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Dr. Ravindra
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari
Digital Marketing


Display Advertising
Introduction: Picture superiority Effect (PSE) is a
phenomenon which drives display advertising.
According the PSE, the human brain is more likely
to remember images and pictures than words. This
phenomenon is used in many aspects of everyday
life which involve communication, and display
advertising is one such key application. It is the art
of communicating your message using attractive
creative and images which help in better recall.
The emergence of internet as the zero moment of
truth has made it vital for companies to have a good
digital presence. Consumers search on the internet
before purchasing the product. Companies (Ford
NewZealand) noticed this trend in early 2014 and
decided to bolster its online customer experience to
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


The company developed interactive display
banners and coupled them with tailor made
content aimed at engaging with customers across
different websites. It used Google Display
Networks (GDN) to channel all its online resources
towards driving prospective customers to
showrooms. Further, Ford also created a new
website with structured information and visually
appealing images about all its cars and marketed
it to its targeted audience. This entire exercise
yield great results for Ford.
2.1 Concept of Display Advertising
Display advertising refers to the act of
communicating the advertising message using
visually rich media. The main objective of display
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


websites with huge traffic to reach maximum
users. The mode of communication may be
through traditional media or digital media.
Traditional media includes print (newspapers,
magazines, pamphlets, journals etc.) and
Display ads can be either native or non-native. In
native advertising, the ad content and outlook is
native to the environment of the page on which it
is being displayed. Unlike banner ads which are
easily identifiable and differentiable, native ads are
not easily differentiable as they blend well with the
content of the page, its environment and context.
2.1.1 Display Advertising Media
Do you know that ads on TV and print are also a
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


most important requirement is ‘Reach’. The
metrics for measuring the reach is different in
different mediums of display advertising. Each of
these modes has its own set of pro and cons.
1. Print Media: Print media is the most traditional
mode of communication and has been there for
several years. The metric for measuring the reach
in print media is the circulation or number of
2. Television: Television advertising has video
content and has better engagement rate than the
print media. The metric for measuring the reach in
TV is the number of viewers.
3. Digital: Display advertisement include ads served
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


digital is unique user and page views.
4. Unique Users: Unique users are distinct
individual users who have visited a particular site.
This number is tracked based on either the cookie
ID of the browser or the IP address of the device
from which a user browses the website. Whenever
someone opens a website for the first time, a
cookie stored in the browser of the device they are
using. From then on, no matter how many ever
time they open the website during a period from
the same browser and device, they will not be
counted as a new unique user.
However, if they use a different browser on the
same device or if they use a different device
altogether, again a cookie will be stored in the new
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


5. Page Views v/s Unique Visitors: Page views
and unique visitors both are equally important for
the long term growth of any website. If asked to
choose one, you should choose based on the type
of website you are running, your digital marketing
goals for the moment and the phase in which your
company is. If you are a publisher or a blog and in
the phase of increasing your revenue, then page
views are more important as they contribute
towards more ads being displayed to the audience
and in turn generate revenue. On the other hand,
if you are a product company and looking for
brand building, and then Unique Visitors are
important for you because, no matter which page
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


The sources of such data are third party companies
such as ComScore which have a panel of more than
two million users in India who agree to get their online
behavior tracked in exchange for some freebies. This
data is then extrapolated for different customer
This data is used to identify the passion points or
genres that the target audience is interested in and the
website frequently visited by the target audience. The
data can also indicate how much duplication is there
and how much will be the unique reach. Based on this
data, marketer can choose the websites where they
want to run display ads and prepare a display media
2.1.2 Digital Metrics
1. Ad Impression: An ad impression is recorded
whenever an ads is displayed on the user’s screen
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


times an ads is displayed.
Let us understand this better with the help of an
example. If you visit a website and an ad load, it is
considered one ad impression for the website.
Now suppose that on this website, four ads are
shown of different companies then this will lead to
four ad impressions for the publisher’s website
and one ad impression for each advertiser. From
table we can see that Facebook displays
maximum ad impressions in India followed by
Google sites which would include Gmail and
YouTube besides others and then Yahoo.
Display ads are run on many digital media
platform such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


Table: Top 10 Publisher in India rank by
Desktop Display Ad Impression (In Millions)
Publisher Desktop Display Ad Impression
%of Total
1. Facebook 5,337
2. Google Site 2,403
3. Yahoo Site 2,373
4. Rediff.com 696
5. Microsoft site 688
6. Time Internet 633
10 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur


2. Clicks: A click is counted whenever a user click
on an ad. upon clicking, it redirects the user to the
landing page.
3. Click Through Rate (CTR): Click through rate
(CTR) is the total number of clicks divided by the
total number of impressions. CTR is often
expressed as a percentage. Mathematically;
Click Through Rate (CTR) = × 100
CTR is an important metric in deciding the
effectiveness of an ad. Ads with low CTRs should
be modified to improve. Low CTRs imply that
most of the users are ignoring the ad after seeing
it. In such cases, three factors are to be checked
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a. Category: The product category for which the ad is
being displayed is an important factor to decide the
optimal CTR. Product categories such as
automobiles, mobile phones, etc. generally tend to
have higher Click Through Rates when compared to
categories such as grocery, cosmetics, B2B
products/services etc. It is because these categories
are high-involvement, requiring users to do more
research before buying and even if the user is not in
the market to buy the product or service, the interest
in these categories is high and hence the chances of
users clicking on ads is higher.
b. Creative: Eye catching creative banners are the
heart and soul of display advertising. Creativity in
design may include using rich audio visual media,
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c. Placement: A beautifully designed ad placed at the
wrong place might not yield results as expected.
Placement is as important as creativity. For example,
the ad about weight loss, if placed on a car review
portal will not deliver results. Selecting the right
category of websites to advertise is critical to success.
While selecting the category, you should make sure
most of your target audience are available on these
websites. More about the various targeting strategies
has been covered later.
2.2 Types of Display Ads
Display ads can be classified into different types
based on two factors, namely size and format.
2.2.1 Format 10/18/2020
13 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


1. Image Ads: Image ads contain static images
related to your product or service. They have no
effects and are the most standard format of
2. Rich Media Ads: Rich media ads include other
interactive media elements such as animations,
GIFs or other dynamic aspects which change upon
user interaction. For example, ads which you can
interact with as you hover on them or scroll down.
A classical example of a rich media ad is a page
peel ad, where in, when you click on the slightly
peeled off part on the top right, the ad appears as
the page peels off completely.
3. Video Ads: Video ads are those in which a video is
embedded in the ad. This format of advertising is
extensively used in YouTub. It is highly effective and
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


2.2.2 Display Ads Size
Display ads are put up in various sizes based on
the availability of space on the website. The most
popular, top performing and standardized ad sizes
are described in this section.
1. Medium Rectangle: Available both in the
desktop and mobile platform, the medium
rectangle ad is the most popular display ad. The
content could include text, images or other
animation. The ad size is 300 (width)×250
(height) pixels.
2. Large Rectangle: Large rectangle has more ad
space when compared to the medium rectangle
and thus can be used to communicate better.
This ad is only available in the desktop mode.
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3. Leader-board: This ad is generally placed above the
main content at the top of the page. It is available only
on the desktop mode and is generally found in
portals, news sites, forums. The standard size for this
ad is 728×90 pixels.
4. Half Page: This is the biggest of all and covers most
part of the webpage. It provides ample space to the
desktop mode, the half-page ad is increasingly
gaining traction and has a size of 300×600 pixels.
5. Large Mobile Banner: As the name suggests, this
ad is only available on mobile, and is larger than the
standard mobile ad which is 320×50 pixels. The
standard size for this ad is 320×100 pixels.
6. Large Format Ads: These ads cover a large part of
the screen. They may expand on hovering. They are
also called ‘expandable’.
16 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


ad spaces on a page. It is also called Roadblock
which is popular in newspaper advertising too. The
objective is to ensure that users do not miss the
ad and get exposed to the brand.
2.3 Buying Models
There are mainly four different pricing models for
display ads. The user has to carefully decide
which model is most appropriate for him/her based
on the campaign goals.
1. Cost Per Click (CPC): Cost Per Click (CPC) is
the amount the users are willing to pay for a click
on their ads. CPC is used solely to drive traffic to
the advertiser’s website. They are comparatively
less risky because, as an advertiser you only must
17 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


2. Cost Per Milli (CPM): Cost Per Milli, also known as the
cost per thousand impressions, is the amount the
advertiser must pay for every thousand impression
served. The CPM model is mainly used for brand
building purposes. It ensures your ad reaches a wide
range of audience but does not necessarily drive
traffic to your website. This model is preferred by
publishers as they get paid irrespective of clicks and
enables better cash flow projections for them.
CTR is an important factor to be considered in order to
determine the better of the two; CPC and CPM. If you
have a high CTR, simply displaying your ads on a
website might suffice for you because the audiences
are clicking on ads. On the contrary, if people are not
18 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


after continuous efforts, then you may consider
the CPC model.
You can also calculate effective CPC even if you
are bidding on CPM model and then compare. Let
us take an example here. Let us assume that for a
publisher the CPM rates are Rs. 80 and CPC is
Rs. 8. The average CTR of display ads is 0.2
percent. Considering the average CTR, the
number of clicks from 1000 impressions will be 2
(1000×0.2 percent). If you buy on CPM then for
1000 impressions you get two clicks. Hence
effective CPC (eCPC) is Rs. 40 which is much
higher than the CPC of Rs. 8. Hence, the marketer
will be better off buying on CPC in this case than
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3. Cost Per Lead (CPL): CPL is the amount you
pay as an advertiser for acquiring a lead. Lead is
an intermediate action before final purchase. It is a
micro conversion. It could be a sign up, download
of a brochure, subscription, etc. The objective of
the marketer is to acquire leads and nurture them
through continuous engagement for conversions
4. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): Cost Per
Acquisition (CPA) is the amount you pay, as an
advertiser for acquiring a customer who buys your
product or service. It typically means the cost of
customer acquisition. This model is mainly used to
drive online transaction and is risk free as you only
pay when the user buys. The bid price is
comparatively higher when compared to the other
20 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


eCPA may be calculated when bidding on CPC and
that can be used to arrive at target CPA. Let us take
an example here, assume 100 people click on your ad
and land on your website. Assume that out of 100
people, 10 people fill a lead form and out of them 1
user buys. Assume that CPC is Rs. 20. What will be
the target CPL and target CPA? The total cost in this
case is Rs. 2000 ( 100×Rs. 20) and eCPL is Rs. 200
and eCPA is Rs. 2000. Thus marketer can now have a
target CPL of less than Rs. 200 and it will be a more
cost efficient model than the current CPC of Rs, 20.
Similarly marketer can have a target CPA of less than
Rs. 2000 and it will be more cost efficient than the
current CPC of Rs. 20.
5. Fixed Cost/Sponsorship: In this model, you pay the
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


cost model.
A related model is sponsorship. You can sponsor a
website or a property, wherein your you have logo
presence and some ad inventory as a part of the
package deal. Figure 1 in next slide captures the
essence of different models.
As a marketer you have to strike a balance
between impact, reach and cost effectiveness.
Your plan must have a good mix of sites which will
break the clutter and make an impact, sites that
will give you reach and sites that will be cost
effective. Figure 2 explains the execution and
outcomes for different buying models.
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


Figure 1
Buying Models
CPM CPC CPL/CPA Sponsorships
•Allows planner to
select best
performing sites
and placement
•Measured in
terms of Clicks,
•Cannot or section
or placement.
•Auto-runs based
on inventory
•Measured in
terms of actual
deliveries and cost
•Situated for
sales/leads base
•Measure in terms
of signups
achieved, cost
•Long term
branding initiatives
•Still measured in
terms of clicks,
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


Figure 2
Trade offs in Buying Models
Buys (Fixed)
Buys (Fixed)
Buys (Fixed)
Fixed presence
on high traffic
High cost
property both in
terms of
allocation of total
budget and the
Impression buys
on premium
Ensure reach to
the relevant
audience on
allocation of total
budget lower than
impact buys and
the eCPC
achieved is also
Response based
buys for small
publisher, enable
long tail reach
No contribution to
the impact and
runs on residual
eCPC is the
highest ROI
24 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


2.4 Display Plan
Marketers need to prepare a display media plan which
must include the following aspects;
• Site
• Section
• Ad size
• Impression
• Rate
• Cost
The question that arises is how to prepare a digital
marketing plan? Firstly, the marketer must identify
the objectives and target audience for the
campaign. Then, the marketer must calculate how
much is the penetration of internet among the
target audience? Further, what are the passion
points of target audience and which website are
frequently visited by them? 10/18/2020
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


The duplication in reach is then calculated to arrive at
budget allocation to sites. Figure 3 reflect the process.
Figure-3 Display Plan Process
and TG
by client
the TG
reach in
points and
hangout of
the TG
4. List the
relevant to
reach the
TG and top
and reach
for budget
allocation to
plan as per
nt and
This will
define the
media mix
and the
ded reach
What is
the base
of relevant
on Internet
shows the
genre where
TG spends
their online
time based
on age and
e shows
the top
visited by
the TG
reach of
each site
The final
plan aims
to reach
TG at
26 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


2.5 Targeting
Sophisticated targeting methods are available in
display advertising. Reaching to the right audience
is extremely important for the success of the
display advertising campaign. This can be done
efficiently by following various targeting methods
as explained next.
2.5.1 Contextual Targeting: Contextual targeting
delivers ads to the audience based on the content
they consume. It uses ‘keywords’ or ‘tags’ added to
the ads to match them to relevant websites.
As a marketer, you choose the keywords and
topics most relevant to your ads. Keywords are
individual terms which are relevant to your
27 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


define the central them of the webpage on which you
would like to place your ad.
Keywords: Using keywords planner tool in Google
AdWords, relevant keywords can be generated by
simply entering your website URL. From AdWords too
you can generate ideas. For example, if you must
generate relevant keywords for Amazon India, you
could simply enter the URL and fetch relevant
Topics: Topic refers to the overall theme of a certain
webpage. Targeting based on topic allows your ads to
show up on web pages even though your keywords do
not necessarily match. Thus, targeting relevant topics
helps to have a wide coverage and reach broad
audience quickly. Like keywords, you can select topics
28 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


based on four factors: (i) text, (ii) language, (iii) link
structure, and (iv) page structure.
Based on these factors, Google determines the central
theme of each webpage in the Google Display
2.5.2 Placement Targeting: Placement targeting can be
used when you have a clear idea about your audience
activity on the web. You can directly choose to display
your ads on websites, few web pages, videos, RSS
feeds, mobile sites, etc. Further, you can also choose
specific positions for your ads on the websites. This is
called ‘managed placement’.
You can also use a combination of contextual and
placement targeting for better results. For example, if
you are selling cars, as part of the placement targeting,
29 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


you could use contextual targeting (use of
keywords) to determine the exact pages in the
website which are more relevant and advertise in
those pages only.
2.5.3 Remarketing: One a visitor visits your website
and view a product, the visitor is tracked. Later, if
the visitors leave your site and visit any other site
in the network they are tracked and shown a
relevant ad about your product on the other site. It
is similar to Face book Dynamics Advert.
For example, consider your visit Flipkart and
browse through a particular model of a T.V. Later,
you exit Flipkart and visit some other website.
Now, you are shown ads on the new website you
visit, about the TV you browse through in Flipkart.
This entire process is called remarketing i.e.
30 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


customers about your brand and the product and
tries to convert them into sale. One is simple
remarketing in which the creative shown is
prepared beforehand and is static.
In this case, you must copy paste the remarketing
code on the source code of your website so that
the cookie IDs of visitors to the website can be
tracked. Then, you must create list for specific
pages of the website such as those who
abandoned the cart or those who visited specific
pages of the site and then ads will be shown to
them. You can also do dynamic remarketing in
which different code must be pasted in source code
of website so that it appears on all pages of
website. This code has an additional variable
known as ‘Product ID’. Additionally, you upload
31 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


catalogue is pulled to create a customized ad
showing the same product that the user visited.
The process of remarketing is shown in the figure
Prospect Returns to Your
Prospect Your Site
Your Ad
on other
32 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


user can reach out to audience based on their specific
interests. We must note the fine line of difference
between interest categories and topic based contextual
targeting mentioned above. While interest categories
are based on audience, topic targeting is based on
websites. There are three targeting methods which fall
under interest categories. They are briefly explained in
(a) Affinity Audience: Affinity audience is a set of
audiences who are suggested based on their long-term
interest types. These interests are long lasting and do
not change frequently. For instance, a movie buff or a
golf enthusiast or a fusionist will have relatively stable
and enduring interests. They indicate the passion of
the target group. The interest categories are inferred
33 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


once you inter your website URL, Google
determines the relevant affinity audience.
On the other hand, if you are a comparatively new
startup and expect that lot of your prospective
customers are available on an e-commerce portal,
and then you can still choose the affinity audience
of that portal to market your product. Further, you
can even get insights about the demographics of
the audience in the interest category you select.
(b) Custom Affinity Audience: One can choose to
build his/her own category of audience, called the
custom affinity audience. Here, a combination of
keywords and website URLs can be used to
describe the category requirement. Based on
34 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


powerful method of targeting as it is completely
customized and one can target users interested in
(c) In-Market Audience: In-market audience are
those who are presently engaged in the market
i.e., they are actively researching a product or a
service in the market and are most likely to buy it
soon. Google displays these audiences, sorted
according to various categories of products and
services to which they belong. This targeting
method is for those advertisers who advertise for
generating sales revenues. If you are running
performance campaigns then this method is
appropriate. 10/18/2020
35 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


on their geographic location. Google allows you to
target users based on countries, areas within a
country, radius around a location, group of
locations, etc. You can also target location by
places of interest or a postal code. Further, Google
allows you to target bulk locations (up to 1000
locations) at once, instead of selecting locations
one by one. Some of these are not available for
India yet. Language targeting is the act of targeting
people based on the language they speak.
2.5.6 Demographics: Demographic targeting can
be used to target people based on demographic
factors such as age, gender, parental status,
household income etc. This type of targeting helps
you narrow your targeting and prevent your ads
from reaching inappropriate audience.
36 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


