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Diwali Essay In Marathi
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Diwali Essay In Marathi Diwali Essay In Marathi


Questionnaire For Fruit Salad
Fruits salad is a plate of mixed greens is a dish comprising of different sorts of natural product,
now and again served in a fluid, either in their own particular juices or a syrup. At the point
when served as an appetizer or as a sweet, a natural product plate of mixed greens is some of the
time known as an organic product mixed drink or natural product glass. In diverse structures
natural product plate of mixed greens can be served as an appetizer, a side plate of mixed greens,
or a sweet. Reason why we are choosing fruits salad is government held campaign prevent obesity
and we answer the campaign by selling this nourishing food.
There are several benefit why we should eat fruits salad such as, fruits are contains fibre ... Show
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For our business sector, we utilize Island Thousand, Mayonnaise furthermore Mustard Sauce. From
the outcome, we found that numerous individuals like to utilize Island Thousand for their fruit salad.
Question 7
In my research, majority our respondent said no improvement and they like menu that we serve.
Two of them need an improvement in the menu which is wanted to add on nuts in their topping of
the salads. The rest of the respondent need and improvement in fruit salads such as adding sour
fruit that can give different taste of fruit salads.
Question 8 From the result that we collect, people choose the lowest price which is RM2.50
(55%) for each jar that we will sell.
Question 9 The people choose we write the ingredient that we use to make fruit salad so that they
can know how calories they eat each day.
Question 10 We will use Tupperware because it is cheaper and people can buy our product with
the lowest price which is RM2.50 each fruit salads.
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The Old Man And The Sea
Gustav Freytag, a famous German novelist and playwright, developed a well known structure
himself called Freytag s Pyramid or dramatic structure. Freytag s Pyramid is divided into five stages
the exposition, the rising action, climax, falling action, and the denouement. Each one of the stages
describe the different parts of novels and short stories. Ernest Hemingwayauthor of Hills Like
White Elephants and other works, such as, A Farewell to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea has
made many accomplishments throughout his writing career. His novel The Old Man and the Sea
won the Pulitzer Prizefor Fictionin 1953. Hemingway also received the Nobel Prize for literature
in 1954. Hemingway s works are great examples of stories that displays the five stages of fiction.
Hills Like White Elephants was published in 1927 in Hemingway s second collection of short
stories. Hills Like White Elephants is the story of two characters, the American and Jig, and
their conversation at a train station in a valley in Spain. The two lovers talk vaguely about an
operation and both have opposing views on it; Jig ends the conflict by giving in to the American
s request. Freytag s pyramid in Hills Like White Elephants combine to make an interesting tip of
the iceberg story. The exposition in of Hills like White Elephants describes a valley that runs along
the Ebro River in northern Spain. Two characters are revealed The American and the woman (Jig)
who is with him are sitting on a
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Nicholas II Research Paper
Nicholas II was born on May 6th, 1868 in Pushkin, Russia. He was born Nikolai Aleksandrovich
Romanov. He was the first born of Alexander Alexandrovich and Maria Feodorovna. Maria gave
Nicholas a nurturing family environment to grow up in. While Alexander had a strong influence
on Nicholas. That is where Nicholas got her conservative, religious values and his strong belief in
an autocratic government. He received his education from private tutors which included high
ranking government officials. He excelled in history, foreign languages, but he struggled with
economics and subtleties of politics. Alexander also failed to give Nicholas training in state affairs.
In 1881 Nicholas became the heir apparent to Russiaafter his grandfather was... Show more content
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A daughter Olga, born in 1895. Tatiana another daughter born in 1897. Maria their third daughter
born in 1899, and their final daughter Anastasia born in 1901.They finally had a son in 19014 who
they named Alexei. But their joy over his birth soon turned in to worry because Alexei had
Their worry over Alexei and search for a treatment that worked introduced them to Gregory
Rasputin. Rasputin would cause the Russia people to doubt the Tsar and one of the reasons why the
royal family met their end.
The worst thing that happened during Nicholas rule that led to the end of the monarchy was
Bloody Sunday on January 5th, 1905. Bloody Sunday was when peaceful protestors made up of
workers in St. Petersburg protested about the working conditions and for the establishment of a
popular assembly. Those protestors we fired upon and many were killed.
Nicholas was the forced to create an elected legislature. It was called DUMA. Nicholas still
resisted government reform. He felt that he was ordained by god and he was born to rule.
When World War One came around Nicholas took control of the army. Because of this he spent a
lot of time away from his family and duties in St. Petersburg. While Nicholas was gone, Alexandra
fell under the spell of Rasputin, she depended on
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Happiness By George Savige Meaning
Cause happiness is made for YOU, just take a bite and see. This relates so well to baking. Some
people may not be able to connect happiness and baking. That just means they ve have never felt
the flour, sniffed the vanilla; taken the deactivate time that is baking, and just feel it. The poem
Happiness by George Savige relates so well to bakingand how I feel when I do it.
Just do your best and smile a lot. You ll keep an even keel. This metaphor is so true in baking
you can t give up, something s you have to start over, sometimes things are taking longer than
you would like. You can t give up, you just have to put your best foot forward, and keep a simile
through it. When I read this I feel like taking down my mixer and making a lemon
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The Pueblo Revolt Of 1680
From an evangelical standpoint, the 20,000 Native American Christian converts by 1675 and the
establishment of 36 churches in a new land is progress for the church. However, from a native
perspective, conversion may be seen as a submissive last resort and sad desertion of traditional,
shamanistic beliefs. Priests often destroyed idolatrous statues/buildings that can be viewed as
testaments to years of cultural development of a belief system. (Also, in addition to conversion,
they had to become Spaniard by culture (dress, language, etc.) and therefore give up their native
identity. The Pueblo revolt of 1680 caused major setbacks for the Spanish empire in Mexico,
counteracting years of progress and wasted money and resources. However,
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Walter Rodney Ctiticism
Rodney is a neo Marxist and non imperialist writer, meaning he views oppression of Africans
rooted in the hands of the colonial capitalist activities in Africa and the suffering of Africans
premised in the imperialistic activities of Europeans in Africa. His critical work helps in the debate
on the definition of African literature, for he brings out the historical connection that makes it
possible to analyse African literature dealing with the pre colonial and post colonial phases of
African history. He reveals political, economic and social circumstances that informed the
sensibility of most African writers.
Rodney is a writer who is guided by the ideology from the dependency/ underdevelopment theory.
The dependency theory believes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rodney observes that already Africa had developed to a stage whereby mining was conducted. Her
tools had developed from stone to iron tools without European intervention. Africa s technology was
coming up because already there were works of the blacksmith that were discovered dating before
the Africans came into contact with Europeans. He argues that Europeans hindered African
development with their exploitative activities. Colonialism induced the African worker to abandon
the process of extracting iron for his development for Europeans.
Africa s socio economic structure system was laid backwards by coming of Europeans. Men and
women s gender roles, hunting and gathering were destroyed. Traditionally men did heavy labour
of felling trees, clearing trees and building houses. When they were required to leave their farms
to seek employment, women remained behind burdened with every task necessary for survival of
themselves, even children and even men as food stuffs were concerned. This idea inspired the
colonial and feminist writers like Barbra Makhalisa in her novel uMendo.
Rodney finds in colonialism double oppression of women in the African society. Women were
oppressed by the African traditional customs and laws. Colonialism has intensified the oppression
of women, as men entered the money sector easily and greater numbers than women. Women s
work became greatly inferior to that of men within the new value system
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Matthew And Luke Comparison Essay
There is not a story more celebrated than Jesus birth on December 25th of each year. However,
only two gospels in the Bible depicts the miraculous birth of Jesus: Matthew and Luke. While few
details are similar in both gospels, the differences are apparent. The traditional Christmas story
taught seems to take pieces from both Matthew and Luke s versions of Jesusbirth and combines
them to make a comprehensive story. To compare, in both gospels, Jesus was born in Bethlehem
to a virgin named Mary who was engaged to a man named Joseph. However, this is where the
similarities end. Matthew s version is designed to fulfill the Jewish Prophecy of the Messiah
(Ehrman 81). An angel appears to Joseph and tells him not to fear Mary s pregnancy. She will
give birth to a son, and he is to be named Jesus. According to Matthew, Jesus was born in a house
in Bethlehem where Mary and Joseph must have lived. It was in this house where the wise men
had followed the star to and visited baby Jesus. Luke s version tells a different narrative. The
angel appeared to Mary in Luke s tale instead of Joseph. Mary and Joseph had to travel from
Nazareth to Bethlehem to participate in the first worldwide census... Show more content on
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While Matthew and Luke wanted to show their audience proof that Jesus was the Messiah, Mark
wanted to keep Jesus Messianic Secret. John portrayed Jesus as the divine savior and the Son of
God. John did not want his community to view Jesus as a lowly human. God sacrificed His son
s life to save us all. Paul s mission was to convert people from all over the world to Christianity.
He had only begun to do so after Jesus visited him after death. Paul did not believe it was adherent
the Christian converts needed to first convert to Judaism to reap the benefits of believing in Jesus.
Therefore, explaining Jewish Messianic Prophecy was not important to
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A Report On A Flat Tire Essay
A flat tire is really inconvenient. Those who have used a car or even a vehicle may have at one
time or another experienced this ordeal. Sometimes when somebody is headed to a very important
occasion and is very descent he or she may experience a flat tire while on his or her way to the
occasion. Motorists in the last century used to change tiresby the road side more often unlike now.
There are a few tips that one can use to mitigate this situation.
1. Be prepared
This planning is very fundamental as it saves you time and even money. It adds up to the
convenience since garages sometimes are way too far from the location of the motorists. It is
advisable to have some mechanic gloves, a good waterproof flashlight, hand cleaner and paper
towels. Tyvek overalls saves you the cost of cleaning your clothes often when such a thing happens.
In addition do not forget wheels chocks, tire sealant, tire gauge and flares should be in the
Rubbermaid bin.Sometimes you can even fit in a collapsible snow shovel since flat tires happen
throughout the year.
2. Location
It is advisable to choose your tire changing place very carefully. You should drive slowly to the
next exit ramp so that you can stay away from main flow of traffic as you change your tire.
Sometimes the line separating the traffic from you is not an invisible force field. Sometimes the
car is left leaning leaving insufficient room. In this case you will need a level solid surface in order
to jack up a car safely.
3. Be aware
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Mr. Douglass In The World s Colombian Exposition
As consul general to Haiti in 1889 through 1891, Mr. Douglass was the official representative that
assisted and protected the citizens of America with the friendship and commerce between the two
different countries. At the same time he facilitated friendly relationships and information with
Santos Domingo (known as the Dominican Republic). In this position he was able to help
develop foreign policy with each country. The essay entitled Why the Colored American Is Not
in the World s Colombian Exposition. co authored by Frederick Douglass in 1892 was in state the
fact that Blacks were prevented from participating in the Colombian Exposition of 1893. The
World s Fair held in Chicago Illinois would draw visitors from around the world, to advertise
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Federal Reserve System Essay
money and banking| Federal Reserve System| FIN 402 Module 2 Case| | Derrick Smith| 7/23/2013|
Ben Bernanke was a key player in U.S. economic policy well before the Great Recession, and
during that time seems to have achieved almost mythical status. The prolonged economic crisis has
kept him front and center in the news, with regular appearances on Capitol Hill and increasingly
heated rhetoric from detractors. As Federal Reserve chairman, Bernanke maintains as he attempts
to steer the nation onto a steadier economic course. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is, by
all accounts, a man of formidable intelligence. He scored 1590 on his SATs, taught himself calculus
in high school, and graduated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the Great Depression, it should be remembered, the unemployment rate in the US peaked at
around 22%, and it averaged a staggering 16% in the 1930s. In the lesser depression that the US
economy is emerging from now, thanks to the radical and fearless monetary policy settings
delivered by Bernanke, the unemployment rate peaked at 10% and since the market and economy
crash started in 2008, the unemployment rate had averaged around 8%. On these facts alone,
Bernanke should deserve unquestioned praise.
Bernanke s comment that the Fed would maintain highly accommodative monetary policy for
the foreseeable future sparked the mood swing on Wall Street. As noted on above, this is
appropriate, but what the market may be missing is what highly accommodative policy actually
means, at least to the Federal Reserve. It is not unreasonable to think that holding interest rates
near zero for the next couple of years is accommodative . It most certainly is. Maintaining bond
purchases is also obviously accommodative policy, but there could be a subtlety in Bernanke s
likely approach. If in coming months interest rates are held at zero (which is as certain as anyone
can be on any policy setting), yet the Fed starts to scale back its $85 billion bond purchases a
month to $75 billion, then $50 billion and so on, there is still no question that policy is still
accommodative, but a little less than it was before.
