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Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
DidYou Know?
Stats from: Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project
DidYou Know?
Stats from: Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project
DidYou Know?
Stats from: Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project
Create a Public VALUE
• Not be a “process” but an experience
• Move from physical to digital
• Create new ways to learn and explore
• Libraries should be creating stories
• Shift Focus To
• Innovation, Interaction, Discovery,
Collaboration and Invention
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
What Does A Community
Ask For?
O Study Rooms / Homework Area
O Open Areas
O Tech (Computers)
O Business Centers
O MakerSpaces
O ?Others?
What do these things have in common?
Libraries need to find ways to engage their patrons
Libraries and Learning Spaces
Have To Be Engaging
O Encourage Creativity and Invention
O Allow Discovery
O Increase Collaboration
O Generate Interaction
O Foster Innovation
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Evolve: A Library Playground
O Fab Lab / “Hackerspace” / “MakerSpace
O A location where people with common interests
(usually in computers, technology, science, or
digital or electronic art) meet, socialize and/or
O Can be viewed as open community labs
incorporating elements of workshops and/or
studios where people can come together to share
resources and knowledge to build and make
things and ideas.
O Combining the positive & fun aspects of
schools, museums, and playgrounds into one
Take Risks
We All Have
Creative Potential
Collaborative Areas (Either Network Based or In A Room)
Provide Tools (Hardware and/or Software)
Learning Labs or Training Centers
Types of Learning Spaces
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Music / Graphic Design / Video Editing
3D Printing
Allen County Public Library
Multimedia Room / Learning Centers
 Room Set Up Features:
 Clickers
 Allows for jeopardy style gaming
 Smart Board (interactive white board)
 Full DVD/BluRay/Sound System
 Easy to use and start (Touch Panel System)
 You Can Use This Room For
 Jeopardy
 Movie Nights
 Presentations / Interactive Style Board Game Night
 Create a Business Plan, Project Plan, etc
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
The 4th floor is a public laboratory and
educational facility with a focus on
information, design, technology, and the
applied arts.
The 14,000 sq foot space hosts equipment,
expertise, programs, events, and meetings that
work within this scope.
While traditional library spaces support the
consumption of knowledge by offering access to
media, the 4th floor is unique because it supports
the production, connection, and sharing of
knowledge by offering access to tools and
Chattanooga ”Fourth Floor”
DOK Lab (www.doklab.nl)
If you build it they will come
Designing Interactive Learning Space
Key Design Concepts
 Adding Color
 Art
 Have Open Areas
 Furniture
 Modularity
 Technology
Adding Color
 White = Boring
 Think about Parks (typically colorful)
 Painting walls is an inexpensive redesign
 Use Fun Colors
 Be Bold!
 Children Areas should use bright attractive areas.
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
 Have patrons/users create the art
 Donate it to the space
 Mix it up as often as you like. There is no cost.
Open Areas
 Open Space!
 Seating
 Tables
 Multi Functional Areas
 Less Closed Rooms
 Activity Rooms, Meeting Rooms, etc
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
 Fun Colors
 Allows the environment to change easily
 Let your users define the space
 Put things on wheels
 Desks
 …No Need For Shelves To Be On Wheels
 Don’t fasten furniture to floor…
 no one will be stealing a desk
Fill The Space With Fun Interactive Technology
Allow People to CHECK THINGS out
Play Time
Kurio Tablet
 Cheap Tablet
 Locked Down
 Secure
Little Bits
 littleBits is an open source library of electronic
modules that snap together with tiny magnets for
prototyping, learning, and fun.
Meet Sphero.
Creation Station – Sifteo Cubes
Small LCD screens that can
sense when there are nearby
cubes and react accordingly
Creation Station – Lego We-Do
Robotic Legos that move;
teaches how to program
through a GUI interface
Smart Tables
 Interactive Touch Table
 Easy to load and
install games
 Up to 8 children can
play, 100 finger
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Laser Tag (Yes inside the library)
 Ubisoft Laser Tag System
 Up to 8 can play
 Multiple different
game scenarios
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
The Menageri-E
 A “Digital Petting Zoo” or “E-Bar”
Music Station
Children’s Collection
 Rotating Collection
 Provides an “always new” environment
 Child Friendly Shelves
 Bin style shelving, so children can “flip” through books
 Bright, Fun, Attractive Colors.
