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Docker 1 0 1 0 1: a Docker introduction, actualized for the stable release of Docker 1 0 !


Docker 1.0 1 0 1
Docker 1.1.1 1 0 1
Docker 1.1.2 1 0 1
July 2014—Docker 1.1.2


● Wrote dotCloud PAAS deployment tools
– EC2, LXC, Puppet, Python, Shell, ØMQ...
● Docker contributor
– Security, Networking...
● Runs all kinds of crazy things in Docker
– Docker-in-Docker, VPN-in-Docker,
KVM-in-Docker, Xorg-in-Docker...


Let's start with


Raise your hand if you have ...
● Tried Docker (online tutorial)


Raise your hand if you have ...
● Tried Docker (online tutorial)
● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM)


Raise your hand if you have ...
● Tried Docker (online tutorial)
● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM)
● Installed Docker locally (e.g. with boot2docker)


Raise your hand if you have ...
● Tried Docker (online tutorial)
● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM)
● Installed Docker locally (e.g. with boot2docker)
● Written a Dockerfile (and built it!)


Raise your hand if you have ...
● Tried Docker (online tutorial)
● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM)
● Installed Docker locally (e.g. with boot2docker)
● Written a Dockerfile (and built it!)
● An image on Docker Hub (pushed or autobuilt)


Raise your hand if you have ...
● Tried Docker (online tutorial)
● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM)
● Installed Docker locally (e.g. with boot2docker)
● Written a Dockerfile (and built it!)
● An image on Docker Hub (pushed or autobuilt)
● Deployed Docker images for dev/QA/test/prod...


● What is Docker and Why it matters
● What are containers
● The Docker ecosystem (Engine, Hub, etc.)
● Deployment options and first steps
● Docker 1.0, or 1.1, or 1.1.1


is Docker
it matters


Deploy everything
● Webapps
● Backends
● Big data
● Message queues
● … and more


Deploy almost everywhere
● Linux servers
● VMs or bare metal
● Any distro
● Kernel 3.8+ (or RHEL 2.6.32)
Currently: focus on x86_64.
(But people reported success on arm.)


Deploy reliably & consistently


Docker 1 0 1 0 1: a Docker introduction, actualized for the stable release of Docker 1 0 !


Deploy reliably & consistently
● If it works locally, it will work on the server
● With exactly the same behavior
● Regardless of versions
● Regardless of distros
● Regardless of dependencies


Deploy efficiently
● Containers are lightweight
– Typical laptop runs 10-100 containers easily
– Typical server can run 100-1000 containers
● Containers can run at native speeds
– Lies, damn lies, and other benchmarks:


Infiniband throughput and latency:
no difference at all


Booting 15 OpenStack VMs:
KVM vs Docker


Memory speed:
Bare Metal vs Docker vs KVM


OK, but
what is


Docker runs


OK, but
what is a


High level approach:
it's a lightweight VM
● Own process space
● Own network interface
● Can run stuff as root
● Can have its own /sbin/init
(different from the host)
« Machine Container »


Low level approach:
it's chroot on steroids
● Can also not have its own /sbin/init
● Container = isolated process(es)
● Share kernel with host
● No device emulation (neither HVM nor PV)
« Application Container »


Demo time.


Docker 1 0 1 0 1: a Docker introduction, actualized for the stable release of Docker 1 0 !


Alright, I get this.
Containers = nimble Vms.
Let's just tell the CFO,
and get back to work!


Docker 1 0 1 0 1: a Docker introduction, actualized for the stable release of Docker 1 0 !


What happens when
something becomes
10-100x cheaper?


Random example:
● Project X has 100 unit tests
● Each test needs a pristine SQL database


Random example:
● Project X has 100 unit tests
● Each test needs a pristine SQL database
● Plan A: spin up 1 database, clean after each use
– If we don't clean correctly, random tests will fail
– Cleaning correctly can be expensive (e.g. reload DB)


Random example:
● Project X has 100 unit tests
● Each test needs a pristine SQL database
● Plan B: spin up 100 databases
– … in parallel: needs too much resources
– … one after the other: takes too long


Random example:
● Project X has 100 unit tests
● Each test needs a pristine SQL database
● Plan C: spin up 100 databases in containers
– fast, efficient (no overhead, copy-on-write)
– easy to implement without virtualization black belt


make testing
(and many other things)
way easier


The container metaphor


Problem: shipping goods
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?


the intermodal shipping container




Problem: shipping code
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?


