledgement from the students. Feedback is the process that ensures this. This can take the
form of a mod, an acknowledgement, or doing something as expected by the students. Feedback
provides a learning opportunity to the teacher and the students both as it mirrors where the
communication has gaps or inadequacies indicating the corrective action to be taken. In case of
classroom teaching such feedback is essential for effective teaching. On the other hand if students
act in conformity with the communicated items, they also need to know this from the teacher.
This kind of feedback loop is the most essential principle of effective teaching. Positive and
negative both kinds of feedback are necessary. They should, however be focused on specific action
rather than on the individual student. Comments related to behavior are accepted more easily than
those relating to an individual personality, attitudes, feelings etc. But it is necessary to tell the
students where they are wrong. If they are not told this, the wrongs may perpetuate. Feedback,
which is provided Here and Now is more meaningful than the delayed one. It is more effective to
provide a feedback as a way of sharing information rather than insisting on the right way of doing
things. For that reason the teacher
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Research Paper On The Milkmaid
The milkmaid is an oil on canvas of 45.5 x 41 cm by the famous Dutch painter Johannes
Vermeer. The maid is standing in a plain scullery type room carefully pouring milk into an
earthenware container sitting on a small table next to a still life arrangement of stale bread pieces
and a full bread basket. From the way that the maid dresses up, I think The Milkmaid prescribes a
woman in the middle class.
The artist uses almost all implied lines. Taking the faceof the milkmaid as a starting point, it is
important to focus on the light coming from the window and reflecting directly upon her face in
shadows and pale scales therefore, creating an effect of three dimensionality. It makes the viewers
focus what the maid is doing: pouring milk. Then we will see a line between the milk vessel and
the bread. I also see a line from the bread basket in the left foreground to the maid s head. These
lines intersect at the maid s wrist, which lead us to the action that she is doing. Other lines in the
work are the window and framework, the edge of the table, the outline of the woman s clothes,
and the bottom of the wall. These implied lines are less important than the line from the maid
eyes. If you take a closer look, you will see a parallel line between the slant of the basket to her
diagonal slant of her arm and head.
The milkmaid is an oil on canvas of 45.5 x 41 cm by the famous Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer.
The maid is standing in a plain scullery type room carefully pouring milk
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The Integration Of Robotics And Artificial Intelligence
The industrial revolution period through the recent technological revolution brought immeasurable
changes in how society approaches tasks and jobs. The transformations brought by automation and
technology integration in the workplace elicits different views and exaggeration on the future of
human labor. The job market is getting more concerned about the future that on a greater extent
depends on the creative and innovative minds of the vibrant technology experts (Kelly). Most of
current manual jobs, especially in the assembly category get a massive replacement of machinery
like robots that receive continuous upgrading to improve flexibility and ease of task handling. The
critical element of thinking demonstrated by humans gets adopted in robotics and automation by
the developments intensified in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The fear of robots taking over
human tasks should get dismissed because the adoption of new technology elevates innovation
levels that create alternative jobs in various sectors of the economy hence employment (Kelly).
The integration of robotics and artificial intelligence in the human tasks benefits society to a great
extent by simplifying tasks, handling previously dirty tasks, and creating new jobs. The use of
robots will initially displace human labor, but at the expense of a simplistic solution to task
handling. The assembly line workers will be partially replaced by robots if they lack the basic
training required to manage and supervise
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The Effect Of Fast Track System On Emergency Department...
Introduction In this paper I will discuss efficacy of fast track system in emergency department
across Ontario, that will influence patient satisfaction, and also identifies practices that can be used
in the Emergency Department. It also provides ways of promising strategies to help Emergency
Departments address patient satisfaction issues more effectively. Each hospitalcan identify critical
issues and processes and choose strategies to support local needs. By introducing the fast track
process in a hospital, it caters for the patients who have critical conditions and can be attended to
within a very short period. It ends up reducing the extensive waiting time in the emergency room
and improves the flow of the patients who come through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The fast track system can be employed at various stages to check for potential outcomes and other
implementations in the healthcare industry. On the operation stage, the system can be used to
analyze the various outcomes of patient flow study. At the strategic stage, fast track system can be
used to monitor the financial gains of an organization and evaluate its commercial health. On the
national stage, it can be used to observe the government programs that address the reduction of
wait time for the patients in the ED s. At the operational stage, it aims to present a concrete
analysis of an ED that exists within a fast track system. Introducing the fast track system was
meant to reduce the wait times in the ED (Yoon, 2003). Reducing the time would allow the increase
of the numbers of patients who come in, get treated, and discharged. It ends up increasing the
efficiency and effectiveness of the ED. Increasing the effectiveness and its capacity makes it
possible for more patients to be examined and treated because there is more time in the system. For
example, at the Grand River Hospital, there are several initiatives that are already in place that are
targeting to reduce the staying duration of the patient in the ED. These initiatives include having
nurse practitioners in the emergency department, having a specific fast track area, emergency
medical rules that permit nurses to start on
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Art Vs Old Art
Art is a good way for people to relax and admire the power of human creativity, a lot of pieces of
art will make you agape at the beauty of it. However, old art pieces created centuries ago are
starting to fall apart. Scientific studies are being conducted on each piece of art trying to figure
out how exactly the artist created these masterpieces, and to possibly find a way to stop them
from withering away, and to keep them around for many more centuries to come and so many
more generations of people can see. Science has some part in everything, even art. There are
many different ways science is involved in art, they can conduct a study on what people like in
art to try make a new masterpiece, or why people are so infatuated with the older pieces.
However, this is not the main studies on art. Old art is falling apart and we need to find a way to
fix it. A group of scientists from Italy have started a program called MOLAB in which they go to
art galleries across the world and study art pieces. They have looked at countless pieces across the
world, and have figured out the many different colors in some art pieces which can range to about
600 different colors; they also find out how many layers of paint are on one paintingor on one
specific spot. Jason Palmer, a scientist working for MOLAB was working on a newer painting
called Victory Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian said this painting is definitely one of the newest
pieces of work i ve ever looked at, it is very bright
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Analysis Of Bobbi And The Strays
Bobbi and the Strays is a not for profit organization dealing with animal welfare. The mission of
the organization is to provide humane care and service to all orphaned, stray, abused and special
needs cats or dogs. The field research focuses on expenses of the organization. The Better Business
Bureau sets standards for charitable organizations to up hold, the following is an overview of
standards dealing with expenses: Standard 11 requires the organization s annual financial statements
have to be prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: o If total annual
gross incomeexceeds $500,000 these statements have to be audited o If the annual gross income is
less than $500,000 it is sufficient enough the statements... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since the organization spent less than 35% the standards requirement was met.
Standard 12 requires a breakdown of expenses to be included in the financial statements. o The
breakdown should be detailed, showing what portion of the expenses was allocated to program,
fund raising and administrative activities. o If the organization has more than one major program
service activity than the detailed breakdown of expenses should include a separate expense
category for each major program. o If solely IRS Form 990 is provided by the organization, it is
sufficient enough to fulfill this standard, only if the organization has one major program activity.
Bobbi and the Strays is an organization with only one major program activity, which is providing
rescue and care for stray animals. According to the standard since Bobbi and the Stray has only
one major program service activity than it is sufficient for the organization to provide IRS Form
990 and fulfill this standard. As previously mentioned in standard 11, Form 990 has included a
breakdown of expenses in Part IX, which also fulfills the conditions under standard
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How Does The Statue Of Liberty Benefit The Economy
The Statue of Liberty, located in New York city, NY, has represented America as a free country
for years, but it is now threatened by deterioration. Lady Liberty is symbolic to millions and
helps America s economy, so it is time for us to return the favor and work to preserve it. Losing
the Statue of Liberty would mean losing the benefit that it gives to America s economy. Lady
Liberty benefits the economy by generating employment options. The statue supports more than
2,000 jobs, as mentioned on Cnn.com. All of these jobs would be lost if Lady Liberty wore
down, whereas more occupations would be created if construction began on the statue. The Statue
of Liberty also provides money for America. Cnn.com states Liberty Island generates nearly 200
million dollars each year. This money comes from tours, ferry rides, restaurants, hotels, et cetera.
Over time, the expense it would take to preserve the statue could be made back through the money
it brings in. We clearly cannot afford to allow the Statue of Liberty to deteriorate.... Show more
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It represents the immigrants who, the United States National Park Service website writes,
envisioned a better life for themselves. Many immigrants, such as Isabel and Clara Belarsky,
worried that after coming all this way, they would not flourish in this new country, but, even for
just a moment, that worry was relieved when they saw Lady Liberty, promising freedom success.
If the Statue of Liberty deteriorates, all of the stories and memories of immigrants coming to the
United States that it holds would disappear as well. The Statue of Liberty also symbolizes America s
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Bsiness Strategy of Pepsico
Submitted to:Submitted By:
Prof. Sanjany SharanPrashant Sharma Parul Kapoor Mohit Madan Prerna Gupta Murali Krishna
(Section A) (Group 10) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
We take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards Mr. Sanjay Sharan, Department of
Marketing, IBS, Hyderabad. We are indebted to him for the expertise and invaluable guidance we
have received while working on this project.
Introduction ........................................................................................... 1
PESTEL Analysis ......................................................................................6 SWOT
PORTER ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
* Political conditions, especially in international markets, including civil unrest, government
changes and restrictions on the ability to transfer capital across borders. * Their ability to penetrate
developing and emerging markets, which also depends on economic and political conditions, and
how well they are able to acquire or form strategic business alliances with local bottlers and make
necessary infrastructure enhancements to production facilities, distribution networks, sales
equipment and technology
Economic * The companies are subject to the harvest of the raw material that they use in their
snack foods, soft drink and juice, like corn, oranges, grapefruit, vegetables, potatoes, etc. Because of
they rely on trucks to move and distribute many of their products, fuel is also an important subject,
so they are subject to the fuel price fluctuation, and to possible fuel crisis. * Operating in
International Markets involves exposure to volatile movements in foreign exchange rates. The
economic impact of foreign exchange rates movements on them is complex because such changes
are often linked to variability in real growth, inflation, interest rates, governmental actions and other
factors. * PepsiCo is also subject to other economic factors like money supply, energy availability
and cost, business cycles, etc.
Sociocultural influences: * PepsiCo and moreover Pepsi is subject to the lifestyle changes, because
of it bases
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Nature and Authority of Sharia Law Essay
Nature and Authority of the Shari a
In technical terms it is a clearly defined way of following the guidance of God that was left as a
pattern for Islamic living by each of the messengers: Muhammad [SAW] left a Shari a left for
the Muslims that was based on the rules and regulations of the faith. We have seen this through
the way Muslims pray five times a day keep the fast, obtaining the five pillars. The Shari a is never
an arbitrary law made up by the prophets or by a vote ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A mujtahid is an Islamic scholar who is competent to interpret sharia by Ijtihad.
The Qur an commands Ijithad in early Islam as it was the common practice and later it was
combined with early Islamic philosophy. Slowly it fell out of practice in the Sunni fiqh for many
A western scholar called Joseph Schacht stated that the close of the door of Ijtihad had occurred by
the beginning for the 10th century.
Other scholars such as Wael Hallaq demonstrated that Ijtihad has remained an essential part of the
Sunni Muslim tradition, despite the emphasis on the taqlid. Hallaq wrote that a minority always
claimed that a properly qualified scholar must have the right to ijtihad at all times. Long after the
10th century the principles of ijtihad continued to be discussed in the Islamic legal literature.
Qiya s;
In Islamic jurisprudence, Qiya s is the process of deductive analogy in which the teachings of the
Hadith are compared and contrasted with those of the Qur an, in order to apply a known
injunction to a new circumstance and create a new injunction. The ruling of the Sunnah and the
Qur an may be used to solve or provide a response to a new problem that may arise. This, maybe
the only the case providing that the set precedent or paradigm and the new problem that has come
about will share operative causes (illah). Illah is the specific set of circumstances that trigger a
certain law into action.
Sunni Islam and Shia Islam share
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Health Effects Of High Intensity Interval Training On Type...
Many people suffer from type 2 diabetes, a type of metabolic disease (Curry et al., 2015; Hawley
Gibala, 2012). The prevalence of this disease has been increasing; one reason for this increase
could be increased consumption of food as well as decreased prevalence of physical activity
(Hawley Gibala, 2012). Patients with type 2 diabetes are not able to metabolise glucose properly
(Curry et al., 2015). Type 2 diabetes can cause patients to be very thirsty, excessively weary, and to
experience a broad variety of other symptoms (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). It is often treated with insulin
in order to help the body metabolise glucose (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). However, taking insulin can
result in weight gain (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). Fat of the abdomen can be an indicator of the
likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease in an individual with type 2 diabetes, which is
heavily correlated with type 2 diabetes (Siren, Eriksson, Vanhanen, 2012). In terms of lifestyle
choices, type 2 diabetes patients are often told to focus on diet, but are also encouraged to
increase frequency of physical activity (Alvarez et al., 2016; Hawley Gibala, 2012). Physical
activity has been shown to decrease the amount of deaths resulting from diabetes related causes
(Church et al., 2004). Increased physical activity has been shown to help glucose metabolism in
patients with type 2 diabetes (Curry et al., 2015). People who suffer
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Trust In Hamlet
Trust is an essential department of every relationship. A healthy relationship needs trust and
dependence on one another. Without trust, doubt and suspicions befall and tension arises between
two people. In the play, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, trust is crucial and very breakable. The
main character, Hamlet, is faced in a conflicting situation in which he begins to question the
motives of the people closest to him, after his father s death. He begins to doubt and suspect people
close to him like, his lover, Ophelia, and his university friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
Despite his keen trustissues, he forms a solid and unbreakable trust with his close friend, Horatio in
which he is the only person Hamlet has ever let through his walls.... Show more content on
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They have shown no signs of care or worry for Hamlet after his father s death, instead, they turn
their backs on him by following the commands of the King against him for their own benefit.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are both commissioned by the King to spy on Hamlet and they
easily comply with him because they care about Hamlet no more than they care about
themselves, But we both obey, and here give up ourselves to lay our service freely at your feet,
to be commanded. (2.2.31 34). After his father s death, he experiences an emotional and mental
crisis on whether or not he should trust the people around him. Shakespeare puts Hamlet and his
relationship with his university friends in this situation as to relay a message that trust is a
breakable bond, and that no matter how close Hamlet is to someone, he has to build his walls
around himself so that he won t be vulnerable to their inevitable attack. He shows that people will
do anything, even as far as to betray their friends for their own self interest, because people are
selfish that
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The Breakfast Club By John Hughes
The Breakfast Club
Noah Lane
Ivy Tech Community College
Abstract This paper is why everyone should watch The Breakfast Club. It tells a story of four
teenagers battling with rebellion, drama, and love. Most critics will argue that it is not realistic,
and no teenager is like that. However, The Breakfast Club written by John Hughes made teens
everywhere relate to at least one of these characters. This movie is a dramatic comedy that will
make someone laugh, cry, and angry all brought together in one amazing film.