If you wish to show more ads on mobile then you
can increase the bid for mobile by a certain
percent. Alternatively, if you do not wish to show
your ad on desktop then you can decrease the
bids for desktop.
2.5.8 Other Targeting Methods
Ad Scheduling: Ad scheduling allows you to run
ads during a specific time of the day or during
specific days of the week. For example, order for
online grocery is placed more on weekends and in
evenings hence you might want to run your ads
only from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, if you have limited budget.
Frequency Capping: Frequency capping sets an
upper limit on the number of times a person sees
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


audience instead of showing your ad to the same
person again and again. It is a good practice to use
frequency capping, as a person who is not
engaging with the ad even after seeing it for three
time is unlikely to engage on subsequent exposure.
Typically, 3-5 is a good frequency as some
repeated exposures are needed for the message to
be comprehended by the target audience.
2.6 What Makes a Good Ad?
As we discussed before, good creative is very
important in display campaigns. CTR is higher for
highly creative ads. One should keep the following
points in mind to make a good creative ad:
(a) Strong CTA: Ad should have a strong call to
action. It could be buy, purchase, order, browse and
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


and what to expect.
(b) Include Price: If price is your advantage, you
may wish to include price in the ad. Another benefit
is that you will get only relevant clicks. If your
buying model is CPC and if users find your price
high then they will not click on your ad and you do
not have to pay for their clicks.
(c) Aesthetics: Experiment with fonts, images,
colors. It is more important to match the sites that
you’re targeting in color schemes, than to match
your landing page. It is a good idea to include text
in your image ad as it induces people to click. Use
attractive images.
(d) Unique Selling Proposition: Communicate one
unique benefit strongly. Keep it simple and do not
39 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


(e) Show Two Ads With Two Offers to the Target
Audience: For example, one ad with free e-book
and another for price off. If you do not have two
offers then make two ads of the same offer.
2.7 Programmatic Digital Advertising
Programmatic advertising is automated ad buying.
The buying takes place in real time and follows a
bidding model. Hence, it is called Real Time
Bidding (RTB) model. Bidding here takes place for
ad spaces in the publisher’s web pages.
Programmatic advertising is the most recent
development related to automation in the field of
display advertising. Programmatic buying signifies
the shift from contextual targeting to audience
40 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


you are a car brand. Contextual advertising mean
advertising on car portals such as Team-BHP,
Autocar India, etc. Instead, advertiser can target
audiences who may be defined as those who have
visited car portal at least once in the last one
month, visited finance site at least once in the last
one month and booked a travel ticket online at
least once in the last one month. This user is more
likely to buy a car. It does not matter on which site
the user sees the ad. This is called audience
targeting which is based on online behavior. It
infers intent of the user and target based on intent
buying. Programmatic buying reaches the right
audience at the right time and place at the right
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2.7.1 Process of Programmatic Advertising: The
user requests for a webpage, which means there is
a potential to show ad impressions to the user.
Every time a user requests for a page, ad
exchange holds a live auction. On behalf of the
publisher, Supply Side Platforms (SSP) send a bid
request to the Demand Side Platform (DSP). DSP
examines the potential impression in terms of
target audience and context match and returns a
bid amount based on its value to the advertiser.
Winning bid is chosen by the ad exchange and that
ad is shown on the publisher’s website.
2.7.2 Player in Programmatic Advertising
Ecosystem: The ecosystem consists of demand
side and supply side which buy and sell ad
inventory, respectively, through an ad exchange as
Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


Players in Programmatic Advertising
Ecosystem 11. Third Party
12. Consumer
10. Data Aggregators
8. Data 9. Data
43 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
(a) Publishers: Publishers have ad impressions
through which they monetize the site and it is a
major source of revenue for them as most of the
content websites in India are free and hence do
not have subscription revenues. Big publishers
have their own sales team which sells ad
inventory to the advertisers. Typically, they are
able to sell some inventory, largely premium
inventory such as above the fold, home page
through direct sales. Since web has millions of
sites and unlimited ad space, so there is infinite
supply but demand is limited as there are only
few advertisers who are willing to pay for the
ads. Hence, the demand-supply equation is titled
in favor of advertisers specially in India where ad
rates are low as compared to the world.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
directly, also called ‘remnant’ inventory is sold through
‘network’. Long tail websites each having small number
of unique users and page views cannot afford to have
their own sales force and hence rely on networks to
monetize their website. Network are aggregators of
publishers. Some example are Google ad network,
Yahoo! Ad network, Bing ad network, Tribal
Fusion,Vadopia and Inmobi. Networks also specialize
in the type of inventory they hold. This specialization
could be based on types of ads or buying models.
Network were more important few years back but over
time their importance has decreased as other players
such as Supply-Side Platform (SSPs) have entered the
ecosystem adding more value to the publishers.
On the demand side, there is an advertiser who takes
the help of agencies which are represented by trading
desk that help advertiser in planning, preparing strategy


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
audience and goals. For example, whether bidding
should be on CPM or CPC or CPA model; or whether
the goal should be to maximize reach or impressions
or clicks; and what should be the target audience.
(b) Supply-Side Platform (SSP): A supply-Side
Platform or Sell-Side Platform (SSP) is a technology
platform which enables the publishers to manage their
ad impression inventory and maximize from digital
SSP is a yield manager of the publisher. It maximizes
the yield for publishers by selling impressions for as
much CPM as possible. It integrates multiple network
together. It share the context of the webpage, such as
topic, keywords, page URL and the profile of the user
such as demography, location, device and browser
behavior with the DSP and requests the DSP to bid for
ad impression. Some of the SSPs are LiveRail,


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
for publishers, PubNative and AdJuggler.
It also share the cookie ID with the DSP. When a user
visits the webpage, the publisher drops a cookie in the
browser of the user. A cookie is a small text file which
store information such as time, date stamp, page URL,
browser and device information. It enhances user
experience as when the user visits the webpage again
cookie will be retrieved by the webpage and it will know
whether the user is a first time visitor or a repeat visitor,
what items were placed in the shopping cart, etc.
These cookies are persistent and are valid for a certain
time. These are encrypted and can be read only by the
domain which dropped them.
(c) Demand Side Platform (DSP): A Demand-Side
Platform (DSP) allows the advertiser to buy the


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
RTB. The DSP present the interest of the
advertiser and attempt to find the most efficient
impressions given the constraints imposed by the
advertiser. They optimize the campaign for a pre
defined strategy which includes goals, whether
maximize clicks or impressions, return on ad
spend, budget, target audience and bid strategy.
Most of the DSPs work on CPM model but in future
we will see other buying models too through DSPs.
Some of the DSP companies are Double click, and
Audience science.
DSP get the request for bid from SSP which
include the cookie ID of the user who is requesting
the webpage. DSPs have audiences which are


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
of consumer behavior, they categories these audiences
into buckets such as fashionists, golf enthusiasts, avid
investors based on their online behavior etc. If
someone visits more of finance sits, mutual funds sites,
business sites and stock exchange sites then the user
may be categorized as an avid investor. You may be
wondering how DSPs have cookie IDs. DSPs place ads
on behalf of advertiser on publishers’ sites. When a
user visits the webpage which has the ad impression
served by the DSP, DSP drops third party cookie to the
user’s browser. These are known as third party cookies
as they are not dropped by the domain the user is
visiting. Later when user visits another site which has
an ad by the same DSP/advertiser, the cookie calls to
the DSP/advertiser who now knows the website visited
by the user. DSP/advertiser cannot read the cookie
dropped by the website but it gets to know the domain
visited by user. This way DSPs collect huge number of
cookie IDs with details about their browsing behavior
which they categories into profile.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
SSP. DSP check its cookie database for users who
are visiting the publisher’s website. It may realize
that both DSP cookie ID 10 and SSP cookie ID 20
belong to the same user 123. In that case match
has been found between cookies IDs of SSP and
DSP and hence DSP will bid. If it is winning bid
then ad will be pushed from the third party ad
server to the publisher site. If cookie syncing
happens then bid rate will be high but if cookie
does not match then bid rates may fall as DSP may
bid based on contextual factors and not audience
factors or DSP may decide not to bid. Hence, there
is flurry of activity for each impression.
Benefits of DSP
DSPs bring lot of benefits to the advertiser. Some
key benefits are as under:


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
1. Cost Efficiency: They enable buying at lower CPM as
they can participate in actions when competition is less.
2. Buying Efficiency: They eliminate need for human
interface and relationship and hence bring efficiency in
buying. Sellers do not need to hire sales force and
advertisers need not negotiate with different publishers as
the entire exchange is automated.
3. Real Time Optimization: Since its highly automated
metrics data comes in real time with no time lag enabling
optimization of campaigns.
4. Granular Targeting: Sophisticated targeting options are
available in DSP including cookie matching which ensure
higher ROI.
5. Scale: For remarketing, wherein advertisers target users
who visited their sites, DSPs provide reach and scale as
they work with SSPs that have large number of sites.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
contextual targeting. Wherein advertisers target context
or sites belonging to a particular topic or keyword. Each
DSP interacts with more than 15 SSPs and can serve
more than 15 billion impression per day.
(d) Data Management Platform (DMP): A Data
Management Platform (DMP) is used by publishers and
buyers to store and manage audience data from
multiple sources. These sources include publisher’s
websites, videos etc.
There are three sources of data. First party data is
from sites such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Yahoo!
which create data as users create profiles on these
platforms. Second party data is customer data which is
owned by big e-commerce sites such as Amazon.com
and telecom service providers such as AT&T. Third
party data is from data providers such as DMPs which
collect cookie based audience dat. See figure 6 in next


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
Figure-6: Types of Data Suppliers
1St Party Data
Data creation
2nd Party
Customer Data
3rd Party Data
Data Provider
A company will have its own CRM or transactional data. It
can make this data richer by adding a layer of public data.
This can be done by checking email IDs, public profiles on
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, classified such as Justdial, and
k Google


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
from there, filling profile information such as age,
gender, job title, seniority, occupation, address, URL,
contact detail etc. There are data providers who can add
the social media profile to your CRM data. From DMP, you
can have cookie based browsing behavior data of your
CRM customers. If you integrate all these different data
sources, your customer data becomes very rich and you
can target them for higher ROI. DMP brings all the data
sets together. For example, let us assume you sell car
insurance and your CRM data shows that one of your
customers is in the market to buy a home and demo data
shows his high-income level, so now you can show ads for
cross selling premium home insurance. To further expand
your audiences, you can target ‘Lookalike Audiences’ of
your best and rich customer dataset.
(e) Ad Server: There are ad server technology companies


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
analytics given by the publisher and you know for sure
how many ad impressions were served. Apart from ad
verification and analytics, these ad servers have good
technological integration capabilities and hence integrate
well with DSPs and publisher sites for display of ads. They
also enable dynamic creative optimization which enables
customization of ads for different target groups and
placements. For example, the ad can show bright sunny
image when ad is shown in the morning and light dull
image in the evening. The creative can be updated
dynamically by the creative designer from his laptop,
without having to upload multiple version through, email or
other manual coordination. The creative must be prepared
in two file formats: .swf file for parent file and .xml format
for child file. The parent file is the template that identifies
where heading, call to action button or image and
description will come. The child file is the data that gets
pulled dynamically in the parent file format. Hence, the
creative designer can update the data in the child file


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is done by ad servers. Ad servers charge a small
percent of media spend for the fees. Unfortunately only
40 percent advertisers in India use third party ad
servers as they consider it as cost.
(f) Ad Exchange: Ad exchange brings together buyers
and sellers to buy and sell online ad inventory in an
automated manner. Like a stock exchange, real time
auctioning for ad space on publishers’ website
happens in an ad exchange. Further, ad exchanges
are of two types. They are describe in this section.
Open Exchanges: Open exchanges, as the name
suggests, are ad exchanges open for everybody on the
web. There is no restriction on the purchase of
inventory available in these exchanges. They are run
by tech giants such as Google, OpenX, Yahoo! etc.
Over 70 billion ad impressions flow through these
exchanges daily. These volumes have made policing


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
impressions. Open exchanges allow buyers to
purchase media on an audience basis through
cookie-based targeting; achieving scale is usually
a higher priority than running campaigns with
specific publishers.
Private Exchanges: The problem mentioned
above led to the creation of private exchanges
wherein a group of publishers pooled up to sell
their advertising inventory only through select
agencies or to reputed companies. This type of
selective selling has helped prevent fraudulent
activities as seen in open exchanges. Also, these
exchanges are considered to be premium
exchanges as advertisers get better ad
placements, insights etc., as compared to open


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which pricing is determined in real time. It works in
open auctions as well as private auctions.
2.8 Analytics Tools
There are some challenges plaguing the display
advertising industry. Fortunately some companies have
devised tools to overcome those challenges. Let us look at
some of these issues and futuristic solutions.
2.8.1 View ability: Per Integral Ad Science & Media Rating
Council Data in 2015, 57 percent of display ads were not
viewable. Ad may not be visible due to disruptive human
behaviour, such as action taken before ad loads and
renders, multitasking or because of low quality or
compromised pages. It could be because ad loads in area
out of the user’s browser, or frequent page refresh prevents
ads load, or web load gives errors.
It should be noted that 50 percent of ads pixel should be
displayed for a minimum of one second in image ads and
two seconds for video ads for an ad to be considered


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
Media Rating Council in May, 2015. Both the pixel and
time component must be measured and must satisfy
the above minimum requirements for an ad to be
counted as a viewable impression.
If both the pixel and time component associated with
an ad are greater than zero, but one or both do not
meet or exceed the above minimum requirements, the
ad may be referred to as a ‘loaded ad’. It should not be
associated with the term ‘impression’.
To overcome this view ability issue, tools such as
Integral Ad Science and MOTA provide metrics such as
in-view impressions, out-of-view impressions, viewable
2.8.2 On Target Reach: The current cookie based
methods of targeting overestimate reach and
underestimate frequency by a huge margin. The
demographic accuracy is also low. Some tools such as


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
another tool. They do cross device measurement and
provide reach overlap reports. These tools determine
accuracy based on real people logins across mobile
and desktop. They enable people-based marketing and
understanding of the consumer journey.
2.8.3 Ad Fraud: Ad fraud is the deliberate practice of
serving ads that have no potential to be viewed by a
human. Perpetrators of ad fraud are criminal gangs and
the problem is costing the ad industry a lot of money.
Publishers with higher cost-per-thousand (CPM) rates
are more susceptible to bots, which generally create
millions upon millions of ad impressions that are seen
by no one but often get charged to marketers as a
viewed promotion.
1. Domain Identity Theft: This is a form of fraud where
fraudsters add a fake URL into the ad unit, fooling the
auction into believing that an ad will appear on an


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2. Click/Impression/Conversion Fraud: This is when
fraudsters mechanize clicking, viewing or converting
on ads. Click farms exist where people are paid to sit
and click, view, or convert on ads through desktop and
mobile devices.
3.Bot Activity: This is when robots carry out similar
actions by masking IP addresses through advanced
algorithms. Malware can be installed on computers,
giving fraudsters the power to control what domains a
computer visits and the ads it views.
4. Ad-stacking: This is when multiple ads are served
within the same placement. This method tricks ad
servers, as each of the ads is served; however, they
are stacked beneath each other so the advertiser’s
message is often not viewable.
5. Pixel Stuffing: When an ad of say 300×250 pixels is
crammed into 1×1 pixel size which makes it appear on


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2.8.4 Brand Health: The process and controls
implemented to protect advertisers from having their
ads appear alongside content that could damage their
brand or reputation. Example of brand safety issues
1. Ads appearing on sites publishing illegal content. For
example, adult, illegal downloads.
2. Ads appearing alongside user generated content. For
example, controversial opinion.
3. Ads presented in a negative context due to content on
the site. For example, flights alongside an air disaster.
Brand safety is ensured by blacklisting websites
having controversial content; using keywords to not
show ads in that by labeling content for adult use, etc.
Integral Ad Science tool assign brand risk scores to
prevent brand health from getting compromised.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
2.9 YouTube Advertising
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world behind
Google search. According to the official statistics by YouTube, it
has over one billion users- almost one third of all people on the
internet. With such immense audience presence, it is a great
platform to promote your company. Marketers on YouTube have
two broad areas of participation: (i) YouTube channels, and (ii)
YouTube ads.
2.9.1 YouTube Channels: Companies can promote their brands
and products by creating quality video content and curetting it into
a YouTube channel or profile. This will aid discovery and
engagement whenever someone searches for relevant content on
2.9.2 YouTube Ads: YouTube allows you to capitalize on the
millions of partner videos already present on YouTube, by
targeting your display ads to relevant videos. These ads are
available in two different formats. The most widely used formats
are as follows.


