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12   2   4
12   2   4
Working at NHN Japan
            we are hiring!

12   2   4
What we are doing about logs with fluentd

                   data mining
                  page views, unique users,
                   traffic amount per page,
12   2   4
What we are doing about logs with fluentd

             super large scale
               'sed | grep | wc'
                      like processes

12   2   4
What fluentd? (not Storm, Kafka or Flume?)

                Ruby, Ruby, Ruby! (NOT Java!)
                   we are working in lightweight language culture

                  easy to try, easy to patch
                  Plugin model architecture
             Builtin TimeSlicedOutput mechanism

12   2   4
What I talk today

                      What we are trying with fluentd

                  How we did, and how we are doing now

             What is distributed stream process topologies like?

                What is important about stream processing

                          Implementation details


12   2   4
Architecture in last week's presentation
                                                      deliver                     server(scribed)
                                                                                     archive server
                                                    deliver server                        RAID
                      server                                                            (scribed)
                                                      (scribed)                   Large volume RAID

                                    send data both archive servers and
                                       Fluentd workers (as stream)
                                                                              import past logs and convert
                                                                                 on demand (as batch)

              Hadoop                          Hadoop
               Hadoop                          Hadoop
                                                Hadoop                                     Shib
                 Hadoop                       Cluster
                  Fluentd                      Cluster
                                                   Hadoop                               Hadoop Hive
                 Cluster                         Cluster
                  Cluster                         Cluster
                                                   Cluster                               Web Client

                                                                  aggregation queries
                  convert logs as structured data
                                                                      on demand
                   and write HDFS (as stream)

12   2   4
                                              deliver        server(scribed)
                                                                archive server
                                            deliver server           RAID
                      server                                       (scribed)
                                              (Fluentd)      Large volume RAID

              Hadoop                     Hadoop
               Hadoop                     Hadoop
                                           Hadoop                  Shib
                 Hadoop                  Cluster
                  Fluentd                 Cluster
                                              Hadoop            Hadoop Hive
                 Cluster                    Cluster
                  Cluster                    Cluster
                                              Cluster            Web Client


12   2   4
Fluentd in production service

                             10 days

12   2   4
Scale of Fluentd processes

                from 127 Web Servers
                     146 log streams

12   2   4
Scale of Fluentd processes

                 70,000 messages/sec
                          120 Mbps
                      (at peak time)

12   2   4
Scale of Fluentd processes

                         650 GB/day
                          (non-blog: 100GB)

12   2   4
Scale of Fluentd processes

                 89 fluentd instances
                  12 nodes (4Core HT)

12   2   4
We can't go back.

                             crouton by kbysmnr
12   2   4
What we are trying with fluentd

                      log conversion

                          from: raw log
               (apache combined like format)

             to: structured and query-friendly log
             (TAB separated, masked some fields,
                     many flags added)
12   2   4
What we are trying with fluentd

                               log conversion
 99.999.999.99 - - [03/Feb/2012:10:59:48 +0900] "GET /article/detail/6246245/ HTTP/1.1" 200
  17509 "http://news.livedoor.com/topics/detail/6246245/" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0;
  Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR
         3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.1; .NET4.0C)" "news.livedoor.com"
                              "xxxxxxx.xx.xxxxxxx.xxx" "-" 163266

        152930 news.livedoor.com /topics/detail/6242972/ GET 302 210 226 - 99.999.999.99
       TQmljv9QtXkpNtCSuWVGGg Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X)
      AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A406 Safari/7534.48.3 TRUE
                            TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
     hhmmdd vhost path method status bytes duration referer rhost userlabel agent FLAG [FLAGS]
     FLAGS: status_redirection status_errors rhost_internal suffix_miscfile suffix_imagefile agent_bot
                                       FLAG: logical OR of FLAGS
             userlabel: hash of (tracking cookie / terminal id (mobile phone) / rhost+agent)

