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Starting the Journey
to Digital Twin
– Prepare for Digital Twin as part of an extensible IoT platform
– Position AI for greater accuracy while augmenting human insights
and instincts
– Reinvent business operations and strategies on new sources of
digital data
– Leverage IoT best practices and proven industrial product expertise
– Use cloud services that enable the journey into blockchain,
analytics, and AI
Watson / Presentation Title / Date2
Watson / Presentation Title / Date3
Preparing for world of real-time,
digital ubiquity
By 2020 there will be a projected 30 billion connected ‘things’ and a revenue
opportunity of $1.7T for the ecosystem
– IDC Worldwide Internet of Things Forecast 2015-2020 (IDC#256397)
Data Captured by IoT Connections to Top 1.6 Zettabytes in 2020
--Press Release ABI Research 9 April 2015
IoT market will grow from an installed base of 15.4 billion devices in 2015 to
30.7 billion devices in 2020 and 75.4 billion in 2025
–HIS IOT Platform; enabling Internet of Things, Mar 2016
Watson / Presentation Title / Date4
Embracing and adapting to digital disruption....
gathers data on more than 500 attributes of cylinder-head production to enhance
manufacturing processes and reduce defects.
Rolls Royce1
restructured its business model from selling engines to renting them triggered by
new Big Data capabilities that have allowed an unprecedented level of predictive maintenance
Lockheed Martin3
employs augmented reality glasses to help engineers assemble
components, increasing engineers’ accuracy to 96%, while working 30% faster.
Deep Space Industries (DSI)4
plans to use 3DP technology to manufacture metal parts in
space from pure asteroid that can then be used in the manufacturing of space platforms
Big Data
Predictive analytics
Human machine interphases
3D printing
Watson / Presentation Title / Date5
Shifting IP business from digital to reinvention
Digitally reinventing the enterprise
Digital reinvention is not fragmented or specific – it involves a fundamental
reimagining of how an IP organization operates and
how it engages with its new environment
Technologies are creating disruption in industrial products (IP)
Digital technologies bring new insights and altered how
customers interact and how businesses design, build, and service
Use digitization for reinvention
To succeed in this disruptive environment, successful IP organizations
will have to offer new experiences, possess new focus, build new expertise
and devise new ways to sell value
Watson / Presentation Title / Date6
Differentiating by knowing and engaging each client
Build with speed and agility
Remove silos and easily capture data to create complete
digital thread
Evolve into a service provider
Monetize the right data to rethink and recreate service offerings,
schedules, and outcomes
Design what clients want
Apply analytics and machine learning to visualize patterns and
preferences for building better experiences and ‘as-a-service’ offerings
Watson / Presentation Title / Date7
The virtual representation of a physical
object or system across its lifecycle, using
real-time data and other sources to enable
understanding, learning, reasoning, and
dynamically recalibrating for improved
decision making.
What is a Digital Twin?
Industrial products organizations
need Digital twin for reinvention
Digitization improves
efficiency by applying
technology to individual
resources or processes.
Digital Twin refines whole
aspects of a product lifecycle
seeing use and experiences
that support what customers
need or want.
