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Is This How Your Sales Team                          Optimizing the Pipeline With
            Views Leads?
                                                             Sales-Ready Leads
                                                   The Ineffective Go-To-Market Problem Unveiled
                                                   A joint report from The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the
                                                   Boston Consulting Group shook the B2B marketing industry when the
                                                   study revealed an alarming trend: “the majority of global companies
                                                   surveyed acknowledged significant deficiencies in their go-to-market
                                                   demand gen capabilities and sales processes.” Findings showed major
                                                   disconnects between what B2B firms know they should be doing and
                                                   what they are actually doing to enhance their go-to-market processes.
   Sales Ready vs. Marketing Ready
                                                   Furthermore, only 6% of executives surveyed were satisfied with their
   The typical marketer and sales person, in a
                                                   go-to-market capabilities enough to rate them “extremely good”. The
   complex B2B sales environment,
                                                   CMO Council summed up the issue, saying that most firms are focusing
   understands the value of a truly qualified
   “sales-ready” lead over a marketing ready       on “small and near term problems instead of tackling larger
   prospect, because it meets a designated set     strategic…issues”. Clearly, the pressure is now on at the senior level to
   of criteria and progresses into a sale faster   better align sales and marketing and resolve this inefficiency gap.
   with fewer selling resources.

   Sales Ready Lead                                The Solution: Sales Lead Optimization
   •    Budget: Projects are identified as         Sales Lead Optimization is defined as the go-to-market pre-sales
        funded.                                    process, unique to each company’s scenario and marketplace, which
   •    Authority: Contact is a decision-maker.    yields pre-qualified selling opportunities with accelerated rates of
   •    Need: Your solutions can solve their       progression through the sales cycle.
   •    Timeframe to purchase: Timeframe           Sales lead optimization allows a higher return on investment than
        matches your requirements.                 traditional or non-optimized models. Sales lead optimization has
   •    Custom qualification questions: Unique     quickly become the single most cost effective tool that B2B firms
        to each client’s selling scenarios.        can use to increase sales, decrease costs and selling cycle timelines
   It’s all about sales. DMP customizes the four
                                                   and improve profitability.
   BANT plus the additional categories needed
   to meet our clients’ “sales-ready” specs.       Yet, many firms still rely on campaigns that achieve only a 1% - 3%
                                                   response rate. Then only a subset─typically 4%-8% of those─meet the
   Marketing Ready Prospect                        criteria for a “sales-ready” qualified lead set by the sales force. However,
                                                   many firms create their own problem by routing the unqualified
   •    Hand-raisers: clicked-through an email,
                                                   suspects to the sales team as “leads,” thus passing along the
        or responded to an adwords or banner
                                                   inefficiencies and causing the sales force to lose confidence in
   •    Attended a webinar or other event.
                                                   marketing’s ability to support sales. An Aberdeen study revealed that
   •    Downloaded a case study or whitepaper
                                                   this mistake eats up selling time by 37.5%, yet many fall into this trap.
        from your website landing page.
   •    Called a toll-free number for more         Senior management is now challenging this scenario. By raising the bar
        information as a result of direct mail.    and demanding ROI on marketing campaign budgets, management has
                                                   created a rush towards adopting the sales lead optimization approach.
   Market ready prospects are a good source to
   start with, and DMP offers a pre-sales team     DMP has perfected the sales lead optimization process. We bridge the
   to qualify them into the sales ready
                                                   gap between sales and marketing by delivering truly qualified, sales-
   condition needed to achieve sales quotas.
                                                   ready leads to our clients, helping them achieve higher sales yields from
©2011 Direct Marketing Partners                    fewer resources and making the entire team successful.
All Rights Reserved
Give Your Team a New Perspective

     “Just want to give you a heads up
   that these CoolThread telemarketing
       pre-qualified leads are good!

   I am getting the highest ratio of
   positive hits on them versus any
   other program. The VAR reps love
   them as well. ”

             Matt Garadis
      Government Account Manager
           Oracle/Sun Micro
                                                                        Step-by-Step Sales Lead Optimization
                                                          •   Diagnosis: Determine if and where a client’s marketing demand
                                                              generation programs can be better optimized.
   Direct Marketing Partners                              •   Apply DMP’s reverse engineering sales lead calculator and funnel
   is an award winning outsourced business-to-                analysis modeling tools to quantify the metrics for each stage based on
   business marketing service provider.                       revenue goals.
   Through the use of proprietary tools,                  •   Formalize the “sales-ready” lead scoring criteria and specs.
   personalized multi-touch strategies,                   •   Provide strategic input on the go-to-market plan and tactical direct
   teleservices, and unmatched analytics, we                  marketing - telemarketing touch points to achieve the sales-ready lead
   specialize in optimizing lead pipelines,                   spec.
   accelerating our clients’ marketing-through-
                                                          •   Execute the go-to-market touch campaign(s) and engage the target
   sales cycles, and achieving measurable ROI.
   Our core competencies include prospect                     audience with the message, offer and value proposition.
   database building; sales lead generation,              •   Route only “sales-ready” qualified leads to the sales team. Nurture the
   nurturing and lead qualification to sales-                 suspects and prospects until they meet the sales-ready criteria.
   ready spec, direct and channel partner lead            •   Track the lead conversion metrics and validate the campaign(s) using
   pipeline management, audience acquisition,                 automation tools and reporting dashboards.
   and database marketing and management.                 •   Benchmark the program and compare the progress to the strategic plan.
                                                              DMP program managers provide market insight & analysis on what
                                                              worked and the how and why the targets responded to the campaign.
                                                          •   Sales progress and revenues are tracked for ROI.

                                                      Throughout the campaign(s), DMP utilizes a continuous improvement process to
                                                      refine the go-to-market variables to improve and increase results into the optimal
                                                      zone. Pipeline objectives are met in less time and at lower total cost.