12   2   4
What we are trying with fluentd

             TimeSlicedOutput of fluentd

             Traditional 'log rotation' is important,
                       but troublesome

                             We want:
             2/3 23:59:59 log in access.0203_23.log
             2/4 00:00:00 log in access.0204_00.log
12   2   4
How we did, and how we are doing now





12   2   4
How we did in past (2011)

                                  collect (scribed)
                                           store to hdfs
             archive (scribed)                                HIGH LATENCY
                                               hourly/daily     time to flush +
                                                              hourly invocation +
                             convert (Hadoop Streaming)          running time
                                          on demand
                                 aggregate (Hive)

                                                on demand
12   2   4
How we are doing now

                                  collect (Fluentd)
             archive (scribed)
                                                              stream convert
                                                  stream    VELY LOW LATENCY
                                 convert (Fluentd)                 2-3 minutes
                                                             (only time to wait flush)
                  store to hdfs
             (over Cloudera's Hoop)
                                          on demand
                                 aggregate (Hive)

                                                on demand
12   2   4
crouton by kbysmnr


12   2   4
What is important about stream processing

                     reasonable efficiency
                          (compared with batch throughput)

             ease to re-run same conversion as
                             None SPOF
                 ease to add/remove nodes

12   2   4
Stream processing and batch

             How to re-run conversion as batch
                  when we got troubles?

             We want to use 'just one' converter
             program for both stream processes
                   and batch processes!

12   2   4
out_exec_filter (fluentd built-in plugin)

                      1. fork and exec 'command' program

             2. write data to child process stdin as TAB separated
             fields specified by 'out_keys' (for tag, remove_prefix available)

                3. read data from child process stdout as TAB
              separated fields named by 'in_keys' (for tag, add_prefix

              4. set message's timestamp by 'time_key' value in
               parsed data as format specified by 'time_format'

12   2   4
'out_exec_filter' and 'Hadoop Streaming'

               read from stdin / write to stdout
             TAB separated values as input/output

             difference: 'tag' may be needed with
             simple solution: if not exists, ignore.
12   2   4
What is important about stream processing

                     reasonable efficiency
                          (compared with batch throughput)

             ease to re-run same conversion as
                             None SPOF
                 ease to add/remove nodes

12   2   4
What is distributed stream process toplogies like?

                         deliver                    archiver           backup


                                worker      worker      worker    worker
                          worker      worker      worker    worker      worker

             servers                   serializer                      serializer

     Redundancy and load balancing
     MUST be guaranteed anywhere.                      (Hoop Server)

12   2   4
Deliver nodes

                            deliver               archiver            backup

                         Accept connections from web servers,
     servers                 Copy messages and send to:
                                   worker      worker      worker    worker
                             worker      worker      worker    worker      worker
         servers              1. archiver (and its backup)
                        2. convert workers (w/ load balancing)
             servers                serializer and ...
                                           3.              serializer

                        useful for casual worker append/remove
                                                      (Hoop Server)

12   2   4
Worker nodes

                              deliver                archiver           backup
              servers Under load balancing,
                   workers as many as you want

                                     worker      worker      worker    worker
                               worker      worker      worker    worker      worker

             servers                    serializer                      serializer

                                                        (Hoop Server)

12   2   4
Serializer nodes

                                deliver                archiver           backup
         Receive converted data stream from workers,
                  aggregate by services, and :
                       1. write to storage(hfds/hoop)
                                   2. and...
                                       worker      worker      worker    worker
     useful to reduce overhead of storage from many
                                 worker      worker      worker    worker      worker
      servers   concurrent write operations
             servers                      serializer                      serializer

                                                          (Hoop Server)

12   2   4
Watcher nodes

                                    deliver                    archiver           backup
                                        deliver     Watching data for
         servers                              real-time workload repotings
                                                and trouble notifications
                                           worker      worker      worker    worker
                                             1. for raw data from delivers
                                                 worker      worker    worker      worker
         servers                        2. for structured data from serializers
             servers                              serializer                      serializer

                          watcher                                    HDFS
                watcher                                           (Hoop Server)

