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Cultural Alignment
How to Align Organizational Culture with
Business Strategy
• About Work Effects
• Organizational Health
• Purposeful Culture
• Creating a Healthy and Purposeful Culture
• Phase I: Define Needed Culture
• Phase II: Discover Your Culture
• Phase III: Develop the Actions
• Phase IV: Deploy the Needed Culture
• Partner with Work Effects
About Work Effects
The Company
• Over 20 years of experience in leadership and
organizational development
• WE help organizations to leverage reciprocal trust
• WE inspire leaders to establish purposeful culture
• WE align organizational culture with business
strategy to drive performance and results
• WE hold expertise in creating the right:
o Metrics: “You can’t change what you can’t
o Methods: the change process and
o Movement: facilitation, training, and
Transform leader and culture beliefs to align with business
strategy to create competitive advantage.
Our Mission
Work Effects Approach Our Commitments
What You Get
• Build a collaborative approach and partnership
to create accountability
• Pay attention to details
• Provide a positive experience
• Meet timelines and budgets
• Be responsive, creative, and innovative
• Purposeful culture
• Competitive advantage
• Ease of making things
• Employees take greater
ownership of their work
• Increased workforce
• Strong belief systems
• Highly committed
Organizational Health
Organizational Health
• Seeks to improve performance through
employee well-being
• Ability to function effectively, cope adequately,
change appropriately and grow from within
• Typically expressed through organization values
and employee engagement
• Is typically viewed from bad to good
Trends and Benefits of Engagement
Source: Aon Hewitt 2016 Trends in
Global Employee Engagement Report
Source: McKinsey Quarterly
Organizational health: The ultimate
competitive advantage
Core Values Examples
Why Health?
• Greater engagement enhances performance
and productivity
• Provides higher employee retention and
ability to attract quality talent
• Values driven organizations build trust,
reduce conflict, and create healthy behaviors
• Healthy organizations increase customer
satisfaction, adaptability, quality, and financial
Healthy Organizations Have…
Measuring Health
• Every organization should become as healthy as possible
• Engagement and values are not unique nor aligned to your strategic goals
• You need more to create distinction. You need to define “how work gets
Healthy Organization Summary
• Healthy is bad to good
• Being healthy has proven ROI
• Being healthy is necessary
• Every organization should become as healthy as possible
• Being healthy is good...but not sufficient
• Engagement and values are not unique nor aligned to your
strategic goals
• You need to create lasting distinction
• You need to define “how work gets done” specific to your
Purposeful Culture
Purposeful Culture
• Purposeful culture is unique to an organization…no two alike
• Defines “how work gets done”
• Is aligned to the organization’s strategy
• Measured on a scale of good ↔ good
Strategy Leadership Trust Culture Capability Results
Strategy to Results
Strategy must go through culture to produce results
Culture eats strategy for lunch –Peter Drucker
When Culture Becomes a Crisis
Change in
Merger or
Sudden or
(Brain Drain)
Shift in Strategy
ROI of Purposeful Culture
Watson Wyatt High Trust Organizations Study,
James Heskett The Culture Cycle, 2012
• Culturally aligned organizations with
high-trust return 286% more value to
stakeholders than low-trust
• Purposeful culture can account for as
much as 50% of the competitive
difference between organizations
over a 10 year period2
Outcomes Healthy Purposeful
Revenue 166% 692%
Stock Price 74% 901%
Net Income 1% 756%
Job Growth 36% 282%
Do you know how Purposeful your Culture is?
Health vs. Culture
Organizational Health
• Leadership
• Trusted Organization
• Trusted Individual
• Individual Capacity
• Team Capacity
• Organizational Climate
• Organizational Capacity
Purposeful Culture
• Customers
• Market Approach
• Loyalty
• Focus
• Risk Tolerance
• Operational Approach
• Decision Making – Information
• Decision Making – Location
• Atmosphere
• Results
• Culture has often been vague, hidden, and embedded in the organization
• Culture may be the molasses that hinders strategy execution
• When culture is purposefully defined it creates structure:
 It can be measured
 It can managed
 It can be more easily changed
• Purposefully aligned culture consists of:
 Defining the culture you need
 Discovering the culture you have
 Developing the actions to close the gaps
 Deploying the culture champions to sustain the transformation
• Make conscious choices about “how work gets done” on a continuum
Purposeful Culture Defined
Do you know how Purposeful your Culture is?
