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Docker Application 

to Scientific Computing
HPC Usability Research Team
Maeda Toshiyuki
Bryzgalov Peter
Container-based Virtualisation Technology
What is Docker?
• Container-based virtualisation technology (not VM)
• Create and manage isolated environments
• Develop and distribute applications in containers
Containers vs. VMs
Applications Development and Distribution
Images and Containers
• What runs in a container 

docker ps ̶ list containers
• New containers are created from images

docker images ̶ list images

docker run image command ̶ basic command format for running
• Compare to VM: container VM, image snapshot
• Two ways of creating images:
• commit a container: docker commit container image
• Dockerfile: instructions to build an image
Public Docker registry for sharing images
Docker Hub registry.hub.docker.com
over 70 000 Dockerized Apps2015 / 01 / 15
• OS
• DB
• Framework
• Development env.
• Applications
• etc.
Test new software
• Developers install applications in
containers and share its images
• User tests multiple applications
with his dataset on his machine
docker run imageA

docker run imageB
• User removes unnecessary
containers and images
docker rm containerA

docker rmi imageA
Developer B
Image B
App B
Developer A
App A
Image A
Container A Container B
Use different versions
• Use multiple programs that is
hard to use on the same
machine at the same time
• Mount source code folders
into containers
source code
Compiler BCompiler A
binary A binary B binary C
Compiler C
docker run -v srcdir:/mnt/src gcc:4.8
docker run -v srcdir:/mnt/src gcc:4.9
Reproduce computing environment
• Containerised applications run
the same way everywhere*
* On computers with same CPU
architecture, OS and with Docker
Image A
Container A Container A
Computer I Computer II
• Share input data, program and
visualisation software together
with research results
• Other researchers can rerun
computations for different
input data or computing
• Use visualisation software to
look at results from different
points of view
Researcher A Researcher B
Share research results
Automate computing
• Run same computations with
different data sets

• Run different computations on
the same dataset

N is a parameter
dataset I dataset II
docker run -v dirN:/mnt/src <image>
docker run -v dir:/mnt/src <imageN>
dir 1 dir 2
• Pipeline data processing

