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Development of E-government in Serbia
                           and Bosnia and Herzegovina
        Leonid V. Stoimenov1, Nataša, Ž. Veljković1, Sanja Bogdanović-Dinić1, Srđan Č.
                                 Nogo2 and Siniša S. Macan2
   Abstract – Communication and information technologies as a           methodologies, as those listed in [2]. The most comprehensive
means towards an information society impose the need to                 methodologies are measuring the supply and the usage side of
modernize public administration and to introduce electronic             e-government services, as well as the state of ICT
government as a state management tool. In this paper we will            infrastructure. According to [3] the supply side of
present the state of e-government in Serbia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina at the central and at the municipal level covering
                                                                        e-government can be evaluated through the sophistication and
the period of four years. In addition we will provide analysis of       availability of 20 basic public services.
the present state of ICT infrastructure at the municipality level          In the rest of this paper we will present the state of
in both countries.                                                      e-government in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H),
                                                                        both on the state and on the municipality level. We will
  Keywords – e-government, measurements of e-government,                overlook the state of e-government from different viewpoints,
ICT infrastructure, legislation framework                               including implementation of 20 basic public services, the
                                                                        legislative background and the state of ICT infrastructure.

                         I. INTRODUCTION                                     II. EVALUATION OF E-GOVERNMENT ON THE
                                                                                           STATE LEVEL
   The interpretations of e-Government are broad and
divergent. Generally speaking, e-government can be defined                 Evaluation of e-government on the state level can be done
as the use of ICT for delivering more effective and proficient          by measuring the development of 20 basic public services in
government services to citizens, businesses or government               terms of availability and sophistication, and percentage of
agencies, by various communication means as the Internet,               individuals and enterprises that are using the Internet for
telephone, wireless devices or other communication systems.             interacting with public authorities. This evaluation is proposed
Effective e-government involves rethinking organizations and            in the i2010 benchmarking framework [3]. For the purpose of
processes, and changing behavior so that public services are            this paper we will also take into consideration the state of
delivered more efficiently to the interested parties. As stated         legislation and the ICT infrastructure, because they are
in [1] e-government contributes significantly to the process of         important factors in implementing e-government services.
transformation of the government towards a leaner, more
cost-effective government. By intercepting appropriate
technology, e-government can facilitate communication and               A. State of e-government in Serbia
improve the coordination of authorities within the different
tiers of government.                                                       E-government in Serbia in the past few years has
   To achieve the goal of e-government and improve the                  significantly advanced, taking into account that the state has
delivery of public services, ICT involvement is inevitable.             brought some of the necessary laws for its functioning [4]. In
ICT provides various ways for integrating information                   June 2009, the Ministry of Telecommunication and
systems into one compact entity, offers relatively inexpensive          Information Society, has proposed a new Strategy of
infrastructure for data interchange and the possibility of              e-government development in the Republic of Serbia for the
accessing information and e-government services from any                period 2009-2013. Special significance for e-government
place.                                                                  development in Serbia has the adoption and implementation
   The success of e-government implementation needs to be               of Law on Electronic Signature. Registration of certification
measured on all government levels, both state and                       bodies for issuing qualified electronic certificates enabled the
municipality level. This can be done using various                      use of qualified electronic signatures for signing electronic
                                                                        documents. In July 2009, the Law on Electronic Document
                                                                        was passed and it would have a major impact on the process
     Leonid V. Stoimenov, Nataša Ž. Veljković and Sanja D.              of modernization, rationalization and the introduction of
Bogdanović-Dinić are with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering,        electronic government. The new Law on Public Procurement
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia, e-mail:                     entered into force on January 2009 enabling, among other, the
{leonid.stoimenov,      natasa.veljkovic,      sanja.bogdanovic.dinic
                                                                        possibility of electronic procurement, including electronic
     Srđan Č. Nogo and Siniša S. Macan are with the Agency for
                                                                        auctions. One of the key innovations, brought by this Law, is
Identification documents, register and data exchange B&H-IDDEEA,        the introduction of customer commitment to publish ads
e-mails: srdjan@iddeea.gov, sinisa.macan@iddeea.gov.ba                  electronically on the public procurement portal, instead of in a
daily newspaper, as it was the case previously. In the next         field of telecommunications, and therefore in the area of
period, the Government of the Republic of Serbia plans to           application of e-technology in public administration.
adopt a few more laws (such as Law on Electronic                       Official analysis of 20 public services in terms of
Government, Law on the Protection of Personal Data in               sophistication and availability haven't been done so far.
