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Document from Aswin Unni Puthuparambil-5.pptx
What is web 2.0 ?
What is web 2.0 ?
• “The Web 2.0 world is defined by new
ways of understanding ourselves, of
creating value in our culture, of running
companies, and of working together.” By
John Battelle
What is web 2.0 ?
Ola Sayed Ahmed 4
• Typically it’s when you
– post or comment on Facebook.
– Read & write on Wikipedi
– Upload & download on 4shared.
– Watch & upload videos on YouTube.
– Sell or buy on eBay.
– Be an employer or an employee through the net.
– Online booking of a hotel or a flight.
– Etc…………
Web 1.0 Vs. Web 2.0
Ola Sayed Ahmed 5
Web 1.0 Web 2.0
Double Click Google Ad Sense
Britannica Online Wikipedia
personal websites Blogging
domain name speculation search engine optimization
page views cost per click
screen scraping web services
publishing participation
directories (taxonomy) Tagging (folksonomy”)
© 2015, O’Reilly Media,
Web 2.0 Space
• Some of them are technological components (e.g., AJAX, RIA‘s,
• Some are principles (e.g., participation, collective intelligence,
and rich user experience)
• Some are applications and tools (e.g., Wikipedia, Flickr, and
Web 1.0 Vs. Web 2.0
Ola Sayed Ahmed 7
Aspects of Web 2.0
Ola Sayed Ahmed 8
Tools of Web 2.0
Ola Sayed Ahmed 9
• Blogs e.g.
• Podcasts e.g. the use of Subscribing or
• Social Networks e.g.
• Wikis e.g. wikihow, wikianswers,
wikitravel, Wikipedia, etc..
• Social Bookmarking e.g. #hashtags
Role of Web Marketing
The Web Marketing Manager will develop and implement the company's web-
based marketing strategy to promote the company's brand, attract visitors and
potential leads, and generate internet sales.
1. Plans and implements web-based marketing strategies and campaigns via
the company's website(s).
2. Collaborates with web development and design teams; provides guidance on
marketing-related aspects of the company's web presence.
3. Develops and expands company's web presence through social media, email,
web advertising, and other online sources; promotes company brand through
these channels.
4. Drafts, implements, maintains, and revises online marketing campaigns to
drive sales and revenue to the company.
5. Coordinates with other marketing team members to ensure active
promotions and campaigns are represented on the website(s).
5. Collaborates with web design, development, and content staff to monitor
and improve search engine optimization (SEO) results for the company's
6. Maintains current knowledge of trends and developments in online
7. Assists with budget preparation for marketing department.
8. Performs other related duties as assigned.
Five KPIsEvery Digital Marketer
needs to track
Whatare KPIs?
KPIs,or K
Marketercancontrolor influence
AvgSession Duration
Sourceof Traffic
KPIschangeatdifferent stages
Unique Visitors
Attention Interest Desire Action
Foreasierlearning– SegmentyourKPIs
Conversion ROI
Costof Acquisition
Customer Lifetime Value
Attribution System
Product Performance
New&Returning Visitors
s Visitor
What is a
The beauty of digital marketing lies in the fact that nearly everything can be tracked. Free
tools like Google Analytics give you instant access to the actions, behaviors and locations of
prospects visiting your website, and more robust tools like Marketing Automation software
can trace attribution across channels like email, social media and events.
But this data is useless if it doesn’t relate to your business goals. That’s where Key
Performance Indicators (or KPIs)come into play. A KPIis a measurement that will directly
affect your marketing objectives. For example, if your goal is to increase sales efficiency,
This is the most important KPIfor digital marketers because it effectively
answers the question, “Isthis digital stuff even working?” Not surprisingly,
this simple question is also one of the most difficult to answer
. T
dmROI, you need to be able to directly attribute new sales to your online
marketing efforts. Putting processes in place to track and increase ROI
should be a top priority for any digital marketingmanager
Your website should be your number one salesperson, tirelessly working for
you 24/7 to attract new leads and guide them through the sales funnel. This
can be tracked by measuring the number of form submissions, tracked
phone calls and tracked emails coming from your website. Ifone of your
major tactics is increasing website visitors every month, you should monitor
conversion rate like a hawk
How to Measure Conversion Rate: (Form Submissions +Tracked Calls +Tracked
Emails)/(Total Website Visitors) =Conversion Rate
The number of leads alone does not designate a successful digital campaign. You want
to keep lead acquisition costs low so that you can maintain healthy margins and see
meaningful growth. Bymeasuring cost per lead for different web sources, you can
focus on digital activities that will be the most profitable for your business and reinvest
your marketing dollars accordingly.
