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Double Spaced Mla Format
Example : Apa Double Spa
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Double Spaced Mla Format Example : Apa Double Spa Double Spaced Mla Format Example : Apa Double Spa
Lily Bart s Motivations
The motivations of a story s protagonist are the main driving factor behind plot settings, conflicts, and
resolutions. For better or worse, the desires of the main character shape the world a story is set in.
Their motivations lead to conflict that creates a canvass for an author to paint their message.
Ultimately, the resolution of those conflicts come about because of the drive the main character
possesses to fulfill their motivations and desires. The main characters in Edith Wharton s House of
Mirth and H.G Wells s The Invisible Man, Lily Bart and Jack Griffin, both posses very different
ambitions that lead them into unique conflicts, but both end up with similar, tragic resolutions. Lily
Bart, an entitled, down on her luck socialite ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although both stories take place thousands of miles away from each, in different parts of the world,
the machinations of each character take them too many different places, where key conflicts occur
allowing the author to deliver a message to the audience. In The Invisible Man, Jack Griffin s
motivations of scientific pursuit and acclaim lead him through many parts of England. These different
locations and subsequent situations allow H.G. Wells to symbolically deliver a message on politics
and economics. According to Paul Cantor, author of The Invisible Man and the Invisible Hand: H.G.
Wells s Critique of Capitalism,
Though Griffin s invisibility has scientific causes, it largely has economic effects above all, on the
movement and transfer of money. To put it bluntly, the chief use Griffin makes of his invisibility is to
rob people of their cash.
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Election Vs
Tamang 5
Suman Tamang Professor Sherry Sherifian Govt 1302 October 29, 2017 Any individual who requires
money to get the vote during the election is the amount of money needed to run the office. In the state
of Texas, it cost kind of more amount of money to run the offices. According to the previous election
2016, Republican party spends double amount of money than the Democratic party. According to the
report in which Republican Party spends around $30 per vote whereas Democratic party spends
around $16 per vote which makes Republican Party to win against the Democratic Party and managed
to win the White House. So, after analyzing the all of the expenses parties have done to run for the
office during the election of 2016 and the previous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Among all of them interest group named National organization for women which was found in 1966
would support my campaign. As this interest group is also working to bring the equality to the women.
This interest group main aim is to eliminate or pull out the discrimination and harassment in the
workplace, schools, the justice system and other parts of the society where all the time women are
being discrimination and excluded them. This interest group works for the welfare and upliftment of
the women in the society. whereas all my party platform during the campaign is also related to the
welfare of the women, rights of the people and the civil liberties of the people. 1 Party s main aim is to
deal with the secure abortion among women birth control and reproductive rights for all women; end
all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia; 2 and promote
equality and justice in our society. So, this interest group can be supportive to my campaign.
An interest named Campaign for Working Families would oppose my campaign as this interest group
is dedicated to electing pro family, pro life and women should take care the family rather than the men
which is quite not supporting to my campaign. This group basically works for the men and family
rather than women which oppose my main aim to be equality for all gender.
The Slogan of my campaign is Everybody should get chance to show them.
For the better campaign we must need the better media to
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Literature Review On Communication Satisfaction
LITERATURE REVIEW Communication Satisfaction
Engin and Akgöz (2013) explains communication satisfaction as a criteria or a theory constructing
concept about the upward and downward communication among executives and employees containing
work related information. They state that when an employee is satisfied with the communication
within the organization, it is expected that they will perform and be at their best. However,
misunderstandings from the inability of managers to communicate effectively to their subordinates
lead to poor performance (Chitrao, 2014). According to Greenbaum, Clampitt, and Willihnganz
(1988), the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire has been proven to be the most widely used
method to measure organizational communication satisfaction. Downs and Clampitt developed the
questionnaire and eventually did a critical review on studies of communication satisfaction (as cited in
Engin and Akgöz, 2013) and Zwije Koning De Jong (2007) evaluated the communication satisfaction
questionnaire and compared it to the critical incident technique to see which method is better to
measure communication satisfaction. They mention that employee attitude and judgment in many
communication practices are the main focus of the questionnaire as these factors show the influence of
communication satisfaction on employee behavior. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The eight dimensions are communication climate, supervisory communication, organizational
integration, media quality, horizontal or informal communication, organizational perspective,
relationship with subordinates and personal feedback. The researchers felt that the most
Although stated as a good method to measure communication satisfaction (Zwije Koning De Jong,
2007), they believe that it is not recommended for diagnosing communication problems and
generating recommendations. Employee
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Uncle Tungsten Summer Reading Assignment
Uncle Tungsten Summer Reading Assignment General Overview Uncle Tungsten is Oliver Sacks s
description of his early life filled with the logic, excitement, and anomalies of chemistry. In the
beginning, Oliver Sacks is fascinated with metals and their properties, largely influenced by his Uncle
Dave, who is better known as Uncle Tungsten. He asks Uncle Tungsten, his parents, and many others,
questions about anything that intrigues him typically with chemistry in mind.
Throughout his boyhood, he is constantly learning and studying everything dealing with chemistry
including the important men and women (heroes) that contributed to this field. As he matures, his
interests jump from metals to light bulbs, chemical reactions, Humphry Davy, photography, the
elements and their discoveries, Dalton, Mendeleev, and other chemists, electricity, fluorescence, and
radioactivity. Oliver Sacks also writes of some difficult times in his boyhood, including his exile to
Braefield, a boarding school, during the WWII, beginning in 1939. Sacks s house was near London,
which was expected to be bombed, so he left along with his brother Michael. During this time in his
life, he felt abandoned by his family, tortured by his all powerful headmaster, and bullied by his
classmates. It was at this time in his life that he discovered that chemistry would always be something
he could hold on to, and it remained his life force until he turned 14. Sacks s entire family was strictly
of medical background
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The Island William Clarke Analysis
On the 20th of September, 1783, a family set out to sea. They were leaving their home in the new
USA, to return to what they considered their mother country, Great Britain. Throughout the ship s first
week out to sea, the sea was calm, with a good wind. However this soon changed. The family s second
out of four sons turned twelve on the 27th, exactly one week after they put to sea. On that day, the
weather took a turn for the worse. The boy was the first of passengers to notice the change when he
went up on deck, he noticed that something didn t feel right. He felt like there was some sort of
change in pressure. He rushed back to his parents to tell them what he had noticed. They didn t know
what to say, and didn t want to bother the crew.
However, they soon enough knew ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the boat docked, the boy told his parents that he wanted to become a shipwright. The agreed to
this, and had the money to set him up as the apprentice of one of the most influential shipwrights in
the entirety of England. The boy s name was Richard Clarke, and he was the nephew of RN Captain
William Clarke.
Chapter 1: The Decision It was August 23, 1798, in the Admiralty Courts of Great Britain. The
Kingdom of Great Britain had recently formed a coalition to fight against the newly formed French
Republic. The Admiralty had decided to meet on this day to discuss planning for the war. Lord
Spencer, the first lord of the admiralty, spoke first, saying Gentlemen, I greet you. I hope we can come
to a conclusion that will benefit our country in this meeting. I have a proposition to make, Came a
reply from Sir James Gambier, a lord of the admiralty. What? That if we were invest in the creation of
well made effective ships instead of those less effective but cheaper and quicker to produce. After all,
how can two poorly made and unstable ships compare to even one well made one of the same
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The Powerful Use Of Abuse In Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston
Sweat Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too fur. Ah been married to you fur fifteen years, and Ah
been takin in washin for fifteen years. Sweat, sweat, sweat! Work and sweat, cry and sweat, pray and
sweat! Does living with abuse help you gain the strength to become a stronger woman? Also, when
does enough become enough? Such a quote is found in Zora Neale Hurston s short story, Sweat . This
quote expresses the discussion theme better than any story that has ever been told before about abuse
that is endured during a relationship. This quote helped me realize many different things that women
tend to go through in a relationship. A lot of times women take abuse, whether it is physical, mental or
emotional abuse. Society also tends to put women in a category that is beneath a man, which may give
a man the thought of him having power over women, but in actual reality this is called abuse. The
definition of abuse is the improper use of something, and that is exactly what is happening to Delia in
Sweat .
Zora Neale Hurston was considered one of the pre eminent writers of twentieth century African
American literature. Hurston was closely associated with the Harlem Renaissance. She has also
influenced writers such as Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Gayle Jones, Alice Walker, and Toni Cade
Bambara. Looking at her work, it can be found to be read as a work of feminist fiction, but it is not
why you would think it would be. The quote also possess that the character is faced with
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Divine Images In The Enuma Elisha And The Drama Of Scripture
Humans were made to have a relationship with God, other humans, themselves, and the world around
them. Throughout Genesis 1, we see the word good repeatedly, showing us that we were made in his
likeness. Humans shall have a relationship with their creator because he created them for him and to
serve him in the best way possible Man and women were made to have companionship, and reproduce
future generations to fill the earth with life. It is important that humans have a relationship with
themselves by being self aware of their mind and body. Humans must know their limits and be able to
maintain a healthy stable relationship with themselves, To grow and connect with God. Lastly, humans
were created to have a relationship with the world because it is important to take care of and interact
with the environment God gratefully gave us. Having a relationship with the world means that humans
were created to work for God and ensure we are watching over the work of God.
The view of divine images in the expert of The Enuma Elisha and the text, The Drama of Scripture,
are similar in a few aspects, but broadly different too. In comparison, humans were created through a
higher divinity to serve a God and follow his laws, but each in an entirely different way. In the scripts
of Enuma Elisha, Marduk was promised his word would become law, and much more if he won the
battle to earn his power. Whereas God did not have to fight to gain his power or right to laws, God s
word has always been
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Art history essay on Adopting an approach
Martin Robertson and Mary Beard s manuscript, Adopting an Approach, focuses on the study of
Athenian pottery. The manuscript begins, by describing Sir John Beazley and his revolutionary
method of studying Greek vases. The Beazley Method focuses on the technical conventions of Greek
Vases such as naming the artist, dating the pieces and then grouping them based off of similar
characteristics. Beazley provided for the first time a comprehensive framework of analysis for
Athenian painting, and a way of dating and classifying. (Pg. 16) However, what Beard s main
argument suggests is that it is not the artists that help us understand the importance of the vases
because even if a vase is assigned to a specific time period or artist, there is ... Show more content on
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This particular kylix is a good example because it shows how the women contradict each other and
through this piece we can understand the jobs of each type of woman and we can speculate how they
balanced one another out in Athenian society.
Adopting an Approach has many strong arguments and claims throughout the manuscript. Particularly
in the beginning, Beard does a great job of enticing the assumed college level reader and relating to
that specific audience. She does this when explaining, understanding the images around us, by talking
about a French perfume advertisement. By doing this, she relates to the age group that would be
reading this manuscript by combining something that they might be familiar with, to something they
are unfamiliar with. Although this is initially a strong way to go about attracting the reader, it needs to
be done at the right moments. On pages fourteen and fifteen, she gives many more unrelated
examples, which ultimately, causes the reader to forget the original point trying to be made. Beard s
claim needed to be made quicker, before the reader loses sight of what the article is about. If this
article were to be published in the Undergraduate s Guide to Art History, I would eliminate a lot of the
extra examples that aren t necessary to get
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Agatha Christie Quotes
Essay #1: In Murder on the Orient express Agatha Christie uses clues to reveal who had committed the
crime in the novel. For example, when Poirot Here s the scream in the middle inside of Ratchett s
room in the middle and when he investigates Poirot hears: Ce n est rien. Je me suis trompe Which
Means it s nothing in French Indicating that the murderer knows French which can rule out some of
the victims. Later evidence suggests Ratchett was killed at 1:15 am due to His watch being broken at
that time. Another Clue in the story was that when Poirot examined Ratchett s wounds he noticed that
he was stabbed many times by what seemed to be one person who was left handed and one who was
right which also means that there was two murderers (Christie). Later in the story, the reader learns of
the Scarlett Kimono that was worn by the murderer the night of the killing which was a key piece of
the mystery since it was found to be worn by the murderer. Since this was way back before the era of
technology like today, they would be able to go to a lab for a finger print or DNA analysis. However,
this if that technology would be able to be used the book would have ended very fast, but ... Show
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She was the youngest of three siblings and she was home schooled by her mother, who encouraged her
to write books. When Christie was Young she liked to Make characters and come up with stories
which obviously later would come in use. Later on when she was 16, she then moved to Paris for a
while to study vocals and piano. A lot later, in 1914, she married Colonel Archibald Christie, a Royal
Flying Corps pilot, and took up nursing during World War I. During that time she published her first
book, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, in 1920. The main plot of the story was a murder of a rich
heiress and which was the first introduction of one of Christie s most well known characters: Hercule
Poirot ( Agatha Christie
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Material And The Design Of Football Helmets Essay
Material Use in the Design of Football Helmets: Importance of helmets in concussion Prevention By:
Luc E. Desroches 5/7/15 Introduction American football has been around for over one hundred years,
and along with the sport has been the need to provide proper safety for the players. An assortment of
padding has been instituted in the game that protects against most blunt trauma including blows to the
shoulders, mid section, and legs. In an attempt to prevent fracture of the skull, helmets were designed.