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(b) Overlay Ads: An overlay ad appears in a rectangular
format in the bottom 20 percent of the video. It is available
only on a laptop or a desktop and not on a mobile devices,
TVs, game consoles etc. Viewers can dismiss the ad
anytime and can be purchased only in the CPC model.
(c) Skippable Video Ads: Skippable video ad is the most
popular advertising format on YouTube. Viewers can skip
the ad after watching it for five seconds. It can be inserted
before, during or after the video and is available on desktop,
TVs, gaming consoles and mobile devices. It has a very
unique buying model wherein the publisher is paid only
when a user watches 30 seconds of the video or till the end
of the video-whichever comes first.
(d) Non Skippable Video Ads: Non skippable video ads are
15-20 second long video ads which can be inserted before,
during or after the YouTube video. For these ads, the
publisher gets paid only when a user fully watches the ad.


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(e) Mid-roll Ads: Available only for video over 15
minutes, mid-roll ads are spaced between the video
similar to TV commercials. For better viewing
experience, publisher can choose to place their ads at
natural pauses between the scenes. They are available
only on desktop and mobile versions and not on game
consoles, TVs, etc. Further, these mid-roll ads could be
skippable or non-skippable ads and the pricing model is
as per the chosen format.
(f) Bumper Ads: Bumper ads are lightweight, non-
skippable video ads up to 6 second long. They are
especially optimized for mobile services. Similar to non
skippable ads, the publisher is paid only when the user
fully watches the ad.
(g) Native Mobile Ads: Native mobile ads are display
ads that appear in the same context as organic content.
As the name suggests, these ads are only available on


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(h) Discovery Ads: The billing pattern in case True View
Discovery ad is relatively simple. You are charged
whenever a user clicks on a video ad thumbnail or title and
begins watching your ad video.
YouTube skippable ads and discovery ads that come in the
search results are called true view ads as users choose to
see the ad by their own volition.
2.9.3 Type of Videos: Your ads can appear in any video
which has claimed copyright. It could be a user-generated
video or broad-cast channel videos or YouTube partner
videos. On YouTube, users do not prefer to click and leave
the site. Hence, you should create videos which are stand
alone and are effective without requiring the user to go to
the landing page.
Since popular YouTube ad formats are true view formats
which require users to choose to view the ad, hence you
must make your first five seconds, when the user can skip,
very compelling. Infact, you must try to communicate the


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Hard sell commercial style ads are more likely to be
skipped. Hence, you must create content specially
for YouTube instead of using your TV commercials.
Some popular types of videos for YouTube are
‘HowTo’, testimonials, emotional story, behind the
scenes, provocative content. It is also a good idea
to keep the videos short, say of about 30 seconds.
2.9.4 Buying Models: The buying model on
YouTube can broadly be divided into two major
categories discussed in this section.
(a) Bidding Model: The YouTube bidding model is a
standard action based model. Most aspect of the
model are similar to display advertising buying
models discussed in the previous sections of the
presentation. Apart from those, video content has a


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(i) Cost Per View (CPV): CPV is the amount you pay for
your true video ads. With CPV bidding, you will pay for
video views or instructions. A view is counted when
someone watches 30 seconds of video ad or interacts
with the ad, whichever comes first. Let us further
understand with an example, how CPV works for a true
view in stream video as and True View Discount Ad.
Consider you set up an upper limit of Rs. 40 as you CPV
i.e. your max. CPV is Rs. 40. Let us see how you charge
in both the cases;
True View In-stream Video: In case of true view in-
stream video, there are two possibilities;
• The viewer watches your ad completely (if ad length is
less than 30 seconds) or watches at least 30 seconds of
your ad (if ad length is more than 30 seconds).
• The viewer performs a desire action on the ad i.e., click
on the ad.
You are billed a maximum of Rs. 40 for either of the two


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Actual CPV: As an advertiser, you always do not pay
the max. CPV amount. As it is a competitive bidding
model, you might often strike deals at a lower price
relative to your max. CPV. This price at which you
strike a deal (the actual amount you are charged) is
called the actual CPV. The actual CPV you pay
depends on two factors. They are;
Quality Score and Ad Rank: Quality score is a
measure of how relevant your ad is to a customer and
includes multiple performance factors such as view
rates or click rates. This quality score is further used to
determine the ad rank.
Ad Rank is the product of your quality score and max.
CPV. Based on this ad rank, all the bidders are ranked
sequentially and the top ranker wins the bid. Your
actual CPV is determined based on the ad rank of the
bidder below you and your quality score. Also, your


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of the bidder below you as second price auction method is
followed. The concept of max. CPC and actual CPC and
the concept of quality score and ad rank is same in display
advertising too. The formula is:
Ad Rank= Max. CPC × Quality Score
Since they are in multiplicative relationship, if your quality
score is low you have to bid high. Hence, advertiser should
try to have high quality score by ensuing high CTR or view
rates or interaction rates so that CPC remain low.
(b) Reserved Media Placement: The reserve media
placements model follows a fixed pricing model wherein
you buy placements on a reservation basis instead of an
auction basis. These campaigns are highly beneficial if you
want to build instant brand awareness. For example, if you
are launching a new product or entering a new market.
Moreover, you have a clear picture about your spending


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
The reserved media placements can be bought mainly in
two modes;
Cost Per Milli (CPM): In a CPM campaign you are billed for
every 1000 impressions. It has to be booked six business
days in advance and the creative's have to be delivered at
least four business days in advance. The ad formats which
fall under this mode are discussed ahead.
• Standard In-stream: These are non-skippable video ads
that play before the user streams the actual video. They are
optimal if you want to communicate a simple yet powerful
message and can be of 15 or 30 seconds.
• In-stream Select: In-stream select are skippable ads which
appear before the actual video. The ad can be up to 60
seconds long and the user is allowed to skip the video after
5 seconds and an impression is recorded, irrespective of the
user skipping the video.
Cost Per Day (CPD): As the name suggests, the cost per
day campaign is the amount charged to publish your ad for


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have to be delivered nine business days in advance. The ad
formats that fall under CPD are as follow:
• Desktop Custom Masthead: It is a 970×250 pixel ad unit
that spans the entire breadth of the YouTube homepage
below the navigation bar. The ad unit can also include a
video and can greatly drive brand relevant activity.
• Desktop Universal Video Masthead: The desktop
universal video masthead includes a flash information panel
on one side and a video panel on the other side. The flash
panel can open/close whenever someone clicks on it. The
standard size of this ad unit is 780×195 pixel.
• Mobile Video Masthead: A mobile video masthead, as the
name suggests, a mobile/tablet only ad unit. It consists of a
video headline, description, channel name, call to action and
2.9.5 Targeting and Optimization: YouTube ad can be


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optimized like other display ads. The various targeting
options available are based on topics, interests, affinity
audience, demographics, etc.
Search Engine Advertising
Internet is the zero moment of truth. Consumers first
search for products or services online before visiting
the store. Hence, it is imperative for marketers to be
present on search engines. Search Engine Marketing
has two part-(i) Search Engine Optimization (SEO),
and (ii) Search Advertising. While SEO is organic,
Search Advertising is paid. The results of SEO may
come only after few months of following the best
practices of SEO. But, the marketer still must have a
presence on search engines when the user is


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
advertisements are shown if they match user query
and are shown at the top or bottom of the results page
and are labeled as ‘ad’. Search engine try to ensure
that advertisements are highly relevant to the user’s
Google has the dominant share of the search engine
traffic worldwide. User experience is of paramount
importance to search engines especially Google. This
is also evident when one looks at the homepage of
Google, one of the most visited websites in the world.
Google does not show any ads on its homepage, even
though it would have led to huge revenues, as it wants
to keep the focus on the search query, and hence
keeps its page uncluttered. It is interesting to contrast it
with Yahoo! Why do the two search engines have
completely different look? The difference is quite stark
and is perhaps based on the different business models
of the two search engines. Whereas Google’s primary
business is search, Yahoo!’s focus is on content and
hence it display advertising. Therefore, while


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Google believes in the uncluttered search page,
Yahoo! Introduces the user to content while they
search so that they can engage with it.
3.1 Why Pay for Search Advertising?
A question you may ask is if organic results are free
then why should a marketer spend money on paid
results? A marketer could build an excellent website
and invest in SEO techniques to get the highest rank
for the website in organic results; however, despite
the best efforts, the website may not come on top.
The algorithm for organic results is complex and not
under the control of the marketer. It is dynamic and
a small change in it can dramatically change the
ranking of page competitors’ websites may be more
relevant for certain search queries. In comparison,
marketers could secure a higher position on paid


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
results by paying for the ads. Few reasons why
companies should consider paid search advertisements
are- (i) intent (ii) ease of action, (iii) controlled costs, (iv)
analytics, and (v) competition, which are discussed in
greater detail in this section.
3.1.1 Capture Intent: The advertisement is shown to
people who are searching for terms that are relevant to
your business. These people are actively searching
because they are interested in either finding out more
information about product or service or are buying it.
Hence they have both interest and intent; the user is in
the market for the product or service. These users are
more likely to click on the ad and buy the products or
services. This is what makes search advertising so
powerful. It taps into the intent of the user. It is called a
pull medium as the user seeks the advertisement. This
is the primary reason why click through rate are the


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
ads, social media and email. Contrast this with
traditional media advertising where one does not
know whether the consumer is interested in the
product or service when they view the
advertisements. It is more of a spray-and-pray
approach wherein the marketer gives
advertisements in the hope that some people will
be in the market to buy those products or services.
3.1.2 Ease of Action: Search engine ads are meant
to be clickable. Once a person clicks on the ad, the
search engine directs the user to the brand’s web
page, custom designed for the ad. The web page
has easy navigation links to various parts of the
website, phone call options, integration with maps
to locate the business easily, and hence enables
the user to find relevant content.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
3.1.3 Controlled Cost: Search engine charge a
marketer only if a person click on the ad. The
advertisers are not charged for the impressions i.e.
the number of times the ad is shown in search
results. One can control how much they are willing
to pay for each click. There is no base charge for
creating the ads. Additionally, advertiser can also
control how much they wish to spend each day. An
account can be charged on a prepaid model where
the advertisers transfer money to Google, and
subsequent costs are deducted from this amount.
In this way, total expenditure is always within one’s
control. Once the money is deposited in the
AdWords account of Google, one can generate


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
3.1.4 Analytics: Search engine help in creating and
downloading reports about the performance of ads.
One can view statistics such as- average cost per
click, the number of clicks for each ad, the total
amount spend, the click through rate, and the
number of impressions to analyze the effectiveness
of their campaigns.
3.1.5 Competition: In a scenario where the brand’s
web page is of a higher quality as compared to
their competitors’ and is most relevant to the search
query entered by the user, there is a high likelihood
that the advertiser’s website will be listed as the
first result. Why is there then the need to place the
ads? It can be seen many times that while


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in the organic results. Is the company then wasting
money on advertisement? The answer is no-simply
because, even though one company may earn the
first rank in organic results, they are leaving the ad
space open for attack by competition. If the
company does not bid for the ad, then the
competition will bid and win it. The result would be
that even if that respective company has won the
top place through SEO, their competition will be
listed higher than them on the results page through
paid ad. So, one must bid for top ad slots not for
visibility alone but to prevent competition.
For example, when Flipkart ran the campaign-Big
Billion Day- during Diwali, Amazon showed ads
against the keyword and purchased the ‘Big Billion
Day’ domain name. When users clicked on big


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
Amazon site. Amazon also showed ads on web
pages which had the keywords-Big Billion Day. This
is an example of online ambush marketing.
3.2 Understanding Ad Placement
Search engine show advertisements in predefined
areas on the result page. Google shows ads in two
areas- top and bottom. Maximum four ads can
appear on the top and three at the bottom. It is not
necessary though that search engines will display
all potential ads on the result page. Why do search
engines lose out on potential revenue then? The
reason is that there is the huge cost of serving ads.
The entire algorithm is optimized for the probability
of click as the advertisers pay only when they
receive a click. Hence, search engines show ads


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
Search engines show ads in less than 350
milliseconds. Completing the entire process of running
a live action in real time every time a user types a
query entails a huge cost of servers and technology.
Hence, when the cost of serving ads is high and the
probability of clicking is low, search engines may not
show ads. This is called coverage which may increase
during festivals and occasions such as Thanksgiving,
Diwali and Christmas when the intent to buy high, and
hence search engines show more ads.
3.2.1 Top: The top position is considered as the prime
location in Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Users
usually click on results on the first page and that too
which are above the scroll. How many times do we to
the second or the third page of the results? It is
therefore clear the competition is for the top four


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for below the scroll and subsequent pages.
3.2.2 Side: Google showed the ads side too.
Importantly, the side had only ads and no organic
results, so users naturally paid more attention to the
results of the main section (left) and less to results
on the side (right). Left side ads are called native
ads as they come in the same place where organic
results come. Sometimes a map would come on the
right side above the ad. Now the right-side ads have
been discontinued to align the user experience on
the desktop with mobile since on mobile there is no
right side. Also, the click rates of right side were
very low as they were not native.
3.2.3 Bottom: If the AdRank for an ad is lower than
the threshold for the top position, in that case even
if the top position does not show any ads, this ad is


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
Figure- A Typical Google Search Result Page
Search Bar
Organic Search Results


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
3.3 Understanding AdRanks
AdRank is the position at which the ad appears in
the search engine results. A study by Chitika (2013)
has shown that results that appear in the top three
positions combined attract more than 60 percent of
traffic compared to all other results.
3.3.1 Basic Ad Auction Model: Do you know that
Google is not the first search advertising platform?
Overture was one of the early player in the market;
it launched paid search advertising service in 1998.
Google launched its paid advertising do-it-yourself
platform-AdWord- in the year 2000. In 2003, Yahoo!
Acquired Overture. The initial auction model ranked
ads per bid amount placed by an advertiser for the
keywords. This auction system was simple to
implement. However, it was not successful. This is


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
model leads to bidding wars. Suppose one bids
Rs. 2 for the keyword ‘grocery shopping’. To
outrank this bid, their competitors raises the bid by
Rs. 1. This leaves the first bidder with no option but
to increase the bid to exceed that of the
competition. This will continue until it because
unaffordable for one of them to bid for that
keyword. This practice is especially unfair to small
businesses that would not be able to compete
against large corporations. The second problem
with this model is that the quality of ads is not
considered. A user might see ads that are not
relevant to the current search just because the
advertiser has bid high. This would ultimately result
in a bad user experience. Google launched Quality
Score measurement system in 2005, which


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
Do you know that until 2005 all the ads on MSN
search were served by Yahoo!? In 2006, Microsoft
served ties with Yahoo! And created its ad-serving
platform. In 2009, the MSN search evolved into the
Bing search engine.
3.3.2 The Ad Auction Model: Over the years,
search engines have refined their auction process
to reward advertiser that show quality ads that are
relevant to the user query. The algorithm of Google
search ads is as follows;
AdRank = Maximum Bid × Quality Score
Although Google does not provide weights of the
components of Quality Score, but some analytics
companies have analysed the Quality Score of
large scale number of keywords and drawn some


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
Quality Score
Relevance is 22%
CTR is 39%
Landing Page is 39%
Let us understand the
algorithm in detail.
1. Setting the Right Bids: A search engine gives the
option to set the maximum amount that will be
spent on each ad. Advertisers must explore options
to set their ad bid amounts manually. It is important
to remember that bids are set for keywords and
would apply to all the ads that are configures for
that keyword. The buying model in search
advertising is CPC.
Land Page


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
It means that advertiser pay only when the user clicks
on the ad. This model has revolutionized search
advertising as advertiser pay only when they get traffic
on their website from the search engine. Table show
the CTR in selected countries by device. It is evident
that in India more clicks happen on desktop than on
mobile as compared to other countries. Internet and
smart-phone penetration in India is less and user are
not doing as much search on mobile as on desktop.
CTR is highest for search ads as they capture the
intent of users and are a pull medium.
Search engines gives an estimated bid amount for
each keywords. One may start bidding at 70 percent
of the suggested bid and gradually raise it if the ad is
either not showing or showing at lower positions than
desired. Search engines also send an alert


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
to show their ad or not. If the bid amount falls
under the first-page bid threshold then the
advertisers should consider increasing the bid
Table: Average Paid Search CTR in Selected
Understanding how the bid amount is calculated is
Countries Tablet (%) Smart-phone
Australia 3.06 2.93 2.92
Brazil 2.08 2.04 2.23
Canada 1.74 1.73 1.59
China 4.00 3.66 3.17
India 2.63 1.93 3.27
Japan 1.70 2.20 1.42
Mexico 1.75 2.33 1.75


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
advertisements. Google uses the second price auction
method. It means that the winner of the bid does not
pay the amount they have bid upon but rather the
amount bid by the second highest bidder. Each
advertiser must pay the minimum amount required to
outrank the next advertiser. This amount is called the
actual cost per click. However, one is never be required
to pay more than the maximum cost per click set by
The quality score consists of three components- (i)
Landing Page, (ii) CTR, and (iii) relevance. Let us
understand them in detail.
(i) Landing Page: Each ad has a target URL configured
for it which upon clicking takes the customer to the
landing page. The content of the landing page must
match the ad. In addition to the content match, search
engines would also look at the quality of the landing


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
the landing page quality are pop-ups, too little content,
many links, non-readable content (like images, PDFs,
flash content), dynamic or pass code protected content
that cannot be ready by the search engine, etc. Also,
any black hat techniques might cause the website’s
quality score to drop and may cause a ban on the ad.
(ii) Expected Click Through Rate: Once the ad starts
showing, click through rate (CTR) is the feedback that
the user is giving to the search engine. If more people
find the ad relevant and interesting, they will click on
the ad, and the CTR will go up. In contrast, if very few
people find the ad to be relevant or interesting, they will
not click on it, and CTR will go down. CTR is the most
important factor having highest weight. A poor ad might
be shown initially because either very few advertiser
are bidding for the keyword or the bid amount is set
high. However, if people do not click, then the CTR will


