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Diversity Essay College Diversity Essay College
Relativism And Moral Nihilism
As the weed of secularization continues to spread its roots through the belly of western civilization, its
critical that Christians properly discern its damaging effects on our society s sexual moral compass. As
a culture, it seems what is acceptable changes every few months with little reasoning or clear logic.
Confused, disoriented, and unable to draw a straight line between wrong and right, our culture s moral
compass is spinning. We are drifting off to sea in a ship commanded by drunk captain, name Moral
Moral relativism, collateral damage from secularization and postmodernism, looks past Christianity s
objectivism and appeals to the culture to govern its own sexual morality. Acknowledging the failures
of past generations, it demands that we are smarter, and wiser, than our religious ancestors.
Empirically, we have grown and evolved into a superior version of our species. Even biology is
incompetent and no longer able to accurately define our sexual identities and genders. The doors are
open wide for any interpretations of sexual expressions and identities to stroll inside. Our inclusivity is
now breeding with moral relativism to create a new monster, moral nihilism.
Whereas you might have once been able to explain away how relativism and nihilism are entirely
different philosophical categories, that doesn t work now. The lines between them are now extremely
blurry; our drunk moral ship captain is unable to see where one begins and other ends. Without an
objective moral anchor, our society will be carried by every wave of worldly sinful passion. What
began as an attempt to be kind and coexist has malformed into an inclusivity that has no choice but to
allow whatever perversions may come. Without some level of sexual exclusivity, it loses meaning and
purpose; nihilism is born. We need to moral boundaries to preserve substance.
Humanity has always used exclusivity as way to maintain value and integrity. Something must be rare
for it to be of great worth. This is true for currency, jewelry, athletes, and consumer products. Its
simple supply and demand. If we have lots of something in a restrained fashion is becomes a
commodity and possess little intrinsic value. However, if an item is rare,
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crime and deviance
SCLY4 Crime and Deviance with Theories Methods Past Papers Use the following past papers to
practise your exam writing techniques and aid your revision. Make sure you look at the mark scheme
for each question to assess your answer. Also check the model answers from students to see where
good AO1 and AO2 marks were scored. Crime and Deviance Different theories of crime, deviance,
social order and social control. The social distribution of crime and deviance by age, ethnicity, gender,
locality and social class, including recent patterns and trends in crime. Globalisation and crime in
contemporary society; the mass media and crime; green crime; human rights and state crimes. Crime
control, prevention ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The research contexts and settings: prison as a closed setting; controlled nature of prison; variety of
prison types; separation of genders in prison; hierarchical nature of prison; permission to access. The
political and ethical sensitivity of researching prisoners within the prison system. Strengths and
limitations of the method: reliability; representativeness; generalisation; validity; response rate;
sampling frame; operationalising concepts; anonymity; detachment; theoretical perspective; open and
closed questions; mode of delivery. Assess the view that positivist methods are inappropriate for
investigating society. (33 marks) Answers in this band will show good sociological knowledge and
understanding. They will show a clear understanding of relevant debates and issues. These may
include: positivist versus interpretivist debate; quantitative and qualitative data; scientific method;
reliability; validity; objectivity and value freedom; postmodernism; social facts/social construction;
realism; cause versus meaning; micro/macro; etc. Answers will show both breadth and depth of
knowledge of relevant theoretical and empirical material on positivist methods, although with some
imbalances or shortcomings. They will show a sound understanding of important aspects of the
question and of the issues that
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The Canadian Market And The American Market
Although the Canadian market has basically five big players taking over almost 80% of the market
share, it does not mean that the competition is weak. Comparing this information to the American
market, over 20 firms divide the same 80% of the market share. The economy and consumer habits in
both countries are also very different, which causes American companies to struggle when entering the
Canadian Market. Target, the American chain turned back and left Canada after an attempt to take a
portion of the Canadian market. Currently in Canada, due to the economic turndown and weaker
currency, food prices rose signifficantly. Fruit and vegetable prices rose 9% in 2015, while meat prices
rose 5%. Naturally it would be expected to have cut back on spending, or at least a movement towards
switching to lower cost products, but it actually did not happen in Canada. In fact, food prices have
been up in every one of the last six quarters. Meanwhile, Metro s same store sales have outpaced food
inflation over five of those quarters (The Motley Fool Canada, 2016). It means that Metro has been
able to sell more groceries at higher prices in spite of record inflation levels. Loblaw and Metro, two
of the major players of the industry have seen the share prices advancing higher this year, despite a
TSX decline of over 5%. These singularities of the Canadian market might impose a barrier for
international potential entrants, but the game never ends, the Canadian companies must
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Taking a Look at Mine Warfare
Mine warfare is the strategic, operational, and tactical use of sea mines and the countermeasures to
defeat them. These weapons are so dangerous and efficient which is why foreign navies and even
terrorist possess these weapons. The history of these weapons goes back to 1776; a year after our
nation s Navy was born. A man named David Bushnell created a mine that was composed of a
watertight keg, filled with black powder and a flintlock detonator which was suspended from a float
(Levie). The kegs were first used in the Delaware River to destroy British ships downriver during the
Revolutionary War. Along with the creation of the floating mines, Bushnell also created a drift model
of the mines that exploded on contact. As time went on, the Naval Branch increased in size and so did
the evolution and use of mines. Around 1863, Confederate Congress established the Torpedo Service
whose mission was to sow southern waterways with the kegs, which were very inexpensive at the
time. It was not until World War I when mines were being laid across the seas in large amounts to
prevent German U boats from destroying our warships. Almost twenty five years later, during the
Second World War, modern magnetic, acoustic, and pressure sensitive mines were first developed. The
deployment of mines by submarine and aircraft suddenly came into play, which spark inventors to
begin developing counter measures. Along with these counter measures, the military begin to establish
a base line by which all
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An Investigation Into Response For Disaster Using...
An Investigation into Response to Disaster Using Qualitative Methods
This study investigated the accounts of individuals involved in the London underground bombings in
2005. Throughout this investigation, thematic analysis was conducted on six eyewitness accounts,
highlighting their feelings and actions, which came about as a result of the incident. From these
accounts I obtained 4 key themes, which were consistent components of the six accounts. Evidently, I
found that the two most common themes were helping behaviour and the panic myth. This was rather
unexpected, as initially, I expected to find irrational and helpless behaviour, due to the panic and stress
of being trapped in a bombed underground. To conclude, the investigation illuminated the concept of
helping others before helping ones self. Thus, contradicting the concept of survival of the fittest, as in
this case the fittest were those who took it upon themselves to assist other passengers in need.
Therefore, highlighting the power of empathy which was risen with experiencing the disaster.
Terrorist attacks are a consistent global occurrence.The 2005 London underground bombings was an
attack which caused largest mass fatality occurrence in the UK since World War 2. As a result the
comfort and use of public transport in the UK was greatly impacted. Research into the fatalities and
physical repercussions of tragedies are amplified globally. For instance it is considered factual that the
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Story Analysis of DH Lawrence s The Horse Dealer s Daughter
The Horse Dealer s Daughter In D.H. Lawrence s short story The Horse Dealer s Daughter, the author
tells the tale of a young woman s desperation to find some role in life when the world as she knew it
was taken away from her. Her entire life has been spent as a well to do young lady on her father s
land, helping him rear and trade in horses but mostly focusing on taking care of the house and serving
as hostess following the death of her mother. After the father s unfortunate death, the strongest part of
the young woman s identity is taken away from her. She has defined herself as the hostess of the home
and as caretaker but she must now discover a new identity. This is a psychological issue which is
compounded by the grief she feels for the loss of the family s home and business. By the time the
action of the story begins, the female at the heart of the story has lost all the markers by which she has
created her individual identity and thus she sees no point in furthering her existence on the planet and
decides to die. The main female character, Mabel Pervin, loses her family home as well as the family
business because of a lack of financial success following the death of the family patriarch. Without
him, the family falls apart completely. Mabel personifies women in England, particularly in low or
medium income areas such as Nottinghamshire whose options in life were limited both by their gender
and by the social classes into which they were born as well as the identity
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Canadian Identity In Canada
Canadian identity refers to the unique culture, characteristics and the condition of being Canadian, as
well as the many symbols and expressions that set Canada and the citizens apart from other people and
cultures of the world. There is an enormous amount of factors when it comes to Canada s identity and
as time goes one it becomes stronger and stronger. As mentioned above, people have been
immigrating to the nation for centuries, and with them they bring their cultures and traditions
strengthening the multicultural aspects of Canadian identity. No nation has a set identity, every day the
world is changing and with it so does the identity of the people. In an instant a nation could change its
values and other aspects. For example, pre American Revolution the identity that the United States had
included how it was a colony of Great Britain, after the revolution is garnered a new identity as its
own nation.
As well of opportunities there is a great deal of challenges that affect identity on a daily basis. Canada
has had a lot of challenges towards its identity to overcome, regional alienation, American influences,
and separatism. For instance, Canada has always experienced alienation, whether it be due to
geography or one s heritage. Regional alienation occurs due to the fact that Canada is such a large and
vast country, which only furthers the feeling of separation between Canadians. The western provinces
of Canada British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and
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The Treatment Of Indigenous Australians
Treatment of Indigenous Australians
Indigenous Australians are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals of Australia,
plummeted from gatherings that existed in Australia and encompassing islands preceding European
colonization. There is incredible assorted qualities among various Indigenous people group and social
orders in Australia, each with its own particular blend of societies, traditions and dialects. In present
day Australia these gatherings are further separated into nearby communities. At the season of starting
European settlement, more than 250 dialects were talked; it is as of now evaluated that 120 to 145 of
these stay being used, and everything except 13 are thought to be endangered. Aboriginal individuals
today generally communicate in English, with Aboriginal expressions and words being added to make
Australian Aboriginal English. Native individuals basically lived as seeker gatherers, chasing and
scavenging for sustenance from the area. Albeit Aboriginal society was by and large versatile, or semi
itinerant, moving as per the changing sustenance accessibility found crosswise over various regions as
seasons changed, the method of life and material societies fluctuated incredibly from locale to district,
and there were lasting settlements and agriculture in a few ranges.
English colonization of Australia started with the entry of the First Fleet in Botany Bay in 1788. One
prompt outcome of British settlement was a progression of European pandemic
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Theme Of Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies
I walked into my living room, ready to yell at my father for not lowering the volume of the television.
He sat hypnotized on the couch as he stared at the CNN News headlines popping up on the screen.
Only interested in stories with happy endings, I rolled my eyes at the 100 inch flat screen TV, where
news reporters are constantly arguing with each other, debating the news of terrorist attacks, robberies,
racism, and political corruption. This frequent bickering and arguing suggests that humans are born
evil. Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, constantly brings up this theme of human nature.
Twelve children are stuck on an island, and struggle with the decision to leave behind their morals and
resort to a barbaric lifestyle in order ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is significant because it is very unexpected for the reader to see twelve innocent boys from
England become barbaric cavemen and succumb to uncivilized tribal dances and murder. Golding
shows in Lord of the Flies that when exposed to lack of authority, sanity and common sense start to
disappear into thin air. The boys constantly bicker with each other instead of collaborating and
listening to everyone s opinions. Initially, they set rules, have certain positions or jobs, and elect a
leader like in a democracy. But as time passes, the boys start to break out of their good stage and
embrace who they really are inside ‒ greedy savages. When Jack becomes violent and unruly, all order
on the island begins to disappear. He abuses people and fights with others like cats and dogs. The
conch, a symbol of power and order, is broken shortly after Piggy s death, which shows the
disappearance of morality and merit. Simon s death and the need for power shows the corrupt nature
of the boys, and thereby exemplifies that they are selfish. Lord of the Flies teaches us the importance
of civilization and sanity, as they can disappear in the absence of authority and order. Hopefully, we
can learn from this novel and try to better ourselves by focusing on the good in society and reporting
about it rather than constantly bickering with
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Essay on T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land
T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land Both the hysteric and the mystic transgress the linear syntax and logic
governing the established symbolic order. Helen Bennett It is perhaps part of the unique genius of T.S.
Eliot s The Waste Land that both critics and lay readers have repeatedly felt forced to look outside the
published text of the poem for clues as to its meaning. The text s fragmented, seemingly violated body
seems to exhibit wounds through which its significance has slipped, creating a difficulty caused by the
author s having left out something which the reader is used to finding; so that the reader, bewildered,
gropes about for what is absent...a kind of meaning which is not there, and is not meant to be there ...
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Asked to describe what sort of life might spring up out of the stony rubbish (20) of the poem s sterile
landscape by an interlocutor who seems by the force of the allusion to Ezekiel to be a representative of
some sort of transcendent reality, there seems to be no way for the poet to answer. The speaker
continues in almost accusatory tone: You cannot say, or guess, for you know only/ A heap of broken
images (21 22), and it is in this line that Eliot questions the potential for meaning inherent in language.
