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Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
Introduction to Docker
March 2014—Docker 0.9.0
Wrote dotCloud PAAS deployment tools
– EC2, LXC, Puppet, Python, Shell, ØMQ...
Docker contributor
– Docker-in-Docker, VPN-in-Docker,
Runs Docker in production
– You shouldn't do it, but here's how anyway!
Deploy everything
● Webapps
● Backends
● Big data
● Message queues
● … and more
Deploy almost everywhere
● Linux servers
● VMs or bare metal
● Any distro
● Kernel 3.8 (or RHEL 2.6.32)
Deploy reliably & consistently
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
Deploy reliably & consistently
● If it works locally, it will work on the server
● With exactly the same behavior
● Regardless of versions
● Regardless of distros
● Regardless of dependencies
Deploy efficiently
● Containers are lightweight
– Typical laptop runs 10-100 containers easily
– Typical server can run 100-1000 containers
● Containers can run at native speeds
– Lies, damn lies, and other benchmarks:
The performance!
It's over 9000!
Is there really
no overhead at all?
● Processes are isolated,
but run straight on the host
● CPU performance
= native performance
● Memory performance
= a few % shaved off for (optional) accounting
● Network performance
= small overhead; can be reduced to zero
… Container ?
High level approach:
it's a lightweight VM
● Own process space
● Own network interface
● Can run stuff as root
● Can have its own /sbin/init
(different from the host)
« Machine Container »
Low level approach:
it's chroot on steroids
● Can also not have its own /sbin/init
● Container = isolated process(es)
● Share kernel with host
● No device emulation (neither HVM nor PV)
« Application Container »
How does it work?
Isolation with namespaces
● pid
● mnt
● net
● uts
● ipc
● user
pid namespace
jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ ps aux | wc -l
jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ sudo docker run -t -i ubuntu bash
root@ea319b8ac416:/# ps aux
root 1 0.0 0.0 18044 1956 ? S 02:54 0:00 bash
root 16 0.0 0.0 15276 1136 ? R+ 02:55 0:00 ps aux
(That's 2 processes)
mnt namespace
jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ wc -l
32 /proc/mounts
root@ea319b8ac416:/# wc -l /proc/mounts
10 /proc/mounts
net namespace
root@ea319b8ac416:/# ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
22: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc
pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 2a:d1:4b:7e:bf:b5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::28d1:4bff:fe7e:bfb5/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
uts namespace
jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ hostname
root@ea319b8ac416:/# hostname
ipc namespace
jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ ipcs
------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
0x00000000 3178496 jpetazzo 600 393216 2 dest
0x00000000 557057 jpetazzo 777 2778672 0
0x00000000 3211266 jpetazzo 600 393216 2 dest
root@ea319b8ac416:/# ipcs
------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key semid owner perms nsems
------ Message Queues --------
key msqid owner perms used-bytes messages
user namespace
● No demo, but see LXC 1.0 (just released)
● UID 0→1999 in container C1 is mapped to
UID 10000→11999 in host;
UID 0→1999 in container C2 is mapped to
UID 12000→13999 in host; etc.
● what will happen with copy-on-write?
– double translation at VFS?
– single root UID on read-only FS?
How does it work?
Isolation with cgroups
● memory
● cpu
● blkio
● devices
memory cgroup
● Keeps track pages used by each group:
– file (read/write/mmap from block devices; swap)
– anonymous (stack, heap, anonymous mmap)
– active (recently accessed)
– inactive (candidate for eviction)
● Each page is « charged » to a group
● Pages can be shared (e.g. if you use any COW FS)
● Individual (per-cgroup) limits and out-of-memory killer
cpu and cpuset cgroups
● Keep track of user/system CPU time
● Set relative weight per group
● Pin groups to specific CPU(s)
– Can be used to « reserve » CPUs for some apps
– This is also relevant for big NUMA systems
blkio cgroups
● Keep track IOs for each block device
– read vs write; sync vs async
● Set relative weights
● Set throttle (limits) for each block device
– read vs write; bytes/sec vs operations/sec
Note: earlier versions (<3.8) didn't account async correctly.
