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Digital Expertise Breakfasts
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Before we start | Some quick practicalities
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Are located … and please go
whenever you need to.
Help yourself whenever and
to whatever...
We will stop at 9.30am sharp.A very warm welcome !
Mature businesses
An expert business & IT
consultancy focusing on
digital & mobile
Before we start | A quick introduction to DWC…
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Passionate about enabling
successful digital change
and growth for our clients
High Growth Digital
businesses mature and
maximise their
Rich (Morecroft)
Over 25 years leading
change, mostly in digital.
Leads the DWC Digital
Transformation practice.
Sid (Andrew Salmon)
Over 20 years digital
experience. Leads the
DWC High Growth
Digital Business practice.
Jarrod (Frye)
Your guides
Over 16 years digital
experience. Senior
member of the Business
Acceleration practice
Before we start | What we are planning to talk about today
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Some insight into what’s happening in Digital today.
The effect digital may have on your business.
Digital Transformation Quick Overview. What it is, Benefits, How most companies
approach it, and what that results in.
How to make the change, practical methods we and others have seen work (with
Whatever else you would like to cover through questions, comments, and discussion.
– What’s happening
What’s happening | An Internet minute in 2014
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
We think this picture puts what’s happening into perspective. Even more so when you compare to 2013.
What’s happening | New Market Characteristics
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
This is leading to market conditions with four main characteristics……
1 Explosive Growth Significant Pace Increasing Complexity Change everywhere
In all Geographical Regions In allVerticals | Sectors
2 3 4
What’s happening | Explosive Growth
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
“Global spending on Big Data will grow at a CAGR of 30% through 2018, reaching a total
market size of $114B.” A.T. Kearney forecasts
“ Online payments was $725bn in
2010, forecast to grow to $1800bn
by 2015. GAGR 19.9%.“
“ Mobile payments was $15bn in
2010, forecast to grow to $500bn by
2015. GAGR 101.6%.“
“In UK, £91 billion spent online in 2013,
a 16% growth since 2012.”
IMRG Cap Gemini e-Retail Sales Index
“18.3 million consumers in the U.K.
estimated to regularly shop on a mobile
device.” Barclays research 2015.
“62% of UK companies will increase their social media investment.”
The Econsultancy Budgets survey 2013.
“The average time spent consuming major media per day for the average UK adult
consumer will reach 9 hours, 6 minutes in 2014, up from 8 hours, 35 minutes last year.
What’s happening | Significant Pace
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
What’s happening | Increasing Complexity
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Changing Buy Cycles
Technology |Vendor Choice
More Usage Points
Technical Collisions & Fundamental Innovation
Fintech Martech
Big Data & Identity
Enhanced Insight
Greater Relevancy
Better conversion
New risk models
More automation
Internet of Things | M2M
What’s happening | Change Everywhere
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Decision makers
“The United States alone faces a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with
analytical expertise and 1.5 million managers and analysts with the skills to understand
and make decisions based on the analysis of big data.” McKinsey.
“By 2017 the CMO will spend more on IT than the CIO”. Gartner
2 DigitalToday
–The effect on business
The Effects | Customer Behaviour
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
This change is leading to fundamental shifts in customer behaviour. Consumers or businesses…
“Three years ago the
average points of
influence in the buy
cycle was 5. Today it is
20.” McKinsey.
Customer Behaviour Change | Examples NeededCompany Adaptation | Examples
Omni-Channel Business | Adaptive Design
End-to-end, user-centric, Customer Experience
Personalised | Relevant | Insight driven Experiences.
Awareness > conversion > upsell>cross sell > advocacy.
Social Media Integration |Trusted Reviews | Mobile
/Location point-of-sale smart.
“After waiting 3
seconds, 57% of
customers will
abandon an online
site.” eMarketer.
“People in 2014
now own four
digital devices on
average.” Nielsen
The Effects | Employees
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
But it is not just todays digital customer that is adapting, digital is also enabling different employee experiences
and needs…
NeededCompany Adaptation | ExamplesEmployee Change | Examples
Innovative BYOD policies. But protecting data vulnerabilities.
Investing in flexible working and location practices and systems.
New reward and retention schemes.
Digital andOmni-business savvy senior leadership and talent.
The Effects | Competitors
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
And, unfortunately for incumbents, digital disruption and investment is beginning to blowing holes through
traditional barriers to entry…
Disruption – Digital Darwinism Investment – new HGDB Regulation
Has become one of the fastest growing areas for venture capital investment,
according to a study released by Accenture. Global investment in financial
services technology ventures tripled since 2008, growing from $928 million
in 2008 to $2.97 billion last year, the study found. That investment will
increase to an estimated $6-8 billion by 2018, the study predicted.