See a virtual tour at http://tinyurl.com/Evolve-VirtualTour
Your environment can have all the best tech toys and cool fablabs but it
could still fall short.
It is up to the frontline staff to ENANGE their audiences. A friendly hello
goes a long way. Allow the staff to play with the tech; get them
involved to reflect that excitement to the users.
• Use the tools your
users use
• Communicate on
their level
• These are your #1
Marketing Tools
Digital Content Curation
Encourage creativity
Film A Zombie Movie
(Cameras and some
Face Paint for Your
Link Books to E-Books
Find New Content
Scavenger Hunts
Open a new dimension
in your library.
Buy using an app, you
can see a new “world”
within your physical
Place books into color
themed bags. Barcode
number written outside
of bag. Allow patrons
to check out and take
them home.
During special holiday
periods, find books that
are colored the holiday
colors (not necessarily
about the holiday) and
place them on a stand
near your end caps.
Purchase Cheap Plastic
and Foam to setup Paths
and fairways with felt.
Have it throughout the
library, engage the
participants through your
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
• Put a “Reward System” into the library card
• Badges
• Prizes
• Exclusive Programming / Event registration
• Low Tech:
• Print new more colorful library cards, allow patrons to customize their
card with different and increasingly more desired badges – based off
books read, programs attended, etc.
• High Tech:
• Create Library Cards with screens
• Send Messages to card when they are in the library (wirelessly
• Display “reading level” or “badges they own”
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
• The Game of Books is gamifying the reading experience.
• In the Game, you are the character that you are leveling up;
books are the magical items that give you rewards.
• This is a project from BookLamp.Org
• Each Book in the world has a very specific DNA, a structure that
contains specific themes, writing style, density, etc.
• The themes in the book relate to points – and those points apply to
your character.
• More Details: www.gameofbooks.com
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Technology As An Evolution
O 1990 – 2000: Internet Burst
O 2000 – 2010: Value Adds to Technology
O 2010 – 2020: Technology Burst
Future of Technology
O To discover and curate of information
O Value adds (efficiency, reliability)
O To build or discover new “things”
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
General Themes
O Touch-Based
O Gesture-Based
O Object Orientated
O Mobility/Connectivity
O Open Source Hardware
Touch Based
O People want to touch everything
O Discover Through Touch
O Search Through Touch
O Learn Through Touch
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Gesture Based
O Communicate with Technology Hands Free
O Uses multiple cameras to detect
O Microsoft Kinect
O Sites to Explore:
O Microsoft Kinect
O PrimeSense
O Evoluce
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Wearable Gesture Based
Object Orientated
O Use Objects to interact with surfaces
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Back To Searching
O Technology is becoming more “visual”
O Whether it be from touch, gesture, or objects
O Search Dynamics are changing
What’s this talk about
“Big Data”
O Technology is being used to identify trends
in our lives. This data is being curated and
O This can help us with:
O Identifying health trends
O Saving Time or Energy
O Increase efficiency in our lives
Memoto –
Life Logging Camera
Waze –
Crowd-Sourced Traffic Data
Learning Thermostat
Smart Lock
Tracks What You Do
Future Concepts
O People watching TV can point and click to
buy content (clothes, cars, etc)
O Predictive searches (Amazon does it now)
O Ask yourself, what do you want to create?
There never seems to be enough
money to do anything
So Where Can Money Come From?
Crowd-Source Funding
• People across the world group together to fund
new projects and ideas
• People are encouraged to donate by either the
attractive name or “awards” based off the
amount they donate.
• Kickstarter.com
• Indiegogo.com
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Social Media
• Market your “Brand” heavy through social media
– And Blogging
• Solid companies pro-actively manage their social
media accounts.