The self is unable to explicate the nature of this life for his only language is a mere heap a disordered
pile of broken images . Here Eliot describes language as representation, and in this mode it is doubly
useless; first, because it is broken , fragmented and divorced from the very realities it was intended to
describe, and second, because it consists of mere images representations of things and not the things
themselves. One might argue that language, though only a heap of broken images, does achieve a
certain reflexivity here, for in that disordered pile of reflections lies a landscape where the sun beats,/
And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief (22 23). But the space that language presents
here is a sterile, dead one, without evidence of the growth of either root or branch. Absent too are the
Starnbergersee, the shower of rain (9), and the verdant Hofgarten which
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Tamworth Pig Essay
The Tamworth originated in Ireland where they were known as Irish Grazers , they were given that
name because they were very good eaters. Sir Robert Peel, imported some Tamworth pigs to his
Drayton Manor estate in Tamworth, England because he was so fascinated with them. This is where
there name originated from. (Tamworth.typepad.com, 2017)
This breed of pig has a very distinctive appearance, they have a fine, straight haired red coat and
pricked ears with a long snout which is perfect for rotavating and finding food. Their snout also helps
their excellent sense of smell. Tamworth Pigs feet are called trotters . They are called pig s feet or
knuckles when humans eat them as a delicacy. Tamworth Pigs have four toes that are pointed
downwards. They do not walk on their whole foot, they walk on their tip toes and the outside toes are
used for balance. The hooves of the feet are the toughest part. The two toes in the middle of the foot
also help to balance the pig while walking because they are slightly webbed. They have a brilliant
carcass yield of 70% because they have fine bones which means there is more meat to bone ration the
their body.(KnowledgeBase.LookSeek.com, et al 2017)
Tamworth Pigs have 44 teeth when fully grown. When they are piglets they have 28 teeth which will
fall at when they are 12 months old. Just like human teeth, they have a layer of enamel on their teeth
that makes the pigs teeth stronger and helps it restrict disease. This breed of pig has a very high
disease resistance. Tamworth Pigs digestive system is similar to a humans. They cannot digest food
that is not chewed so they use their teeth to thoroughly chew their food.
(KnowledgeBase.LookSeek.com, 2017)
Part of the reason some pig farmers want to rare Tamworth pigs is because of the taste of their meat.
This breed of pig has 2 purposes. It is suitable for producing 2 types of meat, pork or bacon. A taste
test was carried out between the commercial and rare breed pigs in a university in Bristol and the meat
from a Tamworth pig came out on top compared to the commercial pig used.
(Livestockconservancy.org, 2017)
Tamworth s have an active intelligence. Sows are able to produce and care for large litters. The piglets
are active and
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Suffering In Edwidge Danticat s Wall Of Fire Rising
From Muslim bans to apartheid, no matter what its called persecution, racism, oppression injustice
will always leak from the cracks that form this Earth. Nevertheless, through generations and
generations, these stories of suffering are marked through compositions of writings like the novel
Krik? Krak! By Edwidge Danticat. Furthermore, with attention to the novel s collection of stories
regarding the hardships of eras of Haitians, it is clear that Danticat suggests that hoping for a less
demoralizing reality for future generations is the only approach to enduring an oppressive society. One
clue that salvation can only be found in newer generations lies in the story Wall of Fire Rising. When
the main protagonist, Guy, whose son Little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although it seems scary at first, Princesse finds comfort when Catherine prompts to her, One day your
grandchildren will walk into galleries in France...and there they ll admire your beautiful body (pg.
113). Princesse lives in a city where corrupted activities like cock fighting have become the norm. It is
even implied that Princesse aspires to become an artist but is held back by her means of life.
Furthermore, she takes a leap of faith and poses nude for these paintings as the idea of her kids one
day having the leisure to see her in these paintings makes it easier to embrace the merciless realm she
inhabits. In addition, in the story Missing Peace, the main character Lamort is asked if her mother was
pretty by Emilie, a boarder in Emilie s grandma s house, to which Lamort replies, I don t know. She
never took portraits like the ones you have of yours (pg. 103). Knowing that Danticat gives several
clues throughout her book that all of the characters from all of the stories are connected in some way
or manner, it can be implied that Emilie is a descendant of Princesse. Nevertheless, through this
inference, it means that Princesse is able to find the fortitude to continue surviving and even have
children. The paintings gave her the power to clasp her desire to keep on living. It is likely Princesse
found hope in that her descendants would one day be able to peer into her world without fear of
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The Importance Of Food Waste
Through the innovation of technology, mankind has been able to create great, and extraordinary feats
of nature. Taking the smallest indesirable object, then constructing it into a skyscraper or the smallest
most powerful computer. Also through the process of innovation we humans have almost completely
mastered the art of mass manufacturing products making our daily needs and wants readily available
to us. The food industry is a one of many examples of this mass manufacturing evolution, going from
food being made over camp fires to being made in huge factory pumping out fathoming quantities of
product. With this evolution comes the downfall of waste. Food waste is not always avoidable but in
some cases the waste is necessary as some things are not safe for consumption after undergoing
certain processes. But no matter the waste product some form of use should be found for the
seemingly invaluable waste product or a way to reduce unnecessary food waste. Food waste is a huge
problem most americans are completely oblivious too. According to a United states department of
Agriculture report, 133 billion pounds of food went unused in 2010. While animal products like meat
and dairy being towards the top of the list, added up to $105 billion of wasted food.( Waste Not, Want
not 26) While worldwide about one third of all food produced is either lost or gone to waste which
adds up to about 1.3 Billion tons of waste. To put into a better prospective 1.3 billion tons is
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The Pros And Cons Of Altruism
Imagine yourself stumbling upon a horrendous scene. A young woman is seen sprawled on the ground,
her face is bloodied and bruised, and her right leg is twisted at a grotesque angle, evidently broken.
What would you do? Obviously, you help. But why would you help? Undoubtedly, you wanted to
alleviate her distress. But why? Helping others in need and having the urge of wanting to help
somebody who is in need is something that happens at least once in everybody s life. It is a common
thing that even animals help one another mutually, though they expect to gain something in return. But
in some circumstances, helping somebody is not connected to receiving immediate benefits or these
are considered non existent. This prosocial behaviour has caught ... Show more content on
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Numeral studies have shown how individuals would help a family member, relative, or someone they
can mirror themselves with, rather than somebody that they have no relation to or does not have a
connection with. (Rushton, 1991) It is fathomable how helping a family, relative or somebody we are
more attached to is a normal reaction. But it is incomprehensible to explain when humans show
compassion towards complete strangers. This altruistic behaviour seemingly suggests that true
altruism could undeniably exist.
Empathy Altruism Model argues that altruism does exist and explains why people help others even
though they are not related. The Empathy Altruism Model, is established on the idea that emotional
response of empathy is produced when an individual is seen to be in need. It could be argued that the
individual feels empathy for the other person who is in need, and being able to feel and take into
consideration of another s feelings, directs the helping behaviour at relieving the person who is in need
and therefore altruism is produced by altruistic reasons . (Cialdini, Brown, Lewis, Luce, Neuberg,
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Tamalpais State Park Research Paper
Looming over Marin County and San Francisco, iconic Mount Tamalpais rises over 2500 feet almost
directly above the bay. Most of this mountain is a state park, and there are many miles of hiking and
biking trails. Remember that mountain biking got its start here, and most of the old fire roads are open
to both hikers and bikers. The good news is that, unlike many other biking areas, these bikers seem to
be considerate of hikers.
That was important on the summer day I picked to hike the summit. There are a number of trails
around the top of Mount Tamalpais State Park, and I was looking for something that would cover
some ground, offer some stunning views and get me to the top. One that offered what I wanted started
out at a trailhead parking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After just a few yards on the road, it split off again, the left for cars, the right for bikes and hikers. In
less than ten minutes I was standing at the parking lot, looking up at the Gardner Fire Lookout at the
summit. The .7 mile Verna Dunshee Trail, which I did not take, circles the base of the summit, and
there is a visitor center which is only open on weekends. There is also a restroom and a beverage
vending machine that would not take my money.
Too bad, as the water I brought was now warm. Another trail went up to the summit. It was paved with
wood at the bottom, which became wooded steps a bit further up, rather like a wooden escalator. There
was a handrail on this section. At the top of the steps, about a third of the way, the trail became narrow
and rocky, requiring careful footing. It was there I caught my first views of the other side of the
mountain, the West Peak and one of the park s several lakes which I believe was Lake Lagunitas far
below me.
This trail, only a third of a mile, would not be a difficult hike for someone who had not just hiked
almost four miles in the midday sun, but I could feel the fatigue as I hopped from rock to rock.
However the view at the top was well worth
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Decision Maker At Loyalty New Zealand
Case Study Analysis
Decision maker at loyalty New Zealand is a real situation case study analysis for Fly buys. It describes
the decision making by Chris Lamer for the continuous growth of Fly buys in New Zealand. It
explained that Fly buys is the top fifth largest loyalty program all around the world. It was established
by Bank of New Zealand, Food stuffs Ltd and Greenstone energy Ltd with some other companies to
recognise and reward the new and existing consumers of New Zealand for their consuming. It is
leading loyalty association in New Zealand and Australia where it peak its success. It further explains
that Chris Lamer, a long prize winner in the various streams like Wellington Love Affairs joined the
Fly buys in 2007 as a Head of customer engagement. Chris decided to relaunch the brand of Fly buys
which resulted in best consumer services and marketing award for Fly buys in 2008. Chris was
announced the marketer of the year. The case study provides a description about the spending habits of
people in New Zealand by using Fly buys, benefits of using Fly buys and important decisions made by
Chris Lamer and his team for the continuous growth of Fly buys. It also presents three options for the
continuous growth of Fly buys and explains which was selected by Chris Lamer s team and what the
reasons for selecting that one are. Chris decided to focus on stretching the brand of Fly buys by
creating new products and adding more partners which leads to less attention
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Examples Of Identity In Brave New World
Community, Identity, Stability is the motto of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World. the World State s
motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY (Huxley, 5). Basically, these words describe the
society of the new world and are the basics in building a perfect world as well as the main goals of
Utopia. Community is the relationship between the classes in the society of the World State that live
together. Even during death, a body is not left alone. Identity refers to the five castes within the
society: Epsilons, Alphas, Gammas, Betas, and Deltas. Identity differs among each caste based on
their roles within the society. Stability is the peaceful environment that is created for the people of the
Brave New World. In Brave New World, Community, Identity, ... Show more content on
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The connection among the societies gets stronger when people have sex with a person of their choice.
Community is achieved by systemizing life so that one is almost never alone. The people of the Brave
New World are controlled by a Controller known as Mustapha Mond in order to achieve Community.
Community is in part a result of identity and stability (Pearce, 1998). Every child lives together
without any parents and is conditioned to feel and think the same way as others and to fear and have
the same likes and dislikes, as well as the similar beliefs as the other residents of the New World.
Community is also achieved through a religion that satirizes Christianity. In relation to this religion,
the elder residents of the New World are urged to participate in the Solidarity Service which includes
community sing that one has to attend about once a week which makes everyone feel connected.
Solitude and loneliness does not exist in Brave New World because everyone often entertains each
other. Every caste benefits each other, fulfilling the idea of Community. Every one works for every
one else. We can t do without any one. Even Epsilons are useful. We couldn t do without Epsilons
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A Thousand Peaks Vs. The Maids Of Honor
At first glance, the 17th century paintings of the Baroque period, India, and China may not have much
in common, but upon closer inspection there are relationships and divergences to consider beyond the
surface. These details can be seen between Bichitr s Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaykh to Kings, Wang
Hui s A Thousand Peaks and Myriad Ravines, and Diego Velázquez s Las Meninas (The Maids of
Honor). While each carries the style of its own location of origin, they all showcase influence and
subject matter similarities and differences worth making note of, most specifically the presence of
duality in focus within the paintings.
The first painting is 17th century art from India, Bichitr s piece depicts Jahangiri being seated among
an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The third of the paintings stemming from the Baroque period done by Velázquez is one of his many
works for the court, setting the tone in the particular area, while not extending much further (49,
Bazin). The court employing Velázquez was that of King Philip IV, with the focus of this painting
being the king s daughter. This particular piece has not only the artist himself depicted, the children of
the court scattered about, but also a mirror in the back showing the King and Queen standing as the
painter is depicted to be painting their portrait. Each point of attention draws way from the former,
then pushing to the next in a cycle of focus. Once Velázquez started using almost strictly the style of
portraits, he mastered the art using the available means to the fullest. The painting at hand in particular
uses his mastery of portraiture to the fullest in varying who is being painted and their positions on the
canvas (59 60, Bazin).
Each painting draws influence from their individual location of origin, mostly in subject, to appeal to
the patrons of the time. While each piece was created within the 17th century, there are obvious
differences from place to place in how they were meant to be created. This is evident in the materials
used for the paintings, Velázquez s piece being oil on canvas, Hui s being a hanging scroll consisting
of ink on paper, and
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Iliotibial Band Syndrome Research Paper
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a condition that often causes knee pain. It can also cause pain in the
outside of your hip, thigh, and knee. The iliotibial band is a strip of tissue that runs from the outside of
your hip and down your thigh to the outside of your knee.
Repeatedly bending and straightening your knee can irritate the iliotibial band.
This condition is caused by inflammation and irritation from the friction of the iliotibial band moving
over the thigh bone (femur) when you repeatedly bend and straighten your knee.
This condition is more likely to develop in people who:
Frequently change elevation during their workouts.
Run very long distances.
Recently increased ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A snapping sensation over your knee.
Swelling on the outside of your knee.
Pain or a feeling of tightness in your hip.
This condition is diagnosed based on your symptoms, medical history, and physical exam. You may
also see a health care provider who specializes in reducing pain and increasing mobility (physical
therapist). A physical therapist may do an exam to check your balance, movement, and way of walking
or running (gait) to see whether the way you move could contribute to your injury. You may also have
tests to measure your strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
Treatment for this condition includes:
Resting and limiting exercise.
Returning to activities gradually.
Doing range of motion and strengthening exercises (physical therapy) as told by your health care
Varying your workout to include low impact activities, such as swimming and cycling.