This may be well understood in the bond market, where
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Physioex 8.0 Respiratory Lab Essay
Respiratory System Mechanics Simulation Lab
Activity 1:
MRV __7500__ ml/min =500 tv x 15bmp
Does expiratory reserve volume include tidal volume? Explain. Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
does not include tidal volume. Expiratory reserve volume is the amount of air that can be expelled
after a normal tidal exhalation. This means that tidal volume is not included in the ERV
Activity 2:
FEV1, as % of VC
Vital Capacity
What happened to FEV1 (%) as the radius of the airways was decreased? Explain.
FEV 1 (%) will decrease as the airway radius is decreased. FEV 1 (%) is ... Show more content on


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The total airflow was reduced by one half.
What do you think would happen if the two lungs were in a single large cavity instead of separate
Both lungs would collapse when the thoracic wall was punctured if the two lungs were in a single
cavity instead of individual cavities.
Did the deflated lung reinflate? Explain.
The lungs did not reinflate when the valve was closed. In addition to closing off the opening to the
atmosphere, the excess air in the intrapleural space must be removed to decrease intrapleural
pressure below atmospheric pressure before the lungs will reinflate.
Why did lung function in the deflated (left) lung return to normal after you clicked Reset?
After clicking Reset and running the experiment again, the function of the simulated lungs returned
to normal. This happened because the air was removed from the intrapleural space, allowing the
lungs to reinflate. Intrapleural pressure was decreased below atmospheric pressure by clicking
Activity 5:
What happens to PCO2 during hyperventilation? Explain.
PCO2 decreased during rapid breathing because more CO2 was removed from the blood than
normal. Each breath expels a certain amount of CO2. If the breathing rate increases, then more
CO2 is expelled.
What happens to PCO2 during the entire time of the rebreathing activity?
PCO2 increases during rebreathing because the CO2 gradient is being
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The Tragic Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet
The tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet are not the fault of just one person; it is the fault of many.
In fact, the blame could be placed on each character if anyone acted in a different way, there could
have been a different ending. Some had a greater impact on their deaths than others however,
namely the families and the feud, the Friar Lawrence, Mercutio, Balthasar and Romeo Juliet
themselves. Some may argue for other characters, but the actions of these five ultimately had a
more prominent effect on their suicide. One of the factors most to blame is the families feud and
the restrictions it placed upon the young lovers. The bitter feud made life very difficult for Romeo
and Juliet, leading them to make some poor decisions to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He questioned Romeo s sudden change of heart from Rosaline, but still went ahead with the
marriage. He should instead have told Romeo to be patient, to sort his feelings out and decide if
what he is feeling for Juliet was truly love or simply lust before moving forward any further.
Friar Lawrence also designed that disastrous plan which had many possibilities to fail. He could
not guarantee the delivery of the letter, or that the news of Juliet s death would reach Romeo.
Again, he saw a chance to unite the lovers and their families without proper consideration of what
he was doing. Had he not made such impetuous decisions, perhaps deaths could have been
avoided, including the death of Romeo s close friend Mercutio. Mercutio was a worthy friend of
Romeo s, but sadly he would contribute to his friend s death. Mercutio could be blamed for the
meeting of Romeo and Juliet; he was the one that persuaded Romeo to go to the costume party even
though he did not wish to. Mercutio should have listened to his friend s concerns and not pressured
him to attend. Another example is during the fighting scene, where Romeo
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Baseball Boy Monologue
Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Barry Bonds, Jackie Robinson, Derek Jeter, and Cy Young. All of these
men are amazing players. There the best of the best, and I m going to be just like them. Riker
Archie Smit, I can already see my name hanging with the rest of them. I ve been called
extraordinary, talented, amazing, and a star. My baseballfriends gave me the nickname Boy
wonder, they re not the smartest people but the name stuck. This is exactly how I thought a year
ago, and I was right everything I thought was right. I just found out that it was in a completely
different way than I could have ever thought.... Riker wake up That s my mom and she is a very
different type of women. Don t get me wrong she is a great mother always feeding me, and always
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Also my mom likes watching my early practice, she always says it s because she proud of me.
We started the 10 minute ride to the school and as always it s pretty quiet. We never really talk
on our rides but I feel like I need to, it s just like something big is going to happen. So I turned to
me mom and said I love you mom. She smiled. I love yo..... BAMMM..............Darkness It s
everything I can see. I know my eyes are closed but no matter how hard I try they won t open. I
couldn t do much of anything so I tried to hear something, anything. I could hear a few words
hear and their like Scared , Mom , come , sad . But after a long while I finally heard a full sentence.
It was like the voice was inside my head, like I was thinking it
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Assess The Role Of The Anti Hero In Hannibal
Filled with determination to act upon a self fulfilling goal that benefits the greater good in some
way, the anti hero serves as the protagonist of the story. Though the anti hero may seem to be the
villain they are not, at worst they are delusional but never evil. Often formed from tragedy and
occasionally psychotic the anti herois an important archetype in the area of storytelling.
The anti hero the protagonist with an unjust cause that happens to benefit the greater good. An
anti hero is not a role model or someone to look up to; often they are just the opposite. Rough,
tough, filled with rage, seeking only revenge or other similar disturbed moral justices. However,
through all of this they are the best choice for a victor. An example of... Show more content on
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One difference is though Hannibal and Dexter are both serial killers Hannibal kills for the
enjoyment of killing. He kills his victims without care and then cannibalizes them. This serves
only his purposes and there is no greater good that Hannibal is achieving by his actions. This
gives Hannibal the role of the villain, though the audience may become infatuated with him
perhaps because of his charisma or otherwise he is still without a doubt the villain. On the other
hand, Dexter takes great care in selecting his victims. He seeks out those who are deserving of
justice and delivers it in the way the he best knows how. Capturing his victims and forcing them to
face their sins before death. What happens afterward shows one of Dexter s greatest character
flaws. Once his victim expires they are chopped into many small pieces with great care taken in
how the cuts are arranged and then a small trophy is taken in the form of a drop of blood. This is
one of the greatest examples of how flawed a character can be and still be called an anti hero.
While Dexter is preforming this ritual for his own gain he does not kill without reason or
purpose, and that reason, his purpose to kill is to help rid the world of its filth and violent crime.
Taking all of this into account we can plainly see the difference between the villain of the story
and the anti hero archetype. Villains like King Claudius and Hannibal Lecter only seek to serve
themselves and they are not concerned with what and who they must destroy to achieve their goals.
While anti heroes like Hamlet and Dexter will do morally questionable things but they always
whether intentional or not have a greater purpose they will
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Erik Erikson s Social Stages Of Development
Erik Erikson was born in Germany to a Danish mother and three years later, a German stepfather.
He never knew his real father from Denmark. Growing up in Germany in a Jewish environment
was sometimes difficult for him because of his Nordic features among his brown eyes, brown
haired peers. Erikson was largely influenced by Sigmund Freud and expanded upon his Human
Development theory with his own, the Psych Social Stages of Development. Erikson moved to
America in 1933 with his family to Boston, becoming the first child analyst in that area at Harvard
Medical School. He taught other institutions such as Yale and UC Berkeley. During his long career,
he wrote about a variety of topics ranging from issues of race and sexuality to influential figures in
Erikson s Psyco Social Stages of Development was extremely influential the field of developmental
psychology because it laid down stages for ages to come. There are eight stages that span the
human life expectancy. The first stage is called Trust vs. Mistrust, which deals with infants. The
infant is developing trust within the mother and parental figures and with that trust, stability is
either established or not. The mistrust that infants may develop comes from a lack of stability with
their caregivers. The second stage is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, between the ages of a year
and a half and three. Children are either encouraged or criticized by their parents as they seek
independence. The autonomy comes from being
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Dominos Pizza
zza. Product
Domino s introduced a wide range of Pizzas and other snack items customized according to the
tastes and preferences of Indian public including Double Cheese Crunch pizza, Cheese Burst pizza,
Kebab pizza, Chicken Wings, Choco Lava cake, Pasta, Breadsticks etc.
They also launched few Pizzas for specific geographical markets * Deluxe chicken with Mustard
Sauce and Sardines were introduced in East Indian markets * Mutton Ghongura and Chicken
Chettinad were introduced in South Indian markets
2. Price
Initially Domino s India targeted customers, which are value sensitive and not price sensitive. The
high price of their products were attributed to the high quality of material used. Domino s even
sourced some of their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their sights were firmly set on building a dynasty of three locations and monopolizing pizza
delivery in a small concentrated area. From inception, the Domino s logo contained three dots.
These dots, still present on the current logo, represent Tom Monaghan s original vision of opening
three locations and develop a triangulation delivery strategy (Miranda, 2009).
In the early years of business, pizza was the only item on the menu at Domino s. Side items were
never considered to be a part of the menu. Remaining sensitive to competitors and allowing
competition to affect product pricing is a classic trait of a market follower (Kotler amp; Anderson,
2008). Domino s was eventually forced to add medium and extra large sizes to remain competitive.
Domino s Pizza has chosen a market follower strategy. Product, one of the four Ps of the marketing
mix, is an area where the market leader continues to influence Domino s. Competition forces
changes to the market followers. The first change to the product offering at Domino s happened
almost three decades after they opened. In 1989, Domino s Pizza introduced a deep dish pizza
(Laukens, 2010). While it would stand to reason that the new addition to the menu was an answer
to a competing product, Domino s had entered a market where deep dish was the only acceptable
version of a pizza.
Market research had revealed that Domino s market demographic was culturally
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Heraclitus Metaphors
Heraclitus said, We can never step into the same river twice, for different water is ever flowing
(12). In this maxim, Heraclitus is comparing a river to one s life. As a river continues to flow and
change, time continues to pass by, changing lives as well. He uses this metaphor in order to
emphasize the constant nature of change. Montaigne confirms this maxim in his writings through
the use of various examples and metaphors. Firstly, Montaigne writes about the movement of time
and how it never stops flowing. He says, time is a mobile thing, which appears as in a shadow,
together with matter, which is ever running and flowing, without ever remaining stable or
permanent (Montaigne 555). Moments in life are never permanent, as time never... Show more
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Circumstances are always changing as time passes, which can have large effects on various
things such as the reliability of a plan. As time passes, circumstances change, causing something
that might have seemed viable in the past, seem not as viable in the present. This proves that
change is ever present and can impact even the simplest of things. Similarly, Montaigne writes
all judgements in gross are loose and imperfect in order to showcase how even ideas can never
be perfect and constant because they are always changing (Montaigne 876). Ideas will always be
unfixed and flawed for time will always change depending on various circumstances, once again
confirming how change impacts everything, both tangible and intangible. In addition to examples,
Montaigne uses metaphors to confirm the constant change in this world. He writes about a
soldier who was carrying a load of wood that his hands became stiff with cold and stuck to his
burden, so that they remained there attached and dead, having separated from his arms (Montaigne
875). The arms are a representation of one s life, while the load is all the obstacles one has to bear
through and
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Friederich Nietzsche and His Philosophies Essay
Friederich Nietzsche and His Philosophies
Friederich Nietzsche was born in 1844 in the Prussian province of Saxony. He was the offspring of
a long line of clergymen including his father, who was the pastor of a Lutheran congregation. His
childhood was consumed with the haunting death of his father and, soon after, brother. After
enrolling in school, he suffered from intense, painful headaches and myopia which caused burning
sensations and blurred vision. This may have been syphilis and it may have been contracted from
his father who had shown similar symptoms. In 1858, he enrolled in the prestigious Pforte boarding
school. His illness continued to plague him, resulting in several pilgrimages to the sanitarium yet,
he was able ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, even Nietzsche s critics admit that his words hold an undeniable truth, as hard as it is to
accept. Perhaps this is why his work is timeless, and has survived 150 years in print. Christianity
God is Dead! announced Zarathustra (better known as Zoroaster), in Neitzsche s book, Thus Spoke
Zarathustra (1883 1885). Unlike many philosophers, Nietzsche never tried to prove or disprove
the existence of God, just that belief in God can create sickness; and to convince that highest
achievements in human life depend on elimination of God. Whether God existed had no relevance
in his goal. Proclamation of the death of God was a fundamental ingredient in the values Nietzsche
advocated. Nothing has done more than Christianity to entrench the morality of mediocrity in
human consciousness. Christian love extols qualities of weakness; it causes guilt. Charity is just
teaching hatred and revenge directed toward nobility. Belief in God is a tool to bring submission
to the individual of noble character. F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Nietzsche had an ideal
world in mind, with an ideal government and an ideal God: the Overman or Superman. These
Gods were a product of natural selection, or social Darwinism. He felt, very strongly, that any kind
of moral limitations upon man would only stand in the way of The Overman. The Will To Power,
his strongest teaching, meant that The Overman should and would do
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The Impact Of Religion On American History
Religion has come to become a very controlling aspect of people s lives throughout the world.
