1. Age-related eye conditions like cataracts and presbyopia need to be considered, as LASIK may not be able to correct vision problems caused by these conditions.
2. Cataract surgery may need to be performed before or after LASIK to fully address vision issues.
3. For presbyopia, LASIK surgeons may perform monovision to correct for both near and far vision by adjusting each eye differently.
1 of 42
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2. Difference Between Athens And Sparta
Athens and Sparta are two interesting city states in ancient Greece where someone could choose to
live depending on the inclination of the individual. Some individuals might choose to live in Athens
because of the system of government and developmental philosophy while other individuals could
choose to live in Sparta because of its military and warrior like philosophy.
In Athens, there is an element of respect for the will of the people, which is known as a democratic
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First and foremost, I like a society where knowledge is regarded as the ultimate; a society that breeds
intellectuals and promote philosophical dialogue. Athens happens to be that place (Brand, n.d.).
Secondly, absolute independence runs in my vein and in Athens that is what they had in place;
independence to determine who governs the society at any given period. Although the Athenian
democracy was not as advanced compared to what we have in these modern times, however, the
system helped to shape our modern worldview in one way or the other (Cartledge, 2011). While critics
of the Athenian democracy would argue that aristocrats were often imposing their manipulative
agenda on the government, I would acknowledge that fact to be a part of democracy even in the 21st
century where some powerful people can twist their agenda on a government. A typical example is the
National Rifle Association (NRA), who would not let any government or elected official dare discuss
any amendment in firearms regulation (McGreal, 2015). What is apparent about democracy is that it
enables a society to participate in the government formation. That is why Athens would be my livable
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3. P. Aeruginosa Research Paper
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram negative, rod shaped bacteria, almost all strains of P. aeruginosa
are motile (single polar flagella). The bacteria is capable of adapting to and therefore thriving in many
different ecological environments (from water and soil to plant and animals) it also can utilize a
variety of organic compounds as food sources, giving it the ability to colonize in places where
nutrients are limited. It can cause a range of infections from pneumonia to the most serious cystic
fibrosis. P. aeruginosa can form a biofilm that allows the bacteria to form a resistance to antibiotics. To
this day there are conferences, websites, and microbiologists committed to the research and discovery
of P. aeruginosa in the fight to discover and learn more about the bacteria and ways to fight its biofilm.
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aeruginosa has a large genome at 6.26 Mb, which codes for 5,697 genes, the bacteria measures 0.5 to
0.8 µm by 1.5 to 3.0 µm. It can often be found growing were nutrients are limited, like distilled water,
it can use more than seventy five different organic compounds. P. aeruginosa is one of the top three
nosocomial infections, resulting in almost 10% of all hospital acquired infections, with a blood
poisoning mortality rate of nearly 50%. This opportunistic pathogen can cause pneumonia, urinary
tract infections, and blood poisoning in wounded patients. The most serious complication of P.
aeruginosa is cystic fibrosis, a respiratory tract
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4. Questions On Google s Article On A Market Research By...
Focus Groups How to Protect the Credibility of Your Market Research
By Stephanie Nicky Lloyd | Submitted On September 30, 2011
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Expert Author Stephanie Nicky Lloyd
A focus group provides the ideal setting from which to gather unbiased, authentic and in depth
information. However, a focus group is only a success if the moderator creates a suitable setting for
directing, recording and analysing discussions in a natural and unbiased manner. Planning, directing
and recording focus groups does not create problems for researchers, but analysing information takes a
great deal of time and expertise.
And yet while analysing information is the most important step in focus group research, it is also
where most researchers fail to deliver. The findings of a focus group are valuable only if the researcher
analyses the information in a fair and unbiased manner, which is, unfortunately, not always the case. It
is not unheard of for some researchers to filter out what they don t want to hear, create presentations
based on what they think they have heard, or in fact, not analyse the information at all.
A vast amount of information is discussed during a focus
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5. Jesse Owens Overcoming of Hurdles and Winning the...
Can you imagine embarrassing the infamous Adolf Hitler in front of the whole world? Jesse Owens
did that in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. It was not an easy road for him to get there, but he did it by
putting enough effort and hard work forward. Jesse Owens was able to overcome racial judgment by
surviving a poverty struck childhood, training hard in school, and by winning the 1936 Berlin
Olympics. Jesse Owens childhood was unparalleled to any other child s with how hard it was. His
parents struggled to get everyone in his family fed since their family consisted of twelve people ( Jesse
Owens ). Many of his siblings were too busy to help their parents because of school. Jesse Owens was
still too young for school which led to Owens ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Owens not only had to deal with how to get hired, but now had to deal with moving up north and also
getting enrolled in school. When his family moved to the north, many other negro families were too,
this time was known as the Great Migration ( Jesse Owens ). Owens life had just taken a drastic turn,
but Jesse would not let that get to him. His new neighborhood was very racially diverse and his side of
town was also very unstable economically. Owens did not let any of this affect him and he pushed on
and began his education. He was finally enrolled in school where he learned to read and write ( Jesse
Owens ). He greatly enjoyed learning and wanted to learn all he could. He did not start off as the
smartest in his class, but slowly worked his way there. School is also where he got the name Jesse. He
was originally born James Cleveland Owens and he went by his initials J.C. and a teacher
mispronounced his name as Jesse and it stuck with him ( Jesse Owens ). Shows how he is slowly
becoming a different person since he is now beginning to get an education and focusing on other
things besides just helping his family. School was not easy for an African American though. He did
struggle and got angry a lot because he knew he could be learning a lot more, but his teachers were not
giving him as much information as he wanted. He persevered through elementary school and went on
to junior high and then high
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6. Cardiac Arrest Medical Case Scenarios
PURPOSE: To provide guidelines for staff caring for Inpatient Cardiac Surgery population requiring
advanced life support during cardiac arrest events.
SCOPE: All nursing personnel who have been oriented to and/or care for Cardiac Surgery population.
All attending Cardiothoracic Surgery Physicians currently practicing and providing surgical care
within Brooke Army Medical Center. All Trauma Surgery Physicians currently practicing/providing
surgical care to include nightly on call rotations.
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Staff should begin setting up for emergent resternotomy once cardiac arrest is noted. Goal is to have
chest opened within 5 minutes. Please verify the physician performing resternotomy is aware of
procedure patient had done (high risk for graft detachment with retractors). Internal cardiac massage is
preferable and more efficient than external cardiac massage (should only be performed by trained
physicians with two hand technique).
g. If patient paced prior to cardiac arrest with functioning epicardial pacing wires and the rhythm
shows PEA with paced rhythm, the pacing spikes may be masking Ventricular Fibrillation. Detach
pacing wires from pacemaker to assess underlying rhythm.
h. For severe bradycardia, Atropine can be given per AHA protocol.
i. Epinephrine should be witheld unless ordered by Cardiac Surgeon (Severe Hypertension with
Return of Spontaneous Circulation ROSC).
j. During external cardiac massage with intra aortic balloon pump (IABP) in place, change trigger to
pressure. If prolonged period without cardiac massage, change trigger to internal at rate of 100 BPM.
