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Descriptive Essays Sample
Crafting a descriptive essay on the topic of "Descriptive Essays Sample" may initially seem like
a straightforward task, but it comes with its own set of challenges. The difficulty lies in
balancing vivid descriptions with a coherent narrative that engages the reader. It requires the
writer to delve into their creative reservoir, employing sensory details to paint a rich and
immersive picture for the audience.
One challenge is avoiding monotony while maintaining a logical flow. The descriptive nature of
the essay should not compromise the overall structure, leaving readers confused or disinterested.
Striking the right balance between descriptive language and maintaining the coherence of ideas
requires careful consideration and skillful execution.
Furthermore, choosing the appropriate language to convey emotions, sensations, and visual
images can be demanding. The writer must select words that resonate with the theme, creating a
sensory experience for the reader without being overly verbose or clichГ©d.
Another aspect to navigate is the challenge of originality. With a topic centered around
descriptive essays, there is a risk of falling into common tropes and overused descriptions. The
task is to infuse creativity and uniqueness into the essay, ensuring it stands out from generic
In addition, maintaining a clear and concise focus on the chosen topic is crucial. It's easy to
deviate into tangential details or lose sight of the central theme when immersed in descriptive
writing. Skillful editing is essential to refine the essay and eliminate any extraneous elements.
In conclusion, composing a descriptive essay on the topic of "Descriptive Essays Sample"
demands a careful blend of creativity, structure, and originality. Overcoming the challenges
associated with balancing vivid descriptions, maintaining coherence, choosing the right
language, and ensuring originality requires dedication and a keen understanding of the art of
descriptive writing.
For those seeking assistance or examples, it's worth noting that similar essays and a plethora of
other writing resources can be explored and ordered on platforms like HelpWriting.net.
Descriptive Essays SampleDescriptive Essays Sample
The Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trials During the seventeenth century, many Puritans became fed
up with the Church of England and its devilish ways. They wanted to break free
from it, and make changes elsewhere. They got permission to set up a colony in
Massachusetts Bay, and soon after that, over twenty thousand Puritans fled from
England to America. They decided to base their colony on the word of God, and
believed God would protect them if they followed his commandments. This meant
that if anyone were to sin, they didn t want God to protect them because they
already worshiped the devil, and anyone who worshipped the devil was a witch
who used witchcraft to possess others. Because of this theory, many people were
accused of being witches and using witchcraft. The most notorious series of
hearings and prosecutions for those accused of witchcraft took place in Salem
Village, Massachusetts, known as the Salem Witch Trials. Beginning in February
1692, the trials would go on for over a year. The first accusations took place in
Salem Village, Massachusetts, but would later also take place in Salem Town,
Ipswich, and Andover, which are also located in Massachusetts. It started with two
young girls, who were also cousins. Abigail Williams (age 11) and Betty Parris (age
9). Betty was the daughter of Reverend Samuel Parris, the local Puritan Minister. The
girls started to throw fits, moved their bodies into unusual positions, and created
unnatural sounds. Similar behavior occurred with
Emotional Intelligence By Daniel Goleman
The members of this group collaborated through email after the reading groups were
assigned through email. A Google Doc was then created to publish brief ideas about
the book once read. The members then through email again divided up the sections of
this book review to complete the rough draft of the assignment. Once completed,
members were able to comment and edit each section. The group finalized the project
through email.
Synopsis Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, discusses the idea of
intelligence being more than a matter of cognitive ability. In part one and two of the
book, Goleman discusses how the brain processes emotions. In these chapters the
author describes the cortex and the limbic system. Rationality is job of the cortex
while the limbic system processes your emotions. He suggests that the emotional
intelligence can be a learned skill. In the next chapter Daniel Goleman uses studies
to show that many high IQ scoring students have underperformed in their lives while
many average people have become huge successes. Goleman stated that if the IQ
scoring has little to do with success and that your 80% success is based on your
emotional intelligence.
He describes self awareness or self observation. He says that you should know
yourself and your strengths instead of your IQ test and its results. He suggested that
some people are more attuned to the emotional mind s symbols instead of traditional
knowledge tested by IQ tests. However, Goleman
Chemistry Of Glow Sticks Lab Report
Chemistry of Glow Sticks Glow sticks, like many other everyday items, have
chemistry involved with them. Glow sticks were discovered by Edwin Chandross
in the 1960s. He was a young chemist at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey.
Edwin Chandross actually discovered the glow stick on accident. All along he was
just trying to find a general way to explain chemiluminescence. By mixing florescent
lightand hydrogen peroxide with oxalyl chloride, he discovered how to create a
glowing chemical light. From Chandross original discovery a lab team called
American Cyanamid, led by Michael M. Rahurt, created an oxalate ester named
phenyl oxalate to replace the oxalyl chloride. This lab team then sold their new
product to a group named Omniglow who went... Show more content on
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This certain reaction is a redox reaction or a reduction/oxidation reaction. A redox
reaction is any chemical reaction when a molecule, atom or ion gains or looses an
electron. The chemical reaction for glow sticks is as follows:
H202(AQ) + C14H10O4(AQ.) + DYE C6H2Cl3OH + 2CO2 + EXCITED DYE
Here are a few of the common dyes:
Blue 9,10 diphenylanthracene
Green 9,10 bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene
Yellow 1 chloro 9,10 bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene
Yellow Rubrene
Orange 5,12 bis(phenylethynyl) naphthacene
Orange Rhodamine6G
Red Rhodamine B
This is exactly what happens during the reaction:
1.The hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the phenyl oxalate ester, resulting in a chemical
called phenol and an unstable peroxyacid ester.
2.The unstable peroxyacid ester decomposes, resulting in additional phenol and a
cyclic peroxy compound.
3.The cyclic peroxy compound decomposes to carbon
Employee Observation Paper
In walking through Produce, I saw fresh products with that just came in from the
farm look. Hot Bar/Deli department was staffed with several employees to take
care of customers. Theresa greeted me with a smile and asked could she help me?
Her attention was all on me because I could see it in her eyes. Going straight to the
task at hand, she responded, per my instructions, to my desire. I thanked her and with
that sweet smile of hers, Theresa wished me a goodday. All the Deli/Hot Bar items
were fresh in appearance. Bakery products looked delicious. The employee there
greeted me saying can I help you with a smile. Men s restroom was clean and
stocked with supplies for customers needs. The Meat department s products were red
with freshness.
Why Is The Transcontinental Railroad Important For...
1) The Transcontinental Railroad was important, as it was the first railroad that
connected both the East and West coasts, and it made a quicker, more efficient
way to transport people and goods to different places. It cut travel time from a
minimum of 3 months (and often a year)down to a week. The transcontinental
railroad was important for westward expansion for an obvious reason. It made
traveling west easier and cheaper. It also facilitated west ward expansion in more
subtle, but equally if not more important ways. The transcontinental railroad created
a vast amount of jobs for people working on the railroads as well as for people
working to feed, clothe, and house these railroad workers.
2) U.S. industry grew and agriculture expanded westward to feed the growing
populations of industrial cities. The United States was the largest free trade market in
the world. Northern and Midwestern populations grew much faster than those of the
South and the expansion of the nation s railroad system tied those two regions closely
together. A large part of the industrial expansion during the post Civil War years was
based on connecting the industrial northeast with the farm and grazing areas of the
Midwest and Plains states and completing the transcontinental railroads. ... Show
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It held that only fierce competition could produce progress. Applying the principle
of survival of the fittest to society, they argued that intervening to assist the poor
violated laws of nature and would only impede progress. also, Social Darwinism
appealed to Americans as it allowed them to do and treat others in a way that was not
Social Contract Theory
Using the Social Contract Theory to argue against increased regulation of guns,
Timmons of Disputed Moral Issues (p.29) defines the Social Contract Theory as, An
action is morally right if and only if (and because) it is permitted by a set of moral
principles that hypothetical agents would agree to under conditions that are ideal for
choosing moral principles (the precise characteristics of the hypothetical agents and
ideal conditions to be spelled out) . As I attempted to analyze the social contract
theory, I translated this theory as meaning in some circumstances gun usage can be
morally justified and is thereby permitted for the safety and lives of the innocent.
For example, if an armed or unarmed subject was to enter a home posing a threat
towards the homeowner, the homeowner has the right to bear arms to protect oneself
as well as the family s life.
Next, with so much crime occurring in the world today, many adults, excluding
people with mental illnesses, should have the right to possess guns for protection
from bodily harm, but the guns should be locked away in a safe that is easily
accessible to the owners only. Additionally, no child should have access to their
parents guns without permission. As far as permission goes, a child may have
permission from their parents to hunt or target ... Show more content on
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Therefore, all sane adults should have protection. Next, if a person is being
severely beaten by several bullies and no one attempts to break up the fight or call
the police, that severely beaten person should be able to defend themselves
however they see fit to possibly keep the bullies from harming others later.
However, the element of surprise to a criminal could possibly force that subject to
run off. For example, if the victim was armed with a gun and the subject did not
expect the victim to have a gun in their
Notes On Hadoop And Mark Logic
Jyoti rana
Professor Savidrath By
IT 440/540
How To: Hadoop and Mark logic
Before talking about Hadoop and Mark Logic, it is very important to understand Big
Data. What is big data, what s the consequence and how it is linked with Hadoop and
Mark Logic? Large set of data, unstructured and structured which is created
everyday over the internet via different devices is known as Big Data . For example:
if the user has 7 accounts and creates multiple files in each account he has already
created large set of data of his own Big Data is generally described in terms of the
three Vs:
1. Volume
2. Velocity
3. Variety With all the collection of large datasets with huge volume, high velocity
and variety of data, business and organization were at risk to handle their data
privacy and security beyond their capacity. Due to the increase in new technology,
business, communication, device, big scale of data was produced. About 90% data
in today s world was just created in last two years alone, without counting those data
that has been created previously. The information retained in those data was a big
risk to many organizations as the current technology was managing the data with
traditional approach, which consisted of user, a centralized system and relational
data base. This style had various drawbacks together along with two key problems:
less storage capacity and slow data processing.
To overcome the problem, Doug Cutting
Summer Is A True Blue Friend Augie
Summer. She is kind, bold, and outgoing. Summer is the most reliable friend
Auggie has. She is the most elegant character in the book, and and no matter how
cold other kids may be at times, Summer is always there to warm Auggie right
back up with her kindness, maturity, and loyalty. This girl is a true blue friend. I
identify with her the most out of all the characters for those reasons. Bold adjective
(of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and
courageous. Summer is bold, because she stands up for herself and August, and she
doesn t ever give in to peer pressure. My actions are similar to her actions, because I
am confident in myself. After family and my religion, friends matter more to me than
The Adaptive Leadership Model
Adaptive Leadership focuses on the adaptations required of people in response to
changing environments (Northouse, 2016, p.257). In considering the ever changing
expectations for teaching and learning, it hardly seems plausible to lead under any
other approach. As fast as one set of mandates is rolled out, the next set is awaiting an
appearance. The ship moves onward, twisting and turning along the way, to bigger or
better sights. Interestingly enough, educationand its process has been described as a
slow moving train . However slow that train moves, the regulation and legislation is
constantly in upgrade mode under the auspices of improvements to student
achievement outcomes. As an adaptive leader in a changing environment, I would
encourage... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As you identify how you would lead your staff through this change, refer to at least
four of the six leader behaviors of the Adaptive Leadership model in your plan.
Heifetz, (as sited by Northouse 2016), explain that there are six leader behaviors
associated with adaptive leadership. Although there is a general order as to which
leader behavior comes first in the adaptive process, many of these behaviors
overlap with each other and should be demonstrated by leaders at the same time
(Northouse, 2016, p. 263). The first leader behavior is to get on the balcony which
simply means to get some perspective a birds eye view of the situation. I would
have clarity of mind, problems, and direction. This leader behavior is an overlap to
the second leader behavior of identifying adaptive challenges. I would be able to
easily assess from a balcony vantage point. Upon determining the challenges, the
third step I would do is to regulating distress. In essence, if I know what the
challenges are, I can more effectively assist my staff in how we
Romeo And Juliet Vs Luhrmann
In both versions of Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet voices her concerns about
getting married too quickly; however, the Luhrmann version uses lighting and music
in a static manner, which conveys a feeling of ignoring the seriousness of the scene,
whereas the Zeffirelli version changes the music and lighting with the emotion of the
scene to effectively convey Juliet s concerns. In the 1996 Luhrmann version of
Romeo and Juliet, the use of music to convey Juliet s uncertainty of marriage is less
effective than the use of music in the 1968 Zeffirelli version. In Baz Luhrmann s
version of Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet, when Juliet tells Romeo, O, wear not by
the moon, the inconstant moon, / That monthly, changes in her circled orb, /... Show
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When Romeo reveals that he has been listening to Juliet profess her lover for hom,
she responds with, O gentle Romeo, / If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully.
/ Or, if thou thinkest I am too quickly won, / I ll frown and be perverse and say thee
nay, / So thou wilt woo, but else not for the world (2.2.98 103). During these lines,
in the Luhrmann film the halo effect on Juliet is fairly represented, but in the
Zeffirelli version, it is in full effect. The rear lighting on Juliet is used to convey
innocence because at this time all her emotions and thoughts are out in the open and
she is vulnerable, so the lack of halo effect muddles the emotional aspect of Juliet s
confessions. Baz Luhrmann uses dark, neutral lighting in the beginning of the
balcony scene until Romeo reveals his presence to Juliet and they both fall into the
Capulet s pool. In the pool the lighting is much brighter, but still very neutral on both
Romeo and Juliet, especially when Juliet says, Although I joy in thee, I have no joy
of this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, Too like the
lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say It lightens (2.2.123 127). The static
lighting does not put any emphasis on the
Cultured Marble Research Paper
400 Г— 300
Marble is a natural stone made of calcite.
Alternate Text
When you are renovating a bathroom and getting ready to install a shower, you may
hear a number of different terms. Some of these may refer to the materials being used
to construct your new shower, including marble and cultured marble. Understanding
the difference between these two popular building materials can help you make the
right decision for your home.
Marble Overview
Marble is a natural stone material made mostly of calcite. A metamorphic stone,
marble is actually limestone that has been changed through tremendous amounts of
heat and pressure. The different minerals that were present in the limestone at the
time it became marble give different types ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The finished cultured marble product is sealed with a gel coat. As a result, cultured
marble is glossy in appearance with subtle, uniform veins and color. Cultured marble
is formed inside heated molds into vanity tops and shower surrounds.
Care of Marble in a Shower
As a natural stone, marble is porous. Marble in a shower should be well sealed to
avoid staining due to water absorption. White marbles should never be used on
shower floors, to avoid wicking up impurities from the shower drain and discoloring
over time. All marble in the shower should be washed with stone cleansers, sealed
regularly and squeegeed dry after each use to prevent stains and etching.
Care of Cultured Marble in the Shower
Cultured marble is a non porous material, meaning that it does not need to be
sealed. It can be cleaned with any non abrasive bathroom cleanser and left to dry
naturally. If the surface does become scratched or abraded, it can be re polished with
an application of automotive polish and a soft cloth. Because it is easy to care for,
most homeowners prefer cultured marble to natural marble.
