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Devops, Devops,
    Kris Buytaert
Kris Buytaert
●   I used to be a Dev,
●   Then Became an Op
●   Senior Linux and Open Source Consultant
●   „Infrastructure Architect“
●   Building Clouds since 2004
●   Surviving the 10 floor test
●   Co-Author Virtualization with Xen
●   Guest Editor at Virtualization.com
●   But mostly, a DevOp
Alternative Titles
●   Grumpy old Sysadmin
●   Devops, Devops, Devops
●   Surviving the 10 floor test
●   Agile Administration
●   Devministration, your new Job Title
Devop, definition
●   30 something
●   Senior Infrastructure guy
●   Development background
●   Open Source Expcerience
●   Mostly European (.be / .uk)
●   Likes Belgian Beer
●   Likes Sushi
What's this Devops thing really about ?
World , 200X-2009
Patrick Debois, Gildas Le Nadan, Andrew Clay Shafer, Kris Buytaert, Jezz
Humble, Lindsay Holmwood, John Willis, Chris Read, Julian Simpson, and
                            lots of others ..

                    Gent , October 2009
                Mountain View , June 2010
                 Hamburg , October 2010
                     Boston, March 2011
                Mountain View, June 2011
           Bangalore, Melbourne, Goteborg
●   Devops is a growing movement
●   We don't have all the answers yet
●   We are reaching out to different communities
●   We will point out problems we see..
●   Only the name is new

         While we are still working out the solutions
●   Culture
●   Automation
●   Measurement
●   Sharing

              Damon Edwards and John Willis
What's the problem ?
The community of developers whose work you
see on the Web, who probably don’t know what
ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better
systems at less cost in less time at lower risk
than we see in the Enterprise. This is true even
when you factor in the greater flexibility and
velocity of startups.

Tim Bray , on his blog January 2010
How did we get here ?
The Old Days
●   “Put this Code Live, here's a tarball” NOW!
●   What dependencies ?
●   No machines available ?
●   What database ?
●   Security ?
●   High Availability ?
●   Scalability ?
●   My computer can't install this ?
Devs vs Ops
10 days into operation
●   What High Load ? What Memory usage ?
●   Are these Logs ? Or this is actualy customer
    data ?
●   How many users are there , should they launch
    100 queries each ?? Oh we're having 10K
●   Why is debugging enabled ?
●   Who wrote this ?
11 days into operations
We can solve this !
            ●   Some people think
                the Ops work starts
                on deployment
                •   Ops = both system,
                    app as platform !
            ●   It starts much earlier
            ●   Get Devs and Ops to
                talk asap
Talk about Non
functional Reqs NOW!
●   Security
●   Backups
●   High Availability
●   Upgradability
●   Deployment
●   Monitoring
●   Scale
Breaking the Silos

Devs    Ops   Getting Along
An “ecosystem” that supports continuous delivery, from
infrastructure, data and configuration management to
Through automation of the build, deployment, and testing
process, and improved collaboration between developers,
testers, and operations, delivery teams can get changes
released in a matter of hours — sometimes even minutes–no
matter what the size of a project or the complexity of its code
                            Continuous Delivery , Jez Humble
How many times a day ?
●   10 @ Flickr
●   Deployments used to be pain
●   Nobody dared to deploy a site
●   Practice makes perfect
●   Knowing you can vs constantly doing it
" Our job as engineers (and ops, dev-ops, QA,
support, everyone in the company actually) is to
enable the business goals. We strongly feel that
in order to do that you must have the ability to
deploy code quickly and safely. Even if the
business goals are to deploy strongly QA’d code
once a month at 3am (it’s not for us, we push all
the time), having a reliable and easy
deployment should be non-negotiable."
Etsy Blog upon releasing Deployinator

