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Developing Self Confidence{Presentation}by Neha Dogra
Developing Self Confidence{Presentation}by Neha Dogra
What is self-confidence?
TrueSelf-Confidence –
is a realistic belief
or expectation of
achieving success
Not   what you hope to do but
 what you realistically expect to do
Not what you tell others but your
 innermost thoughts about your
 realistic capabilities,
Not pride in past deeds but a realistic
 judgment about what you are able
 to do
Low   Self Confidence

Optimal   Self Confidence

Over   Confidence
Staying in urs comfort zone,fearing failure and so
  avoid taking risks.Some Points are
 “I can’t find happiness.” This is the paradox that
  confuses even the smartest people. You need to
  learn how to set yourself up so that success and
  happiness find you.
 “Life has nothing more to offer me.” This
  statement is another mistake that people make. It
  is a mistake because the statement is inside-
  out, in reverse. Instead it should read: “What do I
  have to offer life?”
   Make Decisions with Absolute Confidence

   At Optimal Self-Trust you’ll learn how to:

   Release self-doubt and replace it with self-confidence

   Make crisis-time decisions with swift and total clarity.

   Stop beating yourself up about past choices.

   Listen to what you want instead of needing others’ approval.

   Take a leap of faith and let go ... you’ll discover you can fly
   Often we come across people who are self
    confident i.e. egotistic and
    stubborn.Generally these people have the so
    called ‘Superiority Complex’
Developing Self Confidence{Presentation}by Neha Dogra
The Greatest
thing that a
Parent can give
to his Childrens
are Roots
Parents with Low
Confidence breed
confusion and
Low Confidence
in their Childrens
Being Ignorant is
not Shameful but
being Unwilling to
learn is.
make a
Person feel
People Start Looking
at Themselves as
Failures,not realizing
that failing does not
equal to ‘Failure’
Developing Self Confidence{Presentation}by Neha Dogra
 Readthe life histories of People who
 have turned a Negative into Positive.
 The one-second tip for when you’re feeling
 nervous and unconfident is simply to smile! You
 don’t just smile because you are happy and
 confident – you can smile to make yourself feel
 better. The act of smiling is so strongly
 associated with positive feelings that it’s almost
 impossible to feel bad while smiling.
If you believe in a higher power, whether God, or
   another spiritual force, it can be a real boost to self-
   confidence to say a silent prayer.
“Dear  God, thank you that you
  love and accept me as I am …
  please help me to do the same …
  and help me to grow to become
  the person you want me to be so
  that my God-confidence and
  self-confidence will increase
  greatly—all for the glory of your
 Accept Yourself as You Are….!!
 Undersatnd „Experience is what You get when
  You don‟t get what You want.
Remember Your Childhood:
“You Never gave up to stand and walk.”
What You Say to Yourself Mattes the Most.
Its all how You See Yourself.
The Process of giving without
 Expectations in returns raises one’s
 Self Confidence.
As well as smiling, meet the eyes
 of other people in the room. Give
 them your smile; you’ll almost
 certainly get one back, and being
 smiled at is a great self-
 confidence boost. Like
 smiling, eye contact shows
 people that you’re confident.
 Staring at your shoes or at the
 table reinforces your feelings of
We Should Accept Our
Resposibilies and Stop Blaming
Associate Yourself with People of Good
Have Patience and Keep doing the good
 thing.Even though result may not be
 visible,Something is happening.
 A Small Boy-the fifth among seventh siblings
  was selling newspapers in small village to
  earn his living .
 He was not exceptionally smart at school but
  was facinated by Religion and Rockets.
 The first Rocket he built crashed.
 The missiles he built crashed multiple times.
 But his “Self Confidence” and get going sprit
  in him made him script the book “The Space
  Odyssey of India Single Handedly.”
Dr. A.P.J Abdul
A  School teacher scolded a boy for not
  paying attention in mathematics.
 For not solving a simple problem
 And said that he would not become
  anybody in life.
 But his mother’s confidence in him
  made her coach him mathematics.
 And the Boy went on to become
Developing Self Confidence{Presentation}by Neha Dogra
A Winner is not
the one who never
fails but…..the one
who never
Neha Dogra,