Electrical Activity (PEA)
a. Do not delay external cardiac massage for any more than 1
8. Bullying Is The Intentional Harm Doing Or Harrasement
What is bullying? It is the intentional harm doing or harrasement directed to vulnerable people and is
repeated quite often. Bullying can be done in multiple ways. Some examples are: physical violence,
verbal talk and/or threats and rumors being spread either verbally or online. Bullying can happen to
anyone, but mostly involves kids. There are ways to try and stop it and everyone should help in
getting that rate down. ( Bullying. Britannica ) This isn t something that is to be taken lightly but many
people do, and it stays an issue in many places, especially at schools. A U.S. national study done at the
beginning of the 21st century stated 30 percent of kids, middle to high school, experienced bullying
during their school years. Research shows that it tends to start during early teen years and decreases in
their later teen years, and it is showed to be done mostly by boys. It can start from reactions to
struggles and from power within a group. (Bullying Britannica) It can also be done by kids who feel
like having the power or from those who come from homes where the adults fight or hurt each other.
When girl s bully, they tend to do it in emotional ways, such as excluding a certain girl or gossiping
about her (Bullying Topic overview). Bullying doesn t just apply to high school kids, but adults are
also experiencing it at work and by definition it is worse at work than in school. In the workplace,
bullying often involves a person in power, such as a manager or
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9. Evaluation Of A Good Argument
7.3 Neutralization of the fallacy:
In paragraph 4 the author has violated the sufficiency criterion of a good argument. The author has
violates the sufficiency criteria by committing the fallacy of false analogy. In paragraph 4 the author
states, In the mid 1940s before publicly funded healthcare my grand parents sold their car to pay the
hospital bill related to my father s birth, so purchasing the birth of a child is nothing new. This is a
wrong analogy. Just because you pay for hospital bill and cloning, does not make them the same. In
one situation, two persons life is preserved, and in the other a person s life is changed. The author
could have avoided this fallacy by not comparing these two totally different situations at all or giving
an analogy that has the same situation as human cloning.
7.4 Positive Critique:
In the fifth paragraph the author argues that the paternal and maternal linages are not the most
important thing as what we identify ourselves with us humans, which is quite convincing. As his first
premise he states, Most people I know do identify with both their maternal and paternal lineages. As
his second premise he states, Dual heritage may be normal, but it is seems central to our conception of
ourselves as humans. And as third premise he sates, And identical twins seems none worse for the
knowledge that they are not genetically unique individuals. Even though that was said that this
argument is convincing, it is not without
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10. Ethics And Leadership Have Been Thought As Mutually...
Ethics and leadership have been thought as mutually reinforcing concepts. Leadership can be defined
as actions, which influence and direct the performance of others towards the achievement of
organizational and/or collective goals. Ethics, for its part, can be defined as a systematic attempt
through the use of reason to make sense of our individual and social moral experience in such a way
as determine the rules which ought to govern human conducts (Denhardt, 2014). Thus, to be a good
leader today, one must be sensitive to issues of social responsibility and ethical behavior and when
concerns arise be able to address it as failing to do so can have a negative impact on organization s
credibility and employees performance just to cite some. Ethical concerns In February, Texas
steelworkers were on strike against oil companies over unsafe working conditions after the negotiation
fail with Shell Oil Company. The workers complain about onerous overtime; unsafe staffing levels;
dangerous conditions the industry continues to ignore; the daily occurrences of fires, emissions, leaks
and explosions that threaten local communities without the industry doing much about it; the industry
s refusal to make opportunities for workers in the trade crafts; the flagrant contracting out that impacts
health and safety on the job; and the erosion of their workplace, where qualified and experienced
union workers are replaced by contractors when they leave or retire
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11. Casak Surgery Research Paper
Things To Know About Having The LASIK Procedure Later In Life
Now that you re older, you probably have more time and money to do things for yourself. If you re
tired of wearing glasses or contacts and have always wanted to have LASIK surgery, now might be the
time to do it. However, as you age, your eyes undergo many changes. Therefore, LASIK might not be
a good option any longer, or if it is, your doctor may need to take other factors into consideration.
Here are some things to consider.
Cataract Treatment
It s common for people to develop cataracts as they age. Cataracts can cause blurry vision, and LASIK
surgery cannot correct this. Your eye doctor checks for the development of cataracts during your
yearly eye exams. If they grow large ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If you still have vision problems after surgery, your doctor may follow up with a LASIK procedure
after your eyes have healed.
Presbyopia is another common eye problem associated with aging eyes. With this condition, it gets
harder and harder for you to see things up close. Reading glasses help because they magnify near
vision. However, you don t wear them all the time because you can t see things far away with them on.
That s why bifocals are usually the treatment of choice for presbyopia if you have to wear glasses all
the time. That way you can see far away and up close too.
Another option to bifocals is monovision. You can wear monovision contacts so one eye sees far away
and the other sees up close. This same theory can be applied to the LASIK procedure. When you have
presbyopia, the eye surgeon will probably adjust the vision in one eye so you can read up close and
adjust the other eye for clear far vision. Your brain adjusts so you can see clearly both ways. It s a
good idea to try monovision contacts before you have the LASIK procedure to make sure you can
tolerate it before having an irreversible surgery done on your
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12. The Development Of Rock And Pop Music Festivals
There has been a constant rise in the division of outdoor music festivals over the past 10 years with
about 71 per cent rise between 2003 and 2007 (Anderton 2009, pp.39 40). Mintel reports that there has
been a persistent extension in the live music spectators stimulated by an evolution of supply sector in
terms of greater number of events, sites and innovation over the past decade. These are accompanied
by a large number of boutique festivals which are designed to meet specific consumer demands and
excellency in customer experience. Even though new events have been organised, there are a part of
them which were called off over the 3 year span from 2003 to 2006 due to various factors like
weather, sales and marketing sector, licencing and finances, altering policies, security and absence of
sponsorships (Getz, 2002; Anderton, 2009).
The development on rock and pop music festivals emerged in the late 1960s from the open air
festivals in the late 1960s and early 1960s which hence, gave birth to the National Jazz Federation in
1961. The late 1960s saw an evolution of underground or hippie counterculture which was propped up
commercially by the booming fashion business and by an international student and youth movement
which provided a ready audience ( Clarke, 1982, p.25). Dressing up, however became an essential
aspect of the music festivals as it attracted greater audience over the years. By the end of 1960s, the
outdoor festivals had been on an uprise where the US Woodstock
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13. Essay on Assessing Maths Assignment
Access Diploma in Adult Learning
Assessing Maths Assignment
Landscaping a Garden
I ve been asked me to cost his landscaping project for him using the prices quoted by a local supplier,
and to give him a full breakdown of the calculations required and how I arrived at the final cost.
I plan to do this firstly by breaking up the garden plan into 5 sections.
