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Design Like a Pro: Essential Steps for Enterprise Architectures
Don Pearson
Chief Strategy Officer
Inductive Automation
Today’s Agenda
• Introduction to Ignition
• Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’
• Use Open Standards
• Use Open Architecture
• Results of a Completed Enterprise Architecture
• Software That Scales to the Enterprise
• Q&A
About Inductive Automation
• Founded in 2003
• HMI, SCADA, MES, and IIoT software
• Installed in 100+ countries
• Over 1,500 integrators
• Used by 44% of Fortune 100 companies
Learn more at: inductiveautomation.com/about
Used By Industries Worldwide
Ignition: Industrial Application Platform
One Universal Platform for SCADA, MES & IIoT:
• Unlimited licensing model
• Cross-platform compatibility
• Based on IT-standard technologies
• Scalable server-client architecture
• Web-managed
• Web-launched on desktop or mobile
• Modular configurability
• Rapid development and deployment
Travis Cox
Co-Director of Sales Engineering,
Inductive Automation
Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’
Current situation at most companies:
• Each plant has different data, software, budgets, etc.
• No real way to get data back to the corporate level
Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’
Growing demand for data at the corporate level:
• Inspired by Industry 4.0 & IIoT
• Desire to see data and analyze it centrally
• Largely driven from the top down
Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’
• How do we get from the current landscape of different
plants to the promise of turning data into real information,
analytics, and central administration?
• How do we go about getting data into a common format?
• How will we manage this new architecture?
• How will we handle increased quantities of incoming data?
• How can we scale this?
• And many other questions …
Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’
• Need a different approach and a different architecture
• Need ability to deliver information from sites up to corporate in an
accurate, standardized, efficient & secure fashion
Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’
Paradox: The demand for enterprise
architectures is coming from the top down
but it needs to be built from the bottom
Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’
• Shift thinking: don’t think of plants as
islands, but as parts of a larger
corporate system.
• Ask what we need to do at the plant
level to support the enterprise.
Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’
Leverage best practices for security at the plant level:
• Data should be encrypted when shared across sites
• Keep PLCs behind a secure layer
• No more air gaps between OT and IT
• Get data back to the business securely in an open format
while not compromising operations
Use Open Standards
One of the major components of getting to
a system with central visualization and
administration is the open-architecture &
open-standards approach
Use Open Standards
Without Standards With Standards
Use Open Standards
Use Open Standards
• Standardize your data models
• Translate data at the plant level, then send
it up, instead of translating it at the top
Use Open Standards
• Open, standard & supported protocols
allow plants to be the single source of
truth of their data.
• Everyone uses the same data for making
business decisions
Use Open Architectures
• Need to think about how to set up our systems to be ready
for the increased amount of data
• Need to think about how we can enable the enterprise
without stifling innovation at the plants
• Decouple applications from devices to address these
Use Open Architectures
Coupled vs. decoupled architectures:
Use Open Architectures
• Poll-response protocols stifle innovation and are very
difficult to scale
• Move to publish-subscribe protocols to decouple
applications from devices and free up your data
Use Open Architectures
Use Open Architectures
• Plug-and-play functionality is a major benefit of open
• Add devices & sensors and they just work – don’t have to
configure them in SCADA or other applications
Use Open Architectures
• Choose a protocol that has security and stateful
awareness (such as MQTT or OPC UA).
• Provide the data that the business is asking for, in a
standardized way, without compromising SCADA &
Use Open Architectures
• Standards are also important for “brownfield” companies
• Need to standardize data & data models to build an
enterprise solution on what’s already there
Use Open Architectures
Integrate with other tools:
• Business intelligence
• Machine Learning (Microsoft Azure)
• Apache NiFi and Kafka
• Hadoop
• IBM Watson IoT
• Ignition Edge
• Storm
• Amazon IoT
Results of Completed Enterprise Architecture
• Centralized administration, management of projects &
templates, automated recovery, deploy applications,
project sync & updates, etc.
