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National Seminar
Digital India:
Use of Technology For Transforming Society
Gaya College, Gaya
(28th -29th January, 2017)
Dr. Sunil Kr Pandey
Director (IT)
Institute of Technology & Science (ITS)
Mohan Nagar,, Ghaziabad
(Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)
Paradigm Shift in
Computing Technology, ICT & its Applications:
Technical, Social, Economic and Environmental
Motivation: Internet Revolution
A boffin is British slang for a scientist, engineer, or other person engaged in technical or
scientific work.
In computers and the Internet, a geek is a person who is inordinately dedicated to and
involved with technology
 ‘Internet of Masses’ refers to engaging people & masses with the emergence of Social
Media applications including Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.
 Mobile Internet’ era refers to access to the Internet via cellular phone service provider.
There was steep rise in the use of internet by the people round the globe due to the
mobile internet.
 ‘Internet of Things’ refers to an era where things can be connected to each other
using internet.
Shift in Paradigms
 Past few decades, in the context of Information Technology
(IT), word have witnessed a paradigm shift from:
• Mainframes to Tablets to Mobile Devices.. Wearable Devices
• Our interactions with the devices have shifted from Batch
Processing (mainframes), Time-Sharing (minis), Personal
Computing (PCs), to Mobile Computing (laptops, tablets, smart
phones) and now to Clouds & Wearable Computers we are talking
• Interconnectivity & Communication of Devices (Things) – Internet of
Things (IoT)
• In each generation, the infrastructure, the way we interact with
these computers, and how we use these, have been changing
• The arrival of web have changed the model of building applications
by enabling everyone to become a content producer.
How the Technology is Impacting!
 It is evident from the fact that:
 in 1930, it used to take about 70 years to double the worldwide
 in 1970 it was reduced to 30 yrs, and
 it is projected that by 2020, this will take place at every 9 Hrs.
 In this scenario, amount of data is being posed is enormous and
our conventional methods of storage, manipulation and analysis are
being challenged very frequently
 This is posing the new challenges of:
 developing newer algorithms
 processing tools
 storage and access methods
 To cope up with this increased volume of data without compromising
with the quality and performance of the applications.
Digital India
Digital India is no longer an initiative by the government, it has
evolved into a revolution, a movement.
 The Digital India is an ambitious program initiated by Govt.
of India with an objective to digitally empower the
citizens of the country by creating a competent IT
enabled infrastructure and delivery of services and
product effectively & efficiently.
 This initiative have potential to transform the society, if
properly followed with ground work including:
 Laying down appropriate infrastructure
 A mechanism to apprise and
 make aware the targeted segments of society
 ensuring timely, accurate and successful delivery of services
to make sure that users have a next time use experiences as
a measure for trust and confidence building.
 There have been positive signs from the Industry and
leading organizations have come forward to support this
initiative and they have announced encouraging support:
Company Amount to
be invested
1 Govt. of India 1,00,000 Crore to transform the country into a digitally empowered knowledge economy
2. TCS To hire 60,000 Professionals to implement DIP
3 Reliance Jio Rs. 2,50,000 Crore Infocomm
4 Reliance
Rs. 10,000 Crore To create 05 fully operational Cloud Xchange points that "can help
government departments access 240 times the amount of compute power
currently available in government data centres, and over 6 times the high-
speed storage currently available in India.
5. Bharti
$ 16 Billion as part of the Digital India campaign and will start manufacturing in India
to reduce the import burden
6 Vedanta Rs. 4,000/- Crore to expand fibre and cable manufacturing capacity
7 Bilra Group $ 2 Billion for network rollout & enhancements, broadband implementation and Wi-
Fi deployment.
8 Idea Cellular $ 7 Billion
Apr. 01, 2008 10
Internet of Things: a glimpse into the future
Estimation is that by 2020
there will be 50 billion
connected devices!
Anything that will be
benefit from being
connected will be
There will be 40 times more
devices than people on the
Internet in 2020.
70 Years of Computer Technology
90% of all
shall be
Embedded and
5) Intelligent
4) Embedded
3) Smart Phone
Smart Card,
2000 202019801960
1) Central
Computer 2) PC,
1 User
1 User
Many Computers
SMAC (Social Media, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud)
• Cyber Security
• Megatrends are large, transformative global forces that
impact everyone on the planet.