1. Decking and border.
2. Flowerbed and crazy paving
3. Fish pond, safety fence, bridge and rail
4. Perimeter fence
5. Grass.
Decking and Border
The decking area consists of two right angle triangle. The two edges around the decking are equal in
length. I need to work out the length of the edges and the area of the decking, how much materials
required and cost.
In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
the flowerbed using the equation, this will give me the service area of the flower bed
Area +
I then will work out the area of the larger semi circle marked D using the above equation and subtract
the area of the smaller circle (flowerbed). This will give me the area of the crazy paving
I will then work out how much crazy paving required / m².
I will then work out the cost of the paving @ £3.50 + VAT per m²
I will work out how many bulbs required for the area in m² for the flower bed, and the cost at £6.40
per m².
Fish pond, safety fence, bridge and rail
The fish pond has a depth of 75cm enclosed by a safety fence which has a 1m wide bridge over it in
the shape of a quadrant. The bridge is fitted with a handrail on both sides.
Firstly I need to decide what length the sides of the pond are going to be. (Pond marked E)
To work out the amount of safety fence required, I will work out the perimeter of the square fish pond
subtracting 2m (1m for each side of the bridge at 1m each side).
Perimeter = 4 x sides 2(1m)
I will need to work out how many meters of safety fencing/ m required and then cost it at £8.70 per m
14. To work out the quadrant shape bridge marked F. As a quadrant is quarter of a circle I can work out
the length of the outside edge of the bridge by using the circle theorem. I will calculate the
circumference using the radius and dividing by 4.
Equation to find Quadrant
Circumference =
When will then cost the
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15. Personal Profit s Crucial Role in Defining a Human Being
Personal Profit s Crucial Role in Defining a Human Being
College. The word brings to mind the struggle of being accepted to a top tier university. The intense
competition seen in high schools around the country to earn a seat in prestigious schools can consume
student s lives to such a degree as to corrupt their sense of place. The competition drives students to
commit uncharacteristic and almost unconceivable actions. Many cheat their way into college by
manipulating affirmative action and as a result intentionally sabotage a peer s chances of succeeding.
This pursuit highlights a false sense of entitlement among students and fosters a hostile feeling toward
peers. A similar situation is seen throughout many works of literature such as Heart of Darkness, by
Joseph Conrad, where a mariner named Marlow, who uncovers the mysteries and horrors of the
African interior, seeks to meet an esteemed figure named Kurtz. When Marlow discovers Kurtz s true
nature and actions, he realizes the extreme degree of corruptness the human race possesses. In Heart
of Darkness, Joseph Conrad suggests that humans only seek personal profit, shown through character
relationships between Marlow and the African natives, the manager, and Kurtz.
Heart of Darkness depicts the corrupt nature of humanity by illustrating Africans who sold out their
own race to Europeans and enslaved them solely for the personal gain of not becoming a slave
themselves. When Conrad originally visits the Outer Station,
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16. Knowledge Is The Measure Of All Things Essay
Matthew Smith; Phil 125w; Paper 4: Skepticism; 2 October 2015
Is Knowledge Possible? First, Theaetetus arrived at a definition that knowledge is the skills, abilities,
and activities that allow people to understand the whole discipline (6). For example, a house builder
has knowledge because he has the skills and abilities to build a house. This is not a plausible definition
of knowledge. This definition describes what one may have knowledge of. It does not give the exact
definition of knowledge. Theaetetus then explained that knowledge is perception (13). In other words,
the experiences people have are what give them knowledge. This is very closely related to Protagoras
definition of man is the measure of all things (14). Theaetetus and Protagoras both claimed man
evaluates everything, but people have different interpretations of the perceptions they see. For
example, someone might perceive an animal as a duck while someone else perceives that same object
as a rabbit. In this case, no one is wrong about the object because both perceptions are correct. This is
not a plausible definition for knowledge. One object cannot be two different things; it needs to have
consistency in order for it to be one object. Theaetetus then described knowledge as true judgment
(60). This cannot be because there are a lot of judgments. Whose judgment is the correct judgment?
Finally, Theaetetus said knowledge is true judgment with an account (80). Accounts are the
understanding of arrangement
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17. Five MaAm, By Michelle Obama
You re on in five Ma am, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee whispers, covertly to
the well dressed woman quietly sitting next to him. The occupant grimly nods her careworn features,
the embodiment of disinterest; Her mind, a grey mist that obscure her innermost thoughts like a
sweeping, sullen, shroud. Michelle Obama, the senator s wife would soon be known as Michelle
Obama, the orator. The thought of delivering a requiem for her husband s political career elicits such
cynical mirth that would shame Voltaire s quips. Fortitude, that ironclad citadel is steadily eroded by
the waves of backrooming politicking directly dismantling the foundations of trust; truly she is as a
frightened lamb that finds itself surrounded by a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Anecdotes provide emphasis and familiarity through a consistent narrative; Michelle Obama utilizes
examples of her background to create a link between orator and audience. Obama s humble
background presents the picture of a blue collared father struggling to make ends meet while
providing for his children. As the prominent fixture in her childhood, her father is the rock (Obama,
line 54) that grounded her in society. The proletariat audience naturally sympathizes, but Mrs. Obama
s rhetorical fusilade now turns its attention to her husband s past. The candidate himself is indirectly
the subject of several anecdotes; Paragraph sixteen details Barack Obama socialist worldview as being
the culmination of generations of civil rights. This particular analogy serves the dual purpose of
legitimacy paired with vision. True, the young Illinois senator possesses the dynamism of Martin
Luther King Jr. along with a forward looking vision. Examples of the aspiring politician s
magnanimity appear in paragraphs twenty and twenty one are lauded: It s what did on the streets of
Chicago setting up job training and after school programs to keep children safe (Obama lines 70 72).
Intentional or not, the inclusion of anecdotal evidence as a rhetorical tool crafts an image of Barack
Obama as the people s hero.
The audience finds itself further beguiled by the
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18. Philip Augustus s Success Of The Angevin s Failure
Was Philip Augustus success linked to the Angevin s failure?
Philip Augustus undoubtedly faced weak Angevin opposition. However, it was the economic,
administrative and ideological changes that had taken place in Capetian France, which were the real
driving force behind Philip s success. John s comparative weakness and poor leadership credentials
made Capetian success even more likely, but did not make it inevitable. Philip had to harness the
French economy and win the support of his nobility. He was so successful in these endeavors that he
would have been a match for any 12th century European power.
The strength of the Capetian economy was one of the most important factors in Philip s success. Philip
personally was very interested in developing Paris. He built Les Halles as a market place, paved many
streets and invested heavily in infrastructure. The creation of a large market place and better
transportation meant that the economy picked up and Paris became wealthier. This meant that Philip
could call on Paris for financial support when he went on crusade. Assarting and the creation of
communes furthered strengthened Philip s economy. Between 1150 and 1180 the forests of Othen and
Orleans were cleared, and over 40 new villages created in their wake.1 As Hallam pointed out, the
king allowed these villages to be created and granted them special privileges in exchange for rent
being paid directly to the crown. This cut out the middle men (the local nobility) and greatly
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19. The Dimension Table For Crime
I) DATA CUBE Consider a data warehouse containing data pertaining to crimes.