12   2   4
crouton by kbysmnr
12   2    4
Implementation details

              log agents on servers                            (scribeline)

               deliver       (copy, in_scribe, out_scribe, out_forward)

                  worker          (in/out_forward, out_exec_filter)

             serializer/hooper                    (in/out_forward, out_hoop)

             watcher      (in_forward, out_flowcounter, out_growthforecast)

12   2   4
log agent: scribeline

             log delivery agent tool, python 2.4, scribe/thrift
                             easy to setup and start/stop
                      works with any httpd configuration updates
                           works with logrotate-ed log files
                      automatic delivery target failover/takeback

                        (NEW) Cluster support
                     (random select from server list)


12   2   4
From scribeline To deliver

                                             deliver server (primary)
                    category: blog
                  message: RAW LOG       fluentd
                (Apache combined + α)

             scribeline      scribe
             servers                    in_scribe

                                             deliver server (secondary)

12   2   4
deliver 01 (primary)

         From scribeline To deliver

                                           deliver 02 (secondary)

             xNN servers

                               x8 fluentd
                                per node
                                           deliver 03 (primary for high throughput nodes)

12   2   4
From scribeline To deliver

                                             deliver server (primary)
                    category: blog
                  message: RAW LOG       fluentd
                (Apache combined + α)

             servers                    in_scribe

                                             deliver server (secondary)

12   2   4
deliver node internal routing

         deliver server (primary) x8 fluentd instances
         deliver fluentd          copy scribe.*
     in_scribe                     out_scribe                              category: blog
                                     host archive.server.local            message: RAW LOG
     add_prefix scribe                remove_prefix scribe
                                     add_newline true
     remove_newline true

                                    out_flowcounter (see later..)
             time: received_at
              tag: scribe.blog
                                    roundrobin (see next)
             message: RAW LOG

                                 out_forward (see later with out_flowcounter..)

12   2   4
deliver node: roundrobin strategy to workers

               x56 substore configurations (7workers x 8instances)
             server: worker01 port 24211
               server: worker02 port 24211

             out_forward                                 time: received_at
             server: worker01 port 24212
             secondary                                    tag: scribe.blog
               server: worker03 port 24212               message: RAW LOG

             server: worker01 port 24213
               server: worker04 port 24213

             server: worker01 port 24214
               server: worker05 port 24214

12   2   4
From deliver To worker

               deliver server       worker server X
     deliver fluentd                 worker fluentd Xn1
copy scribe.*                     in_forward
             roundrobin                        time: received_at
                                                tag: scribe.blog
                    out_forward                message: RAW LOG

     time: received_at
      tag: scribe.blog
     message: RAW LOG
                                    worker fluentd Yn2
                                    worker server Y
12   2   4
worker node internal routing

         worker server x8 worker instances, x1 serializer instance
         worker fluentd                               serializer fluentd
 in_forward out_exec_filter scribe.*                  in_forward
                      command: convert.sh
                      in_keys: tag,message
                      remove_prefix scribe             out_hoop converted.blog
                      out_keys: .......               hoop_server servername.local
                      add_prefix: converted            username
                      time_key: timefield              path /on_hdfs/%Y%m%d/blog-%H.log
                      time_format: %Y%m%d%H%M%S
 time:received_at                                     out_hoop converted.news
  tag: scribe.blog   out_forward converted.*          path /on_hdfs/%Y%m%d/news-%H.log
message: RAW LOG

                                time:written_time                      TAB separated
                               tag: converted.blog                       text data
                                [many data fields]
12   2   4
out_exec_filter (review.)