• Several International Organizations (UNESCO, OECD,
CoL), think tanks ( Gates Foundation, Brookings Institute,
Hughes Foundation) and corporate ( McKinsey, EY, Deloitte)
keep a watch on these.
• I have identified twelve megatrends about the future of
computer technology that we will discuss today.
The Megatrends:
Future Technology
Digital India: Transforming Society
 Education - Digital Learning/ e-Learning
 Health -
 Agriculture
 Media
 Transportation
 Communication
 Businesses
 Governance
 Banking & Finance
Figure 1: Megatrends in computer technology
or 3D
Block Chains
SMAC (Social
Media, Mobility,
Analytics, Cloud)
Top-10 Skills in 2020
Facial Expression
Body Language
Combining all Senses :
Getting Rid of Keyboard and Mouse
Physical Action
 the gigabyte equivalent of all movies ever made will cross the global
Internet in Every 2 Minutes in 2020
 Mobile business Internet shall 47% of Total Business on Internet
 It would take an individual more than 5,000,000 YEARS to watch the
amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month by 2020
 By 2020, M2M connections will be 46% of the total devices & connections.
 M2M connections will be the fastest-growing category, nearly 2.5-fold during
the forecast period, to 12.2 billion connections by 2020.
 Smart Phones will grow the second fastest, at 13% CAGR (increasing by a
factor of 1.8).
 Connected TVs will grow nearly next fastest at 12% CAGR, to 3.1 billion by
 PCs will continue to decline (about a 2% decline) over the forecast period.
However, there will be 1.35 billion PCs versus 785 million tablets) by 2020.
 An Internet-enabled HD television that delivers 45 MINUTES of content/ day
from the Internet would generate as much Internet traffic as an entire household
 By 2020, Desktop video conferencing and business mobile LBS will be the
two fastest-growing business services globally, with 21% and 18% respectively.
Some Interesting Facts
 Frequency of DDoS attacks has increased more than 2.5 times over the
last 3 years. — Arbor Networks
 458% increase in the number of times hackers searched IoT connections
for vulnerabilities. — AT&T
 Spear-phishing campaigns targeting employees increased 55% last year.
— Symantec
 Malware attacks nearly doubled to 8.19 billion, with Android ecosystem
being the prime target. — Dell
 There’s a 221% increase in compromised WordPress sites. — Cisco
 89% of all cyber attacks involved financial or espionage motivations.
— Verizon
How is Data Being Breached?
Remote Desktop 3% Instant Messaging 3% VoIP 4%
Routing Control Packets 4% Peer to Peer 4%
Windows Management (WMI) 4% Images or Video 5%
SSH/VPN 6% Email 10%
File Transfer Protocols 15% Web Protocols 16%
Some Interesting Facts
Future Trends in Technology 2018-27
Table: The Cisco VNI Forecast—
Historical Internet Context
Global Internet
1992 100 GB per day
1997 100 GB per hour
2002 100 GBps
2007 2,000 GBps
2015 20,235 GBps
2020 61,386 GBps
Source: Cisco VNI, 2016
Figure: Global Devices and Connections
Figures (n) refer to 2015, 2020 device share.
Source: Cisco VNI Global IP Traffic Forecast, 2015–20
Technology Ahead
Over the next few years, we can expect different trends which will
 BigData
 Cloud Computing Environment
 Location awareness
 Context awareness
 Quantum Computing
 Augmented Reality etc.
 IoT (Sensors and little devices start talking to each other and to
mobile devices and to the cloud)
 Photonic Computing
 DNAComputing
To leverage these emerging trends, we need to keep close watch on
these developments and understand the challenges these
developments are posing on us.
3D Printer
Augmented RealityDNA Computing
Context-Aware Computing
Apr. 01, 2008 24
Digital Fabrication and 3D Printing
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process to
make a three-dimensional object.
Successive layers of material are laid down under
computer control.
These objects can be of almost any shape or
geometry, and are produced from a 3D model or other
electronic data source.
A 3D printer is a type of industrial robot.
Wikipedia article :
ICT & Environment
 ICTs, fundamentally affect the way people live and work and how goods and services are
produced and delivered.
 Green ICTs are those that have positive impacts on environmental performance and
ecosystems, either :
 directly by reducing physical and energy inputs in their production use, disposal
and recycling or
 indirectly through their wider application and use in other equipment and systems.
