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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Accessibility of Disaster Warnings for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
In the event of natural disasters like hurricanes, the benefit of warning and preparedness measures
cannot be underscored. Alert systems and pagers provide citizens crucial seconds to seek a safe
location. Additionally, they can provide important updates on event related weather conditions, road
conditions, and evacuation notices.Such information is also often dispersed through televised
government proceedings and radio programming. While these measures have been demonstrated to
save lives and prevent injuries, for the nearly forty million Americans who identify as Deaf and
Hard of Hearing these warning systems pose a barrier to their access of crucial information (Ivey ...
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The main sources of destruction for these storms are wind speeds in excess of 74 mph, storm surges,
and floodwaters several feet deep (Havelock, 2016). For people in the path of these incredibly
dangerous storms, the most crucial action to be taken is evacuation (Havelock, 2016). Unfortunately,
as was seen in the case of Hurricane Katrina it is quite common in response to the threat of a
hurricane for those most at risk to not heed warnings and to stay in unnecessarily risky situations
(Demuth et al., 2012, p.1133)
When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005 there was a clear disconnect in how the needs of the deaf were
being handled. There are several personal reports of the events that provide evidence for
accessibility inadequacies. In a report by deaf social worker Barbara White, she describes how the
community struggled for their needs to be understood (White, 2014 p.4). One of the biggest issues
was the resistance of government officials to allow people with ASL and deaf studies training to be
set down to relief areas because "they did not feel there was a 'significant' need" (White, 2014, p.1–
2). After a continued push White was able to set out for the hard hit south but the delay had already
meant that deaf people were being left to decipher media reports in an inaccessible modality.
She goes on to describe how this had a continued impact in the evacuee shelters. Though the
majority of evacuees used ASL there were
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
The Importance Of Telecommunication Devices For The Deaf
What is a TDD/TTY device? Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD) is a type of hearing
assistive technology that allows individuals who are deaf to use text telephones. The device is
approximately the size of a small computer and is connected with a QWERTY keyboard. The TDD
will display the message of the sender to the recipient electronically in a typed format. A
Teletypewriter, also known as Teletype (TTY), is an older term for the Telecommunication Devices
for the Deaf. How does it function? Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf and Teletypewriters
allow individuals who have a hearing loss and individuals who are struggling with a speech issue to
communicate via telephone. Depending on the TTY device, the machine will display
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
A Brief Biography of Alexander Graham Bell Essay example
91% of adults use cellphones, and without his invention of the telephone, there would never be
cellphones, and the way we communicate with the world would be entirely different. (Pewresarch)
Michael Hart's book The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History ranks Alexander
Graham Bell as the forty second most influential person in history and he is one of the most
influential persons in history. Alexander Graham Bell's influences of his father and grandfather
caused him to take interest in the human voice and imitating its sounds. Although he is known for
his invention of the telephone, he also invented numerous other things, such as air conditioning. He
also received many awards and was placed in charge of various ... Show more content on
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His talking machine shows that he did enjoy inventing things, and it foreshadows the telephone.
Alexander Graham Bell had some good mentors when it came to his inventing. "Bell also spent
much of his time inventing. Along with many other innovators of the 1870s, including Thomas
Edison, he worked om the multiplex telegraph– a machine that would send and receive more than
one signal over an electrical wire at the same time" (Streissguth). The fact that he worked with
Thomas Edison, who is one of the greatest inventors in history, shows that people had faith in him
and believed that he could accomplish great things. He had some excellent role models to look up
to. He had some amazing influences that helped lead him to the invention of the telephone.
Alexander Graham Bell has many different achievements, such as the Volta prize, President of the
National Geographic Society, and a regent of the Smithsonian Institution. He also invented things
such as, the air conditioning system, the hydrofoil speedboat and aerial transportation.
"In 1880 the French government awarded Bell the Volta prize of 50,000 francs for inventing the
telephone."(Monkeyshines on America). His wining this award was helpful with his career. He used
his prize money to help further his career and his inventions. He was appreciated for his
accomplishments by a country that he was not really affiliated with, which proves that his invention
of the telephone really did mean something to other people. He was
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Verizon Wireless And Time Warner Cable
The observation companies in this paper would be Verizon Wireless and Time Warner Cable. Both
of the companies are in the similar industry, both of them are telecommunication providers. I am
currently a customer of Verizon Wireless and Time Warner Cable for four and three years
respectively. The customer service is a critical part of any business operation that involves customer
as they need to keep customer's satisfaction to ensure that they are able to make revenue. The
observation of customer service in this paper is based on the experience with dealing both of the
company's customer service over the phone, and over the social media. The customer service
through the social media is popular in the past few years. The paper will discuss ... Show more
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The sales associate was very patient and happy to proceed with the choices I made. When I was
come to the last part of the process, finds a phone plan and sign the contract, I was mindset to pick
out the plan with high data, unlimited texts and tons of minutes of voice. Even though a minute
voice on the plan is too much for me. Fortunately, the sales associate was well aware and do the
"foot in the door" technique with the better plan without voice and designed only for Deaf customers
with valid with audiogram document.
Later in time, I had to contacted Verizon Wireless about the errors on the billing invoice, as I was
charged three times than normal amount I paid monthly. Their interactions were showing the
intention that they care about me as the customer and to ensure that I will be satisfied with the result
of the call. The customer representative had to get a manager involved in this situation to get it
resolved. Meanwhile, the representative put me on the hold to ensure that they got the right manager
who have the ability to get this situation resolved on the line instead of just transfer me to a different
department or representative. This shows that a representative is valuing the customer's time like my
time by taking the time to track down to the bottom of the situation instead transfer me to another
representative and then advance in the line query of the customers. I was able to
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Essay about Disability Rights
Disability Rights Movement
In 1817, the American School for Deaf was founded in Hartford Connecticut. This was the first
school for disabled children in the Western Hemisphere. Although this was not the beginning of the
Disability Rights Movement, it was a start to society, making it possible for people to realize that
there were those with disabilities out there in the world and something had to be done. The
Disability Rights Movement fought for equal access, opportunity, consideration, and basic human
respect along with dignity for those born blind, deaf, or anyone with other forms of physical or
mental disability. The purpose of social movements is to provide social change regarding a specific
issue in which a particular group of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People with disabilities were also forced to enter institutions and asylums. Society hid people with
disabilities from a mean, fearful, and biased world. This continued until the Civil War and World
War I when our veterans returned in a disabled state expecting the US government to provide some
sort of help or rehabilitation in exchange for their service in the nation. Although President
Roosevelt was the first president with a disability to take office was a great advocate for the
rehabilitation of people with disabilities, the nation was still operated under the assumption that
being disabled was and abnormal condition and needed to be medically cured. In the 1940's and
1950's, World War II veterans started placing pressure on the government for rehabilitation for their
disabilities. The veterans made it more visible to a country filled with thankful citizens who were
concerned about the well–being of the men who sacrificed their lives for their country. By the
1960's, the civil rights movement began to take place and disabled citizens saw this as an
opportunity to join forces along with the minority groups to demand equal treatment, equal access,
and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. The Disability Rights Movement just like the
others faced negative attitudes and stereotypes. In the 1970's, disability rights activists lobbied
congress and marched on Washington to include civil rights language for people with disabilities
into the 1972 Rehabilitation
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Taking a Look at Global English
As human beings, it is in our nature to wonder what the earth will be like in the future. Several
people imagine a world where technology will allow human to relax while robots take care of daily
responsibilities. In addition, some theorists fear that earth's climate will be too hot for humans to
survive. When thinking about our world in the future, many overlook the change that will take place
in our language. However, linguists are fully aware of the shift that will take place within the
English language as our world continues to evolve. In the future, English will intermingle with short
message service (SMS) language and American minority languages, deviate away from oral
communication, and will ripen into the universal language. As America continues to develop as a
tech–savvy country abundant with numerous cultures, the American English language will continue
to adjust to it's country's advancements and diversity. In the 21st century, our world has created
technology that prior generations would not have thought possible. Although inventors of the 20th
century gifted us with several foundations for technology today, it is our recent advanced technology
that will possibly alter the English language. The idea of efficiently communicating with others
through text has been developing since centuries back. Early methods of communicating across the
globe included the creation of postal services and the telegraph. However, as our technology exceled
toward a more
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Emergency Services for the Deaf
Hurricanes, floods, fires and other emergency circumstances can be stressful for a lot of people, but
they present additional hurdles for those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. In the United States,
there is an estimated 36 million adults who report some degree of hearing loss and 2–3 of every
1,000 children is Hard of Hearing or Deaf (National Institute). When an emergency situation arises,
all too often these populations of people are the last to find out because it is not accessible to them;
having up–to–date information is crucial when it comes to all different emergency situation. With
advancing technology, there is hope that receiving information about emergencies will become
easier for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This can be especially true for individuals who live alone and may not have someone to wake them
up in case of an emergency. Additionally, if there is another person in the home, he or she may be
hindered from waking of the individual with a hearing loss because they may be helping small
children or they may be hindered by smoke. An example of a need for additional measures in homes
to ensure the safety of individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing is the case of a 2010 Arizona
house fire, which claimed the lives of two young deaf boys. Their 15–year–old brother ran to
emergency personal arriving on the scene and told them his family was inside the home. The parents
and two toddlers were in front of the home and said the two other children were still inside, but the
roof collapsed before firefighters could make it into the home and boys ages seven and eleven lost
their lives (Two Deaf). This is just one example of the many casualties that the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing community has to cope with because of outdated technology. Regardless of the fact that the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing are at a disadvantage when it coms to receiving weather warning notices,
things in their own home can be done to prevent any accidents from happening. There are two
options for a Deaf or Hard of Hearing person when it comes to smoke alarms and
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Equal Treatment Equal Access: Raising Awareness About...
Equal Treatment, Equal Access: Raising Awareness About People With Disabilities and Their
Struggle for Equal Rights By Layne Weichselbaum
Starting in the 1960s people with various kinds of disabilities (physical and mental
handicaps, along with visual– and hearing– impairments) and different essential needs came
together to fight for a common cause. In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act became a
law, and it provided comprehensive civil right protection for people with disabilities. Americans
who have disabilities account for "roughly 50 million people" An individual with a disability is
defined as a person who has a physical or mental impairment ... Show more content on
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In recent years, the majority of complaints involve
sidewalks and curb ramps, and crosswalks.
The American with Disabilities Act is composed of three titles. The ADA Title I is the employment
title. It requires that employers not discriminate against individuals who, with reasonable
accommodations, can perform essential duties for the job in question. Title II addresses the right for
people with disabilities to have equal access to programs, activities, and services that are offered by
the public. Title II broadens the coverage that already exists under
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This section prohibits organizations receiving federal
financial aid from discriminating on the basis of disability. "Because most branches of state or local
government receive federal financial assistance, ADA Title II and Section 504 go hand and hand."