Electronic Form and Law on Electronic Archives) that will           However there are some partial analysis prior to 2009 [8]. The
significantly improve the implementation of e-government.           progress in e-services implementation is evident for job search
   First evaluation of e-government in Serbia was done in           and library services. The Agency for Public Administration
2004. Since then, benchmarking of e-government has been             partially offers job search on-line through a portal. National
done yearly by measuring the sophistication of 20 basic public      University library is developing an integrated overview of
services and their online availability, according to                individual library funds [8].
methodology described in [5]. Sophistication of public                 B&H is still a long way behind world-wide transactional
services on the state level has grown from 15.25% (2004) to         and cross-organizational services as stated in [9], there is
47.42% (2008) [6] [7]. That is a total growth of 32% for the        encouraging awareness of internet use as a tool for public
four years period. Services offered to businesses are more          institutions to disseminate information; and a majority of
sophisticated in comparison with citizens’ centric services [7].    institutions, regardless of level, have their own Web sites.
   When comes to the implementation of particular e-services,          Most of the authorized institutions offer on their Web sites
we can say that the most sophisticated are: Job search, Public      basic information for citizens and other interested parties, but
procurement, Public libraries and Customs declaration.              there aren’t any interactive electronic services. Public
   Through Public Procurement Office portal it is possible to       administration of B&H is still missing official e-government
query existing procurements or electronically publish new and       Web portal with on-line services available to citizens and
monitor their status. On the Web site of the National               links towards sub-portals at state, entity and other levels.
employment agency it is possible to search job database that        Portal for e-services should improve the effectiveness of B&H
covers the whole territory of Serbia as well as to register in      administration authorities, by providing the possibility to
order to apply for job. Through the state Web portal for            review and collect information and by enabling appropriate
customs declarations it is possible to submit the required          data exchange using e-services, as foreseen by Bosnia and
documents electronically; in that way customs clearance takes       Herzegovina laws. In 2009 a Web portal of public
much less time than usual.                                          administration of Republic of Srpska, providing e-services to
   Health related services are, on the contrary, least developed.   citizens, has being released at entity level and named e-srpska.
Scheduling medical examination is not feasible through the          These kinds of portals help B&H to fulfill required clauses for
Web site of the health care center or other state medical           approaching European Union considering 12 e-services for
institutions. It can be done only by coming to the health care      citizens that each e-government, willing to become a member
institution or in rear situations by phone calls.                   of EU, has to conform [10].
   E-Government internet portal was launched in March 2007,            It is necessary to develop information systems with support
and it served as a source of information about basic public         for horizontal functions, that is, processes which are common
services and the corresponding authorities. In 2010 it was          to majority of institutions. This means that institutions can
upgraded from information oriented to service-oriented Web          automate some of the most commonly used procedures and so
portal. Its final function is to be a "one-stop-shop" by enabling   produce larger budget savings, with only one software
users to easily and rapidly access information and electronic       solution. Most of initiated and implemented projects since
services of public administration from any place.                   2004 until now have been dealing with the need for resolving
                                                                    some critical issues of inherited situation in this area, and
B. State of e-government in Bosnia and Herzegovina                  therefore were designed as solutions to one and only problem
                                                                    that would appear in certain public administration institutions.
                                                                    As a result of such actions, enormous differences in levels of
   In the last few years B&H made significant progress in
bringing regulations in the field of telecommunications and         applied e-technologies have appeared among public
ICT in the public government. Lack of systematic, organized         institutions, varying from very modern systems and well
                                                                    developed networks (such as the Agency for identification
and methodical approach to the application of e-technology in
public administration contributes to the fact that B&H is one       documents, recording and exchanging data B&H - IDDEEA)
of the last countries in the region of Southeast Europe that has    to very obsolete solutions [11].
                                                                       Subject to document eSEE AGENDA+ for development of
adopted IT strategy. In 2005, the B&H Council of Ministers
adopted Policy, Strategy and Action plan of the information         information society in countries in the South East Europe
society that is focused on legal infrastructure, e-Education,       2007-2012, which is in accordance with the document i2010
                                                                    European information society for e-Government [3], IDDEEA
e-Governance, ICT infrastructure and ICT industry
development.                                                        has a responsibility to develop through this Project three
                                                                    e-services for citizens:
   B&H has gradually begun adoption and application of the
law on electronic communications infrastructure and related               - Personal documents (ID card, Driver License and
services in accordance with the guidelines provided by the                     Travel documents)
                                                                          - Registration of vehicles (new, used or imported
relevant Directive of the European Union. In recent years
B&H has made major progress in terms of regulations in the                     vehicles)
                                                                          - Reporting on change of residence (address change)
III. EVALUATION OF E-GOVERNMENT ON THE                            independent databases of cities/municipalities based on digital
               MUNICIPALITY LEVEL                                     certificates.