Reinvention of the way a
business operates to
create new revenues and
innovative as-a-service
strategies, outcomes, and
Digital Twin
IBM perspective for starting the Digital Twin
‒ Gather from multiple modalities (visual, sound, touch) for digital representation of
systems-of-systems and surrounding environments
‒ Employ multiple domain-specific model representations of engineering, asset,
mathematical, semantic, graph, …
‒ Use views and projections relevant to each end user (2D, 3D, AR, VR, NL)
‒ Apply cognitive platform to ingest data, refine human assumptions, predict asset states
Fleet operations Engineering Facilities Warranty/service
Watson / Presentation Title / Date9
Best foundation for building Digital Twins
The IBM approach is built on foundational capabilities that collectively produce a differentiated twin
Digital Thread
Digital Thread is the digital programmatic flow of information across the silo boundaries between design,
build and operate that helps each silo to perform with enhanced effectiveness and efficiency, leading to
more customer responsive and agile life-cycles
Digital Modeling of physical objects and systems helps validate and experiment behavior, as well as
understand cause-effect relationship of decisions across the entire life-cycle, without the need for time
consuming and expensive real-live prototyping
Cognitive Sensing is the capability to capture information from physical objects and systems
incorporating deep analytics and cognitive capabilities right at the edge, resulting in valuable and timely
insights being produced for immediate processing or selective forwarding
Intelligent Experience is the capability to bring to every stake holder playing a role in the life-cycle
including end-users of a physical object or system, the right information with deeper insight, at the right
moment, and in the most context-sensitive manner, thereby significantly enhancing productivity and
IBM perspective to multi-model Digital Twin
Watson / Presentation Title / Date11
Digital twin can link many
data models and provide
unique visualizations for
different user roles
Watson IoT Platform
Engineering /
Watson IoT
Maintenance Cognitive
Device abstraction & aggregation
Watson / Presentation Title / Date12
An IoT solution developer needs access to
an abstract model of identifiable assets that
will allow IoT applications to be decoupled
from the complexities of how specific
devices are connected
Often there is a complex hierarchical
relationship between identifiable assets &
the underlying collection of sensors and
actuation devices
An example of a environmental system where an Air Handler Unit (AHU)
provides conditioned air to Variable Air Volume Boxes (VAVs) supplying
different rooms in a building. A Smart building application needs a
standard model for controlling a room whilst being insulated from
variations in the physical components of the environmental system.
Internet of Things information management capabilities
Watson / Presentation Title / Date13
My devices send data in a binary
format in order to reduce
transmission costs but I want the
data in JSON format for my app.
My devices operate in an
event-driven manner but my
application wants to be able to
retrieve the current state in a
REST-like manner.
I have multiple versions of device
but I want my app to interact with
them all in the same way.
Combine data from IoT devices
with data from some other
external data source
(e.g. Weather, Location)
I just need the average
temperature per hour from
each device.
My devices give me temperature
in Fahrenheit and my application
only understands Celsius
Remove data silos, and blend your data, ours, and
others for better collaboration and unexpected insights
Watson / Presentation Title / Date14
Your Data: Secure, Private, Under your control
Our Data: Collected, Analyzed, Curated
Other Data: Twitter, Facebook, Weather & Others
IBM Cloud
Brings Together
App Developers
Domain services let you
quickly innovate and
differentiate with data
Data services
Data sources
A more compelling journey for your
Digital Twin leadership on the IBM Cloud
Watson / Presentation Title / Date15
Thank you
Learn more: IBM.co/DigitalTwin
Stay connected: @IBMIoT

More Related Content

Digital Twin: Starting the journey

  • 1. Starting the Journey to Digital Twin
  • 2. Take-aways – Prepare for Digital Twin as part of an extensible IoT platform – Position AI for greater accuracy while augmenting human insights and instincts – Reinvent business operations and strategies on new sources of digital data – Leverage IoT best practices and proven industrial product expertise – Use cloud services that enable the journey into blockchain, analytics, and AI Watson / Presentation Title / Date2
  • 3. Watson / Presentation Title / Date3 Preparing for world of real-time, digital ubiquity By 2020 there will be a projected 30 billion connected ‘things’ and a revenue opportunity of $1.7T for the ecosystem – IDC Worldwide Internet of Things Forecast 2015-2020 (IDC#256397) Data Captured by IoT Connections to Top 1.6 Zettabytes in 2020 --Press Release ABI Research 9 April 2015 IoT market will grow from an installed base of 15.4 billion devices in 2015 to 30.7 billion devices in 2020 and 75.4 billion in 2025 –HIS IOT Platform; enabling Internet of Things, Mar 2016
  • 4. Watson / Presentation Title / Date4 Embracing and adapting to digital disruption.... Daimler2 gathers data on more than 500 attributes of cylinder-head production to enhance manufacturing processes and reduce defects. Rolls Royce1 restructured its business model from selling engines to renting them triggered by new Big Data capabilities that have allowed an unprecedented level of predictive maintenance Lockheed Martin3 employs augmented reality glasses to help engineers assemble components, increasing engineers’ accuracy to 96%, while working 30% faster. Deep Space Industries (DSI)4 plans to use 3DP technology to manufacture metal parts in space from pure asteroid that can then be used in the manufacturing of space platforms Big Data Predictive analytics Human machine interphases 3D printing
  • 5. Watson / Presentation Title / Date5 Shifting IP business from digital to reinvention Digitally reinventing the enterprise Digital reinvention is not fragmented or specific – it involves a fundamental reimagining of how an IP organization operates and how it engages with its new environment Technologies are creating disruption in industrial products (IP) Digital technologies bring new insights and altered how customers interact and how businesses design, build, and service Use digitization for reinvention To succeed in this disruptive environment, successful IP organizations will have to offer new experiences, possess new focus, build new expertise and devise new ways to sell value
  • 6. Watson / Presentation Title / Date6 Differentiating by knowing and engaging each client Build with speed and agility Remove silos and easily capture data to create complete digital thread Evolve into a service provider Monetize the right data to rethink and recreate service offerings, schedules, and outcomes Design what clients want Apply analytics and machine learning to visualize patterns and preferences for building better experiences and ‘as-a-service’ offerings
  • 7. Watson / Presentation Title / Date7 The virtual representation of a physical object or system across its lifecycle, using real-time data and other sources to enable understanding, learning, reasoning, and dynamically recalibrating for improved decision making. What is a Digital Twin?