Hold on to your butts: there’s been over $21.8 billion of venture capital
and private equity invested in marketing technology companies in 2014.
“ Unfortunately
won’t save anyone
in the long-term.
Even those barriers
will adapt and
Fundamental customer experience improvements
Massive digital-led growth
What is clear is that the pressure to adapt is just growing. So the answer
to when to change is NOW.
The Effects | Overall
© 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Opportunities (more on these soon) Challenges
These big changes are leading to big opportunities, but also big challenges…
The degree and pace of change
Enhancements to operational & GTM efficiency
Innovate new business models
Positively impacting the top and bottom-lines.
Where to change and in what order
How to change.
Avoiding dead ends. Future proofing the business. Controlling the
change. While hitting short-term targets.
And because of the challenges, an opportunity right now to
move faster than the competition.
Knowledge on what to change
The Effects | Overall
© 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
….it can’t be stopped.
And we all know what
happened to King
- Quick Overview.
Digital Transformation |What is it ?
© 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
DigitalTransformation is this.Vital business transformation needed because of technical change
and resultant market/ behavioural shifts. Simple.
Market /
Digital Transformation |The target State
© 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
A digitally transformed business is one in the stage 3 end state.
Enabling new types of
where Digital is at your
business’s heart, not just
enhancing it
• CentralisedWeb Site
• DataAnalytics
• Reporting
• Aid’s Decision Making
• Digital SingleCustomer
• CRM Driven Business
• Data -> Info and
• Data leads decisions
Digital Transformation |What can it do for me?
© 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
It can bring massive benefits to a company who fully embraces it. Here are some examples of where.
Transforming Customer Experience Transforming Operational Processes Transforming Business Models
Customer Understanding (insight)
Top-line Growth (Go-to-Market)
Customer Touch-Points (propositions/ e-care)
Process Digitisation (operations)
Worker Enablement (operations, organisation)
Performance Management (organisation)
Digitally Modified Business (organisation/suppliers)
New Digital Businesses (innovation)
Digital Globalisation (go-to-market/organisation)
360 degree understanding of market,
company and customers.
End-to-end, fully joined up , solutions for any
device the customer wishes to engage with.
Use of new technology in ecommerce to
augment in-person sales conversations aiding
Automation. E-Care / IT platforms / HR /
Suppliers etc.
BYOD or able to conduct work from home
environments. Improved collaboration and
expertise via technology solutions
Deeper insights into products, regions and
customers, allowing decisions to be made on
real data.
Finding ways to augment physical with digital
offerings ; using digital to share content across
organizational silos.
Introducing digital solutions that complement
traditional approaches.
Digital technology coupled with integrated
information is allowing businesses to gain global
MITSloane model
The most digitally mature companies are 26 Percent More Profitable than their industry competitors. Cap Gemini
Digital Transformation | How do most companies approach it?
We call this the micro-approach to digital transformation.
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Business Model
Strategy & Insight
Customer Service and Sales
Channels/ Marketing
Digitising orTransforming a part or parts of their organisation, one isolated piece at a time.
Example 1
Example 2
Digital Transformation |Which often results in…
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
• Large FMCG company. Many brands, many countries.
• Marketing-led identification of the need to be more ‘digital’.
Multi-million annual spend.
• Federated approach to digital change. No end vision, limited
senior sponsors, no formal holistic change program.
• Prudent estimation is their digital marketing investment
working half as hard as it should be.
• Poor, disjointed customer experience.Variable by brand and
country. Not Omni-channel.
• Poor efficiencies and reaction times to market, caused by lack of
automation through end-to-end digital Martech platform or
commonality of digital knowledge.
-Making the change.
Customer Services and Sales
Channels/ Marketing
Clear Vision
Focus on Customer Experience
Innovative and Brave
Digital Transformation | How should you do it?
We call this the MACRO-approach to digital transformation.
Strategy & Insight
Data Driven
Blah Blah
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Digital Transformation Change |The best approach
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
To get the full benefits. A big bang vision, delivered in an agile / incremental / planned
manner. Led by the senior management team.
Companies that
succeed at digital tend
to have leaders who
share their vision and
define a road map,
create cross-
authority for adoption
and reward employees
for working towards it.
Think & Plan Execution Sponsorship
Roadmap view
Digital Transformation Change |What is the best approach?