The very essence of having a faith background to rely on is very comforting for humankind. Since
religion has grown to be such a vital role in shaping people s views and decisions, religious
conflict has also sprouted up (Olmstead). It has also been the reason for many wars throughout
history. Religionas a source of ideal and morale has gone on for years. In this research paper, I
will be investigating the effect religion has played in American wars, specifically. Moreover, I will
address the key aspects of religion that can be seen to have influenced American history. The key
tenets, which show why religion has been at the forefront of American conflict, are the concepts of
ideology, morale, and democracy.
Ideology has started off when the first colonists came to America. This ideology has continued on
for years in the way American has dealt with issues such as war. But moreover, it has integrated
with religion to be a direct effect on wars we have been in. Morale has also been one of the central
points of why America has responded to so many religious conflicts in America the way they have.
And lastly, religion has been instrumental in imparting democracy through out America s history of
American history, itself starts off with religion and faith. Many people forget that America was
founded on the basis of people trying to flee religious persecution in England. So,
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The Role Of Myrtle Wilson In The Great Gatsby
In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the American Dream is an important motif.
Almost all the characters dreams are mentioned and almost all of their dreams are not fulfilled,
but one particular character s attempt to achieve this dream leads to their morbid downfall. Myrtle
Wilson s American Dream is to marry the aristocratic Tom Buchanan, but we see that she does not
achieve this dream by annoying Tom, and then dying at the end of the novel. First, by annoying
Tom and therefor being insubordinate, Myrtle does not achieve her dream. The novel states,
Sometime forwards midnight Tom Buchanan and Mrs. Wilson stood face to face, discussing in
impassioned voices whether Mrs. Wilson had any right to mention Daisy s name (Fitzgerald 37).
This is an example from the novel where we see Myrtle arguing with Tom and being insubordinate.
She had recently mentioned Daisy s name and Tom was not pleased about it, which... Show more
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The book states, The death car as the newspapers called it, didn t stop... Myrtle Wilson, her life
violently extinguished, knelt in the road and mingled her thick dark blood with the dust (137).
Myrtle gets hit by a car that would not stop. We later learn that the car was Gatsby s yellow car
and that it was Daisy whom was driving it. Myrtle is running at the car thinking that it is Tom,
coming to get her, but she is hit with a rather unpleasant surprise. It is slightly ironic that Myrtle
was always envious of what Daisy had, and that in the end, it was Daisy who killed Myrtle. The
book states, Myrtle Wilsons body wrapped in a blanket...lay on a work table by the wall (138).
In the duration of chapter seven, Nick sees Myrtle Wilsons body on a table covered and wrapped
in multiple blankets. This is when the reader realizes that Myrtle is dead. By quite literally running
towards her dream, Myrtle Wilson dies; therefor she does not achieve her American
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Variable Cost and Net Operating Income
Homew ork for Ch tad9000
Advanced Manag
Question 1: Score 0/4
Your response Exercise 5 1 Fixed and Variable Cost Behavior [LO1] Espresso Express operates a
number of espresso coffee stands in busy suburban malls. The fixed weekly expense of a coffee
stand is $1,200 and the variable cost per cup of coffee served is $0.22. Requirement 1: Fill in the
following table with your estimates of total costs and cost per cup of coffee at the indicated levels of
activity for a coffee stand. (Round average cost per cup of coffee to 3 decimal places. Omit the $
sign in your response.) 2,000 Fixed cost Variable cost Total costAverage cost per cup of coffee
served $ $ $
0.60 0.22 0.82 0.792
Correct response ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An occupancy day represents a room rented out for one day. The hotel s business is highly
seasonal, with peaks occurring during the ski season and in the summer. Month January February
March April May June July August September Occupancy Electrical Days Costs 1,736 $ 4,127
1,904 $ 4,207 2,356 $ 5,083 960 $ 2,857 360 $ 1,871 744 $ 2,696 2,108 $ 4,670 2,406 $ 5,148 840
$ 2,691
October November December
124 720 1,364
$ 1,588 $ 2,454 $ 3,529
October November December
124 720 1,364
$ 1,588 $ 2,454 $ 3,529
Requirement 1: Using the high low method, estimate the variable cost of electricity per
occupancy day and the fixed cost of electricity per month. (Round the fixed cost to the nearest
whole dollar and the variable cost to the nearest whole cent. Omit the $ sign in your response.)


Variable cost Fixed cost $ $ (50%) per occupancy day (0%) per month
Requirement 1: Using the high low method, estimate the variable cost of electricity per occupancy
day and the fixed cost of electricity per month. (Round the fixed cost to the nearest whole dollar
and the variable cost to the nearest whole cent. Omit the $
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Pacman Research Paper
Pacman is a game in which you are a yellow circle character called Pacman, you are trying to eat
all of the little white dots to add to your score as well as eating any other bonus to increase your
score. However, there are a number of ghosts which are trying to stop you, if you run into them
you die and lose a life, once you are out of lives you lose and will have to start from the
beginning. There are also big dots which will give you a temporary power up when you
consume them, this power up makes the ghosts scared of you and try to run away, during this
time you are also able to eat them to get even more score. Once you have eaten all of the dots you
clear the level and have won the game. This game is an arcade gameand so has bright colours and is
not meant to look realistic, this also applies to the sound, which has an 8 bit feel to it making the
game come to life and making the player feel more connected to it. I have kept this in mind when
making changes to my game as I do not want to disrupt Pacman s unique feel.... Show more content
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First off, I have made all of the Pacman Ghosts the same colour, I have done this just because I
wanted to have 8 Ghosts and found it harder to concentrate when they were all different colours
buzzing around the screen, so making all the Ghosts one colour made it easier to concentrate and
still kept the ghosts fun. I also changed the base number of ghosts from 4 to 8 and increased the
map size, also removing the tunnels from the side. I have done this as I wanted to make a large
map however found that it would be too easy if the player could jump from one side of the map to
the other, and found that there weren t enough ghosts for the large map
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Evolution Of The Initial Entry Training Essay
The evolution of the Initial Entry Trainer dates back to the early 1960s, when the drill sergeants
(DS) were introduced into the training force. The DS have continued to be the key factor to
instilling discipline and standards in our new Soldiers. Over time, the Army has evaluated and
made changes to the programs to ensure the best possible training is available for new recruits.
The introduction of the advanced individual training (AIT) platoon sergeants was one of the
most recent changes to the initial entry training (IET) program. The Army will continue to
evaluate and assess the IET training program to assure training is still relevant to the needs of
the Army. Late in 1962, Secretary of the Army Elvis J. Stahr Jr. directed Under Secretary of the
Army Stephen Ailes to survey how the recruits are trained in the Army. The research was pooled
from a wide variety of personnel and took a very longtime. This research also included other
branches of service, comparing techniques and strategies to ensure they had the most accurate data
available. The survey findings concluded the noncommissioned officers (NCOs) were poorly
regarded working long hours, lack of free time for family concerns, and inadequate staffing. The
survey also concluded that the caliber of NCOs that were selected were below the standard
required by other services. (unknown, n.d.) The next year the Army began pilot courses at Fort
Jackson, South Carolina testing the revised methods of
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How Did Thomas Edison Won The War Of Currents
In the late 1800s the war of currents was taking place. On one side of the war you had Thomas
Edison and on the other side you had Nikola Tesla, both were competing to see who could
discover the best current. So who won this war or currents, was it Edison or was it Tesla? Thomas
Edison is an American inventor who did many impressive things varying from inventing the
phonograph to helping improve modern day electricity. Edison held the record for having the most
patents, which was an outstanding 1,093 patents. In 1878, Edison started work on what would be
one of his greatest achievements. Edison and the muckers started work on the electric light system
which would become more than just a light bulb. This system would also include power plants...
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This means that Tesla won the war of currentswith his alternating current. The events that leaded
up to this current including Edison s campaign against AC usage in the United States. In attempt
to show how dangerous AC a couple of Edison s employees created the first electric chair for the
state of New York. The International Electro Technical Exhibition was held in Germany in the
year of 1891. This is where the first long distance transmission of a three phase AC was
displayed. This three phase AC powered the lights and motored the exhibition. The year after the
exhibition took place the General Electric Company was formed and began investing the
alternating current technology. In 1863 Westinghouse made a contract which allowed him to build
a hydroelectric dam which would harness the power of Niagara Falls and would provide AC to
Buffalo, New York. This project resulted in the use of AC to power industries in Buffalo. This
started the decline of direct current in the United
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Autistic Drugs Bad
Are drugs bad? That s what they ve been telling us since the beginning. But what if we could heal
autism with drugs? Perhaps then, society will give them a second chance. Well, that second
chance is now. Thanks to an experimental study, autistic people are taking medical ecstasy to
FOUND? There are a few different traditional therapies out there for Autistic people. Most of them
don t work . This is because they simply force those with autism to act normal . As one can
imagine, this comes with its difficulties. However, now there is new, more culturally appropriate
approach to addressing this social anxiety disorder. The treatment is ecstasy. Aside from making
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Romeo And Juliet Tragedy
Even in today s society parents ask their kids to do unreasonable things. It is the way we react to
these things that make all the difference. Romeo and Juliet are two fictional characters, their
families have been rivals as long as anyone can remember. Romeo and Juliet met at a party and
fell in love instantly, but their families did not approve of them dating. Romeo snuck into Juliet s
room the day that they met. Romeo and Juliet talked and fell deeper in love. At the end of the
play, Juliet had the brilliant idea to fake her own death so she could be with Romeo after he got
banned from Verona. When Romeo heard that Juliet had died he went to visit her. He saw her
laying there and said that she looked beautiful even dead. Romeo felt like he couldn t live in a
world without his one true love, so he drank a bottle of poison. When Juliet awoke a little while
later she found Romeo lying there dead, Juliet then took a sword and stabbed herself in the
stomach. The question I m answering in this essay is: who is responsible for the tragedy of
Romeo and Juliet? In my opinion, there are many people responsible for this tragedy, The Nurse,
Romeo and Juliet s parents, and Romeo and Juliet themselves. The nurse, We never really learned
her name but she played a big part in this play. From the very beginning, she supported Juliet with
everything. The nurse is how Juliet originally found out that Romeo was a Montague. When the
nurse found out that Juliet had fallen for a montage she
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The Main Key Ideas Of Socrates Concern With The Betterment...
Introduction and Background:
The purpose behind this thesis is to identify the main key ideas of Socrates concern with the
betterment of the Soul. Highlighting the word Psyche as the soul which is immortal or
imperishable. Defining Soul as the main identity of a person, it is what defines a person, his acts
and his mindset. He added that every soul has happiness in it but not all choose to obtain it, not all
the Souls take advantage of it. Those souls that are wise and are truly happy, lead a genuine life
containing happiness. While the inverse, those who are not happy lead a life concerning the
material possessions and involving themselves in materialistic pleasure resulting in to
dissatisfaction and ego in their personalities. This makes these souls corrupt and diseased. Socrates;
The Physician of the Soul believed that people make choices either good or bad, they are unaware
of how to choose to live in happiness and fulfillment.
Socrates believes that betterment of the soul is main concern in philosophy and his core teachings
are the foundation for improvement for us.