                      1. fork and exec 'command' program

             2. write data to child process stdin as TAB separated
             fields specified by 'out_keys' (for tag, remove_prefix available)

                3. read data from child process stdout as TAB
              separated fields named by 'in_keys' (for tag, add_prefix

              4. set message's timestamp by 'time_key' value in
               parsed data as format specified by 'time_format'

12   2   4
out_exec_filter behavior details                           time: 2012/02/04 17:50:35
                                                                       tag: converted.blog
                                                                         path:... agent:...
         worker fluentd                                                referer:... flag1:TRUE

         out_exec_filter scribe.*
             command: convert.sh    in_keys: tag,message   remove_prefix: scribe
                                   out_keys: .......           add_prefix: converted
                                   time_key: timefield        time_format: %Y%m%d%H%M%S
 time: received_at
  tag: scribe.blog
 message: RAW LOG

                  blog RAWLOG                     blog 20120204175035 field1 field2.....

                     stdin                            stdout
         Forked Process (convert.sh -> perl convert.pl)

12   2   4
From serializer To HDFS (Hoop)

                                   worker server                 Hadoop NameNode
                  serializer fluentd                             Hoop Server
 in_forward out_hoop converted.blog
                      hoop_server servername.local
                      path /on_hdfs/%Y%m%d/blog-%H.log
tag: converted.blog
 [many data fields]    out_hoop converted.news
                      path /on_hdfs/%Y%m%d/news-%H.log                 TAB separated
                                                                         text data

12   2   4
Overview       deliver node cluster

                            deliver                    archiver           backup


                                   worker      worker      worker    worker
                             worker      worker      worker    worker      worker

             servers                      serializer                      serializer

                          worker node cluster
                                                          (Hoop Server)

12   2   4
crouton by kbysmnr

12   2   4
Traffics: Bytes/sec (on deliver 2/3-4)

         • bytes

12   2   4
Traffics: Messages/sec (on deliver 2/3-4)

         • counts

12   2   4
Traffic/CPU/Load/Memory: deliver nodes (2/3-4)

12   2   4
Traffics: workers network traffics total

         • total network traffics

12   2   4
Traffic/CPU/Load/Memory: a worker (2/3-4)

12   2   4
Fluentd stream processing

                     Finally, works fine, now
             Log conversion latency dramatically

             Many useful plugins for monitoring are waiting

             Hundreds of cool features to implement are also
                             waiting for us!

12   2   4
Thank you!

     crouton by kbysmnr

12   2   4
crouton by kbysmnr


12   2   4
input traffics: by fluent-plugin-flowcounter

         deliver server (primary) x8 fluentd instances
         deliver fluentd          copy scribe.*
     in_scribe                     out_scribe                              category: blog
                                     host archive.server.local            message: RAW LOG
     add_prefix scribe                remove_prefix scribe
                                     add_newline true
     remove_newline true

                                    out_flowcounter (see later..)
             time: received_at
              tag: scribe.blog
                                    roundrobin (see next)
             message: RAW LOG

                                 out_forward (see later with out_flowcounter..)

12   2   4
bytes/messages counting on fluentd

             1. 'out_flowcounter' counts input message and its
                   size (specified fields) and its rate (/sec)

             2. Counting results emitted per minute/hour/day

             3. Worker fluentd sends results to 'Watcher' node
                             over out_forward

             4. Watcher receives counting results, and pass to

             'GrowthForecast' is graph drawing tool with REST
                  API for data registration, by kazeburo

12   2   4
Why not out_forward roundrobin in deliver?

             out_forward roundrobin is per buffer
                          flushing !
              (per buffer size, or flush_interval)

                 For high throughput stream,
                      this unit is too large.
               We needs roundrobin per 'emit'.
12   2   4
deliver node: roundrobin strategy to workers

               x56 substore configurations (7workers x 8instances)
             server: worker01 port 24211
               server: worker02 port 24211

             out_forward                                 time: received_at
             server: worker01 port 24212
             secondary                                    tag: scribe.blog
               server: worker03 port 24212               message: RAW LOG

             server: worker01 port 24213
               server: worker04 port 24213

             server: worker01 port 24214
               server: worker05 port 24214

12   2   4
Why not out_forward roundrobin in deliver?

             out_forward roundrobin is per buffer
                          flushing !
              (per buffer size, or flush_interval)