Price and Appearance of
Gregor Mendel And Marie Curie Research Paper
Born into poverty, both Gregor Mendel and Marie Curie made it very far in the
world of science, earning many degrees. I learned many interesting facts about
Gregor Mendel who is the father of modern genetics and Marie Curie who
discovered radioactivity used for x rays. Even though Mendel and Curie made it
very far in the world, I feel that Mendel s contributions had more of an impact on
Born Johann Mendel, Gregor grew up in a family of small farmers who made
financial sacrifices to pay for his education. In 1843, Mendel s father expected him
to take over the family farm, but Mendel started studying to be a monk instead.
Marie worked as a governess until she saved up enough money at the age of 24, to
buy a train ticket to Paris to begin her studies at Sorbonne. She made ends meet by
cleaning glassware in university labs. She also rationed ... Show more content on
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Darwin s book The Origin of Species talks about how species evolve by means of
mutation and natural selection. Another way that Mendel s theory on Genetics
impacts society is our food. Genetics is used to yield better crops and the
reproduction of animals. Marie Curie identified both polonium and radium in 1898
and describe the elements as radio active. Marie and her husband Pierre shared the
Noble Prize in physics with Becquerel in 1903. And in 1911, she received a second
Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry.
In conclusion, Mendel and Curie both had a positive impact on the world of Allied
Health. Mendel s work with pea plants contributed to the Allied Health field by
giving the fundamental laws of genetics. Radioactivity that Curie helped discovered
led to new therapeutic and diagnostic methods in medicine. Mendel s experiments
led to a greater understanding of genetics. As you can see, Mendel had a greater
impact on society because his laws about genetics affects our crops, our own human
genetics and the genetics of
Edward II Film Analysis
Christopher Marlowe s Edward II was published around 1594 and in 1991 Derek
Jarman produced a film adaptation under the same title. Though these two works
were produced almost four hundred years apart, many of the themes and aesthetics
from the original are able to shine through a modern lense. The film successfully
utilizes many of the original themes, motifs and characters as well as the plot
without producing a carbon copy of the play. Jarman s ability to successfully
transform the text to fit the socio political climate of his time is what sets this
adaptation apart from similar works. The film adaptation of Edward II pays homage
to its roots, and yet manages to set itself apart as an independent work of art.
Though Jarman s film is modernized, it successfully borrows political and cultural
themes of the early modern period. One of the political themes that it borrows is the
idea of a ruling party deciding whom one can be in love with. In an article analyzing
various works from Christopher Marlowe, author Mark Hutchings talks about the
idea of effeminate rulers who neglect their duties are challenged and overthrown.
(Hutchings, Marlowe s Greekish strumpet ). During the early modern period, the
nobility was content with homosexual relationship if it did not interfere with their
agenda. This is what is reflected in the play when the nobles are trying to rid the
kingdom of Gaveston, but not get rid of Edward. While the original play serves to
warn against distracted
Human Nearness In Science Since The 1930 s
We re living in an immensely virtual age where numerous youngsters feel that the
greater part of the revelations that they have to get will going on their tablets and
cell phones. For me, it s more critical than any time in recent memory to
reintroduce a feeling of physical investigation, to get out there into weird,
threatening and testing conditions. There is most likely 99 for each penny of
profound seas and all of room to left investigate, and it is just by placing people into
new physical areas that we ll have the capacity to make bona fide and pivotal logical
disclosures. Humannearness in scienceis practically the meaning of science. It s a
human undertaking to assemble learning, not only a machine try to accumulate
information. The robots we send into these situations don t recognize what to search
for, or more everything they don t know how to be... Show more content on
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Be that as it may, the primary thing to recall when taking a gander at the current
declaration that Nasa is to place $1.6bn into a task to get its space explorers up the
International Space Station, is this is really not an expansive aggregate of cash.
Also, a standout amongst the best reactions to the Great Depression of the 1930s
was to draw cash into foundation and innovation it was called Roosevelt s New
Deal. It was questionable at the time, however before that decade s over, the USA
was the most intense country on Earth. What are governments for on the off chance
that they don t contribute? It s vastly improved to put citizens cash into occupations
and new advances than essentially salvaging banks.
The advantages of proceeding to lead off world logical investigation in the here and
now are Earthly. They need to do with producing new and extraordinary political
connections between nations, while getting engineers with various foundations and
customs to
Barriers In The Truman Show
As he grew up, we were forced to manufacture ways to keep him on the island. Peter
Weir s 1998 American satirical science fiction film, The Truman Show stars Jim
Carrey as the lead role of Truman Burbank, a 30 year old who is unknowingly
broadcasted on a live, 24/7 television show. Having been chosen out of six unwanted
pregnancies, Truman was adopted and raised in Seahaven, an artificial island
enclosed inside a dome located near hollywood. Truman does not know about any of
this. To keep his show successful, the director and creator of Seahaven, Christof,
manufactures various physical, emotional and social barriers. The barriers are
representations of the manipulation the media in our world implements for personal
In The Truman Show, Christof uses many physical barriers to keep Truman on the
island. A main barrier we see in the movie is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The latter reason ties to Truman s emotional barriers, which I will refer to later.
The sea also relates to the weather nearing the end scene, Christof, in a final attempt
to stop Truman, creates a strong storm that nearly overturns Truman s boat..
Another example of a physical barrier is shown during a scene where Truman
decides to be spontaneous. Blocked at every turn. Beautifully synchronized...
Truman says to his wife, Meryl, when his spontaneous road trip was cut short
because of a sudden traffic jam (Christof s call). Nevertheless, Truman manages to
get past, but is stopped once again by several other factors, such as bridges (Truman
s aquaphobia prevents him from driving over water) and forest fires, yet he still
manages to get past the obstacles before ultimately being halted by the group of
people at the
How Did The Erie Canal Change America
Establishing Erie Canal Change
Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree then it will
live its whole live believing that it is stupid. (Albert Einstein) Beginning in 1817 and
opened in its entirety in 1825, the Erie Canal is considered the engineering marvel of
the 19th century. When the government concluded that the project was too ambitious
to undertake, the State of New York took on the task of carving 363 miles of canal
through the wilderness with nothing but the muscle power of men and horses. The
question that I will attempt to answer in this essay is How did the Erie Canal change
America? The creation of the Erie Canal would lead to a Jurassic change on America
in the way we trade, and will lead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first piece of evidence that shows any sign of women getting their rights is
when the Underground Railroad stations ran right along the pathway of the Erie
Canal and triggered women forcing themselves into communities and realizing how
disrespected they were being treated. However, since women did not have very
many right they could not make a difference about it. According to Catherine A.
Brekus article Female Preaching in Early Nineteenth Century America women began
working against the grain and started to rebel against them not being able to do any
of the things men can and started with preaching in churches secretly. Eventually,
women did not need to keep it a secret because some churches actually began
allowing women to preach instead of men. In the article, from the National Park
Service, it is stated that along the stations of the Underground Railroad a conference
was made to discuss Women s Rights. During this convention, of sorts, 300 people
responded to discuss Women s Rights. This convention will lead to the Women s
Rights movement after the Civil War, and World War II.
Given these points, it is safe to say that the Erie Canal effect America by its way of
trading, leading to the abolishment of Slavery, and lead to the Women s Rights
movement. So it is important to reflect on fantastic achievements like this because
when history repeats itself, which it always
The Awakening By Kate Chopin
Davian Hart
The Awakening
By: Kate Chopin
AP Literature
Topic 3
Hart 1 Over the course of time the male species has always been the gender to attain
the more favorable conditions. Numerous cultures heed to the belief that the man is
the provider and head of his family. This machismo nature can condition the mindto
believe that a man should feel superior to a woman. The continuous cycle of male
superiority flows down from father to son subconsciously. Do to this unceasing
sequence of behavior women fall subject to repression and control at the hands of
mentally undeveloped men. Kate Chopin s The Awakening, illustrated this particular
topic in a way that not only appealed to the readers sense of pathos but, the readers
likeliness to be able to relate to the aforementioned as well. Chopin stylistically
renders the struggle of the protagonist Edna Pontellier, a strong willed woman who
finds herself imprisoned to the concept of trans temporal existence, as she seeks
refuge to her true being, Edna experiments relationships with multiple men that
unintentionally repress her existence. Between Leonce Pontellier, Robert Lebrun,
Alcee Arobin and The Colonel effect of Edna s life they catalyze her awakening
and ultimately lead her suicide. There are certain ideals that need to be met while
being in a relationship; they play concrete roles in the stability of the partnership.
The idea of Edna being confined in a marriage with Mr. Pontellier who doesn t
Teen Activist Essay
Have you ever had something taken away from you that you want back and you
speak out about it? Then you are being a teen activist. Don t know what a teen
activist is a teen activism is people who speak out and stand up for something they
believe in and never back down. Do you know any teen activist like, Alex Libby,
Alex Lin or Malala Yousafzai? One example of a teen activist is Alex Libby, Alex
libby stand against bullying. When Alex was younger he was bullied himself.
According to the video I don t feel pain anymore Alex was bullied and bullied non
stop on the bus they would stab him with pencils and call him names it was brutal.
After his parents found out they went to the principal for help all she said was she
rode that root before... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This man wants to get rid of electronic waste. According to the E waste youth
activist he was just 9 years old when he started his team to get rid of electronic
waste. Alex got a team of friends and started Team Win. The members of Team Win
collected electronic waste in their home town and recycled it. So far they have
collected over 333,000 electronics. Team Win knew that just doing this in their
town wouldn t solve the global problem. So they went before Congress and
introduced legislation that as eventually approved that makes it a requirement to
recycle electronic waste and to make it illegal to throw away in the trash. This is
another great example of a teen activist. My last example of a teen activist is
Malala Yousafzai, she stands up for women s freedom and women s education.
According to ABC news Some challenges she faced was the Taliban, they would
threaten her and eventually they shot her in the head. But that did not stop her.
She was rushed to a hospital in England where she had surgery to remove the bullet
from her head. After her recovery she started to speak out again about what
happened to her and other girls at the hands of the Taliban. Imagine how brave she
is, she got shot and still was strong enough to speaking out. But she was not alone.
She got her inspiration from her Dad. He was a teacher who believed that if men are
allowed to go to school then women should be allowed to go to school
The Midwestern Crime Wave Essay
The Midwestern Crime Wave All across the nation during the Great Depression
people were jobless, homeless, and starving; nowhere was this truer than in the
American Midwest. Not only did the farms and cities of the Midwest have to deal
with the poor economic conditions but the Midwest s main source of income,
agriculture, was being ravaged by the natural phenomenon now called the Dust Bowl.
On top of low crop prices and a lack of employment farmland was ruined, went
unplanted, and was often foreclosed on. These extra difficulties left the inhabitants of
the Midwest with added resentments and frustration with businesses and government
that seemed unable or unwilling to help. Out of this extreme hardship came a group
of people who for... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This in turn made the public feel that those robbing banks and kidnapping the rich
were striking out for the poor against the wealthy. With the masses on their side
these outlaws had many supporters among the American public. Claire Potter
described the difficulty police had in obtaining information on gangsters from
everyday citizens. She wrote about police who were questioning a witness whose
only answer was to ask why we do not put all the bankers in jail who stole the
people s money? (147) On top of this, the gangsters also offered some sensation and
drama to the people of the Great Depression. Since fulfilling one s basic needs was
so difficult the public had little time or money for recreational activities. The stories
of the wild shootouts and daring holdups then gave the public something to talk
about offering a little escape from the difficulty if their daily lives. These two aspects
allowed gangsters to make many friends and find support easily while trying to elude
authorities. Armed robbery and kidnapping were the specialty of those that
participated in the Midwestern crime wave. These crimes are what made men and
women like Machine Gun Kelly, John Dillinger, Bonnie Parker, and Clyde Barrow
famous. They may all had their start in petty crime, such as stealing cars or
bootlegging, but the outlaws who seemed to gain notoriety all graduated past these
crimes quickly. According to one Dillinger biography he got his start in the sixth
grade with a
Pros And Cons Of Banning The Veil
conclude that banning the veil isn t as just about assuaging the suffering of the
Muslim woman as much as it is about protecting French republican notions of
sexuality, notions considered fundamental and foundational against the disturbing
influence of Islam (Scott pp. 123). Women choosing to wear a Burqa however may
be doing so as a symbol of demanding control over their bodies and rejecting the
sexuality and objectification of the republic culture. What s appalling is the
assumption that a veiled woman means submission and oppression. Based on their
own perceptions of what is empowering and what is suffering, proponents of the
ban have been speaking on behalf of the Muslim woman: As a non muslim, I would
never wear a burqa and therefore you should not wear a burqa . By foisting their
own perceptions of what is right and wrong, they are stigmatizing Muslim women and
imposing restrictions on their freedom of choice. A veil could... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
There is an increasing anxiety about French identity in light of the changing
demographic structure. Moreover, the majority of practicing female Muslims in
France who choose to wear the veil have immigrants roots. They are part of the
wave of immigrants into France from its former colonies of Algeria, Tunisia, and
Morocco. During the French colonization of the Maghreb, Muslims were depicted
as inferior people, incapable of self government. Expressions of bias against
Muslims stem from a deep seated psychological preoccupation with the other . As
Professor Bate explained, a process that anthropologists have come to call
schismogenesis the formation of Self in terms of what we apprehend in the Other. In
the French psyche, the immigrants are defined by what the French are not. The ban
on the veil is a manifestation of this, the way in which Frenchness has come to be
constructed in contradiction to a Islamist
Comparing The Medieval Towns Of Europe
Medieval Towns of Europe: A Comparative Analysis to Modern Life
The Medieval era, also known as the Dark ages, lasted for more than a thousand
years. The towns from this time period had many similarities and differences to our
modern life. Medical treatments and punishment for crimes are very different today.
However, leisure activities and holidays in the Middle ages were similar to those of
present day.
Medical treatments were superstitious, religious and dangerous. Doctors would use
charms and astrology, pray and try to bleed out patients to rebalance their blood . It
is no surprise that diseases were so common considering how dirty towns were and
the fact that they had no running water. People drank from streams that had garbage
and waste
Harriet Jacobs Research Paper
In the early eighteenth century through the mid nineteenth century slavery was
arguably the most controversial topic in the newly formed United States.
Testimonies such as those found in Common Sense, American Yawp, and
Narrative of Sojourner Truth, are just some examples of the cruelty and harshness
slaves endured. Many people of different races and social standings rose together
in Christianity and spoke out against slavery in hopes to reform the new country.