It has three dimensions Location, Crime and Time, and 3 measures Number of Crimes, Cost of
Investigation, and Duration of Investigation. The dimension table for Crime comprises of concepts
such as Crime Type (eg, Theft, Assault, Arson) and Assigned Agency (eg, FBI, DEA, CBP, Coast
guard, State Patrol, etc.).
The dimension table for Location contains concepts such as city, state and country. Similarly, the
dimension table for Time contains concepts such as year, month, week, date and hour. PROBLEMS:
1) (5 points) Consider that the above data warehouse has to be modeled as a data cube over the three
Assuming no concept hierarchy (i.e., each dimension ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Show enough details about how you getThere are 4 levels of concept hierarchy
There are 4 levels of concept hierarchy
There are 6 levels of concept hierarchy
*(4+1)*(5+1) = 4*4*6 = 96 for the above data warehouse.
Note: in this question, there is no need to perform normalization on dimension table Time. [Hint:
You are free to add any valid and relevant attributes to the dimension tables whileConsidering the
concept hierarchies shown in Figure 1, calculate the total number of cuboids in the data cube
(including the base and apex cuboids).
Show enough details about how you getfor the above data warehouse.
Note: in this question, there is no[Hint:
You are free to add any valid and relevant attributes to the dimension tables while4) (10 points) Now
you need to add another fact table, in which the dimensions are the measures are Number of Crimes
Assigned dimension table for Officer contains concepts such as the police officers.
Considering both new and existing fact and dimension tables, draw constellation schema for the data
warehouse. 5) (10 points) Consider the concept hierarchy provided in Figure 1.
Suppose we are provided data containing 1000 crime records which measures 25 crime types assigned
to 10 different agencies across 40 cities among 20 states
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20. Awareness Of Sudden Cardiac Death In Youth Athletes..
Student at Texas Heart Institute School of Cardiovascular Perfusion In the fall of 1961, minutes after
competing in a 2 mile cross country race, a 14 year old student was found dead. The student was in
great health and ran up to 5 miles each day. An autopsy revealed that the young athlete had
hypertrophy of the left ventricle due to the left coronary artery being encased between the aorta and
the pulmonary artery. This anomaly, the number one cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes,
had reduced the blood flow to the left ventricle and caused the student to go into sudden cardiac arrest.
Sudden cardiac death is defined as a natural death resulting from ... Show more content on
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Patients with Marfan syndrome present with skeletal abnormalities such as an arm span height ratio
1.05, hyperextensibility and ligamentous laxity, scoliosis, and chest wall deformities. The prevalence
of Marfan syndrome is about 1 in 5000 7000 people. Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease
associated with myocyte degeneration and necrosis of nonischemic origin. The most common cause of
myocarditis is a viral infection (e.g., Coxsackie B virus infection). Symptoms may include dyspnea,
fatigue, exercise intolerance, palpitations, and syncope. Myocarditis accounts for 3 7% of sudden
cardiac death in youth athletes. Wolff Parkinson White (WPW) Syndrome is a disorder characterized
by an accessory pathway that can cause a sudden attack of arrhythmia in patients with ventricular pre
excitation. Patients with multiple pathways may have ventricular rates of ≥240 beats per minute, and
can experience palpitations or syncope. WPW accounts for 1% of sudden cardiac deaths in youth
athletes. Congenital Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) includes several inherited disorders caused by
cardiac ion channel mutations, which produce prolonged ventricular repolarization and ultimately
cause ventricular tachycardia. Patients may present with symptoms such as palpitations, syncope,
seizure, cardiac arrest, or sudden cardiac death. This group of
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21. Loss Of Bison Analysis
During the settlement of the west the completion of the railroads after the Civil War within the West
caused a wide variety of the region to settlement and economic development. White settlers had
traveled from the north to reach the Mississippi area to farm, ranch and mine. Promoters from the all
western towns had convinced African Americans from the South and East that there were
opportunities for blacks out West. Diversity was expanded in the West; there were Chinese railroad
workers which brought some diversity to the town. One major lost to the American people was the
bison it was destroyed and farmers had to use other resources to plant crops. The lost of bison took a
toll on the Americans and the rise of white settlers was affecting
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22. Atrial Fibrillation Research Paper
Atrial fibrillation is a condition that the heart beat irregularly and often rapidly. Normally, a sinoatrial
node (SA node) in the right atrium of the heart acts as the heart s natural pacemaker and generates
electrical signals to start the heart beating in an organized way. It allows atria to contract and squeeze
regularly traveling the electrical signals through the atrioventricular node (AV node) which is situated
in the centre of the heart between the atria and ventricles, the electrical signals then steadily pass
through to the ventricles keeping the heart beating constantly and blood flowing to the lungs and body.
This impulse allows the atria and ventricles work together to maintain a normal sinus rhythm of the
heartbeat. In AF, the
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23. Essay on The Financial Crisis and UK Bank Scandals
The Financial Crisis and UK Bank Scandals
In September 2007 the UK banking industry began exhibiting symptoms of the financial crisis that
started in America in 2006. Northern Rock was in trouble and had to ask the Bank of England for help.
When news of this got out customers started queuing around the block to withdraw their money. In
2008 Northern Rock was nationalised, and in 2012 it was bought by Virgin Money.
Today the banking industry can be seen to be on the road to recovery. But on that road there have been
potholes of controversy. I m thinking Libor, excessive bonuses, payment protection mis selling and
foreign exchange manipulation, to name a few.
But before we look at those in a bit more detail, let s quickly recap on the ... Show more content on
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The sellers of these swaps then covered themselves against the risk of the swap they d just sold by
buying yet another credit default swap. It was getting complex. When mortgage defaults caused a drop
in the value of collateralized mortgage obligations, the credit default swaps had to pay up, and banks
started seeing significant losses. The reduced liquidity led to a freeze in trading of CMO s, then the
banks stopped lending to each other altogether.
Enter Northern Rock, who needed this short term lending to maintain business as usual. We know
what happened to them subsequently. Banks all over the world were suffering losses by this stage, and
headlines were made when US bank Bear Stearns had to go to the Federal Reserve for funding. They
were taken over by JP Morgan shortly afterwards. Then the floodgates opened, with the bankruptcy of
Lehman Brothers in 2008 prompting a consolidation of banks (Lloyds bought HBOS, Bank of
America bought Merrill Lynch). The whole financial system was under such a strain at this point that
government intervention was required.
The UK government propped up Lloyds/HBOS and RBS with around £37 billion of taxpayer s money.