                 For high throughput stream,
                      this unit is too large.
               We needs roundrobin per 'emit'.
12   2   4
From worker To serializer: details

     worker server x8 worker instances, x1 serializer instance
         worker fluentd                                         serializer fluentd
          out_forward converted.*                            in_forward
             server: localhost
             secondary: worker1, worker2, worker3, worker4
                         worker5, worker6, worker7

                         normally send to localhost
                in trouble, balance all traffic to all
                     other worker's serializers
12   2   4
Software list:
                            scribed: github.com/facebook/scribe/

                         scribeline: github.com/tagomoris/scribe_line

                  fluent-plugin-scribe: github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-scribe

             Hoop: http://cloudera.github.com/hoop/docs/latest/ServerSetup.html

                  fluent-plugin-hoop: github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-hoop

                    GrowthForecast: github.com/kazeburo/growthforecast

 fluent-plugin-growthforecast: github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-growthforecast

         fluent-plugin-flowcounter: github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-flowcounter

12   2   4

More Related Content

Distributed Stream Processing on Fluentd / #fluentd

  • 1. 12 2 4
  • 2. 12 2 4
  • 3. Working at NHN Japan we are hiring! 12 2 4
  • 4. What we are doing about logs with fluentd data mining reporting page views, unique users, traffic amount per page, ... 12 2 4
  • 5. What we are doing about logs with fluentd super large scale 'sed | grep | wc' like processes 12 2 4
  • 6. What fluentd? (not Storm, Kafka or Flume?) Ruby, Ruby, Ruby! (NOT Java!) we are working in lightweight language culture easy to try, easy to patch Plugin model architecture Builtin TimeSlicedOutput mechanism 12 2 4
  • 7. What I talk today What we are trying with fluentd How we did, and how we are doing now What is distributed stream process topologies like? What is important about stream processing Implementation details (appendix) 12 2 4
  • 8. Architecture in last week's presentation archive deliver server(scribed) archive server (scribed) deliver server RAID server (scribed) (scribed) Large volume RAID server send data both archive servers and Fluentd workers (as stream) import past logs and convert on demand (as batch) Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Shib Cluster Hadoop Cluster Hadoop Cluster Hadoop Cluster Fluentd Cluster Hadoop Cluster Hadoop Hadoop Hive Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Web Client aggregation queries convert logs as structured data on demand and write HDFS (as stream) 12 2 4
  • 9. Now archive deliver server(scribed) archive server (scribed) deliver server RAID server (scribed) (Fluentd) Large volume RAID server Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Hadoop Shib Cluster Hadoop Cluster Hadoop Cluster Hadoop Cluster Fluentd Cluster Hadoop Cluster Hadoop Hadoop Hive Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Web Client Fluentd Watcher 12 2 4
  • 10. Fluentd in production service 10 days 12 2 4
  • 11. Scale of Fluentd processes from 127 Web Servers 146 log streams 12 2 4
  • 12. Scale of Fluentd processes 70,000 messages/sec 120 Mbps (at peak time) 12 2 4
  • 13. Scale of Fluentd processes 650 GB/day (non-blog: 100GB) 12 2 4
  • 14. Scale of Fluentd processes 89 fluentd instances on 12 nodes (4Core HT) 12 2 4
  • 15. We can't go back. crouton by kbysmnr 12 2 4
  • 16. What we are trying with fluentd log conversion from: raw log (apache combined like format) to: structured and query-friendly log (TAB separated, masked some fields, many flags added) 12 2 4