• See data from all plants, check on system health
• Greater information and intelligence
• More speed and agility
Results of Completed Enterprise Architecture
Think about it: What would the ROI be if you could get all of
the data from the locations into a standard format centrally
and start leveraging new tools?
Software That Scales to the Enterprise
• Does it support open data formats?
• Can you deploy it effectively at multiple sites?
• Can it connect to, and leverage, the cloud?
• Does the licensing limit your ability to scale?
Software That Scales to the Enterprise
• You can build enterprise architectures with Ignition software &
technologies like MQTT
• Gateway Network unlocks architectural possibilities, allows
multiple Ignition Gateways to share large amounts of
Software That Scales to the Enterprise
Ignition Remote MQTT Architecture
Software That Scales to the Enterprise
• Ignition’s unlimited licensing
minimizes the costs of growth
& future-proofing
• Ignition’s licensing, technology,
and business model are all in
line with enterprise thinking
Software That Scales to the Enterprise
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
voluptate velit esse cillum.”
- Quote from Food Manufacturer
Recap of Essential Steps to Enterprise Architecture
• Build your enterprise architecture from the plant-level up.
• Deliver plant data to the corporate level in an automated,
standardized, secure manner.
• Choose open standards and standardize your data format.
• Decouple devices from applications using publish-subscribe
• Measure necessary expenses against the huge potential ROI of a
working enterprise system.
• Integrate innovative tools for intelligence, analysis, IIoT & more.
• Use software that is conducive to enterprise architectures.
Ignition by Inductive Automation
Download at inductiveautomation.com and try it out today!
Design Like a Pro Series
Available at: inductiveautomation.com/resources
Design Like a Pro: Essential Steps for Enterprise Architectures
Questions & Comments
Jim Meisler x227
Vannessa Garcia x231
Vivian Mudge x253
Account Executives
Myron Hoertling x224
Shane Miller x218
Ramin Rofagha x251
Maria Chinappi x264
Dan Domerofski x273
Lester Ares x214
800-266-7798 x247
Melanie Moniz
Director of Sales:
Design Like a Pro: Essential Steps for Enterprise Architectures

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Design Like a Pro: Essential Steps for Enterprise Architectures

  • 2. Moderator Don Pearson Chief Strategy Officer Inductive Automation
  • 3. Today’s Agenda • Introduction to Ignition • Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’ • Use Open Standards • Use Open Architecture • Results of a Completed Enterprise Architecture • Software That Scales to the Enterprise • Q&A
  • 4. About Inductive Automation • Founded in 2003 • HMI, SCADA, MES, and IIoT software • Installed in 100+ countries • Over 1,500 integrators • Used by 44% of Fortune 100 companies Learn more at: inductiveautomation.com/about
  • 5. Used By Industries Worldwide
  • 6. Ignition: Industrial Application Platform One Universal Platform for SCADA, MES & IIoT: • Unlimited licensing model • Cross-platform compatibility • Based on IT-standard technologies • Scalable server-client architecture • Web-managed • Web-launched on desktop or mobile • Modular configurability • Rapid development and deployment
  • 7. Presenter Travis Cox Co-Director of Sales Engineering, Inductive Automation
  • 8. Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’ Current situation at most companies: • Each plant has different data, software, budgets, etc. • No real way to get data back to the corporate level
  • 9. Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’ Growing demand for data at the corporate level: • Inspired by Industry 4.0 & IIoT • Desire to see data and analyze it centrally • Largely driven from the top down
  • 10. Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’ • How do we get from the current landscape of different plants to the promise of turning data into real information, analytics, and central administration? • How do we go about getting data into a common format? • How will we manage this new architecture? • How will we handle increased quantities of incoming data? • How can we scale this? • And many other questions …
  • 11. Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’ • Need a different approach and a different architecture • Need ability to deliver information from sites up to corporate in an accurate, standardized, efficient & secure fashion
  • 12. Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’ Paradox: The demand for enterprise architectures is coming from the top down but it needs to be built from the bottom up.
  • 13. Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’ • Shift thinking: don’t think of plants as islands, but as parts of a larger corporate system. • Ask what we need to do at the plant level to support the enterprise.