  • 8. 8 Industrial products organizations need Digital twin for reinvention Digitization improves efficiency by applying technology to individual resources or processes. Digital Twin refines whole aspects of a product lifecycle seeing use and experiences that support what customers need or want. Reinvention of the way a business operates to create new revenues and innovative as-a-service strategies, outcomes, and experiences. Digitization Digital Twin Digital Reinvention
  • 9. IBM perspective for starting the Digital Twin Digital Reinvention ‒ Gather from multiple modalities (visual, sound, touch) for digital representation of systems-of-systems and surrounding environments ‒ Employ multiple domain-specific model representations of engineering, asset, mathematical, semantic, graph, … ‒ Use views and projections relevant to each end user (2D, 3D, AR, VR, NL) ‒ Apply cognitive platform to ingest data, refine human assumptions, predict asset states Examples: Fleet operations Engineering Facilities Warranty/service Watson / Presentation Title / Date9
  • 10. Best foundation for building Digital Twins Digital Reinvention The IBM approach is built on foundational capabilities that collectively produce a differentiated twin Digital Thread Digital Modeling Cognitive Sensing Intelligent Experience Digital Thread is the digital programmatic flow of information across the silo boundaries between design, build and operate that helps each silo to perform with enhanced effectiveness and efficiency, leading to more customer responsive and agile life-cycles Digital Modeling of physical objects and systems helps validate and experiment behavior, as well as understand cause-effect relationship of decisions across the entire life-cycle, without the need for time consuming and expensive real-live prototyping Cognitive Sensing is the capability to capture information from physical objects and systems incorporating deep analytics and cognitive capabilities right at the edge, resulting in valuable and timely insights being produced for immediate processing or selective forwarding Intelligent Experience is the capability to bring to every stake holder playing a role in the life-cycle including end-users of a physical object or system, the right information with deeper insight, at the right moment, and in the most context-sensitive manner, thereby significantly enhancing productivity and innovation
  • 11. IBM perspective to multi-model Digital Twin Watson / Presentation Title / Date11 Digital twin can link many data models and provide unique visualizations for different user roles Watson IoT Platform Maximo TRIRIGA PLM / ERP / MES Rational Continuous Engineering / PLM Watson IoT Predictive Maintenance Cognitive Knowledge Graph
  • 12. Device abstraction & aggregation Watson / Presentation Title / Date12 An IoT solution developer needs access to an abstract model of identifiable assets that will allow IoT applications to be decoupled from the complexities of how specific devices are connected Often there is a complex hierarchical relationship between identifiable assets & the underlying collection of sensors and actuation devices An example of a environmental system where an Air Handler Unit (AHU) provides conditioned air to Variable Air Volume Boxes (VAVs) supplying different rooms in a building. A Smart building application needs a standard model for controlling a room whilst being insulated from variations in the physical components of the environmental system.