data data data
dir 1 dir 2 dir 3
docker run -v dir1:/mnt/src -v dir2:/mnt/dst imageA
docker run -v dir2:/mnt/src -v dir3:/mnt/dst imageB
Docker ecosystem
Service discovery
Tools for registering and searching information about services provided
by applications running in containers (including multi-host applications)
Tools with main purpose of managing multi-host multi-container
applications. Usually help managing multiple containers and network
connections between them.
Tools that help : a. to make containers easier to use, b. to give containers
new features, c. to build a service powered by containers
Tools for monitoring resources used by containers, containers heath-
check, monitoring in-container environment
Light-weight OS for running containers
Tools for organising inter-container and host-container communications
Data Management
Tools for managing data in containers
Project Atomic /Redhat
CoreOS Inc
Runs on
Docker ecosystem
Service Discovery Orchestration
Monitoring OS Networking Data Management
Docker IaaS tools
CoreOS Rudder
pipework Tenus
Docker Swarm
OpenShift Origin
libswarmProject Atomic
ment toolkit Citadel, Shipyard gives you the ability to manage
ers, hosts and more.
ement applications in that it promotes composability.At the core,
ntainers, etc). However, using "Extention Images" you can add
uting and load balancing, centralized logging, deployment and
ts to use that fit your needs.
ols a cluster of Docker hosts and exposes it as a single "virtual"
. It allows you to connect to a single Docker endpoint and run
for shared configuration and service discovery.
eator with an open-source app marketplace hosted in GitHub.
ace for users of Docker, Fleet & CoreOS. With Panamax, you can
y containerized app no matter how complex it might be.
You can configure links, ports and environment variables, as well
es into categories.
a git repository and share it with your friends. You can source
s or submit a pull request and have your template be canonical
Overlay network
Hroot provides transports and straightforward configura
version your containers, then distribute them offline or
ShutIt is a tool for managing your build process that is b
Complex Docker Builds Made Simple.
Tool set for creating basic single-host multi-tenant IaaS
ring services in your infrastructure. It provides several key
Checking, Key/Value Store, Multi Datacenter
on-centric IT architecture by providing an end-to-end solution for
ons quickly and reliably, with atomic update and rollback for
oject Atomic Host. This is a lightweight operating system that has
RPM content. It is designed to run applications in Docker contain-
nk Docker containers into systemd and coordinate these contain-
r Mesos, Mesos can run and manage Docker containers in conjunc-
's Marathon frameworks.
OpenShift Origin is the open source upstream of OpenSh
hosting platform developed by Red Hat.Also known as P
takes care of infrastructure, middleware, and manageme
Flocker lets you move your Docker containers and their d
means that you can run your databases, queues and key-
them around as easily as the rest of your app. Even statel
services and currently running these services in Docker co
impossible. Flocker aims to solve this problem by providi
that allows you to port both your stateful and stateless co
libswarm is a toolkit for composing network services.
It defines a standard interface for services in a distributed
other.This lets you:
Compose complex architectures from reusable building b
Avoid vendor lock-in by swapping any service out with an
2015/02/03 Bryzgalov Peter @ Japan, RIKEN, AICS
Fleet ties together systemd and etcd into a distributed i
extension of systemd that operates at the cluster level i
project is very low level and is designed as a foundation
Kubernetes enables users to ask a cluster to run a set of c
ly chooses hosts to run those containers on. Has schedule
Architecturally, we want Kubernetes to be built as a collec
and layers, with the ability to use alternative schedulers,
Kubernetes is intended to run on multiple cloud provider
A single Kubernetes cluster is not intended to span multi
Kubernetes is not currently suitable for use by multiple u
Kubernetes provides higher-level organizational construc
cluster-level usage patterns, currently focused on service
be expanded to batch and test workloads in the future.
Stackato is the first enterprise-grade, cloud application pl
open-source project focused on packaging and deploying
addition to securing your application from others in your
provide a number of benefits to organizations such as uti
efficiently, simplifying the application lifecycle and enabl
Fast, isolated development environments.
geard is a command-line client and agent for integrating
systemd across multiple hosts.
tenus is a Golang package which allows you to configure
devices programmatically. It communicates with Linux Ke
creation and configuration of network devices on the Linu
more advanced network setups with Linux containers inc
Weave creates a virtual network that connects Docker con
Applications use the network just as if the containers wer
network switch, with no need to configure port mappings
application containers on the weave network can be mad
regardless of where those containers are running. Simila
be exposed to application containers irrespective of their
of its distributed init system, fleet.
vides many powerful features for starting, stopping and manag-
world, you will almost exclusively use systemd to manage the
ip, failure detection, and orchestration that is decentralized,
. Serf runs on every major platform: Linux, Mac OS X, and
ght: it uses 5 to 10 MB of resident memory and primarily commu-
ailure detection, and user events.
ents that out-of-the-box gives companies a reasonable starting
running their applications and services.
of independent projects that together make up a toolkit or loose
rts, depending on what is most useful for you.The common goal is
and best practices in building distributed systems. It is the
nd developers that makes both their lives easier.
tform for deploying and managing containers across an entire fleet.
oup accounting metrics to gather CPU, memory, network and I/O
seconds before they are forwarded to Datadog.
e monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at
essions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condi-
uling containers on a docker cluster.
Docker IaaS tools
• Give all users their
personal environments
(containers) on one
• Users login into
containers the same way
they connect to the
• Unused containers are

ssh user@server
• Static and Dynamic performance analysis of Fortran source code
• Uses Omni XMP compiler for static analysis
• Omni XMP runs only on Linux and is hard to install
K-scope + Docker IaaS
• Install Omni XMP compiler in container
• Mount source code folder inside the container
• Seamlessly build source code from K-scope
• No need to edit source code or make files
K-scope and Docker IaaS tools
K-scope + Docker Iaas tools demonstration

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Docker Application to Scientific Computing

