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Detailed Lesson Plan MATH 9
BS Secondary Education (Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology)
Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university
Detailed Lesson Plan MATH 9
BS Secondary Education (Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology)
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Detailed Lesson Plan
In Mathematics 9
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
variation and radicals.
Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately
problems involving radicals.
Learning Competency: Illustrates situations that involve the following variations: (a)
direct; (b) inverse; (c) joint; (d) combined.
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Illustrates situations that involve direct variation
b. Identify the equation that expresses a direct variation
c. Solve problems involving direct variation using y=kx as the
mathematical equation of direct variation, where k is a constant of
d. Appreciate the concept of direct variation in real life situations
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic
Direct Variation
B. References
Mathematics Learner’s Material for Grade 9, pp. 194-203
Mathematics Teacher’s Guide for Grade 9, pp. 132-134
C. Materials
Laptop, Projector/TV, Manila Paper, Marker, Tape, Illustration Board
D. Subject Integration
Science, Values, English
E. Values Integration
Cooperation, Participation, Enthusiasm, Teamwork, Discipline
F. Teaching Strategy
Guided Discovery Approach, Cooperative Learning Approach
III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
Everybody stand.
_______, kindly lead the prayer.
(Students will stand.)
(Let us bow our heads and feel the
presence of our ALMIGHTY GOD. In
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
2. Greetings
Good morning class! How are you
today? That is good to hear.
3. Classroom Management
Class, before you take your seats,
kindly pick up the pieces of papers
or plastics around you and arrange
your chairs silently and properly.
You may now take your seats.
4. Checking of Attendance
_______, is everyone present
Very good!
I know everyone is aware that we
are still in the midst of pandemic,
so we have to be extra careful and
let’s practice social distancing and
wearing of facemasks all the time.
For your classmates with special
educational needs because of their
geographic location, likewise for
those who are working, they
already have the modules for
today’s topic.
B. Review of the Previous Lesson
Class, last meeting, we discussed and
solved problems involving quadratic
Here is a problem and let me ask one
volunteer to solve it. Yes ________.
From a 96-foot building, an object is
thrown straight up into the air then
follows a trajectory. The height S(t) of
the ball above the building after t
seconds is given by the function .
1. What maximum height will the object
the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy
Good morning, Ma’am! We are
feeling great Ma’am!
(Students will pick up the pieces
of papers or plastics around them
and arrange their chairs silently
and properly.)
Thank you Ma’am.
Yes Ma’am except those in
different learning modality.
(One volunteer student will solve
the problem on the board and
others will answer on their
The vertex is ( , 100) thus the
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Alright, do you get the correct answer
as well?
Good job class!
It seems that you understood our
previous topic, let us now proceed to
our new lesson.
C. Motivation
Class before we start our new lesson, I
have prepared an activity for you titled
I will divide you into five groups. It will
be your permanent group for the
entire period. Each group will receive
pictures and you will be given 2
minutes to study its features and
another 3 minutes to identify their
related quantities. Paste the pictures
and your answer on the manila paper
and kindly post it on the board.
Are the instructions clear?
Do you have any questions?
If there’s none, kindly proceed to your
group and form a circle.
(pictures will be given to the students
and will be shown on the TV screen)
Group 1
Wall and Paint
maximum height reached by the
object is 100 ft from the top of the
building. This is 196 ft from the
Yes Ma’am.
Yes Ma’am
None Ma’am
(Possible answers)
The wider the wall, the more
amount of paint to be used.
If the wall is narrow, less paint will
be used.
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Group 2
Groceries and Money
Group 3
Nature of Activity and Heartbeat
Group 4
Speed and Distance
Group 5
Hard work and
The more money you have, the
more groceries you can buy.
The less money you have, the less
groceries you can buy.
Doing more activities can result to
higher pulse rate.
Doing less activities can result to
lower pulse rate.
The faster speed you go, the
longer distance you can reach.
The slower speed you go, the
shorter distance you can reach.
The more hard work you do, the
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Do you like the activity class?
Before you go back to your seats, let’s
form a word using this equation of
D. Presentation of the Lesson
Class, from the activity you had a while ago,
what do you think will be our lesson for this
Yes, ______________________.
Good job!
E. Presentation of Objectives
Before we start our discussion, you need to
know first what you should accomplish at the
end of the lesson.
more chance you can be
The less hard work you do, the
less chance you can be successful.
Yes Ma’am!
Direct Variation!
I think our lesson for today is
about Direct Variation.
At the end of the lesson, the learners
must be able to:
a. Illustrates situations that
involve direct variation
b. Translate into variation
statements a relationship
involving direct variation
c. Solve problems involving
direct variation as a means
of valuing the concept in
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Okay, kindly read the objectives.
Yes ________.
F. Discussion
The activity earlier is connected to the
topic we have today.
Class let me show you a photo:
What can you observed in the photo?
That’s correct! And did you know that
an increase in demand for paper
contributes to the destruction of trees
from which papers are made? If waste
papers were recycled regularly, it
would help prevent cutting down of
trees and other adverse effects that
could destroy the environment.
So do you think the decrease in
production of paper contribute to the
decrease in the number of trees being
The question can be answered using
the concept of variation. So let us
familiarize ourselves to Direct
Variation through the following
Example 1:
The SSG of San Agustin National High
real-life situation
There is a man cutting down a
Yes/No Ma’am.
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
School launches a recycling campaign
of waste materials in order to raise
student’s awareness of environmental
protection and the effects of climate
change. This is in connection with the
celebration of Science Month. Every
kilogram of waste materials earns
points that can be exchanged for
school supplies. Paper, which is the
number one waste material collected,
earns 6 points every kilo.
The table below shows the points
earned by Grade 9 Lavender class for
every number of kilograms of waste
paper collected.
1. What happens to the number of
points when the number of
kilograms of paper is doubled?
2. How many kilograms of papers will
the Grade 9 Lavender class have in
order to raise 600 points?
3. What mathematical statement will
relate the two quantities involved?
4. In what way are you able to help
clean the environment by collecting
these papers? What items can be
made out of these papers?
Class, there is a Direct Variation
whenever a situation produces pairs
of numbers in which their ratio is
The statements:
“ y varies directly as x”
“y is directly proportional to x”
“y is proportional to x”
Are translated mathematically as
y=kx, where k is the constant of
variation, x is the independent
variable and y is the dependent
For 2 quantities, x and y, an increase
in x causes an increase in y as well.
The number of points also
100 kilograms
Answers may vary.
Yes Ma’am!
How many kilograms of papers
will the Grade 9 Lavender class
have in order to raise 600 points?
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Number of
1 2 3 4 5
Points (P) 6 1
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Similarly, a decrease in x causes a
decrease in y.
Did you understand?
So in the example given above, we
can solve for the number of
kilograms needed to raise 600 points
by using the formula:
Let x be the number of kilograms
Let y be the number of points
Who can solve it on the board? Yes
Very good!
Using the formula, you can find the
number of kilograms without the aid
of the table.
Example 2:
Using his bicycle, Jericho travels a
distance of 10km/h on a steep road.
The table shows the distance he has
travelled at a particular length of
Time(h) 1 2 3 4 5
10 20 30 40 50
What happens to the distance as the
length of time increases? Yes
That’s correct.
Using this pattern how many
kilometres would he have travelled in
8 hrs?
Who can try to solve it on the board?
Yes ____.
Very good!
6=k(1) Substitute the given
k=6 6 is the constant of
600= 6(x)
X= 100kg will be needed to raise
600 points.
Ma’am it also increases.
The answer is 80 km.
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Example 3
If x varies directly as y and x = 35
when y = 7, what is the value of y
when x = 25
Solution 1.
Since x varies directly as y, then the
equation of variation is in the form x =
ky. Substitute the given values of y
and x to solve for k in the equation.
K = 5
Hence, the equation of variation is x =
Solving for y when x = 25,
25 = 5y
Hence, y=5.
G. Application
Now let us apply what you have
learned. We will have another group
activity. Each group will get a
cardboard with happy face in front and
sad face at the back. I will post
statements on the screen, raise the
smiley face if you identify it as direct
variation and sad face if not. You have
20 seconds to think and once you hear
the buzz, raise your answer. You’ll get
one point for each correct answer. The
group who will gain the highest score
will be the winner and will receive a
prize. For those who receive printed
modules, they will have the same
activity but they have to work
Are the instructions clear?