the Linux container




Separation of concerns:
Dave the Developer
● Inside my container:
– my code
– my libraries
– my package manager
– my app
– my data


Separation of concerns:
Oscar the Ops guy
● Outside the container:
– logging
– remote access
– network configuration
– monitoring




Docker: the cast
● Docker Engine
● Docker Hub
● Docker, the community
● Docker Inc, the company


Docker Engine
● Open Source engine to commoditize LXC
● Uses copy-on-write for quick provisioning
● Written in Go, runs as a daemon, comes with a CLI
● Everything exposed through a REST API
● Allows to build images in standard, reproducible way
● Allows to share images through registries
● Defines standard format for containers
(stack of layers; 1 layer = tarball+metadata)


… Open Source?
● Nothing up the sleeve, everything on the table
– Public GitHub repository: https://github.com/dotcloud/docker
– Bug reports: GitHub issue tracker
– Mailing lists: docker-user, docker-dev (Google groups)
– IRC channels: #docker, #docker-dev (Freenode)
– New features: GitHub pull requests (see CONTRIBUTING.md)
– Docker Governance Advisory Board (elected by contributors)


Docker Hub
Collection of services to make Docker more useful.
● Public registry
(push/pull your images for free)
● Private registry
(push/pull secret images for $)
● Automated builds
(link github/bitbucket repo; trigger build on commit)
● More to come!


Docker, the community
● >500 contributors
● ~20 core maintainers
● >8,000 Dockerized projects on GitHub
● >20,000 repositories on Docker Hub
● >250 meetups in >90 cities in >30 countries
● >500,000 downloads of boot2docker


Docker Inc, the company
● Headcount: ~50
● Led by Open Source veteran Ben Golub
● Revenue:
– t-shirts and stickers featuring the cool blue whale
– SAAS delivered through Docker Hub
– Support & Training




One-time setup
● On your dev env (Linux, OS X, Windows)
– boot2docker (25 MB VM image)
– Natively (if you run Linux)
● On your servers (Linux)
– Packages (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Arch...)
– Single binary install (Golang FTW!)
– Easy provisioning on Rackspace, Digital Ocean, EC2, GCE...
– Special distros: CoreOS, Project Atomic


Authoring images
with a Dockerfile


FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
RUN echo 'Hi, I am in your container!' 
CMD nginx -g "daemon off;"
docker build -t jpetazzo/staticweb .
docker run -P jpetazzo/staticweb


Docker 1 0 1 0 1: a Docker introduction, actualized for the stable release of Docker 1 0 !


FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install -y g++
RUN apt-get install -y erlang-dev erlang-base-hipe ...
RUN apt-get install -y libmozjs185-dev libicu-dev libtool ...
RUN apt-get install -y make wget
RUN wget http://.../apache-couchdb-1.3.1.tar.gz 
| tar -C /tmp -zxf-
RUN cd /tmp/apache-couchdb-* && ./configure && make install
RUN printf "[httpd]nport = 8101nbind_address =" 
> /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.d/docker.ini
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/couchdb"]
docker build -t jpetazzo/couchdb .


FROM debian:jessie
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install -y python-pip
RUN mkdir /src
ADD requirements.txt /src
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ADD . /src
RUN python setup.py install


Do you even


Docker 1 0 1 0 1: a Docker introduction, actualized for the stable release of Docker 1 0 !


With Docker, I can:
● put my software in containers
● run those containers anywhere
● write recipes to automatically build containers


Advanced concepts
● naming
– give a unique name to your containers
● links
– connect containers together
● volumes
– separate code and data
– share data between containers


Recent features: 0.10
● TLS support for API access
● Configurable DNS search
● BTRFS is no longer experimental
● Integration with systemd cgroups
● Use proxy environment variables (for registry)


Recent features: 0.11
● SELinux integration
(works better with CentOS)
● DNS integration for links
(access linked containers by hostname)
● « docker run --net »
– use host networking for high speed
– share network of another container


Recent features: 0.12
● docker pause/unpause
● more importantly: 1.0 release candidate :-)


Docker 1.1
● .dockerignore
(don't upload your .git anymore!)
● docker logs --tail
– further logging improvements on the way


Coming soon
● logging improvements
● device access
● device mapper tuning
● image squashing
● ARM support
● use secrets in builds
● volume management
● hairpin nat
● IPV6 support
● capabilities fine-tuning
● seccomp + native
● user namespaces


Thank you! Questions?

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Docker 1 0 1 0 1: a Docker introduction, actualized for the stable release of Docker 1 0 !