Finally, Title III protects from discrimination and requires proper accessibility in public places, such
as lodging, government buildings, restaurants, healthcare establishments, and places of recreation
and leisure. With title III, amenities such as handicapped parking
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
The Invention Of The Telephone Essay
In this digital age, nearly all human beings have some form of attachment to their cell phone. At a
touch of a button, the smart phone users have access to the latest breaking news, social network, the
weather forecast, and games. Surprisingly, many people did not know that the telephone has been
around for more than one hundred years. Telephone is one of the few inventions that change the
course of history. This is the ever evolving technology enables humans to connect with someone
thousands of miles away. More importantly, the telephone has changed how humans interact and
also creates a global obsession. Technology History The telephone is one of a few inventions that
change the world. However, not many people know about the inventors who developed this
innovative technology. Before the invention of the telephone, the popularity of the telegraph was
thriving in the second half of the nineteenth century. However, Alexander Bell believed that he
could find something better to communicate besides dots and dashes. Bell's method was to carry
multiple messages on a single wire by using a telegraph transmitter (Pbs.org, 1999). Initially, Bell
developed the idea while he was living in Canada. At the age of twenty six, he moved to Boston,
Massachusetts where he taught deaf people to speak (famousscientist.org, 2014). While teaching in
Boston, he realized that transmitting human speech has great potential. He began spending less time
on teaching and decided to hire an electrical
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Independent Living Center Case Summary
Background The CPUC is requesting to contract with the California Foundation for Independent
Living Centers (CFILC) to run a statewide trial/pilot for the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications
Program (DDTP) Speech Generating Devices (SGD) Supplemental Telecommunications Equipment
(STE). As part of the CPUC's proceeding to adopt rules to implement the SGD program by January
1, 2014 (as required by AB 136), the CPUC hosted five public forums/workshops which were
attended by Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs), SGD users, disability organizations and SGD
manufacturers. Participants also filed testimony in the proceeding. As a result of the public
forums/workshops and participant testimony, CPUC issued D. 13–12–054. This decision provided
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Public Alert Warning System
The safety of the citizens is the priority of the emergency management for each and every event that
occurs. Early warning and communicating with the citizens allows time for the individuals to take
action and seek shelter. As technology advances, so to, must the methods of communicating the
warning of threats to the citizens. The various forms of communication must be encompassed into a
system that is both quick and multi–faceted. The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System is
diverse and allows for alerts to be broadcast over various communication devices as a method of
mitigation and preparedness.
The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) was launched in 2006 due to Presidential
Executive Order 13407, which called for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the past devices such as automated calling systems, sirens, Telecommunication Device for the
Deaf/TeleTYpewriter, electronic billboards, weather radios, facility alarms and the EAS normally
operated by using separate, proprietary protocols that could not communicate with each other. This
situation is what created fertile ground for the creation of IPAWS. The first phase of creation was
change the Common Alerting Protocol (EDXL–CAP 1.2), by way of approval of the Organization
for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards. The Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) declared that the alerting industry had to come into compliance with the new
protocol by September 2010 (Bristow 2011, para.9). Utilizing this protocol, allows any user
interface that is capable of creating CAP–compliant messages to activate any warning device that is
also capable to receive CAP–compliant messages. So a capability includes EAS hardware that is
designed to interrupt broadcast programming for radio, television and cable to issue an audio and/or
text emergency
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Essay The American with Disabilities Act
As stated by the founding fathers of America "All men are created equal." Black, white, brown,
short, tall, smart, and dumb, all are created equally. Therefore every person deserves fair judgement.
Unfortunately, it is a profound fact that not everyone is born normal and capable of task typical for a
common person, who is free from disability. In my opinion, the quote "All men are created equal"
serves to promote a friendly environment that helps encourage equality among people and aids to
recognize the similarities rather than the differences that separates men. Even so, with this hope, the
disabled community still struggles for equality. According to Legal Rights by the National
Association of the Deaf (NAD), "Almost 10 percent of all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
When the law was signed, new doors opened for the deaf and hard of hearing culture for a better
opportunity in gaining equal rights. President Bush appointed four titles to protect deaf and hard of
hearing people. In "The ADA and Deaf Culture" by Tucker, B. Title I, prohibits both public and
private employers from refusing to hire or promote an individual because of his or her impairment
and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for applicants or employees who are
deaf or hard of hearing (Tucker 28). If a deaf or hard of hearing employee can pass the essential part
of the job qualification, he or she is protected by the ADA to be hired. Also, the ADA prohibits
employers to discriminate disabled people in means of recruitment, job applications procedures, pay
rates, and promotions. The second title, Title II, "Requires all state and local government agencies to
make all of their services accessible to individuals with disability" (NAD 22). This ensures people
with disability to be able to participate in services, programs, and activities who can meet the
essential eligibility requirements. Such places that must make these accommodations are schools,
libraries, police and fire department, public hospitals, jails and prisons, motor vehicle departments,
parks and
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Stereotypes Of Deaf Culture
A culture is usually accompanied by their own sets of labels whether it being good, bad, true, or
false. Deaf culture is one of those cultures that has lists of common stereotypes, and issues they face
constantly on a daily basis. Some of most common misconceptions are: Deaf can not talk, laugh,
have good jobs, can not drive, all deaf sign, and so many more. Marlee Matlin, is a deaf actress who
is very popular and successful. She has starred in many movies, and shows over the years, playing a
deaf role in each part. Her success shows that Deaf are capable of great achievement. In an article
about Matlin winning a Ruderman prize, they said "The $100,000 award will be given to the Oscar
winner on behalf of the Ruderman Family Foundation for her work promoting the inclusion of
people with disabilities in Hollywood." (Jerusalem post) It is very inspiring to see people who are
thought to be different win oscars and other awards. Even though she choses not to talk, she has a lot
of talent and her acting skills are amazing due to her passion for her career. If a Deaf or Hard of
Hearing person wants to reach a goal, they are very much able to achieve it. They may have to work
harder, but it does not stop them. Another stereotype that can be seen as true, but also not; is that
Deaf can not talk. Using their voices is something they choose to do or not. Some feel comfortable
with speaking, or they lost their hearing after knowing how to speak; so they still use their voices.
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Cultural Patterns Of Deaf And Hearing Cultures
Cultural Taxonomy Paper
Exploring the Cultural Patterns of Deaf and Hearing Cultures
Many Americans may assume that the only difference between Deaf and Hearing culture is that one
can hear and the other cannot. However, this assumption is very far from the truth. Although both
cultures exist in the U.S. they are both very different from one another. The purpose of this paper is
to share my experience of how I felt spending time within a culture that was not my own as well as
applying the taxonomy of Hofstede's six value dimensions to make a cross cultural comparison of
both cultures.
I chose to attend the MATA (Mobile Agents for Telecommunications Applications) Expo USA with
my daughter on November 8th, 2014 to learn more about Deaf culture. The MATA Expo was held at
the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center in Long Beach. Additionally, I found out
about this event from Jeremy Rogers, an ASL professor at Mount San Jacinto College. What is the
MATA Expo? According to the MATA Expo website, the MATA Expo is a multicultural event as
well as, an international social–media enterprise expo. It is somewhat like a trade show and allows
corporations, organizations, and individuals to promote their products and services. Thousands of
people attend this event and it supports expanding the multicultural awareness in the public society.
A variety of people attend this event, including the Deaf and Hard–of–Hearing along with Sign
Language users, ASL students and the
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Using Assistive Technology For Disabled People
There are many things that assists disabled people to make their lives much easier. These various
things are called assistive technology. Assistive technologies are devices that helps a disabled
individuals to function better in life. It benefits them at work, in school, and at home making
everyday life simpler for people with disabilities. Many of these same everyday life things many of
us take for granted. Another benefit of using assistive technology for disabled members or society is
that these people are now able to be more independent and self– confident. Assistive technology also
helps disabled people to be accepted into the mainstream of life by being more productive members
of society. Assistive technology is also a beneficial asset ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Some people has the disability of being able to hear but no to speak. These individuals might use a
"hearing carry–over" which is known as "HCO." This device helps them hear a conversation and
allows them to type a response. TDDs are being grooved by the use of instant messaging and
texting. This provide a means for people to communicate through text in using mainstream
technology. Telecommunications Relay Services also known as TRS is one of the most common
uses for a TDD to place it calls. This makes it possible for deaf people to successfully make phone
calls to regular phone users. A conversation takes turns to communicate, so at the end of someone's
turn of speaking they text "GO HEAD" or "GA". This signals that they are through with what they
were saying.
All in all, Assistive technologies are devices that helps a disabled individuals to function better in
life. It benefits them at work, in school, and at home making everyday life simpler for people with
disabilities. Although there are many types of assistive technologies, the specific assistive
technology that stood out to me tremendously is Telecommunication Devices for the deaf. What the
device itself is, the device history, and the protocols for the device, and the messaging system of the
device are the reasons I chose this assistive
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
American With Disabilities Act Analysis
The American with Disabilities Act was a major piece of legislation that the Federal government put
into law July, 26 1990. The American with Disables Act is an act that protects people's rights being
disabled. The American with Disabilities Act has made society and places of employment readily
accessible so that people with disabilities can try to live a normal life. The American Disabilities Act
gives people with Disabilities and equal opportunity to employment it protects there civil rights
which every American citizen is provided. The American with Disabilities Act is portioned into five
different categories
The first category of the American with Disabilities Act covers employment rights (Title 1). The
employment rights (Title I) makes companies to provided ways for people with disabilities to be
employable. Some examples of this would be that companies that are in a multi–story building will
have an elevator. The curbing on sidewalks with have wheel chair access. Companies need to make
accommodations which may include how a job will be done to accommodate someone with a
disability. Companies need to provide a door where a wheel chair could come into the building. Title
one prohibits companies from discriminating ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The people who run the transit system much also provide special transportation services for people
with disabilities who are unable to use the normal services. The bus stations must be accessible to
people with disabilities. The bus stations must provide telephones, bathrooms and drinking fountains
that would be accessible for people with disabilities. The Rail vehicles also fall under Title III. New
rail vehicles must also be accessible August, 26 1990. Existing rail systems have to have one car
accessible by July 26, 1995. All new rail station must be handicap
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Bad Effects of Cell Phone on Society
BAD EFFECTS OF CELL PHONE ON SOCIETY A report by the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU) said there were about six billion cell phone subscriptions at the end of 2011–roughly
one for 86 of every 100 people. Up to now, this number has continued to increase dramatically. This
proves certainly that cell phone affects our society more strongly and more deeply in many aspects.
No one can deny that cell phone is playing a very important and necessary role in our society
because it not only helps us to keep contact with everyone but also provides us a great source of
entertainment. Therefore, it is a common scene to see everybody keeps his /her ear attached to a cell
phone. But in spite of all its benefits and plus points mobile phone ... Show more content on
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In addition, cell phones also have a long–term negative effect on our environment because they are
made of circuit boards, cables and semiconductors––all of which emit harmful toxins. Unwanted
cell phones end up in landfills and those toxins cause contamination of our water and food sources.
In conclusion, you can't ignore all great advantages of cell phone or refuse to use it but you should
use it in an effective and healthy way. Let it help you to solve your work easily and quickly, don't let
it waste your time, your money. You must have to know what your responsibilities are and what are
the most important things in your life and never neglect them. There are some tips to protect you
from the danger of cell phone. You should always use the left ear for calls because using the right
ear will directly affect the brain; when sleeping ,you should turn your cell phone off to have a sound
sleep and a healthy brain; and remember to never use cell phone when driving .Finally, you should
never forget that cell phone is just a device, don't let it control your
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Research Paper on Americans with Disabilities Act (Ada
Before starting this class and especially the research paper, I knew very little about the ADA. During
the period of research and writing the paper I hope to obtain a better grasp on the ADA in general.
But I also hope to learn some things that my current place of employment can improve our standards
when it comes to those with disabilities. The ADA was signed into law on July 26, 1990 by then
President George H. W. Bush. It prohibits discrimination based on disability and only disability. It is
fairly similar to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
My first step to research was to search various search engines to find scholarly journals or other
types of secondary sources that were credible and available ... Show more content on
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According to Gary Dessler, "employers with 15 or more workers are prohibited from discriminating
against qualified individuals with disabilities with regard to applications, hiring, discharge,
compensation, advancement, training, or other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. It
also says that employers must make 'reasonable accommodations' for physical or mental limitations
unless doing so imposes an 'undue hardship' on the business." It not only prohibits discrimination in
employment but also outlaws most physical barriers in public accommodations, transportation,
telecommunications, and government services.