Do you know how Purposeful your Culture is?
Why Purposeful Culture
• Enables you to measure and manage it
• Increases workforce productivity
• Makes getting things done easier
• When aligned, makes strategy execution possible
• Creates a lasting competitive advantage
Creating a Healthy and
Purposeful Culture
The Four Phases
Don’t try to eat the elephant in one bite – Take the journey one phase at a time
Do you know how Purposeful your Culture is?
Phase I: Define Needed Culture
Phase I: Define
Audience: Teams with common
goals (workgroups to leadership
Duration: 75 minutes to half day
~Reinforces goals
~Creates interdependent teams
~ Establishes contextual definitions
~Identifies the critical beliefs
required to execute strategy
~ Provides new communication
Step 1: Clarify strategic goals
Step 2: Discuss the culture you have
Step 3: Define the culture you need
Step 4: Prioritize the critical few
Step 5: Individually rehearse “how
work needs to gets done”
Strategy Culture Alignment
Planning Session
Culture Alignment Planning Session Results
Case Study:
National Food Service
New strategy focused on
three areas:
• Fresh go-to-market strategy
focused on the value
proposition to the
• A structured sales process
that will be utilized across
all regions with a focus on
rebid opportunities
• Learning and development
initiatives across all levels of
the organization to ensure
learning of processes and
organizational values
Operational Approach
How What
Current xx xxxxx xxxxx x
Future X
Transactional Intimate
Current x xxxx xxxxxxx x
Future X
External Internal
Current xx xxxxxxxx xxx
Future X
Current x
Future X
Case Study:
National Food Service
New strategy focused on
three areas:
• Fresh go-to-market strategy
focused on the value
proposition to the
• A structured sales process
that will be utilized across
all regions with a focus on
rebid opportunities
• Learning and development
initiatives across all levels of
the organization to ensure
learning of processes and
organizational values
Future X
Fact Intuition
Future X
Disciplined Social
Current XX XX XXXX
Future X
Risk Tolerance
Operational Approach
Decision Making - Information
Future X
Phase II: Discover Your Culture
Phase II- Discover
Audience: All employees
Duration: 8 weeks
~Identify critical populations
~Pinpoint Gaps
~Roadmap for transformation
Step 1: Conduct Organizational Survey
• Establish benchmarks for organization health
and culture metrics
Step 2: Analysis of Information & Organization
• Determine the 20% of the organization that
produces 80% of the value and focus there
• Qualitative and Quantitative gap analysis by
experts to tell your story
Step 3: Executive Debrief
• Provide executives with summary results,
themes and trends, and roadmap for
Health + Culture Gap Analysis
Health + Culture Survey Content
Company Feedback
4 Standard questions Custom questions can be added
Organizational Culture
40 questions
10 dimensions of
Organizational Culture
Good to Good Scale
Organizational Health
40 questions +
5 indicators w/ norms
7 dimensions of
Organizational Health
Bad to Good Scale
Survey Methods
• System generated login sent to participants via email
• Participants logon to website to take the survey
• Data is processed by WE I/O Psychologists
– Able to run many different demographics
• Workgroup
• Location
• Years of Service
• Age
• Results summarized back to Senior Leadership to determine best
practices to leverage and gaps to address
Comment coding is performed
on open ended questions to
determine organizational
strengths and opportunities.
Do you know how Purposeful your Culture is?
Do you know how Purposeful your Culture is?
Factor Overall (% and Count) Negative and Positive Overall %
Organizational Climate 36% (1,533)
Individual Capability 20% (856)
Organizational Capability 20% (851)
Leadership 9% (394)
Trusted Organization 7% (312)
Team Capability 4% (162)
Trusted Individual 3% (125) 1%
Comment Analysis
Factor Sample Comment
Organizational Climate
I love the team atmosphere that I get in my unit. everyone is willing to help each other with
tasks that fall into their scope of work. also, I really enjoy the 12 hour shifts. It makes it easy
to balance work and life when only required to work three days a week.