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Companies who have used this vision lead, top level governance method and have had success include…
Free broadband
Emerging business
and mobile money
£1bn invested -
£450m invested –
Digital Transformation Change | Case Study
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Launch of Free broadband
• A clearVision defined by PLC Board
• Clear priority established across the business
• Proposition/strategy, goals, budget, timeline defined at onset –
regular reporting, communications
• DedicatedTeam established to launch the business
• New channels
• New network
• New technology
• New Contact Centre
• Effective stakeholder management – taking everyone along
the journey
• Flexibility– agility was key to launching so fast and adapting to
the huge demand
Digital Transformation Change | Proposition & Product Innovation Methods
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Proven Methodology
Success Story
• Requirement: Build new business lines for
Ooredoo Qatar (Telco) without impacting
existing business.
• Approach: Established an “incubation”
team to research, strategise, scope and
pilot new business ventures of all types.
• Pilots launched in financial services,
digital advertising, devices and location
based services.
• Financial services and devices now
integrated, successful and growing.
Anything we’ve
not covered ?
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Digital Works Consulting
Enabling your success. In Digital.
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Mature businesses
High Growth Digital businesses
mature and maximise their
Who We Are | What We Can HelpWith
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
An expert business & IT
consultancy focusing on
digital & mobile
Passionate about enabling
successful digital change
and growth for our clients
Helping Businesses In these Sectors | GetThese Benefits
Financial Services & Fintech
Retail & Ecommerce
Entertainment & Media
Telecoms & Mobile
FMCG & Martech
Optimised digital
propositions and
Optimised eCare
& business
Benefiting the top and bottom lines. Regaining
advantage. Maximising valuation through capability
and profit growth
Compelling and
successful digital
Clear and
business strategy
Optimised Omni-
customer journeys
Critical next-gen
digital platform &
data capabilities
A digitally ready
Strong brand,
channels, and
Energised for
growth and
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Which we achieve through our difference
Deep Digital Expertise.
End-to-End Knowledge.
Proven Methods. For Digital.
Extensive Networks & Partners.
Great Spirit.
A team of 20 plus. Each with at least 10 years digital experience. Bringing
multi-skilled knowledge.
Think | Execute | Grow. Strategy & Management. Product &Technology.
Project Management. eCare. Business Acceleration.
Strategy development. DigitalAudit. M&A planning. Project turnaround.
New product innovation. Digital data audit. New territory expansion.
Multi-channel optimisation. + many more…
Trusted capability partners.Able to open doors fast.
Passionate about your success in digital. Agile, fluid, trusted.
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Which all these clients have benefited from
“Created a strategic vision and a new business unit
within Ooredoo, managed a very complex, cross
business initiative in rapid timescales and in a
culturally diverse environment“ Director, Ooredoo
“ Clear expertise in strategy development, knowledge
of the payments industry, flexible/inclusive approach,
all delivered on time and budget. “ CEO, Kalixa
Payments Group
“ With just a top-level project brief, DWC identified the
right problems to solve, designed implementable
solutions and managed virtual teams to deliver on
time and to budget.” Global Product Director, eBay
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Delivered by these digital experts
Strategy &
Product &
Richard Morecroft
Andrew ‘Sid’ Salmon
Liam Carroll
Jason Binks
Suki Sandhu
Simon ClarkeSarah Hide
Steve Crawshaw
Martin ProutRob Connell
Chris Simmons
Anestis Karavaggelis
Elise Korolev Jarrod Frye
Sophie Fraser Karen Young
Steve Brady
Sarah Pacey Eram Osman
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential
Rob Townsend
Please contact us for more information
+44 7714 689796
Richard Morecroft
Senior Partner | DigitalTransformation
+44 (0)7801 439011
Andrew ‘Sid’ Salmon
Senior Partner | HighGrowth Digital
© 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential

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Digital transformaton breakfast_final

  • 1. Digital Expertise Breakfasts Digital Transformation © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 1 EXIT ORGANISE GROW MEASURE EXECUTE MANAGE PERFORM THINK OPERATE IMPROVE
  • 2. Before we start | Some quick practicalities © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 2 Are located … and please go whenever you need to. Help yourself whenever and to whatever... We will stop at 9.30am sharp.A very warm welcome !