If directed, apply ice to the injured area.
Put ice in a plastic
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Analysis Of Jane Austen s Persuasion
Perfection in Austen s Persuasion Jane Austen is know for writing sympathetic but realistically flawed
female characters. Elizabeth Bennet is witty but prideful, Emma Woodhouse is well meaning but
frightfully un observant, and overcoming these flaws is what drives these characters arcs throughout
their respective books. Yet in Austen s novel, Persuasion, at first, Anne Elliot seems as if she is the
perfect woman. She is a woman of birth, beauty, and mind, (Austen 20), she manages to be liked by
nearly everyone she meets, and she was the only one to keep a calm head when Louisa fell in Lyme
(79). However ideal she may seem though, she is not flawless. Anne Elliot s greatest fault is that she
suffers from a lack of courage and nerve, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Yet besides a simple suggestion that it is the woman s job to look after the children, Anne doesn t tell
Mary that her behavior is egotistical, and actually uses Mary s outburst to avoid seeing Captain
Wentworth by suggesting that she herself will look after the child (41). Anne does not challenge Mary
s poor behavior even when it is blatantly selfish and even compromises with her in order to further
avoid a different type of confrontation. This is not the only time that one of Anne s family members
acts disagreeable in such an obvious fashion. Her father s character is so shallow that he only cares
about looks and rank (4), rarely acts in a way that is not displeasing or ridiculous to the reader, and has
overspent all of his money and is now in debt (8). Austen even states that Sir. Walter has no affection
for Anne, (175) his own daughter. He goes so far as to make fun of the appearance of a man who
served in the navy (15). We as the reader can see that Sir. Walter has no redeemable qualities, and yet
Anne does not stand up to him when he disproves of her engagement with Wentworth when she is
younger (20). Austen does say that, it might have been possible to withstand her [Anne s] father s ill
will, (21) and it is ultimately Lady Russel that convinces Anne to sever the relationship, but young
Anne never tries to defend herself against Sir
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The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven, By Sherman...
Born and raised on an Indian reservation in Washington state, Sherman Alexie is a writer best known
for his fictional stories; The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Although from a poor family,
Alexie always had access to books and learned to read from a young age. Alexie expresses his struggle
with education while growing up and becoming a writer in a community where most kids have trouble
even reading.
Alexie shows his audience, the educators of marginalized and deprived students, that if students are
given the chance; most students will breakdown the barriers that stand in their way of success. Alexie
shows his audience through his specific word choice, personal determination, and by his return to his
reservation). In the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In paragraph five and six, Alexie explores his school experience on the Indian reservation. He explains
how he read Grapes of Wrath in kindergarten when others were struggling with simple kids books.
Alexie also explained how kids would want [him] to stay quiet when the non Indian teacher asked for
answers . He even says that a smart Indian is a dangerous person, widely feared . Alexie uses these
two paragraphs to show how school was on the Indian reservation and that he broke down the doors in
his way. In the seventh paragraph Alexie goes into detail about his experience reading. Alexie Read
books late into the night... read books in the car... [and] in shopping malls . Alexie uses the verb read a
total of fourteen times in this paragraph alone. Alexie intentionally uses this word repeatedly to
emphasize the struggle and desperation that he had. Alexie ends the paragraph with, I was trying to
save my life . He used the word read repeatedly to emphasize the fact that he was trying to save his
life. He didn t want to be like the other Indian kids on the reservation; Alexie wanted to break down
the door in his way and make a life for himself. A life beyond the hardships of the reservation, a life
better than his parents, a life that can inspire other unfortunate children. In the final paragraph, Alexie
revisits his former school. Now a successful writer, he comes back and assists the kids that are in the
same place he was in
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Public Health and Nineteenth-Century Literature Essay
Public Health and Nineteenth Century Literature
To envy nought beneath the ample sky; to mourn no evil deed, no hour misspent and, like a living
violet, silently return in sweets to heaven what goodness lent, then bend beneath the chastening
shower content.
The concerns and problems of the people living in nineteenth century England differed dramatically
from those that eventually challenged those living in the same place during the 20th century. During
the nineteenth century the English were plagued with many epidemics, but lacked the knowledge and
capability to successfully treat and eliminate these diseases. London, like other British cities, had
appalling sanitary conditions. These conditions were responsible for a ... Show more content on
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Further, they questioned whether a common strand was responsible for the fever which accompanied
all of the diseases. In attempting to answer these questions the physicians of the period examined such
factors as: (1) dependence upon certain atmospheric conditions; (2) obedience to similar laws of
diffusion; (3) all infesting the same localities; (4) all attacking the same classes of people; and (5)all
increased in severity in unsanitary conditions. (Pelling, 64).
The General Board of Health of London produced a report on cholera in 1850. The primary purpose of
the report was to indicate that the pattern of the epidemic had confirmed the predilations of the
metropolitan sanitary commissioners. That is, that cholera could be prevented if closer attention was
paid to sanitary conditions. Specifically, if problems such as overcrowded living conditions, filth,
dampness, dirty water, drain pipes in poor condition, and improper storage and preparation of food
were addressed. (Pelling, 78).
In order to understand the epidemics which dominated the nineteenth century one must listen to the
voices of the time. These voices speak of factory workers being forced to work incredibly long hours
in filthy conditions for very little money, several families living together in one room apartments with
no running water.
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Male Dominance in a Midsummer s Night Dream
To what extent is Shakespeare trying portray male dominance over the female characters, in A
Midsummer s Night Dream. Almost in every play of Shakespeare we can see the dominance of males
over women. In his plays women have no right to say what they think or what they want. They are
always expected to be faithful to their fathers and husbands. They don t have any freedom about their
lives. However we know that this attitude of men against women in Shakespeare s plays is a reflection
of Renaissance society. We can see the most remarkable examples of male dominance in A
Midsummer Night s Dream. The play opens with a tragic event. Hermia who is in love with Lysander
is forced to marry with Demetrius because of her father s wish. According ... Show more content on
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Women in this play see themselves as weak once they are married or once they have sworn their love
to a man. Hippolyta, the warrior Queen, seems deflated with the fact that Theseus has captured her and
wants to marry her. When Theseus proudly talks about how he had taken her by war, and how he
couldn t wait to get married, her only reply is that the days will pass by quick, demonstrating a lack of
enthusiasm. Throughout the play, she doesn t say much, and her opinion or preference is also not
asked for, despite the fact that she, in her own right, is of extreme importance and influence. Helena is
shown as a faithful lover, but her dedication is at times, irritating. Helena chases Demetrius
relentlessly, despite his cruel treatment of her. She appears, not mad at Demetrius for leaving her; but
rather she blames herself for not being attractive enough. When Lysander and Demetrius turn their
affection towards Helena, she begins to think they are mocking her. This presents to the audience her
lack of self esteem. And will you rent our ancient love asunder, to join with men in scorning your poor
friend? It is not friendly, tis not maidenly: Our sex, as well as I, may chide you for it, though I alone
do feel the injury Hermia and Helena are best friends and Helena explains their relationship as having
two bodies but sharing one heart, Like to a double cherry, seeming parted, but yet an union in
partition, two lovely berries moulded on one stem . But
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Marriage Proposal In Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen
In Austen s novels, the successful proposals indicate that the man asking a genuine question. This is
obvious in Darcy s second proposal to Elizabeth even though his speech does not contain a question
mark, but it implicates a question. Darcy says, You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings
are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one
word from you will silence me on this subject for ever (458). His speech indicates that he waits for
Elizabeth s answer. Similarly, in Emma, Mr. Knightley, as Darcy, asks Emma a genuine question if she
accepts his offer or not by saying, Tell me, then, have I no chance of ever succeeding?.... My dearest
Emma,....tell me at once. Say No, if it is to be said (1034). These two previous examples show how
Austen through asking a marriage proposal gives her female characters freedom of choice. ... Show
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Women s secret engagements are another way that demonstrates why the male characters keep their
engagements secret from society. For example, Edward in Sense and Sensibility is a wealthy man who
keeps his engagement to Lucy Steele as a secret for four years because Lucy does not have a fortune,
and he is afraid from his mom, Mrs. Ferrars, would not approve their marriage. As mentioned earlier,
women with no fortune have no rights to get married to men from the upper class. For the same
reason, in Emma, Mr. Frank Churchill engages secretly to Jane Fairfax because he depends on his aunt
s money, Mrs. Churchill. His aunt may refuse to approve his engagement to Jane because Jane is a
governess and belongs to a low social class, so it is difficult for Frank to reveal his engagement. He
becomes able to disclose his engagement only after the death of his aunt because he is liberated from
his aunt s financial dependence. Frank becomes financially independent and able to marry
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The Whale By John Phillips
John Phillips Plot Ishmael meets Queequeg and they get hired together and board the whaling ship
Pequod, whose captain searches for the whale that bit his leg off. Ahab offers a gold doubloon as a
reward to motivate his crew to search for the whale with as much passion as he does. During the hunt,
they try to kill any other whales they see, Ishmael gives a run down on whaling, the crew come across
bad omens, and they meet ships devastated by Moby Dick in their search for the whale. After a three
day chase of the whale, Moby Dick destroys the Pequod and kills every crew member, except for
Ishmael, who survives by clinging to Queequeeq s coffin, and is then rescued by a ship that lost some
of its crew to Moby Dick. Characters Ishmael A cautious sailor aboard the Pequod, that worries too
much about his own safety and tends to make things seem worse than they actually are. He is not
afraid to speak his mind and he will rebuke anyone that tries to get a laugh out of messing with him.
When it comes to spending what little money he has, he is frugal, but will accept whatever he can get.
Ahab Captain aboard the Pequod, who is consumed by his hate for Moby Dick, has an ivory leg. He is
intimidating, a natural leader, and on a neverending quest for vengeance against the whale that bit his
leg off. As the story progresses, he dives deeper and deeper into the insanity of his obsession over
Moby Dick. Moby Dick An albino whale simply defending himself against the whalers
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Love Machine Research Paper
Meta: Are you ready to feel the love? If so, SkillOnNet certainly has a treat in store, as Love Machine
serves up plenty or romance fuelled online slots fun!
Love Machine (SkillOnNet)
It s quite likely that mentioning Love Machine would cause most of our readers to remember that
popular 70s song from The Miracles. Well this slot machine from SkillOnNet might not have much to
do with that song, but it s still got a similar theme of passionate love. To be frank from the start, Love
Machine isn t a slot machine that is going to get you all hot and bothered at the prospect of winning
big payouts, nor does it offer plenty of special symbols, bonus round, and gamble options. Its actually
rather basic and toned down, almost like an unplugged slot that offers easy play and even easier
Say it with a Diamond
The symbols featured in Love Machine are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many newcomer players, in particular those with no prior knowledge of betting real cash with online
gambling and gambling portals, want to play at slots that are easy to use. They want to know they can
play a game, even if it means playing for smaller amounts of money. SkillOnNet have jumped on the
idea, as many slots in their catalogue are super simple and make betting a breeze. Love Machine is no
exception. The slot is hardly a mystery, as there s just 3 reels and 3 paylines.
To make the most out of the money you put into Love Machine, you ll want to land some good
combinations. Many online slots offer combinations made of three or more symbols, but Love
Machine brings the minimum down to 2 for some symbols; giving you even more chance of landing a
winning combination. There s a lot of love in the air. If you aren t feeling it, then spin the reels and
keep your fingers crossed, with a 600 coin base game jackpot riding on the line.
Feeling a Touch of
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Book Of Jonah
The book of Jonah is one that is very interesting because it is such a common story that is told
children, however, about half of the book is left out. Educators typically don t include chapters three
and four within their storytelling, so I was curious to learn about the rest of Jonah and what it would
entail for the relationship between Jonah and God. Within chapters three and four, Jonah is called to
go the city of Nineveh and give them a message that their city will be destroyed in forty days if they
did not repent for their sins. The people then decide that they want to turn from their evil ways and
repent for God. God than changes his mind and gives the people a second chance, however, Jonah is
angry about this decision. He remains angry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The journal by Karolien Vermeulen presented an interpretation that the people actually saved the city
themselves. In her debate, she explains that God had sent out a warning to the people and because of
that, the Ninevites responded by turning themselves around and looking up towards God. While doing
that, they actually eliminated the need to destroy the city. Vermeulen says within the journal, The
Ninevites brought themselves down; they were subjected to self destruction. Paradoxically, they saved
the city with this action, at least in the story world created in the book of Jonah (Vermeulen 224). I
found this interpretation very interesting because it runs parallel to my earlier question of the people s
sorrow. I do think that the people fear of their own destruction contributes to that fact that they were
so willing to give themselves over to God. I also wonder if God had instead told the people that they
would gain eternal salvation and had not given them a warning if they still would have
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Stand And Deliver Essay
The 1988 drama movie Stand And Deliver directed by Ramon Menendez tells the true story of a group
of six High School Seniors who are accused of cheating on their AP Calculus test. The Movie Stand
and Deliver literally delivers a powerful message about overcoming challenges. This theme is
developed through characters and plot with a Man vs. Society background about racism. The plot of
this movie is about a HighSchool teacher Jaime Escalante being hassled by tough students like Angel.
But Jamis is also pressured by his bosses, who want him to control his rambunctious classroom.