Interest rates were cut from 5% in September 2008, and by March 2009 they were at 0.5%. At the
same time guarantees were given to savers that their deposits up to £50,000 would be covered (now
£85,000). In 2009 further government support was needed, and according to The
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24. Sociological Perspective On Death And Dying
The discourses about death and dying scattered across the various sciences. The fundamental purpose
of this study is to achieve Interdisciplinary understanding about death and dying which dying may
allow reaching out towards an elementary level from where the conscious knowledge about death and
dying is taking shape.
Death is a vital facet to understand human society. Death can be studied in many ways. Death has
various aspects: it can be described as a process of dying, death reveals the inequalities in
demographic patterns of mortality, discussion of the raging ethical debates around the point of death,
attempt to describe the feelings of the bereaved, examination of the institutions that deal with the
dying and the dead or analyses mortuary rituals (Bradbury, 2012). Historically, the study of death has
been scattered among various disciplines like medicine, psychology, anthropology and sociology. It
becomes almost impossible to study death in a single discipline or disciplinary isolation. ... Show
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Social anthropology and sociology, both disciplines have contributed significantly towards research
supporting the viewpoint of cultural and religious influence over the illness experience of patients
(Quah, 2010: 27). These religious and social, cultural belief systems have a greater tendency of
influence in framing medical conditions. Thus, death is not merely the outcome of medical conditions,
rather medical conditions serves as a legal conclusion of termination of functional individual body
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25. The Sculpture Of The Etruscan- Roman Tradition
In the early official and private portrait of the Etruscan Roman tradition, the achievement of sculpture
from the identity of the ideal Republican demonstrated motivation behind the virtus, veristic, and
gravitas qualities. The Etruscan Roman portrait sculpture of the Patrician Carrying Portrait Busts of
Two Ancestors is a life size marble statue that was dated to the period of the Emperor Augustus
somewhere at the end of the 1st century BCE or the beginning of the 1st century CE, reflecting the
practices that have originated from the past by Polybius.
This Etruscan Roman piece of art is detailed all around, but also ideal as depictions look influential
throughout the generations from the living patrician man holding the lifeless portrait busts of the two
very distinct ancestors. The surface of the marble used to carve the male figure, and the portrait heads
is very smooth and pale in colour, as the natural agent simulates realistic complexion through the
veins present within the marble creating a three dimensional illusion of meticulous naturalistic
rendition of the human anatomy engraved with relief detail all around. The function of the portrait
sculpture was to have a permanent documentation motivated by the realistic commemoration of one s
ancestors in a religious and ritualistic funeral use of death masks, that would have been cast from the
face of the deceased. This became an obvious style of presenting recognizable prestige that conveyed
the significance of
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26. Differences of Private and Public Language Essay
Hanyong Na Michaela Vargas English 120 8669 7 October, 2012 Differences of Private and Public
Language I remember to start with that day in Sacramento when I first entered a classroom, able to
understand some fifty stray English words (Rodriguez 535). Richard Rodriguez, who is the author of
the essay Private Language, Public Language , introduces how he was raised and lived as well as how
he felt growing up in the States as an immigrant family. After reading the Rodriguez s essay, there are
several points as well as the experiences that I was able to relate, perhaps because I share a similar
background as the writer himself. Language as he says is separated by Just opening or closing the
screen door (Rodriguez 537), the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His personality also changes when he is in public with stranger, which is a non family member.
Walking down the sidewalk, under the canopy of talk trees, I d warily notice the suddenly silent
neighborhood kids who stood warily watching me (Rodriguez 537). Rodriguez was not the only one
who did not have the confidence and felt comfortable in English. In public, my father and mother
spoke hesitant, accented, not always grammatical English (Rodriguez 536). They were not ashamed of
where they came from but because they were well aware of the fact that they did not sound like
gringos. Their voice and the tones were lower compared to when they spoke in Spanish. I was unable
to hear my own sounds, but I know very well that I spoke English poorly (Rodriguez 536). He was
never too embarrassed about how his parents did not speak English fluently because they went about
with their life very well and coped with their issues on their own. However, he could not hide the fact
that he got nervous when he was at presence with his father. Hearing them, I d grow nervous, my
clutching trust in their protection and power weakened (Rodriguez, 537). The very first chance that I
got, I evaded his grasp and ran on ahead into the dark, skipping with feigned boyish exuberance
(Rodriguez 537). On the other hand, the situation completely changes when his family is at home and
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27. Themes Of The Forbidden Kingdom
The Underlying Theme in the Forbidden Kingdom Literary works entertain, convey a moral lesson, or
acquaint their audiences with the knowledge of a particular human condition (Bucks County
Community College 1). Through their writings, authors bring various ideas and themes to bear. A
theme is perceivable as an underlying premise or idea in literary works or a film. Typical examples of
such topics include repression, loneliness, struggle and accomplishment, good and evil, free will,
rebirth, and redemption. The film The Forbidden Kingdom brings the theme of redemption to the
surface. Redemption is perceivable as the act of rescuing people from evil or sin or making something
better (Merriam Webster). The redemption theme emerges throughout the movie the Forbidden
Kingdom. At the beginning of the movie, the audience is introduced to a young man, Jason Tripitikas,
who is infatuated with martial arts movies (YouTube). Jason is a friend to an aged adult called Hop.
Hop helps Tripitikas calm his desire for martial arts movies by supplying him with films at friendly
prices. Additionally, Hop has a vast collection of ancient martial arts movies that he avails to the
young teenager whenever he wishes. This supposition is revealed when Jason makes a visit to Hop s
house at night, and he lets him in. Redemption, in this context, is shown where Jason s obsession with
martial arts is calmed by a regular supply of his favorite films. Secondly, Hop s
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28. The Jury s Guilty
Dictating, waiting, How my future may unravel,
My heart sinks as the judge pounds the gavel,
The judge hits the gavel one... two... three
The jury cries out, Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
My head drops down; I accept my fate,
My mind is screaming, no, please judge wait!
Look at the evidence against me, it is not true!
I am innocent, isn t this what the justice system is supposed to prove!
You talk about due process and I played the game,
If this is a mockery, Don t shame my name!
Let me tell my side of the story, please, hear me out!
This is for a crime that I did not commit, no doubt!
I lifted my head and we both locked eyes,
You know the truth judge, don t wear that disguise!
He washed his hands of me, thinking the guilt would go away, ... Show more content on
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As I was taken away, like a lamb going to the slaughter,
I glanced towards the jury as I went down the altar.
Where are all the people that could have stood up for me?!
Who could plead my innocence that could have set me free?!
Justice was crying out, but you 12 closed your eyes!
Blinded by your own prejudice, it is the truth you despise!
Where is the evidence? These are Lies! Lies! Lies!
As they were taking me away, chained, both hands and feet,
I glanced one more time at the jury, But whose eyes did I meet!
But one who I had once called brother, whose skin was not like mine,
We had fought together in battle to defend the liberties of all mankind!
He once believed all men were created equal, but this truth seemed so grim,
Before I left for good, I looked up and glanced at him
One glance, two glance, three the times we had were now broken memories, I thought that he would
defend me, but it was plain treachery!