Those such as Harriet Jacobs, Charles G. Finney, David Walker, and Sojourner
Truth s testimonies and speeches still ring throughout history today. Harriet Jacobs
was born into slavery. Her parents, both of mixed race, were salves as well;
although her father was such a skilled carpenter he was able to buy his freedom but
unfortunately not his families, Jacobs mother on the other hand died as a slave. In
her testimony, she describes her younger years as a slave were happy and unaware
that she was considered property. Jacobs shared the same treatment as her Mistress
children until... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Finney, preached and stressed the importance of human action in the battle against
slavery. Finney claimed that the world is divided into two great parties; 5 one
party being those of the sinners, Satan as the god of this world, selfish, wicked
hearted and greedy.6 The other party Finney refers to in his writing were those
who choose Jehovah for their governor, .7 Finney went on to explain that the sins
that sinners commit are those of their choosing, Some persons, as I have already
observed, seem disposed to be passive, to wait for some mysterious influence, 8 he
wrote in hopes to encourage the nation to eradicate their sin of slavery. Finney
know the sins his people were committing and tried to reach out to them so they
could live in a country and hopefully one day a world, where everyone was treated
equal and lived in
Cultural Imperialism And Globalization
Globalisation is the process of interconnectedness and the integration of national and
regional culture, economies, and society through the global network of
communication, immigration, transportation and trade (Financial Times Lexicon,
2017). According to Reiche (2014), globalisation did not mean much in the past fifty
years. It could be primarily focused on the trade and also foreign direct investment
which are the economic side of the world but it has been expanded to a broader range
which including media, culture, technology, trades and political factors nowadays.
Although globalisation is considered as a wide range nowadays, it still can be
classified as four main characteristics which are stretched social relations,
intensification of flows, increasing interpenetration, and global infrastructure (Held,
2004). However, cultural imperialism has the most typical impacts on globalisation.
This essay will define and explain cultural imperialism and its impact from the
pessimistic globalist and transformationalist perspective.
Cultural imperialism, the main focus of globalisation is defined as the domination of
culture from some countries to the rest of the world (Tobin, 2016). It could be the
cultural goods flow to the other countries, normally from the more influential or
stronger countries such as the United States and some Western countries which
inculcating their values through the goods or advertisements. For instance, the origin
of Starbucks, McDonald s, and
Essay On Strike
Do you every get star struck? If yes with who?
I did get sratr strucked onece, I was hosting on a red carpet on a film that was
coming out that had Leonardo DiCaprio in it and Leo was coming the carpet and I
got to interview him and I was blown away. He just has this light arounfd him that
is so special and that pretty much the only time that really ever happened, because I
ve worked with Byonce, Jennifer lopex, Ive worked with a lot of top starsand I just
trat them like the humanbeigns that they are and I don t get start struck for them, but
for some reason Leonardo dicraprio that was just a difrfrent story all together. And of
course I held it togerther but ai had just a big smile in my heart that I know was star
struck at that point. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So the stunts that they are asking me to do are the stunts they know I can handle. So
I have yet to question any stunts so anything that I can do those coordinators know
that I can do. So this weekend I m actrually doing in higfall traing. I will jumping off
of big mats. So I haven t question any of them yet, but that s an excellent excellent
What has been the worse injury you ve received while working? Most fun stunt you
ve experienced?
I have never hurt myself during stunts thank goodness and I say that knowing that
there is always a possibility getting hurt. So I say that and am grateful not being hurt
during a stunt. The worse I got was someone stabbed me in the eye with a wooden
sword and I have a little dot by my eye, so that s the worse I ve ever gotten. The
most fun stunt was when I got to fight on Blind spot fighting with Rhonda Rhosy,
that was prison fight was really cool and I m hoping to get more work with them.
If I ever needed to, how would I jump off a building to escape?
You don t unless you really really had to, it takes proper training. You can fall on
your head or really injur yourself. So don t do that mama. What I suggest is for
emergencies is to get one of those protable laddrs that are inexpesvier and you can
use it to climb out of a two story window.
Are you working on any new projects that we should look out for?
Yes I am I m working on two scenes right now but they wont be out for a little while.
One is
Distribution Of Indi Maharashtra
2. Camposporidium cristatum Nawawi and Kuthubutheen15 Mycotaxon, 32:161
167, 1988. Conidia: Acrogenous, solitary, day, seceding schizolytically,
cylindrical, multi septate, slightly tapered at the apex, truncate at the base, 9 12
distoseptate, olivaceous to olivaceous brown, 70 96 Вµm long, 8 10 Вµm at the
widest part, 6 8 Вµm wide at the base, 4 6 divergent, non septate, hyaline to sub
hyaline appendages measuring up to 60 Вµm long, 1.5 Вµm wide. Habitat:
Conidia in unidentified decaying dicot wood and foam samples, Bhagwant sagar,
26thJan.2014. BAFK 105a. Leg. D. K. P. Distribution in India: Maharashtra
(Pawar and Kulkarni20, 1974), Kerala (Ponappa21, 1970; Sharma25, 1973)
Western Ghat (Subramanian and Bhat28, 1981), Karnataka (Sridhar and
Kaveriappa27, 1982; Ramesh and Vijay Kumar24, 2000) Remark: It has been
reported for the first time in Bhagwant sagar from Khandwa (M.P.) 3.
Camposporium pellucidum (Grove) Hughes 8 Mycol., 36:9,1951.Conidia: long,
multiseptate, rod like pale brown coloured, end cell being colorless,80 140 x7.5 12
Вµm with up to 16 septa, cylindrical and gradually tapered towards the apex, main
body is Prolonged apically into narrow hyaline projection, slightly curved
appendage or rostrum up to 145 Вµm long, 2 Вµm thick at the tip. Habitat: Conidia
in foam samples and dead wood, Bhagwant Sagar, 26th Jan. 2014. BAFK 53. Leg. D.
K. P. Distribution in India: Western Ghat (Subramanian and Bhat28, 1981),
Maharashtra (Patil, 1998a16; Borse and
Ltcc Based High Voltage 3 D Power Module
LTCC Interposer Based High Voltage 3 D Power Module
Atanu Dutta, Simon Ang, and Zhong Chen
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA
Abstract In this paper, a low temperature co fired ceramic (LTCC) interposer based
high voltage (13 kV) half bridge power module is proposed. The proposed power
module utilized multi layer LTCC interposers to perform 3 D stack, which provides
series connection between devices to achieve high voltage rating of the power
module. The proposed 3 D stack can be implemented through wafer level packaging
using silicon (Si) and silicon carbide (SiC) devices where paralleling of multiple
devices is required to achieve high current. In the proposed high voltage package
design, through hole vias are implemented to form electrical connections between
multi layer self aligned LTCC interposers. The LTCC interposers also provide
excellent high voltage breakdown insulation for the proposed package design. The
package exhibits lower parasitic inductance compared to the traditional wire bonded
counterpart. In this paper, the feasibility of the proposed power module design was
Index Terms High voltage power module, wafer level packaging, 3 D power module,
wire bondless power module
High power modules require multiple power semiconductor devices to be connected
in series and parallel to achieve both high voltage and current rating. There are
several challenges associated with packaging of
Petroleum Engineering
Graduation Project
10 December 2012
Petroleum Engineering: The Impact on Today s Society The United States
dependency for foreign oil is at its all time high with the demand for oil continuing to
grow. Americans depend on oil for transportation, heating, and power. Within the last
five to ten years, the growing desire for more efficient ways of fueling has
skyrocketed. Petroleum engineering has sparked a revolution throughout the nation. It
has made a strong influence on the whole nation but has really made an impact in
places like Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Texas which are high drilling states.
However, the controversy of natural gas drilling, the job of petroleum engineers, has
become a highly talked about issue. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Millions of people are now getting on site and off site job opportunities. As this
industry continues to grow, which it will, even more jobs will become available.
These job opportunities will give a chance for people to live the so called
American Dream . These jobs offer twice the average American salary with benefits.
The great thing about these jobs is that they do not demand a four year college
degree. There are programs now designed both online and in school that can have
you prepared for drilling in less than two years. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
projected an employment opportunity increase for petroleum engineers of 18%
between 2008 and 2018. Career openings span the globe with some of the highest
salaries offered to entry level engineers with bachelor s degrees. (http://education
Petroleum_Engineering_Training_and_Degree_Program_Information.html). Natural
gas drilling has provided futures for so many people in our nation, but natural gas
also has an impact on the rest of the world as well. In today s society, energy is
critical. Everything we do involves a form of energy being used such as gas, electric,
or water. United States ranks the highest in energy used in terms of total usage. The
U.S Energy Information Administration estimated that the, the average annual
electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 11,496 kWh (http:/
/www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=97 t=3). I, for example, never took
Child Labour. . The Industrial Revolution (1760 To 1840)
CHILD LABOUR The industrial revolution (1760 to 1840) was an exciting time,
and while Britain and America were transforming modern society there was an
incredibly high demand for labor. Children as young as 4 years old were working
underpaid in factories to keep themselves and their poverty struck families alive. I
will be exploring why it was that so many children were working in factories during
the industrial revolution, and how they compare to the child labourers of today. I will
begin my essay by explaining the child laborsystem during the Industrial Revolution,
and the laws that regulated it. Furthermore, I will look at Samuel Davy s story and
how being a 7 year old child labourer affected his family. To continue... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although this didn t stop child labour from happening, it was definitely a step in the
right direction. In 1805, Samuel Davy was 7 years old and living in London. He
was working at a local mill until one day he was taken to work at Mr. Watson s
Mill near Preston. His brother was later also sent to the mill, with their parents
having no knowledge of where either boy had gone. This drove their mother to a
state of insanity, causing her to die in a state of madness. This shows the effect
that child labor has on not only the child but also their family, as Samuel and his
brother were both taken to the mill without any notification to parents. We can
assume that the children taken to Preston were offered more money if they were
to accept the offer, and due to the poverty that hampered Samuel s family the offer
was impossible to turn down. A man named Samuel Greg (born in 1758) needed
high quality yarn for his business, so opened his own textile mill. In 1783 Greg
opened his mill, Greg was short of technical skill, and in 1790 he decided that the
solution to his efficiency problems was to buy child labourers to live in an
apprentice house. Greg eventually hired 90 children, 60 girls and 30 boys, who
made up 50% of his workforce. His demand was that workers brought with them Two
shifts, two pairs of stockings and two aprons (Spartacus educational.com, 2016).
Andrew Ure saw in The Philosophy of Manufactures (1835) At Quarry Bank, near
Wilmslow in
Ancient World Research Paper
Ancient Wonders
Antipator created a list of awe inspiring structures that spanned a period of time, of
approximately three thousand years (Banks Preface ). The list came to be called
the, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, as each wonder was located in different
areas of the world (Banks Preface ). Europe could only claim one, two were in
Africa, while three were located in Asia, leaving the final one on a small island
south of Greece (Banks Preface ). These structures were spoke of throughout time
due to their magnificence and level of skill it took to create each masterpiece. Of the
seven structures, only one still remains, the Great Pyramid of Giza, which also
happens to be the oldest. Four of the remaining ancient wonders will ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is considered the sixth wonder, only thought to be slightly older than the
Lighthouse of Alexandria (Banks Preface ). The Colossus is also considered the
wonder with the shortest lifespan of about half a century (Editors Ch. 9). As an
offering to their sun god, Helios, the Rhodians had the Colossus built so that they
would forever remember winning the war against Antigous, who sent his son
Demetrius, and an army of forty thousand men, to punish the Rhodians for
supporting Ptolemy ( The Colossus of Rhodes ). The great structure was placed on
the Island of Rhodes, which was located off the southwestern tip of Asia Minor
where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean (Krystek Colossus... 1). The
sculptor, Charles of Lindus, took twelve years to complete the statue, finishing it
about 280 BC ( Colossus C 481a). The statue was one hundred and ten feet high
and stood upon a fifty foot pedestal near the harbor mole ( Colossus of Rhodes 1).
From the war machines that Demetrius left behind, bronze was melted down for
the exterior, while the framework was composed of iron ( Colossus of Rhodes 1).
Around 226 BC an earthquake hit the Island of Rhodes and the statue fell into the
sea leaving only the some of the base intact (Krystek Colossus... 1). In the seventh
century AD the Arabs conquered Rhodes and broke the remains of the Colossus up
into smaller pieces and sold it as scrap metal ( Colossus of Rhodes
Why I Didn t Be Fine
It was late in the day and I just got a call from the school they said Your daughter
Bailey passed out in class she is being rushed to the hospital right now.
I replied ok.
A million thoughts that day were running through my head when I hung up the
phone, is she ok?, why did this happen?, what s the quickest way to the hospital? I
was speeding all the way to the hospital. I was lucky I didn t get pulled over. When I
got to the hospital I rushed over to Bailey she was in a wheelchair and a technician
guy was talking to her. Bailey was just going in for her first test and I said she would
be fine. but I didn t know that for sure, I hoped she would be anyway.
Bailey went to go get her first test done and I had to sit ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
I quickly said but if she s not in the pediatric wing I can t spend the night with her.
when they arrived at the door of the room it looked like she was given a bed in a
nursing home everyone was at least a decade older the Bailey s grandparents. The aide
then said watch out coming through
He had almost bumped into an older mans cane and another one s walker. When I
was walking by someone had said that their Aunt Mabel would be getting a
roommate and that would be nice. Everyone kept looking from me to Bailey and
back again so I quickly announce that Bailey just fainted and she s only there for
tests. The nurse started asking Bailey questions and acted like Bailey was
interrupts when she answered no on some of the questions. The one nurse looked
over at me and said visiting hours are over in a really scared but flat voice i didn t
know what to say I looked at Bailey and she gave me permission to leave.
When i walked out the door i just wanted to cry i didn t want to leave my little girl
at the hospital all alone at night and not be able to watch over her and make sure
she is ok. I got to the car and it barely started but it did i just thought
Withdrawal of U.S Troops from Afghanistan and Its
The Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan describes the ongoing drawdown of
U.S. Armed Forces in the Afghanistan war and the plans for its post 2014 presence
when combat troops have left Afghanistan by the end of 2014.
2009 U.S. troops increase under ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
troops by the end of 2014, except for trainers who will assist Afghan forces and a
small contingent of troops with a specific mission to combat al Qaeda through
counterterrorism operations
NATO Chicago Summit: Troops withdrawal and longterm presence On 21 May
2012 the leaders of the NATO member countries endorsed an exit strategy during the
2012 NATO Summit in Chicago. The NATO led ISAF Forces will hand over
command of all combat missions to
3 Afghan forces by the middle of 2013, while shifting at the same time from combat
to a support role of advising, training and assisting the Afghan security forces and
then withdraw most of the 130,000 foreign troops by the end of December 2014. A
new and different NATO mission will then advise, train and assist the Afghan security
forces including the Afghan Special Operations Forces.
Security handover and U.S. Suspension of Afghan Local Police forces training The
U.S. is set to hand over responsibility for security to local Afghans by 2014, and
efforts are underway to draw down U.S. forces, but US President Barack Obama
has not specified a date for the withdrawal of all American troops from the country.