  • 3. Mature businesses needing DigitalTransformation An expert business & IT consultancy focusing on digital & mobile Before we start | A quick introduction to DWC… © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 3 Passionate about enabling successful digital change and growth for our clients High Growth Digital businesses mature and maximise their ExitValuation. Rich (Morecroft) Over 25 years leading change, mostly in digital. Leads the DWC Digital Transformation practice. Sid (Andrew Salmon) Over 20 years digital experience. Leads the DWC High Growth Digital Business practice. Jarrod (Frye) Your guides Over 16 years digital experience. Senior member of the Business Acceleration practice www.digitalworksconsulting.com
  • 4. 1 Before we start | What we are planning to talk about today © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 4 Some insight into what’s happening in Digital today. The effect digital may have on your business. Digital Transformation Quick Overview. What it is, Benefits, How most companies approach it, and what that results in. How to make the change, practical methods we and others have seen work (with examples). Whatever else you would like to cover through questions, comments, and discussion. 2 3 4
  • 6. What’s happening | An Internet minute in 2014 © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 6 1 We think this picture puts what’s happening into perspective. Even more so when you compare to 2013.
  • 7. What’s happening | New Market Characteristics © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 7 This is leading to market conditions with four main characteristics…… 1 1 Explosive Growth Significant Pace Increasing Complexity Change everywhere In all Geographical Regions In allVerticals | Sectors 1 2 3 4
  • 8. What’s happening | Explosive Growth © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 8 “Global spending on Big Data will grow at a CAGR of 30% through 2018, reaching a total market size of $114B.” A.T. Kearney forecasts “ Online payments was $725bn in 2010, forecast to grow to $1800bn by 2015. GAGR 19.9%.“ “ Mobile payments was $15bn in 2010, forecast to grow to $500bn by 2015. GAGR 101.6%.“ “In UK, £91 billion spent online in 2013, a 16% growth since 2012.” IMRG Cap Gemini e-Retail Sales Index “18.3 million consumers in the U.K. estimated to regularly shop on a mobile device.” Barclays research 2015. “62% of UK companies will increase their social media investment.” The Econsultancy Budgets survey 2013. “The average time spent consuming major media per day for the average UK adult consumer will reach 9 hours, 6 minutes in 2014, up from 8 hours, 35 minutes last year. eMarketer. 1
  • 9. What’s happening | Significant Pace © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 9 Devices Data Marketplaces 1
  • 10. What’s happening | Increasing Complexity © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 10 Changing Buy Cycles Technology |Vendor Choice More Usage Points Technical Collisions & Fundamental Innovation Fintech Martech Big Data & Identity Enhanced Insight Greater Relevancy Better conversion New risk models More automation Internet of Things | M2M Devices Location 1
  • 11. What’s happening | Change Everywhere © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 11 Skills Culture Decision makers “The United States alone faces a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with analytical expertise and 1.5 million managers and analysts with the skills to understand and make decisions based on the analysis of big data.” McKinsey. “By 2017 the CMO will spend more on IT than the CIO”. Gartner HorizontalOrganisation Structures 1
  • 13. The Effects | Customer Behaviour © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 13 This change is leading to fundamental shifts in customer behaviour. Consumers or businesses… Multi-device Discerning “Three years ago the average points of influence in the buy cycle was 5. Today it is 20.” McKinsey. Customer Behaviour Change | Examples NeededCompany Adaptation | Examples Omni-Channel Business | Adaptive Design End-to-end, user-centric, Customer Experience Personalised | Relevant | Insight driven Experiences. Awareness > conversion > upsell>cross sell > advocacy. Social Media Integration |Trusted Reviews | Mobile /Location point-of-sale smart. “After waiting 3 seconds, 57% of customers will abandon an online site.” eMarketer. “People in 2014 now own four digital devices on average.” Nielsen Impatient 2
  • 14. The Effects | Employees © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 14 But it is not just todays digital customer that is adapting, digital is also enabling different employee experiences and needs… NeededCompany Adaptation | ExamplesEmployee Change | Examples Innovative BYOD policies. But protecting data vulnerabilities. Investing in flexible working and location practices and systems. New reward and retention schemes. Digital andOmni-business savvy senior leadership and talent. 2
  • 15. The Effects | Competitors © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 15 And, unfortunately for incumbents, digital disruption and investment is beginning to blowing holes through traditional barriers to entry… Disruption – Digital Darwinism Investment – new HGDB Regulation Has become one of the fastest growing areas for venture capital investment, according to a study released by Accenture. Global investment in financial services technology ventures tripled since 2008, growing from $928 million in 2008 to $2.97 billion last year, the study found. That investment will increase to an estimated $6-8 billion by 2018, the study predicted. Fintech Martech Hold on to your butts: there’s been over $21.8 billion of venture capital and private equity invested in marketing technology companies in 2014. (emarketer) “ Unfortunately won’t save anyone in the long-term. Even those barriers will adapt and erode.” 2