However, studies have shown that helmets do little to nothing to prevent concussive damage to the
brain. A polycarbonate shell is used as the outer housing for regulation football helmets, but along
with this material, the materials used on the inside of the helmet are just as, if not more, important.
The purpose of this report is to analyze the materials used in current football helmet design and the
improvements being made in the field of materials science in order to combat the severe number of
concussions suffered by NFL players. Concussions There is a large amount of ambiguity when
diagnosing concussions. Since there is no definitive test that can be run on the brain while a person is
alive to determine if they have suffered a concussion, recording an accurate number of concussions is
difficult in the NFL or any sport for that matter. A concussion, in the simplest terms, is a jarring of the
brain that is caused by a blow to the head or body. Traditional thinking led
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Examples Of Ratio Analysis Financial Analysis
Statement Analysis that is utilized to achieve a quick indication of a firm s financial performance in
numerous key regions. Financial ratios aid in deciding the connection between two variables in the
financial statements. The data necessary for the computation of the ratios is supplied by the financial
statements of the firm. Areas where performance has improved or deteriorated over time can be
recognized this way. Ratios are utilized methodically to deduce the strengths and weaknesses of a firm
and also its historical performance and current financial conditions. CURRENT RATIO: A surplus of
current assets is required by companies to enable them to meet their ... Show more content on
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Lower ratios imply that the firm isn t utilizing its assets proficiently and most likely has management
problems. The analysis shows that AnandRathi s ability to generate sales from its assets has been
declining over the years. It was highest in 2009 10 indicating that 0.67 paise was generated with every
rupee of asset. It declined to 0.38 times in 2013 2014. RETURN ON CAPITAL EMPLOYED: ROCE
is a long term profitability ratio which measures the competence with which a firm s capital is used.
The ratio measures the firm s efficiency at assigning its resources to produce the maximum return.
Thus ROCE shows the relationship between invested capital and return. It can be used to depict how
much a business is gaining for its assets, or how much it is losing for its liabilities. Return on Capital
Employed = Earnings Before Interest and Tax Capital Employed Interpretation: A higher ROCE is
favorable as it denotes more efficient use of capital. It implies that the profit generated from each
rupee of capital employed is more when the ratio is higher. The ratio was highest in 2009 10 compared
to the other four years. In 2012 13 it increased to 11.44% compared to 10.47% in the preceding year. It
was the least in 2013 14 i.e. 9.46%. This shows that the company s ability to generate revenue from its
capital investments has declined over the
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Dehumanized By Margaret Atwood
In today s society, especially in the American education system, there is often an emphasis placed
more on math and science, rather than the arts. Similar to Marc Slouka s central argument in
Dehumanized , Atwood agrees that capitalism has led to a culture where it is almost shameful to
pursue the arts and humanities. This conflict is reflected in Margaret Atwood s Oryx and Crake, where
the protagonist struggles to clutch onto the seemingly intangible value of the arts amidst a capitalist
society where scientific innovation is encouraged. However, even after this society s eradication of
anything that cannot turn a profit, Crake s genetic modification, and the destruction of almost the
entire human race, the efforts to eliminate the arts were still not effective. In this way, Atwood argues
that it is not wise to attempt to eradicate the arts because the need for self expression through arts and
emotions is embedded in what defines humanity. Atwood uses Oryx and Crake as a vehicle to stress
the importance of valuing the arts and humanities in a capitalist society, specifically in the education
system. After high school, Jimmy attends an arts and humanities school, which is clearly underfunded
and looked down upon. The Martha Graham Academy, considered the laughing stock of colleges, was
quite literally falling apart (185). The underfunding of perhaps the only arts and humanities school left
in this society reflects how useless the general public deems studying this field
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Dental Abscesses And Swollen Teeth Research Paper
When you are experiencing a dental issue, you may feel a great deal of stress if you are not well
informed about the problem. While there are many different issues that your teeth may encounter, the
following couple of common issues need to be addressed as soon as possible. Once you have learned
the following answers to questions about dental abscesses and swollen gums, you will have much
more of the information you are needing to make smart choices for keeping your smile healthy and
beautiful. Can You Treat An Abscessed Tooth On Your Own? An abscessed tooth can be an extremely
painful condition to have, but many patients are under the impression that this is a problem they may
be able to treat on their own. Often, these individuals assume
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Why Southwest Is A Values Based Firm Looks Like
None of Southwest s competitors can completely copy what Southwest is doing, because Southwest is
a values based firm. Southwest s strategies can be imitated, but Southwest s culture cannot be copied.
I would like to explain what the values based diverse firm looks like, how Southwest is values based
diverse, and why Southwest s culture cannot be copied. The following are the relevant facts, the
analysis, and justification using supporting evidence.
What the values based firm looks like
In Cascio s book, he explains, The values based approach begins with a set of fundamental values that
are energizing and capable of unlocking people s human potential values such as fun, fairness,
challenge, trust, respect, community, and family (Strategic Human Resource Management, P.44). The
management invents the strategies for management policies and practices that are consistent with
these values on a day to day basis. Southwest fits in Cascio s criteria of the values based firm. The
following are the case details:
How Southwest is a values based firm
There are interesting facts that Southwest s approaches to business are based on fun, trust, community,
and family. For example, at Southwest, there is little cross training except for only two formal teams:
the marketing and reservations department. This means that Southwest promotes mingling with the
employees for informal networking and helping each other out, in spite of their job assignments.
Flight attendants and pilots
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Harry Frederick Harlow American Psychology
Harry Frederick Harlow was an American psychology who was born on October 31st 1905 in the state
of Iowa. Harlow attended Reed College in Portland, after which he enrolled in Stanford University
where he graduated with his Ph.D. in psychology. Harry Harlow married Margret kuenne and their
union produced two children. Harry Frederick Harlow died on December 6th 1981.
Harry Harlow was known for his maternal separation, dependence needs, and social isolation
experiments on rhesus monkeys. He conducted a series of experiments that involved separating baby
monkeys from their mothers after they were born, and placing them with surrogate mothers to be
raised. Some of the surrogate were made from only wire, while others were covered with cloth. The
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Preventing Attacks on New Network-Based Systems
Preventing Attacks on Nee Network Based Systems Introduction Recent changes in the organizational
structure of the IT system has left open needs for adjusting practices in order to address new demands
of protection. The organization has recently made the move from a standalone system to a network
based one, which facilitates greater cooperation and collaboration within the company and increasing
overall productivity. A network based system provides a more flexible structure to still function within
a diverse and multifaceted environment. It does so by the fact that within its structure, communication
between components is restricted to message passing, or the equivalent of message passing is a more
efficient mechanism can be selected at runtime based on the location of components (Fielding, 2000).
Network based systems allow communication and dissemination of information to occur seamlessly
without lag. This then further empowers individual employees of the organization with greater
technological tools. The research suggests that network based systems are those capable of operation
across a network, but not necessarily in a fashion that is transparent to the user, but rather as an
automatic process that increases the ease and productivity of each user while working on the system
(Fielding, 2000). As such, it comes with a wide variety of benefits to increase the productivity and
efficiency of the organization. Analysis However, with the implementation of a
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Spectroscopy Lab Report
cName: Nicholas Cassel Gen Chem 1210 23 March 2013
Blinded By the Light
Abstract: In this experiment we were provided a cereal box spectrometer to observe the emission lines
of noble gases and hydrogen. Based on the scale readings on the spectrometer and the Balmer Rydberg
formula, their wavelengths and percent error were able to be extrapolated. Based on the literature
values, the cereal box spectrometer proved its value as a decently accurate spectrometer.
Introduction: Every element and subsequent atom associated emits light; also know as electromagnetic
radiation, when in an excited state. Analyzing this emitted light can give insight to the makeup and
characteristics of them. The light given off by an energetically excited ... Show more content on
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2012). With the spectroscope, the helium in the discharge tube was observed. The emission line scale
reading and colors were then recorded on table 1.1 which can be found below. These values where
then put into an excel spreadsheet and graph was formed (table 1.2). An equation was then
extrapolated from the data that would give the experimental wavelength (expt λ) values that will be
used for later values. The trend line for table 1.2 was established to see the relationship between
wavelength and scale readings.
Expt λ=a λ+b
Expt λ=7.1541 λ+ 343.12
TABLE 1.1 Helium Calibration λ (nm) | Scale Reading | Color | 667.8 | 45 | Red | 587.6 | 35 | Yellow |
501.6 | 22 | Green | 492.2 | 20 | Blue green | 471.3 | 18 | Blue | 447.1 | 15 | Violet |
TABLE 1.2 Helium Calibration Graph
Then, by measuring and calculating the emission lines in the hydrogen line spectrum, the data on table
1.3 was collected. The calculated wavelength (Calc λ) was determined by the Balmer Rydberg
1λ=R(1m2 1n2)
R=Rydberg Constant=1.0968x107m 1
The percent error was then calculated by the following equation. error %=(calc λ expt λ)calc λ
The experimental wavelength (expt λ) was determined with,
Expt λ=7.1541 λ+ 343.12
TABLE 1.3 Hydrogen Emission Scale Reading | Color | Expt λ | m | n | Calc λ | λ % error | | | | 1 | 2 | | | |
| | 1 | 3 | | | | | | 1 | 4 | | | 45 | Red
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Intertextuality In Jane Eyre And Wide Sargasso Sea
The discussion about intertextuality shows that both these two novels contain feminism thoughts, just
as Wang Tao s study has supported that Wide Sargasso Sea is the transcendence of Jane Eyre at the
reflection of feminism thoughts. If further explore, we can see that enough researches have been done
to dig out the hidden ideas in the two novels. Liu Liang has made a comparison of womanhood in Jane
Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea by probing into their different attitudes towards patriarchy and sex to find
the difference between modern feminism and older feminism (129). The different experiences of the
two heroines indicates that Jane Eyre contains the traditional feminism that women should pursuit
equality at work opportunity, while Wide Sargasso Sea ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The mad woman is written to express the author s anxiety. In Wide Sargasso Sea, Jane Eyre does not
exist. Jean Rhys created the opposition binary between men and women instead of women and
women. Compared to the idea that the mad woman and Jane Eyre are actually in the same female
camp, Yang Mei has conducted a study that is concerned about the group of female but the mad
female. As she wrote, the study on the construction of female madness is intended to reveal patriarchy
and its male centered medical system deprive women of discourse right by constructing female
madness (51), she looked into the feminism problems by linking the madness to patriarchy. Li
YuanYuan s view can be a conclusion of these discussions, she held the opinion that the two novels are
both influenced by Female Literature development stage and Cultural traits, and the narrative voice
and methods allow the female culture to continue (169). From these studies, we can know that the
discussion about feminism is even more popular among the scholars, and scholars explore Bertha s
madness from the angle of feminism, which indicates that scholars admit Bertha s
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Cannibal Raw Synthesis
For a movie about a cannibal Raw is under cooked. A textbook example of a fantastic premise that
gets so caught up in symbolism it loses the syntax. Not that the story is incoherent it s rather simple. It
is the story of Justine, the veterinary school bound second child of militant vegetarians. She begins the
film insisting upon her unassuming averageness: plain clothes, plain spoken, hesitant to party or
confront. And as all horror films go, something goes terribly wrong with her sister and she starts
craving human flesh. She then slowly realizes that she is not alone in this craving and also wants sex.