Although the ADA does not specifically list any disabilities, the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission's (EEOC) guidelines state that when an individual has a physical or mental impairment
that substantially limits one or more major life activity then the individual is in fact disabled. It goes
on to state that impairments can include any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic
disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of several body systems, or any mental or
psychological disorder (Dessler). Among the protected classes are persons with AIDS and substance
abusers who are in treatment. Some 50 million current or potential workers are estimated to be
covered by the law's provisions (Columbia Encyclopedia). However, the act does list some
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Network Networks : The Basic Concept Of Network Convergence
Converged Networks: The basic concept of network convergence is to provide all the
communication services such as voice, video and data within a single network to achieve its goal of
delivering better services while lowering prices to consumers. There is a need for network
convergence, as one single pipe is used to deliver all the communication services that help in
regulating the overall network costs to a significant level. Both the users and service providers get
benefitted by the adoption of convergence. The users can access a huge range of services, where as
the service providers can benefit by entering into new markets. The network built on Ethernet allows
users to access their applications on servers and the network built on Fiber Channel enables those
servers to access huge amount of data on a storage network. The manufacturing cost and
maintenance of these two networks is very expensive and hence it would be more cost–efficient to
have just one network. So the converged network assures a highly scalable and a high–performance
network with consistent management tools that can handle both Ethernet and storage traffic.
Convergence is all about services and new ways of doing business as well as interacting with
society. There are various kinds of network convergences in progress. The basic type of network
convergence allows several types of networks to connect with each other following certain common
standard and protocol. The convergence in telecommunication
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Paraprofessionals In The Classroom
Ian is a 2nd grade student who is non–verbal with a hearing impairment. He needs support in a
classroom and home environment to help gain an ability to communicate. Ian uses visual tools of an
electronic PECS system to be able to receptive and express his language. The student hearing
impairment is not severe and he is able to use sign language and hearing device to communicate
with his teachers and a paraprofessionals. Ian's classroom setting is a part of the Delaware Autism
Program (DAP) and his IEP suggested his least restrictive environment suggested he be in separate
school for other students with Autism. The students in the classroom uses visual tools such as a
smartboard and schedules to help guide the classroom routine. In addition, the teachers and
paraprofessionals in Ian's classroom provides an electronic devices of a PECS system to allow Ian
and his peers to be able to communicate. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While Ian has a hearing aid to help him be able to hear others. The classroom may benefit from a
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) as this devices is used for students who are deaf of
has a hearing impairment. The devices has a QWERTY board and a small screen that will allow the
student to type their word and/or sentence to communicate to others. Therefore, Ian who is non–
verbal will be able to use this device to advance his ability of communicating rather than solely
using the PECS system. As the student is learning to use the PECS device, the TDD device is hardly
used in the classroom setting, but with the student is recommended as it provides a student tools to
communicate. In each lesson, the teacher will instruct the student with to use the TDD device to
communicate during the
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Non Negotiable Qualification Analysis
Desirable Qualifications
In addition to evaluating each candidate's relative ability, as demonstrated by quality and breadth of
experience, the following factors will provide the basis for competitively evaluating each candidate:
Review the Duty Statement for this position under the Additional Documentation section.
Ability to work in a fast–paced environment. Demonstrated experience handling multiple priorities
Ability to interpret and apply CalSTRS laws, rules, and policies correctly and be willing to testify at
Administrative Hearings as an expert witness.
Proven ability to meet deadlines that are non–negotiable.
Demonstrated ability to analyze and solve complex problems, draw logical conclusions, ... Show
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Statement of Qualifications
Please provide a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). When completing the SOQ, please include all
relevant experience, education, and training for each question and explain your answers thoroughly.
Responses should be no longer than two pages, single–spaced.
Your Statement of Qualifications must address the following:
What interests you about this position?
What skills do you believe to be most critical to this type of position and describe your experience in
using those skills?
Describe your experience in case management and meeting deadlines.
Describe your experience in dealing with or providing service to persons going through a difficult
life changing experience.
**Please attach your SOQ and this job announcement to your application. Applications received
without these documents will not be considered. Note: Resumes, letters, and other materials will not
be evaluated or considered as responses to the Statement of Qualifications. Candidate may be
selected by resume review
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
TTY Research Papers
The item I decided to do for my paper is the TTY. A TTY is a special device that lets people who are
deaf, hard of hearing, or speech–impaired use the telephone to communicate, by allowing them to
type messages back and forth to one another instead of talking and listening. This device was built
in 1964 by Robert Weitbrecht. He was a deaf scientist who was born on April 11, 1920 in California.
He loved science since his teacher use to take them to factories and he started to be interested in
factories. He was taught how to read lips and talk from his mother but he also went to school with
other deaf kids. Robert didn't build the TTY until he got out of college but when he was in high
school he built his own telescope and he also built a camera ... Show more content on
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I think this object will be a key to the future since people already can't stay off their phones and this
would mean that everybody would need this type of technology to talk and to basically to do
anything that requires communication with another person. The TTY has five different names that
people have used for it over the years. One name for it is the teleprinter which is an
Electromechanical typewriter paired with a communication channel. The next name for a TTY is
Telecommunication device for the deaf which is a teleprinter designed for people with hearing or
speech difficulties. Another name is Text terminal which is a serial computer interface for text entry
and display. The other name for a TTY is called the Terminal emulator which is a program that
emulates a video terminal within some other display. The last name that the TTY has is the Getty
also known as the Unix which is allowing switching between X window system and command–line
interface. But the TTY is also better now and days because with the cochlear implant you have to
get surgery done and who knows if they put it in right or if they mess the whole surgery up and you
don't function as good anymore unlike before the surgery. Plus now that all
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Deaf Immigrant Process
The immigration process is a tedious path to United States citizenship. Foreign citizens who want to
live permanently in the United States require a visa and multiple forms. United States law limits the
number of visas available each year, with certain limits by country. The entire immigration process
is very opaque. Now add the intricate layer of being deaf. Deaf immigrants face many problems
when immigrating to the U.S., along with adjusting to life in the U.S. In the 1880s the Federal
Government began to regulate who could enter the United States. The primary aim of Congress was
to exclude what they considered "defectives" or "undesirables" (Douglas 394). The Immigration Act
of 1907 denied entry to anyone who had a ''physical defect being ... Show more content on
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Through solidarity we recognize that we all are one family. Regardless of our struggles and
differences we must seek peace in our society. We must understand everyone's adversities and
respect their journey. Deaf immigrants coming to America are usually vulnerable and poor, which
leads into the second social teaching of option for the poor and vulnerable. How we stand and care
for the deaf immigrants in our society says a lot about our nation. We need to have a special concern
for their needs. But most importantly the call for participation. Deaf immigrants have the right to
participate in social, economic, political, and legal aspects of American life and society. Inclusion
into American culture and activities will only ease the struggle deaf immigrants face on a day to day
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Sign Language Importance
The Importance of Basic Sign Language Police officers should be required to learn the basics of
sign language. They are required to make sure that the individual they are communicating with are
being heard. That includes qualified interpreters, and assisted listening devices. Unfortunately these
are being ignored or not met with standard. Law enforcement should be required to take a basic sign
language class before entering the police force in order to help serve and protect people in the deaf
community. Police officers learning sign language can save the lives for the future. Since 1997 there
have been forty seven reported cases of crimes against deaf or hard of hearing people.(Heard's
statstitics) Nine deaf or hard of hearing people have been shot and killed by police since 1997; six of
those have happened in the last three years. That is a huge increase in shooting against the deaf
community. With all of the cases that have been reported none were given an interpreter. All law
enforcement is required to ensure effective communication with individuals who are deaf or hard of
hearing. There is laws in place to help protect the deaf or hard of hearing community, but in a good
deal of cases the police either ignore or are ignorant about these laws. The four most recent cases
have also been cases the police officers fired shots before even communication was given to the
individual. Some of those cases were also cases against Hispanics or blacks being in the call of
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
The Effects Of A Deaf Child Cause Stress Within The Family
When two hearing people come together to conceive a child, their natural assumption is the child
will also be a hearing person. However, that is not always the case. Over 90% of deaf children are
born to hearing parents. The initial discovery of a deaf child causes stress within the family, because
they are ignorant of Deaf culture within the US and also the abilities of deaf people. Nevertheless,
despite the initial shock of the child's inability to hear they are still able to bond together as a family
and maintain a healthy family unit. There is a multitude of reasons for child deafness. The most
common cause is genetics. The trait for deafness can be passed along a family for generations and
the family wouldn't be the wiser until someone is born with the trait. A child could also be deaf
because of complications during pregnancy, afflictions such as rubella, cytomegalovirus,
toxoplasmosis and herpes. Medications, like ototoxic drugs, can cause damage in the hearing system
of the fetus when a mother is taking it while pregnant. A post–natal child could become deaf due to
infant jaundice or a lack of oxygen and illnesses such as meningitis, measles, and mumps. Finally,
an injury to the head or exposure to loud noise could cause a child to be deaf. Fortunately,
technology allows parents to discover these issues early so they can start early intervention in the
child's life. Early intervention is crucial in a deaf child's life. During the early years of a child's life,
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
The Injustice of the Deaf in the Criminal Justice System
The problem faced by the deaf community is the injustice they encounter when in the criminal
justice system. Someone who is deaf or hard of hearing has at least a 50 percent loss of hearing in
one ear (Ridgeway 2009), and some may be able to read lips. However, only ½ of all spoken sounds
can be translated into American Sign Language (Ridgeway 2009), which makes it difficult for the
deaf to communicate without using sign language. Because English and sign language are not the
same language, many deaf people are illiterate because of a lack of schooling past a certain age.
Even those with schooling up to the age of 18 or older are often functionally illiterate, read at a
grade level of second grade or below, and have unintelligible speech ... Show more content on
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When an interpreter is not provided by the police – which is a violation of the law – then the police
again cannot explain the Miranda rights in a way that the person being arrested understands (Vernon
2005). McCay Vernon, a pioneer in deaf education who wrote many articles on the topic, also said
that the practice of laws such as Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and numerous other laws
protecting the rights of persons with hearing loss who encounter the criminal justice system are
often misunderstood or ignored by professionals in the system mainly because of a lack of
knowledge of the communication issues facing persons with hearing loss.
Trial is another problem for a deaf person. A large percent of deaf people who face criminal charges
are convicted and sentenced without understanding the legal proceedings that led to their conviction
(Vernon 2005) because an interpreter often is not provided or there is a high likelihood the client
being prosecuted is illiterate, is considered Linguistic Incompetent or has PPD. Another problem
deaf clients have during the trial is the lack of a qualified interpreter to do legal interpreting,
meaning one who is familiar with legal terminology and expansion, which is the act of explaining an
unknown concept in detail by finger spelling, examples, pictures and miming.
Prison provides many challenges and obstacles that the deaf have to face, oftentimes alone. First
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Cell Phones And Its Effects On Society
"Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our
lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or a daydream, to imagine
something wonderful, because we are too busy bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the
office on the cell phone", said Seven Spielberg. Everywhere you are no matter what, you will see
someone in contact with his or her cell phone. The effects of them cause negative and positive
outcomes within our society. Cell phones have influenced society both positive and negative ways
regarding teenagers life, social interactions, emergencies & crimes, and health. Cell phones have
negatively affected teenager's life in more than one way. First cell phones are a distraction to the
way teenagers drive. "Anytime a teenager's mind is somewhere other than on the road ahead, their
abilities as a driver are dulled" (Peters). As a newer driver, it is harder for teenagers to multitask.
The problem of being distracted is it makes worse due to the simple fact of youthful inexperience.
"Also the over reaction of driving is more common within teens than adults who have been in
situations" (Peters). When teenagers text and drive it increases the number of traffic accidents
because it effects their focus of the road. "The traffic accident rates for 16– to 19–year old drivers
are higher than those for any other age group" (DMV). "Statistics says 13 percent of drivers age 18–
20 involved in car wrecks
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Dealing with Learning Disabilities Essay
Dealing with Learning Disabilities
"He'll know things one day, but not the next". "She is seeing or writing words or numbers
backwards." "She has difficulty grasping simple concepts". These are comments made by teachers
who have classified certain students in their classroom as having the unfortunate burden of a
learning disability. A learning disability is "a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological
processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest
itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical
calculations"(Metzger, 1983, p7). Students with learning disorders may exhibit difficulty learning in
a number of ways. Such conditions as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Researching deeper into the definition, the more specific term adaptive technology means "any item,
piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or
customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with
a disability" (Braswell, 2001,p1). Assistive technology has been making it possible for children with
disabilities to do more for themselves and become less dependent on others. For example, a child
who cannot use her hands can operate a computer with a switch and an on–screen keyboard. A child
with speech problems can communicate using a portable electronic device that "speaks". These are
just a few of the examples of the wide variety of adaptive equipment that is available today.