                                                                         When comes to the state of ICT infrastructure, as stated in
                                                                      [12], there is still 15% of municipalities with almost no
A. Serbia
                                                                      infrastructure. It is evident that all municipalities without ICT
                                                                      infrastructure are among the group of weakly developed or
   Large number of cities and municipalities offer trough their
                                                                      underdeveloped municipalities. For example, 13% of
Web sites, download forms and information of interest for
                                                                      municipalities have no servers, 15% of municipalities have no
citizens and businesses. Information that local governments
                                                                      network printer, in 6% of municipalities network
most commonly post on their Web sites often includes
                                                                      infrastructure doesn't exist, in 8% of municipalities less than
description of government departments and officials, contact
                                                                      10% of employees have no Internet access, in 7% of
information, economic development data, the local
                                                                      municipalities less than 30% of employees have a computer in
government law book or special announcements. Some local
                                                                      their workplace. On the other hand, 75% of municipalities
government Web sites offer the ability to print forms that
                                                                      have from 1 to 5 servers, while 13% of municipalities owns
citizens can fill out and mail or bring to the government
                                                                      more than 5 servers, 40% of municipalities have an email
office. More elaborated sites offer interactive forms that can
                                                                      server, in 60% of municipalities over 50% of employees have
be filled out and submitted online.
                                                                      computers in their workplace, in 47% of municipalities over
   The most common electronic services in Serbian local
                                                                      50% of employees have an Internet access. The encouraging
self-governments are: Virtual registry office, Voter's lists and
                                                                      fact is that all municipalities have Internet access and that a
e-Notary. The service "Virtual registry office" is used for
                                                                      large number of municipalities have a sufficient number of
ordering birth certificates (which are rarely supported by
                                                                      computers, networking equipment and servers for basic
transactions operations - payment of certificates fees at the
                                                                      operational needs.
time of ordering). "Voter’s list" is an online service used by
citizens for checking the list before elections, in order to see if
they are on the list and contact authorities if opposite. Some        B. Bosnia and Herzegovina
municipalities provide a complete monitoring of citizens’
cases via the Internet through the e-Notary. This service is             Public administration of B&H provides services to citizens
based on internal municipal service that allows movement and          in 146 municipalities, 2 entities, in Brčko District and at the
processing of case files in electronic form, without using the        state level of B&H. At each level there are various problems
internal delivery book. Using the code obtained after                 involved in proper functioning of public administration.
submitting the request at the municipality in person, citizens        Principles and practice at the municipality level or a canton
are able to track and receive information regarding the status        are different from principles adopted in other municipality,
of their cases over the Internet.                                     canton or B&H. The existing state at all public administration
   Some municipalities have so-called citizens assistance             levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina shows there is lack in
centers that operate according to the principle of "one stop          understanding the importance of e-technologies that could be
shop" – all services are provided in one place. Service centers       involved in its functioning. Introducing e-government into
have counters for work with citizens and/or legal persons.            public administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina is mostly
Counters are mostly organized in a way that every counter is          considered as computerization of certain business processes,
dedicated to one municipal service. In some cases assistance          and then as a means for reforming public administration.
centers provide even more - submissions are electronically            There is a lack of transparency regarding work and finance
distributed to appropriate municipal services due to the unique       matters. There is neither horizontal nor vertical electronic
information system and the specialized "back office" software.        communication. Public administration offices use different
All the electronic services to citizens and those that are            operating systems, applications and database systems due to
available over the Internet in these municipalities are based on      lack of standards and no global plan for introducing
this "back office" software.                                          information technologies in the state administration. Web
   Majority of municipalities in Serbia so far have no                sites of public administrations provide citizens with not many
information system upgrade with applications that allow the           services, not frequently updated information, and rarely
digitalization of paper documents and complete electronic             include forms that can be printed locally [8].