  • 1. Docker Application 
 to Scientific Computing HPC Usability Research Team Maeda Toshiyuki Bryzgalov Peter
  • 3. What is Docker? • Container-based virtualisation technology (not VM) • Create and manage isolated environments (containers) • Develop and distribute applications in containers
  • 6. Images and Containers • What runs in a container 
 docker ps ̶ list containers • New containers are created from images
 docker images ̶ list images
 docker run image command ̶ basic command format for running containers • Compare to VM: container VM, image snapshot • Two ways of creating images: • commit a container: docker commit container image • Dockerfile: instructions to build an image
  • 7. Public Docker registry for sharing images Docker Hub registry.hub.docker.com over 70 000 Dockerized Apps2015 / 01 / 15 • OS • DB • Framework • Development env. • Applications • etc.
  • 8. Test new software • Developers install applications in containers and share its images • User tests multiple applications with his dataset on his machine docker run imageA
 docker run imageB • User removes unnecessary containers and images docker rm containerA
 docker rmi imageA Developer B Image B App B Developer A App A Image A User Dataset Container A Container B
  • 9. Use different versions • Use multiple programs that is hard to use on the same machine at the same time • Mount source code folders into containers source code Compiler BCompiler A binary A binary B binary C Compiler C docker run -v srcdir:/mnt/src gcc:4.8 docker run -v srcdir:/mnt/src gcc:4.9 … srcdir
  • 10. Reproduce computing environment • Containerised applications run the same way everywhere* * On computers with same CPU architecture, OS and with Docker installed Image A Container A Container A Computer I Computer II
  • 11. • Share input data, program and visualisation software together with research results • Other researchers can rerun computations for different input data or computing parameters • Use visualisation software to look at results from different points of view Image Container Researcher A Researcher B Share research results Data Binaries Container Data Binaries Data Binaries
  • 12. container A1 container A2 container A container B Automate computing • Run same computations with different data sets
 • Run different computations on the same dataset
 N is a parameter dataset I dataset II data ・・・ ・・・ docker run -v dirN:/mnt/src <image> docker run -v dir:/mnt/src <imageN> dir 1 dir 2
  • 13. container A container B Pipeline • Pipeline data processing
 ・・・ data data data dir 1 dir 2 dir 3 docker run -v dir1:/mnt/src -v dir2:/mnt/dst imageA docker run -v dir2:/mnt/src -v dir3:/mnt/dst imageB …
  • 14. Docker ecosystem Service discovery Tools for registering and searching information about services provided by applications running in containers (including multi-host applications) Orchestration Tools with main purpose of managing multi-host multi-container applications. Usually help managing multiple containers and network connections between them. Automation Tools that help : a. to make containers easier to use, b. to give containers new features, c. to build a service powered by containers Monitoring Tools for monitoring resources used by containers, containers heath- check, monitoring in-container environment OS Light-weight OS for running containers Networking Tools for organising inter-container and host-container communications Data Management Tools for managing data in containers
  • 15. ClusterHQ OpenShift Project Atomic /Redhat SoundCloud Google CoreOS Inc Apache Spotify uses uses Runs on includes Docker ecosystem Service Discovery Orchestration Monitoring OS Networking Data Management Automation Helios Fig hroot Shutit Docker IaaS tools StackatoPanamax MesosMarathon FlynnSerf etcd CoreOS Rudder Flocker fleet pipework Tenus weave Docker Swarm OpenShift Origin geard Kubernetes Consul Shipyard Citadel Mackerel Datadog Prometheus libswarmProject Atomic ment toolkit Citadel, Shipyard gives you the ability to manage ers, hosts and more. ement applications in that it promotes composability.At the core, ntainers, etc). However, using "Extention Images" you can add uting and load balancing, centralized logging, deployment and ts to use that fit your needs. ols a cluster of Docker hosts and exposes it as a single "virtual" . It allows you to connect to a single Docker endpoint and run for shared configuration and service discovery. eator with an open-source app marketplace hosted in GitHub. ace for users of Docker, Fleet & CoreOS. With Panamax, you can y containerized app no matter how complex it might be. You can configure links, ports and environment variables, as well es into categories. a git repository and share it with your friends. You can source s or submit a pull request and have your template be canonical orld. Overlay network https://github.com/coreos/rudder https://coreos.com/blog/introducing-rudder/ Hroot provides transports and straightforward configura version your containers, then distribute them offline or ShutIt is a tool for managing your build