Key Ideas or Theory:
In this chapter betterment of soul is further elaborated in the following key points;
Plato was credited with the quote An unexamined life is not worth living . It does, indeed, come
from Plato s Apology. The ideal of the examined life is noble. It sounds unobjectionable: an
encouragement to be fully human, to use our highly developed faculty of thought to raise our
existence above
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Deflation And The Theory Of Truth
Deflation Accounts of Causation
Several different theories accounts exist attempting to explain whether truth exists. Some of the
common causation accounts include the deflation account, reifications, covering law model and
unificationism accounts. The Deflation theory of truth states that a predicament of the truth does not
attribute the property of the truth to a particular statement. Several theories are present under the
deflation accounts of causation. They include the redundancy theory of truth and the perfection
theory of the truth. These two theories are the major dominant theory around deflation accounts of
causation. Although both theories attempt to explain and substantiate truth in a statement, the
redundancy theory is stronger compared to the perfection theory of truth. The redundancy theory is
claimed to be the first theory that came close to explaining predicaments of truth in a statement. No
other account has achieved the same fate as the redundancy account.
Redundancy Theory of Truth Also known as the disquotational theory of truth, the redundancy
theory holds that a statement will always remain the truth even before if the predictive statement
misses. The most common predicament statement used by most people is the it is truth . For
example, when an individual says, Snow is white, it means that snow is white and even when the
predictive statement is added it does not change the nature of the sentence (Damnjanovic, 2005).
Thus the
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History Of Subway Graffiti Art Essay
The history of the underground art movement known by many names, most commonly graffiti
begins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the mid to late 60 s, and started with bombing. The
writers who are credited with the first effort are CORNBREAD and COOL EARL. They wrote
their names all over the city gaining attention from the community and the local press. Then the
movement made way to New York Citywhere the teenagers would write graffition the subways. It
is unclear whether this concept made way to New York City on purpose or if it was an accident.
Shortly after the CORNBREAD and COOL EARL effort, the Washington Heights section of
Manhattan was giving birth to new writers. In 1971 The New York Times published an article on
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Writers enhanced their tags with stars and other designs. Some designs were for visual purpose
while others had meaning. For instance crowns were used by writers proclaiming themselves as
king. The next development was scale. Writers started to make their tags to a larger scale. The
standard nozzle width of a spray paint can is narrow so these larger tags while drawing more
attention than a standard tag did not have much visual weight. Writers began to increase the
thickness of the letters and would also outline them with an additional color. Writers discovered
that caps from other aerosol products could provide them with a larger width of spray. This led to
the development of the masterpiece. It is difficult to say who did the first masterpiece, but is
commonly credited to SUPER KOOL 223 of the Bronx and WAP of Brooklyn. The thicker letters
provided the opportunity to enhance the name. Writers decorated the interior of the letters with
what were termed designs. First with simple polka dots and later with stars. Designs were limited
to the writer s imagination. Writers eventually started to make the masterpieces the entire height of
the subway car. These masterpieces were termed top to bottoms. The addition color design and
scale were advancements but still strongly resembled the tags on what they were based. The
competitive atmosphere led to the development of actual styles, which would depart from the tag
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Questions on Company Accounting
1. award: 0 out of
0.00 points
On January 1, Puckett Company paid $2.64 million for 88,000 shares of Harrison s voting common
stock, which represents a 40 percent investment. No allocation to goodwill or other specific account
was made. Significant influence over Harrison is achieved by this acquisition and so Puckett
applies the equity method. Harrison distributed a dividend of $2 per share during the year and
reported net income of $613,000. What is the balance in the Investment in Harrison account found
in Puckett s financial records as of December 31?
Acquisition price
2,640,000 Equity income ($613,000 Г— 40%) 245,200 Dividends (88,000 shares Г— $2) (176,000
Investment in Harrison ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The 2012 purchase is reported using the equity method.
Purchase price of Goldman stock
735,000 Book value of Goldman stock ($1,500,000 Г— 40%) (600,000
135,000 Life of goodwill indefinite
Annual amortization 0
Cost on January 1, 2012
735,000 2012 Income accrued ($182,000 Г— 40%) 72,800 2012 Dividend collected ($90,000 Г—
40%) (36,000
2013 Income accrued ($182,000 Г— 40%) 72,800 2013 Dividend collected ($90,000 Г— 40%)


2014 Income accrued ($182,000 Г— 40%) 72,800 2014 Dividend collected ($90,000 Г— 40%)
Investment in Goldman, 12/31/14
5. award: 0 out of
0.00 points
Panner, Inc., owns 20 percent of Watkins and applies the equity method. During the current year,
Panner buys inventory costing $84,700 and then sells it to Watkins for $121,000. At the end of the
year, Watkins still holds only $26,000 of merchandise. What amount of unrealized gross profit must
Panner defer in reporting this investment using the equity method?
$5,460. Gross profit rate (GPR): $36,300 Г· $121,000 = 30%
Inventory remaining at year end $
Г— 30
Unrealized gain $
Г— 20
Intra entity unrealized gain deferred $
6. award: 0 out of


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The Effects Of Music On Music Throughout History
Toby J. Hess
Professor Paschke
Humanities 220
April 15, 2015
Technology: The Effects on Music throughout History
Music and technology aid one another. In a way a person can capture music they love through
technology and then the electronic companies flourish due to the sale and popularity of these
electronic devices. If a person wants to listen to music they can turn on a stereo or TV, choose a
CD or DVD to play, or listen to a songs downloaded in ITunes. All of these devices are proof to
show how technology is used to record, play, and change the way music is heard. A look through
history will show how far society has come in music alone. The development of technology has
changed the way the music industry operates and the way society hears and purchases music today.
It started off with humming, then singing. People sang in church choirs, in the living room, or on
a stage. Music can be heard by vocals or by the melodic tune of instruments. People paid to go to
symphonies and listen to composers perform their masterpieces. Family gathered around the piano,
or at a church to listen to music on the holidays. Music was not portable, nor was it recordable.
According to the novel, Looking Backward in 1888, the philosophy was that technology was the
solution to the ills plaguing modern life and the means to achieve a perfect society (Katz, 51).
Meaning that life was boring and technology was the answer to bettering and changing society. In
1877, Thomas Edison invented the
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Psychology of Color
Psychology Research Paper1/23/11
The Psychology of Color The brain receives signals from three different color channels: red, blue,
and green. When the brain receives a mix of these signals, we perceive colors that are mixtures of
these three primary colors through a process called color addition (Think Quest Color Psychology
). All colored visible light can be expressed as either mixtures or consistencies of red, blue, or green,
which by perception between the eyes and the brain, produces the vast spectrum of color that exists
to humans and other organisms alike. With the ability to alter our moods and bodily functions,
color has more of an impact on us than we may realize. Each color produces different effects on ...
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How much money would you be willing to spend on your date? (Science Daily). The results of
the experiment showed that under all conditions, the women wearing or framed by red were
rated significantly higher in attractiveness and sexual desirability than the exact same woman
shown with any other color. Those whose favorite color is red are typically outgoing, impulsive,
aggressive, and restless in personality. Red is a color chosen by those who carry an open nature
and a zest for life (Annie B. Bond, Your Favorite Color: What it Says About You ). Orange is a
color that commands much attention. It represents warmth, enthusiasm, exuberance, liveliness and
is also associated with Thanksgiving and Halloween (Nicholson). Physiologically, orange can
stimulate the sexual organs, benefit the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system. It
incites activity, socialization, and due to its hate it or love it quality, it also sparks controversy
(Smith). Psychologically, orange relieves feelings of self pity, lack of self worth, and
unwillingness to forgive. It can also open emotions, increase energy, and even serve as a
perceptual antidepressant (Think Quest). Due to its association with arrogance, danger, and over
emotion, a survey proves that orange has been labeled as America s Least Favorite Color (Laurie
Pawlik Kienlen The Subconscious
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Advantages and Uses of Biofuels Essay examples
Definition: According to Dr Andrew Zimmerman Jones, the Definition of energy is: Energy is
the capacity of a physical system to perform work. Energy exists in several forms such as heat,
kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical, or other forms (1) A simpler
definition is: Energy is the ability to do work and cause change (2) Renewable vs. non
renewable: The definition of bio fuels: Bio fuel is defined as solid, liquid or gaseous fuel
obtained from relatively recently lifeless or living biological material and is different from fossil
fuels, which are derived from long dead biological material. Also, various plants and plant derived
materials are used for bio fuel manufacturing. (3)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How the energy functions in nature: Sugarcane itself looks like bamboo stalks and it is in the
stalks that the plant stores energy that it doesn t need straight away rather like animals make
fat. People like sugar for its sweetness and the energy it provides, so farmers grow these plants
commercially to extract the sugar. Most of Australia s sugarcane is grown along the coast of
Queensland, and the rest is grown in northern New South Wales and the Ord region in Western
Australia. (5) The uses of Bio fuels: Bio fuel is being used in many ways. One of the most
common uses for Bio fuel is to power vehicles. There are two common ways to produce liquid
bio fuels. One is to grow crops high in sugar such as sugar cane, sugar beet or corn. They then
use yeast to help ferment the crops into ethanol. Ethanol is a bio fuel. The second way to make
bio fuel is to grow plants high in oil. Examples of these plants are oil palm and soya bean. These
oils are taken from the plants, heated to make them runny and then used in diesel engines. Wood
and things made from wood can also be used to make bio fuels like methanol and ethanol. Bio
fuel made from sugary substances is used in cars with petrol engines. These are the most common
types of car engines. Bio fuel made from oily plants is used in diesel engines. Diesel engines are
common in trucks, tractors and heavy machinery. Bio fuels are made by harvesting
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American Anime Influence
Anime films are cartoons, usually from Japan, with adult subject matter. Despite the prevailing
American view that cartoons are for children, Japanese view anime as a legitimate art form that is
appropriate for adult viewing. Anime subjects vary widely from soap opera drama, to medieval
adventures, comedy and to science fiction.
The fist anime ever televised was Tetsuwan Atomu it came out In 1963 as a television series. The
english name for Tetsuwan Atomu was Astroboy . The next hit anime was Speed Racer In 1967.
Tezuka s greatest work was Hi No Tori the english verzion was known as Phoenix 2772 .
The success of Astroboy led to the overnight development of an Anime industry. This industry
flooded with copycats, originals, and a mix of both that leads to what we see today. Over the next
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Today, the American industry shows anime five plus hour per day airing across multiple networks
and cable channels. Oftentimes more mature titles where purchased for the US market but were
edited to tone down the mature content as there still exists the stigma that animation is a children s
medium and childrens mediaum has to be highly restricted in the content it shows.
Many people disagree on whether these changes ruined or improved the anime however is widely
acknowledged that they gave anime the one thing that it needed in order to make it in the American
market: exposure.
High exposure eventually leads to a larger fan base. Exposure leads people to ask or look for more,
if we have 100 pokemon fans in 1998, and two years later we have about 75 Dragon ball Z fans,
another two years later we have 45 lovers of Cowboy Bebop , Outlaw Star , Inuyasha , this leads
us to a few hard core otaku . If the trend continues by 2010, we have an anime industry with
accolades of fans swarming in unprecedented numbers, all because a few shows debuted on
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Desktop Research Paper
Violet Batchelor I believe that one of the most interesting and widely used and seen human
computer interface devices is the desktop. Being only 20 years old, I have never personally
owned a computer that did not have some kind of desktop. I had never thought to delve into why it
was called the desktop until we discussed this in class. A computers desktop is the place where the
user can organize shortcuts to their different activites. Some examples are a link to an internetpage,
a shortcut to MicrosoftOffice, or a shortcut to My Computer in the file explorer. The desktop was
invented along with the GUI (graphical user interface) and so I personally put it under the category
of the granddaddy of computer interfaces. If you use a modern computer, you use a desktop. When
you start up your machine, whatever operating system it is, the first thing you will see (once the
computer has finished booting) is your... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You can learn a lot about someone by how their desktop looks and what s in it. A writer would
probably have hundreds of shortcuts to their unfinished screenplays, while a programmer may
also have 100s of shortcuts, but to different coding projects. The desktop also, as users before the
desktop know, makes using a computer much faster and easier. Instead of having to search
(possibly through command line) for something you may possibly do everyday, you can make a
shortcut to it (and in some cases, your computer will make one for you) and just click it. I can
almost hear the AHA! moment of we ll call it a desktop! I imagine, especially in the beginning,
that the name desktop was the best fit for this interface. A programmer looked around their desk,
thinking what will we call this great new interface? and they saw their files and papers surrounding
them and came to the logical conclusion that that interface full of their documents and files looked
just like their desk in front of
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Private Military Contractors In The Middle East
Throughout the Middle East, the use of private military contractors has significantly heightened,
due to the call of attacks in these countries. PMC s take up much cost for a country to fund, and
the increasing rates are bringing drawbacks onto working citizens. However, there PMC s are also
vital in order for a country to maintain its armed security forces. On the other hand, mercenaries
are people who take part in armed conflicts. The PMC s hire these mercenaries to work under them
in helping take part in hostilities, but receive benefits for their own gains. Recently, the United
Nations MercenaryConvention (UNMC) has placed restrictions upon PMC s in the use of
mercenaries, in order to create specifications between commercial and government uses of these
protection services. Sweden has very little support and funds for the use of these PMC s, due to the
lack of high military activity.