 ICTs and their applications can have both positive and negative impacts on the
environment. For example:
 reductions in greenhouse gas emissions associated with ICT applications to improve energy
efficiency in buildings
 transport systems or electricity distribution must be balanced against increased emissions
resulting from their development
 production and operation and potential environmental degradation associated with their
uncontrolled disposal
 They offer opportunities to significantly improve environmental performance, but at the same
time the proliferation of electronic equipment and applications increases energy
consumption, exhausts scarce resources, and increases disposal and recycling challenges.
Levels of ICT Impacts on the
1. Direct Impacts:
 Direct impacts of ICTs on the environment (“first-order effects”)
refer to positive and negative impacts due directly to ICT goods
and services and related processes.
 Direct environmental impacts of ICT products come from ICT
manufacturing and services producing firms and related
intermediate goods producers, and from final consumers and users
of ICTs.
 ICT producers affect the natural environment during ICT goods and
services production and through related operations (e.g., operating
infrastructures, building functions, vehicle fleets and logistics).
 All of these production operations can have more or less environmental
 Consumers can choose energy-efficient and certified
“green” ICT equipment over other products.
 At the end of a product’s initial useful life, they can
choose to return equipment for re-use and recycling,
adopting “cradle-to-cradle” approaches to their
purchase and disposal of ICT goods and services.
 This lowers the burden on the natural environment
compared to disposal in a landfill, incineration or
uncontrolled dumping in developing countries.
Integrated Circuits are
Engine Control
Climate Control
Dashboard Display
Chassis Electronics
Door Modules
Fuel Injection Entertainment
Safety Control
An issue of concern –
The Power Consumption
 Desktop consumption has
reached 100 watts
 Total Personal Computer (400
million) energy usage in 2000
= 26 nuclear power plants
 2.4 Billion Computers in 2013
= How much energy usage ???
 Power is the bottleneck of
improving the system
 Power consumption is causing
serious problems because of
excessive heat.
Water Cooled Computer
The Current Situation
 Energy provisioning is arguably the most important
business, geo-political, and societal issue of our time
 Global Warming is influencing policies and laws which
require energy usage and greenhouse emissions to be
measured and controlled
 The cost of energy and increases in IT power
requirements present significant expense, supply, and
handling challenges for data centers
•“Intelligent Energy” Dr. Bernard S. Meyerson, IBM Fellow, VP Strategic Alliances and CTO, IBM
Systems & Technology Group, on ASE – Great Energy Efficiency Day, February 14, 2007 - Washington,
Power Consumption
 As circuit speed increases, power consumption
 Designing low power circuits has been the most
important issue
 Mobile applications demand long battery life
 Low power consumption is listed as the second
greatest challenge for the industry
Power Consumption by Desktops
 A desktop uses an average of 200 W/hour when it is being used
(loudspeakers and printer included). A computer that is on for eight
hours a day uses almost 600 kWh and emits 175 kg of CO2 per year.
 A laptop uses between 50 and 100 W/hour when it is being used,
depending on the model. A laptop that is on for eight hours a day uses
between 150 and 300 kWh and emits between 44 and 88 kg of
CO2 per year.
 In stand-by mode the power consumption of both a desktop and a
laptop falls to about a third. This contributes to the 'vampire draw' of
your household.
Year Desktop* Laptops* Tablets*
2016 103.5 154.7 182
2015 113.6 163.1 208
2014 133.85 174.28 230.1
2013 134.4 180.9 219.9
What we can do?
 Do not use Computers? ????
 Can we afford to do this?
 Energy-efficient Computers
 What we can do as a Application
Developer –
 Develop energy efficient Algorithms
 Develop energy-efficient Programs
Green Computers - Energy efficient
Machines are now need of the Hour
 CPU Intel i3 Third Generation
consumes 35W
 CPU Intel i3 Fourth Generation
consumes 15W
 CPU Intel i5 Fifth Generation consumes
 CPU AMD 6402 consumes 15W
Power Consumption & Data
 On an average the world’s
Data Centers use 30
billions watts of electricity –
equiv. To 30 Nuclear
Power Plant
 One single room in
Datacenter contains 100
 1 Rack = 5 to 20 kW
 One of the contributors to
the 2000/2001 California
Energy Crisis This caused an
800% increase in wholesale
prices from April 2000 to
December 2000
The estimated cost of crisis
was $40 to 45 Billion.