processing. Majority of municipalities, which is certainly a             Technical capabilities of administration units are somewhat
good example of introducing e-government within the                   satisfying. Large number of local legal and administrational
municipality, have electronic registries. The existence of            organizations is properly technically prepared and has quality
information about citizens in electronic form provides the            information equipment. However, that equipment isn’t often
possibility of issuing birth certificates quickly and easily, thus    used in appropriate and satisfying way and in accordance with
reducing congestion in the citizens’ assistance center. Many          regulations and procedures, which are established by
cities/municipalities provide issuing of birth certificates in        competent institutions. 55% of employees in administration
local government branch offices, cited in remote locations that       know how to use a computer, but only 5% of professional IT
belong to the territory of the city/municipality. In order to         staff is employed in IT or equivalent sectors. Internet
implement this type of service it is necessary to have a unique       connection lacks in usage. There is formal presence of
database of citizens at the state level, or to provide access to      e-government online in the form of only several municipality,
                                                                      entity or state Web pages, basically used as official sources of
information. These pages provide users with static data about       e-government will bring benefits as better efficiency,
government institutions, sectors, ministries, agencies etc, as      accountability and accessibility to public services.
well as with contact information, but largely lack at actuality         In this paper we have presented the current state of
of data. One particular project that has been successfully          e-government in Serbia and B&H, from different aspects
implemented is the Project for municipalities’ needs for            covering the period of four years. We have identified the
issuing Birth and Citizenship certificates for the purposes of      critical factors related to e-government introduction, on the
issuing Biometrical Passport. Usage of this Web solution has        state and on the municipality level. They are focused around
significantly shortened the lines in municipalities and lowered     the following key drivers: legislation framework, ICT usage,
the pressure on referents.                                          systematization and education of personnel, municipal
   The problem of verification of breeder documents in the          leaderships support and appropriate funding. With the proper
process of identity chain (issuance of travel documents) is         usage of ICT, countries have opportunity to make a significant
recognized as the weakest link of the system. Related               progress in a relatively short time period and to place
experiences worldwide are equal to those of B&H. The                themselves among efficient, citizen oriented e-governments.
Agency is trying to raise the work quality level in this field as
high as possible in order to harmonize the process of issuing
documents with the European standards [13]. The Law on
Travel Documents does not impose the obligation that an
                                                                    [1] M. Datar, A. Panikar and K. Farooqui, “Emerging Trends in
individual who possess an identification document must
                                                                         E-Government”, Critical Thinking in E-Governance, Editor J.
submit an application for issuance of travel document                    Bhattacharya, GIFT Publishing, 2008, pp.37-46, available
accompanied with a birth certificate and certificate of                  online: www.iceg.net/2008/books/1/4_37-46.pdf
citizenship. It is assumed that such check will be conducted        [2] M. Sakowiz, “How to Evaluate E-Government? Different
during the process for issuance of identity card.                        Methodologies             and        Methods”,           UNPAN,
Unfortunately, it is evident that the process for issuance of            unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/un/unpan0200
identity cards had a range of weaknesses, mainly in the field            76.pdf
of breeder documents. Therefore, data currently contained in        [3] i2010, 2011–2015 benchmarking framework,
the civil register cannot be taken as absolutely accurate.               http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/eeurope/i2010/benchma
                                                                         rking/index_en.htm, Accessed 6 April 2010.
   Thanks to the Governance Accountability Project - GAP, 70
                                                                    [4] Stoimenov, L., Markovic, N. et.al, "Best ICT practices in
municipalities at the B&H territory will be a part of the                Serbian municipalities", Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis,
uniform system. Through implementation of this system,                   http://gislab.elfak.ni.ac.rs/egovernment/Best_ICT_Practices.pdf,
besides fulfilling of the requirements to introduce the system           2009.
of biometric travel documents, municipalities will obtain           [5] Prepared by Capgemini, "Benchmarking the supply of online
appropriate network infrastructure as a basic condition for              public services", 2007,
establishment of municipality information system: electronic             ec.europa.eu/information_society/eeurope/i2010/docs/benchmar
registers,     data    exchange      between      municipalities,        king/egov_benchmark_2007.pdf
e-government, PKI, electronic signature-verification, etc.          [6] M. Gusev, G. Armenski, "Gap Analysis of eGovernment in
                                                                         Western Balkans", www.metamorphosis.org.mk, 2006.
   Due to unconcern of the institutions for local
                                                                    [7] L. Stoimenov, N.Markovic, et al., " E-government evaluation in
administration, being uninformed and because of weak                     serbia based on implementation accessment of 20 basic public
awareness related to process for meeting requirements for the            services", Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis,
purpose of accession to the EU, financing and realization of             http://gislabweb.elfak.ni.ac.rs/egovernment/e-government_study
this project by local administrations themselves is not possible         _2007.pdf, 2008. (In Serbian)
in a reasonable period of time. Certainly, there are                [8] S. Gerin, B. Vujičić, “eGovernment Services in Bosnia and
municipalities which will meet the required conditions as                Herzegovina”, Informatica, 31, 1,pp.373-377., 2007.
specified by EU standards and procedures, but it is even more       [9] Office of the PAR Coordinator, “Systematic Review of Public
certain that there are municipalities where such process will            Administration in B&H”, Final Report, Book 5, 2005.
                                                                    [10] Council of Ministries of B&H, Directorate for European
last unreasonably long.
                                                                         Integration B&H, Strategic of integration Bosnia and
   Responses to the questions on possession of Electronic                Herzegovina into Europion union, Sarajevo,B&H, 2006.
Registers, existence of local networks, position of                 [11] S.Nogo, S. Macan, “E-services”, SMART E-GOVERNMENT
municipality election commissions (OIK), etc, from all                   conference, Belgrade, 2009.
municipalities in B&H were provided in cooperation with             [12] National Information Technology and Internet Agency,
GAP. The obtained data confirms that 67% of municipalities               “Analysis of ICT infrastructure in Serbian cities and
already have electronic registers and that 83% municipalities            municipalities”, http://www.rzii.gov.rs, 2009. (in Serbian)
have already met the technical requirements for the access to       [13] Final report, Project regarding connection of municipalities in
the information system of the Agency.                                    the process for implementation of project for biometric travel
                                                                         documents - e-passports., IDDEEA- SIDA-Sweden, 2009.

                       III. CONCLUSION
  E-government has been a very important field of
exploration in past few years, especially for the developing
countries of the Balkan region. If successfully implemented

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Development of e-government in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • 1. Development of E-government in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Leonid V. Stoimenov1, Nataša, Ž. Veljković1, Sanja Bogdanović-Dinić1, Srđan Č. Nogo2 and Siniša S. Macan2 Abstract – Communication and information technologies as a methodologies, as those listed in [2]. The most comprehensive means towards an information society impose the need to methodologies are measuring the supply and the usage side of modernize public administration and to introduce electronic e-government services, as well as the state of ICT government as a state management tool. In this paper we will infrastructure. According to [3] the supply side of present the state of e-government in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina at the central and at the municipal level covering e-government can be evaluated through the sophistication and the period of four years. In addition we will provide analysis of availability of 20 basic public services. the present state of ICT infrastructure at the municipality level In the rest of this paper we will present the state of in both countries. e-government in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), both on the state and on the municipality level. We will Keywords – e-government, measurements of e-government, overlook the state of e-government from different viewpoints, ICT infrastructure, legislation framework including implementation of 20 basic public services, the legislative background and the state of ICT infrastructure. I. INTRODUCTION II. EVALUATION OF E-GOVERNMENT ON THE STATE LEVEL The interpretations of e-Government are broad and divergent. Generally speaking, e-government can be defined Evaluation of e-government on the state level can be done as the use of ICT for delivering more effective and proficient by measuring the development of 20 basic public services in government services to citizens, businesses or government terms of availability and sophistication, and percentage of agencies, by various communication means as the Internet, individuals and enterprises that are using the Internet for telephone, wireless devices or other communication systems. interacting with public authorities. This evaluation is proposed Effective e-government involves rethinking organizations and in the i2010 benchmarking framework [3]. For the purpose of processes, and changing behavior so that public services are this paper we will also take into consideration the state of delivered more efficiently to the interested parties. As stated legislation and the ICT infrastructure, because they are in [1] e-government contributes significantly to the process of important factors in implementing e-government services. transformation of the government towards a leaner, more cost-effective government. By intercepting appropriate technology, e-government can facilitate communication and A. State of e-government in Serbia improve the coordination of authorities within the different tiers of government. E-government in Serbia in the past few years has To achieve the goal of e-government and improve the significantly advanced, taking into account that the state has delivery of public services, ICT involvement is inevitable. brought some of the necessary laws for its functioning [4]. In ICT provides various ways for integrating information June 2009, the Ministry of Telecommunication and systems into one compact entity, offers relatively inexpensive Information Society, has proposed a new Strategy of infrastructure for data interchange and the possibility of e-government development in the Republic of Serbia for the accessing information and e-government services from any period 2009-2013. Special significance for e-government place. development in Serbia has the adoption and implementation The success of e-government implementation needs to be of Law on Electronic Signature. Registration of certification measured on all government levels, both state and bodies for issuing qualified electronic certificates enabled the municipality level. This can be done using various use of qualified electronic signatures for signing electronic documents. In July 2009, the Law on Electronic Document was passed and it would have a major impact on the process 1 Leonid V. Stoimenov, Nataša Ž. Veljković and Sanja D. of modernization, rationalization and the introduction of Bogdanović-Dinić are with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, electronic government. The new Law on Public Procurement Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia, e-mail: entered into force on January 2009 enabling, among other, the {leonid.stoimenov, natasa.veljkovic, sanja.bogdanovic.dinic possibility of electronic procurement, including electronic }@elfak.ni.ac.rs 2 Srđan Č. Nogo and Siniša S. Macan are with the Agency for auctions. One of the key innovations, brought by this Law, is Identification documents, register and data exchange B&H-IDDEEA, the introduction of customer commitment to publish ads e-mails: srdjan@iddeea.gov, sinisa.macan@iddeea.gov.ba electronically on the public procurement portal, instead of in a