President Obama said on 1 September 2012 that he had a specific plan to bring our
The White Class And The American Family
Moreover, in our interview, she described what her article The Normal American
Family was about, and stated that, while conducting her researches, she became
interested in the internalized racial oppression within families. This internalized
racial oppression within families later became based on the white middle class family,
to which I like to refer to as the modern American family ideology . The white class
family was the ideology that would be seen on television shows such as The Brady
Bunch, as mentioned by Professor Pyke. She addressed the television show, The
Brady Bunch, as one of the white middle class families that many second generation
Asian Americanimmigrant students would compare to their families, and question
why not being the same. Korean and Vietnamese second generation children seem to
have built an ideal American family based on what they see on television or other
American family, and that is why they have created certain ideals and characteristics
that their families should meet. Many of the image of normal family life that
respondents brought to their description came in the form of references to television
families or the families of non Asian friends (Pyke, 247). Professor Pyke mentioned
that students would see these white middle class families, and ask themselves why
their families could not be the same. Or question why their parents could not be
affectionate, just like their friend s parents. The truth is that their parents could not be
Karisa And Chase Research Paper
Karisa: Hi, everyone! Today, me, Karisa and Chase would be talking about the great
things about the ocean. They are many marine activities you can do at the beach. For
example, surfing, stand up paddling which is known as SUP, kayaking, and
swimming. These activities, mostly uses the waves of the ocean. Surfing and Stand
Up paddling provides many health benefits, like cardiovascular fitness, improves
balance, and is a good cardio workout. There are also sports using wind, such as
windsurfing, kitesurfing, and sailing. Windsurfing strengthens your core, Kitesurfing
tones your body, and sailing add to your muscle strength. Some activities are mainly
for interacting with marine animals such as, riding a submarine, snorkeling, scuba
diving.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the sunset is on the horizon, it is the most beautiful moment of the day.
When the half sun reflects on the ocean, the color of the ocean turns orange and
yellow. The sky turns orange, purple, and pink, and it is really magnificent. If you
want to see the sunset and the sunrise from start to finish, a cruise ship is perfect
for you! Cruise shipping is a really exciting activity. You can enjoy wildlife in the
ocean, experience many ocean activities . You can see sea turtles, dolphins, and
whales in the ocean. In some places, you can see sea turtles coming up to the shore
to lay eggs. which is very rare. Whale watching is becoming really popular now.
You can even see whales in Japan too! You can go out to the ocean on a boat, and
can see whales swimming near you. In other places, you can swim with sharks and
whale sharks. You don t have to worry about being eaten by sharks. Sharks actually
don t eat humans. Humans aren t nutritious enough to be worth the effort. The
ocean is a perfect place for taking pictures. You can find millions of pictures on
social media taken by people around the world. It is also not rare to see people like
teenagers and adults taking picture of the ocean. The beautiful scenery of the ocean
makes many people want to take pictures of
Volatile Organic Compounds
The Edwards Air Force Base located in Antelope Valley in Southern California was
built to test new aircraft and help integrate them into the U.S. Air Force. The site
became a flight test center after World War II. As an air base, many chemicals and
fuel are stored here and throughout its history there have been spills and improper
disposals. This became an environmental hazard when the contaminants began to seep
into the ground. The EPA, the Air Force, and two state agencies signed a Federal
Facility Agreement in 1990 to address this issue.
Activities That Led to Pollution
The activities that led to the pollution were the storage of fuel, Volatile Organic
Compounds, metals, and other chemicals. Years of flight testing and rocket... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
VOCs can easily become vapors or gasses making it very toxic to any in the area
who inhale it. Perchlorate, which came from the many years of rocket fuel resting, 1,
4 dioxane, and various metals are non volatile contaminants found in some areas. N
Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a semi volatile organic compound suspected of
being a carcinogen and is a known hepatotoxin. Some of the less harmful
contaminants include landfills that may contain unexploded artillery, weapons or
other munitions related materials. Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs), an unregulated
group of chemicals, has also been found and is being investigated at different sites on
the base.
Harmful Effects
Trichloroethene has been associated with hepatotoxicity. Exposure also produces
decreased appetite, gastrointestinal irritation, headaches, skin irritation. Chronic
exposure produces ataxia (loss of full control of bodily movements.), decreased
appetite, headache, short term memory loss, sleep disturbances, and vertigo.
Tetrachloroethene is a group 2A carcinogen. This means that it is likely a probable
carcinogen. It is also a Central Nervous System depressant and due to its fat solubility
it can enter through the skin and cause irritation. Acute exposure to
tetrachloroethylene can cause incoordination drowsiness, dizziness, and headaches.
Large doses, however, can cause unconsciousness and death. Chronic exposure can
cause changes in reaction time, memory, attention and vision, and
The Ghost By William Shakespeare
In the play Hamlet, the ghost presents himself as a character of an ambiguous nature
with a definitive purpose and a voice of paradox, delivering to Hamlet a lethal
mission to punish Claudius and avenge the late king. These qualities of the ghost
help show that there are uncertainties in this life and the afterlife and also
demonstrate that revenge, while carrying harsh repercussions, may be used as a
cleansing and justifying instrument to rid Denmark of its evil influences. The ghostis
the deceased King Hamlet, who dies an untimely and unnatural death at the hands
of his own brother Claudius, who pours poison down the King s ear. In literature,
the presence of a ghost usually means that an issue is unresolved and needs to be
corrected, and in Hamlet, the dead King returns to have Claudius punished and
purge Denmark of the intrinsic evil that corrupts it. The issue, an act of fratricide,
is so vile and serious that its victim calls from beyond the grave for justice and asks
Hamlet to exact revenge on the selfish murderer. This mission of revenge requested
of Hamlet commences the main actions of the play and sets the twists and turns in
motion. While the ghost is seen only for a short while in the play, Bernice Kliman of
Hamletworks.org comments that in effect he broods over the whole play (Kliman).
This is absolutely correct, since it is the deed of revenge instituted by the ghost that
can be tracked throughout the whole play and ultimately leads to the demise of the
Essay on Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant 1724 1804
Immanuel Kant was born on April 22, 1724 in Konigsberg, East Prussia. He was
the son of a saddler. At age 8, he entered the Collegium Fredericianum, a Latin
school, where he remained for 8 1/2 years and studied the classics. He then entered
the University of Konigsberg in 1740 to study philosophy, mathematics, and physics.
The death of his father halted his university career so he became a private tutor. In
1755, he returned to Konigsburg where he later resumed his studies. In 1756, he
received a degree and was made a lecturer, and in 1770 he became a professor.
Kant felt he had to adhere to a very strict schedule during his years as a professor. He
would get up shortly before five ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1798, the year following his retirement from the University, Kant published a
summary of his religious views. He died on February 12, 1804.
During his lifetime, Kant produced many writings. Scholars usually divide his
literary career into two periods: the Pre critical period and the Critical period.
During the Pre critical period, 1747 to 1781, he wrote many non fictional works and
criticisms. Some of them were quot;Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living
Forces quot;, quot;On Fire quot;, quot;A New Explanation of the First Principles of
Metaphysical Knowledge quot;, and quot;On the Forms and Principles of the
Sensible and Intelligible World quot;. From 1770 to 1780, he mainly worked on
preparing quot;The Critique of Pure Reason quot;.
The Critical period lasted from 1781 to 1794. During this period, he wrote quot;The
Critique of Pure Reason quot; in 1781, and quot;Foundation for the Metaphysics of
Ethics quot; in 1785. Following the critical works, Kant published quot;Critique of
Practical Reason quot;, quot;Critique of Judgment quot;, and quot;Religion within the
Limits of Mere Reason quot;.
Three main discussions of Kant are Duty, the Formula of the End, and the Kingdom
of Ethics. Kant feels that we act morally when we do our duty, however it is
important to distinguish between acting according to duty and acting from duty.
Acting according to duty is when someone else has imposed the duty. This is an
The Story Of Sarah And Juan
I can t help falling in love with you (Weiss, 1961, Elvis Presley). These timeless
Elvis Presley lyrics trigger warm and fuzzy feelings in the hearts of many hopeless
romantics both young and old. These relatable and heartfelt words cast a spell on
listeners, immediately drawing their attention. It is no surprise that when this song
plays in the background of an Extra Gumcommercial viewers eyes naturally find their
way to the television screen. Once their eyes meet the screen they become immersed
in watching the presented sentimental lovestory unfold. Despite only using a subtle
incorporation of the advertised gum, Extra Gum creates a successful commercial
through effortlessly eliciting viewers to fall in love with their gum as they fall in
love with The Story of Sarah and Juan which can be found at https:/
/www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLpDiIVX0Wo. The Story of Sarah and Juan
begins with a girl and a boy, Sarah and Juan, catching each other s eyes across a
busy walkway in front of their high school. The camera switches to show the inside
of the school, where in a hallway Sarah drops some papers at her locker and Juan
walks over to help her pick them up. The two look at each other and smile as Sarah
opens up an Extra Gum box to offer him a piece. Juan puts the gum in his mouth
and chews as he smiles and stares at Sarah. Next, the two are found sitting in a car
where Sarah again offers Juan a piece of Extra Gum a moment before they share a
kiss. Sarah leaves
Mistreatment Of Women s Waiting For The Barbarians
Mistreatment of Women in Coetzee s Waiting for the Barbarians
In Waiting for the Barbarians, J.M. Coetzee introduces the controversial idea of
civilized and barbaric through a nameless empire. The novel features the first person
narration of an unnamed magistrate who becomes conflicted upon his duties after
meeting Colonel Joll. As the antagonist of the novel, Colonel Joll coincides with the
depraved actions of the Empire, one of the most prominent being imperialism. Later
in the novel, the Magistrate also encounters an unnamed barbarian girl, who he brings
into his home and claims responsibility for. With the intention of learning about her
past and about the pain inflicted by his Empire, he aims to to extract the truth through
means of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through this comparison, however, he subliminally reveals that he is actually
aware the girl at the inn has an interior, one that he admits he deliberately
disregards. Likewise, the Magistrate is completely aware that the barbarian girl,
too, has an interior. He degrades her by saying she does not, yet his quest to figure
her out consumes him. Also, instead of blatantly stating that she has no interior, he
uses the words as if. In this way, he suggests that there is an interior, perhaps one
that he just has not found yet. His failed attempts, then, bring him to refer to her as
a body that has fallen into his bed that he seems responsible [for], or so it seems,
otherwise why do I keep it? Unlike how he refers to the inn girl specifically as a
sexual object, the barbarian girl is only sought as an object because the Magistrate
grows frustrated from her reluctance to open up to him. When he says, But of this
one there is nothing I can say with certainty, he refers to the barbarian girl as this
one. This shows that he thinks of women as attainable objects that he can easily
control. In contrast to the girl at the inn, the barbarian girl is impervious to his force.
Because the Magistrate is not able to assert his dominance to gain control over the
barbarian girl, he grows frustrated and his curiosity morphs into an obsession. The
Southern Controversy
Hannah Daigle
Dale Bailey
English 131/03
23 September 2017
An Age Old Southern Controversy
The Civil War began in the 1860 s and was one of the most important events in
southern and U.S. history. In the south one of the major symbols of the war was the
confederate flag. For me personally since I am from South Carolina I have found that
there are two separate views on the flag which would be the supporting and
opposing sides. The supporting side is said to be majority of white southerners and
the opposing side is said to be majority of black southerners and white northerners
(Webster and Leib). According to Webster and Leib white and black southerners have
pride in their southern heritage, but the heritage is much different. What I would like
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He explains that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment
provides that no state may deny to any person within its authority the equal
protection of the law . Forman claims that it should be impossible for people to
view the flag as a symbol of equality. Forman believes that the confederate flag
violates the First Amendment by chilling the desire and ability of black citizens to
exercise fully their First Amendment rights, which is their freedom of speech. The
Black citizens felt like they did not have a say on the flag being up on state
grounds (Forman). The opposing side of the flag did not like it up so much that in
the early 2000 s there was a boycott against the state of South Carolina due to the
fact the flag was still up. This boycott cost the state $7 million dollars in revenue lost
(Allen). The rebels were fighting for territory, for economic control, and obviously
for slavery. The Confederate flag has been used throughout this century as a symbol
by the Klan, skinheads, and other white supremacists opposed to black demands for
equality and constitutional protection (Forman). In my personal understanding of
what Forman, Webster, and Leib believe is that everyone who supports the flag is a
part of the white supremacist groups and just
Essay On Morris In Vietnam
Morris, the protagonist of vietnam by Chris Lynch and I are alike in many ways.
We both share the same view of the world,are viewed by the world in similar ways
and i would respond in a comparable way to central conflict of the novel. Therefore,
i believe given the chance, we could be friends. This novel is about 4 life long
friends making a pledge that if one of them get drafted to Vietnamthen they all have
to go together.
The protagonist, or Morris of the novel Vietnam views the world very similar to me.
Morris is starting to find out how dangerous this world really is. This world today is
begging to be very dangerous place. (pg.109) Morris believes this world is a
dangerous place because of the war. I also view the world the same way. With all
of the terrorist threats and attacks, it is starting to become very dangerous. Also i
believe our government is a very powerful threat towards us.Therefore, Morris and I
view the world in the same way.
The world views morris as a kid still growing up not ready for this real world. When
he makes the decision on going to vietnam then the world started to view him as a
more mature person. The same goes as me. The world used to view me as a
immature kid, but ever since i ve been working as a welder, they ... Show more
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Morris, Ivan, Beck, and Rudi all have made a pledge if one of them get drafted then
they all have to go to stick together. Morris was very upset that he got drafted
because he had a full ride into college. Also he didn t want to lose his 3 best friends.
Morris deals with this conflict in a mature way, he doesn t back out and go to college
he goes and deals with it. I would probably go to college instead of war. I wouldn t
waste my life going and fighting for someone else. I can fight for myself at my
house, The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed . So therefor
Morris and I would handle the conflict
The Advocacy For Lgbt Community
Description of the importance of the topic The topic on the advocacy for LGBT
community in schools among the student community is very important. In most cases
the advocates of LGBTs have tried to persuade schools to improve their environment.
Usually the school environment significantly determines whether the climate in the
schoolis healthy and appropriate for LGBTstudents to learn in (Goldberg and Allen,
2013). Advocating for this community therefore means that school administrators are
likely to adopt ignored programs that may concern the issues of sexual orientation and
gender identity. Such initiatives improve the schooling environment for the diverse
population of all the students regardless of their sexual orientation. Advocating for
the LGBT students helps in fighting discrimination, in regard to the legal
requirements many schools fail to recognize the sexual minority students hence
failing to address issues that affect the safety as well as the educationof the LGBT
students. Advocacy on legal requirement for the schools is for instance based on the
14th Amendment of the US constitution (Jacob, et al. 2011). It states that all the
students are entitled to equal protection under the federal law without any
discrimination. This helps the students attain the education they deserve with no
restrictions. The training of the staff members helps in understanding the sexual
minority students and the use of effective interventions. Through advocacy, the staff
Summary Of The Diary Of A Young Girl
Dane Williams
Social Studies
Mrs. Brasil
Book Review The Diary of a Young Girl
May 23, 2017
The Diary of a Young Girl is an interesting read. Sad when you realize a young girl s
life was taken away in such a horrible and selfish manner. Hopeful and optimistic is
often the tone of Ann s writing. Anne probably never imagined her diary would be
made public and read the world over. I am not sure she would have written so
openly and honestly if she had thought that would be the case. This book allows the
reader to see through the eyes of a teenager the outward experience of war and the
inward degradation of the human spirit of eight humans confined in fear and constant
isolation. As the title implies, The Diary of a Young Girl
, this book ... Show more
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Here for the first time we see Mrs. Franks personality in black and white. Anne
writes No one could possibly sleep there unless we cleared it up. But Mother and
Margot were really suffering, and they were too tired and unhappy to help. They
just lay down on their beds, so Father and I did it all. We worked all day, until we
were so tired that we fell into bed too. There was no hot meal, but we didn t care.