 Where are the web
pages you browse?
Data Center
Green Computing
 In order to achieve sustainable computing, we need
to rethink from a “Green Computing” perspective.
 Green Computing:
 Maximize energy efficiency
 Reduce of the use of hazardous materials such as lead
 Maximize recyclability of both a defunct product and of any
factory waste.
 “Green Computing” in view of energy efficiency at
the nanometer scale - design low power
consumption integrated circuits at 180nm and
A Perfect “Green Computing”
 A super low-power “processor”:
 800x faster
 1000x more memory
 3000x less power
 The average reaction time for
humans is 0.25 seconds to a
visual stimulus, 0.17 for an audio
stimulus, and 0.15 seconds for a
touch stimulus.
A super low power
Modern Processor made by
hundreds of PH.D. researchers
(The MOS transistor was built from
Silicon, the pre-dominant atom in
rock and sand, after processed in a
high temperature.)
Human Brain
( containing 100
billion neurons,
each linked to as
many as 10,000
other neurons.)
Speed 2.0 GHz Equivalent to
1,700 GHz
(Source: Oracle Corporation:
computer vs. brain)
100 GB 100,000 GB
(Source: UC Berkeley, EE241
45 mW/cm3 15 mW/cm3
Energy Usage of Data Centers
 2006: $15 Billion for energy
 Impact of 10% Reduction of Power
Consumption of Data Centers
• $15b x 10% = $1.5 billion in savings
• 200 x 10% = 20 million tons of CO2
• 4 million cars
(Number of cars that would have to be taken off the
road to reduce the same amount of CO2 emissions.)
 200 M tons of CO2= CO2 produced by 40 million cars
What can we do about
 Understand all levels of the computer
 Understand where power is dissipated
 Think about ways to reduce power
usage at all levels
Where does power go?
Power Breakdown of an Itanium 2 Processor
Thank You!
Prof. Sunil Kr Pandey
Professor & Director (IT)
Institute of Technology & Science
Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India

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Digital India: Use of Technology For Transforming Society

  • 1. 1 National Seminar on Digital India: Use of Technology For Transforming Society At Gaya College, Gaya (28th -29th January, 2017) Dr. Sunil Kr Pandey Director (IT) Institute of Technology & Science (ITS) Mohan Nagar,, Ghaziabad (Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)
  • 2. 2 Paradigm Shift in Computing Technology, ICT & its Applications: Technical, Social, Economic and Environmental Perspective
  • 3. Motivation: Internet Revolution A boffin is British slang for a scientist, engineer, or other person engaged in technical or scientific work. In computers and the Internet, a geek is a person who is inordinately dedicated to and involved with technology  ‘Internet of Masses’ refers to engaging people & masses with the emergence of Social Media applications including Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.  Mobile Internet’ era refers to access to the Internet via cellular phone service provider. There was steep rise in the use of internet by the people round the globe due to the mobile internet.  ‘Internet of Things’ refers to an era where things can be connected to each other using internet.
  • 4. 4 Shift in Paradigms  Past few decades, in the context of Information Technology (IT), word have witnessed a paradigm shift from: • Mainframes to Tablets to Mobile Devices.. Wearable Devices • Our interactions with the devices have shifted from Batch Processing (mainframes), Time-Sharing (minis), Personal Computing (PCs), to Mobile Computing (laptops, tablets, smart phones) and now to Clouds & Wearable Computers we are talking about. • Interconnectivity & Communication of Devices (Things) – Internet of Things (IoT) • In each generation, the infrastructure, the way we interact with these computers, and how we use these, have been changing unprecedented. • The arrival of web have changed the model of building applications by enabling everyone to become a content producer.