Individual Capability Being able to assist people when they need help and having the resources to do so.
Organizational Capability
1. We provide the best service for our customers.
2. We are an operating company, and have the ability to tap in to resources across the
It is also nice to see some of the leadership around the area at different points, and to know
they are not just in an office looking at numbers and statistics, but that they go to the
teams and interact with employees.
Trusted Organization
I feel confident that we are a leader within the industry, and this motivates me to work to
my potential. We are innovative, invest in our leaders, establish high standards of quality
and promote accountability and discipline.
Team Capability
I like the structure and protocols for how tasks are carried out. I enjoy working with all my
teammates and the incredible support we have from each other.
Trusted Individual As long as we are doing our job correctly, I like the fact that we are not micro managed.
Sample Positive Comments
Phase III- Develop the Actions
Phase III- Develop
Audience: Workgroups
Duration: 8 weeks (2 weeks for
each step)
~Better leaders
~Workgroup buy-in
~Clear plan of action
Step 1: Prepare People Leaders
• Create basic leadership skills
• Provide results interpretation
• Create agendas and talking points for workgroup
feedback and action planning
Step 2: Workgroup Feedback
• Review of goals
• Culture alignment results
• Organizational health results
• Integrate Goals…Culture…Health
• Clarification and contextual interpretation
• Prioritization
Step 3: 1-1 Feedback
• How to do the work – to create better alignment
Step 4: Workgroup Actions
• Review priorities and observations
• Clarify objectives
• Create and document action items
Workgroup Alignment
Phase III: Develop the Actions Follow Up Process
Leadership Skills: The Objectives
Action Planning
Managing 1:1
Meetings &
Vision Casting
Facilitation &
Successful facilitation calls for listening, drawing out information, and mastering
these skills:
Phase IV: Deploy the Needed
Phase IV – Deploy
Audience: Key Influencers / Change
Duration: 6-12 month assignment
~Aligned culture
~Demonstrated Impact
Step 1: Identify Culture Champions
Step 2: Prepare Culture Champions
Step 3: Sustain Culture Transformation
Step 4: Monthly Dashboard Metrics
Phase IV Steps
Step 1: Identify Culture Champions
• Who are they? Culture Champions are the trusted influencers
within the organization. They are natural leaders and skilled in
coaching and developing others.
• Where they come from? All levels and functions… Executives,
Directors, Managers, High Potentials, HR
• How to identify them? Leadership scores (from assessments and
surveys), Talent planning, Key People Indicator.
Key PeopleTop 25% assessment scores
1. I have confidence in my leader?
2. Leader is willing to make a change?
3. Leader acts with integrity?
4. Leader inspires me?
5. Leader removes obstacles?
6. Leader builds trusted relationships?
7. Leader follows through
8. Leader is skilled and knowledgeable?
Step 2: Prepare Culture Champions
• Provide curriculum:
- Health and Culture content and process
- Group facilitation
- Coaching
- Change management
• Assign Culture Champions to Managers
- Ratio of 1:5-7
- Criteria: Basic functional knowledge,
not in direct hierarchy of influence
• Review Survey Results of Assigned Workgroups
Step 3: Sustain Culture Transformation
• Responsibilities
Provide ongoing (monthly) guidance and/or direct assistance to
managers for:
• Workgroup results feedback
• 1:1 Manager employee feedback
• Facilitate workgroup action planning
• Provide oversight and review of final action plans
• Provide manager with ongoing best practices
• Assist in overcoming obstacles within the workgroup
• Cohort Learning
- Meet with cohort of culture champions monthly for at least 6 months
- Share learning from workgroups (best practices and obstacles)
- Gain insights and expertise from culture change expert
Step 4: Monthly Dashboard Metrics
• Establish Tracking Metrics:
1. Key financial metrics – revenue, profit, expense, etc.
2. Key customer metrics – satisfaction, loyalty, growth, market share,
3. Key operational metric – throughput, quality, billable hours, etc.
4. Key people metrics – turnover (desired or regretful), time to fill,
HiPo, etc.