process that is b Complex Docker Builds Made Simple. https://github.com/ianmiell/shutit Tool set for creating basic single-host multi-tenant IaaS https://github.com/pyotr777/dockerIaaSTools ring services in your infrastructure. It provides several key Checking, Key/Value Store, Multi Datacenter on-centric IT architecture by providing an end-to-end solution for ons quickly and reliably, with atomic update and rollback for oject Atomic Host. This is a lightweight operating system that has RPM content. It is designed to run applications in Docker contain- nk Docker containers into systemd and coordinate these contain- erel-docker r Mesos, Mesos can run and manage Docker containers in conjunc- 's Marathon frameworks. OpenShift Origin is the open source upstream of OpenSh hosting platform developed by Red Hat.Also known as P takes care of infrastructure, middleware, and manageme app. Flocker lets you move your Docker containers and their d means that you can run your databases, queues and key- them around as easily as the rest of your app. Even statel services and currently running these services in Docker co impossible. Flocker aims to solve this problem by providi that allows you to port both your stateful and stateless co libswarm is a toolkit for composing network services. It defines a standard interface for services in a distributed other.This lets you: Compose complex architectures from reusable building b Avoid vendor lock-in by swapping any service out with an 2015/02/03 Bryzgalov Peter @ Japan, RIKEN, AICS Fleet ties together systemd and etcd into a distributed i extension of systemd that operates at the cluster level i project is very low level and is designed as a foundation Kubernetes enables users to ask a cluster to run a set of c ly chooses hosts to run those containers on. Has schedule Architecturally, we want Kubernetes to be built as a collec and layers, with the ability to use alternative schedulers, mechanisms. Kubernetes is intended to run on multiple cloud provider A single Kubernetes cluster is not intended to span multi Kubernetes is not currently suitable for use by multiple u Kubernetes provides higher-level organizational construc cluster-level usage patterns, currently focused on service be expanded to batch and test workloads in the future. Stackato is the first enterprise-grade, cloud application pl open-source project focused on packaging and deploying addition to securing your application from others in your provide a number of benefits to organizations such as uti efficiently, simplifying the application lifecycle and enabl fig.sh Fast, isolated development environments. geard is a command-line client and agent for integrating systemd across multiple hosts. tenus is a Golang package which allows you to configure devices programmatically. It communicates with Linux Ke creation and configuration of network devices on the Linu more advanced network setups with Linux containers inc Weave creates a virtual network that connects Docker con hosts. Applications use the network just as if the containers wer network switch, with no need to configure port mappings application containers on the weave network can be mad regardless of where those containers are running. Simila be exposed to application containers irrespective of their of its distributed init system, fleet. vides many powerful features for starting, stopping and manag- world, you will almost exclusively use systemd to manage the . ip, failure detection, and orchestration that is decentralized, . Serf runs on every major platform: Linux, Mac OS X, and ght: it uses 5 to 10 MB of resident memory and primarily commu- sages. ailure detection, and user events. ents that out-of-the-box gives companies a reasonable starting running their applications and services. of independent projects that together make up a toolkit or loose systems. rts, depending on what is most useful for you.The common goal is and best practices in building distributed systems. It is the nd developers that makes both their lives easier. tform for deploying and managing containers across an entire fleet. oup accounting metrics to gather CPU, memory, network and I/O seconds before they are forwarded to Datadog. e monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at essions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condi- uling containers on a docker cluster.
  • 16. Docker IaaS tools • Give all users their personal environments (containers) on one server • Users login into containers the same way they connect to the server: • Unused containers are stopped
 ssh user@server
  • 17. K-scope • Static and Dynamic performance analysis of Fortran source code • Uses Omni XMP compiler for static analysis • Omni XMP runs only on Linux and is hard to install www.aics.riken.jp/ungi/soft/kscope
  • 18. K-scope + Docker IaaS • Install Omni XMP compiler in container • Mount source code folder inside the container • Seamlessly build source code from K-scope • No need to edit source code or make files
  • 19. K-scope and Docker IaaS tools K-scope + Docker Iaas tools demonstration