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Lead Generation- Overview

     By Nettingsolutions
Summary of Tender
Creation of Marketing Concepts         Data Management

    Campaign Planning and
                                      Process Optimization

     Campaign Execution                1st Level User Help

                                     General CRM Operator
     Campaign Reporting

                                   Operation Abilities for other
                                 your company AG CMR Services
•   Facilitating a tactical/dedicated team to allow client managers focus on strategic

•   Reducing costs by leveraging and localizing campaigns for your company Brazil.

•   Generating qualified leads for resellers with all campaigns (print, e-mail, online).

•   Optimizing planned activities, control and follow-up execution plans, budget ,customer
    creation, retention, and growth.

•   Facilitating management process, by providing a centralized and flexible decision
    making solution.

•   Creating and organizing a complete customer centric approach to promote lead
    generation and loyalty.

•   Developing a hear the customer approach , to enhance and localize your company
    Global Loyalty Programs.
Nettingsolutions brings to your company;

1. Marketing project manager: in charge of centralizing and facilitating all
communications and coordinating all activities of approved programs.

2. Marketing plan by objective

3. Prospect Dialogue Program Timeline

4. Customer Dialogue program timeline

5. Timeline of selected and unique activities by program

6. Programs Lead generation results by target market

7. Program Sales vs. Leads analysis per quarter.
Your Company’s Approach


                                 customers worldwide


          All marketing programs for your company market need to be aligned to the
                          Corporate global strategy of your company
Steps to Define Marketing Program

Your company’s objectives:           Approval of strategy            Deployment

Your company’s objective     Tactics: Define Activity and Contact
       alignment:                          Channel:
Review of annual programs                   PDP                     Measurement
     Local Objectives                       CDP

  Campaign Roadmap :         Segmentation and Target Definition:
 Definition of campaigns       PDP: Prospect Dialogue Program
determined by objectives      CDP: Customer Dialogue Program
•   2011 Brand awareness

•   2011 Lead Generation Actions per Product Objectives
                  Acquisition programs
                  Product Launch

•   2011 Loyalty objectives
                   Upgrades/Repurchases
2011 Roadmap of programs
Jan   Feb    Mar   Apr   May      Jun     Jul   Aug         Sep   Oct   Nov      Dec

                               Marketing Campaign


                         Product Launch!


Lead Generation Recommended Activities for Product
             Jan      Feb       Mar       Apr   May       Jun     Jul       Aug      Sep       Oct   Nov    Dec

                                                      Marketing Campaign

                   Pre-sales Viral Activities

                                                      Generation of Leads

                                                                            Sales Viral Activities

Lead Generation Tools
•   E-newsletter                      •   Social Media: Fan Pages, twitter

•   Your company experience Events    •   Call Center

•   Your company product Experience   •   Mobile App

•   your company media                •   Microsite

•   Special events                    •   Demos

•   Mother/Father/Valentines day      •   Webinar & other virtual events

•   Email
Segmentation & Target Definition
Nettingsolutions identifies 2 different stages where your company needs to contact the prospect/client.

 1. PDP Pre-sales stage: Prospect thinking about your company

 2. CDP: Post Sales Stage: We have two different clients

       a) Segment I: New and current owner that needs to be nourished

       b)Segment II: Current owner that can repurchase or upgrade
Segmentation & Target Definition Cont.
                            Acquisition /                                Loyalty
                        Prospect Management                            Management

             Process & systems
                                                                               Process & systems

               Information       Decision
                                                       Purchase             Defection

                                                Customer Life Cycle

                                                                                   Loyalty program:
 Acquisition / Prospect management:                                  •Welcome package
   •     Continue ongoing premium communication                      •experience, Loyalty card,…)
   •     Central data capturing, updating, data cleansing            •Continue ongoing premium communication
         (regionally handle hard bounces, for ex.)                   •DB cleansing (email & phone)
   •     Lead management process                                     •After sales campaigns/Premium service
   •     Ask new clients about purchase process (measure             •Special events / benefits or ‘perks’ for customers
         PDP campaigns effort)                                       (your company Club, Loyalty card,…)
                                                                     •My your company
Prospect Dialogue Program

Demand Generation:        Prospect
                     Generation: Web or    Prospect
  Website, Social                                         CRM Update   Report/Metrics
                       Mobile form to     Qualification
 Networks, Events       capture data
Loyalty Actions for Product
Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr     May       Jun     Jul   Aug     Sep      Oct   Nov   Dec

                                  Your Company Brand Experience

                                      Social Education

 Pre-sales activities with loyal fans & prospects

                                       Product Launch!