  • 14. Stop Thinking ‘Plant,’ Start Thinking ‘Enterprise’ Leverage best practices for security at the plant level: • Data should be encrypted when shared across sites • Keep PLCs behind a secure layer • No more air gaps between OT and IT • Get data back to the business securely in an open format while not compromising operations
  • 15. Use Open Standards One of the major components of getting to a system with central visualization and administration is the open-architecture & open-standards approach
  • 18. Use Open Standards • Standardize your data models • Translate data at the plant level, then send it up, instead of translating it at the top
  • 19. Use Open Standards • Open, standard & supported protocols allow plants to be the single source of truth of their data. • Everyone uses the same data for making business decisions
  • 20. Use Open Architectures • Need to think about how to set up our systems to be ready for the increased amount of data • Need to think about how we can enable the enterprise without stifling innovation at the plants • Decouple applications from devices to address these issues.
  • 21. Use Open Architectures Coupled vs. decoupled architectures:
  • 22. Use Open Architectures • Poll-response protocols stifle innovation and are very difficult to scale • Move to publish-subscribe protocols to decouple applications from devices and free up your data
  • 24. Use Open Architectures • Plug-and-play functionality is a major benefit of open architectures • Add devices & sensors and they just work – don’t have to configure them in SCADA or other applications
  • 25. Use Open Architectures • Choose a protocol that has security and stateful awareness (such as MQTT or OPC UA). • Provide the data that the business is asking for, in a standardized way, without compromising SCADA & operations.
  • 26. Use Open Architectures • Standards are also important for “brownfield” companies • Need to standardize data & data models to build an enterprise solution on what’s already there
  • 27. Use Open Architectures Integrate with other tools: • Business intelligence • Machine Learning (Microsoft Azure) • Apache NiFi and Kafka • Hadoop • IBM Watson IoT • Ignition Edge • Storm • Amazon IoT • ERP • CMMS
  • 28. Results of Completed Enterprise Architecture • Centralized administration, management of projects & templates, automated recovery, deploy applications, project sync & updates, etc. • See data from all plants, check on system health • Greater information and intelligence • More speed and agility
  • 29. Results of Completed Enterprise Architecture Think about it: What would the ROI be if you could get all of the data from the locations into a standard format centrally and start leveraging new tools?
  • 30. Software That Scales to the Enterprise • Does it support open data formats? • Can you deploy it effectively at multiple sites? • Can it connect to, and leverage, the cloud? • Does the licensing limit your ability to scale?
  • 31. Software That Scales to the Enterprise • You can build enterprise architectures with Ignition software & technologies like MQTT • Gateway Network unlocks architectural possibilities, allows multiple Ignition Gateways to share large amounts of information
  • 32. Software That Scales to the Enterprise Ignition Remote MQTT Architecture
  • 33. Software That Scales to the Enterprise • Ignition’s unlimited licensing minimizes the costs of growth & future-proofing • Ignition’s licensing, technology, and business model are all in line with enterprise thinking
  • 34. Software That Scales to the Enterprise “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum.” - Quote from Food Manufacturer
  • 35. Recap of Essential Steps to Enterprise Architecture • Build your enterprise architecture from the plant-level up. • Deliver plant data to the corporate level in an automated, standardized, secure manner. • Choose open standards and standardize your data format. • Decouple devices from applications using publish-subscribe protocols. • Measure necessary expenses against the huge potential ROI of a working enterprise system. • Integrate innovative tools for intelligence, analysis, IIoT & more. • Use software that is conducive to enterprise architectures.
  • 36. Ignition by Inductive Automation Download at inductiveautomation.com and try it out today!
  • 37. Design Like a Pro Series Available at: inductiveautomation.com/resources
  • 39. Questions & Comments Jim Meisler x227 Vannessa Garcia x231 Vivian Mudge x253 Account Executives Myron Hoertling x224 Shane Miller x218 Ramin Rofagha x251 Maria Chinappi x264 Dan Domerofski x273 Lester Ares x214 800-266-7798 x247 Melanie Moniz Director of Sales: