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Developmental Education
Taskforce Recommendations
 History of developmental education in CO
 Our recommendations
 Math
 College Reading and Composition (English & Reading)
 Administrative
 Proposed timeline
The problem
―The more levels of developmental courses a
student needs to go through, the less likely
that student is to ever complete college
English or math.‖
- Thomas Bailey (2009) CCRC Brief.
Colorado percent of enrollment in developmental
Students enrolled in at
least one DE course
All other students
CCCS students
Percent of total remedial enrollment
Percent of total remedial
Traditional Colorado course pipeline
MAT 030
MAT 060
MAT 090
MAT 099
ENG 030
ENG 060
ENG 090
REA 030
REA 060
REA 090
Current course completion
Course 2010-2012: 3 year average
ENG 030 61.6%
ENG 060 63.2%
ENG 090 63.5%
REA 030 64.0%
REA 060 68.1%
REA 090 63.8%
MAT 030 60.8%
MAT 060 66.3%
MAT 090 60.1%
MAT 099 57.9%
Total Average 62.9%
Why high attrition rates are a structural problem
 For students who place two levels below a college
course there are 5 ―exit points‖
 Do they pass the first course
 Do they enroll in the next course?
 Do they pass the second course?
 Do they enroll in the college-level course?
 Do they pass the college-level course?
 Students placing three levels down have 7 exit
Why high attrition rates are a structural problem
 CCCS pipeline example for students beginning in
 Enroll in remedial math (6933) 100%
 Do they complete MAT 090 (3053) 44%
 Do they enroll in college math (1746 ) 25%
 Do they complete college math (1239) 18%
 Do they graduate (558) 8%
Nawrocki, Baker, & Corash (2009). Success of remedial math students in the
Colorado community college system: A longitudinal study.
Why high attrition rates are a structural problem
 CCCS pipeline example for students who completed
ENG 030 - fall 2010
 Completed 030(538) 100%
 Do they enroll and complete 060 (189) 35%
 Do they enroll in and complete 090 (32) 6%
Student Voice
Duane Hansen, FRCC student
The goal of our recommendations
Move students quickly and effectively through their
first college level course.
National models considered
 Washington State - iBest
 Tennessee – modules and math emporium
 Los Medinos - shortening the developmental
pipeline and acceleration in math*
 CCBC - Accelerated Learning (ALP)*
 Chabot College – Acceleration and engaging faculty
to dive into pedagogy and practice*
 University of Texas - new mathways project*
 APSU– mainstreaming
* Indicates projects that heavily influenced CO recommendations
Our recommendations
 Reduce the amount of time, number of credits, and
number of classes
 Curriculum redesign
 Reverse design
 What students need to know for success in college class
 Active learning experiences
 Ongoing process
Developmental Education Taskforce Recommendations january 2013
Multiple pathways
 Each course in each developmental sequence should
be redesigned to only cover content necessary for the
college level course.
 Multiple developmental sequences/paths/branches
available to students based on their career/major
interest. Leading to college math clusters in:
 Non-transfer
 Non-STEM
Student advising as part of placement
 Work with advisors to help students make informed
choices that realistically reflect their academic
preparation, abilities, and interests
Assessment preparation
 Non-credit leading to re-test
 Options for colleges:
 Referral to ABE programs
 AAA Accuplacer preparation
 Boot camp
 MFL, Aleks, Enhanced web assign
 MOOC’s
 Tutoring
College Reading and Composition
(English & Reading)
College Reading and Composition
 Offer an accelerated model that provides students
with the opportunity to enter a 100 level class no
later than their second term in enrollment
 Integrate Reading and English
 Current sequence should be compressed and
 There are a variety of possible delivery strategies to
achieve this goal
Multiple placements
REA030 REA060 REA090 None
ENG030 3% 2% 1% 0%
ENG060 2% 6% 6% 3%
ENG090 0% 5% 14% 20%
ENG121 0% 0% 4% 34%
CRC recommendations
Placement Score(s) First Term Leads to
RC 0-39 and/or SS 0-49
Soft Landing Accuplacer test
RC 0-39 and/or SS 0-49
CRC 092 + CRC 091 Completion of all REA
and ENG developmental
RC40-61 and/or SS 50-69 CRC 092 Completion of all REA
and ENG developmental
RC62-79 and/or SS 70-94
CRC 093
Studio D
Completion of all REA
and ENG developmental
RC62-79 and/or SS 70-94
CRC 094
Studio 121
Completion of all REA
and ENG developmental
Testing and placement
 Colorado specific Accuplacer with ―strands‖
 Uniform multiple measures built into Accuplacer
 Consistent test administration statewide
 Validate Accuplacer scores every 3-5 years – are we
using the right cut scores
 To accomplish these goals use a system level
institutional administrator (IA) in addition to college
site administrators for local control
Student support
 Use CCCSE practices
 Orientation
 Goal setting and planning
 No late registrations
 First year experience
 Student success course
 Tutoring
 Supplemental instruction
 Case management/academic advising/career coaches
 College develop a plan to use for
planning, initiating, and sustaining success for
developmental students
Faculty support and development
 Colleges create a professional development plan
 Offer limited full time positions to current adjunct instructors
during implementation
 Provide release time for implementation
 Course release and reassigned time to develop and implement
student success strategies
 Functional work groups on campus—i.e. BANNER, Advising,
Testing—address the issues of the implementation process
 Provide, with CCCS, continuing professional development
focusing on research-based strategies
 Train transfer level and developmental faculty
Measures of success
 Successful developmental students and programs
should be measured in the following ways:
 In Math – Successful completion of any college level (100+)
math course
 In English and Reading – Successful completion of any college
level (100+) English course or any college level discipline
strands course.
Financial comparison of old and new
CRC Enrollment comparisons
Old (3 yr
Year 1
Year 2
21,950 24,500
1,219 1,760
88,914 98,317
Math enrollment comparisons
Old Math Proposed
Year 1
Year 2
28,050 28,050 35,973
1,535 1,558 1,998
74,098 97,866
Revenue and expenses
 Expenses tied to sections = $1950 per section
 Revenue tied to credit hours for FY13 = $174.75 per
 Only instructional expenses in both models
Net $13,999,090 $13,205,808
Old model New model
Net $10,581,095 $13,748,895
What happens next?
Implementation teams
 Core implementation team
 Faculty
 Focused on curriculum, content, training, and professional
 Redesign advisory group
 Administrative (Banner, Business officer, Advising, financial
 Spring/summer 13 discipline team work to develop
curriculum and to create professional development
training for faculty and staff
 Fall of 13 schools that are already working on
redesign will ramp up projects
 Spring 14 all colleges should transition to the new
 Fall of 14 all colleges should be operating with the
new models in place
Creative Commons Attribution
This work by Colorado Community College System COETC Grant is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
The material was created with funds from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant
awarded to the Colorado Online Energy Training Consortium (COETC).Based on a work at www.cccs.edu.Permissions beyond the scope of
this license may be available at www.cccs.edu.

More Related Content

Developmental Education Taskforce Recommendations january 2013

  • 2. Overview  History of developmental education in CO  Our recommendations  Math  College Reading and Composition (English & Reading)  Administrative  Proposed timeline
  • 3. The problem ―The more levels of developmental courses a student needs to go through, the less likely that student is to ever complete college English or math.‖ - Thomas Bailey (2009) CCRC Brief.
  • 4. Colorado percent of enrollment in developmental education 27% 73% Enrollment Students enrolled in at least one DE course All other students
  • 5. CCCS students 61.6 25.3 13.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 MAT ENG REA Percent of total remedial enrollment Percent of total remedial placement
  • 6. Traditional Colorado course pipeline MAT 030 MAT 060 MAT 090 MAT 099 ENG 030 ENG 060 ENG 090 REA 030 REA 060 REA 090
  • 7. Current course completion Course 2010-2012: 3 year average ENG 030 61.6% ENG 060 63.2% ENG 090 63.5% REA 030 64.0% REA 060 68.1% REA 090 63.8% MAT 030 60.8% MAT 060 66.3% MAT 090 60.1% MAT 099 57.9% Total Average 62.9%
  • 8. Why high attrition rates are a structural problem  For students who place two levels below a college course there are 5 ―exit points‖  Do they pass the first course  Do they enroll in the next course?  Do they pass the second course?  Do they enroll in the college-level course?  Do they pass the college-level course?  Students placing three levels down have 7 exit points.
  • 9. Why high attrition rates are a structural problem  CCCS pipeline example for students beginning in MAT090  Enroll in remedial math (6933) 100%  Do they complete MAT 090 (3053) 44%  Do they enroll in college math (1746 ) 25%  Do they complete college math (1239) 18%  Do they graduate (558) 8% Nawrocki, Baker, & Corash (2009). Success of remedial math students in the Colorado community college system: A longitudinal study.
  • 10. Why high attrition rates are a structural problem  CCCS pipeline example for students who completed ENG 030 - fall 2010  Completed 030(538) 100%  Do they enroll and complete 060 (189) 35%  Do they enroll in and complete 090 (32) 6%
  • 12. The goal of our recommendations Move students quickly and effectively through their first college level course.
  • 13. National models considered  Washington State - iBest  Tennessee – modules and math emporium  Los Medinos - shortening the developmental pipeline and acceleration in math*  CCBC - Accelerated Learning (ALP)*  Chabot College – Acceleration and engaging faculty to dive into pedagogy and practice*  University of Texas - new mathways project*  APSU– mainstreaming * Indicates projects that heavily influenced CO recommendations
  • 14. Our recommendations  Reduce the amount of time, number of credits, and number of classes  Curriculum redesign  Reverse design  What students need to know for success in college class  Active learning experiences  Ongoing process
  • 15. Math
  • 17. Multiple pathways  Each course in each developmental sequence should be redesigned to only cover content necessary for the college level course.  Multiple developmental sequences/paths/branches available to students based on their career/major interest. Leading to college math clusters in:  Non-transfer  Non-STEM  STEM
  • 18. Student advising as part of placement  Work with advisors to help students make informed choices that realistically reflect their academic preparation, abilities, and interests
  • 19. Assessment preparation  Non-credit leading to re-test  Options for colleges:  Referral to ABE programs  AAA Accuplacer preparation  Boot camp  NROC  MFL, Aleks, Enhanced web assign  MOOC’s  Tutoring
  • 20. College Reading and Composition (English & Reading)
  • 21. College Reading and Composition  Offer an accelerated model that provides students with the opportunity to enter a 100 level class no later than their second term in enrollment  Integrate Reading and English  Current sequence should be compressed and accelerated  There are a variety of possible delivery strategies to achieve this goal
  • 22. Multiple placements REA030 REA060 REA090 None ENG030 3% 2% 1% 0% ENG060 2% 6% 6% 3% ENG090 0% 5% 14% 20% ENG121 0% 0% 4% 34%
  • 23. CRC recommendations Placement Score(s) First Term Leads to 1A) RC 0-39 and/or SS 0-49 Soft Landing Accuplacer test 1B) RC 0-39 and/or SS 0-49 CRC 092 + CRC 091 Completion of all REA and ENG developmental requirements RC40-61 and/or SS 50-69 CRC 092 Completion of all REA and ENG developmental requirements 2A) RC62-79 and/or SS 70-94 CRC 093 Studio D Completion of all REA and ENG developmental requirements 2B) RC62-79 and/or SS 70-94 CRC 094 Studio 121 Completion of all REA and ENG developmental requirements
  • 25. Testing and placement  Colorado specific Accuplacer with ―strands‖  Uniform multiple measures built into Accuplacer system  Consistent test administration statewide  Validate Accuplacer scores every 3-5 years – are we using the right cut scores  To accomplish these goals use a system level institutional administrator (IA) in addition to college site administrators for local control
  • 26. Student support  Use CCCSE practices  Orientation  Goal setting and planning  No late registrations  First year experience  Student success course  Tutoring  Supplemental instruction  Case management/academic advising/career coaches  College develop a plan to use for planning, initiating, and sustaining success for developmental students
  • 27. Faculty support and development  Colleges create a professional development plan  Offer limited full time positions to current adjunct instructors during implementation  Provide release time for implementation  Course release and reassigned time to develop and implement student success strategies  Functional work groups on campus—i.e. BANNER, Advising, Testing—address the issues of the implementation process  Provide, with CCCS, continuing professional development focusing on research-based strategies  Train transfer level and developmental faculty
  • 28. Measures of success  Successful developmental students and programs should be measured in the following ways:  In Math – Successful completion of any college level (100+) math course  In English and Reading – Successful completion of any college level (100+) English course or any college level discipline strands course.
  • 29. Financial comparison of old and new
  • 30. CRC Enrollment comparisons Old (3 yr average) Proposed Year 1 Proposed Year 2 Headcount 21,915 21,950 24,500 Sections 1,436 1,219 1,760 Credits 78,119 88,914 98,317
  • 31. Math enrollment comparisons Old Math Proposed Year 1 Proposed Year 2 Headcount 28,050 28,050 35,973 Sections 1,535 1,558 1,998 Credits 97,238 74,098 97,866
  • 32. Revenue and expenses  Expenses tied to sections = $1950 per section  Revenue tied to credit hours for FY13 = $174.75 per credit  Only instructional expenses in both models
  • 34. CRC Old model New model Expenses (sections) 1,436 $2,800,200 1,760 $3,432,000 Revenue (credits) 78,119 $13,651,295 98,317 $17,180,895 Net $10,581,095 $13,748,895
  • 36. Implementation teams  Core implementation team  Faculty  Focused on curriculum, content, training, and professional development  Redesign advisory group  Administrative (Banner, Business officer, Advising, financial aid…)
  • 37. Timeline  Spring/summer 13 discipline team work to develop curriculum and to create professional development training for faculty and staff  Fall of 13 schools that are already working on redesign will ramp up projects  Spring 14 all colleges should transition to the new models  Fall of 14 all colleges should be operating with the new models in place
  • 39. Creative Commons Attribution This work by Colorado Community College System COETC Grant is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. The material was created with funds from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant awarded to the Colorado Online Energy Training Consortium (COETC).Based on a work at www.cccs.edu.Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.cccs.edu.

Editor's Notes

  1. Review handout