Current Issues: In the Middle East, and other countries active in their military uses, are raising high
questions of controversy against whether or not PMC s should be implemented at an international
scale. After these countries in the middle east have been hit with attacks, there has been thought
on how to promote entrusted security for the countries. However, the use of these PMC s can lead
to security faults in diplomatic officials, and can cause unstable regions throughout a country as
we have seen happen in Libya in 2012. On the contrary, PMC s can be ideal in post war
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Cultural Impacts Of Religious And Cultural Beliefs On...
In the health care field, it is inevitable that the health care professionals ensure to incorporate the
client s cultural practices and beliefs when planning and providing care. The nurses and other
health care providers have the professional obligation to stay complex to their clients social
backgrounds. Health care providers should encourage clients and family members to explain how
religious or cultural morals may be important to a hospital stay related to personal needs, interaction
with staff, and decisions about treatment. Cultural differences have emotional impact on health,
illness and death, beliefs about the effects of disease, methods for health promotion, how illness
and pain remain experienced and conveyed, where patients seek out help, and the varieties of
treatment patients like better. Hence, understanding the impact of culture on health practices is
crucial. Haiti is an island nation located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
Among the religion in Haiti about 80 percent of the citizens are Roman Catholic. The voodoo
syncretic religion is practiced in Haiti symbolizing a distinctive set of rituals that include voodoo
dolls and symbolic drawings. In Haiti French and Haitian French Creole is the home languages.
Haitians are very expressive and generously touch family and admirer besides to touching health
care worker to let people know the Haitian is speaking to them. Haitians tend to be loud when
communicating with others. Haitian food is
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Negative Effects Of Credit Cards
For the past several decades, physical money has been the most common way for people to pay
for goods and services. However, in the past several years, bills and coins have been replaced by
plastic as more people use credit cards to buy the things they want. Credit cards are convenient, as
they allow to card holder to buy whatever they want without having to carry around a certain
amount of moneythat needs to be predetermined. To add on to this convenience, credit cards have
large spending limits, which allow the card holder to make multiple large purchases, which only
need paid back when the credit cardbill comes later. However, despite how attractive credit cards
may seem, they are overused by and cause huge problems for millions of Americans. Although
credit cards are seen as convenient by many people, they are actually risky tools that can wreak
financial havoc.
One of the major problems with credit cards is that consumers naturally spend more when they
have a card in hand. When studied, psychologists have found that card holders spend more
money when they use a credit card than when they use physical money. Similarly, these studies
have also found that card holders will often pay more than what is required on costs, such as
restaurant tips, when they are using a card. Card holders spend in this larger way because of the
perceived differences between money and credit cards. For instance, when a person spends a large
amount of money, it triggers a reaction in the
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Freedom Of Choice In Walt Whitman s I Hear America Singing
Being in American isn t standing up for the pledge, not just taking a moment of silence, and not
just celebrating the 4th of July. Being an American means having freedom in choosing your own
path, opportunity in creating your own destiny, and a hard working mentality to achieve your
goals. Since the beginning of the establishment of the United State; people have wanted the
freedom of choice. Immigrants long for it, and Americans have the ability to carry it out. We
first see freedom of choice in I Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman. The poem sates, The
shoemaker singing as he sits in his bench, the hatter singing as he stands, the woodcutter s song
(12). The following excerpt displays the freedom of choice in the lower class, or the blue collar
jobs. They might not have the ideal job that everyone wants, but the great thing about America is
that you are free to choose whatever job you want. Secondly we see this idea of freedom of choice
in the short story... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first example of this is in the short story America and I by Anzia Yerzierska. The author
writes, I got up early. I worked till late. All that my soul hungered to give I put into the passion
with which I scrubbed floors, scoured pots, and washed clothes (17). The following excerpt
displays that despite her current predicament she is willing to do whatever it takes to have a better
life for herself; she inherits a hard working mentality just like an American has. Next example of
hard working mentality in Americans is in the poem I, Too Sing America by Langston Hughes. In
the poem Langston Hughes writes, Tomorrow, I ll be at the table when company comes (3). This
shows that he s not satisfied with his current situation and despite his predicament he still wants
better for himself and doesn t stop his admirations. This is what it means to be an American; having
a hard working mentality to achieve your
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Critique on “Damages” as a Remedy for Breach of Contract...
Critique on Damages as a remedy for breach of contract under Indian, American, English and
Chinese law.
Project: Law of Contracts
|Submitted to: |Submitted by: |
|Prof (Dr.) Amar Singh | |
|Principal Faculty, |Dheerak Kumar Aseri B.Sc. LL.B (Hons.) |
|Law of Contracts, | |
|National Law University, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It might be supposed that the purpose of remedies is to compel the promisors to keep their
promises. But the system of contract remedies is not directed at compulsion of promisors to
prevent breach , it is aimed instead as a relief to promisees to redress breach.[iii] The award of
damages is the common form of relief for breach of contract. Virtually any breach gives the
injured party a claim for damages for at least nominal damages.[iv] Further there are various kinds
of damages that a Court may award depending on the facts of each and every case.
This project aims at providing a comparative critique on damages as a remedy for breach of
contract under Indian, American, English and Chinese law keeping in view the research problem
and the objectives to be achieved.
In USA the damages for breach of contract fall into three categories:
a) Expectation is the prospect of gain from the contract. (Rest.2d В§347)
b) Reliance is the detriment the injured party may have incurred by changing his or her position.
(Rest.2d В§349) Purpose of reliance damages is to restore the victim of breach to the position he
or she would have been in if the contract had not been made. (Rest.2d В§344(b) .)
c) Restitution is the interest in the benefits the injured party has conferred upon the breaching party.
(Rest.2d В§344 (c).)
As a general rule, the objective of contract damages is to insure
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Pre-literacy and Modern Vestiges
Pre literacy and Modern Vestiges
For many years, the conventions and existence of epic poetry from the pre literate age were
explained as repositories for information. A well known story, usually involving a hero that
embodied the virtues of the society who told the story, engages in battles, quests, etc. As the epic is
spoken to an audience, the hero s actions and the way they are described impart the audience with
information and teachings. The information the listeners received is thought by some to be
analogous to a modern day textbook lesson, in which students learn mathematics, grammar, and
law, all by the written word. So is the contention of Homeric scholar Eric A. Havelock. As Hobart
and Schiffman state in Orality and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The specific words sung are more attuned to the metrical nature of the music than they are apt
tools for imparting the singer with specific knowledge about a single battle. The Star Spangled
Banner is an example of modern commemoration. If we were to read it as it was originally
written, as a poem, then we would probably think of it as a series of images describing a naval
assault on an American fort, and as a singular, historical event. The poem s lines would become
information. Yet in song form this is not the case. The point of the song is not for each individual
to remember a certain night in American history; the point is for a group of singers to remember
the notion of a nation, more specifically, the United States.
Hobart and Schiffman theorize that each oral presentation of the Iliad was a different for its
audiences as the situations in which we might hear the national anthem. For instance, we sing the
national anthem at baseball games, but we also heard it after the World Trade Center was attacked
on September 11, 2001; besides being group events, these cases have little in common. The type of
memory that we use when sing the song together is the commemorative type.
Another example describing the differences in the concept of memory that Hobart and Schiffman
refer to can be found in computers. Memory on a computer describes how many tasks a computer
can do at
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  • 14. The Tragic Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet The tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet are not the fault of just one person; it is the fault of many. In fact, the blame could be placed on each character if anyone acted in a different way, there could have been a different ending. Some had a greater impact on their deaths than others however, namely the families and the feud, the Friar Lawrence, Mercutio, Balthasar and Romeo Juliet themselves. Some may argue for other characters, but the actions of these five ultimately had a more prominent effect on their suicide. One of the factors most to blame is the families feud and the restrictions it placed upon the young lovers. The bitter feud made life very difficult for Romeo and Juliet, leading them to make some poor decisions to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He questioned Romeo s sudden change of heart from Rosaline, but still went ahead with the marriage. He should instead have told Romeo to be patient, to sort his feelings out and decide if what he is feeling for Juliet was truly love or simply lust before moving forward any further. Friar Lawrence also designed that disastrous plan which had many possibilities to fail. He could not guarantee the delivery of the letter, or that the news of Juliet s death would reach Romeo. Again, he saw a chance to unite the lovers and their families without proper consideration of what he was doing. Had he not made such impetuous decisions, perhaps deaths could have been avoided, including the death of Romeo s close friend Mercutio. Mercutio was a worthy friend of Romeo s, but sadly he would contribute to his friend s death. Mercutio could be blamed for the meeting of Romeo and Juliet; he was the one that persuaded Romeo to go to the costume party even though he did not wish to. Mercutio should have listened to his friend s concerns and not pressured him to attend. Another example is during the fighting scene, where Romeo ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Baseball Boy Monologue Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Barry Bonds, Jackie Robinson, Derek Jeter, and Cy Young. All of these men are amazing players. There the best of the best, and I m going to be just like them. Riker Archie Smit, I can already see my name hanging with the rest of them. I ve been called extraordinary, talented, amazing, and a star. My baseballfriends gave me the nickname Boy wonder, they re not the smartest people but the name stuck. This is exactly how I thought a year ago, and I was right everything I thought was right. I just found out that it was in a completely different way than I could have ever thought.... Riker wake up That s my mom and she is a very different type of women. Don t get me wrong she is a great mother always feeding me, and always ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also my mom likes watching my early practice, she always says it s because she proud of me. We started the 10 minute ride to the school and as always it s pretty quiet. We never really talk on our rides but I feel like I need to, it s just like something big is going to happen. So I turned to me mom and said I love you mom. She smiled. I love yo..... BAMMM..............Darkness It s everything I can see. I know my eyes are closed but no matter how hard I try they won t open. I couldn t do much of anything so I tried to hear something, anything. I could hear a few words hear and their like Scared , Mom , come , sad . But after a long while I finally heard a full sentence. It was like the voice was inside my head, like I was thinking it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Assess The Role Of The Anti Hero In Hannibal Filled with determination to act upon a self fulfilling goal that benefits the greater good in some way, the anti hero serves as the protagonist of the story. Though the anti hero may seem to be the villain they are not, at worst they are delusional but never evil. Often formed from tragedy and occasionally psychotic the anti herois an important archetype in the area of storytelling. The anti hero the protagonist with an unjust cause that happens to benefit the greater good. An anti hero is not a role model or someone to look up to; often they are just the opposite. Rough, tough, filled with rage, seeking only revenge or other similar disturbed moral justices. However, through all of this they are the best choice for a victor. An example of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One difference is though Hannibal and Dexter are both serial killers Hannibal kills for the enjoyment of killing. He kills his victims without care and then cannibalizes them. This serves only his purposes and there is no greater good that Hannibal is achieving by his actions. This gives Hannibal the role of the villain, though the