– They watch what people are saying because everyone
else can see what people say
– They want only positivity about their company on the
web, they will work to only have positive comments.
– If a company does provide assistance, always show
your support through social media
• (you may need more support later on down the road).
Social Media is a way to develop relationships
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Tips - Twitter
• Only use positivity when communicating on
• 140 Characters, make them count!
– Wow! @COMPANYX has some really great stuff. I need
to get my hands on it
– Who would like to see @PRODUCT in our library
• Once you build a good relationship ask the hard
– Can you help me on the cost @COMPANYZ
Tips - Facebook
• Go to the Company’s Pages, be sure to “Like”
their page before commenting
• Again, be only positive. Tell your story, pitch
your idea.
Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University
Handling Objections
• You will hear “no”
• But that just means phrased the question wrong or
asked the incorrect person.
– Who else can I talk to about discounted pricing/donations
– Does anyone make a similar product that would be more
inline with our budget (ask them about their competitors).
– What other things would you recommend?
• Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions of “why”
• Everyone has a bottom line.
Just Ask
Places to save money
• Buy Refurbished
– Refurbishment is the distribution of products (usually
electronics) that have been previously returned to a
manufacturer or vendor for various reasons. Refurbished
products are normally tested for functionality and defects
before they are sold, and thus are the approximate
equivalent of certified pre-owned cars. - Wikipedia
– Refurbs are OK!!!
• Discount Sites:
– 1SaleADay.Com
– Woot.Com
– Monoprice.Com
– E-Bay
Brian Pichman

More Related Content

Designing Interactive Library Spaces - Seminar w/ EdLab, Teachers College of Columbia University

  • 7. DidYou Know? Stats from: Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project
  • 8. DidYou Know? Stats from: Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project
  • 9. DidYou Know? Stats from: Lee Rainie, Director, Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project
  • 10. Create a Public VALUE • Not be a “process” but an experience • Move from physical to digital • Create new ways to learn and explore • Libraries should be creating stories • Libraries HAVE TO BE ENGANGING! • Shift Focus To • Innovation, Interaction, Discovery, Collaboration and Invention
  • 12. What Does A Community Ask For? O Study Rooms / Homework Area O Open Areas O Tech (Computers) O Business Centers O MakerSpaces O ?Others? What do these things have in common?
  • 13. Libraries need to find ways to engage their patrons
  • 14. Libraries and Learning Spaces Have To Be Engaging O Encourage Creativity and Invention O Allow Discovery O Increase Collaboration O Generate Interaction O Foster Innovation
  • 20. Evolve: A Library Playground O Fab Lab / “Hackerspace” / “MakerSpace O A location where people with common interests (usually in computers, technology, science, or digital or electronic art) meet, socialize and/or collaborate. O Can be viewed as open community labs incorporating elements of workshops and/or studios where people can come together to share resources and knowledge to build and make things and ideas. O Combining the positive & fun aspects of schools, museums, and playgrounds into one “entity”.
  • 22. We All Have Creative Potential
  • 23. Collaborative Areas (Either Network Based or In A Room) Provide Tools (Hardware and/or Software) Learning Labs or Training Centers Types of Learning Spaces
  • 26. Music / Graphic Design / Video Editing
  • 29. Multimedia Room / Learning Centers  Room Set Up Features:  Clickers  Allows for jeopardy style gaming  Smart Board (interactive white board)  Full DVD/BluRay/Sound System  Easy to use and start (Touch Panel System)  You Can Use This Room For  Jeopardy  Movie Nights  Presentations / Interactive Style Board Game Night  Create a Business Plan, Project Plan, etc
  • 31. The 4th floor is a public laboratory and educational facility with a focus on information, design, technology, and the applied arts. The 14,000 sq foot space hosts equipment, expertise, programs, events, and meetings that work within this scope. While traditional library spaces support the consumption of knowledge by offering access to media, the 4th floor is unique because it supports the production, connection, and sharing of knowledge by offering access to tools and instruction. Chattanooga ”Fourth Floor”
  • 33. If you build it they will come
  • 35. Key Design Concepts  Adding Color  Art  Have Open Areas  Furniture  Modularity  Technology
  • 36. Adding Color  White = Boring  Think about Parks (typically colorful)  Painting walls is an inexpensive redesign  Use Fun Colors  Be Bold!  Children Areas should use bright attractive areas.