Caught in the middle he chooses to take his students into a higher math and teach them AP Calculus
and after countless hours of intensive studying, his students take the Calculus test and the turnout of if
was all of the students aced the test but only to learn that the scores of each test are being questioned
by the Educational Testing Service. They ll have to retake the exam so they can prove the Service
wrong. Immediately after finding out they have to take the tests again they get right to studying but the
test won t be like it was the first time it will be a completely different calculus test. They only have a
couple of days to study then comes retake day, the students all are ... Show more content on
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Meaning more and having equal chances at happiness between the students and Mr. Escalante. Mr
Escalante first starts off as being hated by many of his students because of two reasons first, the
minority of the school, they go to a very poor school with hardly any money, and deal with racism and
very low self esteem. Second he would actually give them homework and make them take quizzes but
eventually taking all of those quizzes helped the students become smarter, and now that they are being
taught calculus they can really look back and be glad that they took those quizzes and
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Padre Pi Apolito Essay
Crumbling Italian town plan s giant 150 million Padre Pio statue The town of Ogliastro, in Campania
is seeking to put itself on the map by building an 85 meter meter statue at a cost of 150 million to
honor Italian saint Padre Pio. Ogliastro Mayor, Michele Apolito thinks the project could put the town
on the map and bring in money from religious tourism , but the town s plans have angered residents in
the town of 2,200. Residents say they have not been consulted about the statue and see the project as
waste of money: especially given the terrible state of the town s roads and water mains. A poll on the
Facebook page of citizens group Comitato Cittadino Ogliastor Cilento e Frazioni revealed the majority
of residents were against the erection ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is unsure how a town of Ogliastro s means, with just 2,200 inhabitants would afford such a project.
Certainly, A portion of the money would need to come from the public purse, with EU money and
regional funds being used to finance the megalith. The rest of the money would have to come from
donations and private associations. Even the scale model of the project inside the mayor s office was
built thanks to 8,000 donated by a local pastry chef. It is predicted that drawing up detailed
construction plans would cost a whopping 15 million. The town has a track record in failing to get
impressive building projects on the ground. In 1994, the council promised citizens an Olympic
swimming pool, but after plans proved too costly the Olympic design was reduced to a pool of more
modest size, with just three lanes. 22 years on from the original idea however, and the town is still
without a swimming
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Essay on Dreams in the Ancient World
According to dreams in the ancient world persons light is believed to be consists of knowledge. It is
believed that there are three worlds for a person one is here in the world; the other is in the other world
and, third one in intermediate state which is the state of sleep. The intermediate state helps the person
helps the person to see both the states. On being born hat person assuming his body, becomAes united
with all evils: when he departs and dies, he leaves all evil behind (p125). The intermediate state does
not have any roads; no joy s no happiness s but himself.
The dream magic of ancient Egyptians give great amount of importance to dreams. They believe that
divine powers made known through dreams, and there is another world ... Show more content on
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But for others the places is forbidden and deadly.
Dream interpretations in ancient world comes from the East part of the world both as a practice and as
a science. Dram interpretations are divided in to three parts. Dreams of super beings for the
protections and guidance, critics against unbelievers, or others that against his law. All this drams are
believed o be sent by a high power. Dream interpretation started from Egypt it spread all over the east
to the time of Mohammed. It was believed that dreams are a portion of prophecy ( p132). Mohamed
who was a Muslim leader communicated most of the religious things through his dream. This has
contributed a great deal in taking for dream interpretation the earlier announcement of Muhammad s
mission, and the revelation of the first portion of the Koran which was made known to him were in a
dream while a similar mode of communication cheered the disheartened partisans of Islam in the
expedition to Hudaibiyah , by the promise of their triumphal entry , in the following year to the holy
temple of Mecca. (P132) according to this we can tell dream interpretation in earlier years is used as a
source of religion so from this we can conclude that dreams were important part of the people. During
the times Muhammad, as a tradition every prophet was asked about his/her dream in the morning. This
was done to interpret or reject their communications, according to their soundness or unsoundness,
and to relate
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Is Gaming A Sport
The Cambridge University defines a sport as a game, competition, or similar activity, done for
enjoyment or as a job that takes physical effort and skill and is played or done by following particular
rules. By this definition, would you consider professional gaming a sport? Do all sports have to have
physical movement? People often judge professional gaming because it seems like it takes no physical
effort other than hand eye coordination. However, they don t realize the stress and mental state, like
that of an athlete, that is needed to perform at a high level. There are actually more similarities than
you might think.
If Chess is considered a sport based on the facts that it requires strategy and competition, aren t video
games based on the same principles? Like Chess, you have to practice and you have to anticipate
moves of your opponent. However, unlike other sports, gaming is not focused on just one activity but
numerous types of games with different styles and methods to each game. There is more physical
activity and training involved in gaming then in chess. Agility and hand eye coordination is very
important to gamers and must be practiced like any other athlete that trains in his/her sport. ... Show
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They also hold championships for money and titles, just as any other sport . Esports have professional
leagues, compete for millions in prizes and make 6 figure incomes for just vanquishing enemies. It s
not just Mario saving the Princess anymore. Games today require extreme mental acuity,
communicating with teams, strategizing, and reacting quickly to opponents
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Good Morning Ladies And Gentlemen Of The Jury
Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I am Alan Zhao, attorney for the defendant. Folks,
you ve all heard the expression: There are two sides to every story. And that s true. The plaintiff just
told you one side, the side they want you to hear. But you need to hear both sides before you can know
what really happened that evening. Here s what you will find out when we get our chance to present
evidence. Once you hear all the evidence, including our cross examinations, if it convinces you of
anything, it will convince you that the wrong person was liable and that a grave injustice has
happened. The prosecution wants you to believe that the waiter negligently served an intoxicated
customer who assaulted the plaintiff. That may sound good, but there s a problem: that s not how it
happened. Members of the jury, go back to March 29, 2014, at 10:30 pm. We re at the Mr. Gatsby, a
evening restaurant and sports bar. Inside there are 350 people watching and cheering for the
University of Nita basketball team compete against Nita State University. Suddenly, glass dishes
shatter all over the place, tables are turned over, the spotlight is focused on two young men embroiled
in a fury fist fight hailing out their war cries. That man, the defendant. That young man [指着 witness]
sitting right there on the witness bench is responsible for starting the conflict. Folks, this case is about
scapegoating. The plaintiff made a bet with Butch Turner that University of Nita would win the
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Art Of War Movie Vs Book
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles , stated
Sun Tzu in his book The Art Of War. This quote ties greatly to the mindset of Ender Wiggin. Ender is
confronted with an opponent who he cannot beat. All his life he has been the underdog, but smarter
than all those around him and battle school gave him a chance to prove his worth. The intensity of
Ender s Family life and his journey to defeat the buggers, is much more coherent in the movie than the
The Movie and the book both had decisive themes that made this story as incredible as it is. These
themes are a major part, and would drastically change the story if it was removed. Ender being a third
gave him character and showed the readers he is different from ... Show more content on
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One big difference would be the fact the movie leaves so much out. The book had a lot of unnecessary
information that made the story tedious. The movie shortened things and made it get right to the point.
Another difference would be the training process, in the movie the training was not long at all. We got
an idea of how essential it was, then it went straight to the real battle. The last disparity and probably
the most odd, was Peter not being in the movie much. In the book Peter had a very big role, and
played a huge part in Ender s life. However, in the movie he showed up once and wasn t mentioned
much after that. These discrepancies were what made these two places there own.
The way the movie put the key ideas of the story together, made it much more understandable than the
book. The Movie gave great visuals and puts you into the life of Ender by having him tell his own
story. The book made Ender seem unreal and he was very hard to relate to. People that like for things
to get straight to the point and easily understood would appreciate the movie more than the book. The
book deserves to be
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Jacket Style Of Alia Bhatt
Alia Bhatt is no newbie to stardom. Born to filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and Actress Soni Razdan, Alia
kickstarted her acting career at the tender age of 6 when she debuted in the 1999 thriller Sangharsh.
With her Bollywood fame, she has become a fashion icon for many ladies who want a youthful and
fresh look while also keeping things classy. Because of her status as a fashion idol, Alia has launched
her own clothing line for women in association with Jabong.com. The items in her collection are said
to emulate her own style, which is quite simple. So for all you ladies looking to dress like Alia, you
know where to look!
For those of you who would prefer to look elsewhere to try and channel your inner Alia Bhatt, we ll
show you below how you can do just that with just a few basic pieces.
Alia s Jacket Style Alia may say that her style is simple, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The Formal Femme Fatale We mentioned earlier that Alia loves red. But this isn t just limited to her
casual outfits. She also dons the occasional red dress for the red carpet too! In this shot, she tries on a
fiery red dress with a very flowy skirt. It s one sure way to exude femininity while looking absolutely
How to Get the Look
Red is an extremely popular color in India, especially for celebrating events. In fact, many formal
gowns, lehengas, and sarees are in various shades and patterns of red. It wasn t tough to find the
perfect red dress that has a similar feel to the one Alia is wearing above, so here are some great red
dresses you can choose from.
Here s one with floral patterns sewn into the bodice, which gives a very girly feel to this dress. And
like Alia s dress, it has a very flowy skirt.
On the other hand, if you re going for the whole femme fatale look, this dark red dress might be the
one for you. It has slim straps with an off shoulder design and the same flowy
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Society In Plato s Five Cyclic Stages Of Government
Everything can be defined by placement in a category. In his Republic, Plato defines the changes that
a society undergoes by categorizing the changes into five cyclic stages of government. The first stage
of government, aristocracy, has the aristocrat do their art for the sake of their art. The second stage is
timocracy, wherein the timocrat works for the sake of honor. In the third stage, oligarchy, the oligarch
works under the sway of greed. Democracy, is the fourth stage, where the democrat is slave to the
destructive thirst for freedom. The final, and according to Plato, the worst stage, is tyranny, wherein
the tyrant strives for power. Within the public school system, the lives of high school students mirror
the lives of people within a functioning society. In Hercules High School, the students lives, and
therefore, their classes are also defined by the different governments. These classes include the
aristocratic Medical Careers, the timocratic AP US History, and the tyrannical Dance Production. The
aristocratic Medical Careers, taught by Mr. Crosby, is a class full of students aspiring to be in the
medical field. Plato defines aristocracy as the government of the best, where the several classes [of
people] will receive the proportion of happiness which nature assigns to them. In an aristocracy, the
different social classes are proficient in their own special art, and continually strive to better their art.
Just as each social class receives this proportion
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The Importance Of Women s Rights
Human rights which include the right to life and liberty as well as freedom that belong to all human
beings inherently despite of their statuses without discrimination (United Nations, 1948). Among
issues of human rights, women s rights could be one of the most serious ones. In the 1990s, women s
rights were not generally accepted as human rights and suffered various violations (Bunch, 1990).
Despite women s rights have been improved so far in most regions that female have almost equal
employment opportunities and enhanced status in society, the issues of female rights need to be
considered because they still have inferior positions compared with men in workplace and society due
to a lot of factors.
The most vital reason for improving women s rights is the perpetuate violations of women s rights in
some regions. Certainly, women s positions in society have been enhanced a lot since the public has
attached importance to female and their rights. According to Wadesango, Rembe and Chabaya (2011),
members of Southern African Development Community (SADC) have taken measures to prohibit
traditional practices which are harmful to women. However, lack of capacity, resources and
commitment among the implementers make these legislations be pale in protecting female
(Wadesango et al, 2011, p.121). Therefore, detrimental cultural practices include female genital
mutilation, marriage by abduction, child marriages and virginity testing still bring women physical
and mental injuries in
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Raynaud s Phenomenon
Raynaud s Phenomenon
In 1862, French Physician A. G. Maurice Raynaud discovered a condition that caused an intermittent
lack of blood flow to the extremities. Dr. Raynaud highlighted the symptoms and probable causes of
the condition in a doctorate thesis; and later published a book entitled, De l asphyxie locale de la
gangrène symétrique des extrèmitiès (translated by systranet to be: Local asphyxiation and caused to
become gangrenous symmetrical one of the ends), to further explain his observations while caring for
people with the condition. Since that time, the condition has taken on many different names,
including: Raynaud s Disease, Raynaud s Phenomenon, Raynaud s syndrome (Raynaud s Association,
2016, para. 3), idiopathic Raynaud s and dead finger. The U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (2014) writes, Raynaud s is a rare disorder that affects the arteries, and is marked by brief ...
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Studies show that Raynaud s affects females (4.9% 20.1%) more often than males (3.8% 13.5%).
Onset of Primary Raynaud s is usually during early adult years, and onset of Secondary Raynaud s is
dependent on the underlying medical condition (Hansen Dispenza, Lisse, J. R., Oberto Medina, M.
Narayanan, S. A., 2015, p. 6). The Raynaud s Association website informs only one out of ten suffers
seek treatment (para. 3), which would lead one to believe that the prevalence is higher than noted.