3.8 is better, but use 3.10 for best results.
devices cgroups
● Controls read/write/mknod permissions
● Typically:
– allow: /dev/{tty,zero,random,null}...
– deny: everything else
– maybe: /dev/net/tun, /dev/fuse, /dev/kvm, /dev/dri...
● Fine-grained control for GPU, virtualization, etc.
How does it work?
Copy-on-write storage
● Create a new machine instantly
(Instead of copying its whole filesystem)
● Storage keeps track of what has changed
● Since 0.7, Docker has a storage plugin system
many options!
block devices
Provisioning Superfast
small files
large files
Slow (first time)
Inefficient (copy-up!)
Diffing Superfast Superfast Slow
Memory usage Efficient Efficient Inefficient
(at high densities)
Drawbacks Random quirks
AUFS not mainline
!AUFS more quirks
ZFS not mainline
BTRFS not as nice
Higher disk usage
Great performance
(except diffing)
Bottom line Ideal for PAAS and
high density things
This is the Future
Dodge Ram 3500
Alright, I get this.
Containers = nimble VMs.
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
The container metaphor
Problem: shipping goods
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
the intermodal shipping container
Problem: shipping code
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
the Linux container
Separation of concerns:
Dave the Developer
● Inside my container:
– my code
– my libraries
– my package manager
– my app
– my data
Separation of concerns:
Oscar the Ops guy
● Outside the container:
– logging
– remote access
– network configuration
– monitoring
Separation of concerns:
what it doesn't mean
« I don't have to care »
« I don't care »
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
The Big Picture
● Open Source engine to commoditize LXC
● Using copy-on-write for quick provisioning
● Allowing to create and share images
● Standard format for containers
(stack of layers; 1 layer = tarball+metadata)
● Standard, reproducible way to easily build
trusted images (Dockerfile, Stackbrew...)
● Rewrite of dotCloud internal container engine
– original version: Python, tied to dotCloud PaaS
– released version: Go, legacy-free
Under the hood
● The Docker daemon runs in the background
– manages containers, images, and builds
– HTTP API (over UNIX or TCP socket)
– embedded CLI talking to the API
Take me to your dealer
● Open Source
– GitHub public repository + issue tracking
● Nothing up the sleeve
– public mailing lists (docker-user, docker-dev)
– IRC channels (Freenode: #docker #docker-dev)
– public decision process
The ecosystem
● Docker Inc. (formerly dotCloud Inc.)
– ~30 employees, VC-backed
– SAAS and support offering around Docker
● Docker, the community
– more than 360 contributors, 1600 forks on GitHub
– dozens of projects around/on top of Docker
– x100k trained developers
One-time setup
● On your servers (Linux)
– Packages (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Arch...)
– Single binary install (Golang FTW!)
– Easy provisioning on Rackspace, Digital Ocean, EC2, GCE...
● On your dev env (Linux, OS X, Windows)
– Vagrantfile
– boot2docker (25 MB VM image)
– Natively (if you run Linux)
The Docker workflow 1/2
● Work in dev environment
(local machine or container)
● Other services (databases etc.) in containers
(and behave just like the real thing!)
● Whenever you want to test « for real »:
– Build in seconds
– Run instantly
The Docker workflow 2/2
Satisfied with your local build?
● Push it to a registry (public or private)
● Run it (automatically!) in CI/CD
● Run it in production
● Happiness!
Something goes wrong? Rollback painlessly!