Fortunately for the disabled students of the new millennium, adaptive technology has greatly
improved. Technological developments have been emerging since the early 1900's, but looking back
on the past twenty years, adaptive technology has come a long way. In 1988, Retail point–of–sale
devices began to use picture–based keyboards. This technology was originally developed in the mid
1960's to enable people to speak using a keyboard, computer, and speech synthesizer (Jacob, 1999).
Today, these picture–based keyboards enable retail establishments to employ individuals, who, for
one reason or
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Sign Language Importance
The Importance of Basic Sign Language Police officers should be required to learn the basics of
sign language. They are required to make sure that the individual they are communicating with are
being heard. That includes qualified interpreters, and assistance listening devices. Unfortunately
these are being ignored or not met to standard. Law enforcement should be required to take a basic
sign language class before entering the police force in order to help serve and protect people in the
deaf community. Police officers learning sign language can save the lives for the future. Since 1997
there have been forty seven reported cases of crimes against deaf or hard of hearing people. Nine
deaf or hard of hearing people have been shot and killed by police since 1997; six of those have
happened in the last three years. That is a huge increase in shooting against the deaf community.
With all of the cases that have been reported none were given an interpreter. All law enforcement is
required to ensure effective communication with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. There
are laws in place to help protect the deaf or hard of hearing community but in a good deal of cases
the police either ignore or are ignorance about these laws. The four most recent case have also been
cases the police officers fired shots before even communication was giving to the individual. Some
of those cases were also case against Hispanics or blacks bring in the call of racism. Will forty seven
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Asl And The American Sign Language
American Sign Language is the interesting, logical, and fun to learn. ASL is the fourth most–used
languages in the United States. ASL is used for hearing people to get the messages across to Deaf
people and Deaf community. Deaf people use American Sign Language to communicate with their
friends, family or their loved one who is deaf. Now parents are teaching their babies to learn ASL.
The American Sign Language gives children, their confidence, and self–esteem in their lives. Deaf
Community vs. Hard of hearing is a different point of view, and their impact was to have
opportunities to have new friendships, connection to other people in the hard–of–hearing
community and to be able to talk with hard of hearing people easier.
The hard of hearing or non–signer could be friends with deaf people by using American Sign
Language. The deaf people, hard of hearing and hearing people interact with each other in American
Sign Language. The most of the deaf people are usually comfortable communicating with hearing
people and people are happy that the hearing people are attempted using American Sign Language
to communicate and instead ignoring them. American Sign Language has overcome the
communication barrier for hard of hearing, hearing people, infants, toddlers and elderly
grandparents who could not hear. American Sign Language is a visual language, for example, the
facial expression, body movements and hand gesture. The deaf people priority was in person
interacting and eye contacts
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Children With Disabilities Act ( Ada )
Before 1990 the United States did not systematically have tools or laws in place for Deaf
individuals. In 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – a civil rights law was
implemented across the U.S [with four sections] that prohibit discrimination against people with
disabilities including deaf and hearing impaired people. The purpose of the ADA is to make sure that
people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. Each section of the
ADA – employment, government, public accommodations, and telecommunications – lists services
that should be provided for deaf individuals ("Rights of Deaf"). In 2008, amendments to this law
were made which changed definitions of "disability".
"With any new law, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
"In 1975, Tom Humphries invented the term 'audism' to describe an oppressive attitude that some
people, agencies, businesses, or organizations have towards people who are deaf or hard of hearing"
(). "Audism is discrimination or prejudice that is based on a person's ability, or lack of ability, to
hear." Sometimes audism is manifested through negative expectations or views about deaf or
hearing–impaired persons, ignorance or lack of service to provide reasonable accommodations and
inappropriate, negative, or lower expectations of success ("What is 'Audism'?"). Issues of
paternalism also arise with Deaf and hearing impaired communities that mirror attitudes and actions
of racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and basic forms of discrimination.
Despite the perceived limitations of being Deaf or hearing impaired and various forms of oppression
and social injustice, Deaf Americans identify themselves as members of a cultural community and
linguistic group – which highly values literacy. Through the use of American Sign Language (ASL),
Deaf and hearing impaired individuals and groups are given a unique way to express themselves
personally – and with that, a totally different way to communicate through hands, faces and bodies
without the use of sound. "Deaf culture focuses on the stimulation of the eyes and the enhanced
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Communication Is An Important Staple Of Human History
Communication is an important staple of human history. From the use of Egyptian hieroglyphs to
the first appearance of emojis in Japan during the late nineteen–nineties. Methods of communication
are ever–evolving and it is only a matter of time before the next sweeping form of interaction
changes how we communicate. Before exploring the revolution which took place in the late
nineteenth century, it is important to look at the pre–telephone era, the factors that went into the
invention of the telephone, how the telephone changed the world, and how it impacts society today.
When talking about the pre–telephone era, many people fail to realize that their were many well–
established forms of communication. The first official United States Post Office was established on
July 25, 1775 and was headed by Benjamin Franklin. (USPS) The Telegraph was the fastest form of
communication prior to the telephone, with it's utilization of the electric signals through wire, it was
an excellent form of communication which allowed for messages to be sent across sea in relatively
reasonable time. (USDS) Postal Service and Telegraphy were great methods of communication, but
they never reached the heart of communication, conversation between two people can only exist in
short hand in telegraphy and it would take weeks for mail to come back and forth between sender
and receiver. However, on a diligent March day in the Basement of a Boston University Professor,
the first phone call was made only a
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Alexander Graham Bell And The Invention Essay
Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 and was a scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who
invented the first telephone. In his later life, Bell did outstanding work in designing optical
Telecommunications. Bell also contributed to other inventions as well, he designed a precursor to
modern day air conditioning, he also contributed to aviation technology, and his last patent, at the
age of 75, was for the fastest hydrofoil yet invented. In 1888, Bell was designated as one of the
founding members of the National Geographic Society. Bell and his son–in–law, Gilbert Grosvenor,
redesigned the society 's dry journal and added beautiful photographs and interesting writing ––
turning National Geographic into one of the world 's best–known magazines. He is known as one of
the founders of Science magazine. Bell died on 2nd August, 1922. On the day of his burial, all
telephone service in the US was stopped for one minute in his remembrance. Bell was born in
Edinburgh, Scotland, enrolled in the University of London to study anatomy and physiology, but his
college time was interrupted when his family moved to Canada in 1870. When Bell was eleven
years old, he invented a machine that could clean wheat. He also learned a lot of things from his
grandfather, Alexander Bell, a noted speech teacher. He assisted his father by teaching elocution and
articulation His father was also a speech teacher and noted
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Light Vs Hearing Communication Essay
Like any other community of people of different abilities, needs and preferences the deaf and hard
of hearing community are no different. With the use of different categorical methods that assist in
making their lives more accessible. They are not unlike "normal" people although yes not hearing at
all or being hard of hearing is considered to be a disability they too still enjoy life just in other ways
with the use of hearing aids. Communication via the telephone can seem like a daunting task
however have multiple option that one can choose from depending on their personal level of
comfort in terms of speaking or their volume of hearing. For example hard of hearing individuals
can have a telephone conversation via the telephone yet deaf people ... Show more content on
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Which I've always found to be quite intriguing because it is another way the hearing community
takes the idea of a ringing doorbell or phone for granted. The concept of the flashing light signal
represents to me as an alert or a warning system. The residence can be equipped to the convenience
of that particular individual allowing for specific table lamps to indicate particular alarms or notices
to turn on or for an entire home to signal at a time. Although all forms of such lighting are not used
or suggested a standard lightbulb takes precedence over others. Hence if one's home is triggered for
multiple devices for instance a telephone, doorbell or any other devices within the home it can take
certain provisions to assist the deaf or hard of hearing person whether it be flashing in a particular
manner, the amount of times its light flashes or countless other means of symmetry in which it can
take place. Another means of alarm that I have has never occurred to me was the smoke alarm in
which is stated deaf ones spend more money on due to the lack of sound therefore needing to place
such alarms in all rooms rather than strategically placing in specific and beneficial locations. Just
another aspect of living the hearing community take for granted due to our ability to
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Train Go Sorry By Leah Hager Cohen: Summary
The book "Train Go Sorry" was authored by Leah Hager Cohen it is a story of an unknown culture;
the book focuses on hearing loss, both as a disability and as a culture. The book was written in the
first and third person narrative and it follows the daily lives of Ms. Leah Cohen and several other
students and staff at Lexington School for the Deaf in New York. Ms. Cohen's Grandfather Sam was
deaf and attended Lexington when it was first founded. This was "seen" as the foundation for
Cohen's father Oscar and finally Leah as well as their family (who are both able to hear) to build
their lives at Lexington. Her father Oscar became the superintendent of Lexington school and Leah
spent her childhood within the school's walls. By her father becoming superintendent of the
Lexington school this resulted in the whole family becoming fluent in ASL. Ms. Cohen's father
Oscar spent his career trying the best he could to listen to the needs of deaf/hard of hearing
individual's needs and doing the best he could to advocate for them. The book also follows the lives
of several individuals who attended Lexington, some of the individuals who were in attendance
were Ms. Sofia and Ms. Irina Normatov and Mr. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This allows us to grow and become better individuals it also allows us to be able to exchange ideas
on certain things. For example, how tall a skyscraper should be? and how much the selling price
should be for the skyscraper?. An individual's ideas are passed from one individual to another
individual by way of their spoken language. This is why ASL is an essential part of the Deaf culture.
"Leah. Alec shook his fingers gently within my peripheral vision until I looked back. Always
maintain eye contact while you're signing to someone." (Cohen Pg. 216). This is essential because it
ensures that there is no misrepresentation on what is being said between two individuals who are
signing to each
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Essay about Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive Listening Devices
Several assistive listening devices can improve the communication ability of deaf children.
According to IDEA, every child with a disability is entitled to have access to assistive technology
(California Department of Education, 2004). The California Department of Education (2004)
outlines IDEA's definition of an assistive technology device. It explains that this device consists of
"any item, piece of equipment or product system...that is used to increase, maintain, or improve
functional capabilities of a child with a disability" (California Department of Education, 2004, p. 1).
One such device is the hearing aid. According to the Kendall School Support Services Team (2003),
deaf children who wear ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They "provide information about sound in the form of electrical impulses" (Kendall School Support
Services Team, 2003, p. 4). While it is still debated as to whether children can depend on them to
learn language, cochlear implants have a definite impact on their speech awareness. (Kendall School
Support Services Team, 2003). However, much controversy surrounds the issue of cochlear
implants. As Harlan Lane, a psychologist at Northeastern University asserts, "The ethics of
operating on a healthy child can be questioned" (Davies, 2005, p. 2). While the Food and Drug
Administration has approved this surgery, many who have been immersed in the deaf culture oppose
it, contending that they do not need to be fixed (Davies, 2005).
Other Educational Technologies
There are quite a few technologies other than assistive listening devices that aid in the education of
deaf students. First of all, there are a plethora of available communication devices. Communication
options that promote equal access for deaf children include e–mail, asynchronous discussions, and
real–time discussion forums (Robertson, 2001). With these, the deaf individual can communicate
directly with teachers and classmates without the use of an interpreter. He or she would not have to
rely on his or her residual hearing or speechreading skills. According to Schirmer and Ingram
(2003), one study indicates that the benefit of such communication may go beyond equal access.
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Deaf : The Deaf Way Of Knowing
Noted Deaf educator Tom Holcomb, in his 2010 paper, Deaf Epistemology: the deaf way of
knowing, posits that the flow of knowledge is fundamentally different in hearing and Deaf cultures.
That is, Deaf learners tend to collect information from direct experience or from the secondhand
experiences reported to them by other Deaf persons. Hearing learners accumulate information
through oral transmission, mostly in formal educational settings but also via casual social contacts.