  • 17. What we are trying with fluentd log conversion 99.999.999.99 - - [03/Feb/2012:10:59:48 +0900] "GET /article/detail/6246245/ HTTP/1.1" 200 17509 "http://news.livedoor.com/topics/detail/6246245/" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.1; .NET4.0C)" "news.livedoor.com" "xxxxxxx.xx.xxxxxxx.xxx" "-" 163266 152930 news.livedoor.com /topics/detail/6242972/ GET 302 210 226 - 99.999.999.99 TQmljv9QtXkpNtCSuWVGGg Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A406 Safari/7534.48.3 TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE hhmmdd vhost path method status bytes duration referer rhost userlabel agent FLAG [FLAGS] FLAGS: status_redirection status_errors rhost_internal suffix_miscfile suffix_imagefile agent_bot FLAG: logical OR of FLAGS userlabel: hash of (tracking cookie / terminal id (mobile phone) / rhost+agent) 12 2 4
  • 18. What we are trying with fluentd TimeSlicedOutput of fluentd Traditional 'log rotation' is important, but troublesome We want: 2/3 23:59:59 log in access.0203_23.log 2/4 00:00:00 log in access.0204_00.log 12 2 4
  • 19. How we did, and how we are doing now collect archive convert aggregate show 12 2 4
  • 20. How we did in past (2011) collect (scribed) stream stream store to hdfs archive (scribed) HIGH LATENCY hourly/daily time to flush + hourly invocation + convert (Hadoop Streaming) running time 20-25mins on demand aggregate (Hive) on demand show 12 2 4
  • 21. How we are doing now collect (Fluentd) stream stream archive (scribed) stream convert stream VELY LOW LATENCY convert (Fluentd) 2-3 minutes (only time to wait flush) store to hdfs (over Cloudera's Hoop) on demand aggregate (Hive) on demand show 12 2 4
  • 22. crouton by kbysmnr break. 12 2 4
  • 23. What is important about stream processing reasonable efficiency (compared with batch throughput) ease to re-run same conversion as batch None SPOF ease to add/remove nodes 12 2 4
  • 24. Stream processing and batch How to re-run conversion as batch when we got troubles? We want to use 'just one' converter program for both stream processes and batch processes! 12 2 4
  • 25. out_exec_filter (fluentd built-in plugin) 1. fork and exec 'command' program 2. write data to child process stdin as TAB separated fields specified by 'out_keys' (for tag, remove_prefix available) 3. read data from child process stdout as TAB separated fields named by 'in_keys' (for tag, add_prefix available) 4. set message's timestamp by 'time_key' value in parsed data as format specified by 'time_format' 12 2 4
  • 26. 'out_exec_filter' and 'Hadoop Streaming' read from stdin / write to stdout TAB separated values as input/output WOW!!!!!!! difference: 'tag' may be needed with out_exec_filter simple solution: if not exists, ignore. 12 2 4
  • 27. What is important about stream processing reasonable efficiency (compared with batch throughput) ease to re-run same conversion as batch None SPOF ease to add/remove nodes 12 2 4
  • 28. What is distributed stream process toplogies like? deliver archiver backup servers deliver servers servers worker worker worker worker worker worker worker worker worker servers servers serializer serializer Redundancy and load balancing HDFS MUST be guaranteed anywhere. (Hoop Server) 12 2 4
  • 29. Deliver nodes deliver archiver backup servers deliver servers Accept connections from web servers, servers Copy messages and send to: worker worker worker worker worker worker worker worker worker servers 1. archiver (and its backup) 2. convert workers (w/ load balancing) servers serializer and ... 3. serializer useful for casual worker append/remove HDFS (Hoop Server) 12 2 4
  • 30. Worker nodes deliver archiver backup servers Under load balancing, deliver workers as many as you want servers servers worker worker worker worker worker worker worker worker worker servers servers serializer serializer HDFS (Hoop Server) 12 2 4
  • 31. Serializer nodes deliver archiver backup Receive converted data stream from workers, servers deliver aggregate by services, and : servers 1. write to storage(hfds/hoop) servers 2. and... worker worker worker worker useful to reduce overhead of storage from many worker worker worker worker worker servers concurrent write operations servers serializer serializer HDFS (Hoop Server) 12 2 4