  • 2. Docker 1.0 1 0 1 Docker 1.1.1 1 0 1 Docker 1.1.2 1 0 1 July 2014—Docker 1.1.2
  • 3. @jpetazzo ● Wrote dotCloud PAAS deployment tools – EC2, LXC, Puppet, Python, Shell, ØMQ... ● Docker contributor – Security, Networking... ● Runs all kinds of crazy things in Docker – Docker-in-Docker, VPN-in-Docker, KVM-in-Docker, Xorg-in-Docker...
  • 5. Raise your hand if you have ... ● Tried Docker (online tutorial)
  • 6. Raise your hand if you have ... ● Tried Docker (online tutorial) ● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM)
  • 7. Raise your hand if you have ... ● Tried Docker (online tutorial) ● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM) ● Installed Docker locally (e.g. with boot2docker)
  • 8. Raise your hand if you have ... ● Tried Docker (online tutorial) ● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM) ● Installed Docker locally (e.g. with boot2docker) ● Written a Dockerfile (and built it!)
  • 9. Raise your hand if you have ... ● Tried Docker (online tutorial) ● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM) ● Installed Docker locally (e.g. with boot2docker) ● Written a Dockerfile (and built it!) ● An image on Docker Hub (pushed or autobuilt)
  • 10. Raise your hand if you have ... ● Tried Docker (online tutorial) ● Tried the real Docker (e.g. deployed remote VM) ● Installed Docker locally (e.g. with boot2docker) ● Written a Dockerfile (and built it!) ● An image on Docker Hub (pushed or autobuilt) ● Deployed Docker images for dev/QA/test/prod...
  • 11. Agenda ● What is Docker and Why it matters ● What are containers ● The Docker ecosystem (Engine, Hub, etc.) ● Deployment options and first steps ● Docker 1.0, or 1.1, or 1.1.1
  • 13. Deploy everything ● Webapps ● Backends ● SQL, NoSQL ● Big data ● Message queues ● … and more
  • 14. Deploy almost everywhere ● Linux servers ● VMs or bare metal ● Any distro ● Kernel 3.8+ (or RHEL 2.6.32) Currently: focus on x86_64. (But people reported success on arm.)
  • 15. Deploy reliably & consistently
  • 17. Deploy reliably & consistently ● If it works locally, it will work on the server ● With exactly the same behavior ● Regardless of versions ● Regardless of distros ● Regardless of dependencies
  • 18. Deploy efficiently ● Containers are lightweight – Typical laptop runs 10-100 containers easily – Typical server can run 100-1000 containers ● Containers can run at native speeds – Lies, damn lies, and other benchmarks: http://qiita.com/syoyo/items/bea48de8d7c6d8c73435 http://www.slideshare.net/BodenRussell/kvm-and-docker-lxc-benchmarking-with-openstack
  • 19. Infiniband throughput and latency: no difference at all
  • 20. Booting 15 OpenStack VMs: KVM vs Docker
  • 21. Memory speed: Bare Metal vs Docker vs KVM
  • 24. OK, but what is a container?
  • 25. High level approach: it's a lightweight VM ● Own process space ● Own network interface ● Can run stuff as root ● Can have its own /sbin/init (different from the host) « Machine Container »
  • 26. Low level approach: it's chroot on steroids ● Can also not have its own /sbin/init ● Container = isolated process(es) ● Share kernel with host ● No device emulation (neither HVM nor PV) « Application Container »
  • 29. Alright, I get this. Containers = nimble Vms. Let's just tell the CFO, and get back to work!
  • 31. What happens when something becomes 10-100x cheaper?
  • 32. Random example: testing ● Project X has 100 unit tests ● Each test needs a pristine SQL database
  • 33. Random example: testing ● Project X has 100 unit tests ● Each test needs a pristine SQL database ● Plan A: spin up 1 database, clean after each use – If we don't clean correctly, random tests will fail – Cleaning correctly can be expensive (e.g. reload DB)
  • 34. Random example: testing ● Project X has 100 unit tests ● Each test needs a pristine SQL database ● Plan B: spin up 100 databases – … in parallel: needs too much resources – … one after the other: takes too long
  • 35. Random example: testing ● Project X has 100 unit tests ● Each test needs a pristine SQL database ● Plan C: spin up 100 databases in containers – fast, efficient (no overhead, copy-on-write) – easy to implement without virtualization black belt
  • 36. Containers make testing (and many other things) way easier
  • 38. Problem: shipping goods ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 41. Problem: shipping code ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 44. Separation of concerns: Dave the Developer ● Inside my container: – my code – my libraries – my package manager – my app – my data
