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Distance learning and the role of ICT author: Eric Kluijfhout, eric.kluijfhout@gmail.com   This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/devnations/2.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.  


Distance learning and the role of ICT For the Institute for Community Participation, Bethlehem University by Eric Kluijfhout


Outline Generations in distance teaching Promises and the state-of-the-art E-learning in relation to ‘traditional’ teaching Analytical framework


Generations in distance teaching First generation: Correspondence courses Second generation: Broadcasting systems Third generation: Multi-media systems Fourth generation: On-line learning Fifth generation (?): Ubiquitous learning Sixth generation (?): Personalised integrated competence management


Are we talking about the same thing? Learning with multi-media Computer-based learning On-line learning


Educational functions and e-tools Select content Develop content Present content Communicate Practice Cooperate Test Manage/Admin Text editing Audio editing Video editing Slide editing Web-site Weblog Wiki Mail Chat Whiteboard Forum Audio-conferencing Videoconferencing Groupwork tools Learning Management System


E-learning’s promises For the student: Independent of time and place Just-in-time Personalised For the lecturer Concentrate on tutoring instead of teaching More effective and professionally rewarding For the institution Provide more efficient and effective learning services Reach new audiences and markets


Some e-learning lessons For the student: Independent of time and place: not necessarily web-based; limits interaction-options Just-in-time: hard to realise, expensive Personalised: hard to realise, expensive For the lecturer Tutoring instead of teaching: difficult role change More effective and professionally rewarding: miss interpersonal communication, status For the institution More efficient and effective learning services: no proof Reach new audiences and markets: difficult for traditional educational institutions (culture)


Strategic aims of e-learning To  replace  (part of) traditional teaching and learning:  substitution To  change  (part of) traditional teaching and learning:  innovation To  radically change  the core business and its supporting organization:  transformation


E-learning’s relation to ‘traditional’ teaching In addition and parallel to traditional means of teaching and learning:  extended classroom To replace part of the traditional curriculum and teaching setting:  blended learning Completely time and place independent :  distributed learning


Possible e-learning approaches Extended classroom Blended  learning Distributed learning Substitution Innovation Transforma-tion


Possible e-learning approaches Extended classroom Blended  learning Distributed learning Substitution Students can choose between life lectures and video-taped lectures Class-room lecture + on-line indiv. assignments Lecture through interactive video Innovation Class-room lecture + on-line project with peers abroad Full distance, project-based learning Transforma-tion (Inter)national professional learning network


Three dimensions of e-learning E-learning pedagogical technolo- gical organisa- tional


Three levels to consider in e-learning Teaching & learning process (micro-level) Institution/organisation (mezzo level) Society (macro-level)


Analysis and design framework Level Dimension micro mezzo macro pedagogical technological organizational

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Distance learning and the role of ict