  • 32. Watcher nodes deliver archiver backup servers deliver Watching data for servers real-time workload repotings and trouble notifications servers worker worker worker worker worker 1. for raw data from delivers worker worker worker worker servers 2. for structured data from serializers servers serializer serializer watcher HDFS watcher (Hoop Server) 12 2 4
  • 33. crouton by kbysmnr break. 12 2 4
  • 34. Implementation details log agents on servers (scribeline) deliver (copy, in_scribe, out_scribe, out_forward) worker (in/out_forward, out_exec_filter) serializer/hooper (in/out_forward, out_hoop) watcher (in_forward, out_flowcounter, out_growthforecast) 12 2 4
  • 35. log agent: scribeline log delivery agent tool, python 2.4, scribe/thrift easy to setup and start/stop works with any httpd configuration updates works with logrotate-ed log files automatic delivery target failover/takeback (NEW) Cluster support (random select from server list) https://github.com/tagomoris/scribe_line 12 2 4
  • 36. From scribeline To deliver deliver server (primary) category: blog message: RAW LOG fluentd (Apache combined + α) in_scribe scribeline scribe servers in_scribe fluentd deliver server (secondary) 12 2 4
  • 37. deliver 01 (primary) From scribeline To deliver deliver 02 (secondary) xNN servers x8 fluentd per node deliver 03 (primary for high throughput nodes) 12 2 4
  • 38. From scribeline To deliver deliver server (primary) category: blog message: RAW LOG fluentd (Apache combined + α) in_scribe scribeline servers in_scribe fluentd deliver server (secondary) 12 2 4
  • 39. deliver node internal routing deliver server (primary) x8 fluentd instances deliver fluentd copy scribe.* in_scribe out_scribe category: blog host archive.server.local message: RAW LOG add_prefix scribe remove_prefix scribe add_newline true remove_newline true out_flowcounter (see later..) time: received_at tag: scribe.blog roundrobin (see next) message: RAW LOG out_forward (see later with out_flowcounter..) 12 2 4
  • 40. deliver node: roundrobin strategy to workers roundrobin x56 substore configurations (7workers x 8instances) out_forward server: worker01 port 24211 secondary server: worker02 port 24211 out_forward time: received_at server: worker01 port 24212 secondary tag: scribe.blog server: worker03 port 24212 message: RAW LOG out_forward server: worker01 port 24213 secondary server: worker04 port 24213 out_forward server: worker01 port 24214 secondary server: worker05 port 24214 12 2 4
  • 41. From deliver To worker deliver server worker server X deliver fluentd worker fluentd Xn1 copy scribe.* in_forward roundrobin time: received_at tag: scribe.blog out_forward message: RAW LOG in_forward time: received_at tag: scribe.blog message: RAW LOG worker fluentd Yn2 worker server Y 12 2 4
  • 42. worker node internal routing worker server x8 worker instances, x1 serializer instance worker fluentd serializer fluentd in_forward out_exec_filter scribe.* in_forward command: convert.sh in_keys: tag,message remove_prefix scribe out_hoop converted.blog out_keys: ....... hoop_server servername.local add_prefix: converted username time_key: timefield path /on_hdfs/%Y%m%d/blog-%H.log time_format: %Y%m%d%H%M%S time:received_at out_hoop converted.news tag: scribe.blog out_forward converted.* path /on_hdfs/%Y%m%d/news-%H.log message: RAW LOG time:written_time TAB separated tag: converted.blog text data [many data fields] 12 2 4
  • 43. out_exec_filter (review.) 1. fork and exec 'command' program 2. write data to child process stdin as TAB separated fields specified by 'out_keys' (for tag, remove_prefix available) 3. read data from child process stdout as TAB separated fields named by 'in_keys' (for tag, add_prefix available) 4. set message's timestamp by 'time_key' value in parsed data as format specified by 'time_format' 12 2 4
  • 44. out_exec_filter behavior details time: 2012/02/04 17:50:35 tag: converted.blog path:... agent:... worker fluentd referer:... flag1:TRUE out_exec_filter scribe.* command: convert.sh in_keys: tag,message remove_prefix: scribe out_keys: ....... add_prefix: converted time_key: timefield time_format: %Y%m%d%H%M%S time: received_at tag: scribe.blog message: RAW LOG blog RAWLOG blog 20120204175035 field1 field2..... stdin stdout Forked Process (convert.sh -> perl convert.pl) 12 2 4