From there she attempts to resist both cravings.
Simple. Or it would be if the film did not bungle its buildup. It starts at murder and
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Stock Market Stock Analysis
At the end of the stock market game the stocks that I own was Amazon, Wal Mart, AutoZone, Ford,
Kohls, Toyota, Coca Cola, and O Reilly. These stocks have done good since I have bought them.
These stocks had their ups and down throughout the whole game, but although they didn t have it that
bad . They may have gained money, but, they also, losted money at the same time. Also, there were
days where the stock price went up and down since there were people out there that was willing to pay
for the stock at a higher price, but there were others that didn t think it was worth it at a higher price.
Some of the other stocks that I owned at different times in the stock market game was AT T, Verizon,
Disney, Mcdonald s, Nikes, and Home Depot. I made the decision to get rid of these stocks because
they were having me to lose more money then I was gaining from them. At the end of having these
stocks I losted more money then what I bought them for.
Some of the stocks that I should have bought more of was Amazon, and Wal Mart. Even though I
should have bought more of these two stock; I didn t for one reason, because I wanted to see how the
other stocks will do. These two have made the most this past month than any of the others did. ...
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As time when on I could see where I was struggling to make anything off of different companies.
Throughout the whole game I feel like I did good and bad. At the beginning of the game I did horrible
like there s wasn t any hope at all, but, nevertheless, I figured out which ones to invest into. After
figuring out which ones to invest more into helped out a lot since then I started to do good. The things
I could have done differently to be more successfully are try to figure out which ones to invest into at
the beginning of the game and then bought more of the better stocks that was doing better than the
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Western Blotting
Second, for the western blotting, the primary antibodies that used to recognize the protein of interest
(FLAG PTEN) are rabbit anti PTEN antibodies and the secondary antibodies that bind to the primary
antibodies and convalently linked substrate to produce visible signal are goat anti rabbit conjugated
HRP (horseradish peroxidase) antibodies; for immunoprecipitation, the antibodies used to immobilize
protein of interest are anti FLAG monoclonal antibodies from morine cell. As introduction above,
those antibodies come from different species. In order to be successful in western blotting, the primary
antibodies recognize the protein of interest as well as bind to it. Consequently, rabbit anti PTEN
antibodies were used to bind to FLAG PTEN. Meanwhile, goat anti rabbit conjugated HRP antibodies,
the secondary antibodies, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a result, the calculated FLAG PTEN molecular weight is nearly 72KDa. When comparing the
previous research, the theoretical molecular weight of PTEN is 47KDa, the experimental ones is
25KDa more. The reasons would be [1] since the PTEN was tagged with the FLAG tag and the FLAG
tag itself has its own weight. Although FLAG tag is small in size and contains eight amino acid, it
would affect the finial molecular weigh of FLAG PTEN; [2] The FLAG PTEN were expressed in the
mammalian cell system, its original environment. Therefore there would be some proteins that interact
with PTEN naturally in mammalian cell, referring as interacting partner, and they bind to FLAG
PTEN in the cell lyaste sample then precipitate together in the IP. Those interacting proteins would
increase the molecular weight of FLAG PTEN by forming a complex and result in a higher weight
band; [3] The resolving ability of the SDS PAGE is not enough for the completely separation of the
sample, as some of the lower weight markers were compacted in the
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Sidney Bechet s Major Accomplishments
Sidney Bechet was one of many fantastic up and coming jazz musicians in the Roaring Twenties. He
started on the clarinet, but eventually became one of the first performers to adopt the soprano
saxophone as a main instrument, as well as one of the first to improvise with the swing style of jazz.
In addition, he was one of the first artists to record using a multitrack which was a way of recording
where you would play back the track from one instrument while you recorded with another instrument
and continued this process until you had all of the instruments you wanted. These strides helped
Bechet stand out from other musicians as he progressed through his career. Bechet grew up in a
musical household and toured with popular bands from a young age. His father and four brothers all
played instruments, so his passion for music came as no shock. Although his ability to easily pick up
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Bechet s compositions includes Les Oignons, Promenade aux Champ Elysées, Petite Fleur, Si Tous
Vous ma Mère, Chant in the Night, Blues in the Air, Bechet s Fantasy, Quincy Street Stomp, and
Summertime. Common themes throughout his work include vibrato and 12 14 bar blues melodies. He
was also known for his improvisation, solos like those of Louis Armstrong, and especially for
conveying intense emotion through his music. Duke Ellington, a fellow jazz musician, once described
Bechet as The very epitome of jazz, everything he played in his entire life was completely original. I
honestly think he was the most unique man ever to be in this music. Throughout his career he played
in the Marion Cook s Syncopated Orchestra, Louis Mitchell s Jazz King, Duke Ellington s
Washingtonians, and the Noble Sissle Orchestra. He also went on to teach Bob Wilbur who also
became a famous clarinetist and saxophonist. Bechet made the most of his career and continued to
produce music for most of his
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Betrayal Quotes
CTI: The play Betrayal written by Harold Pinter attempts to portray how through betrayal
relationships become complex. He did this in two ways, by introducing the problem at the beginning
of the play and then using flashbacks to show how the relations were developed. At the beginning of
the play we find out that Jerry and Emma have had an affair with each other and that Robert Emma s
husband new about the affair. He created the scenes to go back in time to show how their relationships
developed. Because of their affair, relationships changed. For example, Jerry and Robert used to be
best friends, but due to the betrayal their friendship became complex. He proved that friendships do
not have to end and don t assume your friends do not know ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This play portrays the emotions of guilt that could be felt for betraying your friend. For example, Jerry
struggles with telling Robert he is having an affair with is wife and Jerry
T3: The role of the director in Betrayal was to get the audience to identify with the characters and the
situations they create through the actors, scene designs, and designers. This is a realistic play that was
created to appeal to an older audience. In order for the audience to relate to the characters the direct
has to ensure that the actors performances reveal the attitudes, feelings and characteristics of people
who have betrayed each other.
The director would have to relate to the costume designer to design costumes that reflect the style for
middle age parents in the 1970 s. Emma is 38 and Jerry and Robert are 40. He wanted to attract an
older audience based the subject of the play (betrayal). Emma s costumes would have to be that of a
simple housewife with a light colored dress and apron. The stage designer would have to create scenes
with the right amount of lighting, color and images, for the audience to feel and visualize themselves
in that situation, during that time period. In Act Two the designer would have to make sure they design
the hotel room with scene with a bed, well light space that shows the mood of the conversation
between the seriousness of Emma and
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Dementia Is The Only Cause Death That Does Not Have A Cure
Dementia is the only cause of death that does not have a cure and cannot be prevented. It is the loss of
mental functions such as thinking, memory, and reasoning that is severe enough to interfere with a
person s daily functioning. Dementia is not the name of a specific disease itself, but rather a group of
symptoms that are caused by various diseases or conditions. This is referred to as an umbrella term, a
phrase that covers a broad interval or set of functions or items that all fall under a single common
category. Dementia is a descriptive term for a collection of symptoms that can be caused by a number
of disorders that affect the brain. These include Alzheimer s disease, Frontotemporal dementia,
vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy body s, Parkinson s disease, corticobasal degeneration, and
progressive supranuclear palsy are all specific diseases that are sub categories to dementia. People
often think of dementia as a form of memory loss. And usually it does start by affecting people s short
term memory. But it s more then that, it can also affect the way people think, speak, perceive things
feel and behave. Dementia makes it harder to communicate and do everyday things. This disease
mainly affects older people but it is not a normal part of aging. Dementia is a syndrome, usually of a
chronic or progressive nature, caused by a variety of brain illnesses.
Dementia and Alzheimer s are thought to be interchangeable. The main difference between dementia
and Alzheimer s
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Tudor Economy 1541
The reign of the first two Tudors spanned across the years 1485 to 1547. Through these years, the
economy of England had been changed and faced extreme difficulties numerous times. The statement
that the economy remained weak through the reign of the first two Tudors is strongly valid. The
statement that the economy of England remained weak throughout the reign of the first two Tudors is
to a large extent valid. The economy often fluctuated, especially alongside changes in the population.
When the throne was passed to Henry VII, it was in a considerably terrible state the Black Death of
the 1400s had wiped out a good chunk of the population, and those who survived then had to also face
the War of The Roses 1455 2485, which also claimed a lot of lives. Consequently, the spread of illness
and disease damaged agricultural output, which would ve kept the English economy at its weakest for
both peasant and landowners. However, by the accession of Henry VIII the population had shot back
up to around 2.3 million in 1524, and then rapidly increased from there. In 1541 the population had hit
2.7 million. This rapid growth in population, coupled with extreme poverty, insufficient harvests and
lowering wages hit the economy harder than ever before, since England ... Show more content on
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As a result, the English economy remained weak throughout the reign of the first two Tudors. This is
also argued by the historian W.G Hoskins in The Age of Plunder: The England of Henry VIII 1976.
Hoskins argues that
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Theme Of Labyrinth In The Name Of The Rose
The Name of The Rose is full of twists and turns. It is mostly based on the idea of a labyrinth. It is a
book taken from another book, found by the author that contained a 14th century text by Adso of
Melk, that talks about another book, which is Aristotle s book on comedy. Also other books were
mentioned in this novel like, Sherlock Holmes Arabian Nights, Don Quixote, and Inferno. These texts
are a magnificent example of how words speak of words and represent the idea of intertextuality that
is used in this novel.
Intertextuality is a linguistic labyrinth. It is a text within a text to reach one text, The Name of The
Rose. Just like how William and Adso got lost in some kind of a virtual labyrinth or a maze as they
went to different rooms until they finally reached the library to find the truth. William describes life as
a labyrinth when he says: How beautiful the world would be if there were procedures for moving
through labyrinths. he uses his pragmatic thinking skills to figure out signs and symbols in order to be
able to go through life s labyrinthine paths with minimal losses and without being exposed to danger.
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A place where men who are supposed to be religious, pray, committed to rules and religious
restrictions and seek the truth, lie and hide the truth and even commit murders to keep it hidden. A
place that is dominated by dreadfulness and anxiety inhabited by people who follow blindly without
reasoning, believing what is said to them without questioning it, and once someone tries to find the
truth, think for themselves or start questioning they die. Jorge represents the strict religious people in
this miniature copy of the world, who forces people to follow and obey blindly, while William
represents the free thinkers, the logical people. This is almost a perfect picture of the
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Risk and Quality Management Assessment
Risk and Quality Management Assessment Summary
Yolanda Mercer
August 4, 2014
Dorothy Webb Moody
Risk and Quality Management Assessment Summary
Risk and quality management are two key concepts that help run a successful business. Risk and
quality management programs provide techniques, tools, and different methods for health care
organizations. Using risk and quality management programs ensure organizations provide quality
health care. Novant Health is an integrated system of outpatient centers, hospitals, and physician
practices located in Winston Salem, NC and Northern Virginia. They pride themselves on providing
the best quality care for the people for their community. This executive summary will provide their
current ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2. Consider alternative risk techniques According to Carroll (2009), Risk treatment strategies include
two general categories: risk control and risk financing (para. 1). Controlling risks involves preventing
losses and mitigating the amount of losses; risk financing involves paying for losses that occur. As
stated earlier Novant Health takes risk management seriously. The organization engages in practices
that help reduce risks; a key practice is participating in continuing medical education. To control risk
financing, Novant has a risk retention group that specializes in medical malpractice liability coverage
for preferred risk physicians.
3. Select the best risk management technique or combination According to Carroll (2009), Health care
organizations accept a certain amount of patient care liability risk through an insurance deductible or
self insured retention (para. 5). Novant works to evaluate market rates and offer package malpractice
coverage based on the practice s needs.