  • 5. How the Technology is Impacting!  It is evident from the fact that:  in 1930, it used to take about 70 years to double the worldwide information  in 1970 it was reduced to 30 yrs, and  it is projected that by 2020, this will take place at every 9 Hrs.  In this scenario, amount of data is being posed is enormous and our conventional methods of storage, manipulation and analysis are being challenged very frequently  This is posing the new challenges of:  developing newer algorithms  processing tools  storage and access methods  To cope up with this increased volume of data without compromising with the quality and performance of the applications. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. Digital India Digital India is no longer an initiative by the government, it has evolved into a revolution, a movement.  The Digital India is an ambitious program initiated by Govt. of India with an objective to digitally empower the citizens of the country by creating a competent IT enabled infrastructure and delivery of services and product effectively & efficiently.  This initiative have potential to transform the society, if properly followed with ground work including:  Laying down appropriate infrastructure  A mechanism to apprise and  make aware the targeted segments of society  ensuring timely, accurate and successful delivery of services to make sure that users have a next time use experiences as a measure for trust and confidence building. 7
  • 8. Contd…  There have been positive signs from the Industry and leading organizations have come forward to support this initiative and they have announced encouraging support: 8 S. No. Company Amount to be invested Purpose 1 Govt. of India 1,00,000 Crore to transform the country into a digitally empowered knowledge economy 2. TCS To hire 60,000 Professionals to implement DIP 3 Reliance Jio Rs. 2,50,000 Crore Infocomm 4 Reliance Group Rs. 10,000 Crore To create 05 fully operational Cloud Xchange points that "can help government departments access 240 times the amount of compute power currently available in government data centres, and over 6 times the high- speed storage currently available in India. 5. Bharti Enterprises $ 16 Billion as part of the Digital India campaign and will start manufacturing in India to reduce the import burden 6 Vedanta Rs. 4,000/- Crore to expand fibre and cable manufacturing capacity 7 Bilra Group $ 2 Billion for network rollout & enhancements, broadband implementation and Wi- Fi deployment. 8 Idea Cellular $ 7 Billion
  • 10. Apr. 01, 2008 10 Internet of Things: a glimpse into the future Estimation is that by 2020 there will be 50 billion connected devices! Anything that will be benefit from being connected will be connected! There will be 40 times more devices than people on the Internet in 2020.
  • 11. 70 Years of Computer Technology 90% of all computers shall be Embedded and Invisible 5) Intelligent Environments 4) Embedded Computers 3) Smart Phone Smart Card, nPA Zeit 2000 202019801960 Smart City 1) Central Computer 2) PC, Notebook 1 Computer Many Users 1 Computer 1 User 1 User Many Computers M2M Communication 1941
  • 12. SMAC (Social Media, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud) • Cyber Security • Megatrends are large, transformative global forces that impact everyone on the planet. • Several International Organizations (UNESCO, OECD, CoL), think tanks ( Gates Foundation, Brookings Institute, Hughes Foundation) and corporate ( McKinsey, EY, Deloitte) keep a watch on these. • I have identified twelve megatrends about the future of computer technology that we will discuss today. The Megatrends: Future Technology
  • 13. Digital India: Transforming Society  Education - Digital Learning/ e-Learning  Health -  Agriculture  Media  Transportation  Communication  Businesses  Governance  Banking & Finance 13
  • 14. 14
  • 17. Multi-Model Interaction Facial Expression Body Language Combining all Senses : Getting Rid of Keyboard and Mouse Biometrics Physical Action Speech Graphics Gesture
  • 18. 18  the gigabyte equivalent of all movies ever made will cross the global Internet in Every 2 Minutes in 2020  Mobile business Internet shall 47% of Total Business on Internet  It would take an individual more than 5,000,000 YEARS to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month by 2020  By 2020, M2M connections will be 46% of the total devices & connections.  M2M connections will be the fastest-growing category, nearly 2.5-fold during the forecast period, to 12.2 billion connections by 2020.  Smart Phones will grow the second fastest, at 13% CAGR (increasing by a factor of 1.8).  Connected TVs will grow nearly next fastest at 12% CAGR, to 3.1 billion by 2020.  PCs will continue to decline (about a 2% decline) over the forecast period. However, there will be 1.35 billion PCs versus 785 million tablets) by 2020.  An Internet-enabled HD television that delivers 45 MINUTES of content/ day from the Internet would generate as much Internet traffic as an entire household today.  By 2020, Desktop video conferencing and business mobile LBS will be the two fastest-growing business services globally, with 21% and 18% respectively. Some Interesting Facts