The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club, starring Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, and many other great
actors is a fantastic teen comedy. This movie had great humor along with heart warming love. It
is almost impossible to name one bad thing about this movie. The Breakfast Club is jammed
packed full of comedy, drama, and rebellion. These four high school students represent every
cliche in the 1980s school life. As typical as this may sound for a teen comedy the plot takes a
twist. This movie is not the usual teen comedy in any way. These four students will soon realize
that they each have something in common. Each of the kids parents don t treat them fairly or don t
even notice them. It is ironic at first, because they think that they have figure each person out and
they know everything about them. But soon into the movie they quickly realize they are all too
similar. This movie takes place in a high school in Shermer, Illinois.
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Us Culture Vs Cuban Culture
In researching the business culture of another foreign country for the use of an informational
memo. I want to let my classmates, know what country has been chosen to research and share some
of it s interesting facts on the country of Cuba.
How is that country s culture similar to or different from U.S. culture?
Despite the fact, of some of the ways Cuban culture can be similar to U.S. culture may be through
the average family of the U.S. having 3.19 members, where the Cuban family average has 3.18
In addition to, some of the differences of the U.S. and Cuba cultures are unambiguous. However,
the Americans value plenty of luxuries, where as Cubans do without; nevertheless, one of the moral
qualities of happiness cannot be built
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Descriptive Essay About Kings Island
Kings Island Adventures It was a long trip i thought and i was hungry, it took us 3 hour to get
there i would slept every other half hour because we got up early and i went to bed late still
packing. And getting my hair ready because apparently i was going to leave it down and straight
but ya know i can t keep my hair down and it being hot and humid outside. You should be
wondering what this is about well this is about the part of my life of me going to Kings Island
with my mom and my friends and the youth group in church. There 2 vans and 3 other cars but
in the cars where the families that wanted to come along. And in the 1 of the vans all girls
obviously i was in that one with me mom, and in the other van were all the guys of youth group.
I feel like the only reason it took 3 hours to get to Kings Island was because we stopped at
McDonald s and honestly i was super hungry. Then we arrived at Kings Island, oh my goodness
it was big and i was so exciting. So my friends know that i have the fear of roller coaster and
heights so they wanted to put me on the fastest and highest ride to overcome it, but i chickened
out and i didn t go on the rides they went on, i went on 2 water rides and a new one they had.
Both of the water rides was fun one of them was like log one where you have swirls but then it
goes up a hill then it lets you fall and all the water splashes all over you and me and my mom
were soaking wet. The other was like a wheel and it was my mom and me and 4 other of my
friends and the wheel would swirl around by itself and it was on a river canal and it would have
dips and you would get wet and since the wheel would swirl around you would think its someone
else that will get wet but yet it would be you or someone else. The other roller coaster was pretty
big for me since i m afraid of heights and roller coaster i was screaming the whole entire time and
oh my goodness i was so mad at my mom because she traumatised me! After we went on the
water rides my mom and i went and changed. Then we were hungry again, and to my good luck
there was Panda Express my favorite place to eat in the world. Then we went to the Eiffel Tower
obviously not the real one in Paris but it was great! My mom felt a little
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Differences Between Thermisol And Thalidomide
Thermisol and Thalidomide: Is There Correlation? In our modern world we think that everything
is out to get us. Supposedly the things that were invented to help us survive are now the cause of
some horrible birth defects. The same thing has occurred about sixty years ago with the drug
called Thalidomide. My goal is to show the correlations between the medical scare of Thalidomide
and how people are reacting the exact same way towards the vaccinations. Thalidomide started in
Germany in 1957 as a calming medicine for pregnant women. As time went on they discovered that
the uses for it could also be used to alleviate morning sickness. After this new use was discovered,
it became an over the counter drug available to everyone. Shortly after the drug was available to
the public five thousand to seven thousand infants had been reported to be born with phocomelia,
which is the malformation of limbs. Only about forty percent of these infants survived. Throughout
the world over ten thousand cases had been reported and only fifty percent of those cases survived.
As you would expect from such side effects, this caused... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thimerosal is mercury containing organic compound that is used as a preservative in many
vaccines to keep away life threatening contamination. The CDC and the APA requested that
thimerosal be removed as quickly as possible, except for some preparations of the influenza vaccine.
Since 2000, the thimerosal in children s vaccines had allegedly contributed to autism in children
and because of this, thousands of parents tried to pursue legal action. In 2004, the Institute of
Medicine rejected any connection between autism and the thimerosal containing vaccines. Even
after thimerosal was removed from vaccine, autism rates steadily continued to rise and there is no
scientific evidence that proves that exposure to thimerosal causes
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Disintegration Of Civilization In Lord Of The Flies
The island was once a beautiful, civilized, land, but turned into a horrible, savage island slowly
but surely towards the end of the book.The book Lord of the Flies by William Golding has a
whole theme of disintegration of civilization. Lord of the Flies demonstrates the symbols that
William Golding used in the book to create a big theme of civilization of the boys on the island.
The symbols used in this book that mainly demonstrates disintegration of civilization is the
conch, representing civilization and order, the beast representing themselves turning savage,
and Roger, being the most savage one in the group but being less noticed in the book Ralph and
Piggy stumble upon a creamy, pretty white conch in the beginning of the story, as Piggy
suggests to use the conch to signal people on the island to communicate to everyone. They use
this technique to be civilized. The conch symbolically represents order and civilization in this
book. ...I ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he s speaking.
(pg.33) Ralph explaining whoever had the conch in their hands had the power to speak. Ralph
won the democracy vote against Jack, for whoever being chief in the island. When Ralph won,
Jack got angry but kept his cool. Ralph ultimately decided on some rules. The first one that I
explained above, also they have to have hunters to get them food to survive. Ralph came up with
the conch rule being that he does not want everyone to become savages, which towards
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[Fossil fuels are expected to continue supplying much of...
[Fossil fuels are expected to continue supplying much of the energy used worldwide. Although
liquid fuels mostly petroleum based remain the largest source of energy, the liquids share of world
marketed energy consumption falls from 34 percent in 2010 to 28 percent in 2040, as projected
high world oil prices lead many energy users to switch away from liquid fuels when feasible. http:/
Price Competition In the gas and oil drilling industry price competition isn t as high as you would
think for numerous reasons. Within the industry it is very monopolistic. In a recent energy article
titled Energy Efficiency: May the Cheapest Fuel Win it states that the industry as a... Show more
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They were then joined by Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria,
Ecuador, Gabon and Angola. Recently though Ecuador,Indonesia, and Gabon have suspended or
terminated their membership http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/25.htm. The mission of
the OPEC is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its Member Countries and ensure the
stabilization of oil markets in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of
petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers and a fair return on capital for those
investing in the petroleum industry http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/23.htm. Fair
return on capital for those investing is a huge understatement being that the average ROI of
these countries is way over fair being that they control over 65% of the worlds oil reserves http:/
/www.api.org/aboutoilgas/upload/oilprimer.pdf. This is where the competitiveness and
disagreeing start between OPEC and Non OPEC in that Non OPEC do not agree with OPEC s
stockpile of crude oil not being released to the market. This forces Non OPEC countries to
produce and sell their barrels at full capacity. This is a problem because once production is slowed
down and a shortage occurs the bargaining power of the
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A Study on Air and Water Pollution
Introduction There are many types of water and air pollutants. In this text, I will concern myself
with the various forms of both water and air pollutants. In so doing, I will amongst other things
subject the selected pollutants to an analysis in an attempt to determine their sources and effect
on the environment. Air Pollutants The two types of air pollutants I select for this discussion
are carbon dioxide and ozone (or what is referred to as ground level ozone). While carbon
dioxide can be regarded a primary pollutant, ground level ozone remains a secondary pollutant.
Primary air pollutants according to the World Health Organization WHO (2006) are those that are
emitted into the atmosphere from a source such as a factory chimney or exhaust pipe В¦ On the
other hand, secondary pollutants according to the WHO (2006) are those formed within the
atmosphere itself. As WHO further points out, secondary air pollutants are a consequence of
reactions (chemical) of those pollutants regarded primary. Carbon dioxide is considered a primary
pollutant as it is emitted directly from its source, i.e. via vehicle exhaust pipe, etc. In basic terms,
carbon dioxide as the World Health Organization (2006) points out is a product of the incomplete
combustion of fuels containing carbon. Ground level ozone is largely a product of the reaction
between primary pollutants and sunlight. Ozone is found in both the stratosphere and the
troposphere. As Phalen and Phalen (2012) point out,
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Cultural Backgrounds And Community Attitudes Prevent Girls...
Thesis statement: The diverse cultural backgrounds and community attitudes prevent girls from
attending schools and thereby act as the barrier in maintaining gender equality in India. The sex
ratio, which is the number of girl students per 1000 male students, in the Indian high schools is 3:1
(boy: girl). The primary reason for the decline in the birth ratio of females in India is mainly
because of the intense treatments inflicted to the girls at the time of their birth. The lowest sexratio
in India is witnessed in Haryana, which reflects 877 females to that of 1000 males. However in
Kerala, the number of females is more than that of males, a ratio of 1000:1084. The major cause
for the decline in the Indian sex ratio is because of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, the girls after hitting the stage of puberty are believed to be baby makers, where the
only work they have is in the house, raising their child and do various household chores. The two
major factors by which puberty affects well being are self perception and peer association. It is
also seen that the girls suffer a lot because of lack of infrastructure like proper functioning of
toilets and disposals. However, the preference to a male child is mainly because they will act as a
source of support to their family in the near future. There is a patriarchal thinking that the
daughters will get married one day, after which they will be someone else s., after which there
will be no one to look after her family whereas boys, even after getting married, will continue to
be a support for his family in the future. Because of a girl s less earning potential and increased
expectation towards domesticity, the families consider the educational cost (monetary and
psychological) to be a waste, where the economic benefit is not apparent to most of the families.
Moreover the girls safety is also a major concern for the Indians families. It is also observed that
girl s education in rural households and in many lower middle classes can lead to excessive
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Strict Gun Laws
Guns can take out somebody s life in an instant, now think for a minute. What if you just lost one
of your closest family members to a gun? Gun control laws need to be a lot more strict because the
U.S. alone loses over 30,000 people a year due to gun related deaths.That s over 87 people going
down every day (Watkins). People are against strict gunlaws, all they want is a weaponto protect
themselves from other people with guns. If the laws are more strict though, you wouldn t needthe
gun because there would be no guns allowed (Harrison). Gun laws need to be more strict so less
gun related crimes happen, people are safe, and it makes it a lot harder for people to get guns.
The United States of America needs a lot tougher gun laws because we have the most weapons in
the whole world and that shows that people could be doing the wrong things for the wrong reason
(Everitt and Pratt). Studies have shown that when people purchase weapons only 60% of the
licensed suppliers do a background check (Everitt and Pratt). According to multiple sources, ВЁGun
control laws have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main way people get these guns illegally are that somebody with a gun permit buys them
and sells them illegally to people without licenses (Leftwich). Also terrorist groups and others
like that are buying bigger weapons like a .50 caliber rifle which is very powerful, and they are
getting these by smuggling them over the border. A recent poll was released and it was debating
whether or not they should do background checks at the places they are going to buy them at.
92% of people say they should and 8% of them say that we should just get rid of guns all together
besides the law enforcement (Leftwich). So the lethal weapons are taking so many innocent lives
away that it needs to be stopped
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Art Of War By Sun Tzu
To begin, in Art of War by Sun Tzu, he refers to war as a designed strategy. He claims, To win
one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy is the
acme of skill. (Tzu, 1943, p. 79). This means that a well designed strategy is to initiate the fuse
with the enemy with a non violent stunt like giving urine to the enemy instead of wine (Tzu, 1943,
p. 79). This enrages them causing recklessly thinking and they make the first move to attack and
the defendant can be prepared to weaken the attack and defence systems by eliminating the forces.
Their defence is weakened and the enemy becomes easy to conquer and overthrow without any
more physical acts. A war tip is it is important to attack the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
When they re calm be able to alert them, when they re well fed jeopardise the food supply or
even when they are resting make them paranoid and irrational. It is important to know the
opponents weaknesses and strengths and play on those. In Tony Fry s book, A New Design
History, he wrote about what the war resulted in, in the aspect of machine and strategy design.