                                                           Post- Sales Rewards

      E-mails: newsletter/b-day/holidays
Customer Dialogue Program
Nettingsolutions understands that your company market’s current clients have a certain limited
cycle with your product Over this period, Nettingsolutions will create a sense of loyalty between
the client and your company.

                                                       12 months:
                            Within 6 months:                                                                 2 years:
         Purchase:                                Birthdays, holidays e-   1.5 years: survey, social
                          Web or Mobile form to                                   education            Engagement with new
     Welcome campaign                                mails and social
                              capture data                                                                   products
Example of Reports
Process Optimization
•   A flow chart is created for each campaign task.

•   Key performance indicators are set for each process to measure, control and improve internal
    tasks to achieve optimization.

•   Standardization and optimization of processes allow lower costs.

•   NS developed and currently uses processes:

    - Data management

    - Reporting

    - Telemarketing, inbound/outbound

    - E-mail marketing – awareness, event invitation, promotions, newsletters

    - Print advertising- awareness, event invitation, promotions
Campaign Planning & Coordination

  Your                          Planning &
company                        Coordination              Execution       Measurement

                                       •    Objectives
                                  •   Creation of Marketing   Resource     Client
                                    •  Campaign Planning
                                                               Timing     Review &
                  Campaign A                   Doc              Costs     Approval
Yearly Campaign
                  Campaign B
                                       •    Objectives
                                  •   Creation of Marketing
                                            concepts          Resource     Client
                                    •  Campaign Planning       Timing     Review &
                                               Doc              Costs     Approval
Campaign Execution

   Your                                     Planning &
 company                                   Coordination            Execution      Measurement

Design/Localization    Review & Approval       Quality assurance        Execute
Campaign Reporting

  Your                                        Planning &
company                                      Coordination   Execution            Measurement

Data analysis and reporting                                     Key performance
CRM system reporting tools: produce and analyze
standard and ad-hoc reports using tools from CRM                 Campaign Post
such as Oracle/Siebel, Aprimo and my SAP.
Raw databases: online visualization tools to transform
raw data into easy to understand dashboards.                   Executive Reporting