  • 1. Distance learning and the role of ICT author: Eric Kluijfhout, eric.kluijfhout@gmail.com   This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/devnations/2.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.  
  • 2. Distance learning and the role of ICT For the Institute for Community Participation, Bethlehem University by Eric Kluijfhout
  • 3. Outline Generations in distance teaching Promises and the state-of-the-art E-learning in relation to ‘traditional’ teaching Analytical framework
  • 4. Generations in distance teaching First generation: Correspondence courses Second generation: Broadcasting systems Third generation: Multi-media systems Fourth generation: On-line learning Fifth generation (?): Ubiquitous learning Sixth generation (?): Personalised integrated competence management
  • 5. Are we talking about the same thing? Learning with multi-media Computer-based learning On-line learning
  • 6. Educational functions and e-tools Select content Develop content Present content Communicate Practice Cooperate Test Manage/Admin Text editing Audio editing Video editing Slide editing Web-site Weblog Wiki Mail Chat Whiteboard Forum Audio-conferencing Videoconferencing Groupwork tools Learning Management System
  • 7. E-learning’s promises For the student: Independent of time and place Just-in-time Personalised For the lecturer Concentrate on tutoring instead of teaching More effective and professionally rewarding For the institution Provide more efficient and effective learning services Reach new audiences and markets
  • 8. Some e-learning lessons For the student: Independent of time and place: not necessarily web-based; limits interaction-options Just-in-time: hard to realise, expensive Personalised: hard to realise, expensive For the lecturer Tutoring instead of teaching: difficult role change More effective and professionally rewarding: miss interpersonal communication, status For the institution More efficient and effective learning services: no proof Reach new audiences and markets: difficult for traditional educational institutions (culture)
  • 9. Strategic aims of e-learning To replace (part of) traditional teaching and learning: substitution To change (part of) traditional teaching and learning: innovation To radically change the core business and its supporting organization: transformation
  • 10. E-learning’s relation to ‘traditional’ teaching In addition and parallel to traditional means of teaching and learning: extended classroom To replace part of the traditional curriculum and teaching setting: blended learning Completely time and place independent : distributed learning
  • 11. Possible e-learning approaches Extended classroom Blended learning Distributed learning Substitution Innovation Transforma-tion
  • 12. Possible e-learning approaches Extended classroom Blended learning Distributed learning Substitution Students can choose between life lectures and video-taped lectures Class-room lecture + on-line indiv. assignments Lecture through interactive video Innovation Class-room lecture + on-line project with peers abroad Full distance, project-based learning Transforma-tion (Inter)national professional learning network
  • 13. Three dimensions of e-learning E-learning pedagogical technolo- gical organisa- tional
  • 14. Three levels to consider in e-learning Teaching & learning process (micro-level) Institution/organisation (mezzo level) Society (macro-level)
  • 15. Analysis and design framework Level Dimension micro mezzo macro pedagogical technological organizational

Editor's Notes

  1. 1 st generation (late 19 th century): content presentation and guidance through the postal system (individual, certificate-directed) 2 nd generation (>60’s): radio and later television broadcasting to deliver life or recorded lectures; to individuals as well as classroom groups (‘developing the masses’ through non-formal education and community development) 3 rd generation (>80’s): multimedia systems to deliver content to individuals (video, later computer diskettes and CDs); guidance and tutoring individualised or in groups, often face-to-face in study centres (the rise of the open universities) 4 th generation (>90’s): fully internet-based, including the communication between student and tutor, students and students. 5 th generation: learning anytime anywhere, integrated with other ubiquitous services. In the Netherlands about 2-3 years from now 6 th generation: intelligent learning systems, integrated in the ‘natural environment’ At least in the first four generations printed materials still have an important function!!
  2. Multi-media = text, audio, video, on various carriers (paper, TV, video, CD-I, CD-ROM, DVD) Computer-based = educational software, CD-I/CD-ROM, DVD On-line learning/web-based learning = computer-based learning with internet as the distribution and communication medium
  3. Student: Independent of place and time: at work, at home, on the move (?); combine with books and CD-ROM for content! (not all the time on-line) Just in time: only learn when and what you need to/linked to knowledge management! Personalised: content and pedagogy (still largely theoretical) Lecturer: Concentrate on tutoring: instead of presenting same content over and over, and answering ‘standard’ questions, time can be spent on students’ individual problems. Professionally rewarding: pace is not set by the slowest student, so the study domain covered tends to be wider and deeper Institution: More efficient: re-usability of content; larger student numbers with one-time investment in course development; More effective: in addition to traditional learning services new services can be provided Improved market position
  4. Substitution: you only change the medium; often emphasis on digital content presentation and in combination with face-to-face meetings. Innovation: using the added value of e-learning for time and place independent learning, asynchronous communication, personalised learning etc. Transformation: new didactics related to distributed learning (full distance learning) and required support organization.
  5. Extended classroom: add additional electronic services to traditional classroom teaching, e.g. Curriculum on the web, provide electronic lecture notes, videotape lectures, etc. Blended learning: possibly replace part of the content (e.g. websites instead of study book) and/or communication (hand in assignments electronically; discussion groups, .......). Distributed learning: content presentation, communication/tutoring, and assesment is on-line. Puts extremely high demands on course design.
  6. Matrix of e-learning aims and relation to traditional teaching is an aspect of the pedagogical dimension.