Fry addresses 5 machines; The Macedonian phalanx, the stirrup, Mechanical vision, the tank
road and pre loaded logistics (Fry, 1999, pp. 39 45). п‚«The Macedonian phalanx: When
referring to this machine Fry s most important sentence is Some of the most organised war
machines were human (Fry, 1999, pp. 39). The Macedonian phalanx was a war strategy that
consisted of 256 men (Fry, 1999, pp. 39). The men would form a square; the square would be 16
men by 16 men in size. Each man was armoured and armed with 4 and a half metre long sarissa
pike (also known as spear). This was used to drive the enemy into cavalry; they were not attacked
by the Macedonian phalanx. This tactic was designed in 360 BC under Philip II and Alexander
the Great (Father and son) (Koenig, 2000). п‚«The stirrup: The stirrup came about in the third
century AD (Fry, 1999, p. 40). They were used by the Chinese cavalry and 4 centuries later they
were appearing in the West (Fry, 1999, p. 40). They were invented to combine horse and man into
one singular unit; Fry refers to it as a single
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Spread of Buddhism in China
Buddhism arrived in China by the first century C.E. by way of the Silk Road. Initially, the spread of
Buddhism was met with positivity, but as the centuries passed, the Chinese began to view it in a
negative light. Additionally, during a period of disunity and political instability, the Chinese
peasants welcomed Buddhism, but as Buddhism became more popular, Chinese aristocracy and
government saw it as a threat to their power and moved to discredit its movement. Documents 1, 2,
and 5 positively supported the spread of Buddhism, and Documents 4 and 6 negatively viewed the
spread of Buddhism. The change in attitude corresponding to the spread of Buddhism is presented
with Documents 1, 2, and 3, which initially support Buddhism, and Documents 4, 5, and 6, which
shows the changing opinions on Buddhism. It would be beneficial to see additional documents
written by a peasant in order to show the contrast between elite responses and their motives for
choosing a foreign religion over the traditional Confucianism. Another helpful document would be
a response from a woman because it would be useful to know the reasons a woman in Chinese
society would choose Buddhism and their perspective as opposed to the point of view of men.
Documents 1, 2, and 5 positively support the spread of Buddhism in China. Document 1 is written
by the Buddha himself, and lays down the basic principles followed by all Buddhists. It shows that
by eliminating cravings, sorrow would stop. Nevertheless, it is
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A Biological Catalyst Essay
A Biological Catalyst A Biological catalyst is a catalyst that is produced organically. In other
words, a cell makes it. It is usually a protein or steroid molecule that works to catalyse a specific
reaction. For example, amylaseis a biological catalyst. Biological catalysts are called enzymes.
Reactions take energy to get them started. This energy is called the activation energy. Enzymes
catalyse reactions inside organisms. A catalyst is a molecule that acts as a matchmaker, bringing
together the chemicals of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Salivary amylase is an enzyme that breaks down big molecules into smaller ones. Amylase enzyme
breaks starch molecules up into two residue units (a residue is a glucose molecule, or monomer of
sugar. Lots of residues joined together form a polysaccharide. Starch is a polysaccharide). Two
glucose molecules split off from the starch molecule form maltose. This maltose is the product of
catalytic action by the enzyme amylase on the substrate. The substrate is the starch.
2.) What are intracellular/ extracellular enzymes? Enzymes are proteins. They are very important
substances because they control the chemical reactions that happen in our bodies. There are two
main types of enzyme. Digestive enzymes are extracellular enzymes they control reactions that take
place outside cells. Those enzymes that control reactions inside cells are called intracellular
3.) What is the Lock and Key theory? The lock is the enzyme and the key is the substrate. Only
the correctly sized key (substrate) fits into the key hole (active site) of the lock (enzyme). Smaller
keys, larger keys, or incorrectly positioned teeth on keys (incorrectly shaped or sized substrate
molecules) do not fit into the lock (enzyme). Only the correctly shaped key opens a
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Food Digestion Research Paper
Digestion begins when one sees food. Upon seeing food the brain sends signals for the salivary
glands to release saliva. When food is first placed into the mouth by taking a bite it is masticated
and broken down to increase the surface area so that food can be digested faster, as well as
allowing it to be swallowed. While being masticated food is moistened with saliva, which contains
Amylase, which begins the process of breaking down carbohydrates. Once thoroughly chewed
saliva forms the food into a clump, which is called a bolus. Once food is chewed and formed into
a bolus the tongue pushes the food to the back of the mouthinto the throat so that it can be
swallowed. Swallowing occurs by reflexes opening and closing the epiglottis, which... Show more
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The bile that is released is produced by the liver, which then fills the bile duct before overflowing
and then being stored in the gallbladder, which then allows it into the duodenum through a duct.
In between meals the gallbladder absorbs water and electrolytes from the bile. The bile that is
released is used to emulsify fats, which is to make the fats separate into small droplets. This
allows them to be mixed with water and then acted upon by enzymes to further help their
digestion. It is easier for the lipids to be broken down once they are emulsified because they are
smaller and the lipase can attack it more completely. Bile itself is a green colored fluid that is
made of minerals, cholesterol, neutral fats, phospholipids, bile acids also called bile salts, and
bile pigments. Bilirubin is what gives the color to the bile, and it is produced from the
decomposition of hemoglobin as previously stated. Bile acids are steroids that are formed from
cholesterol. Both bile acid and lecithin, which is a phospholipid, help digest and absorb fats.
Anything else that is in bile is waste that will be excreted. In the end however around eighty
percent of the bile acids are reabsorbed in the ileum, which is the last section of the small intestine,
and they are returned to the liver where they are absorbed and re secreted by hepatocytes. The
circle of secretion and reabsorption is called the enterohepatic
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Ethical Issues In Corrections
Whenever a correctional officer utilizes her or his power to take away civil rights of a prisoner,
the victim (prisoner) can file a lawsuit against the correctional officer to recoup legal expenses,
collect damages and end the violation. Wardens and managers can also be responsible for the
action of a correctional officer, even if they have no knowledge about it. Funds shortages do not
give managers the excuse of not providing the required training to their staff and correctional
officers. The prisonadministering local governments are also responsible for hurtful or damaging
action (Clear, Cole Reisig, 2011, pp.230 231).
Lawsuits, claims or litigation can be minimized by developing certain criteria for the operations and
practices ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First reason, they demonstrate and display aggressive standards for prison managing, which aid
in avoiding claims and lawsuit cases. If inmates experiencing problems during incarceration and
the prison administration were following the standard procedures, they will not be held
responsible. Second reason, guidelines add a base foundation by which management can check
and choose the performance of the staff. Their requirement is just to decide if the staffs are
abiding by functional guidelines. Third reason, codes assist the progress of preparation and
assessment of prison programs by providing program managers a goal to achieve in their work
(Clear, Cole Reisig, 2011, pp.230 231).
As a correctional officer, it requires me to follow the rules, regulations, and policies of the prison
before I can exercise any right to be enforced on prisoners or inmates. A correctional officer
desire for the needed training in order for him to be in charge, it is very rear that the correctional
officer receives enough training to manage or run a unit in the prison system. All these are
difficulties that the correctional officer might face and could prevent him or her from exercising
any privileges unless the required training is being provided, this will always be a problem,
besides the legal rights of the
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Factors That Influence A Nation s Willingness Enter Into...
There are many factors that influence a nation s willingness to enter into Trade Agreements.
Briefly outline the basic models discussed in the readings and class (Heckscher Ohlin and
Ricardo Viner). Discuss what factors influence domestic trade preferences (Political, Economic,
Sociotropic, etc.). According to the article, the hypothesis of Heckscher Ohlin model or factor
endowments is that all factors of production within a country are mobile across sectors, that
markets are perfectly competitive, and that there are constant returns to scale in production
(Mansfield Mutz, 427). Beyond that, another assumption of Heckscher Ohlin model or factor
endowments is critical is that factors of production can move quickly and easily from one sector
to another (Mansfield Mutz, 428). In my opinion, one thing can be very easy to see that skill is
the most important factor which can gain more benefits from open trade. Briefly, for a country,
the more advanced technology you have the more you can get from open trade, for example,
America can gain more benefits than China because of highly skilled individuals will benefit
economically from open trade (Mansfield Mutz, 451) The second model Ricardo Viner which is
a special factor that is not a unique factor affect open trade, it emphasizes an individual works will
affect trade preferences and it posits that trade preferences depend on the industry in which a
person works (Mansfield Mutz, 425). This special factor will make
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Hummingbirds Research Paper
Information About Hummingbirds. Yes, it is the annual battle of the hummingbirds here in north
Texas. Late August through September brings swarms of migrating hummingbirds to the feeders,
each hummingbird claiming a feeder of its own for few days before moving on down south. This
time of year, my yard becomes a war zone between hummingbirds as well as against yellow jackets
and bees!
Hummingbirds are very territorial and will jealously guard their feeder from all other hummers
who want a sip of the sweet nectar. Although my many feeders are spread quite a bit apart so more
hummingbirds can feed in peace, there appears to be a Ruby throated female that is determined to
defend three feeders. As she squeaks and zips over to a feeder that another hummingbird dared to
approach, other hummingbirds converge on the feeder she just left, sneaking some nectar while
she is away. She will viciously fly straight for the intruder, sometimes even flying right into them,
chasing him away. She ll perch on top of pole from which the feeder hangs, looking around as if
to say, See? I got him and I ll get you if you try anything stupid like trying to get some of my
nectar. From dawn to dusk, she ll bully the other hummers. Clearly, this lil lady is a hummer with an
attitude! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Plus there s the whirl of hummingbirds fast little wings as they zip past your head, making that
humming noise for whence they re named. These birds live only in North, Central and South
America as well the Caribbean. In the eastern part of North America, usually on Ruby throated
Hummingbirds are present. But if you travel westward, you ll be dazzled by a greater number of
species including the Rufous, Black chinned, Broad tailed, Calliope, Anna s, Costa s as well as
others. If you re in the mood to travel to Central or South America, there are over 300 species of
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Single Mothers in America Essays
In today s society it is not unusual to have a one parent family with a young mother in charge. Teen
mothers having children has increased so much over the years that it s now a common occurance.
Being a young single mother in today s society is challenging but with the help of government
assistance single mothersare finding their way.
The government provides help for single mothers through a variety of welfare programs. Welfare
programs provide benefits to single mothers with low income income so low that it is not possible
to support a family.
Welfare helps with all childcare needs. They give the young mother food stamps for shopping at
the grocery store and earned income tax credit. They play a big roll in helping these young ... Show
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Or girls may even grow up to hate men because of unconscious resentment toward absent fathers.
A study has shown that these young mothers are struggling with their time and availability for their
child and their needs. This study has come to conclude that single mothers usually spend only 3.4
hours with their children. These mothers spend most of their time with work, school, yard work,
and housecleaning.
Leigh Thawley a twenty three year old mother of a 4 month of child says I feel like I have so
many things to do in such little time and not enough time to even watch my child grow. Another
major thing that affects time with their children is They feel the need to look good so they
spend a lot of time fixing themselves so they can feel pretty and attract men. (D Amato) I try
hard to put my child ahead of myself but it is hard to because all I ve ever had to do was worry
about myself and I m still so young that I don t really know how put me last said Thawley.
In addition to problems of availability, mothers experience financial troubles with their children.
In a suburb in Denver young mothers are having not choice but to move away to be able to get
affordable housing. In moving away to get affordable housing these mothers and children are being
away from family and putting more where and tear on their cars which is going to end up costing
them in the long run. In 2000, Boulder County 25% live in single parent
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British Colonialism
The English colonists were under British rule while in North America before the mid to late 18th
century. They were under such rule considered salutary neglect. This meaning British rule was not
very strict when it came to enforcing their parliamentary laws, which were supposed to keep
American colonies compliant with England. This lead to colonists autonomy developing, what they
thought as the same power, their own legislation. They believed they possessed the same rights as
any Englishman. In the 18th century colonists challenged the authority of the parliament with an
intellectual and a religious movement. The Enlightenment was a time of rejection to received
knowledge, filled with thinkers and searches for laws of nature. The Great Awakening in the 1730 s
was a wave of religious revivals sweeping through the colonies, exploring emotional connections to
God and reasoning behind the church s rule, impacting religious institutions. Americans seemed to
enjoy many freedoms unlike the world around them. They had little sense of unity though and
depended on the British military for protection. Tensions between the French and British grew with
their increasing conflict over Indian alliances. In 1754 the British were threatened by their French
and Indian allies, and responded with the Plan of Albany of which no colonial assemblies
approved. Subsequently in 1763, according to the Americans, the French and Indian war began, and
the British called it the Seven Years War. This war
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Are Women Morally Superior To Men By Katha Pollitt
Katha Pollitt s essay, Marooned on Gilligan s Island: Are Women Morally Superior to Men, is an
essay that explains why people in a society act the way they do, specifically regarding why
women are labeled the way that they are. Ms. Pollitt argues how gender difference is a big problem
in our society that a lot of people, including women overlook. Through her refutation of many
different authors arguments, she begins to build her thesis as well as discuss how important this
topic is in society and how it effects the lives of people. Pollitt explicitly points out throughout her
essay, that difference feminists are arguing that women s only job in society is one that conforms to
a man. Pollitt disagrees with this statement. Pollitt argues... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
She even furthers her argument by saying that this leads to sexual inequality and misogyny. Katha
however argues a different side. Katha elaborates that daughters should not define themselves by
relating to their mothers, because by doing this she is equating that women must adhere to the
traditional values. These traditional values, are the problem with gender difference.
Women in the work force are not nearly as dominant as men are. Katha argues that this isn t due
to women not being able to handle the workload, but instead because of how society, especially
in the business world, best adheres to a man. Katha uses an excellent example on page 402 that
shows how inequality in the business world is prevalent. Katha uses the Sears case in which Men
were getting the bigger and better business deals, simply because women could not handle the
pressure of dealing with the amount of work and emotional fatigue this would have brought.
Finally she analyzes that women aren t actually emotionally weak. It is society that has labeled
them this way, which causes people to view and categorize women as emotionally weak. Pollitt
wants the general public to know that women are perfectly happy by being themselves, and not
having to conform to society s expectations. Katha says that this is because society has labeled
women as not wanting a job that has a lot of emotional ties in it.
Gilligan, a supporter of feminism argues that sexes, make high
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Potassium Chromate Lab Report
5.The addition of 3ml of 0.1mol L 1 potassium dichromate; K2CrO4 as our indicator. Safety
Procedures Silver Nitrate AgNO3 Storage: Silver Nitrate must be stored in a dark and tightly
closed container which is completely wrapped in tin foil, as it deteriorates in presences of UV
light. It should be stored in cool, dry and well ventilated areas away from all reducer,
combustible material, ignition sources and incompatible substances as it strong oxidizer. It
should also be stored away from corrosive areas and light. Safety Silver nitrate is toxic so it
should never be poured into a sink. Immediate medical attention is required if silver nitrate is
split on skin or eyes. The area on which the chemical is split must be washed with plenty... Show
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The spillage should be vacuumed or swept into a disposable container that can contain silver
nitrate. No combustible materials should be used to clean a spillage e.g. paper towels.
