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 Fish diseases may be infectious or non
 Infectious includes;
 Viral borne
 Bacterial
 Fungal
 Trematodes
 Cestodes
 Nematodes etc.


 Non Infectious includes;
 Anoxia
 Gas Bubble Disease
 PH disturbacnce
 Dietary
 Intoxications
 Toxic Algae


 Infectious:
 1.Viral:These are further divided into;
 (a)Lymphoycstis:It is characterized by the
formation of proliferous growth of connective
tissue in the skin,resuting into warts.
 It is not lethal but may cause secondary fungal
 Symptoms:tumors or warts on the body.
 Treatment:no cure;fish should be destroyed


 (b)viral haemorrhagic septicaemia(VHS):this
disease is mainly found in rainbow trout farm.
 It suddenly becomes chronic and mortality is
very high.
 Symptoms:Usually kidneys and liver are
affected;belly swells and foul smelling
yellowish fluid is found in visceral cavity.
Treatment:no cure


 (c)Infectious pancreatic necrosis(IPN):It is a
contagious disease of salmonids and
confined to North America.
 The virus affects mainly young trouts.
 Symptoms:affected fish revolves;swims
disorderly and finally rests at the bottom and
body cavity filled with a white fluid.
 Treatment:no cure;bury or burn the infected


 2.Bacterial diseases:The bacterial diseases may
 (a)Dropsy:It a serious epidemic
diseases,caused primarily by a becterium
Aeromonas punctata.
 Symptoms: Accumulation of yellow or pink liquid
in the body cavity. Fins are partly distroyed.
Belly swells and fish look like a baloon
 Treatment: dip treatment in 5 ppm potassium
permenganate solution is recommended.


 (b)ulcer disease:this disease is common at
brook trout hatcheries in USA.
 It is caused by a bacterium Hemophilus piscium.
 Symptoms:formation of open sores of
ulcers:lesions appear as a small pimple;fin rays
fall out.
 Treatment:chloromycetin is recommended as an
effective control.copper sulphate treatment is
also effective.


 (c)vibriosis:it is common in estuaries and marine
envoirnment.it is caused by Vibrio angullarium.
 These infections have been reported in
freshwater salmonids recently in Norway.
 Symptoms:dull movements,loss of
appetite,necrosis of kidney and bleeding at the
base of fins.
 Treatment:oxytetracycline at a ratio of 50-70
mg/kg of body wt/day for 10 days is
recommended.sufla drugs are also effective.


 3:Fugal disease:these may be;
 (a)Branchiomycosis:popularly known as ‘’gill rot
disease”.It is caused by a genus Branchiomyces.
 This disease mainly occurs in hot weather.it is
associated with rich organic matter such as dung,and
bloom of planktonic algae.
 Symptoms:In late stages of the disease gill filaments
decay and finally drop off;affected fish succumbs
from suffocation.
 Treatment :bath treatment into 3-5% salt solution or in
5ppm of potassium permenganate sol recmnded.


 (b)Icthyophonus disease:It is caused by
Icthyophonus hoferi, a brownish yellow fungi.
 It attacks the internal organs of fish.
 Symptoms: fish loses equilibrium, mouth
becomes open and rigid, tubling movements;
death may take few months to many years.
 Treatment:no cure.


 4.Trematodes:it includes ;
 (a)clinostomiasis:these infects a wide variety
of freshwater fishes and cause a disease
called as ‘yellow grub’.
 Symptoms: small sized cream colored
nodules are produced on body , head and
fins; infecion does not cause serious
 Treatment: no cure.


 Non infectious diseases: these may be;
 (a).Anoxia: Mortality of fish due to anoxia is
frequent problem in ponds of tropical countries.
 5 ppm is considered as sufficient concentration.
 Conc less than 3 ppm may prove to be fatal.
 Possible measures:(1).fresh water should be
added to the ponds.
 (2).thining of population of fish,removal of algal


.(b)PH concentration: If ph goes below causes
. normal range of ph is from 7-8.
.Due to this disease fish perform rapid
movements and a tendency to jump out of
.treatment:powdered calcium carbide can
reduce this problem.


 (c):Intoxications : heavy metals such as
zn,cu,Hg,Ni and Pb can enter into a pond or
lake from industries.
 If water is hard with a ph of 8 so heavy
metals ppts.
 But if water is soft with low ph,the metals in
their ionic forms will prove toxic to fishes.