We worked all the next day, too... (Frank, 1952) Anne also shows a surprising
glimpse of maturity here. Reality of their circumstances has her reflecting on what
will happen in the future. Shortly after the Frank s arrive at the Annex they are joined
by the van Daans. Now they are seven. Peter van Daan was a 15 year old boy. The
secret annex has a book case built in front of the door to conceal the entrance.
Anne doesn t care much for Mrs. Van Daan. Friends are bringing the kids books to
continue their education. At this point we also learn that there is no bathroom.
They use a chamber pot to eliminate, take baths using a bowl of water. There isn t
much privacy either. They can listen to a radio that is in the warehouse office (the
annex is located in a warehouse) when no one is at the warehouse. They have to be
silent during the work day, they cannot take the risk of someone hearing them. In
November of 1942, the seven become eight, Mr. Dussel joins the two families. He is a
Du Dubois Legacy
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was one of the most influential figures in civil
rights history, but even outside of civil rights he was a loving and caring man, He
started the activist Niagara Movement in 1905 and then cofounded the NAACP in
1909. A powerful intellect, Du Bois would become the first person who was African
Americanto earn a PhD from Harvard and was a professor of history, sociology, and
economics at Atlanta University. Du Bois made significant contributions to the world
and opened minds throughout the world, later changing the world forever.
Du Bois decided to move away from religion during his college years and described
himself as a freethinker throughout his life. He was a smart man who used science
and education ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
from Fisk in 1888, Du Bois enrolled at Harvard University, where he used his full
potential as a student. He became acquainted with some of the leading intellectuals
of the day, including William James, George Palmer, George Santayana, and Albert
Bushnell Hart, and was encouraged to direct his studies toward history and the
social sciences. At his Harvard commencement in 1890, he was one of five students
selected to deliver an address. Du Bois s speech on Confederate president Jefferson
Davis and the issue of slavery in the United States gained him national attention,
including a prominent review in the Nation. Graduating with a major in
philosophy, Du Bois was accepted into graduate school in political science as
Harvard s Henry Bromfield Rogers Fellow and began work on Civil Rights for
African Americans.. After being awarded his master s degree in 1891, he received a
Slater Fund grant, which allowed him to study and travel overseas from 1892 to
1894. Du Bois studied history, economics, politics, and political economy at the
University of Berlin and completed a thesis on agricultural economics in the
American South.
Though DuBois achieved many things through out his long lived life some would
argue that he wasn t successful enough or a good leader because asue he was a
man of color. Many believed that Dubois couldn t possibly be an effective leader
because he was black but he actually proved that wrong through his achievements of
graduating from Harvard and Founding the NAACP. Dubois was a smart man who
didn t let these words get to
Metaphors In The Lovely Bones
My childrenВґs book SarahВґs First Sandcastle is a metaphor of The Lovely Bones,
which is why it addresses the context, content, language and choices of that book.
However, there are some differences between my childrenВґs book and The Lovely
Bones, but that made my book have my special touch.
SarahВґs First Castle is the metaphor of The Lovely Bones because it is about a little
girlВґs first sandcastle that was destroyed by a wave. Therefore, the ocean
represents the evilness of Mr. Harvey and the power that he felt when he easily
killed Susie. The sandcastle represents the fragility of Susie and how delicate and
beautiful she was, and the little girl represents the desperation, and anguish of
SusieВґs mom. But it does not only talks about ... Show more content on
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Also a difference that my book has a more appropriate language designed for kids
while the Lovely Bone has violent scenes and words that are not appropriate for
children. A similitude is that both books are about death however I talk about death
in a metaphorical way and The Lovely Bones talk about death directly. I represented
death with the destruction of the sandcastle caused by the ocean. Another similitude
is that I use the same principal characters as The Lovely Bones and that the context
of the story is almost the same( it wouldn t be the same because my book is written
in a metaphorical way). Is like they are the same stories but in parallel
Main Differences Between Larceny And Embezzlement
In chapter 9 of Criminal Law Today, the author describes the crimes of embezzlement
and explains the main differences between larceny and embezzlement. This chapter
identifies the types of property that were subject to the common law crime of larceny.
In addition, the author describes the differences between embezzlement and false
pretenses, and the differences between robbery and extortion. The most commonly
occurring crimesin the United States are the theft crimes and drug crimes. Crimes of
theft are generally property crimes. There is a variety of property crimes, such as
larceny, burglary, criminal trespass, arson, and computer crimes. Crimes of theft are
also known as acquisitive offenses, which are crimes that involve the unlawful...
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Forgery is the making of false written instrument or the material alteration of an
existing genuine written instrument. Forgery is only complete when the
perpetrator makes or passes a false instrument. Overall, the crime of forgery is the
actual intent to defraud. The common law crime of forgery included the act of
uttering, which is the offering, passing, or attempted passing of a forged
document knowing that is forged. Receiving stolen property is another form of
theft. This can be defined as knowingly taking possession of, or control over,
property that has been taken in an unlawful way. There are four elements to the
crime of receiving stolen property, which are receiving, stolen property, the
receiver knowing that it was stolen, and where the property was received. Another
form of theft is robbery. However, robbery is considered a violent personal crime
by the Uniform Crime Reporting program. Robbery is the unlawful taking of
property that is in the immediate possession of another by force or threat of force.
However, robbery, can be considered another form of larceny. The crime of robbery
requires two elements, that the property be taken from a person or removed from
the victim s presence and that the taking occur through the use of force or fear. But
certain situations may be considered larceny. For example, if property was stolen
from a dead person, the crime is no longer a robbery but a form of

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  • 10. The Adaptive Leadership Model Adaptive Leadership focuses on the adaptations required of people in response to changing environments (Northouse, 2016, p.257). In considering the ever changing expectations for teaching and learning, it hardly seems plausible to lead under any other approach. As fast as one set of mandates is rolled out, the next set is awaiting an appearance. The ship moves onward, twisting and turning along the way, to bigger or better sights. Interestingly enough, educationand its process has been described as a slow moving train . However slow that train moves, the regulation and legislation is constantly in upgrade mode under the auspices of improvements to student achievement outcomes. As an adaptive leader in a changing environment, I would encourage... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As you identify how you would lead your staff through this change, refer to at least four of the six leader behaviors of the Adaptive Leadership model in your plan. Heifetz, (as sited by Northouse 2016), explain that there are six leader behaviors associated with adaptive leadership. Although there is a general order as to which leader behavior comes first in the adaptive process, many of these behaviors overlap with each other and should be demonstrated by leaders at the same time (Northouse, 2016, p. 263). The first leader behavior is to get on the balcony which simply means to get some perspective a birds eye view of the situation. I would have clarity of mind, problems, and direction. This leader behavior is an overlap to the second leader behavior of identifying adaptive challenges. I would be able to easily assess from a balcony vantage point. Upon determining the challenges, the third step I would do is to regulating distress. In essence, if I know what the challenges are, I can more effectively assist my staff in how we
  • 11. Romeo And Juliet Vs Luhrmann In both versions of Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet voices her concerns about getting married too quickly; however, the Luhrmann version uses lighting and music in a static manner, which conveys a feeling of ignoring the seriousness of the scene, whereas the Zeffirelli version changes the music and lighting with the emotion of the scene to effectively convey Juliet s concerns. In the 1996 Luhrmann version of Romeo and Juliet, the use of music to convey Juliet s uncertainty of marriage is less effective than the use of music in the 1968 Zeffirelli version. In Baz Luhrmann s version of Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet, when Juliet tells Romeo, O, wear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, / That monthly, changes in her circled orb, /... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Romeo reveals that he has been listening to Juliet profess her lover for hom, she responds with, O gentle Romeo, / If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully. / Or, if thou thinkest I am too quickly won, / I ll frown and be perverse and say thee nay, / So thou wilt woo, but else not for the world (2.2.98 103). During these lines, in the Luhrmann film the halo effect on Juliet is fairly represented, but in the Zeffirelli version, it is in full effect. The rear lighting on Juliet is used to convey innocence because at this time all her emotions and thoughts are out in the open and she is vulnerable, so the lack of halo effect muddles the emotional aspect of Juliet s confessions. Baz Luhrmann uses dark, neutral lighting in the beginning of the balcony scene until Romeo reveals his presence to Juliet and they both fall into the Capulet s pool. In the pool the lighting is much brighter, but still very neutral on both Romeo and Juliet, especially when Juliet says, Although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say It lightens (2.2.123 127). The static lighting does not put any emphasis on the
  • 12. Cultured Marble Research Paper 400 Г— 300 Caption Marble is a natural stone made of calcite. Alternate Text Group When you are renovating a bathroom and getting ready to install a shower, you may hear a number of different terms. Some of these may refer to the materials being used to construct your new shower, including marble and cultured marble. Understanding the difference between these two popular building materials can help you make the right decision for your home. Marble Overview Marble is a natural stone material made mostly of calcite. A metamorphic stone, marble is actually limestone that has been changed through tremendous amounts of heat and pressure. The different minerals that were present in the limestone at the time it became marble give different types ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The finished cultured marble product is sealed with a gel coat. As a result, cultured marble is glossy in appearance with subtle, uniform veins and color. Cultured marble is formed inside heated molds into vanity tops and shower surrounds. Care of Marble in a Shower As a natural stone, marble is porous. Marble in a shower should be well sealed to avoid staining due to water absorption. White marbles should never be used on shower floors, to avoid wicking up impurities from the shower drain and discoloring over time. All marble in the shower should be washed with stone cleansers, sealed regularly and squeegeed dry after each use to prevent stains and etching. Care of Cultured Marble in the Shower Cultured marble is a non porous material, meaning that it does not need to be sealed. It can be cleaned with any non abrasive bathroom cleanser and left to dry naturally. If the surface does become scratched or abraded, it can be re polished with an application of automotive polish and a soft cloth. Because it is easy to care for, most homeowners prefer cultured marble to natural marble. Price and Appearance of
  • 13. Gregor Mendel And Marie Curie Research Paper Born into poverty, both Gregor Mendel and Marie Curie made it very far in the world of science, earning many degrees. I learned many interesting facts about Gregor Mendel who is the father of modern genetics and Marie Curie who discovered radioactivity used for x rays. Even though Mendel and Curie made it very far in the world, I feel that Mendel s contributions had more of an impact on science. Born Johann Mendel, Gregor grew up in a family of small farmers who made financial sacrifices to pay for his education. In 1843, Mendel s father expected him to take over the family farm, but Mendel started studying to be a monk instead. Marie worked as a governess until she saved up enough money at the age of 24, to buy a train ticket to Paris to begin her studies at Sorbonne. She made ends meet by cleaning glassware in university labs. She also rationed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Darwin s book The Origin of Species talks about how species evolve by means of mutation and natural selection. Another way that Mendel s theory on Genetics impacts society is our food. Genetics is used to yield better crops and the reproduction of animals. Marie Curie identified both polonium and radium in 1898 and describe the elements as radio active. Marie and her husband Pierre shared the Noble Prize in physics with Becquerel in 1903. And in 1911, she received a second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry. In conclusion, Mendel and Curie both had a positive impact on the world of Allied Health. Mendel s work with pea plants contributed to the Allied Health field by giving the fundamental laws of genetics. Radioactivity that Curie helped discovered led to new therapeutic and diagnostic methods in medicine. Mendel s experiments led to a greater understanding of genetics. As you can see, Mendel had a greater impact on society because his laws about genetics affects our crops, our own human genetics and the genetics of
  • 14. Edward II Film Analysis Christopher Marlowe s Edward II was published around 1594 and in 1991 Derek Jarman produced a film adaptation under the same title. Though these two works were produced almost four hundred years apart, many of the themes and aesthetics from the original are able to shine through a modern lense. The film successfully utilizes many of the original themes, motifs and characters as well as the plot without producing a carbon copy of the play. Jarman s ability to successfully transform the text to fit the socio political climate of his time is what sets this adaptation apart from similar works. The film adaptation of Edward II pays homage to its roots, and yet manages to set itself apart as an independent work of art. Though Jarman s film is modernized, it successfully borrows political and cultural themes of the early modern period. One of the political themes that it borrows is the idea of a ruling party deciding whom one can be in love with. In an article analyzing various works from Christopher Marlowe, author Mark Hutchings talks about the idea of effeminate rulers who neglect their duties are challenged and overthrown. (Hutchings, Marlowe s Greekish strumpet ). During the early modern period, the nobility was content with homosexual relationship if it did not interfere with their agenda. This is what is reflected in the play when the nobles are trying to rid the kingdom of Gaveston, but not get rid of Edward. While the original play serves to warn against distracted
  • 15. Human Nearness In Science Since The 1930 s We re living in an immensely virtual age where numerous youngsters feel that the greater part of the revelations that they have to get will going on their tablets and cell phones. For me, it s more critical than any time in recent memory to reintroduce a feeling of physical investigation, to get out there into weird, threatening and testing conditions. There is most likely 99 for each penny of profound seas and all of room to left investigate, and it is just by placing people into new physical areas that we ll have the capacity to make bona fide and pivotal logical disclosures. Humannearness in scienceis practically the meaning of science. It s a human undertaking to assemble learning, not only a machine try to accumulate information. The robots we send into these situations don t recognize what to search for, or more everything they don t know how to be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Be that as it may, the primary thing to recall when taking a gander at the current declaration that Nasa is to place $1.6bn into a task to get its space explorers up the International Space Station, is this is really not an expansive aggregate of cash. Also, a standout amongst the best reactions to the Great Depression of the 1930s was to draw cash into foundation and innovation it was called Roosevelt s New Deal. It was questionable at the time, however before that decade s over, the USA was the most intense country on Earth. What are governments for on the off chance that they don t contribute? It s vastly improved to put citizens cash into occupations and new advances than essentially salvaging banks. The advantages of proceeding to lead off world logical investigation in the here and now are Earthly. They need to do with producing new and extraordinary political connections between nations, while getting engineers with various foundations and customs to
  • 16. Barriers In The Truman Show As he grew up, we were forced to manufacture ways to keep him on the island. Peter Weir s 1998 American satirical science fiction film, The Truman Show stars Jim Carrey as the lead role of Truman Burbank, a 30 year old who is unknowingly broadcasted on a live, 24/7 television show. Having been chosen out of six unwanted pregnancies, Truman was adopted and raised in Seahaven, an artificial island enclosed inside a dome located near hollywood. Truman does not know about any of this. To keep his show successful, the director and creator of Seahaven, Christof, manufactures various physical, emotional and social barriers. The barriers are representations of the manipulation the media in our world implements for personal gain. In The Truman Show, Christof uses many physical barriers to keep Truman on the island. A main barrier we see in the movie is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The latter reason ties to Truman s emotional barriers, which I will refer to later. The sea also relates to the weather nearing the end scene, Christof, in a final attempt to stop Truman, creates a strong storm that nearly overturns Truman s boat.. Another example of a physical barrier is shown during a scene where Truman decides to be spontaneous. Blocked at every turn. Beautifully synchronized... Truman says to his wife, Meryl, when his spontaneous road trip was cut short because of a sudden traffic jam (Christof s call). Nevertheless, Truman manages to get past, but is stopped once again by several other factors, such as bridges (Truman s aquaphobia prevents him from driving over water) and forest fires, yet he still manages to get past the obstacles before ultimately being halted by the group of people at the