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  • 1. Lead Generation- Overview By Nettingsolutions
  • 2. Summary of Tender Creation of Marketing Concepts Data Management Campaign Planning and Process Optimization Coordination Campaign Execution 1st Level User Help General CRM Operator Campaign Reporting Competences Operation Abilities for other Controlling your company AG CMR Services
  • 3. Benefits • Facilitating a tactical/dedicated team to allow client managers focus on strategic priorities. • Reducing costs by leveraging and localizing campaigns for your company Brazil. • Generating qualified leads for resellers with all campaigns (print, e-mail, online). • Optimizing planned activities, control and follow-up execution plans, budget ,customer creation, retention, and growth. • Facilitating management process, by providing a centralized and flexible decision making solution. • Creating and organizing a complete customer centric approach to promote lead generation and loyalty. • Developing a hear the customer approach , to enhance and localize your company Global Loyalty Programs.
  • 4. Solutions Nettingsolutions brings to your company; 1. Marketing project manager: in charge of centralizing and facilitating all communications and coordinating all activities of approved programs. 2. Marketing plan by objective 3. Prospect Dialogue Program Timeline 4. Customer Dialogue program timeline 5. Timeline of selected and unique activities by program 6. Programs Lead generation results by target market 7. Program Sales vs. Leads analysis per quarter.
  • 5. Your Company’s Approach Vision We delight customers worldwide Mission All marketing programs for your company market need to be aligned to the Corporate global strategy of your company
  • 6. Steps to Define Marketing Program Your company’s objectives: Approval of strategy Deployment Your company’s objective Tactics: Define Activity and Contact alignment: Channel: Review of annual programs PDP Measurement Local Objectives CDP Campaign Roadmap : Segmentation and Target Definition: Definition of campaigns PDP: Prospect Dialogue Program determined by objectives CDP: Customer Dialogue Program
  • 7. Strategy • 2011 Brand awareness • 2011 Lead Generation Actions per Product Objectives  Acquisition programs  Product Launch • 2011 Loyalty objectives  Upgrades/Repurchases
  • 8. 2011 Roadmap of programs Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Marketing Campaign Pre-sales Product Launch! Sales Post- Sales
  • 9. Lead Generation Recommended Activities for Product Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Marketing Campaign Pre-sales Pre-sales Viral Activities Generation of Leads Sales Viral Activities Sales CRM
  • 10. Lead Generation Tools • E-newsletter • Social Media: Fan Pages, twitter • Your company experience Events • Call Center • Your company product Experience • Mobile App • your company media • Microsite • Special events • Demos • Mother/Father/Valentines day • Webinar & other virtual events • Email
  • 11. Segmentation & Target Definition Nettingsolutions identifies 2 different stages where your company needs to contact the prospect/client. 1. PDP Pre-sales stage: Prospect thinking about your company 2. CDP: Post Sales Stage: We have two different clients a) Segment I: New and current owner that needs to be nourished b)Segment II: Current owner that can repurchase or upgrade
  • 12. Segmentation & Target Definition Cont. Acquisition / Loyalty Prospect Management Management Repurchase Ownership Process & systems Process & systems Information Decision Purchase Defection Customer Life Cycle Loyalty program: Acquisition / Prospect management: •Welcome package • Continue ongoing premium communication •experience, Loyalty card,…) • Central data capturing, updating, data cleansing •Continue ongoing premium communication (regionally handle hard bounces, for ex.) •DB cleansing (email & phone) • Lead management process •After sales campaigns/Premium service • Ask new clients about purchase process (measure •Special events / benefits or ‘perks’ for customers PDP campaigns effort) (your company Club, Loyalty card,…) •My your company
  • 13. Prospect Dialogue Program Demand Generation: Prospect Generation: Web or Prospect Website, Social CRM Update Report/Metrics Mobile form to Qualification Networks, Events capture data
  • 14. Loyalty Actions for Product Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Your Company Brand Experience Social Education Pre-sales activities with loyal fans & prospects Product Launch! Post- Sales Rewards E-mails: newsletter/b-day/holidays
  • 15. Customer Dialogue Program Nettingsolutions understands that your company market’s current clients have a certain limited cycle with your product Over this period, Nettingsolutions will create a sense of loyalty between the client and your company. 12 months: Within 6 months: 2 years: Purchase: Birthdays, holidays e- 1.5 years: survey, social Web or Mobile form to education Engagement with new Welcome campaign mails and social capture data products networks
  • 17. Process Optimization • A flow chart is created for each campaign task. • Key performance indicators are set for each process to measure, control and improve internal tasks to achieve optimization. • Standardization and optimization of processes allow lower costs. • NS developed and currently uses processes: - Data management - Reporting - Telemarketing, inbound/outbound - E-mail marketing – awareness, event invitation, promotions, newsletters - Print advertising- awareness, event invitation, promotions
  • 18. Campaign Planning & Coordination Your Planning & company Coordination Execution Measurement • Objectives • Creation of Marketing Resource Client concepts • Campaign Planning Timing Review & Campaign A Doc Costs Approval Yearly Campaign Planning Campaign B • Objectives • Creation of Marketing concepts Resource Client • Campaign Planning Timing Review & Doc Costs Approval
  • 19. Campaign Execution Your Planning & company Coordination Execution Measurement Design/Localization Review & Approval Quality assurance Execute
  • 20. Campaign Reporting Your Planning & company Coordination Execution Measurement Data analysis and reporting Key performance indicators CRM system reporting tools: produce and analyze standard and ad-hoc reports using tools from CRM Campaign Post such as Oracle/Siebel, Aprimo and my SAP. Mortem Raw databases: online visualization tools to transform raw data into easy to understand dashboards. Executive Reporting