  • 2. daily newspaper, as it was the case previously. In the next field of telecommunications, and therefore in the area of period, the Government of the Republic of Serbia plans to application of e-technology in public administration. adopt a few more laws (such as Law on Electronic Official analysis of 20 public services in terms of Government, Law on the Protection of Personal Data in sophistication and availability haven't been done so far. Electronic Form and Law on Electronic Archives) that will However there are some partial analysis prior to 2009 [8]. The significantly improve the implementation of e-government. progress in e-services implementation is evident for job search First evaluation of e-government in Serbia was done in and library services. The Agency for Public Administration 2004. Since then, benchmarking of e-government has been partially offers job search on-line through a portal. National done yearly by measuring the sophistication of 20 basic public University library is developing an integrated overview of services and their online availability, according to individual library funds [8]. methodology described in [5]. Sophistication of public B&H is still a long way behind world-wide transactional services on the state level has grown from 15.25% (2004) to and cross-organizational services as stated in [9], there is 47.42% (2008) [6] [7]. That is a total growth of 32% for the encouraging awareness of internet use as a tool for public four years period. Services offered to businesses are more institutions to disseminate information; and a majority of sophisticated in comparison with citizens’ centric services [7]. institutions, regardless of level, have their own Web sites. When comes to the implementation of particular e-services, Most of the authorized institutions offer on their Web sites we can say that the most sophisticated are: Job search, Public basic information for citizens and other interested parties, but procurement, Public libraries and Customs declaration. there aren’t any interactive electronic services. Public Through Public Procurement Office portal it is possible to administration of B&H is still missing official e-government query existing procurements or electronically publish new and Web portal with on-line services available to citizens and monitor their status. On the Web site of the National links towards sub-portals at state, entity and other levels. employment agency it is possible to search job database that Portal for e-services should improve the effectiveness of B&H covers the whole territory of Serbia as well as to register in administration authorities, by providing the possibility to order to apply for job. Through the state Web portal for review and collect information and by enabling appropriate customs declarations it is possible to submit the required data exchange using e-services, as foreseen by Bosnia and documents electronically; in that way customs clearance takes Herzegovina laws. In 2009 a Web portal of public much less time than usual. administration of Republic of Srpska, providing e-services to Health related services are, on the contrary, least developed. citizens, has being released at entity level and named e-srpska. Scheduling medical examination is not feasible through the These kinds of portals help B&H to fulfill required clauses for Web site of the health care center or other state medical approaching European Union considering 12 e-services for institutions. It can be done only by coming to the health care citizens that each e-government, willing to become a member institution or in rear situations by phone calls. of EU, has to conform [10]. E-Government internet portal was launched in March 2007, It is necessary to develop information systems with support and it served as a source of information about basic public for horizontal functions, that is, processes which are common services and the corresponding authorities. In 2010 it was to majority of institutions. This means that institutions can upgraded from information oriented to service-oriented Web automate some of the most commonly used procedures and so portal. Its final function is to be a "one-stop-shop" by enabling produce larger budget savings, with only one software users to easily and rapidly access information and electronic solution. Most of initiated and implemented projects since services of public administration from any place. 