  • 16. Fundamental customer experience improvements Massive digital-led growth What is clear is that the pressure to adapt is just growing. So the answer to when to change is NOW. The Effects | Overall © 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 16 Opportunities (more on these soon) Challenges These big changes are leading to big opportunities, but also big challenges… The degree and pace of change Enhancements to operational & GTM efficiency Innovate new business models Positively impacting the top and bottom-lines. Where to change and in what order How to change. Avoiding dead ends. Future proofing the business. Controlling the change. While hitting short-term targets. And because of the challenges, an opportunity right now to move faster than the competition. Knowledge on what to change 2
  • 17. The Effects | Overall © 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 17 ….it can’t be stopped. And we all know what happened to King Canute…. 2
  • 19. Digital Transformation |What is it ? © 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 19 DigitalTransformation is this.Vital business transformation needed because of technical change and resultant market/ behavioural shifts. Simple. Digital/Technical Change Market / Behavioural Change Company Change 3
  • 20. Digital Transformation |The target State © 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 20 A digitally transformed business is one in the stage 3 end state. Enabling new types of CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION where Digital is at your business’s heart, not just enhancing it STAGE 3: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION • CentralisedWeb Site • DataAnalytics • Reporting • Aid’s Decision Making STAGE 1: DIGITALADOPTION • Digital SingleCustomer View • CRM Driven Business • Data -> Info and Knowledge • Data leads decisions STAGE 2: DIGITAL BUSINESS 3
  • 21. Digital Transformation |What can it do for me? © 2014 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 21 It can bring massive benefits to a company who fully embraces it. Here are some examples of where. Transforming Customer Experience Transforming Operational Processes Transforming Business Models Customer Understanding (insight) Top-line Growth (Go-to-Market) Customer Touch-Points (propositions/ e-care) Process Digitisation (operations) Worker Enablement (operations, organisation) Performance Management (organisation) Digitally Modified Business (organisation/suppliers) New Digital Businesses (innovation) Digital Globalisation (go-to-market/organisation) 360 degree understanding of market, company and customers. End-to-end, fully joined up , solutions for any device the customer wishes to engage with. Omni-channel. Use of new technology in ecommerce to augment in-person sales conversations aiding conversion. Automation. E-Care / IT platforms / HR / Suppliers etc. BYOD or able to conduct work from home environments. Improved collaboration and expertise via technology solutions Deeper insights into products, regions and customers, allowing decisions to be made on real data. Finding ways to augment physical with digital offerings ; using digital to share content across organizational silos. Introducing digital solutions that complement traditional approaches. Digital technology coupled with integrated information is allowing businesses to gain global synergies. MITSloane model The most digitally mature companies are 26 Percent More Profitable than their industry competitors. Cap Gemini 3
  • 22. Digital Transformation | How do most companies approach it? 22 We call this the micro-approach to digital transformation. © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 2222 Business Model Management IT/Technology Workflow/Governance/Process Product Strategy & Insight Customer Service and Sales HR/People Channels/ Marketing Data Data Digitising orTransforming a part or parts of their organisation, one isolated piece at a time. Example 1 Example 2 3
  • 23. Digital Transformation |Which often results in… © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 23 • Large FMCG company. Many brands, many countries. • Marketing-led identification of the need to be more ‘digital’. Multi-million annual spend. • Federated approach to digital change. No end vision, limited senior sponsors, no formal holistic change program. • Prudent estimation is their digital marketing investment working half as hard as it should be. • Poor, disjointed customer experience.Variable by brand and country. Not Omni-channel. • Poor efficiencies and reaction times to market, caused by lack of automation through end-to-end digital Martech platform or commonality of digital knowledge. Example 3
  • 25. 2525 Digital Transformation IT/Technology Workflow/Governance Product Customer Services and Sales HR/People Channels/ Marketing Leadership Clear Vision Focus on Customer Experience Innovative and Brave Digital Transformation | How should you do it? We call this the MACRO-approach to digital transformation. Strategy & Insight Flexible Data Driven Reactive Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 3