(Holcomb, 2010). Indeed one study has suggested that because formal educational settings are
biased toward oral instruction. Deaf learners acquire only about 12% of the information that is
available to the hearing. (DHHS, 2015) The video, See What I Mean, by Tom Holcomb and Anna
Mindess proceeds from the assumption that participants in Deaf culture acquire, use, and value
information differently than hearing cultures, and that the external traits associated with Deaf
culture: use of ASL, sharing of information, and loyalty/concern for the peer group are logical and
necessary results of the d/Deaf commitment to acquire information through visual means. The video
was first created in 2001, but updated in 2009 to include telecommunications advances such as
VRS/TTY, video telephones, and personal pagers. It is my contention that these devices serve to
extend or expand the visual field of a Deaf communicator but do not change the motivations
underlying his/her behavior. A lighthearted and
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing
Business Analysis : Telstra, Australia 's Leading...
Telstra is Australia's leading organisation in telecommunication and information services. With
approximately 34,679 (http://www.telstra.com.au/aboutus/download/document/sustainability–
report–2013–our–people.pdf) employees and an international presence in 15 countries, Telstra
strives to change the way people live and work through "improved and more convenient
connection". They aim to always take put the customer first and constantly provide support for the
community in which Telstra operates.
Social performance
Nowadays, the demand for large corporations to contribute to the local community is increasing
rapidly. Corporate social responsibility is no longer a choice for organisations; it is an expectation
set by the stakeholders of the business. Corporate social responsibility improves the organisation's
brand reputation, increases sales and revenue, increases the satisfaction of employees and overall
contributes to a better quality community, so it is the business's best interest to involve themselves in
socially responsible activities (Why Socially Responsible, 2014). Telstra continues each year to
invest in the wellbeing of Australia by donating to charities, breaking down social and financial
barriers, and implementing programs to help improve people's lives.
In 2013, Telstra primarily focused on social issues such as digital inclusion, cyber safety, disaster
relief and recovery, and reconciliation action. Many programs and policies
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Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing

  • 1. Disaster Warnings For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Accessibility of Disaster Warnings for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing In the event of natural disasters like hurricanes, the benefit of warning and preparedness measures cannot be underscored. Alert systems and pagers provide citizens crucial seconds to seek a safe location. Additionally, they can provide important updates on event related weather conditions, road conditions, and evacuation notices.Such information is also often dispersed through televised government proceedings and radio programming. While these measures have been demonstrated to save lives and prevent injuries, for the nearly forty million Americans who identify as Deaf and Hard of Hearing these warning systems pose a barrier to their access of crucial information (Ivey ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main sources of destruction for these storms are wind speeds in excess of 74 mph, storm surges, and floodwaters several feet deep (Havelock, 2016). For people in the path of these incredibly dangerous storms, the most crucial action to be taken is evacuation (Havelock, 2016). Unfortunately, as was seen in the case of Hurricane Katrina it is quite common in response to the threat of a hurricane for those most at risk to not heed warnings and to stay in unnecessarily risky situations (Demuth et al., 2012, p.1133) When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005 there was a clear disconnect in how the needs of the deaf were being handled. There are several personal reports of the events that provide evidence for accessibility inadequacies. In a report by deaf social worker Barbara White, she describes how the community struggled for their needs to be understood (White, 2014 p.4). One of the biggest issues was the resistance of government officials to allow people with ASL and deaf studies training to be set down to relief areas because "they did not feel there was a 'significant' need" (White, 2014, p.1– 2). After a continued push White was able to set out for the hard hit south but the delay had already meant that deaf people were being left to decipher media reports in an inaccessible modality. She goes on to describe how this had a continued impact in the evacuee shelters. Though the majority of evacuees used ASL there were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Importance Of Telecommunication Devices For The Deaf What is a TDD/TTY device? Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf (TDD) is a type of hearing assistive technology that allows individuals who are deaf to use text telephones. The device is approximately the size of a small computer and is connected with a QWERTY keyboard. The TDD will display the message of the sender to the recipient electronically in a typed format. A Teletypewriter, also known as Teletype (TTY), is an older term for the Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf. How does it function? Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf and Teletypewriters allow individuals who have a hearing loss and individuals who are struggling with a speech issue to communicate via telephone. Depending on the TTY device, the machine will display ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. A Brief Biography of Alexander Graham Bell Essay example 91% of adults use cellphones, and without his invention of the telephone, there would never be cellphones, and the way we communicate with the world would be entirely different. (Pewresarch) Michael Hart's book The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History ranks Alexander Graham Bell as the forty second most influential person in history and he is one of the most influential persons in history. Alexander Graham Bell's influences of his father and grandfather caused him to take interest in the human voice and imitating its sounds. Although he is known for his invention of the telephone, he also invented numerous other things, such as air conditioning. He also received many awards and was placed in charge of various ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His talking machine shows that he did enjoy inventing things, and it foreshadows the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell had some good mentors when it came to his inventing. "Bell also spent much of his time inventing. Along with many other innovators of the 1870s, including Thomas Edison, he worked om the multiplex telegraph– a machine that would send and receive more than one signal over an electrical wire at the same time" (Streissguth). The fact that he worked with Thomas Edison, who is one of the greatest inventors in history, shows that people had faith in him and believed that he could accomplish great things. He had some excellent role models to look up to. He had some amazing influences that helped lead him to the invention of the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell has many different achievements, such as the Volta prize, President of the National Geographic Society, and a regent of the Smithsonian Institution. He also invented things such as, the air conditioning system, the hydrofoil speedboat and aerial transportation. "In 1880 the French government awarded Bell the Volta prize of 50,000 francs for inventing the telephone."(Monkeyshines on America). His wining this award was helpful with his career. He used his prize money to help further his career and his inventions. He was appreciated for his accomplishments by a country that he was not really affiliated with, which proves that his invention of the telephone really did mean something to other people. He was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 17. Essay about Disability Rights Disability Rights Movement In 1817, the American School for Deaf was founded in Hartford Connecticut. This was the first school for disabled children in the Western Hemisphere. Although this was not the beginning of the Disability Rights Movement, it was a start to society, making it possible for people to realize that there were those with disabilities out there in the world and something had to be done. The Disability Rights Movement fought for equal access, opportunity, consideration, and basic human respect along with dignity for those born blind, deaf, or anyone with other forms of physical or mental disability. The purpose of social movements is to provide social change regarding a specific issue in which a particular group of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People with disabilities were also forced to enter institutions and asylums. Society hid people with disabilities from a mean, fearful, and biased world. This continued until the Civil War and World War I when our veterans returned in a disabled state expecting the US government to provide some sort of help or rehabilitation in exchange for their service in the nation. Although President Roosevelt was the first president with a disability to take office was a great advocate for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, the nation was still operated under the assumption that being disabled was and abnormal condition and needed to be medically cured. In the 1940's and 1950's, World War II veterans started placing pressure on the government for rehabilitation for their disabilities. The veterans made it more visible to a country filled with thankful citizens who were concerned about the well–being of the men who sacrificed their lives for their country. By the 1960's, the civil rights movement began to take place and disabled citizens saw this as an opportunity to join forces along with the minority groups to demand equal treatment, equal access, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities. The Disability Rights Movement just like the others faced negative attitudes and stereotypes. In the 1970's, disability rights activists lobbied congress and marched on Washington to include civil rights language for people with disabilities into the 1972 Rehabilitation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Taking a Look at Global English As human beings, it is in our nature to wonder what the earth will be like in the future. Several people imagine a world where technology will allow human to relax while robots take care of daily responsibilities. In addition, some theorists fear that earth's climate will be too hot for humans to survive. When thinking about our world in the future, many overlook the change that will take place in our language. However, linguists are fully aware of the shift that will take place within the English language as our world continues to evolve. In the future, English will intermingle with short message service (SMS) language and American minority languages, deviate away from oral communication, and will ripen into the universal language. As America continues to develop as a tech–savvy country abundant with numerous cultures, the American English language will continue to adjust to it's country's advancements and diversity. In the 21st century, our world has created technology that prior generations would not have thought possible. Although inventors of the 20th century gifted us with several foundations for technology today, it is our recent advanced technology that will possibly alter the English language. The idea of efficiently communicating with others through text has been developing since centuries back. Early methods of communicating across the globe included the creation of postal services and the telegraph. However, as our technology exceled toward a more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Emergency Services for the Deaf Hurricanes, floods, fires and other emergency circumstances can be stressful for a lot of people, but they present additional hurdles for those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. In the United States, there is an estimated 36 million adults who report some degree of hearing loss and 2–3 of every 1,000 children is Hard of Hearing or Deaf (National Institute). When an emergency situation arises, all too often these populations of people are the last to find out because it is not accessible to them; having up–to–date information is crucial when it comes to all different emergency situation. With advancing technology, there is hope that receiving information about emergencies will become easier for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This can be especially true for individuals who live alone and may not have someone to wake them up in case of an emergency. Additionally, if there is another person in the home, he or she may be hindered from waking of the individual with a hearing loss because they may be helping small children or they may be hindered by smoke. An example of a need for additional measures in homes to ensure the safety of individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing is the case of a 2010 Arizona house fire, which claimed the lives of two young deaf boys. Their 15–year–old brother ran to emergency personal arriving on the scene and told them his family was inside the home. The parents and two toddlers were in front of the home and said the two other children were still inside, but the roof collapsed before firefighters could make it into the home and boys ages seven and eleven lost their lives (Two Deaf). This is just one example of the many casualties that the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community has to cope with because of outdated technology. Regardless of the fact that the Deaf and Hard of Hearing are at a disadvantage when it coms to receiving weather warning notices, things in their own home can be done to prevent any accidents from happening. There are two options for a Deaf or Hard of Hearing person when it comes to smoke alarms and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Equal Treatment Equal Access: Raising Awareness About... Equal Treatment, Equal Access: Raising Awareness About People With Disabilities and Their Struggle for Equal Rights By Layne Weichselbaum Starting in the 1960s people with various kinds of disabilities (physical and mental handicaps, along with visual– and hearing– impairments) and different essential needs came together to fight for a common cause. In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act became a law, and it provided comprehensive civil right protection for people with disabilities. Americans who have disabilities account for "roughly 50 million people" An individual with a disability is defined as a person who has a physical or mental impairment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In recent years, the majority of complaints involve sidewalks and curb ramps, and crosswalks. The American with Disabilities Act is composed of three titles. The ADA Title I is the employment title. It requires that employers not discriminate against individuals who, with reasonable accommodations, can perform essential duties for the job in question. Title II addresses the right for people with disabilities to have equal access to programs, activities, and services that are offered by the public. Title II broadens the coverage that already exists under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This section prohibits organizations receiving federal financial aid from discriminating on the basis of disability. "Because most branches of state or local government receive federal financial assistance, ADA Title II and Section 504 go hand and hand." Finally, Title III protects from discrimination and requires proper accessibility in public places, such as lodging, government buildings, restaurants, healthcare establishments, and places of recreation and leisure. With title III, amenities such as handicapped parking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Invention Of The Telephone Essay In this digital age, nearly all human beings have some form of attachment to their cell phone. At a touch of a button, the smart phone users have access to the latest breaking news, social network, the weather forecast, and games. Surprisingly, many people did not know that the telephone has been around for more than one hundred years. Telephone is one of the few inventions that change the course of history. This is the ever evolving technology enables humans to connect with someone thousands of miles away. More importantly, the telephone has changed how humans interact and also creates a global obsession. Technology History The telephone is one of a few inventions that change the world. However, not many people know about the inventors who developed this innovative technology. Before the invention of the telephone, the popularity of the telegraph was thriving in the second half of the nineteenth century. However, Alexander Bell believed that he could find something better to communicate besides dots and dashes. Bell's method was to carry multiple messages on a single wire by using a telegraph transmitter (Pbs.org, 