How to Measure Cost Per Lead: (Total Spent on Campaign)/(Total #ofLeads)
[note: do this for eachsource]
On the flip side of Cost per Lead, we also want to measure theapproximate
sales value of each new lead. This will help you forecast future sales based
on expected traffic and conversion rates. This KPIwill help you determine
where your most profitable leads are coming from so that you can reinvest
in those channels.
How to Measure Revenue per Lead: (T
otal Attributable Revenue)/(Total #of Leads)
[note: do this for eachsource]
of SalesfromDigital
This last KPIis often overlooked but will justify the role of the digital
marketing manager for many companies. Byincreasing the share of total
sales attributed to digital marketing, you will effectively justify your value
to the company’s bottom line and make a case for more investment in
your department. Building a sound strategy and supporting it with the
right people and technology is key to increasing this number overtime.
How to Measure %Sales from Digital: (Total Revenue Attributed from
Digital)/(Total Monthly Sales)
 Numberof
 Numberof mentions
 Reach
 Inbound links
 Blog subscribers
 Retweets
 Socialshare
 Comments
 Referral traffic
 Shareofvoice
 Net promoter
 Sentiment
 Number of social
 Post reach
 Potential reach
 Video views
 Conversions
 Sales revenue
 Issuesresolved
 Costperlead
 Leadconversionrate
 Customerlifetime value
 Numberof posts
 Blog posts
 Videos
 SocialMediabudget
 Socialmediaposts
Competitive Analysis
Lookaround beforeyoustartbuildingyour Content Strategy
Toolsfor understandingCompetitor Strategies
 GoogleAdWordsKeywordPlanner (free)
 GoogleTrends (free)
 SEMRush
 SpyFu
 Moz
Google Analytics
An overview
KeyDefinitions– Digital Analytics
 Attribution– assigncredittoastep/actionfor salesand conversions
 Dimension– descriptionattributeor characteristicof data(locations, pages,
 Metrics – quantitative measure of your data, sums or ratios (views, sessions, avg.
timeper session,etc.)
 Conversion– completedactivityonlineor offline
― Goal:newslettersubscription; or
― Sales: purchaseon e-commerce
 Goal – configuration setting, to track valuable actions happening on your site,
which are related to your business objectives (visit 5+ pages, or spends $x on
your site)
 Events– ahitusedtotrackuserinteractionwithyour content
Gettingfamiliarwiththe interface
ImportantElementsofSearch Console
 SearchAnalytics– thiscanbeaccessedviaGoogle Analyticsaswell
― Keyword Queries
― Dimensions:Pages,Countries,Devices,Search type
― Metrics:Impression,CTR,Position
― Links
 Crawl
― Errors
― Stats
― Robots.txt tester
― Sitemaps
 SearchAppearances
― HTML Errors
― SiteEnhancements:StructuredData,RichCards,DataHighlighter
rds FocusonReporting
Conversion Tracking
 Monitoringspendiscriticalandsoittrackingconversions
 Someof thewaystodo thisare:
― ConversionTrackinginAdWords
― LinkGoogleAnalytics
― ConversionTracking tools
KPIsin AdWords
 Conversion
 Impression Share
 QualityScore (QS)
 CPCor CTC– Costper Click
 AdRank– MaxCPCxQualityScore+
Extensions impact
 Keyword(KW)
 Search T
 Max CPC
 CTR– ClickThrough Rate
 SERPPage– SearchEngineResult
 CP
A– Costper Acquisition
 CT
A– Callto Action
 Clicks– Hiton your adonSERP
 Impressions– visibilityof your adon
 ROI– ReturnonInvestment
LinkGoogle Analytics&AdWords
 SeeadandsiteperformancedataintheAdWordsreportsin Analytics.
 ImportAnalyticsGoalsandEcommercetransactionsdirectlyintoyour AdWords
 ImportvaluableAnalyticsmetrics– suchasBounceRate,Avg.SessionDuration,
andPages/Session—into your AdWords account.
 T
eadvantageof enhancedRemarketing capabilities.
 Get richer data in the Analytics Multi-Channel Funnelsreports.
 Use your Analytics datatoenhanceyour AdWords experience.