  • 19. 19  Frequency of DDoS attacks has increased more than 2.5 times over the last 3 years. — Arbor Networks  458% increase in the number of times hackers searched IoT connections for vulnerabilities. — AT&T  Spear-phishing campaigns targeting employees increased 55% last year. — Symantec  Malware attacks nearly doubled to 8.19 billion, with Android ecosystem being the prime target. — Dell  There’s a 221% increase in compromised WordPress sites. — Cisco  89% of all cyber attacks involved financial or espionage motivations. — Verizon How is Data Being Breached? Remote Desktop 3% Instant Messaging 3% VoIP 4% Routing Control Packets 4% Peer to Peer 4% Windows Management (WMI) 4% Images or Video 5% SSH/VPN 6% Email 10% File Transfer Protocols 15% Web Protocols 16% Some Interesting Facts
  • 20. 20 Future Trends in Technology 2018-27
  • 21. 21 Table: The Cisco VNI Forecast— Historical Internet Context Year Global Internet Traffic 1992 100 GB per day 1997 100 GB per hour 2002 100 GBps 2007 2,000 GBps 2015 20,235 GBps 2020 61,386 GBps Source: Cisco VNI, 2016 Figure: Global Devices and Connections Figures (n) refer to 2015, 2020 device share. Source: Cisco VNI Global IP Traffic Forecast, 2015–20
  • 22. Technology Ahead Over the next few years, we can expect different trends which will include:  BigData  Cloud Computing Environment  Location awareness  Context awareness  Quantum Computing  Augmented Reality etc.  IoT (Sensors and little devices start talking to each other and to mobile devices and to the cloud)  Photonic Computing  DNAComputing To leverage these emerging trends, we need to keep close watch on these developments and understand the challenges these developments are posing on us. 22
  • 23. 3D Printer Quantum Computing Augmented RealityDNA Computing IoT Context-Aware Computing Contd…..
  • 25. Digital Fabrication and 3D Printing • 3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process to make a three-dimensional object. • Successive layers of material are laid down under computer control. • These objects can be of almost any shape or geometry, and are produced from a 3D model or other electronic data source. • A 3D printer is a type of industrial robot. • Wikipedia article : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_printing
  • 26. ICT & Environment  ICTs, fundamentally affect the way people live and work and how goods and services are produced and delivered.  Green ICTs are those that have positive impacts on environmental performance and ecosystems, either :  directly by reducing physical and energy inputs in their production use, disposal and recycling or  indirectly through their wider application and use in other equipment and systems.  ICTs and their applications can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment. For example:  reductions in greenhouse gas emissions associated with ICT applications to improve energy efficiency in buildings  transport systems or electricity distribution must be balanced against increased emissions resulting from their development  production and operation and potential environmental degradation associated with their uncontrolled disposal  They offer opportunities to significantly improve environmental performance, but at the same time the proliferation of electronic equipment and applications increases energy consumption, exhausts scarce resources, and increases disposal and recycling challenges. 26
  • 27. Levels of ICT Impacts on the Environment 1. Direct Impacts:  Direct impacts of ICTs on the environment (“first-order effects”) refer to positive and negative impacts due directly to ICT goods and services and related processes.  Direct environmental impacts of ICT products come from ICT manufacturing and services producing firms and related intermediate goods producers, and from final consumers and users of ICTs.  ICT producers affect the natural environment during ICT goods and services production and through related operations (e.g., operating infrastructures, building functions, vehicle fleets and logistics).  All of these production operations can have more or less environmental impacts. 27
  • 28. Contd….  Consumers can choose energy-efficient and certified “green” ICT equipment over other products.  At the end of a product’s initial useful life, they can choose to return equipment for re-use and recycling, adopting “cradle-to-cradle” approaches to their purchase and disposal of ICT goods and services.  This lowers the burden on the natural environment compared to disposal in a landfill, incineration or uncontrolled dumping in developing countries. 28
  • 29. 29 Integrated Circuits are Everywhere Engine Control Climate Control Dashboard Display Chassis Electronics Lighting Door Modules Fuel Injection Entertainment Safety Control