Potassium Chromate K2CrO4 Storage: Potassium chromate must be stored in a closed
container in a cool, well ventilated place away from heat, ignition sources, combustible material,
reducing agents and incombustible substances. Safety Potassium Chromate is toxic so it
should never be poured into a sink. Immediate medical attention is required if potassium
chromate is split on skin or eyes. The area on which the chemical is split must be washed with
plenty of cold water for 15 minutes. If it split on clothing e.g. lab coat, it must be immediately
removed. If any spillage occurs, inform the teacher in charge of the lab. The spill must be
swept up into a sealed container and be disposed. Once the spill is cleaned, the site must be
washed and ventilated. No combustible materials should be used to clean the spill. Ethanoic Acid
CH3COOH Storage: It must be stored in a tightly closed container in a cool, well ventilated area
away from heat, ignition sources and oxidizing agents as it a flammable substance.
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The Country And Culture Of Iraq
To be able to set aside ones own personal thought and beliefs in order to fully comprehend those
of another is what it truly means to be culturally aware. This ability can grant a person great
insight to the lives and actions of unfamiliar cultures. A person who can be culturally aware could
change every aspect of how we interact with foreign nations and could prove vital if and when
conflicts arise between those nations. In this essay I will study the Country and Culture of Iraq. I
will first start with the physical imports of the area: the geographical location, terrain and climate.
Then I will cover the people who make up this country: the language they speak, their ethnicities,
religions, cultural norms, and their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the summer it is not unusual for temperatures to reach 120 degrees. Floods, dust storms, and
sandstorms are a natural part of Iraq s weather system (Iraqi Cultural Office, 2016). Next, I will
discuss the Iraqi people, in order to be fully aware of any culture you must actually learn about
the people themselves. There are five major aspects of Iraqi culture that I will cover;the
language,religion,hierarchy, values, and ethnic groups that make up Iraq. Iraq has an
approximate population of 31,129,225. The capital city of Iraq is Baghdad, which has a
population of 5,672,513. The official language of Iraq is Arabic and Kurdish(The Embassy of
the Republic of Iraq). The majority of Iraq s population is made up of Arabs, approximately 2
/3s, another quarter of those living here consider themselves to be Kurds, with the remainder of
the people belonging to smaller minority groups (Woods Chambers, 2016, p. 8). If you asked
people in the U.S to tell you one way they identify themselves many may say, I am American, but
Iraqi culture is very different. They identify with their families and their tribes. Though most Arabs
in Iraq would consider themselves to be apart of one of the two major groups, the Sunnis or the Shi
ites, they have their own family units or tribes they belong to as well. In both the shi ite and the
sunnis, it is common for multiple generations to still reside
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First Impressions In Seventh Grade By Gary Soto
First Impressions How important are first impressions? Some people may think first impressions
aren t important. In fact, they are extremely important. First impressions are the way you first
appear to someone, it s the way they think of you. These impressions can affect you later in life.
For example, in Gary Soto s short story Seventh Grade Victor, a seventh grade student, really
wants this girl, Teresa, to be his girl. Teresa is in his French class. The class gets their first
impression of Victor when Mr. Bueller asked if anyone spoke French. Victor raised his hand,
(37). Now everyone thinks Victor can speak French. Later in the story Teresa asks if he will help
her study, He was sweaty in shame, (38). Since she thought he could speak French, once Teresa
finds out he actually can t speak French their relationship could be ruined. If first impressions are
lies, not your true self, it can ruin your relationships with others later.... Show more content on
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The children egt their first look at teacher when they are crowding around the door and she
comes up behind them, What s this, what s this? barked a stern raspish voice, (162). The way
Miss Oriville snaps at them comes across as mean and strict. Since she stays a strict character
throughout most of the story, the student grew to dislike her more and more each day. They did
not like her so much to the point where which when the found out she was leaving, they want
revenge. They plucked the leaves off the plant so the stalk twisted up bare and naked. (168). Ever
since the first interaction with Miss Oriville, the kids didn t like her which is why they wanted
revenge so
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Gross Morphology
Gross Morphology:
The vastus medialis (VM) muscle is often described as having two parts to it. Proximally (and
running down most the length of the femur) is the longus component (VML). Distally where the
VM angle of muscle fibres begins to change from parallel/ vertical to an oblique angle is the
oblique component (VMO) (Adds and Skinner 2012).
Proximally, (VM) attaches to the proximal femur. Starting at the intertrochanteric line and moving
posteroinferiorly to the medial supracondylar line (having passed over the pectineal line and the
medial lip of the linear aspera (Drake et al 2013)). Distally the VM attaches to the medial boarder of
the patella bone over the knee joint.
VM is innervated by the femoral nerve, as with the rest of the quadriceps group. The femoral
nerve is derived from the lumbosacral plexus, in particular spinal nerves L2,L3 and L4 (Drake et
al). This however ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It runs from medially to the vastus intermedius and contracts with it (both being innervated
primarily by the femoral nerve). The distal portion, VMO, has a stabilising role of the patella
during knee extension (Benjafield 2013). The angle of pennation of VMO acts as evidence and the
contraction will occur in the direction of pennation, thus demonstrating the VMO will provide a
medial pull when activated (during knee extension)
Normally, the patella tracks down from the intercondylar groove of the femur with extension
(Standring 2008). Senavongse ##@%)% found that VMO is predominantly active and functioning
as a stabilizer in the last 15 of active extension.The influence of VMO on the patella s normal
movements is to supply a stabilizing medial pull to counter that of vastus lateralis. It is the main
provider of the medial force during contraction due its dominant contribution to cross sectional area
(largely increase by having an increased angle of pennation (Raimondo et al
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Comparing Night And Life Is Beautiful
You will always define events in a manner which will validate your agreement with reality
(Maraboli ). Maraboli s statement explains that the way each person tells their story is defined by
how they see reality. The truth of this can be seen in the differences between the book Night (2006)
by Ellie Wiesel and the movie Life is Beautiful . Both stories depict the life of a young man sent
Auschwitz with their father during the Holocaust. However, despite the similarities of their
circumstances at camp, the main characters have two radically different descriptions of what the
Holocaust was like. Each character saw the events around him in a different light, therefore, his
interpretation of what happened is completely different. In the novel Night and the movie Life is
beautiful, the Holocaust is portrayed both similarly and differently through the father/son
relationship, the debate between... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Life is Beautiful the audience is given feelings of hope and joy, while in Night readers are
given feelings of despair. For example, when Joshua is liberated, he believes that he has won a
game and received a tank as a prize. The movie ends when he finds his mother and is overjoyed
to see her again ( Life is Beautiful, 2000). The movie , while showing the struggles of the
Holocaust, focuses on the positive moments and ends with a happy reunion to leave the
audience with hope. When Ellie is liberated, on the other hand, he is sick and only thinks of how
hungry he is. The book ends when Ellie looks at himself in the mirror and says, From the depths
of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me (Wiesel, 2006, p. 115). Night ends with a reminder
of how the Holocaust damaged so many people forever. Despite the similarities of their
circumstances, Joshua and Ellie s stories are framed in dramatically different
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Essay on Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Society has become a shallow place. If an individual does not fit into societies form of the normal
person then they are treated differently. But does society treat those who are different in a negative
or positive way? In the novel Flowers for Algernon, the author Daniel Keyes shows an in depth
look at the treatment of individuals in today s society. Firstly society tends to discriminate against
those whose IQ does not fit into the norms of our society. The physically handicapped in today s
world are not considered to be equal as those who fit into the normal physical appearance, Keyes
portrays this through Charlie s thoughts while in the cafГ©. Although animals are not technically
humans society treats them in ways which no humanwould... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
As Charlie s intelligence increases he thinks that he will be more liked the higher his
intelligence climbs, but later Charlie discovers that whether you are of lower intelligence then
most of the population or of higher intelligence you still will not quite fit in. I ve discovered that
no one really cares for Charlie Gordon whether he is a moron or a genius. (Keyes 172) Charlie s
relationship with Alice also shows how whether he is of extreme low extreme high intellect he
still cannot communicate with her the way he needs to. I m just as far away from Alice with an
I.Q of 185 then when I had an IQ of 70 (Keyes 88). In today s society if a persons thoughts
slightly differ from those of the majority of the population then they will be scrutinized and
shunned from the others. People are not willing to look at an idea through a different perspective
and this is shown in Flowers For Algernon, when Charlie discovers the fault in Dr. Nemur s
experiment and confronts him about it, Dr. Nemur treats him like the old Charlie who is to
mentally challenged to be correct. It is repeated numerous times during the novel that Charlie was
created by the experiment and was not a human being because of his below 100 IQ before the
operation. I m a human being, a person with parents and memories and a history and I was before
you ever wheeled me into that operating room. (Keyes 112). Society needs to learn that even those
who are different then most of us still are humans and
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Scientific Structures
An Analysis on Scientific Structures In recent times, there have been three individuals who have
provided their interpretations on that structures of science. Thomas Kuhn developed the idea of
paradigms, which are nested concepts for looking at the world, and later would propose the idea
paradigm shifts for what he called the Kuhn Cycle. Following Kuhn s work, Imre Lakatos and
Larry Laudan created their own analysis on scientific structures using Kuhn s work as a base for
their own. Lakatos and Laudan both attempted to rationalize and improve on Kuhn s work. In this
essay, I will attempt to analyze the differences in Kuhn s work as compared to Lakatos and Laudan
and explain which account of scientific structures is the most persuasive to believe in. Paradigms
are really just conceptual frameworks through which we interpret the world. In this case, Kuhn
applies the concept of paradigms to the sciences to create the Kuhn Cycle. The... Show more content
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One interpretation of the Kuhn Cycle depends on how one views the concept of
incommensurability, which is the concept that standards of evalution such as rules or laws change
or even shift from generation to generation and cannot be compared to one another. With a strong
interpretation of incommensurability, knowledge is relative to each paradigm and as a result it
becomes difficuilt to figure out if science truly makes progress. There is no reason to prefer one
paradigm as being superior to another. With a weak interpretation of incommensurability, science
does make progress as knowledge increases and is not relative. The fact that Kuhn relies on the
concept of incommensurability in order to save his account of the structure of sciences is enough
to prove that his account is not reliable. His account is the byproduct of a historical paradigm;
therefore, its truth value will depend on one s interpretation of incommensurability. If so, how can
we really say Kuhn s account is
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Elizabethan Theater Research Paper
Architecture and style are two very broad categories when it comes to theater but over the years
both have shaped theater into what it looks like today. There are many different types of theater
but today Elizabethan theater will be discussed in a brief overview. In this paper, I will cover the
history of Elizabethan theater and what it is, the architecture style of Elizabethan theater and the
theatrical life and the establishment of permanent theaters. Let s take a look at some of the history
and just what exactly Elizabethan theater really is. Elizabethan theater, also known as English
theater or English Renaissance theater , refers to the theater of England between 1562 and 1642.
Elizabethan theater is based on the styles of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Gigantic columns were used in many of the entrances to these types of theaters. More
specifically, two big columns in particular were known to be used in the architecture of
Elizabethan theaters which were called Herculean columns or pillars. These columns or pillars
were elaborately painted to resemble marble. As stated earlier, Elizabethan theaters were
constructed so that the audience and actors were displayed in the outside environments similar
to an Amphitheater. This would mean that the arena was open and sometimes the actors and
audience would get wet if it rained, or sweat if it was hot out that day. The size of the
Amphitheater was usually around 100 ft. in diameter which is a decent sized theater. The arenas
themselves varied in shapes and included Octagonal or circular in shape and would have
anywhere between 8 and 24 sides. The material that was used to build the theaters consisted of
timber, stone, nails and plaster, later on Amphitheaters would have tile roofs on them. Because
theater was a priority in the Elizabethan time construction was completed relatively fast and
averaged about 6 months to complete. The overall design was an open air arena and it was
commonly called the pit or the yard . They had a raised stage at one end and were surrounded by
three tiers of roofed galleries with balconies overlooking the back of the stage, the stage projected
halfway into the pit (). Continuing with architecture of Elizabethan theaters the
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Cap Blanc Coastline Essay
The Cap Blanc Coastline Coastlines come in many shapes and sizes, colors and temperatures, but
emit the same beauty no matter where you find them in the world. The Cap Blanc coastline is
definitely beautiful, offering not only the water but powerful red sands that meet the ocean just
right. Although, there is a small population on Cap Blanc its desert like climate keeps it intact and
blossoming. As with many coastlines around the world Cap Blanc is made up of currents and
waves, which create tides that meet along the earth to form the sand filled beach.
Currents under the sea play an important role in the formation of a coastline. Currents may be
generated by density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity variations
(NOAA, 2013). These currents move large water masses through deep ocean taking nutrients,
oxygen, and heat with them (NOAA, 2013). However, some currents are affected by other
variables such as huge storms that move water masses, underwater earthquakes that may also
trigger tsunamis (NOAA, 2013). Both types of variables move masses of water inland ... Show more
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Waves are mainly caused by wind, wind driven waves, are created by the friction between wind and
surface water (NOAA, 2014). However, waves can also be influenced and created by hazardous
weather, hurricanes and storms can create a storm surge. Storm surge waves are a series of long
waves that are created far from shore in deeper water and intensify as they move closer to land
(NOAA, 2014). The most deadly waves, are formed underwater and displace large amounts of
water quickly. They are caused by disturbances such as earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic
eruptions (NOAA, 2014). These type of colossal waves are known as tsunamis (NOAA, 2014).
Waves are constantly changing in most coastlines depending on weather and underwater activity. It
is difficult to lay down a type of wave that occurs in Cap Blanc year round, but reports of tsunamis
have not been found
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Development of Apple Inc. on a Time Sequence Basis
This assignment is examining the development of Apple.inc on a time sequence basis. Its
objective is not to make a list of this American multinational corporation technological products.