5. Rate of change – rate of action items accomplished
• Track and Report to Senior Management Monthly
A Healthy Organization with a Purposefully
Aligned Culture = Lasting Results
Culture Transformation Phases
→ Where you’re going
→ How you’ll get there
→ Enablers & Inhibitors
Aligning Strategy and Culture requires a
Healthy Organization
Thank you!
WE can partner together to create your
Purposeful Culture
527 Marquette Ave S. Suite 900 | 612.333.4272
Minneapolis, MN 55402 | info@work-effects.com
Leadership & Culture Alignment
527 Marquette Ave S, Suite 900
Minneapolis, MN 55402

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Do you know how Purposeful your Culture is?

  • 2. Cultural Alignment How to Align Organizational Culture with Business Strategy
  • 3. Overview • About Work Effects • Organizational Health • Purposeful Culture • Creating a Healthy and Purposeful Culture • Phase I: Define Needed Culture • Phase II: Discover Your Culture • Phase III: Develop the Actions • Phase IV: Deploy the Needed Culture • Partner with Work Effects
  • 5. The Company • Over 20 years of experience in leadership and organizational development • WE help organizations to leverage reciprocal trust • WE inspire leaders to establish purposeful culture • WE align organizational culture with business strategy to drive performance and results • WE hold expertise in creating the right: o Metrics: “You can’t change what you can’t measure!” o Methods: the change process and technology o Movement: facilitation, training, and coaching Transform leader and culture beliefs to align with business strategy to create competitive advantage. Our Mission
  • 7. Work Effects Approach Our Commitments What You Get • Build a collaborative approach and partnership to create accountability • Pay attention to details • Provide a positive experience • Meet timelines and budgets • Be responsive, creative, and innovative • Purposeful culture • Competitive advantage • Ease of making things happen • Employees take greater ownership of their work • Increased workforce productivity • Strong belief systems • Highly committed workforce
  • 9. Organizational Health • Seeks to improve performance through employee well-being • Ability to function effectively, cope adequately, change appropriately and grow from within • Typically expressed through organization values and employee engagement • Is typically viewed from bad to good
  • 10. Trends and Benefits of Engagement Source: Aon Hewitt 2016 Trends in Global Employee Engagement Report Source: McKinsey Quarterly Organizational health: The ultimate competitive advantage
  • 12. Why Health? • Greater engagement enhances performance and productivity • Provides higher employee retention and ability to attract quality talent • Values driven organizations build trust, reduce conflict, and create healthy behaviors • Healthy organizations increase customer satisfaction, adaptability, quality, and financial performance. Healthy Organizations Have…
  • 13. Measuring Health • Every organization should become as healthy as possible • Engagement and values are not unique nor aligned to your strategic goals • You need more to create distinction. You need to define “how work gets done”
  • 14. Healthy Organization Summary • Healthy is bad to good • Being healthy has proven ROI • Being healthy is necessary • Every organization should become as healthy as possible • Being healthy is good...but not sufficient • Engagement and values are not unique nor aligned to your strategic goals • You need to create lasting distinction • You need to define “how work gets done” specific to your organization
  • 16. Purposeful Culture • Purposeful culture is unique to an organization…no two alike • Defines “how work gets done” • Is aligned to the organization’s strategy • Measured on a scale of good ↔ good
  • 17. Strategy Leadership Trust Culture Capability Results Strategy to Results Strategy must go through culture to produce results Culture eats strategy for lunch –Peter Drucker
  • 18. When Culture Becomes a Crisis 18 Organizational Pain Change in Leadership Merger or Acquisition Sudden or Unexpected Downturn Talent Armageddon (Brain Drain) Exponential Growth Shift in Strategy
  • 19. ROI of Purposeful Culture Watson Wyatt High Trust Organizations Study, 2012 James Heskett The Culture Cycle, 2012 • Culturally aligned organizations with high-trust return 286% more value to stakeholders than low-trust organizations1 • Purposeful culture can account for as much as 50% of the competitive difference between organizations over a 10 year period2 Outcomes Healthy Purposeful Revenue 166% 692% Stock Price 74% 901% Net Income 1% 756% Job Growth 36% 282%