audience may become infatuated with him perhaps because of his charisma or otherwise he is still without a doubt the villain. On the other hand, Dexter takes great care in selecting his victims. He seeks out those who are deserving of justice and delivers it in the way the he best knows how. Capturing his victims and forcing them to face their sins before death. What happens afterward shows one of Dexter s greatest character flaws. Once his victim expires they are chopped into many small pieces with great care taken in how the cuts are arranged and then a small trophy is taken in the form of a drop of blood. This is one of the greatest examples of how flawed a character can be and still be called an anti hero. While Dexter is preforming this ritual for his own gain he does not kill without reason or purpose, and that reason, his purpose to kill is to help rid the world of its filth and violent crime. Taking all of this into account we can plainly see the difference between the villain of the story and the anti hero archetype. Villains like King Claudius and Hannibal Lecter only seek to serve themselves and they are not concerned with what and who they must destroy to achieve their goals. While anti heroes like Hamlet and Dexter will do morally questionable things but they always whether intentional or not have a greater purpose they will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Erik Erikson s Social Stages Of Development Erik Erikson was born in Germany to a Danish mother and three years later, a German stepfather. He never knew his real father from Denmark. Growing up in Germany in a Jewish environment was sometimes difficult for him because of his Nordic features among his brown eyes, brown haired peers. Erikson was largely influenced by Sigmund Freud and expanded upon his Human Development theory with his own, the Psych Social Stages of Development. Erikson moved to America in 1933 with his family to Boston, becoming the first child analyst in that area at Harvard Medical School. He taught other institutions such as Yale and UC Berkeley. During his long career, he wrote about a variety of topics ranging from issues of race and sexuality to influential figures in history. Erikson s Psyco Social Stages of Development was extremely influential the field of developmental psychology because it laid down stages for ages to come. There are eight stages that span the human life expectancy. The first stage is called Trust vs. Mistrust, which deals with infants. The infant is developing trust within the mother and parental figures and with that trust, stability is either established or not. The mistrust that infants may develop comes from a lack of stability with their caregivers. The second stage is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, between the ages of a year and a half and three. Children are either encouraged or criticized by their parents as they seek independence. The autonomy comes from being ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Dominos Pizza zza. Product Domino s introduced a wide range of Pizzas and other snack items customized according to the tastes and preferences of Indian public including Double Cheese Crunch pizza, Cheese Burst pizza, Kebab pizza, Chicken Wings, Choco Lava cake, Pasta, Breadsticks etc. They also launched few Pizzas for specific geographical markets * Deluxe chicken with Mustard Sauce and Sardines were introduced in East Indian markets * Mutton Ghongura and Chicken Chettinad were introduced in South Indian markets 2. Price Initially Domino s India targeted customers, which are value sensitive and not price sensitive. The high price of their products were attributed to the high quality of material used. Domino s even sourced some of their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their sights were firmly set on building a dynasty of three locations and monopolizing pizza delivery in a small concentrated area. From inception, the Domino s logo contained three dots. These dots, still present on the current logo, represent Tom Monaghan s original vision of opening three locations and develop a triangulation delivery strategy (Miranda, 2009). In the early years of business, pizza was the only item on the menu at Domino s. Side items were never considered to be a part of the menu. Remaining sensitive to competitors and allowing competition to affect product pricing is a classic trait of a market follower (Kotler amp; Anderson, 2008). Domino s was eventually forced to add medium and extra large sizes to remain competitive. Domino s Pizza has chosen a market follower strategy. Product, one of the four Ps of the marketing mix, is an area where the market leader continues to influence Domino s. Competition forces changes to the market followers. The first change to the product offering at Domino s happened almost three decades after they opened. In 1989, Domino s Pizza introduced a deep dish pizza (Laukens, 2010). While it would stand to reason that the new addition to the menu was an answer to a competing product, Domino s had entered a market where deep dish was the only acceptable version of a pizza. Market research had revealed that Domino s market demographic was culturally ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Heraclitus Metaphors Heraclitus said, We can never step into the same river twice, for different water is ever flowing (12). In this maxim, Heraclitus is comparing a river to one s life. As a river continues to flow and change, time continues to pass by, changing lives as well. He uses this metaphor in order to emphasize the constant nature of change. Montaigne confirms this maxim in his writings through the use of various examples and metaphors. Firstly, Montaigne writes about the movement of time and how it never stops flowing. He says, time is a mobile thing, which appears as in a shadow, together with matter, which is ever running and flowing, without ever remaining stable or permanent (Montaigne 555). Moments in life are never permanent, as time never... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Circumstances are always changing as time passes, which can have large effects on various things such as the reliability of a plan. As time passes, circumstances change, causing something that might have seemed viable in the past, seem not as viable in the present. This proves that change is ever present and can impact even the simplest of things. Similarly, Montaigne writes all judgements in gross are loose and imperfect in order to showcase how even ideas can never be perfect and constant because they are always changing (Montaigne 876). Ideas will always be unfixed and flawed for time will always change depending on various circumstances, once again confirming how change impacts everything, both tangible and intangible. In addition to examples, Montaigne uses metaphors to confirm the constant change in this world. He writes about a soldier who was carrying a load of wood that his hands became stiff with cold and stuck to his burden, so that they remained there attached and dead, having separated from his arms (Montaigne 875). The arms are a representation of one s life, while the load is all the obstacles one has to bear through and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Friederich Nietzsche and His Philosophies Essay Friederich Nietzsche and His Philosophies Friederich Nietzsche was born in 1844 in the Prussian province of Saxony. He was the offspring of a long line of clergymen including his father, who was the pastor of a Lutheran congregation. His childhood was consumed with the haunting death of his father and, soon after, brother. After enrolling in school, he suffered from intense, painful headaches and myopia which caused burning sensations and blurred vision. This may have been syphilis and it may have been contracted from his father who had shown similar symptoms. In 1858, he enrolled in the prestigious Pforte boarding school. His illness continued to plague him, resulting in several pilgrimages to the sanitarium yet, he was able ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, even Nietzsche s critics admit that his words hold an undeniable truth, as hard as it is to accept. Perhaps this is why his work is timeless, and has survived 150 years in print. Christianity God is Dead! announced Zarathustra (better known as Zoroaster), in Neitzsche s book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883 1885). Unlike many philosophers, Nietzsche never tried to prove or disprove the existence of God, just that belief in God can create sickness; and to convince that highest achievements in human life depend on elimination of God. Whether God existed had no relevance in his goal. Proclamation of the death of God was a fundamental ingredient in the values Nietzsche advocated. Nothing has done more than Christianity to entrench the morality of mediocrity in human consciousness. Christian love extols qualities of weakness; it causes guilt. Charity is just teaching hatred and revenge directed toward nobility. Belief in God is a tool to bring submission to the individual of noble character. F. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Nietzsche had an ideal world in mind, with an ideal government and an ideal God: the Overman or Superman. These Gods were a product of natural selection, or social Darwinism. He felt, very strongly, that any kind of moral limitations upon man would only stand in the way of The Overman. The Will To Power, his strongest teaching, meant that The Overman should and would do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Impact Of Religion On American History Religion has come to become a very controlling aspect of people s lives throughout the world. The very essence of having a faith background to rely on is very comforting for humankind. Since religion has grown to be such a vital role in shaping people s views and decisions, religious conflict has also sprouted up (Olmstead). It has also been the reason for many wars throughout history. Religionas a source of ideal and morale has gone on for years. In this research paper, I will be investigating the effect religion has played in American wars, specifically. Moreover, I will address the key aspects of religion that can be seen to have influenced American history. The key tenets, which show why religion has been at the forefront of American conflict, are the concepts of ideology, morale, and democracy. Ideology has started off when the first colonists came to America. This ideology has continued on for years in the way American has dealt with issues such as war. But moreover, it has integrated with religion to be a direct effect on wars we have been in. Morale has also been one of the central points of why America has responded to so many religious conflicts in America the way they have. And lastly, religion has been instrumental in imparting democracy through out America s history of wars. American history, itself starts off with religion and faith. Many people forget that America was founded on the basis of people trying to flee religious persecution in England. So, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Role Of Myrtle Wilson In The Great Gatsby In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the American Dream is an important motif. Almost all the characters dreams are mentioned and almost all of their dreams are not fulfilled, but one particular character s attempt to achieve this dream leads to their morbid downfall. Myrtle Wilson s American Dream is to marry the aristocratic Tom Buchanan, but we see that she does not achieve this dream by annoying Tom, and then dying at the end of the novel. First, by annoying Tom and therefor being insubordinate, Myrtle does not achieve her dream. The novel states, Sometime forwards midnight Tom Buchanan and Mrs. Wilson stood face to face, discussing in impassioned voices whether Mrs. Wilson had any right to mention Daisy s name (Fitzgerald 37). This is an example from the novel where we see Myrtle arguing with Tom and being insubordinate. She had recently mentioned Daisy s name and Tom was not pleased about it, which... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The book states, The death car as the newspapers called it, didn t stop... Myrtle Wilson, her life violently extinguished, knelt in the road and mingled her thick dark blood with the dust (137). Myrtle gets hit by a car that would not stop. We later learn that the car was Gatsby s yellow car and that it was Daisy whom was driving it. Myrtle is running at the car thinking that it is Tom, coming to get her, but she is hit with a rather unpleasant surprise. It is slightly ironic that Myrtle was always envious of what Daisy had, and that in the end, it was Daisy who killed Myrtle. The book states, Myrtle Wilsons body wrapped in a blanket...lay on a work table by the wall (138). In the duration of chapter seven, Nick sees Myrtle Wilsons body on a table covered and wrapped in multiple blankets. This is when the reader realizes that Myrtle is dead. By quite literally running towards her dream, Myrtle Wilson dies; therefor she does not achieve her American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Variable Cost and Net Operating Income Submit Homew ork for Ch tad9000 gfmcppeopigbdej Advanced Manag Question 1: Score 0/4 Your response Exercise 5 1 Fixed and Variable Cost Behavior [LO1] Espresso Express operates a number of espresso coffee stands in busy suburban malls. The fixed weekly expense of a coffee stand is $1,200 and the variable cost per cup of coffee served is $0.22. Requirement 1: Fill in the following table with your estimates of total costs and cost per cup of coffee at the indicated levels of activity for a coffee stand. (Round average cost per cup of coffee to 3 decimal places. Omit the $ sign in your response.) 2,000 Fixed cost Variable cost Total costAverage cost per cup of coffee served $ $ $ 0.60 0.22 0.82 0.792 Correct response ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An occupancy day represents a room rented out for one day. The hotel s business is highly seasonal, with peaks occurring during the ski season and in the summer. Month January February March April May June July August September Occupancy Electrical Days Costs 1,736 $ 4,127 1,904 $ 4,207 2,356 $ 5,083 960 $ 2,857 360 $ 1,871 744 $ 2,696 2,108 $ 4,670 2,406 $ 5,148 840 $ 2,691 October November December 124 720 1,364 $ 1,588 $ 2,454 $ 3,529 October November December 124 720 1,364 $ 1,588 $ 2,454 $ 3,529 Requirement 1: Using the high low method, estimate the variable cost of electricity per occupancy day and the fixed cost of electricity per month. (Round the fixed cost to the nearest whole dollar and the variable cost to the nearest whole cent. Omit the $ sign in your response.)
