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CBSE - 10                                         Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                 Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction                                   We can classify displacement
                                                          reactions further into metal-
                                                          metal displacement and
                                                          metal-nonmetal displacement
                     Displacement Reaction                reactions.

       Metal-metal                Metal - non-metal

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                      Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                              Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction                According to reactivity series
                                       the most reactive metals
  Metal – Metal Displacement           replace the less reactive

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                           Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                   Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                             When we dip iron bar in
  Metal – Metal Displacement                 copper sulphate solution
                                             copper displaces iron and
                                             hence it appears brownish.
                                             This is a very good example of
                                             metal-metal displacement
          Fe + CuSO4  FeSO4 + Cu

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                        Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                                          Click the view answer button
  Metal – Metal Displacement                              to find out the product.

              Complete the reaction

              Cu + AgNO3  _____ + _____

                                           View answer

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                                     Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                               Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction                                                 Since copper is more reactive
                                                                        than silver copper replaces
  Metal – Metal Displacement                                            silver in this reaction.

                                Cu + 2AgNO3  2Ag + Cu(NO3)2

          Copper coil

      Silver nitrate solution      Silver and copper nitrate solution

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                           Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                   Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction                                     Sometimes, a metal displaces
                                                            a non-metal. Different metals
  Metal – Non-metal Displacement                            have different reactivities with
                                                            various non-metals such as
                 2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2 ↑                  oxygen and hydrogen. For
                                                            example, sodium reacts
                                                            violently with water, even at
                                                            room temperature to replace
                                                            hydrogen, the non-metal.

                    Reaction of sodium with water

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                                   Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                           Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction                                             Hydrogen in water is replaced
                                                                    by magnesium only on
  Metal – Non-metal Displacement                                    heating.

              Mg + H2O                    MgO + H2 ↑

   Magnesium powder                       Magnesium oxide

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                           Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                   Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction                                     Copper does not react with
                                                            water. Sodium is more
  Metal – Non-metal Displacement                            reactive with water. Thus we
       Order of reactivity of metals with water             can predict the non-metal
                                                            displacement by the order of
       Na > Mg > Fe > Cu

                    Reaction of sodium with water

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                           Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                   Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                                             Click the view answer button
  Metal – Non-metal Displacement                             to find out the products.

      Iron reacts with steam when it is red hot.
      Complete the equation

      Fe + H2O         Red hot     _____ + ______

                                            View answer

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                            Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                    Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                                              Iron replaces hydrogen from
  Metal – Non-metal Displacement                              water.

                           Red hot
      3Fe + 4H2O                     Fe3O4 + 4H2 ↑

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                        Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                                          Two compounds react to form
  Double Displacement                                     different compounds by mutual
                                                          exchange of ions or atoms in a
                                                          double displacement reaction.

                   Double Displacement
          Mutual exchange of ions in two different

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                                       Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                               Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                                                         When silver nitrate reacts
  Double Displacement                                                    with potassium chloride, it
                                                                         gives silver chloride and
                                                                         potassium nitrate.

            AgNO3 + KCl  AgCl + KNO3

          Silver nitrate solution    Silver chloride solution
               (Colourless)         (Curdy white precipitate)

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                         Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                 Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                                           Click the view answer button
  Double Displacement                                      to find out the product.

   What happens when barium chloride is treated with
   sodium sulphate?

                                         View answer

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                               Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                       Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
  Double Displacement                           Barium chloride gives
                                                a white precipitate of
                                                barium sulphate and
     BaCl2 + Na2SO4  BaSO4 ↓ + 2NaCl           sodium chloride.

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                               Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                       Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction                                          Neutralisation is also an
                                                                 example of double
                                                                 displacement reaction.
                                                                 Acid reacts with base to
                                                                 form salt and water.

        Acid + Base                      Salt + Water

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                                           Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                                                      Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction                                                        Equimolar mixture of sodium
                                                                               hydroxide and hydrochloric
  Neutralisation               Neutralisation
                                                                               acid result neutralisation
              NaOH + HCl                          NaCl + H2O                   mixture, containing sodium
                                                                               chloride salt and water .
                                                                               When we add a few drops of
                                                                               phenolphthalein indicator to
                                                                               the neutralisation mixture
                                                                               with a slight excess of alkali
                                                                               it give a pale pink colour.

                                          Pale pink colour of neutralisation
   Colourless neturalisation                mixture with slight excess of
           mixture                                      NaOH
Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                       Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                               Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                                         Click the view answer button
  Neutralisation                                         to find out the product.

          Complete the reaction

          Ca(OH)2 + H2SO4  ____ + ___

                                         View answer

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
CBSE - 10                                       Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry                                               Types of Chemical Reactions

  Displacement Reaction
                                                         Calcium hydroxide reacts with
  Neutralisation                                         sulphuric acid to form calcium
                                                         sulphate and water.
                    Ca(OH)2 + H2SO4  CaSO4↓ +2H2O

  Calcium hydroxide

                                   Calcium sulphate

   Sulphuric acid

Subtopic ID: 01.03.03

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Displacement reaction

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  • 3. CBSE - 10 Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemistry Types of Chemical Reactions Displacement Reaction When we dip iron bar in Metal – Metal Displacement copper sulphate solution copper displaces iron and hence it appears brownish. This is a very good example of metal-metal displacement reaction. Fe + CuSO4  FeSO4 + Cu Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
  • 4. CBSE - 10 Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemistry Types of Chemical Reactions Displacement Reaction Click the view answer button Metal – Metal Displacement to find out the product. Complete the reaction Cu + AgNO3  _____ + _____ View answer Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
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  • 6. CBSE - 10 Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemistry Types of Chemical Reactions Displacement Reaction Sometimes, a metal displaces a non-metal. Different metals Metal – Non-metal Displacement have different reactivities with various non-metals such as 2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2 ↑ oxygen and hydrogen. For example, sodium reacts violently with water, even at room temperature to replace hydrogen, the non-metal. Reaction of sodium with water Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
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  • 10. CBSE - 10 Chemical Reactions and Equations Chemistry Types of Chemical Reactions Displacement Reaction Iron replaces hydrogen from Metal – Non-metal Displacement water. Red hot 3Fe + 4H2O Fe3O4 + 4H2 ↑ Subtopic ID: 01.03.03
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