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
the competition is low. The bid amount can be
increased further, but search engine will not show
ads that have quality score below the threshold. A
high CTR can lead to a high quality score. Since
the bid amount and the quality score are the two
factors determining AdRank, a high CTR can result
in showing the ad even at lower bid amount. Thus,
a high CTR can help in saving money on the
bidding amount.
CTR is high for ads in top positions. Hence, if the
advertiser want to increase traffic to their landing
page, they must get their ad in top positions. A new
advertiser, however, will not have CTR. In that
case, initially the advertiser may bid high to


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
that while Click Through Rate decreases with
decrease in AdRank, conversion rate increases
with decrease in AdRank. The net effect according
to the research is that contrary to the conventional
wisdom in the industry, the topmost position is not
necessary the profit maximizing position.
(iii) Relevance: Search engines give importance to
relevance since high relevance indicates better
user experience. What is meant by relevance? It
has two fold meaning, firstly, whether the search
query of the user matches with the keywords that
the brands are bidding for, and secondly, whether
the keywords are appearing in the ad headlines
and description. Out of all the components of
quality score, relevance is the easiest to change
and control. Hence, a new advertiser must strive to


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
3.3.3 Why is AdRank Important?: So far, we have seen
that the marketers desire users to click on their ads. Let
us now also understand in the following section what
psychological factors influence consumers to click on
(i) Primacy Effects: Serial position effects have been
described as the effect of the position of the items on a
list on the chances of an individual recalling them. The
primacy effect is one such cognitive bias based on the
relative position of an item on a list. Here, the
individuals tend to recall the information presented to
them first, better than the information they are made
privy to later. This tend to make the user think that the
information presented first is more significant than that
presented later. Research by Solomon Asch (1946)
illustrate this effect very well. He asked people to rate a
person described as ‘envious, stubborn, critical,


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
described as ‘intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical,
stubborn and envious’. The second group rated the
person more highly then the first group.
(ii) Competition for Attention Theory: The competition
for attention theory explain biases in information
processing. Desimone (1995) argues that it is important
for an individual to priorities which of the many items
presented is to be processed. Djamasbi et al. (2010)
find that the position of a particular item has an
influence on the individual’s choice to process it. As
Faraday (2000) suggests, individual tend to consider
items higher up on the list as more important.
Considering viewing each link as a sequential cognitive
activity, competition for attention theory suggest that
individuals can only process one of these visual stimuli
at a time. This means that each of these cues is
competing for a user’s attention. Ad in higher position


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has a better chance of being processed than an ad in
lower position.
(iii) Information Overload: Information overload is the
phenomena of what happens when one ‘receives too
much information’. Academic literature states that
when individuals are exposed to higher levels of
information than can be easily processed, they tend to
make poorer decisions. Information processing can
become challenging either because of the difficulty
level of the content or because of the sheer amount of
information. Studies show that the selection,
evaluation, as well as integration of information are
affected by the available number of options. As the
complexity of making choice rises, people tend to
simplify their decision-making processes by relying on
simple heuristics and using fewer numbers of options.
This should mean that, since individuals find items


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
of the list while making their decisions. This again
makes a case for why a higher AdRank is important
for a marketer.
3.4 Creating the First Ad Campaign
The better understand the following section, we
will take the case of Ram’s online grocery store in
Bengaluru. To get more control on the position
where his website appears on search engine result
page, he decides to go with Google search
advertising. We will start by creating a basic
advertising campaign for his business. The concept
in the following section apply to all the main search
engines; however, for specific examples, we will
consider Google search engine.
3.4.1 Architecture of Search Advertising Account:


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
account to use AdWords, which is organized like a tree
structure. One should try to mimic their website
structure in the account structure- create separate
campaigns for different product lines or services. For
example, an online grocery store can have separate
campaigns for different product categories like ‘home
care product’, ‘personal care items’. This would allow
the advertiser to allocate independent budgets for each
product category. A campaign can contain multiple ad
groups. Within the product category of home care, each
sub-category such as detergents, cleansers could be
different ad groups. Each ad group should have related
items since the set of keywords is defined at ad group
level. For each ad group, depending on the number of
products and benefits offered by the online store, one
could have one or more ads,


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
campaign for each location. For example, if a store has two
branches, one in US and one in India, the advertiser has to
set up two separate campaigns, each targeting one of the
locations as budget and bids will vary accordingly. Similarly,
if one is running discounts on certain products and wants to
allocate greater budget to advertise that product, then they
should run it as a separate campaign as the budget setting
can be done only at the campaign level. The account
structure should be created thoughtfully as reorganizing the
account will delete accumulated data and effect the
performance of ads. Let us look at each of these in detail.
1. Google AdWords Account: In case the advertiser has an
existing account with Google, they can use the same
details to log in to AdWords.
2. Campaign: An important setting at campaign level is the
daily budget which allow to set a maximum daily
expenditure possible for the campaign. One can have
multiple campaigns region-wise to save cost. If the target
audience is more in Mumbai, then they must keep the
budget higher in Mumbai, and lesser for the other regions.
Also, the bidding rate


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
for keywords will be different in different market.
For instance, rates are likely to be higher in metro
cities such as Mumbai as compared to tier-2 cities.
Putting them together in the same campaign would
mean that the advertiser will have to pay higher
rates even for a tier-2 city. One company targeted
the US, Australia, as well as the UK in campaign.
Agency suggested separate campaigns for
separate countries and it reduced the cost by 40
percent. Similarly, advertiser should also choose
respective currencies for different countries. One
can choose to show ads only on Google or on all
search partners, Many search engines partner with
Google to show ads on their search result page.
The default setting is all search partners. If one


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
An important setting is bidding model where the
advertiser can choose among cost per click (CPC), cost
per acquisition (CPA), or cost per lead (CPL). Most
advertiser go for CPC model, but they independently
track conversions as well. Another important setting is
location. It can be of two types- (i) geographical location,
and (ii) location of interest. Geographical location refers
to the physical location of the user, whereas location of
interest means that the geographically not in the location
as the phrase. Search engines determine geographical
location with the help of IP addresses and domain.
Google allows a user to search for region-specific
domains such as ‘google.co.in’ instead of the universal
‘google.com’, In the first case, they would attribute the
user to be form India and in the second case from the
US. In case users in England search for restaurants on


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
Indian domain, they will be shown ads targeted for
India and not for England. In one instance, a
company operated only in Bengaluru, but on
analysis of AdWords reports it was found that the
ad was seen in the US, Australia, etc. Further
investigation revealed that it happened because the
targeting chosen was location of interest and not
geographical location; hence if possible in the US
searched for ‘online grocery Bangalore’, the ad
would be shown to them. After the targeting was
changed from the location of interest to
geographical location, ads stopped showing to
people outside Bangaluru. A hotel in Paris may
show ads to people outside Paris, but who are
interested in the place.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
target customers. For example, an Indian cuisine
restaurant located in Switzerland may want to target
Indian travelers in Switzerland, and hence might want
to create ads in Hindi or English rather than in French
or German.
3. Ad Groups: Each campaign is made up of one or
more ad groups. An ad group is a bundle of keywords
and ads. The best practice is to have 10-15 tightly
themed keywords in an ad group. Advertiser can make
multiple ads in an ad group. When a user searches for
a keywords, the ads are shown in rotation. In AdWords,
an important setting done at the end group level is
default bid. This bid is then applied to all keywords.
One can also set bids for individual keywords. In such a
case, keyword bid will override the ad group bid. But, if
the company is a larger corporation with global


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
keywords can run into millions. In such a situation,
setting bids for individual keywords may not be
We will create a search campaign for our exercise. For
understanding, let us create two ad groups, one for
groceries and other for fresh fruits and vegetables.
4. Ads: Google provides a preview tool for ads within
AdWords where one can view the ad that are running
based on device and location settings. It is strongly
recommended that the advertisers use the preview tool
to know if their ads are showing or not for certain
keywords. One may be thinking why it is not good to
check if ad is showing or not in search engine result
page. If one checks and do not click, their CTR will


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
three main components- (i) headline, (ii) description, and (iii)
A search engine allows to specify a different display URL
and different destination URL. The domain name, however,
should be the same in both. The benefit of having two URL
is that users typically see domain name with keywords-
www.example.com/vegitables-in ad content so that they
know what content to expect and once they click on the ad
they are directly taken to the vegetable page.
Due to limitation of the space available for an ad, there is a
maximum limit for characters for each of the fields. It is 30
characters for the headline and 80 characters for description
line. Two headlines of 30 characters, each can be given and
they are joined by a hyphen. In mobile, the description can
come in two lines depending on the screen size.
5. Keywords: Keywords are the single most important
component of the search advertisement. Keywords
determine the search terms for which the ad will be shown.
Appropriateness of keywords would determine if the ads are
reaching the target audience or not. Poor choice of


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
their target audience. Keywords should be
relevant to the search term as well as the ad.
Keywords can be short tail and long tail. Short tail
keywords are few keywords with high search
volume. Long tail keywords are phrases each of
which has small search volume but together they
add up to a significant percent of all searches.
An interesting research by Skiera, Eckert and Hinz
(2010) show that the top 20 percent of all
keywords attract on average 98.16 percentage of
all searches, and generate 97.21 percent of all
clicks. The use of the top 100 keywords in each
campaign attracts on average 88.57 percent of all
searches, and 81.40 percent of all clicks. These


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
drive the success of search engine marketing.
However, they also show that the set of the top 100
keywords changes over time.
Another classification of keywords is category,
brand, and competition. Category keywords are
generic keywords, which have high search volume.
But many players would be interested in them, and
hence the prices are higher. Brand keywords will
trigger ads only when users search for the specific
brand. Since search volume as well as competition
will be low for such keywords, the CPC is lower.
Brands can take a decision whether they want to
bid on competition keyword or not. In the case of
the automobile industry, generic keywords would


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
that if the advertiser is a small company, then they
must start with category and competition keywords.
Because they have limited budget, they can avoid
bidding on their brand as anyway it will show up in
organic search results. Also, because they are
small, bigger players will not bid on their brand.
Since they are a small company, bidding on bigger
competitors can drive traffic to their website. But
the bid will have to be very high on competition
keywords to make up for the low quality score as
all the three components-ad relevance, CTR, and
landing page quality-will be low.
Ideally, one would want keywords that have high
traffic, low bid amount, low competition and are
relevant to their business. This might not always be
possible since keywords with high traffic attract


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
As with any business decision, one must decide on
a trade-off that suits them. So, in the case
mentioned earlier, for Ram’s website, the advertiser
will have to study the keywords that are most
appropriate for a grocery store. They must use a
keywords planner tool within AdWords to choose
the right keywords. They can get a list of suggested
keywords with the monthly search volume for a
defined geographical location, the intensity of
competition, and suggested bid. One can also get
ad group suggestions. It is the best to download the
report in a spreadsheet.
The advertiser can start with70 percent of the
suggested bid and if the ad does not show or
shows in lower positions, increase the bid
gradually. Try to limit the number of keywords to 10


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
try to change the keyword combinations, and make them
more focused or long tail.
Google also gives quality score for each keyword based on
all the three dimensions discussed previously. It ranges from
1-10 where 4,5,6 is not good; 7,8 is good; 9 is very good;
and 10 is rare. If the quality score is 6 or less, one should try
to improve it by improving the relevance of ad and of
landing page.
One can also map keywords to the consumer buying funnel.
The user query can help in determining at what stage of the
buying cycle the user is in.
The user query is more general which indicates that the
user has not made up his mind about which brand to buy,
and hence is in awareness stage.
3.4.2 Best Practices for Creating Effective Ads: Some ads
are more clickable i.e. the content of the ad lends itself
easily to clicks from users. These ads attract the attention of
viewers and thus give better CTR to the advertiser.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
Some basic things that you should keep in mind
while creating the text ads are as follows:
• Highlight the USP of the business.
• Include time specific elements that benefit user
such as discount, promotions, offers, etc.
• Include a call-to-action or active verbs like
‘purchase’, ‘avail discount’. ‘order now’, and so on.
• Include keywords in the ad content. This will
increase the relevance of the ad to keywords.
• Create multiple ads for different benefits and rotate
them for keywords, instead of trying to fit all content
in one ad.
• Match ad text to landing page content to get a
higher quality score.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
• Monitor ads closely to see which ads perform better.
The ads that do not have acceptable performance
should be modified or removed.
The ads need to run for few days before one can
analyze the performance and take corrective action.
Search advertising need a lot of optimization. One
must review the performance of keywords, ad groups,
ads, and campaigns, and optimize them periodically.
The objective should be to bring down the CPC and
increase the CTR over a period. One may be
wondering how frequently they should optimize the
campaign. The answer depends on what is the
duration of the campaign. If the campaign is for a
week or two weeks, they will need to optimize daily. If
it is for eight weeks, one can optimize twice in a week.
The more they optimize, the higher would be the
performance, and lower would be the cost.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
3.5 Enhance Your Ad Campaign
In the following sections, we will look at some
advanced topics and enhance the campaign created in
earlier section.
3.5.1 Keyword Targeting: Suppose you are a retailer of
fresh fruits in Bengaluru city area. Obviously, you
would want your advertisements to reach only people
who are searching for fresh fruits and not, say shoes.
Targeting is used to limit the audience for your ads.
In Keyword targeting, you define a set of keywords for
which your ads must be shown. A keywords is a single
word or a phrase. Best keywords are 2-3 words
phrases. Single word keywords can lead to ads
showing for irrelevant queries. For example, if your
keywords is ‘bags’ it could be luggage bags, ladies
bag, vacuum cleaner bags, tea bags, and office bags.
Hence it is best to have 2-3 word keywords. The


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
match, broad match modifier, exact match, and phrase
A broad match is just a list of words. The order or form of
words does not matter. Broad match is used to target a wide
range of audience. With broad match, your ad may show if a
search term contains your keyword terms in any order, and
possibly along with other terms.
A broad match modifier is a set of keywords with ‘+’ or ‘-’
symbol. If a keyword is specified with a ‘+’ prefix, then that
keyword must mandatorily occur in the search term; and the
‘-’ prefix is used to exclude the keyword explicitly.
With phrase match, your ad can show when someone
searches for your exact keywords or your exact keyword
with additional words before or after it. Phrase match is done
by placing the keywords within the quotation marks.
An exact match needs the keywords text to match exactly
with the user search term. Unlike other match types, if user’s
search terms have additional keywords then the ads are not
shown. Exact match is done by placing the keywords within
square brackets.


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
Close variation include misspellings, singular and
plural forms, acronyms, stemming (such as ‘floor’
and ‘flooring’), and abbreviations. They are
automatically taken care of, so we do not need to
add them.
It is a good idea to follow a broad-to-narrow
strategy, meaning start with broad keywords and
then add modifier and phrase match and exact
keywords. Google gives greater preference and
Quality Score to exact and phrase match as they
exactly match the user query. You should check for
yourself what the CPC differential between different
match types is and optimize the campaigns based
on performance. While the broad match will drive
more traffic as add impressions will be more,
phrase and exact match types will drive more


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
Negative Keyword: Negative keywords are used for
exclusion. While creating ads, you would have an
audience that you do not wish to target, say, you are
creating advertisements for a store that sells only
women’s clothing. So, it would be futile to show your
ads to someone who is searching for men’s clothing. If
the search term does not include men, then specifying
men as a negative keywords will not show your ad. You
must consider adding negative keywords to your
campaigns to prevent your ads from showing against
irrelevant search queries, and thus optimize your
3.5.2 Creating Advanced Ad Formats: Ad extension
are used to provide additional information along with
the ad content. Some ad extensions are available only
to ads that appear in the top four spots on the Google


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
thus getting more space on the page and
improving the chances of users clicking on the ad.
Users can take action directly from the ad
extensions such as make a phone call, download
the app, etc.
1. Call Extension: Call extension is used to provide
a phone number with the ad and a callback facility
for the target customers. Customers can directly
call instead of having to open the website and then
place the call. Call extensions can be configured to
show only to call during certain business hours.
When a user makes a call using the call extension,
it is counted as a click. On desktop searches, call
extensions are usually shown with a call button,


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU,
2. Site Links: Site links are additional direct links;
each site link can also have a description of its
own. The benefits is that user can be directed to
the desired landing page such as specific products,
store locator, contact us, etc.
3. App Extension: A site that provides a
downloadable app can add an app extension.
Clicking on the app extension directs the user to
download the app. This is available only for mobile
4. Location Extension: Location extensions are
used to show local address of the business. This
information is integrated with Google maps and
users can use this location to find the business on
maps or get directions. The extensions are shown if
the user is close to the place of business or


Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
5. Review Extension: Advertiser can include positive
reviews, ratings, and awards from credible third party
sources as an extra line below the search ad. Google
does not charge for clicks on links to third party
reviews, but the reviews must be approved by Google.
This extension is very useful for businesses in
experience or credence categories as reviews will add
to the credibility of the business. If the business is a
start-up, one must consider review extensions to win
the trust of the customers
6. Structured Snippets: Structured snippets provide a
preview of valuable information to users before they
click on an ad. Advertisers must choose a predefined
product category and then add specific details.
7. Price Extension: The advertiser can also display
prices for specific products just below the text ad. This
feature is available only for mobile ads. It increases the
ROI and conversion rates as only interested users will
click on the ad and they have higher profitability of


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Digital marketing ppt 2 unit