  • 26. Digital Transformation Change |The best approach © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 26 To get the full benefits. A big bang vision, delivered in an agile / incremental / planned manner. Led by the senior management team. Companies that succeed at digital tend to have leaders who share their vision and define a road map, create cross- organizational authority for adoption and reward employees for working towards it. Think & Plan Execution Sponsorship MITSloane Roadmap view 3
  • 27. Digital Transformation Change |What is the best approach? © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 27 Companies who have used this vision lead, top level governance method and have had success include… Free broadband Emerging business and mobile money £1bn invested - ongoing £450m invested – ongoing 3
  • 28. Digital Transformation Change | Case Study © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 28 Launch of Free broadband • A clearVision defined by PLC Board • Clear priority established across the business • Proposition/strategy, goals, budget, timeline defined at onset – regular reporting, communications • DedicatedTeam established to launch the business • New channels • New network • New technology • New Contact Centre • Effective stakeholder management – taking everyone along the journey • Flexibility– agility was key to launching so fast and adapting to the huge demand 3
  • 29. Digital Transformation Change | Proposition & Product Innovation Methods © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 29 Proven Methodology Success Story • Requirement: Build new business lines for Ooredoo Qatar (Telco) without impacting existing business. • Approach: Established an “incubation” team to research, strategise, scope and pilot new business ventures of all types. • Pilots launched in financial services, digital advertising, devices and location based services. • Financial services and devices now integrated, successful and growing. 3
  • 30. Anything we’ve not covered ? 30 © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 4
  • 31. Digital Works Consulting Enabling your success. In Digital. 31 © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 5
  • 32. Mature businesses needing DigitalTransformation High Growth Digital businesses mature and maximise their ExitValuation. Who We Are | What We Can HelpWith © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 5 An expert business & IT consultancy focusing on digital & mobile Passionate about enabling successful digital change and growth for our clients
  • 33. Helping Businesses In these Sectors | GetThese Benefits Financial Services & Fintech Retail & Ecommerce Entertainment & Media Telecoms & Mobile FMCG & Martech Optimised digital propositions and monetisation Optimised eCare & business operations Benefiting the top and bottom lines. Regaining advantage. Maximising valuation through capability and profit growth Compelling and successful digital innovation Clear and appropriate business strategy Optimised Omni- channel customer journeys Critical next-gen digital platform & data capabilities A digitally ready organisation Strong brand, channels, and markets Energised for growth and expansion 33 © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 5
  • 34. Which we achieve through our difference Deep Digital Expertise. End-to-End Knowledge. Proven Methods. For Digital. Extensive Networks & Partners. Great Spirit. A team of 20 plus. Each with at least 10 years digital experience. Bringing multi-skilled knowledge. Think | Execute | Grow. Strategy & Management. Product &Technology. Project Management. eCare. Business Acceleration. Strategy development. DigitalAudit. M&A planning. Project turnaround. New product innovation. Digital data audit. New territory expansion. Multi-channel optimisation. + many more… Trusted capability partners.Able to open doors fast. Passionate about your success in digital. Agile, fluid, trusted. 34 © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 5
  • 35. Which all these clients have benefited from 35 “Created a strategic vision and a new business unit within Ooredoo, managed a very complex, cross business initiative in rapid timescales and in a culturally diverse environment“ Director, Ooredoo “ Clear expertise in strategy development, knowledge of the payments industry, flexible/inclusive approach, all delivered on time and budget. “ CEO, Kalixa Payments Group “ With just a top-level project brief, DWC identified the right problems to solve, designed implementable solutions and managed virtual teams to deliver on time and to budget.” Global Product Director, eBay © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 5
  • 36. Delivered by these digital experts 36 Strategy & Management Product & Technology Project Management Business Acceleration eCare Richard Morecroft Andrew ‘Sid’ Salmon Liam Carroll Jason Binks Suki Sandhu Simon ClarkeSarah Hide Steve Crawshaw Martin ProutRob Connell Chris Simmons Anestis Karavaggelis Elise Korolev Jarrod Frye Sophie Fraser Karen Young Steve Brady Sarah Pacey Eram Osman © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential Rob Townsend 5
  • 37. Please contact us for more information 37 richard.morecroft@digitalworksgroup.com +44 7714 689796 www.linkedin.com/in/richardmorecroft Richard Morecroft Senior Partner | DigitalTransformation andrew.salmon@digitalworksgroup.com +44 (0)7801 439011 www.linkedin.com/in/andrewsalmon Andrew ‘Sid’ Salmon Senior Partner | HighGrowth Digital © 2015 Digital Works Group. Proprietary and Confidential 5