  • 45. From serializer To HDFS (Hoop) worker server Hadoop NameNode serializer fluentd Hoop Server HTTP in_forward out_hoop converted.blog hoop_server servername.local username path /on_hdfs/%Y%m%d/blog-%H.log time:written_time tag: converted.blog [many data fields] out_hoop converted.news path /on_hdfs/%Y%m%d/news-%H.log TAB separated text data HDFS 12 2 4
  • 46. Overview deliver node cluster deliver archiver backup servers deliver servers servers worker worker worker worker worker worker worker worker worker servers servers serializer serializer worker node cluster HDFS (Hoop Server) 12 2 4
  • 48. Traffics: Bytes/sec (on deliver 2/3-4) • bytes 12 2 4
  • 49. Traffics: Messages/sec (on deliver 2/3-4) • counts 12 2 4
  • 51. Traffics: workers network traffics total • total network traffics 12 2 4
  • 53. Fluentd stream processing Finally, works fine, now Log conversion latency dramatically reduced Many useful plugins for monitoring are waiting shipped Hundreds of cool features to implement are also waiting for us! 12 2 4
  • 54. Thank you! crouton by kbysmnr 12 2 4
  • 55. crouton by kbysmnr Appendix 12 2 4
  • 56. input traffics: by fluent-plugin-flowcounter deliver server (primary) x8 fluentd instances deliver fluentd copy scribe.* in_scribe out_scribe category: blog host archive.server.local message: RAW LOG add_prefix scribe remove_prefix scribe add_newline true remove_newline true out_flowcounter (see later..) time: received_at tag: scribe.blog roundrobin (see next) message: RAW LOG out_forward (see later with out_flowcounter..) 12 2 4
  • 57. bytes/messages counting on fluentd 1. 'out_flowcounter' counts input message and its size (specified fields) and its rate (/sec) 2. Counting results emitted per minute/hour/day 3. Worker fluentd sends results to 'Watcher' node over out_forward 4. Watcher receives counting results, and pass to 'out_growthforecast'. 'GrowthForecast' is graph drawing tool with REST API for data registration, by kazeburo 12 2 4
  • 58. Why not out_forward roundrobin in deliver? out_forward roundrobin is per buffer flushing ! (per buffer size, or flush_interval) For high throughput stream, this unit is too large. We needs roundrobin per 'emit'. 12 2 4
  • 59. deliver node: roundrobin strategy to workers roundrobin x56 substore configurations (7workers x 8instances) out_forward server: worker01 port 24211 secondary server: worker02 port 24211 out_forward time: received_at server: worker01 port 24212 secondary tag: scribe.blog server: worker03 port 24212 message: RAW LOG out_forward server: worker01 port 24213 secondary server: worker04 port 24213 out_forward server: worker01 port 24214 secondary server: worker05 port 24214 12 2 4
  • 60. Why not out_forward roundrobin in deliver? out_forward roundrobin is per buffer flushing ! (per buffer size, or flush_interval) For high throughput stream, this unit is too large. We needs roundrobin per 'emit'. 12 2 4
  • 61. From worker To serializer: details worker server x8 worker instances, x1 serializer instance worker fluentd serializer fluentd out_forward converted.* in_forward server: localhost secondary: worker1, worker2, worker3, worker4 worker5, worker6, worker7 normally send to localhost in trouble, balance all traffic to all other worker's serializers 12 2 4
  • 62. Software list: scribed: github.com/facebook/scribe/ scribeline: github.com/tagomoris/scribe_line fluent-plugin-scribe: github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-scribe Hoop: http://cloudera.github.com/hoop/docs/latest/ServerSetup.html fluent-plugin-hoop: github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-hoop GrowthForecast: github.com/kazeburo/growthforecast fluent-plugin-growthforecast: github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-growthforecast fluent-plugin-flowcounter: github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-flowcounter 12 2 4