  • 1. Dr. Ravindra Assistant Professor Department of Commerce Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari Digital Marketing Unit-2
  • 2. Display Advertising Introduction: Picture superiority Effect (PSE) is a phenomenon which drives display advertising. According the PSE, the human brain is more likely to remember images and pictures than words. This phenomenon is used in many aspects of everyday life which involve communication, and display advertising is one such key application. It is the art of communicating your message using attractive creative and images which help in better recall. The emergence of internet as the zero moment of truth has made it vital for companies to have a good digital presence. Consumers search on the internet before purchasing the product. Companies (Ford NewZealand) noticed this trend in early 2014 and decided to bolster its online customer experience to 10/18/2020 2 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 3. Continue…. The company developed interactive display banners and coupled them with tailor made content aimed at engaging with customers across different websites. It used Google Display Networks (GDN) to channel all its online resources towards driving prospective customers to showrooms. Further, Ford also created a new website with structured information and visually appealing images about all its cars and marketed it to its targeted audience. This entire exercise yield great results for Ford. 2.1 Concept of Display Advertising Display advertising refers to the act of communicating the advertising message using visually rich media. The main objective of display 10/18/2020 3 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 4. Continue…. websites with huge traffic to reach maximum users. The mode of communication may be through traditional media or digital media. Traditional media includes print (newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, journals etc.) and television. Display ads can be either native or non-native. In native advertising, the ad content and outlook is native to the environment of the page on which it is being displayed. Unlike banner ads which are easily identifiable and differentiable, native ads are not easily differentiable as they blend well with the content of the page, its environment and context. 2.1.1 Display Advertising Media Do you know that ads on TV and print are also a 10/18/2020 4 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 5. Continue…. most important requirement is ‘Reach’. The metrics for measuring the reach is different in different mediums of display advertising. Each of these modes has its own set of pro and cons. 1. Print Media: Print media is the most traditional mode of communication and has been there for several years. The metric for measuring the reach in print media is the circulation or number of readers. 2. Television: Television advertising has video content and has better engagement rate than the print media. The metric for measuring the reach in TV is the number of viewers. 3. Digital: Display advertisement include ads served 10/18/2020 5 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 6. Continue… digital is unique user and page views. 4. Unique Users: Unique users are distinct individual users who have visited a particular site. This number is tracked based on either the cookie ID of the browser or the IP address of the device from which a user browses the website. Whenever someone opens a website for the first time, a cookie stored in the browser of the device they are using. From then on, no matter how many ever time they open the website during a period from the same browser and device, they will not be counted as a new unique user. However, if they use a different browser on the same device or if they use a different device altogether, again a cookie will be stored in the new 10/18/2020 6 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 7. Continue…. 5. Page Views v/s Unique Visitors: Page views and unique visitors both are equally important for the long term growth of any website. If asked to choose one, you should choose based on the type of website you are running, your digital marketing goals for the moment and the phase in which your company is. If you are a publisher or a blog and in the phase of increasing your revenue, then page views are more important as they contribute towards more ads being displayed to the audience and in turn generate revenue. On the other hand, if you are a product company and looking for brand building, and then Unique Visitors are important for you because, no matter which page 10/18/2020 7 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 8. Continue…. The sources of such data are third party companies such as ComScore which have a panel of more than two million users in India who agree to get their online behavior tracked in exchange for some freebies. This data is then extrapolated for different customer segments. This data is used to identify the passion points or genres that the target audience is interested in and the website frequently visited by the target audience. The data can also indicate how much duplication is there and how much will be the unique reach. Based on this data, marketer can choose the websites where they want to run display ads and prepare a display media plan. 2.1.2 Digital Metrics 1. Ad Impression: An ad impression is recorded whenever an ads is displayed on the user’s screen 10/18/2020 8 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 9. Continue… times an ads is displayed. Let us understand this better with the help of an example. If you visit a website and an ad load, it is considered one ad impression for the website. Now suppose that on this website, four ads are shown of different companies then this will lead to four ad impressions for the publisher’s website and one ad impression for each advertiser. From table we can see that Facebook displays maximum ad impressions in India followed by Google sites which would include Gmail and YouTube besides others and then Yahoo. Display ads are run on many digital media platform such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and 10/18/2020 9 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 10. Continue…. Table: Top 10 Publisher in India rank by Desktop Display Ad Impression (In Millions) Publisher Desktop Display Ad Impression %of Total 1. Facebook 5,337 26.7 2. Google Site 2,403 12.0 3. Yahoo Site 2,373 11.9 4. Rediff.com 696 3.5 5. Microsoft site 688 3.4 6. Time Internet 633 10/18/2020 10 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 11. Continue…. 2. Clicks: A click is counted whenever a user click on an ad. upon clicking, it redirects the user to the landing page. 3. Click Through Rate (CTR): Click through rate (CTR) is the total number of clicks divided by the total number of impressions. CTR is often expressed as a percentage. Mathematically; Click Click Through Rate (CTR) = × 100 Impression CTR is an important metric in deciding the effectiveness of an ad. Ads with low CTRs should be modified to improve. Low CTRs imply that most of the users are ignoring the ad after seeing it. In such cases, three factors are to be checked 10/18/2020 11 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 12. Continue…. a. Category: The product category for which the ad is being displayed is an important factor to decide the optimal CTR. Product categories such as automobiles, mobile phones, etc. generally tend to have higher Click Through Rates when compared to categories such as grocery, cosmetics, B2B products/services etc. It is because these categories are high-involvement, requiring users to do more research before buying and even if the user is not in the market to buy the product or service, the interest in these categories is high and hence the chances of users clicking on ads is higher. b. Creative: Eye catching creative banners are the heart and soul of display advertising. Creativity in design may include using rich audio visual media, 10/18/2020 12 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 13. Continue…. c. Placement: A beautifully designed ad placed at the wrong place might not yield results as expected. Placement is as important as creativity. For example, the ad about weight loss, if placed on a car review portal will not deliver results. Selecting the right category of websites to advertise is critical to success. While selecting the category, you should make sure most of your target audience are available on these websites. More about the various targeting strategies has been covered later. 2.2 Types of Display Ads Display ads can be classified into different types based on two factors, namely size and format. 2.2.1 Format 10/18/2020 13 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 14. Continue…. 1. Image Ads: Image ads contain static images related to your product or service. They have no effects and are the most standard format of advertising. 2. Rich Media Ads: Rich media ads include other interactive media elements such as animations, GIFs or other dynamic aspects which change upon user interaction. For example, ads which you can interact with as you hover on them or scroll down. A classical example of a rich media ad is a page peel ad, where in, when you click on the slightly peeled off part on the top right, the ad appears as the page peels off completely. 3. Video Ads: Video ads are those in which a video is embedded in the ad. This format of advertising is extensively used in YouTub. It is highly effective and 10/18/2020 14 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 15. Continue…. 2.2.2 Display Ads Size Display ads are put up in various sizes based on the availability of space on the website. The most popular, top performing and standardized ad sizes are described in this section. 1. Medium Rectangle: Available both in the desktop and mobile platform, the medium rectangle ad is the most popular display ad. The content could include text, images or other animation. The ad size is 300 (width)×250 (height) pixels. 2. Large Rectangle: Large rectangle has more ad space when compared to the medium rectangle and thus can be used to communicate better. This ad is only available in the desktop mode. 10/18/2020 15 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 16. Continue…. 3. Leader-board: This ad is generally placed above the main content at the top of the page. It is available only on the desktop mode and is generally found in portals, news sites, forums. The standard size for this ad is 728×90 pixels. 4. Half Page: This is the biggest of all and covers most part of the webpage. It provides ample space to the desktop mode, the half-page ad is increasingly gaining traction and has a size of 300×600 pixels. 5. Large Mobile Banner: As the name suggests, this ad is only available on mobile, and is larger than the standard mobile ad which is 320×50 pixels. The standard size for this ad is 320×100 pixels. 6. Large Format Ads: These ads cover a large part of the screen. They may expand on hovering. They are also called ‘expandable’. 10/18/2020 16 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 17. Continue…. ad spaces on a page. It is also called Roadblock which is popular in newspaper advertising too. The objective is to ensure that users do not miss the ad and get exposed to the brand. 2.3 Buying Models There are mainly four different pricing models for display ads. The user has to carefully decide which model is most appropriate for him/her based on the campaign goals. 1. Cost Per Click (CPC): Cost Per Click (CPC) is the amount the users are willing to pay for a click on their ads. CPC is used solely to drive traffic to the advertiser’s website. They are comparatively less risky because, as an advertiser you only must 10/18/2020 17 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 18. Continue…. 2. Cost Per Milli (CPM): Cost Per Milli, also known as the cost per thousand impressions, is the amount the advertiser must pay for every thousand impression served. The CPM model is mainly used for brand building purposes. It ensures your ad reaches a wide range of audience but does not necessarily drive traffic to your website. This model is preferred by publishers as they get paid irrespective of clicks and enables better cash flow projections for them. CPC v/s CPM CTR is an important factor to be considered in order to determine the better of the two; CPC and CPM. If you have a high CTR, simply displaying your ads on a website might suffice for you because the audiences are clicking on ads. On the contrary, if people are not 10/18/2020 18 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 19. Continue…. after continuous efforts, then you may consider the CPC model. You can also calculate effective CPC even if you are bidding on CPM model and then compare. Let us take an example here. Let us assume that for a publisher the CPM rates are Rs. 80 and CPC is Rs. 8. The average CTR of display ads is 0.2 percent. Considering the average CTR, the number of clicks from 1000 impressions will be 2 (1000×0.2 percent). If you buy on CPM then for 1000 impressions you get two clicks. Hence effective CPC (eCPC) is Rs. 40 which is much higher than the CPC of Rs. 8. Hence, the marketer will be better off buying on CPC in this case than 10/18/2020 19 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 20. Continue…. 3. Cost Per Lead (CPL): CPL is the amount you pay as an advertiser for acquiring a lead. Lead is an intermediate action before final purchase. It is a micro conversion. It could be a sign up, download of a brochure, subscription, etc. The objective of the marketer is to acquire leads and nurture them through continuous engagement for conversions later. 4. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) is the amount you pay, as an advertiser for acquiring a customer who buys your product or service. It typically means the cost of customer acquisition. This model is mainly used to drive online transaction and is risk free as you only pay when the user buys. The bid price is comparatively higher when compared to the other 10/18/2020 20 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 21. Continue…. eCPA may be calculated when bidding on CPC and that can be used to arrive at target CPA. Let us take an example here, assume 100 people click on your ad and land on your website. Assume that out of 100 people, 10 people fill a lead form and out of them 1 user buys. Assume that CPC is Rs. 20. What will be the target CPL and target CPA? The total cost in this case is Rs. 2000 ( 100×Rs. 20) and eCPL is Rs. 200 and eCPA is Rs. 2000. Thus marketer can now have a target CPL of less than Rs. 200 and it will be a more cost efficient model than the current CPC of Rs, 20. Similarly marketer can have a target CPA of less than Rs. 2000 and it will be more cost efficient than the current CPC of Rs. 20. 5. Fixed Cost/Sponsorship: In this model, you pay the 10/18/2020 21 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 22. Continue…. cost model. A related model is sponsorship. You can sponsor a website or a property, wherein your you have logo presence and some ad inventory as a part of the package deal. Figure 1 in next slide captures the essence of different models. As a marketer you have to strike a balance between impact, reach and cost effectiveness. Your plan must have a good mix of sites which will break the clutter and make an impact, sites that will give you reach and sites that will be cost effective. Figure 2 explains the execution and outcomes for different buying models. 10/18/2020 22 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 23. Continue…. Figure 1 Buying Models CPM CPC CPL/CPA Sponsorships •Allows planner to select best performing sites and placement •Measured in terms of Clicks, CTR •Cannot or section or placement. •Auto-runs based on inventory availability •Measured in terms of actual deliveries and cost efficiency. •Situated for sales/leads base campaign. •Measure in terms of signups achieved, cost efficiency •Long term branding initiatives •Still measured in terms of clicks, CTR 10/18/2020 23 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 24. Continue…. Figure 2 Trade offs in Buying Models Impact Buys (Fixed) Impression Buys (Fixed) Click Buys (Fixed) Fixed presence on high traffic destination Dilivers visibility generating awareness High cost property both in terms of percentage allocation of total budget and the Impression buys on premium destinations Ensure reach to the relevant audience on premium inventory Percentage allocation of total budget lower than impact buys and the eCPC achieved is also low Response based buys for small publisher, enable long tail reach No contribution to the impact and runs on residual inventory eCPC is the lowest delivering highest ROI 10/18/2020 24 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 25. Continue…. 2.4 Display Plan Marketers need to prepare a display media plan which must include the following aspects; • Site • Section • Ad size • Impression • Rate • Cost The question that arises is how to prepare a digital marketing plan? Firstly, the marketer must identify the objectives and target audience for the campaign. Then, the marketer must calculate how much is the penetration of internet among the target audience? Further, what are the passion points of target audience and which website are frequently visited by them? 10/18/2020 25 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 26. Continue…. The duplication in reach is then calculated to arrive at budget allocation to sites. Figure 3 reflect the process. Figure-3 Display Plan Process 1. Objective and TG as defined by client 2. Calculating the TG reach in Internet Universe 3. Identifying the passion points and digital hangout of the TG 4. List the genres relevant to reach the TG and top websites 5.Duplication and reach calculation for budget allocation to sites 6.Finalise plan as per reach, engageme nt and passion point This will define the media mix and the recommen ded reach What is the base of relevant audience available on Internet ComScore shows the genre where TG spends their online time based on age and Gender targeting ComScor e shows the top websites visited by the TG Duplicatio n calculatio n identifies effective reach of each site The final plan aims to reach the relevant TG at relevant touch points 10/18/2020 26 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 27. Continue… 2.5 Targeting Sophisticated targeting methods are available in display advertising. Reaching to the right audience is extremely important for the success of the display advertising campaign. This can be done efficiently by following various targeting methods as explained next. 2.5.1 Contextual Targeting: Contextual targeting delivers ads to the audience based on the content they consume. It uses ‘keywords’ or ‘tags’ added to the ads to match them to relevant websites. As a marketer, you choose the keywords and topics most relevant to your ads. Keywords are individual terms which are relevant to your 10/18/2020 27 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 28. Continue…. define the central them of the webpage on which you would like to place your ad. Keywords: Using keywords planner tool in Google AdWords, relevant keywords can be generated by simply entering your website URL. From AdWords too you can generate ideas. For example, if you must generate relevant keywords for Amazon India, you could simply enter the URL and fetch relevant keywords. Topics: Topic refers to the overall theme of a certain webpage. Targeting based on topic allows your ads to show up on web pages even though your keywords do not necessarily match. Thus, targeting relevant topics helps to have a wide coverage and reach broad audience quickly. Like keywords, you can select topics 10/18/2020 28 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 29. Continue… based on four factors: (i) text, (ii) language, (iii) link structure, and (iv) page structure. Based on these factors, Google determines the central theme of each webpage in the Google Display Network. 2.5.2 Placement Targeting: Placement targeting can be used when you have a clear idea about your audience activity on the web. You can directly choose to display your ads on websites, few web pages, videos, RSS feeds, mobile sites, etc. Further, you can also choose specific positions for your ads on the websites. This is called ‘managed placement’. You can also use a combination of contextual and placement targeting for better results. For example, if you are selling cars, as part of the placement targeting, 10/18/2020 29 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 30. Continue… you could use contextual targeting (use of keywords) to determine the exact pages in the website which are more relevant and advertise in those pages only. 2.5.3 Remarketing: One a visitor visits your website and view a product, the visitor is tracked. Later, if the visitors leave your site and visit any other site in the network they are tracked and shown a relevant ad about your product on the other site. It is similar to Face book Dynamics Advert. For example, consider your visit Flipkart and browse through a particular model of a T.V. Later, you exit Flipkart and visit some other website. Now, you are shown ads on the new website you visit, about the TV you browse through in Flipkart. This entire process is called remarketing i.e. 10/18/2020 30 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 31. Continue…. customers about your brand and the product and tries to convert them into sale. One is simple remarketing in which the creative shown is prepared beforehand and is static. In this case, you must copy paste the remarketing code on the source code of your website so that the cookie IDs of visitors to the website can be tracked. Then, you must create list for specific pages of the website such as those who abandoned the cart or those who visited specific pages of the site and then ads will be shown to them. You can also do dynamic remarketing in which different code must be pasted in source code of website so that it appears on all pages of website. This code has an additional variable known as ‘Product ID’. Additionally, you upload 10/18/2020 31 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 32. Continue…. catalogue is pulled to create a customized ad showing the same product that the user visited. The process of remarketing is shown in the figure 4. Figure-4 Prospect Returns to Your Site Prospect Your Site Prospect is Tracked Prospect Leaves Your Ad on other Sites 10/18/2020 32 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 33. Continue…. user can reach out to audience based on their specific interests. We must note the fine line of difference between interest categories and topic based contextual targeting mentioned above. While interest categories are based on audience, topic targeting is based on websites. There are three targeting methods which fall under interest categories. They are briefly explained in here; (a) Affinity Audience: Affinity audience is a set of audiences who are suggested based on their long-term interest types. These interests are long lasting and do not change frequently. For instance, a movie buff or a golf enthusiast or a fusionist will have relatively stable and enduring interests. They indicate the passion of the target group. The interest categories are inferred 10/18/2020 33 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 34. Continue…. once you inter your website URL, Google determines the relevant affinity audience. On the other hand, if you are a comparatively new startup and expect that lot of your prospective customers are available on an e-commerce portal, and then you can still choose the affinity audience of that portal to market your product. Further, you can even get insights about the demographics of the audience in the interest category you select. (b) Custom Affinity Audience: One can choose to build his/her own category of audience, called the custom affinity audience. Here, a combination of keywords and website URLs can be used to describe the category requirement. Based on 1 10/18/2020 34 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 35. Continue…. powerful method of targeting as it is completely customized and one can target users interested in competition. (c) In-Market Audience: In-market audience are those who are presently engaged in the market i.e., they are actively researching a product or a service in the market and are most likely to buy it soon. Google displays these audiences, sorted according to various categories of products and services to which they belong. This targeting method is for those advertisers who advertise for generating sales revenues. If you are running performance campaigns then this method is appropriate. 