Alright, you may now go to your group
and form a circle.
Are you ready class?
1. The number of hours to finish a job
to the number of men working
Yes Ma’am!
(The students will go to their
group and form a circle.)
Yes Ma’am we are ready.
1.Sad Face
2.Sad Face
3.Smiley Face
4.Sad Face
5.Smiley Face
6.Smiley face
7.Sad Face
8.Smiley Face
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
2. The amount of water to the space
that water did not occupy in a
particular container
3. The area of the wall to the amount
of paint used to cover it
4. The time spent in walking to the
rate at which a person walks
5. The time a teacher spends
checking papers to the number of
6. The amount of money raised in a
concert to the number of tickets
7. The age of a used car to its resale
8. The distance an airplane flies to the
time travelling
9. The number of visitors to the size
of chairs in the venue
10. The number of persons typing a
manuscript to the time spent in
Who got the highest score?
Let’s give them Good job clap!
And for the rest of the group, give
yourselves five claps.
H. Generalization
This time, let me ask what have you
learned in today’s lesson?
How can we say that there is a direct
variation in a certain situation?
Very good!
When one variable increases, what
happens to the other variable?
That’s correct!
Can we say there is a direct variation
when a variable increases and the other
variable decreases? Why/ why not?
9.Sad Face
10.Sad Face
Group ____
We have learned about direct
There is a direct variation
whenever a situation produces
pairs of numbers in which their
ratio is constant.
Ma’am it also increases.
No Ma’am. Because we defined
earlier that direct variation
happens for two quantities x and y
where an increase in x causes an
increase in y as well. Similarly, a
decrease in x causes a decrease in
Yes Ma’am. That real life situation
is an example of direct variation.
(Students will share their insights.)
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Very well said!
Now, going back to the question we
have earlier, do you think the decrease
in production of paper contribute to the
decrease in the number of trees being
I. Valuing
Why do you think it is important to
learn direct variation? Is it essential to
our daily living?
Direct variation is always visible on
our lives. From the simplest things
that we do, to the most complicated
actions that we take. After we learned
the concept, we are now aware of the
consequences of our actions, like for
instance, if we do not help in recycling
papers, we are contributing to the
destruction of tress/ecosystem. Thus,
whenever we do good things, think
that it will also contribute to the
betterment of others.
IV. Evaluation
Quiz Bee
1.Write your answer on your 1/8
illustration board.
2.For every correct answer on the
Easy Round, you’ll get 1 point.
For the average round, you’ll
get 2 points. And for the difficult
round you’ll get 3 points.
3.20 seconds will be given to the
easy round, 30 seconds for the
average round and 60 seconds
for the difficult round
4.Record your own score, be
Easy Round
Easy Round
1. F=kd
2. C=kw
3. S=kd
Average Round
1. Y=4x
2. Y=8x
Difficult Round
1. Y=1107 letters
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Write the mathematical equation to
the following statements:
1. The fare F of a passenger varies
directly as the distance d of his
2. The cost C of fish varies directly as its
weight w in kilograms.
3. An employee’s salary S varies directly
as the number of days d he has
Average Round
Write an equation where y varies
directly as x
1. Y=28 when x=7
2. y = 48 and x = 6
Difficult Round
1. A mailman can sort out 738 letters (L)
in 6 hours (h). If the number of sorted
letters varies directly as the number of
working hours, how many letters can
be sorted out in 9 hours?
V. Assignment
Do you remember the Parable of
Talents? What do you think God
expect us to do with the talents we
received? Now, complete the
statement of relationship.
The more talents you are given,
Answer it on ¼ sheet of paper and
submit it on our next meeting.
Is the instruction clear?
Do you have any questions
regarding your assignment?
If there’s none, everybody stand!
Goodbye class!
Yes, ma’am.
None Ma’am.
(The students will stand.)
Goodbye Ma’am. Thank you for
teaching us.