  • 13. Internet of Things information management capabilities Watson / Presentation Title / Date13 My devices send data in a binary format in order to reduce transmission costs but I want the data in JSON format for my app. My devices operate in an event-driven manner but my application wants to be able to retrieve the current state in a REST-like manner. I have multiple versions of device but I want my app to interact with them all in the same way. Combine data from IoT devices with data from some other external data source (e.g. Weather, Location) I just need the average temperature per hour from each device. My devices give me temperature in Fahrenheit and my application only understands Celsius
  • 14. Remove data silos, and blend your data, ours, and others for better collaboration and unexpected insights Watson / Presentation Title / Date14 Your Data: Secure, Private, Under your control Our Data: Collected, Analyzed, Curated Other Data: Twitter, Facebook, Weather & Others IBM Cloud Brings Together Data Scientists Data Engineers Business Professionals App Developers Domain services let you quickly innovate and differentiate with data IoT Data services Mobile Video Cognitive Blockchain Analytics Data sources
  • 15. A more compelling journey for your Digital Twin leadership on the IBM Cloud Watson / Presentation Title / Date15
  • 16. Thank you Learn more: IBM.co/DigitalTwin Stay connected: @IBMIoT

Editor's Notes

  1. Digital Twin is a means to an end, not an end in itself, so journey is an apt title for our talk. A digital twin is all about enabling new business outcomes. Over the next few slides we will explain what new business results are possible, and how these are enabled by Digital Twin technology.
  2. As you’ll see throughout the presentation, you’re not simply installing a Digital Twin without first having the right foundations underneath. To build the right Digital Twin requires review of your current platforms, security, cloud providers, and business operations as most were not built to scale to the new velocity/volume of digital data. Beyond just technology, you must consider various vendor approaches to IoT and Digital Twin to ensure the offerings are created to take EVERY step of your journey, such as Blockchain, but those services scale up/down as you require.
  3. Across all industries, executives are responding to a flood of raw data. Beyond traditional systems of record or systems of engagement comes a new volume, variety and velocity of diagnostic data. Machines, personnel, and buildings (i.e. assets) are sending off signals from various modalities (sight, sound, touch) at rates of a thousand times per day, per hour, or per second. This data offers engineers insights, in real-time, of assets in-use or in various stages of its lifecycle.
  4. Big Data and IoT enable companies to move to new business models, such as the Rolls Royce example of selling their product as a service. By incorporating real-time data gathering from their products and applying continuous analysis of the data companies. New modes of interacting with data enables workers to become more efficient across many industries. These new user interaction modes include augmented reality, conversation or speech interaction
  5. Collecting data on assets themselves is a recent shift in manufacturing. Historically, engineers built models and ran simulations to predict how assets might respond over use, temp, time, etc. Traditionally, a complex braking system in a car might be simulated, built as prototype(s), and put into production. Once in-production, it was difficult to determine the performance of the braking system in various uses, locations, times. Seeing this usage means IP can rethink what features are most valued, was experiences are missing, and what outcomes clients want more of.
  6. It by incorporating digital data into stages of design, build, and operate that a firm can bring greater insights to each role and create nearly-custom products, services, and experiences for clients. By truly knowing what clients use and want from your products you can change the level of engagement, adjust supply chain complexity and risk, and change the nature of machines being ‘sold’ into outcomes or ‘as-a-service’ offers
  7. Let’s break down this definition to understand its true meaning. A virtual representation means a digital model. There are actually many forms of digital model possible, and the digital twin is the integration of these various digital models to provide views to various users. Depending on the use case and the user, the digital twin may present different views. From here on out, we’re going to simplify the term “object or system” and just call it a “thing”. The thing could be a singular object, like a product, or even a person, or it could be a more complex system, such as a building, a factory, or an energy distribution network, comprised of many different parts. The lifecycle means that we have digital models of a physical product when it is just being designed, when it is being manufactured or produced, and as it gets deployed and “lives” in the real world. The methods of designing and producing the product or system will vary depending on what that product is, and so the models that make up the digital twin will be different for different kinds of products and systems. Real-time data is data collected from the sensors that are either built in or attached to a physical object, or in the environment surrounding the object. The idea of “real-time” suggests that data is collected over time and captured with high frequency. How frequent the data needs to be captured varies a lot across different applications. In some cases to be able to gain an accurate understanding of how a system is performing we may need to capture data every second, or even more frequently. In other cases, it may be good enough to capture data only every few minutes or even just a few times a day. The words “real-time data” also suggest how frequently the data needs to be captured, it