  • 30. 30 An issue of concern – The Power Consumption  Desktop consumption has reached 100 watts  Total Personal Computer (400 million) energy usage in 2000 = 26 nuclear power plants  2.4 Billion Computers in 2013 = How much energy usage ???  Power is the bottleneck of improving the system performance  Power consumption is causing serious problems because of excessive heat. Water Cooled Computer (www.water-cooling.com)
  • 31. 31 The Current Situation  Energy provisioning is arguably the most important business, geo-political, and societal issue of our time  Global Warming is influencing policies and laws which require energy usage and greenhouse emissions to be measured and controlled   The cost of energy and increases in IT power requirements present significant expense, supply, and handling challenges for data centers •“Intelligent Energy” Dr. Bernard S. Meyerson, IBM Fellow, VP Strategic Alliances and CTO, IBM Systems & Technology Group, on ASE – Great Energy Efficiency Day, February 14, 2007 - Washington, DC
  • 32. 32 Power Consumption  As circuit speed increases, power consumption grows  Designing low power circuits has been the most important issue  Mobile applications demand long battery life  Low power consumption is listed as the second greatest challenge for the industry
  • 33. Power Consumption by Desktops  A desktop uses an average of 200 W/hour when it is being used (loudspeakers and printer included). A computer that is on for eight hours a day uses almost 600 kWh and emits 175 kg of CO2 per year.  A laptop uses between 50 and 100 W/hour when it is being used, depending on the model. A laptop that is on for eight hours a day uses between 150 and 300 kWh and emits between 44 and 88 kg of CO2 per year.  In stand-by mode the power consumption of both a desktop and a laptop falls to about a third. This contributes to the 'vampire draw' of your household. 33 Year Desktop* Laptops* Tablets* 2016 103.5 154.7 182 2015 113.6 163.1 208 2014 133.85 174.28 230.1 2013 134.4 180.9 219.9 Millions*
  • 34. What we can do?  Do not use Computers? ????  Can we afford to do this?  Energy-efficient Computers  What we can do as a Application Developer –  Develop energy efficient Algorithms  Develop energy-efficient Programs 34
  • 35. Green Computers - Energy efficient Machines are now need of the Hour  CPU Intel i3 Third Generation consumes 35W  CPU Intel i3 Fourth Generation consumes 15W  CPU Intel i5 Fifth Generation consumes 15W  CPU AMD 6402 consumes 15W 35
  • 36. 36 Power Consumption & Data Centers  On an average the world’s Data Centers use 30 billions watts of electricity – equiv. To 30 Nuclear Power Plant  One single room in Datacenter contains 100 Racks  1 Rack = 5 to 20 kW  One of the contributors to the 2000/2001 California Energy Crisis This caused an 800% increase in wholesale prices from April 2000 to December 2000 The estimated cost of crisis was $40 to 45 Billion. Internet Racks Client  Where are the web pages you browse? Data Center
  • 37. 37 Green Computing  In order to achieve sustainable computing, we need to rethink from a “Green Computing” perspective.  Green Computing:  Maximize energy efficiency  Reduce of the use of hazardous materials such as lead  Maximize recyclability of both a defunct product and of any factory waste.  “Green Computing” in view of energy efficiency at the nanometer scale - design low power consumption integrated circuits at 180nm and below.
  • 38. 38 A Perfect “Green Computing” Example  A super low-power “processor”:  800x faster  1000x more memory  3000x less power  The average reaction time for humans is 0.25 seconds to a visual stimulus, 0.17 for an audio stimulus, and 0.15 seconds for a touch stimulus.
  • 39. 39 A super low power “Processor” Modern Processor made by hundreds of PH.D. researchers (The MOS transistor was built from Silicon, the pre-dominant atom in rock and sand, after processed in a high temperature.) Human Brain ( containing 100 billion neurons, each linked to as many as 10,000 other neurons.) Speed 2.0 GHz Equivalent to 1,700 GHz processor Memory (Source: Oracle Corporation: http://library.thinkquest.org/C0015 01/the_saga/compare.htm, computer vs. brain) 100 GB 100,000 GB Power (Source: UC Berkeley, EE241 class) 45 mW/cm3 15 mW/cm3
  • 40. 40 Energy Usage of Data Centers  2006: $15 Billion for energy usage  Impact of 10% Reduction of Power Consumption of Data Centers • $15b x 10% = $1.5 billion in savings • 200 x 10% = 20 million tons of CO2 • 4 million cars (Number of cars that would have to be taken off the road to reduce the same amount of CO2 emissions.) http://www.westportnow.com
  • 41. 41  200 M tons of CO2= CO2 produced by 40 million cars
  • 42. 42 What can we do about power?  Understand all levels of the computer  Understand where power is dissipated  Think about ways to reduce power usage at all levels
  • 43. 43 Where does power go? Power Breakdown of an Itanium 2 Processor
  • 44. 44 Thank You! Prof. Sunil Kr Pandey Professor & Director (IT) Institute of Technology & Science Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India E-Mail: sunilpandey@its.edu.in sunil_pandey_97@yahoo.com