Contributing Factors
While the cause of Raynaud s is unknown, factors such as: exposure to cold, underlying disease
processes, chemical exposure, cigarette smoking, injury/trauma, repetitive hand actions, and
medications can increase the risk of developing the condition (University of Rochester Medical
Center, 2016, para. 4). Although Raynaud s has been diagnosed in more than one family member, a
hereditary factor has not been
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Rikki Tiki Theme Analysis
Rikki Tikki Tavi Theme is the thoughts, or an exhibition on a story or piece of writing. My central
idea for the theme of Rikki Tikki Tavi by Rydyard Kipling is blind loyalty. I am positive that loyalty is
one of the superlative themes of this story because throughout the story, both the protagonist and
antagonist show loyalty. Rikki Tikki, the protagonist, shows his loyalty to the human family, his own
family, and Darzee by protecting them from the immoral Naginia. Another correct theme could be
bravery. The story emphasized the courage of Rikki and contrasted that with the cowardly behavior of
Chuchundra the muskrat. Rikki reveals his loyalty to Darzee after he acknowledges that Nag had eaten
one of Darzee s children who had fallen
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Pros And Cons Of Currency War
The phrase Currency War was used to describe the efforts of nations to devalue their own currencies,
in order to increase their competitiveness of export in the international market. In the context of the
reading, major players in the currency war from 2010 to 2013 included the U.S., European countries,
China, Switzerland, and Japan, each using different ways in devaluing the domestic currency: the US
printed a lot of money via quantitative easing (QE) ; China controlled capital inflows through
accumulating foreign currency reserve and undervaluing renminbi; Switzerland prohibited the franc to
appreciate further against the euro; and Japan announced the unlimited purchasing of government
bonds which increases money supply to counter economic downturn. Opponents contended that policy
decisions such as QE are beggar they neighbor actions while they eased domestic economic downturn
in the developed countries alone, the price of such behavior was to be shifted to the international
market and particularly, the emerging markets. Firstly, currency wars might lead to increased forms of
protectionism by countries with overvalued currencies to revive their economies, including tariffs and
import quotas, both as a retaliatory political action and as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Later in the same year, the G20 also agreed that developing countries should have even greater
freedom to use capital controls than the IMF guidelines allow. Foreseeably, as long as a floated
exchange rate is commonly adopted in the international society, while emerging markets uses capital
control to respond to volatile capital inflow, the discussion on currency wars and capital controls
would continue in the
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Impact Of Immigrants On America
The word immigrant is defined as a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
However, immigrants that have come to America are doing more than simply living. Immigrants are
thriving, innovating, and improving America. From useful inventions to groundbreaking shows the
country of America has immigrants to thank for many of its achievement. Without Immigrants,
America would not be the same country it is today. Immigrants are one piece in the huge puzzle that
makes up America, and without this piece America would not be complete. Immigrants have
positively impacted American Society through their work in the fields of entertainment, politics, and
technology. Lee Strasberg, an immigrant from the country of Ukraine, has immensely contributed to
the entertainment industry as an actor, director, and teacher. Lee Strasberg began his professional
career as an actor and stage manager in the 1920s with the Theater Guild. Later, he took steps forward
for the field of entertainment by founding the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Immigrants in the entertainment field have produced and directed groundbreaking shows and movies.
In the area of politics, immigrants have taken steps forward for women, and have aided in resolving
major worldwide conflicts. Technology in America has improved greatly due to the hard work of
immigrants. From inventions to methods of simplifying the internet immigrant innovators have
changed the face of technology in the United States. Without the positive contributions immigrants
have made for America, the country would not be as advanced as it is today. Immigrants from all over
the world have come to America and have positively positively contributed to the areas of
entertainment, politics, and technology. As Oscar Handlin stated, Once I thought to write a history of
the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that immigrants were American history, ( Immigrant
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Patient-Physician Contract
Marisela Perez
Ms. Tan
Due Thursday, November 28th, 2010 1. Explain patient physician contract
A physician has the right, after forming a contract or agreeing to accept a patient under his or her care,
to make reasonable limitation on the contractual relationship. The physician is under no legal
obligation to treat patients who may wish to exceed those limitations. Under the patient physician
contract, both parties have certain rights and responsibilities. 2. Patient right and responsibilities
Patients have the right to choose a physician; although some managed care plans may limit choices.
Patients also have the right to terminate a physician s services if they wish. 3. Patient responsibilities
Patients are also part of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
11. When did HIPAA became a law? What are the goals of HIPAA?
On August 21, 1996, the U.S. Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA). The primary goal of the act are to improve the portability and continuity of health care
coverage in group and individual markets; to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health care insurance
and health care delivery; to promote the use of medical savings account; to improve access to long
term care services and coverage; and to simplify the administration of health insurance. 12. State three
purpose of HIPAA
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery by creating a national framework for
health privacy protection that builds on efforts by states, health systems, and individual organizations
and individuals.
Protect and enhance the rights of patients by providing them access to their health information and
controlling the inappropriate use or disclosure of that information.
Improve the quality of health care by restoring trust in the health care system among consumers,
health care professionals, and the multitude of organizations and individuals committed to the delivery
of care. 13. What is HIPAA privacy rule?
The HIPAA Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information provide the
comprehensive federal protection for the privacy of health information. The privacy rule is
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Factors Of African American Migration Case Study
I agree with the six factors that Anderson used to describe how the migration of African Americans
differed from the migration of other ethnic groups that migrated to America over the course of the
centuries. The six factors that Anderson use to support what made the migration of African Americans
different from the migration of other races includes their involuntary movement to America, their
economic exploitation, their denial of freedom, enslavement due to their racial identities, the countless
rapes of women slaves, and their resilience. The first factor that stood out to me was that African
Americans were the only people to be enslaved simply, because of their racial identity and the need to
exploit them for economic purposes. The fact
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  • 6. An Investigation Into Response For Disaster Using... An Investigation into Response to Disaster Using Qualitative Methods Abstract This study investigated the accounts of individuals involved in the London underground bombings in 2005. Throughout this investigation, thematic analysis was conducted on six eyewitness accounts, highlighting their feelings and actions, which came about as a result of the incident. From these accounts I obtained 4 key themes, which were consistent components of the six accounts. Evidently, I found that the two most common themes were helping behaviour and the panic myth. This was rather unexpected, as initially, I expected to find irrational and helpless behaviour, due to the panic and stress of being trapped in a bombed underground. To conclude, the investigation illuminated the concept of helping others before helping ones self. Thus, contradicting the concept of survival of the fittest, as in this case the fittest were those who took it upon themselves to assist other passengers in need. Therefore, highlighting the power of empathy which was risen with experiencing the disaster. Introduction Terrorist attacks are a consistent global occurrence.The 2005 London underground bombings was an attack which caused largest mass fatality occurrence in the UK since World War 2. As a result the comfort and use of public transport in the UK was greatly impacted. Research into the fatalities and physical repercussions of tragedies are amplified globally. For instance it is considered factual that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Story Analysis of DH Lawrence s The Horse Dealer s Daughter The Horse Dealer s Daughter In D.H. Lawrence s short story The Horse Dealer s Daughter, the author tells the tale of a young woman s desperation to find some role in life when the world as she knew it was taken away from her. Her entire life has been spent as a well to do young lady on her father s land, helping him rear and trade in horses but mostly focusing on taking care of the house and serving as hostess following the death of her mother. After the father s unfortunate death, the strongest part of the young woman s identity is taken away from her. She has defined herself as the hostess of the home and as caretaker but she must now discover a new identity. This is a psychological issue which is compounded by the grief she feels for the loss of the family s home and business. By the time the action of the story begins, the female at the heart of the story has lost all the markers by which she has created her individual identity and thus she sees no point in furthering her existence on the planet and decides to die. The main female character, Mabel Pervin, loses her family home as well as the family business because of a lack of financial success following the death of the family patriarch. Without him, the family falls apart completely. Mabel personifies women in England, particularly in low or medium income areas such as Nottinghamshire whose options in life were limited both by their gender and by the social classes into which they were born as well as the identity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 10. Theme Of Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies I walked into my living room, ready to yell at my father for not lowering the volume of the television. He sat hypnotized on the couch as he stared at the CNN News headlines popping up on the screen. Only interested in stories with happy endings, I rolled my eyes at the 100 inch flat screen TV, where news reporters are constantly arguing with each other, debating the news of terrorist attacks, robberies, racism, and political corruption. This frequent bickering and arguing suggests that humans are born evil. Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, constantly brings up this theme of human nature. Twelve children are stuck on an island, and struggle with the decision to leave behind their morals and resort to a barbaric lifestyle in order ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is significant because it is very unexpected for the reader to see twelve innocent boys from England become barbaric cavemen and succumb to uncivilized tribal dances and murder. Golding shows in Lord of the Flies that when exposed to lack of authority, sanity and common sense start to disappear into thin air. The boys constantly bicker with each other instead of collaborating and listening to everyone s opinions. Initially, they set rules, have certain positions or jobs, and elect a leader like in a democracy. But as time passes, the boys start to break out of their good stage and embrace who they really are inside ‒ greedy savages. When Jack becomes violent and unruly, all order on the island begins to disappear. He abuses people and fights with others like cats and dogs. The conch, a symbol of power and order, is broken shortly after Piggy s death, which shows the disappearance of morality and merit. Simon s death and the need for power shows the corrupt nature of the boys, and thereby exemplifies that they are selfish. Lord of the Flies teaches us the importance of civilization and sanity, as they can disappear in the absence of authority and order. Hopefully, we can learn from this novel and try to better ourselves by focusing on the good in society and reporting about it rather than constantly bickering with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Essay on T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land Both the hysteric and the mystic transgress the linear syntax and logic governing the established symbolic order. Helen Bennett It is perhaps part of the unique genius of T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land that both critics and lay readers have repeatedly felt forced to look outside the published text of the poem for clues as to its meaning. The text s fragmented, seemingly violated body seems to exhibit wounds through which its significance has slipped, creating a difficulty caused by the author s having left out something which the reader is used to finding; so that the reader, bewildered, gropes about for what is absent...a kind of meaning which is not there, and is not meant to be there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Asked to describe what sort of life might spring up out of the stony rubbish (20) of the poem s sterile landscape by an interlocutor who seems by the force of the allusion to Ezekiel to be a representative of some sort of transcendent reality, there seems to be no way for the poet to answer. The speaker continues in almost accusatory tone: You cannot say, or guess, for you know only/ A heap of broken images (21 22), and it is in this line that Eliot questions the potential for meaning inherent in language. The self is unable to explicate the nature of this life for his only language is a mere heap a disordered pile of broken images . Here Eliot describes language as representation, and in this mode it is doubly useless; first, because it is broken , fragmented and divorced from the very realities it was intended to describe, and second, because it consists of mere images representations of things and not the things themselves. One might argue that language, though only a heap of broken images, does achieve a certain reflexivity here, for in that disordered pile of reflections lies a landscape where the sun beats,/ And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief (22 23). But the space that language presents here is a sterile, dead one, without evidence of the growth of either root or branch. Absent too are the Starnbergersee, the shower of rain (9), and the verdant Hofgarten which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Tamworth Pig Essay The Tamworth originated in Ireland where they were known as Irish Grazers , they were given that name because they were very good eaters. Sir Robert Peel, imported some Tamworth pigs to his Drayton Manor estate in Tamworth, England because he was so fascinated with them. This is where there name originated from. (Tamworth.typepad.com, 2017) This breed of pig has a very distinctive appearance, they have a fine, straight haired red coat and pricked ears with a long snout which is perfect for rotavating and finding food. Their snout also helps their excellent sense of smell. Tamworth Pigs feet are called trotters . They are called pig s feet or knuckles when humans eat them as a delicacy. Tamworth Pigs have four toes that are pointed downwards. They do not walk on their whole foot, they walk on their tip toes and the outside toes are used for balance. The hooves of the feet are the toughest part. The two toes in the middle of the foot also help to balance the pig while walking because they are slightly webbed. They have a brilliant carcass yield of 70% because they have fine bones which means there is more meat to bone ration the their body.