10/18/2020 35 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 36. Continue…. on their geographic location. Google allows you to target users based on countries, areas within a country, radius around a location, group of locations, etc. You can also target location by places of interest or a postal code. Further, Google allows you to target bulk locations (up to 1000 locations) at once, instead of selecting locations one by one. Some of these are not available for India yet. Language targeting is the act of targeting people based on the language they speak. 2.5.6 Demographics: Demographic targeting can be used to target people based on demographic factors such as age, gender, parental status, household income etc. This type of targeting helps you narrow your targeting and prevent your ads from reaching inappropriate audience. 1 0/18/2020 36 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 37. Continue…. If you wish to show more ads on mobile then you can increase the bid for mobile by a certain percent. Alternatively, if you do not wish to show your ad on desktop then you can decrease the bids for desktop. 2.5.8 Other Targeting Methods Ad Scheduling: Ad scheduling allows you to run ads during a specific time of the day or during specific days of the week. For example, order for online grocery is placed more on weekends and in evenings hence you might want to run your ads only from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, if you have limited budget. Frequency Capping: Frequency capping sets an upper limit on the number of times a person sees 10/18/2020 37 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 38. Continue…. audience instead of showing your ad to the same person again and again. It is a good practice to use frequency capping, as a person who is not engaging with the ad even after seeing it for three time is unlikely to engage on subsequent exposure. Typically, 3-5 is a good frequency as some repeated exposures are needed for the message to be comprehended by the target audience. 2.6 What Makes a Good Ad? As we discussed before, good creative is very important in display campaigns. CTR is higher for highly creative ads. One should keep the following points in mind to make a good creative ad: (a) Strong CTA: Ad should have a strong call to action. It could be buy, purchase, order, browse and 10/18/2020 38 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 39. Continue…. and what to expect. (b) Include Price: If price is your advantage, you may wish to include price in the ad. Another benefit is that you will get only relevant clicks. If your buying model is CPC and if users find your price high then they will not click on your ad and you do not have to pay for their clicks. (c) Aesthetics: Experiment with fonts, images, colors. It is more important to match the sites that you’re targeting in color schemes, than to match your landing page. It is a good idea to include text in your image ad as it induces people to click. Use attractive images. (d) Unique Selling Proposition: Communicate one unique benefit strongly. Keep it simple and do not 10/18/2020 39 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 40. Continue… (e) Show Two Ads With Two Offers to the Target Audience: For example, one ad with free e-book and another for price off. If you do not have two offers then make two ads of the same offer. 2.7 Programmatic Digital Advertising Programmatic advertising is automated ad buying. The buying takes place in real time and follows a bidding model. Hence, it is called Real Time Bidding (RTB) model. Bidding here takes place for ad spaces in the publisher’s web pages. Programmatic advertising is the most recent development related to automation in the field of display advertising. Programmatic buying signifies the shift from contextual targeting to audience 10/18/2020 40 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 41. Continue… you are a car brand. Contextual advertising mean advertising on car portals such as Team-BHP, Autocar India, etc. Instead, advertiser can target audiences who may be defined as those who have visited car portal at least once in the last one month, visited finance site at least once in the last one month and booked a travel ticket online at least once in the last one month. This user is more likely to buy a car. It does not matter on which site the user sees the ad. This is called audience targeting which is based on online behavior. It infers intent of the user and target based on intent buying. Programmatic buying reaches the right audience at the right time and place at the right 10/18/2020 41 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 42. Continue…. 2.7.1 Process of Programmatic Advertising: The user requests for a webpage, which means there is a potential to show ad impressions to the user. Every time a user requests for a page, ad exchange holds a live auction. On behalf of the publisher, Supply Side Platforms (SSP) send a bid request to the Demand Side Platform (DSP). DSP examines the potential impression in terms of target audience and context match and returns a bid amount based on its value to the advertiser. Winning bid is chosen by the ad exchange and that ad is shown on the publisher’s website. 2.7.2 Player in Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem: The ecosystem consists of demand side and supply side which buy and sell ad inventory, respectively, through an ad exchange as 10/18/2020 42 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 43. Continue…. Figure-5 Players in Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem 11. Third Party 12. Consumer 1.Advertis er 2.Agenc y 3.DS P 7.Publish er 6. Networ kk 5.SS P 4. Exchang e 10. Data Aggregators 8. Data 9. Data 10/18/2020 43 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur
  • 44. Continue… 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 44 (a) Publishers: Publishers have ad impressions through which they monetize the site and it is a major source of revenue for them as most of the content websites in India are free and hence do not have subscription revenues. Big publishers have their own sales team which sells ad inventory to the advertisers. Typically, they are able to sell some inventory, largely premium inventory such as above the fold, home page through direct sales. Since web has millions of sites and unlimited ad space, so there is infinite supply but demand is limited as there are only few advertisers who are willing to pay for the ads. Hence, the demand-supply equation is titled in favor of advertisers specially in India where ad rates are low as compared to the world.
  • 45. Continue… 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 45 directly, also called ‘remnant’ inventory is sold through ‘network’. Long tail websites each having small number of unique users and page views cannot afford to have their own sales force and hence rely on networks to monetize their website. Network are aggregators of publishers. Some example are Google ad network, Yahoo! Ad network, Bing ad network, Tribal Fusion,Vadopia and Inmobi. Networks also specialize in the type of inventory they hold. This specialization could be based on types of ads or buying models. Network were more important few years back but over time their importance has decreased as other players such as Supply-Side Platform (SSPs) have entered the ecosystem adding more value to the publishers. On the demand side, there is an advertiser who takes the help of agencies which are represented by trading desk that help advertiser in planning, preparing strategy
  • 46. Continue… 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 46 audience and goals. For example, whether bidding should be on CPM or CPC or CPA model; or whether the goal should be to maximize reach or impressions or clicks; and what should be the target audience. (b) Supply-Side Platform (SSP): A supply-Side Platform or Sell-Side Platform (SSP) is a technology platform which enables the publishers to manage their ad impression inventory and maximize from digital media. SSP is a yield manager of the publisher. It maximizes the yield for publishers by selling impressions for as much CPM as possible. It integrates multiple network together. It share the context of the webpage, such as topic, keywords, page URL and the profile of the user such as demography, location, device and browser behavior with the DSP and requests the DSP to bid for ad impression. Some of the SSPs are LiveRail,
  • 47. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 47 for publishers, PubNative and AdJuggler. It also share the cookie ID with the DSP. When a user visits the webpage, the publisher drops a cookie in the browser of the user. A cookie is a small text file which store information such as time, date stamp, page URL, browser and device information. It enhances user experience as when the user visits the webpage again cookie will be retrieved by the webpage and it will know whether the user is a first time visitor or a repeat visitor, what items were placed in the shopping cart, etc. These cookies are persistent and are valid for a certain time. These are encrypted and can be read only by the domain which dropped them. (c) Demand Side Platform (DSP): A Demand-Side Platform (DSP) allows the advertiser to buy the
  • 48. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 48 RTB. The DSP present the interest of the advertiser and attempt to find the most efficient impressions given the constraints imposed by the advertiser. They optimize the campaign for a pre defined strategy which includes goals, whether maximize clicks or impressions, return on ad spend, budget, target audience and bid strategy. Most of the DSPs work on CPM model but in future we will see other buying models too through DSPs. Some of the DSP companies are Double click, and Audience science. DSP get the request for bid from SSP which include the cookie ID of the user who is requesting the webpage. DSPs have audiences which are
  • 49. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 49 of consumer behavior, they categories these audiences into buckets such as fashionists, golf enthusiasts, avid investors based on their online behavior etc. If someone visits more of finance sits, mutual funds sites, business sites and stock exchange sites then the user may be categorized as an avid investor. You may be wondering how DSPs have cookie IDs. DSPs place ads on behalf of advertiser on publishers’ sites. When a user visits the webpage which has the ad impression served by the DSP, DSP drops third party cookie to the user’s browser. These are known as third party cookies as they are not dropped by the domain the user is visiting. Later when user visits another site which has an ad by the same DSP/advertiser, the cookie calls to the DSP/advertiser who now knows the website visited by the user. DSP/advertiser cannot read the cookie dropped by the website but it gets to know the domain visited by user. This way DSPs collect huge number of cookie IDs with details about their browsing behavior which they categories into profile.
  • 50. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 50 SSP. DSP check its cookie database for users who are visiting the publisher’s website. It may realize that both DSP cookie ID 10 and SSP cookie ID 20 belong to the same user 123. In that case match has been found between cookies IDs of SSP and DSP and hence DSP will bid. If it is winning bid then ad will be pushed from the third party ad server to the publisher site. If cookie syncing happens then bid rate will be high but if cookie does not match then bid rates may fall as DSP may bid based on contextual factors and not audience factors or DSP may decide not to bid. Hence, there is flurry of activity for each impression. Benefits of DSP DSPs bring lot of benefits to the advertiser. Some key benefits are as under:
  • 51. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 51 1. Cost Efficiency: They enable buying at lower CPM as they can participate in actions when competition is less. 2. Buying Efficiency: They eliminate need for human interface and relationship and hence bring efficiency in buying. Sellers do not need to hire sales force and advertisers need not negotiate with different publishers as the entire exchange is automated. 3. Real Time Optimization: Since its highly automated metrics data comes in real time with no time lag enabling optimization of campaigns. 4. Granular Targeting: Sophisticated targeting options are available in DSP including cookie matching which ensure higher ROI. 5. Scale: For remarketing, wherein advertisers target users who visited their sites, DSPs provide reach and scale as they work with SSPs that have large number of sites.
  • 52. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 52 contextual targeting. Wherein advertisers target context or sites belonging to a particular topic or keyword. Each DSP interacts with more than 15 SSPs and can serve more than 15 billion impression per day. (d) Data Management Platform (DMP): A Data Management Platform (DMP) is used by publishers and buyers to store and manage audience data from multiple sources. These sources include publisher’s websites, videos etc. There are three sources of data. First party data is from sites such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Yahoo! which create data as users create profiles on these platforms. Second party data is customer data which is owned by big e-commerce sites such as Amazon.com and telecom service providers such as AT&T. Third party data is from data providers such as DMPs which collect cookie based audience dat. See figure 6 in next
  • 53. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 53 Figure-6: Types of Data Suppliers 1St Party Data Data creation 2nd Party Data Customer Data 3rd Party Data Data Provider A company will have its own CRM or transactional data. It can make this data richer by adding a layer of public data. This can be done by checking email IDs, public profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, classified such as Justdial, and LinkedIn Faceboo k Google Yahoo! Datalogic, Exelate LOTAME Bluekai Audience create Amazon .com City Bank AT&T
  • 54. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 54 from there, filling profile information such as age, gender, job title, seniority, occupation, address, URL, contact detail etc. There are data providers who can add the social media profile to your CRM data. From DMP, you can have cookie based browsing behavior data of your CRM customers. If you integrate all these different data sources, your customer data becomes very rich and you can target them for higher ROI. DMP brings all the data sets together. For example, let us assume you sell car insurance and your CRM data shows that one of your customers is in the market to buy a home and demo data shows his high-income level, so now you can show ads for cross selling premium home insurance. To further expand your audiences, you can target ‘Lookalike Audiences’ of your best and rich customer dataset. (e) Ad Server: There are ad server technology companies
  • 55. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 55 analytics given by the publisher and you know for sure how many ad impressions were served. Apart from ad verification and analytics, these ad servers have good technological integration capabilities and hence integrate well with DSPs and publisher sites for display of ads. They also enable dynamic creative optimization which enables customization of ads for different target groups and placements. For example, the ad can show bright sunny image when ad is shown in the morning and light dull image in the evening. The creative can be updated dynamically by the creative designer from his laptop, without having to upload multiple version through, email or other manual coordination. The creative must be prepared in two file formats: .swf file for parent file and .xml format for child file. The parent file is the template that identifies where heading, call to action button or image and description will come. The child file is the data that gets pulled dynamically in the parent file format. Hence, the creative designer can update the data in the child file
  • 56. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 56 is done by ad servers. Ad servers charge a small percent of media spend for the fees. Unfortunately only 40 percent advertisers in India use third party ad servers as they consider it as cost. (f) Ad Exchange: Ad exchange brings together buyers and sellers to buy and sell online ad inventory in an automated manner. Like a stock exchange, real time auctioning for ad space on publishers’ website happens in an ad exchange. Further, ad exchanges are of two types. They are describe in this section. Open Exchanges: Open exchanges, as the name suggests, are ad exchanges open for everybody on the web. There is no restriction on the purchase of inventory available in these exchanges. They are run by tech giants such as Google, OpenX, Yahoo! etc. Over 70 billion ad impressions flow through these exchanges daily. These volumes have made policing
  • 57. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 57 impressions. Open exchanges allow buyers to purchase media on an audience basis through cookie-based targeting; achieving scale is usually a higher priority than running campaigns with specific publishers. Private Exchanges: The problem mentioned above led to the creation of private exchanges wherein a group of publishers pooled up to sell their advertising inventory only through select agencies or to reputed companies. This type of selective selling has helped prevent fraudulent activities as seen in open exchanges. Also, these exchanges are considered to be premium exchanges as advertisers get better ad placements, insights etc., as compared to open exchanges.
  • 58. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 58 which pricing is determined in real time. It works in open auctions as well as private auctions. 2.8 Analytics Tools There are some challenges plaguing the display advertising industry. Fortunately some companies have devised tools to overcome those challenges. Let us look at some of these issues and futuristic solutions. 2.8.1 View ability: Per Integral Ad Science & Media Rating Council Data in 2015, 57 percent of display ads were not viewable. Ad may not be visible due to disruptive human behaviour, such as action taken before ad loads and renders, multitasking or because of low quality or compromised pages. It could be because ad loads in area out of the user’s browser, or frequent page refresh prevents ads load, or web load gives errors. It should be noted that 50 percent of ads pixel should be displayed for a minimum of one second in image ads and two seconds for video ads for an ad to be considered
  • 59. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 59 Media Rating Council in May, 2015. Both the pixel and time component must be measured and must satisfy the above minimum requirements for an ad to be counted as a viewable impression. If both the pixel and time component associated with an ad are greater than zero, but one or both do not meet or exceed the above minimum requirements, the ad may be referred to as a ‘loaded ad’. It should not be associated with the term ‘impression’. To overcome this view ability issue, tools such as Integral Ad Science and MOTA provide metrics such as in-view impressions, out-of-view impressions, viewable rate. 2.8.2 On Target Reach: The current cookie based methods of targeting overestimate reach and underestimate frequency by a huge margin. The demographic accuracy is also low. Some tools such as
  • 60. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 60 another tool. They do cross device measurement and provide reach overlap reports. These tools determine accuracy based on real people logins across mobile and desktop. They enable people-based marketing and understanding of the consumer journey. 2.8.3 Ad Fraud: Ad fraud is the deliberate practice of serving ads that have no potential to be viewed by a human. Perpetrators of ad fraud are criminal gangs and the problem is costing the ad industry a lot of money. Publishers with higher cost-per-thousand (CPM) rates are more susceptible to bots, which generally create millions upon millions of ad impressions that are seen by no one but often get charged to marketers as a viewed promotion. 1. Domain Identity Theft: This is a form of fraud where fraudsters add a fake URL into the ad unit, fooling the auction into believing that an ad will appear on an
  • 61. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 61 2. Click/Impression/Conversion Fraud: This is when fraudsters mechanize clicking, viewing or converting on ads. Click farms exist where people are paid to sit and click, view, or convert on ads through desktop and mobile devices. 3.Bot Activity: This is when robots carry out similar actions by masking IP addresses through advanced algorithms. Malware can be installed on computers, giving fraudsters the power to control what domains a computer visits and the ads it views. 4. Ad-stacking: This is when multiple ads are served within the same placement. This method tricks ad servers, as each of the ads is served; however, they are stacked beneath each other so the advertiser’s message is often not viewable. 5. Pixel Stuffing: When an ad of say 300×250 pixels is crammed into 1×1 pixel size which makes it appear on
  • 62. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 62 2.8.4 Brand Health: The process and controls implemented to protect advertisers from having their ads appear alongside content that could damage their brand or reputation. Example of brand safety issues are: 1. Ads appearing on sites publishing illegal content. For example, adult, illegal downloads. 2. Ads appearing alongside user generated content. For example, controversial opinion. 3. Ads presented in a negative context due to content on the site. For example, flights alongside an air disaster. Brand safety is ensured by blacklisting websites having controversial content; using keywords to not show ads in that by labeling content for adult use, etc. Integral Ad Science tool assign brand risk scores to prevent brand health from getting compromised.
  • 63. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 63 2.9 YouTube Advertising YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world behind Google search. According to the official statistics by YouTube, it has over one billion users- almost one third of all people on the internet. With such immense audience presence, it is a great platform to promote your company. Marketers on YouTube have two broad areas of participation: (i) YouTube channels, and (ii) YouTube ads. 2.9.1 YouTube Channels: Companies can promote their brands and products by creating quality video content and curetting it into a YouTube channel or profile. This will aid discovery and engagement whenever someone searches for relevant content on YouTube. 2.9.2 YouTube Ads: YouTube allows you to capitalize on the millions of partner videos already present on YouTube, by targeting your display ads to relevant videos. These ads are available in two different formats. The most widely used formats are as follows.