  • 24. Variable cost Fixed cost $ $ (50%) per occupancy day (0%) per month Requirement 1: Using the high low method, estimate the variable cost of electricity per occupancy day and the fixed cost of electricity per month. (Round the fixed cost to the nearest whole dollar and the variable cost to the nearest whole cent. Omit the $ ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Pacman Research Paper Pacman is a game in which you are a yellow circle character called Pacman, you are trying to eat all of the little white dots to add to your score as well as eating any other bonus to increase your score. However, there are a number of ghosts which are trying to stop you, if you run into them you die and lose a life, once you are out of lives you lose and will have to start from the beginning. There are also big dots which will give you a temporary power up when you consume them, this power up makes the ghosts scared of you and try to run away, during this time you are also able to eat them to get even more score. Once you have eaten all of the dots you clear the level and have won the game. This game is an arcade gameand so has bright colours and is not meant to look realistic, this also applies to the sound, which has an 8 bit feel to it making the game come to life and making the player feel more connected to it. I have kept this in mind when making changes to my game as I do not want to disrupt Pacman s unique feel.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First off, I have made all of the Pacman Ghosts the same colour, I have done this just because I wanted to have 8 Ghosts and found it harder to concentrate when they were all different colours buzzing around the screen, so making all the Ghosts one colour made it easier to concentrate and still kept the ghosts fun. I also changed the base number of ghosts from 4 to 8 and increased the map size, also removing the tunnels from the side. I have done this as I wanted to make a large map however found that it would be too easy if the player could jump from one side of the map to the other, and found that there weren t enough ghosts for the large map ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Evolution Of The Initial Entry Training Essay The evolution of the Initial Entry Trainer dates back to the early 1960s, when the drill sergeants (DS) were introduced into the training force. The DS have continued to be the key factor to instilling discipline and standards in our new Soldiers. Over time, the Army has evaluated and made changes to the programs to ensure the best possible training is available for new recruits. The introduction of the advanced individual training (AIT) platoon sergeants was one of the most recent changes to the initial entry training (IET) program. The Army will continue to evaluate and assess the IET training program to assure training is still relevant to the needs of the Army. Late in 1962, Secretary of the Army Elvis J. Stahr Jr. directed Under Secretary of the Army Stephen Ailes to survey how the recruits are trained in the Army. The research was pooled from a wide variety of personnel and took a very longtime. This research also included other branches of service, comparing techniques and strategies to ensure they had the most accurate data available. The survey findings concluded the noncommissioned officers (NCOs) were poorly regarded working long hours, lack of free time for family concerns, and inadequate staffing. The survey also concluded that the caliber of NCOs that were selected were below the standard required by other services. (unknown, n.d.) The next year the Army began pilot courses at Fort Jackson, South Carolina testing the revised methods of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. How Did Thomas Edison Won The War Of Currents In the late 1800s the war of currents was taking place. On one side of the war you had Thomas Edison and on the other side you had Nikola Tesla, both were competing to see who could discover the best current. So who won this war or currents, was it Edison or was it Tesla? Thomas Edison is an American inventor who did many impressive things varying from inventing the phonograph to helping improve modern day electricity. Edison held the record for having the most patents, which was an outstanding 1,093 patents. In 1878, Edison started work on what would be one of his greatest achievements. Edison and the muckers started work on the electric light system which would become more than just a light bulb. This system would also include power plants... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This means that Tesla won the war of currentswith his alternating current. The events that leaded up to this current including Edison s campaign against AC usage in the United States. In attempt to show how dangerous AC a couple of Edison s employees created the first electric chair for the state of New York. The International Electro Technical Exhibition was held in Germany in the year of 1891. This is where the first long distance transmission of a three phase AC was displayed. This three phase AC powered the lights and motored the exhibition. The year after the exhibition took place the General Electric Company was formed and began investing the alternating current technology. In 1863 Westinghouse made a contract which allowed him to build a hydroelectric dam which would harness the power of Niagara Falls and would provide AC to Buffalo, New York. This project resulted in the use of AC to power industries in Buffalo. This started the decline of direct current in the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Autistic Drugs Bad Are drugs bad? That s what they ve been telling us since the beginning. But what if we could heal autism with drugs? Perhaps then, society will give them a second chance. Well, that second chance is now. Thanks to an experimental study, autistic people are taking medical ecstasy to cure their disorder. ECSTASY EXPERIMENTS USED ON AUTISTIC KIDS; AUTISM CURE FOUND? There are a few different traditional therapies out there for Autistic people. Most of them don t work . This is because they simply force those with autism to act normal . As one can imagine, this comes with its difficulties. However, now there is new, more culturally appropriate approach to addressing this social anxiety disorder. The treatment is ecstasy. Aside from making ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Romeo And Juliet Tragedy Even in today s society parents ask their kids to do unreasonable things. It is the way we react to these things that make all the difference. Romeo and Juliet are two fictional characters, their families have been rivals as long as anyone can remember. Romeo and Juliet met at a party and fell in love instantly, but their families did not approve of them dating. Romeo snuck into Juliet s room the day that they met. Romeo and Juliet talked and fell deeper in love. At the end of the play, Juliet had the brilliant idea to fake her own death so she could be with Romeo after he got banned from Verona. When Romeo heard that Juliet had died he went to visit her. He saw her laying there and said that she looked beautiful even dead. Romeo felt like he couldn t live in a world without his one true love, so he drank a bottle of poison. When Juliet awoke a little while later she found Romeo lying there dead, Juliet then took a sword and stabbed herself in the stomach. The question I m answering in this essay is: who is responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? In my opinion, there are many people responsible for this tragedy, The Nurse, Romeo and Juliet s parents, and Romeo and Juliet themselves. The nurse, We never really learned her name but she played a big part in this play. From the very beginning, she supported Juliet with everything. The nurse is how Juliet originally found out that Romeo was a Montague. When the nurse found out that Juliet had fallen for a montage she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Main Key Ideas Of Socrates Concern With The Betterment... Introduction and Background: The purpose behind this thesis is to identify the main key ideas of Socrates concern with the betterment of the Soul. Highlighting the word Psyche as the soul which is immortal or imperishable. Defining Soul as the main identity of a person, it is what defines a person, his acts and his mindset. He added that every soul has happiness in it but not all choose to obtain it, not all the Souls take advantage of it. Those souls that are wise and are truly happy, lead a genuine life containing happiness. While the inverse, those who are not happy lead a life concerning the material possessions and involving themselves in materialistic pleasure resulting in to dissatisfaction and ego in their personalities. This makes these souls corrupt and diseased. Socrates; The Physician of the Soul believed that people make choices either good or bad, they are unaware of how to choose to live in happiness and fulfillment. Socrates believes that betterment of the soul is main concern in philosophy and his core teachings are the foundation for improvement for us. Key Ideas or Theory: In this chapter betterment of soul is further elaborated in the following key points; Plato was credited with the quote An unexamined life is not worth living . It does, indeed, come from Plato s Apology. The ideal of the examined life is noble. It sounds unobjectionable: an encouragement to be fully human, to use our highly developed faculty of thought to raise our existence above ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Deflation And The Theory Of Truth Deflation Accounts of Causation Introduction Several different theories accounts exist attempting to explain whether truth exists. Some of the common causation accounts include the deflation account, reifications, covering law model and unificationism accounts. The Deflation theory of truth states that a predicament of the truth does not attribute the property of the truth to a particular statement. Several theories are present under the deflation accounts of causation. They include the redundancy theory of truth and the perfection theory of the truth. These two theories are the major dominant theory around deflation accounts of causation. Although both theories attempt to explain and substantiate truth in a statement, the redundancy theory is stronger compared to the perfection theory of truth. The redundancy theory is claimed to be the first theory that came close to explaining predicaments of truth in a statement. No other account has achieved the same fate as the redundancy account. Redundancy Theory of Truth Also known as the disquotational theory of truth, the redundancy theory holds that a statement will always remain the truth even before if the predictive statement misses. The most common predicament statement used by most people is the it is truth . For example, when an individual says, Snow is white, it means that snow is white and even when the predictive statement is added it does not change the nature of the sentence (Damnjanovic, 2005). Thus the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. History Of Subway Graffiti Art Essay The history of the underground art movement known by many names, most commonly graffiti begins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the mid to late 60 s, and started with bombing. The writers who are credited with the first effort are CORNBREAD and COOL EARL. They wrote their names all over the city gaining attention from the community and the local press. Then the movement made way to New York Citywhere the teenagers would write graffition the subways. It is unclear whether this concept made way to New York City on purpose or if it was an accident. Shortly after the CORNBREAD and COOL EARL effort, the Washington Heights section of Manhattan was giving birth to new writers. In 1971 The New York Times published an article on one of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Writers enhanced their tags with stars and other designs. Some designs were for visual purpose while others had meaning. For instance crowns were used by writers proclaiming themselves as king. The next development was scale. Writers started to make their tags to a larger scale. The standard nozzle width of a spray paint can is narrow so these larger tags while drawing more attention than a standard tag did not have much visual weight. Writers began to increase the thickness of the letters and would also outline them with an additional color. Writers discovered that caps from other aerosol products could provide them with a larger width of spray. This led to the development of the masterpiece. It is difficult to say who did the first masterpiece, but is commonly credited to SUPER KOOL 223 of the Bronx and WAP of Brooklyn. The thicker letters provided the opportunity to enhance the name. Writers decorated the interior of the letters with what were termed designs. First with simple polka dots and later with stars. Designs were limited to the writer s imagination. Writers eventually started to make the masterpieces the entire height of the subway car. These masterpieces were termed top to bottoms. The addition color design and scale were advancements but still strongly resembled the tags on what they were based. The competitive atmosphere led to the development of actual styles, which would depart from the tag styled ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Questions on Company Accounting 1. award: 0 out of 0.00 points On January 1, Puckett Company paid $2.64 million for 88,000 shares of Harrison s voting common stock, which represents a 40 percent investment. No allocation to goodwill or other specific account was made. Significant influence over Harrison is achieved by this acquisition and so Puckett applies the equity method. Harrison distributed a dividend of $2 per share during the year and reported net income of $613,000. What is the balance in the Investment in Harrison account found in Puckett s financial records as of December 31? $2,709,200. Acquisition price $ 2,640,000 Equity income ($613,000 Г— 40%) 245,200 Dividends (88,000 shares Г— $2) (176,000 ) Investment in Harrison ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... в†’ $845,400. The 2012 purchase is reported using the equity method. Purchase price of Goldman stock $ 735,000 Book value of Goldman stock ($1,500,000 Г— 40%) (600,000 ) Goodwill $ 135,000 Life of goodwill indefinite Annual amortization 0 Cost on January 1, 2012 $ 735,000 2012 Income accrued ($182,000 Г— 40%) 72,800 2012 Dividend collected ($90,000 Г— 40%) (36,000 ) 2013 Income accrued ($182,000 Г— 40%) 72,800 2013 Dividend collected ($90,000 Г— 40%) (36,000
  • 34. ) 2014 Income accrued ($182,000 Г— 40%) 72,800 2014 Dividend collected ($90,000 Г— 40%) (36,000 ) Investment in Goldman, 12/31/14 $ 845,400 5. award: 0 out of 0.00 points Panner, Inc., owns 20 percent of Watkins and applies the equity method. During the current year, Panner buys inventory costing $84,700 and then sells it to Watkins for $121,000. At the end of the year, Watkins still holds only $26,000 of merchandise. What amount of unrealized gross profit must Panner defer in reporting this investment using the equity method? в†’ $1,560. $12,360. $7,560. $5,460. Gross profit rate (GPR): $36,300 Г· $121,000 = 30% Inventory remaining at year end $ 26,000 GPR Г— 30 % Unrealized gain $ 7,800 Ownership Г— 20 % Intra entity unrealized gain deferred $ 1,560 6. award: 0 out of 0.00