  • 21. Health vs. Culture Organizational Health • Leadership • Trusted Organization • Trusted Individual • Individual Capacity • Team Capacity • Organizational Climate • Organizational Capacity Purposeful Culture • Customers • Market Approach • Loyalty • Focus • Risk Tolerance • Operational Approach • Decision Making – Information • Decision Making – Location • Atmosphere • Results
  • 22. • Culture has often been vague, hidden, and embedded in the organization • Culture may be the molasses that hinders strategy execution • When culture is purposefully defined it creates structure:  It can be measured  It can managed  It can be more easily changed • Purposefully aligned culture consists of:  Defining the culture you need  Discovering the culture you have  Developing the actions to close the gaps  Deploying the culture champions to sustain the transformation • Make conscious choices about “how work gets done” on a continuum Purposeful Culture Defined
  • 26. Why Purposeful Culture • Enables you to measure and manage it • Increases workforce productivity • Makes getting things done easier • When aligned, makes strategy execution possible • Creates a lasting competitive advantage
  • 27. Creating a Healthy and Purposeful Culture The Four Phases Don’t try to eat the elephant in one bite – Take the journey one phase at a time
  • 29. Phase I: Define Needed Culture
  • 30. Phase I: Define Audience: Teams with common goals (workgroups to leadership teams) Duration: 75 minutes to half day Outcomes: ~Reinforces goals ~Creates interdependent teams ~ Establishes contextual definitions ~Identifies the critical beliefs required to execute strategy ~ Provides new communication approaches Step 1: Clarify strategic goals Step 2: Discuss the culture you have Step 3: Define the culture you need Step 4: Prioritize the critical few Step 5: Individually rehearse “how work needs to gets done” Strategy Culture Alignment Planning Session
  • 31. Culture Alignment Planning Session Results
  • 32. Case Study: National Food Service Company New strategy focused on three areas: • Fresh go-to-market strategy focused on the value proposition to the customers • A structured sales process that will be utilized across all regions with a focus on rebid opportunities • Learning and development initiatives across all levels of the organization to ensure learning of processes and organizational values Results Focus Operational Approach Customers How What Current xx xxxxx xxxxx x Future X Transactional Intimate Current x xxxx xxxxxxx x Future X External Internal Current xx xxxxxxxx xxx Future X Low Variation High Variation Current x xxxxxxxxx xx x Future X Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 4 Priority 3
  • 33. Case Study: National Food Service Company New strategy focused on three areas: • Fresh go-to-market strategy focused on the value proposition to the customers • A structured sales process that will be utilized across all regions with a focus on rebid opportunities • Learning and development initiatives across all levels of the organization to ensure learning of processes and organizational values Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 4 Priority 3 Low Variation High Variation Current XXX X XXXXX Future X Fact Intuition Current XXXX XXXX Future X Disciplined Social Current XX XX XXXX Future X Risk Tolerance Operational Approach Decision Making - Information Atmosphere Risk Mitigation Embrace Risk Current XXXXX XXX Future X
  • 34. Phase II: Discover Your Culture
  • 35. Phase II- Discover Audience: All employees Duration: 8 weeks Outcomes: ~Identify critical populations ~Pinpoint Gaps ~Roadmap for transformation Step 1: Conduct Organizational Survey • Establish benchmarks for organization health and culture metrics Step 2: Analysis of Information & Organization • Determine the 20% of the organization that produces 80% of the value and focus there • Qualitative and Quantitative gap analysis by experts to tell your story Step 3: Executive Debrief • Provide executives with summary results, themes and trends, and roadmap for transformation Health + Culture Gap Analysis
  • 36. Health + Culture Survey Content Company Feedback 4 Standard questions Custom questions can be added Organizational Culture 40 questions 10 dimensions of Organizational Culture Good to Good Scale Organizational Health 40 questions + 5 indicators w/ norms 7 dimensions of Organizational Health Bad to Good Scale
  • 37. Survey Methods • System generated login sent to participants via email • Participants logon to website to take the survey • Data is processed by WE I/O Psychologists – Able to run many different demographics • Workgroup • Location • Years of Service • Age • Results summarized back to Senior Leadership to determine best practices to leverage and gaps to address Comment coding is performed on open ended questions to determine organizational strengths and opportunities.