LeveragePre-definedreportsin AdWords
 Reports> Pre-defined Reports> Ad Groups
Tipsfor calculatingROI
 GeneralPerformance- Traffic,leads,Reach
 ChannelBased- Website,blog, socialnetworks,searchengines
 Sourcebasedperformance- Directtraffic,Organicsearch,referrals,email, PPC
 Campaignbasedperformance - Leadgeneration,clickthroughs,conversions,
conversion rates
 Settingrealisticandmeasurablegoals
Campaign Tracking
Document from Aswin Unni Puthuparambil-5.pptx
Strategic Web Marketing
a compelling,c
Maptia‟s Manifesto: http://blog.maptia.com/manifesto
Create the most compelling car company of
the 21st century by driving the world‟s transition
to electric vehicles
- Tesla Motors Company Vision
Via Tesla‟s 2011Annual Report
Personas are one way to help define a target audience. Image via Creative
Applications for MIT. More on personas for search marketing from Mike King.
WhereCan WeBestReachThisAudience?
Users: 343mm 1.1B+ 250mm 225mm 33mm
Users: 25mm 43mm 517mm 170mm 48mm
The above shows only social networks (good collection of stat sources), but every
channel should be considered in this mix –search, email, ads, partnerships, events, etc.
WhatisOurUniqueValue Proposition?
The SaaS business intelligence firm GoodData explains what‟s uniquely valuable
about their software through a nicely visual, easy-to-understand, How It Works page.
NowWeCan Havea Real Marketing
Google+ is often mocked for being a “ghost town,” but many smart, early-adopter brands
(like ASUS) see higher engagement here than on Twitter or Facebook!
Despite the massive growth of social media & mobile apps and the media narrative
of these eclipsing search, both mobile and desktop queries continue to rise
Betabrand takes on the boring, hyper-competitive field of men‟s clothing by
infusing their trademark style, creativity, & humor in their products and marketing.
#4:Createa Customized,Internal,DynamicFunnel
This funnel comes via Moz‟s internal tracking system, called “Gizmo,” that shows a ton of
Whiteboard Friday on gettingto the right metrics.
Whiteboard Friday on gettingto the right metrics.
Note: these are just
examples. You
should choose the
rightmetrics based
on yourmarketing
campaigns &goals.
Google Analytics offers some very cool multi-channel attribution features, but unless you
have sophisticated ways to analyze and the discipline to turn off channels to measure
their contributions, the takeaways can be tough (or worse, misleading).
#8:StayVigilantforFluencyBiasesthatHarm Marketing
Domain Names
Marketing Slogans
Website UX
Stock Ticker Symbols
Ease ofProduct Use
Processing fluency is the same set of principles that make us more likely to trust
aesthetically beautiful design and to interpret misspellings or poor grammar as signals of
#9:SpeedImpactsEverything(way more than isfair)
Via: the NYTimes article „Impatient Web Users Flee Slow-Loading
Even in (perhaps especially in) the most demanding teams and jobs, hire for cultural fit
over competence fit. Long-term, shared values, the ability to work well together, and a
shared mission will trump
Market Research in Digital Marketing
Identify Your Target Audience
Know the Digital Areas You Should be
Active In
Study the Competition
Identify Key Influencers
Document from Aswin Unni Puthuparambil-5.pptx
Planning a Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Budget Plans
Depending on short term and long term marketing
goals you can go for any of following digital
marketing plan :
3 months digital marketing plan
6 months digital marketing plan
9 months digital marketing plan
12 months digital marketing plan
Budget allocation for 3/6/9/12 months digital
Tasks Budget Allocation
Web Development and
Initial Analysis
SEO 10.00%
PPC 75.00%
Email 5.00%
Social Media 0.00%
Mobile 0.00%
Content marketing 0.00%
Digital marketing budget
web development and initialAnalysis
Social media
Content marketing

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➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐Dpboss Matka Guessing Satta Matka Kalyan Chart Indian Matka
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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
DP Boss Satta Matka Kalyan Matka
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Kalyan matka sattamatka Dpboss Dpboss Matka Dpboss sattaKalyan matka sattamatka Dpboss Dpboss Matka Dpboss satta
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matkaIndian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
Indian Matka Dpboss Matka guessing matka boss otg Satta matka
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Kalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 | kalyanchart.netKalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 | kalyanchart.net
Kalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 | kalyanchart.net
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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan ChartSatta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan MatkaSatta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
Satta Matta Matka Kalyan Matka Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Guessing Kalyan Matka
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Satta Matka Dpboss Guessing kalyan Indian chart resultSatta Matka Dpboss Guessing kalyan Indian chart result
Satta Matka Dpboss Guessing kalyan Indian chart result

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Document from Aswin Unni Puthuparambil-5.pptx

  • 2. What is web 2.0 ? 2
  • 3. What is web 2.0 ? 3 • “The Web 2.0 world is defined by new ways of understanding ourselves, of creating value in our culture, of running companies, and of working together.” By John Battelle
  • 4. What is web 2.0 ? Ola Sayed Ahmed 4 a . • Typically it’s when you – post or comment on Facebook. – Read & write on Wikipedi – Upload & download on 4shared. – Watch & upload videos on YouTube. – Sell or buy on eBay. – Be an employer or an employee through the net. – Online booking of a hotel or a flight. – Etc…………
  • 5. Web 1.0 Vs. Web 2.0 Ola Sayed Ahmed 5 Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Double Click Google Ad Sense Britannica Online Wikipedia personal websites Blogging domain name speculation search engine optimization page views cost per click screen scraping web services publishing participation directories (taxonomy) Tagging (folksonomy”) © 2015, O’Reilly Media, Inc.
  • 6. Web 2.0 Space • Some of them are technological components (e.g., AJAX, RIA‘s, and XML/DHTML) • Some are principles (e.g., participation, collective intelligence, and rich user experience) • Some are applications and tools (e.g., Wikipedia, Flickr, and Mashups). 6
  • 7. Web 1.0 Vs. Web 2.0 Ola Sayed Ahmed 7
  • 8. Aspects of Web 2.0 Ola Sayed Ahmed 8
  • 9. Tools of Web 2.0 Ola Sayed Ahmed 9 • Blogs e.g. • Podcasts e.g. the use of Subscribing or RSS • Social Networks e.g. • Wikis e.g. wikihow, wikianswers, wikitravel, Wikipedia, etc.. • Social Bookmarking e.g. #hashtags
  • 10. Role of Web Marketing Manager
  • 11. The Web Marketing Manager will develop and implement the company's web- based marketing strategy to promote the company's brand, attract visitors and potential leads, and generate internet sales. Duties/Responsibilities: 1. Plans and implements web-based marketing strategies and campaigns via the company's website(s). 2. Collaborates with web development and design teams; provides guidance on marketing-related aspects of the company's web presence. 3. Develops and expands company's web presence through social media, email, web advertising, and other online sources; promotes company brand through these channels. 4. Drafts, implements, maintains, and revises online marketing campaigns to drive sales and revenue to the company. 5. Coordinates with other marketing team members to ensure active promotions and campaigns are represented on the website(s).
  • 12. 5. Collaborates with web design, development, and content staff to monitor and improve search engine optimization (SEO) results for the company's site(s). 6. Maintains current knowledge of trends and developments in online marketing. 7. Assists with budget preparation for marketing department. 8. Performs other related duties as assigned.
  • 13. Five KPIsEvery Digital Marketer needs to track TRACKING RESULTS
  • 17. Foreasierlearning– SegmentyourKPIs Conversion ROI Revenue (ecommerce) Brand KPI Groupings 1 7 TrafficSource Interactionspervisit BounceRate Costof Acquisition Customer Lifetime Value Attribution System LeadsinPipeline T otalRevenue Transactions TimetoPurchase Product Performance Recommendation New&Returning Visitors Sentiment s Visitor Loyalty
  • 18. What is a KPI The beauty of digital marketing lies in the fact that nearly everything can be tracked. Free tools like Google Analytics give you instant access to the actions, behaviors and locations of prospects visiting your website, and more robust tools like Marketing Automation software can trace attribution across channels like email, social media and events. But this data is useless if it doesn’t relate to your business goals. That’s where Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs)come into play. A KPIis a measurement that will directly affect your marketing objectives. For example, if your goal is to increase sales efficiency,
  • 19. 1.DigitalMarketingReturnonInvestment This is the most important KPIfor digital marketers because it effectively answers the question, “Isthis digital stuff even working?” Not surprisingly, this simple question is also one of the most difficult to answer . T ocalculate dmROI, you need to be able to directly attribute new sales to your online marketing efforts. Putting processes in place to track and increase ROI should be a top priority for any digital marketingmanager .
  • 20. 2.WebsiteConversionRate Your website should be your number one salesperson, tirelessly working for you 24/7 to attract new leads and guide them through the sales funnel. This can be tracked by measuring the number of form submissions, tracked phone calls and tracked emails coming from your website. Ifone of your major tactics is increasing website visitors every month, you should monitor conversion rate like a hawk How to Measure Conversion Rate: (Form Submissions +Tracked Calls +Tracked Emails)/(Total Website Visitors) =Conversion Rate
  • 21. 3.CostperLeadbySource The number of leads alone does not designate a successful digital campaign. You want to keep lead acquisition costs low so that you can maintain healthy margins and see meaningful growth. Bymeasuring cost per lead for different web sources, you can focus on digital activities that will be the most profitable for your business and reinvest your marketing dollars accordingly. How to Measure Cost Per Lead: (Total Spent on Campaign)/(Total #ofLeads) [note: do this for eachsource]
  • 22. 4.RevenueperLeadbySource On the flip side of Cost per Lead, we also want to measure theapproximate sales value of each new lead. This will help you forecast future sales based on expected traffic and conversion rates. This KPIwill help you determine where your most profitable leads are coming from so that you can reinvest in those channels. How to Measure Revenue per Lead: (T otal Attributable Revenue)/(Total #of Leads) [note: do this for eachsource]
  • 23. 5.% of SalesfromDigital This last KPIis often overlooked but will justify the role of the digital marketing manager for many companies. Byincreasing the share of total sales attributed to digital marketing, you will effectively justify your value to the company’s bottom line and make a case for more investment in your department. Building a sound strategy and supporting it with the right people and technology is key to increasing this number overtime. How to Measure %Sales from Digital: (Total Revenue Attributed from Digital)/(Total Monthly Sales)
  • 24. SocialMediaKPI’s 24  Numberof fans/followers  Numberof mentions  Reach  Inbound links  Blog subscribers  Retweets  Socialshare  Comments  Referral traffic  Shareofvoice  Net promoter  Sentiment  Number of social influencers  Post reach  Potential reach  Video views  Conversions  Sales revenue  Issuesresolved  Costperlead  Leadconversionrate  Customerlifetime value  Numberof posts  Blog posts  Videos  SocialMediabudget  Socialmediaposts
  • 26. Toolsfor understandingCompetitor Strategies  GoogleAdWordsKeywordPlanner (free)  GoogleTrends (free)  SEMRush  SpyFu  Moz 26
  • 28. KeyDefinitions– Digital Analytics 2 8  Attribution– assigncredittoastep/actionfor salesand conversions  Dimension– descriptionattributeor characteristicof data(locations, pages, sessions,browsers,etc)  Metrics – quantitative measure of your data, sums or ratios (views, sessions, avg. timeper session,etc.)  Conversion– completedactivityonlineor offline ― Goal:newslettersubscription; or ― Sales: purchaseon e-commerce  Goal – configuration setting, to track valuable actions happening on your site, which are related to your business objectives (visit 5+ pages, or spends $x on your site)  Events– ahitusedtotrackuserinteractionwithyour content
  • 30. ImportantElementsofSearch Console  SearchAnalytics– thiscanbeaccessedviaGoogle Analyticsaswell ― Keyword Queries ― Dimensions:Pages,Countries,Devices,Search type ― Metrics:Impression,CTR,Position ― Links  Crawl ― Errors ― Stats ― Robots.txt tester ― Sitemaps  SearchAppearances ― HTML Errors ― SiteEnhancements:StructuredData,RichCards,DataHighlighter 24
  • 32. Conversion Tracking  Monitoringspendiscriticalandsoittrackingconversions  Someof thewaystodo thisare: ― ConversionTrackinginAdWords ― LinkGoogleAnalytics ― ConversionTracking tools 3 2
  • 33. KPIsin AdWords 3 3  Conversion  Impression Share  QualityScore (QS)  CPCor CTC– Costper Click  AdRank– MaxCPCxQualityScore+ Extensions impact  Keyword(KW)  Search T erm  Max CPC  CTR– ClickThrough Rate  SERPPage– SearchEngineResult Page  CP A– Costper Acquisition  CT A– Callto Action  Clicks– Hiton your adonSERP  Impressions– visibilityof your adon SERP  ROI– ReturnonInvestment
  • 34. LinkGoogle Analytics&AdWords 3 4  SeeadandsiteperformancedataintheAdWordsreportsin Analytics.  ImportAnalyticsGoalsandEcommercetransactionsdirectlyintoyour AdWords account.  ImportvaluableAnalyticsmetrics– suchasBounceRate,Avg.SessionDuration, andPages/Session—into your AdWords account.  T a k eadvantageof enhancedRemarketing capabilities.  Get richer data in the Analytics Multi-Channel Funnelsreports.  Use your Analytics datatoenhanceyour AdWords experience.
  • 35. LeveragePre-definedreportsin AdWords  Reports> Pre-defined Reports> Ad Groups report 3 5
  • 36. Tipsfor calculatingROI 3 6  GeneralPerformance- Traffic,leads,Reach  ChannelBased- Website,blog, socialnetworks,searchengines  Sourcebasedperformance- Directtraffic,Organicsearch,referrals,email, PPC  Campaignbasedperformance - Leadgeneration,clickthroughs,conversions, conversion rates  Settingrealisticandmeasurablegoals
  • 42. What’sOur Vision? Create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world‟s transition to electric vehicles - Tesla Motors Company Vision Via Tesla‟s 2011Annual Report
  • 43. WhoAreWeTryingtoReach? Personas are one way to help define a target audience. Image via Creative Applications for MIT. More on personas for search marketing from Mike King.
  • 44. WhereCan WeBestReachThisAudience? Users: 343mm 1.1B+ 250mm 225mm 33mm Users: 25mm 43mm 517mm 170mm 48mm The above shows only social networks (good collection of stat sources), but every channel should be considered in this mix –search, email, ads, partnerships, events, etc.
  • 45. WhatisOurUniqueValue Proposition? The SaaS business intelligence firm GoodData explains what‟s uniquely valuable about their software through a nicely visual, easy-to-understand, How It Works page.
  • 46. NowWeCan Havea Real Marketing Strategy.
  • 48. #1:ChooseChannelsYourCompetitionIgnores Google+ is often mocked for being a “ghost town,” but many smart, early-adopter brands (like ASUS) see higher engagement here than on Twitter or Facebook!
  • 49. #2:BeAnEarlyAdopter;NotanEarlyAbandoner Despite the massive growth of social media & mobile apps and the media narrative of these eclipsing search, both mobile and desktop queries continue to rise
  • 50. #3:InfuseYourMarketingwithYourCulture&Values Betabrand takes on the boring, hyper-competitive field of men‟s clothing by infusing their trademark style, creativity, & humor in their products and marketing.
  • 51. #4:Createa Customized,Internal,DynamicFunnel This funnel comes via Moz‟s internal tracking system, called “Gizmo,” that shows a ton of critical
  • 53. #5:WhenMeasuring,Lookat3KeyAreas Whiteboard Friday on gettingto the right metrics. Note: these are just examples. You should choose the rightmetrics based on yourmarketing campaigns &goals.
  • 55. #7:BeCautiousWithMulti-ChannelAttribution Google Analytics offers some very cool multi-channel attribution features, but unless you have sophisticated ways to analyze and the discipline to turn off channels to measure their contributions, the takeaways can be tough (or worse, misleading).
  • 56. #8:StayVigilantforFluencyBiasesthatHarm Marketing Domain Names Marketing Slogans Website UX Stock Ticker Symbols VisualDesign Ease ofProduct Use LengthofLearningCurve Consistency Processing fluency is the same set of principles that make us more likely to trust aesthetically beautiful design and to interpret misspellings or poor grammar as signals of
  • 57. #9:SpeedImpactsEverything(way more than isfair) Via: the NYTimes article „Impatient Web Users Flee Slow-Loading Sites‟
  • 58. #10:HiretheRightPeople.EmpowerthemtheRightWays. Even in (perhaps especially in) the most demanding teams and jobs, hire for cultural fit over competence fit. Long-term, shared values, the ability to work well together, and a shared mission will trump
  • 59. Market Research in Digital Marketing Identify Your Target Audience Know the Digital Areas You Should be Active In Study the Competition Identify Key Influencers
  • 61. Planning a Digital Marketing Budget
  • 62. Digital Marketing Budget Plans Depending on short term and long term marketing goals you can go for any of following digital marketing plan : 3 months digital marketing plan 6 months digital marketing plan 9 months digital marketing plan 12 months digital marketing plan
  • 63. Budget allocation for 3/6/9/12 months digital marketing Tasks Budget Allocation Web Development and Initial Analysis 10.00% SEO 10.00% PPC 75.00% Email 5.00% Social Media 0.00% Mobile 0.00% Content marketing 0.00% Digital marketing budget web development and initialAnalysis SEO PPC E-mail Social media Mobile Content marketing