  • 45. Separation of concerns: Oscar the Ops guy ● Outside the container: – logging – remote access – network configuration – monitoring
  • 47. Docker: the cast ● Docker Engine ● Docker Hub ● Docker, the community ● Docker Inc, the company
  • 48. Docker Engine ● Open Source engine to commoditize LXC ● Uses copy-on-write for quick provisioning ● Written in Go, runs as a daemon, comes with a CLI ● Everything exposed through a REST API ● Allows to build images in standard, reproducible way ● Allows to share images through registries ● Defines standard format for containers (stack of layers; 1 layer = tarball+metadata)
  • 49. … Open Source? ● Nothing up the sleeve, everything on the table – Public GitHub repository: https://github.com/dotcloud/docker – Bug reports: GitHub issue tracker – Mailing lists: docker-user, docker-dev (Google groups) – IRC channels: #docker, #docker-dev (Freenode) – New features: GitHub pull requests (see CONTRIBUTING.md) – Docker Governance Advisory Board (elected by contributors)
  • 50. Docker Hub Collection of services to make Docker more useful. ● Public registry (push/pull your images for free) ● Private registry (push/pull secret images for $) ● Automated builds (link github/bitbucket repo; trigger build on commit) ● More to come!
  • 51. Docker, the community ● >500 contributors ● ~20 core maintainers ● >8,000 Dockerized projects on GitHub ● >20,000 repositories on Docker Hub ● >250 meetups in >90 cities in >30 countries ● >500,000 downloads of boot2docker
  • 52. Docker Inc, the company ● Headcount: ~50 ● Led by Open Source veteran Ben Golub (GlusterFS) ● Revenue: – t-shirts and stickers featuring the cool blue whale – SAAS delivered through Docker Hub – Support & Training
  • 54. One-time setup ● On your dev env (Linux, OS X, Windows) – boot2docker (25 MB VM image) – Natively (if you run Linux) ● On your servers (Linux) – Packages (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Arch...) – Single binary install (Golang FTW!) – Easy provisioning on Rackspace, Digital Ocean, EC2, GCE... – Special distros: CoreOS, Project Atomic
  • 56. FROM ubuntu:14.04 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y nginx RUN echo 'Hi, I am in your container!' >/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html CMD nginx -g "daemon off;" EXPOSE 80 docker build -t jpetazzo/staticweb . docker run -P jpetazzo/staticweb
  • 58. FROM ubuntu:12.04 RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get install -y g++ RUN apt-get install -y erlang-dev erlang-base-hipe ... RUN apt-get install -y libmozjs185-dev libicu-dev libtool ... RUN apt-get install -y make wget RUN wget http://.../apache-couchdb-1.3.1.tar.gz | tar -C /tmp -zxf- RUN cd /tmp/apache-couchdb-* && ./configure && make install RUN printf "[httpd]nport = 8101nbind_address =" > /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.d/docker.ini EXPOSE 8101 CMD ["/usr/local/bin/couchdb"] docker build -t jpetazzo/couchdb .
  • 59. FROM debian:jessie RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get install -y python-pip RUN mkdir /src WORKDIR /src ADD requirements.txt /src RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ADD . /src RUN python setup.py install
  • 62. Summary With Docker, I can: ● put my software in containers ● run those containers anywhere ● write recipes to automatically build containers
  • 63. Advanced concepts ● naming – give a unique name to your containers ● links – connect containers together ● volumes – separate code and data – share data between containers
  • 64. Recent features: 0.10 ● TLS support for API access ● Configurable DNS search ● BTRFS is no longer experimental ● Integration with systemd cgroups ● Use proxy environment variables (for registry)
  • 65. Recent features: 0.11 ● SELinux integration (works better with CentOS) ● DNS integration for links (access linked containers by hostname) ● « docker run --net » – use host networking for high speed – share network of another container
  • 66. Recent features: 0.12 ● docker pause/unpause ● more importantly: 1.0 release candidate :-)
  • 67. Docker 1.1 ● .dockerignore (don't upload your .git anymore!) ● docker logs --tail – further logging improvements on the way (truncate)
  • 68. Coming soon (maybe) ● logging improvements ● device access ● device mapper tuning ● image squashing ● ARM support ● use secrets in builds ● volume management ● hairpin nat ● IPV6 support ● capabilities fine-tuning ● seccomp + native ● user namespaces