  • 35. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Effects Of Music On Music Throughout History Toby J. Hess Professor Paschke Humanities 220 April 15, 2015 Technology: The Effects on Music throughout History Music and technology aid one another. In a way a person can capture music they love through technology and then the electronic companies flourish due to the sale and popularity of these electronic devices. If a person wants to listen to music they can turn on a stereo or TV, choose a CD or DVD to play, or listen to a songs downloaded in ITunes. All of these devices are proof to show how technology is used to record, play, and change the way music is heard. A look through history will show how far society has come in music alone. The development of technology has changed the way the music industry operates and the way society hears and purchases music today. It started off with humming, then singing. People sang in church choirs, in the living room, or on a stage. Music can be heard by vocals or by the melodic tune of instruments. People paid to go to symphonies and listen to composers perform their masterpieces. Family gathered around the piano, or at a church to listen to music on the holidays. Music was not portable, nor was it recordable. According to the novel, Looking Backward in 1888, the philosophy was that technology was the solution to the ills plaguing modern life and the means to achieve a perfect society (Katz, 51). Meaning that life was boring and technology was the answer to bettering and changing society. In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Psychology of Color Psychology Research Paper1/23/11 The Psychology of Color The brain receives signals from three different color channels: red, blue, and green. When the brain receives a mix of these signals, we perceive colors that are mixtures of these three primary colors through a process called color addition (Think Quest Color Psychology ). All colored visible light can be expressed as either mixtures or consistencies of red, blue, or green, which by perception between the eyes and the brain, produces the vast spectrum of color that exists to humans and other organisms alike. With the ability to alter our moods and bodily functions, color has more of an impact on us than we may realize. Each color produces different effects on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How much money would you be willing to spend on your date? (Science Daily). The results of the experiment showed that under all conditions, the women wearing or framed by red were rated significantly higher in attractiveness and sexual desirability than the exact same woman shown with any other color. Those whose favorite color is red are typically outgoing, impulsive, aggressive, and restless in personality. Red is a color chosen by those who carry an open nature and a zest for life (Annie B. Bond, Your Favorite Color: What it Says About You ). Orange is a color that commands much attention. It represents warmth, enthusiasm, exuberance, liveliness and is also associated with Thanksgiving and Halloween (Nicholson). Physiologically, orange can stimulate the sexual organs, benefit the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system. It incites activity, socialization, and due to its hate it or love it quality, it also sparks controversy (Smith). Psychologically, orange relieves feelings of self pity, lack of self worth, and unwillingness to forgive. It can also open emotions, increase energy, and even serve as a perceptual antidepressant (Think Quest). Due to its association with arrogance, danger, and over emotion, a survey proves that orange has been labeled as America s Least Favorite Color (Laurie Pawlik Kienlen The Subconscious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Advantages and Uses of Biofuels Essay examples Definition: According to Dr Andrew Zimmerman Jones, the Definition of energy is: Energy is the capacity of a physical system to perform work. Energy exists in several forms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical, or other forms (1) A simpler definition is: Energy is the ability to do work and cause change (2) Renewable vs. non renewable: The definition of bio fuels: Bio fuel is defined as solid, liquid or gaseous fuel obtained from relatively recently lifeless or living biological material and is different from fossil fuels, which are derived from long dead biological material. Also, various plants and plant derived materials are used for bio fuel manufacturing. (3)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How the energy functions in nature: Sugarcane itself looks like bamboo stalks and it is in the stalks that the plant stores energy that it doesn t need straight away rather like animals make fat. People like sugar for its sweetness and the energy it provides, so farmers grow these plants commercially to extract the sugar. Most of Australia s sugarcane is grown along the coast of Queensland, and the rest is grown in northern New South Wales and the Ord region in Western Australia. (5) The uses of Bio fuels: Bio fuel is being used in many ways. One of the most common uses for Bio fuel is to power vehicles. There are two common ways to produce liquid bio fuels. One is to grow crops high in sugar such as sugar cane, sugar beet or corn. They then use yeast to help ferment the crops into ethanol. Ethanol is a bio fuel. The second way to make bio fuel is to grow plants high in oil. Examples of these plants are oil palm and soya bean. These oils are taken from the plants, heated to make them runny and then used in diesel engines. Wood and things made from wood can also be used to make bio fuels like methanol and ethanol. Bio fuel made from sugary substances is used in cars with petrol engines. These are the most common types of car engines. Bio fuel made from oily plants is used in diesel engines. Diesel engines are common in trucks, tractors and heavy machinery. Bio fuels are made by harvesting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. American Anime Influence Anime films are cartoons, usually from Japan, with adult subject matter. Despite the prevailing American view that cartoons are for children, Japanese view anime as a legitimate art form that is appropriate for adult viewing. Anime subjects vary widely from soap opera drama, to medieval adventures, comedy and to science fiction. The fist anime ever televised was Tetsuwan Atomu it came out In 1963 as a television series. The english name for Tetsuwan Atomu was Astroboy . The next hit anime was Speed Racer In 1967. Tezuka s greatest work was Hi No Tori the english verzion was known as Phoenix 2772 . The success of Astroboy led to the overnight development of an Anime industry. This industry flooded with copycats, originals, and a mix of both that leads to what we see today. Over the next three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Today, the American industry shows anime five plus hour per day airing across multiple networks and cable channels. Oftentimes more mature titles where purchased for the US market but were edited to tone down the mature content as there still exists the stigma that animation is a children s medium and childrens mediaum has to be highly restricted in the content it shows. Many people disagree on whether these changes ruined or improved the anime however is widely acknowledged that they gave anime the one thing that it needed in order to make it in the American market: exposure. High exposure eventually leads to a larger fan base. Exposure leads people to ask or look for more, if we have 100 pokemon fans in 1998, and two years later we have about 75 Dragon ball Z fans, another two years later we have 45 lovers of Cowboy Bebop , Outlaw Star , Inuyasha , this leads us to a few hard core otaku . If the trend continues by 2010, we have an anime industry with accolades of fans swarming in unprecedented numbers, all because a few shows debuted on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Desktop Research Paper Violet Batchelor I believe that one of the most interesting and widely used and seen human computer interface devices is the desktop. Being only 20 years old, I have never personally owned a computer that did not have some kind of desktop. I had never thought to delve into why it was called the desktop until we discussed this in class. A computers desktop is the place where the user can organize shortcuts to their different activites. Some examples are a link to an internetpage, a shortcut to MicrosoftOffice, or a shortcut to My Computer in the file explorer. The desktop was invented along with the GUI (graphical user interface) and so I personally put it under the category of the granddaddy of computer interfaces. If you use a modern computer, you use a desktop. When you start up your machine, whatever operating system it is, the first thing you will see (once the computer has finished booting) is your... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You can learn a lot about someone by how their desktop looks and what s in it. A writer would probably have hundreds of shortcuts to their unfinished screenplays, while a programmer may also have 100s of shortcuts, but to different coding projects. The desktop also, as users before the desktop know, makes using a computer much faster and easier. Instead of having to search (possibly through command line) for something you may possibly do everyday, you can make a shortcut to it (and in some cases, your computer will make one for you) and just click it. I can almost hear the AHA! moment of we ll call it a desktop! I imagine, especially in the beginning, that the name desktop was the best fit for this interface. A programmer looked around their desk, thinking what will we call this great new interface? and they saw their files and papers surrounding them and came to the logical conclusion that that interface full of their documents and files looked just like their desk in front of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Private Military Contractors In The Middle East Throughout the Middle East, the use of private military contractors has significantly heightened, due to the call of attacks in these countries. PMC s take up much cost for a country to fund, and the increasing rates are bringing drawbacks onto working citizens. However, there PMC s are also vital in order for a country to maintain its armed security forces. On the other hand, mercenaries are people who take part in armed conflicts. The PMC s hire these mercenaries to work under them in helping take part in hostilities, but receive benefits for their own gains. Recently, the United Nations MercenaryConvention (UNMC) has placed restrictions upon PMC s in the use of mercenaries, in order to create specifications between commercial and government uses of these protection services. Sweden has very little support and funds for the use of these PMC s, due to the lack of high military activity. Current Issues: In the Middle East, and other countries active in their military uses, are raising high questions of controversy against whether or not PMC s should be implemented at an international scale. After these countries in the middle east have been hit with attacks, there has been thought on how to promote entrusted security for the countries. However, the use of these PMC s can lead to security faults in diplomatic officials, and can cause unstable regions throughout a country as we have seen happen in Libya in 2012. On the contrary, PMC s can be ideal in post war ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Cultural Impacts Of Religious And Cultural Beliefs On... In the health care field, it is inevitable that the health care professionals ensure to incorporate the client s cultural practices and beliefs when planning and providing care. The nurses and other health care providers have the professional obligation to stay complex to their clients social backgrounds. Health care providers should encourage clients and family members to explain how religious or cultural morals may be important to a hospital stay related to personal needs, interaction with staff, and decisions about treatment. Cultural differences have emotional impact on health, illness and death, beliefs about the effects of disease, methods for health promotion, how illness and pain remain experienced and conveyed, where patients seek out help, and the varieties of treatment patients like better. Hence, understanding the impact of culture on health practices is crucial. Haiti is an island nation located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Among the religion in Haiti about 80 percent of the citizens are Roman Catholic. The voodoo syncretic religion is practiced in Haiti symbolizing a distinctive set of rituals that include voodoo dolls and symbolic drawings. In Haiti French and Haitian French Creole is the home languages. Haitians are very expressive and generously touch family and admirer besides to touching health care worker to let people know the Haitian is speaking to them. Haitians tend to be loud when communicating with others. Haitian food is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Negative Effects Of Credit Cards For the past several decades, physical money has been the most common way for people to pay for goods and services. However, in the past several years, bills and coins have been replaced by plastic as more people use credit cards to buy the things they want. Credit cards are convenient, as they allow to card holder to buy whatever they want without having to carry around a certain amount of moneythat needs to be predetermined. To add on to this convenience, credit cards have large spending limits, which allow the card holder to make multiple large purchases, which only need paid back when the credit cardbill comes later. However, despite how attractive credit cards may seem, they are overused by and cause huge problems for millions of Americans. Although credit cards are seen as convenient by many people, they are actually risky tools that can wreak financial havoc. One of the major problems with credit cards is that consumers naturally spend more when they have a card in hand. When studied, psychologists have found that card holders spend more money when they use a credit card than when they use physical money. Similarly, these studies have also found that card holders will often pay more than what is required on costs, such as restaurant tips, when they are using a card. Card holders spend in this larger way because of the perceived differences between money and credit cards. For instance, when a person spends a large amount of money, it triggers a reaction in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Freedom Of Choice In Walt Whitman s I Hear America Singing Being in American isn t standing up for the pledge, not just taking a moment of silence, and not just celebrating the 4th of July. Being an American means having freedom in choosing your own path, opportunity in creating your own destiny, and a hard working mentality to achieve your goals. Since the beginning of the establishment of the United State; people have wanted the freedom of choice. Immigrants long for it, and Americans have the ability to carry it out. We first see freedom of choice in I Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman. The poem sates, The shoemaker singing as he sits in his bench, the hatter singing as he stands, the woodcutter s song (12). The following excerpt displays the freedom of choice in the lower class, or the blue collar jobs. They might not have the ideal job that everyone wants, but the great thing about America is that you are free to choose whatever job you want. Secondly we see this idea of freedom of choice in the short story... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first example of this is in the short story America and I by Anzia Yerzierska. The author writes, I got up early. I worked till late. All that my soul hungered to give I put into the passion with which I scrubbed floors, scoured pots, and washed clothes (17). The following excerpt displays that despite her current predicament she is willing to do whatever it takes to have a better life for herself; she inherits a hard working mentality just like an American has. Next example of hard working mentality in Americans is in the poem I, Too Sing America by Langston Hughes. In the poem Langston Hughes writes, Tomorrow, I ll be at the table when company comes (3). This shows that he s not satisfied with his current situation and despite his predicament he still wants better for himself and doesn t stop his admirations. This is what it means to be an American; having a hard working mentality to achieve your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Critique on “Damages” as a Remedy for Breach of Contract... Critique on Damages as a remedy for breach of contract under Indian, American, English and Chinese law. Project: Law of Contracts [pic] |Submitted to: |Submitted by: | |Prof (Dr.) Amar Singh | | |Principal Faculty, |Dheerak Kumar Aseri B.Sc. LL.B (Hons.) | |Law of Contracts, | | |National Law University, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It might be supposed that the purpose of remedies is to compel the promisors to keep their promises. But the system of contract remedies is not directed at compulsion of promisors to prevent breach , it is aimed instead as a relief to promisees to redress breach.[iii] The award of damages is the common form of relief for breach of contract. Virtually any breach gives the injured party a claim for damages for at least nominal damages.[iv] Further there are various kinds of damages that a Court may award depending on the facts of each and every case. This project aims at providing a comparative critique on damages as a remedy for breach of contract under Indian, American, English and Chinese law keeping in view the research problem and the objectives to be achieved. DAMAGES In USA the damages for breach of contract fall into three categories: a) Expectation is the prospect of gain from the contract. (Rest.2d В§347) b) Reliance is the detriment the injured party may have incurred by changing his or her position. (Rest.2d В§349) Purpose of reliance damages is to restore the victim of breach to the position he or she would have been in if the contract had not been made. (Rest.2d В§344(b) .) c) Restitution is the interest in the benefits the injured party has conferred upon the breaching party. (Rest.2d В§344 (c).) As a general rule, the objective of contract damages is to insure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Pre-literacy and Modern Vestiges Pre literacy and Modern Vestiges For many years, the conventions and existence of epic poetry from the pre literate age were explained as repositories for information. A well known story, usually involving a hero that embodied the virtues of the society who told the story, engages in battles, quests, etc. As the epic is spoken to an audience, the hero s actions and the way they are described impart the audience with information and teachings. The information the listeners received is thought by some to be analogous to a modern day textbook lesson, in which students learn mathematics, grammar, and law, all by the written word. So is the contention of Homeric scholar Eric A. Havelock. As Hobart and Schiffman state in Orality and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The specific words sung are more attuned to the metrical nature of the music than they are apt tools for imparting the singer with specific knowledge about a single battle. The Star Spangled Banner is an example of modern commemoration. If we were to read it as it was originally written, as a poem, then we would probably think of it as a series of images describing a naval assault on an American fort, and as a singular, historical event. The poem s lines would become information. Yet in song form this is not the case. The point of the song is not for each individual to remember a certain night in American history; the point is for a group of singers to remember the notion of a nation, more specifically, the United States. Hobart and Schiffman theorize that each oral presentation of the Iliad was a different for its audiences as the situations in which we might hear the national anthem. For instance, we sing the national anthem at baseball games, but we also heard it after the World Trade Center was attacked on September 11, 2001; besides being group events, these cases have little in common. The type of memory that we use when sing the song together is the commemorative type. Another example describing the differences in the concept of memory that Hobart and Schiffman refer to can be found in computers. Memory on a computer describes how many tasks a computer can do at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...