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Don’t Waste Your Time: Secrets
of Minimum Viable Prototyping
Big (D)esign Conference 2015
Thank you all.
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Sabre Labs
Lean Startup
Proportional Investment
…and the Minimum Viable
“The minimum viable product is that version 
of a new product which allows a team to collect 
the maximum amount of validated learning 
with the least effort.”
-Eric Ries
Sometimes you just 

need a prototype.
Sabre Labs makes 

a lot of prototypes.
And we’ve made a lot of
“A prototype is worth a
thousand meetings.”
“A prototype is worth a
thousand meetings.”
-Ron Burgundy
Thanks Ron. And yes.
…And if the average meeting is
an hour long…
…then I can spend 999 hours on my 


prototype and still be in the black?
Don’t waste your time.
6 Prototypes
The Vision
Prototype 1
Problem: We spent 3 months
building the thing
Make the one thing that
matters high(er) fidelity.
Secret 1:
Type of Prototypes
Conceptual prototype
Work through a design–for designers and
developers, prototypes act as a way to
work through your design…
Technical prototype
Gauge technical feasibility–designers want to
do X, but can engineering do it? Do we have
the resources? Is it worth the effort?
Vision prototype
As a common communication platform–
using them to get everyone on the same
Consensus prototype
Sell your idea internally–using them to sell
your design solution to internal stake
As a marketing tool–while similar to number
3, this is for an external audience.
Todd Zaki Warfel / Joe Lamantia
Conceptual prototype
Work through a design–for designers and
developers, prototypes act as a way to
work through your design…
Technical prototype
Gauge technical feasibility–designers want to
do X, but can engineering do it? Do we have
the resources? Is it worth the effort?
Testing prototype?
What you put in front of User Testing folks?
Evolve / Test
Vision prototype
As a common communication platform–
using them to get everyone on the same
Consensus prototype
Sell your idea internally–using them to sell
your design solution to internal stake
As a marketing tool–while similar to number
3, this is for an external audience.
Pick methods based
on outcome.
Secret 2:
Problem: We built the thing
Working code wins
Secret 3:
The Integration
Prototype 2
Problem: Their API 

was broken
If you’re testing feasibility,
apply some rigor.
Secret 4:
(again) Working code wins
Secret 3:
Problem: Vision
Be sure your vision is correct.
Secret 5:
Problem: Scoping
If you’re setting vision, build only what
you need to tell your story (happy path).
Secret 6:
(again) Make the one thing that
matters high(er) fidelity.
Secret 1:
Auth Auth
with button
with button
Error States
Sign Up
The Web App
Prototype 3
Problem: The fidelity lead to the
wrong conversation
High fidelity != Low fidelity
Secret 7:
Problem: Platform lead to the
wrong interaction
Platforms dictate interactions.
Secret 8:
The design is the implementation.
Secret 9:
The Product
Prototype 4
Problem: It took up 

too much time
Your prototype is like wedding planning
- it will take as long as you give it.
Secret 10:
Problem: We built functionality
we didn’t need
Talking about the outcome allows
for better scope conversations.
Secret 11:
Apple Watch
Prototype 5
Problem: Impossible
Ensure what you’re designing
is possible.
Secret 12:
Problem: TMI
Design at actual (tiny) size.
Secret 13:
This Presentation
Prototype 6
Don’t waste your time…
Building the wrong type of prototype
2. Pick methods based on outcome.

3. Working code wins

7. High fidelity != Low fidelity

8. Platforms dictate interactions.
Don’t waste your time…
“Building” beyond the minimum
1. Make the one thing that matters high(er) fidelity.

6. If you’re setting vision, build only what you
need to tell your story (happy path).

10. Your prototype is like wedding planning - it
will take as long as you give it.

11. Talking about the outcome allows for better
scope conversations.
Don’t waste your time…
Applying rigor in the wrong places
4. If you’re testing feasibility, apply some rigor.

5. Be sure your vision is correct.

9. The design is the implementation.

12. Ensure what you’re designing is possible.

13. Design at actual (tiny) size.
You stay classy, Dallas.
1. Make the one thing that matters high(er) fidelity.

2. Pick methods based on outcome.

3. Working code wins

4. If you’re testing feasibility, apply some rigor.

5. Be sure your vision is correct.

6. If you’re setting vision, build only what you need to tell your story (happy path).

7. High fidelity != Low fidelity

8. Platforms dictate interactions. 

9. The design is the implementation.

10. Your prototype is like wedding planning - it will take as long as you give it.

11. Talking about the outcome allows for better scope conversations. 

12. Ensure what you’re designing is possible.

13. Design at actual (tiny) size.
Secrets of Minimum Viable Prototyping

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Don't Waste Your Time: Secrets of Minimum Viable Prototyping