Diseases of fishe

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Diseases of fishe

  • 2.  Fish diseases may be infectious or non infectious  Infectious includes;  Viral borne  Bacterial  Fungal  Trematodes  Cestodes  Nematodes etc.
  • 3.  Non Infectious includes;  Anoxia  Gas Bubble Disease  PH disturbacnce  Dietary  Intoxications  Toxic Algae
  • 4.  Infectious:  1.Viral:These are further divided into;  (a)Lymphoycstis:It is characterized by the formation of proliferous growth of connective tissue in the skin,resuting into warts.  It is not lethal but may cause secondary fungal infections  Symptoms:tumors or warts on the body.  Treatment:no cure;fish should be destroyed
  • 5.  (b)viral haemorrhagic septicaemia(VHS):this disease is mainly found in rainbow trout farm.  It suddenly becomes chronic and mortality is very high.  Symptoms:Usually kidneys and liver are affected;belly swells and foul smelling yellowish fluid is found in visceral cavity. Treatment:no cure
  • 6.  (c)Infectious pancreatic necrosis(IPN):It is a contagious disease of salmonids and confined to North America.  The virus affects mainly young trouts.  Symptoms:affected fish revolves;swims disorderly and finally rests at the bottom and body cavity filled with a white fluid.  Treatment:no cure;bury or burn the infected fish
  • 7.  2.Bacterial diseases:The bacterial diseases may be;  (a)Dropsy:It a serious epidemic diseases,caused primarily by a becterium Aeromonas punctata.  Symptoms: Accumulation of yellow or pink liquid in the body cavity. Fins are partly distroyed. Belly swells and fish look like a baloon  Treatment: dip treatment in 5 ppm potassium permenganate solution is recommended.
  • 8.  (b)ulcer disease:this disease is common at brook trout hatcheries in USA.  It is caused by a bacterium Hemophilus piscium.  Symptoms:formation of open sores of ulcers:lesions appear as a small pimple;fin rays fall out.  Treatment:chloromycetin is recommended as an effective control.copper sulphate treatment is also effective.
  • 9.  (c)vibriosis:it is common in estuaries and marine envoirnment.it is caused by Vibrio angullarium.  These infections have been reported in freshwater salmonids recently in Norway.  Symptoms:dull movements,loss of appetite,necrosis of kidney and bleeding at the base of fins.  Treatment:oxytetracycline at a ratio of 50-70 mg/kg of body wt/day for 10 days is recommended.sufla drugs are also effective.
  • 10.  3:Fugal disease:these may be;  (a)Branchiomycosis:popularly known as ‘’gill rot disease”.It is caused by a genus Branchiomyces.  This disease mainly occurs in hot weather.it is associated with rich organic matter such as dung,and bloom of planktonic algae.  Symptoms:In late stages of the disease gill filaments decay and finally drop off;affected fish succumbs from suffocation.  Treatment :bath treatment into 3-5% salt solution or in 5ppm of potassium permenganate sol recmnded.
  • 11.  (b)Icthyophonus disease:It is caused by Icthyophonus hoferi, a brownish yellow fungi.  It attacks the internal organs of fish.  Symptoms: fish loses equilibrium, mouth becomes open and rigid, tubling movements; death may take few months to many years.  Treatment:no cure.
  • 12.  4.Trematodes:it includes ;  (a)clinostomiasis:these infects a wide variety of freshwater fishes and cause a disease called as ‘yellow grub’.  Symptoms: small sized cream colored nodules are produced on body , head and fins; infecion does not cause serious disease.  Treatment: no cure.
  • 13.  Non infectious diseases: these may be;  (a).Anoxia: Mortality of fish due to anoxia is frequent problem in ponds of tropical countries.  5 ppm is considered as sufficient concentration.  Conc less than 3 ppm may prove to be fatal.  Possible measures:(1).fresh water should be added to the ponds.  (2).thining of population of fish,removal of algal blooms.
  • 14. .(b)PH concentration: If ph goes below causes acidemia. . normal range of ph is from 7-8. .Due to this disease fish perform rapid movements and a tendency to jump out of water. .treatment:powdered calcium carbide can reduce this problem.
  • 15.  (c):Intoxications : heavy metals such as zn,cu,Hg,Ni and Pb can enter into a pond or lake from industries.  If water is hard with a ph of 8 so heavy metals ppts.  But if water is soft with low ph,the metals in their ionic forms will prove toxic to fishes.