  • 64. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 64 (b) Overlay Ads: An overlay ad appears in a rectangular format in the bottom 20 percent of the video. It is available only on a laptop or a desktop and not on a mobile devices, TVs, game consoles etc. Viewers can dismiss the ad anytime and can be purchased only in the CPC model. (c) Skippable Video Ads: Skippable video ad is the most popular advertising format on YouTube. Viewers can skip the ad after watching it for five seconds. It can be inserted before, during or after the video and is available on desktop, TVs, gaming consoles and mobile devices. It has a very unique buying model wherein the publisher is paid only when a user watches 30 seconds of the video or till the end of the video-whichever comes first. (d) Non Skippable Video Ads: Non skippable video ads are 15-20 second long video ads which can be inserted before, during or after the YouTube video. For these ads, the publisher gets paid only when a user fully watches the ad.
  • 65. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 65 (e) Mid-roll Ads: Available only for video over 15 minutes, mid-roll ads are spaced between the video similar to TV commercials. For better viewing experience, publisher can choose to place their ads at natural pauses between the scenes. They are available only on desktop and mobile versions and not on game consoles, TVs, etc. Further, these mid-roll ads could be skippable or non-skippable ads and the pricing model is as per the chosen format. (f) Bumper Ads: Bumper ads are lightweight, non- skippable video ads up to 6 second long. They are especially optimized for mobile services. Similar to non skippable ads, the publisher is paid only when the user fully watches the ad. (g) Native Mobile Ads: Native mobile ads are display ads that appear in the same context as organic content. As the name suggests, these ads are only available on
  • 66. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 66 (h) Discovery Ads: The billing pattern in case True View Discovery ad is relatively simple. You are charged whenever a user clicks on a video ad thumbnail or title and begins watching your ad video. YouTube skippable ads and discovery ads that come in the search results are called true view ads as users choose to see the ad by their own volition. 2.9.3 Type of Videos: Your ads can appear in any video which has claimed copyright. It could be a user-generated video or broad-cast channel videos or YouTube partner videos. On YouTube, users do not prefer to click and leave the site. Hence, you should create videos which are stand alone and are effective without requiring the user to go to the landing page. Since popular YouTube ad formats are true view formats which require users to choose to view the ad, hence you must make your first five seconds, when the user can skip, very compelling. Infact, you must try to communicate the
  • 67. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 67 Hard sell commercial style ads are more likely to be skipped. Hence, you must create content specially for YouTube instead of using your TV commercials. Some popular types of videos for YouTube are ‘HowTo’, testimonials, emotional story, behind the scenes, provocative content. It is also a good idea to keep the videos short, say of about 30 seconds. 2.9.4 Buying Models: The buying model on YouTube can broadly be divided into two major categories discussed in this section. (a) Bidding Model: The YouTube bidding model is a standard action based model. Most aspect of the model are similar to display advertising buying models discussed in the previous sections of the presentation. Apart from those, video content has a
  • 68. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 68 (i) Cost Per View (CPV): CPV is the amount you pay for your true video ads. With CPV bidding, you will pay for video views or instructions. A view is counted when someone watches 30 seconds of video ad or interacts with the ad, whichever comes first. Let us further understand with an example, how CPV works for a true view in stream video as and True View Discount Ad. Consider you set up an upper limit of Rs. 40 as you CPV i.e. your max. CPV is Rs. 40. Let us see how you charge in both the cases; True View In-stream Video: In case of true view in- stream video, there are two possibilities; • The viewer watches your ad completely (if ad length is less than 30 seconds) or watches at least 30 seconds of your ad (if ad length is more than 30 seconds). • The viewer performs a desire action on the ad i.e., click on the ad. You are billed a maximum of Rs. 40 for either of the two
  • 69. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 69 Actual CPV: As an advertiser, you always do not pay the max. CPV amount. As it is a competitive bidding model, you might often strike deals at a lower price relative to your max. CPV. This price at which you strike a deal (the actual amount you are charged) is called the actual CPV. The actual CPV you pay depends on two factors. They are; Quality Score and Ad Rank: Quality score is a measure of how relevant your ad is to a customer and includes multiple performance factors such as view rates or click rates. This quality score is further used to determine the ad rank. Ad Rank is the product of your quality score and max. CPV. Based on this ad rank, all the bidders are ranked sequentially and the top ranker wins the bid. Your actual CPV is determined based on the ad rank of the bidder below you and your quality score. Also, your
  • 70. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 70 of the bidder below you as second price auction method is followed. The concept of max. CPC and actual CPC and the concept of quality score and ad rank is same in display advertising too. The formula is: Ad Rank= Max. CPC × Quality Score Since they are in multiplicative relationship, if your quality score is low you have to bid high. Hence, advertiser should try to have high quality score by ensuing high CTR or view rates or interaction rates so that CPC remain low. (b) Reserved Media Placement: The reserve media placements model follows a fixed pricing model wherein you buy placements on a reservation basis instead of an auction basis. These campaigns are highly beneficial if you want to build instant brand awareness. For example, if you are launching a new product or entering a new market. Moreover, you have a clear picture about your spending
  • 71. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 71 The reserved media placements can be bought mainly in two modes; Cost Per Milli (CPM): In a CPM campaign you are billed for every 1000 impressions. It has to be booked six business days in advance and the creative's have to be delivered at least four business days in advance. The ad formats which fall under this mode are discussed ahead. • Standard In-stream: These are non-skippable video ads that play before the user streams the actual video. They are optimal if you want to communicate a simple yet powerful message and can be of 15 or 30 seconds. • In-stream Select: In-stream select are skippable ads which appear before the actual video. The ad can be up to 60 seconds long and the user is allowed to skip the video after 5 seconds and an impression is recorded, irrespective of the user skipping the video. Cost Per Day (CPD): As the name suggests, the cost per day campaign is the amount charged to publish your ad for
  • 72. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 72 have to be delivered nine business days in advance. The ad formats that fall under CPD are as follow: • Desktop Custom Masthead: It is a 970×250 pixel ad unit that spans the entire breadth of the YouTube homepage below the navigation bar. The ad unit can also include a video and can greatly drive brand relevant activity. • Desktop Universal Video Masthead: The desktop universal video masthead includes a flash information panel on one side and a video panel on the other side. The flash panel can open/close whenever someone clicks on it. The standard size of this ad unit is 780×195 pixel. • Mobile Video Masthead: A mobile video masthead, as the name suggests, a mobile/tablet only ad unit. It consists of a video headline, description, channel name, call to action and thumbnail. 2.9.5 Targeting and Optimization: YouTube ad can be
  • 73. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 73 optimized like other display ads. The various targeting options available are based on topics, interests, affinity audience, demographics, etc. Search Engine Advertising Introduction Internet is the zero moment of truth. Consumers first search for products or services online before visiting the store. Hence, it is imperative for marketers to be present on search engines. Search Engine Marketing has two part-(i) Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and (ii) Search Advertising. While SEO is organic, Search Advertising is paid. The results of SEO may come only after few months of following the best practices of SEO. But, the marketer still must have a presence on search engines when the user is
  • 74. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 74 advertisements are shown if they match user query and are shown at the top or bottom of the results page and are labeled as ‘ad’. Search engine try to ensure that advertisements are highly relevant to the user’s query. Google has the dominant share of the search engine traffic worldwide. User experience is of paramount importance to search engines especially Google. This is also evident when one looks at the homepage of Google, one of the most visited websites in the world. Google does not show any ads on its homepage, even though it would have led to huge revenues, as it wants to keep the focus on the search query, and hence keeps its page uncluttered. It is interesting to contrast it with Yahoo! Why do the two search engines have completely different look? The difference is quite stark and is perhaps based on the different business models of the two search engines. Whereas Google’s primary business is search, Yahoo!’s focus is on content and hence it display advertising. Therefore, while
  • 75. Continue… 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 75 Google believes in the uncluttered search page, Yahoo! Introduces the user to content while they search so that they can engage with it. 3.1 Why Pay for Search Advertising? A question you may ask is if organic results are free then why should a marketer spend money on paid results? A marketer could build an excellent website and invest in SEO techniques to get the highest rank for the website in organic results; however, despite the best efforts, the website may not come on top. The algorithm for organic results is complex and not under the control of the marketer. It is dynamic and a small change in it can dramatically change the ranking of page competitors’ websites may be more relevant for certain search queries. In comparison, marketers could secure a higher position on paid
  • 76. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 76 results by paying for the ads. Few reasons why companies should consider paid search advertisements are- (i) intent (ii) ease of action, (iii) controlled costs, (iv) analytics, and (v) competition, which are discussed in greater detail in this section. 3.1.1 Capture Intent: The advertisement is shown to people who are searching for terms that are relevant to your business. These people are actively searching because they are interested in either finding out more information about product or service or are buying it. Hence they have both interest and intent; the user is in the market for the product or service. These users are more likely to click on the ad and buy the products or services. This is what makes search advertising so powerful. It taps into the intent of the user. It is called a pull medium as the user seeks the advertisement. This is the primary reason why click through rate are the
  • 77. Continue… 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 77 ads, social media and email. Contrast this with traditional media advertising where one does not know whether the consumer is interested in the product or service when they view the advertisements. It is more of a spray-and-pray approach wherein the marketer gives advertisements in the hope that some people will be in the market to buy those products or services. 3.1.2 Ease of Action: Search engine ads are meant to be clickable. Once a person clicks on the ad, the search engine directs the user to the brand’s web page, custom designed for the ad. The web page has easy navigation links to various parts of the website, phone call options, integration with maps to locate the business easily, and hence enables the user to find relevant content.
  • 78. Continue… 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 78 3.1.3 Controlled Cost: Search engine charge a marketer only if a person click on the ad. The advertisers are not charged for the impressions i.e. the number of times the ad is shown in search results. One can control how much they are willing to pay for each click. There is no base charge for creating the ads. Additionally, advertiser can also control how much they wish to spend each day. An account can be charged on a prepaid model where the advertisers transfer money to Google, and subsequent costs are deducted from this amount. In this way, total expenditure is always within one’s control. Once the money is deposited in the AdWords account of Google, one can generate
  • 79. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 79 3.1.4 Analytics: Search engine help in creating and downloading reports about the performance of ads. One can view statistics such as- average cost per click, the number of clicks for each ad, the total amount spend, the click through rate, and the number of impressions to analyze the effectiveness of their campaigns. 3.1.5 Competition: In a scenario where the brand’s web page is of a higher quality as compared to their competitors’ and is most relevant to the search query entered by the user, there is a high likelihood that the advertiser’s website will be listed as the first result. Why is there then the need to place the ads? It can be seen many times that while
  • 80. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 80 in the organic results. Is the company then wasting money on advertisement? The answer is no-simply because, even though one company may earn the first rank in organic results, they are leaving the ad space open for attack by competition. If the company does not bid for the ad, then the competition will bid and win it. The result would be that even if that respective company has won the top place through SEO, their competition will be listed higher than them on the results page through paid ad. So, one must bid for top ad slots not for visibility alone but to prevent competition. For example, when Flipkart ran the campaign-Big Billion Day- during Diwali, Amazon showed ads against the keyword and purchased the ‘Big Billion Day’ domain name. When users clicked on big
  • 81. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 81 Amazon site. Amazon also showed ads on web pages which had the keywords-Big Billion Day. This is an example of online ambush marketing. 3.2 Understanding Ad Placement Search engine show advertisements in predefined areas on the result page. Google shows ads in two areas- top and bottom. Maximum four ads can appear on the top and three at the bottom. It is not necessary though that search engines will display all potential ads on the result page. Why do search engines lose out on potential revenue then? The reason is that there is the huge cost of serving ads. The entire algorithm is optimized for the probability of click as the advertisers pay only when they receive a click. Hence, search engines show ads
  • 82. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 82 Search engines show ads in less than 350 milliseconds. Completing the entire process of running a live action in real time every time a user types a query entails a huge cost of servers and technology. Hence, when the cost of serving ads is high and the probability of clicking is low, search engines may not show ads. This is called coverage which may increase during festivals and occasions such as Thanksgiving, Diwali and Christmas when the intent to buy high, and hence search engines show more ads. 3.2.1 Top: The top position is considered as the prime location in Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Users usually click on results on the first page and that too which are above the scroll. How many times do we to the second or the third page of the results? It is therefore clear the competition is for the top four
  • 83. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 83 for below the scroll and subsequent pages. 3.2.2 Side: Google showed the ads side too. Importantly, the side had only ads and no organic results, so users naturally paid more attention to the results of the main section (left) and less to results on the side (right). Left side ads are called native ads as they come in the same place where organic results come. Sometimes a map would come on the right side above the ad. Now the right-side ads have been discontinued to align the user experience on the desktop with mobile since on mobile there is no right side. Also, the click rates of right side were very low as they were not native. 3.2.3 Bottom: If the AdRank for an ad is lower than the threshold for the top position, in that case even if the top position does not show any ads, this ad is
  • 84. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 84 Figure- A Typical Google Search Result Page Top Search Bar Organic Search Results Bottom Side
  • 85. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 85 3.3 Understanding AdRanks AdRank is the position at which the ad appears in the search engine results. A study by Chitika (2013) has shown that results that appear in the top three positions combined attract more than 60 percent of traffic compared to all other results. 3.3.1 Basic Ad Auction Model: Do you know that Google is not the first search advertising platform? Overture was one of the early player in the market; it launched paid search advertising service in 1998. Google launched its paid advertising do-it-yourself platform-AdWord- in the year 2000. In 2003, Yahoo! Acquired Overture. The initial auction model ranked ads per bid amount placed by an advertiser for the keywords. This auction system was simple to implement. However, it was not successful. This is
  • 86. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 86 model leads to bidding wars. Suppose one bids Rs. 2 for the keyword ‘grocery shopping’. To outrank this bid, their competitors raises the bid by Rs. 1. This leaves the first bidder with no option but to increase the bid to exceed that of the competition. This will continue until it because unaffordable for one of them to bid for that keyword. This practice is especially unfair to small businesses that would not be able to compete against large corporations. The second problem with this model is that the quality of ads is not considered. A user might see ads that are not relevant to the current search just because the advertiser has bid high. This would ultimately result in a bad user experience. Google launched Quality Score measurement system in 2005, which
  • 87. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 87 Do you know that until 2005 all the ads on MSN search were served by Yahoo!? In 2006, Microsoft served ties with Yahoo! And created its ad-serving platform. In 2009, the MSN search evolved into the Bing search engine. 3.3.2 The Ad Auction Model: Over the years, search engines have refined their auction process to reward advertiser that show quality ads that are relevant to the user query. The algorithm of Google search ads is as follows; AdRank = Maximum Bid × Quality Score Although Google does not provide weights of the components of Quality Score, but some analytics companies have analysed the Quality Score of large scale number of keywords and drawn some
  • 88. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 88 Quality Score Relevance is 22% CTR is 39% Landing Page is 39% Let us understand the algorithm in detail. 1. Setting the Right Bids: A search engine gives the option to set the maximum amount that will be spent on each ad. Advertisers must explore options to set their ad bid amounts manually. It is important to remember that bids are set for keywords and would apply to all the ads that are configures for that keyword. The buying model in search advertising is CPC. Relevance CTR Land Page
  • 89. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 89 It means that advertiser pay only when the user clicks on the ad. This model has revolutionized search advertising as advertiser pay only when they get traffic on their website from the search engine. Table show the CTR in selected countries by device. It is evident that in India more clicks happen on desktop than on mobile as compared to other countries. Internet and smart-phone penetration in India is less and user are not doing as much search on mobile as on desktop. CTR is highest for search ads as they capture the intent of users and are a pull medium. Search engines gives an estimated bid amount for each keywords. One may start bidding at 70 percent of the suggested bid and gradually raise it if the ad is either not showing or showing at lower positions than desired. Search engines also send an alert
  • 90. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 90 to show their ad or not. If the bid amount falls under the first-page bid threshold then the advertisers should consider increasing the bid amount. Table: Average Paid Search CTR in Selected Countries Understanding how the bid amount is calculated is Countries Tablet (%) Smart-phone (%) Computer (%) Australia 3.06 2.93 2.92 Brazil 2.08 2.04 2.23 Canada 1.74 1.73 1.59 China 4.00 3.66 3.17 India 2.63 1.93 3.27 Japan 1.70 2.20 1.42 Mexico 1.75 2.33 1.75
  • 91. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 91 advertisements. Google uses the second price auction method. It means that the winner of the bid does not pay the amount they have bid upon but rather the amount bid by the second highest bidder. Each advertiser must pay the minimum amount required to outrank the next advertiser. This amount is called the actual cost per click. However, one is never be required to pay more than the maximum cost per click set by them. The quality score consists of three components- (i) Landing Page, (ii) CTR, and (iii) relevance. Let us understand them in detail. (i) Landing Page: Each ad has a target URL configured for it which upon clicking takes the customer to the landing page. The content of the landing page must match the ad. In addition to the content match, search engines would also look at the quality of the landing
  • 92. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 92 the landing page quality are pop-ups, too little content, many links, non-readable content (like images, PDFs, flash content), dynamic or pass code protected content that cannot be ready by the search engine, etc. Also, any black hat techniques might cause the website’s quality score to drop and may cause a ban on the ad. (ii) Expected Click Through Rate: Once the ad starts showing, click through rate (CTR) is the feedback that the user is giving to the search engine. If more people find the ad relevant and interesting, they will click on the ad, and the CTR will go up. In contrast, if very few people find the ad to be relevant or interesting, they will not click on it, and CTR will go down. CTR is the most important factor having highest weight. A poor ad might be shown initially because either very few advertiser are bidding for the keyword or the bid amount is set high. However, if people do not click, then the CTR will