1999). Initially, Bell developed the idea while he was living in Canada. At the age of twenty six, he moved to Boston, Massachusetts where he taught deaf people to speak (famousscientist.org, 2014). While teaching in Boston, he realized that transmitting human speech has great potential. He began spending less time on teaching and decided to hire an electrical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Independent Living Center Case Summary Background The CPUC is requesting to contract with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) to run a statewide trial/pilot for the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP) Speech Generating Devices (SGD) Supplemental Telecommunications Equipment (STE). As part of the CPUC's proceeding to adopt rules to implement the SGD program by January 1, 2014 (as required by AB 136), the CPUC hosted five public forums/workshops which were attended by Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs), SGD users, disability organizations and SGD manufacturers. Participants also filed testimony in the proceeding. As a result of the public forums/workshops and participant testimony, CPUC issued D. 13–12–054. This decision provided ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Public Alert Warning System The safety of the citizens is the priority of the emergency management for each and every event that occurs. Early warning and communicating with the citizens allows time for the individuals to take action and seek shelter. As technology advances, so to, must the methods of communicating the warning of threats to the citizens. The various forms of communication must be encompassed into a system that is both quick and multi–faceted. The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System is diverse and allows for alerts to be broadcast over various communication devices as a method of mitigation and preparedness. The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) was launched in 2006 due to Presidential Executive Order 13407, which called for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the past devices such as automated calling systems, sirens, Telecommunication Device for the Deaf/TeleTYpewriter, electronic billboards, weather radios, facility alarms and the EAS normally operated by using separate, proprietary protocols that could not communicate with each other. This situation is what created fertile ground for the creation of IPAWS. The first phase of creation was change the Common Alerting Protocol (EDXL–CAP 1.2), by way of approval of the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) declared that the alerting industry had to come into compliance with the new protocol by September 2010 (Bristow 2011, para.9). Utilizing this protocol, allows any user interface that is capable of creating CAP–compliant messages to activate any warning device that is also capable to receive CAP–compliant messages. So a capability includes EAS hardware that is designed to interrupt broadcast programming for radio, television and cable to issue an audio and/or text emergency ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Essay The American with Disabilities Act As stated by the founding fathers of America "All men are created equal." Black, white, brown, short, tall, smart, and dumb, all are created equally. Therefore every person deserves fair judgement. Unfortunately, it is a profound fact that not everyone is born normal and capable of task typical for a common person, who is free from disability. In my opinion, the quote "All men are created equal" serves to promote a friendly environment that helps encourage equality among people and aids to recognize the similarities rather than the differences that separates men. Even so, with this hope, the disabled community still struggles for equality. According to Legal Rights by the National Association of the Deaf (NAD), "Almost 10 percent of all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the law was signed, new doors opened for the deaf and hard of hearing culture for a better opportunity in gaining equal rights. President Bush appointed four titles to protect deaf and hard of hearing people. In "The ADA and Deaf Culture" by Tucker, B. Title I, prohibits both public and private employers from refusing to hire or promote an individual because of his or her impairment and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for applicants or employees who are deaf or hard of hearing (Tucker 28). If a deaf or hard of hearing employee can pass the essential part of the job qualification, he or she is protected by the ADA to be hired. Also, the ADA prohibits employers to discriminate disabled people in means of recruitment, job applications procedures, pay rates, and promotions. The second title, Title II, "Requires all state and local government agencies to make all of their services accessible to individuals with disability" (NAD 22). This ensures people with disability to be able to participate in services, programs, and activities who can meet the essential eligibility requirements. Such places that must make these accommodations are schools, libraries, police and fire department, public hospitals, jails and prisons, motor vehicle departments, parks and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Stereotypes Of Deaf Culture A culture is usually accompanied by their own sets of labels whether it being good, bad, true, or false. Deaf culture is one of those cultures that has lists of common stereotypes, and issues they face constantly on a daily basis. Some of most common misconceptions are: Deaf can not talk, laugh, have good jobs, can not drive, all deaf sign, and so many more. Marlee Matlin, is a deaf actress who is very popular and successful. She has starred in many movies, and shows over the years, playing a deaf role in each part. Her success shows that Deaf are capable of great achievement. In an article about Matlin winning a Ruderman prize, they said "The $100,000 award will be given to the Oscar winner on behalf of the Ruderman Family Foundation for her work promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in Hollywood." (Jerusalem post) It is very inspiring to see people who are thought to be different win oscars and other awards. Even though she choses not to talk, she has a lot of talent and her acting skills are amazing due to her passion for her career. If a Deaf or Hard of Hearing person wants to reach a goal, they are very much able to achieve it. They may have to work harder, but it does not stop them. Another stereotype that can be seen as true, but also not; is that Deaf can not talk. Using their voices is something they choose to do or not. Some feel comfortable with speaking, or they lost their hearing after knowing how to speak; so they still use their voices. And ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Cultural Patterns Of Deaf And Hearing Cultures Cultural Taxonomy Paper Exploring the Cultural Patterns of Deaf and Hearing Cultures Many Americans may assume that the only difference between Deaf and Hearing culture is that one can hear and the other cannot. However, this assumption is very far from the truth. Although both cultures exist in the U.S. they are both very different from one another. The purpose of this paper is to share my experience of how I felt spending time within a culture that was not my own as well as applying the taxonomy of Hofstede's six value dimensions to make a cross cultural comparison of both cultures. Event I chose to attend the MATA (Mobile Agents for Telecommunications Applications) Expo USA with my daughter on November 8th, 2014 to learn more about Deaf culture. The MATA Expo was held at the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center in Long Beach. Additionally, I found out about this event from Jeremy Rogers, an ASL professor at Mount San Jacinto College. What is the MATA Expo? According to the MATA Expo website, the MATA Expo is a multicultural event as well as, an international social–media enterprise expo. It is somewhat like a trade show and allows corporations, organizations, and individuals to promote their products and services. Thousands of people attend this event and it supports expanding the multicultural awareness in the public society. A variety of people attend this event, including the Deaf and Hard–of–Hearing along with Sign Language users, ASL students and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Using Assistive Technology For Disabled People There are many things that assists disabled people to make their lives much easier. These various things are called assistive technology. Assistive technologies are devices that helps a disabled individuals to function better in life. It benefits them at work, in school, and at home making everyday life simpler for people with disabilities. Many of these same everyday life things many of us take for granted. Another benefit of using assistive technology for disabled members or society is that these people are now able to be more independent and self– confident. Assistive technology also helps disabled people to be accepted into the mainstream of life by being more productive members of society. Assistive technology is also a beneficial asset ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some people has the disability of being able to hear but no to speak. These individuals might use a "hearing carry–over" which is known as "HCO." This device helps them hear a conversation and allows them to type a response. TDDs are being grooved by the use of instant messaging and texting. This provide a means for people to communicate through text in using mainstream technology. Telecommunications Relay Services also known as TRS is one of the most common uses for a TDD to place it calls. This makes it possible for deaf people to successfully make phone calls to regular phone users. A conversation takes turns to communicate, so at the end of someone's turn of speaking they text "GO HEAD" or "GA". This signals that they are through with what they were saying. All in all, Assistive technologies are devices that helps a disabled individuals to function better in life. It benefits them at work, in school, and at home making everyday life simpler for people with disabilities. Although there are many types of assistive technologies, the specific assistive technology that stood out to me tremendously is Telecommunication Devices for the deaf. What the device itself is, the device history, and the protocols for the device, and the messaging system of the device are the reasons I chose this assistive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. American With Disabilities Act Analysis The American with Disabilities Act was a major piece of legislation that the Federal government put into law July, 26 1990. The American with Disables Act is an act that protects people's rights being disabled. The American with Disabilities Act has made society and places of employment readily accessible so that people with disabilities can try to live a normal life. The American Disabilities Act gives people with Disabilities and equal opportunity to employment it protects there civil rights which every American citizen is provided. The American with Disabilities Act is portioned into five different categories The first category of the American with Disabilities Act covers employment rights (Title 1). The employment rights (Title I) makes companies to provided ways for people with disabilities to be employable. Some examples of this would be that companies that are in a multi–story building will have an elevator. The curbing on sidewalks with have wheel chair access. Companies need to make accommodations which may include how a job will be done to accommodate someone with a disability. Companies need to provide a door where a wheel chair could come into the building. Title one prohibits companies from discriminating ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The people who run the transit system much also provide special transportation services for people with disabilities who are unable to use the normal services. The bus stations must be accessible to people with disabilities. The bus stations must provide telephones, bathrooms and drinking fountains that would be accessible for people with disabilities. The Rail vehicles also fall under Title III. New rail vehicles must also be accessible August, 26 1990. Existing rail systems have to have one car accessible by July 26, 1995. All new rail station must be handicap ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. Bad Effects of Cell Phone on Society BAD EFFECTS OF CELL PHONE ON SOCIETY A report by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said there were about six billion cell phone subscriptions at the end of 2011–roughly one for 86 of every 100 people. Up to now, this number has continued to increase dramatically. This proves certainly that cell phone affects our society more strongly and more deeply in many aspects. No one can deny that cell phone is playing a very important and necessary role in our society because it not only helps us to keep contact with everyone but also provides us a great source of entertainment. Therefore, it is a common scene to see everybody keeps his /her ear attached to a cell phone. But in spite of all its benefits and plus points mobile phone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, cell phones also have a long–term negative effect on our environment because they are made of circuit boards, cables and semiconductors––all of which emit harmful toxins. Unwanted cell phones end up in landfills and those toxins cause contamination of our water and food sources. In conclusion, you can't ignore all great advantages of cell phone or refuse to use it but you should use it in an effective and healthy way. Let it help you to solve your work easily and quickly, don't let it waste your time, your money. You must have to know what your responsibilities are and what are the most important things in your life and never neglect them. There are some tips to protect you from the danger of cell phone. You should always use the left ear for calls because using the right ear will directly affect the brain; when sleeping ,you should turn your cell phone off to have a sound sleep and a healthy brain; and remember to never use cell phone when driving .Finally, you should never forget that cell phone is just a device, don't let it control your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Research Paper on Americans with Disabilities Act (Ada Background Before starting this class and especially the research paper, I knew very little about the ADA. During the period of research and writing the paper I hope to obtain a better grasp on the ADA in general. But I also hope to learn some things that my current place of employment can improve our standards when it comes to those with disabilities. The ADA was signed into law on July 26, 1990 by then President George H. W. Bush. It prohibits discrimination based on disability and only disability. It is fairly similar to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Research My first step to research was to search various search engines to find scholarly journals or other types of secondary sources that were credible and available ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Gary Dessler, "employers with 15 or more workers are prohibited from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities with regard to applications, hiring, discharge, compensation, advancement, training, or other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. It also says that employers must make 'reasonable accommodations' for physical or mental limitations unless doing so imposes an 'undue hardship' on the business." It not only prohibits discrimination in employment but also outlaws most physical barriers in public accommodations, transportation, telecommunications, and government services. Although the ADA does not specifically list any disabilities, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) guidelines state that when an individual has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity then the individual is in fact disabled. It goes on to state that impairments can include any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of several body systems, or any mental or psychological disorder (Dessler). Among the protected classes are persons with AIDS and substance abusers who are in treatment. Some 50 million current or potential workers are estimated to be covered by the law's provisions (Columbia Encyclopedia). However, the act does list some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. Network Networks : The Basic Concept Of Network Convergence Converged Networks: The basic concept of network convergence is to provide all the communication services such as voice, video and data within a single network to achieve its goal of delivering better services while lowering prices to consumers. There is a need for network convergence, as one single pipe is used to deliver all the communication services that help in regulating the overall network costs to a significant level. Both the users and service providers get benefitted by the adoption of convergence. The users can access a huge range of services, where as the service providers can benefit by entering into new markets. The network built on Ethernet allows users to access their applications on servers and the network built on Fiber Channel enables those servers to access huge amount of data on a storage network. The manufacturing cost and maintenance of these two networks is very expensive and hence it would be more cost–efficient to have just one network. So the converged network assures a highly scalable and a high–performance network with consistent management tools that can handle both Ethernet and storage traffic. Convergence is all about services and new ways of doing business as well as interacting with society. There are various kinds of network convergences in progress. The basic type of network convergence allows several types of networks to connect with each other following certain common standard and protocol. The convergence in telecommunication ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 77. Paraprofessionals In The Classroom Ian is a 2nd grade student who is non–verbal with a hearing impairment. He needs support in a classroom and home environment to help gain an ability to communicate. Ian uses visual tools of an electronic PECS system to be able to receptive and express his language. The student hearing impairment is not severe and he is able to use sign language and hearing device to communicate with his teachers and a paraprofessionals. Ian's classroom setting is a part of the Delaware Autism Program (DAP) and his IEP suggested his least restrictive environment suggested he be in separate school for other students with Autism. The students in the classroom uses visual tools such as a smartboard and schedules to help guide the classroom routine. In addition, the teachers and paraprofessionals in Ian's classroom provides an electronic devices of a PECS system to allow Ian and his peers to be able to communicate. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While Ian has a hearing aid to help him be able to hear others. The classroom may benefit from a Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) as this devices is used for students who are deaf of has a hearing impairment. The devices has a QWERTY board and a small screen that will allow the student to type their word and/or sentence to communicate to others. Therefore, Ian who is non– verbal will be able to use this device to advance his ability of communicating rather than solely using the PECS system. As the student is learning to use the PECS device, the TDD device is hardly used in the classroom setting, but with the student is recommended as it provides a student tools to communicate. In each lesson, the teacher will instruct the student with to use the TDD device to communicate during the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 81. Non Negotiable Qualification Analysis Desirable Qualifications In addition to evaluating each candidate's relative ability, as demonstrated by quality and breadth of experience, the following factors will provide the basis for competitively evaluating each candidate: Review the Duty Statement for this position under the Additional Documentation section. Ability to work in a fast–paced environment. Demonstrated experience handling multiple priorities simultaneously. Ability to interpret and apply CalSTRS laws, rules, and policies correctly and be willing to testify at Administrative Hearings as an expert witness. Proven ability to meet deadlines that are non–negotiable. Demonstrated ability to analyze and solve complex problems, draw logical conclusions, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Statement of Qualifications Please provide a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). When completing the SOQ, please include all relevant experience, education, and training for each question and explain your answers thoroughly. Responses should be no longer than two pages, single–spaced. Your Statement of Qualifications must address the following: What interests you about this position? What skills do you believe to be most critical to this type of position and describe your experience in using those skills? Describe your experience in case management and meeting deadlines. Describe your experience in dealing with or providing service to persons going through a difficult life changing experience. **Please attach your SOQ and this job announcement to your application. Applications received without these documents will not be considered. Note: Resumes, letters, and other materials will not be evaluated or considered as responses to the Statement of Qualifications. Candidate may be selected by resume review ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 85. TTY Research Papers The item I decided to do for my paper is the TTY. A TTY is a special device that lets people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech–impaired use the telephone to communicate, by allowing them to type messages back and forth to one another instead of talking and listening. This device was built in 1964 by Robert Weitbrecht. He was a deaf scientist who was born on April 11, 1920 in California. He loved science since his teacher use to take them to factories and he started to be interested in factories. He was taught how to read lips and talk from his mother but he also went to school with other deaf kids. Robert didn't build the TTY until he got out of college but when he was in high school he built his own telescope and he also built a camera ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I think this object will be a key to the future since people already can't stay off their phones and this would mean that everybody would need this type of technology to talk and to basically to do anything that requires communication with another person. The TTY has five different names that people have used for it over the years. One name for it is the teleprinter which is an Electromechanical typewriter paired with a communication channel. The next name for a TTY is Telecommunication device for the deaf which is a teleprinter designed for people with hearing or speech difficulties. Another name is Text terminal which is a serial computer interface for text entry and display. The other name for a TTY is called the Terminal emulator which is a program that emulates a video terminal within some other display. The last name that the TTY has is the Getty also known as the Unix which is allowing switching between X window system and command–line interface. But the TTY is also better now and days because with the cochlear implant you have to get surgery done and who knows if they put it in right or if they mess the whole surgery up and you don't function as good anymore unlike before the surgery. Plus now that all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 89. Deaf Immigrant Process The immigration process is a tedious path to United States citizenship. Foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States require a visa and multiple forms. United States law limits the number of visas available each year, with certain limits by country. The entire immigration process is very opaque. Now add the intricate layer of being deaf. Deaf immigrants face many problems when immigrating to the U.S., along with adjusting to life in the U.S. In the 1880s the Federal Government began to regulate who could enter the United States. The primary aim of Congress was to exclude what they considered "defectives" or "undesirables" (Douglas 394). The Immigration Act of 1907 denied entry to anyone who had a ''physical defect being ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through solidarity we recognize that we all are one family. Regardless of our struggles and differences we must seek peace in our society. We must understand everyone's adversities and respect their journey. Deaf immigrants coming to America are usually vulnerable and poor, which leads into the second social teaching of option for the poor and vulnerable. How we stand and care for the deaf immigrants in our society says a lot about our nation. We need to have a special concern for their needs. But most importantly the call for participation. Deaf immigrants have the right to participate in social, economic, political, and legal aspects of American life and society. Inclusion into American culture and activities will only ease the struggle deaf immigrants face on a day to day ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 93. Sign Language Importance The Importance of Basic Sign Language Police officers should be required to learn the basics of sign language. They are required to make sure that the individual they are communicating with are being heard. That includes qualified interpreters, and assisted listening devices. Unfortunately these are being ignored or not met with standard. Law enforcement should be required to take a basic sign language class before entering the police force in order to help serve and protect people in the deaf community. Police officers learning sign language can save the lives for the future. Since 1997 there have been forty seven reported cases of crimes against deaf or hard of hearing people.(Heard's statstitics) Nine deaf or hard of hearing people have been shot and killed by police since 1997; six of those have happened in the last three years. That is a huge increase in shooting against the deaf community. With all of the cases that have been reported none were given an interpreter. All law enforcement is required to ensure effective communication with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. There is laws in place to help protect the deaf or hard of hearing community, but in a good deal of cases the police either ignore or are ignorant about these laws. The four most recent cases have also been cases the police officers fired shots before even communication was given to the individual. Some of those cases were also cases against Hispanics or blacks being in the call of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 97. The Effects Of A Deaf Child Cause Stress Within The Family When two hearing people come together to conceive a child, their natural assumption is the child will also be a hearing person. However, that is not always the case. Over 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents. The initial discovery of a deaf child causes stress within the family, because they are ignorant of Deaf culture within the US and also the abilities of deaf people. Nevertheless, despite the initial shock of the child's inability to hear they are still able to bond together as a family and maintain a healthy family unit. There is a multitude of reasons for child deafness. The most common cause is genetics. The trait for deafness can be passed along a family for generations and the family wouldn't be the wiser until someone is born with the trait. A child could also be deaf because of complications during pregnancy, afflictions such as rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis and herpes. Medications, like ototoxic drugs, can cause damage in the hearing system of the fetus when a mother is taking it while pregnant. A post–natal child could become deaf due to infant jaundice or a lack of oxygen and illnesses such as meningitis, measles, and mumps. Finally, an injury to the head or exposure to loud noise could cause a child to be deaf. Fortunately, technology allows parents to discover these issues early so they can start early intervention in the child's life. Early intervention is crucial in a deaf child's life. During the early years of a child's life, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 101. The Injustice of the Deaf in the Criminal Justice System The problem faced by the deaf community is the injustice they encounter when in the criminal justice system. Someone who is deaf or hard of hearing has at least a 50 percent loss of hearing in one ear (Ridgeway 2009), and some may be able to read lips. However, only ½ of all spoken sounds can be translated into American Sign Language (Ridgeway 2009), which makes it difficult for the deaf to communicate without using sign language. Because English and sign language are not the same language, many deaf people are illiterate because of a lack of schooling past a certain age. Even those with schooling up to the age of 18 or older are often functionally illiterate, read at a grade level of second grade or below, and have unintelligible speech ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When an interpreter is not provided by the police – which is a violation of the law – then the police again cannot explain the Miranda rights in a way that the person being arrested understands (Vernon 2005). McCay Vernon, a pioneer in deaf education who wrote many articles on the topic, also said that the practice of laws such as Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and numerous other laws protecting the rights of persons with hearing loss who encounter the criminal justice system are often misunderstood or ignored by professionals in the system mainly because of a lack of knowledge of the communication issues facing persons with hearing loss. Trial is another problem for a deaf person. A large percent of deaf people who face criminal charges are convicted and sentenced without understanding the legal proceedings that led to their conviction (Vernon 2005) because an interpreter often is not provided or there is a high likelihood the client being prosecuted is illiterate, is considered Linguistic Incompetent or has PPD. Another problem deaf clients have during the trial is the lack of a qualified interpreter to do legal interpreting, meaning one who is familiar with legal terminology and expansion, which is the act of explaining an unknown concept in detail by finger spelling, examples, pictures and miming. Prison provides many challenges and obstacles that the deaf have to face, oftentimes alone. First ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 105. Cell Phones And Its Effects On Society "Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or a daydream, to imagine something wonderful, because we are too busy bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone", said Seven Spielberg. Everywhere you are no matter what, you will see someone in contact with his or her cell phone. The effects of them cause negative and positive outcomes within our society. Cell phones have influenced society both positive and negative ways regarding teenagers life, social interactions, emergencies & crimes, and health. Cell phones have negatively affected teenager's life in more than one way. First cell phones are a distraction to the way teenagers drive. "Anytime a teenager's mind is somewhere other than on the road ahead, their abilities as a driver are dulled" (Peters). As a newer driver, it is harder for teenagers to multitask. The problem of being distracted is it makes worse due to the simple fact of youthful inexperience. "Also the over reaction of driving is more common within teens than adults who have been in situations" (Peters). When teenagers text and drive it increases the number of traffic accidents because it effects their focus of the road. "The traffic accident rates for 16– to 19–year old drivers are higher than those for any other age group" (DMV). "Statistics says 13 percent of drivers age 18– 20 involved in car wrecks ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 109. Dealing with Learning Disabilities Essay Dealing with Learning Disabilities "He'll know things one day, but not the next". "She is seeing or writing words or numbers backwards." "She has difficulty grasping simple concepts". These are comments made by teachers who have classified certain students in their classroom as having the unfortunate burden of a learning disability. A learning disability is "a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations"(Metzger, 1983, p7). Students with learning disorders may exhibit difficulty learning in a number of ways. Such conditions as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Researching deeper into the definition, the more specific term adaptive technology means "any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with a disability" (Braswell, 2001,p1). Assistive technology has been making it possible for children with disabilities to do more for themselves and become less dependent on others. For example, a child who cannot use her hands can operate a computer with a switch and an on–screen keyboard. A child with speech problems can communicate using a portable electronic device that "speaks". These are just a few of the examples of the wide variety of adaptive equipment that is available today. Fortunately for the disabled students of the new millennium, adaptive technology has greatly improved. Technological developments have been emerging since the early 1900's, but looking back on the past twenty years, adaptive technology has come a long way. In 1988, Retail point–of–sale devices began to use picture–based keyboards. This technology was originally developed in the mid 1960's to enable people to speak using a keyboard, computer, and speech synthesizer (Jacob, 1999). Today, these picture–based keyboards enable retail establishments to employ individuals, who, for one reason or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 113. Sign Language Importance The Importance of Basic Sign Language Police officers should be required to learn the basics of sign language. They are required to make sure that the individual they are communicating with are being heard. That includes qualified interpreters, and assistance listening devices. Unfortunately these are being ignored or not met to standard. Law enforcement should be required to take a basic sign language class before entering the police force in order to help serve and protect people in the deaf community. Police officers learning sign