Many people interested in technology already know that! More importantly, this assignment
focuses on Apple s ideas, visions, communication, challenges, competition, deals, sales and
financial aspects. Once it grasps a good knowledge of the development of this company, the
assignment tries to analyse this company in a more economic related approach. But why have I
chosen Apple? To tell you the truth, up till a few years ago, to me Apple was just a fruit. It all
changed where at one point in time, I was tired with my Windows desktop PC. It was slow,
crashed all the time and full of unwanted viruses. A friend of mine suggested buying an Apple
desktop computer. To this day I m still excited of owning this technology as if it is first day that I
bought it!
What is Innovation?
In 1982, an employee on the Macintosh team Thought that we should do some market research to
see what customers wanted . Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple replied,
No, because customers don t know what they want until we ve shown them. Our job is to figure
out what they are going to want before they do
Apple is born
On April 1, 1976 the company was established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak Ronald Wayne. In
order to raise the money they needed, Wozniak sold his HP 65 calculator and for his part, Jobs sold
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The Effects Of Cyberbullying Through The Lives For Middle...
The research experiment will study the effects of cyberbullying through the use of social media
accounts in the lives for middle school girls. A sample of 60 students was divided equally between
the control group and an experimental group. The experimental group would have to socially
disconnect from all social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and instant
messenger. In return, the control group will have normal access to all forms of social media. The
researcher will conduct a quantitative experiment with a randomized pretest/ posttest design. Both
the experiment group and control group will take a pretest before the semester long experiment
begins. At the end of the semester, the students will take the same... Show more content on
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Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to see whether there is a link between middle
school students who are active on social media and cyberbullying. An in depth study will be
performed to see which, if any, outside sources contribute to cyberbullying or being a cybervictim.
Justification of the Study
As the number of teenagers logged into social media accounts increases the number of opportunities
to perpetrate or be the victim of cyberbullying also increases. A few of the main outlets for
cyberbullying are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, instant messenger, or text messages. The
term bullying has been a staple in the English language for centuries, but cyberbullying is a fairly
new term. Roberto, Eden, Savage, Ramos Salazar, and Deiss (2014) reported that 74% of teenagers
have an account on at least one social media site, but all social media site require a minimum age of
13 years old. In reality, 7.5 million Facebook accounts are operated by someone under 13 years old,
and 5 million accounts are operated by a child under the age of 10 (Roberto et al., 2010).
Cyberbullying give a new spin to bullying; therefore, the number of individuals affected by either
type of bullying, especially middle school aged are increasing. Whether it is traditional bullying or
cyberbullying, it cannot be taken lightly due to the consequences. In several cases, students who are
a victim of cyberbullying feel humiliated in school
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  • 9. The Effect Of Fast Track System On Emergency Department... Introduction In this paper I will discuss efficacy of fast track system in emergency department across Ontario, that will influence patient satisfaction, and also identifies practices that can be used in the Emergency Department. It also provides ways of promising strategies to help Emergency Departments address patient satisfaction issues more effectively. Each hospitalcan identify critical issues and processes and choose strategies to support local needs. By introducing the fast track process in a hospital, it caters for the patients who have critical conditions and can be attended to within a very short period. It ends up reducing the extensive waiting time in the emergency room and improves the flow of the patients who come through... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fast track system can be employed at various stages to check for potential outcomes and other implementations in the healthcare industry. On the operation stage, the system can be used to analyze the various outcomes of patient flow study. At the strategic stage, fast track system can be used to monitor the financial gains of an organization and evaluate its commercial health. On the national stage, it can be used to observe the government programs that address the reduction of wait time for the patients in the ED s. At the operational stage, it aims to present a concrete analysis of an ED that exists within a fast track system. Introducing the fast track system was meant to reduce the wait times in the ED (Yoon, 2003). Reducing the time would allow the increase of the numbers of patients who come in, get treated, and discharged. It ends up increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the ED. Increasing the effectiveness and its capacity makes it possible for more patients to be examined and treated because there is more time in the system. For example, at the Grand River Hospital, there are several initiatives that are already in place that are targeting to reduce the staying duration of the patient in the ED. These initiatives include having nurse practitioners in the emergency department, having a specific fast track area, emergency medical rules that permit nurses to start on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Art Vs Old Art Art is a good way for people to relax and admire the power of human creativity, a lot of pieces of art will make you agape at the beauty of it. However, old art pieces created centuries ago are starting to fall apart. Scientific studies are being conducted on each piece of art trying to figure out how exactly the artist created these masterpieces, and to possibly find a way to stop them from withering away, and to keep them around for many more centuries to come and so many more generations of people can see. Science has some part in everything, even art. There are many different ways science is involved in art, they can conduct a study on what people like in art to try make a new masterpiece, or why people are so infatuated with the older pieces. However, this is not the main studies on art. Old art is falling apart and we need to find a way to fix it. A group of scientists from Italy have started a program called MOLAB in which they go to art galleries across the world and study art pieces. They have looked at countless pieces across the world, and have figured out the many different colors in some art pieces which can range to about 600 different colors; they also find out how many layers of paint are on one paintingor on one specific spot. Jason Palmer, a scientist working for MOLAB was working on a newer painting called Victory Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian said this painting is definitely one of the newest pieces of work i ve ever looked at, it is very bright ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Analysis Of Bobbi And The Strays Bobbi and the Strays is a not for profit organization dealing with animal welfare. The mission of the organization is to provide humane care and service to all orphaned, stray, abused and special needs cats or dogs. The field research focuses on expenses of the organization. The Better Business Bureau sets standards for charitable organizations to up hold, the following is an overview of standards dealing with expenses: Standard 11 requires the organization s annual financial statements have to be prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: o If total annual gross incomeexceeds $500,000 these statements have to be audited o If the annual gross income is less than $500,000 it is sufficient enough the statements... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since the organization spent less than 35% the standards requirement was met. Standard 12 requires a breakdown of expenses to be included in the financial statements. o The breakdown should be detailed, showing what portion of the expenses was allocated to program, fund raising and administrative activities. o If the organization has more than one major program service activity than the detailed breakdown of expenses should include a separate expense category for each major program. o If solely IRS Form 990 is provided by the organization, it is sufficient enough to fulfill this standard, only if the organization has one major program activity. Bobbi and the Strays is an organization with only one major program activity, which is providing rescue and care for stray animals. According to the standard since Bobbi and the Stray has only one major program service activity than it is sufficient for the organization to provide IRS Form 990 and fulfill this standard. As previously mentioned in standard 11, Form 990 has included a breakdown of expenses in Part IX, which also fulfills the conditions under standard ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. How Does The Statue Of Liberty Benefit The Economy The Statue of Liberty, located in New York city, NY, has represented America as a free country for years, but it is now threatened by deterioration. Lady Liberty is symbolic to millions and helps America s economy, so it is time for us to return the favor and work to preserve it. Losing the Statue of Liberty would mean losing the benefit that it gives to America s economy. Lady Liberty benefits the economy by generating employment options. The statue supports more than 2,000 jobs, as mentioned on Cnn.com. All of these jobs would be lost if Lady Liberty wore down, whereas more occupations would be created if construction began on the statue. The Statue of Liberty also provides money for America. Cnn.com states Liberty Island generates nearly 200 million dollars each year. This money comes from tours, ferry rides, restaurants, hotels, et cetera. Over time, the expense it would take to preserve the statue could be made back through the money it brings in. We clearly cannot afford to allow the Statue of Liberty to deteriorate.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It represents the immigrants who, the United States National Park Service website writes, envisioned a better life for themselves. Many immigrants, such as Isabel and Clara Belarsky, worried that after coming all this way, they would not flourish in this new country, but, even for just a moment, that worry was relieved when they saw Lady Liberty, promising freedom success. If the Statue of Liberty deteriorates, all of the stories and memories of immigrants coming to the United States that it holds would disappear as well. The Statue of Liberty also symbolizes America s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Bsiness Strategy of Pepsico PROJECT REPORT FOR BUSINESS STRATEGY 1 EVOLUTION OF BUSINESS STRATEGIES AT PEPSICO Submitted to:Submitted By: Prof. Sanjany SharanPrashant Sharma Parul Kapoor Mohit Madan Prerna Gupta Murali Krishna (Section A) (Group 10) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards Mr. Sanjay Sharan, Department of Marketing, IBS, Hyderabad. We are indebted to him for the expertise and invaluable guidance we have received while working on this project. Contents Introduction ........................................................................................... 1 PESTEL Analysis ......................................................................................6 SWOT Analysis.......................................................................................10 PORTER ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * Political conditions, especially in international markets, including civil unrest, government changes and restrictions on the ability to transfer capital across borders. * Their ability to penetrate developing and emerging markets, which also depends on economic and political conditions, and how well they are able to acquire or form strategic business alliances with local bottlers and make necessary infrastructure enhancements to production facilities, distribution networks, sales equipment and technology Economic * The companies are subject to the harvest of the raw material that they use in their snack foods, soft drink and juice, like corn, oranges, grapefruit, vegetables, potatoes, etc. Because of they rely on trucks to move and distribute many of their products, fuel is also an important subject, so they are subject to the fuel price fluctuation, and to possible fuel crisis. * Operating in International Markets involves exposure to volatile movements in foreign exchange rates. The economic impact of foreign exchange rates movements on them is complex because such changes are often linked to variability in real growth, inflation, interest rates, governmental actions and other factors. * PepsiCo is also subject to other economic factors like money supply, energy availability and cost, business cycles, etc. Sociocultural influences: * PepsiCo and moreover Pepsi is subject to the lifestyle changes, because of it bases ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Nature and Authority of Sharia Law Essay PAGE 1 THE NATURE AND AUTHORITY OF THE SHARIA PAGE 2 HOW THE WILL OF GOD MAY BE KNOWN REGARDING CONTEMPORAY ISSUES PAGE 3 AUTHORITY PAGE 4 IMPORTANCE (GUIDE TO LIFE, ACCURACY) PAGE 5 DIFFERING UNDERSTANDINGS OF IJTIHAD PAGE 6 GLOSSARY Nature and Authority of the Shari a In technical terms it is a clearly defined way of following the guidance of God that was left as a pattern for Islamic living by each of the messengers: Muhammad [SAW] left a Shari a left for the Muslims that was based on the rules and regulations of the faith. We have seen this through the way Muslims pray five times a day keep the fast, obtaining the five pillars. The Shari a is never an arbitrary law made up by the prophets or by a vote ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A mujtahid is an Islamic scholar who is competent to interpret sharia by Ijtihad. The Qur an commands Ijithad in early Islam as it was the common practice and later it was combined with early Islamic philosophy. Slowly it fell out of practice in the Sunni fiqh for many reasons. A western scholar called Joseph Schacht stated that the close of the door of Ijtihad had occurred by the beginning for the 10th century. Other scholars such as Wael Hallaq demonstrated that Ijtihad has remained an essential part of the Sunni Muslim tradition, despite the emphasis on the taqlid. Hallaq wrote that a minority always claimed that a properly qualified scholar must have the right to ijtihad at all times. Long after the 10th century the principles of ijtihad continued to be discussed in the Islamic legal literature. Qiya s; In Islamic jurisprudence, Qiya s is the process of deductive analogy in which the teachings of the Hadith are compared and contrasted with those of the Qur an, in order to apply a known injunction to a new circumstance and create a new injunction. The ruling of the Sunnah and the Qur an may be used to solve or provide a response to a new problem that may arise. This, maybe the only the case providing that the set precedent or paradigm and the new problem that has come about will share operative causes (illah). Illah is the specific set of circumstances that trigger a certain law into action. Sunni Islam and Shia Islam share
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  • 16. Health Effects Of High Intensity Interval Training On Type... HEALTH EFFECTS OF HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING ON TYPE 2 DIABETES Many people suffer from type 2 diabetes, a type of metabolic disease (Curry et al., 2015; Hawley Gibala, 2012). The prevalence of this disease has been increasing; one reason for this increase could be increased consumption of food as well as decreased prevalence of physical activity (Hawley Gibala, 2012). Patients with type 2 diabetes are not able to metabolise glucose properly (Curry et al., 2015). Type 2 diabetes can cause patients to be very thirsty, excessively weary, and to experience a broad variety of other symptoms (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). It is often treated with insulin in order to help the body metabolise glucose (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). However, taking insulin can result in weight gain (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). Fat of the abdomen can be an indicator of the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease in an individual with type 2 diabetes, which is heavily correlated with type 2 diabetes (Siren, Eriksson, Vanhanen, 2012). In terms of lifestyle choices, type 2 diabetes patients are often told to focus on diet, but are also encouraged to increase frequency of physical activity (Alvarez et al., 2016; Hawley Gibala, 2012). Physical activity has been shown to decrease the amount of deaths resulting from diabetes related causes (Church et al., 2004). Increased physical activity has been shown to help glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes (Curry et al., 2015). People who suffer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Trust In Hamlet Trust is an essential department of every relationship. A healthy relationship needs trust and dependence on one another. Without trust, doubt and suspicions befall and tension arises between two people. In the play, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, trust is crucial and very breakable. The main character, Hamlet, is faced in a conflicting situation in which he begins to question the motives of the people closest to him, after his father s death. He begins to doubt and suspect people close to him like, his lover, Ophelia, and his university friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Despite his keen trustissues, he forms a solid and unbreakable trust with his close friend, Horatio in which he is the only person Hamlet has ever let through his walls.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have shown no signs of care or worry for Hamlet after his father s death, instead, they turn their backs on him by following the commands of the King against him for their own benefit. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are both commissioned by the King to spy on Hamlet and they easily comply with him because they care about Hamlet no more than they care about themselves, But we both obey, and here give up ourselves to lay our service freely at your feet, to be commanded. (2.2.31 34). After his father s death, he experiences an emotional and mental crisis on whether or not he should trust the people around him. Shakespeare puts Hamlet and his relationship with his university friends in this situation as to relay a message that trust is a breakable bond, and that no matter how close Hamlet is to someone, he has to build his walls around himself so that he won t be vulnerable to their inevitable attack. He shows that people will do anything, even as far as to betray their friends for their own self interest, because people are selfish that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Breakfast Club By John Hughes The Breakfast Club Noah Lane Ivy Tech Community College Abstract This paper is why everyone should watch The Breakfast Club. It tells a story of four teenagers battling with rebellion, drama, and love. Most critics will argue that it is not realistic, and no teenager is like that. However, The Breakfast Club written by John Hughes made teens everywhere relate to at least one of these characters. This movie is a dramatic comedy that will make someone laugh, cry, and angry all brought together in one amazing film. The Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club, starring Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, and many other great actors is a fantastic teen comedy. This movie had great humor along with heart warming love. It is almost impossible to name one bad thing about this movie. The Breakfast Club is jammed packed full of comedy, drama, and rebellion. These four high school students represent every cliche in the 1980s school life. As typical as this may sound for a teen comedy the plot takes a twist. This movie is not the usual teen comedy in any way. These four students will soon realize that they each have something in common. Each of the kids parents don t treat them fairly or don t even notice them. It is ironic at first, because they think that they have figure each person out and they know everything about them. But soon into the movie they quickly realize they are all too similar. This movie takes place in a high school in Shermer, Illinois. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Us Culture Vs Cuban Culture In researching the business culture of another foreign country for the use of an informational memo. I want to let my classmates, know what country has been chosen to research and share some of it s interesting facts on the country of Cuba. How is that country s culture similar to or different from U.S. culture? Despite the fact, of some of the ways Cuban culture can be similar to U.S. culture may be through the average family of the U.S. having 3.19 members, where the Cuban family average has 3.18 members. In addition to, some of the differences of the U.S. and Cuba cultures are unambiguous. However, the Americans value plenty of luxuries, where as Cubans do without; nevertheless, one of the moral qualities of happiness cannot be built ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Descriptive Essay About Kings Island Kings Island Adventures It was a long trip i thought and i was hungry, it took us 3 hour to get there i would slept every other half hour because we got up early and i went to bed late still packing. And getting my hair ready because apparently i was going to leave it down and straight but ya know i can t keep my hair down and it being hot and humid outside. You should be wondering what this is about well this is about the part of my life of me going to Kings Island with my mom and my friends and the youth group in church. There 2 vans and 3 other cars but in the cars where the families that wanted to come along. And in the 1 of the vans all girls obviously i was in that one with me mom, and in the other van were all the guys of youth group. I feel like the only reason it took 3 hours to get to Kings Island was because we stopped at McDonald s and honestly i was super hungry. Then we arrived at Kings Island, oh my goodness it was big and i was so exciting. So my friends know that i have the fear of roller coaster and heights so they wanted to put me on the fastest and highest ride to overcome it, but i chickened out and i didn t go on the rides they went on, i went on 2 water rides and a new one they had. Both of the water rides was fun one of them was like log one where you have swirls but then it goes up a hill then it lets you fall and all the water splashes all over you and me and my mom were soaking wet. The other was like a wheel and it was my mom and me and 4 other of my friends and the wheel would swirl around by itself and it was on a river canal and it would have dips and you would get wet and since the wheel would swirl around you would think its someone else that will get wet but yet it would be you or someone else. The other roller coaster was pretty big for me since i m afraid of heights and roller coaster i was screaming the whole entire time and oh my goodness i was so mad at my mom because she traumatised me! After we went on the water rides my mom and i went and changed. Then we were hungry again, and to my good luck there was Panda Express my favorite place to eat in the world. Then we went to the Eiffel Tower obviously not the real one in Paris but it was great! My mom felt a little ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Differences Between Thermisol And Thalidomide Thermisol and Thalidomide: Is There Correlation? In our modern world we think that everything is out to get us. Supposedly the things that were invented to help us survive are now the cause of some horrible birth defects. The same thing has occurred about sixty years ago with the drug called Thalidomide. My goal is to show the correlations between the medical scare of Thalidomide and how people are reacting the exact same way towards the vaccinations. Thalidomide started in Germany in 1957 as a calming medicine for pregnant women. As time went on they discovered that the uses for it could also be used to alleviate morning sickness. After this new use was discovered, it became an over the counter drug available to everyone. Shortly after the drug was available to the public five thousand to seven thousand infants had been reported to be born with phocomelia, which is the malformation of limbs. Only about forty percent of these infants survived. Throughout the world over ten thousand cases had been reported and only fifty percent of those cases survived. As you would expect from such side effects, this caused... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thimerosal is mercury containing organic compound that is used as a preservative in many vaccines to keep away life threatening contamination. The CDC and the APA requested that thimerosal be removed as quickly as possible, except for some preparations of the influenza vaccine. Since 2000, the thimerosal in children s vaccines had allegedly contributed to autism in children and because of this, thousands of parents tried to pursue legal action. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine rejected any connection between autism and the thimerosal containing vaccines. Even after thimerosal was removed from vaccine, autism rates steadily continued to rise and there is no scientific evidence that proves that exposure to thimerosal causes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Disintegration Of Civilization In Lord Of The Flies The island was once a beautiful, civilized, land, but turned into a horrible, savage island slowly but surely towards the end of the book.The book Lord of the Flies by William Golding has a whole theme of disintegration of civilization. Lord of the Flies demonstrates the symbols that William Golding used in the book to create a big theme of civilization of the boys on the island. The symbols used in this book that mainly demonstrates disintegration of civilization is the conch, representing civilization and order, the beast representing themselves turning savage, and Roger, being the most savage one in the group but being less noticed in the book Ralph and Piggy stumble upon a creamy, pretty white conch in the beginning of the story, as Piggy suggests to use the conch to signal people on the island to communicate to everyone. They use this technique to be civilized. The conch symbolically represents order and civilization in this book. ...I ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he s speaking. (pg.33) Ralph explaining whoever had the conch in their hands had the power to speak. Ralph won the democracy vote against Jack, for whoever being chief in the island. When Ralph won, Jack got angry but kept his cool. Ralph ultimately decided on some rules. The first one that I explained above, also they have to have hunters to get them food to survive. Ralph came up with the conch rule being that he does not want everyone to become savages, which towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. [Fossil fuels are expected to continue supplying much of... [Fossil fuels are expected to continue supplying much of the energy used worldwide. Although liquid fuels mostly petroleum based remain the largest source of energy, the liquids share of world marketed energy consumption falls from 34 percent in 2010 to 28 percent in 2040, as projected high world oil prices lead many energy users to switch away from liquid fuels when feasible. http:/ /www.eia.gov/forecasts/ieo/more_highlights.cfm] Competition Drilling Price Competition In the gas and oil drilling industry price competition isn t as high as you would think for numerous reasons. Within the industry it is very monopolistic. In a recent energy article titled Energy Efficiency: May the Cheapest Fuel Win it states that the industry as a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were then joined by Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria, Ecuador, Gabon and Angola. Recently though Ecuador,Indonesia, and Gabon have suspended or terminated their membership http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/25.htm. The mission of the OPEC is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its Member Countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers and a fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/23.htm. Fair return on capital for those investing is a huge understatement being that the average ROI of these countries is way over fair being that they control over 65% of the worlds oil reserves http:/ /www.api.org/aboutoilgas/upload/oilprimer.pdf. This is where the competitiveness and disagreeing start between OPEC and Non OPEC in that Non OPEC do not agree with OPEC s stockpile of crude oil not being released to the market. This forces Non OPEC countries to produce and sell their barrels at full capacity. This is a problem because once production is slowed down and a shortage occurs the bargaining power of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. A Study on Air and Water Pollution Introduction There are many types of water and air pollutants. In this text, I will concern myself with the various forms of both water and air pollutants. In so doing, I will amongst other things subject the selected pollutants to an analysis in an attempt to determine their sources and effect on the environment. Air Pollutants The two types of air pollutants I select for this discussion are carbon dioxide and ozone (or what is referred to as ground level ozone). While carbon dioxide can be regarded a primary pollutant, ground level ozone remains a secondary pollutant. Primary air pollutants according to the World Health Organization WHO (2006) are those that are emitted into the atmosphere from a source such as a factory chimney or exhaust pipe В¦ On the other hand, secondary pollutants according to the WHO (2006) are those formed within the atmosphere itself. As WHO further points out, secondary air pollutants are a consequence of reactions (chemical) of those pollutants regarded primary. Carbon dioxide is considered a primary pollutant as it is emitted directly from its source, i.e. via vehicle exhaust pipe, etc. In basic terms, carbon dioxide as the World Health Organization (2006) points out is a product of the incomplete combustion of fuels containing carbon. Ground level ozone is largely a product of the reaction between primary pollutants and sunlight. Ozone is found in both the stratosphere and the troposphere. As Phalen and Phalen (2012) point out, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Cultural Backgrounds And Community Attitudes Prevent Girls... Thesis statement: The diverse cultural backgrounds and community attitudes prevent girls from attending schools and thereby act as the barrier in maintaining gender equality in India. The sex ratio, which is the number of girl students per 1000 male students, in the Indian high schools is 3:1 (boy: girl). The primary reason for the decline in the birth ratio of females in India is mainly because of the intense treatments inflicted to the girls at the time of their birth. The lowest sexratio in India is witnessed in Haryana, which reflects 877 females to that of 1000 males. However in Kerala, the number of females is more than that of males, a ratio of 1000:1084. The major cause for the decline in the Indian sex ratio is because of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, the girls after hitting the stage of puberty are believed to be baby makers, where the only work they have is in the house, raising their child and do various household chores. The two major factors by which puberty affects well being are self perception and peer association. It is also seen that the girls suffer a lot because of lack of infrastructure like proper functioning of toilets and disposals. However, the preference to a male child is mainly because they will act as a source of support to their family in the near future. There is a patriarchal thinking that the daughters will get married one day, after which they will be someone else s., after which there will be no one to look after her family whereas boys, even after getting married, will continue to be a support for his family in the future. Because of a girl s less earning potential and increased expectation towards domesticity, the families consider the educational cost (monetary and psychological) to be a waste, where the economic benefit is not apparent to most of the families. Moreover the girls safety is also a major concern for the Indians families. It is also observed that girl s education in rural households and in many lower middle classes can lead to excessive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Strict Gun Laws Guns can take out somebody s life in an instant, now think for a minute. What if you just lost one of your closest family members to a gun? Gun control laws need to be a lot more strict because the U.S. alone loses over 30,000 people a year due to gun related deaths.That s over 87 people going down every day (Watkins). People are against strict gunlaws, all they want is a weaponto protect themselves from other people with guns. If the laws are more strict though, you wouldn t needthe gun because there would be no guns allowed (Harrison). Gun laws need to be more strict so less gun related crimes happen, people are safe, and it makes it a lot harder for people to get guns. The United States of America needs a lot tougher gun laws because we have the most weapons in the whole world and that shows that people could be doing the wrong things for the wrong reason (Everitt and Pratt). Studies have shown that when people purchase weapons only 60% of the licensed suppliers do a background check (Everitt and Pratt). According to multiple sources, ВЁGun control laws have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main way people get these guns illegally are that somebody with a gun permit buys them and sells them illegally to people without licenses (Leftwich). Also terrorist groups and others like that are buying bigger weapons like a .50 caliber rifle which is very powerful, and they are getting these by smuggling them over the border. A recent poll was released and it was debating whether or not they should do background checks at the places they are going to buy them at. 92% of people say they should and 8% of them say that we should just get rid of guns all together besides the law enforcement (Leftwich). So the lethal weapons are taking so many innocent lives away that it needs to be stopped ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Art Of War By Sun Tzu To begin, in Art of War by Sun Tzu, he refers to war as a designed strategy. He claims, To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy is the acme of skill. (Tzu, 1943, p. 79). This means that a well designed strategy is to initiate the fuse with the enemy with a non violent stunt like giving urine to the enemy instead of wine (Tzu, 1943, p. 79). This enrages them causing recklessly thinking and they make the first move to attack and the defendant can be prepared to weaken the attack and defence systems by eliminating the forces. Their defence is weakened and the enemy becomes easy to conquer and overthrow without any more physical acts. A war tip is it is important to attack the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When they re calm be able to alert them, when they re well fed jeopardise the food supply or even when they are resting make them paranoid and irrational. It is important to know the opponents weaknesses and strengths and play on those. In Tony Fry s book, A New Design History, he wrote about what the war resulted in, in the aspect of machine and strategy design. Fry addresses 5 machines; The Macedonian phalanx, the stirrup, Mechanical vision, the tank road and pre loaded logistics (Fry, 1999, pp. 39 45). п‚«The Macedonian phalanx: When referring to this machine Fry s most important sentence is Some of the most organised war machines were human (Fry, 1999, pp. 39). The Macedonian phalanx was a war strategy that consisted of 256 men (Fry, 1999, pp. 39). The men would form a square; the square would be 16 men by 16 men in size. Each man was armoured and armed with 4 and a half metre long sarissa pike (also known as spear). This was used to drive the enemy into cavalry; they were not attacked by the Macedonian phalanx. This tactic was designed in 360 BC under Philip II and Alexander the Great (Father and son) (Koenig, 2000). п‚«The stirrup: The stirrup came about in the third century AD (Fry, 1999, p. 40). They were used by the Chinese cavalry and 4 centuries later they were appearing in the West (Fry, 1999, p. 40). They were invented to combine horse and man into one singular unit; Fry refers to it as a single ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Spread of Buddhism in China Buddhism arrived in China by the first century C.E. by way of the Silk Road. Initially, the spread of Buddhism was met with positivity, but as the centuries passed, the Chinese began to view it in a negative light. Additionally, during a period of disunity and political instability, the Chinese peasants welcomed Buddhism, but as Buddhism became more popular, Chinese aristocracy and government saw it as a threat to their power and moved to discredit its movement. Documents 1, 2, and 5 positively supported the spread of Buddhism, and Documents 4 and 6 negatively viewed the spread of Buddhism. The change in attitude corresponding to the spread of Buddhism is presented with Documents 1, 2, and 3, which initially support Buddhism, and Documents 4, 5, and 6, which shows the changing opinions on Buddhism. It would be beneficial to see additional documents written by a peasant in order to show the contrast between elite responses and their motives for choosing a foreign religion over the traditional Confucianism. Another helpful document would be a response from a woman because it would be useful to know the reasons a woman in Chinese society would choose Buddhism and their perspective as opposed to the point of view of men. Documents 1, 2, and 5 positively support the spread of Buddhism in China. Document 1 is written by the Buddha himself, and lays down the basic principles followed by all Buddhists. It shows that by eliminating cravings, sorrow would stop. Nevertheless, it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. A Biological Catalyst Essay A Biological Catalyst A Biological catalyst is a catalyst that is produced organically. In other words, a cell makes it. It is usually a protein or steroid molecule that works to catalyse a specific reaction. For example, amylaseis a biological catalyst. Biological catalysts are called enzymes. Reactions take energy to get them started. This energy is called the activation energy. Enzymes catalyse reactions inside organisms. A catalyst is a molecule that acts as a matchmaker, bringing together the chemicals of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Salivary amylase is an enzyme that breaks down big molecules into smaller ones. Amylase enzyme breaks starch molecules up into two residue units (a residue is a glucose molecule, or monomer of sugar. Lots of residues joined together form a polysaccharide. Starch is a polysaccharide). Two glucose molecules split off from the starch molecule form maltose. This maltose is the product of catalytic action by the enzyme amylase on the substrate. The substrate is the starch. 