Authoring images
with run/commit
1) docker run ubuntu bash
2) apt-get install this and that
3) docker commit <containerid> <imagename>
4) docker run <imagename> bash
5) git clone git://.../mycode
6) pip install -r requirements.txt
7) docker commit <containerid> <imagename>
8) repeat steps 4-7 as necessary
9) docker tag <imagename> <user/image>
10) docker push <user/image>
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
Authoring images
with run/commit
● Pros
– Convenient, nothing to learn
– Can roll back/forward if needed
● Cons
– Manual process
– Iterative changes stack up
– Full rebuilds are boring, error-prone
Authoring images
with a Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get install -y g++
RUN apt-get install -y erlang-dev erlang-manpages erlang-base-hipe ...
RUN apt-get install -y libmozjs185-dev libicu-dev libtool ...
RUN apt-get install -y make wget
RUN wget http://.../apache-couchdb-1.3.1.tar.gz | tar -C /tmp -zxf-
RUN cd /tmp/apache-couchdb-* && ./configure && make install
RUN printf "[httpd]nport = 8101nbind_address =" >
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/couchdb"]
docker build -t jpetazzo/couchdb .
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
Authoring images
with a Dockerfile
● Minimal learning curve
● Rebuilds are easy
● Caching system makes rebuilds faster
● Single file to define the whole environment!
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
Do you even
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
Half Time
… Questions so far ?
What's new in 0.8 ?
Stability and performance
● Many, many, many bugfixes
● Performance improvements
– When Docker starts
– When creating/destroying containers
(Especially en masse)
– Better memory footprint
ADD caching
● ADD no longer breaks caching
● You can now use the following pattern:
ADD requirements.txt /src/requirements.txt
RUN pip install ­r requirements.txt
ADD . /src
New ONBUILD instruction
● Register « triggers » to be executed later,
when building an image on top of this one
● Triggers are executed in downstream context
RUN apt­get install build­essential
ONBUILD RUN cd /src; ./configure; make install
BTRFS storage driver
many options!
block devices
Provisioning Superfast
small files
large files
Slow (first time)
Inefficient (copy-up!)
Diffing Superfast Superfast Slow
Memory usage Efficient Efficient Inefficient
(at high densities)
Drawbacks Random quirks
AUFS not mainline
!AUFS more quirks
ZFS not mainline
BTRFS not as nice
Higher disk usage
Great performance
(except diffing)
Bottom line Ideal for PAAS and
high density things
This is the Future
Dodge Ram 3500
BTRFS storage driver
● Available on « normal » kernels
● Supposedly faster than DM (but YMMV)
● Doesn't use BTRFS delta stream yet
(i.e. commit/diff is not optimized yet)
● Use it, abuse it, break it!
Socket activation
● Plays nice with systemd
● Avoids race condition in boot scripts
Docker doesn't handle API requests when it's
starting, so without socket activation, you need
e.g. reconnection logic.
OS X support
● The CLI now runs on OS X
● boot2docker is awesome
What's new in 0.9 ?
● Independent package to run containers
● ...without requiring LXC userland tools
● Pure Go
● Comes with nsinit helper
Execution drivers
Available now:
● lxc (=legacy)
● native (=libcontainer) (default)
Soon: chroot, OpenVZ, jails, zones...
Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9
Tons of improvements
behind the scenes
Coming Soon
● Network acceleration
● Container-specific metrics
● Plugins (e.g. for logging)
● Orchestration hooks
Those things are already possible,
but will soon be part of the core.
The road to
Docker 1.0
● Multi-arch, multi-OS
● Stable control API
● Stable plugin API
● Resiliency
● Signature
● Clustering
Thank you! Questions?

More Related Content

Docker Introduction + what is new in 0.9

  • 2. Introduction to Docker March 2014—Docker 0.9.0
  • 3. @jpetazzo ● Wrote dotCloud PAAS deployment tools – EC2, LXC, Puppet, Python, Shell, ØMQ... ● Docker contributor – Docker-in-Docker, VPN-in-Docker, router-in-Docker... CONTAINERIZE ALL THE THINGS! ● Runs Docker in production – You shouldn't do it, but here's how anyway!
  • 6. Deploy everything ● Webapps ● Backends ● SQL, NoSQL ● Big data ● Message queues ● … and more
  • 7. Deploy almost everywhere ● Linux servers ● VMs or bare metal ● Any distro ● Kernel 3.8 (or RHEL 2.6.32)
  • 8. Deploy reliably & consistently
  • 10. Deploy reliably & consistently ● If it works locally, it will work on the server ● With exactly the same behavior ● Regardless of versions ● Regardless of distros ● Regardless of dependencies
  • 11. Deploy efficiently ● Containers are lightweight – Typical laptop runs 10-100 containers easily – Typical server can run 100-1000 containers ● Containers can run at native speeds – Lies, damn lies, and other benchmarks: http://qiita.com/syoyo/items/bea48de8d7c6d8c73435
  • 13. Is there really no overhead at all? ● Processes are isolated, but run straight on the host ● CPU performance = native performance ● Memory performance = a few % shaved off for (optional) accounting ● Network performance = small overhead; can be reduced to zero
  • 15. High level approach: it's a lightweight VM ● Own process space ● Own network interface ● Can run stuff as root ● Can have its own /sbin/init (different from the host) « Machine Container »
  • 16. Low level approach: it's chroot on steroids ● Can also not have its own /sbin/init ● Container = isolated process(es) ● Share kernel with host ● No device emulation (neither HVM nor PV) « Application Container »
  • 17. How does it work? Isolation with namespaces ● pid ● mnt ● net ● uts ● ipc ● user
  • 18. pid namespace jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ ps aux | wc -l 212 jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ sudo docker run -t -i ubuntu bash root@ea319b8ac416:/# ps aux USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 1 0.0 0.0 18044 1956 ? S 02:54 0:00 bash root 16 0.0 0.0 15276 1136 ? R+ 02:55 0:00 ps aux (That's 2 processes)
  • 19. mnt namespace jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ wc -l /proc/mounts 32 /proc/mounts root@ea319b8ac416:/# wc -l /proc/mounts 10 /proc/mounts
  • 20. net namespace root@ea319b8ac416:/# ip addr 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 22: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000 link/ether 2a:d1:4b:7e:bf:b5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::28d1:4bff:fe7e:bfb5/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  • 22. ipc namespace jpetazzo@tarrasque:~$ ipcs ------ Shared Memory Segments -------- key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status 0x00000000 3178496 jpetazzo 600 393216 2 dest 0x00000000 557057 jpetazzo 777 2778672 0 0x00000000 3211266 jpetazzo 600 393216 2 dest root@ea319b8ac416:/# ipcs ------ Shared Memory Segments -------- key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status ------ Semaphore Arrays -------- key semid owner perms nsems ------ Message Queues -------- key msqid owner perms used-bytes messages
  • 23. user namespace ● No demo, but see LXC 1.0 (just released) ● UID 0→1999 in container C1 is mapped to UID 10000→11999 in host; UID 0→1999 in container C2 is mapped to UID 12000→13999 in host; etc. ● what will happen with copy-on-write? – double translation at VFS? – single root UID on read-only FS?
  • 24. How does it work? Isolation with cgroups ● memory ● cpu ● blkio ● devices
  • 25. memory cgroup ● Keeps track pages used by each group: – file (read/write/mmap from block devices; swap) – anonymous (stack, heap, anonymous mmap) – active (recently accessed) – inactive (candidate for eviction) ● Each page is « charged » to a group ● Pages can be shared (e.g. if you use any COW FS) ● Individual (per-cgroup) limits and out-of-memory killer
  • 26. cpu and cpuset cgroups ● Keep track of user/system CPU time ● Set relative weight per group ● Pin groups to specific CPU(s) – Can be used to « reserve » CPUs for some apps – This is also relevant for big NUMA systems
  • 27. blkio cgroups ● Keep track IOs for each block device – read vs write; sync vs async ● Set relative weights ● Set throttle (limits) for each block device – read vs write; bytes/sec vs operations/sec Note: earlier versions (<3.8) didn't account async correctly. 3.8 is better, but use 3.10 for best results.
  • 28. devices cgroups ● Controls read/write/mknod permissions ● Typically: – allow: /dev/{tty,zero,random,null}... – deny: everything else – maybe: /dev/net/tun, /dev/fuse, /dev/kvm, /dev/dri... ● Fine-grained control for GPU, virtualization, etc.
  • 29. How does it work? Copy-on-write storage ● Create a new machine instantly (Instead of copying its whole filesystem) ● Storage keeps track of what has changed ● Since 0.7, Docker has a storage plugin system
  • 30. Storage: many options! Union Filesystems Snapshotting Filesystems Copy-on-write block devices Provisioning Superfast Supercheap Fast Cheap Fast Cheap Changing small files Superfast Supercheap Fast Cheap Fast Costly Changing large files Slow (first time) Inefficient (copy-up!) Fast Cheap Fast Cheap Diffing Superfast Superfast Slow Memory usage Efficient Efficient Inefficient (at high densities) Drawbacks Random quirks AUFS not mainline !AUFS more quirks ZFS not mainline BTRFS not as nice Higher disk usage Great performance (except diffing) Bottom line Ideal for PAAS and high density things This is the Future (probably) Dodge Ram 3500
  • 31. Alright, I get this. Containers = nimble VMs.
  • 34. Problem: shipping goods ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 37. Problem: shipping code ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 40. Separation of concerns: Dave the Developer ● Inside my container: – my code – my libraries – my package manager – my app – my data
  • 41. Separation of concerns: Oscar the Ops guy ● Outside the container: – logging – remote access – network configuration – monitoring
  • 42. Separation of concerns: what it doesn't mean « I don't have to care » ≠ « I don't care »
  • 45. Docker-what? The Big Picture ● Open Source engine to commoditize LXC ● Using copy-on-write for quick provisioning ● Allowing to create and share images ● Standard format for containers (stack of layers; 1 layer = tarball+metadata) ● Standard, reproducible way to easily build trusted images (Dockerfile, Stackbrew...)
  • 46. Docker-what? History ● Rewrite of dotCloud internal container engine – original version: Python, tied to dotCloud PaaS – released version: Go, legacy-free
  • 47. Docker-what? Under the hood ● The Docker daemon runs in the background – manages containers, images, and builds – HTTP API (over UNIX or TCP socket) – embedded CLI talking to the API
  • 48. Docker-what? Take me to your dealer ● Open Source – GitHub public repository + issue tracking https://github.com/dotcloud/docker ● Nothing up the sleeve – public mailing lists (docker-user, docker-dev) – IRC channels (Freenode: #docker #docker-dev) – public decision process
  • 49. Docker-what? The ecosystem ● Docker Inc. (formerly dotCloud Inc.) – ~30 employees, VC-backed – SAAS and support offering around Docker ● Docker, the community – more than 360 contributors, 1600 forks on GitHub – dozens of projects around/on top of Docker – x100k trained developers
  • 50. One-time setup ● On your servers (Linux) – Packages (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Arch...) – Single binary install (Golang FTW!) – Easy provisioning on Rackspace, Digital Ocean, EC2, GCE... ● On your dev env (Linux, OS X, Windows) – Vagrantfile – boot2docker (25 MB VM image) – Natively (if you run Linux)
  • 51. The Docker workflow 1/2 ● Work in dev environment (local machine or container) ● Other services (databases etc.) in containers (and behave just like the real thing!) ● Whenever you want to test « for real »: – Build in seconds – Run instantly
  • 52. The Docker workflow 2/2 Satisfied with your local build? ● Push it to a registry (public or private) ● Run it (automatically!) in CI/CD ● Run it in production ● Happiness! Something goes wrong? Rollback painlessly!
  • 54. 1) docker run ubuntu bash 2) apt-get install this and that 3) docker commit <containerid> <imagename> 4) docker run <imagename> bash 5) git clone git://.../mycode 6) pip install -r requirements.txt 7) docker commit <containerid> <imagename> 8) repeat steps 4-7 as necessary 9) docker tag <imagename> <user/image> 10) docker push <user/image>
  • 56. Authoring images with run/commit ● Pros – Convenient, nothing to learn – Can roll back/forward if needed ● Cons – Manual process – Iterative changes stack up – Full rebuilds are boring, error-prone
  • 58. FROM ubuntu RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get install -y g++ RUN apt-get install -y erlang-dev erlang-manpages erlang-base-hipe ... RUN apt-get install -y libmozjs185-dev libicu-dev libtool ... RUN apt-get install -y make wget RUN wget http://.../apache-couchdb-1.3.1.tar.gz | tar -C /tmp -zxf- RUN cd /tmp/apache-couchdb-* && ./configure && make install RUN printf "[httpd]nport = 8101nbind_address =" > /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.d/docker.ini EXPOSE 8101 CMD ["/usr/local/bin/couchdb"] docker build -t jpetazzo/couchdb .
  • 60. Authoring images with a Dockerfile ● Minimal learning curve ● Rebuilds are easy ● Caching system makes rebuilds faster ● Single file to define the whole environment!
  • 64. Half Time … Questions so far ? http://docker.io/ http://docker.com/ @docker @jpetazzo
  • 65. What's new in 0.8 ?
  • 66. Stability and performance ● Many, many, many bugfixes ● Performance improvements – When Docker starts – When creating/destroying containers (Especially en masse) – Better memory footprint
  • 67. ADD caching ● ADD no longer breaks caching ● You can now use the following pattern: ADD requirements.txt /src/requirements.txt RUN pip install ­r requirements.txt ADD . /src
  • 68. New ONBUILD instruction ● Register « triggers » to be executed later, when building an image on top of this one ● Triggers are executed in downstream context Example: RUN apt­get install build­essential ONBUILD ADD . /src ONBUILD RUN cd /src; ./configure; make install
  • 70. Storage: many options! Union Filesystems Snapshotting Filesystems Copy-on-write block devices Provisioning Superfast Supercheap Fast Cheap Fast Cheap Changing small files Superfast Supercheap Fast Cheap Fast Costly Changing large files Slow (first time) Inefficient (copy-up!) Fast Cheap Fast Cheap Diffing Superfast Superfast Slow Memory usage Efficient Efficient Inefficient (at high densities) Drawbacks Random quirks AUFS not mainline !AUFS more quirks ZFS not mainline BTRFS not as nice Higher disk usage Great performance (except diffing) Bottom line Ideal for PAAS and high density things This is the Future (probably) Dodge Ram 3500
  • 71. BTRFS storage driver ● Available on « normal » kernels ● Supposedly faster than DM (but YMMV) ● Doesn't use BTRFS delta stream yet (i.e. commit/diff is not optimized yet) ● Use it, abuse it, break it!
  • 72. Socket activation ● Plays nice with systemd ● Avoids race condition in boot scripts Docker doesn't handle API requests when it's starting, so without socket activation, you need e.g. reconnection logic.
  • 73. OS X support ● The CLI now runs on OS X ● boot2docker is awesome
  • 74. What's new in 0.9 ?
  • 75. libcontainer ● Independent package to run containers ● ...without requiring LXC userland tools ● Pure Go ● Comes with nsinit helper
  • 76. Execution drivers Available now: ● lxc (=legacy) ● native (=libcontainer) (default) Soon: chroot, OpenVZ, jails, zones...
  • 78. Tons of improvements behind the scenes CHANGELOG.md
  • 79. Coming Soon ● Network acceleration ● Container-specific metrics ● Plugins (e.g. for logging) ● Orchestration hooks Those things are already possible, but will soon be part of the core.
  • 81. YUP
  • 89. Docker 1.0 ● Multi-arch, multi-OS ● Stable control API ● Stable plugin API ● Resiliency ● Signature ● Clustering