4. Implement selected techniques Carroll (2009), stated The implementation process involves both
technical risk management decisions that are made by risk management professionals and related
decisions that are made by other managers within the organization (para. 4). New Star Program was
implemented to impact medical malpractice
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Compare And Contrast Meryl Streep And Alvin Ailey
Everyone has a role model. The two people I admire are Meryl Streep and Alvin Ailey. They both
show to me how to work hard, take the time to perfect your craft, and to follow your dreams. The
performing arts business can be tricky because there is a great deal of competition. However, Meryl
Streep and Alvin Ailey never stopped trying and made great accomplishments in their fields. Meryl
Streep has gone far beyond perfecting her craft. She is an American actress who has been said to be
the greatest actress of her generation. One sign of great actress is the ability to play different roles. She
has played both dramatic roles, such as in Sophie s Choice and comedic roles such as in Mamma
Mia!. I personally enjoy her dramatic roles the best. She
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The Murder Case Of Charles Wilson
In order to understand and come up with an opinion of the murder case of Charles Wilson and whether
or not there was justice served. One must first understand the case, and once they re completely
informed can they make a decision if justice was served. Charles Wilson is a U.S. Deputy Marshal. He
was murdered on Election Day. There were a few men that were suspects in the murder. They were
Robert Benton, who was known as U.S. Deputy Marshal Charles Wilson s rival in the election.
Another was a friend of Robert Benton. However, they were both acquitted for the murder of U.S
Deputy Marshal Charles Wilson. Now there has to be someone who is charged with the murder of a
high ranking individual, it has to be soon that the law enforcement can close
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Abercrombie And Fitch Company Financial Analysis
Brandon Gooden Abercrombie Fitch Company Financial Analysis Finance 504 Professor Kramer
August 30, 2017 Investments to Support the Business Unit Strategy or Strategies Abercrombie and
Fitch and subsidiary brands: Abercrombie Kids, Hollister, and Gilly Hicks, have mastered the basics
of image priority and sex appeal in the retail industry. In earlier years, and still perceived by
consumers, ANF has been known for its controversial print advertisements and attractive logo, which
ANF used as a sells pitch. ANF and subsidiary brands are known to cater to fit and attractive
consumers that leaves opportunity for growth. ANF logo is attractive to consumers, in turn has
increased sales, but with fashion forward retailer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
ANF price earnings ratio is currently 51.45%. For the next 3 year the sales forecast for COGS is
predicted to increase by 10%. Future Profitability and Competitive Performance Evaluating ANF
historical trends influences investor interest in the company. ANF shares increased 43.22% over the
previous month equaling a per share value of 14.06%. The stock rose to 11.86% over the past quarter,
while increasing 20.7% over the past six months. The company s volatility monthly is 4.04%.
Abercrombie and Fitch is looking to generate more than $818.66 million for the current quarter with
already experience earning $843.13 same time last year. Growth ANF s historical data displays a 4.4%
annual rate of revenues over the past 5 years. In the recent quarter ANF has generated an unattractive
attribute by decreasing 3.6% in revenues. Compare Profitability ANF s net profit margin 0.44% for 12
month period. Compared to peers 38% and sectors 12.4% averages. ANF is in a weak position to its
peers and sector. Although stock prices hit a low in April 2017 to $10.50, a 38% increase has occurred
in stock price. Even though ANF has increased their stock price the company is not in a strong
position. Shares are still does to the 52 week high ($23.29) by 47.53%. Competitive Strategy In the
future ANF is looking to consolidate it locations in the United States, due to the weak economic
environment in Europe, ANF is focusing on controlling its
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Womens Choir Performance Essay
The Women s Choir Festival included many different singing groups from Baylor and the community.
The women s choir and Bella Voce each performed two songs. The third part of the concert consisted
of 4 soloists singing in opera style. The final performance was a large group of singers from 9 high
school and the Baylor Choirs. Everyone got on stage for the final performance and sang 3 songs
together. All the songs that were performed varied in qualities. Some had a very fast tempo while
others were very slow and sorrowful. Most of the music was under four minutes in length, except for
the final composition which was a blend of songs and therefore went on longer. After each section,
had performed they would either sit on stage and watch the other groups go, or they would move into
the first few rows of seating for the crowd and wait for their turn again to go. All of the soloists came
from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was a very upbeat song with an Allegro tempo. The piece was polyphonic with multiple changes in
dynamics. There were crescendos and decrescendos throughout; especially when it was transitioning
between rhythms. The song had its own melody and rhythm that was intertwined with the lyrics and
rhythm of When the Saint Go Marching In . It went back and forth between the two melodies which
caused the song to last longer than the other 4 minutes songs in the concert. The only timbres that
were present were once associated with voice and piano; no other instruments were used. The complex
texture of this song may have arisen from the canonic imitation that was used throughout. One half of
the choir would sing one part, followed by the other half repeating it. Performing this song was the
large group of all 9 high schools and Baylor choir student; there had to be over 150 people singing all
at once. This gave it a deeper and richer feeling as all of the voices blended together so
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Insolvent Trading
Executive Summary This research report documents the findings of an empirical study of judicial
findings (of superior courts) relating to the duty to prevent insolvent trading. The duty to prevent
insolvent trading is the most controversial of the duties imposed upon company directors. Those who
support the duty argue that it provides appropriate protection for the unsecured creditors of companies.
Those who oppose the duty argue that it has the effect of making directors unduly risk adverse which
can result in directors too quickly putting companies into voluntary administration or liquidation for
fear of personal liability (which may have a negative financial impact on unsecured creditors).
Overview Key points ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Second, provisions such as section 588G may be deterring qualified people from becoming company
directors and the provisions may be having this effect precisely in relation to those companies in
financial difficulties which require the best possible expert assistance from directors. The major
argument used to support the insolvent trading provisions is that they are necessary to protect the
interests of creditors. As stated, insolvent trading provisions have generally ensured a conservative
approach by directors when the company is experiencing financial difficulties. The potential
alternative effects of such a decision are: 1. to preclude the company from trading out of its temporary
insolvency, thus resulting in creditors not being fully paid in respect of their debt; and 2. to avoid the
company dwindling away assets and further reducing any return to creditors. 4 What to do if you
suspect financial difficulty If you suspect your company is in financial difficulty, get proper
accounting and legal advice as early as possible, as this increases the likelihood of the company
surviving.  An insolvency practitioner can conduct a solvency review of your company and
outline available options, these may include refinancing, restructuring or changing your company s
activities, or appointing an external administrator. The three most common forms of external
administration are: 1. voluntary administration 2.
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey
One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest A Christ figure is a person who has the ability to bring light to
others and portrays the image of Jesus Christ. In the novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, by Ken
Kesey, a healthy, normal man named Randle Patrick McMurphy was sent to the mental hospital as a
patient because he did not want to work at the Pendleton Work Farm. At the ward he meets the other
patients and challenges Nurse Ratched s authority. This novel is a parable that shows how McMurphy
represents Jesus Christ and how he became this figure of hope to the patients changed their lives.
McMurphy represents Jesus Christ and is the christ figure in the novel. There was a point in the story
where he stops rebelling because he fears that Nurse ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At the first meeting of the ward, Nurse Ratched exposes Harding s problem with his wife and the other
patients laugh and make fun of him. McMurphy sees this as a problem and talks to Harding, is this this
the pro cedure for the Group Therapy shindigs? Bunch of chickens at a pecking party? McMurphy is
saying that the patients should be helping each other to take out the bigger authority rather than
fighting each other. Later in the novel, McMurphy says he wants to leave the ward and go outside, so
he bets with the other patients that he can escape the ward by lifting a fountain attached to the ground
and throwing it at a wall to make an exit, even though this task is impossible. Chief Bromden, a
patient in the ward and the narrator of this story, describes this event, His whole body shakes with the
strain as he tries to lift something he knows he can t lift, something everybody knows he can t lift. But,
for just a second, when we hear the cement grind atout feet, we think, by golly, he might just do it. (p.
125). Although McMurphy was not able to lift the fountain, he gives the patients a hint of hope and
teaches them a lesson to try and be confident. McMurphy wanted to watch baseball on the TV and he
needed to get the majority votes of the patients in the ward to watch baseball. He was able to persuade
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A Lower Metabolic Cost But With The Higher Forces During...
1. How is there a lower metabolic cost but with the higher forces during eccentric contraction?
During an eccentric contraction, the muscle lengthens under tension due to an opposing force that is
greater than the force being produced by the muscle (Lindstedt et al. 2001). Eccentric contractions
require little metabolic energy, however they are characterized by a high production of force (Semmler
2014). Fick observed that a lengthening muscle contraction could exert more force than a shortening
muscle contraction, while Hill later observed that the body has a lower energy demand when
contracting eccentrically compared to concentrically (Lindstedt et al. 2001). When the force applied is
larger than the force that is created, work is done on the lengthened muscle and mechanical energy is
absorbed this is called negative work (Lindstedt et al. 2001). This absorbed energy can either be
dissipated as heat, or it can be temporarily stored as elastic recoil potential energy for later use
(Lindstedt et al. 2001).
2. What is a force EMG relationship and why is there a tight coupling of these two parameters?
The EMG signal that is observed through the placement of electrodes on the skin is closely coupled
with the generation of muscle force. In normal conditions, the force EMG relationship is either linear
or the increase in EMG at low force levels is less than proportional (Semmler 2014). However, a
different force EMG relationship was observed following eccentric exercise,
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Coverage Bias Report
A survey reported by the Pew Research Center, a so called fact tank , said that 77 percent of the
surveyed that they have less confidence in the media because of reliability and bias. The other 33
percent could have been unaware of bias in their regularly visited news (or could they could be
confident in the way they find news). Varying forms of bias affect susceptible audiences more than
aware readers.
As one of the most used forms of bias, coverage or confirmation bias is used all over the news.
Coverage bias is used in online news articles, talk shows, TV, and in conversation. Coverage bias, as a
main form of bias, can be easy to make and The host of the show, Jake Barlow, controls who, the
callers, says what and what they say. If the caller were to disagree with Jake, he would speak over
them not letting them speak or hang up before they could voice their opinion (Avi 138). The results of
the Jake Barlow argument sided with Philip because he could control what was argued on his show. ...
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Jake Barlow s thought of New Hampshire on his show: Jake Barlow explains that he thinks that not
allowing someone to express patriotism was unreasonable (and somewhat ironic) by mentioning that
their license plates read Live free or die. (Avi 128) Jake Barlow uses irony to relate to his audience
more which helps the audience . Conflicting Bias in News Coverage: Words such as contest or
competition can be viewed by an audience by thinking of conflict.(Conners, 1) Varying connotations
can be viewed as bias by readers that are not aware of the author s provided
interpretation(interpretation that is not biased) as a bias with them or against them. Words with other
types of synonyms can be interpreted differently. Description Bias in Media Coverage of Protest
Events: Organized public demonstrations deemed important have an idea or aim to attract mass media
for a
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Disaser Management
Trident University International
Marvell R. Dean
MHES 509
Module 1
1. How is a response to destruction from a terrorist incident different from a response to a natural
disaster? Be specific, give examples, and quote from the readings. 2. You are a volunteer for the
American Red Cross. You are to enter a scene of destruction in order to assist wounded victims. What
are some precautions that you must take? What are some restrictions placed on you? From whom do
you receive clearance? 3. First responders should isolate hazards by establishing control zones. There
are three types of control zones. List them and give examples. Cite your sources.
Difference Between Response to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many Americans watching the Government response to Hurricanes Rita and Katrina as it play out in
the media could not believe the finger pointing that was going on between our elected leaders as many
victims struggled to get their life in order. With the National Response Framework initial
responsibility remains with the local elected officials and each level of the government above that will
monitor and remain ready with assistance if requested. This will allow needed resources to get where
they are needed without the internal bickering of the past. The Emergency Support Function Annexes
within the National Response Framework ensures multi agency interoperability and encompasses the
other components of the NRF.