Now it seems as if he did not think of me,
But, as I slowly turned my back, the rooster crowed
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29. Anatomy Of Anorexia By Steven Levenkron
The book I chose for the critical book review is, Anatomy of Anorexia by Steven Levenkron. This
book concentrates on the importance of detecting early symptoms of anorexia nervosa. This book is
suitable for parents and friends of anorexia sufferers or others who would like to inform them of this
disorder. He states that it typically has to do with teenaged girls and how people who experience this
mental illness need serious help. This mental illness can even cause death, if not treated on time. It
mentions how girls who are obsessed over their weight and size try to lose even more weight by doing
extreme workout programs and severely restrict calories. He explains ways to detect someone with the
beginnings of anorexia. He mentions how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This analogy seems to really work for S. Levenkron. He is very proud of his record. He has taken on
nearly 300 patients, of whom 90% have recovered sufficiently from this illness and only one of his
patience took her life. However, parents should be quite thankful to have been notified by an expert
like Steven Levenkron who knows the development of the disease and how to find a stop to it. When
small children develop a sense of trust, and later a sense of intimacy or closeness to another, and a
sense of self or identity, they are not vulnerable to becoming creatures of the culture in its most
extreme form as exemplified by the media: magazines, movies, and so on. But individuals who are
seduced by popular trends allow these trends to define much of their identity (20). In this quote it
mentions how children at a young age develops trust in their surroundings and closeness to others. In
the process, they begin looking for their own identity. Therefore, they wouldn t become defenseless to
be like people in the media. They wouldn t get sucked into wanting to be the same, and try to be
different. Some of these traits, such as perfectionist behavior, may disguise themselves as gifts to
parents. They may see the child as independent, not needing much support in a family overburdened
by other problems. A successful child who often does well in school and is socially outgoing, does not
appear worrisome (21). In this
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30. The Censorship Of Art Essay
Things are heating up in America. People are protesting outside of the movie theaters, concerts, and
book and record stores of this great nation everywhere. What is all the fuss about? Censorship,
Government officials and raving mad protesters alike have been trying to stop the expressive creativity
in everything from Marilyn Manson to Mark Twain. One of the biggest shake ups happened in
museums all over the world recently that would have made Michelangelo and DiVinchi s hair stand on
end. In the Constitution of the United States, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech,
religion, press, the right to assemble and to petition the government; the Ninth Amendment says,
quot;The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In H.G. Hovagimyan s TOKARTOK: The Censorship of Art, he states: quot;Artists are often asked to
change parts of their works to conform to the publics morality. This has been going on since the Pope
asked Michelangelo to paint fig leaves on Adam and Eve. quot; Yes do not forget about the control the
church has had on artistic expression since the beginning of time. When the church has something to
say everyone listens. It is amusing how when something offends the church it quickly disappears.
However, when these people see some bubble that looks like the face of the Virgin Mary in a tortilla
chip, they start worshiping it. Next comes a media circus and before lunch it is all over CNN and
every other news broadcast in the world. It is obvious the government uses those situations to promote
the Church and its ideals of acceptable art even if it is a tortilla chip.
As the 1960 s came to an end the meaning and importance of the first amendment became
indisputable. The Democratic National Convention in Chicago, protesting against the Vietnam War
and the political assassinations of the late 1960 s (with the governments interjection and objection)
showed that the so called
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31. What Were The Pros Of The Vikings
By the Xth century the Vikings (also called Northmen ) used to raid one European monastery after
another (Richards, 2005). The news about that spread all around Europe and caused much chaos. It
was the source of fear and panic among the European lords and Christians (Graham Campbell,
1980).The Vikings appeared from nowhere, killed people, robbed the monasteries and vanished. They
were so impetuous that were considered to be irresistible tribes. Their actions were described as
insulting, appalling and often immoral. They were called pagan marauder seamen (Graham Campbell,
1980). The early writings about the Vikings (Richards, 2005) make us aware of the fact that their raids
on Europe were mostly devastating and ruinous. Due to that, a certain stereotype of their being wild,
rude, aggressive and destructive prevails in human history. They became notorious for being merciless
barbarians, pirates, ravagers and beasts. But were they really like that? To what extent ... Show more
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They practiced quite a humanistic approach towards the criminals. The criminals were either banished
or imposed with a financial compensation: no death sentence was implemented. The Alping was an
effective foundation of a further national government. Besides the political and law issues, the Alping
dealt with commercial and trade issues as well. (Short, 2010) Along with being good warriors and
accomplished seamen, the Vikings were skillful jewelers and sculptors (Graham Campbell, 1980). The
Norse culture influenced much on the European art and language. For instance, Irish architecture and
sculpture is full of Viking ornaments and carvings, English vocabulary is full of Norse words, etc.
(Short, 2010). Such evidence contribute much to the positive construction and interchange rather than
violence and destruction attributed to the
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32. Bolivar s End Of The Second Republic
Bolivar returned to fight another day in 1813. He declared a war to the death against Spain. He gained
support from Colombia and drove the Spanish out of the Magdalena River area and amassed himself a
large army. Civilian leaders in Cartagena then gave him permission to liberate western Venezuela. He
did so and continued to take Caracas in August of 1813. This was known as Simon Bolivar s Admiral
Campaign . He went on to declare a second republic and assumed his role as a military dictator. The
Second Republic collapsed within a few months, however, because Bolivar had failed to win the
support of the non white, many of whom were instead recruited to fight with those loyal to the king.
What also led to the fall of the Second Republic was the Infernal Legion that consisted of skilled
lancers claiming to give back to the poor and loyal to Spain. Led by Thomas Boves they fought the
patriots, under General Jose Felix Ribas, at the battle of La Puerta where Boves won. General Ribas
was able to keep him out of Caracas until the second battle of La Puerta June 1814 where the patriot
army was in disarray and devastation. Boves took Valencia and then Caracas bringing a fall to the
Second Republic of Venezuela. After the defeat, Bolivar returned to New Grenada until 1815. Under
the Second Republic Bolivar and his war to the death killed any Spaniard he came across if they were
not active on the patriot side creating the bloodiest part of this revolution. Therefore
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33. Queen Elizabeth I Take Over England
As we are nearing the end of 1559 and the beginning of 1560, Queen Elizabeth has taken over
England after the death of Queen Mary I. Queen Mary I was second in line for the throne after the
death of King Edward VI, son of Jane Seymour (Smith). Queen Elizabeth I is the daughter of Henry
VIII and Anne Boleyn (Henry VIII s second wife). During the reign of King Edward IV, England was
Protestant (Smith). When Queen Mary I took over, after the death of Edward VI in 1553, she
attempted to turn the country back into Roman Catholicism, which led to the death of hundreds of
Protestant leaders (Commire). After the death of Queen Mary I in 1558, Queen Elizabeth I now reigns
over England. Queen Elizabeth then turned England back into Protestant, letting
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34. Anorexia Nervos Symptoms, And Treatment Of Anorexia
Anorexia Nervosa. University of Maryland Medical Center, U of Maryland Medical Center, 23 Apr.