language can save the lives for the future. Since 1997 there have been forty seven reported cases of crimes against deaf or hard of hearing people. Nine deaf or hard of hearing people have been shot and killed by police since 1997; six of those have happened in the last three years. That is a huge increase in shooting against the deaf community. With all of the cases that have been reported none were given an interpreter. All law enforcement is required to ensure effective communication with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. There are laws in place to help protect the deaf or hard of hearing community but in a good deal of cases the police either ignore or are ignorance about these laws. The four most recent case have also been cases the police officers fired shots before even communication was giving to the individual. Some of those cases were also case against Hispanics or blacks bring in the call of racism. Will forty seven ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 117. Asl And The American Sign Language American Sign Language is the interesting, logical, and fun to learn. ASL is the fourth most–used languages in the United States. ASL is used for hearing people to get the messages across to Deaf people and Deaf community. Deaf people use American Sign Language to communicate with their friends, family or their loved one who is deaf. Now parents are teaching their babies to learn ASL. The American Sign Language gives children, their confidence, and self–esteem in their lives. Deaf Community vs. Hard of hearing is a different point of view, and their impact was to have opportunities to have new friendships, connection to other people in the hard–of–hearing community and to be able to talk with hard of hearing people easier. The hard of hearing or non–signer could be friends with deaf people by using American Sign Language. The deaf people, hard of hearing and hearing people interact with each other in American Sign Language. The most of the deaf people are usually comfortable communicating with hearing people and people are happy that the hearing people are attempted using American Sign Language to communicate and instead ignoring them. American Sign Language has overcome the communication barrier for hard of hearing, hearing people, infants, toddlers and elderly grandparents who could not hear. American Sign Language is a visual language, for example, the facial expression, body movements and hand gesture. The deaf people priority was in person interacting and eye contacts ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 121. Children With Disabilities Act ( Ada ) Before 1990 the United States did not systematically have tools or laws in place for Deaf individuals. In 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – a civil rights law was implemented across the U.S [with four sections] that prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities including deaf and hearing impaired people. The purpose of the ADA is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. Each section of the ADA – employment, government, public accommodations, and telecommunications – lists services that should be provided for deaf individuals ("Rights of Deaf"). In 2008, amendments to this law were made which changed definitions of "disability". "With any new law, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... "In 1975, Tom Humphries invented the term 'audism' to describe an oppressive attitude that some people, agencies, businesses, or organizations have towards people who are deaf or hard of hearing" (). "Audism is discrimination or prejudice that is based on a person's ability, or lack of ability, to hear." Sometimes audism is manifested through negative expectations or views about deaf or hearing–impaired persons, ignorance or lack of service to provide reasonable accommodations and inappropriate, negative, or lower expectations of success ("What is 'Audism'?"). Issues of paternalism also arise with Deaf and hearing impaired communities that mirror attitudes and actions of racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and basic forms of discrimination. Despite the perceived limitations of being Deaf or hearing impaired and various forms of oppression and social injustice, Deaf Americans identify themselves as members of a cultural community and linguistic group – which highly values literacy. Through the use of American Sign Language (ASL), Deaf and hearing impaired individuals and groups are given a unique way to express themselves personally – and with that, a totally different way to communicate through hands, faces and bodies without the use of sound. "Deaf culture focuses on the stimulation of the eyes and the enhanced visual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 125. Communication Is An Important Staple Of Human History Communication is an important staple of human history. From the use of Egyptian hieroglyphs to the first appearance of emojis in Japan during the late nineteen–nineties. Methods of communication are ever–evolving and it is only a matter of time before the next sweeping form of interaction changes how we communicate. Before exploring the revolution which took place in the late nineteenth century, it is important to look at the pre–telephone era, the factors that went into the invention of the telephone, how the telephone changed the world, and how it impacts society today. When talking about the pre–telephone era, many people fail to realize that their were many well– established forms of communication. The first official United States Post Office was established on July 25, 1775 and was headed by Benjamin Franklin. (USPS) The Telegraph was the fastest form of communication prior to the telephone, with it's utilization of the electric signals through wire, it was an excellent form of communication which allowed for messages to be sent across sea in relatively reasonable time. (USDS) Postal Service and Telegraphy were great methods of communication, but they never reached the heart of communication, conversation between two people can only exist in short hand in telegraphy and it would take weeks for mail to come back and forth between sender and receiver. However, on a diligent March day in the Basement of a Boston University Professor, the first phone call was made only a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 129. Alexander Graham Bell And The Invention Essay ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Introduction to ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 and was a scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who invented the first telephone. In his later life, Bell did outstanding work in designing optical Telecommunications. Bell also contributed to other inventions as well, he designed a precursor to modern day air conditioning, he also contributed to aviation technology, and his last patent, at the age of 75, was for the fastest hydrofoil yet invented. In 1888, Bell was designated as one of the founding members of the National Geographic Society. Bell and his son–in–law, Gilbert Grosvenor, redesigned the society 's dry journal and added beautiful photographs and interesting writing –– turning National Geographic into one of the world 's best–known magazines. He is known as one of the founders of Science magazine. Bell died on 2nd August, 1922. On the day of his burial, all telephone service in the US was stopped for one minute in his remembrance. Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, enrolled in the University of London to study anatomy and physiology, but his college time was interrupted when his family moved to Canada in 1870. When Bell was eleven years old, he invented a machine that could clean wheat. He also learned a lot of things from his grandfather, Alexander Bell, a noted speech teacher. He assisted his father by teaching elocution and articulation His father was also a speech teacher and noted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 133. Light Vs Hearing Communication Essay Like any other community of people of different abilities, needs and preferences the deaf and hard of hearing community are no different. With the use of different categorical methods that assist in making their lives more accessible. They are not unlike "normal" people although yes not hearing at all or being hard of hearing is considered to be a disability they too still enjoy life just in other ways with the use of hearing aids. Communication via the telephone can seem like a daunting task however have multiple option that one can choose from depending on their personal level of comfort in terms of speaking or their volume of hearing. For example hard of hearing individuals can have a telephone conversation via the telephone yet deaf people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which I've always found to be quite intriguing because it is another way the hearing community takes the idea of a ringing doorbell or phone for granted. The concept of the flashing light signal represents to me as an alert or a warning system. The residence can be equipped to the convenience of that particular individual allowing for specific table lamps to indicate particular alarms or notices to turn on or for an entire home to signal at a time. Although all forms of such lighting are not used or suggested a standard lightbulb takes precedence over others. Hence if one's home is triggered for multiple devices for instance a telephone, doorbell or any other devices within the home it can take certain provisions to assist the deaf or hard of hearing person whether it be flashing in a particular manner, the amount of times its light flashes or countless other means of symmetry in which it can take place. Another means of alarm that I have has never occurred to me was the smoke alarm in which is stated deaf ones spend more money on due to the lack of sound therefore needing to place such alarms in all rooms rather than strategically placing in specific and beneficial locations. Just another aspect of living the hearing community take for granted due to our ability to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 137. Train Go Sorry By Leah Hager Cohen: Summary The book "Train Go Sorry" was authored by Leah Hager Cohen it is a story of an unknown culture; the book focuses on hearing loss, both as a disability and as a culture. The book was written in the first and third person narrative and it follows the daily lives of Ms. Leah Cohen and several other students and staff at Lexington School for the Deaf in New York. Ms. Cohen's Grandfather Sam was deaf and attended Lexington when it was first founded. This was "seen" as the foundation for Cohen's father Oscar and finally Leah as well as their family (who are both able to hear) to build their lives at Lexington. Her father Oscar became the superintendent of Lexington school and Leah spent her childhood within the school's walls. By her father becoming superintendent of the Lexington school this resulted in the whole family becoming fluent in ASL. Ms. Cohen's father Oscar spent his career trying the best he could to listen to the needs of deaf/hard of hearing individual's needs and doing the best he could to advocate for them. The book also follows the lives of several individuals who attended Lexington, some of the individuals who were in attendance were Ms. Sofia and Ms. Irina Normatov and Mr. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This allows us to grow and become better individuals it also allows us to be able to exchange ideas on certain things. For example, how tall a skyscraper should be? and how much the selling price should be for the skyscraper?. An individual's ideas are passed from one individual to another individual by way of their spoken language. This is why ASL is an essential part of the Deaf culture. "Leah. Alec shook his fingers gently within my peripheral vision until I looked back. Always maintain eye contact while you're signing to someone." (Cohen Pg. 216). This is essential because it ensures that there is no misrepresentation on what is being said between two individuals who are signing to each ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 141. Essay about Assistive Listening Devices Assistive Listening Devices Several assistive listening devices can improve the communication ability of deaf children. According to IDEA, every child with a disability is entitled to have access to assistive technology (California Department of Education, 2004). The California Department of Education (2004) outlines IDEA's definition of an assistive technology device. It explains that this device consists of "any item, piece of equipment or product system...that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability" (California Department of Education, 2004, p. 1). One such device is the hearing aid. According to the Kendall School Support Services Team (2003), deaf children who wear ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They "provide information about sound in the form of electrical impulses" (Kendall School Support Services Team, 2003, p. 4). While it is still debated as to whether children can depend on them to learn language, cochlear implants have a definite impact on their speech awareness. (Kendall School Support Services Team, 2003). However, much controversy surrounds the issue of cochlear implants. As Harlan Lane, a psychologist at Northeastern University asserts, "The ethics of operating on a healthy child can be questioned" (Davies, 2005, p. 2). While the Food and Drug Administration has approved this surgery, many who have been immersed in the deaf culture oppose it, contending that they do not need to be fixed (Davies, 2005). Other Educational Technologies There are quite a few technologies other than assistive listening devices that aid in the education of deaf students. First of all, there are a plethora of available communication devices. Communication options that promote equal access for deaf children include e–mail, asynchronous discussions, and real–time discussion forums (Robertson, 2001). With these, the deaf individual can communicate directly with teachers and classmates without the use of an interpreter. He or she would not have to rely on his or her residual hearing or speechreading skills. According to Schirmer and Ingram (2003), one study indicates that the benefit of such communication may go beyond equal access. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 145. Deaf : The Deaf Way Of Knowing Noted Deaf educator Tom Holcomb, in his 2010 paper, Deaf Epistemology: the deaf way of knowing, posits that the flow of knowledge is fundamentally different in hearing and Deaf cultures. That is, Deaf learners tend to collect information from direct experience or from the secondhand experiences reported to them by other Deaf persons. Hearing learners accumulate information through oral transmission, mostly in formal educational settings but also via casual social contacts. (Holcomb, 2010). Indeed one study has suggested that because formal educational settings are biased toward oral instruction. Deaf learners acquire only about 12% of the information that is available to the hearing. (DHHS, 2015) The video, See What I Mean, by Tom Holcomb and Anna Mindess proceeds from the assumption that participants in Deaf culture acquire, use, and value information differently than hearing cultures, and that the external traits associated with Deaf culture: use of ASL, sharing of information, and loyalty/concern for the peer group are logical and necessary results of the d/Deaf commitment to acquire information through visual means. The video was first created in 2001, but updated in 2009 to include telecommunications advances such as VRS/TTY, video telephones, and personal pagers. It is my contention that these devices serve to extend or expand the visual field of a Deaf communicator but do not change the motivations underlying his/her behavior. A lighthearted and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 149. Business Analysis : Telstra, Australia 's Leading... Introduction Telstra is Australia's leading organisation in telecommunication and information services. With approximately 34,679 (http://www.telstra.com.au/aboutus/download/document/sustainability– report–2013–our–people.pdf) employees and an international presence in 15 countries, Telstra strives to change the way people live and work through "improved and more convenient connection". They aim to always take put the customer first and constantly provide support for the community in which Telstra operates. Sustainability Social performance Nowadays, the demand for large corporations to contribute to the local community is increasing rapidly. Corporate social responsibility is no longer a choice for organisations; it is an expectation set by the stakeholders of the business. Corporate social responsibility improves the organisation's brand reputation, increases sales and revenue, increases the satisfaction of employees and overall contributes to a better quality community, so it is the business's best interest to involve themselves in socially responsible activities (Why Socially Responsible, 2014). Telstra continues each year to invest in the wellbeing of Australia by donating to charities, breaking down social and financial barriers, and implementing programs to help improve people's lives. In 2013, Telstra primarily focused on social issues such as digital inclusion, cyber safety, disaster relief and recovery, and reconciliation action. Many programs and policies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...