Red Cross Entering Scene of Destruction
The Red Cross has been chartered by Congress to help people prepare for, prevent, and respond to
emergencies and provide relief for survivors of disasters (NRF, 2008). As a Red Cross volunteer you
should ensure you are not working against the situation. Although you are going there to assist those
effected by the disaster you will need to make sure you do not become a distraction or even worse
needing to be assisted yourself. Working within the system with the Incident Commander and his staff
will ensure you are part of the team and not working against these efforts. Having an understanding of
the policies, guidance, and processes in place will
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Comparing The Watsons Go To Birmingham And Susan B Anthony...
In the stories, The Watsons Go to Birmingham and Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote the common theme
found in both stories is courage. In the story, The Watsons Go to Birmingham Kenny was showing
courage by running towards the church trying to see through the smoke where Joetta was. In the story
Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote, Susan B Anthony, from a young age had been taught that have rights
to, and she wanted to bring attention to it. Although, The Watsons Go to Birmingham and Susan B
Anthony Dares to Vote may be similar, but they are also different. In the story The Watsons Go to
Birmingham the Watsons take a greater risk because there is a racial undertone towards black people.
In the story, Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote she is one woman who is fighting for what s she believes
in women s rights, and she is taking not as great of a huge risk because she was just trying to prove her
statement. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Riots were formed against black people because of their skin color. Violence was being shown up to a
point where people died because of many opinions towards black people. Even though the main
characters didn t really show courage their cousins did. Sarah: I got bitten by a police dog. Sarah: I
was part of a march called the children s crusade. We were marching for equal rights. This is
significant because of Sarah then after that kept on fighting for the equal rights she deserved. Fights
were everywhere on the streets, in homes, restaurants, anywhere you can imagine back in the 1950s
and 1960s. Kevin took a risk when trying to save Joetta s life when she was in the church fire. They
were treated awfully when they went to a restaurant and Joetta was asked to get off the chair in the
diner. The reason this may have happened was because maybe the Watsons didn t know it could have
been an all white restaurant. Back then black and white people were separated
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Analysis Of Beethoven s 9th Symphony
For the second and final concert report, I listened to the performance of Beethoven s 9th symphony, as
played by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Beethoven lived in Germany during the late 16th and
early 17th centuries, and was an influential figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic
eras in western music. The performance requires a large number of instruments, with woodwinds,
brass, percussion, strings, and even a choir during the 4th movement. The first movement of
Beethoven s 9th is quick, driving forward and at times giving the feeling of rushed urgency, while
maintaining a composed majesty beneath the surface. This is reflected in the original tempo marking
of allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso, meaning literally quickly but not too fast, a little majestic
. The movement begins with a the strings playing intervals over a quiet string tremolo, reminiscent of
an orchestra tuning themselves before a performance. This crescendos to a loud and bombastic
introduction of the first movement s main theme and the introduction of the brass section. The first
movement also makes heavy use of dynamic contrast, with large crescendos that swell in time with the
music and diminuendos that quickly reign in the impressive power of the full symphony orchestra.
The first movement also follows a traditional sonata form, with the main theme having variations
throughout the roughly 18 minutes of play time. Personally, I found the ending of the first movement
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Benefits of Triphasic Contraceptives
The Benefits of Triphasic Contraceptives A review of the benefits of triphasic combined oral
contraceptives when compared to today s low dose monophasic alternatives. Introduction: Since their
introduction in 1961, oestrogen progestogen combined oral contraceptive (COC) pills have provided
women with an effective and effortless means of contraception for 50 years [1]. Taken by 17% of all
women of reproductive age, they are amongst the most widely prescribed drugs in the U.K. today[2].
Hitherto, earlier COC formulations have been associated with harmful dose dependent side effects [3].
In time, however, a collective scientific effort has successfully improved the safety of COC s by
developing preparations that contain the minimum ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After reaching maturation, the follicle undergoes ovulation; an event stimulated by a surge in
luteinising hormone release from the anterior pituitary gland (orange line). The remnant follicle (now
termed the corpus luteum) secretes progesterone (red line), which maintains the endometrial lining
and causes it to enter the luteal phase. With triphasic COC s, three incremental doses (phases 1 3) of
progestogen (blue line) with (pink line)/without (dashed pink line) a phase 2 dose increase in
oestrogen are delivered over 21 days. This is followed by a 7 day placebo period, which induces
menstruation (placebo). Exogenous delivery of hormones in this way achieves contraception with
significantly lower doses of progestogen, whilst crudely mimicking endogenous increases in oestrogen
and progesterone. As such, it was hypothesised that the triphasic regimen would afford various
benefits over monophasic COC s. Contraceptive efficacy: The remarkable contraceptive efficacy of
COC s has been known for many years. Of the triphasic COC s currently available for prescription in
the U.K. (table. 1), TriNovum was found to have a pearl index[1] (PI) value of 1.0 in a large phase III
trial (n=4000) and Logynon a PI value of 0.33 (n=3546) [11 12]. However a recent Cochrane review
that assessed the number of unintended pregnancies due to drug failure or user failure between
monophasic and triphasic COC s across 18 randomized
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Goblin Market Feminist
Throughout Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti, feminism plays a factor because Lizzie acts as a
Christ figure and the goblin men try to control the women using their fruits. In the poem Goblin
Market, Lizzie essentially acts like Christ. She helps her sister after Laura takes the fruit from the
goblins even after Lizzie told her to not even look at them. Lizzie goes to the goblins to try to figure
out a way to help her sister. She wants to do whatever she can which Christ did while he was on earth.
When he died on the cross, he forgave everyone of their sins. Lizzie goes to forgive Laura of her sins
by going to ask the goblin men how to cure Laura. Held her hands and squeezed their fruits/ Against
her mouth to make her eat (406 407). Similar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The goblin men are trying to control the two girls by using their fruits and singing. The customary
cry,/ Come buy, come buy (231 232). Rossetti shows how the goblin men are drawing in the women
and essentially controlling them. This exhibits what feminism is against because they believe women
should be independent. Feminism is present in many ways throughout the poem. It is shown again
when Rossetti says, Maids heard the goblin cry (2). Rossetti suggests that women have challenges and
obstacles that men aren t familiar with. Men usually disregard feminism in today s world because they
don t think feminism is a real movement, but Rossetti says that men have no idea what women go
through and how hard it can be sometimes. The goblin men have fruits that they try to lure women in
with how luscious and elegant they look. The fruits represent societal issues on drugs. The goblin men
are people who have already succumbed to the pressures of drugs. Laura and Lizzie represent people
who are fighting to stay on the clean side. Once Laura goes and buys their fruit she has converted over
to the drug side. Lizzie goes to and goblin men to figure out how to cure her sister. Rossetti says, hug
me, kiss me, suck my juices (468). Lizzie does everything she can to help her sister and Rossetti
empathizes how women need to stick together through thick and
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Everyday Use Thesis Statement
General statement:
Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her
memories of her mother and grandma making quilts together by hands.
Topic sentence:
Alice Walker s Everyday Use introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and Dee.
Thesis Statement:
Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie
Body A, Mama:
The character of Mama in the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker endures through intense
times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a lady that tells things how they are, only plain
truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self portrayed as a large,
huge boned, women with rough, man working ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The way the burning house, her stuck up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in
relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from her home burning down that she turned into a meek
and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog run over
by a car: chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house
on the ground. This demonstrates that Maggie absence of self confidence make her frightened to look.
She imagines that on the off chance that she can t see the individuals around her, then they can t see
her. What s more, Maggie s discernible scars have impacted on the way she conducts herself. As
indicated by Mama, when she was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her arms were adhering, her hair
was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark papery pieces. This is huge light of
the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically scarred her. This additionally clarifies
why she is so apprehensive about individuals seeing her. Maggie s apparent compressed version of
confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire. The barbaric way Maggie s sister, Dee, presents
herself awful impact on Maggie s certainly. At this point when Dee inquired as to whether she can
have some unique quilts and Mama says no on the grounds that she
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  • 12. Examples Of Ratio Analysis Financial Analysis FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS RATIO ANALYSIS Ratio Analysis is a type of Financial Statement Analysis that is utilized to achieve a quick indication of a firm s financial performance in numerous key regions. Financial ratios aid in deciding the connection between two variables in the financial statements. The data necessary for the computation of the ratios is supplied by the financial statements of the firm. Areas where performance has improved or deteriorated over time can be recognized this way. Ratios are utilized methodically to deduce the strengths and weaknesses of a firm and also its historical performance and current financial conditions. CURRENT RATIO: A surplus of current assets is required by companies to enable them to meet their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lower ratios imply that the firm isn t utilizing its assets proficiently and most likely has management problems. The analysis shows that AnandRathi s ability to generate sales from its assets has been declining over the years. It was highest in 2009 10 indicating that 0.67 paise was generated with every rupee of asset. It declined to 0.38 times in 2013 2014. RETURN ON CAPITAL EMPLOYED: ROCE is a long term profitability ratio which measures the competence with which a firm s capital is used. The ratio measures the firm s efficiency at assigning its resources to produce the maximum return. Thus ROCE shows the relationship between invested capital and return. It can be used to depict how much a business is gaining for its assets, or how much it is losing for its liabilities. Return on Capital Employed = Earnings Before Interest and Tax Capital Employed Interpretation: A higher ROCE is favorable as it denotes more efficient use of capital. It implies that the profit generated from each rupee of capital employed is more when the ratio is higher. The ratio was highest in 2009 10 compared to the other four years. In 2012 13 it increased to 11.44% compared to 10.47% in the preceding year. It was the least in 2013 14 i.e. 9.46%. This shows that the company s ability to generate revenue from its capital investments has declined over the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Dehumanized By Margaret Atwood In today s society, especially in the American education system, there is often an emphasis placed more on math and science, rather than the arts. Similar to Marc Slouka s central argument in Dehumanized , Atwood agrees that capitalism has led to a culture where it is almost shameful to pursue the arts and humanities. This conflict is reflected in Margaret Atwood s Oryx and Crake, where the protagonist struggles to clutch onto the seemingly intangible value of the arts amidst a capitalist society where scientific innovation is encouraged. However, even after this society s eradication of anything that cannot turn a profit, Crake s genetic modification, and the destruction of almost the entire human race, the efforts to eliminate the arts were still not effective. In this way, Atwood argues that it is not wise to attempt to eradicate the arts because the need for self expression through arts and emotions is embedded in what defines humanity. Atwood uses Oryx and Crake as a vehicle to stress the importance of valuing the arts and humanities in a capitalist society, specifically in the education system. After high school, Jimmy attends an arts and humanities school, which is clearly underfunded and looked down upon. The Martha Graham Academy, considered the laughing stock of colleges, was quite literally falling apart (185). The underfunding of perhaps the only arts and humanities school left in this society reflects how useless the general public deems studying this field ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Dental Abscesses And Swollen Teeth Research Paper When you are experiencing a dental issue, you may feel a great deal of stress if you are not well informed about the problem. While there are many different issues that your teeth may encounter, the following couple of common issues need to be addressed as soon as possible. Once you have learned the following answers to questions about dental abscesses and swollen gums, you will have much more of the information you are needing to make smart choices for keeping your smile healthy and beautiful. Can You Treat An Abscessed Tooth On Your Own? An abscessed tooth can be an extremely painful condition to have, but many patients are under the impression that this is a problem they may be able to treat on their own. Often, these individuals assume ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Why Southwest Is A Values Based Firm Looks Like None of Southwest s competitors can completely copy what Southwest is doing, because Southwest is a values based firm. Southwest s strategies can be imitated, but Southwest s culture cannot be copied. I would like to explain what the values based diverse firm looks like, how Southwest is values based diverse, and why Southwest s culture cannot be copied. The following are the relevant facts, the analysis, and justification using supporting evidence. What the values based firm looks like In Cascio s book, he explains, The values based approach begins with a set of fundamental values that are energizing and capable of unlocking people s human potential values such as fun, fairness, challenge, trust, respect, community, and family (Strategic Human Resource Management, P.44). The management invents the strategies for management policies and practices that are consistent with these values on a day to day basis. Southwest fits in Cascio s criteria of the values based firm. The following are the case details: How Southwest is a values based firm There are interesting facts that Southwest s approaches to business are based on fun, trust, community, and family. For example, at Southwest, there is little cross training except for only two formal teams: the marketing and reservations department. This means that Southwest promotes mingling with the employees for informal networking and helping each other out, in spite of their job assignments. Flight attendants and pilots ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Harry Frederick Harlow American Psychology Harry Frederick Harlow was an American psychology who was born on October 31st 1905 in the state of Iowa. Harlow attended Reed College in Portland, after which he enrolled in Stanford University where he graduated with his Ph.D. in psychology. Harry Harlow married Margret kuenne and their union produced two children. Harry Frederick Harlow died on December 6th 1981. Harry Harlow was known for his maternal separation, dependence needs, and social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys. He conducted a series of experiments that involved separating baby monkeys from their mothers after they were born, and placing them with surrogate mothers to be raised. Some of the surrogate were made from only wire, while others were covered with cloth. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Preventing Attacks on New Network-Based Systems Preventing Attacks on Nee Network Based Systems Introduction Recent changes in the organizational structure of the IT system has left open needs for adjusting practices in order to address new demands of protection. The organization has recently made the move from a standalone system to a network based one, which facilitates greater cooperation and collaboration within the company and increasing overall productivity. A network based system provides a more flexible structure to still function within a diverse and multifaceted environment. It does so by the fact that within its structure, communication between components is restricted to message passing, or the equivalent of message passing is a more efficient mechanism can be selected at runtime based on the location of components (Fielding, 2000). Network based systems allow communication and dissemination of information to occur seamlessly without lag. This then further empowers individual employees of the organization with greater technological tools. The research suggests that network based systems are those capable of operation across a network, but not necessarily in a fashion that is transparent to the user, but rather as an automatic process that increases the ease and productivity of each user while working on the system (Fielding, 2000). As such, it comes with a wide variety of benefits to increase the productivity and efficiency of the organization. Analysis However, with the implementation of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Spectroscopy Lab Report cName: Nicholas Cassel Gen Chem 1210 23 March 2013 Blinded By the Light Abstract: In this experiment we were provided a cereal box spectrometer to observe the emission lines of noble gases and hydrogen. Based on the scale readings on the spectrometer and the Balmer Rydberg formula, their wavelengths and percent error were able to be extrapolated. Based on the literature values, the cereal box spectrometer proved its value as a decently accurate spectrometer. Introduction: Every element and subsequent atom associated emits light; also know as electromagnetic radiation, when in an excited state. Analyzing this emitted light can give insight to the makeup and characteristics of them. The light given off by an energetically excited ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2012). With the spectroscope, the helium in the discharge tube was observed. The emission line scale reading and colors were then recorded on table 1.1 which can be found below. These values where then put into an excel spreadsheet and graph was formed (table 1.2). An equation was then extrapolated from the data that would give the experimental wavelength (expt λ) values that will be used for later values. The trend line for table 1.2 was established to see the relationship between wavelength and scale readings. Expt λ=a λ+b Expt λ=7.1541 λ+ 343.12 TABLE 1.1 Helium Calibration λ (nm) | Scale Reading | Color | 667.8 | 45 | Red | 587.6 | 35 | Yellow | 501.6 | 22 | Green | 492.2 | 20 | Blue green | 471.3 | 18 | Blue | 447.1 | 15 | Violet | TABLE 1.2 Helium Calibration Graph Then, by measuring and calculating the emission lines in the hydrogen line spectrum, the data on table 1.3 was collected. The calculated wavelength (Calc λ) was determined by the Balmer Rydberg formula. 1λ=R(1m2 1n2) R=Rydberg Constant=1.0968x107m 1 The percent error was then calculated by the following equation. error %=(calc λ expt λ)calc λ The experimental wavelength (expt λ) was determined with, Expt λ=7.1541 λ+ 343.12 TABLE 1.3 Hydrogen Emission Scale Reading | Color | Expt λ | m | n | Calc λ | λ % error | | | | 1 | 2 | | | | | | 1 | 3 | | | | | | 1 | 4 | | | 45 | Red
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  • 20. Intertextuality In Jane Eyre And Wide Sargasso Sea The discussion about intertextuality shows that both these two novels contain feminism thoughts, just as Wang Tao s study has supported that Wide Sargasso Sea is the transcendence of Jane Eyre at the reflection of feminism thoughts. If further explore, we can see that enough researches have been done to dig out the hidden ideas in the two novels. Liu Liang has made a comparison of womanhood in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea by probing into their different attitudes towards patriarchy and sex to find the difference between modern feminism and older feminism (129). The different experiences of the two heroines indicates that Jane Eyre contains the traditional feminism that women should pursuit equality at work opportunity, while Wide Sargasso Sea ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The mad woman is written to express the author s anxiety. In Wide Sargasso Sea, Jane Eyre does not exist. Jean Rhys created the opposition binary between men and women instead of women and women. Compared to the idea that the mad woman and Jane Eyre are actually in the same female camp, Yang Mei has conducted a study that is concerned about the group of female but the mad female. As she wrote, the study on the construction of female madness is intended to reveal patriarchy and its male centered medical system deprive women of discourse right by constructing female madness (51), she looked into the feminism problems by linking the madness to patriarchy. Li YuanYuan s view can be a conclusion of these discussions, she held the opinion that the two novels are both influenced by Female Literature development stage and Cultural traits, and the narrative voice and methods allow the female culture to continue (169). From these studies, we can know that the discussion about feminism is even more popular among the scholars, and scholars explore Bertha s madness from the angle of feminism, which indicates that scholars admit Bertha s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Cannibal Raw Synthesis For a movie about a cannibal Raw is under cooked. A textbook example of a fantastic premise that gets so caught up in symbolism it loses the syntax. Not that the story is incoherent it s rather simple. It is the story of Justine, the veterinary school bound second child of militant vegetarians. She begins the film insisting upon her unassuming averageness: plain clothes, plain spoken, hesitant to party or confront. And as all horror films go, something goes terribly wrong with her sister and she starts craving human flesh. She then slowly realizes that she is not alone in this craving and also wants sex. From there she attempts to resist both cravings. Simple. Or it would be if the film did not bungle its buildup. It starts at murder and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Stock Market Stock Analysis At the end of the stock market game the stocks that I own was Amazon, Wal Mart, AutoZone, Ford, Kohls, Toyota, Coca Cola, and O Reilly. These stocks have done good since I have bought them. These stocks had their ups and down throughout the whole game, but although they didn t have it that bad . They may have gained money, but, they also, losted money at the same time. Also, there were days where the stock price went up and down since there were people out there that was willing to pay for the stock at a higher price, but there were others that didn t think it was worth it at a higher price. Some of the other stocks that I owned at different times in the stock market game was AT T, Verizon, Disney, Mcdonald s, Nikes, and Home Depot. I made the decision to get rid of these stocks because they were having me to lose more money then I was gaining from them. At the end of having these stocks I losted more money then what I bought them for. Some of the stocks that I should have bought more of was Amazon, and Wal Mart. Even though I should have bought more of these two stock; I didn t for one reason, because I wanted to see how the other stocks will do. These two have made the most this past month than any of the others did. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As time when on I could see where I was struggling to make anything off of different companies. Throughout the whole game I feel like I did good and bad. At the beginning of the game I did horrible like there s wasn t any hope at all, but, nevertheless, I figured out which ones to invest into. After figuring out which ones to invest more into helped out a lot since then I started to do good. The things I could have done differently to be more successfully are try to figure out which ones to invest into at the beginning of the game and then bought more of the better stocks that was doing better than the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Western Blotting Second, for the western blotting, the primary antibodies that used to recognize the protein of interest (FLAG PTEN) are rabbit anti PTEN antibodies and the secondary antibodies that bind to the primary antibodies and convalently linked substrate to produce visible signal are goat anti rabbit conjugated HRP (horseradish peroxidase) antibodies; for immunoprecipitation, the antibodies used to immobilize protein of interest are anti FLAG monoclonal antibodies from morine cell. As introduction above, those antibodies come from different species. In order to be successful in western blotting, the primary antibodies recognize the protein of interest as well as bind to it. Consequently, rabbit anti PTEN antibodies were used to bind to FLAG PTEN. Meanwhile, goat anti rabbit conjugated HRP antibodies, the secondary antibodies, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result, the calculated FLAG PTEN molecular weight is nearly 72KDa. When comparing the previous research, the theoretical molecular weight of PTEN is 47KDa, the experimental ones is 25KDa more. The reasons would be [1] since the PTEN was tagged with the FLAG tag and the FLAG tag itself has its own weight. Although FLAG tag is small in size and contains eight amino acid, it would affect the finial molecular weigh of FLAG PTEN; [2] The FLAG PTEN were expressed in the mammalian cell system, its original environment. Therefore there would be some proteins that interact with PTEN naturally in mammalian cell, referring as interacting partner, and they bind to FLAG PTEN in the cell lyaste sample then precipitate together in the IP. Those interacting proteins would increase the molecular weight of FLAG PTEN by forming a complex and result in a higher weight band; [3] The resolving ability of the SDS PAGE is not enough for the completely separation of the sample, as some of the lower weight markers were compacted in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Sidney Bechet s Major Accomplishments Sidney Bechet was one of many fantastic up and coming jazz musicians in the Roaring Twenties. He started on the clarinet, but eventually became one of the first performers to adopt the soprano saxophone as a main instrument, as well as one of the first to improvise with the swing style of jazz. In addition, he was one of the first artists to record using a multitrack which was a way of recording where you would play back the track from one instrument while you recorded with another instrument and continued this process until you had all of the instruments you wanted. These strides helped Bechet stand out from other musicians as he progressed through his career. Bechet grew up in a musical household and toured with popular bands from a young age. His father and four brothers all played instruments, so his passion for music came as no shock. Although his ability to easily pick up ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bechet s compositions includes Les Oignons, Promenade aux Champ Elysées, Petite Fleur, Si Tous Vous ma Mère, Chant in the Night, Blues in the Air, Bechet s Fantasy, Quincy Street Stomp, and Summertime. Common themes throughout his work include vibrato and 12 14 bar blues melodies. He was also known for his improvisation, solos like those of Louis Armstrong, and especially for conveying intense emotion through his music. Duke Ellington, a fellow jazz musician, once described Bechet as The very epitome of jazz, everything he played in his entire life was completely original. I honestly think he was the most unique man ever to be in this music. Throughout his career he played in the Marion Cook s Syncopated Orchestra, Louis Mitchell s Jazz King, Duke Ellington s Washingtonians, and the Noble Sissle Orchestra. He also went on to teach Bob Wilbur who also became a famous clarinetist and saxophonist. Bechet made the most of his career and continued to produce music for most of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Betrayal Quotes CTI: The play Betrayal written by Harold Pinter attempts to portray how through betrayal relationships become complex. He did this in two ways, by introducing the problem at the beginning of the play and then using flashbacks to show how the relations were developed. At the beginning of the play we find out that Jerry and Emma have had an affair with each other and that Robert Emma s husband new about the affair. He created the scenes to go back in time to show how their relationships developed. Because of their affair, relationships changed. For example, Jerry and Robert used to be best friends, but due to the betrayal their friendship became complex. He proved that friendships do not have to end and don t assume your friends do not know ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This play portrays the emotions of guilt that could be felt for betraying your friend. For example, Jerry struggles with telling Robert he is having an affair with is wife and Jerry T3: The role of the director in Betrayal was to get the audience to identify with the characters and the situations they create through the actors, scene designs, and designers. This is a realistic play that was created to appeal to an older audience. In order for the audience to relate to the characters the direct has to ensure that the actors performances reveal the attitudes, feelings and characteristics of people who have betrayed each other. The director would have to relate to the costume designer to design costumes that reflect the style for middle age parents in the 1970 s. Emma is 38 and Jerry and Robert are 40. He wanted to attract an older audience based the subject of the play (betrayal). Emma s costumes would have to be that of a simple housewife with a light colored dress and apron. The stage designer would have to create scenes with the right amount of lighting, color and images, for the audience to feel and visualize themselves in that situation, during that time period. In Act Two the designer would have to make sure they design the hotel room with scene with a bed, well light space that shows the mood of the conversation between the seriousness of Emma and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Dementia Is The Only Cause Death That Does Not Have A Cure Dementia is the only cause of death that does not have a cure and cannot be prevented. It is the loss of mental functions such as thinking, memory, and reasoning that is severe enough to interfere with a person s daily functioning. Dementia is not the name of a specific disease itself, but rather a group of symptoms that are caused