2004 until now have been dealing with the need for resolving some critical issues of inherited situation in this area, and B. State of e-government in Bosnia and Herzegovina therefore were designed as solutions to one and only problem that would appear in certain public administration institutions. As a result of such actions, enormous differences in levels of In the last few years B&H made significant progress in bringing regulations in the field of telecommunications and applied e-technologies have appeared among public ICT in the public government. Lack of systematic, organized institutions, varying from very modern systems and well developed networks (such as the Agency for identification and methodical approach to the application of e-technology in public administration contributes to the fact that B&H is one documents, recording and exchanging data B&H - IDDEEA) of the last countries in the region of Southeast Europe that has to very obsolete solutions [11]. Subject to document eSEE AGENDA+ for development of adopted IT strategy. In 2005, the B&H Council of Ministers adopted Policy, Strategy and Action plan of the information information society in countries in the South East Europe society that is focused on legal infrastructure, e-Education, 2007-2012, which is in accordance with the document i2010 European information society for e-Government [3], IDDEEA e-Governance, ICT infrastructure and ICT industry development. has a responsibility to develop through this Project three e-services for citizens: B&H has gradually begun adoption and application of the law on electronic communications infrastructure and related - Personal documents (ID card, Driver License and services in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Travel documents) - Registration of vehicles (new, used or imported relevant Directive of the European Union. In recent years B&H has made major progress in terms of regulations in the vehicles) - Reporting on change of residence (address change)
  • 3. III. EVALUATION OF E-GOVERNMENT ON THE independent databases of cities/municipalities based on digital MUNICIPALITY LEVEL certificates. When comes to the state of ICT infrastructure, as stated in [12], there is still 15% of municipalities with almost no A. Serbia infrastructure. It is evident that all municipalities without ICT infrastructure are among the group of weakly developed or Large number of cities and municipalities offer trough their underdeveloped municipalities. For example, 13% of Web sites, download forms and information of interest for municipalities have no servers, 15% of municipalities have no citizens and businesses. Information that local governments network printer, in 6% of municipalities network most commonly post on their Web sites often includes infrastructure doesn't exist, in 8% of municipalities less than description of government departments and officials, contact 10% of employees have no Internet access, in 7% of information, economic development data, the local municipalities less than 30% of employees have a computer in government law book or special announcements. Some local their workplace. On the other hand, 75% of municipalities government Web sites offer the ability to print forms that have from 1 to 5 servers, while 13% of municipalities owns citizens can fill out and mail or bring to the government more than 5 servers, 40% of municipalities have an email office. More elaborated sites offer interactive forms that can server, in 60% of municipalities over 50% of employees have be filled out and submitted online. computers in their workplace, in 47% of municipalities over The most common electronic services in Serbian local 50% of employees have an Internet access. The encouraging self-governments are: Virtual registry office, Voter's lists and fact is that all municipalities have Internet access and that a e-Notary. The service "Virtual registry office" is used for large number of municipalities have a sufficient number of ordering birth certificates (which are rarely supported by computers, networking equipment and servers for basic transactions operations - payment of certificates fees at the operational needs. time of ordering). "Voter’s list" is an online service used by citizens for checking the list before elections, in order to see if they are on the list and contact authorities if opposite. Some B. Bosnia and Herzegovina municipalities provide a complete monitoring of citizens’ cases via the Internet through the e-Notary. This service is Public administration of B&H provides services to citizens based on internal municipal service that allows movement and in 146 municipalities, 2 entities, in Brčko District and at the processing of case files in electronic form, without using the state level of B&H. At each level there are various problems internal delivery book. Using the code obtained after involved in proper functioning of public administration. submitting the request at the municipality in person, citizens Principles and practice at the municipality level or a canton are able to track and receive information regarding the status are different from principles adopted in other municipality, of their cases over the Internet. canton or B&H. The existing state at all public administration Some municipalities have so-called citizens assistance levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina shows there is lack in centers that operate according to the principle of "one stop understanding the importance of e-technologies that could be shop" – all services are provided in one place. Service centers involved in its functioning. Introducing e-government into have counters for work with citizens and/or legal persons. public administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina is mostly Counters are mostly organized in a way that every counter is considered as computerization of certain business processes, dedicated to one municipal service. In some cases assistance and then as a means for reforming public administration. centers provide even more - submissions are electronically There is a lack of transparency regarding work and finance distributed to appropriate municipal services due to the unique matters. There is neither horizontal nor vertical electronic information system and the specialized "back office" software. communication. Public administration offices use different All the electronic services to citizens and those that are operating systems, applications and database systems due to available over the Internet in these municipalities are based on lack of standards and no global plan for introducing this "back office" software. information technologies in the state administration. Web Majority of municipalities in Serbia so far have no sites of public administrations provide citizens with not many information