How do we get there ?
Devops Devops Devops, at Froscon
CI Tools
●   Hudson
●   Jenkins
    •   A zillion plugins
●   Make your builds reproducible !
Devops Devops Devops, at Froscon
Devops Devops Devops, at Froscon
Todays Enviroments
          For Devs                     For Ops
●   Version Control         ●   Version Control
●   Automated Build         ●   Automated Build
●   Bugtracking             ●   Bugtracking
●   Continous integration   ●   Continous integration
●   Integrated testing      ●   Integrated testing
●   Automated               ●   Automated
    deployment                  deployment
Devministration ?
●   For Both Devs and Ops
●   Yes we write code also
    •   Httpd.conf, squid.conf, my.cnf
          •   Just crappy languages :)
    •   Shell, perl, ruby, python, puppet
●   Everyone is a developer these days
    •   Automate your infrastructure !
●   So those rules apply for Ops Too !
Devops Devops Devops, at Froscon
Going Live
●   Automated Deployments
●   If my computer can't install it , the installer is
●   Reproducable
●   Think:
    •   Kickstart, FAI, Preseeding, SystemImager
Deploying an app
●   Code vs Config
●   Think:
    •   Capistrano, Controltier, Fabric
●   Pulling stuff from version control
    •   Is your repo accessible from production ?
●   Lots of ops people like stuf packaged
    •   .rpm, .deb, not .tgz , not .war
Why ops like to package
●   Packages give you features
    •   Consistency, security, dependencies
●   Uniquely identify where files come from
    •   Package or cfg-mgmt
●   Source repo not always available
    •   Firewall / Cloud etc ..
●   Weird deployment locations , no easy access
●   Little overhead when you automate
●   CONFIG does not belong in a package
Jordan Sissel is a Hero !

        Use FPM
Looking for ?
“As a system administrator, I can tell when software
vendors hate me. It shows in their products.”

“DON'T make the administrative interface a GUI. System
administrators need a command-line tool for constructing
repeatable processes. Procedures are best documented by
providing commands that we can copy and paste from the
procedure document to the command line. We cannot
achieve the same repeatability when the instructions are:
"Checkmark the 3rd and 5th options, but not the 2nd
option, then click OK." Sysadmins do not want a GUI that
requires 25 clicks for each new user.”
                        Thomas A. Limoncelli in ACM Queue December 2010

Configuration Mgmt
●   Configure 1000 nodes,
●   Modify 2000 files,
●   Together
●   Think :
    •   Cfengine,Puppet, Chef
●   Put configs under version control
Deployment isn't the End
●   Manage 1000 nodes,
●   Trigger
    •   Upgrades
    •   Config Runs
    •   Service Changes
●   Think :
    •   Mcollective
    •   Noah
    •   Rundeck
High Availabilty
But Monitoring Stinks !
●   #monitoringsucks trending
●   https://github.com/monitoringsucks/
●   2007 Study :Nagios + Friends
●   2011 Conclusion : Nagios/Icinga are the only
    automatable alternatives
●   Monitoring at Scale : new kids Graphite,
    flapjack, etc
●   What about Logging ? : Logstash, Graylog2
Devops Devops Devops, at Froscon
It's not about the tools
  It's about change
 It's about the people
The full monty
●   Behaviour and functional testing to test
    upgrades and new developments
●   Automated Testing based on Continuous
●   Automated Test Deployments
●   Automated Production Deployments
●   Feedback Loops
●   Measurement !
●   Controlled Continuous Deployment
Surviving the test !
             ●   After 5+ years of
                 preaching I`m not
                 alone anymore
             ●   Devops, a new
                 Movement !
             ●   Join the movement !
                 •   Devopsdays.org
                 •   Agile System
Devop, definition
●   There is no definition
●   It certainly isn't a person
●   No strict rules
●   No strict tools
●   It's not even new
●   If you aren't doing it already ...
          ... you are doing it wrong
Survey for Drupal

Kris Buytaert

Further Reading

                             Inuits            Esquimaux
                             't Hemeltje       Kheops Business
                             Gemeentepark 2    Center
                             2930 Brasschaat   Avenque Georges
                             891.514.231       Lemaître 54
                                               6041 Gosselies
                             +32 473 441 636   889.780.406
                                               +32 495 698 668