Prepared by:
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Teacher I
Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204
Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com
Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com)

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  • 1. Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Detailed Lesson Plan MATH 9 BS Secondary Education (Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Detailed Lesson Plan MATH 9 BS Secondary Education (Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology) Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 2. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics 9 Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of variation and radicals. Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately problems involving radicals. Learning Competency: Illustrates situations that involve the following variations: (a) direct; (b) inverse; (c) joint; (d) combined. I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. Illustrates situations that involve direct variation b. Identify the equation that expresses a direct variation c. Solve problems involving direct variation using y=kx as the mathematical equation of direct variation, where k is a constant of variation d. Appreciate the concept of direct variation in real life situations II. Subject Matter A. Topic Direct Variation B. References Mathematics Learner’s Material for Grade 9, pp. 194-203 Mathematics Teacher’s Guide for Grade 9, pp. 132-134 www.slideshare.net/mobile/jmpalero/mathematics-9-lesson-4a-direct- variation C. Materials Laptop, Projector/TV, Manila Paper, Marker, Tape, Illustration Board D. Subject Integration Science, Values, English E. Values Integration Cooperation, Participation, Enthusiasm, Teamwork, Discipline F. Teaching Strategy Guided Discovery Approach, Cooperative Learning Approach III. Procedure TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES A. Daily Routine 1. Prayer Everybody stand. _______, kindly lead the prayer. (Students will stand.) (Let us bow our heads and feel the presence of our ALMIGHTY GOD. In Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 3. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO 2. Greetings Good morning class! How are you today? That is good to hear. 3. Classroom Management Class, before you take your seats, kindly pick up the pieces of papers or plastics around you and arrange your chairs silently and properly. You may now take your seats. 4. Checking of Attendance _______, is everyone present today? Very good! I know everyone is aware that we are still in the midst of pandemic, so we have to be extra careful and let’s practice social distancing and wearing of facemasks all the time. For your classmates with special educational needs because of their geographic location, likewise for those who are working, they already have the modules for today’s topic. B. Review of the Previous Lesson Class, last meeting, we discussed and solved problems involving quadratic functions. Here is a problem and let me ask one volunteer to solve it. Yes ________. Problem: From a 96-foot building, an object is thrown straight up into the air then follows a trajectory. The height S(t) of the ball above the building after t seconds is given by the function . 1. What maximum height will the object the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…..AMEN) Good morning, Ma’am! We are feeling great Ma’am! (Students will pick up the pieces of papers or plastics around them and arrange their chairs silently and properly.) Thank you Ma’am. Yes Ma’am except those in different learning modality. (One volunteer student will solve the problem on the board and others will answer on their papers.) Solution: The vertex is ( , 100) thus the Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 4. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO reach? Alright, do you get the correct answer as well? Good job class! It seems that you understood our previous topic, let us now proceed to our new lesson. C. Motivation Class before we start our new lesson, I have prepared an activity for you titled “RELATED OR NOT?”. I will divide you into five groups. It will be your permanent group for the entire period. Each group will receive pictures and you will be given 2 minutes to study its features and another 3 minutes to identify their related quantities. Paste the pictures and your answer on the manila paper and kindly post it on the board. Are the instructions clear? Do you have any questions? If there’s none, kindly proceed to your group and form a circle. (pictures will be given to the students and will be shown on the TV screen) Group 1 Wall and Paint maximum height reached by the object is 100 ft from the top of the building. This is 196 ft from the ground. Yes Ma’am. Yes Ma’am None Ma’am (Possible answers) The wider the wall, the more amount of paint to be used. If the wall is narrow, less paint will be used. Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 5. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO Group 2 Groceries and Money Group 3 Nature of Activity and Heartbeat Group 4 Speed and Distance Group 5 Hard work and The more money you have, the more groceries you can buy. The less money you have, the less groceries you can buy. Doing more activities can result to higher pulse rate. Doing less activities can result to lower pulse rate. The faster speed you go, the longer distance you can reach. The slower speed you go, the shorter distance you can reach. The more hard work you do, the Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 6. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO Success Do you like the activity class? Before you go back to your seats, let’s form a word using this equation of pictures. D. Presentation of the Lesson Class, from the activity you had a while ago, what do you think will be our lesson for this day? Yes, ______________________. Good job! E. Presentation of Objectives Before we start our discussion, you need to know first what you should accomplish at the end of the lesson. more chance you can be successful. The less hard work you do, the less chance you can be successful. Yes Ma’am! Direct Variation! I think our lesson for today is about Direct Variation. At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to: a. Illustrates situations that involve direct variation b. Translate into variation statements a relationship involving direct variation c. Solve problems involving direct variation as a means of valuing the concept in Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 7. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO Okay, kindly read the objectives. Yes ________. F. Discussion The activity earlier is connected to the topic we have today. Class let me show you a photo: What can you observed in the photo? That’s correct! And did you know that an increase in demand for paper contributes to the destruction of trees from which papers are made? If waste papers were recycled regularly, it would help prevent cutting down of trees and other adverse effects that could destroy the environment. So do you think the decrease in production of paper contribute to the decrease in the number of trees being cut? The question can be answered using the concept of variation. So let us familiarize ourselves to Direct Variation through the following examples. Example 1: The SSG of San Agustin National High real-life situation There is a man cutting down a tree. Yes/No Ma’am. Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 8. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO School launches a recycling campaign of waste materials in order to raise student’s awareness of environmental protection and the effects of climate change. This is in connection with the celebration of Science Month. Every kilogram of waste materials earns points that can be exchanged for school supplies. Paper, which is the number one waste material collected, earns 6 points every kilo. The table below shows the points earned by Grade 9 Lavender class for every number of kilograms of waste paper collected. Questions: 1. What happens to the number of points when the number of kilograms of paper is doubled? 2. How many kilograms of papers will the Grade 9 Lavender class have in order to raise 600 points? 3. What mathematical statement will relate the two quantities involved? 4. In what way are you able to help clean the environment by collecting these papers? What items can be made out of these papers? Class, there is a Direct Variation whenever a situation produces pairs of numbers in which their ratio is constant. The statements: “ y varies directly as x” “y is directly proportional to x” “y is proportional to x” Are translated mathematically as y=kx, where k is the constant of variation, x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable. For 2 quantities, x and y, an increase in x causes an increase in y as well. The number of points also doubled. 100 kilograms y=kx Answers may vary. Yes Ma’am! How many kilograms of papers will the Grade 9 Lavender class have in order to raise 600 points? Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Number of Kilograms (n) 1 2 3 4 5 Points (P) 6 1 2 1 8 2 4 3 0 Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 9. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO Similarly, a decrease in x causes a decrease in y. Did you understand? So in the example given above, we can solve for the number of kilograms needed to raise 600 points by using the formula: Y=kx Let x be the number of kilograms Let y be the number of points Who can solve it on the board? Yes _______. Very good! Using the formula, you can find the number of kilograms without the aid of the table. Example 2: Using his bicycle, Jericho travels a distance of 10km/h on a steep road. The table shows the distance he has travelled at a particular length of time: Time(h) 1 2 3 4 5 Distance(km ) 10 20 30 40 50 What happens to the distance as the length of time increases? Yes _________. That’s correct. Using this pattern how many kilometres would he have travelled in 8 hrs? Who can try to solve it on the board? Yes ____. Very good! 6=k(1) Substitute the given values. k=6 6 is the constant of variation Y=kx 600= 6(x) X= 100kg will be needed to raise 600 points. Ma’am it also increases. The answer is 80 km. Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 10. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO Example 3 If x varies directly as y and x = 35 when y = 7, what is the value of y when x = 25 Solution 1. Since x varies directly as y, then the equation of variation is in the form x = ky. Substitute the given values of y and x to solve for k in the equation. 