  • 17. How Did The Erie Canal Change America Establishing Erie Canal Change Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree then it will live its whole live believing that it is stupid. (Albert Einstein) Beginning in 1817 and opened in its entirety in 1825, the Erie Canal is considered the engineering marvel of the 19th century. When the government concluded that the project was too ambitious to undertake, the State of New York took on the task of carving 363 miles of canal through the wilderness with nothing but the muscle power of men and horses. The question that I will attempt to answer in this essay is How did the Erie Canal change America? The creation of the Erie Canal would lead to a Jurassic change on America in the way we trade, and will lead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first piece of evidence that shows any sign of women getting their rights is when the Underground Railroad stations ran right along the pathway of the Erie Canal and triggered women forcing themselves into communities and realizing how disrespected they were being treated. However, since women did not have very many right they could not make a difference about it. According to Catherine A. Brekus article Female Preaching in Early Nineteenth Century America women began working against the grain and started to rebel against them not being able to do any of the things men can and started with preaching in churches secretly. Eventually, women did not need to keep it a secret because some churches actually began allowing women to preach instead of men. In the article, from the National Park Service, it is stated that along the stations of the Underground Railroad a conference was made to discuss Women s Rights. During this convention, of sorts, 300 people responded to discuss Women s Rights. This convention will lead to the Women s Rights movement after the Civil War, and World War II. Given these points, it is safe to say that the Erie Canal effect America by its way of trading, leading to the abolishment of Slavery, and lead to the Women s Rights movement. So it is important to reflect on fantastic achievements like this because when history repeats itself, which it always
  • 18. The Awakening By Kate Chopin Davian Hart The Awakening By: Kate Chopin AP Literature Topic 3 Hart 1 Over the course of time the male species has always been the gender to attain the more favorable conditions. Numerous cultures heed to the belief that the man is the provider and head of his family. This machismo nature can condition the mindto believe that a man should feel superior to a woman. The continuous cycle of male superiority flows down from father to son subconsciously. Do to this unceasing sequence of behavior women fall subject to repression and control at the hands of mentally undeveloped men. Kate Chopin s The Awakening, illustrated this particular topic in a way that not only appealed to the readers sense of pathos but, the readers likeliness to be able to relate to the aforementioned as well. Chopin stylistically renders the struggle of the protagonist Edna Pontellier, a strong willed woman who finds herself imprisoned to the concept of trans temporal existence, as she seeks refuge to her true being, Edna experiments relationships with multiple men that unintentionally repress her existence. Between Leonce Pontellier, Robert Lebrun, Alcee Arobin and The Colonel effect of Edna s life they catalyze her awakening and ultimately lead her suicide. There are certain ideals that need to be met while being in a relationship; they play concrete roles in the stability of the partnership. The idea of Edna being confined in a marriage with Mr. Pontellier who doesn t
  • 19. Teen Activist Essay Have you ever had something taken away from you that you want back and you speak out about it? Then you are being a teen activist. Don t know what a teen activist is a teen activism is people who speak out and stand up for something they believe in and never back down. Do you know any teen activist like, Alex Libby, Alex Lin or Malala Yousafzai? One example of a teen activist is Alex Libby, Alex libby stand against bullying. When Alex was younger he was bullied himself. According to the video I don t feel pain anymore Alex was bullied and bullied non stop on the bus they would stab him with pencils and call him names it was brutal. After his parents found out they went to the principal for help all she said was she rode that root before... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This man wants to get rid of electronic waste. According to the E waste youth activist he was just 9 years old when he started his team to get rid of electronic waste. Alex got a team of friends and started Team Win. The members of Team Win collected electronic waste in their home town and recycled it. So far they have collected over 333,000 electronics. Team Win knew that just doing this in their town wouldn t solve the global problem. So they went before Congress and introduced legislation that as eventually approved that makes it a requirement to recycle electronic waste and to make it illegal to throw away in the trash. This is another great example of a teen activist. My last example of a teen activist is Malala Yousafzai, she stands up for women s freedom and women s education. According to ABC news Some challenges she faced was the Taliban, they would threaten her and eventually they shot her in the head. But that did not stop her. She was rushed to a hospital in England where she had surgery to remove the bullet from her head. After her recovery she started to speak out again about what happened to her and other girls at the hands of the Taliban. Imagine how brave she is, she got shot and still was strong enough to speaking out. But she was not alone. She got her inspiration from her Dad. He was a teacher who believed that if men are allowed to go to school then women should be allowed to go to school
  • 20. The Midwestern Crime Wave Essay The Midwestern Crime Wave All across the nation during the Great Depression people were jobless, homeless, and starving; nowhere was this truer than in the American Midwest. Not only did the farms and cities of the Midwest have to deal with the poor economic conditions but the Midwest s main source of income, agriculture, was being ravaged by the natural phenomenon now called the Dust Bowl. On top of low crop prices and a lack of employment farmland was ruined, went unplanted, and was often foreclosed on. These extra difficulties left the inhabitants of the Midwest with added resentments and frustration with businesses and government that seemed unable or unwilling to help. Out of this extreme hardship came a group of people who for... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This in turn made the public feel that those robbing banks and kidnapping the rich were striking out for the poor against the wealthy. With the masses on their side these outlaws had many supporters among the American public. Claire Potter described the difficulty police had in obtaining information on gangsters from everyday citizens. She wrote about police who were questioning a witness whose only answer was to ask why we do not put all the bankers in jail who stole the people s money? (147) On top of this, the gangsters also offered some sensation and drama to the people of the Great Depression. Since fulfilling one s basic needs was so difficult the public had little time or money for recreational activities. The stories of the wild shootouts and daring holdups then gave the public something to talk about offering a little escape from the difficulty if their daily lives. These two aspects allowed gangsters to make many friends and find support easily while trying to elude authorities. Armed robbery and kidnapping were the specialty of those that participated in the Midwestern crime wave. These crimes are what made men and women like Machine Gun Kelly, John Dillinger, Bonnie Parker, and Clyde Barrow famous. They may all had their start in petty crime, such as stealing cars or bootlegging, but the outlaws who seemed to gain notoriety all graduated past these crimes quickly. According to one Dillinger biography he got his start in the sixth grade with a
  • 21. Pros And Cons Of Banning The Veil conclude that banning the veil isn t as just about assuaging the suffering of the Muslim woman as much as it is about protecting French republican notions of sexuality, notions considered fundamental and foundational against the disturbing influence of Islam (Scott pp. 123). Women choosing to wear a Burqa however may be doing so as a symbol of demanding control over their bodies and rejecting the sexuality and objectification of the republic culture. What s appalling is the assumption that a veiled woman means submission and oppression. Based on their own perceptions of what is empowering and what is suffering, proponents of the ban have been speaking on behalf of the Muslim woman: As a non muslim, I would never wear a burqa and therefore you should not wear a burqa . By foisting their own perceptions of what is right and wrong, they are stigmatizing Muslim women and imposing restrictions on their freedom of choice. A veil could... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is an increasing anxiety about French identity in light of the changing demographic structure. Moreover, the majority of practicing female Muslims in France who choose to wear the veil have immigrants roots. They are part of the wave of immigrants into France from its former colonies of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. During the French colonization of the Maghreb, Muslims were depicted as inferior people, incapable of self government. Expressions of bias against Muslims stem from a deep seated psychological preoccupation with the other . As Professor Bate explained, a process that anthropologists have come to call schismogenesis the formation of Self in terms of what we apprehend in the Other. In the French psyche, the immigrants are defined by what the French are not. The ban on the veil is a manifestation of this, the way in which Frenchness has come to be constructed in contradiction to a Islamist
  • 22. Comparing The Medieval Towns Of Europe Medieval Towns of Europe: A Comparative Analysis to Modern Life The Medieval era, also known as the Dark ages, lasted for more than a thousand years. The towns from this time period had many similarities and differences to our modern life. Medical treatments and punishment for crimes are very different today. However, leisure activities and holidays in the Middle ages were similar to those of present day. Medical treatments were superstitious, religious and dangerous. Doctors would use charms and astrology, pray and try to bleed out patients to rebalance their blood . It is no surprise that diseases were so common considering how dirty towns were and the fact that they had no running water. People drank from streams that had garbage and waste
  • 23. Harriet Jacobs Research Paper In the early eighteenth century through the mid nineteenth century slavery was arguably the most controversial topic in the newly formed United States. Testimonies such as those found in Common Sense, American Yawp, and Narrative of Sojourner Truth, are just some examples of the cruelty and harshness slaves endured. Many people of different races and social standings rose together in Christianity and spoke out against slavery in hopes to reform the new country. Those such as Harriet Jacobs, Charles G. Finney, David Walker, and Sojourner Truth s testimonies and speeches still ring throughout history today. Harriet Jacobs was born into slavery. Her parents, both of mixed race, were salves as well; although her father was such a skilled carpenter he was able to buy his freedom but unfortunately not his families, Jacobs mother on the other hand died as a slave. In her testimony, she describes her younger years as a slave were happy and unaware that she was considered property. Jacobs shared the same treatment as her Mistress children until... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Finney, preached and stressed the importance of human action in the battle against slavery. Finney claimed that the world is divided into two great parties; 5 one party being those of the sinners, Satan as the god of this world, selfish, wicked hearted and greedy.6 The other party Finney refers to in his writing were those who choose Jehovah for their governor, .7 Finney went on to explain that the sins that sinners commit are those of their choosing, Some persons, as I have already observed, seem disposed to be passive, to wait for some mysterious influence, 8 he wrote in hopes to encourage the nation to eradicate their sin of slavery. Finney know the sins his people were committing and tried to reach out to them so they could live in a country and hopefully one day a world, where everyone was treated equal and lived in
  • 24. Cultural Imperialism And Globalization Globalisation is the process of interconnectedness and the integration of national and regional culture, economies, and society through the global network of communication, immigration, transportation and trade (Financial Times Lexicon, 2017). According to Reiche (2014), globalisation did not mean much in the past fifty years. It could be primarily focused on the trade and also foreign direct investment which are the economic side of the world but it has been expanded to a broader range which including media, culture, technology, trades and political factors nowadays. Although globalisation is considered as a wide range nowadays, it still can be classified as four main characteristics which are stretched social relations, intensification of flows, increasing interpenetration, and global infrastructure (Held, 2004). However, cultural imperialism has the most typical impacts on globalisation. This essay will define and explain cultural imperialism and its impact from the pessimistic globalist and transformationalist perspective. Cultural imperialism, the main focus of globalisation is defined as the domination of culture from some countries to the rest of the world (Tobin, 2016). It could be the cultural goods flow to the other countries, normally from the more influential or stronger countries such as the United States and some Western countries which inculcating their values through the goods or advertisements. For instance, the origin of Starbucks, McDonald s, and
  • 25. Essay On Strike Do you every get star struck? If yes with who? I did get sratr strucked onece, I was hosting on a red carpet on a film that was coming out that had Leonardo DiCaprio in it and Leo was coming the carpet and I got to interview him and I was blown away. He just has this light arounfd him that is so special and that pretty much the only time that really ever happened, because I ve worked with Byonce, Jennifer lopex, Ive worked with a lot of top starsand I just trat them like the humanbeigns that they are and I don t get start struck for them, but for some reason Leonardo dicraprio that was just a difrfrent story all together. And of course I held it togerther but ai had just a big smile in my heart that I know was star struck at that point. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So the stunts that they are asking me to do are the stunts they know I can handle. So I have yet to question any stunts so anything that I can do those coordinators know that I can do. So this weekend I m actrually doing in higfall traing. I will jumping off of big mats. So I haven t question any of them yet, but that s an excellent excellent question. What has been the worse injury you ve received while working? Most fun stunt you ve experienced? I have never hurt myself during stunts thank goodness and I say that knowing that there is always a possibility getting hurt. So I say that and am grateful not being hurt during a stunt. The worse I got was someone stabbed me in the eye with a wooden sword and I have a little dot by my eye, so that s the worse I ve ever gotten. The most fun stunt was when I got to fight on Blind spot fighting with Rhonda Rhosy, that was prison fight was really cool and I m hoping to get more work with them. If I ever needed to, how would I jump off a building to escape? You don t unless you really really had to, it takes proper training. You can fall on your head or really injur yourself. So don t do that mama. What I suggest is for emergencies is to get one of those protable laddrs that are inexpesvier and you can use it to climb out of a two story window. Are you working on any new projects that we should look out for? Yes I am I m working on two scenes right now but they wont be out for a little while. One is
  • 26. Distribution Of Indi Maharashtra 2. Camposporidium cristatum Nawawi and Kuthubutheen15 Mycotaxon, 32:161 167, 1988. Conidia: Acrogenous, solitary, day, seceding schizolytically, cylindrical, multi septate, slightly tapered at the apex, truncate at the base, 9 12 distoseptate, olivaceous to olivaceous brown, 70 96 Вµm long, 8 10 Вµm at the widest part, 6 8 Вµm wide at the base, 4 6 divergent, non septate, hyaline to sub hyaline appendages measuring up to 60 Вµm long, 1.5 Вµm wide. Habitat: Conidia in unidentified decaying dicot wood and foam samples, Bhagwant sagar, 26thJan.2014. BAFK 105a. Leg. D. K. P. Distribution in India: Maharashtra (Pawar and Kulkarni20, 1974), Kerala (Ponappa21, 1970; Sharma25, 1973) Western Ghat (Subramanian and Bhat28, 1981), Karnataka (Sridhar and Kaveriappa27, 1982; Ramesh and Vijay Kumar24, 2000) Remark: It has been reported for the first time in Bhagwant sagar from Khandwa (M.P.) 3. Camposporium pellucidum (Grove) Hughes 8 Mycol., 36:9,1951.Conidia: long, multiseptate, rod like pale brown coloured, end cell being colorless,80 140 x7.5 12 Вµm with up to 16 septa, cylindrical and gradually tapered towards the apex, main body is Prolonged apically into narrow hyaline projection, slightly curved appendage or rostrum up to 145 Вµm long, 2 Вµm thick at the tip. Habitat: Conidia in foam samples and dead wood, Bhagwant Sagar, 26th Jan. 2014. BAFK 53. Leg. D. K. P. Distribution in India: Western Ghat (Subramanian and Bhat28, 1981), Maharashtra (Patil, 1998a16; Borse and