2015. Accessed 20 Apr. 2017. The article, Anorexia Nervosa, examines the background information,
symptoms, and treatment of anorexia. Anorexia is defined as a disease in which a person starves
themselves and exercises excessively in order to lose weight. In addition, as the person continues to
lose weight, they have a distorted body image and perceives themselves as fat. In other words, the
person is literally blind to the physical condition of their own body. The treatment process includes the
help of a counselor, a dietitian, and a psychologist as they work to improve both the physical and
mental well being of the patient.
Bulimia ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Media and Eating Disorders. National Centre for Eating Disorders, 2012. Accessed 14 Apr. 2017.
The article, The Media and Eating Disorders informs the public about the various ways the media is
used and how it correlates with eating disorders. To start off, statistics are provided to demonstrate
how often the public engages in the use of the media on a daily basis. In fact, the article also suggests
that those who display a lower level in their self esteem and displays low confidence are more prone
to becoming more vulnerable while viewing discouraging images on the media. Finally, it is also
suggested that the rise of eating disorders are more common today than in the past because people are
more educated upon the topic of eating disorders.
Media s Effect on Body Image. Teen Health and the Media, U of Washington, 1994. Accessed 21 Apr.
2017. This article focuses on statistical information in the ways the media makes an impact on body
image. According to a survey of girls between the ages of 9 to 10 years old, 40 percent of the girls
responded that they are trying to lose weight. Furthermore, nearly 58% of music videos, television
shows, and movies make comments upon the physical appearance of an individual. In fact, one in
every three teen girl magazines include stories, quizzes, and advertisements that relate to the physical
appearance of a
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35. Anorexia Research Paper
Anorexia is a psychological and potentially life threatening eating disorder. The ones that are suffering
from this eating disorder have extremely low body weight relative to their height and body type. A
tool that treatment providers often use to assess the appropriate body weight of the individual that is
struggling with an eating disorder is called BMI. Another way to diagnose an individual suffering
from Anorexia is observing their eating patterns, how much exercise they do, and their personality
traits. Those struggling, frequently fear of gaining weight and have distorted body image. They make
themselves believe that they are much heavier than they are. Term Anorexia also refers to self
starvation and lack of appetite. There are two types of Anorexia: ... Show more content on
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They restrict how much food they eat, calories and how much high fat or high sugar foods they can
have. They consume low calories to maintain a healthy weight. It is a heartbreaking form of self
starvation. Some causes of Anorexia have been said that it is due to individual s genetics, personality
traits, and environmental factors. Examples of Environmental factors are: The thinness culture of the
media that constantly reinforce thin people as stereotypes. Professions and careers that promote being
thin and/or weight loss. Such as weight loss programs and modeling. Family and childhood traumas:
such as childhood sexual abuse, severe trauma, and bullying. Peer pressure among family, friends, and
co workers to be thin or sexy. Anorexia signs and symptoms that reveal an individual that is suffering
from it are : Chronic restrictive eating or dieting that is beyond the normal, they re losing weight
rapidly or being underweight, obsessed with how much calories and fat are in the food that they eat,
they cut their food in tiny pieces, eating alone, and/or hiding food. In women, they can be going
through Amenorrhea. It is an abnormal absence of their
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36. Los De La Luz Y La Oscuridad
CAPITULO I (EL ORACULO) Los desiertos de Mesoamérica presenciaron los debates de la luz y la
oscuridad La serpiente con plumas el príncipe de tollan en donde llego a ser un gran sacerdote de los
olmecas la luz y la oscuridad se repartían con partes iguales y los cultos solares intentaban escapar de
los rituales los dioses hablaban de los hombres de su religión en donde un hombre salvo una familia a
su patria por manos de los enemigos por el cual ellos recibían insultos y humillaciones mientras el
niño Quetzalcóatl crecía el pueblo hiba cambiando sus costumbres ellos rechazan los conflictos
guerras debates En el palacio reconocerían como el niño solitario tímido y que no daba problemas le
gustaba mucho caminar jardines talleres de artesanos tiempo después la cuidad de tollan fue destruida
por los toltecas después de eso Quetzalcóatl volvió como un extraño el anciano Xixurhus explico que
la madre pasaba por un árbol y se pinchó el hombro y por ese motivo quedo embarazada durante la
celebración del nacimiento los príncipes de jaguar debían reían disfrutaban y los envidiosos decían
que ellos nunca hiba a poder tener una fiesta con esos lujos La primera vez que el niño miro hacia un
camino vio una familia pasar con rumbo a ver el espíritu que le pondría nombre a veces los niños se
aburrían de estar sentados o de caminar tanto la madre le permitió a las hermanas que bañaran al niño
a la orilla del rio la familia mientras hiban bajando encontraban más ríos y hacia aprendían
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37. Historians have traditionally labeled the period after...
Jefferson did not present his candidacy for a third presidential period, but he helped elect the
Democratic Republican candidate from Virginia, James Madison, as president in 1808. Madison was
the 4th president who also presided for two periods, from 1809 to 1817. During these years he had to
confront serious problems. The worst of them was the continuous confrontations with Great Britain.
Neither English nor French were in disposition to cede to American petitions. The United States
wanted to have control over fur trade and other riches. Finally, President Madison had to hear many
petitions and asked congress to declare war on Great Britain. Congress accepted and the War of 1812
All of population did not support the war. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the end it brought the Civil War to the United States.
Historians have traditionally labeled the period after the War of 1812 the Era of good feelings .
Although Nationalism did exist between regions of the United States, this was just a façade.
Underneath this so called nationalism there was a great deal of regionalism also known as
sectionalism. Due to this great amount of sectionalism, the different way of living, the beliefs of tariffs
and slavery brought the country to divide.
There existed nationalism during The Era of Good Feelings . During the 4th of July everybody
celebrated as a nation the Independence of the United States (Document C). Artists like John Krimmel
painted art work showing how happy the United States celebrated the Independence. He showed
salves and salve owners all together celebrating this important feast. This way he showed how the
United States were all together celebrating the Nation s victory as a whole.