by various diseases or conditions. This is referred to as an umbrella term, a phrase that covers a broad interval or set of functions or items that all fall under a single common category. Dementia is a descriptive term for a collection of symptoms that can be caused by a number of disorders that affect the brain. These include Alzheimer s disease, Frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy body s, Parkinson s disease, corticobasal degeneration, and progressive supranuclear palsy are all specific diseases that are sub categories to dementia. People often think of dementia as a form of memory loss. And usually it does start by affecting people s short term memory. But it s more then that, it can also affect the way people think, speak, perceive things feel and behave. Dementia makes it harder to communicate and do everyday things. This disease mainly affects older people but it is not a normal part of aging. Dementia is a syndrome, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, caused by a variety of brain illnesses. Dementia and Alzheimer s are thought to be interchangeable. The main difference between dementia and Alzheimer s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Tudor Economy 1541 The reign of the first two Tudors spanned across the years 1485 to 1547. Through these years, the economy of England had been changed and faced extreme difficulties numerous times. The statement that the economy remained weak through the reign of the first two Tudors is strongly valid. The statement that the economy of England remained weak throughout the reign of the first two Tudors is to a large extent valid. The economy often fluctuated, especially alongside changes in the population. When the throne was passed to Henry VII, it was in a considerably terrible state the Black Death of the 1400s had wiped out a good chunk of the population, and those who survived then had to also face the War of The Roses 1455 2485, which also claimed a lot of lives. Consequently, the spread of illness and disease damaged agricultural output, which would ve kept the English economy at its weakest for both peasant and landowners. However, by the accession of Henry VIII the population had shot back up to around 2.3 million in 1524, and then rapidly increased from there. In 1541 the population had hit 2.7 million. This rapid growth in population, coupled with extreme poverty, insufficient harvests and lowering wages hit the economy harder than ever before, since England ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result, the English economy remained weak throughout the reign of the first two Tudors. This is also argued by the historian W.G Hoskins in The Age of Plunder: The England of Henry VIII 1976. Hoskins argues that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Theme Of Labyrinth In The Name Of The Rose The Name of The Rose is full of twists and turns. It is mostly based on the idea of a labyrinth. It is a book taken from another book, found by the author that contained a 14th century text by Adso of Melk, that talks about another book, which is Aristotle s book on comedy. Also other books were mentioned in this novel like, Sherlock Holmes Arabian Nights, Don Quixote, and Inferno. These texts are a magnificent example of how words speak of words and represent the idea of intertextuality that is used in this novel. Intertextuality is a linguistic labyrinth. It is a text within a text to reach one text, The Name of The Rose. Just like how William and Adso got lost in some kind of a virtual labyrinth or a maze as they went to different rooms until they finally reached the library to find the truth. William describes life as a labyrinth when he says: How beautiful the world would be if there were procedures for moving through labyrinths. he uses his pragmatic thinking skills to figure out signs and symbols in order to be able to go through life s labyrinthine paths with minimal losses and without being exposed to danger. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A place where men who are supposed to be religious, pray, committed to rules and religious restrictions and seek the truth, lie and hide the truth and even commit murders to keep it hidden. A place that is dominated by dreadfulness and anxiety inhabited by people who follow blindly without reasoning, believing what is said to them without questioning it, and once someone tries to find the truth, think for themselves or start questioning they die. Jorge represents the strict religious people in this miniature copy of the world, who forces people to follow and obey blindly, while William represents the free thinkers, the logical people. This is almost a perfect picture of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Risk and Quality Management Assessment Risk and Quality Management Assessment Summary Yolanda Mercer HCS/451 August 4, 2014 Dorothy Webb Moody Risk and Quality Management Assessment Summary Risk and quality management are two key concepts that help run a successful business. Risk and quality management programs provide techniques, tools, and different methods for health care organizations. Using risk and quality management programs ensure organizations provide quality health care. Novant Health is an integrated system of outpatient centers, hospitals, and physician practices located in Winston Salem, NC and Northern Virginia. They pride themselves on providing the best quality care for the people for their community. This executive summary will provide their current ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. Consider alternative risk techniques According to Carroll (2009), Risk treatment strategies include two general categories: risk control and risk financing (para. 1). Controlling risks involves preventing losses and mitigating the amount of losses; risk financing involves paying for losses that occur. As stated earlier Novant Health takes risk management seriously. The organization engages in practices that help reduce risks; a key practice is participating in continuing medical education. To control risk financing, Novant has a risk retention group that specializes in medical malpractice liability coverage for preferred risk physicians. 3. Select the best risk management technique or combination According to Carroll (2009), Health care organizations accept a certain amount of patient care liability risk through an insurance deductible or self insured retention (para. 5). Novant works to evaluate market rates and offer package malpractice coverage based on the practice s needs. 4. Implement selected techniques Carroll (2009), stated The implementation process involves both technical risk management decisions that are made by risk management professionals and related decisions that are made by other managers within the organization (para. 4). New Star Program was implemented to impact medical malpractice ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Compare And Contrast Meryl Streep And Alvin Ailey Everyone has a role model. The two people I admire are Meryl Streep and Alvin Ailey. They both show to me how to work hard, take the time to perfect your craft, and to follow your dreams. The performing arts business can be tricky because there is a great deal of competition. However, Meryl Streep and Alvin Ailey never stopped trying and made great accomplishments in their fields. Meryl Streep has gone far beyond perfecting her craft. She is an American actress who has been said to be the greatest actress of her generation. One sign of great actress is the ability to play different roles. She has played both dramatic roles, such as in Sophie s Choice and comedic roles such as in Mamma Mia!. I personally enjoy her dramatic roles the best. She ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Murder Case Of Charles Wilson In order to understand and come up with an opinion of the murder case of Charles Wilson and whether or not there was justice served. One must first understand the case, and once they re completely informed can they make a decision if justice was served. Charles Wilson is a U.S. Deputy Marshal. He was murdered on Election Day. There were a few men that were suspects in the murder. They were Robert Benton, who was known as U.S. Deputy Marshal Charles Wilson s rival in the election. Another was a friend of Robert Benton. However, they were both acquitted for the murder of U.S Deputy Marshal Charles Wilson. Now there has to be someone who is charged with the murder of a high ranking individual, it has to be soon that the law enforcement can close ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Abercrombie And Fitch Company Financial Analysis Brandon Gooden Abercrombie Fitch Company Financial Analysis Finance 504 Professor Kramer August 30, 2017 Investments to Support the Business Unit Strategy or Strategies Abercrombie and Fitch and subsidiary brands: Abercrombie Kids, Hollister, and Gilly Hicks, have mastered the basics of image priority and sex appeal in the retail industry. In earlier years, and still perceived by consumers, ANF has been known for its controversial print advertisements and attractive logo, which ANF used as a sells pitch. ANF and subsidiary brands are known to cater to fit and attractive consumers that leaves opportunity for growth. ANF logo is attractive to consumers, in turn has increased sales, but with fashion forward retailer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ANF price earnings ratio is currently 51.45%. For the next 3 year the sales forecast for COGS is predicted to increase by 10%. Future Profitability and Competitive Performance Evaluating ANF historical trends influences investor interest in the company. ANF shares increased 43.22% over the previous month equaling a per share value of 14.06%. The stock rose to 11.86% over the past quarter, while increasing 20.7% over the past six months. The company s volatility monthly is 4.04%. Abercrombie and Fitch is looking to generate more than $818.66 million for the current quarter with already experience earning $843.13 same time last year. Growth ANF s historical data displays a 4.4% annual rate of revenues over the past 5 years. In the recent quarter ANF has generated an unattractive attribute by decreasing 3.6% in revenues. Compare Profitability ANF s net profit margin 0.44% for 12 month period. Compared to peers 38% and sectors 12.4% averages. ANF is in a weak position to its peers and sector. Although stock prices hit a low in April 2017 to $10.50, a 38% increase has occurred in stock price. Even though ANF has increased their stock price the company is not in a strong position. Shares are still does to the 52 week high ($23.29) by 47.53%. Competitive Strategy In the future ANF is looking to consolidate it locations in the United States, due to the weak economic environment in Europe, ANF is focusing on controlling its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Womens Choir Performance Essay The Women s Choir Festival included many different singing groups from Baylor and the community. The women s choir and Bella Voce each performed two songs. The third part of the concert consisted of 4 soloists singing in opera style. The final performance was a large group of singers from 9 high school and the Baylor Choirs. Everyone got on stage for the final performance and sang 3 songs together. All the songs that were performed varied in qualities. Some had a very fast tempo while others were very slow and sorrowful. Most of the music was under four minutes in length, except for the final composition which was a blend of songs and therefore went on longer. After each section, had performed they would either sit on stage and watch the other groups go, or they would move into the first few rows of seating for the crowd and wait for their turn again to go. All of the soloists came from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was a very upbeat song with an Allegro tempo. The piece was polyphonic with multiple changes in dynamics. There were crescendos and decrescendos throughout; especially when it was transitioning between rhythms. The song had its own melody and rhythm that was intertwined with the lyrics and rhythm of When the Saint Go Marching In . It went back and forth between the two melodies which caused the song to last longer than the other 4 minutes songs in the concert. The only timbres that were present were once associated with voice and piano; no other instruments were used. The complex texture of this song may have arisen from the canonic imitation that was used throughout. One half of the choir would sing one part, followed by the other half repeating it. Performing this song was the large group of all 9 high schools and Baylor choir student; there had to be over 150 people singing all at once. This gave it a deeper and richer feeling as all of the voices blended together so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Insolvent Trading Executive Summary This research report documents the findings of an empirical study of judicial findings (of superior courts) relating to the duty to prevent insolvent trading. The duty to prevent insolvent trading is the most controversial of the duties imposed upon company directors. Those who support the duty argue that it provides appropriate protection for the unsecured creditors of companies. Those who oppose the duty argue that it has the effect of making directors unduly risk adverse which can result in directors too quickly putting companies into voluntary administration or liquidation for fear of personal liability (which may have a negative financial impact on unsecured creditors). Overview Key points ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Second, provisions such as section 588G may be deterring qualified people from becoming company directors and the provisions may be having this effect precisely in relation to those companies in financial difficulties which require the best possible expert assistance from directors. The major argument used to support the insolvent trading provisions is that they are necessary to protect the interests of creditors. As stated, insolvent trading provisions have generally ensured a conservative approach by directors when the company is experiencing financial difficulties. The potential alternative effects of such a decision are: 1. to preclude the company from trading out of its temporary insolvency, thus resulting in creditors not being fully paid in respect of their debt; and 2. to avoid the company dwindling away assets and further reducing any return to creditors. 4 What to do if you suspect financial difficulty If you suspect your company is in financial difficulty, get proper accounting and legal advice as early as possible, as this increases the likelihood of the company surviving.  An insolvency practitioner can conduct a solvency review of your company and outline available options, these may include refinancing, restructuring or changing your company s activities, or appointing an external administrator. The three most common forms of external administration are: 1. voluntary administration 2. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest A Christ figure is a person who has the ability to bring light to others and portrays the image of Jesus Christ. In the novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, by Ken Kesey, a healthy, normal man named Randle Patrick McMurphy was sent to the mental hospital as a patient because he did not want to work at the Pendleton Work Farm. At the ward he meets the other patients and challenges Nurse Ratched s authority. This novel is a parable that shows how McMurphy represents Jesus Christ and how he became this figure of hope to the patients changed their lives. McMurphy represents Jesus Christ and is the christ figure in the novel. There was a point in the story where he stops rebelling because he fears that Nurse ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the first meeting of the ward, Nurse Ratched exposes Harding s problem with his wife and the other patients laugh and make fun of him. McMurphy sees this as a problem and talks to Harding, is this this the pro cedure for the Group Therapy shindigs? Bunch of chickens at a pecking party? McMurphy is saying that the patients should be helping each other to take out the bigger authority rather than fighting each other. Later in the novel, McMurphy says he wants to leave the ward and go outside, so he bets with the other patients that he can escape the ward by lifting a fountain attached to the ground and throwing it at a wall to make an exit, even though this task is impossible. Chief Bromden, a patient in the ward and the narrator of this story, describes this event, His whole body shakes with the strain as he tries to lift something he knows he can t lift, something everybody knows he can t lift. But, for just a second, when we hear the cement grind atout feet, we think, by golly, he might just do it. (p. 125). Although McMurphy was not able to lift the fountain, he gives the patients a hint of hope and teaches them a lesson to try and be confident. McMurphy wanted to watch baseball on the TV and he needed to get the majority votes of the patients in the ward to watch baseball. He was able to persuade enough ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. A Lower Metabolic Cost But With The Higher Forces During... 