2.) What are intracellular/ extracellular enzymes? Enzymes are proteins. They are very important substances because they control the chemical reactions that happen in our bodies. There are two main types of enzyme. Digestive enzymes are extracellular enzymes they control reactions that take place outside cells. Those enzymes that control reactions inside cells are called intracellular enzymes. 3.) What is the Lock and Key theory? The lock is the enzyme and the key is the substrate. Only the correctly sized key (substrate) fits into the key hole (active site) of the lock (enzyme). Smaller keys, larger keys, or incorrectly positioned teeth on keys (incorrectly shaped or sized substrate molecules) do not fit into the lock (enzyme). Only the correctly shaped key opens a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Food Digestion Research Paper Digestion begins when one sees food. Upon seeing food the brain sends signals for the salivary glands to release saliva. When food is first placed into the mouth by taking a bite it is masticated and broken down to increase the surface area so that food can be digested faster, as well as allowing it to be swallowed. While being masticated food is moistened with saliva, which contains Amylase, which begins the process of breaking down carbohydrates. Once thoroughly chewed saliva forms the food into a clump, which is called a bolus. Once food is chewed and formed into a bolus the tongue pushes the food to the back of the mouthinto the throat so that it can be swallowed. Swallowing occurs by reflexes opening and closing the epiglottis, which... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The bile that is released is produced by the liver, which then fills the bile duct before overflowing and then being stored in the gallbladder, which then allows it into the duodenum through a duct. In between meals the gallbladder absorbs water and electrolytes from the bile. The bile that is released is used to emulsify fats, which is to make the fats separate into small droplets. This allows them to be mixed with water and then acted upon by enzymes to further help their digestion. It is easier for the lipids to be broken down once they are emulsified because they are smaller and the lipase can attack it more completely. Bile itself is a green colored fluid that is made of minerals, cholesterol, neutral fats, phospholipids, bile acids also called bile salts, and bile pigments. Bilirubin is what gives the color to the bile, and it is produced from the decomposition of hemoglobin as previously stated. Bile acids are steroids that are formed from cholesterol. Both bile acid and lecithin, which is a phospholipid, help digest and absorb fats. Anything else that is in bile is waste that will be excreted. In the end however around eighty percent of the bile acids are reabsorbed in the ileum, which is the last section of the small intestine, and they are returned to the liver where they are absorbed and re secreted by hepatocytes. The circle of secretion and reabsorption is called the enterohepatic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Ethical Issues In Corrections Whenever a correctional officer utilizes her or his power to take away civil rights of a prisoner, the victim (prisoner) can file a lawsuit against the correctional officer to recoup legal expenses, collect damages and end the violation. Wardens and managers can also be responsible for the action of a correctional officer, even if they have no knowledge about it. Funds shortages do not give managers the excuse of not providing the required training to their staff and correctional officers. The prisonadministering local governments are also responsible for hurtful or damaging action (Clear, Cole Reisig, 2011, pp.230 231). Lawsuits, claims or litigation can be minimized by developing certain criteria for the operations and practices ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First reason, they demonstrate and display aggressive standards for prison managing, which aid in avoiding claims and lawsuit cases. If inmates experiencing problems during incarceration and the prison administration were following the standard procedures, they will not be held responsible. Second reason, guidelines add a base foundation by which management can check and choose the performance of the staff. Their requirement is just to decide if the staffs are abiding by functional guidelines. Third reason, codes assist the progress of preparation and assessment of prison programs by providing program managers a goal to achieve in their work (Clear, Cole Reisig, 2011, pp.230 231). As a correctional officer, it requires me to follow the rules, regulations, and policies of the prison before I can exercise any right to be enforced on prisoners or inmates. A correctional officer desire for the needed training in order for him to be in charge, it is very rear that the correctional officer receives enough training to manage or run a unit in the prison system. All these are difficulties that the correctional officer might face and could prevent him or her from exercising any privileges unless the required training is being provided, this will always be a problem, besides the legal rights of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Factors That Influence A Nation s Willingness Enter Into... There are many factors that influence a nation s willingness to enter into Trade Agreements. Briefly outline the basic models discussed in the readings and class (Heckscher Ohlin and Ricardo Viner). Discuss what factors influence domestic trade preferences (Political, Economic, Sociotropic, etc.). According to the article, the hypothesis of Heckscher Ohlin model or factor endowments is that all factors of production within a country are mobile across sectors, that markets are perfectly competitive, and that there are constant returns to scale in production (Mansfield Mutz, 427). Beyond that, another assumption of Heckscher Ohlin model or factor endowments is critical is that factors of production can move quickly and easily from one sector to another (Mansfield Mutz, 428). In my opinion, one thing can be very easy to see that skill is the most important factor which can gain more benefits from open trade. Briefly, for a country, the more advanced technology you have the more you can get from open trade, for example, America can gain more benefits than China because of highly skilled individuals will benefit economically from open trade (Mansfield Mutz, 451) The second model Ricardo Viner which is a special factor that is not a unique factor affect open trade, it emphasizes an individual works will affect trade preferences and it posits that trade preferences depend on the industry in which a person works (Mansfield Mutz, 425). This special factor will make ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Hummingbirds Research Paper Information About Hummingbirds. Yes, it is the annual battle of the hummingbirds here in north Texas. Late August through September brings swarms of migrating hummingbirds to the feeders, each hummingbird claiming a feeder of its own for few days before moving on down south. This time of year, my yard becomes a war zone between hummingbirds as well as against yellow jackets and bees! Hummingbirds are very territorial and will jealously guard their feeder from all other hummers who want a sip of the sweet nectar. Although my many feeders are spread quite a bit apart so more hummingbirds can feed in peace, there appears to be a Ruby throated female that is determined to defend three feeders. As she squeaks and zips over to a feeder that another hummingbird dared to approach, other hummingbirds converge on the feeder she just left, sneaking some nectar while she is away. She will viciously fly straight for the intruder, sometimes even flying right into them, chasing him away. She ll perch on top of pole from which the feeder hangs, looking around as if to say, See? I got him and I ll get you if you try anything stupid like trying to get some of my nectar. From dawn to dusk, she ll bully the other hummers. Clearly, this lil lady is a hummer with an attitude! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Plus there s the whirl of hummingbirds fast little wings as they zip past your head, making that humming noise for whence they re named. These birds live only in North, Central and South America as well the Caribbean. In the eastern part of North America, usually on Ruby throated Hummingbirds are present. But if you travel westward, you ll be dazzled by a greater number of species including the Rufous, Black chinned, Broad tailed, Calliope, Anna s, Costa s as well as others. If you re in the mood to travel to Central or South America, there are over 300 species of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Single Mothers in America Essays In today s society it is not unusual to have a one parent family with a young mother in charge. Teen mothers having children has increased so much over the years that it s now a common occurance. Being a young single mother in today s society is challenging but with the help of government assistance single mothersare finding their way. The government provides help for single mothers through a variety of welfare programs. Welfare programs provide benefits to single mothers with low income income so low that it is not possible to support a family. Welfare helps with all childcare needs. They give the young mother food stamps for shopping at the grocery store and earned income tax credit. They play a big roll in helping these young ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Or girls may even grow up to hate men because of unconscious resentment toward absent fathers. A study has shown that these young mothers are struggling with their time and availability for their child and their needs. This study has come to conclude that single mothers usually spend only 3.4 hours with their children. These mothers spend most of their time with work, school, yard work, and housecleaning. Leigh Thawley a twenty three year old mother of a 4 month of child says I feel like I have so many things to do in such little time and not enough time to even watch my child grow. Another major thing that affects time with their children is They feel the need to look good so they spend a lot of time fixing themselves so they can feel pretty and attract men. (D Amato) I try hard to put my child ahead of myself but it is hard to because all I ve ever had to do was worry about myself and I m still so young that I don t really know how put me last said Thawley. In addition to problems of availability, mothers experience financial troubles with their children. In a suburb in Denver young mothers are having not choice but to move away to be able to get affordable housing. In moving away to get affordable housing these mothers and children are being away from family and putting more where and tear on their cars which is going to end up costing them in the long run. In 2000, Boulder County 25% live in single parent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. British Colonialism The English colonists were under British rule while in North America before the mid to late 18th century. They were under such rule considered salutary neglect. This meaning British rule was not very strict when it came to enforcing their parliamentary laws, which were supposed to keep American colonies compliant with England. This lead to colonists autonomy developing, what they thought as the same power, their own legislation. They believed they possessed the same rights as any Englishman. In the 18th century colonists challenged the authority of the parliament with an intellectual and a religious movement. The Enlightenment was a time of rejection to received knowledge, filled with thinkers and searches for laws of nature. The Great Awakening in the 1730 s was a wave of religious revivals sweeping through the colonies, exploring emotional connections to God and reasoning behind the church s rule, impacting religious institutions. Americans seemed to enjoy many freedoms unlike the world around them. They had little sense of unity though and depended on the British military for protection. Tensions between the French and British grew with their increasing conflict over Indian alliances. In 1754 the British were threatened by their French and Indian allies, and responded with the Plan of Albany of which no colonial assemblies approved. Subsequently in 1763, according to the Americans, the French and Indian war began, and the British called it the Seven Years War. This war ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Are Women Morally Superior To Men By Katha Pollitt Katha Pollitt s essay, Marooned on Gilligan s Island: Are Women Morally Superior to Men, is an essay that explains why people in a society act the way they do, specifically regarding why women are labeled the way that they are. Ms. Pollitt argues how gender difference is a big problem in our society that a lot of people, including women overlook. Through her refutation of many different authors arguments, she begins to build her thesis as well as discuss how important this topic is in society and how it effects the lives of people. Pollitt explicitly points out throughout her essay, that difference feminists are arguing that women s only job in society is one that conforms to a man. Pollitt disagrees with this statement. Pollitt argues... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She even furthers her argument by saying that this leads to sexual inequality and misogyny. Katha however argues a different side. Katha elaborates that daughters should not define themselves by relating to their mothers, because by doing this she is equating that women must adhere to the traditional values. These traditional values, are the problem with gender difference. Women in the work force are not nearly as dominant as men are. Katha argues that this isn t due to women not being able to handle the workload, but instead because of how society, especially in the business world, best adheres to a man. Katha uses an excellent example on page 402 that shows how inequality in the business world is prevalent. Katha uses the Sears case in which Men were getting the bigger and better business deals, simply because women could not handle the pressure of dealing with the amount of work and emotional fatigue this would have brought. Finally she analyzes that women aren t actually emotionally weak. It is society that has labeled them this way, which causes people to view and categorize women as emotionally weak. Pollitt wants the general public to know that women are perfectly happy by being themselves, and not having to conform to society s expectations. Katha says that this is because society has labeled women as not wanting a job that has a lot of emotional ties in it. Gilligan, a supporter of feminism argues that sexes, make high ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Potassium Chromate Lab Report 5.The addition of 3ml of 0.1mol L 1 potassium dichromate; K2CrO4 as our indicator. Safety Procedures Silver Nitrate AgNO3 Storage: Silver Nitrate must be stored in a dark and tightly closed container which is completely wrapped in tin foil, as it deteriorates in presences of UV light. It should be stored in cool, dry and well ventilated areas away from all reducer, combustible material, ignition sources and incompatible substances as it strong oxidizer. It should also be stored away from corrosive areas and light. Safety Silver nitrate is toxic so it should never be poured into a sink. Immediate medical attention is required if silver nitrate is split on skin or eyes. The area on which the chemical is split must be washed with plenty... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The spillage should be vacuumed or swept into a disposable container that can contain silver nitrate. No combustible materials should be used to clean a spillage e.g. paper towels. Potassium Chromate K2CrO4 Storage: Potassium chromate must be stored in a closed container in a cool, well ventilated place away from heat, ignition sources, combustible material, reducing agents and incombustible substances. Safety Potassium Chromate is toxic so it should never be poured into a sink. Immediate medical attention is required if potassium chromate is split on skin or eyes. The area on which the chemical is split must be washed with plenty of cold water for 15 minutes. If it split on clothing e.g. lab coat, it must be immediately removed. If any spillage occurs, inform the teacher in charge of the lab. The spill must be swept up into a sealed container and be disposed. Once the spill is cleaned, the site must be washed and ventilated. No combustible materials should be used to clean the spill. Ethanoic Acid CH3COOH Storage: It must be stored in a tightly closed container in a cool, well ventilated area away from heat, ignition sources and oxidizing agents as it a flammable substance. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Country And Culture Of Iraq To be able to set aside ones own personal thought and beliefs in order to fully comprehend those of another is what it truly means to be culturally aware. This ability can grant a person great insight to the lives and actions of unfamiliar cultures. A person who can be culturally aware could change every aspect of how we interact with foreign nations and could prove vital if and when conflicts arise between those nations. In this essay I will study the Country and Culture of Iraq. I will first start with the physical imports of the area: the geographical location, terrain and climate. Then I will cover the people who make up this country: the language they speak, their ethnicities, religions, cultural norms, and their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the summer it is not unusual for temperatures to reach 120 degrees. Floods, dust storms, and sandstorms are a natural part of Iraq s weather system (Iraqi Cultural Office, 2016). Next, I will discuss the Iraqi people, in order to be fully aware of any culture you must actually learn about the people themselves. There are five major aspects of Iraqi culture that I will cover;the language,religion,hierarchy, values, and ethnic groups that make up Iraq. Iraq has an approximate population of 31,129,225. The capital city of Iraq is Baghdad, which has a population of 5,672,513. The official language of Iraq is Arabic and Kurdish(The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq). The majority of Iraq s population is made up of Arabs, approximately 2 /3s, another quarter of those living here consider themselves to be Kurds, with the remainder of the people belonging to smaller minority groups (Woods Chambers, 2016, p. 8). If you asked people in the U.S to tell you one way they identify themselves many may say, I am American, but Iraqi culture is very different. They identify with their families and their tribes. Though most Arabs in Iraq would consider themselves to be apart of one of the two major groups, the Sunnis or the Shi ites, they have their own family units or tribes they belong to as well. In both the shi ite and the sunnis, it is common for multiple generations to still reside ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. First Impressions In Seventh Grade By Gary Soto First Impressions How important are first impressions? Some people may think first impressions aren t important. In fact, they are extremely important. First impressions are the way you first appear to someone, it s the way they think of you. These impressions can affect you later in life. For example, in Gary Soto s short story Seventh Grade Victor, a seventh grade student, really wants this girl, Teresa, to be his girl. Teresa is in his French class. The class gets their first impression of Victor when Mr. Bueller asked if anyone spoke French. Victor raised his hand, (37). Now everyone thinks Victor can speak French. Later in the story Teresa asks if he will help her study, He was sweaty in shame, (38). Since she thought he could speak French, once Teresa finds out he actually can t speak French their relationship could be ruined. If first impressions are lies, not your true self, it can ruin your relationships with others later.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The children egt their first look at teacher when they are crowding around the door and she comes up behind them, What s this, what s this? barked a stern raspish voice, (162). The way Miss Oriville snaps at them comes across as mean and strict. Since she stays a strict character throughout most of the story, the student grew to dislike her more and more each day. They did not like her so much to the point where which when the found out she was leaving, they want revenge. They plucked the leaves off the plant so the stalk twisted up bare and naked. (168). Ever since the first interaction with Miss Oriville, the kids didn t like her which is why they wanted revenge so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Gross Morphology Gross Morphology: The vastus medialis (VM) muscle is often described as having two parts to it. Proximally (and running down most the length of the femur) is the longus component (VML). Distally where the VM angle of muscle fibres begins to change from parallel/ vertical to an oblique angle is the oblique component (VMO) (Adds and Skinner 2012). Proximally, (VM) attaches to the proximal femur. Starting at the intertrochanteric line and moving posteroinferiorly to the medial supracondylar line (having passed over the pectineal line and the medial lip of the linear aspera (Drake et al 2013)). Distally the VM attaches to the medial boarder of the patella bone over the knee joint. VM is innervated by the femoral nerve, as with the rest of the quadriceps group. The femoral nerve is derived from the lumbosacral plexus, in particular spinal nerves L2,L3 and L4 (Drake et al). This however ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It runs from medially to the vastus intermedius and contracts with it (both being innervated primarily by the femoral nerve). The distal portion, VMO, has a stabilising role of the patella during knee extension (Benjafield 2013). The angle of pennation of VMO acts as evidence and the contraction will occur in the direction of pennation, thus demonstrating the VMO will provide a medial pull when activated (during knee extension) Normally, the patella tracks down from the intercondylar groove of the femur with extension (Standring 2008). Senavongse ##@%)% found that VMO is predominantly active and functioning as a stabilizer in the last 15 of active extension.The influence of VMO on the patella s normal movements is to supply a stabilizing medial pull to counter that of vastus lateralis. It is the main provider of the medial force during contraction due its dominant contribution to cross sectional area (largely increase by having an increased angle of pennation (Raimondo et al ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Comparing Night And Life Is Beautiful You will always define events in a manner which will validate your agreement with reality (Maraboli ). Maraboli s statement explains that the way each person tells their story is defined by how they see reality. The truth of this can be seen in the differences between the book Night (2006) by Ellie Wiesel and the movie Life is Beautiful . Both stories depict the life of a young man sent Auschwitz with their father during the Holocaust. However, despite the similarities of their circumstances at camp, the main characters have two radically different descriptions of what the Holocaust was like. Each character saw the events around him in a different light, therefore, his interpretation of what happened is completely different. In the novel Night and the movie Life is beautiful, the Holocaust is portrayed both similarly and differently through the father/son relationship, the debate between... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Life is Beautiful the audience is given feelings of hope and joy, while in Night readers are given feelings of despair. For example, when Joshua is liberated, he believes that he has won a game and received a tank as a prize. The movie ends when he finds his mother and is overjoyed to see her again ( Life is Beautiful, 2000). The movie , while showing the struggles of the Holocaust, focuses on the positive moments and ends with a happy reunion to leave the audience with hope. When Ellie is liberated, on the other hand, he is sick and only thinks of how hungry he is. The book ends when Ellie looks at himself in the mirror and says, From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me (Wiesel, 2006, p. 115). Night ends with a reminder of how the Holocaust damaged so many people forever. Despite the similarities of their circumstances, Joshua and Ellie s stories are framed in dramatically different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Essay on Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes Society has become a shallow place. If an individual does not fit into societies form of the normal person then they are treated differently. But does society treat those who are different in a negative or positive way? In the novel Flowers for Algernon, the author Daniel Keyes shows an in depth look at the treatment of individuals in today s society. Firstly society tends to discriminate against those whose IQ does not fit into the norms of our society. The physically handicapped in today s world are not considered to be equal as those who fit into the normal physical appearance, Keyes portrays this through Charlie s thoughts while in the cafГ©. Although animals are not technically humans society treats them in ways which no humanwould... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As Charlie s intelligence increases he thinks that he will be more liked the higher his intelligence climbs, but later Charlie discovers that whether you are of lower intelligence then most of the population or of higher intelligence you still will not quite fit in. I ve discovered that no one really cares for Charlie Gordon whether he is a moron or a genius. (Keyes 172) Charlie s relationship with Alice also shows how whether he is of extreme low extreme high intellect he still cannot communicate with her the way he needs to. I m just as far away from Alice with an I.Q of 185 then when I had an IQ of 70 (Keyes 88). In today s society if a persons thoughts slightly differ from those of the majority of the population then they will be scrutinized and shunned from the others. People are not willing to look at an idea through a different perspective and this is shown in Flowers For Algernon, when Charlie discovers the fault in Dr. Nemur s experiment and confronts him about it, Dr. Nemur treats him like the old Charlie who is to mentally challenged to be correct. It is repeated numerous times during the novel that Charlie was created by the experiment and was not a human being because of his below 100 IQ before the operation. I m a human being, a person with parents and memories and a history and I was before you ever wheeled me into that operating room. (Keyes 112). Society needs to learn that even those who are different then most of us still are humans and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Scientific Structures An Analysis on Scientific Structures In recent times, there have been three individuals who have provided their interpretations on that structures of science. Thomas Kuhn developed the idea of paradigms, which are nested concepts for looking at the world, and later would propose the idea paradigm shifts for what he called the Kuhn Cycle. Following Kuhn s work, Imre Lakatos and Larry Laudan created their own analysis on scientific structures using Kuhn s work as a base for their own. Lakatos and Laudan both attempted to rationalize and improve on Kuhn s work. In this essay, I will attempt to analyze the differences in Kuhn s work as compared to Lakatos and Laudan and explain which account of scientific structures is the most persuasive to believe in. Paradigms are really just conceptual frameworks through which we interpret the world. In this case, Kuhn applies the concept of paradigms to the sciences to create the Kuhn Cycle. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One interpretation of the Kuhn Cycle depends on how one views the concept of incommensurability, which is the concept that standards of evalution such as rules or laws change or even shift from generation to generation and cannot be compared to one another. With a strong interpretation of incommensurability, knowledge is relative to each paradigm and as a result it becomes difficuilt to figure out if science truly makes progress. There is no reason to prefer one paradigm as being superior to another. With a weak interpretation of incommensurability, science does make progress as knowledge increases and is not relative. The fact that Kuhn relies on the concept of incommensurability in order to save his account of the structure of sciences is enough to prove that his account is not reliable. His account is the byproduct of a historical paradigm; therefore, its truth value will depend on one s interpretation of incommensurability. If so, how can we really say Kuhn s account is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Elizabethan Theater Research Paper Architecture and style are two very broad categories when it comes to theater but over the years both have shaped theater into what it looks like today. There are many different types of theater but today Elizabethan theater will be discussed in a brief overview. In this paper, I will cover the history of Elizabethan theater and what it is, the architecture style of Elizabethan theater and the theatrical life and the establishment of permanent theaters. Let s take a look at some of the history and just what exactly Elizabethan theater really is. Elizabethan theater, also known as English theater or English Renaissance theater , refers to the theater of England between 1562 and 1642. Elizabethan theater is based on the styles of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gigantic columns were used in many of the entrances to these types of theaters. More specifically, two big columns in particular were known to be used in the architecture of Elizabethan theaters which were called Herculean columns or pillars. These columns or pillars were elaborately painted to resemble marble. As stated earlier, Elizabethan theaters were constructed so that the audience and actors were displayed in the outside environments similar to an Amphitheater. This would mean that the arena was open and sometimes the actors and audience would get wet if it rained, or sweat if it was hot out that day. The size of the Amphitheater was usually around 100 ft. in diameter which is a decent sized theater. The arenas themselves varied in shapes and included Octagonal or circular in shape and would have anywhere between 8 and 24 sides. The material that was used to build the theaters consisted of timber, stone, nails and plaster, later on Amphitheaters would have tile roofs on them. Because theater was a priority in the Elizabethan time construction was completed relatively fast and averaged about 6 months to complete. The overall design was an open air arena and it was commonly called the pit or the yard . They had a raised stage at one end and were surrounded by three tiers of roofed galleries with balconies overlooking the back of the stage, the stage projected halfway into the pit (). Continuing with architecture of Elizabethan theaters the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Cap Blanc Coastline Essay The Cap Blanc Coastline Coastlines come in many shapes and sizes, colors and temperatures, but emit the same beauty no matter where you find them in the world. The Cap Blanc coastline is definitely beautiful, offering not only the water but powerful red sands that meet the ocean just right. Although, there is a small population on Cap Blanc its desert like climate keeps it intact and blossoming. As with many coastlines around the world Cap Blanc is made up of currents and waves, which create tides that meet along the earth to form the sand filled beach. Currants Currents under the sea play an important role in the formation of a coastline. Currents may be generated by density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity variations (NOAA, 2013). These currents move large water masses through deep ocean taking nutrients, oxygen, and heat with them (NOAA, 2013). However, some currents are affected by other variables such as huge storms that move water masses, underwater earthquakes that may also trigger tsunamis (NOAA, 2013). Both types of variables move masses of water inland ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Waves are mainly caused by wind, wind driven waves, are created by the friction between wind and surface water (NOAA, 2014). However, waves can also be influenced and created by hazardous weather, hurricanes and storms can create a storm surge. Storm surge waves are a series of long waves that are created far from shore in deeper water and intensify as they move closer to land (NOAA, 2014). The most deadly waves, are formed underwater and displace large amounts of water quickly. They are caused by disturbances such as earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions (NOAA, 2014). These type of colossal waves are known as tsunamis (NOAA, 2014). Waves are constantly changing in most coastlines depending on weather and underwater activity. It is difficult to lay down a type of wave that occurs in Cap Blanc year round, but reports of tsunamis have not been found ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Development of Apple Inc. on a Time Sequence Basis Introduction This assignment is examining the development of Apple.inc on a time sequence basis. Its objective is not to make a list of this American multinational corporation technological products. Many people interested in technology already know that! More importantly, this assignment focuses on Apple s ideas, visions, communication, challenges, competition, deals, sales and financial aspects. Once it grasps a good knowledge of the development of this company, the assignment tries to analyse this company in a more economic related approach. But why have I chosen Apple? To tell you the truth, up till a few years ago, to me Apple was just a fruit. It all changed where at one point in time, I was tired with my Windows desktop PC. It was slow, crashed all the time and full of unwanted viruses. A friend of mine suggested buying an Apple desktop computer. To this day I m still excited of owning this technology as if it is first day that I bought it! What is Innovation? In 1982, an employee on the Macintosh team Thought that we should do some market research to see what customers wanted . Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple replied, No, because customers don t know what they want until we ve shown them. Our job is to figure out what they are going to want before they do Apple is born On April 1, 1976 the company was established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak Ronald Wayne. In order to raise the money they needed, Wozniak sold his HP 65 calculator and for his part, Jobs sold his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Effects Of Cyberbullying Through The Lives For Middle... The research experiment will study the effects of cyberbullying through the use of social media accounts in the lives for middle school girls. A sample of 60 students was divided equally between the control group and an experimental group. The experimental group would have to socially disconnect from all social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and instant messenger. In return, the control group will have normal access to all forms of social media. The researcher will conduct a quantitative experiment with a randomized pretest/ posttest design. Both the experiment group and control group will take a pretest before the semester long experiment begins. At the end of the semester, the students will take the same... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to see whether there is a link between middle school students who are active on social media and cyberbullying. An in depth study will be performed to see which, if any, outside sources contribute to cyberbullying or being a cybervictim. Justification of the Study As the number of teenagers logged into social media accounts increases the number of opportunities to perpetrate or be the victim of cyberbullying also increases. A few of the main outlets for cyberbullying are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, instant messenger, or text messages. The term bullying has been a staple in the English language for centuries, but cyberbullying is a fairly new term. Roberto, Eden, Savage, Ramos Salazar, and Deiss (2014) reported that 74% of teenagers have an account on at least one social media site, but all social media site require a minimum age of 13 years old. In reality, 7.5 million Facebook accounts are operated by someone under 13 years old, and 5 million accounts are operated by a child under the age of 10 (Roberto et al., 2010). Cyberbullying give a new spin to bullying; therefore, the number of individuals affected by either type of bullying, especially middle school aged are increasing. Whether it is traditional bullying or cyberbullying, it cannot be taken lightly due to the consequences. In several cases, students who are a victim of cyberbullying feel humiliated in school ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...