doesn’t say that the data MUST be analyzed in real-time. Again, this will depend on the application and the use case. In some cases, decision making must happen nearly instantaneously (think of a safety critical situation), and in other cases such as predicting when maintenance needs to take place, a decision within a day is usually adequate. The words “or other data sources” mean that in addition to the sensor data we just talked about, there are many other data inputs that might go in to the views for a digital twin, depending on the use case. Data about the original design of the thing, about its manufacturing, about its maintenance records, and even textual data such as technician’s notes, customer feedback, and social data such as twitter comments, can all be useful pieces of the digital twin. What we want to enable with the digital twin is that the “computer” (in this case, typically a cloud service) provides the user with useful insights and even proactive recommendations to help the user work with the thing. The digital twin is a computer-based proxy with more intelligence than the actual thing has. The digital twin should be able to understand important things about its data, such as important relationships, trends over time, and potential impacts of decisions. The digital twin should be able to learn from the data, extracting patterns and relationships to provide new information without programming. Finally the digital twin should be able to use the learning and understanding to help the user reason about the state of the thing and about decisions that need to be made in that context. Dynamically recalibrating means adjusting operating parameters, issuing digital commands or executing other changes to change an expected outcome. This is something that a good digital system should do based on available information to optimize the business outcome according to the instructions and guidance given to it by the users. Improving decision making by the organization and its many users and stakeholders is the ultimate goal of the digital twin.
  8. Digital Twins should be considered critical building blocks for an organization’s digital strategy. Capturing measurable process metrics and finding ways to instrument and measure these metrics for improving the business is an important best practice on the path to implementing a digital transformation strategy. The Digital Twin is instrumental in translating the performance of things in to the digital metrics that a business can use to improve decision making.
  9. A Digital Twin helps serve users with key performance information. Understanding user needs and how better information about things can improve their decision making is the first step in building a digital twin. There is a vast amount of data that *could* be included in the Digital Twin. What should be included is just the data and visualizations most important to those users.
  10. IBM sees Digital Twin far beyond just a virtual image of a physical object. Putting on VR/AR googles it what most Digital Twin vendors will demonstrate but they ignore the valuable work and assets that lie underneath. Visuals loose their appeal if they’re not fully describing and predicting asset performance. To offer an analogy, no movie can be created without a script, Director, Actors, and Producers; similarly a Digital Twin needs a foundation to provide the best views inside an asset.
  11. Ultimately the digital twin is a data integration problem. The IBM Digital Twin approach includes organizing relevant information in to a knowledge graph. IBM Watson Services, with cognitive capabilities, can then analyze the graph to discover and present important insights hidden in the data.
  12. At the heart of the Digital Twin there is a mechanism for creating a digital abstraction of the Thing. In the IBM Watson IoT Platform, we create a device abstraction that allows us to model not just the properties and data coming from the device but also its relationships to other devices and Things.
  13. The IBM Watson IoT Platform includes a number of functions that allow us to bring the data from the device itself and incorporate that data in to the digital twin abstraction. Sometimes device data comes in different formats or needs to be modified in some way to fit in to the information model we want for running analytics, and the Watson IoT Platform Information Management capabilities allow the device data to be easily modified for integration in to the digital twin.
  14. Digital Twins should be considered critical building blocks for an organization’s digital strategy. Capturing measurable process metrics and finding ways to instrument and measure these metrics for improving the business is an important best practice on the path to implementing a digital transformation strategy. The Digital Twin is instrumental in translating the performance of things in to the digital metrics that a business can use to improve decision making.
  15. We believe in creating a platform for business that brings together not just the best infrastructure, but the best platform, the best software solutions as a service, business process as a service, and the expertise to apply it to your business when needed to help you succeed. These are just a handful of the areas where IBM cloud leads today: market share leadership, technology leadership, industry recognition, and thought leadership. Sure, IBM is a leader in public cloud IaaS, according to IDC, TBR & IHS. But that’s where it starts, not ends. We lead in hybrid cloud according to: Forrester, TBR, Ovum, and Synergy We were cloud company of the year in 2016 according to Frost and Sullivan. We lead in Object storage, IoT, Business Intelligence, API management, Mobility management, managed private cloud, managed security, dev-ops, application testing, application lifecycle management, agile project management, as well as in overall cloud thought leadership. We’re building a platform for the future of business. Your business. Your unique requirements. Your cloud.