  • 42. Factor Overall (% and Count) Negative and Positive Overall % Organizational Climate 36% (1,533) Individual Capability 20% (856) Organizational Capability 20% (851) Leadership 9% (394) Trusted Organization 7% (312) Team Capability 4% (162) Trusted Individual 3% (125) 1% 5% 10% 8% 11% 28% 36% 5% 3% 4% 11% 31% 11% 37% Comment Analysis
  • 43. Factor Sample Comment Organizational Climate I love the team atmosphere that I get in my unit. everyone is willing to help each other with tasks that fall into their scope of work. also, I really enjoy the 12 hour shifts. It makes it easy to balance work and life when only required to work three days a week. Individual Capability Being able to assist people when they need help and having the resources to do so. Organizational Capability 1. We provide the best service for our customers. 2. We are an operating company, and have the ability to tap in to resources across the system. Leadership It is also nice to see some of the leadership around the area at different points, and to know they are not just in an office looking at numbers and statistics, but that they go to the teams and interact with employees. Trusted Organization I feel confident that we are a leader within the industry, and this motivates me to work to my potential. We are innovative, invest in our leaders, establish high standards of quality and promote accountability and discipline. Team Capability I like the structure and protocols for how tasks are carried out. I enjoy working with all my teammates and the incredible support we have from each other. Trusted Individual As long as we are doing our job correctly, I like the fact that we are not micro managed. Sample Positive Comments
  • 44. Phase III- Develop the Actions
  • 45. Phase III- Develop Audience: Workgroups Duration: 8 weeks (2 weeks for each step) Outcomes: ~Better leaders ~Workgroup buy-in ~Clear plan of action Step 1: Prepare People Leaders • Create basic leadership skills • Provide results interpretation • Create agendas and talking points for workgroup feedback and action planning Step 2: Workgroup Feedback • Review of goals • Culture alignment results • Organizational health results • Integrate Goals…Culture…Health • Clarification and contextual interpretation • Prioritization Step 3: 1-1 Feedback • How to do the work – to create better alignment Step 4: Workgroup Actions • Review priorities and observations • Clarify objectives • Create and document action items Workgroup Alignment
  • 46. Phase III: Develop the Actions Follow Up Process
  • 47. Leadership Skills: The Objectives Implementing Change Action Planning Managing 1:1 Conversations Workgroup Meetings & Feedback Vision Casting Facilitation & Interpersonal Communication Successful facilitation calls for listening, drawing out information, and mastering these skills:
  • 48. Phase IV: Deploy the Needed Culture
  • 49. Phase IV – Deploy Audience: Key Influencers / Change Champions Duration: 6-12 month assignment Outcomes: ~Sustainability ~Aligned culture ~Demonstrated Impact Step 1: Identify Culture Champions Step 2: Prepare Culture Champions Step 3: Sustain Culture Transformation Step 4: Monthly Dashboard Metrics Phase IV Steps
  • 50. Step 1: Identify Culture Champions • Who are they? Culture Champions are the trusted influencers within the organization. They are natural leaders and skilled in coaching and developing others. • Where they come from? All levels and functions… Executives, Directors, Managers, High Potentials, HR • How to identify them? Leadership scores (from assessments and surveys), Talent planning, Key People Indicator. Key PeopleTop 25% assessment scores 1. I have confidence in my leader? 2. Leader is willing to make a change? 3. Leader acts with integrity? 4. Leader inspires me? 5. Leader removes obstacles? 6. Leader builds trusted relationships? 7. Leader follows through 8. Leader is skilled and knowledgeable?