  • 38. Art  Have patrons/users create the art  Donate it to the space  Mix it up as often as you like. There is no cost.
  • 39. Open Areas  Open Space!  Seating  Tables  Multi Functional Areas  Less Closed Rooms  Activity Rooms, Meeting Rooms, etc
  • 44. Modularity  Allows the environment to change easily  Let your users define the space  Put things on wheels  Desks  …No Need For Shelves To Be On Wheels  Don’t fasten furniture to floor…  no one will be stealing a desk
  • 45. Fill The Space With Fun Interactive Technology Allow People to CHECK THINGS out INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY
  • 47. Kurio Tablet  Cheap Tablet  Locked Down  Secure
  • 48. Little Bits  littleBits is an open source library of electronic modules that snap together with tiny magnets for prototyping, learning, and fun.
  • 50. Creation Station – Sifteo Cubes Small LCD screens that can sense when there are nearby cubes and react accordingly
  • 51. Creation Station – Lego We-Do Robotic Legos that move; teaches how to program through a GUI interface
  • 52. Smart Tables  Interactive Touch Table Top  Easy to load and install games  Up to 8 children can play, 100 finger touches
  • 54. Laser Tag (Yes inside the library)  Ubisoft Laser Tag System  Up to 8 can play  Multiple different game scenarios
  • 56. The Menageri-E  A “Digital Petting Zoo” or “E-Bar”
  • 58. Children’s Collection  Rotating Collection  Provides an “always new” environment  Child Friendly Shelves  Bin style shelving, so children can “flip” through books  Bright, Fun, Attractive Colors.
  • 59. See a virtual tour at http://tinyurl.com/Evolve-VirtualTour
  • 60. Your environment can have all the best tech toys and cool fablabs but it could still fall short. It is up to the frontline staff to ENANGE their audiences. A friendly hello goes a long way. Allow the staff to play with the tech; get them involved to reflect that excitement to the users.
  • 61. • Use the tools your users use • Communicate on their level • These are your #1 Marketing Tools
  • 63. Film A Zombie Movie (Cameras and some Face Paint for Your Library)
  • 64. Link Books to E-Books Find New Content Scavenger Hunts
  • 65. Open a new dimension in your library. Buy using an app, you can see a new “world” within your physical space.
  • 66. Place books into color themed bags. Barcode number written outside of bag. Allow patrons to check out and take them home.
  • 67. During special holiday periods, find books that are colored the holiday colors (not necessarily about the holiday) and place them on a stand near your end caps.
  • 68. Purchase Cheap Plastic and Foam to setup Paths and fairways with felt. Have it throughout the library, engage the participants through your space.