system upgrade with applications that allow the services, not frequently updated information, and rarely digitalization of paper documents and complete electronic include forms that can be printed locally [8]. processing. Majority of municipalities, which is certainly a Technical capabilities of administration units are somewhat good example of introducing e-government within the satisfying. Large number of local legal and administrational municipality, have electronic registries. The existence of organizations is properly technically prepared and has quality information about citizens in electronic form provides the information equipment. However, that equipment isn’t often possibility of issuing birth certificates quickly and easily, thus used in appropriate and satisfying way and in accordance with reducing congestion in the citizens’ assistance center. Many regulations and procedures, which are established by cities/municipalities provide issuing of birth certificates in competent institutions. 55% of employees in administration local government branch offices, cited in remote locations that know how to use a computer, but only 5% of professional IT belong to the territory of the city/municipality. In order to staff is employed in IT or equivalent sectors. Internet implement this type of service it is necessary to have a unique connection lacks in usage. There is formal presence of database of citizens at the state level, or to provide access to e-government online in the form of only several municipality, entity or state Web pages, basically used as official sources of
  • 4. information. These pages provide users with static data about e-government will bring benefits as better efficiency, government institutions, sectors, ministries, agencies etc, as accountability and accessibility to public services. well as with contact information, but largely lack at actuality In this paper we have presented the current state of of data. One particular project that has been successfully e-government in Serbia and B&H, from different aspects implemented is the Project for municipalities’ needs for covering the period of four years. We have identified the issuing Birth and Citizenship certificates for the purposes of critical factors related to e-government introduction, on the issuing Biometrical Passport. Usage of this Web solution has state and on the municipality level. They are focused around significantly shortened the lines in municipalities and lowered the following key drivers: legislation framework, ICT usage, the pressure on referents. systematization and education of personnel, municipal The problem of verification of breeder documents in the leaderships support and appropriate funding. With the proper process of identity chain (issuance of travel documents) is usage of ICT, countries have opportunity to make a significant recognized as the weakest link of the system. Related progress in a relatively short time period and to place experiences worldwide are equal to those of B&H. The themselves among efficient, citizen oriented e-governments. Agency is trying to raise the work quality level in this field as high as possible in order to harmonize the process of issuing documents with the European standards [13]. The Law on REFERENCES Travel Documents does not impose the obligation that an [1] M. Datar, A. Panikar and K. 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Therefore, data currently contained in [3] i2010, 2011–2015 benchmarking framework, the civil register cannot be taken as absolutely accurate. http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/eeurope/i2010/benchma rking/index_en.htm, Accessed 6 April 2010. Thanks to the Governance Accountability Project - GAP, 70 [4] Stoimenov, L., Markovic, N. et.al, "Best ICT practices in municipalities at the B&H territory will be a part of the Serbian municipalities", Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, uniform system. Through implementation of this system, http://gislab.elfak.ni.ac.rs/egovernment/Best_ICT_Practices.pdf, besides fulfilling of the requirements to introduce the system 2009. of biometric travel documents, municipalities will obtain [5] Prepared by Capgemini, "Benchmarking the supply of online appropriate network infrastructure as a basic condition for public services", 2007, establishment of municipality information system: electronic ec.europa.eu/information_society/eeurope/i2010/docs/benchmar registers, data exchange between municipalities, king/egov_benchmark_2007.pdf e-government, PKI, electronic signature-verification, etc. [6] M. Gusev, G. Armenski, "Gap Analysis of eGovernment in Western Balkans", www.metamorphosis.org.mk, 2006. Due to unconcern of the institutions for local [7] L. 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[10] Council of Ministries of B&H, Directorate for European last unreasonably long. Integration B&H, Strategic of integration Bosnia and Responses to the questions on possession of Electronic Herzegovina into Europion union, Sarajevo,B&H, 2006. Registers, existence of local networks, position of [11] S.Nogo, S. Macan, “E-services”, SMART E-GOVERNMENT municipality election commissions (OIK), etc, from all conference, Belgrade, 2009. municipalities in B&H were provided in cooperation with [12] National Information Technology and Internet Agency, GAP. The obtained data confirms that 67% of municipalities “Analysis of ICT infrastructure in Serbian cities and already have electronic registers and that 83% municipalities municipalities”, http://www.rzii.gov.rs, 2009. (in Serbian) have already met the technical requirements for the access to [13] Final report, Project regarding connection of municipalities in the information system of the Agency. the process for implementation of project for biometric travel documents - e-passports., IDDEEA- SIDA-Sweden, 2009. III. CONCLUSION E-government has been a very important field of exploration in past few years, especially for the developing countries of the Balkan region. If successfully implemented