  • 51. Step 2: Prepare Culture Champions • Provide curriculum: - Health and Culture content and process - Group facilitation - Coaching - Change management • Assign Culture Champions to Managers - Ratio of 1:5-7 - Criteria: Basic functional knowledge, not in direct hierarchy of influence • Review Survey Results of Assigned Workgroups
  • 52. Step 3: Sustain Culture Transformation • Responsibilities Provide ongoing (monthly) guidance and/or direct assistance to managers for: • Workgroup results feedback • 1:1 Manager employee feedback • Facilitate workgroup action planning • Provide oversight and review of final action plans • Provide manager with ongoing best practices • Assist in overcoming obstacles within the workgroup • Cohort Learning - Meet with cohort of culture champions monthly for at least 6 months - Share learning from workgroups (best practices and obstacles) - Gain insights and expertise from culture change expert
  • 53. Step 4: Monthly Dashboard Metrics • Establish Tracking Metrics: 1. Key financial metrics – revenue, profit, expense, etc. 2. Key customer metrics – satisfaction, loyalty, growth, market share, etc. 3. Key operational metric – throughput, quality, billable hours, etc. 4. Key people metrics – turnover (desired or regretful), time to fill, HiPo, etc. 5. Rate of change – rate of action items accomplished • Track and Report to Senior Management Monthly
  • 55. A Healthy Organization with a Purposefully Aligned Culture = Lasting Results
  • 57. → Where you’re going → How you’ll get there → Enablers & Inhibitors STRATEGIC GOALS PURPOSEFUL CULTURE HEALTHY ORGANIZATION Aligning Strategy and Culture requires a Healthy Organization
  • 58. Thank you! WE can partner together to create your Purposeful Culture WORK EFFECTS 527 Marquette Ave S. Suite 900 | 612.333.4272 Minneapolis, MN 55402 | info@work-effects.com
  • 59. Leadership & Culture Alignment 527 Marquette Ave S, Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55402 www.work-effects.com 612.333.4272

Editor's Notes

  1. Add vertical lines Coca-Cola (International bottling and beverage corporation): Leadership, collaboration, Integrity, Accountability, Passion, Diversity, Quality Teach for America (American non-profit teacher placement): Leadership, Diversity, Respect, Teamwork Barnes & Noble Booksellers (New Jersey – large retail bookseller): Customer Satisfaction, Quality, Respect, Integrity, Teamwork, Responsibility AT&T (Dallas, TX – international telecom): Innovation, Customer Satisfaction, Community, Integrity Major League Baseball MLB (New York): Excellence, Dedication, Teamwork
  2. Shifts in strategy lead to 5 scenarios Leadership changes: When a new leader or members of the leadership team change, a change in strategy is almost a certainty and alignment of the culture must follow suit for the new strategy to be effective. Merger or acquisition: When two or more organizations combine there may or may not be a new strategy however there is certainly competing cultures. 85% of mergers or acquisitions fail because of alignment of cultures are not addressed effectively. Drastic downturn: When performance results suddenly drop, there is certainly going to be a change in strategy to address the shortfall. While structural changes are often taken the underlying belief systems which created the downturn are rarely addressed. Brain Drain: When an organization has a number of tenured employees leave combined with turnover of new hires there is brain drain and often requires a change in strategy, culture, or both. High growth: When organizations experience high growth there is a need to rapidly assimilate new people to the embedded culture that created the success. These periods of change create uncertainty at a time when the demands on people are considerably heightened and the alignment of culture will determine success or failure.
  3. p.16
  4. What Employee Survey to establish organization Health + Culture benchmarks Different from other engagement surveys because it assesses purposeful culture Able to reuse engagement data from other organizational surveys too! We can be flexible and use existing data so as to not resurvey populations Why Results define a roadmap for transformation to a purposeful culture Who Client project manager works hand-in-hand with a Work Effects Client Ambassador All employees are invited to participate in the survey Executive team receives results How Online survey (option for paper) available in 19 different languages Results are analyzed by I/O psychologists to determine organizational strengths and opportunities
  5. What Employee Survey to establish organization Health + Culture benchmarks Different from other engagement surveys because it assesses purposeful culture Able to reuse engagement data from other organizational surveys too! We can be flexible and use existing data so as to not resurvey populations Why Results define a roadmap for transformation to a purposeful culture Who Client project manager works hand-in-hand with a Work Effects Client Ambassador All employees are invited to participate in the survey Executive team receives results How Online survey (option for paper) available in 19 different languages Results are analyzed by I/O psychologists to determine organizational strengths and opportunities
  6. Modules for training people leaders to be effective in facilitating groups; order: IC, F, SI, CM, VCGS, PM (title?); how do you have good listening skills and draw out info to be successful as a facilitator?
  7. How Establish oversight for quality action plans Create resources for workgroup leaders Provide means for regular reporting of progress and accountability for change