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Developing Self Confidence{Presentation}by Neha Dogra

  • 4. TrueSelf-Confidence – is a realistic belief or expectation of achieving success
  • 5. Not what you hope to do but what you realistically expect to do Not what you tell others but your innermost thoughts about your realistic capabilities, Not pride in past deeds but a realistic judgment about what you are able to do
  • 6. Low Self Confidence Optimal Self Confidence Over Confidence
  • 7. Staying in urs comfort zone,fearing failure and so avoid taking risks.Some Points are  “I can’t find happiness.” This is the paradox that confuses even the smartest people. You need to learn how to set yourself up so that success and happiness find you.  “Life has nothing more to offer me.” This statement is another mistake that people make. It is a mistake because the statement is inside- out, in reverse. Instead it should read: “What do I have to offer life?”
  • 8. Make Decisions with Absolute Confidence  At Optimal Self-Trust you’ll learn how to:  Release self-doubt and replace it with self-confidence  Make crisis-time decisions with swift and total clarity.  Stop beating yourself up about past choices.  Listen to what you want instead of needing others’ approval.  Take a leap of faith and let go ... you’ll discover you can fly
  • 9. Often we come across people who are self confident i.e. egotistic and stubborn.Generally these people have the so called ‘Superiority Complex’
  • 11. The Greatest thing that a Parent can give to his Childrens are Roots
  • 12. Parents with Low Confidence breed confusion and Low Confidence in their Childrens
  • 13. Being Ignorant is not Shameful but being Unwilling to learn is.
  • 15. People Start Looking at Themselves as Failures,not realizing that failing does not equal to ‘Failure’
  • 17.  Readthe life histories of People who have turned a Negative into Positive.
  • 18.  The one-second tip for when you’re feeling nervous and unconfident is simply to smile! You don’t just smile because you are happy and confident – you can smile to make yourself feel better. The act of smiling is so strongly associated with positive feelings that it’s almost impossible to feel bad while smiling.
  • 19. If you believe in a higher power, whether God, or another spiritual force, it can be a real boost to self- confidence to say a silent prayer. “Dear God, thank you that you love and accept me as I am … please help me to do the same … and help me to grow to become the person you want me to be so that my God-confidence and self-confidence will increase greatly—all for the glory of your
  • 20.  Accept Yourself as You Are….!!  Undersatnd „Experience is what You get when You don‟t get what You want.
  • 21. Remember Your Childhood: “You Never gave up to stand and walk.”
  • 22. What You Say to Yourself Mattes the Most. Its all how You See Yourself.
  • 23. The Process of giving without Expectations in returns raises one’s Self Confidence.
  • 24. As well as smiling, meet the eyes of other people in the room. Give them your smile; you’ll almost certainly get one back, and being smiled at is a great self- confidence boost. Like smiling, eye contact shows people that you’re confident. Staring at your shoes or at the table reinforces your feelings of
  • 25. We Should Accept Our Resposibilies and Stop Blaming Others.
  • 26. Associate Yourself with People of Good Quality.
  • 27. Have Patience and Keep doing the good thing.Even though result may not be visible,Something is happening.
  • 28.  A Small Boy-the fifth among seventh siblings was selling newspapers in small village to earn his living .  He was not exceptionally smart at school but was facinated by Religion and Rockets.  The first Rocket he built crashed.  The missiles he built crashed multiple times.  But his “Self Confidence” and get going sprit in him made him script the book “The Space Odyssey of India Single Handedly.”
  • 30. A School teacher scolded a boy for not paying attention in mathematics.  For not solving a simple problem  And said that he would not become anybody in life.  But his mother’s confidence in him made her coach him mathematics.  And the Boy went on to become
  • 32. A Winner is not the one who never fails but…..the one who never quits…!!