  • 71. • Put a “Reward System” into the library card • Badges • Prizes • Exclusive Programming / Event registration • Low Tech: • Print new more colorful library cards, allow patrons to customize their card with different and increasingly more desired badges – based off books read, programs attended, etc. • High Tech: • Create Library Cards with screens • Send Messages to card when they are in the library (wirelessly connected) • Display “reading level” or “badges they own”
  • 74. • The Game of Books is gamifying the reading experience. • In the Game, you are the character that you are leveling up; books are the magical items that give you rewards. • This is a project from BookLamp.Org • Each Book in the world has a very specific DNA, a structure that contains specific themes, writing style, density, etc. • The themes in the book relate to points – and those points apply to your character. • More Details: www.gameofbooks.com
  • 77. Technology As An Evolution O 1990 – 2000: Internet Burst O 2000 – 2010: Value Adds to Technology O 2010 – 2020: Technology Burst
  • 78. Future of Technology O To discover and curate of information O Value adds (efficiency, reliability) O To build or discover new “things”
  • 80. General Themes O Touch-Based O Gesture-Based O Object Orientated O Mobility/Connectivity O Open Source Hardware
  • 81. Touch Based O People want to touch everything O Discover Through Touch O Search Through Touch O Learn Through Touch
  • 88. Gesture Based O Communicate with Technology Hands Free O Uses multiple cameras to detect depth/movement O Microsoft Kinect O Sites to Explore: O Microsoft Kinect O PrimeSense O Evoluce
  • 95. Object Orientated O Use Objects to interact with surfaces
  • 100. Back To Searching O Technology is becoming more “visual” orientated O Whether it be from touch, gesture, or objects O Search Dynamics are changing
  • 101. What’s this talk about “Big Data” O Technology is being used to identify trends in our lives. This data is being curated and collected. O This can help us with: O Identifying health trends O Saving Time or Energy O Increase efficiency in our lives
  • 107. Future Concepts O People watching TV can point and click to buy content (clothes, cars, etc) O Predictive searches (Amazon does it now) O Ask yourself, what do you want to create?
  • 108. There never seems to be enough money to do anything
  • 109. So Where Can Money Come From?
  • 110. Crowd-Source Funding • People across the world group together to fund new projects and ideas • People are encouraged to donate by either the attractive name or “awards” based off the amount they donate. • Kickstarter.com • Indiegogo.com
  • 114. Social Media • Market your “Brand” heavy through social media – And Blogging • Solid companies pro-actively manage their social media accounts. – They watch what people are saying because everyone else can see what people say – They want only positivity about their company on the web, they will work to only have positive comments. – If a company does provide assistance, always show your support through social media • (you may need more support later on down the road). Social Media is a way to develop relationships
  • 116. Tips - Twitter • Only use positivity when communicating on twitter • 140 Characters, make them count! – Wow! @COMPANYX has some really great stuff. I need to get my hands on it – Who would like to see @PRODUCT in our library space? • Once you build a good relationship ask the hard questions – Can you help me on the cost @COMPANYZ
  • 117. Tips - Facebook • Go to the Company’s Pages, be sure to “Like” their page before commenting • Again, be only positive. Tell your story, pitch your idea.
  • 119. Handling Objections • You will hear “no” – A LOT • But that just means phrased the question wrong or asked the incorrect person. – Who else can I talk to about discounted pricing/donations – Does anyone make a similar product that would be more inline with our budget (ask them about their competitors). – What other things would you recommend? • Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions of “why” • Everyone has a bottom line.
  • 121. Places to save money • Buy Refurbished – Refurbishment is the distribution of products (usually electronics) that have been previously returned to a manufacturer or vendor for various reasons. Refurbished products are normally tested for functionality and defects before they are sold, and thus are the approximate equivalent of certified pre-owned cars. - Wikipedia – Refurbs are OK!!! • Discount Sites: – 1SaleADay.Com – Woot.Com – Monoprice.Com – E-Bay

Editor's Notes

  1. Allow your patrons the ability to build things. Fab Labs/Maker Spaces
  2. With the idea of an open play environment; people will discover new and exciting things on their own.Fact: You remember things that you discover on your own better than things told directly.
  3. Collaboration allows people to get together to discuss common interests to gain new knowledge. People will collaborate naturally if centered around something FUN!
  4. Interaction will allow your patrons to learn and grow.Interaction is necessary to maintain interest in your library’s programs, collection, etc.
  5. Innovation must be an original disruptive act.Innovation is the embodiment, combination, and/or synthesis of knowledge in novel, relevant, valued new products, processes, or services
  6. Ways to Engage Your Space (MiniGolf, QR Codes, Color Bags)
  7.  Purchase different colored paper bags o Each bag is for a different genre of book o Place Barcode number outside of bag  May have to write it o Place book inside bag, and staple it close  Gets your circ numbers up!
  8. Christmas – take red and green books and them facing outside the shelves. The colors of the covers/spines will brighten up your collection