  • 27. Ltcc Based High Voltage 3 D Power Module LTCC Interposer Based High Voltage 3 D Power Module Atanu Dutta, Simon Ang, and Zhong Chen Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA Abstract In this paper, a low temperature co fired ceramic (LTCC) interposer based high voltage (13 kV) half bridge power module is proposed. The proposed power module utilized multi layer LTCC interposers to perform 3 D stack, which provides series connection between devices to achieve high voltage rating of the power module. The proposed 3 D stack can be implemented through wafer level packaging using silicon (Si) and silicon carbide (SiC) devices where paralleling of multiple devices is required to achieve high current. In the proposed high voltage package design, through hole vias are implemented to form electrical connections between multi layer self aligned LTCC interposers. The LTCC interposers also provide excellent high voltage breakdown insulation for the proposed package design. The package exhibits lower parasitic inductance compared to the traditional wire bonded counterpart. In this paper, the feasibility of the proposed power module design was simulated. Index Terms High voltage power module, wafer level packaging, 3 D power module, wire bondless power module I.INTRODUCTION High power modules require multiple power semiconductor devices to be connected in series and parallel to achieve both high voltage and current rating. There are several challenges associated with packaging of
  • 28. Petroleum Engineering Graduation Project 10 December 2012 Petroleum Engineering: The Impact on Today s Society The United States dependency for foreign oil is at its all time high with the demand for oil continuing to grow. Americans depend on oil for transportation, heating, and power. Within the last five to ten years, the growing desire for more efficient ways of fueling has skyrocketed. Petroleum engineering has sparked a revolution throughout the nation. It has made a strong influence on the whole nation but has really made an impact in places like Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Texas which are high drilling states. However, the controversy of natural gas drilling, the job of petroleum engineers, has become a highly talked about issue. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Millions of people are now getting on site and off site job opportunities. As this industry continues to grow, which it will, even more jobs will become available. These job opportunities will give a chance for people to live the so called American Dream . These jobs offer twice the average American salary with benefits. The great thing about these jobs is that they do not demand a four year college degree. There are programs now designed both online and in school that can have you prepared for drilling in less than two years. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projected an employment opportunity increase for petroleum engineers of 18% between 2008 and 2018. Career openings span the globe with some of the highest salaries offered to entry level engineers with bachelor s degrees. (http://education portal.com/articles/ Petroleum_Engineering_Training_and_Degree_Program_Information.html). Natural gas drilling has provided futures for so many people in our nation, but natural gas also has an impact on the rest of the world as well. In today s society, energy is critical. Everything we do involves a form of energy being used such as gas, electric, or water. United States ranks the highest in energy used in terms of total usage. The U.S Energy Information Administration estimated that the, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 11,496 kWh (http:/ /www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=97 t=3). I, for example, never took
  • 29. Child Labour. . The Industrial Revolution (1760 To 1840) CHILD LABOUR The industrial revolution (1760 to 1840) was an exciting time, and while Britain and America were transforming modern society there was an incredibly high demand for labor. Children as young as 4 years old were working underpaid in factories to keep themselves and their poverty struck families alive. I will be exploring why it was that so many children were working in factories during the industrial revolution, and how they compare to the child labourers of today. I will begin my essay by explaining the child laborsystem during the Industrial Revolution, and the laws that regulated it. Furthermore, I will look at Samuel Davy s story and how being a 7 year old child labourer affected his family. To continue... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although this didn t stop child labour from happening, it was definitely a step in the right direction. In 1805, Samuel Davy was 7 years old and living in London. He was working at a local mill until one day he was taken to work at Mr. Watson s Mill near Preston. His brother was later also sent to the mill, with their parents having no knowledge of where either boy had gone. This drove their mother to a state of insanity, causing her to die in a state of madness. This shows the effect that child labor has on not only the child but also their family, as Samuel and his brother were both taken to the mill without any notification to parents. We can assume that the children taken to Preston were offered more money if they were to accept the offer, and due to the poverty that hampered Samuel s family the offer was impossible to turn down. A man named Samuel Greg (born in 1758) needed high quality yarn for his business, so opened his own textile mill. In 1783 Greg opened his mill, Greg was short of technical skill, and in 1790 he decided that the solution to his efficiency problems was to buy child labourers to live in an apprentice house. Greg eventually hired 90 children, 60 girls and 30 boys, who made up 50% of his workforce. His demand was that workers brought with them Two shifts, two pairs of stockings and two aprons (Spartacus educational.com, 2016). Andrew Ure saw in The Philosophy of Manufactures (1835) At Quarry Bank, near Wilmslow in
  • 30. Ancient World Research Paper Ancient Wonders Antipator created a list of awe inspiring structures that spanned a period of time, of approximately three thousand years (Banks Preface ). The list came to be called the, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, as each wonder was located in different areas of the world (Banks Preface ). Europe could only claim one, two were in Africa, while three were located in Asia, leaving the final one on a small island south of Greece (Banks Preface ). These structures were spoke of throughout time due to their magnificence and level of skill it took to create each masterpiece. Of the seven structures, only one still remains, the Great Pyramid of Giza, which also happens to be the oldest. Four of the remaining ancient wonders will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is considered the sixth wonder, only thought to be slightly older than the Lighthouse of Alexandria (Banks Preface ). The Colossus is also considered the wonder with the shortest lifespan of about half a century (Editors Ch. 9). As an offering to their sun god, Helios, the Rhodians had the Colossus built so that they would forever remember winning the war against Antigous, who sent his son Demetrius, and an army of forty thousand men, to punish the Rhodians for supporting Ptolemy ( The Colossus of Rhodes ). The great structure was placed on the Island of Rhodes, which was located off the southwestern tip of Asia Minor where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean (Krystek Colossus... 1). The sculptor, Charles of Lindus, took twelve years to complete the statue, finishing it about 280 BC ( Colossus C 481a). The statue was one hundred and ten feet high and stood upon a fifty foot pedestal near the harbor mole ( Colossus of Rhodes 1). From the war machines that Demetrius left behind, bronze was melted down for the exterior, while the framework was composed of iron ( Colossus of Rhodes 1). Around 226 BC an earthquake hit the Island of Rhodes and the statue fell into the sea leaving only the some of the base intact (Krystek Colossus... 1). In the seventh century AD the Arabs conquered Rhodes and broke the remains of the Colossus up into smaller pieces and sold it as scrap metal ( Colossus of Rhodes
  • 31. Why I Didn t Be Fine It was late in the day and I just got a call from the school they said Your daughter Bailey passed out in class she is being rushed to the hospital right now. I replied ok. A million thoughts that day were running through my head when I hung up the phone, is she ok?, why did this happen?, what s the quickest way to the hospital? I was speeding all the way to the hospital. I was lucky I didn t get pulled over. When I got to the hospital I rushed over to Bailey she was in a wheelchair and a technician guy was talking to her. Bailey was just going in for her first test and I said she would be fine. but I didn t know that for sure, I hoped she would be anyway. Bailey went to go get her first test done and I had to sit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I quickly said but if she s not in the pediatric wing I can t spend the night with her. when they arrived at the door of the room it looked like she was given a bed in a nursing home everyone was at least a decade older the Bailey s grandparents. The aide then said watch out coming through He had almost bumped into an older mans cane and another one s walker. When I was walking by someone had said that their Aunt Mabel would be getting a roommate and that would be nice. Everyone kept looking from me to Bailey and back again so I quickly announce that Bailey just fainted and she s only there for tests. The nurse started asking Bailey questions and acted like Bailey was interrupts when she answered no on some of the questions. The one nurse looked over at me and said visiting hours are over in a really scared but flat voice i didn t know what to say I looked at Bailey and she gave me permission to leave. When i walked out the door i just wanted to cry i didn t want to leave my little girl at the hospital all alone at night and not be able to watch over her and make sure she is ok. I got to the car and it barely started but it did i just thought
  • 32. Withdrawal of U.S Troops from Afghanistan and Its Impact... 1 ARTICLE WITHDRAWAL OF U.S TROOPS FROM AFGHANISTAN AND ITS IMPACT ON REGION WRITTEN BY: USAMA PERVAIZ OUTLINE 1.COMPLETE BACKGROUND OF THE SITUATION 2.PLAN OF REMOVAL OF FORCES 3.POST REMOVAL PLAN 4.IMPACT ON INDIA,PAKISTAN AND TAJIKISTAN 5.FUTURE RELATIONS OF PAKISTAN AND AFGHANISTAN 6.CHALLENGES AND OPPURTUNITIES FOR PASKISTAN 7.SOME RECOMMENDATIONS 8.SCENARIOS OF AFGHANISTAN 9.CONCLUSION. ____________________________________________________________________________ The Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan describes the ongoing drawdown of U.S. Armed Forces in the Afghanistan war and the plans for its post 2014 presence when combat troops have left Afghanistan by the end of 2014. BACKGROUND: 2009 U.S. troops increase under ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... troops by the end of 2014, except for trainers who will assist Afghan forces and a small contingent of troops with a specific mission to combat al Qaeda through counterterrorism operations NATO Chicago Summit: Troops withdrawal and longterm presence On 21 May 2012 the leaders of the NATO member countries endorsed an exit strategy during the 2012 NATO Summit in Chicago. The NATO led ISAF Forces will hand over command of all combat missions to COPY RIGHTS RESERVED TO KHAWAJA USAMA PVT LIMITED 3 Afghan forces by the middle of 2013, while shifting at the same time from combat to a support role of advising, training and assisting the Afghan security forces and then withdraw most of the 130,000 foreign troops by the end of December 2014. A new and different NATO mission will then advise, train and assist the Afghan security forces including the Afghan Special Operations Forces. Security handover and U.S. Suspension of Afghan Local Police forces training The U.S. is set to hand over responsibility for security to local Afghans by 2014, and efforts are underway to draw down U.S. forces, but US President Barack Obama has not specified a date for the withdrawal of all American troops from the country. President Obama said on 1 September 2012 that he had a specific plan to bring our troops
  • 33. The White Class And The American Family Moreover, in our interview, she described what her article The Normal American Family was about, and stated that, while conducting her researches, she became interested in the internalized racial oppression within families. This internalized racial oppression within families later became based on the white middle class family, to which I like to refer to as the modern American family ideology . The white class family was the ideology that would be seen on television shows such as The Brady Bunch, as mentioned by Professor Pyke. She addressed the television show, The Brady Bunch, as one of the white middle class families that many second generation Asian Americanimmigrant students would compare to their families, and question why not being the same. Korean and Vietnamese second generation children seem to have built an ideal American family based on what they see on television or other American family, and that is why they have created certain ideals and characteristics that their families should meet. Many of the image of normal family life that respondents brought to their description came in the form of references to television families or the families of non Asian friends (Pyke, 247). Professor Pyke mentioned that students would see these white middle class families, and ask themselves why their families could not be the same. Or question why their parents could not be affectionate, just like their friend s parents. The truth is that their parents could not be
  • 34. Karisa And Chase Research Paper Karisa: Hi, everyone! Today, me, Karisa and Chase would be talking about the great things about the ocean. They are many marine activities you can do at the beach. For example, surfing, stand up paddling which is known as SUP, kayaking, and swimming. These activities, mostly uses the waves of the ocean. Surfing and Stand Up paddling provides many health benefits, like cardiovascular fitness, improves balance, and is a good cardio workout. There are also sports using wind, such as windsurfing, kitesurfing, and sailing. Windsurfing strengthens your core, Kitesurfing tones your body, and sailing add to your muscle strength. Some activities are mainly for interacting with marine animals such as, riding a submarine, snorkeling, scuba diving.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the sunset is on the horizon, it is the most beautiful moment of the day. When the half sun reflects on the ocean, the color of the ocean turns orange and yellow. The sky turns orange, purple, and pink, and it is really magnificent. If you want to see the sunset and the sunrise from start to finish, a cruise ship is perfect for you! Cruise shipping is a really exciting activity. You can enjoy wildlife in the ocean, experience many ocean activities . You can see sea turtles, dolphins, and whales in the ocean. In some places, you can see sea turtles coming up to the shore to lay eggs. which is very rare. Whale watching is becoming really popular now. You can even see whales in Japan too! You can go out to the ocean on a boat, and can see whales swimming near you. In other places, you can swim with sharks and whale sharks. You don t have to worry about being eaten by sharks. Sharks actually don t eat humans. Humans aren t nutritious enough to be worth the effort. The ocean is a perfect place for taking pictures. You can find millions of pictures on social media taken by people around the world. It is also not rare to see people like teenagers and adults taking picture of the ocean. The beautiful scenery of the ocean makes many people want to take pictures of
  • 35. Volatile Organic Compounds Overview The Edwards Air Force Base located in Antelope Valley in Southern California was built to test new aircraft and help integrate them into the U.S. Air Force. The site became a flight test center after World War II. As an air base, many chemicals and fuel are stored here and throughout its history there have been spills and improper disposals. This became an environmental hazard when the contaminants began to seep into the ground. The EPA, the Air Force, and two state agencies signed a Federal Facility Agreement in 1990 to address this issue. Activities That Led to Pollution The activities that led to the pollution were the storage of fuel, Volatile Organic Compounds, metals, and other chemicals. Years of flight testing and rocket... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... VOCs can easily become vapors or gasses making it very toxic to any in the area who inhale it. Perchlorate, which came from the many years of rocket fuel resting, 1, 4 dioxane, and various metals are non volatile contaminants found in some areas. N Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a semi volatile organic compound suspected of being a carcinogen and is a known hepatotoxin. Some of the less harmful contaminants include landfills that may contain unexploded artillery, weapons or other munitions related materials. Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs), an unregulated group of chemicals, has also been found and is being investigated at different sites on the base. Harmful Effects Trichloroethene has been associated with hepatotoxicity. Exposure also produces decreased appetite, gastrointestinal irritation, headaches, skin irritation. Chronic exposure produces ataxia (loss of full control of bodily movements.), decreased appetite, headache, short term memory loss, sleep disturbances, and vertigo. Tetrachloroethene is a group 2A carcinogen. This means that it is likely a probable carcinogen. It is also a Central Nervous System depressant and due to its fat solubility it can enter through the skin and cause irritation. Acute exposure to tetrachloroethylene can cause incoordination drowsiness, dizziness, and headaches. Large doses, however, can cause unconsciousness and death. Chronic exposure can cause changes in reaction time, memory, attention and vision, and
  • 36. The Ghost By William Shakespeare In the play Hamlet, the ghost presents himself as a character of an ambiguous nature with a definitive purpose and a voice of paradox, delivering to Hamlet a lethal mission to punish Claudius and avenge the late king. These qualities of the ghost help show that there are uncertainties in this life and the afterlife and also demonstrate that revenge, while carrying harsh repercussions, may be used as a cleansing and justifying instrument to rid Denmark of its evil influences. The ghostis the deceased King Hamlet, who dies an untimely and unnatural death at the hands of his own brother Claudius, who pours poison down the King s ear. In literature, the presence of a ghost usually means that an issue is unresolved and needs to be corrected, and in Hamlet, the dead King returns to have Claudius punished and purge Denmark of the intrinsic evil that corrupts it. The issue, an act of fratricide, is so vile and serious that its victim calls from beyond the grave for justice and asks Hamlet to exact revenge on the selfish murderer. This mission of revenge requested of Hamlet commences the main actions of the play and sets the twists and turns in motion. While the ghost is seen only for a short while in the play, Bernice Kliman of Hamletworks.org comments that in effect he broods over the whole play (Kliman). This is absolutely correct, since it is the deed of revenge instituted by the ghost that can be tracked throughout the whole play and ultimately leads to the demise of the