                                                                       How can DMP optimize your pipeline?

                                                    2045 Hallmark Drive, Suite 5
                                                       Sacramento, CA 95825
©2011 Direct Marketing Partners
                                                        800-909-2626 ext. 4
All Rights Reserved
                                                      Email: info@dirmkt.com

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Optimizing the Pipeline With Sales-Ready Lead

  • 1. Is This How Your Sales Team Optimizing the Pipeline With Views Leads? Sales-Ready Leads The Ineffective Go-To-Market Problem Unveiled A joint report from The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council and the Boston Consulting Group shook the B2B marketing industry when the study revealed an alarming trend: “the majority of global companies surveyed acknowledged significant deficiencies in their go-to-market demand gen capabilities and sales processes.” Findings showed major disconnects between what B2B firms know they should be doing and what they are actually doing to enhance their go-to-market processes. Sales Ready vs. Marketing Ready Furthermore, only 6% of executives surveyed were satisfied with their The typical marketer and sales person, in a go-to-market capabilities enough to rate them “extremely good”. The complex B2B sales environment, CMO Council summed up the issue, saying that most firms are focusing understands the value of a truly qualified “sales-ready” lead over a marketing ready on “small and near term problems instead of tackling larger prospect, because it meets a designated set strategic…issues”. Clearly, the pressure is now on at the senior level to of criteria and progresses into a sale faster better align sales and marketing and resolve this inefficiency gap. with fewer selling resources. Sales Ready Lead The Solution: Sales Lead Optimization • Budget: Projects are identified as Sales Lead Optimization is defined as the go-to-market pre-sales funded. process, unique to each company’s scenario and marketplace, which • Authority: Contact is a decision-maker. yields pre-qualified selling opportunities with accelerated rates of • Need: Your solutions can solve their progression through the sales cycle. problems. • Timeframe to purchase: Timeframe Sales lead optimization allows a higher return on investment than matches your requirements. traditional or non-optimized models. Sales lead optimization has • Custom qualification questions: Unique quickly become the single most cost effective tool that B2B firms to each client’s selling scenarios. can use to increase sales, decrease costs and selling cycle timelines It’s all about sales. DMP customizes the four and improve profitability. BANT plus the additional categories needed to meet our clients’ “sales-ready” specs. Yet, many firms still rely on campaigns that achieve only a 1% - 3% response rate. Then only a subset─typically 4%-8% of those─meet the Marketing Ready Prospect criteria for a “sales-ready” qualified lead set by the sales force. However, many firms create their own problem by routing the unqualified • Hand-raisers: clicked-through an email, suspects to the sales team as “leads,” thus passing along the or responded to an adwords or banner inefficiencies and causing the sales force to lose confidence in campaign. • Attended a webinar or other event. marketing’s ability to support sales. An Aberdeen study revealed that • Downloaded a case study or whitepaper this mistake eats up selling time by 37.5%, yet many fall into this trap. from your website landing page. • Called a toll-free number for more Senior management is now challenging this scenario. By raising the bar information as a result of direct mail. and demanding ROI on marketing campaign budgets, management has created a rush towards adopting the sales lead optimization approach. Market ready prospects are a good source to start with, and DMP offers a pre-sales team DMP has perfected the sales lead optimization process. We bridge the to qualify them into the sales ready gap between sales and marketing by delivering truly qualified, sales- condition needed to achieve sales quotas. ready leads to our clients, helping them achieve higher sales yields from ©2011 Direct Marketing Partners fewer resources and making the entire team successful. All Rights Reserved
  • 2. Give Your Team a New Perspective “Just want to give you a heads up that these CoolThread telemarketing pre-qualified leads are good! I am getting the highest ratio of positive hits on them versus any other program. The VAR reps love them as well. ” Matt Garadis Government Account Manager Oracle/Sun Micro Step-by-Step Sales Lead Optimization • Diagnosis: Determine if and where a client’s marketing demand generation programs can be better optimized. Direct Marketing Partners • Apply DMP’s reverse engineering sales lead calculator and funnel is an award winning outsourced business-to- analysis modeling tools to quantify the metrics for each stage based on business marketing service provider. revenue goals. Through the use of proprietary tools, • Formalize the “sales-ready” lead scoring criteria and specs. personalized multi-touch strategies, • Provide strategic input on the go-to-market plan and tactical direct teleservices, and unmatched analytics, we marketing - telemarketing touch points to achieve the sales-ready lead specialize in optimizing lead pipelines, spec. accelerating our clients’ marketing-through- • Execute the go-to-market touch campaign(s) and engage the target sales cycles, and achieving measurable ROI. Our core competencies include prospect audience with the message, offer and value proposition. database building; sales lead generation, • Route only “sales-ready” qualified leads to the sales team. Nurture the nurturing and lead qualification to sales- suspects and prospects until they meet the sales-ready criteria. ready spec, direct and channel partner lead • Track the lead conversion metrics and validate the campaign(s) using pipeline management, audience acquisition, automation tools and reporting dashboards. and database marketing and management. • Benchmark the program and compare the progress to the strategic plan. DMP program managers provide market insight & analysis on what worked and the how and why the targets responded to the campaign. • Sales progress and revenues are tracked for ROI. Throughout the campaign(s), DMP utilizes a continuous improvement process to refine the go-to-market variables to improve and increase results into the optimal zone. Pipeline objectives are met in less time and at lower total cost. How can DMP optimize your pipeline? 2045 Hallmark Drive, Suite 5 Sacramento, CA 95825 ©2011 Direct Marketing Partners 800-909-2626 ext. 4 All Rights Reserved Email: info@dirmkt.com www.directmarketingpartners.com