Although the United states did expressed Nationalism in some ways, all this was forgotten when the
country stated to divided it self into different sections with different believes. One of the great
differences between these sections was tariffs. Hohn Randolph of congress said in 1816, With my
goodwill, sir, no one interest agriculturists bear the whole brunt of the was and taxation, and remain
poor, while the others run in the ring of pleasure, and
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38. Seasons And Symbolism In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
For centuries, seasons have been understood to stand for the same set of meanings. Seasons are easily
understood by the reader, and are easy for the writer to use; as Foster states, Seasons can work magic
on us, and writers can work magic with seasons (Foster 192). The different seasons are a huge part of
our lives; we live through each one every year, and we know how each of them impacts our lives. This
closeness between people and nature allows us to be greatly impacted by the use of seasons in
literature. In addition, Foster lays out the basic meanings of each season for us: autumn is harvest,
decline, tiredness; winter is anger, hatred, cold, old age; summer is passion, love, happiness, beauty;
and spring is childhood and youth. On the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The monster, for example, is devastated after he loses his only connection to humanity: Felix and
Agatha. After observing them for months, learning how to speak, being their secret helper by stocking
their shed with food or shoveling snow, and after dreaming of how he would introduce himself to
them someday, his connection with them was lost after Felix found him speaking to his blind
grandfather in the cottage. When they all leave, the monster burns down the cottage and sets out to
find Victor, in hopes of asking him to create another specimen; one that the monster can spend his life
with in perfect harmony. When he finds Victor and tells him about his life and journey, he tells him,
when the earth finally started to warm up, I even raised my humid eyes with thankfulness towards the
blessed sun which bestowed such joy upon me (Shelly 125). Although the monster was terribly
depressed, the sun (which is associated with spring and summer; it is meant to bring happiness and
tranquility) lit up the Earth, bringing back its beauty after winter, which had caused the monster to feel
gall and bitterness...rage and misery (Shelly 124). The beauty that the sun bestows on the Earth offers
as a distraction for the monster rather than dwelling upon his gruesome appearance, he admires the
world around him. As Foster explained, winter in literature brings with it misery, and summer brings
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39. Unprepared Student Athletes
In America, sports have an immense impact not only on our culture but, also on our education system.
As adolescents begin to engage in school sports they are exposed to the multiple privileges that are
associated with being a student athlete. Teachers become more lineate by giving them special
accommodations, like a deadline extension or an omission from an assignment because they have a
big championship or tournament. As a result of the special treatment throughout their educational
careers, many student athletes develop the mentality that they do not have to try as hard academically
as their peers. They believe that they can depend solely on their athletic talents to get them into
college. Fortunately, for student athletes this is true, because, ... Show more content on
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Studies have shown that special admits typically have not performed as well as other players in the
classroom and pose unique and expensive academic challenges (Barker), and without their sport,
many of these athletes have no business at the academically competitive institution they are let into
(Caitlin). Most of the unprepared student (Davidson) athletes who received a special admission view
getting into college as winning the battle (Davidson). Unfortunately, many college athletes come from
disadvantaged and underserved communities where they ve garnered little to no academic preparation
for college (Davidson). As a result of this, the special admits (Barker) tend to maintain worse college
GPAs, graduate at a lower rates (Barker) compared to their peers. Sadly, the colleges that partake in
the special admission process only care about the money and not the student; at some institutions
Coaches have been told many times, If you don t win, you re going to get fired. I was never told, If
you don t graduate players, you ll get fired (New Haven). Colleges only view these students a source
of income and ignore their academic needs. For example, Fred Buttler was an outstanding athlete
whose academic needs were often overlooked by his teachers. His mom noticed that he needed extra
help and requested that he be retained to improve his literacy skills but was denied (Lapchick). The
teachers continued to pass Buttler along, forgetting that his wasn t just an athlete but also a student.
One day he was told that he was just too bright to be in the eighth grade and, was skipped up to high
school, (Lapchick) even though he still could not read. Buttler went on to college where he soon lost
the support of his teachers and they began giving him the grades he truly deserved
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40. The Crucial Role Of The Rehabilitation Of Criminals In...
It has been noticed that a lot of criminals after finishing their imprisonment time tend to continue
committing crimes as before and turn to be repeated offenders .Investigations should be done to know
the causes.Preventive and corrective measures should take place.
Ignoring the rehabilitation of the prisoners while being in jail is one of the main causes of that
attitude.Authorities in the prison are convinced that keeping the criminals isolated from the
community for a specific time as a punishment is enough and do not pay attention to the crucial role of
the rehabilitation process.
In addition, community members refuse these released individuals .Being rejected and suffering from
unemployment and underestimation these released individuals
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41. Essay about Google Leadership
Influencing a group of individuals to achieve a common goal is leadership in its simplest form and the
three people responsible for this are Dr. Eric Schmidt, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer; Larry Page, Co Founder President, Products; and Sergey Brin, Co Founder President,
Technology. Overseeing the company s technical and business strategy since 2001, Dr. Schmidt s
leadership has helped the company grow from a startup to a global enterprise while maintaining a
culture of strong innovation. Larry Page the founding CEO grew the company to over 200 employees
and profitability before moving into his role as president of products. Sergey Brin directs the research
efforts of Google with areas of focus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Transformational or Transactional
Transformational leaders are proactive, inspire, provide individualized consideration, intellectual
stimulation and idealized influence to their staff. Learning opportunities are created, encouragement to
solve problems and development of strong emotional bonds are tools transformational leaders provide.
Finally transformational leaders possess integrity, vision, rhetorical and management skills, and
motivate staff to aspire to goals beyond self interest. Transactional leaders focus on setting objectives
or goals and creating a reward system upon attainment of the goals. Google exhibits the
transformational style of leadership that comes in part from their servant leadership style. Smith
(2004) defines six components of servant leadership: valuing people, developing people, building
community, displaying authenticity, providing leadership, sharing leadership the style adopted by
Google leadership
Fulfillment of Functions Lashinsky (2006) breaks down the roles of the three top men at Google: Dr.
Eric Schmidt is the front man, Larry Page is the visionary, and Sergey Brin is the boss. Eric Schmidt
sets the company s overall agenda and provides direction on day to day issues; he is also the voice of
Google with Wall Street and the news media. Larry Page, acknowledged as the thought leader of the
company is seen to lead by example by getting in
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42. Flexibility Of The Constitution Essay
As our society is constantly changing, the Constitution is presented as an object of reverence because
what is now the United States, it holds us together with the flexibility and strength of the living
document, how the Constitution provides a stable framework, and how the amendment process
changes the Constitution. The flexibility and strength of the living document makes the Constitution
work because congress has the power to make proper and necessary finalized decisions to carry out its
enumerated powers. For example, Congress has the power to create a national currency by having the
ability to coin money. The flexibility between the Constitution and the current generations we are in
today gives Congress the option to extend its power ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The framers of the Constitution knew that the document was going to be changed over time because if
not, it would lead to a future revolution. The writers wanted it to be stable enough to provide a long
lasting framework for the government. Although the framers knew that the Constitution would change
over time they made the constitution difficult to change but possible. Whenever the framers thought
that it was necessary to amend the Constitution, they would need to propose an amendment that would
require a quorum of two thirds vote from both houses of Congress, or a national convention called by
two thirds of several states. Following the first step of amending the Constitution, the proposed
amendment has to be approved by either the state legislatures or the state conventions depending on
how congress first proposed the amendment, in three fourths of the states. Then if it is approved, it
becomes a part of the Constitution. Through the years, there has been 27 amendments that have been
made since its beginning. These amendments gave citizens basic individual freedoms, but those who
were denied of their rights based on their skin color, gender, social status, and race, saw these changes
as opportunities. Without these ratifications U.S citizens wouldn t have many freedoms or
opportunities. With citizens already having certain rights, the principle of federalism allows that the
states have
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