  • 93. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 93 the competition is low. The bid amount can be increased further, but search engine will not show ads that have quality score below the threshold. A high CTR can lead to a high quality score. Since the bid amount and the quality score are the two factors determining AdRank, a high CTR can result in showing the ad even at lower bid amount. Thus, a high CTR can help in saving money on the bidding amount. CTR is high for ads in top positions. Hence, if the advertiser want to increase traffic to their landing page, they must get their ad in top positions. A new advertiser, however, will not have CTR. In that case, initially the advertiser may bid high to
  • 94. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 94 that while Click Through Rate decreases with decrease in AdRank, conversion rate increases with decrease in AdRank. The net effect according to the research is that contrary to the conventional wisdom in the industry, the topmost position is not necessary the profit maximizing position. (iii) Relevance: Search engines give importance to relevance since high relevance indicates better user experience. What is meant by relevance? It has two fold meaning, firstly, whether the search query of the user matches with the keywords that the brands are bidding for, and secondly, whether the keywords are appearing in the ad headlines and description. Out of all the components of quality score, relevance is the easiest to change and control. Hence, a new advertiser must strive to
  • 95. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 95 3.3.3 Why is AdRank Important?: So far, we have seen that the marketers desire users to click on their ads. Let us now also understand in the following section what psychological factors influence consumers to click on ads. (i) Primacy Effects: Serial position effects have been described as the effect of the position of the items on a list on the chances of an individual recalling them. The primacy effect is one such cognitive bias based on the relative position of an item on a list. Here, the individuals tend to recall the information presented to them first, better than the information they are made privy to later. This tend to make the user think that the information presented first is more significant than that presented later. Research by Solomon Asch (1946) illustrate this effect very well. He asked people to rate a person described as ‘envious, stubborn, critical,
  • 96. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 96 described as ‘intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn and envious’. The second group rated the person more highly then the first group. (ii) Competition for Attention Theory: The competition for attention theory explain biases in information processing. Desimone (1995) argues that it is important for an individual to priorities which of the many items presented is to be processed. Djamasbi et al. (2010) find that the position of a particular item has an influence on the individual’s choice to process it. As Faraday (2000) suggests, individual tend to consider items higher up on the list as more important. Considering viewing each link as a sequential cognitive activity, competition for attention theory suggest that individuals can only process one of these visual stimuli at a time. This means that each of these cues is competing for a user’s attention. Ad in higher position
  • 97. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 97 has a better chance of being processed than an ad in lower position. (iii) Information Overload: Information overload is the phenomena of what happens when one ‘receives too much information’. Academic literature states that when individuals are exposed to higher levels of information than can be easily processed, they tend to make poorer decisions. Information processing can become challenging either because of the difficulty level of the content or because of the sheer amount of information. Studies show that the selection, evaluation, as well as integration of information are affected by the available number of options. As the complexity of making choice rises, people tend to simplify their decision-making processes by relying on simple heuristics and using fewer numbers of options. This should mean that, since individuals find items
  • 98. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 98 of the list while making their decisions. This again makes a case for why a higher AdRank is important for a marketer. 3.4 Creating the First Ad Campaign The better understand the following section, we will take the case of Ram’s online grocery store in Bengaluru. To get more control on the position where his website appears on search engine result page, he decides to go with Google search advertising. We will start by creating a basic advertising campaign for his business. The concept in the following section apply to all the main search engines; however, for specific examples, we will consider Google search engine. 3.4.1 Architecture of Search Advertising Account:
  • 99. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 99 account to use AdWords, which is organized like a tree structure. One should try to mimic their website structure in the account structure- create separate campaigns for different product lines or services. For example, an online grocery store can have separate campaigns for different product categories like ‘home care product’, ‘personal care items’. This would allow the advertiser to allocate independent budgets for each product category. A campaign can contain multiple ad groups. Within the product category of home care, each sub-category such as detergents, cleansers could be different ad groups. Each ad group should have related items since the set of keywords is defined at ad group level. For each ad group, depending on the number of products and benefits offered by the online store, one could have one or more ads,
  • 100. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 100 campaign for each location. For example, if a store has two branches, one in US and one in India, the advertiser has to set up two separate campaigns, each targeting one of the locations as budget and bids will vary accordingly. Similarly, if one is running discounts on certain products and wants to allocate greater budget to advertise that product, then they should run it as a separate campaign as the budget setting can be done only at the campaign level. The account structure should be created thoughtfully as reorganizing the account will delete accumulated data and effect the performance of ads. Let us look at each of these in detail. 1. Google AdWords Account: In case the advertiser has an existing account with Google, they can use the same details to log in to AdWords. 2. Campaign: An important setting at campaign level is the daily budget which allow to set a maximum daily expenditure possible for the campaign. One can have multiple campaigns region-wise to save cost. If the target audience is more in Mumbai, then they must keep the budget higher in Mumbai, and lesser for the other regions. Also, the bidding rate
  • 101. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 101 for keywords will be different in different market. For instance, rates are likely to be higher in metro cities such as Mumbai as compared to tier-2 cities. Putting them together in the same campaign would mean that the advertiser will have to pay higher rates even for a tier-2 city. One company targeted the US, Australia, as well as the UK in campaign. Agency suggested separate campaigns for separate countries and it reduced the cost by 40 percent. Similarly, advertiser should also choose respective currencies for different countries. One can choose to show ads only on Google or on all search partners, Many search engines partner with Google to show ads on their search result page. The default setting is all search partners. If one
  • 102. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 102 An important setting is bidding model where the advertiser can choose among cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), or cost per lead (CPL). Most advertiser go for CPC model, but they independently track conversions as well. Another important setting is location. It can be of two types- (i) geographical location, and (ii) location of interest. Geographical location refers to the physical location of the user, whereas location of interest means that the geographically not in the location as the phrase. Search engines determine geographical location with the help of IP addresses and domain. Google allows a user to search for region-specific domains such as ‘google.co.in’ instead of the universal ‘google.com’, In the first case, they would attribute the user to be form India and in the second case from the US. In case users in England search for restaurants on
  • 103. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 103 Indian domain, they will be shown ads targeted for India and not for England. In one instance, a company operated only in Bengaluru, but on analysis of AdWords reports it was found that the ad was seen in the US, Australia, etc. Further investigation revealed that it happened because the targeting chosen was location of interest and not geographical location; hence if possible in the US searched for ‘online grocery Bangalore’, the ad would be shown to them. After the targeting was changed from the location of interest to geographical location, ads stopped showing to people outside Bangaluru. A hotel in Paris may show ads to people outside Paris, but who are interested in the place.
  • 104. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 104 target customers. For example, an Indian cuisine restaurant located in Switzerland may want to target Indian travelers in Switzerland, and hence might want to create ads in Hindi or English rather than in French or German. 3. Ad Groups: Each campaign is made up of one or more ad groups. An ad group is a bundle of keywords and ads. The best practice is to have 10-15 tightly themed keywords in an ad group. Advertiser can make multiple ads in an ad group. When a user searches for a keywords, the ads are shown in rotation. In AdWords, an important setting done at the end group level is default bid. This bid is then applied to all keywords. One can also set bids for individual keywords. In such a case, keyword bid will override the ad group bid. But, if the company is a larger corporation with global
  • 105. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 105 keywords can run into millions. In such a situation, setting bids for individual keywords may not be possible. We will create a search campaign for our exercise. For understanding, let us create two ad groups, one for groceries and other for fresh fruits and vegetables. 4. Ads: Google provides a preview tool for ads within AdWords where one can view the ad that are running based on device and location settings. It is strongly recommended that the advertisers use the preview tool to know if their ads are showing or not for certain keywords. One may be thinking why it is not good to check if ad is showing or not in search engine result page. If one checks and do not click, their CTR will drop!
  • 106. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 106 three main components- (i) headline, (ii) description, and (iii) URL. A search engine allows to specify a different display URL and different destination URL. The domain name, however, should be the same in both. The benefit of having two URL is that users typically see domain name with keywords- www.example.com/vegitables-in ad content so that they know what content to expect and once they click on the ad they are directly taken to the vegetable page. Due to limitation of the space available for an ad, there is a maximum limit for characters for each of the fields. It is 30 characters for the headline and 80 characters for description line. Two headlines of 30 characters, each can be given and they are joined by a hyphen. In mobile, the description can come in two lines depending on the screen size. 5. Keywords: Keywords are the single most important component of the search advertisement. Keywords determine the search terms for which the ad will be shown. Appropriateness of keywords would determine if the ads are reaching the target audience or not. Poor choice of keywords
  • 107. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 107 their target audience. Keywords should be relevant to the search term as well as the ad. Keywords can be short tail and long tail. Short tail keywords are few keywords with high search volume. Long tail keywords are phrases each of which has small search volume but together they add up to a significant percent of all searches. An interesting research by Skiera, Eckert and Hinz (2010) show that the top 20 percent of all keywords attract on average 98.16 percentage of all searches, and generate 97.21 percent of all clicks. The use of the top 100 keywords in each campaign attracts on average 88.57 percent of all searches, and 81.40 percent of all clicks. These
  • 108. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 108 drive the success of search engine marketing. However, they also show that the set of the top 100 keywords changes over time. Another classification of keywords is category, brand, and competition. Category keywords are generic keywords, which have high search volume. But many players would be interested in them, and hence the prices are higher. Brand keywords will trigger ads only when users search for the specific brand. Since search volume as well as competition will be low for such keywords, the CPC is lower. Brands can take a decision whether they want to bid on competition keyword or not. In the case of the automobile industry, generic keywords would
  • 109. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 109 that if the advertiser is a small company, then they must start with category and competition keywords. Because they have limited budget, they can avoid bidding on their brand as anyway it will show up in organic search results. Also, because they are small, bigger players will not bid on their brand. Since they are a small company, bidding on bigger competitors can drive traffic to their website. But the bid will have to be very high on competition keywords to make up for the low quality score as all the three components-ad relevance, CTR, and landing page quality-will be low. Ideally, one would want keywords that have high traffic, low bid amount, low competition and are relevant to their business. This might not always be possible since keywords with high traffic attract
  • 110. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 110 As with any business decision, one must decide on a trade-off that suits them. So, in the case mentioned earlier, for Ram’s website, the advertiser will have to study the keywords that are most appropriate for a grocery store. They must use a keywords planner tool within AdWords to choose the right keywords. They can get a list of suggested keywords with the monthly search volume for a defined geographical location, the intensity of competition, and suggested bid. One can also get ad group suggestions. It is the best to download the report in a spreadsheet. The advertiser can start with70 percent of the suggested bid and if the ad does not show or shows in lower positions, increase the bid gradually. Try to limit the number of keywords to 10
  • 111. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 111 try to change the keyword combinations, and make them more focused or long tail. Google also gives quality score for each keyword based on all the three dimensions discussed previously. It ranges from 1-10 where 4,5,6 is not good; 7,8 is good; 9 is very good; and 10 is rare. If the quality score is 6 or less, one should try to improve it by improving the relevance of ad and of landing page. One can also map keywords to the consumer buying funnel. The user query can help in determining at what stage of the buying cycle the user is in. The user query is more general which indicates that the user has not made up his mind about which brand to buy, and hence is in awareness stage. 3.4.2 Best Practices for Creating Effective Ads: Some ads are more clickable i.e. the content of the ad lends itself easily to clicks from users. These ads attract the attention of viewers and thus give better CTR to the advertiser.
  • 112. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 112 Some basic things that you should keep in mind while creating the text ads are as follows: • Highlight the USP of the business. • Include time specific elements that benefit user such as discount, promotions, offers, etc. • Include a call-to-action or active verbs like ‘purchase’, ‘avail discount’. ‘order now’, and so on. • Include keywords in the ad content. This will increase the relevance of the ad to keywords. • Create multiple ads for different benefits and rotate them for keywords, instead of trying to fit all content in one ad. • Match ad text to landing page content to get a higher quality score.
  • 113. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 113 • Monitor ads closely to see which ads perform better. The ads that do not have acceptable performance should be modified or removed. The ads need to run for few days before one can analyze the performance and take corrective action. Search advertising need a lot of optimization. One must review the performance of keywords, ad groups, ads, and campaigns, and optimize them periodically. The objective should be to bring down the CPC and increase the CTR over a period. One may be wondering how frequently they should optimize the campaign. The answer depends on what is the duration of the campaign. If the campaign is for a week or two weeks, they will need to optimize daily. If it is for eight weeks, one can optimize twice in a week. The more they optimize, the higher would be the performance, and lower would be the cost.
  • 114. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 114 3.5 Enhance Your Ad Campaign In the following sections, we will look at some advanced topics and enhance the campaign created in earlier section. 3.5.1 Keyword Targeting: Suppose you are a retailer of fresh fruits in Bengaluru city area. Obviously, you would want your advertisements to reach only people who are searching for fresh fruits and not, say shoes. Targeting is used to limit the audience for your ads. In Keyword targeting, you define a set of keywords for which your ads must be shown. A keywords is a single word or a phrase. Best keywords are 2-3 words phrases. Single word keywords can lead to ads showing for irrelevant queries. For example, if your keywords is ‘bags’ it could be luggage bags, ladies bag, vacuum cleaner bags, tea bags, and office bags. Hence it is best to have 2-3 word keywords. The
  • 115. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 115 match, broad match modifier, exact match, and phrase match. A broad match is just a list of words. The order or form of words does not matter. Broad match is used to target a wide range of audience. With broad match, your ad may show if a search term contains your keyword terms in any order, and possibly along with other terms. A broad match modifier is a set of keywords with ‘+’ or ‘-’ symbol. If a keyword is specified with a ‘+’ prefix, then that keyword must mandatorily occur in the search term; and the ‘-’ prefix is used to exclude the keyword explicitly. With phrase match, your ad can show when someone searches for your exact keywords or your exact keyword with additional words before or after it. Phrase match is done by placing the keywords within the quotation marks. An exact match needs the keywords text to match exactly with the user search term. Unlike other match types, if user’s search terms have additional keywords then the ads are not shown. Exact match is done by placing the keywords within square brackets.
  • 116. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 116 Close variation include misspellings, singular and plural forms, acronyms, stemming (such as ‘floor’ and ‘flooring’), and abbreviations. They are automatically taken care of, so we do not need to add them. It is a good idea to follow a broad-to-narrow strategy, meaning start with broad keywords and then add modifier and phrase match and exact keywords. Google gives greater preference and Quality Score to exact and phrase match as they exactly match the user query. You should check for yourself what the CPC differential between different match types is and optimize the campaigns based on performance. While the broad match will drive more traffic as add impressions will be more, phrase and exact match types will drive more
  • 117. Continue… 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 117 Negative Keyword: Negative keywords are used for exclusion. While creating ads, you would have an audience that you do not wish to target, say, you are creating advertisements for a store that sells only women’s clothing. So, it would be futile to show your ads to someone who is searching for men’s clothing. If the search term does not include men, then specifying men as a negative keywords will not show your ad. You must consider adding negative keywords to your campaigns to prevent your ads from showing against irrelevant search queries, and thus optimize your budget. 3.5.2 Creating Advanced Ad Formats: Ad extension are used to provide additional information along with the ad content. Some ad extensions are available only to ads that appear in the top four spots on the Google
  • 118. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 118 thus getting more space on the page and improving the chances of users clicking on the ad. Users can take action directly from the ad extensions such as make a phone call, download the app, etc. 1. Call Extension: Call extension is used to provide a phone number with the ad and a callback facility for the target customers. Customers can directly call instead of having to open the website and then place the call. Call extensions can be configured to show only to call during certain business hours. When a user makes a call using the call extension, it is counted as a click. On desktop searches, call extensions are usually shown with a call button,
  • 119. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 119 2. Site Links: Site links are additional direct links; each site link can also have a description of its own. The benefits is that user can be directed to the desired landing page such as specific products, store locator, contact us, etc. 3. App Extension: A site that provides a downloadable app can add an app extension. Clicking on the app extension directs the user to download the app. This is available only for mobile devices. 4. Location Extension: Location extensions are used to show local address of the business. This information is integrated with Google maps and users can use this location to find the business on maps or get directions. The extensions are shown if the user is close to the place of business or
  • 120. Continue…. 10/18/2020 Dr. Ravindra, Department of Commerce, IGU, Meerpur 120 5. Review Extension: Advertiser can include positive reviews, ratings, and awards from credible third party sources as an extra line below the search ad. Google does not charge for clicks on links to third party reviews, but the reviews must be approved by Google. This extension is very useful for businesses in experience or credence categories as reviews will add to the credibility of the business. If the business is a start-up, one must consider review extensions to win the trust of the customers 6. Structured Snippets: Structured snippets provide a preview of valuable information to users before they click on an ad. Advertisers must choose a predefined product category and then add specific details. 7. Price Extension: The advertiser can also display prices for specific products just below the text ad. This feature is available only for mobile ads. It increases the ROI and conversion rates as only interested users will click on the ad and they have higher profitability of