35=k(7) K= K = 5 Hence, the equation of variation is x = 5y. Solving for y when x = 25, 25 = 5y Y= Y=5 Hence, y=5. G. Application Now let us apply what you have learned. We will have another group activity. Each group will get a cardboard with happy face in front and sad face at the back. I will post statements on the screen, raise the smiley face if you identify it as direct variation and sad face if not. You have 20 seconds to think and once you hear the buzz, raise your answer. You’ll get one point for each correct answer. The group who will gain the highest score will be the winner and will receive a prize. For those who receive printed modules, they will have the same activity but they have to work individually. Are the instructions clear? Alright, you may now go to your group and form a circle. Are you ready class? 1. The number of hours to finish a job to the number of men working Yes Ma’am! (The students will go to their group and form a circle.) Yes Ma’am we are ready. 1.Sad Face 2.Sad Face 3.Smiley Face 4.Sad Face 5.Smiley Face 6.Smiley face 7.Sad Face 8.Smiley Face Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 11. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO 2. The amount of water to the space that water did not occupy in a particular container 3. The area of the wall to the amount of paint used to cover it 4. The time spent in walking to the rate at which a person walks 5. The time a teacher spends checking papers to the number of students 6. The amount of money raised in a concert to the number of tickets sold 7. The age of a used car to its resale value 8. The distance an airplane flies to the time travelling 9. The number of visitors to the size of chairs in the venue 10. The number of persons typing a manuscript to the time spent in typing Who got the highest score? Let’s give them Good job clap! And for the rest of the group, give yourselves five claps. H. Generalization This time, let me ask what have you learned in today’s lesson? How can we say that there is a direct variation in a certain situation? Very good! When one variable increases, what happens to the other variable? That’s correct! Can we say there is a direct variation when a variable increases and the other variable decreases? Why/ why not? 9.Sad Face 10.Sad Face Group ____ We have learned about direct variation. There is a direct variation whenever a situation produces pairs of numbers in which their ratio is constant. Ma’am it also increases. No Ma’am. Because we defined earlier that direct variation happens for two quantities x and y where an increase in x causes an increase in y as well. Similarly, a decrease in x causes a decrease in y. Yes Ma’am. That real life situation is an example of direct variation. (Students will share their insights.) Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 12. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO Very well said! Now, going back to the question we have earlier, do you think the decrease in production of paper contribute to the decrease in the number of trees being cut? I. Valuing Why do you think it is important to learn direct variation? Is it essential to our daily living? Direct variation is always visible on our lives. From the simplest things that we do, to the most complicated actions that we take. After we learned the concept, we are now aware of the consequences of our actions, like for instance, if we do not help in recycling papers, we are contributing to the destruction of tress/ecosystem. Thus, whenever we do good things, think that it will also contribute to the betterment of others. IV. Evaluation Quiz Bee Mechanics: 1.Write your answer on your 1/8 illustration board. 2.For every correct answer on the Easy Round, you’ll get 1 point. For the average round, you’ll get 2 points. And for the difficult round you’ll get 3 points. 3.20 seconds will be given to the easy round, 30 seconds for the average round and 60 seconds for the difficult round 4.Record your own score, be honest. Easy Round Easy Round 1. F=kd 2. C=kw 3. S=kd Average Round 1. Y=4x 2. Y=8x Difficult Round 1. Y=1107 letters Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
  • 13. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education MIMAROPA REGION Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro SAN AGUSTIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SAN AGUSTIN, NAUJAN, ORIENTAL MINDORO Write the mathematical equation to the following statements: 1. The fare F of a passenger varies directly as the distance d of his destination. 2. The cost C of fish varies directly as its weight w in kilograms. 3. An employee’s salary S varies directly as the number of days d he has worked Average Round Write an equation where y varies directly as x 1. Y=28 when x=7 2. y = 48 and x = 6 Difficult Round 1. A mailman can sort out 738 letters (L) in 6 hours (h). If the number of sorted letters varies directly as the number of working hours, how many letters can be sorted out in 9 hours? V. Assignment Do you remember the Parable of Talents? What do you think God expect us to do with the talents we received? Now, complete the statement of relationship. The more talents you are given, ________________________________ . Answer it on ¼ sheet of paper and submit it on our next meeting. Is the instruction clear? Do you have any questions regarding your assignment? If there’s none, everybody stand! Goodbye class! Yes, ma’am. None Ma’am. (The students will stand.) Goodbye Ma’am. Thank you for teaching us. Prepared by: Address: San Agustin, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, 5204 Contact No.: 0917-6768-724 / Email Address: sanagustinnhs301651@gmail.com Downloaded by Cleofe Tomas-Undo (clayowfaiye@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|17138851
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