More Related Content

Devops Devops Devops, at Froscon

  • 1. Devops, Devops, Devops Kris Buytaert
  • 2. Kris Buytaert ● I used to be a Dev, ● Then Became an Op ● Senior Linux and Open Source Consultant @inuits.be ● „Infrastructure Architect“ ● Building Clouds since 2004 th ● Surviving the 10 floor test ● Co-Author Virtualization with Xen ● Guest Editor at Virtualization.com ● But mostly, a DevOp
  • 3. Alternative Titles ● Grumpy old Sysadmin ● Devops, Devops, Devops th ● Surviving the 10 floor test ● Agile Administration ● Devministration, your new Job Title
  • 4. Devop, definition ● 30 something ● Senior Infrastructure guy ● Development background ● Open Source Expcerience ● Mostly European (.be / .uk) ● Likes Belgian Beer ● Likes Sushi
  • 5. What's this Devops thing really about ?
  • 6. World , 200X-2009 Patrick Debois, Gildas Le Nadan, Andrew Clay Shafer, Kris Buytaert, Jezz Humble, Lindsay Holmwood, John Willis, Chris Read, Julian Simpson, and lots of others .. Gent , October 2009 Mountain View , June 2010 Hamburg , October 2010 Boston, March 2011 Mountain View, June 2011 Bangalore, Melbourne, Goteborg
  • 7. Devops is a growing movement ● We don't have all the answers yet ● We are reaching out to different communities ● We will point out problems we see.. ● Only the name is new While we are still working out the solutions
  • 8. CAMS ● Culture ● Automation ● Measurement ● Sharing Damon Edwards and John Willis
  • 9. What's the problem ? The community of developers whose work you see on the Web, who probably don’t know what ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better systems at less cost in less time at lower risk than we see in the Enterprise. This is true even when you factor in the greater flexibility and velocity of startups. Tim Bray , on his blog January 2010
  • 10. How did we get here ?
  • 11. The Old Days ● “Put this Code Live, here's a tarball” NOW! ● What dependencies ? ● No machines available ? ● What database ? ● Security ? ● High Availability ? ● Scalability ? ● My computer can't install this ?
  • 13. 10 days into operation ● What High Load ? What Memory usage ? ● Are these Logs ? Or this is actualy customer data ? ● How many users are there , should they launch 100 queries each ?? Oh we're having 10K users ● Why is debugging enabled ? ● Who wrote this ?
  • 14. 11 days into operations
  • 15. We can solve this ! ● Some people think the Ops work starts on deployment • Ops = both system, app as platform ! ● It starts much earlier ● Get Devs and Ops to talk asap
  • 16. Talk about Non functional Reqs NOW! ● Security ● Backups ● High Availability ● Upgradability ● Deployment ● Monitoring ● Scale
  • 17. Breaking the Silos Devs Ops Getting Along
  • 18. Nirvana An “ecosystem” that supports continuous delivery, from infrastructure, data and configuration management to business. Through automation of the build, deployment, and testing process, and improved collaboration between developers, testers, and operations, delivery teams can get changes released in a matter of hours — sometimes even minutes–no matter what the size of a project or the complexity of its code base. Continuous Delivery , Jez Humble
  • 19. How many times a day ? ● 10 @ Flickr ● Deployments used to be pain ● Nobody dared to deploy a site ● Practice makes perfect ● Knowing you can vs constantly doing it
  • 20. " Our job as engineers (and ops, dev-ops, QA, support, everyone in the company actually) is to enable the business goals. We strongly feel that in order to do that you must have the ability to deploy code quickly and safely. Even if the business goals are to deploy strongly QA’d code once a month at 3am (it’s not for us, we push all the time), having a reliable and easy deployment should be non-negotiable." Etsy Blog upon releasing Deployinator http://codeascraft.etsy.com/2010/05/20/quantum-of-deployment/
  • 21. How do we get there ?