(KnowledgeBase.LookSeek.com, et al 2017) Tamworth Pigs have 44 teeth when fully grown. When they are piglets they have 28 teeth which will fall at when they are 12 months old. Just like human teeth, they have a layer of enamel on their teeth that makes the pigs teeth stronger and helps it restrict disease. This breed of pig has a very high disease resistance. Tamworth Pigs digestive system is similar to a humans. They cannot digest food that is not chewed so they use their teeth to thoroughly chew their food. (KnowledgeBase.LookSeek.com, 2017) Part of the reason some pig farmers want to rare Tamworth pigs is because of the taste of their meat. This breed of pig has 2 purposes. It is suitable for producing 2 types of meat, pork or bacon. A taste test was carried out between the commercial and rare breed pigs in a university in Bristol and the meat from a Tamworth pig came out on top compared to the commercial pig used. (Livestockconservancy.org, 2017) Tamworth s have an active intelligence. Sows are able to produce and care for large litters. The piglets are active and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Suffering In Edwidge Danticat s Wall Of Fire Rising From Muslim bans to apartheid, no matter what its called persecution, racism, oppression injustice will always leak from the cracks that form this Earth. Nevertheless, through generations and generations, these stories of suffering are marked through compositions of writings like the novel Krik? Krak! By Edwidge Danticat. Furthermore, with attention to the novel s collection of stories regarding the hardships of eras of Haitians, it is clear that Danticat suggests that hoping for a less demoralizing reality for future generations is the only approach to enduring an oppressive society. One clue that salvation can only be found in newer generations lies in the story Wall of Fire Rising. When the main protagonist, Guy, whose son Little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although it seems scary at first, Princesse finds comfort when Catherine prompts to her, One day your grandchildren will walk into galleries in France...and there they ll admire your beautiful body (pg. 113). Princesse lives in a city where corrupted activities like cock fighting have become the norm. It is even implied that Princesse aspires to become an artist but is held back by her means of life. Furthermore, she takes a leap of faith and poses nude for these paintings as the idea of her kids one day having the leisure to see her in these paintings makes it easier to embrace the merciless realm she inhabits. In addition, in the story Missing Peace, the main character Lamort is asked if her mother was pretty by Emilie, a boarder in Emilie s grandma s house, to which Lamort replies, I don t know. She never took portraits like the ones you have of yours (pg. 103). Knowing that Danticat gives several clues throughout her book that all of the characters from all of the stories are connected in some way or manner, it can be implied that Emilie is a descendant of Princesse. Nevertheless, through this inference, it means that Princesse is able to find the fortitude to continue surviving and even have children. The paintings gave her the power to clasp her desire to keep on living. It is likely Princesse found hope in that her descendants would one day be able to peer into her world without fear of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Importance Of Food Waste Through the innovation of technology, mankind has been able to create great, and extraordinary feats of nature. Taking the smallest indesirable object, then constructing it into a skyscraper or the smallest most powerful computer. Also through the process of innovation we humans have almost completely mastered the art of mass manufacturing products making our daily needs and wants readily available to us. The food industry is a one of many examples of this mass manufacturing evolution, going from food being made over camp fires to being made in huge factory pumping out fathoming quantities of product. With this evolution comes the downfall of waste. Food waste is not always avoidable but in some cases the waste is necessary as some things are not safe for consumption after undergoing certain processes. But no matter the waste product some form of use should be found for the seemingly invaluable waste product or a way to reduce unnecessary food waste. Food waste is a huge problem most americans are completely oblivious too. According to a United states department of Agriculture report, 133 billion pounds of food went unused in 2010. While animal products like meat and dairy being towards the top of the list, added up to $105 billion of wasted food.( Waste Not, Want not 26) While worldwide about one third of all food produced is either lost or gone to waste which adds up to about 1.3 Billion tons of waste. To put into a better prospective 1.3 billion tons is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Pros And Cons Of Altruism Imagine yourself stumbling upon a horrendous scene. A young woman is seen sprawled on the ground, her face is bloodied and bruised, and her right leg is twisted at a grotesque angle, evidently broken. What would you do? Obviously, you help. But why would you help? Undoubtedly, you wanted to alleviate her distress. But why? Helping others in need and having the urge of wanting to help somebody who is in need is something that happens at least once in everybody s life. It is a common thing that even animals help one another mutually, though they expect to gain something in return. But in some circumstances, helping somebody is not connected to receiving immediate benefits or these are considered non existent. This prosocial behaviour has caught ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Numeral studies have shown how individuals would help a family member, relative, or someone they can mirror themselves with, rather than somebody that they have no relation to or does not have a connection with. (Rushton, 1991) It is fathomable how helping a family, relative or somebody we are more attached to is a normal reaction. But it is incomprehensible to explain when humans show compassion towards complete strangers. This altruistic behaviour seemingly suggests that true altruism could undeniably exist. Empathy Altruism Model argues that altruism does exist and explains why people help others even though they are not related. The Empathy Altruism Model, is established on the idea that emotional response of empathy is produced when an individual is seen to be in need. It could be argued that the individual feels empathy for the other person who is in need, and being able to feel and take into consideration of another s feelings, directs the helping behaviour at relieving the person who is in need and therefore altruism is produced by altruistic reasons . (Cialdini, Brown, Lewis, Luce, Neuberg, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Tamalpais State Park Research Paper Looming over Marin County and San Francisco, iconic Mount Tamalpais rises over 2500 feet almost directly above the bay. Most of this mountain is a state park, and there are many miles of hiking and biking trails. Remember that mountain biking got its start here, and most of the old fire roads are open to both hikers and bikers. The good news is that, unlike many other biking areas, these bikers seem to be considerate of hikers. That was important on the summer day I picked to hike the summit. There are a number of trails around the top of Mount Tamalpais State Park, and I was looking for something that would cover some ground, offer some stunning views and get me to the top. One that offered what I wanted started out at a trailhead parking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After just a few yards on the road, it split off again, the left for cars, the right for bikes and hikers. In less than ten minutes I was standing at the parking lot, looking up at the Gardner Fire Lookout at the summit. The .7 mile Verna Dunshee Trail, which I did not take, circles the base of the summit, and there is a visitor center which is only open on weekends. There is also a restroom and a beverage vending machine that would not take my money. Too bad, as the water I brought was now warm. Another trail went up to the summit. It was paved with wood at the bottom, which became wooded steps a bit further up, rather like a wooden escalator. There was a handrail on this section. At the top of the steps, about a third of the way, the trail became narrow and rocky, requiring careful footing. It was there I caught my first views of the other side of the mountain, the West Peak and one of the park s several lakes which I believe was Lake Lagunitas far below me. This trail, only a third of a mile, would not be a difficult hike for someone who had not just hiked almost four miles in the midday sun, but I could feel the fatigue as I hopped from rock to rock. However the view at the top was well worth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Decision Maker At Loyalty New Zealand Case Study Analysis Decision maker at loyalty New Zealand is a real situation case study analysis for Fly buys. It describes the decision making by Chris Lamer for the continuous growth of Fly buys in New Zealand. It explained that Fly buys is the top fifth largest loyalty program all around the world. It was established by Bank of New Zealand, Food stuffs Ltd and Greenstone energy Ltd with some other companies to recognise and reward the new and existing consumers of New Zealand for their consuming. It is leading loyalty association in New Zealand and Australia where it peak its success. It further explains that Chris Lamer, a long prize winner in the various streams like Wellington Love Affairs joined the Fly buys in 2007 as a Head of customer engagement. Chris decided to relaunch the brand of Fly buys which resulted in best consumer services and marketing award for Fly buys in 2008. Chris was announced the marketer of the year. The case study provides a description about the spending habits of people in New Zealand by using Fly buys, benefits of using Fly buys and important decisions made by Chris Lamer and his team for the continuous growth of Fly buys. It also presents three options for the continuous growth of Fly buys and explains which was selected by Chris Lamer s team and what the reasons for selecting that one are. Chris decided to focus on stretching the brand of Fly buys by creating new products and adding more partners which leads to less attention ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Examples Of Identity In Brave New World Community, Identity, Stability is the motto of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World. the World State s motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY (Huxley, 5). Basically, these words describe the society of the new world and are the basics in building a perfect world as well as the main goals of Utopia. Community is the relationship between the classes in the society of the World State that live together. Even during death, a body is not left alone. Identity refers to the five castes within the society: Epsilons, Alphas, Gammas, Betas, and Deltas. Identity differs among each caste based on their roles within the society. Stability is the peaceful environment that is created for the people of the Brave New World. In Brave New World, Community, Identity, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The connection among the societies gets stronger when people have sex with a person of their choice. Community is achieved by systemizing life so that one is almost never alone. The people of the Brave New World are controlled by a Controller known as Mustapha Mond in order to achieve Community. Community is in part a result of identity and stability (Pearce, 1998). Every child lives together without any parents and is conditioned to feel and think the same way as others and to fear and have the same likes and dislikes, as well as the similar beliefs as the other residents of the New World. Community is also achieved through a religion that satirizes Christianity. In relation to this religion, the elder residents of the New World are urged to participate in the Solidarity Service which includes community sing that one has to attend about once a week which makes everyone feel connected. Solitude and loneliness does not exist in Brave New World because everyone often entertains each other. Every caste benefits each other, fulfilling the idea of Community. Every one works for every one else. We can t do without any one. Even Epsilons are useful. We couldn t do without Epsilons (Huxley, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. A Thousand Peaks Vs. The Maids Of Honor At first glance, the 17th century paintings of the Baroque period, India, and China may not have much in common, but upon closer inspection there are relationships and divergences to consider beyond the surface. These details can be seen between Bichitr s Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaykh to Kings, Wang Hui s A Thousand Peaks and Myriad Ravines, and Diego Velázquez s Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor). While each carries the style of its own location of origin, they all showcase influence and subject matter similarities and differences worth making note of, most specifically the presence of duality in focus within the paintings. The first painting is 17th century art from India, Bichitr s piece depicts Jahangiri being seated among an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Sullivan). The third of the paintings stemming from the Baroque period done by Velázquez is one of his many works for the court, setting the tone in the particular area, while not extending much further (49, Bazin). The court employing Velázquez was that of King Philip IV, with the focus of this painting being the king s daughter. This particular piece has not only the artist himself depicted, the children of the court scattered about, but also a mirror in the back showing the King and Queen standing as the painter is depicted to be painting their portrait. Each point of attention draws way from the former, then pushing to the next in a cycle of focus. Once Velázquez started using almost strictly the style of portraits, he mastered the art using the available means to the fullest. The painting at hand in particular uses his mastery of portraiture to the fullest in varying who is being painted and their positions on the canvas (59 60, Bazin). Each painting draws influence from their individual location of origin, mostly in subject, to appeal to the patrons of the time. While each piece was created within the 17th century, there are obvious differences from place to place in how they were meant to be created. This is evident in the materials used for the paintings, Velázquez s piece being oil on canvas, Hui s being a hanging scroll consisting of ink on paper, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Iliotibial Band Syndrome Research Paper Iliotibial Band Syndrome Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a condition that often causes knee pain. It can also cause pain in the outside of your hip, thigh, and knee. The iliotibial band is a strip of tissue that runs from the outside of your hip and down your thigh to the outside of your knee. Repeatedly bending and straightening your knee can irritate the iliotibial band. CAUSES This condition is caused by inflammation and irritation from the friction of the iliotibial band moving over the thigh bone (femur) when you repeatedly bend and straighten your knee. RISK FACTORS This condition is more likely to develop in people who: Frequently change elevation during their workouts. Run very long distances. Recently increased ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A snapping sensation over your knee. Swelling on the outside of your knee. Pain or a feeling of tightness in your hip. DIAGNOSIS This condition is diagnosed based on your symptoms, medical history, and physical exam. You may also see a health care provider who specializes in reducing pain and increasing mobility (physical therapist). A physical therapist may do an exam to check your balance, movement, and way of walking or running (gait) to see whether the way you move could contribute to your injury. You may also have tests to measure your strength, flexibility, and range of motion. TREATMENT Treatment for this condition includes: Resting and limiting exercise. Returning to activities gradually. Doing range of motion and strengthening exercises (physical therapy) as told by your health care provider. Varying your workout to include low impact activities, such as swimming and cycling. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS If directed, apply ice to the injured area. Put ice in a plastic
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  • 22. Analysis Of Jane Austen s Persuasion Perfection in Austen s Persuasion Jane Austen is know for writing sympathetic but realistically flawed female characters. Elizabeth Bennet is witty but prideful, Emma Woodhouse is well meaning but frightfully un observant, and overcoming these flaws is what drives these characters arcs throughout their respective books. Yet in Austen s novel, Persuasion, at first, Anne Elliot seems as if she is the perfect woman. She is a woman of birth, beauty, and mind, (Austen 20), she manages to be liked by nearly everyone she meets, and she was the only one to keep a calm head when Louisa fell in Lyme (79). However ideal she may seem though, she is not flawless. Anne Elliot s greatest fault is that she suffers from a lack of courage and nerve, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Yet besides a simple suggestion that it is the woman s job to look after the children, Anne doesn t tell Mary that her behavior is egotistical, and actually uses Mary s outburst to avoid seeing Captain Wentworth by suggesting that she herself will look after the child (41). Anne does not challenge Mary s poor behavior even when it is blatantly selfish and even compromises with her in order to further avoid a different type of confrontation. This is not the only time that one of Anne s family members acts disagreeable in such an obvious fashion. Her father s character is so shallow that he only cares about looks and rank (4), rarely acts in a way that is not displeasing or ridiculous to the reader, and has overspent all of his money and is now in debt (8). Austen even states that Sir. Walter has no affection for Anne, (175) his own daughter. He goes so far as to make fun of the appearance of a man who served in the navy (15). We as the reader can see that Sir. Walter has no redeemable qualities, and yet Anne does not stand up to him when he disproves of her engagement with Wentworth when she is younger (20). Austen does say that, it might have been possible to withstand her [Anne s] father s ill will, (21) and it is ultimately Lady Russel that convinces Anne to sever the relationship, but young Anne never tries to defend herself against Sir ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven, By Sherman... Born and raised on an Indian reservation in Washington state, Sherman Alexie is a writer best known for his fictional stories; The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Although from a poor family, Alexie always had access to books and learned to read from a young age. Alexie expresses his struggle with education while growing up and becoming a writer in a community where most kids have trouble even reading. Alexie shows his audience, the educators of marginalized and deprived students, that if students are given the chance; most students will breakdown the barriers that stand in their way of success. Alexie shows his audience through his specific word choice, personal determination, and by his return to his reservation). In the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In paragraph five and six, Alexie explores his school experience on the Indian reservation. He explains how he read Grapes of Wrath in kindergarten when others were struggling with simple kids books. Alexie also explained how kids would want [him] to stay quiet when the non Indian teacher asked for answers . He even says that a smart Indian is a dangerous person, widely feared . Alexie uses these two paragraphs to show how school was on the Indian reservation and that he broke down the doors in his way. In the seventh paragraph Alexie goes into detail about his experience reading. Alexie Read books late into the night... read books in the car... [and] in shopping malls . Alexie uses the verb read a total of fourteen times in this paragraph alone. Alexie intentionally uses this word repeatedly to emphasize the struggle and desperation that he had. Alexie ends the paragraph with, I was trying to save my life . He used the word read repeatedly to emphasize the fact that he was trying to save his life. He didn t want to be like the other Indian kids on the reservation; Alexie wanted to break down the door in his way and make a life for himself. A life beyond the hardships of the reservation, a life better than his parents, a life that can inspire other unfortunate children. In the final paragraph, Alexie revisits his former school. Now a successful writer, he comes back and assists the kids that are in the same place he was in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Public Health and Nineteenth-Century Literature Essay Public Health and Nineteenth Century Literature To envy nought beneath the ample sky; to mourn no evil deed, no hour misspent and, like a living violet, silently return in sweets to heaven what goodness lent, then bend beneath the chastening shower content. Elliot The concerns and problems of the people living in nineteenth century England differed dramatically from those that eventually challenged those living in the same place during the 20th century. During the nineteenth century the English were plagued with many epidemics, but lacked the knowledge and capability to successfully treat and eliminate these diseases. London, like other British cities, had appalling sanitary conditions. These conditions were responsible for a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Further, they questioned whether a common strand was responsible for the fever which accompanied all of the diseases. In attempting to answer these questions the physicians of the period examined such factors as: (1) dependence upon certain atmospheric conditions; (2) obedience to similar laws of diffusion; (3) all infesting the same localities; (4) all attacking the same classes of people; and (5)all increased in severity in unsanitary conditions. (Pelling, 64). The General Board of Health of London produced a report on cholera in 1850. The primary purpose of the report was to indicate that the pattern of the epidemic had confirmed the predilations of the metropolitan sanitary commissioners. That is, that cholera could be prevented if closer attention was paid to sanitary conditions. Specifically, if problems such as overcrowded living conditions, filth, dampness, dirty water, drain pipes in poor condition, and improper storage and preparation of food were addressed. (Pelling, 78). In order to understand the epidemics which dominated the nineteenth century one must listen to the voices of the time. These voices speak of factory workers being forced to work incredibly long hours in filthy conditions for very little money, several families living together in one room apartments with no running water. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Male Dominance in a Midsummer s Night Dream To what extent is Shakespeare trying portray male dominance over the female characters, in A Midsummer s Night Dream. Almost in every play of Shakespeare we can see the dominance of males over women. In his plays women have no right to say what they think or what they want. They are always expected to be faithful to their fathers and husbands. They don t have any freedom about their lives. However we know that this attitude of men against women in Shakespeare s plays is a reflection of Renaissance society. We can see the most remarkable examples of male dominance in A Midsummer Night s Dream. The play opens with a tragic event. Hermia who is in love with Lysander is forced to marry with Demetrius because of her father s wish. According ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Women in this play see themselves as weak once they are married or once they have sworn their love to a man. Hippolyta, the warrior Queen, seems deflated with the fact that Theseus has captured her and wants to marry her. When Theseus proudly talks about how he had taken her by war, and how he couldn t wait to get married, her only reply is that the days will pass by quick, demonstrating a lack of enthusiasm. Throughout the play, she doesn t say much, and her opinion or preference is also not asked for, despite the fact that she, in her own right, is of extreme importance and influence. Helena is shown as a faithful lover, but her dedication is at times, irritating. Helena chases Demetrius relentlessly, despite his cruel treatment of her. She appears, not mad at Demetrius for leaving her; but rather she blames herself for not being attractive enough. When Lysander and Demetrius turn their affection towards Helena, she begins to think they are mocking her. This presents to the audience her lack of self esteem. And will you rent our ancient love asunder, to join with men in scorning your poor friend? It is not friendly, tis not maidenly: Our sex, as well as I, may chide you for it, though I alone do feel the injury Hermia and Helena are best friends and Helena explains their relationship as having two bodies but sharing one heart, Like to a double cherry, seeming parted, but yet an union in partition, two lovely berries moulded on one stem . But ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Marriage Proposal In Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen In Austen s novels, the successful proposals indicate that the man asking a genuine question. This is obvious in Darcy s second proposal to Elizabeth even though his speech does not contain a question mark, but it implicates a question. Darcy says, You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever (458). His speech indicates that he waits for Elizabeth s answer. Similarly, in Emma, Mr. Knightley, as Darcy, asks Emma a genuine question if she accepts his offer or not by saying, Tell me, then, have I no chance of ever succeeding?.... My dearest Emma,....tell me at once. Say No, if it is to be said (1034). These two previous examples show how Austen through asking a marriage proposal gives her female characters freedom of choice. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Women s secret engagements are another way that demonstrates why the male characters keep their engagements secret from society. For example, Edward in Sense and Sensibility is a wealthy man who keeps his engagement to Lucy Steele as a secret for four years because Lucy does not have a fortune, and he is afraid from his mom, Mrs. Ferrars, would not approve their marriage. As mentioned earlier, women with no fortune have no rights to get married to men from the upper class. For the same reason, in Emma, Mr. Frank Churchill engages secretly to Jane Fairfax because he depends on his aunt s money, Mrs. Churchill. His aunt may refuse to approve his engagement to Jane because Jane is a governess and belongs to a low social class, so it is difficult for Frank to reveal his engagement. He becomes able to disclose his engagement only after the death of his aunt because he is liberated from his aunt s financial dependence. Frank becomes financially independent and able to marry ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Whale By John Phillips John Phillips Plot Ishmael meets Queequeg and they get hired together and board the whaling ship Pequod, whose captain searches for the whale that bit his leg off. Ahab offers a gold doubloon as a reward to motivate his crew to search for the whale with as much passion as he does. During the hunt, they try to kill any other whales they see, Ishmael gives a run down on whaling, the crew come across bad omens, and they meet ships devastated by Moby Dick in their search for the whale. After a three day chase of the whale, Moby Dick destroys the Pequod and kills every crew member, except for Ishmael, who survives by clinging to Queequeeq s coffin, and is then rescued by a ship that lost some of its crew to Moby Dick. Characters Ishmael A cautious sailor aboard the Pequod, that worries too much about his own safety and tends to make things seem worse than they actually are. He is not afraid to speak his mind and he will rebuke anyone that tries to get a laugh out of messing with him. When it comes to spending what little money he has, he is frugal, but will accept whatever he can get. Ahab Captain aboard the Pequod, who is consumed by his hate for Moby Dick, has an ivory leg. He is intimidating, a natural leader, and on a neverending quest for vengeance against the whale that bit his leg off. As the story progresses, he dives deeper and deeper into the insanity of his obsession over Moby Dick. Moby Dick An albino whale simply defending himself against the whalers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Love Machine Research Paper Meta: Are you ready to feel the love? If so, SkillOnNet certainly has a treat in store, as Love Machine serves up plenty or romance fuelled online slots fun! //header// Love Machine (SkillOnNet) //copy// It s quite likely that mentioning Love Machine would cause most of our readers to remember that popular 70s song from The Miracles. Well this slot machine from SkillOnNet might not have much to do with that song, but it s still got a similar theme of passionate love. To be frank from the start, Love Machine isn t a slot machine that is going to get you all hot and bothered at the prospect of winning big payouts, nor does it offer plenty of special symbols, bonus round, and gamble options. Its actually rather basic and toned down, almost like an unplugged slot that offers easy play and even easier enjoyment. Say it with a Diamond The symbols featured in Love Machine are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many newcomer players, in particular those with no prior knowledge of betting real cash with online gambling and gambling portals, want to play at slots that are easy to use. They want to know they can play a game, even if it means playing for smaller amounts of money. SkillOnNet have jumped on the idea, as many slots in their catalogue are super simple and make betting a breeze. Love Machine is no exception. The slot is hardly a mystery, as there s just 3 reels and 3 paylines. To make the most out of the money you put into Love Machine, you ll want to land some good combinations. Many online slots offer combinations made of three or more symbols, but Love Machine brings the minimum down to 2 for some symbols; giving you even more chance of landing a winning combination. There s a lot of love in the air. If you aren t feeling it, then spin the reels and keep your fingers crossed, with a 600 coin base game jackpot riding on the line. Feeling a Touch of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Book Of Jonah The book of Jonah is one that is very interesting because it is such a common story that is told children, however, about half of the book is left out. Educators typically don t include chapters three and four within their storytelling, so I was curious to learn about the rest of Jonah and what it would entail for the relationship between Jonah and God. Within chapters three and four, Jonah is called to go the city of Nineveh and give them a message that their city will be destroyed in forty days if they did not repent for their sins. The people then decide that they want to turn from their evil ways and repent for God. God than changes his mind and gives the people a second chance, however, Jonah is angry about this decision. He remains angry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The journal by Karolien Vermeulen presented an interpretation that the people actually saved the city themselves. In her debate, she explains that God had sent out a warning to the people and because of that, the Ninevites responded by turning themselves around and looking up towards God. While doing that, they actually eliminated the need to destroy the city. Vermeulen says within the journal, The Ninevites brought themselves down; they were subjected to self destruction. Paradoxically, they saved the city with this action, at least in the story world created in the book of Jonah (Vermeulen 224). I found this interpretation very interesting because it runs parallel to my earlier question of the people s sorrow. I do think that the people fear of their own destruction contributes to that fact that they were so willing to give themselves over to God. I also wonder if God had instead told the people that they would gain eternal salvation and had not given them a warning if they still would have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Stand And Deliver Essay The 1988 drama movie Stand And Deliver directed by Ramon Menendez tells the true story of a group of six High School Seniors who are accused of cheating on their AP Calculus test. The Movie Stand and Deliver literally delivers a powerful message about overcoming challenges. This theme is developed through characters and plot with a Man vs. Society background about racism. The plot of this movie is about a HighSchool teacher Jaime Escalante being hassled by tough students like Angel. But Jamis is also pressured by his bosses, who want him to control his rambunctious classroom. Caught in the middle he chooses to take his students into a higher math and teach them AP Calculus and after countless hours of intensive studying, his students take the Calculus test and the turnout of if was all of the students aced the test but only to learn that the scores of each test are being questioned by the Educational Testing Service. They ll have to retake the exam so they can prove the Service wrong. Immediately after finding out they have to take the tests again they get right to studying but the test won t be like it was the first time it will be a completely different calculus test. They only have a couple of days to study then comes retake day, the students all are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Meaning more and having equal chances at happiness between the students and Mr. Escalante. Mr Escalante first starts off as being hated by many of his students because of two reasons first, the minority of the school, they go to a very poor school with hardly any money, and deal with racism and very low self esteem. Second he would actually give them homework and make them take quizzes but eventually taking all of those quizzes helped the students become smarter, and now that they are being taught calculus they can really look back and be glad that they took those quizzes and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Padre Pi Apolito Essay Crumbling Italian town plan s giant 150 million Padre Pio statue The town of Ogliastro, in Campania is seeking to put itself on the map by building an 85 meter meter statue at a cost of 150 million to honor Italian saint Padre Pio. Ogliastro Mayor, Michele Apolito thinks the project could put the town on the map and bring in money from religious tourism , but the town s plans have angered residents in the town of 2,200. Residents say they have not been consulted about the statue and see the project as waste of money: especially given the terrible state of the town s roads and water mains. A poll on the Facebook page of citizens group Comitato Cittadino Ogliastor Cilento e Frazioni revealed the majority of residents were against the erection ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is unsure how a town of Ogliastro s means, with just 2,200 inhabitants would afford such a project. Certainly, A portion of the money would need to come from the public purse, with EU money and regional funds being used to finance the megalith. The rest of the money would have to come from donations and private associations. Even the scale model of the project inside the mayor s office was built thanks to 8,000 donated by a local pastry chef. It is predicted that drawing up detailed construction plans would cost a whopping 15 million. The town has a track record in failing to get impressive building projects on the ground. In 1994, the council promised citizens an Olympic swimming pool, but after plans proved too costly the Olympic design was reduced to a pool of more modest size, with just three lanes. 22 years on from the original idea however, and the town is still without a swimming ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Essay on Dreams in the Ancient World According to dreams in the ancient world persons light is believed to be consists of knowledge. It is believed that there are three worlds for a person one is here in the world; the other is in the other world and, third one in intermediate state which is the state of sleep. The intermediate state helps the person helps the person to see both the states. On being born hat person assuming his body, becomAes united with all evils: when he departs and dies, he leaves all evil behind (p125). The intermediate state does not have any roads; no joy s no happiness s but himself. The dream magic of ancient Egyptians give great amount of importance to dreams. They believe that divine powers made known through dreams, and there is another world ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But for others the places is forbidden and deadly. Dream interpretations in ancient world comes from the East part of the world both as a practice and as a science. Dram interpretations are divided in to three parts. Dreams of super beings for the protections and guidance, critics against unbelievers, or others that against his law. All this drams are believed o be sent by a high power. Dream interpretation started from Egypt it spread all over the east to the time of Mohammed. It was believed that dreams are a portion of prophecy ( p132). Mohamed who was a Muslim leader communicated most of the religious things through his dream. This has contributed a great deal in taking for dream interpretation the earlier announcement of Muhammad s mission, and the revelation of the first portion of the Koran which was made known to him were in a dream while a similar mode of communication cheered the disheartened partisans of Islam in the expedition to Hudaibiyah , by the promise of their triumphal entry , in the following year to the holy temple of Mecca. (P132) according to this we can tell dream interpretation in earlier years is used as a source of religion so from this we can conclude that dreams were important part of the people. During the times Muhammad, as a tradition every prophet was asked about his/her dream in the morning. This was done to interpret or reject their communications, according to their soundness or unsoundness, and to relate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Is Gaming A Sport The Cambridge University defines a sport as a game, competition, or similar activity, done for enjoyment or as a job that takes physical effort and skill and is played or done by following particular rules. By this definition, would you consider professional gaming a sport? Do all sports have to have physical movement? People often judge professional gaming because it seems like it takes no physical effort other than hand eye coordination. However, they don t realize the stress and mental state, like that of an athlete, that is needed to perform at a high level. There are actually more similarities than you might think. If Chess is considered a sport based on the facts that it requires strategy and competition, aren t video games based on the same principles? Like Chess, you have to practice and you have to anticipate moves of your opponent. However, unlike other sports, gaming is not focused on just one activity but numerous types of games with different styles and methods to each game. There is more physical activity and training involved in gaming then in chess. Agility and hand eye coordination is very important to gamers and must be practiced like any other athlete that trains in his/her sport. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They also hold championships for money and titles, just as any other sport . Esports have professional leagues, compete for millions in prizes and make 6 figure incomes for just vanquishing enemies. It s not just Mario saving the Princess anymore. Games today require extreme mental acuity, communicating with teams, strategizing, and reacting quickly to opponents ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Good Morning Ladies And Gentlemen Of The Jury Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I am Alan Zhao, attorney for the defendant. Folks, you ve all heard the expression: There are two sides to every story. And that s true. The plaintiff just told you one side, the side they want you to hear. But you need to hear both sides before you can know what really happened that evening. Here s what you will find out when we get our chance to present evidence. Once you hear all the evidence, including our cross examinations, if it convinces you of anything, it will convince you that the wrong person was liable and that a grave injustice has happened. The prosecution wants you to believe that the waiter negligently served an intoxicated customer who assaulted the plaintiff. That may sound good, but there s a problem: that s not how it happened. Members of the jury, go back to March 29, 2014, at 10:30 pm. We re at the Mr. Gatsby, a evening restaurant and sports bar. Inside there are 350 people watching and cheering for the University of Nita basketball team compete against Nita State University. Suddenly, glass dishes shatter all over the place, tables are turned over, the spotlight is focused on two young men embroiled in a fury fist fight hailing out their war cries. That man, the defendant. That young man [指着 witness] sitting right there on the witness bench is responsible for starting the conflict. Folks, this case is about scapegoating. The plaintiff made a bet with Butch Turner that University of Nita would win the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Art Of War Movie Vs Book If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles , stated Sun Tzu in his book The Art Of War. This quote ties greatly to the mindset of Ender Wiggin. Ender is confronted with an opponent who he cannot beat. All his life he has been the underdog, but smarter than all those around him and battle school gave him a chance to prove his worth. The intensity of Ender s Family life and his journey to defeat the buggers, is much more coherent in the movie than the book. The Movie and the book both had decisive themes that made this story as incredible as it is. These themes are a major part, and would drastically change the story if it was removed. Ender being a third gave him character and showed the readers he is different from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One big difference would be the fact the movie leaves so much out. The book had a lot of unnecessary information that made the story tedious. The movie shortened things and made it get right to the point. Another difference would be the training process, in the movie the training was not long at all. We got an idea of how essential it was, then it went straight to the real battle. The last disparity and probably the most odd, was Peter not being in the movie much. In the book Peter had a very big role, and played a huge part in Ender s life. However, in the movie he showed up once and wasn t mentioned much after that. These discrepancies were what made these two places there own. The way the movie put the key ideas of the story together, made it much more understandable than the book. The Movie gave great visuals and puts you into the life of Ender by having him tell his own story. The book made Ender seem unreal and he was very hard to relate to. People that like for things to get straight to the point and easily understood would appreciate the movie more than the book. The book deserves to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Jacket Style Of Alia Bhatt Alia Bhatt is no newbie to stardom. Born to filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and Actress Soni Razdan, Alia kickstarted her acting career at the tender age of 6 when she debuted in the 1999 thriller Sangharsh. With her Bollywood fame, she has become a fashion icon for many ladies who want a youthful and fresh look while also keeping things classy. Because of her status as a fashion idol, Alia has launched her own clothing line for women in association with Jabong.com. The items in her collection are said to emulate her own style, which is quite simple. So for all you ladies looking to dress like Alia, you know where to look! For those of you who would prefer to look elsewhere to try and channel your inner Alia Bhatt, we ll show you below how you can do just that with just a few basic pieces. Alia s Jacket Style Alia may say that her style is simple, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Formal Femme Fatale We mentioned earlier that Alia loves red. But this isn t just limited to her casual outfits. She also dons the occasional red dress for the red carpet too! In this shot, she tries on a fiery red dress with a very flowy skirt. It s one sure way to exude femininity while looking absolutely fierce! How to Get the Look Red is an extremely popular color in India, especially for celebrating events. In fact, many formal gowns, lehengas, and sarees are in various shades and patterns of red. It wasn t tough to find the perfect red dress that has a similar feel to the one Alia is wearing above, so here are some great red dresses you can choose from. Here s one with floral patterns sewn into the bodice, which gives a very girly feel to this dress. And like Alia s dress, it has a very flowy skirt. On the other hand, if you re going for the whole femme fatale look, this dark red dress might be the one for you. It has slim straps with an off shoulder design and the same flowy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Society In Plato s Five Cyclic Stages Of Government Everything can be defined by placement in a category. In his Republic, Plato defines the changes that a society undergoes by categorizing the changes into five cyclic stages of government. The first stage of government, aristocracy, has the aristocrat do their art for the sake of their art. The second stage is timocracy, wherein the timocrat works for the sake of honor. In the third stage, oligarchy, the oligarch works under the sway of greed. Democracy, is the fourth stage, where the democrat is slave to the destructive thirst for freedom. The final, and according to Plato, the worst stage, is tyranny, wherein the tyrant strives for power. Within the public school system, the lives of high school students mirror the lives of people within a functioning society. In Hercules High School, the students lives, and therefore, their classes are also defined by the different governments. These classes include the aristocratic Medical Careers, the timocratic AP US History, and the tyrannical Dance Production. The aristocratic Medical Careers, taught by Mr. Crosby, is a class full of students aspiring to be in the medical field. Plato defines aristocracy as the government of the best, where the several classes [of people] will receive the proportion of happiness which nature assigns to them. In an aristocracy, the different social classes are proficient in their own special art, and continually strive to better their art. Just as each social class receives this proportion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Importance Of Women s Rights Human rights which include the right to life and liberty as well as freedom that belong to all human beings inherently despite of their statuses without discrimination (United Nations, 1948). Among issues of human rights, women s rights could be one of the most serious ones. In the 1990s, women s rights were not generally accepted as human rights and suffered various violations (Bunch, 1990). Despite women s rights have been improved so far in most regions that female have almost equal employment opportunities and enhanced status in society, the issues of female rights need to be considered because they still have inferior positions compared with men in workplace and society due to a lot of factors. The most vital reason for improving women s rights is the perpetuate violations of women s rights in some regions. Certainly, women s positions in society have been enhanced a lot since the public has attached importance to female and their rights. According to Wadesango, Rembe and Chabaya (2011), members of Southern African Development Community (SADC) have taken measures to prohibit traditional practices which are harmful to women. However, lack of capacity, resources and commitment among the implementers make these legislations be pale in protecting female (Wadesango et al, 2011, p.121). Therefore, detrimental cultural practices include female genital mutilation, marriage by abduction, child marriages and virginity testing still bring women physical and mental injuries in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Raynaud s Phenomenon Raynaud s Phenomenon In 1862, French Physician A. G. Maurice Raynaud discovered a condition that caused an intermittent lack of blood flow to the extremities. Dr. Raynaud highlighted the symptoms and probable causes of the condition in a doctorate thesis; and later published a book entitled, De l asphyxie locale de la gangrène symétrique des extrèmitiès (translated by systranet to be: Local asphyxiation and caused to become gangrenous symmetrical one of the ends), to further explain his observations while caring for people with the condition. Since that time, the condition has taken on many different names, including: Raynaud s Disease, Raynaud s Phenomenon, Raynaud s syndrome (Raynaud s Association, 2016, para. 3), idiopathic Raynaud s and dead finger. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014) writes, Raynaud s is a rare disorder that affects the arteries, and is marked by brief ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Epidemiology Studies show that Raynaud s affects females (4.9% 20.1%) more often than males (3.8% 13.5%). Onset of Primary Raynaud s is usually during early adult years, and onset of Secondary Raynaud s is dependent on the underlying medical condition (Hansen Dispenza, Lisse, J. R., Oberto Medina, M. Narayanan, S. A., 2015, p. 6). The Raynaud s Association website informs only one out of ten suffers seek treatment (para. 3), which would lead one to believe that the prevalence is higher than noted. Contributing Factors While the cause of Raynaud s is unknown, factors such as: exposure to cold, underlying disease processes, chemical exposure, cigarette smoking, injury/trauma, repetitive hand actions, and medications can increase the risk of developing the condition (University of Rochester Medical Center, 2016, para. 4). Although Raynaud s has been diagnosed in more than one family member, a hereditary factor has not been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Rikki Tiki Theme Analysis Rikki Tikki Tavi Theme is the thoughts, or an exhibition on a story or piece of writing. My central idea for the theme of Rikki Tikki Tavi by Rydyard Kipling is blind loyalty. I am positive that loyalty is one of the superlative themes of this story because throughout the story, both the protagonist and antagonist show loyalty. Rikki Tikki, the protagonist, shows his loyalty to the human family, his own family, and Darzee by protecting them from the immoral Naginia. Another correct theme could be bravery. The story emphasized the courage of Rikki and contrasted that with the cowardly behavior of Chuchundra the muskrat. Rikki reveals his loyalty to Darzee after he acknowledges that Nag had eaten one of Darzee s children who had fallen ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Pros And Cons Of Currency War The phrase Currency War was used to describe the efforts of nations to devalue their own currencies, in order to increase their competitiveness of export in the international market. In the context of the reading, major players in the currency war from 2010 to 2013 included the U.S., European countries, China, Switzerland, and Japan, each using different ways in devaluing the domestic currency: the US printed a lot of money via quantitative easing (QE) ; China controlled capital inflows through accumulating foreign currency reserve and undervaluing renminbi; Switzerland prohibited the franc to appreciate further against the euro; and Japan announced the unlimited purchasing of government bonds which increases money supply to counter economic downturn. Opponents contended that policy decisions such as QE are beggar they neighbor actions while they eased domestic economic downturn in the developed countries alone, the price of such behavior was to be shifted to the international market and particularly, the emerging markets. Firstly, currency wars might lead to increased forms of protectionism by countries with overvalued currencies to revive their economies, including tariffs and import quotas, both as a retaliatory political action and as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Later in the same year, the G20 also agreed that developing countries should have even greater freedom to use capital controls than the IMF guidelines allow. Foreseeably, as long as a floated exchange rate is commonly adopted in the international society, while emerging markets uses capital control to respond to volatile capital inflow, the discussion on currency wars and capital controls would continue in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Impact Of Immigrants On America The word immigrant is defined as a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. However, immigrants that have come to America are doing more than simply living. Immigrants are thriving, innovating, and improving America. From useful inventions to groundbreaking shows the country of America has immigrants to thank for many of its achievement. Without Immigrants, America would not be the same country it is today. Immigrants are one piece in the huge puzzle that makes up America, and without this piece America would not be complete. Immigrants have positively impacted American Society through their work in the fields of entertainment, politics, and technology. Lee Strasberg, an immigrant from the country of Ukraine, has immensely contributed to the entertainment industry as an actor, director, and teacher. Lee Strasberg began his professional career as an actor and stage manager in the 1920s with the Theater Guild. Later, he took steps forward for the field of entertainment by founding the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Immigrants in the entertainment field have produced and directed groundbreaking shows and movies. In the area of politics, immigrants have taken steps forward for women, and have aided in resolving major worldwide conflicts. Technology in America has improved greatly due to the hard work of immigrants. From inventions to methods of simplifying the internet immigrant innovators have changed the face of technology in the United States. Without the positive contributions immigrants have made for America, the country would not be as advanced as it is today. Immigrants from all over the world have come to America and have positively positively contributed to the areas of entertainment, politics, and technology. As Oscar Handlin stated, Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that immigrants were American history, ( Immigrant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Patient-Physician Contract Marisela Perez Ms. Tan Due Thursday, November 28th, 2010 1. Explain patient physician contract A physician has the right, after forming a contract or agreeing to accept a patient under his or her care, to make reasonable limitation on the contractual relationship. The physician is under no legal obligation to treat patients who may wish to exceed those limitations. Under the patient physician contract, both parties have certain rights and responsibilities. 2. Patient right and responsibilities Patients have the right to choose a physician; although some managed care plans may limit choices. Patients also have the right to terminate a physician s services if they wish. 3. Patient responsibilities Patients are also part of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 11. When did HIPAA became a law? What are the goals of HIPAA? On August 21, 1996, the U.S. Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The primary goal of the act are to improve the portability and continuity of health care coverage in group and individual markets; to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health care insurance and health care delivery; to promote the use of medical savings account; to improve access to long term care services and coverage; and to simplify the administration of health insurance. 12. State three purpose of HIPAA Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery by creating a national framework for health privacy protection that builds on efforts by states, health systems, and individual organizations and individuals. Protect and enhance the rights of patients by providing them access to their health information and controlling the inappropriate use or disclosure of that information. Improve the quality of health care by restoring trust in the health care system among consumers, health care professionals, and the multitude of organizations and individuals committed to the delivery of care. 13. What is HIPAA privacy rule? The HIPAA Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information provide the comprehensive federal protection for the privacy of health information. The privacy rule is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Factors Of African American Migration Case Study I agree with the six factors that Anderson used to describe how the migration of African Americans differed from the migration of other ethnic groups that migrated to America over the course of the centuries. The six factors that Anderson use to support what made the migration of African Americans different from the migration of other races includes their involuntary movement to America, their economic exploitation, their denial of freedom, enslavement due to their racial identities, the countless rapes of women slaves, and their resilience. The first factor that stood out to me was that African Americans were the only people to be enslaved simply, because of their racial identity and the need to exploit them for economic purposes. The fact ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...