1. How is there a lower metabolic cost but with the higher forces during eccentric contraction? During an eccentric contraction, the muscle lengthens under tension due to an opposing force that is greater than the force being produced by the muscle (Lindstedt et al. 2001). Eccentric contractions require little metabolic energy, however they are characterized by a high production of force (Semmler 2014). Fick observed that a lengthening muscle contraction could exert more force than a shortening muscle contraction, while Hill later observed that the body has a lower energy demand when contracting eccentrically compared to concentrically (Lindstedt et al. 2001). When the force applied is larger than the force that is created, work is done on the lengthened muscle and mechanical energy is absorbed this is called negative work (Lindstedt et al. 2001). This absorbed energy can either be dissipated as heat, or it can be temporarily stored as elastic recoil potential energy for later use (Lindstedt et al. 2001). 2. What is a force EMG relationship and why is there a tight coupling of these two parameters? The EMG signal that is observed through the placement of electrodes on the skin is closely coupled with the generation of muscle force. In normal conditions, the force EMG relationship is either linear or the increase in EMG at low force levels is less than proportional (Semmler 2014). However, a different force EMG relationship was observed following eccentric exercise, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Coverage Bias Report A survey reported by the Pew Research Center, a so called fact tank , said that 77 percent of the surveyed that they have less confidence in the media because of reliability and bias. The other 33 percent could have been unaware of bias in their regularly visited news (or could they could be confident in the way they find news). Varying forms of bias affect susceptible audiences more than aware readers. As one of the most used forms of bias, coverage or confirmation bias is used all over the news. Coverage bias is used in online news articles, talk shows, TV, and in conversation. Coverage bias, as a main form of bias, can be easy to make and The host of the show, Jake Barlow, controls who, the callers, says what and what they say. If the caller were to disagree with Jake, he would speak over them not letting them speak or hang up before they could voice their opinion (Avi 138). The results of the Jake Barlow argument sided with Philip because he could control what was argued on his show. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jake Barlow s thought of New Hampshire on his show: Jake Barlow explains that he thinks that not allowing someone to express patriotism was unreasonable (and somewhat ironic) by mentioning that their license plates read Live free or die. (Avi 128) Jake Barlow uses irony to relate to his audience more which helps the audience . Conflicting Bias in News Coverage: Words such as contest or competition can be viewed by an audience by thinking of conflict.(Conners, 1) Varying connotations can be viewed as bias by readers that are not aware of the author s provided interpretation(interpretation that is not biased) as a bias with them or against them. Words with other types of synonyms can be interpreted differently. Description Bias in Media Coverage of Protest Events: Organized public demonstrations deemed important have an idea or aim to attract mass media for a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Disaser Management Trident University International Marvell R. Dean MHES 509 Module 1 1. How is a response to destruction from a terrorist incident different from a response to a natural disaster? Be specific, give examples, and quote from the readings. 2. You are a volunteer for the American Red Cross. You are to enter a scene of destruction in order to assist wounded victims. What are some precautions that you must take? What are some restrictions placed on you? From whom do you receive clearance? 3. First responders should isolate hazards by establishing control zones. There are three types of control zones. List them and give examples. Cite your sources. Difference Between Response to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many Americans watching the Government response to Hurricanes Rita and Katrina as it play out in the media could not believe the finger pointing that was going on between our elected leaders as many victims struggled to get their life in order. With the National Response Framework initial responsibility remains with the local elected officials and each level of the government above that will monitor and remain ready with assistance if requested. This will allow needed resources to get where they are needed without the internal bickering of the past. The Emergency Support Function Annexes within the National Response Framework ensures multi agency interoperability and encompasses the other components of the NRF. Red Cross Entering Scene of Destruction The Red Cross has been chartered by Congress to help people prepare for, prevent, and respond to emergencies and provide relief for survivors of disasters (NRF, 2008). As a Red Cross volunteer you should ensure you are not working against the situation. Although you are going there to assist those effected by the disaster you will need to make sure you do not become a distraction or even worse needing to be assisted yourself. Working within the system with the Incident Commander and his staff will ensure you are part of the team and not working against these efforts. Having an understanding of the policies, guidance, and processes in place will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Comparing The Watsons Go To Birmingham And Susan B Anthony... In the stories, The Watsons Go to Birmingham and Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote the common theme found in both stories is courage. In the story, The Watsons Go to Birmingham Kenny was showing courage by running towards the church trying to see through the smoke where Joetta was. In the story Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote, Susan B Anthony, from a young age had been taught that have rights to, and she wanted to bring attention to it. Although, The Watsons Go to Birmingham and Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote may be similar, but they are also different. In the story The Watsons Go to Birmingham the Watsons take a greater risk because there is a racial undertone towards black people. In the story, Susan B Anthony Dares to Vote she is one woman who is fighting for what s she believes in women s rights, and she is taking not as great of a huge risk because she was just trying to prove her statement. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Riots were formed against black people because of their skin color. Violence was being shown up to a point where people died because of many opinions towards black people. Even though the main characters didn t really show courage their cousins did. Sarah: I got bitten by a police dog. Sarah: I was part of a march called the children s crusade. We were marching for equal rights. This is significant because of Sarah then after that kept on fighting for the equal rights she deserved. Fights were everywhere on the streets, in homes, restaurants, anywhere you can imagine back in the 1950s and 1960s. Kevin took a risk when trying to save Joetta s life when she was in the church fire. They were treated awfully when they went to a restaurant and Joetta was asked to get off the chair in the diner. The reason this may have happened was because maybe the Watsons didn t know it could have been an all white restaurant. Back then black and white people were separated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Analysis Of Beethoven s 9th Symphony For the second and final concert report, I listened to the performance of Beethoven s 9th symphony, as played by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Beethoven lived in Germany during the late 16th and early 17th centuries, and was an influential figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in western music. The performance requires a large number of instruments, with woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings, and even a choir during the 4th movement. The first movement of Beethoven s 9th is quick, driving forward and at times giving the feeling of rushed urgency, while maintaining a composed majesty beneath the surface. This is reflected in the original tempo marking of allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso, meaning literally quickly but not too fast, a little majestic . The movement begins with a the strings playing intervals over a quiet string tremolo, reminiscent of an orchestra tuning themselves before a performance. This crescendos to a loud and bombastic introduction of the first movement s main theme and the introduction of the brass section. The first movement also makes heavy use of dynamic contrast, with large crescendos that swell in time with the music and diminuendos that quickly reign in the impressive power of the full symphony orchestra. The first movement also follows a traditional sonata form, with the main theme having variations throughout the roughly 18 minutes of play time. Personally, I found the ending of the first movement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Benefits of Triphasic Contraceptives The Benefits of Triphasic Contraceptives A review of the benefits of triphasic combined oral contraceptives when compared to today s low dose monophasic alternatives. Introduction: Since their introduction in 1961, oestrogen progestogen combined oral contraceptive (COC) pills have provided women with an effective and effortless means of contraception for 50 years [1]. Taken by 17% of all women of reproductive age, they are amongst the most widely prescribed drugs in the U.K. today[2]. Hitherto, earlier COC formulations have been associated with harmful dose dependent side effects [3]. In time, however, a collective scientific effort has successfully improved the safety of COC s by developing preparations that contain the minimum ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After reaching maturation, the follicle undergoes ovulation; an event stimulated by a surge in luteinising hormone release from the anterior pituitary gland (orange line). The remnant follicle (now termed the corpus luteum) secretes progesterone (red line), which maintains the endometrial lining and causes it to enter the luteal phase. With triphasic COC s, three incremental doses (phases 1 3) of progestogen (blue line) with (pink line)/without (dashed pink line) a phase 2 dose increase in oestrogen are delivered over 21 days. This is followed by a 7 day placebo period, which induces menstruation (placebo). Exogenous delivery of hormones in this way achieves contraception with significantly lower doses of progestogen, whilst crudely mimicking endogenous increases in oestrogen and progesterone. As such, it was hypothesised that the triphasic regimen would afford various benefits over monophasic COC s. Contraceptive efficacy: The remarkable contraceptive efficacy of COC s has been known for many years. Of the triphasic COC s currently available for prescription in the U.K. (table. 1), TriNovum was found to have a pearl index[1] (PI) value of 1.0 in a large phase III trial (n=4000) and Logynon a PI value of 0.33 (n=3546) [11 12]. However a recent Cochrane review that assessed the number of unintended pregnancies due to drug failure or user failure between monophasic and triphasic COC s across 18 randomized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Goblin Market Feminist Throughout Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti, feminism plays a factor because Lizzie acts as a Christ figure and the goblin men try to control the women using their fruits. In the poem Goblin Market, Lizzie essentially acts like Christ. She helps her sister after Laura takes the fruit from the goblins even after Lizzie told her to not even look at them. Lizzie goes to the goblins to try to figure out a way to help her sister. She wants to do whatever she can which Christ did while he was on earth. When he died on the cross, he forgave everyone of their sins. Lizzie goes to forgive Laura of her sins by going to ask the goblin men how to cure Laura. Held her hands and squeezed their fruits/ Against her mouth to make her eat (406 407). Similar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The goblin men are trying to control the two girls by using their fruits and singing. The customary cry,/ Come buy, come buy (231 232). Rossetti shows how the goblin men are drawing in the women and essentially controlling them. This exhibits what feminism is against because they believe women should be independent. Feminism is present in many ways throughout the poem. It is shown again when Rossetti says, Maids heard the goblin cry (2). Rossetti suggests that women have challenges and obstacles that men aren t familiar with. Men usually disregard feminism in today s world because they don t think feminism is a real movement, but Rossetti says that men have no idea what women go through and how hard it can be sometimes. The goblin men have fruits that they try to lure women in with how luscious and elegant they look. The fruits represent societal issues on drugs. The goblin men are people who have already succumbed to the pressures of drugs. Laura and Lizzie represent people who are fighting to stay on the clean side. Once Laura goes and buys their fruit she has converted over to the drug side. Lizzie goes to and goblin men to figure out how to cure her sister. Rossetti says, hug me, kiss me, suck my juices (468). Lizzie does everything she can to help her sister and Rossetti empathizes how women need to stick together through thick and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Everyday Use Thesis Statement General statement: Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her memories of her mother and grandma making quilts together by hands. Topic sentence: Alice Walker s Everyday Use introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and Dee. Thesis Statement: Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie Body A, Mama: The character of Mama in the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker endures through intense times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a lady that tells things how they are, only plain truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self portrayed as a large, huge boned, women with rough, man working ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The way the burning house, her stuck up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from her home burning down that she turned into a meek and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog run over by a car: chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house on the ground. This demonstrates that Maggie absence of self confidence make her frightened to look. She imagines that on the off chance that she can t see the individuals around her, then they can t see her. What s more, Maggie s discernible scars have impacted on the way she conducts herself. As indicated by Mama, when she was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her arms were adhering, her hair was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark papery pieces. This is huge light of the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically scarred her. This additionally clarifies why she is so apprehensive about individuals seeing her. Maggie s apparent compressed version of confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire. The barbaric way Maggie s sister, Dee, presents herself awful impact on Maggie s certainly. At this point when Dee inquired as to whether she can have some unique quilts and Mama says no on the grounds that she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...