  • 23. CI Tools ● Hudson ● Jenkins • A zillion plugins ● Make your builds reproducible !
  • 26. Todays Enviroments For Devs For Ops ● Version Control ● Version Control ● Automated Build ● Automated Build ● Bugtracking ● Bugtracking ● Continous integration ● Continous integration ● Integrated testing ● Integrated testing ● Automated ● Automated deployment deployment
  • 27. Devministration ? ● For Both Devs and Ops ● Yes we write code also • Httpd.conf, squid.conf, my.cnf • Just crappy languages :) • Shell, perl, ruby, python, puppet ● Everyone is a developer these days • Automate your infrastructure ! ● So those rules apply for Ops Too !
  • 30. Deploying ● Automated Deployments ● If my computer can't install it , the installer is borken ● Reproducable ● Think: • Kickstart, FAI, Preseeding, SystemImager Suite
  • 31. Deploying an app ● Code vs Config ● Think: • Capistrano, Controltier, Fabric ● Pulling stuff from version control • Is your repo accessible from production ? ● Lots of ops people like stuf packaged • .rpm, .deb, not .tgz , not .war
  • 32. Why ops like to package ● Packages give you features • Consistency, security, dependencies ● Uniquely identify where files come from • Package or cfg-mgmt ● Source repo not always available • Firewall / Cloud etc .. ● Weird deployment locations , no easy access ● Little overhead when you automate ● CONFIG does not belong in a package
  • 33. Jordan Sissel is a Hero ! Use FPM
  • 34. Looking for ? “As a system administrator, I can tell when software vendors hate me. It shows in their products.” “DON'T make the administrative interface a GUI. System administrators need a command-line tool for constructing repeatable processes. Procedures are best documented by providing commands that we can copy and paste from the procedure document to the command line. We cannot achieve the same repeatability when the instructions are: "Checkmark the 3rd and 5th options, but not the 2nd option, then click OK." Sysadmins do not want a GUI that requires 25 clicks for each new user.” Thomas A. Limoncelli in ACM Queue December 2010 http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1921361
  • 35. Configuration Mgmt ● Configure 1000 nodes, ● Modify 2000 files, ● Together ● Think : • Cfengine,Puppet, Chef ● Put configs under version control
  • 37. Orchestration ● Manage 1000 nodes, ● Trigger • Upgrades • Config Runs • Service Changes ● Think : • Mcollective • Noah • Rundeck
  • 41. But Monitoring Stinks ! ● #monitoringsucks trending ● https://github.com/monitoringsucks/ ● 2007 Study :Nagios + Friends ● 2011 Conclusion : Nagios/Icinga are the only automatable alternatives ● Monitoring at Scale : new kids Graphite, flapjack, etc ● What about Logging ? : Logstash, Graylog2
  • 43. It's not about the tools It's about change It's about the people
  • 44. The full monty ● Behaviour and functional testing to test upgrades and new developments ● Automated Testing based on Continuous Integration ● Automated Test Deployments ● Automated Production Deployments ● Feedback Loops ● Measurement ! ● Controlled Continuous Deployment
  • 45. Surviving the test ! ● After 5+ years of preaching I`m not alone anymore ● Devops, a new Movement ! ● Join the movement ! • Devopsdays.org • Agile System Adminstration GoogleGroups
  • 46. Devop, definition ● There is no definition ● It certainly isn't a person ● No strict rules ● No strict tools ● It's not even new ● If you aren't doing it already ... ... you are doing it wrong
  • 47. Survey for Drupal http://bit.ly/drupaldevops
  • 48. Contact Kris Buytaert Kris.Buytaert@inuits.be Further Reading @krisbuytaert http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/ http://www.inuits.be/ Inuits Esquimaux 't Hemeltje Kheops Business Gemeentepark 2 Center 2930 Brasschaat Avenque Georges 891.514.231 Lemaître 54 6041 Gosselies +32 473 441 636 889.780.406 +32 495 698 668

Editor's Notes

  1. Vagrant etc