  • 37. Essay on Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant 1724 1804 Immanuel Kant was born on April 22, 1724 in Konigsberg, East Prussia. He was the son of a saddler. At age 8, he entered the Collegium Fredericianum, a Latin school, where he remained for 8 1/2 years and studied the classics. He then entered the University of Konigsberg in 1740 to study philosophy, mathematics, and physics. The death of his father halted his university career so he became a private tutor. In 1755, he returned to Konigsburg where he later resumed his studies. In 1756, he received a degree and was made a lecturer, and in 1770 he became a professor. Kant felt he had to adhere to a very strict schedule during his years as a professor. He would get up shortly before five ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1798, the year following his retirement from the University, Kant published a summary of his religious views. He died on February 12, 1804. During his lifetime, Kant produced many writings. Scholars usually divide his literary career into two periods: the Pre critical period and the Critical period. During the Pre critical period, 1747 to 1781, he wrote many non fictional works and criticisms. Some of them were quot;Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces quot;, quot;On Fire quot;, quot;A New Explanation of the First Principles of Metaphysical Knowledge quot;, and quot;On the Forms and Principles of the Sensible and Intelligible World quot;. From 1770 to 1780, he mainly worked on preparing quot;The Critique of Pure Reason quot;. The Critical period lasted from 1781 to 1794. During this period, he wrote quot;The Critique of Pure Reason quot; in 1781, and quot;Foundation for the Metaphysics of Ethics quot; in 1785. Following the critical works, Kant published quot;Critique of Practical Reason quot;, quot;Critique of Judgment quot;, and quot;Religion within the Limits of Mere Reason quot;. Three main discussions of Kant are Duty, the Formula of the End, and the Kingdom of Ethics. Kant feels that we act morally when we do our duty, however it is important to distinguish between acting according to duty and acting from duty. Acting according to duty is when someone else has imposed the duty. This is an
  • 38. The Story Of Sarah And Juan I can t help falling in love with you (Weiss, 1961, Elvis Presley). These timeless Elvis Presley lyrics trigger warm and fuzzy feelings in the hearts of many hopeless romantics both young and old. These relatable and heartfelt words cast a spell on listeners, immediately drawing their attention. It is no surprise that when this song plays in the background of an Extra Gumcommercial viewers eyes naturally find their way to the television screen. Once their eyes meet the screen they become immersed in watching the presented sentimental lovestory unfold. Despite only using a subtle incorporation of the advertised gum, Extra Gum creates a successful commercial through effortlessly eliciting viewers to fall in love with their gum as they fall in love with The Story of Sarah and Juan which can be found at https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLpDiIVX0Wo. The Story of Sarah and Juan begins with a girl and a boy, Sarah and Juan, catching each other s eyes across a busy walkway in front of their high school. The camera switches to show the inside of the school, where in a hallway Sarah drops some papers at her locker and Juan walks over to help her pick them up. The two look at each other and smile as Sarah opens up an Extra Gum box to offer him a piece. Juan puts the gum in his mouth and chews as he smiles and stares at Sarah. Next, the two are found sitting in a car where Sarah again offers Juan a piece of Extra Gum a moment before they share a kiss. Sarah leaves
  • 39. Mistreatment Of Women s Waiting For The Barbarians Mistreatment of Women in Coetzee s Waiting for the Barbarians In Waiting for the Barbarians, J.M. Coetzee introduces the controversial idea of civilized and barbaric through a nameless empire. The novel features the first person narration of an unnamed magistrate who becomes conflicted upon his duties after meeting Colonel Joll. As the antagonist of the novel, Colonel Joll coincides with the depraved actions of the Empire, one of the most prominent being imperialism. Later in the novel, the Magistrate also encounters an unnamed barbarian girl, who he brings into his home and claims responsibility for. With the intention of learning about her past and about the pain inflicted by his Empire, he aims to to extract the truth through means of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through this comparison, however, he subliminally reveals that he is actually aware the girl at the inn has an interior, one that he admits he deliberately disregards. Likewise, the Magistrate is completely aware that the barbarian girl, too, has an interior. He degrades her by saying she does not, yet his quest to figure her out consumes him. Also, instead of blatantly stating that she has no interior, he uses the words as if. In this way, he suggests that there is an interior, perhaps one that he just has not found yet. His failed attempts, then, bring him to refer to her as a body that has fallen into his bed that he seems responsible [for], or so it seems, otherwise why do I keep it? Unlike how he refers to the inn girl specifically as a sexual object, the barbarian girl is only sought as an object because the Magistrate grows frustrated from her reluctance to open up to him. When he says, But of this one there is nothing I can say with certainty, he refers to the barbarian girl as this one. This shows that he thinks of women as attainable objects that he can easily control. In contrast to the girl at the inn, the barbarian girl is impervious to his force. Because the Magistrate is not able to assert his dominance to gain control over the barbarian girl, he grows frustrated and his curiosity morphs into an obsession. The
  • 40. Southern Controversy Hannah Daigle Dale Bailey English 131/03 23 September 2017 An Age Old Southern Controversy The Civil War began in the 1860 s and was one of the most important events in southern and U.S. history. In the south one of the major symbols of the war was the confederate flag. For me personally since I am from South Carolina I have found that there are two separate views on the flag which would be the supporting and opposing sides. The supporting side is said to be majority of white southerners and the opposing side is said to be majority of black southerners and white northerners (Webster and Leib). According to Webster and Leib white and black southerners have pride in their southern heritage, but the heritage is much different. What I would like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He explains that the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment provides that no state may deny to any person within its authority the equal protection of the law . Forman claims that it should be impossible for people to view the flag as a symbol of equality. Forman believes that the confederate flag violates the First Amendment by chilling the desire and ability of black citizens to exercise fully their First Amendment rights, which is their freedom of speech. The Black citizens felt like they did not have a say on the flag being up on state grounds (Forman). The opposing side of the flag did not like it up so much that in the early 2000 s there was a boycott against the state of South Carolina due to the fact the flag was still up. This boycott cost the state $7 million dollars in revenue lost (Allen). The rebels were fighting for territory, for economic control, and obviously for slavery. The Confederate flag has been used throughout this century as a symbol by the Klan, skinheads, and other white supremacists opposed to black demands for equality and constitutional protection (Forman). In my personal understanding of what Forman, Webster, and Leib believe is that everyone who supports the flag is a part of the white supremacist groups and just
  • 41. Essay On Morris In Vietnam Morris, the protagonist of vietnam by Chris Lynch and I are alike in many ways. We both share the same view of the world,are viewed by the world in similar ways and i would respond in a comparable way to central conflict of the novel. Therefore, i believe given the chance, we could be friends. This novel is about 4 life long friends making a pledge that if one of them get drafted to Vietnamthen they all have to go together. The protagonist, or Morris of the novel Vietnam views the world very similar to me. Morris is starting to find out how dangerous this world really is. This world today is begging to be very dangerous place. (pg.109) Morris believes this world is a dangerous place because of the war. I also view the world the same way. With all of the terrorist threats and attacks, it is starting to become very dangerous. Also i believe our government is a very powerful threat towards us.Therefore, Morris and I view the world in the same way. The world views morris as a kid still growing up not ready for this real world. When he makes the decision on going to vietnam then the world started to view him as a more mature person. The same goes as me. The world used to view me as a immature kid, but ever since i ve been working as a welder, they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Morris, Ivan, Beck, and Rudi all have made a pledge if one of them get drafted then they all have to go to stick together. Morris was very upset that he got drafted because he had a full ride into college. Also he didn t want to lose his 3 best friends. Morris deals with this conflict in a mature way, he doesn t back out and go to college he goes and deals with it. I would probably go to college instead of war. I wouldn t waste my life going and fighting for someone else. I can fight for myself at my house, The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed . So therefor Morris and I would handle the conflict
  • 42. The Advocacy For Lgbt Community Description of the importance of the topic The topic on the advocacy for LGBT community in schools among the student community is very important. In most cases the advocates of LGBTs have tried to persuade schools to improve their environment. Usually the school environment significantly determines whether the climate in the schoolis healthy and appropriate for LGBTstudents to learn in (Goldberg and Allen, 2013). Advocating for this community therefore means that school administrators are likely to adopt ignored programs that may concern the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. Such initiatives improve the schooling environment for the diverse population of all the students regardless of their sexual orientation. Advocating for the LGBT students helps in fighting discrimination, in regard to the legal requirements many schools fail to recognize the sexual minority students hence failing to address issues that affect the safety as well as the educationof the LGBT students. Advocacy on legal requirement for the schools is for instance based on the 14th Amendment of the US constitution (Jacob, et al. 2011). It states that all the students are entitled to equal protection under the federal law without any discrimination. This helps the students attain the education they deserve with no restrictions. The training of the staff members helps in understanding the sexual minority students and the use of effective interventions. Through advocacy, the staff members
  • 43. Summary Of The Diary Of A Young Girl Dane Williams Social Studies Mrs. Brasil Book Review The Diary of a Young Girl May 23, 2017 The Diary of a Young Girl is an interesting read. Sad when you realize a young girl s life was taken away in such a horrible and selfish manner. Hopeful and optimistic is often the tone of Ann s writing. Anne probably never imagined her diary would be made public and read the world over. I am not sure she would have written so openly and honestly if she had thought that would be the case. This book allows the reader to see through the eyes of a teenager the outward experience of war and the inward degradation of the human spirit of eight humans confined in fear and constant isolation. As the title implies, The Diary of a Young Girl , this book ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here for the first time we see Mrs. Franks personality in black and white. Anne writes No one could possibly sleep there unless we cleared it up. But Mother and Margot were really suffering, and they were too tired and unhappy to help. They just lay down on their beds, so Father and I did it all. We worked all day, until we were so tired that we fell into bed too. There was no hot meal, but we didn t care. We worked all the next day, too... (Frank, 1952) Anne also shows a surprising glimpse of maturity here. Reality of their circumstances has her reflecting on what will happen in the future. Shortly after the Frank s arrive at the Annex they are joined by the van Daans. Now they are seven. Peter van Daan was a 15 year old boy. The secret annex has a book case built in front of the door to conceal the entrance. Anne doesn t care much for Mrs. Van Daan. Friends are bringing the kids books to continue their education. At this point we also learn that there is no bathroom. They use a chamber pot to eliminate, take baths using a bowl of water. There isn t much privacy either. They can listen to a radio that is in the warehouse office (the annex is located in a warehouse) when no one is at the warehouse. They have to be silent during the work day, they cannot take the risk of someone hearing them. In November of 1942, the seven become eight, Mr. Dussel joins the two families. He is a
  • 44. Du Dubois Legacy William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was one of the most influential figures in civil rights history, but even outside of civil rights he was a loving and caring man, He started the activist Niagara Movement in 1905 and then cofounded the NAACP in 1909. A powerful intellect, Du Bois would become the first person who was African Americanto earn a PhD from Harvard and was a professor of history, sociology, and economics at Atlanta University. Du Bois made significant contributions to the world and opened minds throughout the world, later changing the world forever. Du Bois decided to move away from religion during his college years and described himself as a freethinker throughout his life. He was a smart man who used science and education ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... from Fisk in 1888, Du Bois enrolled at Harvard University, where he used his full potential as a student. He became acquainted with some of the leading intellectuals of the day, including William James, George Palmer, George Santayana, and Albert Bushnell Hart, and was encouraged to direct his studies toward history and the social sciences. At his Harvard commencement in 1890, he was one of five students selected to deliver an address. Du Bois s speech on Confederate president Jefferson Davis and the issue of slavery in the United States gained him national attention, including a prominent review in the Nation. Graduating with a major in philosophy, Du Bois was accepted into graduate school in political science as Harvard s Henry Bromfield Rogers Fellow and began work on Civil Rights for African Americans.. After being awarded his master s degree in 1891, he received a Slater Fund grant, which allowed him to study and travel overseas from 1892 to 1894. Du Bois studied history, economics, politics, and political economy at the University of Berlin and completed a thesis on agricultural economics in the American South. Though DuBois achieved many things through out his long lived life some would argue that he wasn t successful enough or a good leader because asue he was a man of color. Many believed that Dubois couldn t possibly be an effective leader because he was black but he actually proved that wrong through his achievements of graduating from Harvard and Founding the NAACP. Dubois was a smart man who didn t let these words get to
  • 45. Metaphors In The Lovely Bones My childrenВґs book SarahВґs First Sandcastle is a metaphor of The Lovely Bones, which is why it addresses the context, content, language and choices of that book. However, there are some differences between my childrenВґs book and The Lovely Bones, but that made my book have my special touch. SarahВґs First Castle is the metaphor of The Lovely Bones because it is about a little girlВґs first sandcastle that was destroyed by a wave. Therefore, the ocean represents the evilness of Mr. Harvey and the power that he felt when he easily killed Susie. The sandcastle represents the fragility of Susie and how delicate and beautiful she was, and the little girl represents the desperation, and anguish of SusieВґs mom. But it does not only talks about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also a difference that my book has a more appropriate language designed for kids while the Lovely Bone has violent scenes and words that are not appropriate for children. A similitude is that both books are about death however I talk about death in a metaphorical way and The Lovely Bones talk about death directly. I represented death with the destruction of the sandcastle caused by the ocean. Another similitude is that I use the same principal characters as The Lovely Bones and that the context of the story is almost the same( it wouldn t be the same because my book is written in a metaphorical way). Is like they are the same stories but in parallel
  • 46. Main Differences Between Larceny And Embezzlement In chapter 9 of Criminal Law Today, the author describes the crimes of embezzlement and explains the main differences between larceny and embezzlement. This chapter identifies the types of property that were subject to the common law crime of larceny. In addition, the author describes the differences between embezzlement and false pretenses, and the differences between robbery and extortion. The most commonly occurring crimesin the United States are the theft crimes and drug crimes. Crimes of theft are generally property crimes. There is a variety of property crimes, such as larceny, burglary, criminal trespass, arson, and computer crimes. Crimes of theft are also known as acquisitive offenses, which are crimes that involve the unlawful... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Forgery is the making of false written instrument or the material alteration of an existing genuine written instrument. Forgery is only complete when the perpetrator makes or passes a false instrument. Overall, the crime of forgery is the actual intent to defraud. The common law crime of forgery included the act of uttering, which is the offering, passing, or attempted passing of a forged document knowing that is forged. Receiving stolen property is another form of theft. This can be defined as knowingly taking possession of, or control over, property that has been taken in an unlawful way. There are four elements to the crime of receiving stolen property, which are receiving, stolen property, the receiver knowing that it was stolen, and where the property was received. Another form of theft is robbery. However, robbery is considered a violent personal crime by the Uniform Crime Reporting program. Robbery is the unlawful taking of property that is in the immediate possession of another by force or threat of force. However, robbery, can be considered another form of larceny. The crime of robbery requires two elements, that the property be taken from a person or removed from the victim s presence and that the taking occur through the use of force or fear. But certain situations may be considered larceny. For example, if property was stolen from a dead person, the crime is no longer a robbery but a form of